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Text -- 2 Corinthians 10:15 (NET)

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10:15 Nor do we boast beyond certain limits in the work done by others, but we hope that as your faith continues to grow, our work may be greatly expanded among you according to our limits,
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 10:15 - -- In other men’ s labours ( en allotriois kopois ). Allotrios means belonging to another as in Luk 16:12. Paul founded the church in Corinth.

In other men’ s labours ( en allotriois kopois ).

Allotrios means belonging to another as in Luk 16:12. Paul founded the church in Corinth.

Robertson: 2Co 10:15 - -- As your faith groweth ( auxanomenēs tēs pisteōs ). Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of auxanō , to grow.

As your faith groweth ( auxanomenēs tēs pisteōs ).

Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of auxanō , to grow.

Robertson: 2Co 10:15 - -- We shall be magnified ( megalunthēnai ). First aorist passive infinitive of megalunō , old verb (Luk 1:46) to make great (cf. Phi 1:20 of Christ)...

We shall be magnified ( megalunthēnai ).

First aorist passive infinitive of megalunō , old verb (Luk 1:46) to make great (cf. Phi 1:20 of Christ). Indirect discourse after elpida (hope) with the construction of elpizō , to hope.

Vincent: 2Co 10:15 - -- Be enlarged by you - according to our rule abundantly ( ἐν ὑμῖν μεγαλυνθῆναι - εἰς περισσείαν ) Paul...

Be enlarged by you - according to our rule abundantly ( ἐν ὑμῖν μεγαλυνθῆναι - εἰς περισσείαν )

Paul means that, as the faith of the Corinthians increases, he hopes that his apostolic efficiency will increase, so that Corinth shall become the basis of larger efforts, extending into other regions. The verb μεγαλύνω also means to praise or celebrate , as Luk 1:46; Act 5:13; Act 10:46, and is so explained by some interpreters here. But this would be inconsistent with the figure, to which Paul adheres. " He who can work far off is a man of great stature, who, without overstretching himself, reaches afar" (Meyer).

Vincent: 2Co 10:15 - -- According to our rule His wider labors will still be regulated by God's measuring-line.

According to our rule

His wider labors will still be regulated by God's measuring-line.

Wesley: 2Co 10:15 - -- So that you can the better spare us.

So that you can the better spare us.

Wesley: 2Co 10:15 - -- That is, enabled by you to go still further.

That is, enabled by you to go still further.

JFB: 2Co 10:15 - -- "Not boasting to unmeasured bounds (that is, not exceeding our own bounds by boasting) of (literally, 'in') other men's labors."

"Not boasting to unmeasured bounds (that is, not exceeding our own bounds by boasting) of (literally, 'in') other men's labors."

JFB: 2Co 10:15 - -- "As your faith goes on increasing." The cause of his not yet reaching with the Gospel the regions beyond Corinth, was the weakness as yet of their fai...

"As your faith goes on increasing." The cause of his not yet reaching with the Gospel the regions beyond Corinth, was the weakness as yet of their faith. He desired not to leave the Corinthians before the proper time, and yet not to put off preaching to others too long.

JFB: 2Co 10:15 - -- Greek, "in your case." Our success in your case will give us an important step towards further progress beyond you (2Co 10:16).

Greek, "in your case." Our success in your case will give us an important step towards further progress beyond you (2Co 10:16).

JFB: 2Co 10:15 - -- According to our divinely assigned apportionment of the area or sphere of our work; for "we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure" (2Co 10:14).

According to our divinely assigned apportionment of the area or sphere of our work; for "we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure" (2Co 10:14).

JFB: 2Co 10:15 - -- Greek, "unto exceeding abundance": so as to exceed the limits we have yet reached (2Co 10:16).

Greek, "unto exceeding abundance": so as to exceed the limits we have yet reached (2Co 10:16).

Clarke: 2Co 10:15 - -- Not boasting of things without our measure - We speak only of the work which God has done by us; for we have never attempted to enter into other men...

Not boasting of things without our measure - We speak only of the work which God has done by us; for we have never attempted to enter into other men’ s labors, and we study to convert those regions assigned to us by the Holy Spirit. We enter the course lawfully, and run according to rule. See above

Clarke: 2Co 10:15 - -- When your faith is increased - When you receive more of the life and power of godliness, and when you can better spare me to go to other places

When your faith is increased - When you receive more of the life and power of godliness, and when you can better spare me to go to other places

Clarke: 2Co 10:15 - -- We shall be enlarged by you - Μεγαλυνθηναι probably signifies here to be praised or commended; and the sense would be this; We hope th...

We shall be enlarged by you - Μεγαλυνθηναι probably signifies here to be praised or commended; and the sense would be this; We hope that shortly, on your gaining an increase of true religion, after your long distractions and divisions, you will plainly see that we are the true messengers of God to you, and that in all your intercourse with your neighbors, or foreign parts, you will speak of this Gospel preached by us as a glorious system of saving truth; and that, in consequence, the heathen countries around you will be the better prepared to receive our message; and thus our rule or district will be abundantly extended. This interpretation agrees well with the following verse.

Calvin: 2Co 10:15 - -- 15.In the labors of others He now reproves more freely the false Apostles, who, while they had put forth their hand in the reaping of another man’s...

15.In the labors of others He now reproves more freely the false Apostles, who, while they had put forth their hand in the reaping of another man’s harvest, had the audacity at the same time to revile those, who had prepared a place for them at the expense of sweat and toil. Paul had built up the Church of the Corinthians — not without the greatest struggle, and innumerable difficulties. Those persons afterwards come forward, and find the road made and the gate open. That they may appear persons of consequence, they impudently claim for themselves what did not of right belong to them, and disparage Paul’s labors.

But having hope He again indirectly reproves the Corinthians, because they had stood in the way of his making greater progress in advancing the gospel. For when he says that he hopes that, when their faith is increased the boundaries of his glowing will be enlarged, he intimates, that the weakness of faith under which they labored was the reason, why his career had been somewhat retarded. “I ought now to have been employed in gaining over new Churches, and that too with your assistance, if you had made as much proficiency as you ought to have done; but now you retard me by your infirmity. I hope, however, that the Lord will grant, that greater progress will be made by you in future, and that in this way the glory of my ministry will be increased according to the rule of the divine calling.” 787 To glory in things that have been prepared is equivalent to glorying in the labors of others; for, while Paul had fought the battle, they enjoyed the triumph. 788

TSK: 2Co 10:15 - -- boasting : 2Co 10:13; Rom 15:20 enlarged by you : or, magnified in you

boasting : 2Co 10:13; Rom 15:20

enlarged by you : or, magnified in you

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 10:15 - -- Not boasting of things without our measure - There is here probably an allusion to the false teachers at Corinth. They had come after Paul had ...

Not boasting of things without our measure - There is here probably an allusion to the false teachers at Corinth. They had come after Paul had been there, and had entered into his labors. When he had founded the church; when he had endured trials and persecutions in order to reach Corinth; when he had labored there for a year and a half Act 18:11, they came and entered the quiet and easy field, formed parties. and claimed the field as their own. Paul says that he had not courage to do that; see note, 2Co 10:12. That required a species of boldness to which he could lay no claim; and he did not assume honor to himself like that.

That is, of other men’ s labors - Not intruding into churches which we did not establish, and claiming the right to direct their affairs, and to exclude the founders from all proper honors and all influence, and endeavoring to alienate the affections of Christians from their spiritual father and guide.

But having hope ... - So far from this; so far from a desire to enter into the labors of others and quietly enjoying the avails of their industry; and so far even from a desire to sit down ourselves and enjoy the fruit of our own labors, I desire to penetrate other untrodden regions; to encounter new dangers; to go where the gospel has not been planted, and to rear other churches there. I do not, therefore, make these remarks as if I wished even to dispossess the teachers that have entered into my labors. I make them because I wish to be aided by you in extending the gospel further; and I look to your assistance in order that I may have the means of going into the regions where I have not made known the name of the Redeemer.

When your faith is increased - When you become so strong as not to need my presence and my constant care; and when you shall be able to speed me on my way and to aid me on my journey. He expected to be assisted by them in his efforts to carry the gospel to other countries.

That we shall be enlarged - Margin, "Magnified by you."Bloomfield supposes that this means. "to gain fame and glory by you;"that is, as the teacher may justly by his pupils. So Robinson renders it. "to make great, to praise."But to me the idea seems to be that he wished them to enlarge or magnify him by introducing him to larger fields of action; by giving him a wider sphere of labor. It was not that he wished to be magnified by obtaining a wider reputation, not as a matter of praise or ambition, but he wished to have his work and success greatly enlarged. This he hoped to be enabled to do partly by the aid of the church at Corinth. When they became able to manage their own affairs; when his time was not demanded to superintend them; when their faith became so strong that his presence was not needed; and when they should assist him in his preparations for travel, then he would enter on his wider field of labor. He had no intention of sitting down in ease as the false teachers in Corinth seem disposed to have done.

According to our rule - Greek, "According our canon;"see on 2Co 10:13. The sense is, according to the rule by which the sphere of his labors had been marked out. His rule was to carry the gospel as far as possible to the pagan world. He regarded the regions lying far beyond Corinth as coming properly within his limits; and he desired to occupy that field.

Abundantly - Greek, Unto abundance. So as to abound; that is, to occupy the field assigned as far as possible.

Poole: 2Co 10:15 - -- So that although we have boasted of you, we have not boasted of things without our measure that is, of things that are not, or (as the apostle exp...

So that although we have boasted of you, we have not boasted

of things without our measure that is, of things that are not, or (as the apostle expounds himself) of things that were not done by him but by other men; for his line did reach unto them, and his labours had been employed and made successful amongst them. And he declares his hope, that when the gospel should have had its full success amongst them, and their

faith should be increased ( either by the addition of more persons to the church amongst them, or by the perfecting of their faith, and other graces), they, who were apostles and the ministers of the gospel to them, should by it be magnified, or made great; to wit, by their means, who using much navigation, would have opportunities to comment the gospel, and the ministry of it, to other people, amongst whom they should come: wherein yet they should not exceed their rule; for though ordinary ministers be fixed in particular churches and places, yet the apostles’ rule was to go and preach the gospel over the whole world, being tied to no certain people or places.

Haydock: 2Co 10:15 - -- In these three following chapters, St. Paul, for the common good of those whom he had converted, and to obviate the prejudice raised by his adversarie...

In these three following chapters, St. Paul, for the common good of those whom he had converted, and to obviate the prejudice raised by his adversaries against his person and preaching, is forced to set in a true light his apostolical authority, the favours he had received from God, his actions, his labours, and his sufferings, with an apology for mentioning them, giving all the glory to God. (Witham)



Non in immensum, Greek: ouk eis ta ametra, non in non mensurata.


Gill: 2Co 10:15 - -- Not boasting of things without our measure,.... The apostle here asserts what he had done before, 2Co 10:13 with a view to explain it, as he does, say...

Not boasting of things without our measure,.... The apostle here asserts what he had done before, 2Co 10:13 with a view to explain it, as he does, saying,

that is of other men's labours; when they boasted of the Corinthians as their converts and children, whom they had begotten through the Gospel of Christ, they did not boast of other men's labours, as did the false apostles; who when they came to Corinth, found a church already planted by the apostle, and a multitude of believers, of whose conversion and faith he had been an instrument; and yet these men claimed them as their own, and an authority over them, when they were the fruit of the apostle's labours:

but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly; the sense is, that the apostle hoped, for he could not be sure, this lying in the secret will of God, that when the faith of the Corinthians was grown stronger, and more settled and established, and so would not stand in so much need of their care and instruction, they should be enlarged through their means; and that they should not stop here, but that the line, measure, or rule of their ministry, should be drawn to a greater length, and the bounds of it extended and carried abundantly further. The apostle intimates, that the weakness of their faith, and the disorders and divisions that were among them, were a hinderance to the spread of the Gospel; and that if their church state were in a better and a more settled condition, as it would give the apostles more leisure to preach the Gospel elsewhere, so it would serve to recommend it to other places beyond them; which would be an enlargement of the bounds of their ministry, and a means of magnifying of Christ and his Gospel, and of them also.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 10:15 That is, Paul’s work might be greatly expanded within the area of activity assigned to him by God.

Geneva Bible: 2Co 10:15 Not boasting of things ( m ) without [our] measure, [that is], of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 10:1-18 - --1 Against the false apostles, who disgraced the weakness of his person and bodily presence, he shows the spiritual might and authority with which he w...

MHCC: 2Co 10:12-18 - --If we would compare ourselves with others who excel us, this would be a good method to keep us humble. The apostle fixes a good rule for his conduct; ...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 10:12-18 - -- In these verses observe, I. The apostle refuses to justify himself, or to act by such rules as the false apostles did, 2Co 10:12. He plainly intimat...

Barclay: 2Co 10:7-18 - --Paul continues to answer his critics; and we are faced with the same problem that we are hearing only one side of the argument and can only deduce wh...

Constable: 2Co 10:1--13:11 - --IV. APPEALS CONCERNING PAUL'S APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY 10:1--13:10 In this third and last major division of his epist...

Constable: 2Co 10:1-18 - --A. Replies to charges made against Paul 10:1-18 Paul responded to charges of cowardice, weakness, and in...

Constable: 2Co 10:12-18 - --3. Reply to the charge of intrusion 10:12-18 Paul defended his right to preach the gospel in Corinth and denied his critics' claim that they had been ...

College: 2Co 10:1-18 - --2 CORINTHIANS 10 VII. FINAL DEFENSE OF MINISTRY (10:1-13:10) Interpreters of 2 Corinthians agree universally that 10:1 initiates a clean break from ...

McGarvey: 2Co 10:15 - --not glorying beyond our measure, that is, in other men's labors; but having hope that, as your faith groweth, we shall be magnified in you according t...

Lapide: 2Co 10:1-18 - --CHAPTER 10 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. In this and the two next chapters Paul defends his apostleship against the false apostles, who held him up to...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 10:1, Against the false apostles, who disgraced the weakness of his person and bodily presence, he shows the spiritual might and auth...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 10

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 10:1-6) The apostle states his authority with meekness and humility. (2Co 10:7-11) Reasons with the Corinthians. (2Co 10:12-18) Seeks the glory...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) There was no place in which the apostle Paul met with more opposition from false apostles than at Corinth; he had many enemies there. Let not any o...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) Paul Begins To Answer His Critics (2Co_10:1-6) Paul Continues To Answer His Critics (2Co_10:7-18)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 10 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 10 In this chapter the apostle has chiefly to do with the false teachers, and it is taken up in refuting their calumn...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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