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Text -- Acts 20:20-38 (NET)

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20:20 You know that I did not hold back from proclaiming to you anything that would be helpful, and from teaching you publicly and from house to house, 20:21 testifying to both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. 20:22 And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem without knowing what will happen to me there, 20:23 except that the Holy Spirit warns me in town after town that imprisonment and persecutions are waiting for me. 20:24 But I do not consider my life worth anything to myself, so that I may finish my task and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news of God’s grace. 20:25 “And now I know that none of you among whom I went around proclaiming the kingdom will see me again. 20:26 Therefore I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of you all. 20:27 For I did not hold back from announcing to you the whole purpose of God. 20:28 Watch out for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. 20:29 I know that after I am gone fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 20:30 Even from among your own group men will arise, teaching perversions of the truth to draw the disciples away after them. 20:31 Therefore be alert, remembering that night and day for three years I did not stop warning each one of you with tears. 20:32 And now I entrust you to God and to the message of his grace. This message is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 20:33 I have desired no one’s silver or gold or clothing. 20:34 You yourselves know that these hands of mine provided for my needs and the needs of those who were with me. 20:35 By all these things, I have shown you that by working in this way we must help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” 20:36 When he had said these things, he knelt down with them all and prayed. 20:37 They all began to weep loudly, and hugged Paul and kissed him, 20:38 especially saddened by what he had said, that they were not going to see him again. Then they accompanied him to the ship.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Greek the language used by the people of Greece
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Jews the people descended from Israel
 · Paul a man from Tarsus who persecuted the church but became a missionary and writer of 13 Epistles

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Zeal | THESSALONIANS, THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE | SELF-SURRENDER | Ransom | ROMANS, EPISTLE TO THE | Philippians, Epistle to | Paul | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 | Minister | Miletus | Luke | LUKE, THE EVANGELIST | Incarnation | Ephesus | Ephesians, Epistle to | EPHESIANS, EPISTLE TO THE | CHURCH GOVERNMENT | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 13-OUTLINE | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 1-7 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 20:20 - -- How that I shrank not ( hōs ouden hupesteilamen ). Still indirect discourse (question) after epistasthe (ye know) with hōs like pōs in Ac...

How that I shrank not ( hōs ouden hupesteilamen ).

Still indirect discourse (question) after epistasthe (ye know) with hōs like pōs in Act 20:18. First aorist middle of hupostellō , old verb to draw under or back. It was so used of drawing back or down sails on a ship and, as Paul had so recently been on the sea, that may be the metaphor here. But it is not necessarily so as the direct middle here makes good sense and is frequent, to withdraw oneself, to cower, to shrink, to conceal, to dissemble as in Hab 2:4 (Heb 10:38). Demosthenes so used it to shrink from declaring out of fear for others. This open candour of Paul is supported by his Epistles (1Th 2:4, 1Th 2:11; 2Co 4:2; Gal 1:10).

Robertson: Act 20:20 - -- From declaring unto you ( tou mē anaggeilai humin ). Ablative case of the articular first aorist active infinitive of anaggellō with the redund...

From declaring unto you ( tou mē anaggeilai humin ).

Ablative case of the articular first aorist active infinitive of anaggellō with the redundant negative after verbs of hindering, etc. (Robertson, Grammar , p. 1094).

Robertson: Act 20:20 - -- Anything that was profitable ( tōn sumpherontōn ). Partitive genitive after ouden of the articular present active participle of sumpherō , to...

Anything that was profitable ( tōn sumpherontōn ).

Partitive genitive after ouden of the articular present active participle of sumpherō , to bear together, be profitable.

Robertson: Act 20:20 - -- Publicly ( dēmosiāi , adverb) and from house to house (kai kat' oikous ). By (according to) houses. It is worth noting that this greatest of pr...

Publicly ( dēmosiāi , adverb)

and from house to house (kai kat' oikous ). By (according to) houses. It is worth noting that this greatest of preachers preached from house to house and did not make his visits merely social calls. He was doing kingdom business all the while as in the house of Aquila and Priscilla (1Co 16:19).

Robertson: Act 20:21 - -- Testifying ( diamarturomenos ). As Peter did (Act 2:40) where Luke uses this same word thoroughly Lucan and Pauline. So again in Act 20:23, Act 20:24...

Testifying ( diamarturomenos ).

As Peter did (Act 2:40) where Luke uses this same word thoroughly Lucan and Pauline. So again in Act 20:23, Act 20:24. Paul here as in Rom 1:16 includes both Jews and Greeks, to the Jew first.

Robertson: Act 20:21 - -- Repentance toward God ( tēn eis theon metanoian ) and faith toward our Lord Jesus (kai pistin eis ton kurion hēmōn Iēsoun ). These two ele...

Repentance toward God ( tēn eis theon metanoian )

and faith toward our Lord Jesus (kai pistin eis ton kurion hēmōn Iēsoun ). These two elements run through the Epistle to the Romans which Paul had recently written and sent from Corinth. These two elements appear in all Paul’ s preaching whether "to Jews or Gentiles, to philosophers at Athens or to peasants at Lystra, he preached repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus"(Knowling).

Robertson: Act 20:22 - -- Bound in the spirit ( dedemenos tōi pneumati ). Perfect passive participle of deō , to bind, with the locative case. "Bound in my spirit"he means...

Bound in the spirit ( dedemenos tōi pneumati ).

Perfect passive participle of deō , to bind, with the locative case. "Bound in my spirit"he means, as in Act 19:21, from a high sense of duty. The mention of "the Holy Spirit"specifically in Act 20:23seems to be in contrast to his own spirit here. His own spirit was under the control of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:16) and the sense does not differ greatly.

Robertson: Act 20:22 - -- Not knowing ( mē eidōs ). Second perfect active participle of oida with mē .

Not knowing ( mē eidōs ).

Second perfect active participle of oida with mē .

Robertson: Act 20:22 - -- That shall befall me ( ta sunantēsonta emoi ). Articular future active participle of sunantaō , to meet with (Act 10:25), to befall (with associa...

That shall befall me ( ta sunantēsonta emoi ).

Articular future active participle of sunantaō , to meet with (Act 10:25), to befall (with associative instrumental case) and compare with sumbantōn (befell) in Act 20:19. One of the rare instances of the future participle in the N.T.

Robertson: Act 20:23 - -- Save that ( plēn hoti ). The hoti clause is really in the ablative case after plēn , here a preposition as in Phi 1:18, this idiom plēn hoti ...

Save that ( plēn hoti ).

The hoti clause is really in the ablative case after plēn , here a preposition as in Phi 1:18, this idiom plēn hoti occasionally in ancient Greek.

Robertson: Act 20:23 - -- In every city ( kata polin ). Singular here though plural in kat' oikous (Act 20:20).

In every city ( kata polin ).

Singular here though plural in kat' oikous (Act 20:20).

Robertson: Act 20:23 - -- Bonds and afflictions ( desma kai thlipseis ). Both together as in Phi 1:17; 2Co 1:8. Literal bonds and actual pressures.

Bonds and afflictions ( desma kai thlipseis ).

Both together as in Phi 1:17; 2Co 1:8. Literal bonds and actual pressures.

Robertson: Act 20:23 - -- Abide me ( me menousin ). With the accusative as in Act 20:5(emenon hēmas ) and nowhere else in the N.T.

Abide me ( me menousin ).

With the accusative as in Act 20:5(emenon hēmas ) and nowhere else in the N.T.

Robertson: Act 20:24 - -- But I hold not my life of any account ( all' oudenos logou poioumai tēn psuchēn ). Neat Greek idiom, accusative psuchēn and genitive logou ...

But I hold not my life of any account ( all' oudenos logou poioumai tēn psuchēn ).

Neat Greek idiom, accusative psuchēn and genitive logou and then Paul adds "dear unto myself"(timian emautōi ) in apposition with psuchēn (really a combination of two constructions).

Robertson: Act 20:24 - -- So that I may accomplish my course ( hōs teleiōsō dromon mou ). Rather, "In order that"(purpose, not result). Aleph and B read teleiōsō h...

So that I may accomplish my course ( hōs teleiōsō dromon mou ).

Rather, "In order that"(purpose, not result). Aleph and B read teleiōsō here (first aorist active subjunctive) rather than teleiōsai (first aorist active infinitive). It is the lone instance in the N.T. of hōs as a final particle (Robertson, Grammar , p. 987). Paul in Act 13:25 in his sermon at Antioch in Pisidia described John as fulfilling his course and in 2Ti 4:7 he will say: "I have finished my course"(ton dromon teteleka ). He will run the race to the end.

Robertson: Act 20:24 - -- Which I received from the Lord Jesus ( hēn elabon para tou kuriou Iēsou ). Of that fact he never had a doubt and it was a proud boast (Gal 1:1; R...

Which I received from the Lord Jesus ( hēn elabon para tou kuriou Iēsou ).

Of that fact he never had a doubt and it was a proud boast (Gal 1:1; Rom 11:13).

Robertson: Act 20:24 - -- The gospel of the grace of God ( to euaggelion tēs charitos tou theou ). To Paul the gospel consisted in the grace of God. See this word "grace"(ch...

The gospel of the grace of God ( to euaggelion tēs charitos tou theou ).

To Paul the gospel consisted in the grace of God. See this word "grace"(charis ) in Romans and his other Epistles.

Robertson: Act 20:25 - -- And now, behold ( kai nun , idou ). Second time and solemn reminder as in Act 20:22.

And now, behold ( kai nun , idou ).

Second time and solemn reminder as in Act 20:22.

Robertson: Act 20:25 - -- I know ( egō oida ). Emphasis on egō which is expressed.

I know ( egō oida ).

Emphasis on egō which is expressed.

Robertson: Act 20:25 - -- Ye all ( humeis pantes ). In very emphatic position after the verb opsesthe (shall see) and the object (my face). Twice Paul will write from Rome (...

Ye all ( humeis pantes ).

In very emphatic position after the verb opsesthe (shall see) and the object (my face). Twice Paul will write from Rome (Phi 2:24; Phm 1:22) the hope of coming east again; but that is in the future, and here Paul is expressing his personal conviction and his fears. The Pastoral Epistles show Paul did come to Ephesus again (1Ti 1:3; 1Ti 3:14; 1Ti 4:13) and Troas (2Ti 4:13) and Miletus (2Ti 4:20). There need be no surprise that Paul’ s fears turned out otherwise. He had reason enough for them.

Robertson: Act 20:25 - -- Among whom I went about ( en hois diēlthon ). Apparently Paul here has in mind others beside the ministers. They represented the church in Ephesus ...

Among whom I went about ( en hois diēlthon ).

Apparently Paul here has in mind others beside the ministers. They represented the church in Ephesus and the whole region where Paul laboured.

Robertson: Act 20:26 - -- I testify ( marturomai ). Elsewhere in the N.T. only in Paul’ s Epistles (Gal 5:3; Eph 4:17; 1Th 2:12). It means "I call to witness"while martur...

I testify ( marturomai ).

Elsewhere in the N.T. only in Paul’ s Epistles (Gal 5:3; Eph 4:17; 1Th 2:12). It means "I call to witness"while martureō means "I bear witness."

Robertson: Act 20:26 - -- This day ( en tēi sēmeron hēmerāi ). The today day, the last day with you, our parting day.

This day ( en tēi sēmeron hēmerāi ).

The today day, the last day with you, our parting day.

Robertson: Act 20:26 - -- I am pure from the blood of all men ( katharos eimi apo tou haimatos pantōn ). Paul was sensitive on this point as in Corinth (Act 18:6). It is muc...

I am pure from the blood of all men ( katharos eimi apo tou haimatos pantōn ).

Paul was sensitive on this point as in Corinth (Act 18:6). It is much for any preacher to claim and it ought to be true of all. The papyri also give this use of apo with the ablative rather than the mere ablative after katharos .

Robertson: Act 20:26 - -- @@Act 20:27 Paul here repeats the very words and idioms used in Act 20:20, adding "the whole counsel of God"(pāsan tēn boulēn tou theou ). All ...

@@Act 20:27 Paul here repeats the very words and idioms used in Act 20:20, adding "the whole counsel of God"(pāsan tēn boulēn tou theou ). All the counsel of God that concerned Paul’ s work and nothing inconsistent with the purpose of God of redemption through Christ Jesus (Page).

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- Take heed unto yourselves ( prosechete heautois ). The full phrase had ton noun , hold your mind on yourselves (or other object in the dative), as of...

Take heed unto yourselves ( prosechete heautois ).

The full phrase had ton noun , hold your mind on yourselves (or other object in the dative), as often in old writers and in Job 7:17. But the ancients often used the idiom with noun understood, but not expressed as here and Act 5:35; Luk 12:1; Luk 17:3; Luk 21:34; 1Ti 1:4; 1Ti 3:8; 1Ti 4:13. Epeche is so used in 1Ti 4:16.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- To all the flock ( panti tōi poimniōi ). Contracted form of poimenion ̂ poimnē (Joh 10:16) already in Luk 12:32 and also in Act 20:29; 1Pe 5...

To all the flock ( panti tōi poimniōi ).

Contracted form of poimenion ̂ poimnē (Joh 10:16) already in Luk 12:32 and also in Act 20:29; 1Pe 5:2, 1Pe 5:3. Common in old Greek.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- Hath made ( etheto ). Did make, second aorist middle indicative of tithēmi , did appoint. Paul evidently believed that the Holy Spirit calls and ap...

Hath made ( etheto ).

Did make, second aorist middle indicative of tithēmi , did appoint. Paul evidently believed that the Holy Spirit calls and appoints ministers.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- Bishops ( episkopous ). The same men termed elders in Act 20:17which see.

Bishops ( episkopous ).

The same men termed elders in Act 20:17which see.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- To shepherd ( poimainein ). Present active infinitive of purpose of poimainō , old verb to feed or tend the flock (poimnē , poimnion ), to act ...

To shepherd ( poimainein ).

Present active infinitive of purpose of poimainō , old verb to feed or tend the flock (poimnē , poimnion ), to act as shepherd (poimēn ). These ministers are thus in Paul’ s speech called elders (Act 20:17), bishops (Act 20:28), and shepherds (Act 20:28). Jesus had used this very word to Peter (Joh 21:16, twice boske , feed, Act 21:15, Act 21:17) and Peter will use it in addressing fellow-elders (1Pe 5:2) with memories, no doubt of the words of Jesus to him. The "elders"were to watch over as "bishops"and "tend and feed as shepherds"the flock. Jesus is termed "the shepherd and bishop of your souls"in 1Pe 2:25 and "the great Shepherd of the sheep"in Heb 13:20. Jesus called himself "the good Shepherd"in Joh 10:11.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- The church of God ( tēn ekklēsian tou theou ). The correct text, not "the church of the Lord"or "the church of the Lord and God"(Robertson, Intr...

The church of God ( tēn ekklēsian tou theou ).

The correct text, not "the church of the Lord"or "the church of the Lord and God"(Robertson, Introduction to Textual Criticism of the N.T. , p. 189).

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- He purchased ( periepoiēsato ). First aorist middle of peripoieō , old verb to reserve, to preserve (for or by oneself, in the middle). In the N....

He purchased ( periepoiēsato ).

First aorist middle of peripoieō , old verb to reserve, to preserve (for or by oneself, in the middle). In the N.T. only in Luke Luk 17:33; Act 20:28; 1Ti 3:13. The substantive peripoiēsin (preservation, possession) occurs in 1Pe 2:9 ("a peculiar people"= a people for a possession) and in Eph 1:14.

Robertson: Act 20:28 - -- With his own blood ( dia tou haimatos tou idiou ). Through the agency of (dia ) his own blood. Whose blood? If tou theou (Aleph B Vulg.) is correc...

With his own blood ( dia tou haimatos tou idiou ).

Through the agency of (dia ) his own blood. Whose blood? If tou theou (Aleph B Vulg.) is correct, as it is, then Jesus is here called "God"who shed his own blood for the flock. It will not do to say that Paul did not call Jesus God, for we have Rom 9:5; Col 2:9; Tit 2:13 where he does that very thing, besides Col 1:15-20; Phi 2:5-11.

Robertson: Act 20:29 - -- After my departing ( meta tēn aphixin mou ). Not his death, but his departure from them. From aphikneomai and usually meant arrival, but departur...

After my departing ( meta tēn aphixin mou ).

Not his death, but his departure from them. From aphikneomai and usually meant arrival, but departure in Herodotus IX. 17, 76 as here.

Robertson: Act 20:29 - -- Grievous wolves ( lukoi bareis ). Bareis is heavy, rapacious, harsh. Jesus had already so described false teachers who would raven the fold (Joh 10...

Grievous wolves ( lukoi bareis ).

Bareis is heavy, rapacious, harsh. Jesus had already so described false teachers who would raven the fold (Joh 10:12). Whether Paul had in mind the Judaizers who had given him so much trouble in Antioch, Jerusalem, Galatia, Corinth or the Gnostics the shadow of whose coming he already foresaw is not perfectly clear. But it will not be many years before Epaphras will come to Rome from Colossae with news of the new peril there (Epistle to the Colossians). In writing to Timothy (1Ti 1:20) Paul will warn him against some who have already made shipwreck of their faith. In Rev 2:2 John will represent Jesus as describing false apostles in Ephesus.

Robertson: Act 20:29 - -- Not sparing the flock ( mē pheidomenoi tou poimniou ). Litotes again as so often in Acts. Sparing the flock was not the fashion of wolves. Jesus se...

Not sparing the flock ( mē pheidomenoi tou poimniou ).

Litotes again as so often in Acts. Sparing the flock was not the fashion of wolves. Jesus sent the seventy as lambs in the midst of wolves (Luk 10:3). In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus had pictured the false prophets who would come as ravening wolves in sheep’ s clothing (Mat 7:15).

Robertson: Act 20:30 - -- From among your own selves ( exō humōn autōn ). In sheep’ s clothing just as Jesus had foretold. The outcome fully justified Paul’ s ...

From among your own selves ( exō humōn autōn ).

In sheep’ s clothing just as Jesus had foretold. The outcome fully justified Paul’ s apprehensions as we see in Colossians, Ephesians, I and II Timothy, Revelation. False philosophy, immorality, asceticism will lead some astray (Col 2:8, Col 2:18; Eph 4:14; Eph 5:6). John will picture "antichrists"who went out from us because they were not of us (1 Jo Joh 2:18.). There is a false optimism that is complacently blind as well as a despondent pessimism that gives up the fight.

Robertson: Act 20:30 - -- Perverse things ( diestrammena ). Perfect passive participle of diastrephō , old verb to turn aside, twist, distort as in Act 13:8, Act 13:10.

Perverse things ( diestrammena ).

Perfect passive participle of diastrephō , old verb to turn aside, twist, distort as in Act 13:8, Act 13:10.

Robertson: Act 20:30 - -- To draw away ( tou apospēin ). Articular genitive present active participle of purpose from apospaō , old verb used to draw the sword (Mat 26:51)...

To draw away ( tou apospēin ).

Articular genitive present active participle of purpose from apospaō , old verb used to draw the sword (Mat 26:51), to separate (Luk 22:41; Act 21:1). The pity of it is that such leaders of dissension can always gain a certain following. Paul’ s long residence in Ephesus enabled him to judge clearly of conditions there.

Robertson: Act 20:31 - -- Wherefore watch ye ( dio grēgoreite ). Paul has concluded his defence of himself and his warning. Now he exhorts on the basis of it (dio ) because...

Wherefore watch ye ( dio grēgoreite ).

Paul has concluded his defence of himself and his warning. Now he exhorts on the basis of it (dio ) because of which thing. The very command of Jesus concerning the perils before his return as in Mar 13:35 (grēgoreite ), the very form (late present imperative from the second perfect egrēgora of egeirō , to arouse). Stay awake.

Robertson: Act 20:31 - -- I ceased not to admonish ( ouk epausamēn nouthetōn ). Participle describes Paul, I did not cease admonishing, night and day (nukta kai hēmeran ...

I ceased not to admonish ( ouk epausamēn nouthetōn ).

Participle describes Paul, I did not cease admonishing, night and day (nukta kai hēmeran , accusative of extent of time, for three years trietian , accusative of extent of time also). Nouthetōn is from noutheteō , to put sense into one. So Paul kept it up with tears (Act 20:19) if so be he could save the Ephesians from the impending perils. Forewarned is to be forearmed. Paul did his duty by them.

Robertson: Act 20:32 - -- And now ( kai ta nun ). Same phrase as in Act 20:22, Act 20:25 save that idou (behold) is wanting and the article ta occurs before nun , accusati...

And now ( kai ta nun ).

Same phrase as in Act 20:22, Act 20:25 save that idou (behold) is wanting and the article ta occurs before nun , accusative of general reference. And as to the present things (or situation) as in Act 4:29.

Robertson: Act 20:32 - -- I commend ( paratithemai ). Present middle indicative of paratithēmi , old verb to place beside, middle, to deposit with one, to interest as in 1Ti...

I commend ( paratithemai ).

Present middle indicative of paratithēmi , old verb to place beside, middle, to deposit with one, to interest as in 1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 2:2. Paul can now only do this, but he does it hopefully. Cf. 1Pe 4:19.

Robertson: Act 20:32 - -- The word of his grace ( tōi logōi tēs charitos autou ). The instrumentality through preaching and the Holy Spirit employed by God. Cf. Col 4:6;...

The word of his grace ( tōi logōi tēs charitos autou ).

The instrumentality through preaching and the Holy Spirit employed by God. Cf. Col 4:6; Eph 4:29.

Robertson: Act 20:32 - -- Which is able to build up ( tōi dunamenōi oikodomēsai ). God works through the word of his grace and so it is able to build up (edify); a favou...

Which is able to build up ( tōi dunamenōi oikodomēsai ).

God works through the word of his grace and so it is able to build up (edify); a favourite Pauline word (1Co 3:10-14; 1Co 3:9; 2Co 5:1; Eph 2:20-22; 2Ti 3:15; etc.), and Jam 1:21. The very words "build"and "inheritance among the sanctified"will occur in Eph 1:11; Eph 3:18 and which some may recall on reading. Cf. Col 1:12. Stephen in Act 7:5 used the word "inheritance"(klēronomian ), nowhere else in Acts, but in Eph 1:14, Eph 1:18; Eph 5:5. In Eph 1:18 the very expression occurs "his inheritance among the saints "(tēn klēronomian autou en tois hagiois ).

Robertson: Act 20:33 - -- No man’ s silver or gold or apparel ( arguriou ē chrusiou ē himatismou oudenos ). Genitive case after epethumēsa . One of the slanders aga...

No man’ s silver or gold or apparel ( arguriou ē chrusiou ē himatismou oudenos ).

Genitive case after epethumēsa . One of the slanders against Paul was that he was raising this collection, ostensibly for the poor, really for himself (2Co 12:17.). He includes "apparel"because oriental wealth consisted largely in fine apparel (not old worn out clothes). See Gen 24:53, 2Ki 5:5, Psa 45:13.; and Mat 6:19. Paul did not preach just for money.

Robertson: Act 20:34 - -- Ye yourselves ( autoi ). Intensive pronoun. Certainly they knew that the church in Ephesus had not supported Paul while there.

Ye yourselves ( autoi ).

Intensive pronoun. Certainly they knew that the church in Ephesus had not supported Paul while there.

Robertson: Act 20:34 - -- These hands ( hai cheires hautai ). Paul was not above manual labour. He pointed to his hands with pride as proof that he toiled at his trade of tent...

These hands ( hai cheires hautai ).

Paul was not above manual labour. He pointed to his hands with pride as proof that he toiled at his trade of tent-making as at Thessalonica and Corinth for his own needs (chreiais ) and for those with him (probably Aquila and Priscilla) with whom he lived and probably Timothy because of his often infirmities (1Ti 5:23).

Robertson: Act 20:34 - -- Ministered ( hupēretēsan ). First aorist active of hupēreteō , to act as under rower, old verb, but in the N.T. only in Act 13:36; Act 20:34;...

Ministered ( hupēretēsan ).

First aorist active of hupēreteō , to act as under rower, old verb, but in the N.T. only in Act 13:36; Act 20:34; Act 24:23. While in Ephesus Paul wrote to Corinth: "We toil, working with our own hands"(1Co 4:12). "As he held them up, they saw a tongue of truth in every seam that marked them"(Furneaux).

Robertson: Act 20:35 - -- I gave you an example ( hupedeixa ). First aorist active indicative of hupodeiknumi , old verb to show under one’ s eyes, to give object lesson,...

I gave you an example ( hupedeixa ).

First aorist active indicative of hupodeiknumi , old verb to show under one’ s eyes, to give object lesson, by deed as well as by word (Luk 6:47). Hupodeigma means example (Joh 13:15; Jam 5:10). So Paul appeals to his example in 1Co 11:1; Phi 3:17. Panta is accusative plural of general reference (in all things).

Robertson: Act 20:35 - -- So labouring ye ought to help ( houtōs kopiōntas dei antilambanesthai ). So, as I did. Necessity (dei ). Toiling (kopiōntas ) not just for ou...

So labouring ye ought to help ( houtōs kopiōntas dei antilambanesthai ).

So, as I did. Necessity (dei ). Toiling (kopiōntas ) not just for ourselves, but to help (antilambanesthai ), to take hold yourselves (middle voice) at the other end (anti ). This verb common in the old Greek, but in the N.T. only in Luk 1:54; Act 20:35; 1Ti 6:2. This noble plea to help the weak is the very spirit of Christ (1Th 5:14; 1Co 12:28; Rom 5:6; Rom 14:1). In 1Th 5:14 antechesthe tōn asthenountōn we have Paul’ s very idea again. Every Community Chest appeal today re-echoes Paul’ s plea.

Robertson: Act 20:35 - -- He himself said ( autos eipen ). Not in the Gospels, one of the sayings of Jesus in current use that Paul had received and treasured. Various other ...

He himself said ( autos eipen ).

Not in the Gospels, one of the sayings of Jesus in current use that Paul had received and treasured. Various other Agrapha of Jesus have been preserved in ancient writers and some in recently discovered papyri which may be genuine or not. We are grateful that Paul treasured this one. This Beatitude (on makarion see notes on Mat 5:3-11) is illustrated by the whole life of Jesus with the Cross as the culmination. Aristotle ( Etho. IV. I) has a saying somewhat like this, but assigns the feeling of superiority as the reason (Page), an utterly different idea from that here. This quotation raises the question of how much Paul personally knew of the life and sayings of Jesus.

Robertson: Act 20:36 - -- He kneeled down ( theis ta gonata autou ). Second aorist active participle of tithēmi , to place. The very idiom used in Act 7:60 of Stephen. Not i...

He kneeled down ( theis ta gonata autou ).

Second aorist active participle of tithēmi , to place. The very idiom used in Act 7:60 of Stephen. Not in ancient writers and only six times in the N.T. (Mar 15:19; Luk 22:41; Act 7:60; Act 9:40; Act 20:36; Act 21:5). Certainly kneeling in prayer is a fitting attitude (cf. Jesus, Luk 22:41), though not the only proper one (Mat 6:5). Paul apparently prayed aloud (prosēuxato ).

Robertson: Act 20:37 - -- They all wept sore ( hikanos klauthmos egeneto pantōn ). Literally, There came considerable weeping of all (on the part of all, genitive case).

They all wept sore ( hikanos klauthmos egeneto pantōn ).

Literally, There came considerable weeping of all (on the part of all, genitive case).

Robertson: Act 20:37 - -- Kissed him ( katephiloun auton ). Imperfect active of kataphileō , old verb, intensive with kata and repetition shown also by the tense: They kep...

Kissed him ( katephiloun auton ).

Imperfect active of kataphileō , old verb, intensive with kata and repetition shown also by the tense: They kept on kissing or kissed repeatedly, probably one after the other falling on his neck. Cf. also Mat 26:49.

Robertson: Act 20:38 - -- Sorrowing ( odunōmenoi ). Present middle participle of odunaō , old verb to cause intense pain, to torment (Luk 16:24), middle to distress onesel...

Sorrowing ( odunōmenoi ).

Present middle participle of odunaō , old verb to cause intense pain, to torment (Luk 16:24), middle to distress oneself (Luk 2:48; Act 20:38). Nowhere else in N.T.

Robertson: Act 20:38 - -- Which he had spoken ( hōi eirēkei ). Relative attracted to the case of the antecedent logōi (word). Past perfect indicative of eipon .

Which he had spoken ( hōi eirēkei ).

Relative attracted to the case of the antecedent logōi (word). Past perfect indicative of eipon .

Robertson: Act 20:38 - -- They brought him on his way ( proepempon auton ). Imperfect active of propempō , old verb to send forward, to accompany as in Act 15:3; Act 20:38; ...

They brought him on his way ( proepempon auton ).

Imperfect active of propempō , old verb to send forward, to accompany as in Act 15:3; Act 20:38; Act 21:5; 1Co 16:6, 1Co 16:11; 2Co 1:16; Tit 3:13; Tit 3:1-15 Jo Tit 1:6. Graphic picture of Paul’ s departure from this group of ministers.

Vincent: Act 20:20 - -- Kept back ( ὑπεστειλάμην ) A picturesque word. Originally, to draw in or contract. Used of furling sails, and of closing the ...

Kept back ( ὑπεστειλάμην )

A picturesque word. Originally, to draw in or contract. Used of furling sails, and of closing the fingers; of drawing back for shelter; of keeping back one's real thoughts; by physicians, of withholding food from patients. It is rather straining a point to say, as Canon Farrar, that Paul is using a nautical metaphor suggested by his constantly hearing the word for furling sail used during his voyage. Paul's metaphors lie mainly on the lines of military life, architecture, agriculture, and the Grecian games. The statement of Canon Farrar, that he " constantly draws his metaphors from the sights and circumstances immediately around him, " is rather at variance with his remark that, with one exception, he " cannot find a single word which shows that Paul had even the smallest susceptibility for the works of nature" (" Paul," i., 19). Nautical metaphors are, to say the least, not common in Paul's writings. I believe there are but three instances: Eph 4:14; 1Ti 1:19; 1Ti 6:9. Paul means here that he suppressed nothing of the truth through fear of giving offence. Compare Gal 2:12; Heb 10:38.

Vincent: Act 20:21 - -- Repentance toward God Repentance has the article: the repentance which is due to God. So, also, faith : the faith which is due toward Chri...

Repentance toward God

Repentance has the article: the repentance which is due to God. So, also, faith : the faith which is due toward Christ, as the advocate and mediator.

Vincent: Act 20:22 - -- Bound in the spirit In his own spirit. Constrained by an invincible sense of duty. Not by the Holy Spirit, which is mentioned in the next ver...

Bound in the spirit

In his own spirit. Constrained by an invincible sense of duty. Not by the Holy Spirit, which is mentioned in the next verse and distinguished by the epithet the Holy.

Vincent: Act 20:23 - -- Testifieth ( διαμαρτύρεται ) The compound verb signifies full , clear testimony. Not by internal intimations of the Spirit, but...

Testifieth ( διαμαρτύρεται )

The compound verb signifies full , clear testimony. Not by internal intimations of the Spirit, but by prophetic declarations " in every city." Two of these are mentioned subsequently, at Tyre and Caesarea (Act 21:4, Act 21:11).

Vincent: Act 20:24 - -- But none of these things move me, neither count I, etc The best texts omit neither count I, and render, I esteem my life of no account, as if...

But none of these things move me, neither count I, etc

The best texts omit neither count I, and render, I esteem my life of no account, as if it were precious to myself.

Vincent: Act 20:24 - -- Dear ( τιμίαν ) Of value; precious.

Dear ( τιμίαν )

Of value; precious.

Vincent: Act 20:24 - -- Course ( δρόμον ) A favorite metaphor of Paul, from the race-course. See 1Co 9:24-27; Phi 3:14; 2Ti 4:7.

Course ( δρόμον )

A favorite metaphor of Paul, from the race-course. See 1Co 9:24-27; Phi 3:14; 2Ti 4:7.

Vincent: Act 20:25 - -- I know The I is emphatic: I know through these special revelations to myself (Act 20:23).

I know

The I is emphatic: I know through these special revelations to myself (Act 20:23).

Vincent: Act 20:26 - -- This day ( τῇ σήμερον ἡμέρᾳ ) Very forcible. Lit., on to-day's day; this, our parting day.

This day ( τῇ σήμερον ἡμέρᾳ )

Very forcible. Lit., on to-day's day; this, our parting day.

Vincent: Act 20:27 - -- Shunned The same word as in Act 20:20 : kept back.


The same word as in Act 20:20 : kept back.

Vincent: Act 20:28 - -- To yourselves and to all the flock To yourselves first, that you may duly care for the flock . Compare 1Ti 4:16.

To yourselves and to all the flock

To yourselves first, that you may duly care for the flock . Compare 1Ti 4:16.

Vincent: Act 20:28 - -- Overseers ( ἐπισκόπους ) Denoting the official function of the elders, but not in the later ecclesiastical sense of bishops, as i...

Overseers ( ἐπισκόπους )

Denoting the official function of the elders, but not in the later ecclesiastical sense of bishops, as implying an order distinct from presbyters or elders. The two terms are synonymous. The elders, by virtue of their office, were overseers.

Vincent: Act 20:28 - -- To feed ( ποιμαίνειν ) See on Mat 2:6. The word embraces more than feeding ; signifying all that is included in the office of a shep...

To feed ( ποιμαίνειν )

See on Mat 2:6. The word embraces more than feeding ; signifying all that is included in the office of a shepherd: tending, or shepherding.

Vincent: Act 20:28 - -- Purchased ( περιεποιήσατο ) Only here and 1Ti 3:13. See on peculiar people, 1Pe 2:9. The verb means, originally, to make (πο...

Purchased ( περιεποιήσατο )

Only here and 1Ti 3:13. See on peculiar people, 1Pe 2:9. The verb means, originally, to make (ποιέω ) to remain over and above (περί ): hence to keep or save for one's self; to compass or acquire.

Vincent: Act 20:29 - -- Grievous ( βαρεῖς ) Lit., heavy : violent, rapacious.

Grievous ( βαρεῖς )

Lit., heavy : violent, rapacious.

Vincent: Act 20:31 - -- Watch ( γρηγορεῖτε ) See on Mar 13:35.

Watch ( γρηγορεῖτε )

See on Mar 13:35.

Vincent: Act 20:31 - -- To warn ( νουθετῶν ) From νοῦς , the mind, and τίθημι , to put. Lit., to put in mind; admonish (so Rev., better t...

To warn ( νουθετῶν )

From νοῦς , the mind, and τίθημι , to put. Lit., to put in mind; admonish (so Rev., better than warn ). " Its fundamental idea is the well-intentioned seriousness with which one would influence the mind and disposition of another by advice, admonition, warning, putting right, according to circumstances" (Cremer).

Vincent: Act 20:32 - -- I commend See on 1Pe 4:19.

I commend

See on 1Pe 4:19.

Vincent: Act 20:32 - -- Build you up A metaphor in constant use by Paul, and preserved in the words edify, edification (Latin, aedes , " a house," and facere, "...

Build you up

A metaphor in constant use by Paul, and preserved in the words edify, edification (Latin, aedes , " a house," and facere, " to make" ) by which οἰκοδομέω and its kindred words are frequently rendered. In old English the word edify was used in its original sense of build . Thus Wycliffe renders Gen 2:22, " The Lord God edified the rib which he took of Adam, into a woman."

So, too, Spenser:

" a little wide

There was a holy temple edified."

Faerie Queene , i., 1, 114.

Vincent: Act 20:33 - -- Raiment Mentioned along with gold and silver because it formed a large part of the wealth of orientals. They traded in costly garments, or kept t...


Mentioned along with gold and silver because it formed a large part of the wealth of orientals. They traded in costly garments, or kept them stored up for future use. See on purple , Luk 16:19; and compare Ezr 2:69; Neh 7:70; Job 27:16. This fact accounts for the allusions to the destructive power of the moth (Mat 6:19; Jam 5:2).

Vincent: Act 20:35 - -- I have shewed you all things ( πάντα ὑπέδειξα ὑμῖν ) The verb means to shew by example . Thus, Luk 6:47, " I wi...

I have shewed you all things ( πάντα ὑπέδειξα ὑμῖν )

The verb means to shew by example . Thus, Luk 6:47, " I will shew you to whom he is like," is followed by the illustration of the man who built upon the rock. So Act 9:16. God will shew Paul by practical experience how great things he must suffer. The kindred noun ὑπόδειγμα is always rendered example or pattern . See Joh 13:15; Jam 5:10, etc.; and note on 2Pe 2:6. Rev., correctly, In all things I gave you an example .

Vincent: Act 20:35 - -- So As I have done.


As I have done.

Vincent: Act 20:35 - -- To help ( ἀντιλαμβάνεσθαι ) See on Luk 1:54.

To help ( ἀντιλαμβάνεσθαι )

See on Luk 1:54.

Vincent: Act 20:35 - -- He said ( αὐτὸς εἶπε ) Rev., more strictly, " he himself said." This saying of Jesus is not recorded by the Evangelists, an...

He said ( αὐτὸς εἶπε )

Rev., more strictly, " he himself said." This saying of Jesus is not recorded by the Evangelists, and was received by Paul from oral tradition.

The speech of Paul to the Ephesian elders " bears impressed on it the mark of Paul's mind: its ideas, its idioms, and even its very words are Pauline; so much so as to lead Alford to observe that we have probably the literal report of the words spoken by Paul. 'It is,' he remarks, 'a treasure-house of words, idioms, and sentences peculiar to the apostle himself'" (Gloag).

Vincent: Act 20:37 - -- Kissed ( κατεφίλουν ) See on Mat 26:49.

Kissed ( κατεφίλουν )

See on Mat 26:49.

Vincent: Act 20:38 - -- See ( θεωρεῖν ) See on Luk 10:18. The word for steadfast, earnest contemplation suggests the interest and affection with which they lo...

See ( θεωρεῖν )

See on Luk 10:18. The word for steadfast, earnest contemplation suggests the interest and affection with which they looked upon his countenance for the last time.

Wesley: Act 20:20 - -- Publicly; and taught - From house to house. Else he had not been pure from their blood. For even an apostle could not discharge his duty by public pre...

Publicly; and taught - From house to house. Else he had not been pure from their blood. For even an apostle could not discharge his duty by public preaching only. How much less can an ordinary pastor!

Wesley: Act 20:21 - -- The very first motion of the soul toward God is a kind of repentance.

The very first motion of the soul toward God is a kind of repentance.

Wesley: Act 20:22 - -- Strongly impelled by him.

Strongly impelled by him.

Wesley: Act 20:23 - -- Only this I know in general; the Holy Ghost witnesseth - By other persons. Such was God's good pleasure to reveal these things to him, not immediately...

Only this I know in general; the Holy Ghost witnesseth - By other persons. Such was God's good pleasure to reveal these things to him, not immediately, but by the ministry of others.

Wesley: Act 20:24 - -- It adds great force to this and all the other passages of Scripture, in which the apostles express their contempt of the world, that they were not utt...

It adds great force to this and all the other passages of Scripture, in which the apostles express their contempt of the world, that they were not uttered by persons like Seneca and Antoninus, who talked elegantly of despising the world in the full affluence of all its enjoyments; but by men who daily underwent the greatest calamities, and exposed their lives in proof of their assertions.

Wesley: Act 20:25 - -- He wisely inserts this, that what follows might make the deeper impression.

He wisely inserts this, that what follows might make the deeper impression.

Wesley: Act 20:27 - -- Otherwise if any had perished, their blood would have been on his head.

Otherwise if any had perished, their blood would have been on his head.

Wesley: Act 20:28 - -- I now devolve my care upon you; first to yourselves; then to the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers - For no man, or number of me...

I now devolve my care upon you; first to yourselves; then to the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers - For no man, or number of men upon earth, can constitute an overseer, bishop, or any other Christian minister.

Wesley: Act 20:28 - -- That is, the believing, loving, holy children of God; which he hath purchased - How precious is it then in his sight! with his own blood - For it is t...

That is, the believing, loving, holy children of God; which he hath purchased - How precious is it then in his sight! with his own blood - For it is the blood of the only begotten Son of God, 1Jo 1:7.

Wesley: Act 20:29 - -- From without, namely, false apostles. They had, not yet broke in on the Church at Ephesus.

From without, namely, false apostles. They had, not yet broke in on the Church at Ephesus.

Wesley: Act 20:30 - -- Such were the Nicolaitans, of whom Christ complains, Rev 2:6; to draw away disciples - From the purity of the Gospel and the unity of the body.

Such were the Nicolaitans, of whom Christ complains, Rev 2:6; to draw away disciples - From the purity of the Gospel and the unity of the body.

Wesley: Act 20:31 - -- This was watching indeed! Who copies after this example?

This was watching indeed! Who copies after this example?

Wesley: Act 20:32 - -- It is the grand channel of it, to believers as well as unbelievers.

It is the grand channel of it, to believers as well as unbelievers.

Wesley: Act 20:32 - -- To confirm and increase your faith, love, holiness. God can thus build us up, without any instrument. But he does build us up by them.

To confirm and increase your faith, love, holiness. God can thus build us up, without any instrument. But he does build us up by them.

Wesley: Act 20:32 - -- Of eternal glory, among them that are sanctified - And so made meet for it. A large number of these Paul doubtless knew, and remembered before God.

Of eternal glory, among them that are sanctified - And so made meet for it. A large number of these Paul doubtless knew, and remembered before God.

Wesley: Act 20:33 - -- Here the apostle begins the other branch of his farewell discourse, like old Samuel, 1Sa 12:3, taking his leave of the children of Israel.

Here the apostle begins the other branch of his farewell discourse, like old Samuel, 1Sa 12:3, taking his leave of the children of Israel.

Wesley: Act 20:34 - -- Callous, as you see, with labour. Who is he that envies such a bishop or archbishop as this?

Callous, as you see, with labour. Who is he that envies such a bishop or archbishop as this?

Wesley: Act 20:35 - -- Bishops, by my example, all things - And this among the rest; that thus labouring - So far as the labours of your office allow you time; ye ought to h...

Bishops, by my example, all things - And this among the rest; that thus labouring - So far as the labours of your office allow you time; ye ought to help the weak - Those who are disabled by sickness, or any bodily infirmity, from maintaining themselves by their own labour.

Wesley: Act 20:35 - -- Effectually, so as to follow it; the word which he himself said - Without doubt his disciples remembered many of his words which are not recorded.

Effectually, so as to follow it; the word which he himself said - Without doubt his disciples remembered many of his words which are not recorded.

Wesley: Act 20:35 - -- To imitate God, and have him, as it were, indebted to us.

To imitate God, and have him, as it were, indebted to us.

Wesley: Act 20:37 - -- Of old, men, yea, the best and bravest of men, were easily melted into tears; a thousand instances of which might be produced from profane as well as ...

Of old, men, yea, the best and bravest of men, were easily melted into tears; a thousand instances of which might be produced from profane as well as sacred writers. But now, notwithstanding the effeminacy which almost universally prevails, we leave those tears to women and children.

Wesley: Act 20:38 - -- What sorrow will be in the great day, when God shall speak that word to all who are found on the left hand, that they shall see his face no more!

What sorrow will be in the great day, when God shall speak that word to all who are found on the left hand, that they shall see his face no more!

JFB: Act 20:20 - -- Timidly withheld from fear of consequences.

Timidly withheld from fear of consequences.

JFB: Act 20:20 - -- Edification directing all.

Edification directing all.

JFB: Act 20:20 - -- Did an apostle, whose functions were of so wide a range, not feel satisfied without private as well as public ministrations? How then must pastors fee...

Did an apostle, whose functions were of so wide a range, not feel satisfied without private as well as public ministrations? How then must pastors feel? [BENGEL].

JFB: Act 20:21 - -- Laboring under a common malady, and recoverable only by a common treatment.

Laboring under a common malady, and recoverable only by a common treatment.

JFB: Act 20:21 - -- (See on Act 5:31). REPENTANCE, as distinguished from faith, is that state of the "honest and good heart" which arises from a discovery of one's contra...

(See on Act 5:31). REPENTANCE, as distinguished from faith, is that state of the "honest and good heart" which arises from a discovery of one's contrariety to the righteous demands of the divine law. This is said to be "toward God," because seeing Him to be the party dishonored by sin, it feels all its acknowledgments and compunctions to be properly due to Him, as the great Lawgiver, and directs them to Him accordingly; condemning, humbling itself, and grieving before Him, looking also to Him as its only Hope of deliverance. FAITH is said to be "toward our Lord Jesus Christ," because in that frame of mind just described it eagerly credits the testimony of relief divinely provided in Christ, gladly embraces the overtures of reconciliation in Him, and directs all its expectations of salvation, from its first stage to its last, to Him as the one appointed Medium of all grace from God to a sinful world. Thus we have here a brief summary of all Gospel preaching. And it is easy to see why repentance is here put before faith; for the former must of necessity precede the latter. There is a repentance subsequent to faith, the fruit of felt pardon and restoration. It was this which drew the tears with which the Saviour's feet were once so copiously moistened. (Luk 7:37-38, Luk 7:47; and compare Eze 16:63). But that is not the light in which it is here presented.

JFB: Act 20:22-23 - -- "I" is emphatic here.

"I" is emphatic here.

JFB: Act 20:22-23 - -- Compare Act 19:21. This internal pressure, unattended with any knowledge of "what was to befall him there," was the result of that higher guidance whi...

Compare Act 19:21. This internal pressure, unattended with any knowledge of "what was to befall him there," was the result of that higher guidance which shaped all his movements.

JFB: Act 20:23 - -- By prophetic utterances from city to city, as in Act 11:4; Act 21:10-11. Analogous premonitions of coming events are not unknown to the general method...

By prophetic utterances from city to city, as in Act 11:4; Act 21:10-11. Analogous premonitions of coming events are not unknown to the general method of God's providence. They would tend to season the apostle's spirit.

JFB: Act 20:24 - -- In this noble expression of absolute dedication to the service of Christ and preparedness for the worst that could befall him in such a cause, note (1...

In this noble expression of absolute dedication to the service of Christ and preparedness for the worst that could befall him in such a cause, note (1) his jealousy for the peculiar character of his mission, as immediately from Christ Himself on which all the charges against him turned; (2) the burden of that Gospel which he preached--GRACE; it was "the Gospel of the Grace of God."

JFB: Act 20:25-27 - -- Not an inspired prediction of what was certainly to be, but what the apostle, in his peculiar circumstances, fully expected. Whether, therefore, he ev...

Not an inspired prediction of what was certainly to be, but what the apostle, in his peculiar circumstances, fully expected. Whether, therefore, he ever did see them again, is a question to be decided purely on its own evidence.

JFB: Act 20:26 - -- (Act 18:6; and compare 1Sa 12:3, 1Sa 12:5; Eze 3:17-21; Eze 33:8-9).

JFB: Act 20:27 - -- God's way of salvation, and His kingdom of souls saved by His Son Jesus Christ. See Luk 7:30.

God's way of salvation, and His kingdom of souls saved by His Son Jesus Christ. See Luk 7:30.

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- Compare 1Ti 3:2-7; 1Ti 4:16; 1Ti 6:11.

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- Compare Heb 13:17. Observe here how the personal is put before the pastoral care.

Compare Heb 13:17. Observe here how the personal is put before the pastoral care.

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- Compare Joh 20:22-23; Eph 4:8, Eph 4:11-12; Rev 3:1. (Act 14:23 shows that the apostle did not mean to exclude human ordination).

Compare Joh 20:22-23; Eph 4:8, Eph 4:11-12; Rev 3:1. (Act 14:23 shows that the apostle did not mean to exclude human ordination).

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- Or, as the same word is everywhere else rendered in our version, "bishops." The English Version has hardly dealt fair in this case with the sacred tex...

Or, as the same word is everywhere else rendered in our version, "bishops." The English Version has hardly dealt fair in this case with the sacred text, in rendering the word "overseers," whereas it ought here, as in all other places, to have been "bishops," in order that the fact of elders and bishops having been originally and apostolically synonymous, might be apparent to the ordinary English reader, which now it is not [ALFORD]. The distinction between these offices cannot be certainly traced till the second century, nor was it established till late in that century.

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- Or, "the Church of the Lord." Which of these two readings of the text is the true one, is a question which has divided the best critics. The evidence ...

Or, "the Church of the Lord." Which of these two readings of the text is the true one, is a question which has divided the best critics. The evidence of manuscripts preponderates in favor of "THE LORD"; some of the most ancient Versions, though not all, so read; and ATHANASIUS, the great champion of the supreme Divinity of Christ early in the fourth century, says the expression "Church of God" is unknown to the Scriptures. Which reading, then, does the internal evidence favor? As "Church of God" occurs nine times elsewhere in Paul's writings, and "Church of the Lord" nowhere, the probability, it is said, is that he used his wonted phraseology here also. But if he did, it is extremely difficult to see how so many early transcribers should have altered it into the quite unusual phrase, "Church of the Lord"; whereas, if the apostle did use this latter expression, and the historian wrote it so accordingly, it it easy to see how transcribers might, from being so accustomed to the usual phrase, write it "Church of God." On the whole, therefore, we accept the second reading as most probably the true one. But see what follows.

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- "made His own," "acquired."

"made His own," "acquired."

JFB: Act 20:28 - -- "His own" is emphatic: "That glorified Lord who from the right hand of power in the heavens is gathering and ruling the Church, and by His Spirit, thr...

"His own" is emphatic: "That glorified Lord who from the right hand of power in the heavens is gathering and ruling the Church, and by His Spirit, through human agency, hath set you over it, cannot be indifferent to its welfare in your hands, seeing He hath given for it His own most precious blood, thus making it His own by the dearest of all ties." The transcendent sacredness of the Church of Christ is thus made to rest on the dignity of its Lord and the consequent preciousness of that blood which He shed for it. And as the sacrificial atoning character of Christ's death is here plainly expressed, so His supreme dignity is implied as clearly by the second reading as it is expressed by the first. What a motive to pastoral fidelity is here furnished!

JFB: Act 20:29-30 - -- Two classes of coming enemies are here announced, the one more external to themselves, the other bred in the bosom of their own community; both were t...

Two classes of coming enemies are here announced, the one more external to themselves, the other bred in the bosom of their own community; both were to be teachers, but the one, "grievous wolves," not sparing, that is, making a prey of the flock; the other (Act 20:30), simply sectarian "perverters" of the truth, with the view of drawing a party after them. Perhaps the one pointed to that subtle poison of Oriental Gnosticism which we know to have very early infected the Asiatic churches; the other to such Judaizing tendencies as we know to have troubled nearly all the early churches. See the Epistles to the Ephesians, Colossians, and Timothy, also those to the seven churches of Asia (Rev. 2:1-3:22). But watchfulness against all that tends to injure and corrupt the Church is the duty of its pastors in every age.

JFB: Act 20:31 - -- Speaking in round numbers; for it was nearer three than two years.

Speaking in round numbers; for it was nearer three than two years.

JFB: Act 20:31 - -- What an appeal to be able to make! "And if this was an apostle's part, how much more a pastor's!" [BENGEL].

What an appeal to be able to make! "And if this was an apostle's part, how much more a pastor's!" [BENGEL].

JFB: Act 20:32-35 - -- The almighty Conservator of His people.

The almighty Conservator of His people.

JFB: Act 20:32-35 - -- That message of His pure grace (Act 20:24) by the faith of which He keeps us (1Pe 1:5).

That message of His pure grace (Act 20:24) by the faith of which He keeps us (1Pe 1:5).

JFB: Act 20:32-35 - -- That is, God.

That is, God.

JFB: Act 20:32-35 - -- Observe how salvation--not only in its initial stages of pardon and regeneration, but in all its subsequent stages of "up-building," even to its consu...

Observe how salvation--not only in its initial stages of pardon and regeneration, but in all its subsequent stages of "up-building," even to its consummation in the final inheritance--is here ascribed to the "ability" of God to bestow it, as in Rom 16:25; Eph 3:20; particularly Jud 1:24; and compare 2Ti 1:12, where the same thing is ascribed to Christ.

JFB: Act 20:32-35 - -- Sanctification is here viewed as the final character and condition of the heirs of glory, regarded as one saved company.

Sanctification is here viewed as the final character and condition of the heirs of glory, regarded as one saved company.

JFB: Act 20:34 - -- Doubtless holding them up, as before Agrippa in chains (Act 26:29).

Doubtless holding them up, as before Agrippa in chains (Act 26:29).

JFB: Act 20:34 - -- See Act 18:3; 1Co 4:12; 1Co 9:6, written from Ephesus; also 1Th 2:9.

See Act 18:3; 1Co 4:12; 1Co 9:6, written from Ephesus; also 1Th 2:9.

JFB: Act 20:35 - -- As I have done for others as well as myself.

As I have done for others as well as myself.

JFB: Act 20:35 - -- "how Himself."

"how Himself."

JFB: Act 20:35 - -- This golden saying, snatched from oblivion, and here added to the Church's abiding treasures, is apt to beget the wish that more of what issued from t...

This golden saying, snatched from oblivion, and here added to the Church's abiding treasures, is apt to beget the wish that more of what issued from those Lips which "dropped as an honeycomb," had been preserved to us. But see on Joh 21:25.

JFB: Act 20:36-38 - -- Nothing can be more touching than these three concluding verses, leaving an indelible impression of rare ministerial fidelity and affection on the apo...

Nothing can be more touching than these three concluding verses, leaving an indelible impression of rare ministerial fidelity and affection on the apostle's part, and of warm admiration and attachment on the part of these Ephesian presbyters. Would to God that such scenes were more frequent in the Church!

Clarke: Act 20:20 - -- I kept back nothing - Notwithstanding the dangers to which he was exposed, and the temptations he must have had to suppress those truths that were l...

I kept back nothing - Notwithstanding the dangers to which he was exposed, and the temptations he must have had to suppress those truths that were less acceptable to the unrenewed nature of man, or to the particular prejudices of the Jews and the Gentiles, he fully and faithfully, at all hazards, declared what he terms, Act 20:27, the whole counsel of God. "Behold here,"says the judicious and pious Calmet, "the model of a good shepherd - full of doctrine and zeal: he communicates with profusion, and yet with discretion, without jealousy and without fear, what God had put in his heart, and what charity inspires. A good shepherd, says St. Bernard, should always have abundance of bread in his scrip, and his dog under command. His dog is his zeal, which he must lead, order, and moderate; his scrip full of bread is his mind full of useful knowledge; and he should ever be in readiness to give nourishment to his flock."He who will quarrel with this sentiment, because of the uncouthness of the simile, needs pity, and deserves censure.

Clarke: Act 20:21 - -- Testify both to - Jews and - Greeks - He always began with the Jews; and, in this case, he had preached to them alone for three months, Act 19:8-10,...

Testify both to - Jews and - Greeks - He always began with the Jews; and, in this case, he had preached to them alone for three months, Act 19:8-10, and only left their synagogues when he found, through their obstinacy, he could do them no good

Clarke: Act 20:21 - -- Repentance toward God, etc. - As all had sinned against God, so all should humble themselves before him against whom they have sinned; but humiliati...

Repentance toward God, etc. - As all had sinned against God, so all should humble themselves before him against whom they have sinned; but humiliation is no atonement for sin; therefore repentance is insufficient, unless faith in our Lord Jesus Christ accompany it. Repentance disposes and prepares the soul for pardoning mercy; but can never be considered as making compensation for past acts of transgression. This repentance and faith were necessary to the salvation both of Jews and Gentiles; for all had sinned, and come short of God’ s glory. The Jews must repent, who had sinned so much, and so long, against light and knowledge. The Gentiles must repent, whose scandalous lives were a reproach to man. Faith in Jesus Christ was also indispensably necessary; for a Jew might repent, be sorry for his sin, and suppose that, by a proper discharge of his religious duty, and bringing proper sacrifices, he could conciliate the favor of God: No, this will not do; nothing but faith in Jesus Christ, as the end of the law, and the great and only vicarious sacrifice, will do; hence he testified to them the necessity of faith in this Messiah. The Gentiles might repent of their profligate lives, turn to the true God, and renounce all idolatry: this is well, but it is not sufficient: they also have sinned, and their present amendment and faith can make no atonement for what is past; therefore, they also must believe on the Lord Jesus, who died for their sins, and rose again for their justification.

Clarke: Act 20:22 - -- I go bound in the spirit - Δεδεμενος τῳ πνευματι - Either meaning the strong influence of the Divine Spirit upon his mind, or...

I go bound in the spirit - Δεδεμενος τῳ πνευματι - Either meaning the strong influence of the Divine Spirit upon his mind, or the strong propensity in his own will, wish, and desire, to visit Jerusalem; and in this sense δεειν, to bind, is sometimes used. But it appears more consistent with the mind of the apostle, and with that influence under which we find that he constantly acted, to refer it to the influence of the Holy Ghost; ὑπο του πνευματος, being under the power of that Spirit; as if he had said: "I have now no choice - God has not left me either to the advices of friends, or to my own prudence: the Spirit of God obliges me to go to Jerusalem, and yet does not intimate to me what peculiar trials shall befall me there: I have only the general intimation that, in every city where I proclaim the Gospel, bonds and afflictions await me."This sense of the word Kypke has largely defended in his note here.

Clarke: Act 20:24 - -- None of these things move me - Ουδενος λογον ποιουμαι ; I consider them as nothing; I value them not a straw; they weigh not wi...

None of these things move me - Ουδενος λογον ποιουμαι ; I consider them as nothing; I value them not a straw; they weigh not with me

Clarke: Act 20:24 - -- Neither count I my life dear - I am not my own; my life and being are the Lord’ s; he requires me to employ them in his service; I act under hi...

Neither count I my life dear - I am not my own; my life and being are the Lord’ s; he requires me to employ them in his service; I act under his direction, and am not anxious about the issue

Clarke: Act 20:24 - -- Finish my course with joy - Τον δρομον μου, My ministerial function. We have already met with this word in application to the same subj...

Finish my course with joy - Τον δρομον μου, My ministerial function. We have already met with this word in application to the same subject, Act 13:25, where see the note. And the apostle here adds, by way of explanation, και την διακονιαν, even that ministry which I have received of the Lord. The words μετα χαρας, with joy, are omitted by ABD, some others; the Syriac, Erpen, Coptic, Sahidic, Ethiopic, Vulgate, and some of the fathers. If we consider them as genuine they may imply thus much: that the apostle wished to fulfill his ministry in such a way as might meet with the Divine approbation; for nothing could give him joy that did not please and glorify God

Clarke: Act 20:24 - -- To testify - Διαμαρτυρασθαι, Earnestly, solemnly, and strenuously to assert, vindicate, and prove the Gospel of the grace of God, not...

To testify - Διαμαρτυρασθαι, Earnestly, solemnly, and strenuously to assert, vindicate, and prove the Gospel of the grace of God, not only to be in itself what it professes to be, but to be also the power of God for salvation to every one that believes.

Clarke: Act 20:25 - -- Ye all - shall see my face no more - This probably refers simply to the persons who were now present; concerning whom he might have had a Divine int...

Ye all - shall see my face no more - This probably refers simply to the persons who were now present; concerning whom he might have had a Divine intimation, that they should not be found in life when he should come that way again. Or it may refer only to Ephesus and Miletus. From the dangers to which he was exposed, it was, humanly speaking, unlikely that he should ever return; and this may be all that is implied: but that he did revisit those parts, though probably not Miletus or Ephesus, appears likely from Phi 1:25-27; Phi 2:24; Phm 1:22; Heb 13:19-23. But in all these places he speaks with a measure of uncertainty: he had not an absolute evidence that he should not return; but, in his own mind, it was a matter of uncertainty. The Holy Spirit did not think proper to give him a direct revelation on this point.

Clarke: Act 20:26 - -- I am pure from the blood of all - If any man, Jew or Gentile, perish in his sins, his blood shall be upon him; he, alone, shall be accessary to his ...

I am pure from the blood of all - If any man, Jew or Gentile, perish in his sins, his blood shall be upon him; he, alone, shall be accessary to his own perdition. I am blameless, because I have fully shown to both the way to escape from every evil.

Clarke: Act 20:27 - -- I have not shunned to declare - Ου υπεϚιλαμην, I have not suppressed or concealed any thing, through fear or favor, that might be benef...

I have not shunned to declare - Ου υπεϚιλαμην, I have not suppressed or concealed any thing, through fear or favor, that might be beneficial to your souls. This is properly the meaning of the original word. See the note on Act 20:20

Clarke: Act 20:27 - -- All the counsel of God - All that God has determined and revealed concerning the salvation of man - the whole doctrine of Christ crucified, with rep...

All the counsel of God - All that God has determined and revealed concerning the salvation of man - the whole doctrine of Christ crucified, with repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus as the Messiah and great atoning Priest. In Isa 9:6, Jesus Christ is called the wonderful counsellor, פלא יועץ Pele Poets , which the Septuagint translate μεγαλης βουλης αγγελος· The messenger of the great counsel. To this the apostle may have referred, as we well know that this version was constantly under his eye. Declaring therefore to them the whole counsel of God, πασην την βουλην του Θεου, the whole of that counsel or design of God, was, in effect, declaring the whole that concerned the Lord Jesus, who was the messenger of this counsel.

Clarke: Act 20:28 - -- Made you overseers - Εθετο επισκοπους, Appointed you bishops; for so we translate the original word in most places where it occurs: ...

Made you overseers - Εθετο επισκοπους, Appointed you bishops; for so we translate the original word in most places where it occurs: but overseers, or inspectors, is much more proper, from επι, over, and σκεπτομαι, I look. The persons who examine into the spiritual state of the flock of God, and take care to lead them in and out, and to find them pasture, are termed episcopoi , or superintendents. The office of a bishop is from God; a true pastor only can fulfill this office: it is an office of most awful responsibility; few there are who can fill it; and, of those who occupy this high and awful place, perhaps we may say there are fewer still who discharge the duties of it. There are, however, through the good providence of God, Christian bishops, who, while they are honored by the calling, do credit to the sacred function. And the annals of our Church can boast of at least as many of this class of men, who have served their God and their generation, as of any other order, in the proportion which this order bears to others in the Church of Christ. That bishop and presbyter, or elder, were at this time of the same order, and that the word was indifferently used of both, see noticed on Act 20:17 (note)

Clarke: Act 20:28 - -- Feed the Church of God - This verse has been the subject of much controversy, particularly in reference to the term Θεου, of God, in this place...

Feed the Church of God - This verse has been the subject of much controversy, particularly in reference to the term Θεου, of God, in this place; and concerning it there is great dissension among the MSS. and versions. Three readings exist in them, in reference to which critics and commentators have been much divided; viz. εκκλησιαν του Θεου, the Church of God; του Κυριου, of the Lord; Κυριου και Θεου, of the Lord and God. From the collections of Wetstein and Griesbach, it appears that but few MSS., and none of them very ancient, have the word Θεου, of God; with these only the Vulgate, and the later Syriac in the text, agree. Κυριου, of the Lord, is the reading of ACDE, several others, the Sahidic, Coptic, later Syriac in the margin, Armenian, Ethiopia, and some of the fathers. Κυριου και Θεου, of the Lord and of God, is the reading of the great majority; though the most ancient are for Κυριου, of the Lord: on this ground Griesbach has admitted this reading into the text, and put Κυριου και Θεου in the margin, as being next in authority

Mr. Wakefield, who was a professed and conscientious Unitarian, decides for του Θεου, of God, as the true reading; but, instead of translating του ὶ´ιου αἱματος, with his own blood, he translates, by his own Son, and brings some passages from the Greek and Roman writers to show that αἱμα and sanguis are used to signify son, or near relative; and, were this the only place where purchasing with his own blood occurred, we might receive this saying; but, as the redemption of man is, throughout the New Testament, attributed to the sacrificial death of Christ, it is not likely that this very unusual meaning should apply here. At all events, we have here a proof that the Church was purchased by the blood of Christ; and, as to his Godhead, it is sufficiently established in many other places. When we grant that the greater evidence appears to be in favor of του Κυριου, feed the Church of the Lord, which he has purchased with his own blood, we must maintain that, had not this Lord been God, his blood could have been no purchase for the souls of a lost world.

Clarke: Act 20:29 - -- After my departing - Referring, most likely, to his death; for few of these evils took place during his life

After my departing - Referring, most likely, to his death; for few of these evils took place during his life

Clarke: Act 20:29 - -- Grievous wolves - Persons professing to be teachers; Judaizing Christians, who, instead of feeding the flock, would feed themselves, even to the opp...

Grievous wolves - Persons professing to be teachers; Judaizing Christians, who, instead of feeding the flock, would feed themselves, even to the oppression and ruin of the Church.

Clarke: Act 20:30 - -- Also of your own selves, etc. - From out of your own assembly shall men arise, speaking perverse things, teaching for truth what is erroneous in its...

Also of your own selves, etc. - From out of your own assembly shall men arise, speaking perverse things, teaching for truth what is erroneous in itself, and perversive of the genuine doctrine of Christ crucified

Clarke: Act 20:30 - -- To draw away disciples - To make schisms or rents in the Church, in order to get a party to themselves. See, here, the cause of divisions in the Chu...

To draw away disciples - To make schisms or rents in the Church, in order to get a party to themselves. See, here, the cause of divisions in the Church

1.    The superintendents lose the life of God, neglect the souls of the people, become greedy of gain, and, by secular extortions, oppress the people

2.    The members of the Church, thus neglected, oppressed, and irritated, get their minds alienated from their rapacious pastors

3.    Men of sinister views take advantage of this state of distraction, foment discord, preach up the necessity of division, and thus the people become separated from the great body, and associate with those who profess to care for their souls, and who disclaim all secular views

In this state of distraction, it is a high proof of God’ s love to his heritage, if one be found who, possessing the true apostolic doctrine and spirit, rises up to call men back to the primitive truth, and restore the primitive discipline. How soon the grievous wolves and perverse teachers arose in the Churches of Asia Minor, the first chapters of the Apocalypse inform us. The Nicolaitans had nearly ruined the Church of Ephesus, Rev 1:2, Rev 1:6. The same sect, with other false teachers, infested the Church of Pergamos, and preached there the doctrine of Balaam, Rev 2:14, Rev 2:15. A false prophetess seduced the Church of Thyatira, Rev 2:20. All these Churches were in Asia Minor, and probably bishops or ministers from each were present at this convocation.

Clarke: Act 20:31 - -- Therefore watch, and remember - The only way to abide in the truth is to watch against evil, and for good; and to keep in mind the heavenly doctrine...

Therefore watch, and remember - The only way to abide in the truth is to watch against evil, and for good; and to keep in mind the heavenly doctrines originally received. Unwatchfulness and forgetfulness are two grand inlets to apostasy

Clarke: Act 20:31 - -- By the space of three years - Τριετιαν . The Greek word here does not necessarily mean three whole years: it may be months more or less. In...

By the space of three years - Τριετιαν . The Greek word here does not necessarily mean three whole years: it may be months more or less. In Act 19:8, Act 19:10, we have an account of his spending two years and three months among them; probably this is all that is intended. One MS., perceiving that the time of three years was not completed, inserts διετιαν, the space of two years.

Clarke: Act 20:32 - -- I commend you to God - Instead of τῳ Θεῳ, to God, several MSS. have τῳ Κυριῳ, to the Lord; neither reading makes any differenc...

I commend you to God - Instead of τῳ Θεῳ, to God, several MSS. have τῳ Κυριῳ, to the Lord; neither reading makes any difference in the sense

Clarke: Act 20:32 - -- And to the word of his grace - The doctrine of salvation by Christ Jesus

And to the word of his grace - The doctrine of salvation by Christ Jesus

Clarke: Act 20:32 - -- Which is able to build you up - The foundation is Jesus Christ; God is the great master-builder; the doctrine of his grace, or mercy, points out the...

Which is able to build you up - The foundation is Jesus Christ; God is the great master-builder; the doctrine of his grace, or mercy, points out the order and manner, as well as the extent, etc., of this building. Let us observe the order of these things: -

1.    The soul of man, which was formerly the habitation of God, is now in a state of ruin

2.    The ruins of this soul must be repaired, that it may again become a habitation of God through the Spirit

3.    Jesus Christ is the only foundation on which this house can be rebuilded

4.    The doctrine of God’ s grace is the model, or plan, according to which the building can be raised

5.    When re-edified, each is to be a lively temple of the Lord, made inwardly pure and outwardly righteous, and thus prepared for a state of bliss

6.    Being made children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus, and sanctified by his Spirit, they have a right to the heavenly inheritance; for only the children of the family can possess the celestial estate

Thus we find they must be saved by grace, and be made thereby children of God; be sanctified by his Spirit; and, then, being prepared for, they are removed, in due time, into the heavenly inheritance.

Clarke: Act 20:33 - -- I have coveted no man’ s silver, etc. - And from this circumstance they would be able to discover the grievous wolves, and the perverters; for ...

I have coveted no man’ s silver, etc. - And from this circumstance they would be able to discover the grievous wolves, and the perverters; for these had nothing but their own interests in view; whereas the genuine disciples of Christ neither coveted nor had worldly possessions. St. Paul’ s account of his own disinterestedness is very similar to that given by Samuel of his, 1Sa 12:3-5.

Clarke: Act 20:34 - -- These hands have ministered, etc. - It was neither "sin nor discredit"for the apostle to work to maintain himself, when the circumstances of the Chu...

These hands have ministered, etc. - It was neither "sin nor discredit"for the apostle to work to maintain himself, when the circumstances of the Church were such that it could not support him. Still many eminent ministers of God are obliged to support themselves and their families, at least in part, in the same way, while indefatigably testifying the Gospel of the grace of God. Whatever it may be to the people, it is no cause of reproach to the minister, to be obliged thus to employ himself.

Clarke: Act 20:35 - -- I have showed you all things - The preposition κατα is to be understood before παντα ; and the clause should be read thus - I have showe...

I have showed you all things - The preposition κατα is to be understood before παντα ; and the clause should be read thus - I have showed you In all things, etc

Clarke: Act 20:35 - -- It is more blessed to give than to receive - That is, the giver is more happy than the receiver. Where, or on what occasion, our Lord spake these wo...

It is more blessed to give than to receive - That is, the giver is more happy than the receiver. Where, or on what occasion, our Lord spake these words we know not, as they do not exist in any of the four evangelists. But that our Lord did speak them, St. Paul’ s evidence is quite sufficient to prove. The sentiment is worthy of Christ. A truly generous mind, in affluence, rejoices in opportunities to do good, and feels happy in having such opportunities. A man of an independent spirit, when reduced to poverty, finds it a severe trial to be obliged to live on the bounty of another, and feels pain in receiving what the other feels a happiness in communicating. Let, therefore, the man who is able to give feel himself the obliged person, and think how much pain the feeling heart of his supplicant must endure, in being obliged to forego his native independence, in soliciting and receiving the bounty of another. I am not speaking of common beggars; these have got their minds already depraved, and their native independence reduced, by sin and idleness, to servility.

Clarke: Act 20:36 - -- He kneeled down and prayed - Kneeling is the proper posture of a supplicant, it argues at once both humility and submission; and he who prays to God...

He kneeled down and prayed - Kneeling is the proper posture of a supplicant, it argues at once both humility and submission; and he who prays to God should endeavor to feel the utmost measures of both.

Clarke: Act 20:37 - -- Fell on Paul’ s neck - Leaned their heads against his shoulders, and kissed his neck. This was not an unusual custom in the east.

Fell on Paul’ s neck - Leaned their heads against his shoulders, and kissed his neck. This was not an unusual custom in the east.

Clarke: Act 20:38 - -- That they should see his face no more - This was a most solemn meeting, and a most affecting parting. The man who had first pointed out to them the ...

That they should see his face no more - This was a most solemn meeting, and a most affecting parting. The man who had first pointed out to them the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom they had been brought into so glorious a state of salvation, is now going away, in all likelihood, to be seen no more till the day in which the quick and dead shall stand before the throne of judgment. Such a scene, and its correspondent feelings, are more easily imagined than described

1.    As the disciples are stated to have come together on the first day of the week, we may learn from this that, ever since the apostolic times, the Lord’ s day, now the Christian Sabbath, was set apart for religious exercises; such as the preaching of God’ s holy word, and celebrating the sacrament of the Lord’ s Supper. Besides its being the day on which our blessed Lord rose from the dead, the practice of the apostles and the primitive Church is an additional reason why we should religiously celebrate this first day of the week. They who, professing the Christian religion, still prefer the Jewish Sabbath, have little to support them in the New Testament. How prone is man to affect to be wise above what is written, while he is, in almost every respect, below the teaching so plainly laid down in the Divine word

2.    The charge of St. Paul to the pastors of the Church of Christ at Ephesus and Miletus contains much that is interesting to every Christian minister

1.    If he be sent of God at all, he is sent to feed the flock

2.    But, in order to feed them, he must have the bread of life

3.    This bread he must distribute in its due season, that each may have that portion that is suitable to time, place, and state

4.    While he is feeding others, he should take care to have his own soul fed: it is possible for a minister to be the instrument of feeding others, and yet starve himself

5.    If Jesus Christ intrust to his care the souls he has bought by his own blood, what an awful account will he have to give in the day of judgment, if any of them perish through his neglect! Though the sinner, dying in his sins, has his own blood upon his head, yet, if the watchman has not faithfully warned him, his blood will be required at the watchman’ s hand. Let him who is concerned read Ezekiel, Eze 33:3-5, and think of the account which he is shortly to give unto God

3.    Tenderness and sympathy are not inconsistent with the highest state of grace. Paul warns his hearers day and night with tears. His hearers now weep sore at the departure of their beloved pastor. They who can give up a Christian minister with indifference, have either profited little under that ministry, or they have backslidden from the grace of God. The pastors should love as fathers, the converts as children; and all feel themselves one family, under that great head, Christ Jesus.

Calvin: Act 20:20 - -- 20.I have kept back nothing He commendeth his faithfulness and diligence in teaching in three respects, that he instructed his scholars thoroughly an...

20.I have kept back nothing He commendeth his faithfulness and diligence in teaching in three respects, that he instructed his scholars thoroughly and perfectly, so that he omitted nothing which might make for their salvation; that being not content with general preaching, he did also endeavor to do every man good. Thirdly, he reciteth a brief sum of all his whole doctrine, that he exhorted them unto faith in Christ and repentance. Now, forasmuch as he depainteth out unto us a pattern of a faithful and good teacher, whosoever they be who are desirous to prove their industry to the Lord, they must set before their eyes the edifying of the Church, as he commandeth Timotheus in another place, to consider what things be profitable, that he may be instant in delivering those things ( 1Ti 4:7). And surely the Scripture (according to whose rule all manner of teaching must be examined, yea, which is the only method of teaching aright) doth not contain profound − 417 speculations, to delight men when they have nothing else to do; − 418 but as the same Paul doth testify, it is all profitable to make the man of God perfect. −

But Paul prescribeth such a desire to edify, that the pastor must omit nothing, so much as in him lieth, which is profitable to be known. For they be bad masters who do so keep their scholars in the first principles, that they do never come unto the knowledge of the truth ( Tit 3:7). And surely the Lord doth not teach us in his word only to [by] halves, (as they say) but he delivereth perfect wisdom, and such as is in all points absolute. Whereby it appeareth how impudently those men boast themselves to be ministers of the word, who do not only cloak and foster the ignorance of the people with their silence, but do also wink at gross errors and wicked superstitions; as at this day in Papistry, many send out some sparks of sound doctrine, but they − 419 dare not drive away the darkness of ignorance, and whereas the wicked fear of the flesh doth hinder them, they pretend that the people is not capable of sound − 420 doctrine. −

Indeed, I confess that all things cannot be taught at one time, and that we must imitate Paul’s wisdom, who did apply himself unto the capacity of the ignorant. But what moderation is this when they suffer the blind to fall into the ditch, when they leave miserable souls under the tyranny of antichrist, and whereas they see idolatry rage, the worship of God corrupt, his law broken, and, finally, all holy things profaned, they do either with silence pass over such filthy confusion, or else they show it underhand, sparingly and obscurely, like men that be afraid? Therefore, we must note Paul’s word, when as he saith that he kept back nothing, but did show whatsoever things were profitable for the people; for by this we gather that the pure and free − 421 profession of sound doctrine is required at the hands of the servants of Christ, wherein there must be no boughts nor crooks, and that nothing is more unseemly in them than oblique insinuations, and such as are inwrapped in crafty dissimulation. −

Publicly, and throughout every house This is the second point, that he did not only teach all men in the congregation, but also every one privately, as every man’s necessity did require. For Christ hath not appointed pastors upon this condition, that they may only teach the Church in general in the open pulpit; but that they may take charge of every particular sheep, that they may bring back to the sheepfold those which wander and go astray, that they may strengthen those which are discouraged and weak, that they may cure the sick, that they may lift up and set on foot the feeble, − 422 ( Eze 34:4) for common doctrine will oftentimes wax cold, unless it be holpen with private admonitions. −

Wherefore, the negligence of those men is inexcusable, who, having made one sermon, as if they had done their task, live all the rest of their time idly; as if their voice were shut up within the church walls, seeing that so soon as they be departed, thence they be dumb. Also, disciples and scholars are taught, that if they will be numbered in Christ’s flock, they must give place to their pastors, so often as they come unto them; and that they must not refuse private admonitions. For they be rather bears than sheep, who do not vouchsafe to hear the voice of their pastor, unless he be in the pulpit; and cannot abide to be admonished and reproved at home, yea, do furiously refuse − 423 that necessary duty. −

Calvin: Act 20:21 - -- 21.Testifying both to Jews Descending now unto the third point, he setteth down the sum of this doctrine in a few words, to wit, that he exhorted all...

21.Testifying both to Jews Descending now unto the third point, he setteth down the sum of this doctrine in a few words, to wit, that he exhorted all men unto faith and repentance, as it was said before, that the gospel consisteth upon [of] these two points only. Whence we do also gather wherein the true edifying of the Church doth properly consist, the care and burden whereof doth lie upon the pastor’s shoulders, and whereunto we must apply all our study, if we be desirous to profit profitably in God’s school. We have already said that the word of God is profaned, when the readers of the same do occupy themselves in frivolous questions. But to the end we may not read the same wanderingly, we must note and aim at this double mark which the apostle setteth before us. For whosoever he be that turneth unto any other thing, in taking great pains, he shall do nothing else but walk in a circuit. By the word testify he expresseth great vehemency, as if he should have said that by testifying he did commend, that the excuse of ignorance might not remain. For he alludeth unto the custom used in courts, where testifying is used to take away all doubt. As men are not only to be taught, but also to be constrained to embrace salvation in Christ, and to addict themselves to God, to lead a new life. And though he affirm that he was wanting to none, yet doth he place the Jews in the first place; because, as the Lord hath preferred them in the degree of honor before the Gentiles, so it was meet that Christ and his grace should be offered them until they should quite fall away. −

Repentance toward God We must first note the distinction of faith and repentance, which some do falsely and unskillfully confound, saying, that repentance is a part of faith. I grant, indeed, that they cannot be separate; because God doth illuminate no man with the Spirit of faith whom he doth not also regenerate unto newness of life. Yet they must needs be distinguished, as Paul doth in this place. For repentance is a turning unto God, when we frame ourselves and all our life to obey him; but faith is a receiving of the grace offered us in Christ. For all religion tendeth to this end, that, embracing holiness and righteousness, we serve the Lord purely, also that we seek no part of our salvation anywhere else save only at his hands, and that we seek salvation in Christ alone. Therefore, the doctrine of repentance containeth a rule of good life; it requireth the denial of ourselves, the mortifying of our flesh, and meditating upon the heavenly life. But because we be all naturally corrupt, strangers from righteousness, and turned away from God himself. Again, because we fly from God, because we know that he is displeased with us, the means, as well to obtain free reconciliation as newness of life, must be set before us. −

Therefore, unless faith be added, it is in vain to speak of repentance; yea, those teachers of repentance who, neglecting faith, stand only upon the framing of life, and precepts of good works, differ nothing, or very little from profane philosophers. They teach how men must live; but, forasmuch as they leave men in their nature, there can no bettering be hoped for thence, until they invite those who are lost unto hope of salvation; until they quicken the dead, promising forgiveness of sins; until they show that God doth, by his free adoption, take those for his children who were before bond-slaves of Satan; until they teach that the Spirit of regeneration must be begged at the hands of the heavenly Father, that we must draw godliness, righteousness, and goodness, from him who is the fountain of all good things. And hereupon followeth calling upon God, which is the chiefest thing in the worship of God. −

We see now how that repentance and faith are so linked together that they cannot be separate. For it is faith which reconcileth God to us, not only that he may be favorable unto us, by acquitting us of the guiltiness of death, by not imputing to us our sins, but also that by purging the filthiness of our flesh by his Spirit, he may fashion us again after his own image. He doth not, therefore, name repentance in the former place, as if it did wholly go before faith, forasmuch as a part thereof proceedeth from faith, and is an effect thereof; but because the beginning of repentance is a preparation unto faith. I call the displeasing of ourselves the beginning, which doth enforce us, after we be thoroughly touched with the fear of the wrath of God, to seek some remedy. −

Faith toward Christ It is not without cause that the Scripture doth everywhere make Christ the mark whereat our faith must aim, and as they say commonly, set him before us as the object. For the majesty of God is of itself higher than that men can climb thereunto. Therefore, unless Christ come between, all our senses do vanish away in seeking God. Again, inasmuch as he is the Judge of the world, it must needs be that the beholding of him without Christ shall make us afraid. − 424 But God doth not only represent himself unto us in Christ’s image, but also refresh us with his Fatherly favor, and by all means restore us to life. For there is no part of our salvation which may not be found in Christ. By the sacrifice of his death he hath purged our sins; he hath suffered the punishment that he might acquit us; he hath made us clean by his blood; by his obedience he hath appeased his Father’s wrath; by his resurrection he hath purchased righteousness for us. No marvel, therefore, if we said, that faith must be fixed − 425 in the beholding of Christ.

Calvin: Act 20:22 - -- 22.And, behold He declareth now more fully to what end he intreated of his upright dealing; to wit, because they should never see him any more. And i...

22.And, behold He declareth now more fully to what end he intreated of his upright dealing; to wit, because they should never see him any more. And it was very expedient that the pattern which was set before them by God of them to be followed should be always before their eyes, and that they should remember him when he was dead. For we know how readily men degenerate from pure institution. But though he deny that he doth know what shall befall him at Jerusalem, yet because he was taught by many prophecies that bonds were prepared for him there, as if he were now ready to die, he cutteth off shortly after the hope of his return. And yet for all this he is not contrary to himself. He speaketh doubtfully at the first of set purpose, that he may soften that which was about to be more (hard and) bitter; and yet he doth truly affirm, that he knew not as yet the ends and events of things, because he had no certain and special revelation touching the whole process. −

Bound in the spirit Some expound this that he was bound to the churches, who had committed to him this function to carry alms. Notwithstanding, I do rather think that hereby is meant the inward force and motion of the Spirit, not as though he were so inspired, − 426 that he was out of his wit, but because being certified of the will of God, he did meekly − 427 follow the direction and instinct of the Spirit, even of his own accord. Therefore, this speech importeth as much as if he should have said, I cannot otherwise do, unless I would be stubborn and rebellious against God, who doth as it were draw me thither, being bound by his Spirit. For to the end he may excuse himself of rashness, he saith that the Spirit is the author and guide of his journey. But would to God those brain-sick men, who boast that the Spirit doth incite to them those things which proceed from their own fantasy, did know the Spirit as familiarly as did Paul, who doth, notwithstanding, not say that all his motions and instigations − 428 are of the Spirit, but declareth that that fell out in one thing as a singular thing. For men do oftentimes foolishly and unadvisedly take in hand those things which they put in practice afterward stoutly, because they be ashamed of lightness and instability. And he doth not only mean that he took in hand his journey for a good cause, which the Spirit of God showeth him, but that it is altogether necessary for him, because it is wickedness to resist. Furthermore, let us learn, by the example of the holy man, not to kick against the Spirit of the Lord, but obediently to give over ourselves by him to be governed, that he may rule us at his pleasure after we be as it were bound to him. − 429 For if the reprobate, who are the bond-slaves of Satan, be carried not only willingly, but also greedily, through his motion, − 430 how much more ought this voluntary bondage or service to be in the children of God? −

Calvin: Act 20:23 - -- 23.But that the Holy Ghost I do not understand this of secret oracles, but of those foretellings which he heard everywhere of the prophets. And this ...

23.But that the Holy Ghost I do not understand this of secret oracles, but of those foretellings which he heard everywhere of the prophets. And this speech hath greater dignity to set forth the prophecies, than if the men themselves which spake were called and cited to be witnesses. For by this means the word of God hath his [its] authority, when we confess that the Spirit of God is the author thereof, though the ministers be men. Now, forasmuch as the same Spirit, which foretelleth Paul of bonds and tribulations, doth also hold him fast bound that he cannot refuse to submit himself unto him, by this we learn, that what dangers soever hang over our heads, we are not thereby acquitted, but that we must obey the commandments of God, and follow his calling. In vain, therefore, do those men flatter themselves, who will do good so long as they be free from molestation, and may make discommodities, damages, and dangers of death, sufficient excuses. −

Calvin: Act 20:24 - -- 24.I care not All the godly must be so framed in their minds, and chiefly the ministers of the Word, that, setting all things apart, they make haste ...

24.I care not All the godly must be so framed in their minds, and chiefly the ministers of the Word, that, setting all things apart, they make haste to obey God. The life is, indeed, a more excellent gift than that it ought to be neglected; to wit, seeing we be therein created after the image of God, to the end we may think upon that blessed immortality which is laid up for us in heaven, in which the Lord doth now by diverse testimonies and tokens show himself to be our Father. −

But because it is ordained to be unto us as a race, we must always hasten unto the mark, and overcome all hindrances, lest any thing hinder or stay us in our course, For it is a filthy thing for us to be so holden with a blind desire to live, that we lose the causes of life for life itself; and this do the words of Paul express. For he doth not simply set light by his life; but he doth forget the respect thereof, that he may finish his course; that he may fulfill the ministry which he hath received of Christ, as if he should say that he is not desirous to live, save only that he may satisfy the calling of God; and that, therefore, it shall be no grief to him to lose his life, so that he may come by death unto the goal of the function prescribed to him by God. −

And we must note that which he saith, with joy, for his meaning is, that this is taken from the faithful by no sorrow or grief, but that they both. live and die to the Lord. For the joy of a good conscience is more deeply and surely laid up, than that it can be taken away by any external trouble, or any sorrow of the flesh; it triumpheth more joyfully than that it can be oppressed. Also, we must note the definition of his course; to wit, that it is the ministry received of the Lord. Paul doth indeed speak of himself; yet, by his own example, he teacheth that all those go astray who have not God to be the governor of their course. Whereupon it followeth that his calling is unto every one of us a rule of good life. Neither can we be otherwise persuaded that the Lord alloweth that which we do, unless our life be framed and ordered according to his will, which certainly is required, especially in the ministers of the word, that they take nothing in hand unless they have Christ for their author. Neither is it to be doubted but that Paul, in giving his apostleship this mark, (as he useth to do very often) doth confirm the credit thereof. He calleth it the gospel of the grace of God, of the effect or end, notwithstanding this is a title of rare commendation, that, by the gospel, salvation and the grace of God are brought unto us. For it is very expedient for us to know that God is found there to be merciful and favorable. −

Calvin: Act 20:25 - -- 25.And, behold, now I know He doth now utter that plainly which he had insinuated covertly. And we said that he did put them out of hope of his retur...

25.And, behold, now I know He doth now utter that plainly which he had insinuated covertly. And we said that he did put them out of hope of his return, to the end he might more deeply imprint in their minds his exhortations. For we know what great force the words and speeches of men have which are uttered at their departure or death. Also, he would have them beware by this forewarning, that they do not depend upon his presence, and so their faith should faint through wearisomeness. The doctrine of the gospel is called the kingdom of God now again, which doth begin the kingdom of God in this world, by renewing men after the image of God, until it be made perfect at length in the last resurrection, −

Calvin: Act 20:26 - -- 26.Wherefore I take you to record It is all one as if he had said, I call you to witness, or I call you to bear witness before God and his angels. An...

26.Wherefore I take you to record It is all one as if he had said, I call you to witness, or I call you to bear witness before God and his angels. And this doth he not so much for his own cause, as that he may prescribe unto them their duty with greater authority. Furthermore, this place containeth a brief sum of teaching rightly and well, and it exhorteth the teachers themselves, vehemently and sharply, that they be diligent in their function. What order must pastors then keep in teaching? First, let them not esteem at their pleasure what is profitable to be uttered and what to be omitted; but let them leave that to God alone to be ordered at his pleasure. So shall it come to pass that the inventions of men shall have none entrance into the Church of God. Again, mortal man shall not be so bold as to mangle the Scripture and to pull it in pieces, that he may diminish − 431 this or that at his pleasure, that he may obscure something and suppress many things; but shall deliver whatsoever is revealed in the Scripture, though wisely and seasonably for the edifying of the people, yet plainly and without guile, as becometh a faithful and true interpreter of God. I said that wisdom must be used, because we must always have respect unto profit, so there be no subtilty used, wherein many take too great delight, when as they turn and wrest the word of God unto their methods, and forge to us a certain kind of philosophy mixed of the gospel and their own inventions; namely, because this mixture is more delectable. Thence have we free will, thence the deserts of works, thence the denial of the providence and free election of God. And that which we said even now is to be noted, that the counsel of God, whereof Paul maketh mention, is included in his word, and that it is to he sought nowhere else. −

For many things are kept from us in this life, the perfect and full manifestation whereof is deferred until that day, wherein we shall see God as he is, with new eyes, face to face ( 1Co 13:12). Therefore, those do set forth the will of God who interpret the Scriptures faithfully, and out of them instruct the people in the faith, in the fear of God, and in all exercises of godliness. And, as we said of late, that those are condemned by this sentence, who, disputing philosophically, lest they should teach anything which is removed from the common sense of men, and therefore odious, do corrupt with their leaven the purity of the Scripture; so, both sharply and sore, doth Paul thunder against them, who, for fear of the cross and persecution, do speak only doubtfully and darkly. − 432

I am clean from the blood I do not doubt but that he had respect unto the place of Ezekiel, where God denounceth that his prophet shall be guilty of the blood of the wicked unless he exhort them unto repentance ( Eze 3:18). For upon this condition doth he appoint pastors over his Church, that if anything perish through their negligence, an account may be required at their hands; yea, that unless they show the way of salvation without guile and crooks, the destruction of those who go astray may be imputed unto them. Those men must needs be wonderful dull whom such a sharp threatening cannot awake. Wherefore the epicurish impiety of the Popish clergy doth the more bewray itself, where, though they craik and brag − 433 of their honorable titles, yet they think no more upon giving of an account for so many souls which perish, than if there sat no Judge in heaven, neither is their ungodliness any whit less filthy before the whole world, in that being given only to devour sheep, − 434 they usurp the name of pastors. Furthermore, the Lord showeth how dear souls be to him, seeing that he doth so sharply punish the pastor’s sluggishness for their destruction; but we see what small account many men make of their own salvation, for which even God himself doth vouchsafe to be careful.

Calvin: Act 20:28 - -- 28.Take heed, therefore He doth now apply his speech unto them, and by many reasons showeth that they must watch diligently, and that he is not so ca...

28.Take heed, therefore He doth now apply his speech unto them, and by many reasons showeth that they must watch diligently, and that he is not so careful but because necessity doth so require. The first reason is, because they be bound to the flock over which they be set. The second, because they were called unto this function not by mortal man, but by the Holy Ghost. The third, because it is no small honor to govern the Church of God. The fourth, because the Lord did declare by an evident testimony what account he doth make of the Church, seeing that he hath redeemed it with his blood. As touching the first, he doth not only command them to take heed to the flock, but first to themselves. For that man will never be careful for the salvation of other men who will neglect his own. And in vain shall that man prick forward other to live godlily, who will himself show no desire of godliness. Yea, that man will not take pains with his flock who forgetteth himself, seeing he is a part of the flock. Therefore, to the end they may be careful for the flock to them committed, Paul commandeth and warneth that every one of them keep himself in the fear of God. For by this means it should come to pass, that every one should be as faithful towards his flock as he ought. For we said that Paul reasoneth from their calling, that they be bound to take pains in the Church of God, whereof they have the government. As if he should say, that they may not do whatsoever they like best, neither are they free after they be made pastors, but they be bound publicly to all the flock. −

The Holy Ghost hath made you overseers By the very word he putteth them in mind, that they be placed, as it were, in a watch-tower, that they may watch for the common safety of all men. But Paul standeth principally upon this, that they were not appointed by men, but the charge of the Church was committed unto them by God. For which cause they must be the more diligent and careful, because they must give a straight account before that high seat of judgment. For the more excellent the dignity of that Lord and Master whom we serve is, the more reverence do we give him naturally, and the reverence itself doth sharpen our study and diligence. −

Moreover, though the Lord would have ministers of the word chosen from the beginning by the voices [suffrages] of men, yet doth he always challenge the government of the Church to himself, not only to the end we may acknowledge him to be the only governor thereof, but also know that the incomparable treasure of salvation doth come from him alone. For he is robbed of his glory if we think that the gospel is brought unto us, either by chance or by the will of men, or their industry. But this doth Paul attribute peculiarly to the Spirit, by whom God doth govern his Church, and who is to every man a secret witness of his calling in his own conscience. −

Concerning the word overseer or bishop, we must briefly note this, that Paul calleth all the elders of Ephesus by this name, as well one as other. − 435 Whence we gather, that according to the use of the Scripture bishops differ nothing from elders. But that it came to pass through vice and corruption, that those who were chief in every city began to be called bishops. I call it corruption, not because it is evil that some one man should be chief in every college or company; but because this boldness is intolerable, when men, by wresting the names of the Scripture unto their custom, doubt not to change the tongue of the Holy Ghost. −

To govern the Church The Greek word ποιμαινειν doth signify to feed. But by a fit similitude it is translated unto every kind of government. And we have said that this is the third argument drawn from the excellency of the function; as the same Paul telleth Timotheus elsewhere, that he take heed and see how he ought to behave himself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth. As if he should say, that there is no time to be idle in such a weighty calling, and that those are less excusable whom God hath made stewards of his family, the higher that degree of honor is, unless they be correspondent to so great dignity, that is, unless they do their duty diligently. Now, if bishops or overseers be made by the Holy Ghost, to the end they may feed the Church, the hierarchy of Papistry is ridiculous, wherein bishops being proud of their (painted sheath and) vain title, do not so much as once meddle with the function of teaching, no, not for fashion’s sake. −

Which he hath purchased The four reasons, whereby Paul doth carefully prick forward the pastors to do their duty diligently, because the Lord hath given no small pledge of his love toward the Church in shedding his own blood for it. Whereby it appeareth how precious it is to him; and surely there is nothing which ought more vehemently to urge pastors to do their duty joyfully, than if they consider that the price of the blood of Christ is committed to them. For hereupon it followeth, that unless they take pains in the Church, the lost souls are not only imputed to them, but they be also guilty of sacrilege, because they have profaned the holy blood of the Son of God, and have made the redemption gotten by him to be of none effect, so much as in them lieth. And this is a most cruel offense, if, through our sluggishness, the death of Christ do not only become vile or base, but the fruit thereof be also abolished and perish; and it is said that God hath purchased the Church, to the end we may know that he would have it remain wholly to himself, because it is meet and right that he possess those whom he hath redeemed. −

Notwithstanding, we must also remember, that all mankind are the bond-slaves of Satan until Christ set us free from his tyranny, gathering us into the inheritance of his Father. −

But because the speech which Paul useth seemeth to be somewhat hard, we must see in what sense he saith that God purchased the Church with his blood. For nothing is more absurd than to feign or imagine God to be mortal or to have a body. But in this speech he commendeth the unity of person in Christ; for because there be distinct natures in Christ, the Scripture cloth sometimes recite that apart by itself which is proper to either. But when it setteth God before us made manifest in the flesh, it doth not separate the human nature from the Godhead. Notwithstanding, because again two natures are so united in Christ, that they make one person, that is improperly translated sometimes unto the one, which doth truly and in deed belong to the other, as in this place Paul doth attribute blood to God; because the man Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for us, was also God. This manner of speaking is caned, of the old writers, communicatio idiomatum, because the property of the one nature is applied to the other. And I said that by this means is manifestly expressed one person of Christ, lest we imagine him to be double, which Nestorius did in times past attempt; and yet for all this we must not imagine a confusion of the two natures which Eutychus went about to bring in, or which the Spanish dog, Servetus, hath at this time invented, who maketh the Godhead of Christ nothing else but a form or image of the human nature, which he dreameth to have always shined in God. −

Calvin: Act 20:29 - -- 29.For I know Paul doth now exhort the Ephesians to watch diligently, by the necessity, which is a most sharp prick. For he saith that “grievous wo...

29.For I know Paul doth now exhort the Ephesians to watch diligently, by the necessity, which is a most sharp prick. For he saith that “grievous wolves are ready to invade the sheepfold.” This is a thing always incident to the Church to be hated of wolves. Wherefore, there is no time to sleep. But the more and the more hurtful those be who break in, the more watchful must the pastors be. For God doth sometimes release some part of trouble, that the flock may be fed quietly and peaceably; and as when the weather is fair and clear, the sheep are fed more safely in the fields, and there is more danger when the air is cloudy and dark; so the Church of God hath sometimes some fair weather granted to it. After that cometh a troublesome time, which is more fit for the subtilty − 436 of wolves. Therefore, Paul doth mean, that it standeth them upon to be more watchful than they have been hitherto, because greater dangers hang over their heads. But the question is, how Paul knew this? First, we need not doubt of this, but that his presence was of great force to drive away wolves; and no marvel, if the power of the Spirit, which shineth in the ministers of Christ, do bridle the wicked so that they dare not utter their poison; yea, if that heavenly light do drive away much darkness of Satan. Therefore, seeing that Paul did know that the malice of Satan was kept under for a time by his industry, he doth easily foretell what will happen after his departure, though it be likely he was certified by the Lord, through the spirit of prophecy, that others might be admonished by him, as we see it came to pass. Howsoever it be, so often as faithful pastors go away, let us learn that we must beware of wolves, whom they can hardly drive from the sheep-cots, though they watch most narrowly. −

Calvin: Act 20:30 - -- 30.Of your ownselves shall arise This amplifieth the grievousness of the evil, because there be some wolves within, and so hiding themselves under th...

30.Of your ownselves shall arise This amplifieth the grievousness of the evil, because there be some wolves within, and so hiding themselves under the title of pastors, [which] do wait for some opportunity wherein they may do hurt. Also, he declareth what danger these wolves do threaten, to wit, the scattering abroad of the flock, when the Church is drawn away from the unity of faith, and is divided into sects. Neither are all those wolves who do not their duty as they ought, but there be oftentimes hirelings, a kind of men not so hurtful as the other. But the corruption of doctrine is a most deadly plague to the sheep. Now, in the third place, the fountain and beginning of this evil is noted, because they will draw disciples after them. Therefore, ambition is the mother of all heresies. For the sincerity of the word of God doth then flourish when the pastors join hand in hand to bring disciples unto Christ, because this alone is the sound state of the Church, that he be heard alone; − 437 wherefore, both the doctrine of salvation must needs be perverted, and also the safety of the flock must needs go to nought, where men be desirous of mastership. And as this place teacheth that almost all corruptions of doctrine flow from the pride of men, so we learn again out of the same that it cannot otherwise be, but that ambitious men will turn away from right purity, and corrupt the word of God. For seeing that the pure and sincere handling of the Scripture tendeth to this end, that Christ alone may have the preeminence, and that men can challenge nothing to themselves, but they shall take so much from the glory of Christ, it followeth that those are corrupters of sound doctrine who are addicted to themselves, and study to advance their own glory, which doth only darken Christ. Which thing the Lord doth confirm in the seventh of John ( Joh 7:18). Furthermore, by the word arise which he useth, he signifieth that those wolves do nourish secret destruction until they may have some opportunity offered to break out. −

And this place doth very well prevent an horrible stumbling-block and offense which Satan hath always cast in to trouble weak consciences. If external and professed enemies do resist the gospel, this doth not so much hurt to the Church, − 438 as if inward enemies issue out of the bosom of the Church, which at a sudden blow to the field, − 439 or which unfaithfully provoke the people to fall away; and yet God hath from the beginning exercised his Church with this temptation, and now doth exercise it. Wherefore, let our faith be fortified with this defense that it fail not, if at any time it so fall out that pastors begin to rage like wolves. He saith they shall be “grievous wolves”, that he may the more terrify them; secondly, they shall be authors of wicked opinions, and that to the end they may draw disciples after them, because it cannot almost otherwise be but that ambition will corrupt the purity of the gospel. −

By this it appeareth also how frivolous and vain the brag of the Papists is touching their continual succession. For seeing we can easily show that these horned beasts are nothing less than that which they will be thought to be, being always convicted, they fly unto this fortress, that they succeed the apostles by a continual course. − 440 As if these did not also succeed them, of whom Paul willeth to take heed. − 441 Therefore, seeing that God, either to prove the constancy of his [people], or in his just judgment doth oftentimes suffer wolves to rage under the person of pastors, the authority doth not consist in the name and place alone, neither is succession anything worth unless faith and integrity be joined therewithal. But and if the Papists object that they cannot be called wolves, one word of Paul shall be as a touchstone to prove whether this be so or no, that they may (saith he) draw disciples after them. And to what end tendeth all Popish religion, save only that men’s lust and pleasure may reign instead of God’s word? But Christ hath no disciples where he is not counted the only master. −

Calvin: Act 20:31 - -- 31.For which cause, watch Paul doth again exhort them unto diligence by his own example, though he doth join therewithal fear of danger, as if he sho...

31.For which cause, watch Paul doth again exhort them unto diligence by his own example, though he doth join therewithal fear of danger, as if he should say that they have need of great attention to beware; and that it is an unseemly thing that they should be wearied who had seen his singular − 442 patience by the space of three years. Also, he speaketh of his tears, which did add no small efficacy to his exhortations. Whereas he saith that he admonished every one, it may be referred as well unto the common people as unto the elders. For because he was determined to speak such things as should be common to the whole Church, he speaketh as if the whole body were present. Nevertheless, if any had rather restrain it unto the order of the pastors, the meaning shall be this, that their studies must be kindled, not only with this speech which he now maketh, but that it is meet that they remember those often exhortations which he did continually beat in − 443 by the space of three years, and that with many tears. Yet it seemeth to me to be more likely that he speaketh of all in general. −

Calvin: Act 20:32 - -- 32.I commend you to God He useth a prayer which, in an oration serving to move the hearers greatly, ought not to be counted absurd. For he did not pa...

32.I commend you to God He useth a prayer which, in an oration serving to move the hearers greatly, ought not to be counted absurd. For he did not pass for dividing his sermon into parts as the Rhetoricians use to do, seeing no words were sufficient to express the vehemency of the affections wherewith he was inflamed. He had intreated already of great matters and weighty, which did far exceed man’s ability. −

Therefore, he turneth himself unto prayer, and by little and little draweth toward an end of his speech, though it be rather an expressing of a desire than a direct prayer; as if he should have said, that they be unable to bear so great a burthen; but he doth wish to them new help from heaven, whereto they may trust and overcome all temptations. And it is not to be doubted, though he speak unto the pastors alone, but that he doth also comprehend the whole Church. First, he commendeth them to God; secondly, to the word of his grace. Notwithstanding, it is all one commendation; but Paul meant to express the means whereby the Lord doth defend the salvation of his, which (as Peter saith) is kept by faith, ( 1Pe 1:5) and the means of this keeping dependeth upon the word, lest it come in hazard amidst so many dangers. And it is very expedient for us to know how God will keep us. For because his majesty is hid from us, until we come unto him by his word, we look to and fro, being in doubt. −

Therefore, so soon as he receiveth us to be kept, he maketh his word the instrument to keep our salvation, in which sense, he addeth the adjunct “grace,” (for the genitive case, after the manner of the Hebrews, doth signify an effect) to the end the faithful might the more safely rest in the word, where God doth show forth his favor. This exposition is plain and apt; for whereas some understand it of Christ, it is too much racked. −

Who is able to build farther The participle, δυναμενος, − 444 is to be referred unto God, not unto his word. And this consolation is added for this cause, lest they faint through the feeling of their infirmities. For so long as we be environed with the infirmities of the flesh, we be like to an house whose foundation is laid. − 445 All the godly must be grounded indeed in Christ, but their faith is far from being perfect. Yea, though the foundation continue stable and sure, yet some parts of the building be like to fall and quail. − 446 Wherefore, there is great need both of continual building, and also now and then new props and stays be necessary. Nevertheless, Paul saith that “we must not faint,” because the Lord will not leave his work unfinished; as he doth likewise teach in the first chapter to the Philippians, −

“He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of the Lord,” −
( Phi 1:6). −

Whereto that of the Psalm ( Psa 138:8) answereth, −

“Thou wilt not forsake the work of our [thy] hands.” −

That which is added immediately concerning the inheritance of life appertaineth unto the very enjoying of life. So soon as Christ hath appeared to us, − 447 we pass indeed from death to life; and faith is an entrance into the kingdom of heaven; neither is the Spirit of adoption given to us in vain; but Paul promiseth in this place to the faithful a continual increase of grace until they see the possession of the inheritance whereunto they have been called, which is now laid up for them in heaven. He calleth it “the power of God”, not as we use to imagine it, without effect, but which is commonly called actual. For the faithful must so lay hold upon it, that they may have it ready, like to a shield, or buckler, to hold up against all assaults of Satan. As the Scripture doth teach that we have aid enough in the power of God, so let us remember that none are strong in the Lord save those who, abandoning all hope and confidence of their own free will, trust and lean to him, who, as Paul saith very well, is able to build farther.

Calvin: Act 20:33 - -- 33.I have not As he showed of late what an hurtful plague ambition is; so now he showeth that they must beware of covetousness, [avarice] and he make...

33.I have not As he showed of late what an hurtful plague ambition is; so now he showeth that they must beware of covetousness, [avarice] and he maketh himself an example again, even in this point, that he did covet no man’s goods; but did rather get his living with the work of his hands. Not that it was sufficient to find him without some help, but because in applying his handy-work, he spared the churches, that he might not be too chargeable to them, so much as in him lay. We must note, that he doth not only deny that he did take anything violently, as hungry fellows do importunately wring out preys oftentimes, but also he affirmeth that he was clean from all wicked desire. Whence we gather, that no man can be a good minister of the word, but he must also contemn money. And surely we see that nothing is more common, than that those corrupt the word of God, to win the favor of men, who are altogether filthily given to get gain. Which vice Paul doth sharply condemn in bishops elsewhere, ( Tit 3:3). −

Calvin: Act 20:34 - -- 34.Yea, ye know He doth not, in these words, precisely set down a law which all the ministers of the word must needs keep; for he did not behave hims...

34.Yea, ye know He doth not, in these words, precisely set down a law which all the ministers of the word must needs keep; for he did not behave himself so loftily and lordlike, that he did take that away which the Lord had granted to his servants, but doth rather in many places maintain their right, which is, that they be maintained with that which is common, Mat 10:10; 1Co 9:14; Gal 6:6; 1Ti 5:17; Phi 4:10; 2Co 11:8. Whereunto belongeth that, that he suffered many churches to minister unto him food and raiment. Neither did he only freely receive wages for the work which he did in any place of those who were there, but when he was in necessity at Corinth, he saith that he robbed other churches to relieve his poverty. Therefore, he doth not simply command pastors to maintain their life with their handy-work, but immediately after he declareth how far forth he exhorteth them to follow his example. Those men of Corinth did not deny him that which was due to him; − 448 but seeing that the false apostles did boast that they did their work freely, and get thereby praise among the people; Paul would not be behind them in this point, nor give them any occasion to accuse him falsely; as he himself affirmeth ( 1Co 9:15, and 2Co 11:10). Therefore, he warneth that there be no stumbling-block laid in the way of the weak, and that their faith be not overthrown. For to receive the weak, importeth as much as somewhat to bear with their rudeness and simplicity, as it is ( Rom 14:1). −

And to remember We read this sentence in no place word for word; but the Evangelists have other not much unlike this, out of which Paul might gather this. Again, we know that all the sayings of Christ were not written; and he repeateth that general doctrine of the contempt of money; whereof this is a true token, when a man is more bent to give than to take. Neither did Christ speak only politicly, − 449 as if those who are liberal are therefore blessed, because they bind other men unto them with their benefits, and it is a kind of bondage to owe anything; but he had respect unto an higher thing, because, he which giveth to the poor lendeth unto the Lord, ( Pro 19:17) that those be faithful and good stewards of God, who impart to their brethren some of that plenty which they have lent them; that men draw nearer unto God in nothing than in liberality. We do also read these titles of liberality in profane authors; and a good part of the world confess that these things are true, but they consent (as it is in the proverb) with ass’s ears. For the common life doth show how few be persuaded that nothing ought more to be wished, than that we bestow our goods to help our brethren. For which cause the disciples of Christ must more studiously think upon this felicity, that abstaining so much as in them lieth, from that which is another man’s, they accustom themselves to give. And yet they must not do this with an haughty heart, as if it were a miserable thing for them to be in any man’s danger; − 450 either through ambition, that they may bind other men to them; but only that they may exercise themselves willingly in the duties of love, and by this means make known the grace of their adoption. −

Calvin: Act 20:36 - -- 36.And kneeling down The inward affection is indeed the chiefest thing in prayer; yet the external signs, as kneeling, uncovering of the head, liftin...

36.And kneeling down The inward affection is indeed the chiefest thing in prayer; yet the external signs, as kneeling, uncovering of the head, lifting up of the hands, have a double use; the first is, that we exercise all our members to the glory and worship of God; secondly, that by this exercise our sluggishness may be awakened, as it were. There is also a third use in solemn and public prayer, because the children of God do by this means make profession of their godliness, and one of them doth provoke another unto the reverence of God. And, as the lifting up of the hands is a token of boldness − 451 and of an earnest desire, so, to testify our humility, we fall down upon our knees. But he sealeth up and concludeth that sermon which he made before with prayer; because we can hope for no profit of our doctrine, save only from the blessing of God. Wherefore, if we be desirous to do any good by teaching, admonishing, and exhorting, let us always end after this sort; to wit, with prayer. −

Calvin: Act 20:37 - -- 37.Great weeping No marvel if all the godly did entirely love this holy man. for it had been a point of too gross unthankfulness to despise him whom ...

37.Great weeping No marvel if all the godly did entirely love this holy man. for it had been a point of too gross unthankfulness to despise him whom the Lord had so beautified with so many excellent gifts. And the chief cause of their weeping was, as Luke noteth, because they should see him no more. For they did bewail their own condition, and the condition of all the whole church of Asia, not in vain, which they saw to be deprived of an inestimable treasure. And when the Spirit commendeth their tears by the mouth of Luke, as witnesses of sincere godliness, he condemneth the rashness of those who require at the hands of the faithful hard and cruel constancy. For that is false whereof they dream that those affections proceed only of corruption, which we have naturally from God. Wherefore, the perfection of the faithful consisteth not in this, that they put off all affections; but that they be moved therewith only for just causes, and that they may moderate the same.

Defender: Act 20:21 - -- Both repentance and faith were essential components of the message of Paul to non-Christians, whether Jews or Gentiles, and so should they be of our w...

Both repentance and faith were essential components of the message of Paul to non-Christians, whether Jews or Gentiles, and so should they be of our witness today. Repentance toward God and faith in Christ are like two sides of the same coin. They are distinct, yet neither true repentance nor true faith exists without the other."

Defender: Act 20:26 - -- Paul is probably referring here to the principle in Eze 3:17-21."

Paul is probably referring here to the principle in Eze 3:17-21."

Defender: Act 20:27 - -- Jesus had commissioned the apostles to teach the disciples to "observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Mat 28:20), and Paul endeavored to...

Jesus had commissioned the apostles to teach the disciples to "observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Mat 28:20), and Paul endeavored to do just that in all the churches for which he felt responsible. It is important that each church, especially its leaders, seek to teach its members the whole Word of God, not to concentrate on a few favorite doctrines."

Defender: Act 20:28 - -- The word "overseers" is the same as "bishops." Since these men were the "elders of the church" (Act 20:17), it follows that the offices of "elder" and...

The word "overseers" is the same as "bishops." Since these men were the "elders of the church" (Act 20:17), it follows that the offices of "elder" and "bishop" were the same in the early church. In the Greek, "elder" is presbuteros (from which we get our ecclesiastical term "presbyter"), and "bishop" is episkopos (from which "episcopal" is derived), meaning simply "overseer." The two terms are again equated in Tit 1:5, Tit 1:7. The word "pastor" is the same as "shepherd" (Greek poimen), and the elders (or bishops) have the duty of "feeding" the "flock" for which they are responsible (1Pe 5:1-5)."

Defender: Act 20:30 - -- It is sad, indeed, that the ordained leaders of the church have all too often in church history been responsible for leading the flock astray after so...

It is sad, indeed, that the ordained leaders of the church have all too often in church history been responsible for leading the flock astray after some "wind of doctrine" (Eph 4:14), instead of feeding the flock with the whole counsel of God."

Defender: Act 20:35 - -- This particular statement is not recorded in any of the four gospels, though it is certainly consistent with the teachings and actions of Christ (Luk ...

This particular statement is not recorded in any of the four gospels, though it is certainly consistent with the teachings and actions of Christ (Luk 14:12). Probably Paul had learned of this statement directly by way of his contacts with Peter or one of the other apostles. In any case, its inclusion in Scripture marks it as divine truth and authority."

TSK: Act 20:20 - -- I kept : Act 20:27, Act 20:31, Act 5:2; Deu 4:5; Psa 40:9, Psa 40:10; Eze 33:7-9; 1Co 15:3; Col 1:28 profitable : 1Co 12:7, 1Co 14:6; Phi 3:1; 2Ti 3:1...

TSK: Act 20:21 - -- Testifying : Act 20:24, Act 2:40, Act 8:25, Act 18:5, Act 28:23; 1Jo 5:11-13 to the Jews : Act 18:4, Act 19:17; Rom 1:14; 1Co 1:22 repentance : Act 2:...

TSK: Act 20:22 - -- I go : Act 19:21, Act 21:11-14; Luk 9:51, Luk 12:50; 2Co 5:14 not : Luk 18:31-33; Joh 13:1, Joh 18:4; Jam 4:14; 2Pe 1:14

TSK: Act 20:23 - -- the Holy Ghost : Act 9:16, Act 14:22, Act 21:4, Act 21:11; Joh 16:33; 1Th 3:3; 2Ti 2:12 abide me : or, wait for me

the Holy Ghost : Act 9:16, Act 14:22, Act 21:4, Act 21:11; Joh 16:33; 1Th 3:3; 2Ti 2:12

abide me : or, wait for me

TSK: Act 20:24 - -- none : Act 21:13; Rom 8:35-39; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 4:1, 2Co 4:8, 2Co 4:9, 2Co 4:16-18, 2Co 6:4-10, 2Co 7:4, 2Co 12:10; Eph 3:13; 1Th 2:2, 1Th 3:3; 2Ti 1:12...

TSK: Act 20:25 - -- I know : Act 20:38; Rom 15:23 preaching : Act 8:12, Act 28:31; Mat 4:17, Mat 4:23, Mat 10:7, Mat 13:19, Mat 13:52; Luk 9:60, Luk 16:16 see : Gal 1:22;...

TSK: Act 20:26 - -- I take : Job 16:19; Joh 12:17, Joh 19:35; Rom 10:2; 2Co 1:23, 2Co 8:3; 1Th 2:10-12 that : Act 18:6; 2Sa 3:28; Eze 3:18-21, Eze 33:2-9; 2Co 7:2; 1Ti 5:...

TSK: Act 20:27 - -- I have : Act 20:20,Act 20:35, Act 26:22, Act 26:23; 2Co 4:2; Gal 1:7-10, Gal 4:16; 1Th 2:4 all : Act 2:23; Psa 32:11; Isa 46:10,Isa 46:11; Jer 23:22; ...

TSK: Act 20:28 - -- Take : 2Ch 19:6, 2Ch 19:7; Mar 13:9; Luk 21:34; 1Co 9:26, 1Co 9:27; Col 4:17; 1Ti 4:16; Heb 12:15 all : Act 20:29; Son 1:7, Son 1:8; Isa 40:11, Isa 63...

TSK: Act 20:29 - -- wolves : Zep 3:3; Mat 7:15, Mat 10:16; Luk 10:3; Joh 10:12; 2Pe 2:1 not : Jer 13:20, Jer 23:1; Eze 34:2, Eze 34:3; Zec 11:17

TSK: Act 20:30 - -- of your : Mat 26:21-25; 1Ti 1:19, 1Ti 1:20; 2Ti 2:17, 2Ti 2:18, 2Ti 4:3, 2Ti 4:4; 2Pe 2:1-3; 1Jo 2:19; 2Jo 1:7; Jud 1:4-16; Rev 2:6 speaking : Pro 19:...

TSK: Act 20:31 - -- watch : Mat 13:25; Mar 13:34-37; Luk 21:36; 2Ti 4:5; Heb 13:17; Rev 16:15 by : Act 19:8, Act 19:10 warn : Eze 3:17-20; Mat 3:7; 1Co 4:14; Col 1:28; 1T...

TSK: Act 20:32 - -- I commend : Act 14:23, Act 14:26, Act 15:40; Gen 50:24; Jer 49:11; Jud 1:24, Jud 1:25 and to the : Act 20:24; Heb 13:9 to build : Act 9:31; Joh 15:3, ...

TSK: Act 20:33 - -- Num 16:15; 1Sa 12:3-5; 1Co 9:12, 1Co 9:15, 1Co 9:18; 2Co 7:2, 2Co 11:9, 2Co 12:14, 2Co 12:17; 1Pe 5:2

TSK: Act 20:34 - -- that these : Act 18:3; 1Co 4:12; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8, 2Th 3:9

TSK: Act 20:35 - -- showed : Act 20:20,Act 20:27 how that : Isa 35:3; Rom 15:1; 1Co 9:12; 2Co 11:9, 2Co 11:12, 2Co 12:13; Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11; 1Th 5:14; Heb 12:12, Heb 12:...

TSK: Act 20:36 - -- he kneeled : Act 7:60, Act 21:5; 2Ch 6:13; Dan 6:10; Luk 22:41; Eph 3:14; Phi 4:6

TSK: Act 20:37 - -- wept : 1Sa 20:41; 2Sa 15:30; 2Ki 20:3; Ezr 10:1; Job 2:12; Psa 126:5; 2Ti 1:4; Rev 7:17, Rev 21:4 fell : Gen 45:14, Gen 46:29 kissed : Rom 16:16; 1Co ...

TSK: Act 20:38 - -- that : Act 20:25 and : Act 15:3, Act 21:5, Act 21:16; 1Co 16:11

collapse all
Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 20:20 - -- I kept back nothing ... - No doctrine, no admonition, no labor. Whatever he judged would promote their salvation, he faithfully and fearlessly ...

I kept back nothing ... - No doctrine, no admonition, no labor. Whatever he judged would promote their salvation, he faithfully and fearlessly delivered. A minister of the gospel must be the judge of what will be profitable to the people of his charge. His aim should be to promote their real welfare to preach what will be profitable. His object will not be to please their fancy, to gratify their taste, to flatter their pride, or to promote his own popularity. "All Scripture is profitable"2Ti 3:16; and it will be his aim to declare that only which will tend to promote their real welfare. Even if it be unpalatable; if it be the language of reproof and admonition; if it be doctrine to which the heart is by nature opposed; if it run counter to the native prejudices and passions of people; yet, by the grace of God, it should be, and will be delivered. No doctrine that will be profitable should be kept back; no labor that may promote the welfare of the flock should be withheld.

But have showed you - Have announced or declared to you. The word here used ἀναγγεῖλαι anangeilai is most commonly applied to "preaching in public assemblies, or in a public manner."

Have taught you publicly - In the public assembly; by public preaching.

And from house to house - Though Paul preached in public, and though his time was much occupied in manual labor for his own support Act 20:34, yet he did not esteem his public preaching to be all that was required of him, nor his daily occupation to be an excuse for not visiting from house to house. We may observe here:

(1) That Paul’ s example is a warrant and an implied injunction for family visitation by a pastor. If proper in Ephesus, it is proper still. If practicable in that city, it is in other cities. If it was useful there, it will be elsewhere. If it furnished to him consolation in the retrospect when he came to look over his ministry, and if it was one of the things which enabled him to say, "I am pure from the blood of all men,"it will be so in other cases.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he design for which ministers should visit should be a religious design. Paul did not visit for mere ceremony; for idle gossip, or chit-chat; or to converse on the news or politics of the day. His aim was to show the way of salvation, and to teach in private what he taught in public.

\caps1 (3) h\caps0 ow much of this is to be done is, of course, to be left to the discretion of every minister. Paul, in private visiting, did not neglect public instruction. The latter he evidently considered to be his main or chief business. His high views of preaching are evinced in his life, and in his letters to Timothy and Titus. Yet, while public preaching is the main, the prime, the leading business of a minister, and while his first efforts should be directed to preparation for that, he may and should find time to enforce his public instructions by going from house to house; and often he will find that his most immediate and apparent success will result from such family instructions.

\caps1 (4) i\caps0 f it is his duty to visit, it is the duty of is people to receive him as becomes an ambassador of Christ. They should be willing to listen to his instructions; to treat him with kindness, and to aid his endeavours in bringing a family under the influence of religion.

Barnes: Act 20:21 - -- Testifying - Bearing witness to the necessity of repentance toward God. Or teaching them the nature of repentance, and exhorting them to repent...

Testifying - Bearing witness to the necessity of repentance toward God. Or teaching them the nature of repentance, and exhorting them to repent and believe. Perhaps the word "testifying"includes both ideas of giving evidence, and of urging with great earnestness and affection that repentance and faith were necessary. See 1Ti 5:21; 2Ti 2:14; where the word used here, and here translated "testify,"is there translated correctly, "charge,"in the sense of "strongly urging, or entreating with great earnestness."

And also to the Greeks - To all who were not Jews. "The Greeks"properly denoted "those who lived in Greece, and who spoke the Greek language."But the phrase, "Jews and Greeks,"among the Hebrews, denoted "the whole human race."He urged the necessity of repentance and faith in all. Religion makes no distinction, but regards all as sinners, and as needing salvation by the blood of the Redeemer.

Repentance toward God - See the notes on Mat 3:2. Repentance is to be exercised "toward God,"because:

(1)    Sin has been committed against him, and it is proper that we express our sorrow to the Being whom we have offended; and,

(2)    Because only God can pardon. Sincere repentance exists only where there is a willingness to make acknowledgment to the very Being whom we have offended or injured.

And faith - See the notes on Mar 16:16.

Toward - εἰς eis . In regard to; in; confidence in the work and merits of the Lord Jesus. This is required, because there is no other one who can save from sin. See the notes on Act 4:12.

Barnes: Act 20:22 - -- Bound in the spirit - Strongly urged or constrained by the influences of the Holy Spirit on my mind. Not by any desire to see the place where m...

Bound in the spirit - Strongly urged or constrained by the influences of the Holy Spirit on my mind. Not by any desire to see the place where my fathers worshipped, and not urged merely by reason, but by the convictions and mighty promptings of the Holy Spirit to do my duty in this case. The expression "bound in the spirit" δεδεμένος τῷ πνεύματι dedemenos tō pneumati is one of great strength and emphasis. The word δέω deō , "to bind,"is usually applied to "confinement by cords, fetters, or bands"Mat 13:30; Mat 14:3; Mat 21:2; and then it denotes "any strong obligation"Rom 7:2, or "anything that strongly urges or impels,"Mat 21:2. When we are strongly urged by the convictions of duty, by the influences of the Holy Spirit, we should not shrink from danger or from death. Duty is to be done at all hazards. It is ours to follow the directions of God; results we may safely and confidently leave with him.

Not knowing the things that shall befall me there - He knew that calamities and trials of some kind awaited him Act 20:23, but he did not know:

(1)    Of what particular kind they would be; nor,

(2)    Their issue, whether it would be life or death.

We should commit our way unto God, not knowing what trials may be before us in life; but knowing that, if we are found faithful at the post of duty, we have nothing to fear in the result.

Barnes: Act 20:23 - -- Save that - Except that. This was all that he knew, that bonds and afflictions were to be his portion. The Holy Ghost witnesseth - Either...

Save that - Except that. This was all that he knew, that bonds and afflictions were to be his portion.

The Holy Ghost witnesseth - Either by direct revelation to him, or by the predictions of inspired men whom Paul might meet. An instance of the latter mode occurs in Act 21:11. It is probable that the meaning here is that the Holy Spirit had deeply impressed the mind of Paul by his direct influences, and by his experience in every city, that bonds and trials were to be his portion. Such had been his experience in every city where he had preached the gospel by the direction of the Holy Spirit, that he regarded it as his certain portion that he was thus to be afflicted.

In every city - In almost every city where Paul had been, he had been subjected to these trials. He had been persecuted, stoned, and scourged. So uniform was this, so constant had been his experience in this way, that he regarded it as his certain portion to be thus afflicted, and he approached Jerusalem, and every other city, with a confident expectation that such trials awaited him there.

Saying - In his experience, by direct revelation, and by the mouth of prophets, Act 21:11. When Paul was called to the apostleship it was predicted that he would suffer much, Act 9:16.

Bonds - Chains. That I would be bound, as prisoners are who are confined.

Abide me - See the margin. They remain or wait for me; that is, I must expect to suffer them.

Barnes: Act 20:24 - -- Move me - Alarm me, or deter me from my purpose. Greek: "I make an account of none of them."I do not regard them as of any moment, or as worth ...

Move me - Alarm me, or deter me from my purpose. Greek: "I make an account of none of them."I do not regard them as of any moment, or as worth consideration in the great purpose to which I have devoted my life.

Neither count I my life - I do not consider my life as so valuable as to be retained by turning away from bonds and persecutions. I am certain of bonds and afflictions; I am willing also, if it be necessary, to lay down my life in the prosecution of the same purpose.

Dear unto myself - So precious or valuable as to be retained at the sacrifice of duty. I am willing to sacrifice it if it be necessary. This was the spirit of the Saviour, and of all the early Christians. Duty is of more importance than life; and when either duty or life is to be sacrificed, life is to be cheerfully surrendered.

So that - This is my main object, to finish my course with joy. It is implied here:

(1) That this was the great purpose which Paul had in view.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 hat if he should even lay down his life in this cause, it would be a finishing his course with joy. In the faithful discharge of duty, he had nothing to fear. Life would be ended with peace whenever God should require him to finish his course.

Finish my course - Close my career as an apostle and a Christian. Life is thus represented as a course, or race that is to be run, 2Ti 4:7; Heb 12:1; 1Co 9:24; Act 13:25.

With joy - With the approbation of conscience and of God, with peace in the recollection of the past. Man should strive so to live that he will have nothing to regret when he lies on a bed of death. It is a glorious privilege to finish life with joy. It is most sad when the last hours are embittered with the reflection that life has been wasted. The only way in which life may be finished with joy is by meeting faithfully every duty, and encountering, as Paul did, every trial, with a constant desire to glorify God.

And the ministry - That I may fully discharge the duty of the apostolic office, the preaching of the gospel. In 2Ti 4:5, he charges Timothy to make full proof of his ministry. He here shows that this was the ruling principle of his own life.

Which I have received of the Lord Jesus - Which the Lord Jesus has committed to me, Act 9:15-17. Paul regarded his ministry as an office entrusted to him by the Lord Jesus himself. On this account he deemed it to be especially sacred, and of high authority, Gal 1:12. Every minister has been entrusted with an office by the Lord Jesus. He is not his own; and his great aim should be to discharge fully and entirely the duties of that office.

To testify the gospel - To bear witness to the good news of the favor of God. This is the great design of the ministry. It is to bear witness to a dying world of the good news that God is merciful, and that his favor may be made manifest to sinners. From this verse we may learn:

(1) That we all have a course to run, a duty to perform. Ministers have an allotted duty; and so have men in all ranks and professions.

\caps1 (2) w\caps0 e should not be deterred by danger, or the fear of death, from the discharge of that duty. We are safe only when we are doing the will of God. We are really in danger only when we neglect our duty, and make the great God our enemy.

\caps1 (3) w\caps0 e should so live as that the end of our course may be joy. It is, at best, a solemn thing to die; but death may be a scene of triumph and of joy.

\caps1 (4) i\caps0 t matters little when, or where, or how we die if we die in the discharge of our duty to God. He will order the circumstances of our departure, and He can sustain us in the last conflict. Happy is that life which is spent in doing the will of God, and peaceful that death which closes a life of toil and trial in the service of the Lord Jesus.

Barnes: Act 20:25 - -- I know that ye all - Perhaps this means simply, "I have no expectation of seeing you again; I have every reason to suppose that this is my fina...

I know that ye all - Perhaps this means simply, "I have no expectation of seeing you again; I have every reason to suppose that this is my final interview with you."He expected to visit Ephesus no more. The journey to Jerusalem was dangerous. Trials and persecutions he knew awaited him. Besides, it is evident that he designed to turn his attention to other countries, and to visit Rome; and probably he had already formed the purpose of going into Spain. See Act 19:21; compare Rom 15:23-28. From all these considerations it is evident that he had no expectation of being again at Ephesus. It is probable, however, that he did again return to that city. See the notes on Act 28:31.

Among whom I have gone preaching - Among whom I have preached. The parting of a minister and people is among the most tender and affecting of the separations that occur on earth.

The kingdom of God - Making known the nature of the reign of God on earth by the Messiah. See the notes on Mat 3:2.

Barnes: Act 20:26 - -- Wherefore - In view of the past, of my ministry and labors among you, I appeal to your own selves to testify that I have been faithful. I ...

Wherefore - In view of the past, of my ministry and labors among you, I appeal to your own selves to testify that I have been faithful.

I take you to record - Greek: I call you to witness. If any of you are lost; if you prove unfaithful to God, I appeal to yourselves that the fault is not mine. It is well when a minister can make this appeal, and call his hearers to bear testimony to his own faithfulness. Ministers who preach the gospel with fidelity may thus appeal to their hearers; and in the day of judgment may call on themselves to witness that the fault of the ruin of the soul is not to be charged to them.

That I am pure - I am not to be charged with the guilt of your condemnation, as owing to my unfaithfulness. This does not mean that he set up a claim to absolute perfection; but that, in the matter under consideration, he had a conscience void of offence.

The blood of all men - The word "blood"is often used in the sense of "death, of bloodshed"; and hence, of the "guilt or crime of putting one to death,"Mat 23:35; Mat 27:25; Act 5:28; Act 18:6. It here means that if they should die the second death; if they should be lost forever, he would not be to blame. He had discharged his duty in faithfully warning and teaching them; and now, if they were lost, the fault would be their own, not his.

All men - All classes of people - Jews and Gentiles. He had warned and instructed all alike. Ministers may have many fears that their hearers will be lost. Their aim, however, should be:

(1)    To save them, if possible; and,

(2)    If they are lost, that it should be by no neglect or fault of theirs.

Barnes: Act 20:27 - -- For - This verse contains a reason for what had been said in the previous verse. It shows why Paul regarded himself as innocent if they should ...

For - This verse contains a reason for what had been said in the previous verse. It shows why Paul regarded himself as innocent if they should be lost.

I have not shunned - I have not kept back; I have not been deterred by fear, by the desire of popularity, by the fact that the doctrines of the gospel are unpalatable to people, from declaring them fully. The proper meaning of the word translated here, "I have not shunned" ὑπεστειλάμην hupesteilamēn , is "to disguise any important truth; to withdraw it from public view; to decline publishing it from fear, or an apprehension of the consequences."Paul means that he had not disguised any truth; he had not withdrawn or kept it from open view, by any apprehension of the effect which it might have on their minds. Truth may be disguised or kept back:

(1)    By avoiding the subject altogether from timidity, or from an apprehension of giving offence if it is openly proclaimed; or,

(2)    By giving it too little prominency, so that it shall be lost in the multitude of other truths; or,

(3)    By presenting it amidst a web of metaphysical speculations, and entangling it with other subjects; or,

(4)    By making use of other terms than the Bible does, for the purpose of involving it in a mist, so that it cannot be understood.

People may resort to this course:

(1)    Because the truth itself is unpalatable;

(2)    Because they may apprehend the loss of reputation or support;

(3)    Because they may not love the truth them selves, and choose to conceal its prominent and offensive points;

(4)    Because they may be afraid of the rich, the great, and the frivolous, and apprehend that they shall excite their indignation; and,

(5)    By a love of metaphysical philosophy, and a constant effort to bring everything to the test of their own reason. People often preach a philosophical explanation of a doctrine instead of the doctrine itself They deserve the credit of ingenuity, but not that of being open and bold proclaimers of the truth of God.

All the counsel - πᾶσαν τὴν βουλὴν pasan tēn boulēn . The word "counsel"( βουλὴ boulē ) denotes properly "consolation, deliberation,"and then "will or purpose,"Luk 23:51; Act 2:23. It means here the will or purpose of God, as revealed in regard to the salvation of people. Paul had made a full statement of that plan of the guilt of people, of the claims of the Law, of the need of a Saviour, of the provisions of mercy, and of the state of future rewards and punishments. Ministers ought to declare all that counsel, because God commands it; because it is needful for the salvation of people; and because the message is not theirs, but God’ s, and they have no right to change, to disguise, or to withhold it. And if it is the duty of ministers to declare that counsel, it is the duty of a people to listen to it with respect and candor, and with a desire to know the truth, and to be saved by it. Declaring the counsel of God will do no good unless it is received into honest and humble hearts, and with a disposition to know what God has revealed for salvation.

Barnes: Act 20:28 - -- Take heed, therefore - Attend to; be on your guard against the dangers which beset you, and seek to discharge your duty with fidelity. Unt...

Take heed, therefore - Attend to; be on your guard against the dangers which beset you, and seek to discharge your duty with fidelity.

Unto yourselves - To your own piety, opinions, and mode of life. This is the first duty of a minister; for without this all his preaching will be vain. Compare Col 4:17; 1Ti 4:14. Ministers are beset with unique dangers and temptations, and against them they should be on their guard. In addition to the temptations which they have in common with other people, they are exposed to those special to their office - arising from flattery, and ambition, and despondency, and worldly-mindedness. And just in proportion to the importance of their office is the importance of the injunction of Paul, to take heed to themselves.

And to all the flock - The church; the charge entrusted to them. The church of Christ is often compared to a flock. See the John 10:1-20 notes; also Joh 21:15-17 notes. The word "flock"here refers particularly to the church, and not to the congregation in general, for it is represented to be what was purchased with the blood of the atonement. The command here is:

(1) To take heed to the church; that is, to instruct, teach, and guide it; to guard it from enemies Act 20:29, and to make it their special object to promote its welfare.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 o take heed to all the flock the rich and the poor, the bond and the free, the old and the young. It is the duty of ministers to seek to promote the welfare of each individual of their charge not to pass by the poor because they are poor, and not to be afraid of the rich because they are rich. A shepherd regards the I interest of the tenderest of the fold as much as the strongest; and a faithful minister will seek to advance the interest of all. To do this he should know all his people; should be acquainted, as far as possible, with their unique needs, character, and dangers, and should devote himself to their welfare as his first and main employment.

Over the which the Holy Ghost - Though they had been appointed, doubtless, by the church, or by the apostles, yet it is here represented as having been done by the Holy Spirit. It was by him:

(1)    Because he had called and qualified them for their work; and,

(2)    Because they had been set apart in accordance with his direction and will.

Overseers - ἐπισκόπους episkopous . "Bishops."The word properly denotes those who are appointed "to oversee or inspect anything."This passage proves that the name "bishop"was applicable to elders; that in the time of the apostles, the name "bishop"and "presbyter,"or "elder,"was given to the same class of officers, and, of course, that there was no distinction between them. One term was originally used to denote "office,"the other term denotes "age,"and both words were applied to the same persons in the congregation. The same thing occurs in Tit 1:5-7, where those who in Tit 1:5 are called "elders,"are in Tit 1:7 called "bishops."See also 1Ti 3:1-10; Phi 1:1.

To feed - ποιμαίνειν poimainein . This word is properly applied to the care which a shepherd exercises over his flock. See the notes on Joh 21:15-16. It is applicable not only to the act of feeding a flock, but also to that of protecting, guiding, and guarding it. It here denotes not merely the "duty"of instructing the church, but also of "governing"it; of "securing"it from enemies Act 20:29, and of "directing"its affairs so as to promote its edification and peace.

The church of God - This is one of three passages in the New Testament in regard to which there has been a long controversy among critics, which is not yet determined. The controversy is, whether is this the correct and genuine reading. The other two passages are, 1Ti 3:16, and 1Jo 5:7. The mss. and versions here exhibit three readings: "the church of God" τοῦ Θεός tou Theos the church of the Lord τοῦ Κυρίου tou Kuriou ; and the church of the Lord and God Κυρίος καὶ Θεός Kurios kai Theos . The Latin Vulgate reads it "God."The Syriac, "the Lord."The Arabic, "the Lord God."The Ethiopic, "the Christian family of God."The reading which now occurs in our text is found in no ancient mss. except the Vatican Codex, and occurs nowhere among the writings of the fathers except in Athanasius, in regard to whom also there is a various reading.

It is retained, however, by Beza, Mill, and Whitby as the genuine reading. The most ancient mss., and the best, read "the church of the Lord,"and this probably was the genuine text. It has been adopted by Griesbach and Wetstein; and many important reasons may be given why it should be retained. See those reasons stated at length in Kuinoel "in loco"; see also Griesbach and Wetstein. It may be remarked, that a change from Lord to God might easily be made in the transcribing, for in ancient mss. the words are not written at length, but are abbreviated. Thus, the name Christ Χριστός Christos is written ChoS; the name God θεός theos is written ThoS; the name Lord κύριος kurios is written KOS; and a mistake, therefore, of a single letter would lead to the variations observable in the manuscripts. Compare in this place the note of Mill in his Greek Testament. The authority for the name "God"is so doubtful that it should not be used as a proof text on the divinity of Christ, and is not necessary, as there are so many undisputed passages on that subject.

Which he hath purchased - The word used here περιεποιήσατο periepoiēsato occurs but in one other place in the New Testament - 1Ti 3:13, "For they that have used the office of deacon well, purchase to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith."The word properly means "to acquire or gain anything; to make it ours."This may be done by a price, or by labor, etc. The noun ( περιποίησις peripoiēsis ) derived from this verb is used several times in the New Testament, and denotes "acquisition:"1Th 5:9, God hath appointed us "to obtain"(unto the obtaining or acquisition of) salvation"; 2Th 2:14, "Whereunto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ"; 1Pe 2:9; Tit 2:14; Eph 1:14. In this place it means that Christ had "acquired, gained, or procured,"the church for himself by paying his own life as the price. The church is often represented as having thus been bought with a price, 1Co 6:20; 1Co 7:23; 2Pe 2:1.

With his own blood - With the sacrifice of his own life; for blood is often put for life, and to shed the blood is equivalent to faking the life. See the notes on Rom 3:25. The doctrines taught here are:

(1) That the death of Christ was an atoning sacrifice; that he offered himself to purchase a people to his own service.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 hat the church is, therefore, of special value a value to be estimated by the price paid for it. Compare 1Pe 1:18-19.

\caps1 (3) t\caps0 hat this fact should make the purity and salvation of the church an object of special solicitude with ministers of the gospel. They should be deeply affected in view of that blood which has been shed for the church; and they should guard and defend it as having been bought with the highest price in the universe. The chief consideration that will make ministers faithful and self-denying is, that the church has been bought with a price. If the Lord Jesus so loved it; if he gave himself for it, they should be willing to deny themselves; to watch, and toil, and pray, that the great object of his death the purity and the salvation of that church - may be obtained.

Barnes: Act 20:29 - -- For I know this - By what he had seen in other places; by his knowledge of human nature, and of the dangers to which they were exposed; and by ...

For I know this - By what he had seen in other places; by his knowledge of human nature, and of the dangers to which they were exposed; and by the guidance of inspiration.

After my departure - His presence had been the means of guarding the church, and preserving it from these dangers. Now that the founder and guide of the church was to be removed, they would be exposed to dissensions and dangers.

Grievous wolves - Heavy βαρεῖς bareis , strong, mighty, dangerous wolves - so strong that the feeble flock would not be able to resist them. The term "wolves"is used to denote "the enemies of the flock - false, and hypocritical, and dangerous teachers."Compare Mat 10:16.

Enter in among you - From abroad; doubtless referring particularly to the Jews, who might be expected to distract and divide them.

Not sparing the flock - Seeking to destroy the church. The Jews would regard it with special hostility, and would seek to destroy it in every way. Probably they would approach them with great professed friendship for them, and expressing a desire only to defend the laws of Moses.

Barnes: Act 20:30 - -- Also of your own selves - From your own church; from those who profess to. be Christians. Speaking perverse things - Crooked, perverted, ...

Also of your own selves - From your own church; from those who profess to. be Christians.

Speaking perverse things - Crooked, perverted, distracting doctrines διεστραμμένα diestrammena . Compare the notes on Act 13:10. They would proclaim doctrines tending to distract and divide the church. The most dangerous enemies which the church has had have been nurtured in its own bosom, and have consisted of those who have perverted the true doctrines of the gospel. Among the Ephesians, as among the Corinthians 1Co 1:11-13, there might be parties formed; there might be people influenced by ambition, like Diotrephes 3Jo 1:9, or like Phygellus or Hermogenes 2Ti 1:15, or like Hymeneus and Alexander, 1Ti 1:20. Men under the influence of ambition, or from the love of power or popularity, form parties in the church, produce divisions and distractions, and greatly retard its internal prosperity, and mar its peace. The church of Christ would have little to fear from external enemies if it nurtured no foes in its own bosom; and all the power of persecutors is not so much to be dreaded as the plans, the parties, the strifes, the heart burnings, and the contentions which are produced by those who love and seek power, among the professed friends of Christ.

Barnes: Act 20:31 - -- Therefore watch - Mat 24:42. In view of the dangers which beset yourselves Act 20:28, the danger from people not connected with the church Act ...

Therefore watch - Mat 24:42. In view of the dangers which beset yourselves Act 20:28, the danger from people not connected with the church Act 20:29, and the danger which will arise from the love of power among yourselves Act 20:30, be on your guard. Observe the approach of danger, and set yourselves against it.

Remember - Recall my counsels and admonitions in reference to these dangers.

By the space of three years - In Act 19:10, we are told that Paul spent two years in the school of Tyrannus. In Act 19:8, it is said that he was teaching in the synagogue at Ephesus three months. In addition to this, it is not improbable that he spent some months more in Ephesus in instructing the church in other places. Perhaps, however, by the phrase three years, he meant to use merely a round number, denoting about three years; or, in accordance with the Jewish custom, part of each of the three years one whole year, and a considerable portion of the two others. Compare the notes on Mat 12:40.

I ceased not - I continued to do it.

To warn - To admonish; to place before the mind νουθετῶν nouthetōn ; setting the danger and duty of each individual before him.

Everyone - He had thus set them an example of what he had enjoined, Act 20:28. He had admonished each individual, whatever was his rank or standing. It is well when a minister can refer to his own example as an illustration of what he meant by his precepts.

Night and day - Continually; by every opportunity.

With tears - Expressive of his deep feeling, and his deep interest in their welfare. See the notes on Act 20:19.

Barnes: Act 20:32 - -- And now, brethren - About to leave them, probably to see them no more, he committed them to the faithful care and keeping of God Amidst all the...

And now, brethren - About to leave them, probably to see them no more, he committed them to the faithful care and keeping of God Amidst all the dangers of the church, when human strength fails or is withdrawn, we may commit that church to the safe keeping and tender care of God.

I commend you - I commit you; I place you παρατίθεμαι paratithemai in his hands and under his protection. See the notes on Act 14:23.

And to the word of his grace - That is, to his gracious word; to his merciful promise. Paul refers, doubtless, to the gospel, including its promises of support, its consoling truths, and its directions to seek all needful help and comfort in God.

Which is able - Which has power. Τῷ δυναμένῳ Tō dunamenō . Which word, or gospel, has power to build you up, Heb 4:12, "For the Word of God is quick (living, life-giving, ζῶν zōn ), and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, etc."Compare Isa 49:2; Jer 23:29, "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"It is implied here that the gospel is not a dead letter; that it has power to accomplish a great work; that it is adapted to the end in view, the conversion and sanctification of the soul. There is no danger in representing the gospel as mighty, and as suited by infinite wisdom to secure the renovation and salvation of man. Compare Rom 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 2Co 10:4.

To build you up - The word used here is properly applied to a house which is raised and completed by slow degrees, and by toil. It here means to establish, make firm, or permanent, and hence, to instruct, to establish in doctrine and in hope. The idea is, that the Word of God was able to confirm and establish them, amidst the dangers to which they would be exposed.

And to give you an inheritance - To make you heirs, or to make you joint partakers with the saints of the blessings in reserve for the children of God. Those blessings are often represented as an inheritance, or heirship, which God will confer on his adopted children, Mat 19:29; Mat 25:34; Mar 10:17; Heb 6:12; Rev 21:7; Eph 1:11; Eph 5:5; Col 1:12; Col 3:24; Rom 8:17; Gal 3:29.

Among all them which are sanctified - With all who are holy; with an the saints. See the notes on Joh 10:36. Those who shall be saved are made holy. They who receive a part in the inheritance beyond the grave will have it only among the sanctified and the pure. They must, therefore, be pure themselves, or they can have no part in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Barnes: Act 20:33 - -- I have coveted - I have not desired. I have not made it an object of my living among you to obtain your property. Thus, 2Co 12:14 he says, "I s...

I have coveted - I have not desired. I have not made it an object of my living among you to obtain your property. Thus, 2Co 12:14 he says, "I seek not yours, but you."Paul had power to demand support in the, ministry as the reward of his labor, 1Co 9:13-14. Yet he did not choose to exercise it, lest it should bring the charge of avarice against the ministry, 1Co 9:12, 1Co 9:15. He also had power in another respect. He had a vast influence over the people. The early Christians were disposed to commit their property to the disposal of the apostles. See Act 4:34-35, Act 4:37. The pagan had been accustomed to devote their property to the support of religion. Of this propensity, if the object of Paul had been to make money, he might have availed himself, and have become enriched. Deceivers often thus impose upon people for the purpose of amassing wealth; and one of the incidental but striking proofs of the truth of the Christian religion is here furnished in the appeal which the apostle Paul made to his hearers, that this had not been his motive. If it had been, how easy would it have been for them to have contradicted him! And who, in such circumstances, would have dared to make such an appeal? The circumstances of the case, therefore, prove that the object of the apostle was not to amass wealth. And this fact is an important proof of the truth of the religion which he defended. What should have induced him to labor and toil in this manner but a conviction of the truth of Christianity? And if he really believed it was true, it is, in his circumstances, a strong proof that this religion is from heaven. See this proof stated in Faber’ s "Difficulties of Infidelity,"and in Lord Lyttleton’ s "Letter on the Conversion of Paul."

Or apparel - Raiment. Changes of raiment among the ancients, as at present among the Orientals, constituted an important part of their property. See the notes on Mat 6:19.

Barnes: Act 20:34 - -- Yea, ye yourselves know - By your own acquaintance with my manner of life. In Corinth he had lived and labored with Apollos (note, Act 18:3); a...

Yea, ye yourselves know - By your own acquaintance with my manner of life. In Corinth he had lived and labored with Apollos (note, Act 18:3); and he refers elsewhere to the fact that he had supported himself, in part at least, by his own labor, 1Co 4:12; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8. We may hence learn that it is no discredit to a minister to labor. Whatever it may be to a people who put him under a necessity to toil for his support, yet the example of Paul shows that a man should rejoice in the privilege of preaching the gospel, even if it is done while he is obliged to resort to labor for his daily bread. It is well when a minister of the gospel can make an appeal to his people like this of Paul, and say, "I have coveted no man’ s gold, or silver, or apparel."Every minister should so live that he can make this appeal to their own consciences of the sincerity and disinterestedness of his labors from the pulpit; or when called to separate from them as Paul did; or when on a dying bed. Every minister of the gospel, when be comes to lie down to die, will desire to be able to make this appeal, and to leave a solemn testimony there, that it was not for gold, or ease, or fame, that he toiled in the ministerial office. How much more influence will such a man have than he who has been worldly-minded; he who has sought to become rich; and he, the only memorials of whose life is, that he has sought "the fleece, not the flock"- that he has gained the property, not the souls of people.

Barnes: Act 20:35 - -- I have showed you - I have taught you by instruction and example. I have not merely discoursed about it, but have showed you how to do it. ...

I have showed you - I have taught you by instruction and example. I have not merely discoursed about it, but have showed you how to do it.

All things - Or, in respect to all things. In everything that respects preaching and the proper mode of life, I have for three years set you an example, illustrating the design, nature, and duties of the office by my own self-denials and toil.

How that - Or, that - ὅτι hoti . I have showed you that ye should by so laboring support the weak.

So labouring - Laboring as I have done. Setting this example, and ministering in this way to the needs of others.

To support the weak - To provide for the needs of the sick and feeble members of the flock, who are unable to labor for themselves. "The weak"here denotes "the poor, the needy, the infirmed."

And to remember - To call to mind for encouragement, and with the force of a command,

The words of the Lord Jesus - These words are nowhere recorded by the evangelists. But they did not pretend to record all his sayings and instructions. Compare Joh 21:25. There is the highest reason to suppose that many of his sayings which are not recorded would be treasured up by those who heard them; would be transmitted to others; and would be regarded as a precious part of his instructions. Paul evidently addresses the elders of Ephesus as if they had heard this before, and were acquainted with it. Perhaps he had himself reminded them of it. This is one of the Redeemer’ s most precious sayings; and it seems even to have a special value from the fact that it is not recorded in the regular and professed histories of his life. It comes to us recovered, as it were, from the great mass of his unrecorded sayings; rescued from that oblivion to which it was hastening if left to mere tradition, and placed in permanent form in the sacred writings by the act of an apostle who had never seen the Saviour before his crucifixion. It is a precious relic - a memento of the Saviour - and the effect of it is to make us regret that more of his words were not recovered from an uncertain tradition, and placed in a permanent form by an inspired penman. God, however, who knows what is requisite to guide us, has directed the words which are needful for the welfare of the church, and has preserved by inspiration the doctrines which are adapted to convert and bless man.

It is more blessed to give - It is a higher privilege; it tends more to the happiness of the individual and of the world. The giver is more blessed or happy than the receiver. This appears:

(1) Because it is a condition for which we should be thankful when we are in a situation to promote the happiness of others.

\caps1 (2) b\caps0 ecause it tends to promote the happiness of the benefactor himself. There is pleasure in the act of giving when it is done with pure motives. It promotes our own peace; is followed by happiness in the recollection of it; and will be followed by happiness forever. That is the most truly happy man who is most benevolent. He is the most miserable who has never known the luxury of doing good, but who lives to gain all he can, and to hoard all he gains.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 t is blessed in the reward that shall result from it. Those who give from a pure motive God will bless. They will be rewarded, not only in the peace which they shall experience in this life, but in the higher bliss of heaven, Mat 25:34-36. We may also remark that this is a sentiment truly great and noble. It is worthy of the Son of God. It is that on which he himself acted when he came to give pardon to the guilty, comfort to the disconsolate and the mourner, peace to the anxious sinner, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead, and heaven to the guilty and the lost. Acting on this, he gave his own tears to weep over human sorrows and human guilt; his own labors and toils to instruct and save man; his own life a sacrifice for sin on the cross. Loving to give, he has freely given us all things. Loving to give, he delights in the same character in his followers, and seeks that they who have wealth, and strength, and influence should be willing to give all to save the world. Imitating his great example, and complying with his command, the church shall yet learn more and more to give its wealth to bless the poor and needy; its sons and its daughters to bear the gospel to the benighted pagan; its undivided and constant efforts to save a lost world. Here closes this speech of Paul; an address of inimitable tenderness and beauty. Happy would it be if every minister could bid such an adieu to his people, when called to part from them; and happy if, at the close of life, every Christian could leave the world with a like consciousness that he had been faithful in the discharge of his duty. Thus dying, it will be blessed to leave the world; and thus would the example of the saints live in the memory of survivors long after they themselves have ascended to their rest.

Barnes: Act 20:36 - -- He kneeled down - The usual attitude of prayer. It is the proper posture of a suppliant. It indicates reverence and humility; and is represente...

He kneeled down - The usual attitude of prayer. It is the proper posture of a suppliant. It indicates reverence and humility; and is represented in the Scriptures as the usual attitude of devotion, 2Ch 6:13; Dan 6:10; Luk 22:41; Act 7:60; Act 9:40; Act 21:5; Rom 11:4; Phi 2:10; Eph 3:14; Mar 1:40.

Barnes: Act 20:37 - -- Wept sore - Wept much. Greek: "There was a great weeping of all." And fell on Paul’ s neck - Embraced him, as a token of tender affe...

Wept sore - Wept much. Greek: "There was a great weeping of all."

And fell on Paul’ s neck - Embraced him, as a token of tender affection. The same thing Joseph did when he met his aged father Jacob, Gen 46:29.

And kissed him - This was the common token of affection. See the Mat 26:48 note; Luk 15:20 note; Rom 16:16 note; 1Co 16:20 note.

Barnes: Act 20:38 - -- Sorrowing most of all ... - This was a most tender and affectionate parting scene. It can be more easily imagined than described. We may learn ...

Sorrowing most of all ... - This was a most tender and affectionate parting scene. It can be more easily imagined than described. We may learn from it:

(1) That the parting of ministers and people is a most solemn event, and should be one of much tenderness and affection.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he effect of true religion is to make the heart more tender; to make friendship more affectionate and sacred; and to unite more closely the bonds of love.

\caps1 (3) m\caps0 inisters of the gospel should be prepared to leave their people with the same consciousness of fidelity and the same kindness and love which Paul evinced. They should live such lives as to be able to look back upon their whole ministry as pure and disinterested, and as having been employed in guarding the flock, and in making known to them the whole counsel of God. So parting, they may separate in peace; and so living and acting, they will be prepared to give up their account with joy, and not with grief. May God grant to every minister the spirit which Paul evinced at Ephesus, and enable each one, when called to leave his people by death or otherwise, to do it with the same consciousness of fidelity which Paul evinced when he left his people to see their face no more.

Poole: Act 20:20 - -- I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you useful in order to eternal life to be known or hoped for, or to be done; shunning no labour or dange...

I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you useful in order to eternal life to be known or hoped for, or to be done; shunning no labour or danger; concealing nothing out of fear or hope of advantage.

Taught you publicly in the public synagogues and schools.

And from house to house privately, as Act 2:46 ; not only speaking publicly and in general, but secretly and particularly, as everyone’ s condition did require, exhorting some, reproving others. And indeed a good shepherd will labour to understand the state of his flock, and to supply them with what is necessary and suitable for them. Jacob says, Gen 31:39 , that he bare the loss, and was fain to answer for all the sheep unto Laban. And of how much more value are the souls of men, to be sure, in God’ s sight, who will require an account of them!

Poole: Act 20:21 - -- Testifying to all sorts and conditions of men, for there is no difference with God, that repentance would be accepted from them by God, and that he w...

Testifying to all sorts and conditions of men, for there is no difference with God, that repentance would be accepted from them by God, and that he was ready to give repentance unto them, as Act 11:18 ; and that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was the true saving faith, there being no other name given whereby we may be saved. Upon these two depends the whole gospel, and our salvation by it.

Poole: Act 20:22 - -- Bound in the spirit as powerfully persuaded by a Divine instinct, to undertake this journey, as if I were led or drawn to it by forcible means; being...

Bound in the spirit as powerfully persuaded by a Divine instinct, to undertake this journey, as if I were led or drawn to it by forcible means; being bound to obey God in all things, whom I take to be my God and Guide, my Sun and Shield: and I do not desire so much to act, as to be acted by him. This St. Paul says, not as if he was drawn unto this journey against his will, but lest any should attempt to dissuade him from it, or that he should seem to have slighted the predictions of the prophets, mentioned in Act 21:11,12 . Nay, he might say this, as being as certain of his bonds as if he felt them already. Such things as are foretold to such as know the veracity of God, they are as present. Howsoever, he was content to be bound, to suffer, nay, to die for Christ. And as he is poor in spirit who crucifies the world, and is willing to want, if God sees good; so he is bound in spirit, who is thus willing to be bound for the name of Christ. Howsoever, these words speak his firm resolution to take this journey upon him.

Not knowing the things that shall befall me there what the event shall be, in what measure he should be bound, and how long; he left it unto God’ s good will and pleasure.

Poole: Act 20:23 - -- 1. Those that were endued with the Spirit of prophecy, in every city, foretold his sufferings; as Act 21:4,11 . 2. He did suffer more or less in ever...

1. Those that were endued with the Spirit of prophecy, in every city, foretold his sufferings; as Act 21:4,11 .

2. He did suffer more or less in every city or place he came to; so great was the malice of the Jews against him.

Poole: Act 20:24 - -- None of these things move me they cannot deter me from my duty. Neither count I my life before dear unto myself I am so far from fearing bonds, tha...

None of these things move me they cannot deter me from my duty.

Neither count I my life before dear unto myself I am so far from fearing bonds, that I would not fear death itself. He is said to account his life precious, or dear, that spares it; as 2Ki 1:13,14 .

My course his general course of Christianity, or the special course of his ministry; in either of which there is a race to be run, and a prize to be got, 2Ti 4:7 . It implies the great and constant labour that all Christians must take in their general calling, and especially ministers in their particular calling, 1Co 9:24 .

With joy which ariseth from the testimony of a good conscience, which only is true joy; the other is madness, Ecc 2:2 .

The ministry his apostleship, so called, Act 1:25 6:4 .

The gospel of the grace of God so the gospel is called, because bestowed upon any nation or people by God’ s mere grace only. And also it declares the grace of God in Christ Jesus to repenting and believing sinners.

Poole: Act 20:25 - -- This is thought to have been spoken by St. Paul, as his present purpose and resolution only, as Rom 15:24 . The kingdom of God the gospel, by whic...

This is thought to have been spoken by St. Paul, as his present purpose and resolution only, as Rom 15:24 .

The kingdom of God the gospel, by which his kingdom is set up in the minds and hearts of men.

Poole: Act 20:26 - -- I take you to record I testify and affirm unto you; and I dare appeal unto yourselves concerning it. I am pure from the blood of all men from the g...

I take you to record I testify and affirm unto you; and I dare appeal unto yourselves concerning it.

I am pure from the blood of all men from the guilt of destroying their souls; none of them have perished through my fault, having faithfully showed unto them the way of life, and earnestly persuaded them to walk in it. Thus, according as the Lord told Ezekiel, Eze 3:19 , the prophet that hath warned the wicked man, hath delivered his own soul.

Poole: Act 20:27 - -- God’ s decree, to save all that believe in Christ; or the whole doctrine of Christianity, as it directs to a holy life; whatsoever God requires...

God’ s decree, to save all that believe in Christ; or the whole doctrine of Christianity, as it directs to a holy life; whatsoever God requires of any one in order to a blessed eternity. This is that which the Pharisees rejected, Luk 7:30 ; and so do all wicked and ungodly men, who refuse to take God’ s counsel, or to obey his command.

Poole: Act 20:28 - -- Take heed therefore unto yourselves be mindful of your own salvation: for he that neglects his own, will not be careful of the salvation of another. ...

Take heed therefore unto yourselves be mindful of your own salvation: for he that neglects his own, will not be careful of the salvation of another.

The Holy Ghost hath made you overseers

1. By his choosing and nominating of them, which was then by a special instinct, or immediate warrant from the Spirit, Act 1:24 13:2 . Or:

2. Because they were constituted by the apostles, who were filled with the Spirit, enabling them to the choice of such persons, Act 14:23 . But also:

3. Whosoever is set apart to this office, according to the will of God, is made an overseer by the Holy Ghost; God owning his institutions, and concurring with them.

Overseers the same who Act 20:17are called elders; they were certainly such as had the government and care of the church committed unto them.

To feed as a shepherd does, (for the apostle continues here the metaphor), Jer 23:4 Joh 21:16,17 .

The church of God our Saviour is so called; for the Word was God, Joh 1:1 .

Which he hath purchased Christ by his bloody death hath redeemed his church, and obtained power to gather it, to rule over it, to protect and preserve it, Isa 53:10 Phi 2:8-10 .

With his own blood the blood of Christ, called truly the blood of God, there being in Christ two natures in one person, and a communion of the properties of each nature. If Christ had not been man, he could have had no blood to shed: had he not been God, the blood which he shed could not have been a sufficient price of redemption. Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God, who found out such a ransom; and the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love of Christ, who paid this ransom for us! Rom 11:33 Eph 3:18,19 .

Poole: Act 20:29 - -- My departing either out of this country, or out of this life. Grievous wolves so false teachers and persecutors are called, the one destroying the ...

My departing either out of this country, or out of this life.

Grievous wolves so false teachers and persecutors are called, the one destroying the body, the other the soul. In this the metaphor is persisted in; the disciples of Christ being as sheep or lambs, their enemies are by our Saviour himself called wolves. Mat 7:15 .

Poole: Act 20:30 - -- Of your own selves shall men arise whilst Paul yet lived, and was only departed from that place. Several seducers may be reckoned up, as Nicolas the ...

Of your own selves shall men arise whilst Paul yet lived, and was only departed from that place. Several seducers may be reckoned up, as Nicolas the deacon, (from whom it is thought the sect of the Nicolaitanes came, Rev 2:6 ), Hymenaeus, Alexander, Phygellus, and Hermogenes, 1Ti 1:20 2Ti 1:15 .

Speaking perverse things perverting Scripture; establishing their false doctrines by Scripture, which they wrest to their purpose.

To draw away disciples as members are forcibly plucked from their body; which speak the cruelty and violence of these heretics, and the tenderness of the church towards her members, being loth to part from them.

After them thus false teachers gain indeed disciples to themselves, but not unto the Lord.

Poole: Act 20:31 - -- Watch take heed yourselves, and warn others to take heed. By the space of three years from St. Paul’ s first coming to Ephesus it was three ye...

Watch take heed yourselves, and warn others to take heed.

By the space of three years from St. Paul’ s first coming to Ephesus it was three years current, and now almost complete, Act 19:8,10 20:3 .

With tears a great, and no feigned payov ; as Christ wept over Jerusalem, Luk 19:41 , so St. Paul over the unbelieving Jews; it went to his heart to think that they could not be saved. See how St. Paul loved souls, and pitied souls.

Poole: Act 20:32 - -- I commend you to God it being so hard a matter to escape so many snares and dangers, the apostle prays to God for them, who is able to keep them by h...

I commend you to God it being so hard a matter to escape so many snares and dangers, the apostle prays to God for them, who is able to keep them by his power, through faith, unto salvation, 1Pe 1:5 ; and it is in vain to look after any meaner defence.

The word of his grace the gospel, which leads us to the rock upon which we must build, if we would not be moved when the storm comes.

Build you up increasing the number of believers, and augmenting their graces. God is said to build, and so is his word, both concurring: the gospel builds, as a means appointed by God; and God builds, who blesses that means. Hence he is called the God of all grace, 1Pe 5:10 .

An inheritance; heaven is called an inheritance, because we have it only by adoption, and it is given only unto children, Rom 8:17 ; as also, because it is a firm and lasting possession, not for a term of years, or a certain time, but for ever and ever.

Which are sanctified; for without holiness none shall see God, Heb 12:14 .

Poole: Act 20:33 - -- Having spoken of the heavenly inheritance, he tells them how willing he was to have his reward hereafter, and to waive receiving his wages here. In ...

Having spoken of the heavenly inheritance, he tells them how willing he was to have his reward hereafter, and to waive receiving his wages here. In this, St. Paul imitates Moses, Num 16:15 , and Samuel, 1Sa 12:3,5 .

Poole: Act 20:34 - -- St. Paul working hard (as they all knew) for a livelihood, Act 18:3 1Co 4:12 1Th 2:9 ; which he gives an account of, 2Th 3:8 , to have been done onl...

St. Paul working hard (as they all knew) for a livelihood, Act 18:3 1Co 4:12 1Th 2:9 ; which he gives an account of, 2Th 3:8 , to have been done only that in such a juncture, they being poor, and the false teachers watching all advantages against him, he might not then be chargeable to them.

Poole: Act 20:35 - -- I have showed you all things as in Act 20:27 . So labouring with more than ordinary pains and constancy. To support that they do not fall; or, be...

I have showed you all things as in Act 20:27 .

So labouring with more than ordinary pains and constancy.

To support that they do not fall; or, being fallen, that they may rise again. The word imports the stretching out of the hand to retain any that are going away, or to hold up any that are falling.

The weak in knowledge, faith, or any other grace.

The words of the Lord Jesus Paul might have these words by the relation of others who heard them spoken by our Savionr; for all things that he said or did could not be written, Joh 20:30 .

It is more blessed to give than to receive not so much in that giving speaks abundance and affluence, but as it shows our charity and goodness, in which we resemble and imitate God. The substance of these words which are attributed to our Saviour, though not the terms, may be found in divers places, as Luk 6:38 16:9 .

Poole: Act 20:36 - -- He kneeled down a posture of great humility, becoming prayer, and frequently used on such occasions, especially in a time of great trouble and distre...

He kneeled down a posture of great humility, becoming prayer, and frequently used on such occasions, especially in a time of great trouble and distress. Although bodily exercise alone do not profit, 1Ti 4:8 , yet we may, and must on occasion, in prayer bow the knee, lift up the hand and eye;

1. Because it is a reasonable thing to give our bodies in his service to God that made them.

2. By this we may show that we are not ashamed to serve and own God before men. And:

3. These outward signs do sometimes stir up our own and others’ devotion.

Poole: Act 20:37 - -- As they used to do their friends when they took their leave of them: see Gen 45:14,15 .

As they used to do their friends when they took their leave of them: see Gen 45:14,15 .

Poole: Act 20:38 - -- The loss of a faithful and painful minister is a public loss, and many are concerned in it; besides, they had found great benefit by his ministry, a...

The loss of a faithful and painful minister is a public loss, and many are concerned in it; besides, they had found great benefit by his ministry, and could not but be sensible of their missing of it. Add to this, Paul’ s gracious and humble conversation, and the sense of many good offices done by him, could not but have endeared him unto them.

They accompanied him unto the ship enjoying him as long and as far as they could, and expressing their last and utmost kindness unto him.

PBC: Act 20:28 - -- This is the language of the eminent Apostle Paul to the elders of the church at Ephesus when he had sent for them to show what should be done, and how...

This is the language of the eminent Apostle Paul to the elders of the church at Ephesus when he had sent for them to show what should be done, and how it should be done. An overseer is not a master or lord; that is, from a Scriptural standpoint. And an overseer, according to Paul’s instruction here, is one that is to feed, not to rule or control, or to exercise dominion. Eld. C. H. Cayce

PBC: Act 20:32 - -- See Philpot: THE WORD OF GOD’S GRACE


Haydock: Act 20:20 - -- I have kept back, &c. I have discovered to you every thing which can be useful to your salvation. Neither fear, nor any human considerations, have ...

I have kept back, &c. I have discovered to you every thing which can be useful to your salvation. Neither fear, nor any human considerations, have prevailed over me to disguise or suppress the truths, which might be serviceable to you. This is the model of a good pastor. Full of doctrine, and of zeal, he communicates what God puts into his heart, and charity inspires him to speak, with abundance, with discretion, and without jealousy, without fear. A good shepherd, St. Bernard used to say, has always bread in his scrip, and his dog in his keeping. The dog is his zeal, which must be chained, governed and moderated. His scrip, full of bread, is his mind, filled with all knowledge, which he is always in the state of dispensing as food to his flock.

Haydock: Act 20:22 - -- Bound in the spirit, lead by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. (Witham) --- Chained, and forced, as it were, by the Holy Spirit, who offers me a sweet ...

Bound in the spirit, lead by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. (Witham) ---

Chained, and forced, as it were, by the Holy Spirit, who offers me a sweet violence; or I am so strongly persuaded of the chains, which await me at Jerusalem, that I already feel myself bound in idea. (Calmet) ---

I no go to Jerusalem for the fourth time, attracted by the Holy Ghost, who is the author and governor of all my actions, that where I have shown myself the greatest enemy of the Church, there I may suffer tribulations in defence of the same Church, and for Christ, her divine spouse. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Act 20:23 - -- In every city. There were in every city Christian prophets, who foretold to Paul the tribulations which awaited him. It appears, then, that the apo...

In every city. There were in every city Christian prophets, who foretold to Paul the tribulations which awaited him. It appears, then, that the apostle did not know these things by immediate revelation made to himself, but by that made to the prophets. Of this we have a proof in the next chapter.

Haydock: Act 20:24 - -- Neither do I count my life (literally, my soul ) more precious than myself, having consecrated all my endeavours, my thoughts, my life, my whole ...

Neither do I count my life (literally, my soul ) more precious than myself, having consecrated all my endeavours, my thoughts, my life, my whole self, body and soul, to God's service. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 20:25 - -- I know, &c. It appears sufficiently evident, from many parts of St. Paul's epistles, that he not only designed, but likewise, according to the opinio...

I know, &c. It appears sufficiently evident, from many parts of St. Paul's epistles, that he not only designed, but likewise, according to the opinion of most able critics, actually did revisit the churches of Asia. Of this occasion, then, he only expresses his belief, his conviction, that he should see them no more, judging it impossible for him to escape the dangers that were prepared for him. (Calmet) ---

All you. Although St. Paul might return again to the same place, he might truly say of so great an assembly, that all of them should not see him again. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 20:28 - -- Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock. The ministers of the gospel must in the first place take care of the salvation of their own souls: an...

Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock. The ministers of the gospel must in the first place take care of the salvation of their own souls: and in the next place of the salvation of their flock, of the souls committed to their care, and to the Church; especially such ministers of God as are bishops, [2] placed, by divine institution, to govern the Church, or the churches under them. The word bishop, by its derivation, signifies overseers, or superintendants; but the signification is to be taken and expressed by the custom and ecclesiastical use of words. (Witham)



Episcopos, Greek: episkopous, from Greek: episkopein, or Greek: episkeptesthai, diligenter inspicere, &c.


Haydock: Act 20:32 - -- To the word of his grace, to the protection of God's grace, given to those that preach the gospel, and administer the sacraments instituted by Christ...

To the word of his grace, to the protection of God's grace, given to those that preach the gospel, and administer the sacraments instituted by Christ. ---

Who is able to build up, to finish that building, of which the foundation is laid by my preaching. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 20:34 - -- These hands have furnished, by labouring to maintain myself, &c. (Witham)

These hands have furnished, by labouring to maintain myself, &c. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 20:35 - -- It is more blessed to give than to receive. We find not these words of Christ in the gospels. St. Paul might have them from the apostles. (Witham) ...

It is more blessed to give than to receive. We find not these words of Christ in the gospels. St. Paul might have them from the apostles. (Witham) ---

Among the many excellent examples of good things our dear Lord said, and which are not mentioned in the gospel, this is one: "it is a more blessed thing to give, than to receive;" which did men justly weigh, they would be more ready to give alms, were it only for their own account. Thrice happy then are they who assist their indigent neighbour to the utmost of their power, and for the pure love of God! (Haydock)

Haydock: Act 20:37 - -- They kissed him. These marks of tenderness are dictated by nature, and have always been used between friends, who were separating from each other, o...

They kissed him. These marks of tenderness are dictated by nature, and have always been used between friends, who were separating from each other, or who meet after a long absence. The Scripture furnishes us with numberless examples of it. (Calmet) ---

He likewise prayed, as he usually did, when he bade his last farewell. See his last adieus with the Tyrians, (chap. xxi. 5. 6.) were they all kneeled down to pray on the shore. This is also reasonable, and becoming a Christian. It is a sign of communion and mutual charity, and implores a prosperous voyage for those who were departing, whilst those who remained, cherish in their mind the remembrance of the virtues of their absent friend. (Menochius) ---

The mind of man cannot conceive a finer subject for the painter than this melting separation. After the discourse, we see St. Paul falling on his knees, and praying with them all for the last time; an general burst of tears takes place, when they are told that they are to see their father's face no more; they fall upon his neck and kiss him; and with hearts full of grief and gratitude, they accompany him on his way to the very ship which is to transport their father, friend, and benefactor, to other souls, who wanted the charitable assistance of the man of God.

Gill: Act 20:20 - -- And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you,.... The Syriac version supplies, "to your souls"; to lead them into a true knowledge of the ...

And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you,.... The Syriac version supplies, "to your souls"; to lead them into a true knowledge of the doctrines of the Gospel, and to confirm them in the same, and to preserve them from errors in principle, and immoralities in practice, and to encourage the exercise of every grace, and to instruct them in every branch of duty; nothing of this kind, or which had this tendency, did the apostle dissemble, conceal, or drop, either through sloth and indolence, or through fear of men, or for the sake of reputation, wealth, and friends. The things the apostle may have chiefly in view are the truths of the Gospel, which are very profitable to the souls of men; such as relate to the knowledge of God, his being, perfections, and persons; as that there are three persons in the Godhead, Father, Son, and Spirit, which is profitable to be known, in order to understand the economy of salvation, in which each person has his distinct concern; and that both the Son and Spirit are equally God with the Father, which accounts for the virtue and efficacy of the blood, righteousness, and sacrifice of Christ, and how safely he may be depended upon for salvation, and how equal the Holy Spirit is to his work and office; likewise such doctrines as relate to the sin of Adam and his posterity in him, to the imputation of the guilt of that sin unto them, and the derivation of a corrupt nature from him, and which respect the impurity and impotence of human nature; all which is profitable, since it accounts for the origin of moral evil, and many of the dispensations of providence in involving those that do not know the right hand from their left in public calamities; and since it shows the necessity of regenerating grace, tends to the humiliation of men, and makes for the magnifying the riches of God's grace: also such doctrines as express the grace of God in man's salvation as the doctrines of God's everlasting love, of election, redemption, justification, pardon, reconciliation, union to Christ, and final perseverance; all which are exceeding profitable, for the peace, comfort, and refreshment of the souls of God's people. Moreover, the ordinances of the Gospel, baptism, and the Lord's supper, which are the privileges of believers, and the means of their spiritual profit, may be included, together with all the duties of religion; which though not profitable by way of merit, yet contribute to the peace and pleasure of the mind; and none of these things did the apostle withhold from the elders and church at Ephesus, as his epistle to that church does abundantly show, in which, doctrines, ordinances, and duties are taken notice of: now to keep back these, is either to keep them back wholly, to say nothing of any of them, but in the room of them to deliver out morality and legal righteousness; or in part, to mix the truths of the Gospel with the doctrines of men, and not give out the sincere milk of the word; or to draw and fetch back what has been delivered through the fear of men, and in order to gain reputation and applause: but so did not the apostle, nor should any minister of the Gospel; and that for the reason in the words, because they are profitable; as also because they are the counsel of God; and because it is the will of Christ that nothing should be hid, but everything should be published, which he has signified to his servants; and this is enforced by his own example, who whatever he heard of his Father, he made known to his disciples; and for the ministers of Christ to do otherwise, would argue unfaithfulness in them both to Christ and to the souls of men:

but have showed you; all the doctrines of the Gospel, and pointed to every path of duty, and declared, as he says hereafter, the whole counsel of God:

and have taught you publicly; first in the Jewish synagogue, then in the school of Tyrannus, Act 19:8 and in whatsoever place the church, when formed, might meet together for public worship; there the apostle taught them the truths of the Gospel openly, and without any reserve, before all the people, as Christ ordered his apostles to do, and as he himself did, Mat 10:27

and from house to house: as he visited the saints at their own houses, to know their personal cases, and the state of their souls, he instructed them privately and personally one by one; he taught the same publicly as privately, and privately as publicly: and took every opportunity of instilling Gospel truths into them, and of enriching them with a larger knowledge of them; which shows his affection and zeal, his laboriousness, industry, and indefatigableness in the ministry.

Gill: Act 20:21 - -- Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,.... To the Jews first in their synagogue, and then to both Jews and Greeks, or Gentiles, in the s...

Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,.... To the Jews first in their synagogue, and then to both Jews and Greeks, or Gentiles, in the school of Tyrannus; opening and explaining to both the nature and use, urging and insisting upon, and proving by undeniable testimonies the necessity,

of repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ: the former of these is not a legal repentance, but an evangelical one; which flows from a sense of the love of God, and an application of pardoning grace and mercy, and is always attended with hope, at least of interest in it, and as here with faith in Christ Jesus: it lies in a true sight and sense of sin, as exceeding sinful, being contrary to the nature and law of God, and a deformation of the image of God in man, as well as followed with dreadful and pernicious consequences; and in a godly sorrow for it, as it is committed against a God of infinite purity and holiness, and of love, grace, and mercy; and it shows itself in shame for sin, and blushing at it, and in an ingenious confession of it, and forsaking it: and the latter of these is not an historical faith, or an assent of the mind to whatsoever is true concerning the person, office, and grace of Christ; but is a spiritual act of the soul upon him; it is a looking and going out to him, a laying hold and leaning on him, and trusting in him, for grace, righteousness, peace, pardon, life, and salvation. Now these two were the sum of the apostle's ministry; this is a breviary or compendium of it; a form of sound words held fast and published by him: and as these two go together as doctrines in the ministry of the word, they go together as graces in the experience of the saints; where the one is, there the other is; they are wrought in the soul at one and the same time, by one and the same hand; the one is not before the other in order of time, however it may be in order of working, or as to visible observation; repentance is mentioned before faith, not that it precedes it, though it may be discerned in its outward acts before it; yet faith as to its inward exercise on Christ is full as early, if not earlier; souls first look to Christ by faith, and then they mourn in tears of evangelical repentance, Zec 12:10 though the order of the Gospel ministry is very fitly here expressed, which is first to lay before sinners the evil of sin, and their danger by it, in order to convince of it, and bring to repentance for it; and then to direct and encourage them to faith in Christ Jesus, as in the case of the jailer, Act 16:29 and this is, generally speaking, the order and method in which the Holy Spirit proceeds; he is first a spirit of conviction and illumination, he shows to souls the exceeding sinfulness of sin, causes them to loath it and themselves for it, and humbles them under a sense of it; and then he is a spirit of faith, he reveals Christ unto them as God's way or salvation, and works faith in them to believe in him. Moreover, these two, repentance and faith, were the two parts of Christ's ministry, Mar 1:15 and are what, he would have published and insisted on, in the preaching of the word, Luk 24:47 so that the ministry of the apostle was very conformable to the mind and will of Christ.

Gill: Act 20:22 - -- And now behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem,.... Not in his own spirit, though the Ethiopic version reads, "in my spirit"; as if he was pr...

And now behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem,.... Not in his own spirit, though the Ethiopic version reads, "in my spirit"; as if he was pressed and straitened, and troubled within himself, at what afflictions and bonds he was to endure at Jerusalem; for this is not consistent with what he says in Act 20:24 nor is the sense, that he was bound in conscience and duty to go to Jerusalem, to carry the collections of the churches made for the poor saints there, which the Gentile churches importuned him to take upon him, and which he undertook, and promised to perform, and so was under obligation to do it; but rather that he was resolved and determined in his own mind, within himself, or he purposed in his spirit, as in Act 19:21 to go to Jerusalem: but it is best to understand it of the Spirit of God; as that either the apostle, by the revelation of the Spirit of God, knew that when he came to Jerusalem he should be laid in bonds, and under a deep impression of that upon his mind, he went thither, as though he was bound already; or rather that he was under such a strong impulse of the Spirit of God, by which he was moved to such a vehement desire to go thither, that the bonds and afflictions he saw waited for him there, could not deter him, and all the entreaties of his friends could not dissuade him from it:

not knowing the things that shall befall me there; that is, the particular things he should suffer there, nor how they would issue with respect to life or death; and if the latter, whether he should suffer death, there or elsewhere; these things were not as yet revealed to him; he only in general knew, that bonds and afflictions would be his lot and portion, and which therefore he excepts in the next verse: after this it was revealed to him by Agabus a prophet, in the name, and under the influence of the Holy Ghost, that he should be apprehended at Jerusalem, and should be bound and delivered to the Gentiles; which was signified by the prophet's taking his girdle and binding his hands and feet with it, but still he knew not whether he should die there or not, though he was ready for it, Act 21:10 afterwards when he was come to Jerusalem, and had been bound, and was in prison, the Lord himself appeared to him, and told him that he must bear witness at Rome, as he had testified of him at Jerusalem, Act 23:11 so that he was not to suffer death there, only bonds and imprisonment.

Gill: Act 20:23 - -- Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city,.... As he passed along, where there was a church, or any number of saints: in the churches of those...

Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city,.... As he passed along, where there was a church, or any number of saints: in the churches of those times there were prophets who foretold things to come, and by these the Holy Ghost testified to the apostle, as he travelled along, and called upon the churches in every city, what would befall him when he came to Jerusalem; this sense the natural order of the words requires, unless there should be a transposition of them, thus, "save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth, saying, that bonds and afflictions abide me, or wait for me in every city"; that is, this in general was only made known to him by the Spirit of God, that wherever he came, affliction and persecution would attend him, and he must expect bonds and imprisonment; these were ready for him, and be must prepare for them, as he did: and therefore, whenever they came, he was not surprised at them, they were no other than what he looked for; but the other sense seems best, for such a transposition is not very easy, and, besides, can by no means be admitted, if the sense is, as the words are read in Beza's ancient copy, and in others, and in the Vulgate Latin version, "that bonds and afflictions abide me at Jerusalem"; however, since the Holy Ghost testified before hand of the afflictions and bonds of the apostle, whether in every city or in Jerusalem, or both; it is no inconsiderable proof of the proper deity of the Spirit of God, and is an instance of his affectionate regard to the apostle, to give him previous notice of these things.

Gill: Act 20:24 - -- But none of these things move me,.... From the hope of the Gospel, nor from the ministry of the word, nor from his journey to Jerusalem; they did not ...

But none of these things move me,.... From the hope of the Gospel, nor from the ministry of the word, nor from his journey to Jerusalem; they did not shake his faith, nor inject fear into him, nor cause him to alter his purpose and design:

neither count I my life dear unto myself: life is a very valuable thing, no outward or temporal enjoyment can be dearer to a man than life; all that he has he will give for his life: this therefore must not be understood in an absolute sense, as if the apostle despised his life, and esteemed of it meanly, when it was the gift of God, and had been not only so eminently preserved in providence, but had been so useful in a way of grace to so many valuable purposes; but it must be taken in a comparative sense, with respect to Christ and his Gospel, and when it should be called for to be laid down for him; and that, in such circumstances, and under such considerations, he made no account of it at all, but preferred Christ and his Gospel to it: this sense appears by what follows,

so that I might finish my course with joy; the course and race of his life, ending it by suffering cheerfully and joyfully for Christ; or his Christian course and race, which began at his conversion, ending that with a joyful prospect of being with Christ in an endless eternity; or else the course of his ministry, sealing that with his blood, and rejoicing that he was counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ, and so he did finish his course, 2Ti 4:7

and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus; which seems to be explanative of the former, or of what is meant by his course, namely his ministry, the ministry of the Gospel: Beza's ancient copy, and the Vulgate Latin version read, "the ministry of the word"; this he had received from Christ, both the Gospel which he ministered, and gifts qualifying him for it, and a mission and commission to minister it; and which he was desirous of fulfilling in such a manner, as to give up his account with joy to him from whom he had received it, and to whom he was accountable; namely,

to testify the Gospel of the grace of God; to profess and preach it, to bear a constant and public testimony to it at death, as in life, and faithfully to declare it, and assert it to the last; which he calls not only the "Gospel", or good news of salvation by Christ; but the Gospel "of the grace" of God: which brings the account of the free grace, love, and mercy of God, displayed in the scheme of salvation of the grace of God the Father, in pitching his love upon any of the sons of men; not because they were better and more deserving of his favour, than others, but because of his sovereign will and pleasure, who will be gracious to whom he will be gracious; and in choosing them in Christ unto salvation, before they had done good or evil, and without any consideration or foresight of, or motive from good works hereafter done by them; in drawing the scheme and model of their salvation in Christ, appointing him to be the author of it; and in making a covenant of grace with him, stored with all the blessings and promises of grace; and in sending him, in the fulness of time, to suffer and die for them, not sparing him, but delivering him up for them all, and giving all things freely with him; and in accepting the sacrifice, satisfaction, and righteousness of his Son on their account, as if done by themselves. It also gives an account of the grace of Christ in undertaking the salvation of men; in assuming their nature, and becoming mean and low in it; in dying for their sins; in his intercession for them at the right hand of God; and in the care he takes of them in this world, until he has brought them safe home to himself. Likewise it gives an account of the grace of the Spirit in regeneration and sanctification; in working faith in the hearts of men; in being a comforter to them, a witnesser of their adoption, the earnest of their inheritance, and the sealer of them unto the day of redemption. And the Gospel may be so called, because all the doctrines of it are doctrines of grace; it asserts election to be of grace, and not of works; and ascribes the justification of a sinner to the free grace of God, through the righteousness of Christ, imputed without works and received by faith, which faith is the gift of God, and it denies it to be of the deeds of the law; it represents the pardon of sin to be according to the riches of God's grace, though it is through the blood of Christ, and not owing to humiliation, repentance, confession, and new obedience, as causes of it; it attributes regeneration and conversion to the abundant mercy, the free favour of God, and to the efficacy of his grace, and not to the will of the flesh, or the will of man; and in a word, as the great doctrine of it is salvation, whence it is called the Gospel of salvation, it declares that the whole of salvation, from first to last, is all of grace. And it may also bear this name, because it is a means of conveying grace unto, and implanting it in the hearts of men; regenerating grace comes this way; God begets men by the word of truth, they are born again of incorruptible seed by it; the Spirit of God, as a spirit of sanctification, is received through it, and faith comes by hearing it; and both that and hope, and every other grace, are quickened, encouraged, and drawn forth into exercise by it; all which is, when it is attended with the Spirit of God and power: and this being the nature and use of the Gospel, made it so precious and valuable to the apostle, and made him so intent upon testifying it, and fulfilling the ministry of it, and to prefer it to life and everything in this world; and it cannot but be highly valued and greatly desired by all those who have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Beza's ancient copy, and some others, read, "to testify to Jews and Greeks the Gospel of the grace of God".

Gill: Act 20:25 - -- And now behold,.... This is not only a note of asseveration, but of attention, stirring up to observe what is here asserted: I know that ye all, am...

And now behold,.... This is not only a note of asseveration, but of attention, stirring up to observe what is here asserted:

I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more; the sense is, that none of them should ever see him again, none of the churches of Asia, or the members of them; among whom he had been some years preaching the Gospel, the things concerning the Messiah, his kingdom and glory, and the meetness of the saints for, and their right unto the heavenly inheritance, prepared by God, and given by him to all that love him: Beza's ancient copy reads, "the kingdom of Jesus": this the apostle knew by divine revelation, by the same spirit in which he was going bound to Jerusalem, though he knew not whether he should die there or elsewhere; however, he knew, and was persuaded, he should visit these parts no more.

Gill: Act 20:26 - -- Wherefore I take you to record this day,.... This is a solemn appeal to the elders of the church at Ephesus, who knew his doctrine and manner of life ...

Wherefore I take you to record this day,.... This is a solemn appeal to the elders of the church at Ephesus, who knew his doctrine and manner of life for a considerable time among them:

that I am pure from the blood of all men: or "of you all", as some copies, and the Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions read; which seems most natural, since they could only bear a testimony for him with respect to themselves, and the people at Ephesus, where he had so behaved both in the faithful discharge of his ministry, and in his exemplary life and conversation; as that the ruin and destruction of no one of them could be laid to his charge, or any one perish for want of knowledge, or through any negligence of his; see Eze 33:6.

Gill: Act 20:27 - -- For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. By which is meant, not the purposes and decrees of God, latent in his own breast, t...

For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. By which is meant, not the purposes and decrees of God, latent in his own breast, these the apostle could not declare; but his revealed will in the Gospel, concerning the salvation of men by Jesus Christ, even the whole of the Gospel, every truth and doctrine of it, necessary to salvation, and to the peace, joy, and comfort of the saints; together with all the ordinances of it, and everything that had any tendency to promote the glory of God, and the good of souls; see Luk 7:30 none of these things did the apostle withhold from the knowledge of the church at Ephesus, but freely imparted and communicated them to them; See Gill on Act 20:20.

Gill: Act 20:28 - -- Take heed therefore unto yourselves,.... Since the blood of men may be required of those, who are negligent or partial in their office, and shun to de...

Take heed therefore unto yourselves,.... Since the blood of men may be required of those, who are negligent or partial in their office, and shun to declare the whole counsel of God: this exhortation is given them not merely as men, to take care of their bodily health, the outward concerns of life, and provide for themselves and families; nor merely as Christians, but as ministers of the Gospel; that they would take heed to their gifts, to use and improve them, and not neglect them; to their time, that they spend it aright, and not squander it away; and to their spirit, temper, and passions, that they are not governed by them; and to their lives and conversations, that they be exemplary to those who are under their care; and to their doctrine, that it be according to the Scriptures; that it be the doctrine of Christ, and the same with the apostles; that it be according to godliness, and that it tends to edification; that it be sound and incorrupt, pure and unmixed, and all of a piece and consistent with itself; and that they be not infected and carried away with errors and heresies:

and to all the flock; the church and all the members of it, which are compared to a flock of sheep, which are to be looked after and watched over by the ministers of the word, who are as shepherds to them, lest they should be infected, or any damage done them. The people of God are compared to sheep on many accounts; before conversion, for their going astray, when they are as lost sheep; after conversion, for their meek and inoffensive carriage and behaviour, and for their patience in bearing sufferings, to which they are exposed: and a church of Christ is compared to a flock of them, being in Gospel order, folded together and feeding in the same pasture, attending the word and ordinances, under the care of shepherds appointed by Christ the chief shepherd; whose business it is to take heed unto them, and care of them, to learn to know their state and condition, to watch over them, and to feed them with knowledge and with understanding, for which they are qualified by Christ; and they are to take heed unto everyone in the flock, the poor of the flock as well as others, the lambs as well as the sheep, and the sick and the diseased, the torn, and straying, and driven away, as well as the fat and the strong: and this flock, though a little flock, is a holy and beautiful one, a flock of men, and of the souls of men dear to God, to Christ and the blessed Spirit; and a special regard should be had unto them, and that for reasons following:

over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers; or "bishops"; this is said to the elders of the church, Act 20:17 which shows that the office of an elder and a bishop is one and the same office; and this contains in it more than one argument why they should take heed to the flock; as because they are the overseers of it, who have the care and oversight of the flock, that is under their inspection, and is their proper province, and office; and this they were put into by the Holy Ghost, who gave them gifts to qualify them for it, and called, and inclined them to undertake it, as well as moved the people to make choice of them for this purpose; and since, therefore, this was an affair in which the Holy Ghost was so much concerned, it became them very diligently to attend it:

to feed the church of God; with knowledge and understanding; and discharge the whole office of faithful shepherds to the flock, by feeding the flock and not themselves, strengthening the diseased, healing the sick, binding up the broken, bringing again that which was driven away, and seeking up that which was lost: and here is another argument suggested, to stir up to a diligent performance of this work; and that is, that this flock is the church of God, a set of men whom God has chosen for himself, and called by his grace out of the world, and separated for his own use and glory, and among whom he dwells; and therefore to be fed with the faithful word, with the finest of the wheat, and not with the chaff of human schemes, and with the wind of false doctrine, nor with anything that is vain, trifling, and deceitful; but with the solid doctrines of the Gospel, with the words of faith and good doctrine, with the wholesome words of Christ Jesus, which have in them milk for babes and meat for strong men, and with and by the ordinances of the Gospel, which are the green pastures they are to be guided into, and abide in; and in all they are to be directed to Christ, the sum of the word and ordinances, who is the bread of life, and food of faith; and that the church should be thus fed, is the will of Christ, who has appointed and ordered his ministers to feed his lambs and sheep, and has furnished them with what is necessary for this work; this is the design of the ministry of the Gospel, and the administration of ordinances; and the churches of Christ are placed where food may be had, where the word is faithfully preached, and the ordinances truly administered: some copies read, "the church of the Lord"; and others, and so the Complutensian edition, "the church of the Lord and God":

which he hath purchased with his own blood; which being the blood not only of a pure and innocent man, but of one that is truly and properly God as well as man, was a sufficient ransom price to redeem the church and people of God from sin, the law, its curse and condemnation: so that this is no inconsiderable proof of the true and proper deity of Christ; and contains a fresh argument, or reason, why the flock of God and "church of Christ", as the Syriac version reads; or "the church of the Lord and God", as in five of Beza's exemplars: or "of the Lord God", as the Arabic version, should be taken heed unto and fed; because it must needs be dear to God and Christ, and precious to them, since so great a price has been paid for it. The purchaser is God, Christ who is God over all, blessed for ever, not a creature; that could never have made such a purchase, it could not have purchased a single sheep or lamb in this flock, no man can redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for him, much less the whole flock; but Christ being God, was able to make such a purchase, and he has actually made it, and given a sufficient price for it; not to Satan, with whom these sheep were a prey, and from whom they are taken in virtue of the ransom given; but to God, from whom they strayed, against whom they sinned, and whose law they broke; and this price was not silver and gold, nor men, nor people: but Christ himself, his life and blood; and which were his "own", the human nature, the blood of which was shed, and its life given being in union with his divine person, and was in such sense his own, the property of the Son of God, as the life and blood of no mere man are theirs: and this purchase now being made in this way, and by such means, is a very proper one; it is not made without price, but with an invaluable one; and it is a legal purchase, a valuable consideration being given for it, perfectly equivalent to it; and therefore is a complete one, there is nothing wanting to make it more firm, it is a finished purchase; and it is a very peculiar one, it is a peculiar people that are purchased, called the purchased possession, Eph 1:14 and a peculiar price which is paid for it; there is no other of the same kind, nor any thing like it, and it is made by a peculiar person, one that is God and man in one person.

Gill: Act 20:29 - -- For I know this,.... By divine revelation: that after my departing; either out of this world, or after his leaving them now, and proceeding on, his...

For I know this,.... By divine revelation:

that after my departing; either out of this world, or after his leaving them now, and proceeding on, his journey:

shall grievous wolves enter in among you; false teachers, comparable to wolves, for their craft and cunning, and for their greedy, covetous, and voracious dispositions; and who would be very grievous, troublesome, and even intolerable to them; these, he knew, would enter privily, at an unawares, into their churches, and set up themselves for preachers, without being called or sent:

not sparing the flock; fleecing it instead of feeding it, making merchandise of it, and like the Pharisees, under religious pretences, devour widows' houses, and drain the purses of men; and having as little compassion upon their souls, poisoning them with their errors and heresies, subverting their faith, and bringing them into swift ruin and destruction, as much as would in them lie.

Gill: Act 20:30 - -- Also of your own selves shall men arise,.... Not only false teachers from abroad should come and enter among them, but some would spring up out of the...

Also of your own selves shall men arise,.... Not only false teachers from abroad should come and enter among them, but some would spring up out of their own communities, such as had been admitted members of them, and of whom they had hoped well; such were Hymenseus, Philetus, Alexander, Hertoogenes, and Phygellus;

speaking perverse things; concerning God, and Christ, and the Gospel; distorted things, wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction, and that of others; things that are disagreeable to the word of God, and pernicious to the souls of men:

to draw away disciples after them; to rend away members from the churches, make schisms and divisions, form parties, set themselves at the head of them, and establish new sects, called after their own names; see 1Jo 2:19.

Gill: Act 20:31 - -- Therefore watch,.... Meaning both over themselves, and the flock; to prevent, if possible, false teachers entering in, and to nip the buds of heresy a...

Therefore watch,.... Meaning both over themselves, and the flock; to prevent, if possible, false teachers entering in, and to nip the buds of heresy and schism, as soon as they appear, and to preserve themselves, and the church, from being carried away with the error of the wicked.

And remember that by the space of three years; reckoning from his first coming to Ephesus, unto this time, that he now called at Miletus; see Act 18:19 and

I ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears; that is, he was constantly and continually cautioning them against false teachers, and their doctrines, in the most tender and affectionate manner; shedding tears at the thoughts of what mischief would be done, and how many souls would be ruined by them; which gives a lively idea of the apostle, and his ministry, of his affection, zeal, and diligence, very worthy of the imitation of all the preachers of the Gospel. Several copies, and all the Oriental versions, read, "everyone of you".

Gill: Act 20:32 - -- And now brethren,.... So the apostle calls the elders of the church at Ephesus; though they had not the same gifts, and were not in the same high offi...

And now brethren,.... So the apostle calls the elders of the church at Ephesus; though they had not the same gifts, and were not in the same high office as he was, yet he puts himself upon a level with them, as if he and they were fellow elders, as Peter calls himself, 1Pe 5:1 which is an instance of the apostle's humility and affection:

I commend you to God; to God the Father; to his grace, to supply all their need; to his wisdom, to direct them in all their affairs; and to his power, to keep them from the sins and corruptions of the times, and from the errors and heresies now broaching, or to be broached.

And to the word of his grace: either the Gospel, before called the Gospel of the grace of God, Act 20:24 This is sometimes called "the word", the word of faith, of truth, of righteousness, of reconciliation and salvation; and is "his" word, the word of God, and not of man; it comes from him, is concerning him, and is succeeded by him; and it is the word of "his grace", since it publishes his free grace and mercy in Christ Jesus, and declares salvation to, be wholly of the grace of God; to which this church is commended by the apostle as a rule of faith and practice, to attend unto, and abide by, and as a preservative from those errors and heresies which he had observed would spring up among them, and which would be for their instruction, comfort, and establishment: or else the Lord Jesus is intended, who is the eternal and essential word of God; who, as the word, inwardly conceived, is the image of the mind, equal to it, and yet distinct from it, so Christ is the image of the invisible God, equal to him, and yet a distinct person from him; and as the word expressed is the interpreter of the mind, so Christ the word, who was in the beginning with God, and lay in his bosom, has spoke all things from him, declared his mind, and explained his will: besides, he is the word who in the everlasting council and covenant spoke on the behalf of all his people, asked for every blessing for them, and engaged to be the surety of them; and is the word, who, in the beginning of time, spoke all things out of nothing; and now is the advocate, and speaks for the saints in heaven, as well as he has been the word spoken of by all the holy prophets from the beginning of the world: and he may be thought the rather to be designed, since the saints never commend themselves, or others, either in life, or in death, to any but to a divine person; nor is any but a divine person capable of taking the care and charge of the saints, and of making it good; nor will they trust any other; nor are the saints ever said to be committed or commended to the Gospel, but on the other hand, that is said to be committed to them: the written word is committed to the care and keeping of the saints, but not the saints to the care and keeping of that; nor does it appear so agreeable to put the written word upon a level with the divine Being; a commendation of the saints, equally to the written word, as to God himself, seems to be a lessening of the glory of the divine Being, and an ascribing too much to the word, but suits well with Christ the essential word: and who may be called the word of his grace, because the grace of God is greatly displayed in him; and because all fulness of grace dwells in him; and he is the author, donor, and object of all grace, and so a proper person to be commended to; and what follows is very applicable to him:

which is able to build you up: in faith and holiness, and on himself, the sure foundation; for though the Gospel is an instrument in the hands of the Spirit of God, in building up saints on their most holy faith, yet Christ is the master builder; it is he that builds the temple, the church, and every particular believer, and must bear the glory. The saints, though they are built on Christ the foundation, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail, and so are safe; yet they stand in need of building up, or of edification; and a church may be said to be built up, or edified, when additions are made unto it of such as shall be saved; and particular members are built up, when additions are made to their grace, or they grow in the exercise of it; when their spiritual strength increases, when their understandings are more enlightened, their judgments better informed, and their memories filled with divine truths and Gospel doctrines; when they are more and more confirmed in the faith of Christ, both as a grace, and as a doctrine; and their wills are brought to a greater resignation to the will of God, as well as their afflictions are set upon things in heaven, and their souls are more seeking after them: and now this is what God is able to do, and does do; for except he builds, in vain do the builders build; he causes all grace to abound; and so does his word, his essential word; he is the author and finisher of faith, and gives both grace and glory, as it follows:

and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified: by the inheritance is meant the heavenly glory, which is a free grace gift and not obtained by the works of the law, or the industry of men. It is a distribution by lot, as the land of Canaan was, even by the lot of God's eternal purpose and decree: it is what belongs to children, to the children of God, and them only; and therefore bears this name, and comes unto them upon, and in consequence of the death of Christ the testator: it is his righteousness which entitles unto it; and it is the grace of God which makes meet for it; and the Spirit of God is the earnest of it: it is an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in the heavens, and is an eternal one; it lies in light, and among the saints there. God is able to give it; it is a gift of his grace, of his sovereign will, which he gives to whom he pleases; it is an inheritance of his preparing and disposing, which he calls unto, makes meet for, and bestows: and Christ, the word of his grace, is able to give it; it is in his hands, not only the promise of it, but that itself; he is in possession of it, and it is in his power to give it; and he does give it to all that the Father has given him, and who are here described from their sanctification; for this is only enjoyed by such, who are set apart by God the Father, whose sins are expiated by the blood of Christ, and to whom he is made sanctification, and who are sanctified by the blessed Spirit. Now though the Gospel, the written word, may be as a map, which shows where this inheritance lies, and which is the way to it; yet it is Christ, the living word, who gives the right unto it, the meetness for it, the earnest of it, and will put into the possession of it.

Gill: Act 20:33 - -- I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. This the apostle says, not merely in vindication of himself, and his character, from all charge o...

I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. This the apostle says, not merely in vindication of himself, and his character, from all charge or suspicion of avarice; but chiefly for the instruction of these elders, and all others of the same office, not to indulge the sin of covetousness, which is very disagreeable, and ought not to be in a minister of the word; and it may be observed, that many things which the apostle says before of himself to those elders, is said not to commend himself, nor so much in his own vindication, as for their imitation; compare with this Num 16:15 and to point out the character of false teachers that would come in, or spring up among them, who would make merchandise of them. Beza's ancient copy, and others, read, "the silver, &c. of none of you"; and so the Ethiopic version.

Gill: Act 20:34 - -- Yea, you yourselves know,.... So far was the apostle from desiring to have other men's money, or to wear their apparel, or to eat their bread, that he...

Yea, you yourselves know,.... So far was the apostle from desiring to have other men's money, or to wear their apparel, or to eat their bread, that he could appeal to these elders for the truth of it, they having been eyewitnesses of it:

that these hands have ministered unto my necessities; meaning, that he had wrought with his hands, which he then held up, or stretched out, at tent making, along with Aquila and Priscilla, at Ephesus, as he had done before at Corinth, Act 18:2 and therewith supplied himself with necessaries for food and clothing; for though he had a power, as a minister of the Gospel, to forbear working, and to insist upon a maintenance from the churches, yet in some cases, and in some places, he chose rather to forego that, lest he should either any ways hinder the progress of the Gospel at the first preaching of it, or be burdensome to the churches, or give the false teachers any handle against him; and he not only supported himself in this way, but assisted others also:

and to them that were with me; as Luke, Timothy, and others; see Act 20:4.

Gill: Act 20:35 - -- I have showed you all things,.... Both as to doctrine and practice, and had set them an example how to behave in every point, and particularly in this...

I have showed you all things,.... Both as to doctrine and practice, and had set them an example how to behave in every point, and particularly in this:

how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak; the sense of which is, that they should labour with their hands as he did, and so support the weak; either such who were weak in body, and unable to work and help themselves, and therefore should be helped, assisted, relieved, and supported by the labours of others, that were able; or the weak in faith, and take nothing of them, lest they should think the preachers of the word sought only their own worldly advantage, and so they should be stumbled and fall from the truth:

and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus; which the apostle had either collected as the sense of some passages of his, such as Luk 6:30, &c. or which though not recorded in any of the Gospels, the apostle might have received from one or other of the twelve disciples, as what were frequently used by Christ in the days of his flesh; and which the apostle had inculcated among the Ephesians, and now puts them in mind of them, they being worthy of remembrance: how he said,

it is more blessed to give than to receive: it is more comfortable, honourable, pleasant, and profitable: the giver is in a more comfortable situation, having an abundance, at least a sufficiency, and something to spare; whereas the receiver is often in want and distress, and so uncomfortable: it is an honour to give; an honour is reflected upon the giver, both by the receiver, and others; when to receive is an instance of meanness, and carries in it, among men, some degree of dishonour: it is a pleasure to a liberal man to distribute to the necessities of others; and it cannot be grateful to a man to be in such circumstances, as make it necessary for him to receive from others, and be dependent on them; and great are the advantages and profit which a cheerful giver reaps, both in this world, and that to come: wherefore the conclusion which the apostle would have drawn from hence is, that it is much more eligible for a man to work with his own hands, and support himself, and assist others, than to receive at the hands of others.

Gill: Act 20:36 - -- And when he had thus spoken,.... And finished his speech to the elders: he kneeled down: upon the floor, which was a prayer gesture, used by Christ, a...

And when he had thus spoken,.... And finished his speech to the elders: he kneeled down: upon the floor, which was a prayer gesture, used by Christ, and others; for, it seems, the disuse of kneeling in prayer, between the passover and pentecost, which Tertullian k, and other writers, speak of, had not yet obtained, which was in memory of Christ's resurrection from the dead, for this was now the time: see Act 20:6 and

prayed with them all: and no doubt for them all; the Syriac version renders it, "and he prayed, and all the men with him"; the apostle, and the elders, joined together in prayer.

Gill: Act 20:37 - -- And they all wept sore,.... At the thoughts of parting with such a faithful and affectionate friend and servant of Christ; and no doubt but their affe...

And they all wept sore,.... At the thoughts of parting with such a faithful and affectionate friend and servant of Christ; and no doubt but their affections were greatly moved by his prayers for them, as well as by his discourse to them. Christians are not Stoics, religion does not take away and destroy the natural affections, but regulates and governs them, and directs to a right use of them:

and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him; as Esau fell on Jacob's neck and kissed him, Gen 33:4 and Joseph on his brother Benjamin's, and his father Jacob's, Gen 45:14. And it was usual with the eastern nations, particularly the Persians l, for friends and relations to kiss at parting, as well as at meeting; see Rth 1:9.

Gill: Act 20:38 - -- Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake,.... In Act 20:25 it filled them with sorrow to part with him; but this was increased, and made al...

Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake,.... In Act 20:25 it filled them with sorrow to part with him; but this was increased, and made almost intolerable by what he said,

that they should see his face no more: could they have hoped to have seen him again, it would have made their parting with him more easy; but to be told they should never see him more in this world, it cut them to the heart; which shows what a share the apostle had in their hearts and affections, and not without good reason: however, that they might have a sight of him as long as they could, they went along with him to see him take shipping, and to see the last of him.

And they accompanied him unto the ship: which lay at Miletus waiting for him.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 20:20 Or “openly.”

NET Notes: Act 20:21 Repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. Note the twofold description of the message. It is a turning to God involving faith in Jesus Christ...

NET Notes: Act 20:22 BDAG 965 s.v. συναντάω 2 has τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ συνα&#...

NET Notes: Act 20:23 Or “troubles,” “suffering.” See Acts 19:21; 21:4, 11.

NET Notes: Act 20:24 Or “to the gospel.”

NET Notes: Act 20:25 Grk “will see my face” (an idiom for seeing someone in person).

NET Notes: Act 20:26 That is, “that if any of you should be lost, I am not responsible” (an idiom). According to L&N 33.223, the meaning of the phrase R...

NET Notes: Act 20:27 Or “plan.”

NET Notes: Act 20:28 That he obtained with the blood of his own Son. This is one of only two explicit statements in Luke-Acts highlighting the substitutionary nature of Ch...

NET Notes: Act 20:29 That is, people like fierce wolves. See BDAG 167-68 s.v. βαρύς 4 on the term translated “fierce.” The battle that...

NET Notes: Act 20:30 These perversions of the truth refer to the kinds of threats that would undermine repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. v. 21)...

NET Notes: Act 20:31 Or “admonishing.”

NET Notes: Act 20:32 Grk “the message of his grace, which.” The phrase τῷ δυναμένῳ οἰκο...

NET Notes: Act 20:33 Traditionally, “coveted.” BDAG 371 s.v. ἐπιθυμέω 1 has “to have a strong desire to do or se...

NET Notes: Act 20:34 The words “of mine” are not in the Greek text, but are supplied to clarify whose hands Paul is referring to.

NET Notes: Act 20:35 The saying is similar to Matt 10:8. Service and generosity should be abundant. Interestingly, these exact words are not found in the gospels. Paul mus...

NET Notes: Act 20:36 Grk “kneeling down…he prayed.” The participle θείς (qeis) has been translated as a finite verb due to requiremen...

NET Notes: Act 20:37 The Ephesians elders kissed Paul as a sign of both affection and farewell. The entire scene shows how much interrelationship Paul had in his ministry ...

NET Notes: Act 20:38 BDAG 873 s.v. προπέμπω 1 has “they accompanied him to the ship Ac 20:38.”

Geneva Bible: Act 20:20 [And] how I kept ( d ) back nothing that was profitable [unto you], but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, ( d ...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:22 ( 7 ) And now, behold, I go ( e ) bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: ( 7 ) He testifies that he g...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:26 Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I [am] ( f ) pure from the blood of all [men]. ( f ) If you perish, yet there will fault with me. See...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:27 ( 8 ) For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. ( 8 ) The doctrine of the apostles is most perfect and absolute.

Geneva Bible: Act 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to ( g ) feed the church of God, whi...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:29 ( 9 ) For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. ( 9 ) A prophecy of pastors that woul...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to ( k ) draw away disciples after them. ( k ) This is great misery, to want the p...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:32 ( 10 ) And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an ( l ) inheritance amon...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:33 ( 11 ) I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. ( 11 ) Pastors must before all things beware of covetousness.

Geneva Bible: Act 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought ( m ) to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It i...

Geneva Bible: Act 20:37 ( 12 ) And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him, ( 12 ) The Gospel does not take away natural affections, but rules and bridle...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 20:1-38 - --1 Paul goes to Macedonia, and thence to Troas.7 He celebrates the Lord's supper, and preaches.9 Eutychus having fallen down dead is raised to life.13 ...

Combined Bible: Act 20:20 - --notes on verse 18     

Combined Bible: Act 20:21 - --notes on verse 18     

Combined Bible: Act 20:22 - --The apostle next reveals to these brethren the cause of that deep sorrow which we have seen brooding over his spirit even before his departure from Co...

Combined Bible: Act 20:23 - --notes on verse 22     

Combined Bible: Act 20:24 - --notes on verse 22     

Combined Bible: Act 20:25 - --notes on verse 22     

Combined Bible: Act 20:26 - --notes on verse 22     

Combined Bible: Act 20:27 - --notes on verse 22     

Combined Bible: Act 20:28 - --Having thus eloquently expressed himself in reference to his past fidelity and his present devotion, he gives them a prophetic warning in reference to...

Combined Bible: Act 20:29 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:30 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:31 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:32 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:33 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:34 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:35 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 20:36 - --When these solemn and touching words were concluded, the apostle was ready to re-embark upon the vessel about to weigh anchor in the harbor, and the f...

Combined Bible: Act 20:37 - --notes on verse 36     

Combined Bible: Act 20:38 - --notes on verse 36     

Maclaren: Act 20:22-35 - --Parting Counsels And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: 23. Save that the Holy ...

Maclaren: Act 20:24 - --A Fulfilled Aspiration So that I might finish my course …'--Acts 20:24. I have finished my course'--2 Tim. 4:7. I DO not suppose that Paul in pr...

Maclaren: Act 20:32 - --Parting Words And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace .--Acts 20:32. I MAY be pardoned if my remarks now should assume ...

Maclaren: Act 20:35 - --The Blessedness Of Giving It is more blessed to give than to receive.'--Acts 20:35. How many other things Jesus did' and said which are not written i...

MHCC: Act 20:17-27 - --The elders knew that Paul was no designing, self-seeking man. Those who would in any office serve the Lord acceptably, and profitably to others, must ...

MHCC: Act 20:28-38 - --If the Holy Ghost has made ministers overseers of the flock, that is, shepherds, they must be true to their trust. Let them consider their Master's co...

Matthew Henry: Act 20:17-35 - -- It should seem the ship Paul and his companions were embarked in for Jerusalem attended him on purpose, and staid or moved as he pleased; for when h...

Matthew Henry: Act 20:36-38 - -- After the parting sermon that Paul preached to the elders of Ephesus, which was very affecting, we have here the parting prayer and tears, which wer...

Barclay: Act 20:17-38 - --It is not possible to make a neat analysis of a farewell speech so charged with emotion as this. But certain notes sound out. First of all Paul makes...

Constable: Act 9:32--Rom 1:1 - --III. THE WITNESS TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH 9:32--28:31 Luke next recorded the church's expansion beyond...

Constable: Act 19:21--Rom 1:1 - --D. The extension of the church to Rome 19:21-28:31 "The panel is introduced by the programmatic statemen...

Constable: Act 19:21--21:17 - --1. Ministry on the way to Jerusalem 19:21-21:16 At this point in his ministry Paul began to focu...

Constable: Act 20:17-35 - --Paul's address to the Ephesian elders 20:17-35 "Paul's farewell address to the Ephesian elders is the nearest approximation to the Pauline letters in ...

Constable: Act 20:36-38 - --Paul's departure from Miletus 20:36-38 20:36 Prayer for God's grace and protection undoubtedly bonded these men together in Christian love. The kneeli...

College: Act 20:1-38 - --ACTS 20 9. The Journey through Macedonia and Greece (20:1-6) 1 When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, s...

McGarvey: Act 20:18-21 - --18-21. The interview with these elders may be regarded as a type of all the meetings and partings which took place on this journey, and was, probably,...

McGarvey: Act 20:22-27 - --22-27. The apostle next reveals to these brethren the cause of that deep sorrow which we have seen brooding over his spirit even before his departure ...

McGarvey: Act 20:28-35 - --28-35. Having thus eloquently expressed himself in reference to his past fidelity and his present devotion, he gives them a prophetic warning in refer...

McGarvey: Act 20:36-38 - --36-38. When these solemn and touching words were concluded, the apostle was ready to re-embark upon the vessel about to weigh anchor in the harbor, an...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Act 20:21 Repentance—its necessity for salvation . See 2Pe 3:9 . POINTS FOR OPEN AIR PREACHING Aim for Repentance Rather Than a Decision As you witne...

Evidence: Act 20:24 A missionary society wrote to David Livingstone and suggested that if he could ensure them of safe roads, they would send him some help. He responded ...

Evidence: Act 20:26 " My anxious desire in that every time I preach, I may clear myself of blood of all men; that if I step from this platform to my coffin, I may have to...

Evidence: Act 20:27 How to witness . Here is a suggested structure of a gospel message: Begin in the natural realm if you are not in a normal church setting. Perhaps you...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 20 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 20:1, Paul goes to Macedonia, and thence to Troas; Act 20:7, He celebrates the Lord’s supper, and preaches; Act 20:9, Eutychus havi...

Poole: Acts 20 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 20

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 20 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 20:1-6) Paul's journeys. (Act 20:7-12) Eutychus restored to life. (Act 20:13-16) Paul travels towards Jerusalem. (Act 20:17-27) Paul's discour...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 20 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. Paul's travels up and down about Macedonia, Greece, and Asia, and his coming at length to Troas (Act 20:1-6). II. A p...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 20 (Chapter Introduction) Setting Out For Jerusalem (Act_20:1-6) A Young Man Falls Asleep (Act_20:7-12) Stages On The Way (Act_20:13-16) A Sad Farewell (Act_20:17-38)

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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