Text -- Deuteronomy 1:3-46 (NET)

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Which was but a little before his death.

Wesley: Deu 1:3 - -- Which shews not only that what he now delivered was in substance the same with what had formerly been commanded, but that God now commanded him to rep...
Which shews not only that what he now delivered was in substance the same with what had formerly been commanded, but that God now commanded him to repeat it. He gave this rehearsal and exhortation by divine direction: God appointed him to leave this legacy to the church.

His palace or mansion - house was at Astaroth, and he was slain at Edrei.

Wesley: Deu 1:7 - -- That is, to the mountainous country where the Amorites dwelt, which is opposed to the plain, where others of them dwelt. And this is the first mention...
That is, to the mountainous country where the Amorites dwelt, which is opposed to the plain, where others of them dwelt. And this is the first mentioned, because it was in the borders of the land.

Wesley: Deu 1:8 - -- Heb. Before your faces; it is open to your view, and to your possession; there is no impediment in the way.
Heb. Before your faces; it is open to your view, and to your possession; there is no impediment in the way.

That is, about that time, namely, a little before their coming to Horeb.

The trouble of ruling and managing so perverse a people.

Wesley: Deu 1:12 - -- Your contentions among yourselves, for the determnination whereof the elders were appointed.
Your contentions among yourselves, for the determnination whereof the elders were appointed.

Wesley: Deu 1:15 - -- Inferior officers, that were to attend upon the superior magistrates, and to execute their decrees.
Inferior officers, that were to attend upon the superior magistrates, and to execute their decrees.

Wesley: Deu 1:16 - -- That converseth or dealeth with himn. To Such God would have justice equally adtninistred as to his own people, partly for the honour of religion, and...
That converseth or dealeth with himn. To Such God would have justice equally adtninistred as to his own people, partly for the honour of religion, and partly for the interest which every man hath in matters of common right.

Wesley: Deu 1:17 - -- Heb. Not know, or acknowledge faces, that is, not give sentence according to the outward qualities of the person, as he is poor or rich, your friend o...
Heb. Not know, or acknowledge faces, that is, not give sentence according to the outward qualities of the person, as he is poor or rich, your friend or enemy, but purely according to the merit of the cause.

Wesley: Deu 1:17 - -- givers ordered that the judges should give sentence in the dark where they could not see mens faces.
givers ordered that the judges should give sentence in the dark where they could not see mens faces.

Wesley: Deu 1:17 - -- It is passed in the name of God, and by commission from him, by you as representing his person, and doing his work; who therefore will defend you ther...
It is passed in the name of God, and by commission from him, by you as representing his person, and doing his work; who therefore will defend you therein against all your enemies, amid to whom you must give an exact account.

Wesley: Deu 1:18 - -- I delivered unto you, and especially unto your judges, all the laws, statutes, and judgments revealed unto me by the lord in Horeb.
I delivered unto you, and especially unto your judges, all the laws, statutes, and judgments revealed unto me by the lord in Horeb.

Wesley: Deu 1:24 - -- That is, of grapes, so called from the goodly cluster of grapes which they brought from thence.
That is, of grapes, so called from the goodly cluster of grapes which they brought from thence.

Wesley: Deu 1:31 - -- Or, carried thee, as a father carries his weak and tender child in his arms, through difficulties and dangers, gently leading you according as you are...
Or, carried thee, as a father carries his weak and tender child in his arms, through difficulties and dangers, gently leading you according as you are able to go, and sustaining you by his power and goodness.

Wesley: Deu 1:32 - -- So they could not enter in, because of unbelief. It was not any other sin shut them out of Canaan, but their disbelief of that promise, which was typi...
So they could not enter in, because of unbelief. It was not any other sin shut them out of Canaan, but their disbelief of that promise, which was typical of gospel grace: to signify that no sin will ruin us but unbelief, which is a sin against the remedy; and therefore without remedy.

Wesley: Deu 1:33 - -- That is to say, your murmurings, your unthankful, impatient, distrustful and rebellious speeches.
That is to say, your murmurings, your unthankful, impatient, distrustful and rebellious speeches.

Wesley: Deu 1:36 - -- Under whom Joshua is comprehended, though not here expressed, because he was not now to be one of the people, but to be set over them as a chief gover...
Under whom Joshua is comprehended, though not here expressed, because he was not now to be one of the people, but to be set over them as a chief governor.

Wesley: Deu 1:37 - -- Upon occasion of your wickedness and perverseness, by which you provoked me to speak unadvisedly.
Upon occasion of your wickedness and perverseness, by which you provoked me to speak unadvisedly.

Wesley: Deu 1:44 - -- As bees which being provoked come out of their hives in great numbers, and with great fury pursue their adversary and disturber.
As bees which being provoked come out of their hives in great numbers, and with great fury pursue their adversary and disturber.
JFB: Deu 1:3-8 - -- This impressive discourse, in which Moses reviewed all that God had done for His people, was delivered about a month before his death, and after peace...
This impressive discourse, in which Moses reviewed all that God had done for His people, was delivered about a month before his death, and after peace and tranquillity had been restored by the complete conquest of Sihon and Og.

JFB: Deu 1:4 - -- The royal residence of Og, so called from Astarte ("the moon"), the tutelary goddess of the Syrians. Og was slain at
The royal residence of Og, so called from Astarte ("the moon"), the tutelary goddess of the Syrians. Og was slain at

JFB: Deu 1:4 - -- Now Edhra, the ruins of which are fourteen miles in circumference [BURCKHARDT]; its general breadth is about two leagues.
Now Edhra, the ruins of which are fourteen miles in circumference [BURCKHARDT]; its general breadth is about two leagues.

JFB: Deu 1:5 - -- That is, explain this law. He follows the same method here that he elsewhere observes; namely, that of first enumerating the marvellous doings of God ...
That is, explain this law. He follows the same method here that he elsewhere observes; namely, that of first enumerating the marvellous doings of God in behalf of His people, and reminding them what an unworthy requital they had made for all His kindness--then he rehearses the law and its various precepts.

JFB: Deu 1:6 - -- Horeb was the general name of a mountainous district; literally, "the parched" or "burnt region," whereas Sinai was the name appropriated to a particu...
Horeb was the general name of a mountainous district; literally, "the parched" or "burnt region," whereas Sinai was the name appropriated to a particular peak [see on Exo 19:2]. About a year had been spent among the recesses of that wild solitude, in laying the foundation, under the immediate direction of God, of a new and peculiar community, as to its social, political, and, above all, religious character; and when this purpose had been accomplished, they were ordered to break up their encampment in Horeb. The command given them was to march straight to Canaan, and possess it [Deu 1:7].

The hilly tract lying next to Kadesh-barnea in the south of Canaan.

JFB: Deu 1:7 - -- That is, Phœnicia, the country of Sidon, and the coast of the Mediterranean--from the Philistines to Lebanon. The name "Canaanite" is often used syno...
That is, Phœnicia, the country of Sidon, and the coast of the Mediterranean--from the Philistines to Lebanon. The name "Canaanite" is often used synonymously with that of "Phœnician."

JFB: Deu 1:8 - -- Literally, "before your faces"--it is accessible; there is no impediment to your occupation. The order of the journey as indicated by the places menti...
Literally, "before your faces"--it is accessible; there is no impediment to your occupation. The order of the journey as indicated by the places mentioned would have led to a course of invasion, the opposite of what was eventually followed; namely, from the seacoast eastward--instead of from the Jordan westward (see on Num 20:1).|| 04902||1||10||0||@I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone==--a little before their arrival in Horeb. Moses addresses that new generation as the representatives of their fathers, in whose sight and hearing all the transactions he recounts took place. A reference is here made to the suggestion of Jethro (Exo 18:18). In noticing his practical adoption of a plan by which the administration of justice was committed to a select number of subordinate officers, Moses, by a beautiful allusion to the patriarchal blessing, ascribed the necessity of that memorable change in the government to the vast increase of the population.

JFB: Deu 1:10 - -- This was neither an Oriental hyperbole nor a mere empty boast. Abraham was told (Gen 15:5-6) to look to the stars, and though they "appear" innumerabl...
This was neither an Oriental hyperbole nor a mere empty boast. Abraham was told (Gen 15:5-6) to look to the stars, and though they "appear" innumerable, yet those seen by the naked eye amount, in reality, to no more than three thousand ten in both hemispheres. The Israelites already far exceeded that number, being at the last census above six hundred thousand [Num 26:51]. It was a seasonable memento, calculated to animate their faith in the accomplishment of other parts of the divine promise.

JFB: Deu 1:19-21 - -- Of Paran, which included the desert and mountainous space lying between the wilderness of Shur westward, or towards Egypt and mount Seir, or the land ...
Of Paran, which included the desert and mountainous space lying between the wilderness of Shur westward, or towards Egypt and mount Seir, or the land of Edom eastwards; between the land of Canaan northwards, and the Red Sea southwards; and thus it appears to have comprehended really the wilderness of Sin and Sinai [FISK]. It is called by the Arabs El Tih, "the wandering." It is a dreary waste of rock and of calcareous soil covered with black sharp flints; all travellers, from a feeling of its complete isolation from the world, describe it as a great and terrible wilderness.|| 04915||1||12||0||@ye came . . . and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land==--The proposal to despatch spies emanated from the people through unbelief; but Moses, believing them sincere, gave his cordial assent to this measure, and God on being consulted permitted them to follow the suggestion (see on Num 13:1). The issue proved disastrous to them, only through their own sin and folly.

JFB: Deu 1:28 - -- An Oriental metaphor, meaning very high. The Arab marauders roam about on horseback, and hence the walls of St. Catherine's monastery on Sinai are so ...
An Oriental metaphor, meaning very high. The Arab marauders roam about on horseback, and hence the walls of St. Catherine's monastery on Sinai are so lofty that travellers are drawn up by a pulley in a basket.

JFB: Deu 1:28 - -- (See on Num 13:33). The honest and uncompromising language of Moses, in reminding the Israelites of their perverse conduct and outrageous rebellion at...
(See on Num 13:33). The honest and uncompromising language of Moses, in reminding the Israelites of their perverse conduct and outrageous rebellion at the report of the treacherous and fainthearted scouts, affords a strong evidence of the truth of this history as well as of the divine authority of his mission. There was great reason for his dwelling on this dark passage in their history, as it was their unbelief that excluded them from the privilege of entering the promised land (Heb 3:19); and that unbelief was a marvellous exhibition of human perversity, considering the miracles which God had wrought in their favor, especially in the daily manifestations they had of His presence among them as their leader and protector.

JFB: Deu 1:34-36 - -- In consequence of this aggravated offense (unbelief followed by open rebellion), the Israelites were doomed, in the righteous judgment of God, to a li...
In consequence of this aggravated offense (unbelief followed by open rebellion), the Israelites were doomed, in the righteous judgment of God, to a life of wandering in that dreary wilderness till the whole adult generation had disappeared by death. The only exceptions mentioned are Caleb and Joshua, who was to be Moses' successor.

JFB: Deu 1:37 - -- This statement seems to indicate that it was on this occasion Moses was condemned to share the fate of the people. But we know that it was several yea...
This statement seems to indicate that it was on this occasion Moses was condemned to share the fate of the people. But we know that it was several years afterwards that Moses betrayed an unhappy spirit of distrust at the waters of strife (Psa 106:32-33). This verse must be considered therefore as a parenthesis.

JFB: Deu 1:39 - -- All ancient versions read "to-day" instead of "that day"; and the sense is--"your children who now know," or "who know not as yet good or evil." As th...
All ancient versions read "to-day" instead of "that day"; and the sense is--"your children who now know," or "who know not as yet good or evil." As the children had not been partakers of the sinful outbreak, they were spared to obtain the privilege which their unbelieving parents had forfeited. God's ways are not as man's ways [Isa 55:8-9].

JFB: Deu 1:40-45 - -- This command they disregarded, and, determined to force an onward passage in spite of the earnest remonstrances of Moses, they attempted to cross the ...
This command they disregarded, and, determined to force an onward passage in spite of the earnest remonstrances of Moses, they attempted to cross the heights then occupied by the combined forces of the Amorites and Amalekites (compare Num 14:43), but were repulsed with great loss. People often experience distress even while in the way of duty. But how different their condition who suffer in situations where God is with them from the feelings of those who are conscious that they are in a position directly opposed to the divine will! The Israelites were grieved when they found themselves involved in difficulties and perils; but their sorrow arose not from a sense of the guilt so much as the sad effects of their perverse conduct; and "though they wept," they were not true penitents. So the Lord would not hearken to their voice, nor give ear unto them.

JFB: Deu 1:46 - -- That place had been the site of their encampment during the absence of the spies, which lasted forty days, and it is supposed from this verse that the...
That place had been the site of their encampment during the absence of the spies, which lasted forty days, and it is supposed from this verse that they prolonged their stay there after their defeat for a similar period.
Clarke: Deu 1:3 - -- The fortieth year - This was a melancholy year to the Hebrews in different respects; in the first month of this year Miriam died, Numbers 20; on the...
The fortieth year - This was a melancholy year to the Hebrews in different respects; in the first month of this year Miriam died, Numbers 20; on the first day of the fifth month Aaron died, Num 33:38; and about the conclusion of it, Moses himself died.

Clarke: Deu 1:5 - -- Began Moses to declare this law - Began, הואיל hoil , willingly undertook; to declare, באר beer , to make bare, clear, etc., fully to expl...
Began Moses to declare this law - Began,

Clarke: Deu 1:6 - -- Ye have dwelt long enough, etc. - They came to Sinai in the third month after their departure from Egypt, Exo 19:1, Exo 19:2; and left it the twenti...

Clarke: Deu 1:7 - -- Go to the mount of the Amorites - On the south of the land of Canaan, towards the Dead Sea
Go to the mount of the Amorites - On the south of the land of Canaan, towards the Dead Sea

Clarke: Deu 1:7 - -- Land of the Canaanites - That is, Phoenicia, the country of Sidon, and the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea from the country of the Philistines to Mo...
Land of the Canaanites - That is, Phoenicia, the country of Sidon, and the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea from the country of the Philistines to Mount Libanus. The Canaanites and Phoenicians are often confounded

Clarke: Deu 1:7 - -- The river Euphrates - Thus Moses fixes the bounds of the land, to which on all quarters the territories of the Israelites might be extended, should ...
The river Euphrates - Thus Moses fixes the bounds of the land, to which on all quarters the territories of the Israelites might be extended, should the land of Canaan, properly so called, be found insufficient for them. Their South border might extend to the mount of the Amorites; their West to the borders of the Mediterranean Sea; their North to Lebanon; and their East border to the river Euphrates: and to this extent Solomon reigned; see 1Ki 4:21. So that in his time, at least, the promise to Abraham was literally fulfilled; see below.

Clarke: Deu 1:10 - -- Ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude - This was the promise God made to Abraham, Gen 15:5, Gen 15:6; and Moses considers it now as a...
Ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude - This was the promise God made to Abraham, Gen 15:5, Gen 15:6; and Moses considers it now as amply fulfilled. But was it really so? Many suppose the expression to be hyperbolical; and others, no friends to revelation, think it a vain empty boast, because the stars, in their apprehension, amount to innumerable millions. Let us consider this subject. How many in number are the stars which appear to the naked eye? for it is by what appears to the naked eye we are to be governed in this business, for God brought Abraham forth abroad, i. e., out of doors, and bade him look towards heaven, not with a telescope, but with his naked eyes, Gen 15:5. Now I shall beg the objector to come forth abroad, and look up in the brightest and most favorable night, and count the stars - he need not be terrified at their abundance; the more they are, the more he can count; and I shall pledge myself to find a male Israelite in the very last census taken of this people, Numbers 26, for every star he finds in the whole upper hemisphere of heaven. The truth is, only about 3,010 stars can be seen by the naked eye in both the northern and southern hemispheres; and the Israelites, independently of women and children, were at the above time more than 600,000. And suppose we even allow that, from the late discoveries of Dr. Herschel and others with telescopes which have magnified between 35 and 36,000 times, there may be 75 millions of stars visible by the help of such instruments, which is the highest calculation ever made, yet still the Divine word stands literally true: St. Matthew says, Deuteronomy 1, that the generations from Abraham to Christ were 42; now we find at the second census that the fighting men among the Hebrews amounted to 603,000; and the Israelites, who have never ceased to be a distinct people, have so multiplied as far to exceed the number of all the fixed stars taken together.

Clarke: Deu 1:13 - -- Take you wise men - חכמים chachamim , such as had gained knowledge by great labor and study. Understanding נבנים nebonim , persons of di...
Take you wise men -

Clarke: Deu 1:15 - -- Captains over thousands, etc. - What a curious and well-regulated economy was that of the Israelites! See its order and arrangement
1. &n...
Captains over thousands, etc. - What a curious and well-regulated economy was that of the Israelites! See its order and arrangement
1. God, the King and Supreme Judge
2. Moses, God’ s prime minister
3. The priests, consulting him by Urim and Thummim
4. The chiefs or princes of the twelve tribes
5. Chilliarchs, or captains over thousands
6. Centurions, or captains over hundreds
7. Tribunes, or captains over fifty men
8. Decurions, or captains over ten men; and
9. Officers, persons who might be employed by the different chiefs in executing particular commands
All these held their authority from God, and yet were subject and accountable to each other. See the notes on Numbers 2 (note).

Clarke: Deu 1:17 - -- Ye shall not respect persons - Heb. faces. Let not the bold, daring countenance of the rich or mighty induce you to give an unrighteous decision; an...
Ye shall not respect persons - Heb. faces. Let not the bold, daring countenance of the rich or mighty induce you to give an unrighteous decision; and let not the abject look of the poor man induce you either to favor him in an unrighteous cause, or to give judgment against him at the demand of the oppressor. Be uncorrupt and incorruptible, for the judgment is God’ s; ye minister in the place of God, act like Him.

We will send men before us - See on Numbers 13 (note).

Clarke: Deu 1:28 - -- Cities - walled up to heaven - That is, with very high walls which could not be easily scaled. High walls around houses, etc., in these parts of Ara...
Cities - walled up to heaven - That is, with very high walls which could not be easily scaled. High walls around houses, etc., in these parts of Arabia are still deemed a sufficient defense against the Arabs, who scarcely ever attempt any thing in the way of plunder but on horseback. The monastery on Mount Sinai is surrounded with very high walls without any gate; in the upper part of the wall there is a sort of window, or opening, from which a basket is suspended by a pulley, by which both persons and goods are received into and sent from the place. It is the same with the convent of St. Anthony, in Egypt; and this sort of wall is deemed a sufficient defense against the Arabs, who, as we have already observed, scarcely ever like to alight from their horses.

Clarke: Deu 1:30 - -- The Lord - shall fight for you - In the Targum of Onkelos, it is, the Word of the Lord shall fight for you. In a great number of places the Targums ...
The Lord - shall fight for you - In the Targum of Onkelos, it is, the Word of the Lord shall fight for you. In a great number of places the Targums or Chaldee paraphrases use the term

Clarke: Deu 1:34 - -- The Lord - was wroth - That is, his justice was incensed, and he evidenced his displeasure against you; and he could not have been a just God if he ...
The Lord - was wroth - That is, his justice was incensed, and he evidenced his displeasure against you; and he could not have been a just God if he had not done so.

Clarke: Deu 1:37 - -- The Lord was angry with me - See on Num 20:12 (note), etc., where a particular account is given of the sin of Moses.
The Lord was angry with me - See on Num 20:12 (note), etc., where a particular account is given of the sin of Moses.

Clarke: Deu 1:44 - -- The Amorites - chased you - See the note on Num 14:40 : as bees do - by irresistible numbers.
The Amorites - chased you - See the note on Num 14:40 : as bees do - by irresistible numbers.

Clarke: Deu 1:46 - -- According unto the days that ye abode there - They had been a long time at this place, see Num 13:27; Num 20:1, Num 20:14, Num 20:21. And some think...
According unto the days that ye abode there - They had been a long time at this place, see Num 13:27; Num 20:1, Num 20:14, Num 20:21. And some think that the words mean, "Ye abode as long at Kadesh, when you came to it the second time, as ye did at the first."Or, according to others, "While ye were in that part of the desert, ye encamped at Kadesh.
1. As one grand object of the law of God was to instruct the people in those things which were calculated to promote their peace and insure their prosperity; and as they were apt to lose sight of their spiritual interests, without a due attention to which their secular interest could not be promoted; Moses, not only in this chapter, but through the whole book, calls upon them to recollect their former miserable situation, in which they held neither life nor property but at the will of a merciless tyrant, and the great kindness and power of God manifested in their deliverance from a bondage that was as degrading as it was oppressive. These things properly remembered would lead them to prize their blessings, and duly appreciate the mercy of their Maker
2. But it was not only this general display of God’ s kindness, in the grand act of their deliverance from Egypt, that he wished them to keep constantly in view, but also that gracious providence which was manifested in every step they took; which directed all their movements, provided for all their wants, continually showing what they should do, how they should do it, and also the most proper time and place for every act, whether religious or civil. By bringing before them in one point of view the history of almost forty years, in which the strangest and most stupendous occurrences had taken place that had ever been exhibited to the world, he took the readiest way to impress their minds, not only with their deep obligation to God, but also to show them that they were a people on whom their Maker had set his heart to do them good, and that if they feared him they should lack nothing that was good. He lays out also before them a history of their miscarriages and rebellion, and the privations and evils they had suffered in consequence, that this might act as a continual warning, and thus become, in the hands of God, a preventive of crimes
3. If every Christian were thus to call his past life into review, he would see equal proofs of God’ s gracious regards to his body and soul; equal proofs of eternal mercy in providing for his deliverance from the galling yoke and oppressive tyranny of sin, as the Israelites had in their deliverance from Egypt; and equal displays of a most gracious providence, that had also been his incessant companion through all the changes and chances of this mortal life, guiding him by its counsel, that he might be at last received into glory. O reader, remember what God has done for thee during thy forty, fifty, etc., years! He has nourished, fed, clothed, protected, and saved thee. How often and how powerfully has his Spirit striven with thee! How often and how impressively thou hast heard his voice in his Gospel and in his providences! Remember the good resolutions thou hast made, the ingratitude and disobedience that have marked thy life; how his vows are still upon thee, and how his mercy still spares thee! And wilt thou live so as to perish for ever? God forbid! He still waits to be gracious, and rejoices over thee to do thee good. Learn from what is before thee how thou shouldst fear, love, believe in, and obey thy God. The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world, is still before the throne; and whosoever cometh unto God through him shall in nowise be cast out. He who believes these things with an upright heart will soon be enabled to live a sanctified life.
Calvin: Deu 1:6 - -- 6.The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb In this Second Narration, Moses expressly declares that God not only gave them a visible sign, by uplifting t...
6.The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb In this Second Narration, Moses expressly declares that God not only gave them a visible sign, by uplifting the cloud, but that He also verbally commanded the people to leave Mount Sinai, and to set about the performance of the rest of their journey. God says, then, that enough time had been spent in one place; 1 for, before they left it, an entire year had passed away there. Although there were eleven days’ journey before them before they would arrive at Kadesh-barnea, nevertheless, lest anything should delay the people, who were naturally but too indolent, tie stimulates them by setting before them the ease with which it might be accomplished, telling them that they had but to lift up their feet and advance, in order to attain the promised rest.

Calvin: Deu 1:9 - -- 9.And I spoke unto you at that time He does not here say that the counsel was suggested to him from another quarter, as to the appointment of the jud...
9.And I spoke unto you at that time He does not here say that the counsel was suggested to him from another quarter, as to the appointment of the judges; but, perhaps, he dared not mention any name to these proud and perverse people, lest they should reject the thing which was otherwise good, from dislike of its author, as a foreigner. No doubt he is here recounting what had before happened; therefore he confesses himself, from his own personal feelings, unequal to bearing the burden, if he alone is set over the whole people. He adduces as the cause the immense multitude amongst whom there must necessarily arise many strifes and controversies. As to what he says of their increase, the commencement of its period must not be taken from the Exodus, but he commemorates the extraordinary and incredible favor of God, because they had so largely multiplied under the cruel tyranny when they were doomed to total destruction; and he adds a prayer, that for the future also the same blessing may attend them. Yet in these words he reminds them that the burden of government would become daily more arduous and weighty; whereby he may more readily persuade them to provide at once for what could not be eventually avoided.

Calvin: Deu 1:13 - -- 13.Take you wise men Hence it more plainly appears that those who were to preside in judgment were not appointed only by the will of Moses, but. elec...
13.Take you wise men Hence it more plainly appears that those who were to preside in judgment were not appointed only by the will of Moses, but. elected by the votes of the people. And this is the most desirable kind c f liberty, that we should not be compelled to obey every’ person who may be tyrannically put over our heads; but which allows of election, so that no one should rule except he be approved of by us. And this is further confirmed in the next verse, wherein Moses recounts that he awaited the consent of the people, and that nothing was attempted which did not please them all. Again, he does not here mention the same virtues as in Exo 18:0; but only distinguishes the judges by three qualifications, viz., that they should be wise, and understanding, and experienced, all of which are comprised under one head, that they should possess acuteness of intellect and prudence, confirmed by experience and practice; for neither the greatest probity nor diligence would be sufficient; for the office of ruler, apart from skill and sagacity. 204 But the first epithet which the Hebrews often apply in a bad sense to the crafty and deceitful, here means acute and perspicacious. The second I explain as pointing out prudent persons, endued with sound judgment and discretion. 205 The third may be taken either actively or passively; some therefore translate it known or tried; but here the active sense is most suitable. Thus, then, experience and acquaintance with business is required in judges; because none but the practiced are competent for the management of business.

Calvin: Deu 1:16 - -- 16.And I charged your judges This charge is not found in Exo 18:0, where the only object of Moses was to point out the origin of the alteration; but ...
16.And I charged your judges This charge is not found in Exo 18:0, where the only object of Moses was to point out the origin of the alteration; but now omitting the praise of his father-in-law, he merely recalls to the recollection of the Israelites what he did with them. The sum, however, of the exhortation is, that they should adjudicate impartially between their brethren; which is more fully expressed in the next verse, where they are forbidden to “acknowledge faces.” 206 For there can be no greater corruption than to judge from personal appearance, which always draws away men’s minds from the merits of the ease. Wherefore Christ rightly opposes these two things to one another, to “judge righteous judgment,” and “according to the appearance.” (Joh 7:24.) This even philosophers have perceived, when they have advised that, as far as possible, judges should be restrained by fixed laws, lest;, being left free, they should be swayed this way or that by favor or ill will. And, in point of fact, wherever there is a sufficient capacity of intellect, equity and rectitude will prevail, unless respect to persons influences the judge. It, is plain from the context, where Moses forbids the making a distinction between small and great, what is meant by “acknowledging persons.” But although judges often inflict injury upon the poor and wretched out of contempt of them, yet Moses adverts to the more common fault, when he charges them “to be afraid of no man;” since it very often happens that those who are otherwise just, and disposed to study what is equitable and right, are made to swerve through fear of the threats of the powerful, and dare not; manfully encounter their ill will. Moses, therefore, requires magnanimity in judges, so that they may not hesitate to bring upon themselves the hatred of any, in their defense of a good cause. But we must specially observe the reason whereby he corrects their fear and alarm; for he says that they are to be afraid of no mortal man, because “the judgment is God’s.” He does not here merely remind them, as it; appears to some, that an account must be rendered to God; but shows how absurd it is to turn from the right course out of the fear of man, because thus the majesty of God is prostituted and exposed to scorn; as much as to say that this honor must be paid to God, whose representatives they are, that they should look upon all men as beneath them, and restrain the audacity of rite wicked with such inflexible magnanimity, that God alone may have the preeminence. The same is the object of Jehoshaphat’s words:
“Take heed what ye do: for ye judge not for man but for the Lord.” (2Ch 19:6.)
If this were thoroughly impressed upon the minds both of magistrates and pastors, they would not vacillate so often; for relying on God’s aid, they would stand firmly against all the terrors by which they are so pitifully agitated. Wherefore let all those who are called to any public office, sustain themselves by this doctrine, that they are doing God’s work, who is well able to keep them safe from the violence as well as the craftiness of the whole world. Yet, at the same time we are taught by these words that all posts of command are sacred to God, so that whosoever are called to them should reverently and diligently serve God, and ever reflect that His is the dominion whereof they are the ministers.

Calvin: Deu 1:27 - -- 27.And ye murmured in your tents Elsewhere he says that they also wept; here he only speaks of their murmuring, which better suited his reproof. He t...
27.And ye murmured in your tents Elsewhere he says that they also wept; here he only speaks of their murmuring, which better suited his reproof. He then reminds them how malignant had been their ingratitude and perversity in upbraiding God on account of the special blessing which He had conferred upon them, as if He had done them a grievous injury. He could not have afforded them a more manifest proof of His paternal love towards them than by their deliverance. Most iniquitous, therefore, is their mode of repaying Him, viz., by complaining that they had been cruelly brought forth to die, and by construing into hatred His exceeding great love. It is clear from the next verse that, although Moses does not relate the details in their proper order, there is still no contradiction in his words. A little before, he had seemed to give unqualified praise to the spies, as if they had performed their office honestly and faithfully, but now, from the language of the people, he shows that they were the authors of the revolt, inasmuch as they rendered inert, by the terror they inspired, those whom they ought to have encouraged.

Calvin: Deu 1:29 - -- 29.Then I said unto you, Dread not He here omits the address of Caleb and Joshua: since he only states briefly the heads of what he had spoken to the...
29.Then I said unto you, Dread not He here omits the address of Caleb and Joshua: since he only states briefly the heads of what he had spoken to the people. He merely shows that, when he endeavored to recall them to their right senses, his efforts and pains were ineffectual. Moreover, he reasons from experience that they might well place their hopes in the assistance of God, because He went before them as a light; and, in proof of this, he reminds them that, after the discomfiture of the Egyptians, He did not fail still to exert His power, so as to protect even to the end those whom He had once delivered. This, then, is his proposition, that although they might be aware of their own weakness, still, through the power of God, they would be conquerors, since He had taken them under His care, and had declared Himself their leader; which he indicates by the expression, “goes before you.” And, lest any hesitation should remain, he sets against their present obstacles the miracles of God’s power, which they had experienced, not only in the commencement of their redemption, but in the continued progress of their deliverance’s, when, in their lost and desperate state, He had by ways innumerable restored them from death unto life. Hence he concludes that they ought not to be afraid, not that he would wish them to be altogether free from all fear and care, but so that they might overcome all hindrances, when confidence derived from the ready help of God should prevail in their hearts. He says emphatically that God had fought “before their eyes,” to lead them to fuller conviction by the evidence of their own senses.

Calvin: Deu 1:31 - -- 31.And it, the wilderness where thou hast seen The constant course of God’s grace is here commemorated; from whence they might safely infer, that H...
31.And it, the wilderness where thou hast seen The constant course of God’s grace is here commemorated; from whence they might safely infer, that He, who had pursued them with so many benefits, would still be the same in this crowning act. He, therefore, uses the image of bearing, because the way would have been by no means passable unless God had borne them, as it were, on His shoulders, just as a father is wont to bear his infant child. Thus, on the one hand, the incredible goodness of God is exalted, who had deigned so far to condescend as to take up the people in His arms; and, on the other hand, the people are reminded of their own infirmity, for, unless upheld by the power of God, they would scarcely have been competent to advance a step. Elsewhere, retaining a portion of this similitude, Moses compares God to an eagle, 56 who bears her young upon her wings, and teaches them to fly. And surely, unless (the Israelites) had been uplifted by supernatural means, they would never have been equal to a hundredth part of the difficulties they encountered.

Calvin: Deu 1:32 - -- 32.Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord. He signifies that they had been most prejudiced observers of the works of God, since His power, so ...
32.Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord. He signifies that they had been most prejudiced observers of the works of God, since His power, so often experienced and. so thoroughly understood, had not aroused them to confidence in Him. For in the word

Calvin: Deu 1:34 - -- 34.And the Lord heard the voice of your words I have shown elsewhere what is meant by God’s hearing, i.e., that nothing can be concealed from Him...
34.And the Lord heard the voice of your words I have shown elsewhere what is meant by God’s hearing, i.e., that nothing can be concealed from Him, but that tie will take account of and judge all our words and deeds And this is worthy of our observation; for men would never dare to murmur against Him, unless they promised themselves impunity 75 from His not being present. Secondly, we learn from hence, that God, who is a just Judge, does not proceed hastily and without cause to inflict punishment on men, and that He does not manifest severity without a full examination of the case. He, therefore, means that they deprived themselves of their assured inheritance, when they were close upon receiving it, through their own rebellion and depravity.

Calvin: Deu 1:37 - -- 37.Also the Lord was angry with me It is in no cowardly spirit that he transfers to them the guilt of unfaithfulness, which he had confessed for hims...
37.Also the Lord was angry with me It is in no cowardly spirit that he transfers to them the guilt of unfaithfulness, which he had confessed for himself; but, since he had only fallen in consequence of being overwhelmed by their obstinate wickedness, he justly reproaches them with the fact that God was wroth with him on account of their sin. If under this pretext he had attempted to extenuate his guilt before God, or to substitute their criminality for his own, he would have done nothing else than double the evil: but, in reproving the people, he rightly and appropriately complained that the cause of his sin had arisen from them. As if he had said that they were so perverse that even he had been corrupted by them, and drawn into association with their guilt and its punishment. He here, however, adds respecting Joshua what he had before passed over in silence. His appointment as successor to Moses served to encourage the people; for it was a notable ground for hope that they should hear a provision already made, that after the death of Moses they should not be destitute of a leader, who would rule them under the auspices of God.
Why God preferred this man to all others, especially when Caleb is more highly praised elsewhere, is only known to Himself. We know that He chooses according to His own will those whom He destines to any charge, so that the dignity of men may depend upon His gratuitous favor. “To stand before” a person is equivalent to being at hand to do his bidding; and it seems that this was stated to be the condition of Joshua, in order that the punishment might be more manifest; inasmuch as, by an entire inversion, a successor is given to Moses, who had been his servant.

Calvin: Deu 1:39 - -- 39.Moreover, your little ones I have already shown that God so tempered His judgment that, whilst none of the guilty should escape with impunity, sti...
39.Moreover, your little ones I have already shown that God so tempered His judgment that, whilst none of the guilty should escape with impunity, still His faithfulness should remain sure and inviolable, and that the wickedness of men should not make void the covenant which He had made with Abraham. He, therefore, pronounces sentence upon them, that they should never enjoy the inheritance which they had despised: yet declares that He will nevertheless be true in the fulfillment of what He had promised, and will display His mercy towards their children, whom in their despair they had condemned to be a prey to their enemies.
When He limits this grace to their little ones, whose age did not yet allow them to discern between good and evil, He signifies that all who had already arrived at the years of reason, were, from the least to the greatest, accomplices in the crime, since the contagion had spread through the whole body. Surely it was an incredible prodigy, that so great a multitude should be so carried away by diabolical fury, as that nothing should remain unaffected by it, unless perhaps a timely death removed some of the old men rather on account of the vice of others than their own. But, if even a hundredth part of them had been guiltless of the crime, God would have left some survivors.
“To have no knowledge of good and evil,” is equivalent to being unable “to discern between their right hand and their left hand;” by which expression in Jonah, (Jon 4:11,) God exempts from condemnation those little ones, who have as yet no power of forming a judgment. From hence, however, some have foolishly attempted to prove that infant-children are not defiled by original sin; and that men are involved in no guilt, except such as they have severally contracted by their own voluntary act (arbitrio.) For the question here is not as to the nature of the human race; a distinction is simply made between children and those who have consciously and willfully provoked God’s wrath; whereas the corruption, which is the root (of all evils, 76) although it may not immediately produce its fruit in actual sins, is not 77 therefore non-existent.

Calvin: Deu 1:41 - -- 41.Then ye answered and said unto me The repentance was too late, which impelled the Israelites to their unseasonable effort of activity; although, a...
41.Then ye answered and said unto me The repentance was too late, which impelled the Israelites to their unseasonable effort of activity; although, as I have above explained, they did not truly and seriously repent, since, when they ought patiently to have borne the chastening of God, they endeavored to shake it off, and to drive it far away from them by a new act of disobedience. In a word, they did nothing else but kick against the pricks. But such is the energy of men, when their own fancy leads them, that they will dare anything which God forbids. But herein did their far worse folly betray itself, in that, when they were again withheld, they still refuse to obey. Besides, He does not merely forbid them to fight, but denies them His assistance. What then could be more monstrous than that, in opposition to God’s will, and when the hope of His assistance was withdrawn, they should engage in what they had just before obstinately refused to attempt under His auspices, and by His command, and with the sure promise of success? And yet, so does hypocrisy blind men’s minds, that they imagined they were correcting and compensating for the evil which they doubled. Moses then relates how they received the reward which they deserved; as much as to say, that, although they might be slow to learn, still they were made acquainted, by the reverse which they experienced, how fatal a thing it is not to obey God: for fools never learn wisdom except beneath the rod.

Calvin: Deu 1:45 - -- 45.And ye returned and wept before the Lord He here appeals to the testimony of their own conscience; for they never would have been brought to weepi...
45.And ye returned and wept before the Lord He here appeals to the testimony of their own conscience; for they never would have been brought to weeping and prayers, except by the force of their own feelings. Since, then, they were abundantly convinced, that a just punishment was inflicted upon their obstinacy, necessity drove them to seek after God: consequently they had no cause to complain, though God manifested Himself to be implacable.
In the last verse there is an ambiguity in the meaning of these words, “many days, according to the number of the days.” Some, rendering the verb in the pluperfect tense, “in which we had remained there,” 80 suppose that they still abode there another forty days. But it is equally probable; that an indefinite time is referred to: as if he had said, that the people delayed there a long time, from whence it might be inferred, that they lay like persons stupified, from lack of knowing what to do.
It is Kadesh-barnea to which Moses refers, from whence the spies had been sent forth; and not the Kadesh where Miriam died, and where the people murmured for want of water.
TSK -> Deu 1:3; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:5; Deu 1:6; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:9; Deu 1:10; Deu 1:11; Deu 1:12; Deu 1:13; Deu 1:15; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:17; Deu 1:18; Deu 1:19; Deu 1:20; Deu 1:21; Deu 1:22; Deu 1:23; Deu 1:24; Deu 1:26; Deu 1:27; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:29; Deu 1:30; Deu 1:31; Deu 1:32; Deu 1:33; Deu 1:34; Deu 1:36; Deu 1:37; Deu 1:38; Deu 1:39; Deu 1:40; Deu 1:41; Deu 1:42; Deu 1:43; Deu 1:44; Deu 1:45; Deu 1:46

TSK: Deu 1:4 - -- Deu 2:26-37, Deu 3:1-11; Num 21:21-35; Jos 12:2-6, Jos 13:10-12; Neh 9:22; Psa 135:11, Psa 136:19, Psa 136:20

TSK: Deu 1:7 - -- the mount : Gen 15:16-21; Exo 23:31; Num 34:3-12; Jos 24:15; Amo 2:9
all the places : Heb. all his neighbours
in the plain : Deu 11:11; Jos 10:40, Jos...

TSK: Deu 1:8 - -- set : Heb. given
which : Gen 12:7, Gen 13:14, Gen 13:15, Gen 15:16, Gen 15:18, Gen 17:7, Gen 17:8, Gen 22:16-18, Gen 26:3, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:13, Gen 28...

TSK: Deu 1:10 - -- your God : Deu 10:22, Deu 28:62; Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 28:14; Exo 12:37, Exo 32:13; Num 1:46; 1Ch 27:23; Neh 9:23
ye are this day : This was the pr...
your God : Deu 10:22, Deu 28:62; Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 28:14; Exo 12:37, Exo 32:13; Num 1:46; 1Ch 27:23; Neh 9:23
ye are this day : This was the promise made by God to Abraham (Gen 15:5, Gen 15:6), which Moses considers now as amply fulfilled. Many suppose the expression to be hyperbolical; and others, no friends to revelation, think it a vain, empty boast, because the stars, in their apprehension, amount to innumerable millions. But, as this refers to the number of stars that appear to the naked eye, which only amount to about 3,010 in both hemispheres, the number of the Israelites far exceeded this; for independently of women and children, at the last census, they amounted to more than 600,000.

TSK: Deu 1:11 - -- make you : 2Sa 24:3; 1Ch 21:3; Psa 115:14
and bless you : Gen 15:5, Gen 22:17, Gen 26:4, Gen 49:25; Exo 32:13; Num 6:27, Num 22:12

TSK: Deu 1:15 - -- I took : Deu 16:18; Exo 18:25, Exo 18:26
made : Heb. gave, Eph 4:11
captains over thousands : Num 31:14; 1Sa 8:12, 1Sa 17:18, 1Sa 22:7

TSK: Deu 1:16 - -- charged : Deu 27:11, Deu 31:14; Num 27:19; 1Th 2:11; 1Ti 5:21, 1Ti 6:17
Hear : Deu 16:18, Deu 16:19; Exo 23:2, Exo 23:3, Exo 23:7, Exo 23:8; Lev 19:15...

TSK: Deu 1:17 - -- shall not : Deu 10:17, Deu 16:19; Lev 19:15; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 14:14; Pro 24:23; Luk 20:21; Act 10:34, Act 10:35; Rom 2:11; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; Jam 2:1, Ja...
shall not : Deu 10:17, Deu 16:19; Lev 19:15; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 14:14; Pro 24:23; Luk 20:21; Act 10:34, Act 10:35; Rom 2:11; Eph 6:9; Col 3:25; Jam 2:1, Jam 2:3, Jam 2:9; 1Pe 1:17
respect persons : Heb. acknowledge faces, That is, let not the bold, daring countenances of the rich or mighty induce you to give an unrighteous decision; and let not the abject look of the poor man induce you either to favour him in an unrighteous cause, or to give judgment against him at the demand of the oppressor.
ye shall hear : Exo 23:3, Exo 23:6, Exo 23:7; 1Sa 12:3, 1Sa 12:4; Job 22:6-9, Job 29:11-17, Job 31:13-16; Psa 82:3, Psa 82:4; Pro 22:22, Pro 22:23; Jer 5:28, Jer 5:29; Amo 5:11, Amo 5:12; Mic 2:1-3, Mic 3:1-4, Mic 7:3, Mic 7:4; Jam 2:2-4, Jam 2:5
ye shall not : 1Ki 21:8-14; Job 31:34; Pro 29:25; Jer 1:17; Mat 22:16; Mar 12:14; 1Th 2:4
the judgment : 2Ch 19:6
the cause : Deu 17:8-10; Exo 18:18, Exo 18:22, Exo 18:26

TSK: Deu 1:21 - -- fear not : Deu 20:1; Num 13:30, Num 14:8, Num 14:9; Jos 1:9; Psa 27:1-3, Psa 46:1, Psa 46:7, Psa 46:11; Isa 41:10; Isa 43:1, Isa 43:2; Luk 12:32; Heb ...

TSK: Deu 1:22 - -- We will send : The people proposed this measure through unbelief; Moses, mistaking their motive, approved of it; and God, being justly displeased, per...
We will send : The people proposed this measure through unbelief; Moses, mistaking their motive, approved of it; and God, being justly displeased, permitted them to follow their own counsel, which proved injurious to them only through their sin and folly. Num. 13:1-20

TSK: Deu 1:27 - -- The Lord hated us : Deu 9:28; Exo 16:3, Exo 16:8; Num 14:3, Num 21:5; Mat 25:24; Luk 19:21

TSK: Deu 1:28 - -- discouraged : Heb. melted, Deu 20:8 *marg. Exo 15:15; Jos 2:9, Jos 2:11, Jos 2:24 *marg. Jos 14:8; Isa 13:7; Eze 21:7
The people : Deu 9:1, Deu 9:2; N...
discouraged : Heb. melted, Deu 20:8 *marg. Exo 15:15; Jos 2:9, Jos 2:11, Jos 2:24 *marg. Jos 14:8; Isa 13:7; Eze 21:7
The people : Deu 9:1, Deu 9:2; Num 13:28-33
walled : That is, with very high walls, which could not be easily scaled. Harmer says, high walls are still to be seen in Arabia, and are deemed a sufficient defence against the Arabs, who scarcely ever attempt to plunder except on horseback. The monastery on Mount Sinai, and the convent of St. Anthony in Egypt, are surrounded with a very high wall, without gates; the persons and things being taken up and let down through an opening in the upper part, by means of a pulley and a basket. This kind of walling is a sufficient defence.
we have seen : Deu 9:2; Jos 11:22, Jos 15:14; Jdg 1:10, Jdg 1:20; 2Sa 21:16-22

TSK: Deu 1:30 - -- he shall : Deu 20:1-4; Exo 14:14, Exo 14:25; Jos 10:42; 1Sa 17:45, 1Sa 17:46; 2Ch 14:11, 2Ch 14:12, 2Ch 32:8; Neh 4:20; Psa 46:11; Isa 8:9, Isa 8:10; ...
he shall : Deu 20:1-4; Exo 14:14, Exo 14:25; Jos 10:42; 1Sa 17:45, 1Sa 17:46; 2Ch 14:11, 2Ch 14:12, 2Ch 32:8; Neh 4:20; Psa 46:11; Isa 8:9, Isa 8:10; Rom 8:31, Rom 8:37
according : Exod. 7:1-25, 15:1-27; Psa 78:11-13, Psa 78:43-51, Psa 105:27-36

TSK: Deu 1:31 - -- in the wilderness : Exod. 16:1-17:16; Neh 9:12-23; Psa 78:14-28, Psa 105:39-41
bare thee : Deu 32:11, Deu 32:12; Exo 19:4; Num 11:11, Num 11:12, Num 1...

TSK: Deu 1:33 - -- Who went : Exo 13:21; Num 10:33; Psa 77:20; Eze 20:6
in fire : Exo 13:21, Exo 13:22, Exo 14:19, Exo 14:20, Exo 14:24, Exo 40:34-38; Num 9:15-22, Num 1...

TSK: Deu 1:34 - -- and sware : Deu 2:14, Deu 2:15; Num 14:22-30, Num 32:8-13; Psa 95:11; Eze 20:15; Heb 3:8-11
and sware : Deu 2:14, Deu 2:15; Num 14:22-30, Num 32:8-13; Psa 95:11; Eze 20:15; Heb 3:8-11

TSK: Deu 1:36 - -- Caleb : Num 13:6, Num 13:30, Num 26:65, Num 32:12, Num 34:19; Jos 14:6-14; Jdg 1:12-15
wholly followed : Heb. fulfilled to go after, Num 14:24
Caleb : Num 13:6, Num 13:30, Num 26:65, Num 32:12, Num 34:19; Jos 14:6-14; Jdg 1:12-15
wholly followed : Heb. fulfilled to go after, Num 14:24

TSK: Deu 1:37 - -- Deu 3:23-26, Deu 4:21, Deu 34:4; Num 20:12, Num 27:13, Num 27:14; Psa 106:32, Psa 106:33

TSK: Deu 1:38 - -- Joshua : Num 13:8, Num 13:16, Num 14:30, Num 14:38, Num 26:65
which standeth : Exo 17:9-14, Exo 24:13, Exo 33:11; 1Sa 16:22; Pro 22:29
encourage him :...

TSK: Deu 1:39 - -- your little : Num 14:3, Num 14:31
which in : Isa 7:15, Isa 7:16; Jon 4:11; Rom 9:11; Eph 2:3

TSK: Deu 1:42 - -- Go not up : Num 14:41, Num 14:42
for I am not : Lev 26:17; Jos 7:8-13; 1Sa 4:2, 1Sa 4:10; Isa 30:17, Isa 59:1, Isa 59:2; Hos 9:12

TSK: Deu 1:43 - -- but rebelled : Isa 63:10; Act 7:51; Rom 8:7, Rom 8:8
went presumptuously up : Heb. ye were presumptuous and went up, Num 14:44

TSK: Deu 1:44 - -- chased you : When bees are provoked or disturbed, the whole swarm attack and pursue whatever annoys them, with great courage and fury, and sometimes a...
chased you : When bees are provoked or disturbed, the whole swarm attack and pursue whatever annoys them, with great courage and fury, and sometimes are a most formidable enemy. They were so troublesome in some districts of Crete, that, according to Pliny, the inhabitants were actually compelled to forsake their homes. Alian reports, that some places in Scythia were formerly inaccessible on account of the numerous swarms of bees with which they were infested. Mr. Park relates, that some of his associates imprudently attempted to rob a numerous hive which they found in their way. The exasperated little animals rushed out to defend their property, and attacked them with so much fury, that they quickly compelled the whole company of men, horses, and asses, to scamper off in all directions. The horses were never recovered, and a number of the asses were so severely stung, that they died the next day. Deu 28:25, Deu 32:30; Psa 118:12; Isa 7:18

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Deu 1:4; Deu 1:5; Deu 1:6; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:9-15; Deu 1:19; Deu 1:22-23; Deu 1:37; Deu 1:41; Deu 1:44
Barnes: Deu 1:4 - -- Astaroth - On this place compare Gen 14:5 and note. In Edrei - These words should, to render the sense clear, come next after "slain."The...
Astaroth - On this place compare Gen 14:5 and note.
In Edrei - These words should, to render the sense clear, come next after "slain."The battle in which Sihon and Og were defeated took place at Edrei.

Barnes: Deu 1:5 - -- In the land of Moab - This district had formerly been occupied by the Moabites, and retained its name from them: but had been conquered by the ...

Barnes: Deu 1:6 - -- The first and introductory address of Moses to the people is here commenced. It extends to Deu 4:40; and is divided from the second discourse by the...

Barnes: Deu 1:7 - -- To the mount of the Amorites - i. e. to the mountain district occupied by the Amorites, reaching into the Negeb, and part of the territory assi...
To the mount of the Amorites - i. e. to the mountain district occupied by the Amorites, reaching into the Negeb, and part of the territory assigned to the tribe of Judah.

Barnes: Deu 1:9-15 - -- This appointment of the "captains"(compare Exo 18:21 ff) must not be confounded with that of the elders in Num 11:16 ff. The former would number 78,...
This appointment of the "captains"(compare Exo 18:21 ff) must not be confounded with that of the elders in Num 11:16 ff. The former would number 78,600; the latter were 70 only.
A comparison between this passage and that in Exodus makes it obvious that Moses is only touching on certain parts of the whole history, without regard to order of time, but with a special purpose. This important arrangement for the good government of the people took place before they left Horeb to march direct to the promised land. This fact sets more clearly before us the perverseness and ingratitude of the people, to which the orator next passes; and shows, what he was anxious to impress, that the fault of the 40 years’ delay rested only with themselves!

Barnes: Deu 1:19 - -- That great and terrible wilderness - Compare Deu 8:15. This language is such as people would employ after having passed with toil and suffering...
That great and terrible wilderness - Compare Deu 8:15. This language is such as people would employ after having passed with toil and suffering through the worst part of it, the southern half of the Arabah (see Num 21:4 note); and more especially when they had but recently rested from their marches in the plain of Shittim, the largest and richest oasis in the whole district on the Eastern bank near the mouth of the Jordan.

Barnes: Deu 1:22-23 - -- The plan of sending the spies originated with the people; and, as in itself a reasonable one, it approved itself to Moses; it was submitted to God, ...
The plan of sending the spies originated with the people; and, as in itself a reasonable one, it approved itself to Moses; it was submitted to God, sanctioned by Him, and carried out under special divine direction. The orator’ s purpose in this chapter is to bring before the people emphatically their own responsibilites and behavior. It is therefore important to remind them, that the sending of the spies, which led immediately to their complaining and rebellion, was their own suggestion.
The following verses to the end of the chapter give a condensed account, the fuller one being in Num. 13\endash 14, of the occurrences which led to the banishment of the people for 40 years into the wilderness.

Barnes: Deu 1:37 - -- The sentence on Moses was not passed when the people rebelled during their first encampment at Kadesh, but some 37 years later, when they had re-ass...
The sentence on Moses was not passed when the people rebelled during their first encampment at Kadesh, but some 37 years later, when they had re-assembled in the same neighborhood at Meribah (see the Num 20:13 note). He alludes to it here as having happened not many months previously, bearing on the facts which were for his purpose in pricking the conscience of the people.

Barnes: Deu 1:41 - -- Ye were ready to go up into the hill - Rather, perhaps, "ye made light of going up;"i. e. "ye were ready to attempt it as a trifling undertakin...
Ye were ready to go up into the hill - Rather, perhaps, "ye made light of going up;"i. e. "ye were ready to attempt it as a trifling undertaking."Deu 1:43 shows the issue of this spirit in action; compare marginal references.

Barnes: Deu 1:44 - -- The Amorites - In Num 14:45, it is "the Amalekites and the Canaanites"who are said to have discomfited them. The Amorites, as the most powerful...
This was but a little before his death.

Poole: Deu 1:4 - -- His palace or mansion-house was at
Astaroth and he was slain at
Edrei Num 21:33 ; of both these places, see Gen 14:5 Jos 13:31 .

Poole: Deu 1:7 - -- To the mount of the Amorite i.e. to the mountainous country where the Amorites dwelt, which is opposed to the plain here following, where others of t...
To the mount of the Amorite i.e. to the mountainous country where the Amorites dwelt, which is opposed to the plain here following, where others of them dwelt. And this is the first mentioned, because it was in the borders of the land: see below, Deu 1:19,20 . The divers parts or bounds of the land are here mentioned.

Poole: Deu 1:8 - -- Before you Heb. before your faces ; it is open to your view, and to your possession; there is no impediment in the way. See Poole "Gen 13:9" ; See...

Poole: Deu 1:9 - -- At that time i.e. about that time, to wit, a little before their coming to Horeb, Exo 18:18 .
At that time i.e. about that time, to wit, a little before their coming to Horeb, Exo 18:18 .

Poole: Deu 1:12 - -- Your burden the trouble of ruling and managing so perverse a people.
Your strife either your quarrellings with God; or rather your contentions amon...
Your burden the trouble of ruling and managing so perverse a people.
Your strife either your quarrellings with God; or rather your contentions among yourselves, for the determination whereof the elders were appointed.

Poole: Deu 1:13 - -- Persons of knowledge, wisdom, and experience, men famous, and had in reputation, for ability and integrity; for to such they would more readily subm...
Persons of knowledge, wisdom, and experience, men famous, and had in reputation, for ability and integrity; for to such they would more readily submit.

Poole: Deu 1:15 - -- The chief not in authority, which yet they had not, but in endowments for good government.
And officers inferior officers, that were to attend upon...
The chief not in authority, which yet they had not, but in endowments for good government.
And officers inferior officers, that were to attend upon the superior magistrates, and to execute their decrees.

Poole: Deu 1:16 - -- That converseth or dealeth with him. To such God would have justice equally administered as to his own people, partly for the honour of religion, an...
That converseth or dealeth with him. To such God would have justice equally administered as to his own people, partly for the honour of religion, and partly for the interest which every man hath in matters of common right.

Poole: Deu 1:17 - -- Not respect persons Heb. not know or acknowledge faces, i.e. not give sentence according to the outward qualities of the person as he is poor or rich...
Not respect persons Heb. not know or acknowledge faces, i.e. not give sentence according to the outward qualities of the person as he is poor or rich, your friend or enemy, but purely according to the merits of the cause. For which reason some of the Grecian lawgivers ordered that the judges should give sentence in the dark, where they could not see men’ s faces. See the same or the like phrase Deu 10:17 2Ch 19:6,7 Job 13:8 Jam 2:1,9 .
The small persons of the meanest rank.
The judgment is God’ s i.e. it is passed in the name of God, and by commission from him, by you as representing his person, and doing his work, who therefore will own and defend you therein against all your enemies, and to whom you must give an exact account.

Poole: Deu 1:18 - -- I delivered unto you, and especially unto your judges, all the laws, statues, and judgments revealed unto me by the Lord in Horeb.
I delivered unto you, and especially unto your judges, all the laws, statues, and judgments revealed unto me by the Lord in Horeb.

Poole: Deu 1:23 - -- The saying pleased me well for there seemed to be some prudence and good policy in it: but Moses could not see into their hearts, nor from what root ...
The saying pleased me well for there seemed to be some prudence and good policy in it: but Moses could not see into their hearts, nor from what root this desire grew; but God saw it, and therefore in just judgment complied with their desire, and permitted them to do so for their trial and exercise, Num 13:1-3 .

Poole: Deu 1:24 - -- The valley or, the brook : the word signifies both, for brooks commonly run in valleys.
Of Eshcol i.e. of grapes , so called from the goodly clus...
The valley or, the brook : the word signifies both, for brooks commonly run in valleys.
Of Eshcol i.e. of grapes , so called from the goodly cluster of grapes which they brought from thence, Num 13:23 .

Poole: Deu 1:25 - -- The fruit grapes, pomegranates, and figs, Num 13:23 .
It is a good land which acknowledgment, coming from its enemies, should have prevailed with y...
The fruit grapes, pomegranates, and figs, Num 13:23 .
It is a good land which acknowledgment, coming from its enemies, should have prevailed with you to go in, more than their discouraging words should have beat you off, because the Lord who had given you this land, was unquestionably able to settle you in it in spite of all opposition.

Because the Lord hated us and therefore designed to destroy us.

Poole: Deu 1:28 - -- The people is greater in number and strength and valour.
Up to heaven i.e. to a great height. A common hyperbole, as Gen 11:4 Psa 107:26 . The Anak...
The people is greater in number and strength and valour.
Up to heaven i.e. to a great height. A common hyperbole, as Gen 11:4 Psa 107:26 . The Anakims; the children of Anak or Enak. See Jud 1:10,20 .

Poole: Deu 1:30 - -- Where you were weak, dispirited, divided, raw, and unexperienced, and in a great measure unarmed, and able to do nothing against your numerous, pote...
Where you were weak, dispirited, divided, raw, and unexperienced, and in a great measure unarmed, and able to do nothing against your numerous, potent, united enemies, but to stand still and see the salvation of God. And therefore now your distrust is highly unreasonable, when you have been hardened and fitted for military service by your travels, disciplined and experienced in some degree as to martial affairs, encouraged by frequent and glorious miracles for forty years together, and you are going into a country divided into several nations and kingdoms.

Poole: Deu 1:31 - -- God bare thee or, carried thee , as a father carries his weak and tender child in his arms, as Isa 49:22 ; or as upon eagles’ wings, as it is ...
God bare thee or, carried thee , as a father carries his weak and tender child in his arms, as Isa 49:22 ; or as upon eagles’ wings, as it is Exo 19:4 , through difficulties and dangers, gently leading you according as you were able to go, and sustaining you by his power and goodness. See of this or the like phrase Num 11:12 Deu 32:10,11 Ps 91:12 Isa 46:3,4 .

Poole: Deu 1:32 - -- In this matter which God commanded and encouraged you to do, to wit, in going in confidently to possess the land. Or, in this word , whereby God pr...
In this matter which God commanded and encouraged you to do, to wit, in going in confidently to possess the land. Or, in this word , whereby God promised to fight for you, and assured you of good success.

Poole: Deu 1:34 - -- The voice of your words to wit, your murmurings, your unthankful, impatient, distrustful, and rebellious speeches and carriages.
The voice of your words to wit, your murmurings, your unthankful, impatient, distrustful, and rebellious speeches and carriages.

Poole: Deu 1:36 - -- Caleb under whom Joshua is comprehended, as is manifest from Deu 1:38 Num 14:30 , though not here expressed, because he was not now to be one of the ...

Poole: Deu 1:37 - -- For your sakes upon occasion of your wickedness and perverseness, by which you provoked me to speak unadvisedly, Psa 106:32,33 .
For your sakes upon occasion of your wickedness and perverseness, by which you provoked me to speak unadvisedly, Psa 106:32,33 .

Poole: Deu 1:38 - -- Which standeth before thee i.e. who is now thy minister and servant, for such are oft described by this phrase, as 1Ki 1:2 Dan 1:5,19 .
Which standeth before thee i.e. who is now thy minister and servant, for such are oft described by this phrase, as 1Ki 1:2 Dan 1:5,19 .

Poole: Deu 1:39 - -- Had no knowledge between good and evil a common description of the state of childhood, as Jon 4:11 .
Had no knowledge between good and evil a common description of the state of childhood, as Jon 4:11 .

Poole: Deu 1:41 - -- Or, ye offered yourselves , or you began , or you earnestly resolved and attempted .
Or, ye offered yourselves , or you began , or you earnestly resolved and attempted .

I am not among you with my powerful presence and assistance.

Poole: Deu 1:44 - -- As bees do as bees which being provoked come out of their hives in great numbers, and with great fury pursue and sting their adversary and disturber,...
As bees do as bees which being provoked come out of their hives in great numbers, and with great fury pursue and sting their adversary and disturber, Psa 118:12 .

Poole: Deu 1:46 - -- i.e. As you abode in Kadesh many, even forty days, until the spies which you sent returned to give you an account; so you also abode there many days...
i.e. As you abode in Kadesh many, even forty days, until the spies which you sent returned to give you an account; so you also abode there many days, or a long time after, and were not now permitted to make any further progress towards Canaan.
Haydock: Deu 1:3 - -- Month, corresponding with our January, if the ecclesiastical calculation be followed; but if we date from Tisri, this eleventh month will be our Ju...
Month, corresponding with our January, if the ecclesiastical calculation be followed; but if we date from Tisri, this eleventh month will be our July or August. Moses died on the 7th of the following month. (Du Hamel)

Haydock: Deu 1:4 - -- Astaroth signifies "sheep," particularly ewes, with their dugs distended with milk. Hence the Sidonians formed the idea of their Astarte, 1 Kings xi...
Astaroth signifies "sheep," particularly ewes, with their dugs distended with milk. Hence the Sidonians formed the idea of their Astarte, 1 Kings xi. 5. (Haydock) ---
The Rabbins say, that Astaroth denotes large mountains, generally covered with sheep. Astaroth-Carnaim was the city. (Eusebius) ---
Here the famous Og resided, though he was defeated at Edrai, as the Hebrew intimates. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 1:5 - -- Expound. He begins, as usual, with commemorating the wonders of God, in favour of an ungrateful people. This book may be considered as a supplement...
Expound. He begins, as usual, with commemorating the wonders of God, in favour of an ungrateful people. This book may be considered as a supplement to the other four books. (Calmet) ---
We need not wonder, therefore, if we find some new observations. The reason why the sabbath is to be kept, is here said to be in memory of the law being given to the Hebrews, and their liberation from slavery; (chap. v. 15,) whereas in Exodus, it seems to be designed to remind people that God rested on the seventh day. But here is no contradiction. (Watson)

Haydock: Deu 1:7 - -- Turn you. The Hebrews, after the passage of the Red Sea, seemed to turn their backs upon the promised land, to go southward. Now, therefore, they a...
Turn you. The Hebrews, after the passage of the Red Sea, seemed to turn their backs upon the promised land, to go southward. Now, therefore, they are ordered to bend their course to the north, and to enter Chanaan, (Haydock) on the western side of the lake of Sodom, where the Amorrhites dwelt. (Calmet) ---
Their mountain, and the other hills, and plains, and vales, (Hebrew sephela, mentioned [in] 1 Machabees xii. 38,) as far as the Nile and Mediterranean, were the southern limits of the Chanaanites, whose country extended to Libanus. See Numbers xxxiv. (Haydock) ---
God promises also to deliver the country as far as the Euphrates to the Hebrews, provided they continue faithful to him, chap. xix. 8. As they neglected this condition, they never possessed the whole country, not even that of Chanaan, unmolested. Yet the whole was tributary to them in the days of David and Solomon. (St. Augustine, q. 21. in Jos.) (Masius) (Tirinus)

I said, following the advice of Jethro, Exodus xviii. 18.

Haydock: Deu 1:15 - -- Who, &c. Hebrew, "and shoterim ( officers like our serjeants, designed to publish and execute the sentence of the judges) over or among your tr...
Who, &c. Hebrew, "and shoterim ( officers like our serjeants, designed to publish and execute the sentence of the judges) over or among your tribes." The Persians still call such officers chaters. The Rabbins say, that the shoterim were generally selected from among the Cinites, the descendants of Jethro, 1 Paralipomenon ii. 55. But we find that the Levites were also chosen, 2 Paralipomenon xix. 11. They seem to have had sometimes the authority of judges, princes, or doctors for the instruction of the people, as the Vulgate here expresses it. (Calmet)
Ver 17. Respect. Hebrew, "fear." (Menochius) ---
Those who judge ought to be quite impartial, and never suffer their sentence to be dictated either by love or by fear. (Haydock) (Ecclesiasticus vii. 6.) ---
Of God, to whom you must give an account of your conduct, Wisdom vi. 4. Speak therefore in his name, and imitate his justice and other perfections. See Psalm lxxxi 1. (Calmet) ---
If any one absolve an oppressor because he is rich, that judge is guilty of partiality. (Du Hamel) (Isaias i. 23.) ---
Hear it, as the supreme judge. (Menochius) ---
The people selected such as might be most proper, out of whom Moses made his choice. (Salien) ---
An appeal might be made to himself. (Abulensis, q. 11.)

Haydock: Deu 1:23 - -- Pleased me. Even Moses was deceived by the appearance of prudence: and God permitted the people to follow the directions of their cowardice, ver. 26...
Pleased me. Even Moses was deceived by the appearance of prudence: and God permitted the people to follow the directions of their cowardice, ver. 26, 32. (Chap. ix. 29., and Numbers xiii. 1.) (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 1:26 - -- Being. Hebrew, "but rebelled against, irritated, or rendered useless," &c. (Calmet)
Being. Hebrew, "but rebelled against, irritated, or rendered useless," &c. (Calmet)

Hateth us. Such an opinion, can bring nothing but destruction. (Du Hamel)

Haydock: Deu 1:30 - -- For you. Septuagint, "he will defeat them along with you." For man must do something. (St. Augustine, q. 1.)
For you. Septuagint, "he will defeat them along with you." For man must do something. (St. Augustine, q. 1.)

Haydock: Deu 1:37 - -- Neither, &c. Hebrew simply, "The Lord was also angry with me on your account," &c. Moses had been so long witness to the rebellions of the Hebrews,...
Neither, &c. Hebrew simply, "The Lord was also angry with me on your account," &c. Moses had been so long witness to the rebellions of the Hebrews, that at last he gave way to a certain diffidence, when he was ordered by God to give them water out of the rock. He was afraid the Lord would not bear any longer with their repeated acts of ingratitude, nor work a miracle on this occasion, chap. iii. 26., and Numbers xx. 12. (Haydock) ---
He had also consented to the sending of the 12 spies imprudently. (Du Hamel) (Ver. 23.)

Haydock: Deu 1:39 - -- Evil. These words were spoken to by God to the Hebrews, after they had refused to go from Cades-barne, to take immediate possession of the land of C...
Evil. These words were spoken to by God to the Hebrews, after they had refused to go from Cades-barne, to take immediate possession of the land of Chanaan, and not after Moses had offended at the waters of contradiction, which happened only a short time before his death. (Haydock) ---
Those who were not come to the use of reason at the former period, (Menochius) or who had not arrived at 20 years of age, were now permitted to enter. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 1:40 - -- Sea. This they deferred complying with for a long time, (ver. 46,) and then they directed their course along Mount Seir, towards the west, and encam...
Sea. This they deferred complying with for a long time, (ver. 46,) and then they directed their course along Mount Seir, towards the west, and encamped at Hesmona. (Calmet) ---
Many years after, they arrived at a different branch of the Red Sea from that which they had crossed, Numbers xxxiii. 30, 35. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 1:41 - -- Armed. Septuagint, "in crowds." Arabic, "quickly." Syriac, "encouraging one another." Chaldean, "impiously." (Calmet) ---
The conduct of these ...
Armed. Septuagint, "in crowds." Arabic, "quickly." Syriac, "encouraging one another." Chaldean, "impiously." (Calmet) ---
The conduct of these people might seem to authorize all these interpretations. The Hebrew term occurs no where else. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 1:44 - -- Bees do. This similitude shews the vivacity, courage, and numbers of those who pursued the Hebrews from Seir to Horma. See Numbers xxi. 3., Psalm c...
Bees do. This similitude shews the vivacity, courage, and numbers of those who pursued the Hebrews from Seir to Horma. See Numbers xxi. 3., Psalm cvii. 12., and Isaias vii. 18.

Haydock: Deu 1:46 - -- Time. Hebrew adds, "according to the days that you abode." All the time that the Hebrews spent in that neighbourhood they remained at Cades-barne. ...
Time. Hebrew adds, "according to the days that you abode." All the time that the Hebrews spent in that neighbourhood they remained at Cades-barne. The Rabbins say 38 years; but Moses informs us, that they were so long in coming thence to the torrent of Zared, chap. ii. 14. (Calmet)
Gill -> Deu 1:3; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:5; Deu 1:6; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:9; Deu 1:10; Deu 1:11; Deu 1:12; Deu 1:13; Deu 1:14; Deu 1:15; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:17; Deu 1:18; Deu 1:19; Deu 1:20; Deu 1:21; Deu 1:22; Deu 1:23; Deu 1:24; Deu 1:25; Deu 1:26; Deu 1:27; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:29; Deu 1:30; Deu 1:31; Deu 1:32; Deu 1:33; Deu 1:34; Deu 1:35; Deu 1:36; Deu 1:37; Deu 1:38; Deu 1:39; Deu 1:40; Deu 1:41; Deu 1:42; Deu 1:43; Deu 1:44; Deu 1:45; Deu 1:46
Gill: Deu 1:3 - -- And it came to pass in the fortieth year,.... That is, of the coming of the children of Israel out of Egypt:
in the eleventh month; the month Shebe...
And it came to pass in the fortieth year,.... That is, of the coming of the children of Israel out of Egypt:
in the eleventh month; the month Shebet, as the Targum of Jonathan, which answers to part of January and part of February:
in the first day of the month, that Moses spoke unto the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had given him in commandment unto them; repeated to them the several commandments, which the Lord had delivered to him at different times.

Gill: Deu 1:4 - -- After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in Heshbon,.... Either Moses, speaking of himself in the third person, or rather the Lo...
After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in Heshbon,.... Either Moses, speaking of himself in the third person, or rather the Lord, to whom Moses ascribes the victory; of this king, and his palace, and the slaughter of him, see Num 21:24,
and Og the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Ashtaroth in Edrei; or near Edrei; for Edrei was not the name of a country, in which Ashtaroth was, but of a city at some distance from it, about six miles, as Jerom says g; hither Og came from Ashtaroth his palace to fight with Israel, and where he was slain, see Num 21:33. Ashtaroth was an ancient city formerly called Ashtaroth Karnaim, and was the seat of the Rephaim, or giants, from whom Og sprung; see Gill on Gen 14:5, see also Deu 3:11. Jerom says h in his time there were two castles in Batanea (or Bashan) called by this name, nine miles distant from one another, between Adara (the same with Edrei) and Abila; and in another place he says i Carnaim Ashtaroth is now a large village in a corner of Batanea, and is called Carnea, beyond the plains of Jordan; and it is a tradition that there was the house of Job.

Gill: Deu 1:5 - -- On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab,.... On that side of Jordan in which the land of Moab was, and which with respect to the land of Canaan was b...
On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab,.... On that side of Jordan in which the land of Moab was, and which with respect to the land of Canaan was beyond Jordan; this the Vulgate Latin version joins to the preceding verse:
began Moses to declare this law: to explain it, make it clear and manifest; namely, the whole system and body of laws, which had been before given him, which he "willed" k, as some render the word, or willingly took upon him to repeat and explain unto them, which their fathers had heard, and had been delivered unto them; but before he entered upon this, he gave them a short history of events which had befallen them, from the time of their departure from Horeb unto the present time, which is contained in this and the two next chapters:
saying; as follows.

Gill: Deu 1:6 - -- The Lord our God spoke unto us in Horeb,.... The same with Sinai, as Aben Ezra observes; while the Israelites lay encamped near this mountain, the Lor...
The Lord our God spoke unto us in Horeb,.... The same with Sinai, as Aben Ezra observes; while the Israelites lay encamped near this mountain, the Lord spoke unto them:
saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, Exo 19:1 so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both ecclesiastical and civil were appointed over them, and they were numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no longer, but set forward for the land of Canaan. It is well for persons that they are not to stay long under the law, and the terrors of it, but are directed to Mount Zion; Heb 12:18.

Gill: Deu 1:7 - -- Turn you and take your journey,.... That is, remove from Horeb, where they were, and proceed on in their journey, in which they had been stopped almos...
Turn you and take your journey,.... That is, remove from Horeb, where they were, and proceed on in their journey, in which they had been stopped almost a year:
and go to the mount of the Amorites; where they and the Amalekites dwelt, in the south part of the land of Canaan, and which was the way the spies were sent, Num 13:17,
and unto all the places nigh thereunto; nigh to the mountain. The Targum of Jonathan and Jarchi interpret them of Moab, Ammon, Gebal, or Mount Seir: "in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale"; such was the country near this mountain, consisting of champaign land, hills, and valleys:
and in the south; the southern border of the land of Canaan, as what follows describes the other borders of it:
and by the sea side: the Mediterranean sea, the western border of the land, which Jarchi out of Siphri explains of Ashkelon, Gaza, and Caesarea, and so the Targum of Jonathan:
into the land of the Canaanites; which was then possessed by them, the boundaries of which to the south and west are before given, and next follow those to the north and east:
and unto Lebanon; which was on the north of the land of Canaan:
unto the great river, the river Euphrates; which was the utmost extent of the land eastward, and was either promised, as it was to Abraham, Gen 15:18 or enjoyed, as it was by Solomon, 1Ki 4:21.

Gill: Deu 1:8 - -- Behold, I have set the land before you,.... Described it to them, and set its bounds, as well as had given them a grant of it:
go in and possess th...
Behold, I have set the land before you,.... Described it to them, and set its bounds, as well as had given them a grant of it:
go in and possess the land, which the Lord sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and their seed after them: and which being thus made sure unto them, they had nothing more to do than to go and take possession of it.

Gill: Deu 1:9 - -- And I spake unto you at that time,.... About that time; for it was after the rock in Horeb was smitten, and before they encamped at Mount Sinai, that ...
And I spake unto you at that time,.... About that time; for it was after the rock in Horeb was smitten, and before they encamped at Mount Sinai, that Jethro gave the advice which Moses took, and proceeded on it, as here related; see Exo 18:1.
saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone; to rule and govern them, judge and determine matters between them. Jethro suggested this to Moses, and he took the hint, and was conscious to himself that it was too much for him, and so declared it to the people, though it is not before recorded; see Exo 18:18.

Gill: Deu 1:10 - -- The Lord your God hath multiplied you,.... Which was the reason why he could not bear them, or the government of them was too heavy for him, because t...
The Lord your God hath multiplied you,.... Which was the reason why he could not bear them, or the government of them was too heavy for him, because they were so numerous, and the cases brought before him to decide were so many:
and, behold, you are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude; whereby it appeared that the promise to Abraham was fulfilled, Gen 15:5, they were now 600,000 men fit for war, besides women and children, and those under age, which must make the number of them very large.

Gill: Deu 1:11 - -- The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are,.... This prayer he made, or this blessing he pronounced on them, to sho...
The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are,.... This prayer he made, or this blessing he pronounced on them, to show that he did not envy their increase, nor was any ways uneasy at it, but rejoiced in it, though he gave it as a reason of his not being able to govern them alone:
and bless you, as he hath promised you: with all kind of blessings, as he had often promised their fathers.

Gill: Deu 1:12 - -- How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife? His meaning is, that he could not hear and try all their causes, and det...
How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife? His meaning is, that he could not hear and try all their causes, and determine all their law suits, and decide the strifes and controversies which arose between them; it was too heavy for him, and brought too much trouble and incumbrance upon him.

Gill: Deu 1:13 - -- Take ye wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes,.... Not only whose persons were well known, but their characters and qualifications,...
Take ye wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes,.... Not only whose persons were well known, but their characters and qualifications, for their probity and integrity, for their wisdom and prudence in the management of affairs, for their skill and knowledge in things divine and human, civil and religious, and for their capacity in judging and determining matters in difference; see Exo 18:21.
and I will make them rulers over you; the people were allowed to choose their own officers, whom they were to bring to Moses, and present before him, to be invested with their office. A like method was taken in the choice and constitution of deacons in the Christian church, when the secular affairs of it lay too heavy upon the apostles, Act 6:3.

Gill: Deu 1:14 - -- And ye answered me and said,.... As the speech of Moses to the people is not expressed before, so neither this answer of theirs to him:
the thing w...
And ye answered me and said,.... As the speech of Moses to the people is not expressed before, so neither this answer of theirs to him:
the thing which thou hast spoken is good for us to do; to look out for and present persons to him as before described; this they saw was for their own good and profit, as well as for the ease of Moses, and therefore readily agreed to it.

Gill: Deu 1:15 - -- So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, and known,.... The principal persons among them, that were remarkable and well known for their wisdom an...
So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, and known,.... The principal persons among them, that were remarkable and well known for their wisdom and understanding, whom the people presented to him:
and made them heads over you; rulers of them, as follows:
captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and captains over fifties, and captains over tens; see Exo 18:21.
and officers among your tribes; which Jarchi interprets of such that bind malefactors and scourge them, according to the decree of the judges, even the executioners of justice; and so the Jews commonly understand them to be, though some have thought they were judges also.

Gill: Deu 1:16 - -- And I charged your judges at that time,.... When they were appointed and constituted, even the heads and rulers before spoken of; this charge is also ...
And I charged your judges at that time,.... When they were appointed and constituted, even the heads and rulers before spoken of; this charge is also new, and not recorded before:
saying, hear the causes between your brethren; hear both sides, and all that each of them have to say; not suffer one to say all he has to say, and oblige the other to cut his words short, as the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases it; but give them leave and time to tell their case, and give the best evidence they can of it:
and judge righteously; impartially, just as the case really appears to be, and according to the evidence given:
between every man and his brother; between an Israelite and an Israelite:
and the stranger that is with him; between an Israelite and proselyte, whether a proselyte of the gate, or of righteousness; the same justice was to be done to them as to an Israelite.

Gill: Deu 1:17 - -- Ye shall not respect persons in judgment,.... Or pass judgment, and give sentence according to the outward appearances, circumstances, and relations o...
Ye shall not respect persons in judgment,.... Or pass judgment, and give sentence according to the outward appearances, circumstances, and relations of men; as whether they be friends or foes, rich or poor, old or young, men or women, learned or unlearned; truth and justice should always take place, without any regard to what persons are:
but you shall hear the small as well as the great; persons in low, life, and in mean circumstances, as well as great and noble personages; or little causes and of no great moment, as well as those of the utmost importance; all must be attended to, a cause about a "prutah" or a farthing, as well as one about a hundred pounds, in which Jarchi instances, and if that came first it was not to be postponed:
ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; of the frowns and threatenings of rich men, and of such as are in power and authority; not be awed or intimidated by them from doing justice; see Job 31:34,
for the judgment is God's; judges stand in the place of God, are put into their office by him, and act under him, and for him, and are accountable to him; and therefore should be careful what judgment they make, or sentence they pass, lest they bring discredit to him, and destruction on themselves:
and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it; which is said for their encouragement, as well as was an instruction to them not to undertake a cause too difficult for them; see Exo 18:22.

Gill: Deu 1:18 - -- And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do. Delivered to them all the laws, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, which were then g...
And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do. Delivered to them all the laws, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, which were then given him at Mount Sinai.

Gill: Deu 1:19 - -- And when we departed from Horeb,.... As the Lord commanded them to do, when they were obedient:
we went through all the great and terrible wilderne...
And when we departed from Horeb,.... As the Lord commanded them to do, when they were obedient:
we went through all the great and terrible wilderness; the wilderness of Paran, called "great", it reaching from Mount Sinai to Kadeshbarnea, eleven days' journey, as Adrichomius l relates; and "terrible", being so hard and dry as not to be ploughed nor sown, and presented to the sight something terrible and horrible, even the very image of death; to which may be added the fiery serpents and scorpions it abounded with, Deu 8:15,
which ye saw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites; that is, in the way that led to the mountain:
as the Lord our God commanded us; to depart from Horeb, and take a tour through the wilderness towards the said mountain:
and we came to Kadeshbarnea; having stayed a month by the way at Kibrothhattaavah, where they lusted after flesh, and seven days at Hazeroth, where Miriam was shut out of the camp for leprosy during that time.

Gill: Deu 1:20 - -- And I said unto you, you are come unto the mountain of the Amorites,.... Which was inhabited by them, and was one of the seven nations the Israelites ...
And I said unto you, you are come unto the mountain of the Amorites,.... Which was inhabited by them, and was one of the seven nations the Israelites were to destroy, and possess their land, and which lay on the southern part of the land of Canaan:
which the Lord our God doth give unto us; not the mountain only, but the whole country of that people, and even all the land of Canaan.

Gill: Deu 1:21 - -- Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee,.... The land of Canaan, on the borders of which they then were; See Gill on Deu 1:8,
go up;...
Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee,.... The land of Canaan, on the borders of which they then were; See Gill on Deu 1:8,
go up; the mountain, by that way of it which was the way the spies went, and up to which some of the Israelites presumed to go when forbidden, they not complying with the call of God:
and possess it, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; as in Deu 1:8,
fear not, neither be discouraged; though the people of the land were numerous and strong, and their cities large and walled.

Gill: Deu 1:22 - -- And ye came near unto me everyone of you,.... Not every individual of them, but the heads of their tribes, that represented them; this is not to be un...
And ye came near unto me everyone of you,.... Not every individual of them, but the heads of their tribes, that represented them; this is not to be understood of the present generation personally, but of their fathers, who all died in the wilderness, save a very few of them; but they being the same people and nation, it is so expressed:
and said, we will send men before us; that is, they thought it was proper and prudent so to do, and came to Moses to consult him about it; for we are not to suppose that they had determined upon it, whether he approved of it or not:
and they shall search us out the land: that they might know what sort of land it was, whether good or bad, fruitful or not, and whether woody or not: see Num 13:19.
and bring us word again by what way we must go up; or, "concerning the way m in which we must go"; which is the best way of entering it, most easy and accessible, where the passes are most open and least dangerous:
and into what cities we shall come; which it would be the most proper to attack and subdue first.

Gill: Deu 1:23 - -- And the saying pleased me well,.... Taking it to be a rational and prudent scheme, not imagining it was the effect of fear and distrust:
and I took...
And the saying pleased me well,.... Taking it to be a rational and prudent scheme, not imagining it was the effect of fear and distrust:
and I took twelve men of you out of a tribe; whose names are given in Num 13:4.

Gill: Deu 1:24 - -- And they turned and went up into the mountain,.... As they were ordered and directed by Moses, Num 13:17.
and came unto the valley of Eshcol; so ca...
And they turned and went up into the mountain,.... As they were ordered and directed by Moses, Num 13:17.
and came unto the valley of Eshcol; so called from the cluster of grapes they cut down there, as they returned:
and searched it out; the whole land, and so were capable of giving a particular account of it.

Gill: Deu 1:25 - -- And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands,.... Besides the cluster of grapes, which was carried between two men on a staff; even pomegrana...
And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands,.... Besides the cluster of grapes, which was carried between two men on a staff; even pomegranates and figs, Num 13:23,
and brought it down unto us; who lay encamped at the bottom of the mountain:
and brought us word again; what sort of a land it was:
and said, it is a good land which the Lord our God doth give us; that is, Caleb and Joshua, two of the spies, said this, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it, and so Jarchi; yea, all of them agreed in this, and said at first that it was a land flowing with milk and honey, Num 13:27.

Gill: Deu 1:26 - -- Notwithstanding, ye would not go up,.... And possess it, as the Lord had bid them, and Moses encouraged them to do, as well as Joshua and Caleb, who w...
Notwithstanding, ye would not go up,.... And possess it, as the Lord had bid them, and Moses encouraged them to do, as well as Joshua and Caleb, who were two of the spies sent into it:
but rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God; disregarded the word of the Lord, and disobeyed his command, and thereby bitterly provoked him, which rebellion against him, their King and God, might well do.

Gill: Deu 1:27 - -- And ye murmured in your tents,.... Not in a private manner; for though the murmurs began there, they having wept all night after the report of the spi...
And ye murmured in your tents,.... Not in a private manner; for though the murmurs began there, they having wept all night after the report of the spies; yet it became general and public, and they gathered together in a body, and openly expressed their murmurs against Moses and Aaron, Num 14:1,
and said, because the Lord hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt; a strange expression indeed! when it was such a plain amazing instance of his love to them, as could not but be seen by them; being done in such a remarkable and extraordinary manner, by inflicting judgments on their enemies in a miraculous way, giving them favour in their eyes, to lend them their clothes and jewels, and bringing them out with such an high hand, openly and publicly in the sight of them, where they had been in the most wretched slavery for many years; yet this is interpreted an hatred of them, and as done with an ill design upon them, as follows:
to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us; which now, under the power of their fears and unbelief, they thought would be quickly their case; see Deu 4:37.

Gill: Deu 1:28 - -- Whither shall we go up?.... What way can we go up into the land? where is there any access for us? the mountain we are come to, and directed to go up,...
Whither shall we go up?.... What way can we go up into the land? where is there any access for us? the mountain we are come to, and directed to go up, is possessed by the Amorites, a strong and mighty people, who keep and guard the passes, that there is no entrance:
our brethren have discouraged our hearts; ten of the spies; for Joshua and Caleb encouraged them with very powerful arguments, which had they listened to, it would have been well for them:
saying, the people is greater and taller than we; more in number, larger in bulk of body, and higher in stature:
the cities are great, and walled up to heaven; an hyperbolical expression; their fears exaggerated the account of the spies; they told them they were great, large, and populous, walled, and strongly fortified; which appeared in their frightened imaginations as if their walls were so high as to reach up to heaven, so that it was impossible to scale them, or get possession of them:
and, moreover, we have seen the sons of the Anakims there; the giants so called from Anak, the son of Arba, the father of them; their names are given, Num 13:22.

Gill: Deu 1:29 - -- Then I said unto you, dread not, neither be afraid of them. With such like words he had exhorted and encouraged them before the spies were sent, and h...
Then I said unto you, dread not, neither be afraid of them. With such like words he had exhorted and encouraged them before the spies were sent, and he still uses the same, or stronger terms, notwithstanding the report that had been made of the gigantic stature and walled cities of the Canaanites. This speech of Moses, which is continued in the two following verses, is not recorded in Num 14:5, it is only there said, that Moses and Aaron fell on their faces, but no account is given of what was said by either of them.

Gill: Deu 1:30 - -- The Lord your God, which goeth before you,.... In a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night:
he shall fight for you; wherefore, th...
The Lord your God, which goeth before you,.... In a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night:
he shall fight for you; wherefore, though their enemies were greater and taller than they, yet their God was higher than the highest; and cities walled up to heaven would signify nothing to him, whose throne is in the heavens:
according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes: which is observed to encourage their faith in God; for he that wrought such wonders in Egypt for them, which their eyes, at least some of them, and their fathers, however, had seen, what is it he cannot do?

Gill: Deu 1:31 - -- And in the wilderness,.... Where he had fed them with manna, brought water out of rocks for them, protected them from every hurtful creature, had foug...
And in the wilderness,.... Where he had fed them with manna, brought water out of rocks for them, protected them from every hurtful creature, had fought their battles for them, and given them victory over Amalek, Sihon, and Og:
where thou hast seen how the Lord thy God bare thee as a man doth bear his son; in his arms, in his bosom, with great care and tenderness:
in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place; supplying their wants, supporting their persons, subduing their enemies, and preserving them from everything hurtful to them; and therefore having God on their side, as appeared by so many instances, of his favour to them, they had nothing to dread or fear from the Canaanites, though ever so mighty.

Gill: Deu 1:32 - -- Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God. That they might go up and possess the land at once, and that he would fight for them, and subd...
Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God. That they might go up and possess the land at once, and that he would fight for them, and subdue their enemies under them; or notwithstanding the favours bestowed upon them, and because of them, they did not believe in the Lord their God, and which was a great aggravation of their unbelief, and was the cause of their not entering into the good land, Heb 3:19.

Gill: Deu 1:33 - -- Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in,.... For when the cloud was taken up they journeyed, and when that re...
Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in,.... For when the cloud was taken up they journeyed, and when that rested, there they pitched their tents; and hereby they were directed to places the most convenient for water for them and their flocks, or for safety from those that might annoy them:
in fire by night, to show you by what way ye should go; which otherwise they could not have found in dark nights, in which they sometimes travelled, and in, a wilderness where there were no tracks, no beaten path, no common way:
and in a cloud by day; to shelter them from the scorching sun, where there were no trees nor hedges to shade them, only rocky crags and hills.

Gill: Deu 1:34 - -- And the Lord heard the voice of your words,.... Of their murmurings against Moses and Aaron, and of their threatenings to them, Joshua and Caleb, and ...
And the Lord heard the voice of your words,.... Of their murmurings against Moses and Aaron, and of their threatenings to them, Joshua and Caleb, and of their impious charge of hatred of them to God for bringing them out of Egypt, and of their rash wishes that they had died there or in the wilderness, and of their wicked scheme and proposal to make them a captain, and return to Egypt again:
and was wroth, and sware; by his life, himself; see Num 14:28,
saying; as follows.

Gill: Deu 1:35 - -- Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see the good land,.... The land of Canaan; not only not one of the spies that brought ...
Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see the good land,.... The land of Canaan; not only not one of the spies that brought the ill report of that land, but of that body of people that gave credit to it, and murmured upon it:
which I sware to give unto your fathers; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; see Deu 1:8.

Gill: Deu 1:36 - -- Save Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, he shall see it,.... Enter into it, and enjoy it:
and Joshua also; who was the other spy with him, that brought a...
Save Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, he shall see it,.... Enter into it, and enjoy it:
and Joshua also; who was the other spy with him, that brought a good report of the land; see Deu 1:38,
and to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children: not the whole land of Canaan, but that part of it which he particularly came to and searched; and where the giants were, and he saw them, and notwithstanding was not intimidated by them, but encouraged the people to go up and possess it; and the part he came to particularly, and trod on, was Hebron, Num 13:22 and which the Targum of Jonathan, Jarchi, and Aben Ezra, interpret of that; and this was what was given to him and his at the division of the land, Jos 14:13,
because he hath wholly followed the Lord; see Num 14:24.

Gill: Deu 1:37 - -- Also the Lord was angry with me for your sakes,.... Not at the same time, though, as some think, at the same place, near thirty eight years afterwards...
Also the Lord was angry with me for your sakes,.... Not at the same time, though, as some think, at the same place, near thirty eight years afterwards, they provoking him to speak unadvisedly with his lips; see Num 20:10,
saying, thou shalt not go in thither: into the land of Canaan; and though he greatly importuned it, he could not prevail; see Deu 3:25.

Gill: Deu 1:38 - -- But Joshua, the son of Nun, which standeth before thee,.... His servant and minister, which this phrase is expressive of:
he shall go in thither: ...
But Joshua, the son of Nun, which standeth before thee,.... His servant and minister, which this phrase is expressive of:
he shall go in thither: into the good land, instead of Moses, and as his successor, and who was to go before the children of Israel, and introduce them into it, as a type of Christ, who brings many sons to glory:
encourage him; with the promise of the divine Presence with him, and of success in subduing the Canaanites, and settling the people of Israel in their land; and so we read that Moses did encourage him, Deu 31:7.
for he shall cause Israel to inherit it; go before them as their captain, and lead them into it; fight their battles for them, conquer their enemies, and divide the land by lot for an inheritance unto them; so the heavenly inheritance is not by the law of Moses, and the works of it, but by Joshua, or Jesus, the Saviour, by his achievements, victories, and conquests.

Gill: Deu 1:39 - -- Moreover, your little ones, which ye said should be a prey,.... To the Amorites, into whose hands they expected to be delivered, Deu 1:27 see Num 14:3...
Moreover, your little ones, which ye said should be a prey,.... To the Amorites, into whose hands they expected to be delivered, Deu 1:27 see Num 14:3.
and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil; not being at years of understanding, and which is a common description of children; it is particularly expressed "in that day", for now they were the very persons Moses was directing his speech unto, and relating this history, it being thirty eight years ago when this affair was, so that now they were grown up to years of discretion:
they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it: the relation of which now might serve greatly to encourage their faith, as well as it would be a fulfilment of the promise of the land made unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which was not made of none effect through the unbelief of the Israelites, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness, since their posterity was to enjoy it, and did.

Gill: Deu 1:40 - -- But as for you, turn ye,.... From the mountain of the Amorites, the border of the land of Canaan:
and take your journey into the wilderness, by the...
But as for you, turn ye,.... From the mountain of the Amorites, the border of the land of Canaan:
and take your journey into the wilderness, by the way of the Red sea: see Num 14:25. Jarchi says this wilderness was by the side of the Red sea, to the south of Mount Seir, and divided between the Red sea and the mount; so that now they drew to the side of the sea, and compassed Mount Seir, all the south of it, from west to east.

Gill: Deu 1:41 - -- Then ye answered, and said unto me,.... Not being willing to go into the wilderness again, though they wished they had died in it; nor to go the way o...
Then ye answered, and said unto me,.... Not being willing to go into the wilderness again, though they wished they had died in it; nor to go the way of the Red sea, which was their way back again to Egypt, though they had been for appointing a captain, and returning thither; but now they repented of what they had said and done:
we have sinned against the Lord; by murmuring against his servants, and disobeying his commands:
we will go up and fight according to all that the Lord our God hath commanded us; which is more than they were bid to do; they were only ordered to go up and possess the land, and it was promised them the Lord would fight for them:
and when ye had girded on every man his weapon; his sword upon his thigh; a large number of them, for all of them were not so disposed, though many were:
ye were ready to go unto the hill; though before backward enough, when they were bid to do it. De Dieu, from the use of the word n in the Arabic language, renders it, "ye reckoned it easy to go up unto the hill"; before it was accounted very difficult, by reason the passes were kept and guarded by the Amorites; but now there was no difficulty, when they were bid to go another way, but were ready at once to go up, which comes to the same sense; he further observes, that the word, in another conjugation in the same language, signifies to make light of, or despise o; and so may be rendered, "and ye despised"; that is, rejected and despised the order given them to go into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea in the preceding verse, by their attempting to go up the hill; though the word so taken will bear another sense, agreeable to the first, that they now made a light matter of it, as if it was nothing, and there was no difficulty in it to go up the hill, which before was too hard and heavy for them.

Gill: Deu 1:42 - -- And the Lord said unto me,.... When the people had armed themselves, and were in motion, or ready to set forward to ascend the hill:
say unto them,...
And the Lord said unto me,.... When the people had armed themselves, and were in motion, or ready to set forward to ascend the hill:
say unto them, go not up, neither fight; neither go up the hill, and if they did, contrary to this order, and should meet with enemies, not fight them, but retreat:
for I am not among you: the ark of the covenant, the symbol of his presence, was then among them, but it did not go with them, it continued in the camp, Num 14:44 nor did the Lord exert his power, or show himself present with them, or to be on their side, but left them to themselves, and to their enemies:
lest ye be smitten before your enemies; God not being with them to fight for them, protect and defend them, and give them victory.

Gill: Deu 1:43 - -- So I spake unto you,.... The words, the orders he had received from the Lord to deliver to them:
and ye would not hear; so as to obey them, and act...
So I spake unto you,.... The words, the orders he had received from the Lord to deliver to them:
and ye would not hear; so as to obey them, and act according to them:
but rebelled against the commandment of the Lord: as before, by not going up when he would have had them gone, and now by attempting it when he forbid them:
and went presumptuously up into the hill; that is, of themselves, in their own strength, disregarding the commandment of God, and what they were threatened with; this they endeavoured to do, for they were not able to effect it; the Amorites, perceiving them to make up the hill, came pouring down upon them in great numbers, and stopped them, and obliged them to retreat; see Num 14:45.

Gill: Deu 1:44 - -- And the Amorites which dwelt in the mountain,.... Elsewhere called Canaanites, being one, and a principal one of the seven nations of Canaan, and who ...
And the Amorites which dwelt in the mountain,.... Elsewhere called Canaanites, being one, and a principal one of the seven nations of Canaan, and who were joined and assisted in the attack by the Amalekites, Num 14:45.
came out against you, and chased you, as bees do; which being disturbed in their hives come out in great numbers, and with great fury and ardour (for, though a small creature, it has a great deal of spirit); and pursue the aggressor, and leave him not till they have stung him, though thereby they lose their stings, and quickly their lives, at least their usefulness; so these Amorites, being irritated at the approach of the Israelites on their borders, came out in great numbers and with great wrath, and fell upon them and smote them, and pursued them a long way, as is after expressed, though these in the issue were destroyed themselves. The Syriac version renders it, "as bees that are smoked": or irritated by smoke; which is a method that has been used, and was anciently: to dispossess them of their hives, and get their honey, as Bochart p from various writers has shown, as from Virgil q, Ovid r, and others; and when they are too much smoked become exceeding angry as Aristotle s and Pliny t observe; and which same writers take notice of the strength and force of their stings, as that they will kill with them the largest animals, even horses have been killed by them; and, though such small feeble creatures, are not afraid to attack men and beasts; yea, sometimes people have been obliged to leave their habitations, and have been driven out of their country by them, of which Aelianus u gives an instance; all which shows the aptness and propriety of this simile; see Psa 118:12 and destroyed you in Seir, even unto Hormah; pursued them as far as Mount Seir, even to another place on the borders of Edom, which was called Hormah, either from the destruction now or afterwards made here; See Gill on Num 14:45, though some take it not to be the proper name of a place, but an appellative, and render it, "even unto destruction"; so the Jerusalem Targum; that is, destroyed them with an utter destruction.

Gill: Deu 1:45 - -- And ye returned and wept before the Lord,.... Those that remained when the Amorites left pursuing them, returned to the camp at Kadesh, where Moses an...
And ye returned and wept before the Lord,.... Those that remained when the Amorites left pursuing them, returned to the camp at Kadesh, where Moses and the Levites were, and the rest of the people; and here they wept at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and hence said to be "before the Lord"; they wept because of the slaughter that had been made among them, and because of their sin in going contrary to the will of God, and because they were ordered into the wilderness; and very probably they cried and prayed unto the Lord, that they might not be turned back, but that he would go with them, and bring them now into the promised land:
but the Lord would not hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you; was inexorable, and would not repeal the order to go into the wilderness again, where he had sworn in his wrath their carcasses should fall; the sentence was irrevocable.

Gill: Deu 1:46 - -- So ye abode in Kadesh many days,.... Yea, some years, as some think:
according to the days that ye abode there; that is, according to Jarchi, as th...
So ye abode in Kadesh many days,.... Yea, some years, as some think:
according to the days that ye abode there; that is, according to Jarchi, as they did in the rest of the journeys or stations; so that as they were thirty eight years in all at several places, they were nineteen years in Kadesh; the same is affirmed in the Jewish chronology w. Maimonides says x they were eighteen years in one place, and it is very probable he means this; but Aben Ezra interprets it otherwise, and takes the sense to be, that they abode as many days here after their return as they did while the land was searching, which were forty days, Num 13:25, but without fixing any determinate time, the meaning may only be, that as they had been many days here before this disaster, so they continued many days after in the same place before they marched onward into the wilderness again.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Deu 1:3; Deu 1:3; Deu 1:3; Deu 1:3; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:4; Deu 1:5; Deu 1:6; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:7; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:8; Deu 1:10; Deu 1:10; Deu 1:11; Deu 1:13; Deu 1:15; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:16; Deu 1:17; Deu 1:17; Deu 1:20; Deu 1:21; Deu 1:21; Deu 1:23; Deu 1:23; Deu 1:24; Deu 1:24; Deu 1:25; Deu 1:26; Deu 1:27; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:28; Deu 1:29; Deu 1:30; Deu 1:30; Deu 1:31; Deu 1:34; Deu 1:35; Deu 1:36; Deu 1:36; Deu 1:38; Deu 1:38; Deu 1:39; Deu 1:39; Deu 1:40; Deu 1:40; Deu 1:43; Deu 1:44; Deu 1:44; Deu 1:44; Deu 1:45; Deu 1:45; Deu 1:46

NET Notes: Deu 1:4 Edrei is probably modern Deràa, 60 mi (95 km) south of Damascus (see Num 21:33; Josh 12:4; 13:12, 31).

NET Notes: Deu 1:5 Heb “this instruction”; KJV, NIV, NRSV “this law”; TEV “God’s laws and teachings.” The Hebrew noun ת...

NET Notes: Deu 1:7 The Hebrew term Negev means literally “desert” or “south” (so KJV, ASV). It refers to the area south of Beer Sheba and general...

NET Notes: Deu 1:10 Or “heavens.” The Hebrew term שָׁמַיִם (shamayim) may be translated “heaven(s)”...

NET Notes: Deu 1:16 Heb “his stranger” or “his sojourner”; NAB, NIV “an alien”; NRSV “resident alien.” The Hebrew word ...

NET Notes: Deu 1:20 The Hebrew participle has an imminent future sense here, although many English versions treat it as a present tense (“is giving us,” NAB, ...

NET Notes: Deu 1:24 The Eshcol Valley is a verdant valley near Hebron, still famous for its viticulture (cf. Num 13:22-23). The Hebrew name “Eshcol” means ...

NET Notes: Deu 1:25 The Hebrew text includes “in their hand,” which is unnecessary and somewhat redundant in English style.

NET Notes: Deu 1:26 Heb “the mouth of the Lord your God.” To include “the mouth” would make for odd English style. The mouth stands by metonymy fo...

NET Notes: Deu 1:28 Anakites were giant people (Num 13:33; Deut 2:10, 21; 9:2) descended from a certain Anak whose own forefather Arba founded the city of Kiriath Arba, i...

NET Notes: Deu 1:29 Heb “do not tremble and do not be afraid.” Two synonymous commands are combined for emphasis.

NET Notes: Deu 1:31 Heb “the Lord your God.” The pronoun (“him”) has been employed in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Deu 1:36 Heb “the Lord.” The pronoun (“me”) has been employed in the translation, since it sounds strange to an English reader for the ...

NET Notes: Deu 1:38 Heb “it”; the referent (the land) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Deu 1:39 Do not know good from bad. This is a figure of speech called a merism (suggesting a whole by referring to its extreme opposites). Other examples are t...

NET Notes: Deu 1:40 Heb “the Reed Sea.” “Reed” is a better translation of the Hebrew סוּף (suf), traditionally rendered ...

NET Notes: Deu 1:44 Hormah is probably Khirbet el-Meshash, 5.5 mi (9 km) west of Arad and 7.5 mi (12 km) SE of Beer Sheba. Its name is a derivative of the verb ח...

NET Notes: Deu 1:46 Heb “like the days which you lived.” This refers to the rest of the forty-year period in the desert before Israel arrived in Moab.
Geneva Bible: Deu 1:4 After he had slain ( d ) Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei:
( d ) B...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:5 On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab, ( e ) began Moses to declare this law, saying,
( e ) The second time.

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:6 The LORD our God spake unto us in ( f ) Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount:
( f ) In the second year and second month, (Num 10:11...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:9 And I spake ( g ) unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone:
( g ) By the counsel of Jethro my father-in-law, (Exo 18:19)...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:10 The LORD your God hath ( h ) multiplied you, and, behold, ye [are] this day as the stars of heaven for multitude.
( h ) Not so much by the course of ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:12 How can I myself alone ( i ) bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife?
( i ) Signifying how great a burden it is, to govern the people.

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:13 Take you wise men, and understanding, and ( k ) known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.
( k ) Whose godliness and uprightness ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:15 So I took the chief of your tribes, ( l ) wise men, and known, and made them heads over you, captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:17 Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; [but] ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgm...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:20 And ( n ) I said unto you, Ye are come unto the mountain of the Amorites, which the LORD our God doth give unto us.
( n ) So that the fault was in th...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:22 ( o ) And ye came near unto me every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land, and bring us word again ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:25 And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought [it] down unto us, and brought us word again, and ( p ) said, [It is] a good land w...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:27 And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Because the LORD ( q ) hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the ha...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:28 Whither shall we go up? our ( r ) brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people [is] greater and taller than we; the cities [are] great and ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:30 The LORD your God ( s ) which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;
( s ) Declari...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:38 [But] Joshua the son of Nun, which standeth ( t ) before thee, he shall go in thither: encourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.
( t ) ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:39 Moreover your ( u ) little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they sha...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:41 Then ye answered and said unto me, We have sinned against the LORD, ( x ) we will go up and fight, according to all that the LORD our God commanded us...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:42 And the LORD said unto me, Say unto them, Go not up, neither fight; for I [am] ( y ) not among you; lest ye be smitten before your enemies.
( y ) Sig...

Geneva Bible: Deu 1:45 And ye returned and wept before the LORD; but the LORD would not ( z ) hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you.
( z ) Because you rather showed ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 1:1-46
TSK Synopsis: Deu 1:1-46 - --1 Moses' speech in the end of the fortieth year;6 briefly rehearsing the history of God's sending them from Horeb;14 of giving them officers;19 of sen...
MHCC: Deu 1:1-8 - --Moses spake to the people all the Lord had given him in commandment. Horeb was but eleven days distant from Kadesh-barnea. This was to remind them tha...

MHCC: Deu 1:9-18 - --Moses reminds the people of the happy constitution of their government, which might make them all safe and easy, if it was not their own fault. He own...

MHCC: Deu 1:19-46 - --Moses reminds the Israelites of their march from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea, through that great and terrible wilderness. He shows how near they were to a ...
Matthew Henry: Deu 1:1-8 - -- We have here, I. The date of this sermon which Moses preached to the people of Israel. A great auditory, no question, he had, as many as could crowd...

Matthew Henry: Deu 1:9-18 - -- Moses here reminds them of the happy constitution of their government, which was such as might make them all safe and easy if it was not their own f...

Matthew Henry: Deu 1:19-46 - -- Moses here makes a large rehearsal of the fatal turn which was given to their affairs by their own sins, and God's wrath, when, from the very border...
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 1:1-5 - --
Deu 1:1-4 contain the heading to the whole book; and to this the introduction to the first address is appended in Deu 1:5. By the expression,"These ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 1:6-18 - --
Moses commenced with the summons issued by the Lord to Israel at Horeb, to rise and go to Canaan.
Deu 1:6
As the epithet applied to God, "Jehovah ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 1:19-46 - --
Everything had been done on the part of God and Moses to bring Israel speedily and safely to Canaan. The reason for their being compelled to remain ...
Constable: Deu 1:1-5 - --I. INTRODUCTION: the Covenant setting 1:1-5
This brief section places the events that follow in their geographic...

". . . an explicit literary structure t...

Constable: Deu 1:6-46 - --1. God's guidance from Sinai to Kadesh 1:6-46
Moses began his recital of Israel's history at Horeb because this is where Yahweh adopted the nation by ...
Guzik -> Deu 1:1-46
Guzik: Deu 1:1-46 - --Deuteronomy 1 - Moses Remembers the Journey of Israel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea
A. Introduction; Moses remembers the departure from Mount Sina...

expand allCommentary -- Other
Critics Ask: Deu 1:6 DEUTERONOMY 1:6 ff—How could any from the former generation be present when they all died in the wilderness? PROBLEM: According to Numbers 26:6...