Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Job 19:13-22 (NET)

Job’s Forsaken State
19:13 “He has put my relatives far from me; my acquaintances only turn away from me. 19:14 My kinsmen have failed me; my friends have forgotten me. 19:15 My guests and my servant girls consider me a stranger ; I am a foreigner in their eyes . 19:16 I summon my servant , but he does not respond , even though I implore him with my own mouth . 19:17 My breath is repulsive to my wife ; I am loathsome to my brothers . 19:18 Even youngsters have scorned me; when I get up , they scoff at me. 19:19 All my closest friends detest me; and those whom I love have turned against me. 19:20 My bones stick to my skin and my flesh ; I have escaped alive with only the skin of my teeth . 19:21 Have pity on me, my friends , have pity on me, for the hand of God has struck me. 19:22 Why do you pursue me like God does? Will you never be satiated with my flesh ?



Bible Dictionary



Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • What this book is all about has been the subject of considerable debate. Many people think God gave it to us to provide His answer to the age-old problem of suffering. In particular, many believe it is in the Bible to help us...
  • I. Prologue chs. 1-2A. Job's character 1:1-5B. Job's calamities 1:6-2:101. The first test 1:6-222. The second test 2:1-10C. Job's comforters 2:11-13II. The dialogue concerning the basis of the divine-human relationship 3:1-42...
  • The writer composed the prologue and epilogue of this book in prose narrative and the main body (3:1-42:6) in poetry. The prologue and epilogue form a frame around the main emphasis of the revelation, the poetic section, and ...
  • Satan again claimed that Job served God only because God had made it advantageous for Job to do so. Job still had his own life. Satan insinuated that Job had been willing to part with his own children and his animals (wealth)...
  • The two soliloquies of Job (chs. 3 and 29-31) enclose three cycles of dialogue between Job and his three friends. Each cycle consists of speeches by Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar in that order interspersed with Job's reply to e...
  • In describing the people Job referred to in this section he started with those farthest from him and moved to those closest to him, and from Job's equals to his inferiors socially. Job may have meant by "the skin of my teeth"...
  • Elihu began by voicing his respect for Job's three friends (vv. 6-10). They were older than he, and for this reason he said he had refrained from speaking until now. However he had become convinced that advancing age does not...
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