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Text -- 2 Corinthians 3:14 (NET)

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3:14 But their minds were closed. For to this very day, the same veil remains when they hear the old covenant read. It has not been removed because only in Christ is it taken away.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Veil, vail | Veil | VEIL (1) | READING | Old Testament | Mysteries | Moses | Law | GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE | Corinthians, Second Epistle to the | Blindness | Bible | BIBLE, THE, I-III INTRODUCTION | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 3:14 - -- But their minds were hardened ( alla epōrōthē ta noēmata autōn ). Their thoughts (noēmata ) literally. Pōroō (first aorist passive...

But their minds were hardened ( alla epōrōthē ta noēmata autōn ).

Their thoughts (noēmata ) literally. Pōroō (first aorist passive indicative here) is late verb from pōros , hard skin, to cover with thick skin (callus), to petrify. See note on Mar 6:52 and Mar 8:17.

Robertson: 2Co 3:14 - -- Of the old covenant ( tēs palaias diathēkēs ). The Old Testament. Palaios (ancient) in contrast to kainos (fresh, 2Co 3:6). See note on Mat...

Of the old covenant ( tēs palaias diathēkēs ).

The Old Testament. Palaios (ancient) in contrast to kainos (fresh, 2Co 3:6). See note on Mat 13:52.

Robertson: 2Co 3:14 - -- The same veil ( to auto kalumma ). Not that identical veil, but one that has the same effect, that blinds their eyes to the light in Christ. This is ...

The same veil ( to auto kalumma ).

Not that identical veil, but one that has the same effect, that blinds their eyes to the light in Christ. This is the tragedy of modern Judaism.

Robertson: 2Co 3:14 - -- Unlifted ( mē anakaluptomenon ). Present passive participle of anakaluptō , old verb, to draw back the veil, to unveil.

Unlifted ( mē anakaluptomenon ).

Present passive participle of anakaluptō , old verb, to draw back the veil, to unveil.

Robertson: 2Co 3:14 - -- Is done away ( katargeitai ). Same verb as in 2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:11.

Is done away ( katargeitai ).

Same verb as in 2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:11.

Vincent: 2Co 3:14 - -- Minds ( νοήματα ) Originally, things which proceed out of the mind . Compare hearts and minds , Phi 4:7, and devices ...

Minds ( νοήματα )

Originally, things which proceed out of the mind . Compare hearts and minds , Phi 4:7, and devices , 2Co 2:11. Hence, derivatively, the minds themselves . The word occurs but once outside of this epistle, Phi 4:7. Some render here thoughts . So Rev., in margin.

Vincent: 2Co 3:14 - -- Were blinded ( ἐπωρώθη ) See on the kindred noun πώρωσις hardening , Mar 3:5. Rev., correctly, were hardened .

Were blinded ( ἐπωρώθη )

See on the kindred noun πώρωσις hardening , Mar 3:5. Rev., correctly, were hardened .

Vincent: 2Co 3:14 - -- The same veil ( τὸ αὐτὸ κάλυμμα ) The expression their minds were hardened is carried out figuratively. There is a v...

The same veil ( τὸ αὐτὸ κάλυμμα )

The expression their minds were hardened is carried out figuratively. There is a veil over their minds when the law is read, as there was over Moses' face. They cannot yet recognize the end of the Mosaic ministry.

Vincent: 2Co 3:14 - -- Untaken away ( μὴ ἀνακαλυπτόμενον ) Rev., admirably - giving the force of ἀνά up-unlifted . But both A.V. and Rev....

Untaken away ( μὴ ἀνακαλυπτόμενον )

Rev., admirably - giving the force of ἀνά up-unlifted . But both A.V. and Rev. construe unlifted with veil: the same veil remaineth untaken away ( unlifted ). This is objectionable, because καταργεῖται is done away is used throughout the chapter of the glory of the Mosaic ministry, while another word is employed in 2Co 3:16 of the taking away of the veil. Further, the reading of the best texts is ὅτι that or because , and not ὅ τι which . Because is not true to the fact, since the veil remains unlifted, not because it is done away in Christ, but because of the hardness of their hearts. It is better, therefore, to take μὴ ἀνακαλυπτόμενον unlifted , as a nominative absolute, and to render, it not being revealed that it (the veil) is being done away in Christ . This falls in naturally with the drift of the whole passage. The veil remains on their hearts, since it is not revealed to them that the Mosaic economy is done away in Christ.

Wesley: 2Co 3:14 - -- Not so much as folded back, (so the word implies,) so as to admit a little, glimmering light.

Not so much as folded back, (so the word implies,) so as to admit a little, glimmering light.

Wesley: 2Co 3:14 - -- The veil is not now on the face of Moses or of his writings, but on the reading of them, and on the heart of them that believe not.

The veil is not now on the face of Moses or of his writings, but on the reading of them, and on the heart of them that believe not.

Wesley: 2Co 3:14 - -- That is, from the heart of them that truly believe on him.

That is, from the heart of them that truly believe on him.

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Parenthetical: Of Christians in general. He resumes the subject of the ministry, 2Co 4:1.

Parenthetical: Of Christians in general. He resumes the subject of the ministry, 2Co 4:1.

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Greek, "mental perceptions"; "understandings."

Greek, "mental perceptions"; "understandings."

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Rather, "hardened." The opposite to "looking steadfastly at the end" of the law (2Co 3:13). The veil on Moses' face is further typical of the veil tha...

Rather, "hardened." The opposite to "looking steadfastly at the end" of the law (2Co 3:13). The veil on Moses' face is further typical of the veil that is on their hearts.

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Rather, "the same veil . . . remaineth untaken away [literally, not unveiled], so that they do not see THAT it (not the veil as English Version, but '...

Rather, "the same veil . . . remaineth untaken away [literally, not unveiled], so that they do not see THAT it (not the veil as English Version, but 'THE OLD TESTAMENT,' or covenant of legal ordinances) is done away (2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:11, 2Co 3:13) in Christ" or, as BENGEL, "Because it is done away in Christ," that is, it is not done away save in Christ: the veil therefore remains untaken away from them, because they will not come to Christ, who does away, with the law as a mere letter. If they once saw that the law is done away in Him, the veil would be no longer on their hearts in reading it publicly in their synagogues (so "reading" means, Act 15:21). I prefer the former.

Clarke: 2Co 3:14 - -- But their minds were blinded - By resting in the letter, shutting their eyes against the light that was granted to them, they contracted a hardness ...

But their minds were blinded - By resting in the letter, shutting their eyes against the light that was granted to them, they contracted a hardness or stupidity of heart. And the veil that was on the face of Moses, which prevented the glory of his face from shining out, may be considered as emblematical of the veil of darkness and ignorance that is on their hearts, and which hinders the glory of the Gospel from shining in

Clarke: 2Co 3:14 - -- Until this day remaineth the same veil - They are still ignorant of the spiritual meaning and intention of their own law, called here παλαια ...

Until this day remaineth the same veil - They are still ignorant of the spiritual meaning and intention of their own law, called here παλαια διαθηκη, the old covenant. See the word explained in the preface to St. Matthew

Clarke: 2Co 3:14 - -- In the reading of the Old Testament - Here is an evident allusion to the conduct of the Jews in their synagogues: when they read the law they cover ...

In the reading of the Old Testament - Here is an evident allusion to the conduct of the Jews in their synagogues: when they read the law they cover their whole head with a veil, which they term the טלית tallith , veil, from טלל talal , to cover; and this voluntary usage of theirs, the apostle tells us, is an emblem of the darkness of their hearts while they are employed even in sacred duties

Clarke: 2Co 3:14 - -- Which veil is done away in Christ - It is only by acknowledging Christ that the darkness is removed, and the end and spiritual meaning of the law di...

Which veil is done away in Christ - It is only by acknowledging Christ that the darkness is removed, and the end and spiritual meaning of the law discerned.

Calvin: 2Co 3:14 - -- 14.Their understandings were blinded He lays the whole blame upon them, inasmuch as it was owing to their blindness, that they did not make any pro...

14.Their understandings were blinded He lays the whole blame upon them, inasmuch as it was owing to their blindness, that they did not make any proficiency in the doctrine of the law. He afterwards adds, That veil remaineth even until this day. By this he means, that that dulness of vision was not for a single hour merely, but prefigured what the condition of the nation would be in time to come. “That veil with which Moses covered his face, when publishing the law, was the emblem of a stupidity, that would come upon that people, and would continue upon them for a long period. Thus at this day, when the law is preached to them, in

hearing they hear not, and in seeing they see not.
(Mat 13:13.)

There is no reason, however, why we should be troubled,

as though some new thing had happened. (1Pe 4:12.)

God has shown long ago under the type of the veil, that it would be so. Lest, however, any blame should attach to the law, he again repeats it, that their hearts were covered with a veil

And it is not removed, because it is done away through Christ. He assigns a reason, why they are so long in blindness in the midst of light. For the law is in itself bright, but it is only when Christ. appears to us in it, that we enjoy its splendor. The Jews turn away their eyes as much as they can from Christ. It is not therefore to be wondered, if they see nothing, refusing as they do to behold the sun. This blindness on the part of the chosen people, especially as it is so long continued, admonishes us not to be lifted up with pride, relying on the benefits that God has conferred upon us. This point is treated of in Rom 11:20. Let, however, the reason of this blindness deter us from contempt of Christ, which God so grievously punishes. In the mean time, let us learn, that without Christ, the Sun of righteousness, (Mal 4:2,) there is no light even in the law, or in the whole word of God.

Defender: 2Co 3:14 - -- Ultimately, the blindness of mind which fails to comprehend the gospel is the work of Satan (2Co 4:3, 2Co 4:4)."

Ultimately, the blindness of mind which fails to comprehend the gospel is the work of Satan (2Co 4:3, 2Co 4:4)."

TSK: 2Co 3:14 - -- their : 2Co 4:3, 2Co 4:4; Psa 69:23; Isa 6:10, Isa 26:10-12, Isa 42:18-20, Isa 44:18, Isa 56:10, Isa 59:10; Jer 5:21; Eze 12:2; Mat 6:23, Mat 13:11, M...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 3:14 - -- But their minds were blinded - The word used here ( πωρόω pōroō ) means rather to harden; to make hard like stone; and then to m...

But their minds were blinded - The word used here ( πωρόω pōroō ) means rather to harden; to make hard like stone; and then to make dull or stupid. It is applied to the heart, in Mar 6:52; Mar 8:17; to persons, in Rom 11:7; and to the eyes, in Job 17:7. Paul refers here to the fact that the understandings of the Jews were stupid, dull, and insensible, so that they did not see clearly the design and end of their own institutions. He states simply the fact; he does not refer to the cause of it. The fact that the Jews were thus stupid and dull is often affirmed in the New Testament.

For until this day ... - The sense of this is, that even to the time when Paul wrote, it was a characteristic of the great mass of the Jewish people, that they did not understand the true sense of their own Scriptures. They did not understand its doctrines in regard to the Messiah. A veil seems to be thrown over the Old Testament when they read it, as there was over the face of Moses, so that the glory of their own Scriptures is concealed from their view, as the glory of the face of Moses was hidden.

Of the Old Testament - Greek, "of the old covenant."See this word "testament,"or covenant, explained in the notes on 1Co 11:25. This, I believe, is the only instance in which the Scriptures of the Jews are called the "Old Testament,"or covenant, in the Bible. It was, of course, not a name which they used, or would use; but it is now with Christians the common appellation. No doubt can be entertained but that Paul uses the terms in the same manner in which we now do, and refers to all the inspired writings of the Jews.

Which vail is done away in Christ - In the manifestation, or appearance of Jesus the Messiah, the veil is removed. The obscurity which rested on the prophecies and types of the former dispensation is withdrawn; and as the face of Moses could have been distinctly seen if the veil on his face had been removed, so it is in regard to the true meaning of the Old Testament by the coming of the Messiah. What was obscure is now made clear; and the prophecies are so completely fulfilled in him, that his coming has removed the covering, and shed a clear light over them all. Many of the prophecies, for example, until the Messiah actually appeared, appeared obscure, and almost contradictory. Those which spoke of him, for illustration, as man and as God; as suffering, and yet reigning; as dying, and yet as ever-living; as a mighty Prince, a conqueror, and a king, and yet as a man of sorrows; as humble, and yet glorious: all seemed difficult to be reconciled until they were seen to harmonize in Jesus of Nazareth. Then they were plain, and the veil was taken away. Christ is seen to answer all the previous descriptions of him in the Old Testament; and his coming casts a clear light on all which was before obscure.

Poole: 2Co 3:14 - -- Here the apostle expoundeth what he meant before by the mystical veil, viz. the blinding of the eyes of the Jews; of which we read often in the New ...

Here the apostle expoundeth what he meant before by the mystical veil, viz. the blinding of the eyes of the Jews; of which we read often in the New Testament, Mat 13:14 Mar 4:12 Luk 8:10 Joh 12:40 Act 28:26 Rom 11:8 : see the notes upon all those texts. And (saith the apostle) to this day the veil remaineth not taken away; that veil, which was signified by the veil with which Moses covered his face.

In the reading of the Old Testament is, when the Old Testament is read: some part of which was wont to be read in the synagogues every sabbath day. But we shall meet with this in the next verse more fully. But (saith he) this

veil is done away in Christ It is really taken away upon the coming of Christ; that is, the veil, that covered the face of Christ, is now truly, taken away upon his coming; the types are this filled in nim, as their complement and antitype; the prophecies are fulfilled in him, as he whom they concerned, and of whom the prophets spake. But the veil, that is drawn over men’ s hearts, is not taken away, till they come to receive Jesus Christ as the end of the law for righteousness, to close with him, and to believe in him. God hath taken the veil off from Christ, by sending him personally to fulfil all righteousness; but Christ profiteth nothing particular souls, until they come to believe in him, then it is taken away from their souls, and not before. Which was the reason that it remained still upon the Jews, among whom he came, as among his own, but they received him not.

Haydock: 2Co 3:14-15 - -- But the senses and minds of the Jews have been dulled, hardened, and blinded, so that to this day we may say the veil remains over their eyes a...

But the senses and minds of the Jews have been dulled, hardened, and blinded, so that to this day we may say the veil remains over their eyes and minds, and hearts; that is, the greatest part of them understand not Moses' books, prophecies, and those things that were figures of Christ. But they shall understand them, and the veil shall be taken off, when they shall be converted before the end of the world. (Witham)

Gill: 2Co 3:14 - -- But their minds were blinded,.... This confirms the sense given of the foregoing verse, and shows, that not the Israelites only in Moses's time, but t...

But their minds were blinded,.... This confirms the sense given of the foregoing verse, and shows, that not the Israelites only in Moses's time, but the Jews in the times of the Gospel, had their minds so blinded, that they could not behold the glory of the Gospel, nor Christ the end of the law; see Rom 11:7.

For until this day, to this very time,

remaineth the same veil untaken away; not the selfsame veil that was on Moses's face, but the veil of blindness, darkness, and ignorance, upon the hearts of the Jews:

in the reading of the Old Testament; the books of the Old Testament, which were used to be read in their synagogues every sabbath day; the true spiritual meaning of which, as they respect Christ and the Gospel dispensation, they understood not; of which darkness, the veil on the face of Moses was a type and emblem:

which veil is done away in Christ; can only be removed by Christ, by his Spirit and grace, and through the light of the Gospel of Christ, shining into the heart; and so dispel that blindness and ignorance which is in the understanding; whereby the books of the Old Testament are understood, and appear to agree exactly with the Gospel of Christ, in the books of the New Testament.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 3:14 Or “only in Christ is it eliminated.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 3:1-18 - --1 Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient commendation of his...

MHCC: 2Co 3:12-18 - --It is the duty of the ministers of the gospel to use great plainness, or clearness, of speech. The Old Testament believers had only cloudy and passing...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 3:12-18 - -- In these verses the apostle draws two inferences from what he had said about the Old and New Testament: - I. Concerning the duty of the ministers o...

Barclay: 2Co 3:12-18 - --All the pictures in this passage emerge directly from the passage which goes before. Paul begins from the thought that when Moses came down from the ...


Constable: 2Co 3:1--6:11 - --B. Exposition of Paul's view of the ministry 3:1-6:10 The apostle proceeded to explain his view of Chris...

Constable: 2Co 3:12--4:7 - --2. The great boldness of the new ministers 3:12-4:6 The superiority of Christian ministry should...

Constable: 2Co 3:12-18 - --The openness of Christian ministry 3:12-18 "If the keyword in vv. 7-11 is glory,' the keyword for vv. 12-18, of which vv. 12-15 form the first part, i...

College: 2Co 3:1-18 - --2 CORINTHIANS 3 2. A Living Letter of Recommendation Sent (3:1-3) 3:1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Paul asks this question tongue-...

McGarvey: 2Co 3:14 - --but their minds were hardened: for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remaineth, it not being revealed to them that ...

Lapide: 2Co 3:1-18 - --CHAPTER III. SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. Paul asserts that he does not seek or need the praise of men, as the Judaising false apostles sought it: th...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: 2Co 3:14 " Be cold, sober, wise, circumspect. Keep yourself low by the ground avoiding high questions. Expound the Law truly and open the veil of Moses to cond...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 3:1, Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 3:1-11) The preference of the gospel to the law given by Moses. (2Co 3:12-18) The preaching of the apostle was suitable to the excellency and ev...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle makes an apology for his seeming to commend himself, and is careful not to assume too much to himself, but to ascribe all praise unto G...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Each Man A Letter Of Christ (2Co_3:1-3) The Surpassing Glory (2Co_3:4-11) The Veil Which Hides The Truth (2Co_3:12-18)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 3 In this chapter the apostle clears himself from the charge of arrogance and self-commendation, and ascribes both th...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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