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Text -- 1 Samuel 10:7-27 (NET)

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10:7 “When these signs have taken place, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God will be with you. 10:8 You will go down to Gilgal before me. I am going to join you there to offer burnt offerings and to make peace offerings. You should wait for seven days, until I arrive and tell you what to do.”
Saul Becomes King
10:9 As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed his inmost person. All these signs happened on that very day. 10:10 When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a company of prophets was coming out to meet him. Then the spirit of God rushed upon Saul and he prophesied among them. 10:11 When everyone who had known him previously saw him prophesying with the prophets, the people all asked one another, “What on earth has happened to the son of Kish? Does even Saul belong with the prophets?” 10:12 A man who was from there replied, “And who is their father?” Therefore this became a proverb: “Is even Saul among the prophets?” 10:13 When Saul had finished prophesying, he went to the high place. 10:14 Saul’s uncle asked him and his servant, “Where did you go?” Saul replied, “To look for the donkeys. But when we realized they were lost, we went to Samuel.” 10:15 Saul’s uncle said, “Tell me what Samuel said to you.” 10:16 Saul said to his uncle, “He assured us that the donkeys had been found.” But Saul did not tell him what Samuel had said about the matter of kingship. 10:17 Then Samuel called the people together before the Lord at Mizpah. 10:18 He said to the Israelites, “This is what the Lord God of Israel says, ‘I brought Israel up from Egypt and I delivered you from the power of the Egyptians and from the power of all the kingdoms that oppressed you. 10:19 But today you have rejected your God who saves you from all your trouble and distress. You have said, “No! Appoint a king over us.” Now take your positions before the Lord by your tribes and by your clans.’” 10:20 Then Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel near, and the tribe of Benjamin was chosen by lot. 10:21 Then he brought the tribe of Benjamin near by its families, and the family of Matri was chosen by lot. At last Saul son of Kish was chosen by lot. But when they looked for him, he was nowhere to be found. 10:22 So they inquired again of the Lord, “Has the man arrived here yet?” The Lord said, “He has hidden himself among the equipment.” 10:23 So they ran and brought him from there. When he took his position among the people, he stood head and shoulders above them all. 10:24 Then Samuel said to all the people, “Do you see the one whom the Lord has chosen? Indeed, there is no one like him among all the people!” All the people shouted out, “Long live the king!” 10:25 Then Samuel talked to the people about how the kingship would work. He wrote it all down on a scroll and set it before the Lord. Then Samuel sent all the people away to their homes. 10:26 Even Saul went to his home in Gibeah. With him went some brave men whose hearts God had touched. 10:27 But some wicked men said, “How can this man save us?” They despised him and did not even bring him a gift. But Saul said nothing about it.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Benjamin the tribe of Benjamin of Israel
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Egyptians descendants of Mizraim
 · Gibeah a town of Judah 8 km north of Jerusalem, 5 km east of Gibeon (SMM)
 · Gilgal a place where Israel encamped between Jericho and the Jordan,a town between Dor and Tirza in the territory of Ephraim (YC),a town just north of Joppa, originally a military base (YC),a place 12 miles south of Shechem now called Jiljiliah (YC)
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Kish the father of King Saul,son of Abiel of Benjamin; father of Saul,son of Jeiel of Benjamin; uncle of Kish the father of Saul,second son of Mahli (Merari Levi); recognized by King David as the only son through whom Mahli's clan was built,son of Abdi; one of the Levites of Merari that King Hezekiah assigned to supervise the cleansing of the temple,a man who was an ancestor of Mordecai; the father of Shimei
 · Matrites members of the clan of Matri
 · Mizpah a town of Moab
 · Samuel son of Ammihud; Moses' land distribution deputy for Simeon,son of Tola son of Issachar
 · Saul the sixth king of Edom,son of Simeon and a Canaanite woman,son of Uzziah of Kohath son of Levi

Dictionary Themes and Topics: URIM AND THUMMIM | TONGUES, GIFT OF | Saul | Samuel | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | PARABLE | PALESTINE, 2 | Mizpah | KING; KINGDOM | Israel | HOLY SPIRIT, 1 | GILGAL | Father | Divination | Congregation | Carriage | BELIAL | BAND | BAGGAGE | AHIMELECH | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 1Sa 10:7 - -- Heb. do what they hand findeth to do; that is, as thou shalt have a call and opportunity. He doth not intend that he should take the kingly government...

Heb. do what they hand findeth to do; that is, as thou shalt have a call and opportunity. He doth not intend that he should take the kingly government upon him, before his call to it was owned by the people, but that he should dispose his mind to a readiness of undertaking any public service when he should be called to his office.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:8 - -- This, though now mentioned and commanded, was not immediately to be performed; as is evident, partly from the whole course of the story, (which shews,...

This, though now mentioned and commanded, was not immediately to be performed; as is evident, partly from the whole course of the story, (which shews, that Saul and Samuel, and the people, first met at Mizpeh, 1Sa 10:17, &c. where Saul was chosen by God, and accepted by the people as king; and afterwards went to Gilgal once before the time here spoken of, 1Sa 11:14-15,) and partly, by comparing this place with 1Sa 13:8, &c. where we find Saul charged with the violation of this command, two years after the giving of it. It seems this is given as a standing rule for Saul to observe while Samuel and he lived; that in case of any great future difficulties, as the invasion of enemies, Saul should resort to Gilgal, and call the people thither, and tarry there seven days, which was but a necessary time for gathering the people, and for the coming of Samuel thither. And Gilgal was chosen for this purpose, because that place was famous for the solemn renewing of the covenant between God and Israel, Jos 4:19-24, and for other eminent instances of God's favour to them, the remembrance whereof was a confirmation of their faith; and because it was a very convenient place for he tribes within and without Jordan to assemble, and consult, and unite their forces together upon such occasions.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:10 - -- The accomplishment of the two former signs is supposed, and this only is expressed, because this was more eminent than the former; the other were only...

The accomplishment of the two former signs is supposed, and this only is expressed, because this was more eminent than the former; the other were only transient acts, which passed in private between two or three persons meeting together; but this was a more permanent and notorious sign, done in a more solemn manner, and before many witnesses.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:11 - -- A man never instructed, nor exercised in, nor inclined to these matters.

A man never instructed, nor exercised in, nor inclined to these matters.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:12 - -- _Who is the father of all these prophets, among whom Saul now is one? Who is it that instructs and inspires them but God? They have it not from their ...

_Who is the father of all these prophets, among whom Saul now is one? Who is it that instructs and inspires them but God? They have it not from their parents, nor from their education, but by inspiration from God, who, when he pleaseth, can inspire Saul, or any other man with the same skill. And therefore wonder not at this matter, but give God the glory of it.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:12 - -- Used when any strange, or unexpected thing happened.

Used when any strange, or unexpected thing happened.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:13 - -- Returning thither with the prophets, to praise God for these wonderful favours, and to beg counsel and help from God in this high business.

Returning thither with the prophets, to praise God for these wonderful favours, and to beg counsel and help from God in this high business.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:16 - -- In obedience to Samuel, who obliged him to secrecy: and from an humble modesty.

In obedience to Samuel, who obliged him to secrecy: and from an humble modesty.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:19 - -- _He puts them upon chusing their king by lot, that all might know God had chosen Saul (for the disposal of the lot is of the Lord) and to prevent all ...

_He puts them upon chusing their king by lot, that all might know God had chosen Saul (for the disposal of the lot is of the Lord) and to prevent all dispute and exception.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:20 - -- Which tribe was now preferred before Judah, because the kingdom was freely promised by God to Judah, and was to be given to him in love; but now the k...

Which tribe was now preferred before Judah, because the kingdom was freely promised by God to Judah, and was to be given to him in love; but now the kingdom was in a manner forced from God, and given them in anger and therefore conferred upon an obscure tribe.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:22 - -- Either by Urim or Thummim, which was the usual way of enquiry. Or, by Samuel, who by his prayer procured an answer.

Either by Urim or Thummim, which was the usual way of enquiry. Or, by Samuel, who by his prayer procured an answer.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:22 - -- Among the carriages or baggage of the people there assembled. This he probably did, from a sense of his own unworthiness.

Among the carriages or baggage of the people there assembled. This he probably did, from a sense of his own unworthiness.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:24 - -- As to the height of his bodily stature, which was in itself, commendable in a king, and some kind of indication of great endowments of mind.

As to the height of his bodily stature, which was in itself, commendable in a king, and some kind of indication of great endowments of mind.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:24 - -- Heb. let the king live; that is, long and prosperously. Hereby they accept him for their king, and promise subjection to him. None will be losers in t...

Heb. let the king live; that is, long and prosperously. Hereby they accept him for their king, and promise subjection to him. None will be losers in the end by their humility and modesty. Honour, like the shadows, follows them that flee from it, but flees from them that pursue it.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:25 - -- The laws and rules by which the kingly government was to be managed; agreeable to those mentioned Deu 17:16, &c.

The laws and rules by which the kingly government was to be managed; agreeable to those mentioned Deu 17:16, &c.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:25 - -- Before the ark, where it was kept safe from depravation.

Before the ark, where it was kept safe from depravation.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Not being actually inaugurated into his kingdom, he thought fit to retire to his former habitation, and to live privately 'till he had an occasion to ...

Not being actually inaugurated into his kingdom, he thought fit to retire to his former habitation, and to live privately 'till he had an occasion to shew himself in a more illustrious manner.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:26 - -- To give him safe and honourable conduct to his house, though not to abide with him there, which did not suit his present circumstance.

To give him safe and honourable conduct to his house, though not to abide with him there, which did not suit his present circumstance.

Wesley: 1Sa 10:27 - -- As subjects in those times used to do to their kings. This was an evidence both of his humility, and the mercifulness of his disposition. So Christ he...

As subjects in those times used to do to their kings. This was an evidence both of his humility, and the mercifulness of his disposition. So Christ held his peace, in the day of his patience. But there is a day of recompense coming.

JFB: 1Sa 10:8 - -- This, according to JOSEPHUS, was to be a standing rule for the observance of Saul while the prophet and he lived; that in every great crisis, such as ...

This, according to JOSEPHUS, was to be a standing rule for the observance of Saul while the prophet and he lived; that in every great crisis, such as a hostile incursion on the country, he should repair to Gilgal, where he was to remain seven days, to afford time for the tribes on both sides Jordan to assemble, and Samuel to reach it.

JFB: 1Sa 10:9-11 - -- Influenced by the words of Samuel, as well as by the accomplishment of these signs, Saul's reluctance to undertake the onerous office was overcome. Th...

Influenced by the words of Samuel, as well as by the accomplishment of these signs, Saul's reluctance to undertake the onerous office was overcome. The fulfilment of the two first signs [1Sa 10:7-8] is passed over, but the third is specially described. The spectacle of a man, though more fit to look after his father's cattle than to take part in the sacred exercises of the young prophets--a man without any previous instruction, or any known taste, entering with ardor into the spirit, and skilfully accompanying the melodies of the sacred band, was so extraordinary a phenomenon, that it gave rise to the proverb, "Is Saul also among the prophets?" (see 1Sa 19:24). The prophetic spirit had come upon him; and to Saul it was as personal and experimental an evidence of the truth of God's word that had been spoken to him, as converts to Christianity have in themselves from the sanctifying power of the Gospel.

JFB: 1Sa 10:12 - -- The Septuagint reads, "Who is his father?" referring to Saul the son of Kish.

The Septuagint reads, "Who is his father?" referring to Saul the son of Kish.

JFB: 1Sa 10:17-25 - -- A shaft-like hill near Hebron, five hundred feet in height. The national assemblies of the Israelites were held there. A day having been appointed for...

A shaft-like hill near Hebron, five hundred feet in height. The national assemblies of the Israelites were held there. A day having been appointed for the election of a king, Samuel, after having charged the people with a rejection of God's institution and a superseding of it by one of their own, proceeded to the nomination of the new monarch. As it was of the utmost importance that the appointment should be under the divine direction and control, the determination was made by the miraculous lot, tribes, families, and individuals being successively passed until Saul was found. His concealment of himself must have been the result either of innate modesty, or a sudden nervous excitement under the circumstances. When dragged into view, he was seen to possess all those corporeal advantages which a rude people desiderate in their sovereigns; and the exhibition of which gained for the prince the favorable opinion of Samuel also. In the midst of the national enthusiasm, however, the prophet's deep piety and genuine patriotism took care to explain "the manner of the kingdom," that is, the royal rights and privileges, together with the limitations to which they were to be subjected; and in order that the constitution might be ratified with all due solemnity, the charter of this constitutional monarchy was recorded and laid up "before the Lord," that is, deposited in the custody of the priests, along with the most sacred archives of the nation.

JFB: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Near Geba. This was his place of residence (see Jdg 20:20), about five miles north of Jerusalem.

Near Geba. This was his place of residence (see Jdg 20:20), about five miles north of Jerusalem.

JFB: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Who feared God and regarded allegiance to their king as a conscientious duty. They are opposed to "the children of Belial."

Who feared God and regarded allegiance to their king as a conscientious duty. They are opposed to "the children of Belial."

JFB: 1Sa 10:27 - -- In Eastern countries, the honor of the sovereign and the splendor of the royal household are upheld, not by a fixed rate of taxation, but by presents ...

In Eastern countries, the honor of the sovereign and the splendor of the royal household are upheld, not by a fixed rate of taxation, but by presents brought at certain seasons by officials, and men of wealth, from all parts of the kingdom, according to the means of the individual, and of a customary registered value. Such was the tribute which Saul's opponents withheld, and for want of which he was unable to set up a kingly establishment for a while. But "biding his time," he bore the insult with a prudence and magnanimity which were of great use in the beginning of his government.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:7 - -- Thou do as occasion serve thee - After God has shown thee all these signs that thou art under his especial guidance, fear not to undertake any thing...

Thou do as occasion serve thee - After God has shown thee all these signs that thou art under his especial guidance, fear not to undertake any thing that belongs to thy office, for God is with thee

What a number of circumstances thus precisely foretold! Does not this prove that Samuel was under the continual inspiration of the Almighty?

Clarke: 1Sa 10:8 - -- Seven days shalt thou tarry - I will come to thee within seven days, offer sacrifices, receive directions from the Lord, and deliver them to thee. I...

Seven days shalt thou tarry - I will come to thee within seven days, offer sacrifices, receive directions from the Lord, and deliver them to thee. It is likely that these seven days referred to the time in which Samuel came to Saul to Gilgal, offered sacrifices, and confirmed the kingdom to him, after he had defeated the Ammonites. See 1Sa 11:14, 1Sa 11:15.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:10 - -- Behold, a company of prophets - See on 1Sa 10:5 (note), etc.

Behold, a company of prophets - See on 1Sa 10:5 (note), etc.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:12 - -- But who is their father? - The Septuagint, in its principal editions, adds ου Κεις ; is it not Kish? This makes the sense more complete.

But who is their father? - The Septuagint, in its principal editions, adds ου Κεις ; is it not Kish? This makes the sense more complete.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:13 - -- He came to the high place - I suppose this to mean the place where Saul’ s father lived; as it is evident the next verse shows him to be at hom...

He came to the high place - I suppose this to mean the place where Saul’ s father lived; as it is evident the next verse shows him to be at home.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:14 - -- Saul’ s uncle - The word דוד dod signifies a beloved one, love, a lover, friend, etc.; and is the same as David. It is supposed to mean u...

Saul’ s uncle - The word דוד dod signifies a beloved one, love, a lover, friend, etc.; and is the same as David. It is supposed to mean uncle here; but I think it means some familiar friend.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:18 - -- I brought up Israel out of Egypt - These are similar to the upbraidings in 1Sa 8:7, etc.

I brought up Israel out of Egypt - These are similar to the upbraidings in 1Sa 8:7, etc.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:19 - -- Present yourselves - by your tribes - It appears that, in order to find out the proper person who should be made their king, they must determine by ...

Present yourselves - by your tribes - It appears that, in order to find out the proper person who should be made their king, they must determine by lot

1.    The tribe

2.    The thousands or grand divisions by families

3.    The smaller divisions by families. And

4.    The individual

When the lot was cast for the tribe, Benjamin was taken; when for the thousand, the division of Matri was taken; when for the family, the family of Kish was taken; when for the individual, Saul, the son of Kish, was taken.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:21 - -- When they sought him, he could not be found - Through modesty or fear he had secreted himself.

When they sought him, he could not be found - Through modesty or fear he had secreted himself.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:22 - -- The Lord answered - What a continual access to God! and what condescension in his attention to all their requests The stuff among which he had secre...

The Lord answered - What a continual access to God! and what condescension in his attention to all their requests

The stuff among which he had secreted himself may mean the carts, baggage, etc., brought by the people to Mizpeh.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:24 - -- God save the king - There is no such word here; no, nor in the whole Bible; nor is it countenanced by any of the versions. The words which we thus t...

God save the king - There is no such word here; no, nor in the whole Bible; nor is it countenanced by any of the versions. The words which we thus translate here and elsewhere are simply יחי המלך yechi hammelech , "May the king live;"and so all the versions, the Targum excepted, which says, May the king prosper! The French Vive le roi ! is a proper version of the Hebrew.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:25 - -- The manner of the kingdom - It is the same word as in 1Sa 8:9; and doubtless the same thing is implied as is there related. But possibly there was s...

The manner of the kingdom - It is the same word as in 1Sa 8:9; and doubtless the same thing is implied as is there related. But possibly there was some kind of compact or covenant between them and Saul; and this was the thing that was written in a book, and laid up before the Lord, probably near the ark.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:26 - -- A band of men - Not a military band, as I imagine, but some secret friends, or companions, who were personally attached to him. Others think that al...

A band of men - Not a military band, as I imagine, but some secret friends, or companions, who were personally attached to him. Others think that all the men fit to bear arms are intended; but this seems inconsistent with the life that Saul led for some time afterwards; for he appears to have gone into his agricultural concerns, and waited for a call from the Divine providence. See 1Sa 11:5.

Clarke: 1Sa 10:27 - -- Brought him no presents - They gave him no proofs that they acknowledged either the Divine appointment or his authority. The Arab chiefs are, to thi...

Brought him no presents - They gave him no proofs that they acknowledged either the Divine appointment or his authority. The Arab chiefs are, to this day, when on a march or excursion of any kind, supplied with every necessary by the free-will offerings or presents of the people in the villages or places where they encamp. Saul was now a public character, and had a right to support from the public. These sons of Belial refused to bear their part; they brought him no presents. He marked it, but at present held his peace; he was as if he were deaf: so says the text. He was prudent, and did not immediately assume all the consequence to which his office entitled him. It is probable, however, that tribute is meant by the word present. The people in general finding they had now a king, took it for granted that they must pay tribute or taxes to him. This was a part of the manner of the king which Samuel had shown them; the great majority had done so, but certain refractory people refused to pay any thing, on the pretense that such a person as Saul could not be a deliverer of Israel. How, say they, shall this man save us?

Defender: 1Sa 10:10 - -- This "company of prophets" was probably the beginning of what later came to be known as the "school of the prophets" (actually this term is not found ...

This "company of prophets" was probably the beginning of what later came to be known as the "school of the prophets" (actually this term is not found in Scripture, though there are several references to what seems to be an organized body of "sons of the prophets" - 2Ki 2:15). These men - presumably first organized and trained by Samuel - seem to have had a ministry of music (1Sa 10:5), as well as prophesying (receiving and conveying divine messages to the people). The New Testament gift of prophecy was important also in the early church, but ceased with the completion of the Scriptures when it was no longer needed."

Defender: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Anyone who is truly called to do a work for God will surely encounter opposition from the "children of Belial" (1Sa 10:27) - that is, "worthless men" ...

Anyone who is truly called to do a work for God will surely encounter opposition from the "children of Belial" (1Sa 10:27) - that is, "worthless men" - who will "despise him." At the same time, there will also be raised up "a band of men whose hearts God had touched" to encourage and assist and support him in the work."

TSK: 1Sa 10:7 - -- let it be : Heb. it shall come to pass that, etc signs : Exo 4:8; Luk 2:12; Joh 6:14 that thou do as occasion : etc. Heb. do for thee as thine hand sh...

let it be : Heb. it shall come to pass that, etc

signs : Exo 4:8; Luk 2:12; Joh 6:14

that thou do as occasion : etc. Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find, Jdg 9:33

God : Gen 21:20; Deu 20:1; Jdg 6:12; Isa 7:14, Isa 45:1, Isa 45:2; Mat 1:23, Mat 28:20

TSK: 1Sa 10:8 - -- to Gilgal : 1Sa 11:14, 1Sa 11:15, 1Sa 13:4, 1Sa 13:8-15, 1Sa 15:33

TSK: 1Sa 10:9 - -- back : Heb. shoulder gave : Heb. turned another heart : 1Sa 10:6 and all those signs : The following history of Saul is given by the Afghans, a people...

back : Heb. shoulder

gave : Heb. turned

another heart : 1Sa 10:6

and all those signs : The following history of Saul is given by the Afghans, a people generally supposed to be of Jewish origin: ""In a war which raged between the children of Israel and the Amalekites, the latter being victorious, plundered the Jews, and obtained possession of the ark of the covenant. Considering this (as) the God of the Jews, they threw it into the fire, which did not affect it. They afterwards attempted to cleave it with axes, but without successcaps1 . ecaps0 very individual who treated it with indignity, was punished for his temerity. They then placed it in their temple; but all their idols bowed to it. At length they fastened it upon a cow, which they turned loose in the wilderness. When the prophet Samuel arose, the children of Israel said to him, ‘ We have been totally subdued by the Amalekites, and have no king. Raise to us a king, that we may be enabled to contend for the glory of God.’ Samuel said, ‘ In case you are led out to battle, are you determined to fight?’ They answered, ‘ What has befallen us, that we should not fight against infidels? That nation has banished us from our country and children.’ At this time the angel Gabriel descended, and delivering a wand, said, ‘ It is the command of God, that the person whose stature shall correspond with this wand, shall be king of Israel.’ Melec Talut was at that time a man of inferior condition, and performed the humble employment of feeding the goats and cows of others. One day, a cow under his charge was accidentally lost. Being disappointed in his searches, he was greatly distressed, and applied to Samuel saying, ‘ I have lost a cow, and I do not possess the means of satisfying the owner. Pray for me that I may be extricated from this difficulty.’ Samuel perceiving that he was a man of lofty stature, asked his name. He answered, Talut. Samuel then said, ‘ Measure Talut with the wand which the angel Gabriel brought.’ His stature was equal to it. Samuel then said, ‘ God has raised Talut to be your king.’ The children of Israel answered, ‘ We are greater than our king. We are men of dignity, and he is of inferior condition. How shall he be our king?’ Samuel informed them, they should know that God had constituted Talut king, by his restoring the ark of the covenant. He accordingly restored it, and they acknowledged him their sovereign."" Asiatic Researches , vol. ii. p. 119, et seq. 1Sa 10:2-5; Jdg 6:21, Jdg 6:36-40, Jdg 7:11; Isa 38:7, Isa 38:8; Mar 14:16

TSK: 1Sa 10:10 - -- they came : 1Sa 10:5, 1Sa 19:20-24

they came : 1Sa 10:5, 1Sa 19:20-24

TSK: 1Sa 10:11 - -- when all : Joh 9:8, Joh 9:9; Act 3:10 one to another : Heb. a man to his neighbour What is this : Mat 13:54, Mat 13:55; Act 2:7, Act 2:8, Act 4:13, Ac...

when all : Joh 9:8, Joh 9:9; Act 3:10

one to another : Heb. a man to his neighbour

What is this : Mat 13:54, Mat 13:55; Act 2:7, Act 2:8, Act 4:13, Act 9:21

Is Saul : 1Sa 19:24; Joh 7:15

TSK: 1Sa 10:12 - -- of the same place : Heb. from thence who is their : Isa 54:13; Joh 6:45, Joh 7:16; Jam 1:17

of the same place : Heb. from thence

who is their : Isa 54:13; Joh 6:45, Joh 7:16; Jam 1:17

TSK: 1Sa 10:14 - -- And he said : 1Sa 9:3-10 no where : 2Ki 5:25

And he said : 1Sa 9:3-10

no where : 2Ki 5:25

TSK: 1Sa 10:16 - -- matter : 1Sa 9:27; Exo 4:18; Jdg 14:6; Pro 29:11

TSK: 1Sa 10:17 - -- unto the Lord : 1Sa 7:5, 1Sa 7:6; Jdg 20:1

unto the Lord : 1Sa 7:5, 1Sa 7:6; Jdg 20:1

TSK: 1Sa 10:18 - -- Thus saith : Jdg 2:1, Jdg 6:8, Jdg 6:9; Neh 9:9-12, Neh 9:27, Neh 9:28

TSK: 1Sa 10:19 - -- And ye have : 1Sa 8:7-9, 1Sa 8:19, 1Sa 12:12, 1Sa 12:17-19 by your tribes : Num 17:2; Jos 7:14-26; Mic 5:2

And ye have : 1Sa 8:7-9, 1Sa 8:19, 1Sa 12:12, 1Sa 12:17-19

by your tribes : Num 17:2; Jos 7:14-26; Mic 5:2

TSK: 1Sa 10:20 - -- caused : 1Sa 14:41; Jos 7:16-18; Act 1:24-26

TSK: 1Sa 10:22 - -- inquired : 1Sa 23:2-4, 1Sa 23:11, 1Sa 23:12; Num 27:21; Jdg 1:1, Jdg 20:18, Jdg 20:23, Jdg 20:28 hid : 1Sa 9:21, 1Sa 15:17; Luk 14:11

TSK: 1Sa 10:23 - -- he was higher : 1Sa 9:2, 1Sa 16:7, 1Sa 17:4

he was higher : 1Sa 9:2, 1Sa 16:7, 1Sa 17:4

TSK: 1Sa 10:24 - -- See ye him : Deu 17:15; 2Sa 21:6 God save the king : Heb. Let the king live, 1Ki 1:25, 1Ki 1:21, 1Ki 1:39; 2Ki 11:12; Mat 21:9

See ye him : Deu 17:15; 2Sa 21:6

God save the king : Heb. Let the king live, 1Ki 1:25, 1Ki 1:21, 1Ki 1:39; 2Ki 11:12; Mat 21:9

TSK: 1Sa 10:25 - -- 1Sa 8:11-18; Deu 17:14-20; Eze 45:9, Eze 45:10, Eze 46:16-18; Rom 13:1-7; 1Ti 2:2; Tit 3:1; 1Pe 2:13, 1Pe 2:14

TSK: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Gibeah : 1Sa 11:4, 1Sa 15:34; Jos 18:28; Jdg 19:12-16, Jdg 20:14; 2Sa 21:6 whose hearts : Ezr 1:5; Psa 110:3; Act 7:10, Act 13:48

TSK: 1Sa 10:27 - -- children : 1Sa 2:12, 1Sa 11:12; Deu 13:13; 2Sa 20:1; 2Ch 13:7; Act 7:35, Act 7:51, Act 7:52 brought him : 2Sa 8:2; 1Ki 4:21, 1Ki 10:25; 2Ch 17:5; Psa ...

children : 1Sa 2:12, 1Sa 11:12; Deu 13:13; 2Sa 20:1; 2Ch 13:7; Act 7:35, Act 7:51, Act 7:52

brought him : 2Sa 8:2; 1Ki 4:21, 1Ki 10:25; 2Ch 17:5; Psa 72:10; Mat 2:11

he held his peace : or, he was as though he had been deaf, Psa 38:13; Isa 36:21; Mat 27:12-14

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Sa 10:8 - -- Seven days shalt thou tarry ... - The appointment here made is not to be confounded with that mentioned in marginal reference.

Seven days shalt thou tarry ... - The appointment here made is not to be confounded with that mentioned in marginal reference.

Barnes: 1Sa 10:12 - -- But who is their father - This is a very obscure phrase. If by "father"be intended the head or leader (compare 1Ch 25:6; 2Ki 2:12) of the proph...

But who is their father - This is a very obscure phrase. If by "father"be intended the head or leader (compare 1Ch 25:6; 2Ki 2:12) of the prophets, the question means: "What kind of leader can they have to admit such a person as Saul into the company?"Some versions read "Who is his father?"in the sense: "Who would have expected Kish to have a son among the prophets?"(Compare Mat 13:54-55.)

Barnes: 1Sa 10:14 - -- From the order of the narrative, and the mention of Saul’ s servant, it looks as if Saul found his uncle at the high place. Perhaps some solemn...

From the order of the narrative, and the mention of Saul’ s servant, it looks as if Saul found his uncle at the high place. Perhaps some solemnity similar to that mentioned in 1Sa 9:19 was going on at this time, in which the prophets had been taking part.

Barnes: 1Sa 10:19 - -- For the use of "thousand"as equivalent to "family,"see 1Sa 23:23; Jdg 6:15 margin. In Num 1:16 it may mean whole tribes.

For the use of "thousand"as equivalent to "family,"see 1Sa 23:23; Jdg 6:15 margin. In Num 1:16 it may mean whole tribes.

Barnes: 1Sa 10:20 - -- Caused ... to come near ... was taken - The Hebrew phrases are exactly the same as in Jos 7:16-17, where the King James Version renders the fir...

Caused ... to come near ... was taken - The Hebrew phrases are exactly the same as in Jos 7:16-17, where the King James Version renders the first has "brought."

Barnes: 1Sa 10:21 - -- The family of Matri - This name occurs nowhere else among the families of Benjamin, or in the genealogy of Saul. (See 1Sa 9:1 note.)

The family of Matri - This name occurs nowhere else among the families of Benjamin, or in the genealogy of Saul. (See 1Sa 9:1 note.)

Barnes: 1Sa 10:22 - -- Among the stuff - Rather, "the baggage."The assembly was like a camp, and the baggage (impedimenta) of the whole congregation was probably coll...

Among the stuff - Rather, "the baggage."The assembly was like a camp, and the baggage (impedimenta) of the whole congregation was probably collected in one place, where the wagons were arranged for protection.

Barnes: 1Sa 10:25 - -- The manner of the kingdom - i. e., the just prerogative of the kingdom, the law, or bill of rights, by which the king’ s power was limited...

The manner of the kingdom - i. e., the just prerogative of the kingdom, the law, or bill of rights, by which the king’ s power was limited as well as secured. It is not improbable that what Samuel wrote was simply a transcript of Deu 17:14-20, which he "laid up before the Lord,"i. e., placed by the side of the ark of the covenant with the copy of the Law (see Deu 31:26). It would be ready for reference if either king or people violated the "law of the kingdom."

Barnes: 1Sa 10:26 - -- A band of men - Rather, "the host,""men of valor,"There seems to be an opposition intended between the "valiant men"and the "children of Belial...

A band of men - Rather, "the host,""men of valor,"There seems to be an opposition intended between the "valiant men"and the "children of Belial"(1Sa 10:27).

Barnes: 1Sa 10:27 - -- Presents - The מנחה mı̂nchāh was the token of homage and acknowledgment from the subject to the sovereign, and from the tributar...

Presents - The מנחה mı̂nchāh was the token of homage and acknowledgment from the subject to the sovereign, and from the tributary nation to their suzerain. (See 2Sa 8:2, 2Sa 8:6; Jdg 3:17-18; 1Ki 4:21; 2Ki 17:4, etc.; Psa 72:10; Isa 16:1.) Saul dissembled his resentment, and waited for the favorable tide which soon came with the invasion of Nahash.

Poole: 1Sa 10:7 - -- These signs were certain evidences of God’ s calling of him to the kingdom, because they were all future contingencies, which none but God could...

These signs were certain evidences of God’ s calling of him to the kingdom, because they were all future contingencies, which none but God could infallibly know or foretell.

Do as occasion shall serve thee Heb. do what thy hand findeth to do , i.e. as thou shalt have a call and opportunity. He doth not intend that he should take the kingly government upon him, before his call to it was known to and owned by the people, which had been preposterous and dangerous; but that he should dispose his mind to a readiness of undertaking any public service when necessity required it, and he should be called to his office.

Poole: 1Sa 10:8 - -- Seven days shalt thou tarry till I come to thee: this, though now mentioned and commanded, yet was not immediately to be performed; as is evident, pa...

Seven days shalt thou tarry till I come to thee: this, though now mentioned and commanded, yet was not immediately to be performed; as is evident, partly from the whole course of the story, which shows that Saul, and Samuel, and the people first met at Mizpeh, 1Sa 10:17 , &c., where Saul was chosen by God and accepted by the people as king; and afterwards went to Gilgal, once before the time here spoken of, 1Sa 11:14,15 ; and partly by comparing this place with 1Sa 13:8 , &c., where we find Saul charged with the violation of this command two years after the giving of it, as appears from 1Sa 13:1,2 .

Quest. How then is this to be understood?

Answ 1. This may be given as a standing rule for Saul to observe while Samuel and he lived; that in case of any great future difficulties, as the invasion of enemies, Saul should resort to Gilgal, and call the people thither, and tarry there seven days, which was but a reasonable and necessary time for the gathering of the people, and for the coming of Samuel thither. For though this be related as but once done, 1Sa 13 , yet Josephus affirms that it was to be constantly practised upon all such occasions. And Gilgal was chosen for this purpose as a very fit place; partly because that place was famous for the solemn renewing of the covenant between God and Israel, Jos 4 , and for other eminent instances of God’ s favour to them, the remembrance whereof was a notable confirmation of their faith; and partly because it was a very convenient place for the tribes within and without Jordan to assemble, and consult, and unite their forces together upon such occasions. If you ask, Why then Saul did not practise this precept upon the first invasion of the Ammonites? it may be answered, that this was a rule for Saul when he and Samuel were asunder, whereas they were together in that expedition, 1Sa 11:7 . And further, that necessity did excuse the violation of this precept then, because Saul could not wait for Samuel, nor forbear his action for seven days, as is evident from 1Sa 11:3,9,10 . Or,

2. (which I propose with submission to the learned and judicious) This may be here added as another sign to confirm his faith, which having strengthened by three foregoing signs, he now fortifies it by another sign which was to follow afterwards; it being very usual for God to give men signs to confirm their faith from future events; as Exo 3:12 2Ki 19:29 Isa 7:13,14 . So the meaning maybe this, Another sign will I add to strengthen thy faith: Thou shalt in due time, and upon a great occasion which shall then happen,

go down before me to Gilgal and there

I will come down unto thee to offer— sacrifices & c. But when thou comest thither, be sure thou tarry there seven days , and then I will come , as I have said, and give thee necessary instructions and assistance, as the matter shall require.

Poole: 1Sa 10:10 - -- Then the accomplishment of the two former signs is supposed, and this only of the third is expressed, because this was more eminent and public than ...

Then the accomplishment of the two former signs is supposed, and this only of the third is expressed, because this was more eminent and public than the former: the other were only transient acts, which passed in private between two or three persons meeting together, and passing by one another; but this was a more permanent and more notorious sign, done in a more solemn manner, and before many and very considerable witnesses.

Poole: 1Sa 10:11 - -- What is this that is come unto the son of Kish? what means this strange and prodigious event? Saul; a man never instructed nor exercised in nor incli...

What is this that is come unto the son of Kish? what means this strange and prodigious event? Saul; a man never instructed nor exercised in nor inclined to these matters; a man ever thought fitter to look to his father’ s asses, than to bear a part in the sacred exercises of the prophets.

Poole: 1Sa 10:12 - -- One of the same place Heb. one from thence , i.e. one of the company there present, or one of the prophets there prophesying. Who is their father? ...

One of the same place Heb. one from thence , i.e. one of the company there present, or one of the prophets there prophesying.

Who is their father? who is the father of all these prophets of whom you speak, and among whom Saul now is one? who is it that instructs and inspires them with this holy art, but God? They have it not from their natural parents, nor from their civil education, but by inspiration from God, who, when he pleaseth, can inspire Saul, or any other man, with the same skill. And therefore wonder not at this matter, but give God the glory of it. Father is here put for teacher, or instructer, as it is used; as Gen 4:20,21 Mt 23:9 1Co 4:15 . And hence the scholars are called sons of the prophets . It became a proverb, used when any strange, unlikely, or unexpected thing happened.

Poole: 1Sa 10:13 - -- Returning thither with the prophets, there to praise God for these wonderful favours, and to beg counsel and help from God in this high business.

Returning thither with the prophets, there to praise God for these wonderful favours, and to beg counsel and help from God in this high business.

Poole: 1Sa 10:14 - -- Saul’ s uncle being there present, and observing this great alteration in his nephew.

Saul’ s uncle being there present, and observing this great alteration in his nephew.

Poole: 1Sa 10:16 - -- Partly, in obedience to Samuel, who obliged him to secrecy; partly, from a humble modesty which appeared in him, 1Sa 10:22 ; and partly, in prudence...

Partly, in obedience to Samuel, who obliged him to secrecy; partly, from a humble modesty which appeared in him, 1Sa 10:22 ; and partly, in prudence, lest by an unseasonable publishing of it he should raise envy in some, disbelief and contempt in others, &c.

Poole: 1Sa 10:17 - -- Unto the Lord to appear before the Lord. So he speaks, either, 1. Because the ark was carried thither upon this occasion. Or, 2. Because God is pre...

Unto the Lord to appear before the Lord. So he speaks, either,

1. Because the ark was carried thither upon this occasion. Or,

2. Because God is present in all the assemblies of his people, whereof this was an eminent one: see 2Ch 19:6 Psa 82:1 . Or,

3. Because they did in a manner erect a tribunal for God; and entreated, and consequently obtained, his presence there to supervise and direct the whole business by his sentence, which also he did, 1Sa 10:19 , &c. See of this phrase Jud 11:11 20:1 .

To Mizpeh a city of Benjamin, Jos 13:26 , where all Israel had met before upon a public and solemn occasion, 1Sa 7:5 .

Poole: 1Sa 10:18 - -- Of all kingdoms to wit, the neighbouring kingdoms, which molested you from time to time.

Of all kingdoms to wit, the neighbouring kingdoms, which molested you from time to time.

Poole: 1Sa 10:19 - -- Ye have this day rejected your God you this day declare that you persist in your former act of rejecting God’ s government: See Poole "1Sa 8:7"...

Ye have this day rejected your God you this day declare that you persist in your former act of rejecting God’ s government: See Poole "1Sa 8:7" .

Who himself saved you who by his own special providence took care to raise up judges and saviours for you, and to deliver you at all times, when you needed his help, and did not by your sins obstruct it.

Ye have said unto him i.e. unto me his prophet and ambassador; and consequently unto the Lord, whom I represented, and in whose name I spake and acted.

By your tribes, and by your thousands for each tribe was divided into thousands, Num 10:36 Deu 33:17 Jos 22:14,21 Mic 5:2 , as in England counties are into hundreds.

Poole: 1Sa 10:20 - -- To come near unto the place appointed for the casting of lots. This tribe was now preferred before Judah, because the kingdom was freely promised by ...

To come near unto the place appointed for the casting of lots. This tribe was now preferred before Judah, because the kingdom was freely promised by God to Judah, and was to be given to him in love; but now the kingdom was in a manner forced from God, and given to them in anger, Hos 13:11 , and therefore conferred upon an obscure tribe.

Poole: 1Sa 10:22 - -- They inquired of the Lord either by Urim or Thummim, which was the usual way of inquiry, Num 27:21 1Sa 23:9 28:6 ; or by Samuel, who by his prayer pr...

They inquired of the Lord either by Urim or Thummim, which was the usual way of inquiry, Num 27:21 1Sa 23:9 28:6 ; or by Samuel, who by his prayer procured an answer.

Among the stuff among the carriages or baggage of the people there assembled. This he might do, because he either had, or at least would be thought to have, a modest sense of his own unworthiness, which was a likely way to commend him to the people.

Poole: 1Sa 10:24 - -- There is none like him among all the people as to the height of his bodily stature, which was in itself commendable in a king, and some kind of indic...

There is none like him among all the people as to the height of his bodily stature, which was in itself commendable in a king, and some kind of indication of great endowments of mind.

God save the king Heb. Let the king live , to wit, long and prosperously; for an afflicted life is reputed a kind of death, and is oft so called. Hereby they accept and own him for their king, and promise subjection to him.

Poole: 1Sa 10:25 - -- The manner of the kingdom not the manner of the king, of which he had spoken before, 1Sa 8:11 , &c., but of the kingdom: to wit, the laws and rules b...

The manner of the kingdom not the manner of the king, of which he had spoken before, 1Sa 8:11 , &c., but of the kingdom: to wit, the laws and rules by which the kingly government was to be managed, agreeable to those mentioned Deu 17:16 , &c, which peradventure Samuel did expound and apply to their particular case.

Before the Lord before the ark, or in the sanctuary, where it was kept safe from depravation.

Poole: 1Sa 10:26 - -- To Gibeah: not being actually inaugurated into his kingdom, he thought fit to retire to his former habitation, and to live privately till he had an o...

To Gibeah: not being actually inaugurated into his kingdom, he thought fit to retire to his former habitation, and to live privately till he had an occasion to show himself in a more public and illustrious manner, which he speedily obtained.

And there went with him a band of men to give him safe and honourable conduct to his house, though not to abide with him there, which did not suit with his present circumstances.

Whose hearts God had touched i.e. either

1. Disposed or inclined to this work; or,

2. Affected or renewed by his grace and good Spirit working upon their hearts; those that feared God and made conscience of their duty; for they are opposed to the children of Belial in the next verse. These, though they did not desire a king, as the generality of the people did, yet when God had given them a king, they were most forward to pay him that reverence and obedience which they owed him; both which proceeded from the same principle, that they were in both cases guided by God’ s will; which was, that they should not desire a king in their circumstances; and yet they should obey him, when God had set a king over them.

Poole: 1Sa 10:27 - -- This man so mean a person, and of the weakest of all the tribes. Brought him no presents as subjects in those times and places used to do to their ...

This man so mean a person, and of the weakest of all the tribes.

Brought him no presents as subjects in those times and places used to do to their kings; see 1Ki 10:25 2Ch 17:5 Mat 2:11 ; and as Saul’ s mean condition, herewith they upbraided him, required.

He held his peace thereby manifesting his prudence and clemency, which was of great use in the beginning of his government.

Haydock: 1Sa 10:7 - -- Find. Undertake any enterprise, how difficult soever, which God may propose to thee. (Calmet)

Find. Undertake any enterprise, how difficult soever, which God may propose to thee. (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:8 - -- Galgal. Here also by dispensation was an altar of God. (Challoner) --- To do. Saul went thither, after the victory which he had obtained over th...

Galgal. Here also by dispensation was an altar of God. (Challoner) ---

To do. Saul went thither, after the victory which he had obtained over the Ammonites, when he was confirmed in his dignity, chap. xi. 14. But the mention of seven days, seems to indicate that Samuel is here speaking of that event, when the war against the Philistines was at hand, and Saul neglected to wait the appointed term, before he ventured to offer sacrifice, chap. xiii. 8. (Calmet) ---

Some think that Samuel engages always to meet him at Galgal, on any important business, within the space of seven days. (Serarius) ---

Others translate, "I will be at Galgal with thee, and we will offer sacrifices, for seven days." (Calmet) ---

Protestants, "I will come down to thee to offer burnt-offerings," &c., which is conformable to the Septuagint. Indeed Saul was probably blamed for offering the victims himself. (Haydock) ---

Obedience was enjoined him to try his humility. (St. Gregory) (Worthington)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:11 - -- Prophets. This proverb received a fresh confirmation, when Saul was going to seize David, and was forced by the Spirit to join with the college of p...

Prophets. This proverb received a fresh confirmation, when Saul was going to seize David, and was forced by the Spirit to join with the college of prophets, in singing God's praises, chap. xix. 24. (Haydock) ---

It may be applied to those who are unexpectedly raised to a high dignity, or enabled to speak or to do extraordinary things, like the apostles, when they spoke various languages &c. (Delrio adag. 178.) (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:12 - -- Their father. That is, their teacher or superior. As much as to say, Who could bring about such a wonderful change as to make Saul a prophet? (Chal...

Their father. That is, their teacher or superior. As much as to say, Who could bring about such a wonderful change as to make Saul a prophet? (Challoner) but the Lord, whose Spirit breatheth where he will, John iii. 8. (Haydock) ---

Septuagint, "Who is his father? is it not Cis?" The Jews seem to have been in a like consternation, when they observed respecting Jesus, who wrought such miracles, Is not this the carpenter's son? People are unwilling to reflect, that God can select his instruments and ministers from every profession, and make the tongues of infants eloquent. (Haydock) ---

The spirit of prophecy is a gift of God, not of parents. (Menochius) ---

But a prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, Matthew xiii. 57. (Haydock)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:13 - -- Place. Returning to his father's house, after the Spirit had ceased to inspire him, and the prophets had retired home. His relations, suspecting so...

Place. Returning to his father's house, after the Spirit had ceased to inspire him, and the prophets had retired home. His relations, suspecting something more than common had been revealed to Saul by Samuel, began to ask him questions: but he had the prudence to keep (Calmet) his secret to himself, either in obedience to Samuel's injunction, when he sent the servant before, (Haydock) or out of humility, (Menochius) or to prevent the dangers of envy from his own kindred. (Josephus)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:17 - -- Lord, who always presided over such assemblies. This was convened to elect a king, whom God pointed out by lots. Some assert that the ark, and the ...

Lord, who always presided over such assemblies. This was convened to elect a king, whom God pointed out by lots. Some assert that the ark, and the high priest, in his pontifical ornaments, were present. (Calmet) ---

Adrichomius says Maspha was only three hours' walk from Cariathiarim. (Menochius)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:19 - -- Families. Lots were first drawn to determine the tribe, then to find out which of the great families, and which house, was to give a king to Israel....

Families. Lots were first drawn to determine the tribe, then to find out which of the great families, and which house, was to give a king to Israel. (Haydock) ---

See Josue vii. 14. (Menochius) ---

God was pleased thus to convince them that the election proceeded from him. (St. Gregory) (Worthington)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:21 - -- Metri. We find none of this name, 1 Paralipomenon viii. 1. It is probably a title which some of the great patriarchs of Benjamin had acquired by sh...

Metri. We find none of this name, 1 Paralipomenon viii. 1. It is probably a title which some of the great patriarchs of Benjamin had acquired by shooting, as Metri means "an archer or bowman." (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:22 - -- Home. Hebrew, "he hath hidden himself among the stuff," (Haydock) instruments, or baggage, at Masphath. He acted thus out of modesty, judging himse...

Home. Hebrew, "he hath hidden himself among the stuff," (Haydock) instruments, or baggage, at Masphath. He acted thus out of modesty, judging himself unfit for the exalted dignity, (Calmet) and shewed that he did not seek for it. (Menochius)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:23 - -- Upwards. God condescended to gratify the desires of the people, who chiefly regarded the stature and corporal qualifications of their king. "Many n...

Upwards. God condescended to gratify the desires of the people, who chiefly regarded the stature and corporal qualifications of their king. "Many nations are accustomed to look with veneration on a majestic person, and think none are capable of great exploits except those whom nature has made very handsome." (Curtius vi.) See chap. ix. 2. More civilized nations rather consider the qualities of the mind. Alexander, Agesilaus, &c., were not of a majestic stature.

Haydock: 1Sa 10:24 - -- King. Our favourite song, "God save," &c., is an amplification of this sentiment. (Haydock)

King. Our favourite song, "God save," &c., is an amplification of this sentiment. (Haydock)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:25 - -- Before the Lord. It seems that the ark was therefore present. This record of Samuel is lost, so that we cannot determine what laws he prescribed on...

Before the Lord. It seems that the ark was therefore present. This record of Samuel is lost, so that we cannot determine what laws he prescribed on this occasion. (Calmet) ---

Josephus ([Antiquities?] vi. 5.) says that he wrote and read in the hearing of all, and in the presence of the king, what evils would ensue under the regal government; and deposited the writing in the tabernacle, that the truth of the prediction might be ascertained. He probably alludes to the denunciation of tyranny, which had been made [in] chap. viii., and which he says Samuel repeated on this occasion. But the prophet would also take a copy of the law of the kingdom, prescribed by Moses, (Deuteronomy xvii.) and deliver it to Saul, that he might make it the rule of his conduct, and not imitate the wicked customs of tyrants. (Haydock) ---

The whole process of this memorable event he would also write down, (Menochius) as we read it at present in this chapter, placing it in the proper order, as a continuation of the sacred history which Moses and Josue had commenced; and like them, depositing the sacred volume beside the ark, or in the tabernacle. See Josue xxiv. 26. (Haydock)

Haydock: 1Sa 10:26 - -- Touched; to consider the appointment of Saul, as his act. Afterwards they retired home, and the new king returned to his wonted occupations. The a...

Touched; to consider the appointment of Saul, as his act. Afterwards they retired home, and the new king returned to his wonted occupations. The army here denotes part of the assembly, as the young men came with their leaders ready, if called, to march to battle, Exodus vi. 26., and Deuteronomy xx. 9. (Calmet)

Gill: 1Sa 10:7 - -- And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee,.... And are all fulfilled, especially the last: that thou do as occasion shall serve thee: as h...

And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee,.... And are all fulfilled, especially the last:

that thou do as occasion shall serve thee: as his circumstances would require, and as he in his great wisdom and prudence, with which he should now be furnished, would see necessary to prepare for his taking upon him the kingdom he was anointed to, and would be in a little time openly chosen to, and invested with. Some understand this of royal ornaments befitting a king, or of preparing arms for the defence of the kingdom:

for God is with thee; or the Word of the Lord is thy help, as the Targum, and therefore he need not fear engaging in any enterprise that might be for the glory of God, and good of the kingdom.

Gill: 1Sa 10:8 - -- And thou shall go down before me to Gilgal,.... Not immediately; for the first summons of the people, and of Saul, and the first meeting of them by Sa...

And thou shall go down before me to Gilgal,.... Not immediately; for the first summons of the people, and of Saul, and the first meeting of them by Samuel, were at Mizpeh, where Saul was chosen by lot; nor the first time of Saul's being at Gilgal, when the kingdom was renewed; for Saul had no need to wait seven days there, since he and Samuel went together, 1Sa 11:14 rather at the second time of his being there, where not staying the time quite up, was reproved for it, which was two years after this, 1Sa 13:1, though it may be this was a general rule to be observed by Saul, that whenever anything turned up of importance to the children of Israel, and was a difficulty with him, he should go to Gilgal, and there wait seven days for Samuel, from the time he gave him notice of it, who would come at the appointed time, and would give him what advice and instructions were necessary; and this place was the rather appointed, because it was the place where the Israelites first pitched their camp when they came over Jordan, and where the tabernacle first was; and where prayer and sacrifices were wont to be made; and where the kingdom of Saul was renewed; and which lay convenient for all the tribes, both on the one and the other side of Jordan:

and, behold, I will come down to thee to offer burnt offerings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings; so he did when the kingdom was renewed, and Saul was confirmed in it, 1Sa 11:15 but two years after, Saul not staying the full time, he offered them himself by another, for which he was reproved, 1Sa 13:9.

seven days shalt thou tarry till I come to thee; either from the time of the notice he should give to Samuel of his going thither, or from the time of his arrival there; for it can by no means be understood as from the time of his present departure from him, for the reasons before given:

and show thee what thou shalt do; in the then present emergency or difficulty on his hands; and this he said to encourage him under the weight and burden of government laid upon him.

Gill: 1Sa 10:9 - -- And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel,.... When he had taken his leave of him, and set forward on his journey: God gave...

And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel,.... When he had taken his leave of him, and set forward on his journey:

God gave him another heart; not in a moral or spiritual sense, not a new heart, and a new spirit, as in conversion, but in a civil sense, a right heart, a heart fit for government; filled with wisdom and prudence to rule a people; with courage and magnanimity to protect and defend them against their enemies, and fight for them; a heart not taken up with the affairs of husbandry, with care for his father's asses, and looking after his herds, but filled with concern for the civil welfare of Israel, and with schemes and contrivances for their good, and with warm resolutions to deliver them out of the hands of their enemies:

and all these signs came to pass that day; the two first, which are not particularly mentioned as fulfilled, being more private, as finding two men at Rachel's sepulchre, and meeting with three others going to Bethel, which came to pass just as they were described; and the third, which was more public, and gave Saul more reverence and respect among the people, is next particularly observed.

Gill: 1Sa 10:10 - -- When they came thither to the hill,.... Or, to Gibeah, as the Targum, and so Josephus e: behold, a company of prophets met him; as foretold, 1Sa 10...

When they came thither to the hill,.... Or, to Gibeah, as the Targum, and so Josephus e:

behold, a company of prophets met him; as foretold, 1Sa 10:5,

and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he prophesied among them; the spirit of prophecy, as the Targum, and he sung praises among them; he joined with them in their psalmody, and performed it as regularly as if he had been brought up with them. The Jews say f he prophesied of the world to come, of Gog and Magog, and of the rewards of the righteous, and of the punishment of the wicked.

Gill: 1Sa 10:11 - -- And it came to pass, that when all that knew him before time,.... As there must be many that personally knew him, and were acquainted with him, since ...

And it came to pass, that when all that knew him before time,.... As there must be many that personally knew him, and were acquainted with him, since Gibeah, the place he was near to, was his native place:

saw that, behold, he prophesied among the prophets; or praised among them, as the Targum, sung psalms and hymns with them:

what is this that is come unto the son of Kish? a rustic, a plebeian, that never was in the school of the prophets, or learned music, and yet is as dexterous at it as any of them:

is Saul also among the prophets? an husbandman, an herdsman that looked after his father's farms, fields, and cattle, and now among the prophets of the Lord, bearing his part with them, and performing it as well as any of them: this was matter of wonder to those who knew his person, family, and education; and so it was equally matter of admiration that Saul the persecutor, one of the same tribe, should be among the preachers of the Gospel, Act 9:20.

Gill: 1Sa 10:12 - -- And one of the same place answered, and said,.... One of the same city, and in the same company, that expressed their admiration at what was come to S...

And one of the same place answered, and said,.... One of the same city, and in the same company, that expressed their admiration at what was come to Saul, and at what he did, and wondering how he came into such company, and to have such a gift, who was of so mean an education:

but who is their father? the father of the prophets; their fathers were not prophets, no more than Saul's was; their Father that taught them is the Lord, and he was able to teach Saul, and bestow on him the gift of prophecy, as well as on them; and so the Targum, who is their master or teacher; for though they might have an undermaster or teacher, as Samuel, or another prophet, yet their chief teacher was God; who could and did give men the gift of prophecy, and even in the highest sense, who had neither prophets for their fathers, nor were indeed trained up in any of the schools of the prophets, which was the case of Amos:

therefore it became a proverb, is Saul also among the prophets? that when a person of a mean parentage, and of a low life and education, was raised up to any degree of dignity in sacred and civil things, they used to apply this proverbial expression to him, or speak of him in this manner, is Saul among the prophets?

Gill: 1Sa 10:13 - -- And when he had made an end of prophesying,.... For, as Procopius Gazaeus observes, he had not the gift of prophecy always; it did not continue with h...

And when he had made an end of prophesying,.... For, as Procopius Gazaeus observes, he had not the gift of prophecy always; it did not continue with him, but, like that of the seventy elders in the times of Moses, it was designed to make him respectable among the people, and to be taken notice of as a person that God had honoured with a peculiar gift, that so, when he should be chosen king, they would the more readily receive him:

he came to the high place; to return thanks to God for the gift bestowed on him, and for that high honour and dignity he was raised unto, of which he had private knowledge; and to pray God to fit him more and more for government, and to, assist him in it, and help him to discharge his office in a wise and faithful manner.

Gill: 1Sa 10:14 - -- And Saul's uncle said unto him, and to his servant, whither went ye?.... Since they had been absent so long a time. This was his father's brother, as ...

And Saul's uncle said unto him, and to his servant, whither went ye?.... Since they had been absent so long a time. This was his father's brother, as the Targum, and so Aquila; whose name was Ner, the father of Abner, 1Sa 14:50 who met with him at the high place, or found him in the city, in his father's house it may be. Josephus g says, Saul went into the house of his kinsman Abner, whom he loved above all his relations, and that it was he that discoursed with Saul, and asked him, the questions before and after related:

and he said, to seek the asses: he first observes the end of their going, the business they went upon, in which not succeeding, then he answers more directly to the question:

and when we saw that they were nowhere; could not see them, nor find them any where, or hear of them where they went:

we came to Samuel; at Ramah, to inquire of him, if he could direct us which way to go, and what methods to take, to find the asses.

Gill: 1Sa 10:15 - -- And Saul's uncle said, &c. l On hearing he had been with Samuel, and perceiving so great an alteration in Saul, perhaps he began to suspect something ...

And Saul's uncle said, &c. l On hearing he had been with Samuel, and perceiving so great an alteration in Saul, perhaps he began to suspect something about the kingdom; it being what everyone was talking of, and expecting every day to hear from Samuel who should be king, according to the Lord's appointment:

tell me, I pray thee, what Samuel said unto you; the earnestness with which he put this question seems to confirm the above conjecture.

Gill: 1Sa 10:16 - -- And Saul said unto his uncle,.... In answer to his question: he told us plainly the asses were found; or "in telling told us" h; not only plainly i...

And Saul said unto his uncle,.... In answer to his question:

he told us plainly the asses were found; or "in telling told us" h; not only plainly in so many words, but he affirmed it with the greatest certainty that the asses were found, and we need not give ourselves further trouble about them:

but of the matter of the kingdom, whereof Samuel spake, he told him not; he said not one word about that, which is commonly ascribed to his modesty; or he might conceal it, as Josephus i observes, because he thought it would not be believed by his relations, or might create in them envy to him; and besides, he knew it was the pleasure of Samuel that it should be kept a secret until the election by lot was over, lest it should be thought to proceed from Samuel himself; and Saul chose it should remain so, that it might not be thought to be of his own seeking; and by keeping it from his relations and friends, it would be a clear case that he did not make interest for it.

Gill: 1Sa 10:17 - -- And Samuel called the people together unto the Lord at Mizpeh. Not that in Gilead, but in the tribe of Benjamin, where the people had been before conv...

And Samuel called the people together unto the Lord at Mizpeh. Not that in Gilead, but in the tribe of Benjamin, where the people had been before convened on a certain occasion, 1Sa 7:5 and the people called together could not be every individual of the nation, but the heads and elders of the people, their representatives, and who were summoned by the orders of Samuel; perhaps by an herald making proclamation and cry of the same, as the word signifies; and these were gathered together to the Lord, to have the following affair transacted before him, and under his guidance and direction; the priest perhaps being here with the Urim and Thummim, as Kimchi thinks, and who also conjectures that the ark might be brought hither at this time, the symbol of the divine Presence; though wherever the church and people of God were gathered together in his name, in a solemn manner, there the Lord was.

Gill: 1Sa 10:18 - -- And said unto the children of Israel,.... In the name of the Lord, using the phrase which the prophets used when they spoke in the name of the Lord: ...

And said unto the children of Israel,.... In the name of the Lord, using the phrase which the prophets used when they spoke in the name of the Lord:

thus saith the Lord God of Israel; the great Jehovah, the Being of beings, the covenant God of his people Israel:

I brought up Israel out of Egypt; when in bondage there, with a mighty hand and outstretched arm, by means of signs and wonders done by the hands of Moses and Aaron; the Lord working mightily with them, and thereby inclining Pharaoh and his people to let them go:

and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians; at the Red sea, drowning them in it, when they threatened Israel with an utter destruction:

and out of the hand of all kingdoms, and of them that oppressed you; as the Arabic writers, the kingdoms of Og and Bashan in their way to Canaan, and the Mesopotamians, Moabites, Canaanites, Midianites, Ammonites, and Philistines, in the times of the judges; all which is observed to show their ingratitude, and aggravate their guilt.

Gill: 1Sa 10:19 - -- And ye have this day rejected your God,.... As their king, by desiring another to be set over them: who himself saved you out of all your adversity...

And ye have this day rejected your God,.... As their king, by desiring another to be set over them:

who himself saved you out of all your adversity and your tribulations; that they had been in at any time in Egypt, in their passage through the wilderness to Canaan, and after they were settled there:

ye have said unto him, nay, but set a king over us: they did as good as say God should not be their King, but they would have one set over them like the kings of the nations about them; Samuel reminds them of this their request and resolution to have a king, which they had expressed some time ago, that it might appear to them that this was wholly of their own seeking; the motion came from themselves, and not from the Lord, nor from Samuel, and therefore, whatever ill consequences might follow upon it, they had none to blame but themselves:

now therefore present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes, and by your thousands; by the heads of their tribes, and by the rulers of the thousands into which their tribes were divided, that it might be known either by Urim and Thummim, or rather by casting lots, out of which tribe, and out of which thousand, house, and family in it, their king was to be chosen; which method, an it would clearly appear to be a choice directed by the Lord, so it would prevent all contention and discord among themselves.

Gill: 1Sa 10:20 - -- And when Samuel had caused all the tribes to come near,.... The heads and representatives of them, to the place where the lots were cast: the tribe...

And when Samuel had caused all the tribes to come near,.... The heads and representatives of them, to the place where the lots were cast:

the tribe of Benjamin was taken; the lot fell upon that tribe for the choice of a king out of it; not the tribe of, Reuben, who was the firstborn, nor the tribe of Judah, to whom the kingdom was promised, but the tribe of Benjamin, the least of all the tribes, and which sprung from the youngest son of Jacob, contrary, as it were probable, to the expectation of all.

Gill: 1Sa 10:21 - -- And when he had caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near by their families,.... By the heads of them, to have lots cast for them, out of which of the...

And when he had caused the tribe of Benjamin to come near by their families,.... By the heads of them, to have lots cast for them, out of which of the families the king should be chosen:

the family of Matri was taken; that is, by lot; the lot fell upon that family for the choice of a king out of them: in the account of the families of the tribe of Benjamin, 1Ch 8:1 no mention is made of this family, nor any where else, and yet no doubt there was such a family, and Saul was of it; it seems to have its name from the butt or mark arrows were shot at; some of the Benjamites being famous for their skill in darting and slinging, and perhaps this family might be so:

and Saul the son of Kish was taken; the lot being cast upon the men in the family of Matri, though it is not expressed, fell upon Saul; for though he was not there, as Jarchi observes, the lot fell upon him; for their names were written on a piece of paper, and put into a box, and the prophet put in his hand and took out one, and on that was the name of Saul, and this was the manner of the lot:

and when they sought him, he could not be found; because he had hid himself, as in the next verse; it is very probable, and indeed plain, that he was in this assembly at the first opening of it; and knowing what Samuel had said and done to him, and perceiving in what way the lot was going concerning the same, the tribe of Benjamin being taken, he concluded how it would issue, and therefore left the assembly, and hid himself, as follows.

Gill: 1Sa 10:22 - -- Therefore they inquired of the Lord further,.... Or again, by lot, by which they knew who the person was the was chosen king, but they did not know wh...

Therefore they inquired of the Lord further,.... Or again, by lot, by which they knew who the person was the was chosen king, but they did not know where he was, and therefore inquire further how they must come at him; and this inquiry was made either before the high priest by Urim and Thummim, or by Samuel the prophet of the Lord: and the inquiry was:

if the man should yet come thither; whether he was already come, or would come there, and if not, what methods they must take to find him:

and the Lord answered, behold, he hath hid himself among the stuff the word signifies household stuff, vessels, utensils, arms, &c. which the people had brought along with them for their use, and were laid up in some one place; and among these baggages Saul hid himself, hoping that if he was not found they would proceed to another choice, so free from ambition was he, and such was his modesty; nor does this seem to be affected and dissembled, but real; though afterwards, when he was settled in the kingdom, he did not care to part with it, and sought to kill David, whom he looked upon as his rival: there were many things which now concurred, that made him uneasy and unwilling to assume the government of the people; partly the envy and ill will of some of them, which he must expect; chiefly the sense he had of his own unfitness for such an office, being of a mean family, and having had so mean an education, and so little knowledge of the maxims of government; and besides, must at once, as soon as on the throne, enter into a war with the Ammonites; but what might most of all distress him, he perceived by Samuel's speech to the people, that the affair of a king was displeasing to the Lord, though he condescended to grant the people's request; and therefore what comfort and happiness could he expect in such a situation?

Gill: 1Sa 10:23 - -- And they ran and fetched him thence,.... Being in haste to see their king elect, and proclaim him: and when he stood among the people; being brough...

And they ran and fetched him thence,.... Being in haste to see their king elect, and proclaim him:

and when he stood among the people; being brought among them, and presented to them:

he was higher than any of the people, from the shoulders, and upwards; which made him look very graceful and majestic; height of stature, and a comely form, as Kimchi observes, recommend to royal dignity; and make the people stand more in awe of a prince, and have always been reckoned among all other nations to make a prince venerable; see Gill on 1Sa 9:2.

Gill: 1Sa 10:24 - -- And Samuel said to all the people, see ye him whom the Lord hath chosen,.... For the choice being made by lot, the disposal of which is of the Lord, i...

And Samuel said to all the people, see ye him whom the Lord hath chosen,.... For the choice being made by lot, the disposal of which is of the Lord, it is properly attributed to him, and the people could not object to it, but must allow it was the Lord's doing. Eupolemus k, an Heathen writer, says, that Saul was made king by Samuel by the counsel or will of God; and Samuel appeals to their eyes for the goodness of the choice, a better could not have been made:

that there is none like him among the people? so graceful, so stately, so prince like and majestic; they wanted to have a king like such the nations had; and Saul was such an one, had all the outward appearance of grandeur that could be wished for, and which in other nations recommended persons to the imperial dignity:

and all the people shouted; made a general ado:

and said, God save the king; or "let the king live" l; they owned and saluted him as their king, and prayed he might live long to reign over them; the Targum is, "let the king prosper"; let his reign be prosperous and glorious, and let him enjoy all health and happiness, peace and prosperity.

Gill: 1Sa 10:25 - -- Then Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, According to Ben Gersom, he laid before them the power a king had over his people, and the pun...

Then Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, According to Ben Gersom, he laid before them the power a king had over his people, and the punishment he might inflict upon them, if they rebelled against him; and some think this is the same he delivered in 1Sa 8:10 concerning the arbitrary power of their kings, and how they would be used by them; and which he here repeated, and then wrote it, that it might be a testimony against them hereafter; with which what Josephus m says pretty much agrees, that in the hearing of the king he foretold what would befall them, and then wrote it, and laid it up, that it might be a witness of his predictions; but that in

1Sa 8:10-17. Samuel said, was the manner of their king, or how he would use them, but this the manner of the kingdom, and how the government of it was to be managed and submitted to, what was the office of a king, and what the duties of the subject; and yet was different from, at least not the same with that in Deu 17:15, for that had been written and laid up already:

and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the Lord; in the ark of the Lord; as Kimchi; or rather by the ark of the Lord, on one side of it, as Ben Gersom; or best of all, as Josephus n, in the tabernacle of the Lord, where recourse might be had to it, at any time, at least by a priest, and where it would be safe, and be preserved to future times:

and Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house; for though Saul was chosen king, he did not take upon him the exercise of government directly, but left it to Samuel to dismiss the people, who had been for many years their chief magistrate.

Gill: 1Sa 10:26 - -- And Saul also went home to Gibeah,.... His native place, where was his father's house, to which he retired; where were no royal palace, or princely co...

And Saul also went home to Gibeah,.... His native place, where was his father's house, to which he retired; where were no royal palace, or princely court, nor any of the ensigns of kingly majesty; and whither it does not appear that he was followed by the nobility or princes of the tribes, only accompanied by a few men, as next observed:

and there went with him a band of men; an army, or part of one they seem to be military men, at least men of strength, valour, and courage; gallant men, who, in honour to their king elect, freely offered themselves to be his body guard, however, until he was come to his house at Gibeah; the Targum is only, "some of the people"

whose heart God had touched; and inclined to show honour and respect to their king; the Targum describes them,"men that feared to sin, and in whose hearts the fear of God was put.''

Gill: 1Sa 10:27 - -- But the children of Belial said,.... Wicked, dissolute, lawless persons; men without a yoke, as the word signifies, who did not care to be under the y...

But the children of Belial said,.... Wicked, dissolute, lawless persons; men without a yoke, as the word signifies, who did not care to be under the yoke of government, at least not under the yoke of Saul; and these might be men of wealth, and of larger tribes, and better families than Saul was of, and therefore envied him, and thought themselves better for government than he was; and in a jeering scornful manner said:

how shall this man save us? whose family is so mean, and whose tribe is so small, that they can give but little assistance to deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, the Philistines and Ammonites; intimating, that a king ought to have been of a rich family, and a large tribe, and a prince in it, whose interest and influence were great, not only in his own tribe, but in others, which would enable him to engage in war with an enemy, and protect the people; but what, as if they should say, can be expected from "this man?", this mean contemptible man, of no birth nor fortune, brought up in an obscure manner, and altogether inexpert in things civil and military?

and they despised him; on account of the above things, not only in their hearts, but spared not to speak out, and use opprobrious language, and with which their actions and conduct agreed:

and brought him no presents; as others did, and as it was usual when a king came to the throne; nor were any visits made unto him, in token of their subjection to him, and complacency in him, and by way of congratulation of him, see 1Ki 4:21 the Targum is, they did not salute him, or ask of his welfare:

but he held his peace, or "was as one that is deaf and dumb" o; took no notice of what they said, as if he was deaf and heard it not, and was as silent as if he had been a dumb man, which showed his wisdom and prudence; for had he taken notice of them, he must have punished them, and he judged it more advisable to use lenity and mildness, and not begin his reign with contention and bloodshed.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:7 In light of Saul’s commission to be Israel’s deliverer (see v. 1), it is likely that some type of military action against the Philistines ...

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:9 Heb “God turned for him another heart”; NAB, NRSV “gave him another heart”; NIV, NCV “changed Saul’s heart”;...

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:10 Heb “him”; the referent (Saul) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:13 Heb “he”; the referent (Saul) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:14 Heb “And we saw that they were not.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:15 In the LXX and Vulgate the pronoun “you” is singular, referring specifically to Saul. In the MT it is plural, including Saul’s serva...

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:16 Heb “he”; the referent (Saul) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:18 Heb “hand” (also later in this verse).

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:19 The translation follows many medieval Hebrew mss, the LXX, the Syriac Peshitta, and Vulgate in reading לֹא (lo’, “not...

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:22 Or “baggage” (so many English versions); KJV “stuff”; TEV “supplies.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:25 Heb “the regulation of the kingship.” This probably refers to the regulations pertaining to kingship given to Moses (see Deut 17:14-20).

NET Notes: 1Sa 10:27 In place of the MT (“and it was like one being silent”) the LXX has “after about a month,” taking the expression with the firs...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:9 And it was [so], that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another ( d ) heart: and all those signs came to pass that day. ( d...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:12 And one of the same place answered and said, But who [is] their ( e ) father? Therefore it became a proverb, [Is] Saul also among the ( f ) prophets? ...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:17 And Samuel ( g ) called the people together unto the LORD to Mizpeh; ( g ) Both to declare to them their fault in asking a king, and also to show God...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:20 And when Samuel had caused all the tribes of Israel to come near, the tribe of Benjamin was ( h ) taken. ( h ) That is, by casting of lot.

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:22 Therefore they enquired of the LORD further, if the man should yet come thither. And the LORD answered, Behold, he ( i ) hath hid himself among the st...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:25 Then Samuel told the people ( k ) the manner of the kingdom, and wrote [it] in a book, and laid [it] up before the LORD. And Samuel sent all the peopl...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 10:27 But the children of Belial said, How shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he ( l ) held his peace. ( l ) B...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 10:1-27 - --1 Samuel anoints Saul.2 He confirms him by prediction of three signs.9 Saul's heart is changed, and he prophesies.14 He conceals the matter of the kin...

Maclaren: 1Sa 10:17-27 - --1 Samuel 10:17-27 These verses fit on to 1 Samuel 8., 1 Samuel 9, through 1 Samuel 10:16, being probably from another source, inserted here because th...

MHCC: 1Sa 10:1-8 - --The sacred anointing, then used, pointed at the great Messiah, or Anointed One, the King of the church, and High Priest of our profession, who was ano...

MHCC: 1Sa 10:9-16 - --The signs Samuel had given Saul, came to pass punctually; he found that God had given him another heart, another disposition of mind. Yet let not an o...

MHCC: 1Sa 10:17-27 - --Samuel tells the people, Ye have this day rejected your God. So little fond was Saul now of that power, which soon after, when he possessed it, he cou...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 10:1-8 - -- Samuel is here executing the office of a prophet, giving Saul full assurance from God that he should be king, as he was afterwards, according to the...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 10:9-16 - -- Saul has now taken his leave of Samuel, much amazed, we may well suppose, at what has been done to him, almost ready to question whether he be awake...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 10:17-27 - -- Saul's nomination to the throne is here made public, in a general assembly of the elders of Israel, the representatives of their respective tribes a...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 10:2-7 - -- To confirm the consecration of Saul as king over Israel, which had beeneffected through the anointing, Samuel gave him three more signs whichwould o...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 10:8 - -- In conclusion, Samuel gave him an important hint with regard to his futureattitude: "And goest thou before me down to Gilgal; and, behold, I amcomin...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 10:9-16 - -- When Saul went away from Samuel, to return to Gibeah, "God changed tohim another heart," - a pregnant expression for "God changed him, and gavehim a...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 10:17-27 - -- Saul's Election by Lot. - After Samuel had secretly anointed Saul king bythe command of God, it was his duty to make provision for a recognitionof t...

Constable: 1Sa 8:1--12:25 - --B. Kingship Given to Saul chs. 8-12 "Clearly these five chapters constitute a literary unit, for they ar...

Constable: 1Sa 9:1--10:17 - --2. The anointing of Saul 9:1-10:16 In chapters 9-11 the writer painted Saul as the ideal man to ...

Constable: 1Sa 9:26--10:9 - --Saul's private anointing by Samuel 9:26-10:8 Anointing with oil was a symbolic act in Is...

Constable: 1Sa 10:9-16 - --God's enablement of Saul 10:9-16 We should probably not...

Constable: 1Sa 10:17-27 - --3. The choice of Saul by lot 10:17-27 "Saul's rise to kingship over Israel took place in three d...

Guzik: 1Sa 10:1-27 - --1 Samuel 10 - Saul Anointed and Proclaimed King A. Saul is anointed as king over Israel. 1. (1) Samuel anoints Saul. Then Samuel took a flask of o...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: 1Sa 10:20 1 SAMUEL 10:20-21 —Was Saul chosen by God, by the people, or by casting a lot? PROBLEM: The Bible says Saul was chosen by the people ( 1 Sam. 8...

Critics Ask: 1Sa 10:21 1 SAMUEL 10:20-21 —Was Saul chosen by God, by the people, or by casting a lot? PROBLEM: The Bible says Saul was chosen by the people ( 1 Sam. 8...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...

JFB: 1 Samuel (Outline) OF ELKANAH AND HIS TWO WIVES. (1Sa 1:1-8) HANNAH'S PRAYER. (1Sa 1:9-18) SAMUEL BORN. (1Sa 1:20) HANNAH'S SONG IN THANKFULNESS TO GOD. (1Sa 2:1-11) TH...

TSK: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called " The First Book of the KINGS."

TSK: 1 Samuel 10 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Sa 10:1, Samuel anoints Saul; 1Sa 10:2, He confirms him by prediction of three signs; 1Sa 10:9, Saul’s heart is changed, and he prophe...

Poole: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL OTHERWISE CALLED THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. THE ARGUMENT. IT is not certainly known who was the penman of this Book, or whe...

Poole: 1 Samuel 10 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 10 Samuel anointeth Saul, 1Sa 10:1 ; confirms him by prediction of three signs, 1Sa 10:2-8 . Saul prophesies, 1Sa 10:9-13 . He comet...

MHCC: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel 10 (Chapter Introduction) (1Sa 10:1-8) Samuel anoints Saul. (1Sa 10:9-16) Saul prophesies. (1Sa 10:17-27) Saul chosen king.

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Samuel This book, and that which follows it, bear the name of Samuel in the title, ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel 10 (Chapter Introduction) We left Samuel and Saul walking together, probably some private way over the fields down from Ramah, perhaps in the paths of the vineyards, and Sau...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title First and Second Samuel were originally one book called the Book of...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Outline) Outline I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3 A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:10 ...

Constable: 1 Samuel 1 Samuel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English...

Haydock: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews, the...

Gill: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 SAMUEL This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samu...

Gill: 1 Samuel 10 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO FIRST SAMUEL 10 In this chapter we read of Saul's being anointed king by Samuel, 1Sa 10:1, and of certain signs given as confirming...

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