Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Colossians 1:24-29 (NET)

1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you , and I fill up in my physical body – for the sake of his body , the church – what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ . 1:25 I became a servant of the church according to the stewardship from God – given to me for you – in order to complete the word of God , 1:26 that is, the mystery that has been kept hidden from ages and generations , but has now been revealed to his saints . 1:27 God wanted to make known to them the glorious riches of this mystery among the Gentiles , which is Christ in you , the hope of glory . 1:28 We proclaim him by instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ . 1:29 Toward this goal I also labor , struggling according to his power that powerfully works in me .



Bible Dictionary


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
  • Ikut Dikau Saja, Tuhan [KJ.376]
  • Inginkah Kau Ikut Tuhan [KJ.372]
  • Kibarkan Panji RajaMu [KJ.206] ( Fling out the Banner )
  • [Col 1:27] How Beautiful The Mystery
  • [Col 1:27] O Savior, May We Never Rest


Sermon Illustrations

The Goal of the Holy Spirit; Trinity Explained; Prayer: Not a Dreamy Reverie; Do You Struggle?


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • 14:1 A message came to Jeremiah from Yahweh concerning some droughts (Heb. plural) that overtook Judah.241Droughts were a punishment for covenant violation in Israel (cf. Lev. 26:18-19; Deut. 28:23-24).14:2 Judah was in mourn...
  • 13:10 The disciples wanted to know why Jesus was teaching in parables. This was not the clearest form of communication. Evidently the disciples asked this question when Jesus had finished giving the parables to the crowd (cf....
  • 17:20 Jesus now identified future believers as the objects of His intercession, as well as the Eleven. He described them as those who would believe through the witness of the Eleven. All Christians have come to Jesus Christ e...
  • 13:1 There are at least four possibilities about what Paul meant by the two or three witnesses that would confirm his credibility and his critics' guilt. First, he may simply have been saying that the church would pass judgme...
  • Paul began to pray for his readers again (cf. vv. 1, 14), but he interrupted himself to tell them more about the church. What he said in this section gives background information concerning the church as a mystery.3:1 "For th...
  • The city of Colosse lay in the beautiful Lycus Valley about 100 miles east of Ephesus. It had been an important town during the Persian War of the fifth century B.C. Since then new trade routes had carried most traffic to its...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-14A. Salutation 1:1-2B. Thanksgiving 1:3-8C. Prayer 1:9-14II. Explanation of the person and work of Christ 1:15-29A. The preeminent person of Christ 1:15-201. In relation to God the Father 1:15a2. In relat...
  • Paul began his letter with this salutation to introduce himself to his readers and to wish God's blessing on them.1:1 Paul cited his apostolic calling and office to lend authority to what follows. "Paul"was the name the apost...
  • Paul had received a unique function to fulfill in the body of Christ. He ministered the gospel of reconciliation to unevangelized Gentiles primarily (v. 25). He explained his ministry to his readers so they would appreciate t...
  • This verse is ". . . probably the most controversial in the letter."76It might have seemed ironical that Paul was in prison, in view of what he had just said about the success of the gospel. Therefore he quickly explained tha...
  • Paul's role in the household of God (the meaning of "stewardship") was that of a servant who fully expounded God's revelation for the benefit of his Gentile readers."He was a servant of the church, but in the deepest sense he...
  • Paul proclaimed this new revelation as a completed fact. The word katangellomen, translated "proclaim,"implies its completed character."Counseling' (nouthetountes) and teaching' (didaskontes) describe two attendant circumstan...
  • 2:1 Paul used an athletic metaphor to describe his anxieties and deep concerns for his readers and their neighbor Christians. His strivings (1:29) included specific struggles and conflicts for them. Laodicea was about 11 mile...
  • On the basis of their position in Christ, Paul urged his readers to separate from the practices of their former way of life. He did this to enable them to realize in their experience all that Jesus Christ could produce in and...
  • Paul concluded his exhortations concerning Christian living with instructions pertaining to three essential practices for those in Christ. He wanted to impress their importance on his readers. One exhortation dealt with his r...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • I also labour, striving according to His working, which worketh in me mightily.'--Col. 1:29.I HAVE chosen this text principally because it brings together the two subjects which are naturally before us to-day. All Western Chr...
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