Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 2 Timothy 1:16-18 (NET)


- 2Ti 1:3-18 -- Thanksgiving and Charge to Timothy
Bible Dictionary

[nave] THANKFULNESS Jesus set an example of, Matt. 11:25; 26:27; John 11:41. The heavenly host engage in, Rev. 4:9; 7:11, 12; 11:16, 17. Commanded, Psa. 50:14. Should be offered to God, Psa. 50:14; to Christ, 1 Tim. 1:12; throug...
[nave] ROME, the capital of the Roman empire. Jews excluded from, by Claudius, Acts 18:2. Paul's visit to, See: Paul. Visited by Onesiphorus, 2 Tim. 1:16, 17. Paul desires to preach in, Rom. 1:15. Abominations in, Rom. 1:18-32. ...
[isbe] REFRESH; REFRESHING - re-fresh', re-fresh'-ing: "Refresh" occurs a few times in the Old Testament as the translation of naphash, "to take breath," figurative "to be refreshed" (Ex 23:12; 31:17; 2 Sam 16:14); of rawach, "to h...
[isbe] PUNISHMENTS - pun'-ish-ments ('awon, "fault," "iniquity," "punishment for iniquity," "sin" (Gen 4:13; Lev 26:41; Job 19:29; Ps 149:7; Lam 4:22; Ezek 14:10 margin; Am 1:3,6,9,11,13; 2:1,4,6), `onesh, "tribute," "fine," "punis...
[isbe] PHILOSOPHY - fi-los'-o-fi (philosophia): 1. Definition and Scope (1) Intuitive Philosophy Is Universal (2) Speculative Philosophy Belongs Mainly to Western Thought 2. Greek Philosophy 3. Philosophy in Old Testament and Judai...
[isbe] PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 1 - pol, I. Sources 1. The Acts 2. The Thirteen Epistles (1) Pauline Authorship (2) Lightfoot's Grouping (a) First Group (1 and 2 Thessalonians) (b) Second Group (1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, (c...
[isbe] PASTORAL EPISTLES - pas'-tor-al, I. GENUINENESS 1. External Evidence 2. Genuineness Questioned II. ALLEGED DIFFICULTIES AGAINST PAULINE AUTHORSHIP 1. Relative to Paul's Experiences (1) Data in 1 Timothy (2) Data in 2 Timothy...
[ebd] bringing profit, an Ephesian Christian who showed great kindness to Paul at Rome. He served him in many things, and had oft refreshed him. Paul expresses a warm interest in him and his household (2 Tim. 1:16-18; 4:19).
[isbe] ONESIPHORUS - o-ne-sif'-o-rus (Onesiphoros, literally, "profit bringer" (2 Tim 1:16; 4:19)): 1. The Friend of Paul: Onesiphorus was a friend of the apostle Paul, who mentions him twice when writing to Timothy. In the former ...
[smith] (bringing profit) is named twice only in the New Testament, viz. (2Â Timothy 1:16-18) and 2Tim 4:19 Paul mentions him in terms of grateful love as having a noble courage and generosity in his behalf, amid his trials as a pr...
[nave] ONESIPHORUS, a Christian of Ephesus, 2 Tim. 1:16, 17; 4:19.
[nave] KINDNESS. Lev. 19:34; Deut. 22:1 vs. 2-4.; Psa. 112:5; Prov. 14:21; Prov. 19:22; Prov. 31:26; Isa. 11:13; Zech. 7:9, 10; Matt. 5:7, 42 Luke 6:30. Matt. 25:34-36; Luke 6:34, 35; Acts 20:35; Rom. 12:15; Rom. 15:1, 2, 5; 1 Cor...
[nave] INTERCESSION. Of One Person with Another 1 Sam. 2:25 Instances of: Reuben for Joseph, Gen. 37:21, 22. Judah for Joseph, Gen. 37:26, 27. Pharaoh's chief baker for Joseph, Gen. 41:9-13, with Gen. 40:14. Jonathan for David...
[nave] HOSPITALITY. Ex. 22:21; Ex. 23:9; Lev. 19:10, 33, 34; Lev. 24:22; Deut. 10:18, 19; Deut. 26:12, 13; Deut. 27:19; Prov. 9:1-4; Prov. 23:6-8; Isa. 58:6, 7; Matt. 22:2-10; Matt. 25:34-46; Luke 14:12-14; Rom. 12:13; Rom. 16:1, ...
[isbe] HOUSEHOLD - hous'-hold: Three words are usually found in the Bible where the family is indicated. These three are the Hebrew word bayith and the Greek words oikia and oikos. The unit of the national life of Israel, from the ...
[ebd] the capital of proconsular Asia, which was the western part of Asia Minor. It was colonized principally from Athens. In the time of the Romans it bore the title of "the first and greatest metropolis of Asia." It was distingu...
[nave] EPHESUS Paul visits and preaches in, Acts 18:19-21; 19; 20:16-38. Apollos visits and preaches in, Acts 18:18-28. Sceva's sons attempt to expel a demon in, Acts 19:13-16. Timothy directed by Paul to remain at, 1 Tim. 1:3. ...
[nave] DILIGENCE Jesus an example of, Mark 1:35; Luke 2:49. Required by God in seeking him, 1 Chr. 22:19; Heb. 11:6; obeying him, Deut. 6:17; 11:13; hearkening to him, Isa. 55:2; striving after perfection, Phil. 3:13, 14; cultivat...
[ebd] The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset (Lev. 23:32). It was originally divided into three parts (Ps. 55:17). "The heat of the day" (1 Sam. 11:11; Neh. 7:3) was at our nine o'clock, and "the cool of the day" just bef...
[nave] CHAINS Used as ornaments. Worn by princes, Gen. 41:42; Dan. 5:7, 29. Worn on ankles, Num. 31:50; Isa. 3:19; on the breastplate of high priest, Ex. 28:14; 39:15. As ornaments on camels, Judg. 8:26. A partition of, in the t...
[ebd] (1.) A part of the insignia of office. A chain of gold was placed about Joseph's neck (Gen. 41:42); and one was promised to Daniel (5:7). It is used as a symbol of sovereignty (Ezek. 16:11). The breast-plate of the high-prie...
[isbe] CHAIN; CHAINS - chan, chanz: Chains were used by the Hebrews: (1) As ornaments: 'ets`adhah, neTiphah, `anaq, rabhidh, sharsherah, rattoq. As ornaments for the person they were worn about the ankles (Nu 31:50; Isa 3:20) and a...
[nave] BENEFICENCE. Deut. 15:7-15, 18. Lev. 25:35-43. Psa. 41:1; Psa. 112:9; Prov. 3:27, 28; Prov. 11:25; Prov. 22:9; Prov. 25:21, 22; Prov. 28:27; Isa. 58:6, 7, 10, 11; Ezek. 18:5, 7-9; Matt. 5:42; Matt. 19:21 Mark 10:21. Matt. 2...


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Paul's innocence of anything worthy of punishment is clear from his living a relatively comfortable life in Rome for the following two years (60-62 A.D.).977Paul was able to preach (Gr. kerysso, to proclaim as a herald) the k...
3:10 In the new illustration Paul laid the foundation of the church in Corinth by founding the church, and others added the walls and continued building on that foundation. Paul's special mission from God was to found churche...
"The first paragraph (vv. 1-5) leads the way by making an application of the servant model and showing how that relates to their treatment of him [Paul]. He changes images from farm to household and insists that he is God'sse...
Almost all Christians believed in the Pauline authorship of Ephesians until the nineteenth century when destructive biblical criticism gained influence (cf. 1:1; 3:1). The critics built a case against Pauline authorship from ...
The apostle proceeded to express his sincere gratitude to God for his friends in Philippi. He did this to assure them of God's continuing working for them and his satisfaction with their partnership in the work of the gospel....
These verses explain what God's future righteous judgment is.1:5 Paul explained that suffering for Christ demonstrates the believer's worthiness to participate in God's kingdom. A hot fire under gold ore separates the gold fr...
Paul explained his reason for writing this epistle and, in particular, what he had just said. He did so to impress on Timothy a view of the church that was foundational to all his instructions in this letter.3:14-15 In view o...
Assuming Paul visited Nicapolis as he planned (Titus 3:12), he went from there to Rome evidently indirectly. His visit to Troas (2 Tim. 4:13) probably took place shortly before he wrote 2 Timothy. It may be that Paul's arrest...
I. Salutation 1:1-2II. Thanksgiving for faithful fellow workers 1:3-18A. Timothy's past faithfulness 1:3-7B. Charges to remain loyal 1:8-141. Exhortation to be courageous 1:8-122. Exhortation to guard the gospel 1:13-14C. Exa...
To further impress upon Timothy the need for him to remain faithful to his calling Paul cited records of the ministries of other Christians who were mutual acquaintances.1:15 The Christians in Ephesus and in the province of A...
To encourage Timothy further to endure hardship Paul cited a commonly accepted and used quotation that encouraged believers to remain faithful to their Christian profession (cf. 1 Tim. 1:15; 3:1; 4:9; Titus 3:8). It may have ...
Paul revealed that he was about to die to impress on Timothy further the importance of remaining faithful to the Lord.4:6 Paul believed that he would die very soon. He used two euphemistic expressions to describe his death. F...
4:19 Paul sent greetings to his old friends Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila who then lived in Ephesus (cf. Acts 18:2, 18, 26; Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19). He also greeted the loyal family of Onesiphorus of whom he had written earl...
13:1 When love for Jesus Christ falters, love for the brethren normally flags as well (cf. Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 4:9-10; 1 Pet. 1:22; 2 Pet. 1:7; 1 John 2:9).13:2 Abraham entertained angels when he showed them hospitality (Gen...