Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Colossians 2:9 (NET)


- Col 2:6-23 -- Warnings Against the Adoption of False Philosophies
Bible Dictionary

[isbe] VIRGIN BIRTH - || I. DEFINITION II. THE TEXTUAL QUESTION III. THE HISTORICAL QUESTION 1. Statement Not Dogmatic but Vital as History 2. Its Importance to Leaders of the Early Church 3. Hypothesis of Invention Discredits the ...
[isbe] SUPPLY - su-pli': Phil 4:19 for pleroo; 1 Cor 16:17; Phil 2:30 for anapleroo; 2 Cor 9:12 (the King James Version); 2 Cor 11:9 for prosanapleroo. All three verbs mean "to fill," the 3rd containing the additional connotation "...
[nave] PERFECTION Ascribed to Noah, Gen. 6:8, 9; Jacob, Num. 23:21; David, 1 Kin. 11:4, 6; Asa, 1 Kin. 15:14; Job, Job 1:1; Zacharias and Elizabeth, Luke 1:6; Nathanael, John 1:47. Unclassified Scriptures Relating to Gen. 17:1; D...
[isbe] PHILOSOPHY - fi-los'-o-fi (philosophia): 1. Definition and Scope (1) Intuitive Philosophy Is Universal (2) Speculative Philosophy Belongs Mainly to Western Thought 2. Greek Philosophy 3. Philosophy in Old Testament and Judai...
[isbe] PERSON OF CHRIST, 1-3 - || Method of the Article I. THE TEACHING OF PAUL 1. Philippians 2:5-9 (1) General Drift of Passage (2) our Lord's Intrinsic Deity (3) No Examination (4) our Lord's Humanity 2. Other Pauline Passages I...
[isbe] OMNIPRESENCE - om-ni-prez'-ens: 1. Non-Occurrence of the Term in Scripture: Neither the noun "omnipresence" nor adjective "omnipresent" occurs in Scripture, but the idea that God is everywhere present is throughout presuppos...
[ebd] (Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9), the essential being or the nature of God.
[isbe] GODHEAD - god'-hed: The word "Godhead" is a simple doublet of the less frequently occurring "Godhood." Both forms stand side by side in the Ancren Riwle (about 1225 AD), and both have survived until today, though not in equa...
GOD, 3
[isbe] GOD, 3 - III. The Idea of God in the New Testament. 1. Dependence on the Old Testament: The whole of the New Testament presupposes and rests upon the Old Testament. Jesus Christ and His disciples inherited the idea of God re...
[ebd] (1.) Of time (Gal. 4:4), the time appointed by God, and foretold by the prophets, when Messiah should appear. (2.) Of Christ (John 1:16), the superabundance of grace with which he was filled. (3.) Of the Godhead bodily dwell...
[isbe] FULLNESS - fool'-nes: The translation of pleroma, which is generally, but not invariably, rendered "fullness" in the New Testament. Etymologically, pleroma--which itself is derived from the verb pleroo, "I fill"--signifies "...
[isbe] DWELL - dwel: (1) In the Old Testament "dwell" is a translation of 9 words, of which by far the most frequent is yashabh, "to sit down," translated "dwell" over 400 times (Gen 4:20; Josh 20:4; 1 Ch 17:1,4,5, etc.); also very...
Colossians, Epistle to the
[ebd] was written by Paul at Rome during his first imprisonment there (Acts 28:16, 30), probably in the spring of A.D. 57, or, as some think, 62, and soon after he had written his Epistle to the Ephesians. Like some of his other e...
[isbe] BODY - bod'-i: I. PHILOLOGICAL: Generally speaking, the Old Testament language employs no fixed term for the human body as an entire organism in exact opposition to "soul" or "spirit." Various terms were employed, each of wh...
[isbe] ASSURANCE - a-shoor'-ans: A term exceptionally rich in spiritual meaning. It signifies the joyous, unwavering confidence of an intelligent faith; the security of a fearless trust. The original words have to do with the heart...
[isbe] APOSTOLIC AGE - ap-os-tol'-ik aj. 1. The Mission: (1) When the disciples realized that they had seen the risen Christ for the last time and that it had now become their duty to spread His message, they gathered themselves to...


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- Curtis Mitchell's article in Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol 147 #588 Oct 1990 answers this question well. The Practice of Fasting in the New Testament Is religious fasting a legitimate practice for today? If it is, how and wh...
- There is a true and biblical doctrine of kenosis, but the Greek used by Paul in Philippians 2:7 has been wrenched out of its New Testament context to make it mean what it does not. It does not mean that Christ divested Himsel...
- Calling the various workings of the Holy Spirit in Acts "the Baptism of the Spirit," is something which the book of Acts never does. Just because people call it that does not make it one and the same thing. The book of Acts i...
- The answer of the Bible is an unqualified "Yes!" The Bible teaches that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are one, and yet they are three. Note these statements from Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 /Matthew 1:23 = M...
- This is a common question and one that is often mishandled. Satan is blamed for everything evil and while there is a certain sense in which that is true, it fails to take into consideration all the other issues like our own p...
- I fear that these members are trying, in one way or another, to put the church back under the Old Testament law. The fact is that Paul, as a Jew, continued to observe the Jewish holidays (Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8). Th...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
3:6-7 Then the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua. He promised, in the name of sovereign Yahweh, that if Joshua obeyed the Lord and served Him, Joshua would govern the temple, have charge of the temple courts, and enjoy free...
12:37-38 The majority of the Jews did not believe on Jesus despite the many miracles that He performed that indicated His messiahship (cf. 1:11). John again attributed Israel's unbelief to God's will, though he balanced that ...
4:1-3 Already Paul had compared the Law to a prison warden (3:22) and a baby sitter (3:24). Now he compared it to a trustee appointed to care for a young child and his property, a guardian. The purpose of all three comparison...
Having described the basis of Christian unity Paul next explained the means by which we can preserve it, namely with the gifts that the Spirit gives.4:7 Whereas each believer has received grace (unmerited favor and divine ena...
The city of Colosse lay in the beautiful Lycus Valley about 100 miles east of Ephesus. It had been an important town during the Persian War of the fifth century B.C. Since then new trade routes had carried most traffic to its...
The whole message of this epistle finds expression in 2:9-10a. The two declarations in this sentence are the great revelations of the Colossian letter.The fullness of the godhead is in Christ. This is an eternal fact that is ...
I. Introduction 1:1-14A. Salutation 1:1-2B. Thanksgiving 1:3-8C. Prayer 1:9-14II. Explanation of the person and work of Christ 1:15-29A. The preeminent person of Christ 1:15-201. In relation to God the Father 1:15a2. In relat...
So far everything Paul had written about Christ other New Testament writers also revealed, but what follows in verse 18 is uniquely Pauline.In 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and Romans 12:4-8 Paul used the human body to illustrate th...
"Verses 6 and 7 occupy a pivotal position in the letter. They serve as the basis of Paul's interaction with the Colossian heresy (vv 8-23) having summarized much of what has already been written in the epistle."1032:6 In part...
Paul revealed what his readers enjoyed in Christ in this pericope to encourage them to remain faithful to the true revelation they had received and believed."The apostle now makes his most direct attack against the Colossian ...
To encourage his readers to turn away from their false teachers, Paul reminded them of their union with Christ. He also urged them to continue living in keeping with their position in Christ.3:1-2 Again we could translate "If...
On the basis of their position in Christ, Paul urged his readers to separate from the practices of their former way of life. He did this to enable them to realize in their experience all that Jesus Christ could produce in and...
Peter reminded his readers of God's power and promises that were available to them. He did this to rekindle an appreciation for the resources God had given them in view of their present needs. This epistle begins and ends on ...