Text -- 2 Chronicles 22:2-12 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Some acknowledge an error in the transcribers of the present Hebrew copies, in which language the numeral letters for 22 and 42 are so like, that they...
Some acknowledge an error in the transcribers of the present Hebrew copies, in which language the numeral letters for 22 and 42 are so like, that they might easily be mistaken. For that it was read 22 here, as it is in the book of Kings, in other Hebrew copies, they gather from hence, that it is at this day so read in divers ancient Greek copies, as also in those two ancient translations, the Syriack and the Arabick, and particularly in that most ancient copy of the Syriack which was used by the church of Antioch in the primitive times, and to this day is kept in the church of Antioch.

children are often called sons and daughters.

Wesley: 2Ch 22:4 - -- Who, while he lived, seduced his son himself, and made other evil counsellors unnecessary.
Who, while he lived, seduced his son himself, and made other evil counsellors unnecessary.
JFB: 2Ch 22:2 - -- (Compare 2Ki 8:26). According to that passage, the commencement of his reign is dated in the twenty-second year of his age, and, according to this, in...
(Compare 2Ki 8:26). According to that passage, the commencement of his reign is dated in the twenty-second year of his age, and, according to this, in the forty-second year of the kingdom of his mother's family [LIGHTFOOT]. "If Ahaziah ascended the throne in the twenty-second year of his life, he must have been born in his father's nineteenth year. Hence, it may seem strange that he had older brothers; but in the East they marry early, and royal princes had, besides the wife of the first rank, usually concubines, as Jehoram had (2Ch 21:17); he might, therefore, in the nineteenth year of his age, very well have several sons" [KEIL] (compare 2Ch 21:20; 2Ki 8:17).

JFB: 2Ch 22:2 - -- More properly, "granddaughter." The expression is used loosely, as the statement was made simply for the purpose of intimating that she belonged to th...
More properly, "granddaughter." The expression is used loosely, as the statement was made simply for the purpose of intimating that she belonged to that idolatrous race.

JFB: 2Ch 22:3-4 - -- The facile king surrendered himself wholly to the influence of his mother and her relatives. Athaliah and her son introduced a universal corruption of...
The facile king surrendered himself wholly to the influence of his mother and her relatives. Athaliah and her son introduced a universal corruption of morals and made idolatry the religion of the court and the nation. By them he was induced not only to conform to the religion of the northern kingdom, but to join a new expedition against Ramoth-gilead (see 2Ki 9:10).

JFB: 2Ch 22:5 - -- It may be mentioned as a very minute and therefore important confirmation of this part of the sacred history that the names of Jehu and Hazael, his co...
It may be mentioned as a very minute and therefore important confirmation of this part of the sacred history that the names of Jehu and Hazael, his contemporary, have both been found on Assyrian sculptures; and there is also a notice of Ithbaal, king of Sidon, who was the father of Jezebel.

JFB: 2Ch 22:6 - -- That is, from Ramoth-gilead, to visit the king of Israel, who was lying ill of his wounds at Jezreel, and who had fled there on the alarm of Jehu's re...
That is, from Ramoth-gilead, to visit the king of Israel, who was lying ill of his wounds at Jezreel, and who had fled there on the alarm of Jehu's rebellion.

JFB: 2Ch 22:9 - -- (compare 2Ki 9:27-29). The two accounts are easily reconciled. "Ahaziah fled first to the garden house and escaped to Samaria; but was here, where he ...
(compare 2Ki 9:27-29). The two accounts are easily reconciled. "Ahaziah fled first to the garden house and escaped to Samaria; but was here, where he had hid himself, taken by Jehu's men who pursued him, brought to Jehu, who was still near or in Jezreel, and at his command slain at the hill Gur, beside Ibleam, in his chariot; that is, mortally wounded with an arrow, so that he, again fleeing, expired at Megiddo" [KEIL]. Jehu left the corpse at the disposal of the king of Judah's attendants, who conveyed it to Jerusalem, and out of respect to his grandfather Jehoshaphat's memory, gave him an honorable interment in the tombs of the kings.

JFB: 2Ch 22:9 - -- His children were too young to assume the reins of government, and all the other royal princes had been massacred by Jehu (2Ch 22:8).
His children were too young to assume the reins of government, and all the other royal princes had been massacred by Jehu (2Ch 22:8).

JFB: 2Ch 22:10 - -- (See on 2Ki 11:1-3). Maddened by the massacre of the royal family of Ahab, she resolved that the royal house of David should have the same fate. Knowi...
(See on 2Ki 11:1-3). Maddened by the massacre of the royal family of Ahab, she resolved that the royal house of David should have the same fate. Knowing the commission which Jehu had received to extirpate the whole of Ahab's posterity, she expected that he would extend his sword to her. Anticipating his movements, she resolved, as her only defense and security, to usurp the throne and destroy "the seed royal," both because they were hostile to the Phœnician worship of Baal, which she was determined to uphold, and because, if one of the young princes became king, his mother would supersede Athaliah in the dignity of queen mother.

JFB: 2Ch 22:12 - -- Certain persons connected with the priesthood had a right to occupy the buildings in the outer wall, and all within the outer wall was often called th...
Certain persons connected with the priesthood had a right to occupy the buildings in the outer wall, and all within the outer wall was often called the temple. Jehoiada and his family resided in one of these apartments.
Clarke: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Forty and two years old was Ahaziah - See the note on 2Ki 8:26. Ahaziah might have been twenty-two years old, according to 2Ki 8:26 (note), but he c...
Forty and two years old was Ahaziah - See the note on 2Ki 8:26. Ahaziah might have been twenty-two years old, according to 2Ki 8:26 (note), but he could not have been forty-two, as stated here, without being two years older than his own father! See the note there. The Syriac and Arabic have twenty-two, and the Septuagint, in some copies, twenty. And it is very probable that the Hebrew text read so originally; for when numbers were expressed by single letters, it was easy to mistake
The reading in 2Ki 8:26 is right, and any attempt to reconcile this in Chronicles with that is equally futile and absurd. Both readings cannot be true; is that therefore likely to be genuine that makes the son two years older than the father who begat him? Apage hae nugae !

Clarke: 2Ch 22:3 - -- His mother was his counsellor - Athaliah, the wicked daughter of a wicked parent, and the wicked spouse of an unprincipled king.
His mother was his counsellor - Athaliah, the wicked daughter of a wicked parent, and the wicked spouse of an unprincipled king.

Clarke: 2Ch 22:9 - -- He sought Ahaziah - See a different account 2Ki 9:27 (note), and the note there, where the accounts are reconciled.
He sought Ahaziah - See a different account 2Ki 9:27 (note), and the note there, where the accounts are reconciled.

Clarke: 2Ch 22:10 - -- All the seed royal of the house of Judah - Nothing but the miraculous intervention of the Divine providence could have saved the line of David at th...
All the seed royal of the house of Judah - Nothing but the miraculous intervention of the Divine providence could have saved the line of David at this time, and preserved the prophecy relative to the Messiah. The whole truth of that prophecy, and the salvation of the world, appeared to be now suspended on the brittle thread of the life of an infant of a year old, (see 2Ch 24:1), to destroy whom was the interest of the reigning power! But God can save by few as well as by many. He had purposed, and vain were the counter-exertions of earth and hell.

Clarke: 2Ch 22:12 - -- Hid in the house of God - "In the house of the sanctuary of God."- Targum. Or, as he says on 2Ch 22:11, בקודש קודשיא bekudash kudeshaiya...
Defender: 2Ch 22:2 - -- The parallel passage (2Ki 8:26) says that Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king. Since his father, Jehoram, was only forty years old at...

Defender: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Ahaziah is evidently the same as Jehoahaz (2Ch 21:17), all of whose older brothers had been slain by the invading Philistines and Arabians before thei...

Defender: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Athaliah was actually the immediate daughter of Ahab (2Ch 21:6), the son of Omri."
Athaliah was actually the immediate daughter of Ahab (2Ch 21:6), the son of Omri."

Defender: 2Ch 22:3 - -- If anything, Athaliah was worse than her mother Jezebel, not only bringing the corrupt Baalite religion into Judah, and probably inciting her husband ...
If anything, Athaliah was worse than her mother Jezebel, not only bringing the corrupt Baalite religion into Judah, and probably inciting her husband to slay his brothers, then counseling her son "to do wickedly," but also slaying all her own grandsons and any others who might have a claim on the throne which she coveted (2Ch 22:10)."
TSK: 2Ch 22:2 - -- am 3119, 3120, bc 885, 884
Forty and two : In the parallel passage (see note on 2Ki 8:26) he is said to be only twenty-two; and this is doubtless the ...

TSK: 2Ch 22:3 - -- his mother : Gen 6:4, Gen 6:5; Deu 7:3, Deu 7:4, Deu 13:6-10; Jdg 17:4, Jdg 17:5; Neh 13:23-27; Mal 2:15; Mat 14:8-11
his counsellor : Gen 27:12, Gen ...
his mother : Gen 6:4, Gen 6:5; Deu 7:3, Deu 7:4, Deu 13:6-10; Jdg 17:4, Jdg 17:5; Neh 13:23-27; Mal 2:15; Mat 14:8-11

TSK: 2Ch 22:5 - -- He walked : Psa 1:1; Mic 6:16
went with : 2Ki 8:28, 29-9:13
Ramothgilead : 2Ch 18:3, 2Ch 18:31, 2Ch 19:2; 1Ki 22:3; Dan 5:22

TSK: 2Ch 22:6 - -- And he returned : 2Ki 9:15
which were given him : Heb. wherewith they wounded him, Azariah. Ahaziah , אחזיהו [Strong’ s H274], and Jeh...
And he returned : 2Ki 9:15
which were given him : Heb. wherewith they wounded him, Azariah.

TSK: 2Ch 22:7 - -- destruction : Heb. treading down, Mal 4:3
was of God : 2Ch 10:15; Deu 32:35; Jdg 14:4; 1Ki 12:15, 1Ki 22:20; Psa 9:16; Isa 46:10; Hos 14:9
he went out...

TSK: 2Ch 22:9 - -- he sought Ahaziah : The account in the parallel passage is somewhat different. ""The current of the story at large is this,""says Dr. Lightfoot: ""Je...
he sought Ahaziah : The account in the parallel passage is somewhat different. ""The current of the story at large is this,""says Dr. Lightfoot: ""Jehu slayeth Joram in the field of Jezreel, as Ahaziah and Joram were together: Ahaziah seeing this, flies, and gets into Samaria, and hides himself there. Jehu marches to Jezreel, and makes Jezebel dogs’ meatcaps1 . fcaps0 rom thence sends to Samaria for the heads of Ahab’ s children and posterity; which are brought him by night, and shewed to the people in the morning. Then he marches to Samaria, and, by the way, slayeth forty-two of Ahab’ s kinsmen, and findeth Jehonadab, the father of the Rechabites. Coming into Samaria, he maketh search for Ahaziahcaps1 . tcaps0 hey find him hid, bring him to Jehu, and he commands to carry him towards Gur, by Ibleam, and there to slay him. They do socaps1 . scaps0 mite him in his chariot, and his charioteer driveth away to Megiddo before he dies.""""2Ki 9:27, at Megiddo, in the kingdom of Samaria."
in Samaria : 1Ki 13:21
Because : 1Ki 14:13; 2Ki 9:28, 2Ki 9:34

TSK: 2Ch 22:11 - -- Jehoshabeath : 2Ki 11:2
bedchamber : Eze 40:45, Eze 40:46
Jehoiada : 2Ch 23:1
she slew him not : 2Ch 21:7; 2Sa 7:13; 1Ki 15:4; Psa 33:10, Psa 76:10; P...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: 2Ch 22:2 - -- For "42"read "22"(see the marginal reference). Ahaziah’ s father, Jehoram, was but 40 when be died 2Ch 21:20.
For "42"read "22"(see the marginal reference). Ahaziah’ s father, Jehoram, was but 40 when be died 2Ch 21:20.

Barnes: 2Ch 22:7 - -- The destruction of Ahaziah was of God - i. e. his untimely end was a judgment upon him for his idolatry.
The destruction of Ahaziah was of God - i. e. his untimely end was a judgment upon him for his idolatry.

Barnes: 2Ch 22:9 - -- Compare the marginal reference. Ahaziah after remaining a while at Megiddo, removed to Samaria, where his wounds could be better cared for and conce...
Compare the marginal reference. Ahaziah after remaining a while at Megiddo, removed to Samaria, where his wounds could be better cared for and concealment might be easier; Jehu’ s emissaries discovered him there; they took him to Jehu, who happened at the time to be at Megiddo; and then and there Jehu put him to death. The narrative here is therefore supplementary to that of 2 Kings, and finds its proper place between the clause,"He fled to Megiddo,"and the words "and died there."
And when they had slain him, they buried him - Jehu’ s emissaries killed him but allowed his servants to bury him (see 2Ki 9:28).
No power ... - As Ahaziah was but twenty-three at his death (2Ch 22:2 note), he had no grown-up son to take the crown.

Compare the marginal reference and notes.
Poole: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Forty and two years old was Ahaziah
Object. He was then only twenty-two years old, as is affirmed, 2Ki 8:26 . Besides, Joram his father died in hi...
Forty and two years old was Ahaziah
Object. He was then only twenty-two years old, as is affirmed, 2Ki 8:26 . Besides, Joram his father died in his fortieth year, as is twice noted, 2Ch 21:5,20 : how then can this be true?
Answ 1. In the Hebrew it is, a son of forty-two years , &c., which is an ambiguous phrase; and though it doth for the most part, yet it doth not always, signify the age of the person, as is manifest from 1Sa 13:1 , See Poole "1Sa 13:1" . And therefore it is not necessary that this should note his age (as it is generally presumed to do, and that is the only ground of the difficulty); but it may note either,
1. The age of his mother Athaliah; who being so great, and infamous, and mischievous a person to the kingdom and royal family of Judah, it is not strange if her age be here described, especially seeing she herself did for a season sway this sceptre. Or rather,
2. Of the reign of that royal race and family from which by his mother he was descended, to wit, of the house of Omri, who reigned six years, 1Ki 16:23 ; Ahab his son reigned twenty-two years, 1Ki 16:29 ; Ahaziah his son two years, 1Ki 22:51 ; Joram his son twelve years, 2Ki 3:1 ; all which, put together, make up exactly these forty-two years; for Ahaziah began his reign in Joram’ s twelfth year, 2Ki 8:25 . And such a kind of computation of the years, not of the king’ s person, but of his reign or kingdom, we had before, 2Ch 16:1 , See Poole "2Ch 16:1" . And so we have an account of the person’ s age in 2Ki 8:26 , and here of the kingdom to which he belonged.
Answ 2. Some acknowledge an error in the transcribers of the present Hebrew copies, in which language the numeral letters for twenty-two and forty-two are so like, that they might easily be mistaken. For that it was read twenty-two here, as it is in the Book of Kings, in other Hebrew copies, they gather from hence, that it is at this day so read in divers ancient Greek copies, as also in those two ancient translations, the Syriac and the Arabic, and particularly in that famous and most ancient copy of the Syriac, which was used by the church of Antioch in the primitive times, and to this day is kept in the church of Antioch, from which that most reverend, learned, pious, and public-spirited archbishop Usher did at his own great charge get another copy transcribed, in which he hath published to all the world that he found it here written twenty and two years old , &c. Nor doth this overthrow the authority of the sacred text, as infidels would have it, partly because it is only an historical passage, of no importance to the substantial doctrines of faith and a good life; and partly because the question here is not whether this text be true, but which is the true reading of the text, whether that of the generality of present copies, or that which was used in the ancient copies, which the ancient and venerable translators above mentioned did follow; for it seems unreasonable and uncharitable to think that all of them would have conspired to have changed the text, and put in twenty and two for forty and two , if they had so read it in their Hebrew copies. Nor can this open any great door to those innumerable changes which some have boldly and rashly made in the Hebrew text without any such pretence of authority, as there is for this, which as they are affirmed without reason, or authority, or necessity, so they may as easily be rejected. If all this will not satisfy our present infidels, I desire them only to consider what hath been hinted before upon such occasions, that many difficulties which did seem unanswerable, being now fully cleared by later writers, it is but reasonable to think that this may be so in after-times, either by finding of some Hebrew copies in which it may be twenty and two years, &c., or by some other way.
The daughter of Omri i.e. of Omri’ s family; or of Ahab, Omri’ s son. Grandchildren are oft called sons and daughters, as Mat 1:1, Luk 3:26 .

Poole: 2Ch 22:4 - -- After the death of his father who, whilst he lived, seduced his son by his counsel and authority, and made other evil counsellors then unnecessary.
After the death of his father who, whilst he lived, seduced his son by his counsel and authority, and made other evil counsellors then unnecessary.

Poole: 2Ch 22:5 - -- Went with Jehoram to war against Hazael following the evil example of Jehoshaphat therein, 2Ch 18 , though he would not follow him in what was good. ...
Went with Jehoram to war against Hazael following the evil example of Jehoshaphat therein, 2Ch 18 , though he would not follow him in what was good. But of this and the following verses, see 2Ki 8:28,29 9:21,27 .

Poole: 2Ch 22:7 - -- The destruction of Ahaziah was of God by his providence so disposing occasions and Ahaziah’ s inclinations, that he should come at that season t...
The destruction of Ahaziah was of God by his providence so disposing occasions and Ahaziah’ s inclinations, that he should come at that season to receive his deserved judgment.

Poole: 2Ch 22:8 - -- The sons of the brethren of Ahaziah either properly so called; or the sons of his cousins or near kinsmen, who are oft called
brethren for his bret...
The sons of the brethren of Ahaziah either properly so called; or the sons of his cousins or near kinsmen, who are oft called
brethren for his brethren were slain, 2Ch 22:8 .
That ministered to Ahaziah that came thither to wait upon their king Ahaziah, as is here implied, and withal to visit Joram and his children, as is noted, 2Ki 10:13 .

Poole: 2Ch 22:9 - -- He sought Ahaziah who, though wounded, had made an escape, 2Ki 9:27 .
He was hid in Samaria either,
1. In the kingdom of Samaria, to wit, in Megid...
He sought Ahaziah who, though wounded, had made an escape, 2Ki 9:27 .
He was hid in Samaria either,
1. In the kingdom of Samaria, to wit, in Megiddo; or,
2. In the city of Samaria: and so he fled first to Megiddo; and not thinking himself safe there, he fled to Samaria; where he was taken, and sent thence by Jehu’ s order to Megiddo, where he received the sentence of death. See more of this matter upon 2Ki 9:27 .
They buried him they gave his servants leave to carry him away to Jerusalem, and bury him there, 2Ki 9:28 . Both God and men are ofttimes said to do what they and others do by their permission, when they could hinder them.
The house of Ahaziah i.e. his posterity, because they were young and feeble, being ground between two millstones, the great and growing power of Jehu, and the craft and tyranny of Athaliah.

Poole: 2Ch 22:10 - -- Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah: this, and 2Ch 22:11,12 , are explained on 2Ki 11:1-3 .
Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah: this, and 2Ch 22:11,12 , are explained on 2Ki 11:1-3 .
Haydock: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Forty-two, &c. Diverse Greek Bibles read twenty-two, agreeably to 4 K. viii. 18., (Ch.) with the Syriac and Arabic. The Roman (C.) and Alexandria...
Forty-two, &c. Diverse Greek Bibles read twenty-two, agreeably to 4 K. viii. 18., (Ch.) with the Syriac and Arabic. The Roman (C.) and Alexandrian Sept. have "twenty." H. ---
Ochozias was the youngest son, and his father died at forty years of age, C. xxi. 20. C. ---
Others would date from the birth of Amri, (Broughton) or of Athalia. But is most probable that we should read 22, as 4 K. C. ---
The contradiction has so much perplexed the commentators, that Walton (prol. 36) puts it among the quזdam Greek: apora; and De Dieu says, "I would rather plainly confess that this difficulty is to us inexplicable." The error here, "is plainly owing to a mistake of one of the Hebrew numeral letters," c, being put instead of m, which was formerly more similar than it is now. "In Origen's Hexapla, one of the Greek copies (probably that found in Caracalla's time) reads here cb, by rendering the number 22, Greek: eikosi kai duo, all which proofs make the mistake indubitable, and strongly recommend this method of correcting it." Kennicott ---
Mariana, T., &c. had already suggested this plan, (H.) which is very plausible. D. ---
Ochozias might reign twenty years with his father, and only one alone, 4 K. viii. 26. W.

Pushed. Heb. and Sept. "was his counsellor to," &c.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:6 - -- Ochozias. So all the versions read. Heb. "Azarias," is probably incorrect, unless this man had three names. C.
Ochozias. So all the versions read. Heb. "Azarias," is probably incorrect, unless this man had three names. C.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:7 - -- For. Prot. "and the destruction of Ahaziah was of God, by coming to Joram." God had decreed to punish him by the hand of Jehu, 4 K. ix.
For. Prot. "and the destruction of Ahaziah was of God, by coming to Joram." God had decreed to punish him by the hand of Jehu, 4 K. ix.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:8 - -- Out. Heb. "exercising judgment with." ---
Brethren, who had been themselves slain by the rovers. Ochozias employed his nephews at court, and they...
Out. Heb. "exercising judgment with." ---
Brethren, who had been themselves slain by the rovers. Ochozias employed his nephews at court, and they expected that he would make some stay at Jezrahel.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:9 - -- Hid in the kingdom of Samaria, (Malvenda) at Mageddo, where he was wounded; though he was perhaps put to death at Jezrahel, 4 K. ix. 27. ---
Hid in the kingdom of Samaria, (Malvenda) at Mageddo, where he was wounded; though he was perhaps put to death at Jezrahel, 4 K. ix. 27. ---
Buried him, at Jerusalem. ---
Reign. Heb. "the house of Ochozias had no one to bear the weight of the kingdom." The children of the deceased were too young, particularly as most of the princes were slain. C. ---
Human hope failed, but God's providence kept David's issue on the throne, till Christ appeared. W.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:10 - -- All, except Joas, (v. 11., and 4 K. xi. 1.; C.) ninety-five years after Solomon's death. Mariana) D.
All, except Joas, (v. 11., and 4 K. xi. 1.; C.) ninety-five years after Solomon's death. Mariana) D.

Haydock: 2Ch 22:11 - -- High is not expressed in Heb. or Sept., but he is supposed to have been the pontiff. H.
High is not expressed in Heb. or Sept., but he is supposed to have been the pontiff. H.
Gill: 2Ch 22:2 - -- Forty two and years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign,.... In 2Ki 8:26, he is said to be but twenty two years old at his accession to the throne,...
Forty two and years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign,.... In 2Ki 8:26, he is said to be but twenty two years old at his accession to the throne, which is undoubtedly most correct; for this makes him to be two years older than his father when he died, who was thirty two when he began to reign, and reigned eight years, 2Ch 21:20, different ways are taken to solve this difficulty; some refer this to Jehoram, that he was forty two when Ahaziah began to reign, but he was but forty when he died; others to the age of Athaliah his mother, as if he was the son of one that was forty two, when he himself was but twenty two; but no instance is given of any such way of writing, nor any just reason for it; others make these forty two years reach to the twentieth of his son Joash, his age twenty two, his reign one, Athaliah six, and Joash thirteen; but the two principal solutions which seem most to satisfy learned men are, the one, that he was twenty two when he began to reign in his father's lifetime, and forty two when he began to reign in his own right; but then he must reign twenty years with his father, whereas his father reigned but eight years: to make this clear they observe b, as Kimchi and Abarbinel, from whom this solution is taken, that he reigned eight years very happily when his son was twenty two, and taken on the throne with him, after which he reigned twenty more ingloriously, and died, when his son was forty two; this has been greedily received by many, but without any proof: the other is, that these forty two years are not the date of the age of Ahaziah, but of the reign of the family of Omri king of Israel; so the Jewish chronology c; but how impertinent must the use of such a date be in the account of the reign of a king of Judah? all that can be said is, his mother was of that family, which is a trifling reason for such an unusual method of reckoning: it seems best to acknowledge a mistake of the copier, which might easily be made through a similarity of the numeral letters,
he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri, see 2Ki 8:26.

Gill: 2Ch 22:3 - -- He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab,.... As his father Jehoram had, 2Ch 21:6.
for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly; to comm...
He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab,.... As his father Jehoram had, 2Ch 21:6.
for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly; to commit idolatry, who was of that idolatrous house.

Gill: 2Ch 22:4 - -- Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord, like the house of Ahab,.... See 2Ki 8:27.
for they were his counsellors, after the death of his fat...
Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord, like the house of Ahab,.... See 2Ki 8:27.
for they were his counsellors, after the death of his father, to his destruction; both of soul and body; for they gave him bad advice, both in religious and civil things; these were some of the family or court of the king of Israel, that his mother sent for after his father's death to be of his council.

Gill: 2Ch 22:5-6 - -- He walked also after their counsel,.... Did as they advised him, as in matters of religion, so in political things, of which there is an instance in t...

Gill: 2Ch 22:7 - -- And the destruction of Ahaziah was of God by coming to Joram,.... Of his appointing; it was according to his purpose and decree, and was brought about...
And the destruction of Ahaziah was of God by coming to Joram,.... Of his appointing; it was according to his purpose and decree, and was brought about by his overruling Providence, ordering the occasion and manner of it very justly for his sins:
for when he was come, he went out with Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi; see 2Ki 9:21,
whom the Lord had anointed to cut off the house of Ahab; raised up to be king of Israel for that purpose, 2Ki 9:6, the Targum is,"whom Elijah anointed by the command of the Word of the Lord;''but it was not Elijah, but a prophet by the order of Elisha, that anointed him, 2Ki 9:1, and this being done by direction of the Lord, is ascribed to him.

Gill: 2Ch 22:8 - -- And it came to pass, that when Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab,.... On Joram, his son, and seventy more sons, his kinsfolks, courtier...
And it came to pass, that when Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab,.... On Joram, his son, and seventy more sons, his kinsfolks, courtiers, and priests:
and found the princes of Judah, and or even the sons of the brethren of Ahaziah; whose number was forty two:
that ministered to Ahaziah; had offices in his court, or in obedience to his will, went to visit the children of the king and queen of Israel:
and he slew them; Jehu did; of the occasion, time, and place of his meeting with them, and slaying them, see 2Ki 10:12.

Gill: 2Ch 22:9-12 - -- And he sought Ahaziah,.... Who fled on Joram's being wounded by Jehu:
and they caught him; the soldiers of Jehu, who were sent after him, and bid t...
And he sought Ahaziah,.... Who fled on Joram's being wounded by Jehu:
and they caught him; the soldiers of Jehu, who were sent after him, and bid to smite him:
for he was hid in Samaria; either in some part of the kingdom of Samaria, or in the city itself, whither he fled:
and brought him to Jehu: who was at Jezreel; see Gill on 2Ki 9:27,
and when they had slain him they buried him; not at Jezreel, but delivered him to his servants to carry him to Jerusalem, and there bury him in the sepulchres of his fathers, 2Ki 9:28,
because, said they, he is the son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the Lord with all his heart; a grandson of his, and therefore out of respect to the memory of his name, these being religious men, ordered his burial there:
so the house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still the kingdom; his brethren and their sons being slain, and his own children being young fell into the hands of Athaliah, who murdered them all, but one, hid by his aunt, and so got the government into her own hands, as may be observed in the following verses, 2Ch 22:10.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: 2Ch 22:2 The Hebrew term בַּת (bat, “daughter”) can refer, as here, to a granddaughter. See HALOT 165-66 s.v. I ב...

NET Notes: 2Ch 22:6 Heb “because he was sick,” presumably referring to the wounds he received in the battle with the Syrians.

NET Notes: 2Ch 22:9 Heb “and there was no one belonging to the house of Ahaziah to retain strength for kingship.”

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:2 ( b ) Forty and two years old [was] Ahaziah when he began to reign, and he reigned ( c ) one year in Jerusalem. His mother's name also [was] Athaliah ...

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:4 Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the LORD like the house of Ahab: for they were his ( e ) counsellors after the death of his father to his destru...

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:7 And the destruction of Ahaziah ( f ) was of God by coming to Joram: for when he was come, he went out with Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi, who...

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:9 And he sought Ahaziah: and they caught him, (for he was hid in Samaria,) and brought him to Jehu: and when they had slain him, they buried him: Becaus...

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:10 But when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and ( h ) destroyed all the seed royal of the house of Judah.
( h ) So t...

Geneva Bible: 2Ch 22:12 And he was with them hid in the ( i ) house of God six years: and Athaliah reigned over the ( k ) land.
( i ) Meaning, in the chamber where the pries...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> 2Ch 22:1-12
TSK Synopsis: 2Ch 22:1-12 - --1 Ahaziah succeeding, reigns wickedly.5 In his confederacy with Joram, the son of Ahab, he is slain by Jehu.10 Athaliah, destroying all the seed royal...
MHCC -> 2Ch 22:1-12
MHCC: 2Ch 22:1-12 - --The counsel of the ungodly ruins many young persons when they are setting out in the world. Ahaziah gave himself up to be led by evil men. Those who a...
Matthew Henry -> 2Ch 22:1-9; 2Ch 22:10-12
Matthew Henry: 2Ch 22:1-9 - -- We have here an account of the reign of Ahaziah, a short reign (of one year only), yet long enough, unless it had been better. He was called Jeho-a...

Matthew Henry: 2Ch 22:10-12 - -- We have here what we had before, 2Ki 11:1, etc. 1. A wicked woman endeavouring to destroy the house of David, that she might set up a throne for her...
Keil-Delitzsch -> 2Ch 22:1-9; 2Ch 22:10-12
Keil-Delitzsch: 2Ch 22:1-9 - --
Ahaziah's reign of a year, and his death . - The account of Ahaziah in 2Ki 8:26-29 agrees with our narrative, except that there the reflections of ...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Ch 22:10-12 - --
The six years' tyranny of Athaliah . - In regard to her, all that is stated is, that after Ahaziah's death she ascended the throne, and caused all ...
Constable -> 2Ch 10:1--36:23; 2Ch 22:1-12
Constable: 2Ch 10:1--36:23 - --IV. THE REIGNS OF SOLOMON'S SUCCESSORS chs. 10--36
"With the close of Solomon's reign we embark upon a new phase...

Constable: 2Ch 22:1-12 - --F. Ahaziah ch. 22
The house of Ahab also strongly influenced Ahaziah (v. 3). His mother was Athaliah, th...
Guzik -> 2Ch 22:1-12
Guzik: 2Ch 22:1-12 - --2 Chronicles 22 - The Evil Reigns of Ahaziah and Athaliah
A. Ahaziah's rise and fall.
1. (1-4) The brief and wicked reign of Ahaziah.
Then the in...