Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Proverbs 27:1-4 (NET)


- Pro 25:1--29:27 -- Proverbs of Solomon Collected by Hezekiah
Bible Dictionary

[nave] WORLDLINESS. 1 Sam. 8:19, 20; Job 20:4-29; Job 21:11-15; Psa. 49:16-18; Psa. 73:2-22; Prov. 14:12, 13; Prov. 15:21; Prov. 21:17; Prov. 23:20, 21; Prov. 27:1, 7; Eccl. 1:8; Eccl. 2:1-12; Eccl. 6:11, 12; Eccl. 8:15-17; Eccl. ...
[isbe] WEIGHT - wat (Measure of quantity) mishqal, (mishqol (Ezek 4:10), from shaqkal, "to weigh" 'ebhen, "a stone" used for weighing in the balance): Weights were commonly of stone or bronze (or of lead, Zec 5:7,8). They were of v...
[nave] SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. Num. 16:3; Deut. 9:4-6; 1 Sam. 2:9; Job 6:13; Job 11:4-6; Job 12:2; Job 13:3, 13, 15, 19; Job 16:17, 18; Job 18:2-4; Job 21:27-29; Job 22:2, 3; Job 32:1, 2; Job 33:8, 9; Job 35:2, 7, 8; Psa. 10:5, 6; Pro...
[isbe] STONE, STONES - ston, stonz: 1. Hebrew and Greek Words: (1) Chiefly 'ebhen, and lithos; but also, occurring rarely, 'eshekh (Lev 21:20); tsur (Job 22:24), usually "rock"; tseror (2 Sam 17:13); petros (Jn 1:42); psephos (Rev ...
[isbe] SAND - (chol; ammos; a variant of the more usual psammos; compare amathos, psamathos): Sand is principally produced by the grinding action of waves. This is accompanied by chemical solution, with the result that the more sol...
[nave] PROCRASTINATION. Ex. 22:29; Prov. 27:1; Ezek. 11:2, 3; Ezek. 12:22, 27, 28; Matt. 8:21 Luke 9:59, 61. Matt. 24:48-51; Matt. 25:2-13; Luke 9:59-62; Acts 24:25; 1 Thess. 5:2, 3; Heb. 3:7-19 Heb. 4:1-7. See: Excuses. Instance...
[nave] PRIDE. Ex. 18:10, 11; Lev. 26:19; Deut. 8:11-14, 17-20; Judg. 9:14, 15; 1 Sam. 2:3-5; 1 Kin. 20:11; 2 Kin. 14:9, 10 2 Chr. 25:18, 19. Job 11:12; Job 12:2, 3; Job 13:2, 5; Job 15:1-13; Job 18:3, 4; Job 21:31, 32; Job 32:9-13...
[smith] The title of this book in Hebrew is taken from its first word, mashal , which originally meant "a comparison." It is sometimes translated parable, sometimes proverb as here. The superscriptions which are affixed to several po...
[nave] OSTENTATION, See: Boasting - in prayer and almsgiving, Matt. 6:1; Prov. 25:14; 27:2.--Bible Text-Book.
[isbe] OUTRAGE; OUTRAGEOUS - out'-raj, out-ra'-jus: The noun (from the French outre plus age, "that which goes beyond") only in the heading to Ps 10 the King James Version; the adjective in Prov 27:4, the King James Version and the...
[nave] LIFE. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Brevity and Uncertainty of; Everlasting; From God; Long; Spiritual. Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics Breath of, Gen. 2:7. Called Spirit of God, Job 27:3. Tree of,...
[nave] JEALOUSY. Prov. 6:34; 27:4; Eccl. 4:4; Song 8:6. Law concerning, when husband is jealous of his wife, Num. 5:12-31. Image of, Ezek. 8:3, 4. Forbidden, Rom. 13:13. Attributed to God, Ex. 20:5; 34:13, 14; Num. 25:11; Deut...
[nave] IGNORANCE. Job 8:9; Job 11:7, 8, 12; Job 28:12, 13, 20, 21; Job 36:26, 29; Job 37:5, 15, 16, 19, 23 Job 38; 39. Psa. 139:6; Prov. 7:6-23; Prov. 8:5; Prov. 9:14-18; Prov. 19:2; Prov. 20:24; Prov. 22:3 Prov. 27:12. Prov. 27:1...
[nave] HUMILITY. Deut. 9:7 vs. 4-29.; Deut. 15:15; Job 5:11; Job 22:29; Job 25:5, 6; Psa. 9:12; Psa. 10:17; Psa. 22:6, 26; Psa. 25:9; Psa. 37:11; Psa. 69:32; Psa. 86:1; Psa. 131:1, 2; Psa. 138:6; Psa. 147:6; Psa. 149:4; Prov. 3:34...
[isbe] HEAVY; HEAVINESS - hev'-i, hev'-i-nes (kabhedh, de'aghah; lupe): 1. Literal: Heavy (heave, to lift) is used literally with respect to material things, as the translation of kobhedh, "heaviness" (Prov 27:3, "a stone is heavy"...
[isbe] GRIEF; GRIEVE - gref, grev: There are some 20 Hebrew words translated in the King James Version by "grief," "grieve," "to be grieved," etc. Among the chief are chalah, choli, yaghon, ka`ac, atsabh. They differ, partly, in th...
[isbe] ENVY - en'-vi (qin'ah; zelos, phthonos): "Envy," from Latin in, "against," and video, "to look," "to look with ill-will," etc., toward another, is an evil strongly condemned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. I...
[nave] ENVY See: Strife.Job 5:2, 3; Psa. 37:1, 7 Prov. 24:19. Psa. 49:16; Psa. 73:3 vs. 17-20.; Psa. 112:10; Prov. 3:31; Prov. 14:30; Prov. 23:17; Prov. 24:1; Prov. 27:4; Eccl. 4:4; Song 8:6; Isa. 26:11; Ezek. 35:11; Rom. 1:29; Rom...
[nave] BOASTING. Prov. 20:14; 25:14; 27:1; Isa. 10:15; Jer. 9:23; Rom. 1:30; Jas. 3:5; 4:16. Of evil, Psa. 52:1. Instances of Goliath, 1 Sam. 17. Ben Hadad, 1 Kin. 20:10. Seacherib, 2 Kin. 18:19; Isa. 10:8-15. The disciples,...
[isbe] BRING - dasha' = "to sprout," "spring" (Gen 1:11 the King James Version); sharats = "to wriggle," "swarm" (Gen 1:20 f; 9:7; Ex 8:3); yaladh = "to bear," "beget" (Gen 3:16; 2 Ki 19:3; Job 15:35; 39:1,2; "what a day may bring ...
[nave] ANGER. Gen. 4:6; Gen. 49:7; 2 Chr. 28:9; Job 5:2; Job 19:29; Psa. 37:8; Psa. 55:3; Psa. 76:10; Prov. 6:34; Prov. 12:16; Prov. 14:17, 29; Prov. 15:1, 18; Prov. 16:14, 29, 32; Prov. 17:14; Prov. 19:11, 12, 19; Prov. 21:24; Pr...


- God forbids it (Ecc. 7:9; Matt. 5:22; Rom. 12:19); it is a characteristic of fools and a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20; Prov. 12:16; Prov. 14:29; Prov. 27:3; Ecc. 7:9). Anger is connected with pride, cruelty, clamorous and evi...
- God forbids it (Ecc. 7:9; Matt. 5:22; Rom. 12:19); it is a characteristic of fools and a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20; Prov. 12:16; Prov. 14:29; Prov. 27:3; Ecc. 7:9). Anger is connected with pride, cruelty, clamorous and evi...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Joseph's brothers met his second recorded visit to them with great antagonism. They plotted to kill him and so render his dreams impossible to fulfill. For practical reasons they decided to sell him and to deceive Jacob into ...
The events of this book took place between those recorded in Ezra 6 and 7. They have nothing to do with the people who returned from exile in Babylon. They deal with those who remained behind. Remember the dates of the three ...
Proverbs claims to be a compendium of the wise sayings of several different individuals.4Solomon originated some of them (10:1-22:16 and chs. 25-29 definitely, and probably chs. 1-9 as well).5Unnamed wise men (sages) wrote ot...
The Book of Proverbs contains no history. It is purely didactic. It is a book of explicit instruction. Like the other Old Testament wisdom books, Job and Ecclesiastes, it does not contain references to Israel's laws, rituals,...
I. Discourses on wisdom chs. 1-9A. Introduction to the book 1:1-71. The title of the book 1:12. The purpose of the book 1:2-63. The thesis of the book 1:7B. Instruction for young people 1:8-7:271. Warning against consorting w...
Verse one introduces both the book as a whole and chapters 1-9 in particular. The Book of Proverbs is a collection of at least five separate groups of proverbs. There are those that Solomon spoke and or wrote (possibly chs. 1...
We return now to the proverbs of Solomon (cf. 1:1-22:16). Chapters 25-26 contain proverbs that are mainly comparisons. The key words in these chapters are "like . . . so."Chapter 27 is a mixture of comparative and antithetica...
25:1 A group of scholars who served during King Hezekiah's reign (715-686 B.C.) added more of Solomon's 3,000 proverbs (1 Kings 4:32) to the former collection (1:1-22:16). These men lived about 250 years after Solomon. Solomo...
Chapters 30 and 31 form a distinct section in Proverbs because neither Solomon (1:1-22:16; chs. 25-29) nor the unnamed sages (22:17-24:34) wrote them. Two other wise men whose names the text records did. Some expositors specu...
Some commentators have regarded only the first nine verses of this chapter as Lemuel's writing. One reason for this is that the Septuagint translators separated verses 1-9 from verse 10-31 by five chapters (chs. 25-29). Howev...
The quality of wisdom that Proverbs presents is much more than the ability to apply knowledge to various situations in life effectively. It also involves submission to the way of God that is the order of life God has revealed...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
The sand is weighty.'--Proverbs. 27:3.THIS Book of Proverbs has a very wholesome horror of the character which it calls a feel'; meaning thereby, not so much intellectual feebleness as moral and religious obliquity, which are...