Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Lamentations 2:4-22 (NET)

2:4 ד(Dalet) He prepared his bow like an enemy ; his right hand was ready to shoot . Like a foe he killed everyone , even our strong young men ; he has poured out his anger like fire on the tent of Daughter Zion . 2:5 ה(He) The Lord , like an enemy , destroyed Israel . He destroyed all her palaces ; he ruined her fortified cities. He made everyone in Daughter Judah mourn and lament . 2:6 ו(Vav) He destroyed his temple as if it were a vineyard ; he destroyed his appointed meeting place . The Lord has made those in Zion forget both the festivals and the Sabbaths . In his fierce anger he has spurned both king and priest . 2:7 ז(Zayin) The Lord rejected his altar and abhorred his temple . He handed over to the enemy her palace walls ; the enemy shouted in the Lord’s temple as if it were a feast day . 2:8 ח(Khet) The Lord was determined to tear down Daughter Zion’s wall . He prepared to knock it down ; he did not withdraw his hand from destroying . He made the ramparts and fortified walls lament ; together they mourned their ruin. 2:9 ט(Tet) Her city gates have fallen to the ground ; he smashed to bits the bars that lock her gates. Her king and princes were taken into exile ; there is no more guidance available. As for her prophets , they no longer receive a vision from the Lord . 2:10 י(Yod) The elders of Daughter Zion sit on the ground in silence . They have thrown dirt on their heads ; They have dressed in sackcloth . Jerusalem’s young women stare down at the ground . 2:11 כ(Kaf) My eyes are worn out from weeping ; my stomach is in knots . My heart is poured out on the ground due to the destruction of my helpless people ; children and infants faint in the town squares . 2:12 ל(Lamed) Children say to their mothers , “Where are food and drink ?” They faint like a wounded warrior in the city squares . They die slowly in their mothers ’ arms . 2:13 מ(Mem ) With what can I equate you? To what can I compare you, O Daughter Jerusalem ? To what can I liken you so that I might comfort you, O Virgin Daughter Zion ? Your wound is as deep as the sea . Who can heal you? 2:14 נ(Nun) Your prophets saw visions for you that were worthless lies . They failed to expose your sin so as to restore your fortunes . They saw oracles for you that were worthless lies . 2:15 ס(Samek) All who passed by on the road clapped their hands to mock you. They sneered and shook their heads at Daughter Jerusalem . “Ha! Is this the city they called ‘The perfection of beauty , the source of joy of the whole earth !’?” 2:16 פ(Pe) All your enemies gloated over you. They sneered and gnashed their teeth ; they said , “We have destroyed her! Ha! We have waited a long time for this day . We have lived to see it!” 2:17 ע(Ayin) The Lord has done what he planned ; he has fulfilled his promise that he threatened long ago : He has overthrown you without mercy and has enabled the enemy to gloat over you; he has exalted your adversaries ’ power . 2:18 צ(Tsade) Cry out from your heart to the Lord , O wall of Daughter Zion ! Make your tears flow like a river all day and all night long! Do not rest ; do not let your tears stop ! 2:19 ק(Qof) Get up ! Cry out in the night when the night watches start ! Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord ! Lift up your hands to him for your children’s lives ; they are fainting at every street corner .
Jerusalem Speaks:
2:20 ר (Resh ) Look, O Lord ! Consider ! Whom have you ever afflicted like this ? Should women eat their offspring, their healthy infants ? Should priest and prophet be killed in the Lord’s 2:21 ש(Sin/Shin) The young boys and old men lie dead on the ground in the streets. My young women and my young men have fallen by the sword. You killed them when you were angry; you slaughtered them without mercy . 2:22 ת(Tav) As if it were a feast day , you call enemies to terrify me on every side . On the day of the Lord’s anger no one escaped or survived . My enemy has finished off those healthy infants whom I bore and raised .



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  • [Lam 2:19] Our Cities Cry To You, O God


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The poet promised to remember Jerusalem forever. He called down imprecations on himself if he ever forgot the city that had been the scene of so much joyful worship in the past. The hand and tongue stand for all action and sp...
  • God now turned the tables on His people and called on them to awake (cf. v. 1). They needed to wake up to the fact that He would comfort them and punish their oppressors (cf. 40:2; Lam. 1-2). The fact that the Babylonian capt...
  • Invasion and war had already overtaken Jerusalem when Jeremiah wrote this lament, but more destruction was to come (v. 9).15:5 The Lord said that no one would have pity on Jerusalem when she had experienced His judgment (cf. ...
  • This message to the people involved another symbolic act (cf. 13:1-11). This incident may have occurred between 609 and 605 B.C.19:1 Yahweh told Jeremiah to take some of Judah's elders and senior priests and to go and purchas...
  • 31:15 The Lord described the Israelite mothers, under the figure of Rachel, weeping for their children who had died because of the Assyrian invasion.404Rachel was the mother of Joseph, the father of Ephraim and Manasseh, and ...
  • This account describes other things associated with Jeremiah's being set at liberty. It contains more detail than 39:11-14.40:1 Evidently after Jeremiah's release in Jerusalem Babylonian soldiers rounded him up when they saw ...
  • This book does not identify its writer. The common view that Jeremiah wrote it rests on a preface in the Greek Septuagint, which the Latin Vulgate adopted and elaborated on. The Septuagint version of Lamentations begins, "And...
  • The book consists of five laments (funeral or mourning songs, elegies). All but the third of these describe the Babylonians' destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and its aftermath. Each chapter exhibits its own special qualit...
  • There are two books in the Old Testament that deal primarily with the problem of suffering. Job treats the problem of personalsuffering, and Lamentations deals with the problem of nationalsuffering. Both books present the pro...
  • The church at the beginning of the twenty-first century is very similar to Judah at the beginning of the sixth century B.C. Our times are very similar to Jeremiah's times. We minister in a cultural context that is remarkably ...
  • I. The destruction and misery of Jerusalem (the first lament) ch. 1A. An observer's sorrow over Jerusalem's condition 1:1-11B. Jerusalem's sorrow over her own condition 1:12-22II. The divine punishment of Jerusalem (the secon...
  • Jeremiah first viewed Jerusalem's destruction as an outsider looking in. Verses 1-7 describe the extent of the desolation and verses 8-11 its cause.1:1 Jeremiah bewailed the abandoned city of Jerusalem that had once been so g...
  • "There are about forty descriptions of divine judgment, which fell upon every aspect of the Jews' life: home, religion, society, physical, mental and spiritual. Some of the blackest phrases of the book appear here . . ."272:1...
  • This section contains five pictures of Jerusalem's condition.302:11-12 Jeremiah had exhausted his capacity for weeping and sorrowing over the destruction of his people; he felt drained emotionally. He observed small children ...
  • This last pericope is a prayer to the Lord.2:20 Jeremiah responded to this call to prayer by asking the Lord to consider who was suffering so greatly that women were cannibalizing their own newborn children to stay alive in t...
  • As mentioned previously, this lament is an acrostic in triplets; the same succeeding Hebrew consonant begins three verses instead of just one, as in the previous chapters. The verses are about one third as long as most of tho...
  • The following section of the lament falls into two parts marked by Jeremiah's use of the plural (vv. 41-47) and singular personal pronouns (vv. 48-66). In the first part he called on the Judahites to confess their sins to God...
  • This section of the poem consists of two parallel parts (vv. 1-6, 7-11). The Judahites had become despised (vv. 1-2, 7-8), and both children and adults (everyone) suffered (vv. 3-5, 9-10). This calamity was the result of Yahw...
  • This poem, like the one in chapter 3, contains verses of only two lines each. It is the only non-acrostic chapter in the book, though like chapters 1, 2, and 4, it consists of 22 verses. The doleful qinahmeter is also absent ...
  • Evidently Ezekiel's verbal explanation of this drama came at the very end of the drama, at the time of the real destruction of Jerusalem. Ezekiel was no longer silent then.5:5-6 The Lord explained that the center of the drama...
  • ". . . the focus of chap. 6 is on the individual responsibility of the people and prepares the way for the subsequent spoken messages."1216:1-2 The Lord directed Ezekiel to pronounce an oracle of judgment against "the mountai...
  • 16:6 The Lord had compassion on Jerusalem in her helpless and undesirable condition and took care of her so she survived. The city remained as an unwanted child until, at the Lord's direction, David captured it from the Jebus...
  • 27:1-3 The Lord instructed Ezekiel to write a lamentation over Tyre, though presently it was renowned for its seafaring and commercial leadership in the world. Tyre's neighboring kings sang the first dirge over Tyre's demise ...
  • Of the seven oracles against Egypt, this is the only one that is undated. Most of the commentators assumed that Ezekiel gave it in 587 B.C., the same year as the first, second, and third oracles. But he could have given it in...
  • 5:1 This message begins as the previous two did, with a call to hear the Lord's word. However here Amos announced that what follows is a dirge (Heb. qinah) against the house of Israel. A dirge was a lament that was sung at th...
  • v. 11 God cited one specific instance of Edom's violence against her brother, but as I explained in the introduction, which instance is unclear. Edom's treachery against Judah had taken place on a particular "day"in the past....
  • 3:5 The Lord also had a message concerning the false prophets who were misleading His people. The false prophets gave benedictions to those who paid them, but people who did not give them anything received maledictions of doo...
  • 3:16 Habakkuk trembled all over as he awaited the day of Babylon's invasion of Judah, the day of her distress. He could do nothing but wait patiently for the Babylonians to grow stronger and for judgment to come on Israel. It...
  • Chapter 8 not only contains two major messages from the Lord (vv. 1-17, 18-23) but 10 minor messages, "a decalogueof divine words,"155that make up the two major ones. "Thus says the Lord"introduces each of these minor message...
  • Jesus proceeded to do a second miracle to deepen His disciples' faith in Him even more.14:22 As soon as the people had finished eating, Jesus "immediately compelled"(Gr. eutheos enagkasen) His disciples to enter a boat and to...
  • Matthew's emphasis in his account of Jesus' crucifixion was on the mocking of the onlookers.27:32 Jesus was able to carry the crosspiece of His cross until He passed through the city gate (cf. Mark 15:21 John 19:17). Normally...
  • 15:21 Probably only Mark mentioned Simon's sons because the Christians in Rome knew them or knew of them (cf. Rom. 16:13). Evidently Simon became a believer in Jesus. Mark mentioned very few people by name other than the Twel...
  • Another question led to this teaching. The thematic connection with Jesus' words about the small beginning of the kingdom (vv. 19, 21) should be obvious. As elsewhere, Luke recorded Jesus teaching lessons and using illustrati...
  • The importance of this incident in Jesus' ministry is evident from the fact that all four Gospel evangelists recorded it. Matthew and Mark placed this event before Mary's anointing of Jesus in Simon's house (vv. 1-8). However...
  • "In this paragraph Paul continues his instructions on prayers' begun in verse 1. But now the concern is for proper demeanor on the part of the pray-ers.' But whythese concerns, and why in this way? And why the inordinate amou...
  • 11:1 "And"(Gr. kai) ties this chapter closely to the previous one. John's first prophetic assignment after receiving his fresh commission was to provide this information.Again John became an active participant in his vision (...
  • 14:1 "And I looked"(Gr. kai eidon) introduces three scenes in chapter 14 (vv. 1, 6, 14), as this phrase did twice in chapter 13 (vv. 1, 11). "Behold"(Gr. idou, cf. v. 14) calls special attention to the greatness of the sight ...
  • Three groups of people mourn Babylon's destruction in these verses: kings (vv. 9-10; cf. Ezek. 26:15-18), merchants (vv. 11-13, 15-17a; cf. Ezek. 27:36), and sea people (vv. 17b-19; cf. Ezek. 27:29-36).18:9 World government l...
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