Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Obadiah 1:1-10 (NET)

God’s Judgment on Edom
1:1 The vision that Obadiah saw. The Lord God says this concerning Edom : We have heard a report from the Lord . An envoy was sent among the nations , saying, “Arise ! Let us make war against Edom!” 1:2 The Lord says, “Look ! I will make you a weak nation ; you will be greatly despised ! 1:3 Your presumptuous heart has deceived you– you who reside in the safety of the rocky cliffs , whose home is high in the mountains. You think to yourself, ‘No one can bring me down to the ground !’ 1:4 Even if you were to soar high like an eagle , even if you were to make your nest among the stars , I can bring you down even from there !” says the Lord . 1:5 “If thieves came to rob you during the night , they would steal only as much as they wanted ! If grape pickers came to harvest your vineyards, they would leave some behind for the poor ! But you will be totally destroyed ! 1:6 How the people of Esau will be thoroughly plundered ! Their hidden valuables will be ransacked ! 1:7 All your allies will force you from your homeland ! Your treaty partners will deceive you and overpower you. Your trusted friends will set an ambush for you that will take you by surprise ! 1:8 At that time ,” the Lord says , “I will destroy the wise sages of Edom ! the advisers from Esau’s mountain ! 1:9 Your warriors will be shattered , O Teman , so that everyone will be destroyed from Esau’s mountain !
Edom’s Treachery Against Judah
1:10 “Because you violently slaughtered your relatives , the people of Jacob , shame will cover you, and you will be destroyed forever .


  • Oba 1:1-9 -- God's Judgment on Edom
    Edom's Approaching Destruction
  • Oba 1:10-14 -- Edom's Treachery Against Judah

Bible Dictionary



Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The cloudy pillar led the Israelites, but apparently Moses had reason to believe that God was directing them eastward into the territory of Edom and from there north to Transjordan. Consequently he sent messengers to the King...
  • Really four men came to visit Job, though the writer did not mention Elihu's presence until chapter 32. Eliphaz seems to have been the eldest for several reasons. His name occurs first (2:11; 42:9), he spoke before the others...
  • 38:14 Shortly after this event Zedekiah had Jeremiah brought to him at one of the temple entrances, possibly the king's private entrance (cf. 2 Kings 16:18). He told the prophet that he was going to ask him a question and he ...
  • The Edomites lived to the southeast of Judah, south of Moab. The Zered River was their northern border, the Gulf of Aqabah (about 100 miles to the south) the southern, the Arabah the western, and the desert the eastern border...
  • What follows in this chapter is another oracle against a foreign nation (cf. chs. 25-32). What is it doing here? Evidently the writer included this oracle here because it promises to desolate an enemy of Israel that wanted to...
  • Amos next moved from addressing chief cities to addressing countries, specifically countries with closer ethnic ties to the Israelites. Perhaps their closer relationship to Israel is why he mentioned countries rather than cit...
  • Since we do not know who the writer was, other than that his name was Obadiah, it is very difficult to date this book and to determine where it came from."This shortest book in the Old Testament, consisting of only twenty-one...
  • Since Obadiah's concern was Jerusalem, and since it seems likely that he lived in Judah, the original audience that received his prophecy may also have been the residents of Judah.Obadiah wrote to announce coming divine judgm...
  • The very fact that this book consists of only one chapter should alert us to its importance. If it was unimportant, God would not have preserved it, and it would have disappeared long ago. Its length also simplifies our task ...
  • I. Edom's coming judgment vv. 1-9A. The introduction to the oracle v. 1B. The breaching of Edom's defenses vv. 2-4C. The plundering of Edom's treasures vv. 5-7D. The destruction of Edom's leadership vv. 8-9II. Edom's crimes a...
  • Verses 2-9 contain three sections, which the phrase "declares the Lord"marks off (vv. 4, 8).v. 2 Yahweh called Obadiah's hearers to see that He would make Edom, which was already despised because of her character, small among...
  • vv. 5-6 Thieves robbed houses and grape pickers stripped vineyards, yet both left a little behind that they did not carry off. However, Yahweh's destruction of Edom would be so complete that nothing at all would remain of her...
  • "Obadiah's discussion nicely interweaves the themes of divine intervention and human instrumentality."21v. 8 The repetition of "declares the Lord"(cf. v. 4) reemphasizes Yahweh's initiative in this judgment. "That day"points ...
  • Verse 10 summarizes what verses 11-14 detail in the same way verse 1 did in relation to verses 2-9....
  • Pride was not the only reason God would humble Edom. The Edomites had also cursed the people whom God had purposed to bless, the Israelites (cf. Gen. 27:40-41; Exod. 15:15; Num. 20:14-21; Deut. 2:4; Judg. 11:17-18; 1 Sam. 14:...
  • v. 11 God cited one specific instance of Edom's violence against her brother, but as I explained in the introduction, which instance is unclear. Edom's treachery against Judah had taken place on a particular "day"in the past....
  • References to the work and word of the Lord frame this section. Obadiah announced that a reversal of rolls was coming for Edom and all the nations.v. 15 "The day of the Lord"here is a future day in which God will reverse the ...
  • This pericope (section of text), as the former one, also has a framing phrase: "the mountain of Esau"(vv. 19, 21). This mountain, of course, contrasts with the Lord's holy mountain, Zion (vv. 16-17).vv. 19-20 Obadiah predicte...
  • Prophetic revelation from Yahweh came to Micah concerning Samaria (the Northern Kingdom) and Jerusalem (the Southern Kingdom). These capital cities represent their respective nations and the people in them. These capital citi...
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