Text -- 1 Samuel 12:18-25 (NET)

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Wesley: 1Sa 12:18 - -- Who had such power and favour with God. By this thunder and rain, God shewed them their folly in desiring a king to save them, rather than God or Samu...
Who had such power and favour with God. By this thunder and rain, God shewed them their folly in desiring a king to save them, rather than God or Samuel, expecting more from an arm of flesh than from the arm of God, or from the power of prayer. Could their king thunder with a voice like God? Could their prince command such forces as the prophet could by his prayers? Likewise he intimates, that how serene soever their condition was now, (like the weather in wheat harvest) yet if God pleased, he could soon change the face of their heavens, and persecute them with his storms.

Wesley: 1Sa 12:19 - -- Whom thou hast so great an interest in, while we are ashamed and afraid to call him our God.
Whom thou hast so great an interest in, while we are ashamed and afraid to call him our God.

With a desponding fear, as if there were no hope left for you.

Wesley: 1Sa 12:21 - -- After idols; as they had often done before; and, notwithstanding this warning, did afterwards.
After idols; as they had often done before; and, notwithstanding this warning, did afterwards.

Wesley: 1Sa 12:21 - -- So idols are called, Deu 32:21; Jer 2:5, and so they are, being mere nothings, having no power in them; no influence upon us, nor use or benefit to us...

Wesley: 1Sa 12:22 - -- That is, for his own honour, which would suffer much among men, if he should not preserve and deliver his people in eminent dangers. And this reason G...
That is, for his own honour, which would suffer much among men, if he should not preserve and deliver his people in eminent dangers. And this reason God alledgeth to take them off from all conceit of their own merit; and to assure them, that if they did truly repent of all their sins, and serve God with all their heart; yet even in that case their salvation would not be due to their merits; but the effect of God's free mercy.

Wesley: 1Sa 12:22 - -- Out of his own free grace, without any desert of yours, and therefore he will not forsake you, except you thrust him away.
Out of his own free grace, without any desert of yours, and therefore he will not forsake you, except you thrust him away.

_Otherwise neither my prayer nor counsels will stand you in any stead.
JFB -> 1Sa 12:17-25
JFB: 1Sa 12:17-25 - -- That season in Palestine occurs at the end of June or beginning of July, when it seldom or never rains, and the sky is serene and cloudless. There cou...
That season in Palestine occurs at the end of June or beginning of July, when it seldom or never rains, and the sky is serene and cloudless. There could not, therefore, have been a stronger or more appropriate proof of a divine mission than the phenomenon of rain and thunder happening, without any prognostics of its approach, upon the prediction of a person professing himself to be a prophet of the Lord, and giving it as an attestation of his words being true. The people regarded it as a miraculous display of divine power, and, panic-struck, implored the prophet to pray for them. Promising to do so, he dispelled their fears. The conduct of Samuel, in this whole affair of the king's appointment, shows him to have been a great and good man who sank all private and personal considerations in disinterested zeal for his country's good and whose last words in public were to warn the people, and their king, of the danger of apostasy and disobedience to God.
Clarke: 1Sa 12:18 - -- The Lord sent thunder and rain that day - This was totally unusual; and, as it came at the call of Samuel, was a most evident miracle
The Lord sent thunder and rain that day - This was totally unusual; and, as it came at the call of Samuel, was a most evident miracle

Clarke: 1Sa 12:18 - -- Greatly feared the Lord - They dreaded His terrible majesty; and they feared Samuel, perceiving that he had so much power with God.
Greatly feared the Lord - They dreaded His terrible majesty; and they feared Samuel, perceiving that he had so much power with God.

Clarke: 1Sa 12:19 - -- Pray for thy servants - that we die not - As they knew they had rebelled against God, they saw that they had every thing to fear from his justice an...
Pray for thy servants - that we die not - As they knew they had rebelled against God, they saw that they had every thing to fear from his justice and power

Clarke: 1Sa 12:19 - -- We have added unto all our sins this evil - It is no sin to have a king; a good king is one of the greatest blessings of God’ s providence; but...
We have added unto all our sins this evil - It is no sin to have a king; a good king is one of the greatest blessings of God’ s providence; but it is a sin to put a man in the place of God. Is it not strange that they did not now attempt to repair their fault? They might have done it, but they did not; they acknowledged their sin, but did not put it away. This is the general way of mankind. "God help us, we are all sinners!"is the general language of all people: but though to be a sinner is to be in the most solemn and awful circumstances, yet they are contented to bear the character, heedless of the consequences!

Clarke: 1Sa 12:20 - -- Ye have done all this wickedness - That is, although ye have done all this wickedness: what was past God would pass by, provided they would be obedi...
Ye have done all this wickedness - That is, although ye have done all this wickedness: what was past God would pass by, provided they would be obedient in future.

Clarke: 1Sa 12:21 - -- After vain things - That is, idols; which he calls here התהו hattohu , the same expression found Gen 1:2. The earth was תהו tohu ; it was ...
After vain things - That is, idols; which he calls here

Clarke: 1Sa 12:22 - -- The Lord will not forsake his people - He will not as yet cast you off, though you have deserved it. His purpose in preserving them in their land an...
The Lord will not forsake his people - He will not as yet cast you off, though you have deserved it. His purpose in preserving them in their land and religion was not yet accomplished. It was not however for their sake that he would not cast them off, but for his own great name’ s sake. He drew his reasons from himself.

Clarke: 1Sa 12:23 - -- God forbid that I should sin - They had earnestly begged him, 1Sa 12:19, to pray to God for them, that they might not die; and he tells them that he...
God forbid that I should sin - They had earnestly begged him, 1Sa 12:19, to pray to God for them, that they might not die; and he tells them that he should consider himself a sinner, should he cease to be their intercessor

Clarke: 1Sa 12:23 - -- But I will teach you the good and the right way - I will show you, as long as I am with you, what true religion is; it is the way to happiness and h...
But I will teach you the good and the right way - I will show you, as long as I am with you, what true religion is; it is the way to happiness and heaven. It is right - there is no crookedness in it; it is good - there is no evil in it.

Only fear the Lord - Know, respect, and reverence him

Clarke: 1Sa 12:24 - -- Serve him - Consider him your Lord and Master; consider yourselves his servants
Serve him - Consider him your Lord and Master; consider yourselves his servants

Clarke: 1Sa 12:24 - -- In truth - Be ever honest, ever sincere; with all your heart - have every affection engaged in the work of obedience; act not merely from a principl...
In truth - Be ever honest, ever sincere; with all your heart - have every affection engaged in the work of obedience; act not merely from a principle of duty, but also from a pious, affectionate sense of obligation. Act towards your God as an affectionate child should act towards a tender and loving parent

Clarke: 1Sa 12:24 - -- Consider how great things - Review the history of your fathers, review your own life; see what interpositions of power, mercy, goodness, and truth, ...
Consider how great things - Review the history of your fathers, review your own life; see what interpositions of power, mercy, goodness, and truth, God has displayed in your behalf! Has he not daily loaded you with his benefits?

Clarke: 1Sa 12:25 - -- Ye shall be consumed - If ye do wickedly you shall be destroyed, your kingdom destroyed, and your king destroyed. Here they had set before them life...
Ye shall be consumed - If ye do wickedly you shall be destroyed, your kingdom destroyed, and your king destroyed. Here they had set before them life and good, death and evil. Never was a people more fully warned, and never did a people profit less by the warning; and they continue to this day monuments of God’ s justice and forbearance. Reader, What art thou? Perhaps a similar monument. Consider therefore what great things God has done for thee.
Defender -> 1Sa 12:23
Defender: 1Sa 12:23 - -- Samuel's great heart, both for the Lord and for the people of Israel, is beautifully revealed in this promise. Although he was deeply disappointed in ...
Samuel's great heart, both for the Lord and for the people of Israel, is beautifully revealed in this promise. Although he was deeply disappointed in their decision to have a king after he had devoted his whole life to leading them successfully and with equity, he would still pray for them and teach them God's ways. This is a great example for Christian leaders who, through no fault of their own, have been replaced by someone else."
TSK: 1Sa 12:18 - -- sent thunder : Exo 9:23-25; Rev 11:5, Rev 11:6
feared : Exo 14:31; Ezr 10:9; Psa 106:12, Psa 106:13
sent thunder : Exo 9:23-25; Rev 11:5, Rev 11:6
feared : Exo 14:31; Ezr 10:9; Psa 106:12, Psa 106:13

TSK: 1Sa 12:19 - -- Pray for thy : 1Sa 7:5, 1Sa 7:8; Gen 20:7; Exo 9:28, Exo 10:17; Job 42:8; Psa 78:34, Psa 78:35; Isa 26:16; Mal 1:9; Act 8:24; Jam 5:15; 1Jo 5:16

TSK: 1Sa 12:20 - -- Fear not : Exo 20:19, Exo 20:20; 1Pe 3:16
turn not : Deu 11:16, Deu 31:29; Jos 23:6; Psa 40:4, Psa 101:3, Psa 125:5; Jer 3:1

TSK: 1Sa 12:21 - -- vain things : Deu 32:21; Jer 2:5, Jer 2:13, Jer 10:8, Jer 10:15, Jer 14:22, Jer 16:19; Jon 2:8; Hab 2:18; 1Co 8:4
cannot profit : Psa 115:4-8; Isa 41:...

TSK: 1Sa 12:22 - -- the Lord : Deu 31:17; 1Ki 6:13; 2Ki 21:14; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 15:2; Psa 94:14; Isa 41:17, Isa 42:16; Jer 33:24-26; Lam 3:31, Lam 3:32, Lam 5:20; Heb 13:5
the Lord : Deu 31:17; 1Ki 6:13; 2Ki 21:14; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 15:2; Psa 94:14; Isa 41:17, Isa 42:16; Jer 33:24-26; Lam 3:31, Lam 3:32, Lam 5:20; Heb 13:5
for his great : Exo 32:12; Num 14:13-19; Deu 32:26, Deu 32:27; Jos 7:9; Psa 106:8; Isa 37:35; Isa 43:25, Isa 48:11; Jer 14:7, Jer 14:21; Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14; Eph 1:6, Eph 1:12
it hath : Exo 19:5, Exo 19:6; Deu 7:7, Deu 7:8, Deu 9:5, Deu 14:2; Mal 1:2; Mat 11:26; Joh 15:16; Rom 9:13-18, Rom 11:29; 1Co 4:7; Phi 1:6

TSK: 1Sa 12:23 - -- God forbid : Act 12:5; Rom 1:9; Col 1:9; 1Th 3:10; 2Ti 1:3
in ceasing : Heb. from ceasing
I will teach : Psa 34:11; Pro 4:11; Ecc 12:10; Act 20:20; Co...

TSK: 1Sa 12:24 - -- fear the Lord : Job 28:28; Psa 111:10; Pro 1:7; Exo 12:13; Heb 12:29
in truth : Psa 119:80; Joh 1:47
consider : Ezr 9:13, Ezr 9:14; Isa 5:12; Rom 12:1...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Who had such great power and favour with God.

Poole: 1Sa 12:19 - -- Pray for thy servants for so we shall still own ourselves to be, though we have got another master.
Unto the Lord thy God whom thou hast so great a...
Pray for thy servants for so we shall still own ourselves to be, though we have got another master.
Unto the Lord thy God whom thou hast so great an interest in, and canst so easily prevail with for any mercy, whilst we are ashamed and afraid to call him our God, because we have so highly offended him.
That we die not that this terrible storm may be taken away, lest our persons and the fruits of the earth be all destroyed.
To ask us a king: so horribly were they biassed with their prejudices and passions, that nothing but a miracle could convince them of this particular sin.

Poole: 1Sa 12:20 - -- Fear not to wit, with a servile and desponding fear, as if there were no hope left for you.
Fear not to wit, with a servile and desponding fear, as if there were no hope left for you.

Poole: 1Sa 12:21 - -- Turn ye not aside to wit, after idols; as they had often done before; and, notwithstanding this warning, did afterwards.
Should ye go or, should y...
Turn ye not aside to wit, after idols; as they had often done before; and, notwithstanding this warning, did afterwards.
Should ye go or, should ye turn aside ; which words are easily to be understood out of the foregoing branch, such ellipses being most frequent in Scripture, as Deu 1:4 1Ki 14:14 2Ki 9:27 .
Vain things so idols are called, Deu 32:21 Jer 2:5 , and so they are, being mere nothings , 1Co 8:4 , having no divinity nor power in them; no influence upon us, nor use or benefit to us.
Which cannot profit nor deliver i.e. which will not only be unprofitable, but highly pernicious to you; the contrary affirmative being understood under the negative, as Exo 20:7 Num 21:23 Deu 2:30 .

Poole: 1Sa 12:22 - -- For his great name’ s sake i.e. for his own honour, which would seem to suffer much among men, if he should not preserve and deliver people in e...
For his great name’ s sake i.e. for his own honour, which would seem to suffer much among men, if he should not preserve and deliver people in eminent dangers; as if he were grown feeble, or forgetful, or inconstant, or unfaithful, or regardless of human affairs, or unkind to those who own and worship him, when all the rest of the world forsake him. Hence this argument hath been oft pleaded with God, not without good success, as Exo 32:12 Num 14:13 , &c. And this reason God here allegeth to take them off from all conceit of their own merit; and to assure them, that if they did truly repent of all their sins, and served God with all their heart, which is here supposed, yet even in that case their salvation would not be due to their merits, but only the effect of God’ s free mercy.
It hath pleased the Lord to wit, out of his own free grace, without any desert of yours, as he saith, Deu 7:7 9:5 ; and therefore he will not easily forsake you, except you thrust him away.

Poole: 1Sa 12:23 - -- Think not that because you have so highly disobliged and rejected me, that I will revenge myself by neglecting to pray for you, or by praying agains...
Think not that because you have so highly disobliged and rejected me, that I will revenge myself by neglecting to pray for you, or by praying against you, as I have now done for your conviction and humiliation, and so for your preservation; I am sensible it is my duty, as I am a man, a Israelite, a minister, a prophet, to pray for you.
But I will teach you Heb. and I will , &c., i.e. I will not only pray for you, which is one branch of my duty; but will also teach and instruct you, which is the other branch of it. And though you have cast me off from being your judge and ruler, yet I will not cease to be your instructer and monitor, to keep you from sin and destruction.

Poole: 1Sa 12:24 - -- Fear the Lord, and serve him otherwise neither my prayer nor counsels will stand you in any stead.
He hath done for you or, among you , both at th...
Fear the Lord, and serve him otherwise neither my prayer nor counsels will stand you in any stead.
He hath done for you or, among you , both at this time and formerly.
Haydock: 1Sa 12:19 - -- And Samuel, at whose prayer the Lord had sent such a storm, lest he should punish them as they deserved. But the prophet alleviates their fears, and...
And Samuel, at whose prayer the Lord had sent such a storm, lest he should punish them as they deserved. But the prophet alleviates their fears, and teaches them to refrain from idolatry, and he will still continue to perform his duty in praying for them, and giving them good advice. (Salien) ---
The fear of God is increased by that which the people shew for his servants.

Haydock: 1Sa 12:20 - -- Following, as that would imply despair. To come boldly before him would argue presumption. Therefore, St. Mary Magdalene keeps at the feet of Jesus...
Following, as that would imply despair. To come boldly before him would argue presumption. Therefore, St. Mary Magdalene keeps at the feet of Jesus Christ. (Worthington)

Vain and wicked idols. Hebrew thohu, full of "confusion" and disorder.

Haydock: 1Sa 12:22 - -- Sake. This motive often proved the salvation of Israel, Exodus xxxii. 12. The Scriptures wholly tend to impress upon our minds, a sense of our own...
Sake. This motive often proved the salvation of Israel, Exodus xxxii. 12. The Scriptures wholly tend to impress upon our minds, a sense of our own weakness, and of God's infinite glory and perfection. (Calmet) ---
We may all say, "Our hope to rise is all from Thee---our ruin's all our own." (Austin.[St. Augustine?])

Haydock: 1Sa 12:23 - -- The Lord. For a pastor to neglect instruction, is not only detrimental to the people, but injurious to God. (Haydock) ---
Way. None contributed ...
The Lord. For a pastor to neglect instruction, is not only detrimental to the people, but injurious to God. (Haydock) ---
Way. None contributed more than Samuel to keep the people within due bounds, during the reign of Saul. (Calmet)

Haydock: 1Sa 12:25 - -- Together. Septuagint, "shall be rejected." Saul soon experienced the effect of this prophetic menace; and the Jews were, at last, also cast away. ...
Together. Septuagint, "shall be rejected." Saul soon experienced the effect of this prophetic menace; and the Jews were, at last, also cast away. (Haydock)
Gill: 1Sa 12:18 - -- So Samuel called unto the Lord,.... Not in an authoritative way, or by way of command, but by prayer; so the Targum renders the clause in the precedin...
So Samuel called unto the Lord,.... Not in an authoritative way, or by way of command, but by prayer; so the Targum renders the clause in the preceding verse,"I will pray before the Lord:"
and the Lord sent thunder and rain that day; immediately, though there was no appearance of it; it was harvest time, and a fine harvest day. Josephus says p he sent thunder, lightning, and hail, a terrible storm and tempest it was:
and all the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel; the Lord that sent this tempest, and Samuel who had such power with God in prayer. Clement of Alexandria q thinks that from hence the Greeks borrowed their fable concerning Aeacus invoking God, when there was a drought in Greece; and as soon as he prayed, immediately there was thunder, and the whole air was covered with clouds; but perhaps they rather framed it from the instance of Elijah praying for rain r, at whose request it came, 1Ki 18:42.

Gill: 1Sa 12:19 - -- And all the people said unto Samuel, During the tempest, and in the midst of it; it was the general cry of the people, they were unanimous in it:
And all the people said unto Samuel, During the tempest, and in the midst of it; it was the general cry of the people, they were unanimous in it:
pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God, that we die not; though they had rejected him as their judge and supreme governor in desiring a king, now they were his humble servants, at least feignedly; and knowing what interest he had with God in prayer, they entreat him to make use of it on their behalf, who having sinned so greatly, had not the assurance to call the Lord their God, though they had no doubt of his being the God of Samuel, whose prayers he had heard, of which this tempest was a full proof; and was so violent, that if it continued, they were afraid they should be destroyed by the thunder and lightning, or they and their cattle, with the fruits of the earth, be washed away with the prodigious rain:
for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king; though Samuel had laid before them the evils and inconveniences of having a king, and had in the name of the Lord charged them with rejecting God as their king; yet nothing convinced them of their evil till this storm came, and then all their sins came fresh to their minds; and this added to the weight of them, and lay heaviest on them, that they had rejected the Lord, and slighted his prophets, and, notwithstanding all remonstrances, resolved on having a king.

Gill: 1Sa 12:20 - -- And Samuel said unto the people, fear not,.... Being destroyed by the tempest:
ye have done all this wickedness; in asking a king; that is, though ...
And Samuel said unto the people, fear not,.... Being destroyed by the tempest:
ye have done all this wickedness; in asking a king; that is, though they were guilty of so heinous a sin, yet there were grace and mercy with God, and they should not despair of it, so be it that they did not depart from him, but cordially served him; the Targum is,"ye have been the cause of all this evil;''the storm of thunder and rain; and though they had, he would not have them despond or indulge slavish fear:
yet turn not aside from following the Lord; the worship of the Lord, as the Targum; provided they did not depart from the Lord, and forsake his worship, word, and ordinances, they need not fear utter ruin and destruction, though they had been guilty of this sin:
but serve the Lord with all your heart; if their service of God was kept up, and was hearty and sincere, they might still expect things would go well with them.

Gill: 1Sa 12:21 - -- And turn ye not aside,.... From his worship: for then; if they turned aside from that:
should ye go after vain things; idols, which are vanity, and...
And turn ye not aside,.... From his worship: for then; if they turned aside from that:
should ye go after vain things; idols, which are vanity, and less than vanity:
which cannot profit nor deliver; neither bestow good things on their votaries, nor deliver them from evils, or from the hands of their enemies
for they are vain; empty, useless, and unprofitable; an idol is nothing in the world, 1Co 8:4.

Gill: 1Sa 12:22 - -- For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake. For the sake of himself, his honour and glory; should he forsake his people, and s...
For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake. For the sake of himself, his honour and glory; should he forsake his people, and suffer them to come to ruin, his name would be blasphemed among the Heathens; he would be charged either with want of power to help them, or with want of faithfulness to his promise to them, and with inconstancy to himself, or want of kindness and affection for them; all which would reflect upon his honour and glory:
because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people; it was not owing to any worth or worthiness in them that they became his people, but to his own sovereign good will and pleasure; and therefore, as it was nothing in them that was the cause of their being taken by him for his people, so nothing in them could be the cause of their being rejected by him as such; it was of free grace and favour that they were taken into covenant with him, and by the same would be retained: the Vulgate Latin version is,"the Lord hath sworn to make you a people for himself;''so Jarchi interprets it, he swore, and takes it to have the same sense as in 1Sa 14:24.

Gill: 1Sa 12:23 - -- Moreover, as for me,.... As he had given them reason to believe that God would forgive their sin, by which they had offended him, rejecting him as the...
Moreover, as for me,.... As he had given them reason to believe that God would forgive their sin, by which they had offended him, rejecting him as their King, so he likewise forgave their offence against him in rejecting him as their governor under him, and so neither need fear the Lord nor him with a servile fear; and as God would still be gracious to them, if they abode by his service, so he, Samuel, would do all the good offices for them that lay in his power:
God forbid that I should sin against the Lord, in ceasing to pray for you; for since they had returned to the Lord, and acknowledged their sin, it would have been an evil in him not to pray for them, that they might share in the pardoning grace and mercy of God, and have all good things bestowed upon them they stood in need of; this he judged to be his duty to do, and therefore abhorred the thought of being indifferent to it, negligent of it, or of dropping it:
but I will teach you the good and the right way; would not only pray for them, but instruct them in the way of their duty; a way that was a good one, agreeable to the will and word of God, and in walking in which good things were enjoyed, and which being a good way, must needs be a right way; though Samuel ceased to be a judge and chief magistrate among them, he should not cease to act the part of a prophet to them, both by his prayers and by his instructions.

Gill: 1Sa 12:24 - -- Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart,.... Fear him not with a servile fear, which is before dehorted from, but with a filial...
Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart,.... Fear him not with a servile fear, which is before dehorted from, but with a filial fear, a reverential affection for God; and includes the whole of religious worship, internal and external; explained further by serving him according to the truth of his word, and in a cordial, sincere, and affectionate manner; and if this was wanting in them, he suggests that his prayers and instructions would be of little avail, and not to be depended on:
for consider how great things he hath done for you; in bringing them out of Egypt: settling them in the land of Canaan; giving them his laws, statutes, commands, and ordinances; sending prophets unto them, and raising up judges for them, and bestowing all good things on them, in nature, providence, and grace; though some restrain this to the great thing he had done that day, to convince them of their sin, and by which they were returned to the Lord, namely, the violent storm of thunder; which wonderful instance of the power of God, and token of his displeasure against them, they were to lay up in their minds, and not forget, that it might be a means of preserving them from sin for the future.

Gill: 1Sa 12:25 - -- But if ye shall still do wickedly,.... Continue to rebel against God, revolt from him, and depart from his worship, and despise his prophets, and serv...
But if ye shall still do wickedly,.... Continue to rebel against God, revolt from him, and depart from his worship, and despise his prophets, and serve idols:
ye shall be consumed, both ye and your king; their king would be so far from protecting, that he should perish with them, be killed by the sword, as Saul their first king was, or go into captivity, as others of their kings did.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: 1Sa 12:19 Heb “for we have added to all our sins an evil [thing] by asking for ourselves a king.”

NET Notes: 1Sa 12:21 Or “useless” (so NIV, NRSV, NLT); NAB “nothing”; NASB “futile”; TEV “are not real.”

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 12:19 And all the people said unto Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God, that we die not: for we have added unto ( l ) all our sins [this] ev...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 12:20 And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: ( m ) yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 12:22 For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you ( n ) his people.
( n ) Of his free ...

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 12:24 Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your ( o ) heart: for consider how great [things] he hath done for you.
( o ) Unfeignedly, and wi...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> 1Sa 12:1-25
TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 12:1-25 - --1 Samuel testifies his integrity.6 He reproves the people of ingratitude.16 He terrifies them with thunder in harvest time.20 he comforts them in God'...
Maclaren -> 1Sa 12:13-25
Maclaren: 1Sa 12:13-25 - --1 Samuel 12:13-25
Samuel's office as judge necessarily ended when Saul was made king, but his office of prophet continued. This chapter deals with bot...
MHCC -> 1Sa 12:16-25
MHCC: 1Sa 12:16-25 - --At Samuel's word, God sent thunder and rain, at a season of the year when, in that country, the like was not seen. This was to convince them they had ...
Matthew Henry -> 1Sa 12:16-25
Matthew Henry: 1Sa 12:16-25 - -- Two things Samuel here aims at: - I. To convince the people of their sin in desiring a king. They were now rejoicing before God in and with their k...
Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:13-18 - --
After the prophet had thus held up before the people their sinagainst the Lord, he bade them still further consider, that the king wouldonly procure...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:18-19 - --
This miracle therefore inspired the people with a salutary terror. "All the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel," and entreated theprophet, "P...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:20-21 - --
Samuel thereupon announced to them first of all, that the Lord would notforsake His people for His great name's sake, if they would only serveHim wi...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:22 - --
" For ( כּי gives the reason for the main thought of the previousverse, 'Fear not, but serve the Lord,' etc.) the Lord will not forsake Hispeople...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:23 - --
Samuel then promised the people his constant intercession: "Far be it fromme to sin against the Lord, that I should cease to pray for you, and toins...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 12:24-25 - --
Lastly, he repeats once more his admonition, that they would continuestedfast in the fear of God, threatening at the same time the destruction ofbot...
Constable: 1Sa 8:1--12:25 - --B. Kingship Given to Saul chs. 8-12
"Clearly these five chapters constitute a literary unit, for they ar...

Constable: 1Sa 12:1-25 - --Samuel's second warning to the people ch. 12
The writer wrote chapters 12-15 very skillf...

Constable: 1Sa 12:13-18 - --Samuel's challenge to obey God 12:13-18
The Hebrew grammatical construction tran...