Text -- 2 Samuel 15:24-37 (NET)

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Wesley: 2Sa 15:24 - -- From the ark to the city, which was on higher ground, that so he being high-priest, might use his authority with the people, to persuade them to do th...
From the ark to the city, which was on higher ground, that so he being high-priest, might use his authority with the people, to persuade them to do their duty; and there he staid until all those whom he could persuade were gone forth.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:25 - -- Out of care and reverence to the ark, which though it might be carried our to a certain place; yet he might justly think unfit to carry it from place ...
Out of care and reverence to the ark, which though it might be carried our to a certain place; yet he might justly think unfit to carry it from place to place he knew not whither, and out of respect to the priests, whom, by this means, he thought he should expose to the rage of Absalom, as he had before exposed them to Saul's fury.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:25 - -- That is, the tabernacle which David had lately built for it, 2Sa 6:17, in which the ark, and God, by means hereof, ordinarily dwelt.
That is, the tabernacle which David had lately built for it, 2Sa 6:17, in which the ark, and God, by means hereof, ordinarily dwelt.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:26 - -- That we may not complain of what is, let us see God's hand in all events. And that we may not be afraid of what shall be, let us see all events in God...
That we may not complain of what is, let us see God's hand in all events. And that we may not be afraid of what shall be, let us see all events in God's hand.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:27 - -- A seeing, discerning, or observing man: for so the Hebrew verb raah is often used. And this suits well with David's mind: Thou art a wise man, and the...
A seeing, discerning, or observing man: for so the Hebrew verb raah is often used. And this suits well with David's mind: Thou art a wise man, and therefore fit to manage this great business, which requires prudence and secrecy.

In testimony of his deep sorrow, and humiliation and shame for his sins.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:34 - -- That is, as faithful to thee, as I have been to thy father. David's suggesting this crafty counsel must be reckoned amongst his sins. Nevertheless God...
That is, as faithful to thee, as I have been to thy father. David's suggesting this crafty counsel must be reckoned amongst his sins. Nevertheless God was pleased to direct this evil advice to a good end.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:36 - -- Not in Jerusalem, but in a place near it, to which they could easily send upon occasion.
Not in Jerusalem, but in a place near it, to which they could easily send upon occasion.

Wesley: 2Sa 15:37 - -- _How soon do royal cities and royal palaces change their masters? But we look for a kingdom which cannot be moved.
_How soon do royal cities and royal palaces change their masters? But we look for a kingdom which cannot be moved.
JFB: 2Sa 15:24-25 - -- Knowing the strong religious feelings of the aged king, they brought it to accompany him in his distress. But as he could not doubt that both the ark ...
Knowing the strong religious feelings of the aged king, they brought it to accompany him in his distress. But as he could not doubt that both the ark and their sacred office would exempt them from the attacks of the rebels, he sent them back with it--not only that they might not be exposed to the perils of uncertain wandering, for he seems to place more confidence in the symbol of the divine presence than in God Himself--but that, by remaining in Jerusalem, they might render him greater service by watching the enemy's movements.

JFB: 2Sa 15:30 - -- The same pathway over that mount has been followed ever since that memorable day.
The same pathway over that mount has been followed ever since that memorable day.

JFB: 2Sa 15:30 - -- With a mourning wrapper. The humility and resignation of David marked strongly his sanctified spirit, induced by contrition for his transgressions. He...
With a mourning wrapper. The humility and resignation of David marked strongly his sanctified spirit, induced by contrition for his transgressions. He had fallen, but it was the fall of the upright; and he rose again, submitting himself meekly in the meantime to the will of God [CHALMERS].

This senator being the mainstay of the conspiracy.

Looking towards Jerusalem, where were the ark and tabernacle.

JFB: 2Sa 15:32 - -- A native of Archi, on the frontiers of Benjamin and Ephraim (Jos 16:2). Comparing the prayer against Ahithophel with the counsel to Hushai, we see how...
A native of Archi, on the frontiers of Benjamin and Ephraim (Jos 16:2). Comparing the prayer against Ahithophel with the counsel to Hushai, we see how strongly a spirit of fervent piety was combined in his character with the devices of an active and far-seeing policy.
Clarke: 2Sa 15:24 - -- Bearing the ark - The priests knew that God had given the kingdom to David; they had no evidence that he had deposed him: they therefore chose to ac...
Bearing the ark - The priests knew that God had given the kingdom to David; they had no evidence that he had deposed him: they therefore chose to accompany him, and take the ark, the object of their charge, with them.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:25 - -- Carry back the ark - David shows here great confidence in God, and great humility. The ark was too precious to be exposed to the dangers of his migr...
Carry back the ark - David shows here great confidence in God, and great humility. The ark was too precious to be exposed to the dangers of his migrations; he knew that God would restore him if he delighted in him, and he was not willing to carry off from the city of God that without which the public worship could not be carried on. He felt, therefore, more for this public worship and the honor of God, than he did for his own personal safety.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:27 - -- Art not thou a seer? return into the city in peace - That is, As thou art the only organ of the public worship, that worship cannot be carried on wi...
Art not thou a seer? return into the city in peace - That is, As thou art the only organ of the public worship, that worship cannot be carried on without thee; and as thou art the priest of God, thou hast no cause to fear for thy personal safety: the nation has not abandoned their God, though they have abandoned their king. It appears also, that he wished these priests, by means of their sons, Ahimaaz the son of Zadok, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar, to send him frequent intelligence of the motions and operations of the enemy.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:30 - -- Had his head covered - This was not only the attitude of a mourner, but even of a culprit; they usually had their heads covered when condemned. See ...
Had his head covered - This was not only the attitude of a mourner, but even of a culprit; they usually had their heads covered when condemned. See the case of Haman. When the king had pronounced his condemnation, they immediately covered his face, and led him out to punishment; Est 7:8 (note). See also Quintus Curtius, De Philota, cap. vi.: I, Lictor; caput obnubito.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:31 - -- Turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness - Ahithophel was a wise man, and well versed in state affairs; and God alone could confound his devi...
Turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness - Ahithophel was a wise man, and well versed in state affairs; and God alone could confound his devices.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:32 - -- Where he worshipped God - Though in danger of his life, he stops on the top of Mount Olivet for prayer! How true is the adage, Prayer and provender ...
Where he worshipped God - Though in danger of his life, he stops on the top of Mount Olivet for prayer! How true is the adage, Prayer and provender never hinder any man’ s journey! Reader, dost thou do likewise

Clarke: 2Sa 15:32 - -- Hushai the Archite - He was the particular friend of David, and was now greatly affected by his calamity.
Hushai the Archite - He was the particular friend of David, and was now greatly affected by his calamity.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:33 - -- Then thou shalt be a burden unto me - It appears that Hushai was not a warrior, but was a wise, prudent, and discreet man, who could well serve Davi...
Then thou shalt be a burden unto me - It appears that Hushai was not a warrior, but was a wise, prudent, and discreet man, who could well serve David by gaining him intelligence of Absalom’ s conspiracy; and he directs him to form a strict confederacy with the priests Zadok and Abiathar, and to make use of their sons as couriers between Jerusalem and David’ s place of retreat.

Clarke: 2Sa 15:37 - -- Absalom came into Jerusalem - It is very probable that he and his partisans were not far from the city when David left it, and this was one reason w...
Absalom came into Jerusalem - It is very probable that he and his partisans were not far from the city when David left it, and this was one reason which caused him to hurry his departure
Reader, behold in the case of David a sad vicissitude of human affairs, and a fearful proof of their instability. Behold a king, the greatest that ever lived, a profound politician, an able general, a brave soldier, a poet of the most sublime genius and character, a prophet of the Most High God, and the deliverer of his country, driven from his dominions by his own son, abandoned by his fickle people, and for a time even by his God! See in his desolate state that there is none so exalted that God cannot abase, and none so abased that God cannot exalt. He was forsaken for a time, and his enemies triumphed; God returned, and his enemies were confounded. His crime, it is true, was great and God had declared by Nathan what had now come to pass. God is just, and in numberless instances sees right to show his displeasure even at those sins which his mercy has forgiven. In all cases it is a fearful and bitter thing to sin against the Lord.
TSK: 2Sa 15:24 - -- Zadok : 2Sa 15:27, 2Sa 15:35, 2Sa 8:17, 2Sa 20:25; 1Ki 1:8, 1Ki 2:35, 1Ki 4:2-4; 1Ch 6:8-12; Eze 48:11
bearing : 2Sa 6:13; Num 4:15, Num 7:9; Jos 3:3,...

TSK: 2Sa 15:25 - -- Carry back : 2Sa 12:10, 2Sa 12:11; 1Sa 4:3-11; Jer 7:4
he will bring : Psa 26:8, Psa 27:4, Psa 27:5, Psa 42:1, Psa 42:2, Psa 43:3, Psa 43:4, Psa 63:1,...

TSK: 2Sa 15:26 - -- I have not, 2Sa 22:20; Num 14:8; 1Ki 10:9; 2Ch 9:8; Isa 42:1, Isa 62:4; Jer 22:28, Jer 32:41; Mat 1:10
let : Jdg 10:15; 1Sa 3:18; Job 1:20, Job 1:21; ...

TSK: 2Sa 15:30 - -- the ascent : Zec 14:4; Luk 19:29, Luk 19:37, Luk 21:37, Luk 22:39; Act 1:12
mount Olivet : Mount Olivet, so called from its abounding with olive trees...
the ascent : Zec 14:4; Luk 19:29, Luk 19:37, Luk 21:37, Luk 22:39; Act 1:12
mount Olivet : Mount Olivet, so called from its abounding with olive trees, is situated east of Jerusalem, being separated from it only by the valley of Jehoshaphat and the brook Kidron. Josephus says it is five stadia, i.e., 625 geometrical paces from Jerusalem; and St. Luke (Act 1:12) says it is a Sabbath day’ s journey, or about eight stadia distant, i.e., to the summit. It forms part of a ridge of limestone hills, extending from north to south for about a mile; and it is described as having three, or, according to others, four summits; the central and highest of which overlooks the whole of the city, over whose streets and walls the eye roves as if in the survey of a model.
and wept as he went up : Heb. going up and weeping, Psa 42:3-11, Psa 43:1, Psa 43:2, Psa 43:5; Luk 19:41
his head covered : This custom was only practised by persons in great distress, or when convicted of great crimes. Thus Darius, when informed by Tyriotes, the eunuch, that his queen was dead, and that she had suffered no violence from Alexander, covered his head, and wept a long time; then throwing off the garment that covered him, he thanked the gods for Alexander’ s moderation and justice. 2Sa 19:4; Est 6:12; Jer 14:3, Jer 14:4
barefoot : Isa 20:2, Isa 20:4; Eze 24:17, Eze 24:23
weeping : Psa 126:5, Psa 126:6; Mat 5:4; Rom 12:15; 1Co 12:26

TSK: 2Sa 15:31 - -- Ahithophel : 2Sa 15:12; Psa 3:1, Psa 41:9, Psa 55:12, Psa 55:14; Mat 26:14, Mat 26:15; Joh 13:18
O Lord : Psa 55:15, Psa 109:3
turn the counsel : 2Sa ...

TSK: 2Sa 15:32 - -- the top : 2Sa 15:30; 1Ki 11:7; Luk 19:29
he worshipped : 1Ki 8:44, 1Ki 8:45; Job 1:20, Job 1:21; Psa 3:3-5, Psa 3:7, Psa 4:1-3, Psa 50:15, Psa 91:15

TSK: 2Sa 15:34 - -- return : 2Sa 15:20; Jos 8:2; Mat 10:16
as I have been : 2Sa 16:16-19
then mayest : 2Sa 17:5-14

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: 2Sa 15:24 - -- Abiathar went up - i. e., continued to ascend the Mount of Olives. Abiathar was high priest 1Ki 2:35. Perhaps Zadok is addressed by David 2Sa 1...

Barnes: 2Sa 15:27 - -- Art not those a seer? - If the text be correct, the sense would be, "Art thou not a seer? therefore go back to the city, and observe, and certi...
Art not those a seer? - If the text be correct, the sense would be, "Art thou not a seer? therefore go back to the city, and observe, and certify me of what thou seest"2Sa 15:28. Others, by a slight alteration of the original text, read "Art not thou a chief"(priest), etc.

Barnes: 2Sa 15:30 - -- His head covered - See the marginal references and Jer 14:3-4; Eze 24:17; the sign of deep mourning.
His head covered - See the marginal references and Jer 14:3-4; Eze 24:17; the sign of deep mourning.

Barnes: 2Sa 15:32 - -- Render ... "when David was come to the top of the mount where people worship God."The top here, and in 2Sa 16:1, is used almost as a proper name. No...
Render ... "when David was come to the top of the mount where people worship God."The top here, and in 2Sa 16:1, is used almost as a proper name. No doubt there was a high-place upon the top of the Mount of Olives.
Poole: 2Sa 15:24 - -- Bearing the ark of the covenant of God as a pledge of God’ s presence and assistance, and that David might inquire at it upon occasion.
They se...
Bearing the ark of the covenant of God as a pledge of God’ s presence and assistance, and that David might inquire at it upon occasion.
They set down the ark of God either in expectation of drawing forth more people to David’ s party, if not from their loyalty to their lawful king, yet from their piety and reverence to the ark; or that all the people might pass along, and the ark might come in the rear of them for their safeguard and encouragement.
Abiathar went up either,
1. From the ark, which now was in the low ground, being near the brook Cedron, to the top of the Mount of Olives, whence he had the prospect of the city and temple, as appears from Mar 13:3 , where he could discern when the people ceased to come out of the city after David; which when they did, he gave notice to David that he should wait no longer, but march away and carry the ark with him. Or,
2. From the ark to the city, which was in a higher ground, that so he being high priest, might use his authority and interest with the people to persuade them to do their duty, in going forth to defend and help their king against his rebellious son; and there he staid until all those whom he could persuade were gone forth.

Poole: 2Sa 15:25 - -- Carry back the ark of God into the city partly, out of care and reverence to the ark, which though sometimes it was and might be carried out to a cer...
Carry back the ark of God into the city partly, out of care and reverence to the ark, which though sometimes it was and might be carried out to a certain place; yet he might justly think unfit to carry it from place to place he knew not whither, and to expose it to all the hazards and inconveniences to which he himself was likely to exposed; partly, out of respect to the priests, whom, by this means, he thought he should expose to the rage of Absalom, as he had before exposed them to Saul’ s fury on another occasion 1Sa 22 ; and partly, that by this, means he might have the better opportunity to search out and to counterwork Absalom’ s plots; which was so necessary, not only for himself, but for the defence and maintenance of the ark, and all God’ s ordinances, and of the true religion.
His habitation i.e. the tabernacle which David had lately built for it, 2Sa 6:17 , in which the ark, and God, by means thereof, ordinarily dwelt. And hereby he insinuates another reason of his returning the ark to Jerusalem, be cause there was the tabernacle made for the receipt of it.

Poole: 2Sa 15:26 - -- I have no delight in thee I will not receive thee into my favour, nor restore thee to thy throne and city, and to the enjoyment of my ark and ordinan...
I have no delight in thee I will not receive thee into my favour, nor restore thee to thy throne and city, and to the enjoyment of my ark and ordinances.
Here am I ready to obey him, and to submit to his will and pleasure concerning me.

Poole: 2Sa 15:27 - -- The king said also unto Zadok either because Abiathar was gone from him, 2Sa 15:24 , and not yet returned; or because David put more confidence in Za...
The king said also unto Zadok either because Abiathar was gone from him, 2Sa 15:24 , and not yet returned; or because David put more confidence in Zadok.
A seer i.e. either,
1. A prophet, for such were called seers , 1Sa 9:9 2Sa 24:11 Amo 7:12 . And such he may be called, either because he really had the gift of prophecy or because as the name of prophets is sometimes given to those who had not prophetical gifts, but were only officers and minsters devoted to and employed in God’ s worship and service, as 1Sa 10:5 , &c.; 1Ki 18:4,13 ; compare 1Ch 25:1-3 ; so it is reasonable that the name of seers be extended to the same latitude; and therefore he may properly and fitly be called a
seer , as he was with and under Abiathar the chief governor of the house and worship of God; who, by his office, was to instruct and direct the people in those matters, whereby he had many opportunities both of sifting out Absalom’ s counsels, and of minding the people of their duty to David, as he saw opportunity: which sense suits well with David’ s scope and design. Or,
2. A seeing , or discerning , or observing man ; for so the Hebrew verb raah is oft used. And this suits well with David’ s mind: Thou art a wise man, and therefore fit to manage this great business, which requires prudence and secrecy.
In peace as men of peace, giving over all thoughts of war, and devoting yourselves entirely to God’ s service.

Poole: 2Sa 15:30 - -- He went barefoot in testimony of his deep sorrow, and humiliation and shame for his sins, whereby he had procured, this evil to himself; for these we...
He went barefoot in testimony of his deep sorrow, and humiliation and shame for his sins, whereby he had procured, this evil to himself; for these were the habits of mourners, 2Sa 19:4 Est 6:12 Isa 20:3,4 Jer 14:3,4 ; and to take a holy revenge upon himself for his former delicacy and luxury.

Poole: 2Sa 15:31 - -- One told David or, David told , i.e. David being hereof informed, acquaints his friends and followers with it, to stir them up to join with him in t...
One told David or, David told , i.e. David being hereof informed, acquaints his friends and followers with it, to stir them up to join with him in the following prayer against him.
Turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness either infatuate him, that he may give foolish counsel; or let his counsel be rejected as foolish, or spoiled by the foolish execution of it.

Poole: 2Sa 15:32 - -- He worshipped God looking towards Jerusalem, where the ark and tabernacle was. Compare 1Ki 8:44,48 Da 6:10 .
He worshipped God looking towards Jerusalem, where the ark and tabernacle was. Compare 1Ki 8:44,48 Da 6:10 .

Poole: 2Sa 15:33 - -- Increasing my charge, and care, and sorrow for what may befall thee, and being but of little use to me: for it may seem he was an old man, and fitte...
Increasing my charge, and care, and sorrow for what may befall thee, and being but of little use to me: for it may seem he was an old man, and fitter for counsel than for war.

Poole: 2Sa 15:34 - -- i.e. I will be as faithful to thee as I have been to thy father; which he neither was nor ought to be; and therefore the profession of this was grea...
i.e. I will be as faithful to thee as I have been to thy father; which he neither was nor ought to be; and therefore the profession of this was great dissimulation. And David’ s suggesting this crafty counsel may be reckoned amongst his errors; which, proceeding from a violent temptation, and his present and pressing straits, God was pleased mercifully to pardon, and to direct this evil advice to a good end.
Went up to the ark, or along with the rest. (Calmet)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:25 - -- City. Abiathar had consulted the Lord for David, and received no answer; whence the king concluded that he had not suffered enough. (Menochius) ---...
City. Abiathar had consulted the Lord for David, and received no answer; whence the king concluded that he had not suffered enough. (Menochius) ---
David displays a faith which could hardly have been expected of the carnal Jews. He confesses that God will reward the virtuous, and punish the wicked, independently of the ark, the symbol of his presence, and of which he deemed himself unworthy. (Calmet)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:27 - -- Seer, supposing he was high priest, along with Abiathar, he might be thus addressed as one who consulted God by the ephod, as he might also, if he pr...
Seer, supposing he was high priest, along with Abiathar, he might be thus addressed as one who consulted God by the ephod, as he might also, if he presided over the prophets, like Chonenias, 1 Paralipomenon xv. 22. (Dionysius) (Menochius) ---
Hebrew, " Art not thou a seer?" a prudent man, who may be of greater service to me in the city; (Haydock; or ) seest thou not "the state of my affairs?" Septuagint, "See and return." Follow my advice, or then act as your own wisdom dictates. (Calmet)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:30 - -- Weeping, &c. David on this occasion wept for his sins, which he knew were the cause of all his sufferings. (Challoner) ---
Barefoot, like a crimi...
Weeping, &c. David on this occasion wept for his sins, which he knew were the cause of all his sufferings. (Challoner) ---
Barefoot, like a criminal, or one in mourning, Isaias xx. 4., and Ezechiel xxiv. 17. (Calmet) ---
Covered, that the people might not see him. (Worthington)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:31 - -- Infatuate: "render useless;" (Theodotion) "dissipate," Septuagint. (Calmet) ---
God hindered the wise counsel of Achitophel from being regarded. ...
Infatuate: "render useless;" (Theodotion) "dissipate," Septuagint. (Calmet) ---
God hindered the wise counsel of Achitophel from being regarded. (Haydock)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:32 - -- The Lord, before he lost sight of the holy city, where the ark was kept. (Calmet) ---
Arachite, a convert, (Menochius) from Arach, or Edessa. (St...
The Lord, before he lost sight of the holy city, where the ark was kept. (Calmet) ---
Arachite, a convert, (Menochius) from Arach, or Edessa. (St. Jerome, Trad. in Genesis x.)

Haydock: 2Sa 15:34 - -- Defeat; ( dissipabis ) "render of no effect." (Haydock) ---
Thus princes keep spies in an enemy's country. (Calmet)
Defeat; ( dissipabis ) "render of no effect." (Haydock) ---
Thus princes keep spies in an enemy's country. (Calmet)
Gill: 2Sa 15:24 - -- And, lo, Zadok also,.... The priest, as he is called, 2Sa 15:27,
and all the Levites were with him: with Zadok, or with David, and indeed with bot...
And, lo, Zadok also,.... The priest, as he is called, 2Sa 15:27,
and all the Levites were with him: with Zadok, or with David, and indeed with both; but the former is rather meant here, being the immediate antecedent:
bearing the ark of the covenant of God: these were the Kohathite Levites, whose business it was to bear the ark when carried from place to place, Num 3:31; called the ark of the covenant, because the law which was the covenant between God and the people, was put into it:
and they set down the ark of God: from off their shoulders, on which they carried it:
and Abiathar went up; who was the high priest, and whose business it was to attend the ark, and inquire before it, as occasion required; he went up very probably to the mount of Olives, later mentioned, 2Sa 15:30,
until all the people had done passing out of the city; for from the top of that mountain he could see the city of Jerusalem, and the people as they passed out of it, and observe when they were all come out, or however ceased coming, and so knew when it was a proper time to march forward.

Gill: 2Sa 15:25 - -- And the king said unto Zadok, carry back the ark of God into the city,.... The reason of which is not easy to account for, since being carried back it...
And the king said unto Zadok, carry back the ark of God into the city,.... The reason of which is not easy to account for, since being carried back it would fall into the hands of the conspirators; and now the priests were with it to take care of it, and there might be occasion to inquire at it before the Lord; but David thought it being a sacred thing would not be violated by Absalom and his men, and that it would be safest in its own habitation or tabernacle, which David had built for it; for, that the reason of it should be, what Procopius Gazaeus suggests, cannot be given into, that he could not bear to carry about him the law, which accused of adulteries and murders:
if I shall find favour in the eyes of the Lord: if he will appear for me, be on my side, and deliver me from those who have risen up against me:
he will bring me again: to Jerusalem, and to his palace there:
and show me both it and his habitation; the ark, and the tabernacle he had erected for it, 2Sa 6:17.

Gill: 2Sa 15:26 - -- But if he thus say, I have no delight in thee,.... As a king, or in his temporal prosperity, though he might and had delight in him as a chosen vessel...
But if he thus say, I have no delight in thee,.... As a king, or in his temporal prosperity, though he might and had delight in him as a chosen vessel of salvation, as a saint and child of God, and in his spiritual and everlasting welfare:
behold, here am I; his humble servant, ready to be, and do and suffer whatever is his pleasure:
let him do to me as seemeth good unto him; strip me of all the ensigns of royalty, dispossess me of my crown and kingdom, and dispose of me as seems good in his sight; who is a sovereign Being, and has a right to do with his creatures what he pleases.

Gill: 2Sa 15:27 - -- And the king said unto Zadok the priest, art not thou a seer?.... A prophet, as well as a priest; see 1Sa 9:9; or a seeing, knowing, man; one that ca...
And the king said unto Zadok the priest, art not thou a seer?.... A prophet, as well as a priest; see 1Sa 9:9; or a seeing, knowing, man; one that can penetrate into men and things, and so might be of more service to David at Jerusalem than with him: wherefore he said to him:
return into the city in peace; to the city of Jerusalem with peace, quietness, and satisfaction of mind; where he doubted not, at least hoped and wished, he would be in safety and prosperity, being one of the Lord's priests:
and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz thy son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar; the one was of the line of Eleazar, and the other of the line of Ithamar.

Gill: 2Sa 15:28 - -- See, I will tarry in the plain of the wilderness,.... Towards the way of which David and the people went when they came over Kidron, 2Sa 15:23,
See, I will tarry in the plain of the wilderness,.... Towards the way of which David and the people went when they came over Kidron, 2Sa 15:23,
until there come word from you to certify me; of the truth of the conspiracy, of the number of the conspirators, and who they are, what progress they have made, whether come to Jerusalem, and how they behave there, if come; or of anything relative hereunto he could get intelligence of.

Gill: 2Sa 15:29 - -- Zadok therefore and Abiathar carried the ark of God again to Jerusalem,.... That is, ordered it to be carried, and took care that it was carried, by t...
Zadok therefore and Abiathar carried the ark of God again to Jerusalem,.... That is, ordered it to be carried, and took care that it was carried, by the Kohathite Levites, and they themselves attended it:
and they tarried there; at Jerusalem; though their two sons that went with them entered not into the city, but stayed at a place called Enrogel, at some little distance from it, 2Sa 17:17.

Gill: 2Sa 15:30 - -- And David went up by the ascent of Mount Olivet,.... So called from the olive trees that grew upon it, which is often mentioned in the New Testament,...
And David went up by the ascent of Mount Olivet,.... So called from the olive trees that grew upon it, which is often mentioned in the New Testament, and where our Lord Jesus Christ, the antitype of David, often was, in his state of humiliation, Mat 26:30, and from whence he ascended to heaven after his resurrection, Act 1:12; it was about a mile from Jerusalem, to the east of it:
and wept as he went up; thinking perhaps of the wickedness and rebellion of his son, of his own hard case, to be obliged to quit his metropolis and palace, and make his flight afoot; and perhaps also of his own sins, which were the cause of his calamities:
and had his head covered; with his mantle, with which he enwraped himself as a mourner, 2Sa 19:4; so the Egyptians used to cover their heads in mourning, and the Romans in later times q; so Megara in sorrowful circumstances is represented as having her head covered with a garment r:
and he went barefoot; in token of mourning also, and like one forlorn, and going into captivity, see Isa 20:2,
and all the people that was with him covered every man his head; as David did, and in imitation of him, and sympathizing with him; and which was sometimes done when men were ashamed and confounded, Jer 14:3,
and they went up, weeping as they went up; the mount of Olivet, grieved for their king, and the distresses and calamities that were coming upon them.

Gill: 2Sa 15:31 - -- And one told David,.... That came either from Hebron or from Jerusalem:
Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom; Absalom sent for him, ...
And one told David,.... That came either from Hebron or from Jerusalem:
Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom; Absalom sent for him, and it seems he came to him, and continued with him, see 2Sa 15:12,
and David said, O Lord, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness; either suffer him to give foolish counsel, or confound the schemes projected by him, and let them not be carried into execution; for God can, and sometimes does, disappoint crafty counsellors, that they cannot perform what they devise, but they are taken in their own craftiness, and their counsel is carried headlong, Job 5:12; this prayer was answered, 2Sa 17:14.

Gill: 2Sa 15:32 - -- And it came to pass, that when David was come to the top of the mount,.... Of the mount of Olives:
where he worshipped God; by prayer and praise;...
And it came to pass, that when David was come to the top of the mount,.... Of the mount of Olives:
where he worshipped God; by prayer and praise; here very probably he composed and sung the third psalm Psa 3:1, which, as the title shows, was made when he fled from Absalom:
behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him, with his coat rent, and earth upon his head; in token of mourning, and as a bringer of bad tidings, see 2Sa 1:2; perhaps he was an inhabitant of Archi, at least originally, which lay on the borders of the tribe of Ephraim, Jos 16:2; from whence he had his name.

Gill: 2Sa 15:33 - -- Unto whom David said,.... After he had heard what he had to say, and what tidings he brought:
and if thou passest on with me; in his march and flig...
Unto whom David said,.... After he had heard what he had to say, and what tidings he brought:
and if thou passest on with me; in his march and flight:
then thou shalt be a burden to me; being to be maintained by him; and David having but scanty provisions, and so could not receive useless persons, as Hushai might be, perhaps an old man, that could be of no service to him, and unfit for travelling, and so would rather be an hinderance than an help unto him.

Gill: 2Sa 15:34 - -- But if thou return to the city,.... To the city of Jerusalem, from whence it seems he came:
and say unto Absalom, I will be thy servant, O king; as...
But if thou return to the city,.... To the city of Jerusalem, from whence it seems he came:
and say unto Absalom, I will be thy servant, O king; as he was by usurpation, and by the proclamation of the people with him. David directs him to address him thus, that he might have no suspicion of him, having been an old friend of his:
as I have been thy father's servant hitherto; perhaps in the character of a counsellor, as it should seem, since as such he was afterwards employed by Absalom:
so will I now also be thy servant; in whatsoever thou shall please to employ me under thee:
then mayest thou for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel; for being taken into Absalom's service, and made one of his counsellors, he would be privy to the advice of Ahithophel, and so be able to work against him.

Gill: 2Sa 15:35 - -- And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the priests?.... To assist in forming schemes directly opposite to Ahithophel's, or to whom he c...
And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the priests?.... To assist in forming schemes directly opposite to Ahithophel's, or to whom he could communicate the secrets of Absalom's court:
therefore it shall be that what thing soever thou shalt hear out of the king's house; Absalom's, who had now, at possession of the house and palace of David:
thou shalt tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priests; to whom he might have recourse without suspicion, pretending he had business with them as priests, on religious accounts, to offer sacrifices for him, &c.

Gill: 2Sa 15:36 - -- Behold, they have there with them two sons, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son,.... As in 2Sa 15:27; not that they were in the city...
Behold, they have there with them two sons, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son,.... As in 2Sa 15:27; not that they were in the city with them, but they were near it, 2Sa 17:17; with whom they had a communication:
and by whom ye shall send unto me everything that ye can hear; that is, by the sons of the priests; he telling the priests how things were at court, and they sending their sons with messages to David; which was a good scheme to get intelligence, and easy to be put into execution.

Gill: 2Sa 15:37 - -- So Hushai David's friend came into the city,.... The city of Jerusalem, by the direction and persuasion of David, and in obedience to him, in order to...
So Hushai David's friend came into the city,.... The city of Jerusalem, by the direction and persuasion of David, and in obedience to him, in order to serve him to the uttermost:
and Absalom came into Jerusalem: just at the same time; so that he knew not that Hushai had been out of it, and been with David, and which also appears from what he said to him, 2Sa 16:17.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Sa 15:27 Heb “And Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar, two of your sons, with you.” The pronominal suffix on the last word is plural...

NET Notes: 2Sa 15:36 Heb “and you must send by their hand to me every word which you hear.” Both of the second person verb forms are plural with Zadok, Abiatha...
Geneva Bible: 2Sa 15:24 And lo Zadok also, and all the Levites [were] with him, ( p ) bearing the ark of the covenant of God: and they set down the ark of God; and Abiathar w...

Geneva Bible: 2Sa 15:26 But if he thus say, I have no delight in thee; behold, ( r ) [here am] I, let him do to me as seemeth good unto him.
( r ) The faithful in all their ...

Geneva Bible: 2Sa 15:30 And David went up by the ascent of [mount] Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head ( s ) covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people th...

Geneva Bible: 2Sa 15:31 And [one] told David, saying, Ahithophel [is] among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O LORD, I pray thee, turn the ( t ) counsel of Ahit...

Geneva Bible: 2Sa 15:34 But if thou return to the city, and say unto Absalom, I will be thy ( u ) servant, O king; [as] I [have been] thy father's servant hitherto, so [will]...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> 2Sa 15:1-37
TSK Synopsis: 2Sa 15:1-37 - --1 Absalom, by fair speeches and courtesies, steals the hearts of Israel.7 Under pretence of a vow, he obtains leave to go to Hebron.10 He makes there ...
MHCC -> 2Sa 15:24-30; 2Sa 15:31-37
MHCC: 2Sa 15:24-30 - --David is very careful for the safety of the ark. It is right to be more concerned for the church's prosperity than our own; to prefer the success of t...

MHCC: 2Sa 15:31-37 - --David prays not against Ahithophel's person, but against his counsel. He prayed this, in firm belief that God has all hearts in his hand, and tongues ...
Matthew Henry -> 2Sa 15:24-30; 2Sa 15:31-37
Matthew Henry: 2Sa 15:24-30 - -- Here we have, I. The fidelity of the priests and Levites and their firm adherence to David and his interest. They knew David's great affection to th...

Matthew Henry: 2Sa 15:31-37 - -- Nothing, it seems, appeared to David more threatening in Absalom's plot than that Ahithophel was in it; for one good head, in such a design, is wort...
Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 15:22-29 - --
After this assurance of his devotedness, David let Ittai do as he pleased. ועבר לך , "go and pass on." עבר does not mean to pass by, but ...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 15:30-31 - --
Ahithophel and Hushai. - 2Sa 15:30, 2Sa 15:31. When David was going by the height of the olive-trees, i.e., the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 15:32-34 - --
On David's arrival at the height where people were accustomed to worship, i.e., upon the top of the Mount of Olives, the Archite Hushai came to mee...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 15:35-36 - --
David then commissioned him to communicate to the priests Zadok and Abiathar all that he should hear of the king's house, and send word to him throu...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 15:37 - --
So Hushai went into the city when Absalom came to Jerusalem. The w| before the second clause, followed by the imperfect יבוא , indicates contem...
Constable: 2Sa 9:1--20:26 - --VI. DAVID'S TROUBLES chs. 9--20
Chapters 9-20 contrast with chapters 2-8 in that this later section is negative ...

Constable: 2Sa 13:1--20:26 - --C. David's Rejection and Return chs. 13-20
This is the longest literary section in the Court History of ...

Constable: 2Sa 15:1--20:26 - --2. Absalom's attempt to usurp David's throne chs. 15-20
Absalom was never Yahweh's choice to suc...