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2 Kings 1

Then Moab
<06586> (8799)
against Israel
the death
of Ahab
And Ahaziah
fell down
<05307> (8799)
through a lattice
in his upper chamber
that [was] in Samaria
and was sick
<02470> (8799)_:
and he sent
<07971> (8799)
and said
<0559> (8799)
unto them, Go
<03212> (8798)_,
<01875> (8798)
of Baalzebub
the god
of Ekron
whether I shall recover
<02421> (8799)
of this disease
But the angel
of the LORD
<01696> (8765)
to Elijah
the Tishbite
<06965> (8798)_,
go up
<05927> (8798)
to meet
<07125> (8800)
the messengers
of the king
of Samaria
and say
<01696> (8761)
unto them, [Is it] not because [there is] not a God
in Israel
[that] ye go
<01980> (8802)
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of Baalzebub
the god
of Ekron
Now therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Thou shalt not come down
<03381> (8799)
from that bed
on which thou art gone up
<05927> (8804)_,
but shalt surely
<04191> (8800)
<04191> (8799)_.
And Elijah
<03212> (8799)_.
{Thou shalt...: Heb. The bed whither thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it}
And when the messengers
turned back
<07725> (8799)
unto him, he said
<0559> (8799)
unto them, Why are ye now
turned back
<07725> (8804)_?
And they said
<0559> (8799)
unto him, There came
<05927> (0)
a man
<05927> (8804)
to meet
<07125> (8800)
us, and said
<0559> (8799)
unto us, Go
<03212> (8798)_,
turn again
<07725> (8798)
unto the king
that sent
<07971> (8804)
you, and say
<01696> (8765)
unto him, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
[Is it] not because [there is] not a God
in Israel
[that] thou sendest
<07971> (8802)
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of Baalzebub
the god
of Ekron
therefore thou shalt not come down
<03381> (8799)
from that bed
on which thou art gone up
<05927> (8804)_,
but shalt surely
<04191> (8800)
<04191> (8799)_.
And he said
<01696> (8762)
unto them, What manner
of man
[was he] which came up
<05927> (8804)
to meet
<07125> (8800)
you, and told
<01696> (8762)
you these words
{What...: Heb. What was the manner of the man}
And they answered
<0559> (8799)
him, [He was] an hairy
<01167> <0376>_,
and girt
<0247> (8803)
with a girdle
of leather
about his loins
And he said
<0559> (8799)_,
It [is] Elijah
the Tishbite
Then the king
<07971> (8799)
unto him a captain
of fifty
with his fifty
And he went up
<05927> (8799)
to him: and, behold, he sat
<03427> (8802)
on the top
of an hill
And he spake
<01696> (8762)
unto him, Thou man
of God
the king
hath said
<01696> (8765)_,
Come down
<03381> (8798)_.
And Elijah
<06030> (8799)
and said
<01696> (8762)
to the captain
of fifty
If I [be] a man
of God
then let fire
come down
<03381> (8799)
from heaven
and consume
<0398> (8799)
thee and thy fifty
And there came down
<03381> (8799)
from heaven
and consumed
<0398> (8799)
him and his fifty
<07725> (8799)
also he sent
<07971> (8799)
unto him another
of fifty
with his fifty
And he answered
<06030> (8799)
and said
<01696> (8762)
unto him, O man
of God
thus hath the king
<0559> (8804)_,
Come down
<03381> (8798)
And Elijah
<06030> (8799)
and said
<01696> (8762)
unto them, If I [be] a man
of God
let fire
come down
<03381> (8799)
from heaven
and consume
<0398> (8799)
thee and thy fifty
And the fire
of God
came down
<03381> (8799)
from heaven
and consumed
<0398> (8799)
him and his fifty
And he sent
<07971> (8799)
<07725> (8799)
a captain
of the third
with his fifty
And the third
of fifty
went up
<05927> (8799)_,
and came
<0935> (8799)
and fell
<03766> (8799)
on his knees
and besought
<02603> (8691)
him, and said
<01696> (8762)
unto him, O man
of God
I pray thee, let my life
and the life
of these fifty
thy servants
be precious
<03365> (8799)
in thy sight
{fell: Heb. bowed}
Behold, there came
<03381> (0)
<03381> (8804)
from heaven
and burnt up
<0398> (8799)
the two
of the former
with their fifties
therefore let my life
now be precious
<03365> (8799)
in thy sight
And the angel
of the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Elijah
Go down
<03381> (8798)
with him: be not afraid
<03372> (8799)
of him
And he arose
<06965> (8799)_,
and went down
<03381> (8799)
with him unto the king
And he said
<01696> (8762)
unto him, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Forasmuch as thou hast sent
<07971> (8804)
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of Baalzebub
the god
of Ekron
[is it] not because [there is] no God
in Israel
to enquire
<01875> (8800)
of his word
therefore thou shalt not come down
<03381> (8799)
off that bed
on which thou art gone up
<05927> (8804)_,
but shalt surely
<04191> (8800)
<04191> (8799)_.
So he died
<04191> (8799)
according to the word
of the LORD
which Elijah
had spoken
<01696> (8765)_.
And Jehoram
<04427> (8799)
in his stead in the second
of Jehoram
the son
of Jehoshaphat
of Judah
because he had no son
Now the rest
of the acts
of Ahaziah
which he did
<06213> (8804)_,
[are] they not written
<03789> (8803)
in the book
of the chronicles
<01697> <03117>
of the kings
of Israel

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