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Text -- 1 Corinthians 12:8-31 (NET)

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12:8 For one person is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, and another the message of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 12:9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 12:10 to another performance of miracles, to another prophecy, and to another discernment of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. 12:11 It is one and the same Spirit, distributing as he decides to each person, who produces all these things.
Different Members in One Body
12:12 For just as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body– though many– are one body, so too is Christ. 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. Whether Jews or Greeks or slaves or free, we were all made to drink of the one Spirit. 12:14 For in fact the body is not a single member, but many. 12:15 If the foot says, “Since I am not a hand, I am not part of the body,” it does not lose its membership in the body because of that. 12:16 And if the ear says, “Since I am not an eye, I am not part of the body,” it does not lose its membership in the body because of that. 12:17 If the whole body were an eye, what part would do the hearing? If the whole were an ear, what part would exercise the sense of smell? 12:18 But as a matter of fact, God has placed each of the members in the body just as he decided. 12:19 If they were all the same member, where would the body be? 12:20 So now there are many members, but one body. 12:21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,” nor in turn can the head say to the foot, “I do not need you.” 12:22 On the contrary, those members that seem to be weaker are essential, 12:23 and those members we consider less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our unpresentable members are clothed with dignity, 12:24 but our presentable members do not need need this. Instead, God has blended together the body, giving greater honor to the lesser member, 12:25 so that there may be no division in the body, but the members may have mutual concern for one another. 12:26 If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it. If a member is honored, all rejoice with it. 12:27 Now you are Christ’s body, and each of you is a member of it. 12:28 And God has placed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, gifts of healing, helps, gifts of leadership, different kinds of tongues. 12:29 Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Not all perform miracles, do they? 12:30 Not all have gifts of healing, do they? Not all speak in tongues, do they? Not all interpret, do they? 12:31 But you should be eager for the greater gifts. And now I will show you a way that is beyond comparison.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Greek the language used by the people of Greece
 · Jews the people descended from Israel

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Co 12:8 - -- To one ( hōi men ). Demonstrative hos with men in dative case, to this one. The distribution or correlation is carried on by allōi de (1Co ...

To one ( hōi men ).

Demonstrative hos with men in dative case, to this one. The distribution or correlation is carried on by allōi de (1Co 12:8, 1Co 12:9, 1Co 12:10), heterōi de (1Co 12:9, 1Co 12:10) for variety, nine manifestations of the Spirit’ s work in 1Co 12:8-10.

Robertson: 1Co 12:8 - -- The Word of wisdom ( logos sophias ). Old words. Logos is reason, then speech. Wisdom is intelligence, then practical action in accord with it. Her...

The Word of wisdom ( logos sophias ).

Old words. Logos is reason, then speech. Wisdom is intelligence, then practical action in accord with it. Here it is speech full of God’ s wisdom (1Co 2:7) under the impulse of the Spirit of God. This gift is placed first (revelation by the Spirit).

Robertson: 1Co 12:8 - -- The word of knowledge ( logos gnōseōs ). This gift is insight (illumination) according to (kata ) the same Spirit.

The word of knowledge ( logos gnōseōs ).

This gift is insight (illumination) according to (kata ) the same Spirit.

Robertson: 1Co 12:9 - -- Faith ( pistis ). Not faith of surrender, saving faith, but wonder-working faith like that in 1Co 13:2 (Mat 17:20; Mat 21:21). Note here en tōi aut...

Faith ( pistis ).

Not faith of surrender, saving faith, but wonder-working faith like that in 1Co 13:2 (Mat 17:20; Mat 21:21). Note here en tōi autōi pneumati (in the same Spirit) in contrast with dia and kata in 1Co 12:8.

Robertson: 1Co 12:9 - -- Gifts of healings ( charismata iamatōn ). Iama , old word from iaomai , common in lxx, in N.T. only in this chapter. It means acts of healing as in...

Gifts of healings ( charismata iamatōn ).

Iama , old word from iaomai , common in lxx, in N.T. only in this chapter. It means acts of healing as in Act 4:30 (cf. Jam 5:14) and Luk 7:21 (of Jesus). Note en here as just before.

Robertson: 1Co 12:10 - -- Workings of miracles ( energēmata dunameōn ). Workings of powers. Cf. energōn dunameis in Gal 3:5; Heb 2:4 where all three words are used (se...

Workings of miracles ( energēmata dunameōn ).

Workings of powers. Cf. energōn dunameis in Gal 3:5; Heb 2:4 where all three words are used (sēmeia , signs, terata , wonders, dunameis , powers). Some of the miracles were not healings as the blindness on Elymas the sorcerer.

Robertson: 1Co 12:10 - -- Prophecy ( prophēteia ). Late word from prophētēs and prophēmi , to speak forth. Common in papyri. This gift Paul will praise most (chapter...

Prophecy ( prophēteia ).

Late word from prophētēs and prophēmi , to speak forth. Common in papyri. This gift Paul will praise most (chapter 1 Corinthians 14). Not always prediction, but a speaking forth of God’ s message under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Robertson: 1Co 12:10 - -- Discernings of spirits ( diakriseis pneumatōn ). Diakrisis is old word from diakrinō (see note on 1Co 11:29) and in N.T. only here; Rom 14:1;...

Discernings of spirits ( diakriseis pneumatōn ).

Diakrisis is old word from diakrinō (see note on 1Co 11:29) and in N.T. only here; Rom 14:1; Heb 5:14. A most needed gift to tell whether the gifts were really of the Holy Spirit and supernatural (cf. so-called "gifts"today) or merely strange though natural or even diabolical (1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 4:1.).

Robertson: 1Co 12:10 - -- Divers kinds of tongues ( genē glōssōn ). No word for "divers"in the Greek. There has arisen a great deal of confusion concerning the gift of t...

Divers kinds of tongues ( genē glōssōn ).

No word for "divers"in the Greek. There has arisen a great deal of confusion concerning the gift of tongues as found in Corinth. They prided themselves chiefly on this gift which had become a source of confusion and disorder. There were varieties (kinds, genē ) in this gift, but the gift was essentially an ecstatic utterance of highly wrought emotion that edified the speaker (1Co 14:4) and was intelligible to God (1Co 14:2, 1Co 14:28). It was not always true that the speaker in tongues could make clear what he had said to those who did not know the tongue (1Co 14:13): It was not mere gibberish or jargon like the modern "tongues,"but in a real language that could be understood by one familiar with that tongue as was seen on the great Day of Pentecost when people who spoke different languages were present. In Corinth, where no such variety of people existed, it required an interpreter to explain the tongue to those who knew it not. Hence Paul placed this gift lowest of all. It created wonder, but did little real good. This is the error of the Irvingites and others who have tried to reproduce this early gift of the Holy Spirit which was clearly for a special emergency and which was not designed to help spread the gospel among men. See notes on Act 2:13-21; notes on ActsAct 10:44-46; and note on Act 19:6.

Robertson: 1Co 12:10 - -- The interpretation of tongues ( hermēneia glōssōn ). Old word, here only and 1Co 14:26 in N.T., from hermēneuō from Hermēs (the god o...

The interpretation of tongues ( hermēneia glōssōn ).

Old word, here only and 1Co 14:26 in N.T., from hermēneuō from Hermēs (the god of speech). Cf. on diermēneuō in Luk 24:27; Act 9:36. In case there was no one present who understood the particular tongue it required a special gift of the Spirit to some one to interpret it if any one was to receive benefit from it.

Robertson: 1Co 12:11 - -- Worketh ( energei ). The same word that was used in 1Co 12:6 of God.

Worketh ( energei ).

The same word that was used in 1Co 12:6 of God.

Robertson: 1Co 12:11 - -- Severally ( idiāi ). Separately.

Severally ( idiāi ).


Robertson: 1Co 12:11 - -- Even as he will ( kathōs bouletai ). Hence there is no occasion for conceit, pride, or faction (1Co 4:7).

Even as he will ( kathōs bouletai ).

Hence there is no occasion for conceit, pride, or faction (1Co 4:7).

Robertson: 1Co 12:12 - -- So also is Christ ( houtōs kai ho Christos ). One would naturally expect Paul here to say houtōs kai to sōma tou Christou (so also is the bod...

So also is Christ ( houtōs kai ho Christos ).

One would naturally expect Paul here to say houtōs kai to sōma tou Christou (so also is the body of Christ). He will later call Christ the Head of the Body the Church as in Col 1:18, Col 1:24; Eph 5:23, Eph 5:30. Aristotle had used sōma of the state as the body politic. What Paul here means is Christ as the Head of the Church has a body composed of the members who have varied gifts and functions like the different members of the human body. They are all vitally connected with the Head of the body and with each other. This idea he now elaborates in a remarkable manner.

Robertson: 1Co 12:13 - -- Were we all baptized into one body ( hēmeis pantes eis hen sōma ebaptisthēmen ). First aorist passive indicative of baptizō and so a refere...

Were we all baptized into one body ( hēmeis pantes eis hen sōma ebaptisthēmen ).

First aorist passive indicative of baptizō and so a reference to a definite past event with each of them of different races, nations, classes, when each of them put on the outward badge of service to Christ, the symbol of the inward changes already wrought in them by the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:27; Rom 6:2.).

Robertson: 1Co 12:13 - -- And were all made to drink of one Spirit ( kai pantes hen pneuma epotisthēmen ). First aorist passive indicative of potizō , old verb, to give to...

And were all made to drink of one Spirit ( kai pantes hen pneuma epotisthēmen ).

First aorist passive indicative of potizō , old verb, to give to drink. The accusative hen pneuma is retained in the passive as often with verbs that in the active take two accusatives. The reference is to a definite act in the past, probably to the inward experience of the Holy Spirit symbolized by the act of baptism.

Robertson: 1Co 12:14 - -- Is not one member ( ouk estin hen melos ). The point sounds like a truism, but it is the key to the whole problem of church life both local and gener...

Is not one member ( ouk estin hen melos ).

The point sounds like a truism, but it is the key to the whole problem of church life both local and general. Vincent refers to the fable of the body and the members by Menenius Agrippa (Livy, II, 32), but it was an old parable. Socrates pointed out how absurd it would be if feet and hands should work against one another when God made them to cooperate (Xen., Mem. II. iii. 18). Seneca alludes to it as does Marcus Aurelius and Marcus Antoninus.

Robertson: 1Co 12:15 - -- If the foot shall say ( ean eipēi ho pous ). Condition of third class (ean and second aorist subjunctive eipēi ). In case the foot say.

If the foot shall say ( ean eipēi ho pous ).

Condition of third class (ean and second aorist subjunctive eipēi ). In case the foot say.

Robertson: 1Co 12:15 - -- I am not of the body ( ouk eimi ek tou sōmatos ). I am independent of the body, not dependent on the body.

I am not of the body ( ouk eimi ek tou sōmatos ).

I am independent of the body, not dependent on the body.

Robertson: 1Co 12:15 - -- It is not therefore not of the body ( ou para touto ouk estin ek tou sōmatos ). Thinking or saying so does not change the fact. Para touto here m...

It is not therefore not of the body ( ou para touto ouk estin ek tou sōmatos ).

Thinking or saying so does not change the fact. Para touto here means "alongside of this"(cf. 4 Maccabees 10:19) and so "because of,"a rare use (Robertson, Grammar , p. 616). The two negatives (ou̇̇ouk ) do not here destroy one another. Each retains its full force.

Robertson: 1Co 12:16 - -- @@Points explained precisely as in 1Co 12:15.

@@Points explained precisely as in 1Co 12:15.

Robertson: 1Co 12:17 - -- If the whole body were an eye ( ei holon to sōma ophthalmos ). The eye is the most wonderful organ and supremely useful (Num 10:31), the very light...

If the whole body were an eye ( ei holon to sōma ophthalmos ).

The eye is the most wonderful organ and supremely useful (Num 10:31), the very light of the body (Luk 11:34). And yet how grotesque it would be if there were nothing else but a great round rolling eye! A big "I"surely!

Robertson: 1Co 12:17 - -- The smelling ( hē osphrēsis ). Old word from osphrainomai , to smell. Here alone in N.T.

The smelling ( hē osphrēsis ).

Old word from osphrainomai , to smell. Here alone in N.T.

Robertson: 1Co 12:18 - -- But now ( nun de ). But as things are, in contrast to that absurdity.

But now ( nun de ).

But as things are, in contrast to that absurdity.

Robertson: 1Co 12:18 - -- Hath God set ( ho theos etheto ). Second aorist middle indicative. God did it and of himself.

Hath God set ( ho theos etheto ).

Second aorist middle indicative. God did it and of himself.

Robertson: 1Co 12:18 - -- Even as it pleased him ( kathōs ēthelēsen ). Why challenge God’ s will? Cf. Rom 9:20.

Even as it pleased him ( kathōs ēthelēsen ).

Why challenge God’ s will? Cf. Rom 9:20.

Robertson: 1Co 12:19 - -- One member ( hen melos ). Paul applies the logic of 1Co 12:17 to any member of the body. The application to members of the church is obvious. It is p...

One member ( hen melos ).

Paul applies the logic of 1Co 12:17 to any member of the body. The application to members of the church is obvious. It is particularly pertinent in the case of a "church boss."

Robertson: 1Co 12:20 - -- Many members, but one body ( polla melē , hen de sōma ). The argument in a nutshell, in one epigram.

Many members, but one body ( polla melē , hen de sōma ).

The argument in a nutshell, in one epigram.

Robertson: 1Co 12:21 - -- Cannot say ( ou dunatai eipein ). And be truthful. The superior organs need the inferior ones (the eye, the hand, the head, the feet).

Cannot say ( ou dunatai eipein ).

And be truthful. The superior organs need the inferior ones (the eye, the hand, the head, the feet).

Robertson: 1Co 12:22 - -- Nay, much rather ( alla pollōi mallon ). Adversative sense of alla , on the contrary. So far from the more dignified members like the eye and the h...

Nay, much rather ( alla pollōi mallon ).

Adversative sense of alla , on the contrary. So far from the more dignified members like the eye and the head being independent of the subordinate ones like the hands and feet, they are "much more"( argumentum a fortiori , "by much more"pollōi mallon , instrumental case) in need of therm.

Robertson: 1Co 12:22 - -- Those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary ( ta dokounta melē tou sōmatos asthenestera huparchein anagkaia estin ). Thi...

Those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary ( ta dokounta melē tou sōmatos asthenestera huparchein anagkaia estin ).

Things are not always what they seem. The vital organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) are not visible, but life cannot exist without them.

Robertson: 1Co 12:23 - -- We bestow ( peritithemen ). Literally, We place around as if a garland (Mar 15:17) or a garment (Mat 27:28).

We bestow ( peritithemen ).

Literally, We place around as if a garland (Mar 15:17) or a garment (Mat 27:28).

Robertson: 1Co 12:23 - -- More abundant comeliness ( euschēmosunēn perissoteran ). One need only mention the mother’ s womb and the mother’ s breast to see the f...

More abundant comeliness ( euschēmosunēn perissoteran ).

One need only mention the mother’ s womb and the mother’ s breast to see the force of Paul’ s argument here. The word, common in old Greek, from euschēmōn (eu , well, schēma , figure), here only in N.T. One may think of the coal-miner who digs under the earth for the coal to keep us warm in winter. So aschēmōn (deformed, uncomely), old word, here only in N.T., but see note on 1Co 7:36 for aschēmoneō .

Robertson: 1Co 12:24 - -- Tempered the body together ( sunekerasen to sōma ). First aorist active indicative of sunkerannumi , to mix together, old word, but in N.T. only he...

Tempered the body together ( sunekerasen to sōma ).

First aorist active indicative of sunkerannumi , to mix together, old word, but in N.T. only here and Heb 4:2. Plato used this very word of the way God compounded (sunekerasato ) the various elements of the body in creating soul and body. Paul rejects the idea of the later Gnostics that matter is evil and the physical organs degrading. He gives a noble picture of the body with its wonderful organs planned to be the temple of God’ s Spirit (1Co 6:19) in opposition to the Epicurean sensualists in Corinth.

Robertson: 1Co 12:24 - -- To that part which lacked ( tōi husteroumenōi ). It is a true instinct that gives superior honour to the unseen organs of life.

To that part which lacked ( tōi husteroumenōi ).

It is a true instinct that gives superior honour to the unseen organs of life.

Robertson: 1Co 12:25 - -- That there should be no schism ( hina mē ēi schisma ). Purpose of God in his plan for the body. Trouble in one organ affects the whole body. A he...

That there should be no schism ( hina mē ēi schisma ).

Purpose of God in his plan for the body. Trouble in one organ affects the whole body. A headache may be due to trouble elsewhere and usually is.

Robertson: 1Co 12:25 - -- Have the same care ( to auto merimnōsin ). The very verb merimnaō used by Jesus of our anxiety (Mat 6:27, Mat 6:31). Paul here personifies the ...

Have the same care ( to auto merimnōsin ).

The very verb merimnaō used by Jesus of our anxiety (Mat 6:27, Mat 6:31). Paul here personifies the parts of the body as if each one is anxious for the others. The modern knowledge of the billions of cells in the body Corinthians-working for the whole confirms Paul’ s argument.

Robertson: 1Co 12:26 - -- Suffer with it ( sunpaschei ). Medical term in this sense in Hippocrates and Galen. In N.T only here and Rom 8:17 (of our suffering with Christ). One...

Suffer with it ( sunpaschei ).

Medical term in this sense in Hippocrates and Galen. In N.T only here and Rom 8:17 (of our suffering with Christ). One of Solon’ s Laws allowed retaliation by any one for another’ s injuries. Plato ( Republic , V, 462) says the body politic "feels the hurt"as the whole body feels a hurt finger.

Robertson: 1Co 12:26 - -- Rejoice with it ( sunchairei ). This is fortunately true also. One may tingle with joy all over the body thanks to the wonderful nervous system and t...

Rejoice with it ( sunchairei ).

This is fortunately true also. One may tingle with joy all over the body thanks to the wonderful nervous system and to the relation between mind and matter. See note on 1Co 13:6 for joy of love with truth.

Robertson: 1Co 12:27 - -- Severally ( ek merous ). See note on Rom 11:25 apo merous (in part). Each has his own place and function in the body of Christ.

Severally ( ek merous ).

See note on Rom 11:25 apo merous (in part). Each has his own place and function in the body of Christ.

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- God hath set some ( hous men etheto ho theos ). See 1Co 12:18 for etheto ho theos . Note middle voice (for his own use). Paul begins as if he means t...

God hath set some ( hous men etheto ho theos ).

See 1Co 12:18 for etheto ho theos . Note middle voice (for his own use). Paul begins as if he means to say hous men apostolous ,hous de prophētas (some apostles, some prophets), but he changes the construction and has no hous de , but instead prōton , deuteron , epeita (first, second, then, etc.).

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- In the church ( en tēi ekklēsiāi ). The general sense of ekklēsia as in Mat 16:18 and later in Col 1:18, Col 1:24; Eph 5:23, Eph 5:32; Heb ...

In the church ( en tēi ekklēsiāi ).

The general sense of ekklēsia as in Mat 16:18 and later in Col 1:18, Col 1:24; Eph 5:23, Eph 5:32; Heb 12:23. See list also in Eph 4:11. See note on Mat 10:2 for apostolous , the official title given the twelve by Jesus, and claimed by Paul though not one of the twelve.

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- Prophets ( prophētas ). For-speakers for God and Christ. See the list of prophets and teachers in Act 13:1 with Barnabas first and Saul last. Proph...

Prophets ( prophētas ).

For-speakers for God and Christ. See the list of prophets and teachers in Act 13:1 with Barnabas first and Saul last. Prophets are needed today if men will let God’ s Spirit use them, men moved to utter the deep things of God.

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- Teachers ( didaskalous ). Old word from didaskō , to teach. Used to the Baptist (Luk 3:12), to Jesus (Joh 3:10; Joh 13:13), and of Paul by himself ...

Teachers ( didaskalous ).

Old word from didaskō , to teach. Used to the Baptist (Luk 3:12), to Jesus (Joh 3:10; Joh 13:13), and of Paul by himself along with apostolos (1Ti 2:7). It is a calamity when the preacher is no longer a teacher, but only an exhorter. See note on Eph 4:11.

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- Then miracles ( epeita dunameis ). Here a change is made from the concrete to the abstract. See the reverse in Rom 12:7. See these words (dunameis ,...

Then miracles ( epeita dunameis ).

Here a change is made from the concrete to the abstract. See the reverse in Rom 12:7. See these words (dunameis , iamētōn , glōssōn ) in 1Co 12:9, 1Co 12:10 with glōssōn , last again. But these two new terms (helps, governments).

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- Helps ( antilēmpseis ). Old word, from antilambanomai , to lay hold of. In lxx, common in papyri, here only in N.T. Probably refers to the work of ...

Helps ( antilēmpseis ).

Old word, from antilambanomai , to lay hold of. In lxx, common in papyri, here only in N.T. Probably refers to the work of the deacons, help rendered to the poor and the sick.

Robertson: 1Co 12:28 - -- Governments ( kubernēseis ). Old word from kubernaō (cf. Kubernētēs in Act 27:11) like Latin gubernare , our govern. So a governing. Pr...

Governments ( kubernēseis ).

Old word from kubernaō (cf. Kubernētēs in Act 27:11) like Latin gubernare , our govern. So a governing. Probably Paul has in mind bishops (episcopoi ) or elders (presbuteroi ), the outstanding leaders (hoi proistamenoi in 1Th 5:12; Rom 12:8; hoi hēgoumenoi in Act 15:22; Heb 13:7, Heb 13:17, Heb 13:24). Curiously enough, these two offices (pastors and deacons) which are not named specifically are the two that survive today. See note on Phi 1:1 for both officers.

Robertson: 1Co 12:29 - -- Are all ( mē pantes ). The mē expects a negative answer with each group.

Are all ( mē pantes ).

The mē expects a negative answer with each group.

Robertson: 1Co 12:30 - -- Do all interpret? ( mē pantes diermēneuousiṅ ). He adds this query to the list in 1Co 12:28, but it is in 1Co 12:10.

Do all interpret? ( mē pantes diermēneuousiṅ ).

He adds this query to the list in 1Co 12:28, but it is in 1Co 12:10.

Robertson: 1Co 12:31 - -- The greater gifts ( ta charismata ta meizona ). Paul unhesitatingly ranks some spiritual gifts above others. Zēloō here has good sense, not tha...

The greater gifts ( ta charismata ta meizona ).

Paul unhesitatingly ranks some spiritual gifts above others. Zēloō here has good sense, not that of envy as in Act 7:9; 1Co 13:4.

Robertson: 1Co 12:31 - -- And a still more excellent way ( kai eti kath' huperbolēn hodon ). In order to gain the greater gifts. "I show you a way par excellence ,"beyond ...

And a still more excellent way ( kai eti kath' huperbolēn hodon ).

In order to gain the greater gifts. "I show you a way par excellence ,"beyond all comparison (superlative idea in this adjunct, not comparative), like kath' huperbolēn eis huperbolēn (2Co 4:17). Huperbolē is old word from huperballō , to throw beyond, to surpass, to excel (2Co 3:10; Eph 1:19). "I show you a supremely excellent way."Chapter 1Co 13:1-13 is this way, the way of love already laid down in 1Co 8:1 concerning the question of meats offered to idols (cf. 1Jo 4:7). Poor division of chapters here. This verse belongs with chapter 1Co 13:1-13.

Vincent: 1Co 12:9 - -- Faith Not saving faith in general, which is the common endowment of all Christians, but wonder-working faith.


Not saving faith in general, which is the common endowment of all Christians, but wonder-working faith.

Vincent: 1Co 12:10 - -- Prophecy Not mere foretelling of the future. Quite probably very little of this element is contemplated; but utterance under immediate divine ins...


Not mere foretelling of the future. Quite probably very little of this element is contemplated; but utterance under immediate divine inspiration: delivering inspired exhortations, instructions, or warnings. See on prophet , Luk 7:26. The fact of direct inspiration distinguished prophecy from " teaching."

Vincent: 1Co 12:10 - -- Discerning of spirits Rev., correctly, discernings . Distinguishing between the different prophetic utterances, whether they proceed from true o...

Discerning of spirits

Rev., correctly, discernings . Distinguishing between the different prophetic utterances, whether they proceed from true or false spirits. See 1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 4:1, 1Jo 4:2.

Vincent: 1Co 12:10 - -- Divers kinds of tongues ( γένη γλωσσῶν ). I. Passages Relating to the Gift of Tongues. Mar 16:17; Acts 2:3-21; Act 10:46; Act 19:6...

Divers kinds of tongues ( γένη γλωσσῶν ).

I. Passages Relating to the Gift of Tongues. Mar 16:17; Acts 2:3-21; Act 10:46; Act 19:6; 1Co 12:10, 1Co 12:28; 1Co 13:1; 14. Possibly Eph 5:18; 1Pe 4:11.

II. Terms Employed. New tongues (Mar 16:17): other or different tongues (ἕτεραι , Act 2:4): kinds (γένη ) of tongues (1Co 12:10): simply tongues or tongue (γλῶσσαι γλῶσσα , 1 Corinthians 14): to speak with tongues or a tongue (γλώσσαις or γλώσσῃ λαλεῖν , Act 2:4; Act 10:46; Act 19:6; 1Co 14:2, 1Co 14:4, 1Co 14:13, 1Co 14:14, 1Co 14:19, 1Co 14:27): to pray in a tongue (προσεύχεσθαι γλώσσῃ , 1Co 14:14, 1Co 14:15), equivalent to praying in the spirit as distinguished from praying with the understanding: tongues of men and angels (1Co 13:1).

III. Recorded Facts in the New Testament. (1.) The first recorded bestowment of the gift was at Pentecost (Acts 2). The question arises whether the speakers were miraculously endowed to speak with other tongues, or whether the Spirit interpreted the apostle's words to each in his own tongue. Probably the latter was the case, since there is no subsequent notice of the apostles preaching in foreign tongues; there is no allusion to foreign tongues by Peter, nor by Joel, whom he quotes. This fact, moreover, would go to explain the opposite effects on the hearers. (2.) Under the power of the Spirit, the company addressed by Peter in the house of Cornelius at Caesarea spake with tongues. Act 10:44-46. (3.) Certain disciples at Ephesus, who received the Holy Spirit in the laying on of Paul's hands, spake with tongues and prophesied, Act 19:6.

IV. Meaning of the Term " Tongue." The various explanations are: the tongue alone , inarticulately: rare , provincial , poetic , or archaic words: language or dialect . The last is the correct definition. It does not necessarily mean any of the known languages of men, but may mean the speaker's own tongue, shaped in a peculiar manner by the Spirit's influence; or an entirely new spiritual language.

V. Nature of the Gift in the Corinthian Church. (1.) The gift itself was identical with that at Pentecost, at Caesarea, and at Ephesus, but differed in its manifestations, in that it required an interpreter. 1Co 12:10, 1Co 12:30; 1Co 14:5, 1Co 14:13, 1Co 14:26, 1Co 14:27. (2.) It was closely connected with prophesying: 1Co 14:1-6, 1Co 14:22, 1Co 14:25; Act 2:16-18; Act 19:6. Compare 1Th 5:19, 1Th 5:20. It was distinguished from prophesying as an inferior gift, 1Co 14:4, 1Co 14:5; and as consisting in expressions of praise or devotion rather than of exhortation, warning, or prediction, 1Co 14:14-16. (3.) It was an ecstatic utterance, unintelligible to the hearers, and requiring interpretation, or a corresponding ecstatic condition on the part of the hearer in order to understand it. It was not for the edification of the hearer but of the speaker, and even the speaker did not always understand it, 1Co 14:2, 1Co 14:19. It therefore impressed unchristian bystanders as a barbarous utterance, the effect of madness or drunkenness, Act 2:13, Act 2:15; 1Co 14:11, 1Co 14:23. Hence it is distinguished from the utterance of the understanding, 1Co 14:4, 1Co 14:14-16, 1Co 14:19, 1Co 14:27.

VI. Paul's Estimate of the Gift. He himself was a master of the gift (1Co 14:18), but he assigned it an inferior position (1Co 14:4, 1Co 14:5), and distinctly gave prophesying and speaking with the understanding the preference (1Co 14:2, 1Co 14:3, 1Co 14:5, 1Co 14:19, 1Co 14:22).

VII. Results and Permanence. Being recognized distinctly as a gift of the Spirit, it must be inferred that it contributed in some way to the edification of the Church; but it led to occasional disorderly outbreaks (1Co 14:9, 1Co 14:11, 1Co 14:17, 1Co 14:20-23, 1Co 14:26-28, 1Co 14:33, 1Co 14:40). As a fact it soon passed away from the Church. It is not mentioned in the Catholic or Pastoral Epistles. A few allusions to it occur in the writings of the fathers of the second century. Ecstatic conditions and manifestations marked the Montanists at the close of the second century, and an account of such a case, in which a woman was the subject, is given by Tertullian. Similar phenomena have emerged at intervals in various sects, at times of great religious excitement, as among the Camisards in France, the early Quakers and Methodists, and especially the Irvingites.

Vincent: 1Co 12:13 - -- Made to drink ( ἐποτίσθημεν ) The verb means originally to give to drink , from which comes the sense of to water or i...

Made to drink ( ἐποτίσθημεν )

The verb means originally to give to drink , from which comes the sense of to water or irrigate . The former is invariably the sense in the gospels and Revelation; the latter in 1Co 3:6-8, and by some here. The reference is to the reception of the Spirit in baptism. Omit into before one Spirit .

Vincent: 1Co 12:14 - -- The body The student will naturally recall the fable of the body and the members uttered by Menenius Agrippa, and related by Livy, ii., 32; but t...

The body

The student will naturally recall the fable of the body and the members uttered by Menenius Agrippa, and related by Livy, ii., 32; but the illustration seems to have been a favorite one, and occurs in Seneca, Marcus Antoninus, and others.

Vincent: 1Co 12:18 - -- Set ( ἔθετο ) See on Joh 15:16, where the same word is used by Christ of appointing His followers.

Set ( ἔθετο )

See on Joh 15:16, where the same word is used by Christ of appointing His followers.

Vincent: 1Co 12:22 - -- Seem to be ( δοκοῦντα - ὑπάρχειν ) The allusion is probably to those which seem to be weaker in their original structure,...

Seem to be ( δοκοῦντα - ὑπάρχειν )

The allusion is probably to those which seem to be weaker in their original structure, naturally. This may be indicated by the use of ὑπάρχειν to be (see on Jam 2:15); compare εἶναι to be , in 1Co 12:23. Others explain of those which on occasion seem to be weaker, as when a member is diseased.

Vincent: 1Co 12:23 - -- We bestow ( περιτίθεμεν ) Elsewhere in the New Testament the word is used, without exception, of encircling with something; either...

We bestow ( περιτίθεμεν )

Elsewhere in the New Testament the word is used, without exception, of encircling with something; either putting on clothing, as Mat 27:28; or surrounding with a fence, as Mat 21:33; or of the sponge placed round the reed, as Mar 15:36; Joh 19:29. So evidently here. Rev., in margin, put on . The more abundant honor is shown by the care in clothing .

Vincent: 1Co 12:23 - -- Uncomely - comeliness ( ἀσχήμονα - εὐσχημοσύνην ) See on honorable , Mar 15:43; see on shame , Rev 16:15. Compare...

Uncomely - comeliness ( ἀσχήμονα - εὐσχημοσύνην )

See on honorable , Mar 15:43; see on shame , Rev 16:15. Compare ἀσχημονεῖν behaveth uncomely , 1Co 7:36. The comeliness is outward , as is shown by the verb we put on , and by the compounds of οχῆμα fashion . See on transfigured , Mat 17:2.

Vincent: 1Co 12:24 - -- Tempered together ( συνέκρασεν ) Only here and Heb 4:2. Lit., mixed together . Here the idea of mutual adjustment is added to that...

Tempered together ( συνέκρασεν )

Only here and Heb 4:2. Lit., mixed together . Here the idea of mutual adjustment is added to that of mingling. Compare Plato on God's creating the soul and body. " He made her out of the following elements, and on this manner. Of the unchangeable and indivisible, and also of the divisible and corporeal He made (ξυνεκεράσατο compounded ) a third sort of intermediate essence, partaking of the same and of the other, or diverse" (see the whole passage, " Timaeus," 35).

Vincent: 1Co 12:26 - -- Suffer with it Compare Plutarch of Solon's Laws: " If any one was beaten or maimed or suffered any violence, any man that would and was able migh...

Suffer with it

Compare Plutarch of Solon's Laws: " If any one was beaten or maimed or suffered any violence, any man that would and was able might prosecute the wrongdoer; intending by this to accustom the citizens, like members of the same body, to resent and be sensible of one another's injuries" (Solon). And Plato: " As in the body, when but a finger is hurt, the whole frame, drawn towards the soul and forming one realm under the ruling power therein, feels the hurt and sympathizes all together with the part affected" (" Republic," v., 462).

Vincent: 1Co 12:26 - -- Is honored ( δοξάζεται ) Or glorified . Receives anything which contributes to its soundness or comeliness. So Chrysostom: " The head...

Is honored ( δοξάζεται )

Or glorified . Receives anything which contributes to its soundness or comeliness. So Chrysostom: " The head is crowned, and all the members have a share in the honor; the eyes laugh when the mouth speaks."

Vincent: 1Co 12:27 - -- In particular ( ἐκ μέρους ) Rev., better, severally . Each according to his own place and function. See on part , Rom 11:25.

In particular ( ἐκ μέρους )

Rev., better, severally . Each according to his own place and function. See on part , Rom 11:25.

Vincent: 1Co 12:28 - -- Hath set ( ἔθετο ) See on 1Co 12:18. The middle voice implies for His own use .

Hath set ( ἔθετο )

See on 1Co 12:18. The middle voice implies for His own use .

Vincent: 1Co 12:28 - -- Miracles Note the change from endowed persons to abstract gifts , and compare the reverse order, Rom 12:6-8.


Note the change from endowed persons to abstract gifts , and compare the reverse order, Rom 12:6-8.

Vincent: 1Co 12:28 - -- Helps ( ἀντιλήμψεις ) Rendered to the poor and sick as by the deacons. See on hath holpen , Luk 1:54.

Helps ( ἀντιλήμψεις )

Rendered to the poor and sick as by the deacons. See on hath holpen , Luk 1:54.

Vincent: 1Co 12:28 - -- Governments ( κυβερνήσεις ) Only here in the New Testament. From κυβερνάω to steer . The kindred κυβερνήτης...

Governments ( κυβερνήσεις )

Only here in the New Testament. From κυβερνάω to steer . The kindred κυβερνήτης shipmaster or steersman , occurs Act 27:11; Rev 18:17. Referring probably to administrators of church government, as presbyters. The marginal wise counsels (Rev.) is based on Septuagint usage, as Pro 1:5; Pro 20:21. Compare Pro 11:14; Pro 24:6. Ignatius, in his letter to Polycarp says: " The occasion demands thee, as pilots (κυβερνῆται ) the winds." The reading is disputed, but the sense seems to be that the crisis demands Polycarp as a pilot. Lightfoot says that this is the earliest example of a simile which was afterward used largely by christian writers - the comparison of the Church to a ship. Hippolytus represents the mast as the cross; the two rudders the two covenants; the undergirding ropes the love of Christ. The ship is one of the ornaments which Clement of Alexandria allows a Christian to wear (" Apostolic Fathers," Part II., Ignatius to Polycarp, 2).

Vincent: 1Co 12:31 - -- The best ( τὰ κρείττονα ) The correct reading is τὰ μείζονα the greater . So Rev.

The best ( τὰ κρείττονα )

The correct reading is τὰ μείζονα the greater . So Rev.

Vincent: 1Co 12:31 - -- Yet ( ἔτι ) Some construe with more excellent , rendering yet more excellent . So Rev. Others render moreover , and give the succ...

Yet ( ἔτι )

Some construe with more excellent , rendering yet more excellent . So Rev. Others render moreover , and give the succeeding words a superlative force: " and moreover a most excellent way ," etc. See on with excellency , 1Co 2:1.

Vincent: 1Co 12:31 - -- Way To attain the higher gifts. The way of love as described in 1Co 13:1-13. " Love is the fairest and best in himself, and the cause of what is ...


To attain the higher gifts. The way of love as described in 1Co 13:1-13. " Love is the fairest and best in himself, and the cause of what is fairest and best in all other things" (Plato, " Symposium," 197).

Wesley: 1Co 12:8 - -- A power of understanding and explaining the manifold wisdom of God in the grand scheme of gospel salvation.

A power of understanding and explaining the manifold wisdom of God in the grand scheme of gospel salvation.

Wesley: 1Co 12:8 - -- Perhaps an extraordinary ability to understand and explain the Old Testament types and prophecies.

Perhaps an extraordinary ability to understand and explain the Old Testament types and prophecies.

Wesley: 1Co 12:9 - -- Faith may here mean an extraordinary trust in God under the most difficult or dangerous circumstances. The gift of healing need not be wholly confined...

Faith may here mean an extraordinary trust in God under the most difficult or dangerous circumstances. The gift of healing need not be wholly confined to the healing diseases with a word or a touch. It may exert itself also, though in a lower degree, where natural remedies are applied; and it may often be this, not superior skill, which makes some physicians more successful than others. And thus it may be with regard to other gifts likewise. As, after the golden shields were lost, the king of Judah put brazen in their place, so, after the pure gifts were lost, the power of God exerts itself in a more covert manner, under human studies and helps; and that the more plentifully, according as there is the more room given for it.

Wesley: 1Co 12:10 - -- The working of other miracles.

The working of other miracles.

Wesley: 1Co 12:10 - -- Foretelling things to come.

Foretelling things to come.

Wesley: 1Co 12:10 - -- Whether men be of an upright spirit or no; whether they have natural or supernatural gifts for offices in the church; and whether they who profess to ...

Whether men be of an upright spirit or no; whether they have natural or supernatural gifts for offices in the church; and whether they who profess to speak by inspiration speak from a divine, a natural, or a diabolical spirit.

Wesley: 1Co 12:11 - -- The Greek word does not so much imply arbitrary pleasure, as a determination founded on wise counsel.

The Greek word does not so much imply arbitrary pleasure, as a determination founded on wise counsel.

Wesley: 1Co 12:12 - -- That is, the body of Christ, the church.

That is, the body of Christ, the church.

Wesley: 1Co 12:13 - -- For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body.

For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body.

Wesley: 1Co 12:13 - -- Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature.

Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature.

Wesley: 1Co 12:13 - -- Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom.

Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom.

Wesley: 1Co 12:13 - -- In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.

In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.

Wesley: 1Co 12:15 - -- The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is a...

The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is apt to compare himself with those whose gifts some way resemble his own, rather than with those who are at a distance, either above or beneath him.

Wesley: 1Co 12:15 - -- Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.

Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.

Wesley: 1Co 12:16 - -- A less noble part.

A less noble part.

Wesley: 1Co 12:16 - -- The most noble.

The most noble.

Wesley: 1Co 12:18 - -- With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.

With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.

Wesley: 1Co 12:20 - -- And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.

And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.

Wesley: 1Co 12:21 - -- The highest part of all.

The highest part of all.

Wesley: 1Co 12:21 - -- The very lowest.

The very lowest.

Wesley: 1Co 12:22 - -- Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.

Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.

Wesley: 1Co 12:23 - -- By so carefully covering them.

By so carefully covering them.

Wesley: 1Co 12:23 - -- By the help of dress.

By the help of dress.

Wesley: 1Co 12:24 - -- As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.

As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.

Wesley: 1Co 12:27 - -- Corinthians.


Wesley: 1Co 12:27 - -- part of them, I mean, not the whole body.

part of them, I mean, not the whole body.

Wesley: 1Co 12:28 - -- Who plant the gospel in the heathen nations.

Who plant the gospel in the heathen nations.

Wesley: 1Co 12:28 - -- Who either foretel things to come, or speak by extra - ordinary inspiration, for the edification of the church.

Who either foretel things to come, or speak by extra - ordinary inspiration, for the edification of the church.

Wesley: 1Co 12:28 - -- Who precede even those that work miracles. Under prophets and teachers are comprised evangelists and pastors, Eph 4:11. Helps, governments - It does n...

Who precede even those that work miracles. Under prophets and teachers are comprised evangelists and pastors, Eph 4:11. Helps, governments - It does not appear that these mean distinct offices: rather, any persons might be called helps, from a peculiar dexterity in helping the distressed; and governments, from a peculiar talent for governing or presiding in assemblies.

Wesley: 1Co 12:31 - -- And they are worth your pursuit, though but few of you can attain them. But there is a far more excellent gift than all these; and one which all may, ...

And they are worth your pursuit, though but few of you can attain them. But there is a far more excellent gift than all these; and one which all may, yea, must attain or perish.

JFB: 1Co 12:8-10 - -- Three classes of gifts are distinguished by a distinct Greek word for "another" (a distinct class), marking the three several genera: allo marks the s...

Three classes of gifts are distinguished by a distinct Greek word for "another" (a distinct class), marking the three several genera: allo marks the species, hetero the genera (compare Greek, 1Co 15:39-41). I. Gifts of intellect, namely, (1) wisdom; (2) knowledge. II. Gifts dependent on a special faith, namely, that of miracles (Mat 17:20): (1) healings; (2) workings of miracles; (3) prophecy of future events; (4) discerning of spirits, or the divinely given faculty of distinguishing between those really inspired, and those who pretended to inspiration. III. Gifts referring to the tongues: (1) diverse kinds of tongues; (2) interpretation of tongues. The catalogue in 1Co 12:28 is not meant strictly to harmonize with the one here, though there are some particulars in which they correspond. The three genera are summarily referred to by single instances of each in 1Co 13:8. The first genus refers more to believers; the second, to unbelievers.

JFB: 1Co 12:8-10 - -- The first in Greek is, "By means of," or "through the operation of"; the second is, "according to" the disposing of (compare 1Co 12:11); the third is,...

The first in Greek is, "By means of," or "through the operation of"; the second is, "according to" the disposing of (compare 1Co 12:11); the third is, "in," that is, under the influence of (so the Greek, Mat 22:43; Luk 2:27).

JFB: 1Co 12:8-10 - -- The ready utterance of (for imparting to others, Eph 6:19) wisdom, namely, new revelations of the divine wisdom in redemption, as contrasted with huma...

The ready utterance of (for imparting to others, Eph 6:19) wisdom, namely, new revelations of the divine wisdom in redemption, as contrasted with human philosophy (1Co 1:24; 1Co 2:6-7; Eph 1:8; Eph 3:10; Col 2:3).

JFB: 1Co 12:8-10 - -- Ready utterance supernaturally imparted of truths ALREADY REVEALED (in this it is distinguished from "the word of wisdom," which related to NEW revela...

Ready utterance supernaturally imparted of truths ALREADY REVEALED (in this it is distinguished from "the word of wisdom," which related to NEW revelations). Compare 1Co 14:6, where "revelation" (answering to "wisdom" here) is distinguished from "knowledge" [HENDERSON]. Wisdom or revelation belonged to the "prophets"; knowledge, to the "teachers." Wisdom penetrates deeper than knowledge. Knowledge relates to things that are to be done. Wisdom, to things eternal: hence, wisdom is not, like knowledge, said to "pass away" (1Co 13:8), [BENGEL].

JFB: 1Co 12:9 - -- Not of doctrines, but of miracles: confidence in God, by the impulse of His Spirit, that He would enable them to perform any required miracle (compare...

Not of doctrines, but of miracles: confidence in God, by the impulse of His Spirit, that He would enable them to perform any required miracle (compare 1Co 13:2; Mar 11:23; Jam 5:15). Its nature, or principle, is the same as that of saving faith, namely, reliance on God; the producing cause, also, in the same,' namely, a power altogether supernatural (Eph 1:19-20). But the objects of faith differ respectively. Hence, we see, saving faith does not save by its instrinsic merit, but by the merits of Him who is the object of it.

JFB: 1Co 12:9 - -- Greek plural, "healings"; referring to different kinds of disease which need different kinds of healing (Mat 10:1).

Greek plural, "healings"; referring to different kinds of disease which need different kinds of healing (Mat 10:1).

JFB: 1Co 12:10 - -- As "healings" are miracles, those here meant must refer to miracles of special and extraordinary POWER (so the Greek for "miracles" means); for exampl...

As "healings" are miracles, those here meant must refer to miracles of special and extraordinary POWER (so the Greek for "miracles" means); for example, healings might be effected by human skill in course of time; but the raising of the dead, the infliction of death by a word, the innocuous use of poisons, &c., are miracles of special power. Compare Mar 6:5; Act 19:11.

JFB: 1Co 12:10 - -- Here, probably, not in the wider sense of public teaching by the Spirit (1Co 11:4-5; 1Co 14:1-5, 1Co. 14:22-39); but, as its position between "miracle...

Here, probably, not in the wider sense of public teaching by the Spirit (1Co 11:4-5; 1Co 14:1-5, 1Co. 14:22-39); but, as its position between "miracles" and a "discerning of spirits" implies, the inspired disclosure of the future (Act 11:27-28; Act 21:11; 1Ti 1:18), [HENDERSON]. It depends on "faith" (1Co 12:9; Rom 12:6). The prophets ranked next to the apostles (1Co 12:28; Eph 3:5; Eph 4:11). As prophecy is part of the whole scheme of redemption, an inspired insight into the obscurer parts of the existing Scriptures, was the necessary preparation for the miraculous foresight of the future.

JFB: 1Co 12:10 - -- Discerning between the operation of God's Spirit, and the evil spirit, or unaided human spirit (1Co 14:29; compare 1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 4:1).

Discerning between the operation of God's Spirit, and the evil spirit, or unaided human spirit (1Co 14:29; compare 1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 4:1).

JFB: 1Co 12:10 - -- The power of speaking various languages: also a spiritual language unknown to man, uttered in ecstasy (1Co 14:2-12). This is marked as a distinct genu...

The power of speaking various languages: also a spiritual language unknown to man, uttered in ecstasy (1Co 14:2-12). This is marked as a distinct genus in the Greek, "To another and a different class."

JFB: 1Co 12:10 - -- (1Co 14:13, 1Co 14:26-27).

JFB: 1Co 12:11 - -- (1Co 12:18; Heb 2:4).

JFB: 1Co 12:12-13 - -- Unity, not unvarying uniformity, is the law of God in the world of grace, as in that of nature. As the many members of the body compose an organic who...

Unity, not unvarying uniformity, is the law of God in the world of grace, as in that of nature. As the many members of the body compose an organic whole and none can be dispensed with as needless, so those variously gifted by the Spirit, compose a spiritual organic whole, the body of Christ, into which all are baptized by the one Spirit.

JFB: 1Co 12:12-13 - -- Most of the oldest manuscripts omit "one."

Most of the oldest manuscripts omit "one."

JFB: 1Co 12:12-13 - -- That is, the whole Christ, the head and body. So Psa 18:50, "His anointed (Messiah or Christ), David (the antitypical David) and His seed."

That is, the whole Christ, the head and body. So Psa 18:50, "His anointed (Messiah or Christ), David (the antitypical David) and His seed."

JFB: 1Co 12:13 - -- Literally, "in"; in virtue of; through. The designed effect of baptism, which is realized when not frustrated by the unfaithfulness of man.

Literally, "in"; in virtue of; through. The designed effect of baptism, which is realized when not frustrated by the unfaithfulness of man.

JFB: 1Co 12:13 - -- Literally, "Greeks."

Literally, "Greeks."

JFB: 1Co 12:13 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "Made to drink of one Spirit," omitting "into" (Joh 7:37). There is an indirect allusion to the Lord's Supper, as there i...

The oldest manuscripts read, "Made to drink of one Spirit," omitting "into" (Joh 7:37). There is an indirect allusion to the Lord's Supper, as there is a direct allusion to baptism in the beginning of the verse. So the "Spirit, the water, and the blood" (1Jo 5:8), similarly combine the two outward signs with the inward things signified, the Spirit's grace.

JFB: 1Co 12:13 - -- Rather as Greek, "were . . . were" (the past tense).

Rather as Greek, "were . . . were" (the past tense).

JFB: 1Co 12:14 - -- Translate, "For the body also." The analogy of the body, not consisting exclusively of one, but of many members, illustrates the mutual dependence of ...

Translate, "For the body also." The analogy of the body, not consisting exclusively of one, but of many members, illustrates the mutual dependence of the various members in the one body, the Church. The well-known fable of the belly and the other members, spoken by Menenius Agrippa, to the seceding commons [LIVY, 2.32], was probably before Paul's mind, stored as it was with classical literature.

JFB: 1Co 12:15 - -- The humbler members ought not to disparage themselves, or to be disparaged by others more noble (1Co 12:21-22).

The humbler members ought not to disparage themselves, or to be disparaged by others more noble (1Co 12:21-22).

JFB: 1Co 12:15 - -- The humble speaks of the more honorable member which most nearly resembles itself: so the "ear" of the "eye" (the nobler and more commanding member, N...

The humble speaks of the more honorable member which most nearly resembles itself: so the "ear" of the "eye" (the nobler and more commanding member, Num 10:31), (1Co 12:16). As in life each compares himself with those whom he approaches nearest in gifts, not those far superior. The foot and hand represent men of active life; the ear and eye, those of contemplative life.

JFB: 1Co 12:17 - -- Superior as the eye is, it would not do if it were the sole member to the exclusion of the rest.

Superior as the eye is, it would not do if it were the sole member to the exclusion of the rest.

JFB: 1Co 12:18 - -- As the case really is.

As the case really is.

JFB: 1Co 12:18 - -- Each severally.

Each severally.

JFB: 1Co 12:19 - -- Which, by its very idea, "hath many members" (1Co 12:12, 1Co 12:14), [ALFORD].

Which, by its very idea, "hath many members" (1Co 12:12, 1Co 12:14), [ALFORD].

JFB: 1Co 12:20 - -- As the case really is: in contrast to the supposition (1Co 12:19; compare 1Co 12:18).

As the case really is: in contrast to the supposition (1Co 12:19; compare 1Co 12:18).

JFB: 1Co 12:20 - -- Mutually dependent.

Mutually dependent.

JFB: 1Co 12:21 - -- The higher cannot dispense with the lower members.

The higher cannot dispense with the lower members.

JFB: 1Co 12:22 - -- More susceptible of injury: for example, the brain, the belly, the eye. Their very feebleness, so far from doing away with the need for them, calls fo...

More susceptible of injury: for example, the brain, the belly, the eye. Their very feebleness, so far from doing away with the need for them, calls forth our greater care for their preservation, as being felt "necessary."

JFB: 1Co 12:23 - -- "We think" the feet and the belly "less honorable," though not really so in the nature of things.

"We think" the feet and the belly "less honorable," though not really so in the nature of things.

JFB: 1Co 12:23 - -- Putting shoes on (Margin) the feet, and clothes to cover the belly.

Putting shoes on (Margin) the feet, and clothes to cover the belly.

JFB: 1Co 12:23 - -- The secret parts: the poorest, though unclad in the rest of the body, cover these.

The secret parts: the poorest, though unclad in the rest of the body, cover these.

JFB: 1Co 12:24 - -- On the principle of mutual compensation.

On the principle of mutual compensation.

JFB: 1Co 12:24 - -- To the deficient part [ALFORD], (1Co 12:23).

To the deficient part [ALFORD], (1Co 12:23).

JFB: 1Co 12:25 - -- (compare 1Co 12:21) --no disunion; referring to the "divisions" noticed (1Co 11:18).

(compare 1Co 12:21) --no disunion; referring to the "divisions" noticed (1Co 11:18).

JFB: 1Co 12:25 - -- That is, in behalf of one another.

That is, in behalf of one another.

JFB: 1Co 12:26 - -- Accordingly.


JFB: 1Co 12:26 - -- "When a thorn enters the heel, the whole body feels it, and is concerned: the back bends, the belly and thighs contract themselves, the hands come for...

"When a thorn enters the heel, the whole body feels it, and is concerned: the back bends, the belly and thighs contract themselves, the hands come forward and draw out the thorn, the head stoops, and the eyes regard the affected member with intense gaze" [CHRYSOSTOM].

JFB: 1Co 12:26 - -- "When the head is crowned, the whole man feels honored, the mouth expresses, and the eyes look, gladness" [CHRYSOSTOM].

"When the head is crowned, the whole man feels honored, the mouth expresses, and the eyes look, gladness" [CHRYSOSTOM].

JFB: 1Co 12:27 - -- That is, severally members of it. Each church is in miniature what the whole aggregate of churches is collectively, "the body of Christ" (compare 1Co ...

That is, severally members of it. Each church is in miniature what the whole aggregate of churches is collectively, "the body of Christ" (compare 1Co 3:16): and its individual components are members, every one in his assigned place.

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- As He has "set the members . . . in the body" (1Co 12:18).

As He has "set the members . . . in the body" (1Co 12:18).

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- Above even the prophets. Not merely the Twelve, but others are so called, for example, Barnabas, &c. (Rom 16:7).

Above even the prophets. Not merely the Twelve, but others are so called, for example, Barnabas, &c. (Rom 16:7).

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- Who taught, for the most part, truths already revealed; whereas the prophets made new revelations and spoke all their prophesyings under the Spirit's ...

Who taught, for the most part, truths already revealed; whereas the prophets made new revelations and spoke all their prophesyings under the Spirit's influence. As the teachers had the "word of knowledge," so the prophets "the word of wisdom" (1Co 12:8). Under "teachers" are included "evangelists and pastors."

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- Literally, "powers" (1Co 12:10): ranked below "teachers," as the function of teaching is more edifying, though less dazzling than working miracles.

Literally, "powers" (1Co 12:10): ranked below "teachers," as the function of teaching is more edifying, though less dazzling than working miracles.

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- Lower and higher departments of "ministrations" (1Co 12:5); as instances of the former, deacons whose office it was to help in the relief of the poor,...

Lower and higher departments of "ministrations" (1Co 12:5); as instances of the former, deacons whose office it was to help in the relief of the poor, and in baptizing and preaching, subordinate to higher ministers (Act 6:1-10; Act 8:5-17); also, others who helped with their time and means, in the Lord's cause (compare 1Co 13:13; Num 11:17). The Americans similarly use "helps" for "helpers." And, as instances of the latter, presbyters, or bishops, whose office it was to govern the Church (1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:17, Heb 13:24). These officers, though now ordinary and permanent, were originally specially endowed with the Spirit for their office, whence they are here classified with other functions of an inspired character. Government (literally, "guiding the helm" of affairs), as being occupied with external things, notwithstanding the outward status it gives, is ranked by the Spirit with the lower functions. Compare "He that giveth" (answering to "helps")--"he that ruleth" (answering to "governments") (Rom 12:8). Translate, literally, "Helpings, governings" [ALFORD].

JFB: 1Co 12:28 - -- (1Co 12:10). "Divers kinds of tongues."

(1Co 12:10). "Divers kinds of tongues."

JFB: 1Co 12:29 - -- Surely not.

Surely not.

JFB: 1Co 12:31 - -- Greek, "emulously desire." Not in the spirit of discontented "coveting." The Spirit "divides to every man severally as He will" (1Co 12:1); but this d...

Greek, "emulously desire." Not in the spirit of discontented "coveting." The Spirit "divides to every man severally as He will" (1Co 12:1); but this does not prevent men earnestly seeking, by prayer and watchfulness, and cultivation of their faculties, the greatest gifts. BEZA explains, "Hold in the highest estimation"; which accords with the distinction in his view (1Co 14:1) between "follow after charity--zealously esteem spiritual gifts"; also with (1Co 12:11, 1Co 12:18) the sovereign will with which the Spirit distributes the gifts, precluding individuals from desiring gifts not vouchsafed to them. But see on 1Co 14:1.

JFB: 1Co 12:31 - -- Most of the oldest manuscripts read, "the greatest gifts."

Most of the oldest manuscripts read, "the greatest gifts."

JFB: 1Co 12:31 - -- Greek, "and moreover." Besides recommending your zealous desire for the greatest gifts, I am about to show you a something still more excellent (liter...

Greek, "and moreover." Besides recommending your zealous desire for the greatest gifts, I am about to show you a something still more excellent (literally, "a way most way-like") to desire, "the way of love" (compare 1Co 14:1). This love, or "charity," includes both "faith" and "hope" (1Co 13:7), and bears the same fruits (1Co 13:1-13) as the ordinary and permanent fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-24). Thus "long-suffering," compare 1Co 12:4; "faith," 1Co 12:7; "joy," 1Co 12:6; "meekness," 1Co 12:5; "goodness," 1Co 12:5; "gentleness," 1Co 12:4 (the Greek is the same for "is kind"). It is the work of the Holy Spirit, and consists in love to God, on account of God's love in Christ to us, and as a consequence, love to man, especially to the brethren in Christ (Rom 5:5; Rom 15:30). This is more to be desired than gifts (Luk 10:20).

Clarke: 1Co 12:8 - -- Word of wisdom - In all these places I consider that the proper translation of λογος is doctrine, as in many other places of the New Testamen...

Word of wisdom - In all these places I consider that the proper translation of λογος is doctrine, as in many other places of the New Testament. It is very difficult to say what is intended here by the different kinds of gifts mentioned by the apostle: they were probably all supernatural, and were necessary at that time only for the benefit of the Church. On the 8th, 9th, and 10th verses (1Co 12:8-10), much may be seen in Lightfoot, Whitby, Pearce, and others

1.    By doctrine of wisdom we may understand, as Bp. Pearce and Dr. Whitby observe, the mystery of our redemption, in which the wisdom of God was most eminently conspicuous: see 1Co 2:7, 1Co 2:10; and which is called the manifold wisdom of God, Eph 3:10. Christ, the great teacher of it, is called the wisdom of God, 1Co 1:24; and in him are said to be contained all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Col 2:3. The apostles to whom this doctrine was committed are called σοφοι, wise men; (Mat 23:34); and they are said to teach this Gospel according to the wisdom given them, 2Pe 3:15

2.    By the doctrine of knowledge we may understand either a knowledge of the types, etc., in the Old Testament; or what are termed mysteries; the calling of the Gentiles, the recalling of the Jews, the mystery of iniquity, of the beast, etc., and especially the mystical sense or meaning of the Old Testament, with all its types, rites, ceremonies, etc., etc

3.    By faith, 1Co 12:9, we are to understand that miraculous faith by which they could remove mountains, 1Co 13:2; or a peculiar impulse, as Dr: Whitby calls it, that came upon the apostles when any difficult matter was to be performed, which inwardly assured them that God’ s power would assist them in the performance of it. Others think that justifying faith, received by means of Gospel teaching, is what is intended

4.    Gifts of healing simply refers to the power which at particular times the apostles received from the Holy Spirit to cure diseases; a power which was not always resident in them; for Paul could not cure Timothy, nor remove his own thorn in the flesh; because it was given only on extraordinary occasions, though perhaps more generally than many others

5.    The working of miracles, ενεργηματα δυναμεων, 1Co 12:10. This seems to refer to the same class as the operations, ενεργηματων, 1Co 12:6, as the words are the same; and to signify those powers by which they were enabled at particular times to work miraculously on others; ejecting demons, inflicting punishments or judgments, as in the cases mentioned under 1Co 12:6. It is a hendyadis for mighty operations

6.    Prophecy. This seems to import two things

1st, the predicting future events, such as then particularly concerned the state of the Church and the apostles; as the dearth foretold by Agabus, Act 11:28; and the binding of St. Paul, and delivering him to the Romans, Act 21:10, etc.; and St. Paul’ s foretelling his own shipwreck on Malta, Act 27:25, etc. An

2ndly, as implying the faculty of teaching or expounding the Scriptures, which is also a common acceptation of the word

7.    Discerning of spirits. A gift by which the person so privileged could discern a false miracle from a true one; or a pretender to inspiration from him who was made really partaker of the Holy Ghost. It probably extended also to the discernment of false professors from true ones, as appears in Peter in the case of Ananias and his wife

8.    Divers kinds of tongues. Γενη γλωσσων, Different languages, which they had never learned, and which God gave them for the immediate instruction of people of different countries who attended their ministry

9.    Interpretation of tongues. It was necessary that while one was speaking the deep things of God in a company where several were present who did not understand, though the majority did, there should be a person who could immediately interpret what was said to that part of the congregation that did not understand the language. This power to interpret was also an immediate gift of God’ s Spirit, and is classed here among the miracles.

Clarke: 1Co 12:11 - -- But all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit - All these gifts are miraculously bestowed; they cannot be acquitted by human art or indust...

But all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit - All these gifts are miraculously bestowed; they cannot be acquitted by human art or industry, the different languages excepted; but they were given in such a way, and in such circumstances, as sufficiently proved that they also were miraculous gifts.

Clarke: 1Co 12:12 - -- For as the body is one - Though the human body have many members, and though it be composed of a great variety of parts, yet it is but one entire sy...

For as the body is one - Though the human body have many members, and though it be composed of a great variety of parts, yet it is but one entire system; every part and member being necessary to the integrity or completeness of the whole

Clarke: 1Co 12:12 - -- So also is Christ - That is, So is the Church the body of Christ, being composed of the different officers already mentioned, and especially those e...

So also is Christ - That is, So is the Church the body of Christ, being composed of the different officers already mentioned, and especially those enumerated, 1Co 12:28, apostles, prophets, teachers, etc. It cannot be supposed that Christ is composed of many members, etc., and therefore the term Church must be understood, unless we suppose, which is not improbable, that the term Ὁ Χριστος, Christ, is used to express the Church, or whole body of Christian believers.

Clarke: 1Co 12:13 - -- For by one Spirit are we all baptized, etc. - As the body of man, though composed of many members, is informed and influenced by one soul; so the Ch...

For by one Spirit are we all baptized, etc. - As the body of man, though composed of many members, is informed and influenced by one soul; so the Church of Christ, which is his body, though composed of many members, is informed and influenced by one Spirit, the Holy Ghost; actuating and working by his spiritual body, as the human soul does in the body of man

Clarke: 1Co 12:13 - -- To drink into one Spirit - We are to understand being made partakers of the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost agreeably to the words of our Lord, J...

To drink into one Spirit - We are to understand being made partakers of the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost agreeably to the words of our Lord, Joh 7:37, etc.: If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink: this he spake of the Spirit which they that believed on him should receive

On this verse there is a great profusion of various readings, which may be found in Griesbach, but cannot be conveniently noticed here.

Clarke: 1Co 12:14 - -- For the body is not one member - The mystical body, the Church, as well as the natural body, is composed of many members.

For the body is not one member - The mystical body, the Church, as well as the natural body, is composed of many members.

Clarke: 1Co 12:15 - -- If the foot shall say, etc. - As all the members of the body are necessarily dependent on each other, and minister to the general support of the sys...

If the foot shall say, etc. - As all the members of the body are necessarily dependent on each other, and minister to the general support of the system, so is it in the Church. All the private members are intimately connected among themselves, and also with their pastors; without which union no Church can subsist.

Clarke: 1Co 12:21 - -- And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee - The apostle goes on, with his principal object in view, to show that the gifts and gr...

And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee - The apostle goes on, with his principal object in view, to show that the gifts and graces with which their different teachers were endowed were all necessary for their salvation, and should be collectively used; for not one of them was unnecessary, nor could they dispense with the least of them; the body of Christ needed the whole for its nourishment and support. The famous apologue of Menenius Agrippa, related by Livy, will serve to illustrate the apostle’ s reasoning: the Roman people, getting into a state of insurrection and rebellion against the nobility, under pretext that the great men not only had all the honors but all the emoluments of the nation, while they were obliged to bear all the burdens, and suffer all the privations; they then in riotous assemblage left their homes and went to Mount Aventine. Matters were at last brought to such an issue, that the senators and great men were obliged to fly from the city, and the public peace was on the point of being utterly ruined: it was then thought expedient to send Menenius Agrippa to them, who was high in their esteem, having vanquished the Sabines and Samnites, and had the first triumph at Rome. This great general, who was as eloquent as he was valiant, went to the Mons Sacer, to which the insurgents had retired, and thus addressed them

Tempore, quo in homine non, ut nunc emnia in unum consentiebant, sed singulis membris suum cuique consilium, suus sermo fuerat, indignatas reliquas partes, sua cura, suo labore ac ministerio ventri omnia quaeri; ventrem, in medio quietum, nihil aliud, quam datis voluptatibus frui. Conspirasse inde, ne manus ad os cibum ferrent, nec os acciperet datum, nec dentes conficerent. Hac ira, dum ventrem fame domare vellent, ipsa una membra totumque corpus ad extremam tabem venisse. lnde apparuisse, ventris quoque haud segne ministerium esse: nec magis ali, quam alere eum, reddentem in omnes corporis partes hunc, quo vivimus vigemusque, divisum pariter in venas maturum, confecto cibo, sanquinem . T. Livii, Histor. lib. ii. cap. 32

"In that time in which the different parts of the human body were not in a state of unity as they now are, but each member had its separate office and distinct language, they all became discontented, because whatever was procured by their care, labor, and industry, was spent on the belly; while this, lying at ease in the midst of the body, did nothing but enjoy whatever was provided for it. They therefore conspired among themselves, and agreed that the hands should not convey food to the mouth, that the mouth should not receive what was offered to it, and that the teeth should not masticate whatever was brought to the mouth. Acting on this principle of revenge, and hoping to reduce the belly by famine, all the members, and the whole body itself, were at length brought into the last stage of a consumption. It then plainly appeared that the belly itself did no small service; that it contributed not less to their nourishment than they did to its support, distributing to every part that from which they derived life and vigor; for by properly concocting the food, the pure blood derived from it was conveyed by the arteries to every member.

This sensible comparison produced the desired effect; the people were persuaded that the senators were as necessary to their existence as they were to that of the senators, and that it required the strictest union and mutual support of high and low to preserve the body politic. This transaction took place about 500 years before the Christian era, and was handed down by unbroken tradition to the time of Titus Livius, from whom I have taken it, who died in the year of our Lord 17, about forty years before St. Paul wrote this epistle. As his works were well known and universally read among the Romans in the time of the apostle, it is very probable that St. Paul had this famous apologue in view when he wrote from the 14th verse to the end of the chapter.

Clarke: 1Co 12:22 - -- Those members - which seem to be more feeble - These, and the less honorable and uncomely, mentioned in the next verses, seem to mean the principal ...

Those members - which seem to be more feeble - These, and the less honorable and uncomely, mentioned in the next verses, seem to mean the principal viscera, such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and intestinal canal. These, when compared with the arms and limbs, are comparatively weak; and some of them, considered in themselves, uncomely and less honorable; yet these are more essential to life than any of the others. A man may lose an eye by accident, and an arm or a leg may be amputated, and yet the body live and be vigorous; but let the stomach, heart, lungs, or any of the viscera be removed, and life becomes necessarily extinct. Hence these parts are not only covered, but the parts in which they are lodged are surrounded, ornamented, and fortified for their preservation and defense, on the proper performance of whose functions life so immediately depends.

Clarke: 1Co 12:24 - -- For our comely parts have no need - It would be easy to go into great detail in giving an anatomical description of the different members and parts ...

For our comely parts have no need - It would be easy to go into great detail in giving an anatomical description of the different members and parts to which the apostle refers, but it would not probably answer the end of general edification; and to explain every allusion made by the apostle, would require a minuteness of description which would not be tolerated except in a treatise on the anatomy of the human body. My readers will therefore excuse my entering into this detail.

Clarke: 1Co 12:25 - -- That there should be no schism in the body - That there should be no unnecessary and independent part in the whole human machine, and that every par...

That there should be no schism in the body - That there should be no unnecessary and independent part in the whole human machine, and that every part should contribute something to the general proportion, symmetry, and beauty of the body. So completely has God tempered the whole together, that not the smallest visible part can be removed from the body without not only injuring its proportions, but producing deformity. Hence the members have the same care one for another. The eyes and ears watch for the general safety of the whole; and they are placed in the head, like sentinels in a tower, that they may perceive the first approach of a foe, and give warning. The hands immediately on an attack exert themselves to defend the head and the body; and the limbs are swift to carry off the body from dangers against which resistance would be vain. Even the heart takes alarm from both the eyes and the ears; and when an attack is made on the body, every external muscle becomes inflated and contracts itself, that, by thus collecting and concentrating its force, it may the more effectually resist the assailants, and contribute to the defense of the system.

Clarke: 1Co 12:26 - -- And whether one member suffer - As there is a mutual exertion for the general defense, so there is a mutual sympathy. If the eye, the hand, the foot...

And whether one member suffer - As there is a mutual exertion for the general defense, so there is a mutual sympathy. If the eye, the hand, the foot, etc., be injured, the whole man grieves; and if by clothing, or any thing else, any particular member or part is adorned, strengthened, or better secured, it gives a general pleasure to the whole man.

Clarke: 1Co 12:27 - -- Now ye are the body of Christ - The apostle, having finished his apologue, comes to his application As the members in the human body, so the differe...

Now ye are the body of Christ - The apostle, having finished his apologue, comes to his application

As the members in the human body, so the different members of the mystical body of Christ. All are intended by him to have the same relation to each other; to be mutually subservient to each other; to mourn for and rejoice with each other. He has also made each necessary to the beauty, proportion, strength, and perfection of the whole. Not one is useless; not one unnecessary. Paul, Apollos, Kephas, etc., with all their variety of gifts and graces, are for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Eph 4:12. Hence no teacher should be exalted above or opposed to an other. As the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee, so luminous Apollos cannot say to laborious Paul, I can build up and preserve the Church without thee. The foot planted on the ground to support the whole fabric, and the hands that swing at liberty, and the eye that is continually taking in near and distant prospects, are all equally serviceable to the whole, and mutually helpful to and dependent on each other. So also are the different ministers and members of the Church of Christ

From a general acquaintance with various ministers of Christ, and a knowledge of their different talents and endowments manifested either by their preaching or writings, and with the aid of a little fancy, we could here make out a sort of correspondency between their services and the uses of the different members of the human body. We could call one eye, because of his acute observation of men and things, and penetration into cases of conscience and Divine mysteries. Another hand, from his laborious exertions in the Church. Another foot, from his industrious travels to spread abroad the knowledge of Christ crucified: and so of others. But this does not appear to be any part of the apostle’ s plan.

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- God hath set some in the Church - As God has made evident distinctions among the members of the human body, so that some occupy a more eminent place...

God hath set some in the Church - As God has made evident distinctions among the members of the human body, so that some occupy a more eminent place than others, so has he in the Church. And to prove this, the apostle numerates the principal offices, and in the order in which they should stand

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- First, apostles - Αποστολους, from απο from, and στελλο, I send; to send from one person to another, and from one place to a...

First, apostles - Αποστολους, from απο from, and στελλο, I send; to send from one person to another, and from one place to another. Persons immediately designated by Christ, and sent by him to preach the Gospel to all mankind

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Secondarily, prophets - Προφητας, from προ, before, and φημι, I speak; a person who, under Divine inspiration, predicts future eve...

Secondarily, prophets - Προφητας, from προ, before, and φημι, I speak; a person who, under Divine inspiration, predicts future events; but the word is often applied to these who preach the Gospel. See on 1Co 12:8 (note)

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Thirdly, teachers - Διδασκαλους, from διδασκω, I teach; persons whose chief business it was to instruct the people in the elemen...

Thirdly, teachers - Διδασκαλους, from διδασκω, I teach; persons whose chief business it was to instruct the people in the elements of the Christian religion, and their duty to each other. See on Rom 8:8 (note)

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Miracles - Δυναμεις· Persons endued with miraculous gifts, such as those mentioned Mar 16:17, Mar 16:18; casting out devils, speaking wit...

Miracles - Δυναμεις· Persons endued with miraculous gifts, such as those mentioned Mar 16:17, Mar 16:18; casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, etc. See on 1Co 12:8 (note), and at the end of the chapter, (1Co 12:31 (note)

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Gifts of healings - Χαρισματα ιαματων· Such as laying hands upon the sick, and healing them, Mar 16:18; which, as being one of th...

Gifts of healings - Χαρισματα ιαματων· Such as laying hands upon the sick, and healing them, Mar 16:18; which, as being one of the most beneficent miraculous powers, was most frequently conceded. See on 1Co 12:8 (note)

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Helps - Αντιληψεις . Dr. Lightfoot conjectures that these were the apostles’ helpers; persons who accompanied them, baptized those ...

Helps - Αντιληψεις . Dr. Lightfoot conjectures that these were the apostles’ helpers; persons who accompanied them, baptized those who were converted by them, and were sent by them to such places as they could not attend to, being otherwise employed

The Levites are termed by the Talmudists helps of the priests. The word occurs Luk 1:54; Rom 8:26

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Governments - Κυβερνησεις . Dr. Lightfoot contends that this word does not refer to the power of ruling, but to the case of a person end...

Governments - Κυβερνησεις . Dr. Lightfoot contends that this word does not refer to the power of ruling, but to the case of a person endued with a deep and comprehensive mind, who is profoundly wise and prudent; and he thinks that it implies the same as discernment of spirits, 1Co 12:8 (note). He has given several proofs of this use of the word in the Septuagint

Clarke: 1Co 12:28 - -- Diversities of tongues - Γενη γλωσσων· Kinds of tongues; that is, different kinds. The power to speak, on all necessary occasions, lan...

Diversities of tongues - Γενη γλωσσων· Kinds of tongues; that is, different kinds. The power to speak, on all necessary occasions, languages which they had not learned. See on 1Co 12:8 (note).

Clarke: 1Co 12:29 - -- Are all apostles, etc. - That is: All are not apostles, all are not prophets, etc.; God has distributed his various gifts among various persons, eac...

Are all apostles, etc. - That is: All are not apostles, all are not prophets, etc.; God has distributed his various gifts among various persons, each of whom is necessary for the complete edification of the body of Christ. On these subjects see the notes on 1Co 12:7-10 (note).

Clarke: 1Co 12:31 - -- But covet earnestly - To covet signifies to desire earnestly. This disposition towards heavenly things is highly laudable; towards earthly things, i...

But covet earnestly - To covet signifies to desire earnestly. This disposition towards heavenly things is highly laudable; towards earthly things, is deeply criminal. A man may possess the best of all these gifts, and yet be deficient in what is essentially necessary to his salvation, for he may be without that love or charity which the apostle here calls the more excellent way, and which he proceeds in the next chapter to describe

Some think that this verse should be read affirmatively, Ye earnestly contend about the best gifts; but I show unto you a more excellent way; i.e. get your hearts filled with love to God and man - love, which is the principle of obedience, which works no ill to its neighbor, and which is the fulfilling of the law. This is a likely reading, for there were certainly more contentions in the Church of Corinth about the gifts than about the graces of the Spirit

1.    After all that has been said on the different offices mentioned by the apostle in the preceding chapter, there are some of them which perhaps are not understood. I confess I scarcely know what to make of those which we translate helps and governments. Bishop Pearce, who could neither see Church government nor state government in these words, expresses himself thus: "These two words, after all that the commentators say about them, I do not understand; and in no other part of the New Testament is either of them, in any sense, mentioned as the gift of the Spirit; especially it is observable that in 1Co 12:29, 1Co 12:30, where the gifts of the Spirit are again enumerated, no notice is taken of any thing like them, while all the other several parts are exactly enumerated. Perhaps these words were put in the margin to explain δυναμεις, miracles or powers; some taking the meaning to be helps, assistances, as in 2Co 12:9; others to be κυβερνησεις, governments, as in Rom 8:38; and from being marginal explanations, they might have been at last incorporated with the text."It must, however, be acknowledged that the omission of these words is not countenanced by any MS. or version. One thing we may fully know, that there are some men who are peculiarly qualified for governing by either providence or grace; and that there are others who can neither govern nor direct, but are good helpers. These characters I have often seen in different places in the Church of God

2.    In three several places in this chapter the apostle sums up the gifts of the Spirit. Dr. Lightfoot thinks they answer to each other in the following order, which the reader will take on his authority

Verses 8, 9, and 1

1Co 12:8.

Is give

The word of Wisdom

The word of Knowledge

1Co 12:9.


Gifts of Healing

1Co 12:10.

Working of Miracles


Discerning of Spirits

Divers kinds of Tongues

Interpretation of Tongues.

Verse 2

1Co 12:28

God hath set som

First, Apostles

Secondly, Prophets

Thirdly, Teachers

After that, Miracles

The Gifts of Healings



Divers kinds of Tongues.

Verses 29, and 3

1Co 12:29.

Are all Apostles




1Co 12:30.

Gifts of Healing

Speak with Tongues


    If the reader think that this is the best way of explaining these different gifts and offices, he will adopt it; and he will in that case consider

1.    That the word or doctrine of wisdom comes from the apostles

2.    The doctrine of knowledge, from the prophets

3.    Faith, by means of the teachers

4.    That working of miracles includes the gifts of healing

5.    That to prophecy, signifying preaching, which it frequently does, helps is a parallel

6.    That discernment of spirits is the same with governments, which Dr. Lightfoot supposes to imply a deeply comprehensive, wise, and prudent mind

7.    As to the gift of tongues, there is no variation in either of the three places

3.    It is strange that in this enumeration only three distinct officers in the Church should be mentioned; viz. apostles, prophets, and teachers. We do not know that miracles, gifts of healing, helps, governments, and diversity of tongues, were exclusive offices; for it is probable that apostles, prophets, and teachers wrought miracles occasionally, and spoke with divers tongues. However, in all this enumeration, where the apostle gives us all the officers and gifts necessary for the constitution of a Church, we find not one word of bishops, presbyters, or deacons; much less of the various officers and offices which the Christian Church at present exhibits. Perhaps the bishops are included under the apostles, the presbyters under the prophets, and the deacons under the teachers. As to the other ecclesiastical officers with which the Romish Church teems, they may seek them who are determined to find them, any where out of the New Testament

4.    Mr. Quesnel observes on these passages that there are three sorts of gifts necessary to the forming Christ’ s mystical body

1.    Gifts of power, for the working of miracles, in reference to the Father

2.    Gifts of labor and ministry, for the exercise of government and other offices, with respect to the Son

3.    Gifts of knowledge, for the instruction of the people, with relation to the Holy Ghost

The Father is the principle and end of all created power; let us then ultimately refer all things to him

The Son is the Institutor and Head of all the hierarchical ministries; let us depend upon him

The Holy Ghost is the fountain and fullness of all spiritual graces; let us desire and use them only in and by him

There is nothing good, nothing profitable to salvation, unless it be done in the power of God communicated by Christ Jesus, and in that holiness of heart which is produced by his Spirit. Pastors are only the instruments of God, the depositaries of the authority of Christ, and the channels by whom the love and graces of the Spirit are conveyed. Let these act as receiving all from God by Christ, through the Holy Ghost; and let the Church receive them as the ambassadors of the Almighty.

Calvin: 1Co 12:8 - -- 8.To one is given He now subjoins an enumeration, or, in other words, specifies particular kinds — not indeed all of them, but such as are sufficie...

8.To one is given He now subjoins an enumeration, or, in other words, specifies particular kinds — not indeed all of them, but such as are sufficient for his present purpose. “Believers,” says he, “are endowed with different gifts, but let every one acknowledge, that he is indebted for whatever he has to the Spirit of God, for he pours forth his gifts as the sun scatters his rays in every direction. As to the difference between these gifts, knowledge (or understanding) and wisdom are taken in different senses in the Scriptures, but here I take them in the way of less and greater, as in Col 2:3, where they are also joined together, when Paul says, that in Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge, therefore, in my opinion, means acquaintance with sacred things Wisdom, on the other hand, means the perfection of it. Sometimes prudence is put, as it were, in the middle place between these two, and in that case it denotes skill 737 in applying knowledge to some useful purpose. They are, it is true, very nearly allied; but still you observe a difference when they are put together. Let us then take knowledge as meaning ordinary information, and wisdom, as including revelations that are of a more secret and sublime order. 738

The term faith is employed here to mean a special faith, as we shall afterwards see from the context. A special faith is of such a kind as does not apprehend Christ wholly, for redemption, righteousness, and sanctification, but only in so far as miracles are performed in his name. Judas had a faith of this kind, and he wrought miracles too by means of it. Chrysostom distinguishes it in a somewhat different manner, calling it the faith of miracles, not of doctrines. 739 This, however, does not differ much from the interpretation previously mentioned. By the gift of healings 740 every one knows what is meant.

As to the workings of powers, or, as some render it, the operations of influences, there is more occasion for doubt. I am inclined, however, to think, that what is meant is the influence which is exercised against devils, and also against hypocrites. When, therefore, Christ and his Apostles by authority restrained devils, or put them to flight, that was ἐνέργημα , (powerful working,) and, in like manner, when Paul smote the sorcerer with blindness, (Act 13:11,) and when Peter struck Ananias and Sapphira dead upon the spot with a single word. The gifts of healing and of miracles, therefore, serve to manifest the goodness of God, but this last, his severity for the destruction of Satan. 741

By prophecy, I understand the singular and choice endowment of unfolding the secret will of God, so that a Prophet is a messenger, as it were, between God and man. 742 My reason for taking this view will be explained more fully afterwards.

The discerning of spirits, was a clearness of perception in forming a judgment as to those who professed to be something. (Act 5:36.) I speak not of that natural wisdom, by which we are regulated in judging. It was a special illumination, with which some were endowed by the gift of God. The use of it was this: that they might not be imposed upon by masks, of mere pretences, 743 but might by that spiritual judgment distinguish, as by a particular mark, the true ministers of Christ from the false.

There was a difference between the knowledge of tongues, and the interpretation of them, for those who were endowed with the former were, in many cases, not acquainted with the language of the nation with which they had to deal. The interpreters 744 rendered foreign tongues into the native language. These endowments they did not at that time acquire by labor or study, but were put in possession of them by a wonderful revelation of the Spirit. 745

Calvin: 1Co 12:11 - -- 11.One and the same spirit distributing Hence it follows that those act amiss who, having no concern as to participation, break asunder that holy har...

11.One and the same spirit distributing Hence it follows that those act amiss who, having no concern as to participation, break asunder that holy harmony, that is fitly adjusted in all its parts, only when under the guidance of the same Spirit, all conspire toward one and the same object. He again calls the Corinthians to unity, by reminding them that all have derived from one fountain whatever they possess, while he instructs them, at the same time, that no one has so much as to have enough within himself, so as not to require help from others. For this is what he means by these words — distributing to every one severally as he willeth The Spirit of God, therefore, distributes them among us, in order that we may make all contribute to the common advantage. To no one does he give all, lest any one, satisfied with his particular portion, should separate himself from others, and live solely for himself. The same idea is intended in the adverb severally, as it is of great importance to understand accurately that diversity by which God unites us mutually to one another. 746 Now, when will is ascribed to the Spirit, and that, too, in connection with power, we may conclude from this, that the Spirit is truly and properly God.

Calvin: 1Co 12:12 - -- 12.For as the body is one He now derives a similitude from the human body, which he makes use of also in Rom 12:4; but it is for a different purpose,...

12.For as the body is one He now derives a similitude from the human body, which he makes use of also in Rom 12:4; but it is for a different purpose, as I have already stated above. In that passage, he exhorts every one to be satisfied with his own calling, and not to invade another’s territory; as ambition, curiosity, or some other disposition, induces many to take in hand more than is expedient. Here, however, he exhorts believers to cleave to each other in a mutual distribution of gifts, as they were not conferred upon them by God that every one should enjoy his own separately, but that one should help another. It is usual, however, for any society of men, or congregation, to be called a body, as one city constitutes a body, and so, in like manner, one senate, and one people. Monenius Agrippa, 747 too, in ancient times, when desirous to conciliate the Roman people, when at variance with the senate, made use of an apologue, not very unlike the doctrine of Paul here. 748 Among Christians, however, the case is very different; for they do not constitute a mere political body, but are the spiritual and mystical body of Christ, as Paul himself afterwards adds. (1Co 12:27.) The meaning therefore is — “Though the members of the body are various, and have different functions, they are, nevertheless, linked together in such a manner that they coalesce in one. 749 We, accordingly, who are members of Christ, although we are endowed with various gifts, ought, notwithstanding, to have an eye to that connection which we have in Christ.”

So also is Christ The name of Christ is used here instead of the Church, because the similitude was intended to apply not to God’s only-begotten Son, but to us. It is a passage that is full of choice consolation, inasmuch as he calls the Church Christ; for Christ 750 confers upon us this honor — that he is willing to be esteemed and recognised, not in himself merely, but also in his members. Hence the same Apostle says elsewhere, (Eph 1:23,) that the Church is his completion, 751 as though he would, if separated from his members, be incomplete. And certainly, as Augustine elegantly expresses himself in one part of his writings —

“Since we are in Christ a fruit-bearing vine, what are we out of him but dry twigs?” (Joh 15:4.)

In this, then, our consolation lies — that, as he and the Father are one, so we are one with him. Hence it is that his name is applied to us.

Calvin: 1Co 12:13 - -- 13.For we are all baptized by one Spirit Here there is a proof brought forward from the effect of baptism. “We are,” says he, “engrafted by...

13.For we are all baptized by one Spirit Here there is a proof brought forward from the effect of baptism. “We are,” says he, “engrafted by baptism into Christ’s body, so that we are by a mutual link bound together as members, and live one and the same life. Hence every one, that would remain in the Church of Christ, must necessarily cultivate this fellowship.” He speaks, however, of the baptism of believers, which is efficacious through the grace of the Spirit, for, in the case of many, baptism is merely in the letter — the symbol without the reality; but believers, along with the sacrament, receive the reality. Hence, with respect to God, this invariably holds good — that baptism is an engrafting into the body of Christ, for God in that ordinance does not represent anything but what he is prepared to accomplish, provided we are on our part capable of it. The Apostle, also, observes here a most admirable medium, in teaching that the nature of baptism is — to connect us with Christ’s body. Lest any one, however, should imagine, that this is effected by the outward symbol, he adds that it is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Whether Jews or Greeks He specifies these instances, to intimate, that no diversity of condition obstructs that holy unity which he recommends. This clause, too, is added suitably and appropriately, for envy might at that time arise from two sources — because the Jews were not willing that the Gentiles should be put upon a level with them; and, where one had some excellence above others, with the view of maintaining his superiority, lie withdrew himself to a distance from his brethren.

We have all drunk in one Spirit It is literally, “We have drunk into one Spirit,” but it would seem that, in order that the two words ἐν (in) and ἑν (one) might not immediately follow each other, Paul intentionally changed ἐν (in) into ἐις (into,) as he is accustomed frequently to do. Hence his meaning seems rather to be, that we are made to drink through the influence, as he had said before, of the Spirit of Christ, than that we have drunk into the same Spirit. It is uncertain, however, whether he speaks here of Baptism or of the Supper. I am rather inclined, however, to understand him as referring to the Supper, as he makes mention of drinking, for I have no doubt that he intended to make an allusion to the similitude of the sign. There is, however, no correspondence between drinking and baptism. Now, though the cup forms but the half of the Supper, there is no difficulty arising from that, for it is a common thing in Scripture to speak of the sacraments by synecdoche. 752 Thus he mentioned above in the tenth chapter (1Co 10:17) simply the bread, making no mention of the cup. The meaning, therefore, will be this — that participation in the cup has an eye to this — that we drink, all of us, of the same cup. For in that ordinance we drink of the life-giving blood of Christ, that we may have life in common with him — which we truly have, when he lives in us by his Spirit. He teaches, therefore, that believers, so soon as they are initiated by the baptism of Christ, are already imbued with a desire of cultivating mutual unity, 753 and then afterwards, when they receive the sacred Supper, they are again conducted by degrees to the same unity, as they are all refreshed at the same time with the same drink.

Calvin: 1Co 12:15 - -- 15. This is a bringing out still farther ( ἐπεξεργασία ) of the preceding statement, or in other words, an exposition of it, with so...

15. This is a bringing out still farther ( ἐπεξεργασία ) of the preceding statement, or in other words, an exposition of it, with some amplification, with the view of placing in a clearer light, what he had previously stated in a few words. Now all this accords with the apologue of Menenius Agrippa. “Should a dissension break out in the body, so that the feet would refuse to discharge their office to the rest of the body, and the belly in like manner, and the eyes, and the hands, what would be the effect? Would not the result be — the destruction of the whole body?” At the same time Paul here insists more particularly on this one point — that each member ought to rest satisfied with its own place and station, and not envy the others, for he institutes a comparison between the more distinguished members, and those that have less dignity. For the eye has a more honorable place in the body than the hand, and the hand than the foot But if our hands were, from a feeling of envy, to refuse to discharge their office, would nature endure this? Would the hand be listened to, when wishing to be separated from the body?

To be not of the body, means here — to have no communication with the other members, but to live for itself, and to seek only its own advantage. “Would it then,” says Paul, “be allowable for the hand to refuse to do its office to the other members, on the ground of its bearing envy to the eyes?” These things are said of the natural body, but they must be applied to the members of the Church, lest ambition or misdirected emulation and envy should be the occasion of bad feeling among us, 754 so as to lead one that occupies an inferior station to grudge to afford his services to those above him.

Calvin: 1Co 12:17 - -- 17.If the whole body were an eye He sets aside a foolish aiming at equality, by showing the impossibility of it. “If all the members,” says he, ...

17.If the whole body were an eye He sets aside a foolish aiming at equality, by showing the impossibility of it. “If all the members,” says he, “desire the honor that belongs to the eye, the consequence will be, that the whole body will perish; for it is impossible that the body should remain safe and sound, if the members have not different functions, and a mutual correspondence between them. Hence equality interferes with the welfare of the body, because it produces a confusion that entails present ruin. What madness, then, would it be, should one member, instead of giving way to another, 755 conspire for its own ruin and that of the body!”

Calvin: 1Co 12:18 - -- 18.But now God hath placed Here we have another argument, taken from the appointment of God. “It has pleased God, that the body should consist of v...

18.But now God hath placed Here we have another argument, taken from the appointment of God. “It has pleased God, that the body should consist of various members, and that the members should be endowed with various offices and gifts. That member, therefore, which will not rest satisfied with its own station, will wage war with God after the manner of the giants. 756 Let us, therefore, be subject to the arrangement which God has appointed, that we may not, to no purpose, resist his will.” 757

Calvin: 1Co 12:19 - -- 19.If all were one member He means, that God has not acted at random, or without good reason, in assigning different gifts to the members of the body...

19.If all were one member He means, that God has not acted at random, or without good reason, in assigning different gifts to the members of the body; but because it was necessary that it should be so, for the preservation of the body; for if this symmetry were taken away, there would be utter confusion and derangement. Hence we ought to submit ourselves the more carefully to the providence of God, which has so suitably arranged everything for our common advantage. One member is taken here to mean a mass, that is all of one shape, and not distinguished by any variety; for if God were to fashion our body into a mass of this kind, it would be a useless heap. 758

Calvin: 1Co 12:20 - -- 20.Many members — one body He repeats this the oftener, because the stress of the whole question lies here — that the unity of the body is of su...

20.Many members one body He repeats this the oftener, because the stress of the whole question lies here — that the unity of the body is of such a nature as cannot be maintained but by a diversity of members; and that, while the members differ from each other in offices and functions, it is in such a way as to have a mutual connection with each other for the preservation of the one body. Hence no body can retain its standing without a diversified symmetry of the members, that we may know to consult public as well as private advantage, by discharging, every one, the duty of his own station.

Calvin: 1Co 12:21 - -- 21.And the eye cannot say to the hand Hitherto he has been showing, what is the office of the less honorable members — to discharge their duty to t...

21.And the eye cannot say to the hand Hitherto he has been showing, what is the office of the less honorable members — to discharge their duty to the body, and not envy the more distinguished members. Now, on the other hand, he enjoins it upon the more honorable members, not to despise the inferior members, which they cannot dispense with. The eye excels the hand, and yet cannot despise it, or insult over it, as though it were useless; and he draws an argument from utility, to show that it ought to be thus — “Those members, that are less esteemed, are the more necessary: hence, with a view to the safety of the body, they must not be despised.” He makes use of the term weaker here, to mean despised, as in another passage, when he says that he glories in his infirmities, (2Co 12:9,) he expresses, under this term, those things which rendered him contemptible and abject.

Calvin: 1Co 12:23 - -- 23.Which are less honorable Here we have a second argument — that the dishonor of one member turns out to the common disgrace of the whole body, ...

23.Which are less honorable Here we have a second argument — that the dishonor of one member turns out to the common disgrace of the whole body, as appears from the care that we take to cover the parts that are less honorable. “Those parts that are comely,” says he, “do not require adventitious ornament; but the parts that involve shame, or are less comely, are cared for by us with greater concern. Why so? but because their shame would be the common disgrace of the whole body.” To invest with honor is to put on a covering for the sake of ornament, in order that those members may be honorably concealed, which would involve shame if uncovered. 759

Calvin: 1Co 12:24 - -- 24.But God hath tempered the body together He again repeats, what he had stated once before, (1Co 12:18,) but more explicitly, — that God has appoi...

24.But God hath tempered the body together He again repeats, what he had stated once before, (1Co 12:18,) but more explicitly, — that God has appointed this symmetry, and that with a view to the advantage of the whole body, because it cannot otherwise maintain its standing. “For whence comes it, that all the members are of their own accord concerned for the honor of a less comely member, and agree together to conceal its shame? This inclination has been implanted in them by God, because without this adjustment a schism in the body would quickly break out. Hence it appears that the body is not merely shattered, and the order of nature perverted, but the authority of God is openly set at naught, whenever any one assumes more than belongs to him.” 760

Calvin: 1Co 12:26 - -- 26.Whether one member suffers “Such a measure of fellow-feeling.” ( συμπάθεια ,) 761 says he, “is to be seen in the human body, th...

26.Whether one member suffers “Such a measure of fellow-feeling.” ( συμπάθεια ,) 761 says he, “is to be seen in the human body, that, if any inconvenience is felt by any member, all the others grieve along with it, and, on the other hand, rejoice along with it, in its prosperity. Hence there is no room there for envy or contempt.” To be honored, here, is taken in a large sense, as meaning, to be in prosperity and happiness. Nothing, however, is better fitted to promote harmony than this community of interest, when every one feels that, by the prosperity of others, he is proportionally enriched, and, by their penury, impoverished.

Calvin: 1Co 12:27 - -- 27.But ye are the body of Christ Hence what has been said respecting the nature and condition of the human body must be applied to us; for we are not...

27.But ye are the body of Christ Hence what has been said respecting the nature and condition of the human body must be applied to us; for we are not a mere civil society, but, being ingrafted into Christ’s body, are truly members one of another. Whatever, therefore, any one of us has, let him know that it has been given him for the edification of his brethren in common; and let him, accordingly, bring it forward, and not keep it back — buried, as it were, within himself, or make use of it as his own. Let not the man, who is endowed with superior gifts, be puffed up with pride, and despise others; but let him consider that there is nothing so diminutive as to be of no use — as, in truth, even the least among the pious brings forth fruit, according to his slender capacity, so that there is no useless member in the Church. Let not those who are not endowed with so much honor, envy those above them, or refuse to do their duty to them, but let them maintain the station in which they have been placed. Let there be mutual affection, mutual fellow-feeling, ( συμπάθεια ,) mutual concern. Let us have a regard to the common advantage, in order that we may not destroy the Church by malignity, or envy, or pride, or any disagreement; but may, on the contrary, every one of us, strive to the utmost of his power to preserve it. Here is a large subject, and a magnificent one; 762 but I content myself with having pointed out the way in which the above similitude must be applied to the Church.

Members severally Chrysostom is of opinion, that this clause is added, because the Corinthians were not the universal Church; but this appears to me rather forced. 763 I have sometimes thought that it was expressive of impropriety, as the Latins say Quodammodo , 764 (in a manner.) 765 When, however, I view the whole matter more narrowly, I am rather disposed to refer it to that division of members of which he had made mention. They are then members severally, according as each one has had his portion and definite work assigned him. The context itself leads us to this meaning. In this way severally, and as a whole, will be opposite terms.

Calvin: 1Co 12:28 - -- He has in the beginning of the chapter spoken of gifts: now he begins to treat of offices, and this order it is proper that we should carefully o...

He has in the beginning of the chapter spoken of gifts: now he begins to treat of offices, and this order it is proper that we should carefully observe. For the Lord did not appoint ministers, without first endowing them with the requisite gifts, and qualifying them for discharging their duty. Hence we must infer, that those are fanatics, and actuated by an evil spirit, who intrude themselves into the Church, while destitute of the necessary qualifications, as many boast that they are under the influence of the Spirit, and glory in a secret call from God, while in the meantime they are unlearned and utterly ignorant. The natural order, on the other hand, is this — that gifts come before the office to be discharged. As, then, he has taught above, that everything that an individual has received from God, should be made subservient to the common good, so now he declares that offices are distributed in such a manner, that all may together, by united efforts, edify the Church, and each individual according to his measure. 767

28. First, Apostles He does not enumerate all the particular kinds, and there was no need of this, for he merely intended to bring forward some examples. In the fourth Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, (Eph 4:11,) there is a fuller enumeration of the offices, that are required for the continued government of the Church. The reason of this I shall assign there, if the Lord shall permit me to advance so far, though even there he does not make mention of them all. As to the passage before us, we must observe, that of the offices which Paul makes mention of, some are perpetual, others temporary. Those that are perpetual, are such as are necessary for the government of the Church; those that are temporary, are such as were appointed at the beginning for the founding of the Church, and the raising up of Christ’s kingdom; and these, in a short time afterwards, ceased.

To the first class belongs the office of Teacher, to the second the office of Apostle; for the Lord created the Apostles, that they might spread the gospel throughout the whole world, and he did not assign to each of them certain limits or parishes, but would have them, wherever they went, to discharge the office of ambassadors among all nations and languages. In this respect there is a difference between them and Pastors, who are, in a manner, tied to their particular churches. For the Pastor has not a commission to preach the gospel over the whole world, but to take care of the Church that has been committed to his charge. In his Epistle to the Ephesians he places Evangelists after the Apostles, but here he passes them over; for from the highest order, he passes immediately to Prophets

By this term he means, (in my opinion,) not those who were endowed with the gift of prophesying, but those who were endowed with a peculiar gift, not merely for interpreting Scripture, but also for applying it wisely for present use. 768 My reason for thinking so is this, that he prefers prophecy to all other gifts, on the ground of its yielding more edification — a commendation that would not be applicable to the predicting of future events. Farther, when he describes the office of Prophet, or at least treats of what he ought principally to do, he says that he must devote himself to consolation, exhortation, and doctrine. Now these are things that are distinct from prophesyings. 769 Let us, then, by Prophets in this passage understand, first of all, eminent interpreters of Scripture, and farther, persons who are endowed with no common wisdom and dexterity in taking a right view of the present necessity of the Church, that they may speak suitably to it, and in this way be, in a manner, ambassadors to communicate the divine will.

Between them and Teachers this difference may be pointed out, that the office of Teacher consists in taking care that sound doctrines be maintained and propagated, in order that the purity of religion may be kept up in the Church. At the same time, even this term is taken in different senses, and here perhaps it is used rather in the sense of Pastor, unless you prefer, it may be, to take it in a general way for all that are endowed with the gift of teaching, as in Act 13:1, where also Luke conjoins them with Prophets. My reason for not agreeing with those who make the whole of the office of Prophet consist in the interpretation of Scripture, is this — that Paul restricts the number of those who ought to speak, to two or three; (1Co 14:29,) which would not accord with a bare interpretation of Scripture. In fine, my opinion is this — that the Prophets here spoken of are those who make known the will of God, by applying with dexterity and skill prophecies, threatenings, promises, and the whole doctrine of Scripture, to the present use of the Church. If any one is of a different opinion, I have no objection to his being so, and will not raise any quarrel on that account. For it is difficult to form a judgment as to gifts and offices of which the Church has been so long deprived, excepting only that there are some traces, or shadows of them still to be seen.

As to powers and gift of healings, I have spoken when commenting on the 12th Chapter of the Romans. Only it must be observed that here he makes mention, not so much of the gifts themselves, as of the administration of them. As the Apostle is here enumerating offices, I do not approve of what Chrysostom says, that ἀντιλήψεις, that is, helps or aids, consist in supporting the weak. What is it then? Undoubtedly, it is either an office, as well as gift, that was exercised in ancient times, but of which we have at this day no knowledge whatever; or it is connected with the office of Deacon, or in other words, the care of the poor; and this latter idea pleases me better. 770 In Rom 12:7, he makes mention of two kinds of deacons. Of these I have treated when commenting upon that passage.

By Governments I understand Elders, who had the charge of discipline. For the primitive Church had its Senate, 771 for the purpose of keeping the people in propriety of deportment, as Paul shows elsewhere, when he makes mention of two kinds of Presbyters. 772 (1Ti 5:17.) Hence government consisted of those Presbyters who excelled others in gravity, experience, and authority.

Under different kinds of tongues he comprehends both the knowledge of languages, and the gift of interpretation. They were, however, two distinct gifts; because in some cases an individual spoke in different languages, and yet did not understand the language of the Church with which he had to do. This defect was supplied by interpreters. 773

Calvin: 1Co 12:29 - -- 29.Are all Apostles ? It may indeed have happened, that one individual was endowed with many gifts, and sustained two of the offices which he has enu...

29.Are all Apostles ? It may indeed have happened, that one individual was endowed with many gifts, and sustained two of the offices which he has enumerated; nor was there in this any inconsistency. Paul’s object, however, is to show in the first place, that no one has such a fullness in everything as to have a sufficiency within himself, and not require the aid of others; and secondly, that offices as well as gifts are distributed in such a manner that no one member constitutes the whole body, but each contributing his portion to the common advantage, they then altogether constitute an entire and perfect body. For Paul means here to take away every occasion of proud boasting, base envyings, haughtiness, and contempt of the brethren, malignity, ambition, and everything of that nature.

Calvin: 1Co 12:31 - -- 31.Seek after the more excellent gifts It might also be rendered — Value highly; and it would not suit in with the passage, though it makes little...

31.Seek after the more excellent gifts It might also be rendered — Value highly; and it would not suit in with the passage, though it makes little difference as to the meaning; for Paul exhorts the Corinthians to esteem and desire those gifts especially, which are most conducive to edification. For this fault prevailed among them — that they aimed at show, rather than usefulness. Hence prophecy was neglected, while languages sounded forth among them, with great show, indeed, but with little profit. He does not, however, address individuals, as though he wished that every one should aspire at prophecy, or the office of teacher; but simply recommends to them a desire to promote edification, that they may apply themselves the more diligently to those things that are most conducive to edification.

Defender: 1Co 12:8 - -- There are thirteen different gifts of the Spirit listed in 1Co 12:8-10 and 1Co 12:28-30, while seven are given in Rom 12:6-8 (two of which, however, a...

There are thirteen different gifts of the Spirit listed in 1Co 12:8-10 and 1Co 12:28-30, while seven are given in Rom 12:6-8 (two of which, however, are also listed in 1 Corinthians 12). Another list of four (possibly five) gifts is found in Eph 4:11, but there they are listed as "gifts" of Christ (still a different Greek word, doma, meaning "a present") implying these are gifts to those in the church for the edifying of the whole church (Eph 4:16). Only two in this list are still different, making a total of twenty different gifts. One more may be the gift of celibacy, mentioned as a charisma in 1Co 7:7. Since the three lists are all different, it is obvious that none are intended as complete lists, but rather simply as typical lists. No individual would have all the gifts, nor would any one church. Some would cease with time, others would be added, as needed. They are gifts of the Spirit "as he will" (1Co 12:11), not "as we wish!"

Defender: 1Co 12:8 - -- The "word of wisdom" and the "word of knowledge," as special gifts of the Spirit, surely imply more than natural wisdom and knowledge, but they are no...

The "word of wisdom" and the "word of knowledge," as special gifts of the Spirit, surely imply more than natural wisdom and knowledge, but they are not defined anywhere in Scripture. Perhaps the "word of knowledge" applies to a God-given ability to learn and retain in one's memory an abundance of information of value in the ministry, while the "word of wisdom" applies to a similar special ability to apply such knowledge in the making of wise decisions. Others have understood these terms in a more supernatural sense, however, to be applied as specially needed in particular situations that arise from time to time. Similarly the "gift of faith" would refer not to the faith through which we are saved (all believers have that faith), but special faith for special needs."

Defender: 1Co 12:9 - -- The "gifts of healing" (note the plural, indicating a repetitive gift) were used frequently in the early church and were clearly miraculous in nature....

The "gifts of healing" (note the plural, indicating a repetitive gift) were used frequently in the early church and were clearly miraculous in nature. However, even Paul, who certainly used such a gift successfully on various occasions, was not always successful (2Ti 4:20). This, like the other gifts, was bestowed individually according to God's will. Paul was not even able to bring about his own healing (2Co 12:7-10). The "gift of miracles" was similar, except that it was for special needs other than healings."

Defender: 1Co 12:10 - -- The "gift of prophecy" was especially for guidance of believers before the New Testament was completed, conveying special revelations from God wheneve...

The "gift of prophecy" was especially for guidance of believers before the New Testament was completed, conveying special revelations from God whenever needed for such a purpose. Sometimes, but not usually, it included predictions of coming events. This gift would definitely cease when no longer needed (1Co 13:8; Rev 22:18), as would tongues and knowledge (1Co 13:8), and therefore probably the other supernatural gifts, when and if they were no longer needed.

Defender: 1Co 12:10 - -- The "gift of tongues" has been the most controversial of the gifts, especially in connection with the charismatic renewal of recent decades. The word ...

The "gift of tongues" has been the most controversial of the gifts, especially in connection with the charismatic renewal of recent decades. The word "tongue" itself (Greek glossa from which we get "glossolalia"), as used in both Biblical and extra-Biblical Greek writings, always refers either to a definite structured language or else the physical organ of speech, never to meaningless noises. Its use is clearly described in Act 2:4-6 when the gift of tongues was first given and included known ethnic languages. The "interpretation ["translation"] of tongues" similarly was the supernatural ability to understand and translate words spoken in a language unknown to the translator."

Defender: 1Co 12:13 - -- The verb should be "were," denoting an event of the past. Also note the word "all," twice used in this verse. Thus, all true Christians, those who hav...

The verb should be "were," denoting an event of the past. Also note the word "all," twice used in this verse. Thus, all true Christians, those who have "the Spirit of Christ" (Rom 8:9), have been baptized ("immersed") into the spiritual Body of Christ when saved by grace through faith. They are all members of that Body, each with a particular gift or gifts, serving in ways analogous to the various functions of the different members of a physical body. Not all believers have the gift of tongues or of teaching, any more than all members of a body function as eyes or ears.

Defender: 1Co 12:13 - -- There are numerous references to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, all consistent with the teaching here that all true believers in Christ have been bap...

There are numerous references to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, all consistent with the teaching here that all true believers in Christ have been baptized into His body, thus sharing His eternal life (Mat 3:11; Mar 1:8; Luk 3:16; Joh 1:33; Act 1:5; Act 11:16). Note that the Greek preposition en, here translated "by," can just as well be rendered "in" or "with.""

Defender: 1Co 12:28 - -- The gift of apostleship obviously lasted only as long as the last of the apostles was living (evidently John). One of its prerequisites was that of se...

The gift of apostleship obviously lasted only as long as the last of the apostles was living (evidently John). One of its prerequisites was that of seeing the resurrected Christ in person (see note on 1Co 9:1). The idea of an apostolic succession in later centuries is without Biblical support, but the missionary in some measure is similar in function. The gift of prophecy was also to cease (1Co 13:8) after it was no longer needed, probably when the New Testament was completed and accepted by the church.

Defender: 1Co 12:28 - -- The gift of teaching, which in effect would supplement and finally replace the gift of prophecy, would be needed in all churches. This gift is carried...

The gift of teaching, which in effect would supplement and finally replace the gift of prophecy, would be needed in all churches. This gift is carried in all three listings of the gifts of the Spirit (Rom 12:7; 1Co 12:28; Eph 4:11).

Defender: 1Co 12:28 - -- Note again that the gift of tongues involves many different languages, not one heavenly tongue."

Note again that the gift of tongues involves many different languages, not one heavenly tongue."

TSK: 1Co 12:8 - -- is given : 1Co 1:5, 1Co 1:30, 1Co 2:6-10, 1Co 13:2, 1Co 13:8; Gen 41:38, Gen 41:39; Exo 31:3; 1Ki 3:5-12; Neh 9:20; Job 32:8; Psa 143:10; Pro 2:6; Isa...

TSK: 1Co 12:9 - -- faith : 1Co 13:2; Mat 17:19, Mat 17:20, Mat 21:21; Mar 11:22, Mar 11:23; Luk 17:5, Luk 17:6; 2Co 4:13; Eph 2:8; Heb 11:33 the gifts : Mat 10:8; Mar 6:...

TSK: 1Co 12:10 - -- the working : 1Co 12:28, 1Co 12:29; Mar 16:17, Mar 16:20; Luk 24:49; Joh 14:12; Act 1:8; Rom 15:19; Gal 3:5; Heb 2:4 prophecy : 1Co 13:2, 1Co 14:1, 1C...

TSK: 1Co 12:11 - -- all : 1Co 12:4, 1Co 7:7, 1Co 7:17; Joh 3:27; Rom 12:6; 2Co 10:13; Eph 4:7 as : 1Co 12:6; Dan 4:35; Mat 11:26, Mat 20:15; Joh 3:8, Joh 5:21; Rom 9:18; ...

TSK: 1Co 12:12 - -- as : 1Co 10:17; Rom 12:4, Rom 12:5; Eph 1:23, Eph 4:4, Eph 4:12, Eph 4:15, Eph 4:16, Eph 5:23, Eph 5:30; Col 1:18, Col 1:24, Col 2:19; Col 3:15 so : 1...

TSK: 1Co 12:13 - -- by : 1Co 10:2; Isa 44:3-5; Eze 36:25-27; Mat 3:11; Luk 3:16; Joh 1:16, Joh 1:33, Joh 3:5; Act 1:5; Rom 6:3-6, Rom 8:9-11; Eph 4:5, Eph 5:26; Col 2:11,...

TSK: 1Co 12:14 - -- 1Co 12:12, 1Co 12:19, 1Co 12:27, 1Co 12:28; Eph 4:25

TSK: 1Co 12:15 - -- Jdg 9:8-15; 2Ki 14:9

TSK: 1Co 12:16 - -- is it : 1Co 12:16, 1Co 12:22; Rom 12:3, Rom 12:10; Phi 2:3

TSK: 1Co 12:17 - -- 1Co 12:21, 1Co 12:29; 1Sa 9:9; Psa 94:9, Psa 139:13-16; Pro 20:12

TSK: 1Co 12:18 - -- hath : 1Co 12:24, 1Co 12:28 as it : 1Co 12:11, 1Co 3:5, 1Co 15:38; Psa 110:3, Psa 135:6; Isa 46:10; Jon 1:14; Luk 10:21, Luk 12:32; Rom 12:3; Eph 1:5,...

TSK: 1Co 12:19 - -- 1Co 12:14

TSK: 1Co 12:21 - -- Num 10:31, Num 10:32; 1Sa 25:32; Ezr 10:1-5; Neh 4:16-21; Job 29:11

TSK: 1Co 12:22 - -- Pro 14:28; Ecc 4:9-12, Ecc 5:9, Ecc 9:14, Ecc 9:15; 2Co 1:11; Tit 2:9, Tit 2:10

TSK: 1Co 12:23 - -- bestow : or, put on, Gen 3:7, Gen 3:21

bestow : or, put on, Gen 3:7, Gen 3:21

TSK: 1Co 12:24 - -- Gen 2:25, Gen 3:11

TSK: 1Co 12:25 - -- there : 1Co 1:10-12, 1Co 3:3; Joh 17:21-26; 2Co 13:11 schism : or, division the same : 2Co 7:12, 2Co 8:16

there : 1Co 1:10-12, 1Co 3:3; Joh 17:21-26; 2Co 13:11

schism : or, division

the same : 2Co 7:12, 2Co 8:16

TSK: 1Co 12:26 - -- Rom 12:15; 2Co 11:28, 2Co 11:29; Gal 6:2; Heb 13:3; 1Pe 3:8 *Gr.

TSK: 1Co 12:27 - -- 1Co 12:12, 1Co 12:14-20; Rom 12:5; Eph 1:23, Eph 4:12, Eph 5:23, Eph 5:30; Col 1:24

TSK: 1Co 12:28 - -- God : 1Co 12:7-11; Luk 6:14; Act 13:1-3, Act 20:28; Rom 12:6-8; Eph 2:20, Eph 3:5, Eph 4:11-13; Heb 13:17, Heb 13:24; 1Pe 5:1-4 helps : Num 11:17 gove...

TSK: 1Co 12:29 - -- all apostles : 1Co 12:4-11, 1Co 12:14-20 workers : or, powers

all apostles : 1Co 12:4-11, 1Co 12:14-20

workers : or, powers

TSK: 1Co 12:31 - -- covet : 1Co 8:1, 1Co 14:1, 1Co 14:39; Mat 5:6; Luk 10:42 show : 1Co 13:1-13; Phi 3:8; Heb 11:4

collapse all
Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Co 12:8 - -- For to one is given - In order to show what endowments he refers to, the apostle here particularizes the various gifts which the Holy Spirit im...

For to one is given - In order to show what endowments he refers to, the apostle here particularizes the various gifts which the Holy Spirit imparts in the church.

By the Spirit - By the Holy Spirit; by his agency on the mind and heart.

The word of wisdom - One he has endowed with wisdom, or has made distinguished for wise, and prudent, and comprehensive views of the scheme of redemption, and with a faculty of clearly explaining it to the apprehension of people. It is not certain that the apostle meant to say that this was the most important or most elevated endowment because he places it first in order. His design does not seem to be to observe the order of importance and value, but to state, as it occurred to him, the fact that these various endowments had been conferred on different people in the church. The sense is, that one man would be prominent and distinguished as a wise man - a prudent counsellor, instructor, and adviser.

To another the word of knowledge - Another would be distinguished for knowledge. He would be learned; would have a clear view of the plan of salvation, and of the doctrines and duties of religion. The same variety is observed in the ministry at all times. One man is eminent as a wise man; another as a man of intelligence and knowledge; and both may be equally useful in their place in the church.

By the same Spirit - All is to be traced to the same Spirit; all, therefore, may be really useful and necessary; and the one should not pride himself in his endowments above the other.

Barnes: 1Co 12:9 - -- To another faith - Another shall he distinguished for simple confidence in God; and his endowment is also given by the same Spirit. Many of the...

To another faith - Another shall he distinguished for simple confidence in God; and his endowment is also given by the same Spirit. Many of the most useful people in the church are distinguished mainly for their simple confidence in the promises of God; and often accomplish more by prayer and by their faith in God than others do who are distinguished for their wisdom and learning. Humble piety and reliance in the divine promises, and that measure of ardor, fearlessness, and zeal which result from such confidence; that belief that all obstacles must be and will be overcome that oppose the gospel; and that God will secure the advancement of his cause, will often do infinitely more in the promotion of his kingdom than the most splendid endowments of learning and talent. Indeed, if a man were disposed to do good on the widest scale possible, to do the utmost that he possibly could in saving people, he would best accomplish it by seeking simple "faith"in God’ s aid and promises, and then under the influence of this, engage with ardor in doing what he could. Faith is one of the highest endowments of the Christian life; and yet, though all may obtain it, it is one of the rarest endowments. Perhaps by many it is despised, because it may be obtained by all; because it is a grace in which the poor and the humble may be as much distinguished as the man of splendid talents and profound learning.

To another the gifts of healing - See Mar 16:18. This was promised to the disciples of the Saviour; and in the early church was conferred on many; compare Act 5:12, Act 5:15-16; Act 19:12. It would seem from this passage that the gift of healing was conferred on some in a more eminent degree than on others.

Barnes: 1Co 12:10 - -- To another the working of miracles - Commentators have felt some perplexity in distinguishing this from what is mentioned in 1Co 12:9, of the g...

To another the working of miracles - Commentators have felt some perplexity in distinguishing this from what is mentioned in 1Co 12:9, of the gift of healing. it is evident that the apostle there refers to the power of working miracles in healing inveterate and violent diseases. The expression used here, "working of miracles"( ἐνεργήματα δυναμέων energēmata dunameōn ) refers probably to the more "extraordinary"and "unusual"kinds of miracles; to those which were regarded as in advance of the power of healing diseases. It is possible that it may denote what the Saviour had reference to in Mar 16:18, where he said they should take up serpents, and if they drank any deadly thing it should not hurt them; and possibly also to the power of raising up the dead. That this power was possessed by the apostles is well known; and it is possible that it was possessed by others also of the early Christians. It is clear from all this that there was a difference even among those who had the power of working miracles, and that this power was conferred in a more eminent degree on some than on others. Indeed, the "extraordinary"endowments conferred on the apostles and the early Christians, seem to have been regulated to a remarkable degree in accordance with the rule by which "ordinary"endowments are conferred upon people. Though all people have understanding, memory, imagination, bodily strength, etc., yet one has these in a more eminent degree than others; and one is characterized for the possession of one of those qualities more than for another. Yet all are bestowed by the same God. So it was in regard to the extraordinary endowments conferred on the early Christians; compare 1 Cor. 14, especially 1Co 14:32.

To another prophecy; - See the note at Rom 12:6.

To another discerning of spirits - compare 1Jo 4:1. This must refer to some power of searching into the secrets of the heart; of knowing what were a man’ s purposes. views, and feelings. It may relate either to the power of determining by what spirit a man spoke who pretended to be inspired, whether he was truly inspired or whether he was an impostor; or it may refer to the power of seeing whether a man was sincere or not in his Christian profession That the apostles had this power, is apparent from the case of Ananias and Sapphira, Act 5:1-10, and from the case of Elymas, Act 13:9-11. It is evident that where the gift of prophecy and inspiration was possessed, and where it would confer such advantages on those who possessed it, there would be many pretenders to it; and that it would be of vast importance to the infant church, in order to prevent imposition, that there should be a power in the church of detecting the imposture.

To another divers kinds of tongues - The power of speaking various languages; see Act 2:4, Act 2:7-11. This passage also seems to imply that the extraordinary endowments of the Holy Spirit were not conferred on all alike.

To another the interpretation of tongues - The power of interpreting foreign languages; or of interpreting the language which might be used by the "prophets"in their communications; see the note at 1Co 14:27. This was evidently a faculty different from the power of speaking a foreign language; and yet it might be equally useful. It would appear possible that some might have had the power of speaking foreign languages who were not themselves apprized of the meaning, and that interpreters were needful in order to express the sense to the hearers. Or it may have been that in a promiscuous assembly, or in an assembly made up of those who spoke different languages, a part might have understood what was uttered, and it was needful that an interpreter should explain it to the other portion; see the notes on 1Co 14:28.

Barnes: 1Co 12:11 - -- But all these - All these various endowments. Worketh - Produces. All these are to be traced to him. That one and the self-same Spir...

But all these - All these various endowments.

Worketh - Produces. All these are to be traced to him.

That one and the self-same Spirit - The Holy Spirit, Acts 2. They were all, though so different in themselves, to be traced to the Holy Spirit, just as all the natural endowments of people - their strength, memory, judgment, etc. - though so various in themselves are to be traced to the same God.

Dividing to every man severally - Conferring on each one as he pleases. He confers on each one that which he sees to be best, and most wise, and proper.

As he will - As he chooses or as in his view seems best. Dr. Doddridge remarks, that this word does "not so much express arbitrary pleasure, as a determination founded on "wise"counsel."It implies, however, that he does it as a sovereign; as he sees to be right and best. He distributes these favors as to him seems best adapted to promote the welfare of the whole church and to advance his cause. Some of the doctrines which are taught by this verse are the following:

(1) The Holy Spirit is a "person."For, he acts as a person; distributes favors, confers endowments and special mercies "as he will."This proves that he is, in some respects, distinguished from the Father and the Son. It would be absurd to say of an "attribute"of God, that it confers favors, and distributes the various endowments of speaking with tongues, and raising the dead. And if so, then the Holy Spirit is "not"an attribute of God.

\caps1 (2) h\caps0 e is a sovereign. He gives to all as he pleases. In regard to spiritual endowments of the highest order, he deals with people as he does in the common endowments bestowed upon people, and as he does in temporal blessings. He does not bestow the same blessings on all, nor make all alike. He dispenses his favors by a rule which he has not made known, but which, we may be assured, is in accordance with wisdom and goodness. He wrongs no one; and he gives to all the favors which might be connected with eternal life.

\caps1 (3) n\caps0 o man should be proud of his endowments. Whatever they may be, they are the gifts of God, bestowed by his sovereign will and mercy. But assuredly we should not be proud of that which is the mere "gift"of another, and which has been bestowed, not in consequence of any merit of ours, but according to his mere sovereign will.

\caps1 (4) n\caps0 o man should be depressed, or should despise his own gifts, however humble they may be. In their own place, they may be as important as the higher endowments of others. That God has placed him where he is, or has given less splendid endowments than he has to others, is no fault of his. There is no crime in it; and he should, therefore, strive to improve his "one talent,"and to make himself useful in the rank where he is placed. And,

(5) No man should despise another because be is in a more bumble rank, or is less favored than himself. God has made the difference, and we should respect and honor his arrangements, and should show that "respect"and "honor"by regarding with kindness, and treating as fellow laborers with us, all who occupy a more humble rank than we do.

Barnes: 1Co 12:12 - -- For as the body is one - The general sentiment which the apostle had been illustrating and enforcing was, that all the endowments which were po...

For as the body is one - The general sentiment which the apostle had been illustrating and enforcing was, that all the endowments which were possessed in the church were the work of the same Holy Spirit, and that they ought to be appropriately cherished and prized, as being all useful and valuable in their places. This sentiment he now illustrates 1Co. 12:12-27 by a beautiful similitude taken from the mutual dependence of the various parts of the human body. The human body is one, and yet is composed of various members and parts that all unite harmoniously in one whole.

Being many - Or, although they are many; or while they are in some respects separate, and perform distinct and different functions, yet they all unite in one harmonious whole.

So also is Christ - The church is represented as the body of Christ 1Co 12:27, meaning that it is one, and that he sustains to it the relation of Head; compare Eph 1:22-23. As the "head"is the most important part of the body, it may be put for the whole body; and the name "Christ"here, the head of the church, is put for the whole body of which he is the head; and means here the Christian society, or the church. This figure, of a part for the whole, is one that is common in all languages; see the note at Rom 12:4-5.

Barnes: 1Co 12:13 - -- For by one Spirit - That is, by the agency or operation of the same Spirit, the Holy Spirit, we have been united into one body. The idea here i...

For by one Spirit - That is, by the agency or operation of the same Spirit, the Holy Spirit, we have been united into one body. The idea here is the same as that presented above 1Co 12:7, 1Co 12:11, by which all the endowments of Christians are traced to the same Spirit. Paul here says, that that Spirit had so endowed them as to fit them to constitute one body, or to be united in one, and to perform the various duties which resulted from their union in the same Christian church. The idea of its having been done by one and the same Spirit is kept up and often presented, in order that the endowments conferred on them might be duly appreciated.

Are we all - Every member of the church, whatever may be his rank or talents, has received his endowments from the same Spirit.

Baptized into one body - Many suppose that there is reference here to the ordinance of baptism by water. But the connection seems rather to require us to understand it of the baptism of the Holy Spirit Mat 3:11; and if so, it means, that by the agency of the Holy Spirit, they had all been suited, each to his appropriate place, to constitute the body of Christ - the church. If, however, it refers to the ordinance of baptism, as Bloomfield, Calvin, Doddridge, etc. suppose, then it means, that by the very profession of religion as made at baptism, by there being but one baptism Eph 4:5, they had all professedly become members of one and the same body. The former interpretation, however, seems to me best to suit the connection.

Whether we be Jews or Gentiles - There is no difference. All are on a level. In regard to the grand point, no distinction is made, whatever may have been our former condition of life.

Bond or free - It is evident that many who were slaves were converted to the Christian faith. Religion, however, regarded all as on a level; and conferred no favors on the free which it did not on the slave. It was one of the happy lessons of Christianity, that it taught people that in the great matters pertaining to their eternal interests they were on the same level. This doctrine would tend to secure, more than anything else could, the proper treatment of those who were in bondage, and of those who were in humble ranks of life. At the same time it would not diminish, but would increase their real respect for their masters, and for those who were above them, if they regarded them as fellow Christians, and destined to the same heaven; see the note at 1Co 7:22.

And have been all made to drink ... - This probably refers to their partaking together of the cup in the Lord’ s Supper. The sense is, that by their drinking of the same cup commemorating the death of Christ, they had partaken of the same influences of the Holy Spirit, which descend alike on all who observe that ordinance in a proper manner. They had shown also, that they belonged to the same body, and were all united together; and that however various might be their graces and endowments, yet they all belonged to the same great family.

Barnes: 1Co 12:14 - -- For the body ... - The body is made up of many members, which have various offices. So it is in the church. We are to expect the same variety t...

For the body ... - The body is made up of many members, which have various offices. So it is in the church. We are to expect the same variety there; and we are not to presume either that all will be alike, or that any member that God has placed there will be useless.

Barnes: 1Co 12:15 - -- If the foot shall say ... - The same figure and illustration which Paul here uses occurs also in pagan writers. It occurs in the apologue which...

If the foot shall say ... - The same figure and illustration which Paul here uses occurs also in pagan writers. It occurs in the apologue which was used by Menenius Agrippa, as related by Livy (lib. 2: cap. 32), in which he attempted to repress a rebellion which had been excited against the nobles and senators, as useless and cumbersome to the state. Menenius, in order to show the folly of this, represents the different members of the body as conspiring against the stomach, as being inactive, and as refusing to labor, and consuming everything. The consequence of the conspiracy which the feet, and hands, and mouth entered into, was a universal wasting away of the whole frame for lack of the nutriment which would have been supplied from the stomach. Thus, he argued it would be by the conspiracy against the nobles, as being inactive, and as consuming all things. The representation had the desired effect, and quelled the rebellion. The same figure is used also by Aesop. The idea here is, that as the foot and the ear could not pretend that they were not parts of the body, and even not important, because they were not the eye, etc.; that is, were not more honorable parts of the body; so no Christian, however humble his endowments, could pretend that he was useless because he was not more highly gifted and did not occupy a more elevated rank.

Barnes: 1Co 12:17 - -- If the whole body ... - The idea in this verse is, that all the parts of the body are useful in their proper place, and that it would be as abs...

If the whole body ... - The idea in this verse is, that all the parts of the body are useful in their proper place, and that it would be as absurd to require or expect that all the members of the church should have the same endowments, as it would be to attempt to make the body "all eye."If all were the same; if all had the same endowments, important offices which are now secured by the other members would be unknown. All, therefore, are to be satisfied with their allotment; all are to be honored in their appropriate place.

Barnes: 1Co 12:18 - -- Hath God set the members ... - God has formed the body, with its various members, as he saw would best conduce to the harmony and usefulness of...

Hath God set the members ... - God has formed the body, with its various members, as he saw would best conduce to the harmony and usefulness of all.

Barnes: 1Co 12:19 - -- And if all were one member - If there were nothing but an eye, an ear, or a limb, there would be no body The idea which this seems intended to ...

And if all were one member - If there were nothing but an eye, an ear, or a limb, there would be no body The idea which this seems intended to illustrate is, that if there was not variety of talent and endowment in the church, the church could not itself exist. If, for example, there were nothing but apostles, or prophets, or teachers; if there were none but those who spoke with tongues or could interpret them, the church could not exist. A variety of talents and attainments in their proper places is as useful as are the various members of the human body.

Barnes: 1Co 12:21 - -- And the eye cannot say unto the hand ... - The hand in its place is as needful as the eye; and the feet as the head. Nay, the eye and the head ...

And the eye cannot say unto the hand ... - The hand in its place is as needful as the eye; and the feet as the head. Nay, the eye and the head could not perform their appropriate functions, or would be in a great measure useless but for the aid of the hands and feet. Each is useful in its proper place. So in the church. Those that are most talented and most richly endowed with gifts, cannot say to those less so, that there is no need of their aid. All are useful in their place. Nay, those who are most richly endowed could very imperfectly perform their duties without the aid and cooperation of those of more humble attainments.

Barnes: 1Co 12:22 - -- Which seem to be more feeble - Weaker than the rest; which seem less able to bear fatigue and to encounter difficulties; which are more easily ...

Which seem to be more feeble - Weaker than the rest; which seem less able to bear fatigue and to encounter difficulties; which are more easily injured, and which become more easily affected with disease. It is possible that Paul may here refer to the brain, the lungs, the heart, etc., as more feeble in their structure, and more liable to disease than the hands and the feet, etc., and in reference to which disease is more dangerous and fatal.

Are more necessary - The sense seems to be this. A man can live though the parts and members of his body which are more strong were removed; but not if those parts which are more feeble. A man can live if his arm or his leg be amputated; but not if his brain, his lungs or his heart be removed. So that, although these parts are more feeble, and more easily injured, they are really more necessary to life, and therefore more useful than the more vigorous portions of the frame. Perhaps the idea is - and it is a beautiful thought - that those members of the church which are most retiring and feeble apparently which are concealed from public view, unnoticed and unknown - the humble. the meek, the peaceful, and the prayerful - are often more necessary to the true welfare of the church than those who are eminent for their talent and learning. And it is so. The church can better spare many a man, even in the ministry, who is learned, and eloquent, and popular, than some obscure and humble Christian, that is to the church what the heart and the lungs are to the life. the one is strong. vigorous, active, like the hands or the feet, and the church often depends on them; the other is feeble, concealed, yet vital, like the heart or the lungs. The vitality of the church could be continued though the man of talent and learning should be removed; as the body may live when the arm or the leg is amputated; but that vitality could not continue if the saint of humble and retiring piety, and of fervent prayerfulness, were removed, any more than the body can live when there is no heart and no lungs.

Barnes: 1Co 12:23 - -- We bestow more abundant honour - Margin, "Put on."The words rendered "abundant honor"here, refer to clothing. We bestow upon them more attentio...

We bestow more abundant honour - Margin, "Put on."The words rendered "abundant honor"here, refer to clothing. We bestow upon them more attention and honor then we do on the face that is deemed comely, and that is not covered and adorned as the other parts of the body are.

More abundant comeliness - We adorn and decorate the body with frivilous apparel. Those parts which decency requires us to conceal we not only cover, but we endeavor as far as we can to adorn them. The face in the mean time we leave uncovered. The idea is, that, in like manner, we should not despise or disregard those members of the church who are of lower rank, or who are less favored than others with spiritual endowments.

Barnes: 1Co 12:24 - -- For our comely parts - The face, etc. "Have no need."No need of clothing or ornament. But God hath tempered the body together - Literally...

For our comely parts - The face, etc. "Have no need."No need of clothing or ornament.

But God hath tempered the body together - Literally, "mingled"or mixed; that is, has made to coalesce, or strictly and closely joined. He has formed a strict union; he has made one part dependent on another, and necessary to the harmony and proper action of another. Every part is useful, and all are suited to the harmonious action of the whole. God has so arranged it, in order to produce harmony and equality in the body, that those parts which are less comely by nature should be more adorned and guarded by apparel.

Having given more abundant honour ... - By making it necessary that we should labor in order to procure for it the needful clothing; thus making it more the object of our attention and care. We thus bestow more abundant honor upon those parts of the body which a suitable protection from cold, and heat, and storms, and the sense of comeliness, requires us to clothe and conceal. The "more abundant honor,"therefore, refers to the greater attention, labor, and care which we bestow on those parts of the body.

Barnes: 1Co 12:25 - -- That there should be no schism - Margin, "Division;"see note on 1Co 11:18. The sense here is, that the body might be united, and be one harmoni...

That there should be no schism - Margin, "Division;"see note on 1Co 11:18. The sense here is, that the body might be united, and be one harmonious whole; that there should be no separate interests; and that all the parts should be equally necessary, and truly dependent on each other; and that no member should be regarded as separated from the others, or as needless to the welfare of all. The sense to be illustrated by this is, that no member of the church, however feeble, or illiterate, or obscure, should be despised or regarded as unnecessary or valueless; that all are needful in their places; and that it should not be supposed that they belonged to different bodies, or that they could not associate together, any more than the less honorable and comely parts of the body should be regarded as unworthy or unfit to be united to the parts that were deemed to be more beautiful or honorable.

Should have the same care - Should care for the same thing; should equally regard the interests of all, as we feel an equal interest in all the members and parts of the body, and desire the preservation, the healthy action, and the harmonious and regular movement of the whole. Whatever part of the body is affected with disease or pain, we feel a deep interest in its preservation and cure. The idea is, that no member of the church should be overlooked or despised; but that the whole church should feel a deep interest for, and exercise a constant solicitude over, all its members.

Barnes: 1Co 12:26 - -- And whether one member suffer - One member, or part of the body. All the members suffer with it - This, we all know, is the case with the...

And whether one member suffer - One member, or part of the body.

All the members suffer with it - This, we all know, is the case with the body. A pain in the foot, the hand, or the head excites deep solicitude. The interest is not confined to the part affected; but we feel that we ourselves are affected, and that our body, as a whole, demands our care. The word "suffer"here refers to disease, or sickness. It is true also that not only we feel an "interest"in the part that is affected, but that disease in any one part tends to diffuse itself through, and to affect the whole frame. If not arrested, it is conveyed by the blood through all the members until life itself is destroyed. It is not by mere interest, then, or sympathy, but it is by the natural connection and the inevitable result that a diseased member tends to affect the whole frame. There is not, indeed, in the church the same "physical"connection and "physical"effect, but the union is really not less close and important, nor is it the less certain that the conduct of one member will affect all. It is implied here also, that we should feel a deep interest in the welfare of all the members of the body of Christ. If one is tempted or afflicted, the other members of the church should feel it, and "bear one another’ s burdens, and so fulfil his law."If one is poor, the others should aid him, and supply his needs; if one is persecuted and opposed for righteousness’ sake, the others should sympathize with him, and make common cause with him. In all things pertaining to religion and to their mutual welfare, they should feel that they have a common cause, and regard it as a privilege to aid one another. Nor should a man regard it as any more a burden and hardship to aid a poor or afflicted brother in the church, than it should be deemed a hardship that the head, and the heart, and the hands should sympathize when any other member of the body is diseased.

Or one member be honoured - If applied to the body, this means, if one member or part be regarded and treated with special care; be deemed honorable; or be in a sound, healthy, and vigorous condition. If applied to the church, it means, if one of its members should be favored with extraordinary endowments; or be raised to a station of honor and influence above his brethren.

All the members rejoice with it - That is, in the body, all the other members partake of the benefit and honor. If one member be sound and healthy, the benefit extends to all. If the hands, the feet, the heart, the lungs, the brain be in a healthy condition, the advantage is felt by all the members, and all derive advantage from it. So in the church. If one member is favored with remarkable talent, or is raised to a station of influence, and exerts his influence in the cause of Christ, all the members of the church partake of the benefit. It is for the common good; and all should rejoice in it. This consideration should repress envy at the elevation of others, and should lead all the members of a church to rejoice when God, by his direct agency, or by the arrangements of his providence, confers extraordinary endowments, or gives opportunity for extended usefulness to others.

Barnes: 1Co 12:27 - -- Now ye - Ye Christians of Corinth, as a part of the whole church that has been redeemed. Are the body of Christ - The allusion to the hum...

Now ye - Ye Christians of Corinth, as a part of the whole church that has been redeemed.

Are the body of Christ - The allusion to the human body is here kept up. As all the members of the human body compose one body, having a common head, so it is with all the members and parts of the Christian church. The specific idea is, that Christ is the Head of the whole church; that he presides over all; and that all its members sustain to each other the relation of fellow-members in the same body, and are subject to the same head; compare the note at 1Co 11:3. The church is often called the body of Christ; Eph 1:23; Col 1:18, Col 1:24.

And members in particular - You are, as individuals, members of the body of Christ; or each individual is a member of that body.

Barnes: 1Co 12:28 - -- And God hath set - That is, has appointed, constituted, ordained. He has established these various orders or ranks in the church. The apostle, ...

And God hath set - That is, has appointed, constituted, ordained. He has established these various orders or ranks in the church. The apostle, having illustrated the main idea that God had conferred various endowments on the members of the church, proceeds here to specify particularly what he meant, and to refer more directly to the various ranks which existed in the church.

Some in the church - The word "some,"in this place ὅυς hous , seems to mean rather whom, "and whom God hath placed in the church,"or, they whom God hath constituted in the church in the manner above mentioned are, first, apostles, etc.

First, apostles - In the first rank or order; or as superior in honor and in office. He has given them the highest authority in the church; he has more signally endowed them and qualified them than he has others.

Secondarily, prophets - As second in regard to endowments and importance. For the meaning of the word "prophets,"see the note on Rom 12:6.

Thirdly, teachers - As occupying the third station in point of importance and valuable endowments. On the meaning of this word, and the nature of this office, see the note on Rom 12:7.

After that, miracles - Power. ( δυνάμεις dunameis ). Those who had the power of working miracles; referred to in 1Co 12:10.

Then gifts of healing - The power of healing those who were sick; see note on 1Co 12:9; compare Jam 5:14-15.

Helps - ( ἀντιλήμψεις antilēmpseis ). This word occurs no where else in the New Testament. It is derived from ἀντιλαμβάνω antilambanō , and denotes properly, "aid, assistance, help;"and then those who render aid, assistance, or help; helpers. Who they were is not known. They might have been those to whom was entrusted the care of the poor, and the sick, and strangers, widows, and orphans, etc.; that is, those who performed the office of deacons. Or they may have been those who attended on the apostles to aid them in their work, such as Paul refers to in Rom 16:3. "Greet Priscilla, and Aquilla, my "helpers"in Christ Jesus;"and in 1Co 12:9,"Salute Urbane our helper in Christ;"see note on Rom 16:3. It is not possible, perhaps, to determine the precise meaning of the word, or the nature of the office which they discharged; but the word means, in general, those who in any way aided or rendered assistance in the church, and may refer to the temporal affairs of the church, to the care of the poor, the distribution of charity and alms, or to the instruction of the ignorant, or to aid rendered directly to the apostles. There is no evidence that it refers to a distinct and "permanent"office in the church; but may refer to aid rendered by any class in any way. Probably many persons were profitably and usefully employed in various ways as aids in promoting the temporal or spiritual welfare of the church.

Governments - ( κυβερνήσεις kubernēseis ). This word is derived from κυβεριάω kuberiaō , "to govern;"and is usually applied to the government or "steering"of a ship. The word occurs no where else in the New Testament, though the word κυβερνήτης kubernētēs ("governor") occurs in Act 27:11, rendered "master,"and in Rev 18:17, rendered "shipmaster."It is not easy to determine what particular office or function is here intended. Doddridge, in accordance with Amyraut, supposes that distinct offices may not be here referred to, but that the same persons may be denoted in these expressions as being distinguished in various ways; that is, that the same persons were called helpers in reference to their skill in aiding those who were in distress, and governments in regard to their talent for doing business, and their ability in presiding in councils for deliberation, and in directing the affairs of the church.

There is no reason to think that the terms here used referred to permanent and established ranks and orders in the ministry and in the church; or in permanent offices which were to continue to all times as an essential part of its organization. It is certain that the "order"of "apostles"has ceased, and also the "order"of "miracles,"and the order of "healings,"and of "diversity of tongues."And it is certain that in the use of these terms of office, the apostle does not affirm that they would be permanent, and essential to the very existence of the church; and from the passage before us, therefore, it cannot be argued that there was to be an order of men in the church who were to be called "helps,"or "governments."The truth probably was, that the circumstances of the primitive churches required the aid of many persons in various capacities which might not be needful or proper in other times and circumstances.

Whether, therefore, this is to be regarded as a permanent arrangement that there should be "governments"in the church, or an order of men entrusted with the sole office of governing, is to be learned not from this passage, but from other parts of the New Testament. Lightfoot contends that the word which is used here and translated "governments"does not refer to the power of ruling, but to a person endued with a deep and comprehensive mind, one who is wise and prudent; and in this view Mesheim, Macknight, and Horsley coincide. Calvin refers it to the elders to whom the exercise of discipline was entrusted. Grotius understands it of the pastors Eph 4:1, or of the elders who presided over particular churches; Rom 12:8. Locke supposes that they were the same as those who had the power of discerning spirits. The simple idea, however, is that of ruling, or exercising government; but whether this refers to a permanent office, or to the fact that some were specially qualified by their wisdom and prudence, and in virtue of this usually regulated or directed the affairs of the church by giving counsel, etc., or whether they were "selected"and appointed for this purpose for a time; or whether it refers to the same persons who might also have exercised other functions, and this in addition, cannot be determined from the passage before us. All that is clear is, that there were those who administered government in the church. But the passage does not determine the form, or manner; nor does it prove - whatever may be true - that such an office was to be permanent in the church.

(There can be little doubt that the κυβερνησεις kubernēseis , or governments, refer to offices of rule and authority in the church. Two things, therefore, are plain from this text:

1. That in the primitive church there were rulers distinct from the people or church members, to whom these were bound to yield obedience.

2. That these rulers were appointed of God. "God set them in the church."As to the question of "permanence,"on which our author thinks this passage affirms nothing: a distinction must be made between these offices which were obviously of an extraordinary kind, and which therefore must cease; and those of an ordinary kind, which are essential to the edification of the church in all ages. "The universal commission which the apostles received from their Master to make disciples of all nations, could not be permanent as to the extent of it, because it was their practice to ordain elders in every city, and because the course of human affairs required, that after Christianity was established, the teachers of it should officiate in particular places. The infallible guidance of the Spirit was not promised in the same measure to succeeding teachers. But being, in their case, vouched by the power of working miracles, it directed the Christians of their day, to submit implicitly to their injunctions and directions; and it warrants the Christian world, in all ages, to receive with entire confidence, that system of faith and morality which they were authorised to deliver in the name of Christ. But as all protestants hold that this system was completed when the canon of scripture was closed - it is admitted by them, that a great part of the apostolical powers ceased with those to whom Jesus first committed them.

Amongst the "ordinary"functions belonging to their office as teachers, are to be ranked not only preaching the word, and dispensing the sacraments, but also that rule and government over Christians as such, which is implied in the idea of the church as a society"- Hill’ s Lectures, vol. ii, p. 479. Now, though these extraordinary offices and functions have ceased with the age of the apostles, and of miraculous influence; it by no means follows, that the ordinary offices of teaching and ruling have ceased also. What was plainly of a "peculiar kind,"and could not possibly be "imitated"after the withdrawment of miraculous power, is quite distinct from that which, not depending on such power, is suited to the condition of the church always. Proceeding on any other principle, we should find it impossible to argue at all on what ought to be the constitution of the church, from any hints we find in the New Testament. What is extraordinary cannot be permanent, but what is ordinary must be so. See the supplementary note on 1Co 5:4.)

Diversities of tongues - Those endowed with the power of speaking various languages; see the note on 1Co 12:10.

Barnes: 1Co 12:29-30 - -- Are all apostles? ... - These questions imply, with strong emphasis, that it could not be, and ought not to be, that there should be perfect eq...

Are all apostles? ... - These questions imply, with strong emphasis, that it could not be, and ought not to be, that there should be perfect equality of endowment. It was not a matter of fact that all were equal, or that all were qualified for the offices which others sustained. Whether the arrangement was approved of or not, it was a simple matter of fact that some were qualified to perform offices which others were not; that some were endowed with the abilities requisite to the apostolic office, and others not; that some were endowed with prophetic gifts, and others were not; that some had the gift of healing, or the talent of speaking different languages, or of interpreting and that others had not.

Barnes: 1Co 12:31 - -- But covet earnestly - Greek "Be zealous for" Ζηλοῦτε Zēloute . This word, however, may be either in the indicative mood (ye do c...

But covet earnestly - Greek "Be zealous for" Ζηλοῦτε Zēloute . This word, however, may be either in the indicative mood (ye do covet earnestly), or in the imperative, as in our translation. Doddridge contends that it should be rendered in the indicative mood, for he says it seems to be a contradiction that after the apostle had been showing that these gifts were not at their own option, and that they ought not to emulate the gifts of another, or aspire to superiority, to undo all again, and give them such contrary advice. The same view is given by Locke, and so Macknight. The Syriac renders it, "Because you are zealous of the best gifts, I will show to you a more excellent way."But there is no valid objection to the common translation in the imperative, and indeed the connection seems to demand it. Grotius renders it, "Pray to God that you may receive from him the best, that is, the most useful endowments."

The sense seems to be this, "I have proved that all endowments in the church are produced by the Holy Spirit; and that he confers them as he pleases. I have been showing that no one should be proud or elated on account of extraordinary endowments; and that, on the other hand, no one should he depressed, or sad, or discontented, because he has a more humble rank. I have been endeavoring to repress and subdue the spirit of discontent, jealousy, and ambition; and to produce a willingness in all to occupy the station where God has placed you. But, I do not intend to deny that it is proper to desire the most useful endowments; that a man should wish to be brought under the influence of the Spirit, and qualified for eminent usefulness. I do not mean to say that it is wrong for a man to regard the higher gifts of the Spirit as valuable and desirable, if they may be obtained; nor that the spirit which seeks to excel in spiritual endowments and in usefulness, is improper.

Yet all cannot be apostles; all cannot be prophets. I would not have you, therefore, seek such offices, and manifest a spirit of ambition. I would seek to regulate the desire which I would not repress as improper; and in order to that, I would show you that, instead of aspiring to offices and extraordinary endowments which are beyond your grasp, there is a way, more truly valuable, that is open to you all, and where all may excel."Paul thus endeavors to give a practicable and feasible turn to the whole subject, and further to repress the longings of ambition and the contentions of strife, by exciting emulation to obtain that which was accessible to them all, and "which, just in the proportion in which it was obtained,"would repress discontent, and strife, and ambition, and produce order, and peace, and contentedness with their endowments and their lot, the main thing which he was desirous of producing in this chapter. This, therefore, is one of the "happy turns"in which the writings of Paul abounds. He did not denounce their zeal as wicked. He did not attempt at once to repress it. He did not say that it was wrong to desire high endowments. But he showed them an endowment which was more valuable than all the others; which was accessible to all; and which, if possessed, would make them contented, and produce the harmonious operation of all the parts of the church. That endowment was love.

A more excellent way - See the next chapter. "I will show you a more excellent way of evincing your "zeal"than by aspiring to the place of apostles, prophets, or rulers, and that is by cultivating universal charity or love."

Poole: 1Co 12:8 - -- There are different apprehensions as to the particular gifts here enumerated, and it is no wonder, these extraordinary gifts being ceased, if we be ...

There are different apprehensions as to the particular gifts here enumerated, and it is no wonder, these extraordinary gifts being ceased, if we be now at a loss to determine what is to be understood by the terms whereby they are expressed. Some by

the word of wisdom here, understand a faculty to deliver grave sentences; others, an ability to open the deep mysteries of religion; others, a singular knowledge of spiritual things, joined with a great authority, &c.; others, an ability to explain the deep wisdom of God. But it is most probable, that he meaneth by it what we ordinarily understand by wisdom, viz. a faculty, from a good judgment of the circumstances of actions, to do them at the best time, and in the best manner, wherein they may be serviceable to their ends. It is as uncertain, whether by

the word of knowledge he meaneth a capacity to comprehend things in our knowledge, or to communicate it to others, or the actual communication of it by preaching, which was the work of the pastors and teachers; or the prophetical knowledge of future contingencies; or an ability to speak of spiritual things doctrinally, without any great faculty of applying them.

Poole: 1Co 12:9 - -- To another he saith, is given faith: by which cannot be understood that faith which is common to all Christians, for he is speaking of such gifts as...

To another he saith, is given faith: by which cannot be understood that faith which is common to all Christians, for he is speaking of such gifts as were given to some Christians, not to all; he must therefore mean, either a faith of miracles, that is, a persuasion that God would work a miracle in this or that case, or a great knowledge in the matters of faith, or a great confidence and boldness in the discharge of their office.

To another the gifts of healing of healing diseases miraculously, without the application of ordinary rational medicines.

Poole: 1Co 12:10 - -- To another the working of miracles of other sorts, such as the inflicting punishments on sinners, casting out devils, &c. To another prophecy which...

To another the working of miracles of other sorts, such as the inflicting punishments on sinners, casting out devils, &c.

To another prophecy which in the general signifieth the revelation of the will of God, whether by the foretelling future contingencies, or opening the Scriptures by preaching or teaching.

To another discerning of spirits a power wherein God, for the further authority and credit of his gospel in the primitive times, communicated to some men something of his own prerogative to discern men’ s inward thoughts and hearts, and to make up a judgment of their truth and sincerity, or contrariwise of their falsehood and hypocrisy.

To another divers kinds of tongues that is, a power to discourse with men in their several languages, as we read in Act 2:8 .

To another the interpretation of tongues: this is made a diverse gift from an ability to speak with divers tongues; possibly some of those that spake with divers tongues could not interpret what they said.

Poole: 1Co 12:11 - -- Though the Spirit of God be but one, from whom these several powers and abilities flow; yet he doth not give all this variety of gifts to all Christ...

Though the Spirit of God be but one, from whom these several powers and abilities flow; yet he doth not give all this variety of gifts to all Christians, but one to this man, another to another, as the same Holy Spirit pleaseth, for the glory of God, or the good of the church.

Poole: 1Co 12:12 - -- For as it is in the body natural, the integral parts, or members of it, are many yet the body is but one; so it is in the spiritual body, the...

For as it is in the body natural, the integral parts, or members of it, are

many yet the body is but one; so it is in the spiritual body, the church, which is that mystical body of which Christ is the Head. The members of the church may be many, and there may be in several members of the church a diversity of gifts, of administrations, and operations, yet the church is but one, yea, Christ and the church make up but one mystical body, of which he is the Head; and they are the members; and therefore the several members, having several gifts, or several offices, or several powers and operations, had no reason, for their difference in such gifts, or powers, or offices, to envy one another, or to despise each other, or glory over one another; for they were but one body, and had all the same Head, though they had from the same Spirit divers abilities, offices, and powers for several operations.

Poole: 1Co 12:13 - -- The apostle proveth the oneness of the church, as the body of Christ, from the same sacraments of the New Testament instituted for all Christians, a...

The apostle proveth the oneness of the church, as the body of Christ, from the same sacraments of the New Testament instituted for all Christians, and wherein they jointly partake. He saith, we are

baptized into one body by which he must mean the universal church, for Christ is the Head of that; particular churches are but parts of that church, of which Christ is the Head. Let men be of what nation they will, whether Jews or Gentiles, turning to the Christian religion, and of what condition they will, when they are baptized they are by it made members of that one body, of which Christ is the Head; though for the more convenient administration of, and participation in, the ordinances, they are divided into smaller societies, which also have the denomination of churches; as the smallest drop of water may be called water, though there be but one element of water.

And saith the apostle, we have been all made to drink into one Spirit which some interpret as if it were, we have all drank of one Spirit, that is, been made partakers of one Spirit, whose benefits are, sometimes set out under the notion of water, living water, Joh 4:10,14 7:38,39 ; and so in the Old Testament, Isa 12:3 Eze 47:1-23 . But many others choose rather to interpret drinking in this place, of drinking at the table of the Lord, partaking of that whole action being set out here by one particular act there performed. This is probable, considering that the apostle, in the former part of the verse, had been speaking of the other sacrament of the gospel, and that he, speaking of the Lord’ s supper. 1Co 10:17 , had used this expression: For we being many, are one bread, and one body.

Poole: 1Co 12:14 - -- As the natural body is totum integrale, a whole consisting of many members; so the body spiritual, the mystical body of Christ, is not made up of...

As the natural body is totum integrale, a whole consisting of many members; so the body spiritual, the mystical body of Christ, is not made up of one single member, but of many members.

Poole: 1Co 12:15-16 - -- Ver. 15,16. It should seem by these expressions, that one great cause of those divisions, which the apostle had charged the church of Corinth with, w...

Ver. 15,16. It should seem by these expressions, that one great cause of those divisions, which the apostle had charged the church of Corinth with, was their difference in gifts, administrations, and operations; which was to that degree, that either those who were higher in gifts and administrations, and more famous for their miraculous operations, despised and vilified those that were inferior to them; or those who were lower in gifts, or in their stations in the church, or their power to work miracles, would not own themselves members of the church at Corinth, because they were in those low and inferior orders and degrees. The apostle argueth the unreasonableness of this, by a further comparing of the natural with the spiritual mystical body, the church, and showeth, it was altogether as unreasonable for men to disclaim the church, and their relation to it, because they had not the most eminent gifts, or were not in the most eminent places and offices, as for the foot to say, it was not of the body, because it was not the hand; or for the ear to say, it was not of the body, because it was not the eye.

Poole: 1Co 12:17 - -- There are several actions to be performed by the body of a man, either for the support and the upholding of it in life, or for the accommodation of ...

There are several actions to be performed by the body of a man, either for the support and the upholding of it in life, or for the accommodation of it while it lives; seeing, hearing, and smelling (which are the three actions here mentioned) are not indeed necessary for the upholding of life, but they are highly useful for a man’ s better being, and the accommodation of bodily life; therefore there is need of a variety of bodily members, organs or instruments of sight as well as of hearing, and organs of smelling as well as hearing; the wise God hath created no member of man’ s body in vain, each one hath its use in order to the being or well-being of the body: so it is in the church of God, as the apostle, 1Co 12:27 , argueth; but he goes yet further on, first, in his comparison of the natural and mystical body.

Poole: 1Co 12:18 - -- The infinitely wise God, who hath made the body of man, and ordered all the members of the body for several uses and offices, either for the upholdi...

The infinitely wise God, who hath made the body of man, and ordered all the members of the body for several uses and offices, either for the upholding or accommodating the life of man, hath likewise appointed the order in the body in which every member shall stand; that the head should be uppermost for the better guidance of the whole body; the feet lowermost to tread upon the earth, and to bear the weight of the whole body: and none must repine at the wisdom of God, which hath not only created man’ s body, (consisting of a variety of members), but also appointed every member its place, and there setteth it, that it cannot shift its station or office.

Poole: 1Co 12:19 - -- The body is a whole consisting of many members, it could not therefore be a body if there were but only one member. Or how could the body perform th...

The body is a whole consisting of many members, it could not therefore be a body if there were but only one member. Or how could the body perform the several actions necessary either for the being or the well-being of it, if it consisted but of one member?

Poole: 1Co 12:20 - -- The multiplicity of members, having several uses and offices for the service of the whole body, do not make a multiplicity of bodies, the body still...

The multiplicity of members, having several uses and offices for the service of the whole body, do not make a multiplicity of bodies, the body still is but one.

Poole: 1Co 12:21 - -- He names two of the most noble and useful members of the body, the head and the eye, which yet cannot tell the hands or the feet they have no nee...

He names two of the most noble and useful members of the body, the head and the eye, which yet cannot tell the hands or the feet they have no need of them: the wise God having created nothing in vain, but made every member in the body of a man for use, as to the whole, so to the several parts of the body; the hand is useful to the eye, and the feet are of use to the head. The application of this similitude, which the apostle so much enlargeth upon, we shall have, 1Co 12:27 , &c.

Poole: 1Co 12:22 - -- By feeble the apostle here doth not only mean most weak, but which seem to us most abject and contemptible; in which sense the word is used, 2Co 12...

By feeble the apostle here doth not only mean most weak, but which seem to us most abject and contemptible; in which sense the word is used, 2Co 12:10 ; such are the belly and the entrails; the eye also is a feeble member, &c.; yet these parts are most necessary for the use of the body, being such without the use of which the body cannot live.

Poole: 1Co 12:23 - -- All know what those parts of the body are, which are commonly judged less honourable and less comely; upon these we bestow more abundant honour and...

All know what those parts of the body are, which are commonly judged less honourable and less comely; upon these we bestow more abundant honour and comeliness, by hiding them and covering them, that they are not, as the hands, and face, and head, (which we esteem more honourable parts of the body), exposed to the public view of those with whom we converse.

Poole: 1Co 12:24 - -- God hath, in the wisdom of his providence, so ordered it, that as we have some parts of our body which are judged uncomely, and not for those noble ...

God hath, in the wisdom of his providence, so ordered it, that as we have some parts of our body which are judged uncomely, and not for those noble uses that others are; so we have other parts that are, for use, more noble, yet in common repute more ignoble and uncomely: and the same wise God hath so built the body of man, as of both these to make a temperament so as they all concur in the composition of the same body, and more abundant honour in covering and clothing them is given to those parts, that, in the judgment of men, seemed most to lack honour, that their uncomeliness might by some artificial means be taken away.

Poole: 1Co 12:25 - -- By schism is here meant division, and that also must be expounded figuratively, and it is expounded in the next words, that the members should hav...

By schism is here meant division, and that also must be expounded figuratively, and it is expounded in the next words,

that the members should have the same care one for another that though the members differ in honour and office, yet they might mutually take care for each other, as if they were all in an equal degree of honour.

Poole: 1Co 12:26 - -- From this union of the members in the body natural, of all the members proceedeth a natural sympathy, that if one member suffereth, all are afflicte...

From this union of the members in the body natural, of all the members proceedeth a natural sympathy, that if one member suffereth, all are afflicted, and ready to contribute to the relief and help each of other; and likewise the honour that is reflected on the body, is reflected on all the parts, and all rejoice in the good that affecteth any one single member.

Poole: 1Co 12:27 - -- Considering you in the whole as a church, so ye are the body of Christ: considering you particularly as individual believers, so ye are members o...

Considering you in the whole as a church, so ye are the body of Christ: considering you particularly as individual believers, so ye are

members of Christ. Some think ek merouv signifies in part, intending that true believers amongst them were members of Christ, but not others. The apostle, in these words, beginneth to apply to them what he had before discoursed concerning the body natural, and the parts thereof; you are the mystical body of Christ, which hath a great analogy with that natural body which you carry about with you.

Poole: 1Co 12:28 - -- The apostle, Eph 4:11 , seemeth to make a different enumeration; there he saith: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangeli...

The apostle, Eph 4:11 , seemeth to make a different enumeration; there he saith: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. He mentioneth here only three of those there mentioned, viz. apostles, prophets, teachers. He reckoneth up there evangelists, whom be doth not here mention. He here first mentioneth apostles, by whom he meaneth those servants of God who were sent out by Christ to lay the first foundations of the gospel church, and upon whom a universal care lay over all the churches of Christ, having not only a power in all places to preach and administer the sacraments, but to give rules of order, and direct in matters of government; though particular churches had a power of government within themselves, otherwise the apostle would not have blamed this church for not casting out the incestuous person.

Prophets signify persons (as I have before noted) that revealed the mind and will of God to people, whether it were by an extraordinary impulse and revelations or in an ordinary course of teaching; whether they revealed things to come, or opened the mind and will of God already revealed. But in this text, and in Eph 4:11 , prophets seem to signify, either such as from the Spirit of God foretold future contingencies, (such was Agabus, of whom we read in the Acts of the Apostles, and others in the primitive church), or else such as interpreted Scripture by extraordinary and immediate revelation. Some think that prophets signify the ordinary pastors of churches; but they seem rather to be comprehended under the next term of teachers, unless we had better grounds than we have to distinguish between pastors and teachers, making the work of the teacher to speak by way of doctrine and explication, and the work of the pastor to speak practically.

Thirdly teachers: some by these understand governors of schools; others, such ministers whose work was only to expound the Scriptures, or the mysteries of salvation: but the apostle, in this enumeration, (which is the largest we have in Scripture), not mentioning pastors, it seemeth to me that he means the fixed and ordinary ministers of churches, or the elders, whom the apostles left in every city, which by their ministry had received the gospel.

After that miracles after that such as he empowered to work miraculous operations, and those of more remarkable nature, for otherwise the healings next mentioned come under that notion also.

Then gifts of healings then such persons as he gave a power to in an extraordinary way to heal the sick. Who the apostle means by helps, and by governments, is very hard to determine. Certain it is, that he doth not mean the civil magistrates; for the time was not yet come for kings to be nursing fathers, and queens nursing mothers to the gospel church. But whether he meaneth deacons, or widows, elsewhere mentioned, as helpful in the case of the poor, or some that assisted the pastors in the government of the church, or some that were extraordinary helps to the apostles in the first plantation of the church, is very hard to determine.

Diversities of tongues such as spake with divers tongues, that faculty being a gift, as we heard before, not given to all, but to some in the primitive church. The apostle, by this enumeration, showeth what he meant by those diversities of gifts, differences of administrations, and diversities of operations, of which he spake in 1Co 12:4-6 .

Poole: 1Co 12:29-30 - -- Ver. 29,30. That is, all are not, nor can be, any more than all the body can be an ear, or an eye, or a hand, or a foot: you cannot expect, that in a...

Ver. 29,30. That is, all are not, nor can be, any more than all the body can be an ear, or an eye, or a hand, or a foot: you cannot expect, that in a governed body all should be governors; and you see by experience, that all cannot work miracles, prophesy, speak with tongues, or heal those that are sick.

Poole: 1Co 12:31 - -- But covet earnestly the best gifts: the word may be translated indicatively: Ye do covet the best gifts; or as we translate it, imperatively: Covet y...

But covet earnestly the best gifts: the word may be translated indicatively: Ye do covet the best gifts; or as we translate it, imperatively: Covet ye; I would have you be covetous to excel in the best gifts, that is, those which will make you most useful and profitable to the church of God.

And yet show I unto you a more excellent way but yet (saith he) gifts are not the best things, the habits of saving grace are much more valuable than gifts; love to God and your neighbour ought to be by you preferred before gifts. To a discourse of which the apostle thus shortly passeth.

PBC: 1Co 12:18 - -- See PB: 1Ti 2:15 When we review the whole of Biblical instructions to the Lord’s church on earth, we discover a healthy balance that places high va...

See PB: 1Ti 2:15

When we review the whole of Biblical instructions to the Lord’s church on earth, we discover a healthy balance that places high value on every member within their divinely assigned role. Give a master engineer the assignment of designing a machine to accomplish a defined task. He studies the task, works on the various subsystems of an efficient machine. Finally he builds the prototype and tries it out. Eventually he completes a well-working machine that does precisely what he designed it to do. We should think of the Biblical roles for every member of the church in every office or function that they fill in just this way. This is the Lord’s church, not our social engineering experiment. He designed its offices and functions according to His perfect knowledge of what He expects from His church. We may deceive other humans by role-playing instead of thoroughgoing obedience to the divine rule, but we will not deceive God. His church will work like that well designed and well-oiled machine when we follow His teachings and fill the roles that He assigned to us willingly, joyfully, and fully. When we change the rules that He gave us, we confuse the divine machinery and should not be surprised when disaster follows. Are we all willing to follow the divine rule of faith, even when it requires change in our own lives?


PBC: 1Co 12:26 - -- See GILL: 1Co 12:26

See GILL: 1Co 12:26

Haydock: 1Co 12:8 - -- Word of wisdom, which differs from that of knowledge, inasmuch as wisdom is a more eminent and sublime knowledge. These are numbered among the g...

Word of wisdom, which differs from that of knowledge, inasmuch as wisdom is a more eminent and sublime knowledge. These are numbered among the gifts of the Holy Ghost. (Isaias, chap. xi.) ---

To another faith, by which, confidence of working miracles, grounded on faith, and on the power and goodness of God. ---

The same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as he will; by which words, they that valued themselves on the gifts of prophesying, and speaking tongues, are put in mind, that all these were purely the gifts of God, to whom alone the honour is due. (Witham)

Haydock: 1Co 12:9 - -- [BIBLIOGRAPHY] Fides, Greek: pistis, upon which word St. John Chrysostom, Greek: om. kth . p. 433. Greek: pistin ou tauten legon, ten ton dogma...


Fides, Greek: pistis, upon which word St. John Chrysostom, Greek: om. kth . p. 433. Greek: pistin ou tauten legon, ten ton dogmaton, alla ten semeion.

Haydock: 1Co 12:12 - -- As the body is one, &c. From this comparison of the mystical body of Christ, that is, of his Church, to a man's natural body, he brings excellent in...

As the body is one, &c. From this comparison of the mystical body of Christ, that is, of his Church, to a man's natural body, he brings excellent instructions. 1. That as all members and parts, make up the same body, so also is Christ; that is, so it is in the Church of Christ, which is his mystical body. 2. As all the parts of man's body are enlivened by the same soul, so all in the Church have their life from the same Spirit of God in baptism, and in the sacraments instituted by our Saviour Christ; in which we are made to drink of the same spirit. 3. As all the members, that have such different offices and functions, do but constitute one complete body, so is it in the Church of Christ. 4. As those that seem the less considerable parts of the human body, are no less necessary for the subsistence and harmony of the whole, and stand in need of one another, (for example, the head stands in need of the feet) so in the Church, &c. 5. He take notice, that in a natural body, the less honourable, the baser, and as they are called, the uncomely parts, are clothed with greater care and decency, Literally, have a more abundant honour bestowed upon them, so in the mystical body, no less, but even a greater care is to be taken of the weaker, and more infirm members, of the poor, the weak, the ignorant; and in the spirit of charity and love, that there may be no divisions or schisms, but a brotherly union: that if one suffer, another compassionate and assist him, &c. (Witham)

Haydock: 1Co 12:15 - -- If the foot, &c. By this comparison St. Paul teaches the Corinthians, that as all cannot exercise the same functions in the Church, so no one should...

If the foot, &c. By this comparison St. Paul teaches the Corinthians, that as all cannot exercise the same functions in the Church, so no one should be envious of his brother; but that by their mutual charity, co-operation, union of hearts, and faith, they should compose one body, of which Christ is the head. (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Co 12:24 - -- Cicero, in his 1st liber de Off. speaking of the human body, says, Natura quæ formam nostram atque figuram, in qua esset species honesta, eam posuit ...

Cicero, in his 1st liber de Off. speaking of the human body, says, Natura quæ formam nostram atque figuram, in qua esset species honesta, eam posuit in promptu; quæ partes autem corporis ad naturæ necessitatem datæ, aspectum essent deformem habituræ atque turpem, eas contexit atque abdidit. (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Co 12:27 - -- Members of members. [2] The sense seems to be, you are members of the particular Church of Corinth, which is only a part or member of the whole boy o...

Members of members. [2] The sense seems to be, you are members of the particular Church of Corinth, which is only a part or member of the whole boy of the Christian Catholic Church. This is agreeable to the common reading in the Greek, where it s said, you are members of a part. See St. John Chrysostom, hom. xxxii. (Witham)



Et membra de membro. Some Greek copies, Greek: kai mele ek melous, but in most Greek manuscripts, Greek: kai mele ke merous. St. John Chrysostom, Greek: om. kb. p. 448. Greek: e ekklesia e par emin, meros esti tes pantachou keimenes ekklesias.


Haydock: 1Co 12:28 - -- First apostles, &c. Here he sets down these gifts or graces in their order of dignity. 1. The apostles, blessed above others with all kinds of gr...

First apostles, &c. Here he sets down these gifts or graces in their order of dignity. 1. The apostles, blessed above others with all kinds of graces. 2. Prophets, who had the gift of interpreting of prophecies, and of knowing things to come. 3. Doctors, or teachers of the gospel, preferred before those who had the gift of miracles, or of healing the infirm, and before the gifts of tongues, which they valued and esteemed so much, which he reckons in a manner in the last place, except that of interpreting, which is wanting in the present Greek copies. But as interpreting is found in all the Greek manuscripts (ver. 30.) we have reason to prefer the reading of the Latin Vulgate. (Witham)

Haydock: 1Co 12:31 - -- Be zealous for the better gifts: which are to be more or less esteemed, as they are accompanied with charity, as he is going to shew in the next ch...

Be zealous for the better gifts: which are to be more or less esteemed, as they are accompanied with charity, as he is going to shew in the next chapter. (Witham)

Gill: 1Co 12:8 - -- For to one is given by the Spirit,.... Now follows a distinct and particular enumeration of the operations of the Spirit, though not all of them, yet ...

For to one is given by the Spirit,.... Now follows a distinct and particular enumeration of the operations of the Spirit, though not all of them, yet as many as the apostle thought necessary; and which are called the manifestation of him, and which most clearly show him to be the author of them to different persons;

the word of wisdom: by which is meant "the manifold wisdom of God"; the wonderful scheme of salvation through the incarnation, sufferings, and death of Christ, in which God has "abounded in all wisdom and prudence"; together with all other deep, mysterious, and sublime doctrines of the Gospel, the knowledge of which were peculiarly given to the apostles in the first place, who have the first office or ministry in the church, by "the spirit of wisdom"; and which they had a faculty, a gift of declaring, opening, and explaining unto others.

To another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; meaning either knowledge of future events; or an universal knowledge of the Scriptures of truth, and the doctrines contained in them, of the whole mind and will of God therein, which is a distinct thing from saving grace: see 1Co 13:2 and is what was given to the prophets, the second office in the church, by him who is the spirit of prophecy, and by whom the prophetical writings were dictated; and therefore he is the best interpreter of them, and who only can lead into the true knowledge thereof.

Gill: 1Co 12:9 - -- To another faith by the same Spirit,.... Not the grace of faith, which is common to all believers, though given by the same Spirit: but rather the doc...

To another faith by the same Spirit,.... Not the grace of faith, which is common to all believers, though given by the same Spirit: but rather the doctrine of faith, and ability to preach it, and boldness and intrepidity of spirit to assert and defend it in the face of all opposition; all which are from the Spirit of God, and are more or less given to pastors and teachers, the third office in the church. Though generally this is understood of a faith of working miracles, as in 1Co 13:2 but the working of miracles is mentioned afterwards as distinct, unless it can be thought that this is the general name for miracles, and the rest that follow the particulars of them.

To another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; of healing all manner of sicknesses and diseases: this power Christ gave his disciples, when he first sent them out to preach the Gospel, and which he repeated when he renewed and enlarged their commission after his resurrection; and which was exercised with effect, sometimes only by overshadowing the sick with their shadows, as by Peter, Act 5:15 sometimes by, laying hands on them, as the father of Publius, and others, were healed by Paul, Act 28:8 and sometimes by anointing with oil, Jam 5:14. Now these gifts were bestowed in common, by the Spirit, on apostles, prophets, and pastors, or elders of the church, in those early times: the Alexandrian copy, and the Vulgate Latin version, read, "by one Spirit".

Gill: 1Co 12:10 - -- To another the working of miracles,.... Or "powers": mighty deeds, wonderful works, such as are apparently above, and out of the reach of nature, and ...

To another the working of miracles,.... Or "powers": mighty deeds, wonderful works, such as are apparently above, and out of the reach of nature, and beyond the compass of human power and skill; such as raising the dead, causing the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the lame to walk, and the like; of which, see some instances in Act 3:6. Though others understand by these the extraordinary powers the apostles had of punishing offenders; of which the striking Ananias and Sapphira dead, by Peter, the smiting Elymas the sorcerer with blindness, by Paul, and the delivering the incestuous person, and Hymenaeus, and Alexander, to Satan, by the same apostle, are instances.

To another prophecy: either foretelling of future events, as was given to Agabus, and the four daughters of Philip, and others, Act 11:27 or a gift of understanding the prophecies of the Old Testament, and of preaching the Gospel, which is in this epistle frequently called "prophesying", particularly in the two following chapters; and those endowed with it are called prophets, Act 13:1.

To another discerning of spirits; by which gift such that were possessed of it could, in some measure, discern the hearts of men, their thoughts, purposes, and designs, their secret dissimulation and hypocrisy; as Peter, by this gift, discerned the dissimulation and lying of Ananias and Sapphira; and by it they could also tell whether a man that made a profession of religion had the truth of grace in him, or not; so Peter knew hereby that Simon Magus was in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity, notwithstanding his specious pretences to faith and holiness, whereby he imposed upon Philip the evangelist, who might not have this gift of discerning spirits; by which also they could distinguish the Spirit of God from the lying spirits in men; of which there is an instance, Act 15:17.

To another divers kinds of tongues; whereby such could speak all manner of languages, which they had never learned, understood, and been used to: this Christ promised his disciples, when he sent them into all the world to preach the Gospel, Mar 16:16 and so anticipates an objection they otherwise might have made, how they should be able to preach it to all, so as to be understood, when they were not acquainted with the languages of all nations; an instance of which we have in the apostles on the day of Pentecost, Act 2:4 and which continued many years after with them, and other persons in the churches; see 1Co 13:2.

To another the interpretation of tongues; one that had this gift, when a discourse was delivered in an unknown tongue, used to stand up and interpret it to the people, without which it could be of no use to them; and sometimes a person was gifted to speak in an unknown tongue, and yet was not capable of interpreting his discourse truly and distinctly in that the people understood: see 1Co 14:13. The rules to be observed in such cases, and by such persons, see in 1Co 14:27.

Gill: 1Co 12:11 - -- But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit,.... Though these gifts, ministrations, and operations, are so different in themselves, and are...

But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit,.... Though these gifts, ministrations, and operations, are so different in themselves, and are bestowed upon different persons, yet they are all wrought by one and the same Spirit of God, who is the true Jehovah, and properly God, as these his works declare; for who, but the most high God, could ever communicate such gifts to men?

Dividing to every man severally as he will; giving one man this gift, and another that; imparting such a measure to one, and such a portion to another, just as seems good in his sight. For as his special grace in regeneration is dispensed when and where, and to whom he pleases, signified by the blowing of the wind where it listeth, Joh 3:8 so his gifts, ordinary and extraordinary, are severally distributed, according to his sovereign will and pleasure. This is a clear and full proof of the personality of the Spirit, who is not only distinguished from his gifts, and the distribution of them, which is a personal act described to him; but this is said to be done according to his will, which supposes him an intelligent agent, capable of choosing and willing; and whose will agrees with the Father's, and with the Son's.

Gill: 1Co 12:12 - -- For as the body is one,.... That is, an human body; for of this the apostle speaks, and takes a simile, and forms a comparison from, showing the union...

For as the body is one,.... That is, an human body; for of this the apostle speaks, and takes a simile, and forms a comparison from, showing the union among saints, and their mutual participation of the various gifts of the Spirit; for an human body is but one body, and not more.

And hath many members; as eyes, ears, hands, feet, &c.

And all the members of that one body being many are one body; as numerous as they may be, they all belong to, and make up but one body; performing different offices, for which they are naturally fitted for the good of the whole:

so also to Christ; not personal, but mystical; not the head alone, or the members by themselves, but head and members as constituting one body, the church. The church, in union with Christ, the head, is but one general assembly, and church of the firstborn written in heaven, though consisting of the various persons of God's elect, who are closely united one to another, and their head Christ; and therefore are denominated from him, and called by his name; see Rom 9:3.

Gill: 1Co 12:13 - -- For by one Spirit are we all baptized,.... This is to be understood not of water baptism; for the apostle says not in one, and the same water, but "by...

For by one Spirit are we all baptized,.... This is to be understood not of water baptism; for the apostle says not in one, and the same water, but "by", or "in" one Spirit, are we all baptized; the baptism of water, and of the Spirit, are two different things; see Mat 3:11. Besides, all that are baptized in water, are not baptized in or by the Spirit, as the case of Simon Magus, and that of others, show; nor does water baptism incorporate persons into the church of Christ; neither into the invisible church, which is the body of Christ, and here meant; nor into a visible Gospel church state; they being indeed true believers, and baptized, are proper persons to be received into a church; but baptism itself does not put them into it, or make them members of it: persons may be baptized in water, and yet may never be joined to a church. There is indeed an allusion made to water baptism, but it is the grace of the Spirit in regeneration and sanctification which is here intended; which grace, both in the Old and in the New Testament, is frequently signified by water, and called a baptism, or a being baptized, because of the plenty, abundance, and superabundance of it, then bestowed; and is expressed by floods and rivers, and a well of living water; and is what qualifies and fits persons for the ordinance of water baptism. Now this is wrought by the Spirit of God, and is owing to his divine power and energy; not to water baptism, which has no regenerating virtue in it; nor to carnal regeneration, or a being born of blood, or of the best of men; nor to the will of any man; nor to the will of the flesh, or the power of man's freewill; but to God, to the Spirit, who is Lord and God, and the only sanctifier of the sons of men; by which spiritual baptism, or by whose grace in regeneration and conversion they are brought into one body: the mystical body of Christ, the universal and invisible church; that is, openly and manifestatively; for otherwise it is the grace of God in election, and in the everlasting covenant, choosing them in Christ, as members in their head, and constituting them such, that puts them among that number; but spiritual baptism, or the sanctifying grace of the Spirit, makes them appear to belong to that body, and makes them meet for, and gives them a right unto, a particular Gospel church, and the privileges of it, which the Spirit of God directs and brings them to. Whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; it matters not of what nation, or of what state and condition of life persons be; if they are regenerated and sanctified, they appear equally to belong to Christ, to be of his body, and have an equal propriety in all immunities and blessings belonging to his people; see Col 3:11

and have been all made to drink into one Spirit; are all partakers of the same graces of the Spirit, as faith, hope, love, &c. and daily receive under his guidance, direction, and influence, out of the same fulness of grace in Christ, from whence they draw and drink this water with joy; and all drink the same spiritual drink, the blood of Christ, whose blood is drink indeed: and there may be in this clause an allusion to the ordinance of the supper, as in the former to the ordinance of baptism. Moreover, all new born babes, as they desire the sincere milk of the word, so they drink of it, and are refreshed with it, and are nourished by the words of faith, and sound doctrine, under the application, of the Spirit; and being trees of righteousness, and the planting of the Lord, the Spirit, they are watered by his grace, under the ministrations of the Gospel; and as they become one body under Christ, the head, so they are made to drink into one Spirit, or to become of one heart and soul with one another, being knit together in love, the bond of perfectness.

Gill: 1Co 12:14 - -- For the body is not one member,.... Not only one; nor is anyone member the body, though ever so eminent, as the head or eye: thus the church of Christ...

For the body is not one member,.... Not only one; nor is anyone member the body, though ever so eminent, as the head or eye: thus the church of Christ is not one person only, or does not consist of one sort of persons; as only of Jews, or only of Gentiles, or only of rich and freemen, or only of men of extraordinary gifts and abilities, or greatly eminent for grace and spiritual knowledge:

but many; members, as the Arabic version adds; as eyes, ears, hands, feet, &c. so in the mystical body of Christ, the church, there are many members, some in a higher station, others in a lower; some of greater gifts, grace, and usefulness, others of lesser; some Jews, other Gentiles; some bond, others free; yet all one in Christ the head, and all related to each other.

Gill: 1Co 12:15 - -- If the foot shall say,.... The lowest member of the body, which is nearest the earth, treads upon it, sustains the whole weight of the body, and perfo...

If the foot shall say,.... The lowest member of the body, which is nearest the earth, treads upon it, sustains the whole weight of the body, and performs the more drudging and fatiguing exercises of standing and walking; and may represent one that is in the lowest station in the church, a doorkeeper in the house of God; one that is really the least of saints, as well as thinks himself so; and has the smallest degree of heavenly affection, and knowledge of spiritual light and understanding;

because I am not the hand; the instrument of communication and of action; and may signify such an one, that liberally imparts to the necessities of others, who has it both in his hand and heart, and is ready to communicate; one that is full of good works, of charity towards men, and piety towards God; who does all things, Christ strengthening him, natural, civil, moral, and evangelical; yea, even miracles and mighty deeds are done by his hand:

I am not of the body; have no part in it, am no member of it, do not belong to it:

is it therefore not of the body? or "it is not therefore not of the body", as the Syriac version renders it; that is, it is not "for this word", as the Arabic, or so saying, as the Ethiopic, not of the body; it nevertheless belongs to it, and is a member of it, nor can it be otherwise: thus the meanest person in the mystical body, the church, though he should say, that because he is not so handy and useful as another, cannot give so largely, nor do so much as another, therefore he is no proper member of the church; it does not follow that so it is, for Christ, the head of the church, regards such as members; he admires the "beauty" of his church's "feet", and has provided for the covering, ornament, and security of them, being himself clothed with "a garment down to the feet", which equally covers and adorns that part of the body as the rest; he does not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, or despise the day of small things; he regards their prayers, and takes notice and accepts of their meanest services; and they are, and should be considered as members of the body, by the rest and by themselves, the mystical body, the church, though he should say, that because he is not so handy and useful as another, cannot give so largely, nor do so much as another, therefore he is no proper member of the church; it does not follow that so it is, for Christ, the head of the church, regards such as members; he admires the "beauty" of his church's "feet", and has provided for the covering, ornament, and security of them, being himself clothed with "a garment down to the feet", which equally covers and adorns that part of the body as the rest; he does not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, or despise the day of small things; he regards their prayers, and takes notice and accepts of their meanest services; and they are, and should be considered as members of the body, by the rest and by themselves.

Gill: 1Co 12:16 - -- And if the ear shall say,.... The organ that receives sounds, and can distinguish them, and in which member is placed the sense of hearing; and may de...

And if the ear shall say,.... The organ that receives sounds, and can distinguish them, and in which member is placed the sense of hearing; and may design such as are hearers of the word of God, not merely externally, but internally; who hear so as to love, savour, and relish it; so as to understand and believe it, and to act in compliance with it; and distinguish it for themselves, though they may not be able to give a distinct account of it to others, or instruct others in it:

because I am not the eye: the organ of seeing, in which is seated the visive faculty, and which receives light, and uses it for the good of the body, whose superintendent it is; and may be expressive of the ministers of the Gospel, who are that to the church, as eyes are to the body; they are the light of the world, have a clear insight into the doctrines of the Gospel, and communicate their light to others; they are set in the highest place in the church, and as watchmen and overseers there, to instruct; guide, and direct the members of it:

I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? it certainly is; and so such as are only hearers of the Gospel, being affectionate, believing, understanding and fruitful hearers; though they have not such large knowledge and clear light, so as to be capable of overseeing and instructing others, yet are true and useful members of the church, are highly respected by Christ the head, and to be had in esteem by their fellow members, who may be superior to them.

Gill: 1Co 12:17 - -- If the whole body were an eye,.... And nothing else, where were the hearing? there would be no ear, and so no sense of hearing: and if the whole we...

If the whole body were an eye,.... And nothing else,

where were the hearing? there would be no ear, and so no sense of hearing: and if the whole were hearing: or only consisted of a member capable of the sense of hearing,

where were the smelling? there would be no nose, the organ of smelling, and that sense would be wanting: thus if the church only consisted of ministers of the Gospel, of men of eminent light and knowledge, qualified for the preaching of the word to others, there would be no hearers; and on the other hand, if it only consisted of hearers, of such who only could hear the word to their own advantage, there would be none of a quick understanding, or of a quick smell to discern perverse things, to distinguish truth from error, to discern spirits, and direct the rest of the members to wholesome and savoury food, and preserve them from what would be hurtful and pernicious to them.

Gill: 1Co 12:18 - -- But now hath God set the members,.... The members of a natural body, as they are all made and fashioned by God in the form they be, so they are each o...

But now hath God set the members,.... The members of a natural body, as they are all made and fashioned by God in the form they be, so they are each of them set by him in the place they are:

everyone of them in the body as it hath pleased him; according to his sovereign will, without consulting any; and each stands in the best situation and position they could be put, and for the greatest service and usefulness to the whole: so God, and not man, hath set every member in the mystical body, the church, in such a place and part of it, as he himself thought fit; some in a higher, others in a lower station, but all for the good of the body; and therefore each member ought to be content with his place, gift, and usefulness, be they what they will; since it is the wise counsel and sovereign pleasure of God, who works all things after the counsel of his own will, that so it should be.

Gill: 1Co 12:19 - -- And if they were all one member,.... As all eye, or all ear, or all hand, or all foot: where were the body? where would be the body? it would not b...

And if they were all one member,.... As all eye, or all ear, or all hand, or all foot:

where were the body? where would be the body? it would not be a body consisting of such proper and suitable members, as now it is: so if the community of the saints were either all ministers, or all hearers, &c. there would be no body, consisting of different persons, to receive any benefit or usefulness from either; the church of Christ would not be that uniform, useful, and consistent community it is.

Gill: 1Co 12:20 - -- But now are they many members,.... Of different make and shape, in different parts and places, and of different use and service: yet but one body; ...

But now are they many members,.... Of different make and shape, in different parts and places, and of different use and service:

yet but one body; all are united together, and make up one complete body, and which without each of them would not be perfect: so there are many members in the body of Christ, the church; some are teachers, others are hearers; some give, and others receive; but all make up but one church, of which Christ is the head; nor can anyone of them be spared; was anyone wanting, even the meanest, there would be a deficiency, and the church would not be the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Gill: 1Co 12:21 - -- And the eye cannot say unto the hand,.... Every member of the natural body is useful and necessary. The eye, the seat of the sense of seeing, cannot s...

And the eye cannot say unto the hand,.... Every member of the natural body is useful and necessary. The eye, the seat of the sense of seeing, cannot say to the communicating and working hand,

I have no need of thee: I can do without thee: so the seers and overseers of the church, the ministers of the Gospel, cannot say to the liberal and munificent hands, we have no need of you; for as the one stand in need of the light, instruction, comfort, advice, and direction of the other, so the other stand in need of communication from them; and as God has made it a duty, that he that is taught in the word should communicate to him that teacheth in all good things; and as it is his ordinance that they which preach the Gospel should live of it; so he has generally ordered it in his providence, that they that teach should need such assistance:

nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. The head, which is the seat of the senses, and is superior to, and has the command and government of all the members of the body, cannot say to the lowest and most distant parts of it, the feet, you are needless and useless; so those that are set in the first place in the church, are over others in the Lord, and have the rule over them, cannot say to those that are under them, and submit unto them, even the lowest and meanest of them, that they are of no use and service to them; they can no more be without them, than the head can be without the feet, or than princes can do without subjects, or magistrates without citizens, or generals without soldiers.

Gill: 1Co 12:22 - -- Nay, much more those members of the body,.... The apostle, in a beautiful gradation, proceeds to take notice of such parts of the body as are more wea...

Nay, much more those members of the body,.... The apostle, in a beautiful gradation, proceeds to take notice of such parts of the body as are more weak, dishonourable, and uncomely, showing the necessity and usefulness of them:

which seem to be more feeble; than others, do not consist of a strong bony substance, and are not fenced with sinews, as the belly and its intestines: yet these

are necessary; nor could the body be sustained, nourished, and refreshed, without them; so the more weak and feeble saints, whose hearts and hands are to be strengthened, whose infirmities are to be bore, have their usefulness; and the effectual working in the measure of every part, even of the feeble and tender, maketh increase of the body, to the edifying of itself in love: and these God has seen fit, as necessary to call by his grace, and place in the body, that his strength may be made perfect in their weakness, and to confound the mighty; and out of the mouths even of babes and sucklings to ordain strength and praise.

Gill: 1Co 12:23 - -- And those members of the body,.... As the back parts of it: which we think to be less honourable; though greatly useful, upon these we bestow mo...

And those members of the body,.... As the back parts of it:

which we think to be less honourable; though greatly useful,

upon these we bestow more abundant honour; by clothing them, for a man's garments are his honour and glory; See Gill on Mat 6:29, so the poor members of Christ's church, who are thought to be, though they really are not, the less honourable, have the more abundant honour conferred on them by God and Christ: God has chosen the poor of this world; Christ has sent his Gospel to them; these the Spirit calls and sanctifies, and makes them all glorious within; these Christ has given his churches a particular charge to take care of now, and will own them as his brethren at the great day, before angels and men; as he now greatly honours them with his presence, a large experience of his grace, and the supply of his Spirit:

and our uncomely parts; which distinguish sexes, and are appointed for generation;

have more abundant comeliness; by an external covering and ornament, to preserve decency and modesty. I do not know who should be designed by these, unless backsliding believers, who have been suffered to fall into great sins; these are the uncomely parts of the church, who, when made sensible of their evils, are restored again, and received into the church; and a mantle of love is cast over all their failings; and all possible care taken that their faults may not be exposed to the world, that so the name of God, and ways of Christ, may not be blasphemed and evil spoken of.

Gill: 1Co 12:24 - -- For our comely parts have no need,.... As the face, eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, &c. which stand in no need of an external covering, of any outward ornam...

For our comely parts have no need,.... As the face, eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, &c. which stand in no need of an external covering, of any outward ornament: so such as are blessed with the bounties of nature and providence, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and are eminent for grace and holiness, and are enabled to walk worthy of their calling, and to have their conversations as become the Gospel of Christ, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, these have no need of such a covering, as the former have, to hide and conceal them from the world:

but God hath tempered the body together; he hath composed it in such a forth, constituted it in such an order, mixed and united all its parts in such a manner, as that they are all beneficial to each other; and such is the harmonious contexture of the whole, that it is a most beautiful structure:

having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked; or, as the Syriac version renders it, "which is the least"; and such is the temperament and constitution of the church, having mixed rich and poor persons, of greater and lesser gifts, together, for mutual good.

Gill: 1Co 12:25 - -- That there should be no schism in the body..... No complaint of one member against another, as useless and unnecessary; no murmuring on that account; ...

That there should be no schism in the body..... No complaint of one member against another, as useless and unnecessary; no murmuring on that account; no tumults and rioting; no rebellion and insurrection of one against another; no dissension, no division. The use Menenius e Agrippa made of this simile, applying it to the body politic, as the apostle here does to the spiritual body, for the appeasing of a sedition among the people; is well known, and usually mentioned by interpreters on this place:

but that the members should have the same care one for another; that is, they are so tempered and mixed together, are in such close union with, and have such a dependence on each other, that they are necessarily obliged to take care of each other's good and welfare, because they cannot do one without another; and so God has ordered it in the church, that persons should be so placed in it, and gifts disposed of among them in such a manner, that every man is obliged, not only to look on, and be concerned for his own things, that he takes care of himself, and performs his office, but that he looks every man on the things of others, his good and safety being involved in theirs.

Gill: 1Co 12:26 - -- And whether one member suffer,.... Pain; even the meanest, lowest, and most distant, as the foot or hand, toe or finger: all the members suffer wit...

And whether one member suffer,.... Pain; even the meanest, lowest, and most distant, as the foot or hand, toe or finger:

all the members suffer with it; are more or less affected therewith, and bear part of the distress; as is easily discerned, by their different forms and motions on such an occasion: so when anyone member of the mystical body is in affliction, whether inward or outward, of body or mind, the rest are, or should be, affected with it, condole, sympathize, help, and assist; and remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them, as if they themselves were in bonds, and them that suffer adversity, whether spiritual or temporal, as being in the body, not only in the flesh, but as being part of the body, the church; and therefore should weep with them that weep, and bear a part with them in their sorrows. The Jews have a saying f, that

"if one brother dies, all the brethren grieve; and if one of a society dies, תדאג כל ההבורה כולה, "the whole society grieves";''

and also another g,

"that everyone that afflicts himself, עם הציבור, "with the congregations", is worthy to see or enjoy the comfort of the congregation or church;''

or one member be honoured; by being set in the highest place, and employed to the greatest usefulness, or by being most richly and beautifully clothed and adorned:

all the members rejoice with it; as sharing in the honour, Or benefit of it: so if one member of the church of Christ is honoured with an high office, with great gifts, with a large measure of grace, spiritual light, knowledge, and experience, with great discoveries of the love of God, with the presence of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, or with the good things of this life, and an heart to make use of them for the interest of religion, the other members rejoice at it; for so it becomes the saints to rejoice with them that rejoice, and be glad, both at the temporal and spiritual prosperity of each other: and upon the whole it is clear, that the meanest have no reason to be discouraged, nor the highest and greatest to be proud and elated.

Gill: 1Co 12:27 - -- Now ye are the body of Christ,.... Not his natural body, which his Father prepared for him, in which he bore our sins on the tree, and which was offer...

Now ye are the body of Christ,.... Not his natural body, which his Father prepared for him, in which he bore our sins on the tree, and which was offered up once for all; nor his sacramental body, or the bread in the supper, which is a representation of his body; but his body mystical, the church; not that the Corinthians were the whole of the body, only a part of it, as every single congregational church is of the church universal. This is an accommodation of the simile the apostle had to so much advantage enlarged upon:

and members in particular; or in part: meaning either that they as single members were part of the general body: or that only a part of them were so, there being some among them, as in all particular and visible churches, who had not the true grace of God; and so are neither members of Christ, nor of the general assembly and church of the firstborn: or the sense is, that they were not only members of Christ, and of his body, but were particularly members one of another, in strict union and close communion, and of mutual use and service to each other.

Gill: 1Co 12:28 - -- And God hath set some in the church,.... As before the apostle gives an account of the various different gifts of the Spirit, qualifying men for servi...

And God hath set some in the church,.... As before the apostle gives an account of the various different gifts of the Spirit, qualifying men for service in the church of Christ, here he enumerates the several offices and officers:

first apostles; as were the twelve disciples, and Paul the apostle; men that were immediately sent by Christ himself, and had their commission and doctrine directly from him; and a power of working miracles, to confirm the truth of their mission and ministry; they were sent into all the world to preach the Gospel, to plant churches everywhere, and to ordain officers in them; they were not confined to any particular church, but had power and authority in all the churches, to preach the word, administer ordinances, advise, counsel, direct, reprove, and censure:

secondarily, prophets; who either had the gift of foretelling things to come, as Agabus and others; or who had a peculiar gift, by divine revelation, of explaining the prophecies of the sacred writings, and of preaching the Gospel:

thirdly, teachers; the same with pastors, elders, and overseers; the ordinary ministers of the word, who have a gift of expounding the Scriptures; not by extraordinary revelation, but by the ordinary gift of the Spirit, in the use of means, as reading, meditation, and prayer; and whose work is to preach the word, administer ordinances, feed and govern particular churches, over whom they are set: after that miracles; which is to be understood, not of some persons, as distinct from apostles, prophets, and teachers, who also had the power of working miracles; but from persons and officers in the church, the principal of which the apostle had mentioned, he passes to things, which belonged at least to some of them; unless it can be thought that there were in those times private Christians, who were neither apostles nor prophets, nor teachers, and yet had a power of doing miracles:

then gifts of healing; the sick, by anointing them with oil, which was only one species of doing miracles; and which was sometimes performed, not only by apostles, and such like extraordinary persons, but by the common elders and ordinary officers of the church:

helps: meaning either the ministers of the word in common, who are helpers of the faith and joy of the saints, and are means of increasing their knowledge and spiritual experience, and of establishing them in the truth; see Act 18:27 or else such evangelists and ministers of the word as were assistants to the apostles, such as Mark, and Timothy, and Titus; or rather the deacons of churches, whose business it is to take care of tables; the Lord's table, the minister's, and the poor's, and all the secular affairs of the church; and so are helps to the minister, relieve him, and free him from all worldly concerns, that he may the better attend to prayer, and the ministry of the word. These, whether one or the other, are so called, in allusion to the priests and Levites, who were מסעדיה, "helps", or assistants to the high priest, in the burning of the red heifer, and in other things h:

governments; some by these understand the same with pastors and elders, who have the rule and government of the church; others lay elders, a sort of ruling elders in the church, as distinct from pastors. Dr. Lightfoot thinks such are intended, who had the gift of discerning spirits. I rather think with De Dieu, that the word designs counsellors; see the Septuagint in Pro 11:14 and here intends such as are men of wisdom and prudence, who are very proper persons to be consulted and advised with, by the pastor, elder, or overseer, in matters of moment and importance in the church:

diversities of tongues; such as have the gift of speaking with divers tongues; or of interpreting them, or both. The Vulgate Latin version and some copies add, "interpretations of tongues".

Gill: 1Co 12:29 - -- Are all apostles?.... No some are prophets, as distinct from apostles; and some are teachers, as distinct from them both, and some are neither: are...

Are all apostles?.... No some are prophets, as distinct from apostles; and some are teachers, as distinct from them both, and some are neither:

are all prophets? no; some are apostles, above them, and some are teachers, inferior to them; and but very few there were who had that peculiar character and gift:

are all teachers? no; the far greater part of the members of churches are hearers, or persons that are taught in the word; are neither in the office of teaching, nor have they the qualifications for it.

Are all workers of miracles? no; in those early times, when the gift of doing miracles was bestowed, it was not given to all, only to some; and now there are none that are possessed of it.

Gill: 1Co 12:30 - -- Have all the gifts of healing?.... No; when these gifts were in being, all had them not. When anointing with oil, in order to heal the sick, was in us...

Have all the gifts of healing?.... No; when these gifts were in being, all had them not. When anointing with oil, in order to heal the sick, was in use, it was only performed by the elders of the church, not by the common members of it, who were to be sent for by the sick on this occasion:

do all speak with tongues? no; it was not true in fact, as they well knew; though this was greatly coveted after, as a following chapter of this epistle shows;

do all interpret? that is, unknown tongues, strange languages; or can they? no. This also was a peculiar gift bestowed on some persons only.

Gill: 1Co 12:31 - -- But covet earnestly the best gifts,.... Which may be rendered either indicatively as an assertion, "ye do covet earnestly the best gifts": of prophesy...

But covet earnestly the best gifts,.... Which may be rendered either indicatively as an assertion, "ye do covet earnestly the best gifts": of prophesying and teaching, of doing miracles, healing diseases, speaking with, and interpreting, different tongues and languages; but I can, and do show you something that is better, and more excellent than these: or, by way of interrogation, "do ye covet earnestly the best gifts?" do you zealously affect them, fervently desire them, and emulate one another in your endeavours after them? I have something to observe to you which exceeds them all, and which you would do well to follow after, and eagerly pursue; or imperatively, as an exhortation, as it is rendered by our translators: and by the best gifts may be meant, the best of these external gifts before mentioned; and not those of the highest class, and the more extraordinary, but which are the most useful and beneficial to the church, as preaching or prophesying was: the Corinthians seemed most covetous and desirous of speaking with different tongues; but the apostle shows, in 1Co 14:1, by divers reasons, that prophesying was preferable, being more serviceable and useful to the church, and so more eligible and to be desired by them, to which he may have regard here: or else by them are meant the internal graces of the Spirit, as faith, hope, and love, which are all of them gifts of God's grace; all useful and valuable, and better than all external extraordinary gifts whatever, which a man might have, and be nothing, be lost and damned; whereas he that believes in Christ, has a good hope through grace, and love in his soul to God, Christ, and his people, though he is destitute of the other gifts, shall certainly be saved; wherefore these are the gifts which men should be solicitous for and covet after, and be greatly concerned to know that they have them, and to be content without the other:

and yet show I unto you a more excellent way: if by the best gifts are designed the above graces of the Spirit, then by "the more excellent way", Christ must be meant, the author and object of these graces; who is the way to the covenant, and to a participation of all the blessings of it, as justification, pardon, adoption, and eternal life; the way into a Gospel church, and to all the ordinances of the Gospel dispensation, as baptism, and the Lord's supper; for faith in him is the prerequisite, and proper qualification for the enjoyment of each of these: Christ is the way of salvation, and the way to the Father, and to heaven and eternal happiness; and an excellent one he is, the more, yea, the most excellent; he is the only way to each of these; he is the new and living way, a plain and pleasant one; and so a safe and secure one, in which all that walk shall certainly be saved: now this way the apostle showed, declared, pointed out in the ministry of the word; it was his chief and principal business, the sum of his doctrine, to make known Christ, and him crucified, as the way, the truth, and the life; to direct souls to him, and to show them the way of salvation by him: but if by the best gifts are meant the more useful ones of those before mentioned, as prophesying, or preaching, then the more excellent way designs grace, special and internal grace; and that either grace in general, regenerating, sanctifying grace, including all sorts of grace; which is the way of a soul's passing from the death of sin to a life of faith and holiness; and is the way to eternal glory, and which gives a meetness for it, and is inseparably connected with it. This is a more excellent way than gifts; for gifts, be they ever so great, may be lost or taken away, through disuse or misimprovement; but grace always remains, can never be lost, nor will ever be taken away, but will issue in everlasting life: men may have the greatest gifts, and yet not be saved, as Judas and others; but he that has the least degree of faith in Christ, hope in him, and love to him, shall be saved by him with an everlasting salvation: or particularly the grace of charity, or love to the saints, may be intended by the more excellent way; which is the evidence of a man's passing from death and life; the new commandment of Christ, and the fulfilling of the law; without which, a man, though he has never such great gifts, he is nothing as a Christian, nor in the business of salvation; and is the greatest of all the graces of the Spirit; and is of such a nature, that when prophecies, tongues, knowledge, and all external gifts shall fail, and even the internal graces of faith and hope shall cease, the one being changed for vision, and the other swallowed up in enjoyment, this will continue; and the rather this grace may be thought to be meant, since the apostle immediately passes to treat it in the next chapter, and prefers it to all gifts, and even graces.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Co 12:13 See the note on the word “slave” in 7:21.

NET Notes: 1Co 12:23 Grk “have greater propriety (or decorum, presentability).”

NET Notes: 1Co 12:26 ‡ Before μέλος (melos, “member”) the great majority of witnesses read ἕν (Jen, “one”...

NET Notes: 1Co 12:30 The questions in vv. 29-30 all expect a negative response.

NET Notes: 1Co 12:31 Grk “a still more excellent way.” In this context the phrase has an elative rather than a comparative sense, however.

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:8 ( 5 ) For to one is given by the Spirit the word of ( h ) wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; ( 5 ) He declares this manifol...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:10 To another the ( i ) working of miracles; to another ( k ) prophecy; to another ( l ) discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to ...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally ( 6 ) as he will. ( 6 ) He adds moreover somewhat else, that ...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:12 ( 7 ) For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: ( 8 ) so also [is] ( m ) Christ. ...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into ( n ) one body, whether [we be] Jews or Gentiles, whether [we be] bond or free; and have been all made to (...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:14 ( 9 ) For the body is not one member, but many. ( 9 ) He amplifies that which followed of the similitude, as if he should say, "The unity of the body...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:15 ( 10 ) If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? ( 10 ) Now he builds his doctrine upo...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:17 ( 11 ) If the whole body [were] an eye, where [were] the hearing? If the whole [were] hearing, where [were] the smelling? ( 11 ) Again speaking to th...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:21 ( 12 ) And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. ( 12 ) Now on the other h...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be ( p ) more feeble, are necessary: ( p ) Of the smallest and vilest offices, and therefore ...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:23 And those [members] of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant ( q ) honour; and our uncomely [parts] have ...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:25 That there should be no schism in the body; but [that] the members should have the same ( r ) care one for another. ( r ) Should bestow their operati...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:26 ( 13 ) And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. ( 13 ) Now he appli...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in ( s ) particular. ( s ) For all churches, wherever they are dispersed through the whole world, are diff...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, ( t ) helps,...

Geneva Bible: 1Co 12:31 ( 14 ) But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. ( 14 ) He teaches those who are ambitious and envious, a cer...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Co 12:1-31 - --1 Spiritual gifts,4 are diverse,7 yet all to profit withal.8 And to that end are diversely bestowed;12 that by the like proportion, as the members of ...

MHCC: 1Co 12:1-11 - --Spiritual gifts were extraordinary powers bestowed in the first ages, to convince unbelievers, and to spread the gospel. Gifts and graces greatly diff...

MHCC: 1Co 12:12-26 - --Christ and his church form one body, as Head and members. Christians become members of this body by baptism. The outward rite is of Divine institution...

MHCC: 1Co 12:27-31 - --Contempt, hatred, envy, and strife, are very unnatural in Christians. It is like the members of the same body being without concern for one another, o...

Matthew Henry: 1Co 12:1-11 - -- The apostle comes now to treat of spiritual gifts, which abounded in the church of Corinth, but were greatly abused. What these gifts were is at lar...

Matthew Henry: 1Co 12:12-26 - -- The apostle here makes out the truth of what was above asserted, and puts the gifted men among the Corinthians in mind of their duty, by comparing t...

Matthew Henry: 1Co 12:27-31 - -- I. Here the apostle sums up the argument, and applies this similitude to the church of Christ, concerning which observe, 1. The relation wherein Chr...

Barclay: 1Co 12:4-11 - --Paul's idea in this section is to stress the essential unity of the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ and the characteristic of a healthy body...

Barclay: 1Co 12:12-31 - --Here is one of the most famous pictures of the unity of the Church ever written. Men have always been fascinated by the way in which the different pa...

Constable: 1Co 7:1--16:13 - --III. Questions asked of Paul 7:1--16:12 The remainder of the body of this epistle deals with questions the Corin...

Constable: 1Co 12:1--14:40 - --E. Spiritual gifts and spiritual people chs. 12-14 Paul had been dealing with matters related to worship...

Constable: 1Co 12:4-31 - --2. The need for varieties of spiritual gifts 12:4-31 Paul planned to return to the subject of gl...

Constable: 1Co 12:4-11 - --Diversity in the Godhead and the gifts 12:4-11 12:4 Although there is only one Holy Spirit He gives many different abilities to different people. Ever...

Constable: 1Co 12:12-14 - --The body and its members 12:12-14 Paul now compared the body of Christ, the universal church, though by extension the local church as well, to a human...

Constable: 1Co 12:15-26 - --The application of the figure 12:15-26 Paul proceeded to elaborate his analogy. 12:15-16 Perhaps Paul chose the feet, hands, ears, and eyes as example...

Constable: 1Co 12:27-31 - --The fact of diversity restated 12:27-31 Next, the apostle spoke more specifically about the members of the body of Christ again (cf. vv. 1-11). 12:27 ...

College: 1Co 12:1-31 - --1 CORINTHIANS 12 VII. MISUNDERSTANDING OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS (12:1-14:40) A. SPIRITUAL GIFTS (12:1-11) 1. Influence of the Spirit (12:1-3) 1 Now abou...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:8 - --For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom; and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit:

McGarvey: 1Co 12:9 - --to another faith, in the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, in the one Spirit ;

McGarvey: 1Co 12:10 - --and to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits: to another divers kinds of tongues; and to anothe...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:11 - --but all these worketh the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each one severally even as he will . [Paul here sets forth fully the diversity of the g...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:12 - --For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ . [Paul here strikes a fat...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:13 - --For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free; and were all made to drink of one Spirit . [Paul h...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:14 - --For the body is not one member, but many .

McGarvey: 1Co 12:15 - --If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; it is not therefore not of the body .

McGarvey: 1Co 12:16 - --And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; it is not therefore not of the body . [This passage exposes the folly of tho...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:17 - --If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

McGarvey: 1Co 12:18 - --But now [(as things actually are)] hath God set the members each one of them in the body, even as it pleased him .

McGarvey: 1Co 12:19 - --And if they were all one member, where were the body?

McGarvey: 1Co 12:20 - --But now they are many members, but one body . [The necessity for diversity is here shown. If all the church were teachers, who could be taught? If all...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:21 - --And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee: or again the head to the feet, I have no need of you . [The interdependence of the members...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:22 - --Nay, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary:

McGarvey: 1Co 12:23 - --and those parts of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor; and our uncomely parts have more abundant ...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:24 - --whereas our comely parts have no need: but God tempered the body together, giving more abundant honor to that part which lacked ;

McGarvey: 1Co 12:25 - --that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another .

McGarvey: 1Co 12:26 - --And whether one member suffereth, all the members suffer with it; or one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it .

McGarvey: 1Co 12:27 - --Now ye are the body of Christ, and severally members thereof . [The hands and face have no need of adornment, but the rest of the body, being less com...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:28 - --And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of hearings, helps, governments, d...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:29 - --Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

McGarvey: 1Co 12:30 - --have all gifts of hearings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? [Paul here completes his analogy by showing that the gifts bestowed upon indi...

McGarvey: 1Co 12:31 - --But desire earnestly the greater gifts . [Though these powers were bestowed as gifts by the Spirit, yet they were not bestowed blindly. They were apt ...

Lapide: 1Co 12:1-31 - --CHAPTER 12 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER In this and the two following chapters S. Paul discusses Christian gifts and graces. In this chapter he points ou...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: 1Co 12:31 1 CORINTHIANS 12:31 —If coveting is wrong, why does Paul encourage coveting the best gifts? PROBLEM: One of the Ten Commandments says, “You s...

Evidence: 1Co 12:25 " Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) First Corinthians From Ephesus a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction It would be a hard-boiled critic today who would dare deny the genuineness o...

JFB: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The AUTHENTICITY of this Epistle is attested by CLEMENT OF ROME [First Epistle to the Corinthians, 47], POLYCARP [Epistle to the Philippians, 11], and...


TSK: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Co 12:1, Spiritual gifts, 1Co 12:4, are diverse, 1Co 12:7, yet all to profit withal; 1Co 12:8, And to that end are diversely bestowed; 1...

Poole: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 12

MHCC: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The Corinthian church contained some Jews, but more Gentiles, and the apostle had to contend with the superstition of the one, and the sinful conduct ...

MHCC: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) (1Co 12:1-11) The variety of use of spiritual gifts are shown. (1Co 12:12-26) In the human body every member has its place and use. (1Co 12:27-30) T...

Matthew Henry: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Corinth was a principal city of Greece, in that partic...

Matthew Henry: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle, I. Considers the case of spiritual gifts, which were very plentifully poured out on the Corinthian church. He conside...

Barclay: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) The Confession Of The Spirit (1Co_12:1-3) God's Differing Gifts (1Co_12:4-11) The Body Of Christ (1Co_12:12-31)

Constable: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Corinth had a long history stretching back into the...

Constable: 1 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-9 A. Salutation 1:1-3 B. Thanksgiving 1:4-9 ...

Constable: 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presb...

Haydock: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. Corinth was the capital of Achaia, a very rich and populous city...

Gill: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 CORINTHIANS This was not the first epistle that was written by the apostle to the Corinthians, for we read in this of his having ...

Gill: 1 Corinthians 12 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 CORINTHIANS 12 In this chapter the apostle discourses concerning spiritual gifts, showing the author, nature, use, and excellency...

College: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) FOREWORD Since the past few decades have seen an explosion in the number of books, articles, and commentaries on First Corinthians, a brief word to t...

College: 1 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION - 1:1-9 A. Salutation - 1:1-3 B. Thanksgiving - 1:4-9 II. DISUNITY AND COMMUNITY FRAGMENTATION - 1:10-4:21 A. ...

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