Text -- Deuteronomy 15:1-17 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: Deu 15:1 - -- That is, in the last year of the seven, as is, most evident from Deu 15:9. And this year of release, as it is, called below, Deu 15:9, is the same wit...

Wesley: Deu 15:2 - -- Here is, a law for poor, insolvent debtors. Every seventh year was a year of release, when among other acts of grace, this was one, that every Israeli...
Here is, a law for poor, insolvent debtors. Every seventh year was a year of release, when among other acts of grace, this was one, that every Israelite, who had borrowed money, and had not been able to pay it before, should this year be released from it. And tho' if he was able, he was bound in conscience to pay it afterwards, yet it could not be recovered by law.

Wesley: Deu 15:2 - -- This is added to limit the word neighbour, which is more general, unto a brother, in nation and religion, an Israelite.
This is added to limit the word neighbour, which is more general, unto a brother, in nation and religion, an Israelite.

Wesley: Deu 15:2 - -- Or, a release for the Lord, in obedience to his command, for his honour, and as an acknowledgment of his right in your estates, and of his kindness in...
Or, a release for the Lord, in obedience to his command, for his honour, and as an acknowledgment of his right in your estates, and of his kindness in giving and continuing them to you.

Wesley: Deu 15:4 - -- The words may be rendered thus, as in the margin of our Bibles, To the end that there be no poor among you. And so they contain a reason of this law, ...
The words may be rendered thus, as in the margin of our Bibles, To the end that there be no poor among you. And so they contain a reason of this law, namely, that none be impoverished and ruined by a rigid exaction of debts.

That is, deal bountifully and liberally with him.

Suppress the first risings of such uncharitableness.

That is, it be charged upon thee as a sin.

Wesley: Deu 15:10 - -- That is, thou shalt give, not only with an open hand, but with a willing and chearful mind, without which thy very charity is uncharitable, and not ac...
That is, thou shalt give, not only with an open hand, but with a willing and chearful mind, without which thy very charity is uncharitable, and not accepted by God.

Wesley: Deu 15:11 - -- God by his providence will so order it, partly for the punishment of your disobedience, and partly for the trial and exercise of your obedience to him...
God by his providence will so order it, partly for the punishment of your disobedience, and partly for the trial and exercise of your obedience to him and charity to your brother.

Either by himself, or his parents, or as a criminal.

Wesley: Deu 15:12 - -- To be computed from the beginning of his servitude, which is every where limited to the space of six years.
To be computed from the beginning of his servitude, which is every where limited to the space of six years.

Wesley: Deu 15:15 - -- And brought thee out with riches, which because they would not, God gave thee as a just recompense for thy service; and therefore thou shalt follow hi...
And brought thee out with riches, which because they would not, God gave thee as a just recompense for thy service; and therefore thou shalt follow his example, and send out thy servant furnished with all convenient provisions.

All the time of his life, or, at least, 'till the year of jubilee.

Wesley: Deu 15:17 - -- That is, either dismiss her with plenty, or engage her to perpetual servitude, in the same manner and by the same rites.
That is, either dismiss her with plenty, or engage her to perpetual servitude, in the same manner and by the same rites.
JFB -> Deu 15:1; Deu 15:2; Deu 15:2; Deu 15:2; Deu 15:3; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:7-11; Deu 15:11; Deu 15:12; Deu 15:13-15; Deu 15:16-17
JFB: Deu 15:1 - -- During the last of the seven, that is, the sabbatical year (Exo 21:2; Exo 23:11; Lev 25:4; Jer 34:14).

JFB: Deu 15:2 - -- Not by an absolute discharge of the debt, but by passing over that year without exacting payment. The relief was temporary and peculiar to that year d...
Not by an absolute discharge of the debt, but by passing over that year without exacting payment. The relief was temporary and peculiar to that year during which there was a total suspension of agricultural labor.

That is, an Israelite, so called in opposition to a stranger or foreigner.

JFB: Deu 15:2 - -- The reason for acquitting a debtor at that particular period proceeded from obedience to the command, and a regard for the honor, of God; an acknowled...
The reason for acquitting a debtor at that particular period proceeded from obedience to the command, and a regard for the honor, of God; an acknowledgment of holding their property of Him, and gratitude for His kindness.

JFB: Deu 15:3 - -- Admission to all the religious privileges of the Israelites was freely granted to heathen proselytes, though this spiritual incorporation did not alwa...

JFB: Deu 15:4 - -- Apparently a qualifying clause added to limit the application of the foregoing statement [Deu 15:3]; so that "the brother" to be released pointed to a...
Apparently a qualifying clause added to limit the application of the foregoing statement [Deu 15:3]; so that "the brother" to be released pointed to a poor borrower, whereas it is implied that if he were rich, the restoration of the loan might be demanded even during that year. But the words may properly be rendered (as on the Margin) to the end, in order that there may be no poor among you--that is, that none be reduced to inconvenient straits and poverty by unseasonable exaction of debts at a time when there was no labor and no produce, and that all may enjoy comfort and prosperity, which will be the case through the special blessing of God on the land, provided they are obedient.

JFB: Deu 15:7-11 - -- Lest the foregoing law should prevent the Israelites lending to the poor, Moses here admonishes them against so mean and selfish a spirit and exhorts ...

JFB: Deu 15:11 - -- Although every Israelite on the conquest of Canaan became the owner of property, yet in the providence of God who foresaw the event, it was permitted,...
Although every Israelite on the conquest of Canaan became the owner of property, yet in the providence of God who foresaw the event, it was permitted, partly as a punishment of disobedience and partly for the exercise of benevolent and charitable feelings, that "the poor should never cease out of the land."

JFB: Deu 15:12 - -- The last extremity of an insolvent debtor, when his house or land was not sufficient to cancel his debt, was to be sold as a slave with his family (Le...
The last extremity of an insolvent debtor, when his house or land was not sufficient to cancel his debt, was to be sold as a slave with his family (Lev 25:39; 2Ki 4:1; Neh 5:1-13; Job 24:9; Mat 18:25). The term of servitude could not last beyond six years. They obtained their freedom either after six years from the time of their sale or before the end of the seventh year. At the year of jubilee, such slaves were emancipated even if their six years of service were not completed [see on Lev 25:39].

JFB: Deu 15:13-15 - -- A seasonable and wise provision for enabling a poor unfortunate to regain his original status in society, and the motive urged for his kindness and hu...
A seasonable and wise provision for enabling a poor unfortunate to regain his original status in society, and the motive urged for his kindness and humanity to the Hebrew slave was the remembrance that the whole nation was once a degraded and persecuted band of helots in Egypt. Thus, kindness towards their slaves, unparalleled elsewhere in those days, was inculcated by the Mosaic law; and in all their conduct towards persons in that reduced condition, leniency and gentleness were enforced by an appeal which no Israelite could resist.

JFB: Deu 15:16-17 - -- If they declined to avail themselves of the privilege of release and chose to remain with their master, then by a peculiar form of ceremony they becam...
If they declined to avail themselves of the privilege of release and chose to remain with their master, then by a peculiar form of ceremony they became a party to the transaction, voluntarily sold themselves to their employer, and continued in his service till death.
Clarke: Deu 15:1 - -- At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release - For an explanation of many things in this chapter, see the notes on Exodus 21 (note), Ex...
At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release - For an explanation of many things in this chapter, see the notes on Exodus 21 (note), Exodus 23 (note), and Leviticus 25 (note).

Clarke: Deu 15:8 - -- Thou shalt open thine hand wide - Thy benevolence shall be in proportion to his distress and poverty, and thy ability. Thou shalt have no other rule...
Thou shalt open thine hand wide - Thy benevolence shall be in proportion to his distress and poverty, and thy ability. Thou shalt have no other rule to regulate thy charity by.

Clarke: Deu 15:9 - -- Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart - לבבך בליעל lebabecha beliyaal , thy belial heart, that is, thy good-for-nothing o...
Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart -

Clarke: Deu 15:9 - -- And thine eye be evil - An evil eye signifies a covetous disposition. See the same form of expression used by our Lord in the same sense, Mat 6:23. ...
And thine eye be evil - An evil eye signifies a covetous disposition. See the same form of expression used by our Lord in the same sense, Mat 6:23. If thine eye be evil - If thou be a covetous person. Evil eye is by our Lord opposed to single eye, i. e., a person of a liberal, benevolent mind. Covetousness darkens the soul; liberality and benevolence enlighten it

Clarke: Deu 15:9 - -- And he cry unto the Lord against thee - What a consolation to the poor and the oppressed, that they have a sure friend in God, who will hear their c...
And he cry unto the Lord against thee - What a consolation to the poor and the oppressed, that they have a sure friend in God, who will hear their cry and redress their grievances!

Clarke: Deu 15:11 - -- For the poor shall never cease out of the land - To this passage our Lord appears to allude Mar 14:7 : For ye have the poor with you always. God lea...
For the poor shall never cease out of the land - To this passage our Lord appears to allude Mar 14:7 : For ye have the poor with you always. God leaves these in mercy among men to exercise the feelings of compassion, tenderness, mercy, etc. And without occasions afforded to exercise these, man would soon become a Stoic or a brute.

Clarke: Deu 15:13 - -- Thou shalt not let him go away empty - Because during the time he served thee, he made no property for himself, having been always honest towards th...
Thou shalt not let him go away empty - Because during the time he served thee, he made no property for himself, having been always honest towards thee; and now when he leaves thee, he has nothing to begin the world with.

Clarke: Deu 15:14 - -- Thou shalt furnish him - out of thy flock - Thou shalt give him some cattle to breed with; out of thy floor - some corn for seed and for bread; and ...
Thou shalt furnish him - out of thy flock - Thou shalt give him some cattle to breed with; out of thy floor - some corn for seed and for bread; and out of thy wine press - an adequate provision of wine for present necessity.
Calvin: Deu 15:1 - -- 1.At the end of every seven years. A special act of humanity towards each other is here prescribed to the Jews, that every seven years, brother shoul...
1.At the end of every seven years. A special act of humanity towards each other is here prescribed to the Jews, that every seven years, brother should remit to brother whatever was owed him. But, although we are not bound by this law at present, and it would not be even expedient that it should be in use, still the object to which it tended ought still to be maintained, i e. , that we should not be too rigid in exacting our debts, especially if we have to do with the needy, who are bowed down by the burden of poverty. The condition of the ancient people, as I have said, was different. They derived their origin from a single race; the land of Canaan was their common inheritance; fraternal association was to be mutually sustained among them, just as if they were one family: and, inasmuch as God had once enfranchised them, the best plan for preserving’ their liberty for ever was to maintain a condition of mediocrity, lest a few persons of immense wealth should oppress the general body. Since, therefore, the rich, if they had been permitted constantly to increase in wealth, would have tyrannized over the rest, God put by this law a restraint on immoderate power. Moreover, when rest was given to the land, and men reposed from its cultivation, it was just that the whole people, for whose sake the Sabbath was instituted, should enjoy some relaxation. Still the remission here spoken of was, in my opinion, merely temporary. Some, indeed, suppose that all debts were then entirely cancelled; 144 as if the Sabbatical year destroyed all debtor and creditor accounts; but this is refuted by the context, for when the Sabbatical year is at hand, God commands them to lend freely, whereas the contract would have been ridiculous, unless it had been lawful to seek repayment in due time. Surely, if no payment had ever followed, it would have been required simply to give: for what would the empty form of lending have availed if the money advanced was never to be returned to its owner? But God required all suits to cease for that year, so that no one should trouble his debtor: and, because in that year of freedom and immunity there was no hope of receiving back the money, God provides against the objection, and forbids them to be niggardly, although the delay might produce some inconvenience. First of all, therefore, He commands them to make a remission in the seventh year, i e. , to abstain from exacting their debts, and to concede to the poor, as well as to the land, a truce, or vacation. On which ground Isaiah reproves the Jews for observing the Sabbath amiss, when they exact 145 their debts, and “fast for strife and debate.” (Isa 58:3.) The form of remission is added, That no one should vex his neighbor in the year in which the release of God is proclaimed.

Calvin: Deu 15:3 - -- 3.Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it. An exception follows, that it should be lawful to sue foreigners, and to compel them to pay; and this for a ve...
3.Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it. An exception follows, that it should be lawful to sue foreigners, and to compel them to pay; and this for a very good reason, because it was by no means just that despisers of the Law should enjoy the Sabbatical benefit, especially when God had conferred the privilege on His elect people alone. What follows in the next verse, “Unless because there shall be no beggar,” interpreters twist into various senses. Some translate it, Nevertheless ( veruntamen,) let there be no beggar among thee; as if it were a prohibition, that they should not suffer their poor brethren to be overwhelmed with poverty, without assisting them; and, lest they should object that, if they should be so liberal in giving, they would soon exhaust themselves, God anticipates them, and bids them rely upon his blessing. Others, however, understand it as a promise, and connect it thus, That there should be no beggar among them, if only they keep the Law, since then God would bless them. Nor would this meaning be very unsuitable. What they mean who expound it, Insomuch that there should be no beggar with thee, I know not. Let my readers, however, consider whether 146
“He which soweth bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.: Now he that ministereth seed to the sower, shall both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, that, being enriched in every thing, you may abound unto all bountifulness.” (2Co 9:6.)
In short, God would have them without carefulness, since He will abundantly recompense them with His blessing, if they have diminished their own stores by liberality to the poor.

Calvin: Deu 15:6 - -- 6.For the Lord thy God blesseth thee. He confirms the foregoing declaration, but ascends from the particular to the general; for, after having taught...
6.For the Lord thy God blesseth thee. He confirms the foregoing declaration, but ascends from the particular to the general; for, after having taught that they might expect from God’s blessing much more than they have bestowed on the poor, he now recalls their attention to the Covenant itself, as much as to say, that whatever they have is derived from that original fountain of God’s grace, when He made them inheritors of the land of Canaan. God reminds them also that He then promised them abundant produce; and thus indicates that, if they were mean and niggardly, they would cause the land to be barren. When He says that they should lend to all nations, he speaks by way of amplification; and also in the next clause, that they should reign over the Gentiles; whence it follows, that if there were any in want among them, it would arise from the wickedness and depravity, of the people themselves.

Calvin: Deu 15:7 - -- 7.If there be among you a poor man The same word אביון , ebyon, is used, which we have seen just above, verse 4; nor is there any contradictio...
7.If there be among you a poor man The same word

Calvin: Deu 15:11 - -- 11.For the poor shall never cease out of the land. The notion 147 of those is far fetched who suppose that there would be always poor men among them,...
11.For the poor shall never cease out of the land. The notion 147 of those is far fetched who suppose that there would be always poor men among them, because they would not keep the law, and consequently the land would be barren on account of their unrighteousness. I admit that this is true; but God does not here ascribe it to their sins that there would always be some beggars among them, but only reminds them that there would never be wanting matter for their generosity, because He would prove what was in their hearts by setting the poor before them. For, (as I have observed above,) this is why the rich and poor meet together, and the Lord is maker of them all; because otherwise the duties of charity would not be observed unless they put them into exercise by assisting each other. Wherefore God, to stir up the inactivity of the rich, declares that lie prescribes nothing but what continual necessity will require.

Calvin: Deu 15:13 - -- 13.And when thou sendest him out free from thee. Here not only is the enfranchisement of slaves enjoined, but an exhortation to liberality is also ...
13.And when thou sendest him out free from thee. Here not only is the enfranchisement of slaves enjoined, but an exhortation to liberality is also added, viz., that they should not send away their slaves without their hire; for this is not a civil enactment for the purpose of extorting from the avaricious more than they were willing to give. The rule of Paul here applies:
“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2Co 9:7.)
But, since the Hebrew slaves were brethren, God would not allow them to be placed in a worse condition than hirelings. That He commands them to be furnished out of the wine-press, and floor, and flock, does not mean that they were to be enriched, or that a large provision should be assigned to them, but He justly lays a constraint on the rich, whose varied abundance supplied them with the means of liberality; as if He would show them from whence they received their gratuitous gifts, which were at the same time a just compensation for the labors of their slaves.
Defender -> Deu 15:11
Defender: Deu 15:11 - -- This prophecy was confirmed and continued by the Lord Jesus in Joh 12:8 and Mat 26:11. Government welfare and wealth redistribution programs will neve...
This prophecy was confirmed and continued by the Lord Jesus in Joh 12:8 and Mat 26:11. Government welfare and wealth redistribution programs will never be able to eliminate poverty. Thus, the responsibility of Christian charity to the needy will continue until the millennial kingdom is finally established."
TSK: Deu 15:1 - -- Deu 31:10; Exo 21:2, Exo 23:10, Exo 23:11; Lev 25:2-4; Isa 61:1-3; Jer 36:8-18; Luk 4:18, Luk 4:19

TSK: Deu 15:2 - -- creditor that lendeth : Heb. master of the lending of his hand
exact it : Neh 5:7-11; Isa 58:3; Amo 8:4-6; Mat 6:12, Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 18:25-35;...
creditor that lendeth : Heb. master of the lending of his hand
exact it : Neh 5:7-11; Isa 58:3; Amo 8:4-6; Mat 6:12, Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 18:25-35; Luk 6:34-38; Luk 7:42; Jam 2:13

TSK: Deu 15:4 - -- Save : etc. or, To the end that there be no poor among you, Houbigant follows this marginal reading, to which he joins the end of the Deu 15:3, consid...
Save : etc. or, To the end that there be no poor among you, Houbigant follows this marginal reading, to which he joins the end of the Deu 15:3, considering it as explanatory of the law; as if he had said, ""Thou shalt not exact the debt that is due from thy brother, but thy hand shall release him, for this reason, that there may be no poor among you through your severity.""He justly contends that the phrase
greatly bless : Deu 14:29, Deu 28:1-8, Deu 28:11; Pro 11:24, Pro 11:25, Pro 14:21, Pro 28:27; Isa 58:10, Isa 58:11

TSK: Deu 15:5 - -- Deu 4:9, Deu 11:13-15, Deu 28:1-15; Lev 26:3-14; Jos 1:7; Psa 19:11; Isa 1:19, Isa 1:20; Phi 1:27

TSK: Deu 15:6 - -- thou shalt lend : Deu 28:12, Deu 28:44; Psa 37:21, Psa 37:26, Psa 112:5; Pro 22:7; Luk 6:35
thou shalt reign : Deu 28:13; 1Ki 4:21, 1Ki 4:24; 2Ch 9:26...

TSK: Deu 15:7 - -- there be : Lest the preceding law might render the Israelites cautious in lending to the poor, Moses here warns them against being led by so mean a pr...

TSK: Deu 15:9 - -- Beware : Pro 4:23; Jer 17:10; Mat 15:19; Mar 7:21, Mar 7:22; Rom 7:8, Rom 7:9; Jam 4:5
thought : etc. Heb. word with thine heart of Belial
thine eye :...
Beware : Pro 4:23; Jer 17:10; Mat 15:19; Mar 7:21, Mar 7:22; Rom 7:8, Rom 7:9; Jam 4:5
thought : etc. Heb. word with thine heart of Belial
thine eye : Deu 28:54-56; Pro 23:6, Pro 24:9, Pro 28:22; Mat 20:15; Jam 5:9; 1Pe 4:9
he cry : Deu 24:15; Exo 3:7, Exo 22:23; Job 34:28; Psa 9:12; Pro 21:13; Jam 5:4
sin unto thee : Mat 25:41-45; Jam 4:17; 1Jo 3:15-17

TSK: Deu 15:10 - -- thine heart : Mat 25:40; Act 20:35; Rom 12:8; 2Co 9:5-7; 1Ti 6:18, 1Ti 6:19; 1Pe 4:11
because : Deu 15:4, Deu 14:19, Deu 14:29, Deu 24:19; Psa 41:1, P...

TSK: Deu 15:11 - -- the poor : Although Moses, by the statutes relative to the division of the land, and inheritance, and the inalienable nature of it, had studied to pre...
the poor : Although Moses, by the statutes relative to the division of the land, and inheritance, and the inalienable nature of it, had studied to prevent any Israelite from being born poor, yet he exhorts them to the exercise of the tenderest compassion and most benevolent actions; and not to refuse assistance to the decayed Israelite, though the sabbatical year drew nigh. Pro 22:2; Mat 26:11; Mar 14:7; Joh 12:8
Thou shalt : Deu 15:8; Mat 5:42; Luk 12:33; Act 2:45, Act 4:32-35, Act 11:28-30; 2Co 8:2-9; 1Jo 3:16-18

TSK: Deu 15:13 - -- This is a most humane and merciful addition to the law in Exo 21:2-11; enforced upon the Israelites by the consideration of their Egyptian bondage. A...
This is a most humane and merciful addition to the law in Exo 21:2-11; enforced upon the Israelites by the consideration of their Egyptian bondage. As a faithful servant has made no property for himself while honestly serving his master, so now, when he quits his service, he has nothing to begin the world with except what the kindness of his master may bestow upon him as a remuneration for his zeal and fidelity. Though what was to be bestowed upon servants is not fixed, yet they were to be liberally supplied (Deu 15:14).
Gen 31:42; Exo 3:21; Lev 25:42-44; Pro 3:27, Pro 3:28; Jer 22:13; Mal 3:5; Col 4:1

TSK: Deu 15:15 - -- Deu 5:14, Deu 5:15, Deu 16:12; Exo 20:2; Isa 51:1; Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 18:32, Mat 18:33; Eph 1:7; Eph 2:12, Eph 4:32, Eph 5:1, Eph 5:2; Tit 2:14; ...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Deu 15:1-11 - -- The year of release is no doubt identical with the sabbatical year of the earlier legislation (Exo 23:10 ff, and Lev 25:2 ff), the command of the ol...
The year of release is no doubt identical with the sabbatical year of the earlier legislation (Exo 23:10 ff, and Lev 25:2 ff), the command of the older legislation being here amplified. The release was probably for the year, not total and final, and had reference only to loans lent because of poverty (compare Deu 15:4, Deu 15:7). Yet even so the law was found to be too stringent for the avarice of the people, because it was one of those which the rabbis "made of none effect by their traditions."
Because it is called the Lord’ s release - Render, because proclamation has been made of the Lord’ s release. The verb is impersonal, and implies (compare Deu 31:10) that "the solemnity of the year of release"has been publicly announced.
The foreigner would not be bound by the restriction of the sabbatical year, and therefore would have no claim to its special remissions and privileges. He could earn his usual income in the seventh as in other years, and therefore is not exonerated from liability to discharge a debt anymore in the one than the others.
There is no inconsistency between this and Deu 15:11. The meaning seems simply to be, "Thou must release the debt for the year, except when there be no poor person concerned, a contingency which may happen, for the Lord shall greatly bless thee."The general object of these precepts, as also of the year of Jubilee and the laws respecting inheritance, is to prevent the total ruin of a needy person, and his disappearance from the families of Israel by the sale of his patrimony.
literally: "Beware that there be not in thy heart a word which is worthlessness"(compare Deu 13:13 note).

Barnes: Deu 15:14 - -- Thou shalt furnish him liberally - The verb in the Hebrew is remarkable. It means "thou shalt lay on his neck,""adorn his neck with thy gifts."
Thou shalt furnish him liberally - The verb in the Hebrew is remarkable. It means "thou shalt lay on his neck,""adorn his neck with thy gifts."

Barnes: Deu 15:15-18 - -- The commands here are repeated from Exo 21:2-6, with amplifications relative to the maidservant Deu 15:12 and to the making (Deu 15:13 ff) liberal p...
The commands here are repeated from Exo 21:2-6, with amplifications relative to the maidservant Deu 15:12 and to the making (Deu 15:13 ff) liberal provision for launching the freedman on an independent course of life. The release of the servant is connected with the sabbatical principle though not with the sabbatical year. It is noteworthy also that the prospect of a gift of this sort, the amount of which was left to the master’ s discretion, would be likely to encourage diligence and faithfulness during the years of servitude.
He hath been worth a double hired servant to thee, in serving thee six years - " i. e."such a servant has earned twice as much as a common hired laborer would have done in the same time.
Poole: Deu 15:2 - -- Shall release it not absolutely and finally forgive it, but forbear it for that year, as may appear,
1. Because the word doth not signify a total d...
Shall release it not absolutely and finally forgive it, but forbear it for that year, as may appear,
1. Because the word doth not signify a total dismission or acquitting , but an intermission for a time, as Exo 23:11 . He shall not exact it , as it here follows, i.e. force it from him by course of law or otherwise, to wit, that year, which is easily understood out of the whole context.
2. Because the person releasing is called a creditor , and his communicating to him what he desires and needs is called lending here and Deu 15:8 ; whereas it were giving , and the person giving it were no creditor , but a donor , if it were to be wholly forgiven to him.
3. Because the reason of this law is temporary and peculiar to that year, wherein there being no sowing nor reaping, they were not in a capacity to pay their debts.
4. Because it seems unjust and unreasonable, and contrary to other scriptures, which require men to pay what they borrow, as Psa 37:21 . Yet I deny not that in case of poverty the debt was to be forgiven; but that was not by virtue of this law, but of other commands of God.
Or of his brother: this is added to explain and limit the word
neighbour which is more general, unto a brother, to wit, in nation and religion; to an Israelite, who is opposed to a foreigner , Deu 15:3 , Heb. and a brother , for that is a brother , the particle and being oft so used, as Gen 13:15 , &c.
The Lord’ s release or, a release to or for the Lord , in obedience to his command, for his honour, and as an acknowledgment of his right in your estates, and of his kindness in giving and continuing them to you. If you are unwilling to release this for your brother’ s sake, yet do it for God’ s sake, your Lord and the chief Creditor.

Poole: Deu 15:3 - -- A foreigner or stranger , yea, though a proselyte. For,
1. They are oft called by this name, as Gen 17:12 Rth 2:10 .
2. Though proselytes were adm...
A foreigner or stranger , yea, though a proselyte. For,
1. They are oft called by this name, as Gen 17:12 Rth 2:10 .
2. Though proselytes were admitted to the church privileges of the Israelites, yet they were not admitted to all their civil immunities or privileges. See 1Ch 22:2 2Ch 2:17 .
3. Such were not then freed from their personal debt, to wit, of their service, Lev 25:44 Deu 15:12 Jer 34:14 , therefore not from their real debt.
That which is thine to wit, by right, though lent to him.

Poole: Deu 15:4 - -- When there shall be no poor: so the words are an exception to the foregoing clause, which they restrain to the poor, and imply that if his brother wa...
When there shall be no poor: so the words are an exception to the foregoing clause, which they restrain to the poor, and imply that if his brother was rich, he might exact his debt of him in that year. And indeed this law seems to be chiefly, if not wholly, designed and given in favour to the poor and to the borrower, as is manifest from Deu 15:6-11 . But the words are and may be rendered thus, as in the margin of our Bibles, To the end that there be no poor among you . And so they contain a reason of this law, to wit, that none be impoverished and ruined by a rigid and unseasonable exaction of debts. They may also be translated thus, Nevertheless of a truth , or assuredly , (as the particle chi is oft used,) there shall be no poor along you ; and the sense may be this, Though I impose this law upon you, which may seem hard and grievous, yet the truth is, supposing your performance of the conditions of God’ s covenant, you shall not have any great occasion to exercise your charity and kindness in this matter, for God will greatly bless you, &c., so as you shall be in a capacity of lending, and few or none of you will have need to borrow, and thereby to expose his brethren to the inconvenience and burden of this law. Thus the connexion is plain and easy, both with the foregoing and following words.
Object. It is said, the poor should never cease , Deu 15:11 .
Answ That also is true, and affirmed by God, because he foresaw they would not perform their duty, and therefore would bereave themselves of the promised blessing.
The Lord shall greatly bless thee and therefore this will be no great inconvenience nor burden to thee.

Poole: Deu 15:6 - -- Thou shalt lend unto many thou shalt be rich and able to lend not only to thy poor brother, but even to strangers of other nations, yea, to many of t...
Thou shalt lend unto many thou shalt be rich and able to lend not only to thy poor brother, but even to strangers of other nations, yea, to many of them.

Poole: Deu 15:8 - -- Open thine hand wide unto him i.e. deal bountifully and liberally with him, giving him as it were by handfuls.
Open thine hand wide unto him i.e. deal bountifully and liberally with him, giving him as it were by handfuls.

Poole: Deu 15:9 - -- Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart suppress the first risings and inward motions of such uncharitableness.
Thine eye be evil i....
Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart suppress the first risings and inward motions of such uncharitableness.
Thine eye be evil i.e. envious, unmerciful, unkind, as this phrase is used, Pro 23:6 Mat 20:15 ; as a good eye notes the contrary disposition, Pro 22:9 .
It be sin i.e. it be charged upon thee as a sin, and as a great sin, as the word sin sometimes signifies, as Pro 24:9 Joh 15:24 Jam 4:17 .

Poole: Deu 15:10 - -- Thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him i.e. thou shalt give not only with an open hand, but with a willing and cheerful mind and ...
Thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him i.e. thou shalt give not only with an open hand, but with a willing and cheerful mind and heart, Rom 12:8 2Co 9:9 , without which thy very charity is uncharitable, and not accepted by God, who requires the heart in all his services.
In all that thou puttest thine hand unto i.e. in all thy works, as before, for the hand is the great instrument of action.

Poole: Deu 15:11 - -- The poor shall never cease out of the land God by his providence will so order it, partly for the punishment of your disobedience, and partly for the...
The poor shall never cease out of the land God by his providence will so order it, partly for the punishment of your disobedience, and partly for the trial and exercise of your obedience to me, and charity to your brother, both which are best discovered by your performance of costly duties.

Poole: Deu 15:12 - -- If thy brother be sold unto thee See Poole "Exo 22:3".
Six years to be computed, either,
1. From the year of release; as they gather from hence tha...
If thy brother be sold unto thee See Poole "Exo 22:3".
Six years to be computed, either,
1. From the year of release; as they gather from hence that personal and real debts were both released together. But that seems to be supposed rather than proved; nay, there is a manifest difference between them, for the release of real debts is expressly mentioned and required in the year of release, but so is not the release of the personal debt of servitude, either here or elsewhere. Or rather,
2. From the beginning of this servitude, which is every where limited unto the space of six years, as here and below, Deu 15:18 Exo 21:2 Jer 34:14 . And it seems a strange and forced exposition, to take these six years for so much of the six years as remains until the year of release, which possibly might not be one quarter of a year, whereas a hired servant serves for a far longer time, and this is said to be worth a double-hired servant , in regard of the longer time of his service, Deu 15:18 . Add to this, that it is mentioned as the peculiar privilege of the year of jubilee, that such servants were then freed, though their six years of service were not expired.

Poole: Deu 15:15 - -- And the Lord thy God redeemed thee and brought thee out with triumph and with riches, which because they would not, God did, give to thee as a just r...
And the Lord thy God redeemed thee and brought thee out with triumph and with riches, which because they would not, God did, give to thee as a just recompence for thy service, and therefore thou shalt follow his example, and send out thy servant furnished with all convenient provisions.

Poole: Deu 15:16 - -- Because he is sensible that he fares well with thee. Or, because it is good , i.e. acceptable in his eyes, or pleasing to him, to be
with thee
Because he is sensible that he fares well with thee. Or, because it is good , i.e. acceptable in his eyes, or pleasing to him, to be
with thee

Poole: Deu 15:17 - -- For ever i.e. all the time of his life, or, at least, till the year of jubilee. See on Exo 21:6 .
Unto thy maid-servant thou shalt do likewise i.e....
For ever i.e. all the time of his life, or, at least, till the year of jubilee. See on Exo 21:6 .
Unto thy maid-servant thou shalt do likewise i.e. either dismiss her honourably, and with plenty of provisions; or engage her to perpetual servitude in the same manner, and by the same rites; whence it appears that this case differs from that Exo 21:7 , and that the maid-servant there was taken in upon other and better terms than this here.
Haydock: Deu 15:1 - -- In the. Hebrew, "at the extremity of seven years," which some erroneously refer to the end, though the original signify also the beginning. (Calmet...
In the. Hebrew, "at the extremity of seven years," which some erroneously refer to the end, though the original signify also the beginning. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 15:2 - -- Again. Hebrew does not mention friend. (Haydock) ---
"He shall not exact it, (or urge) his neighbour or his brother, because," &c. Whence Cajet...
Again. Hebrew does not mention friend. (Haydock) ---
"He shall not exact it, (or urge) his neighbour or his brother, because," &c. Whence Cajetan gathers, that debts might be demanded after the expiration of the seventh year, on which the products of the earth did not enable the Jews to pay any thing. Grotius also asserts, that perpetual debts might be required; and Menoch, includes things lent under the same regulation. But all debts became extinct as soon as the seventh year commenced; (ver. 9.; Calmet) at least they could not be demanded till it was expired; though things merely lent, might be taken back. (Du Hamel)

Haydock: Deu 15:3 - -- Stranger, who has not received circumcision. Such were entitled only to the common privileges of people in distress. They could not claim a share i...
Stranger, who has not received circumcision. Such were entitled only to the common privileges of people in distress. They could not claim a share in the feasts, made out of the tithes of the Jews, &c. (Grotius)

Haydock: Deu 15:4 - -- There shall be no poor, &c. It is not to be understood as a promise, that there should be no poor in Israel, as appears from ver. 11, where we lea...
There shall be no poor, &c. It is not to be understood as a promise, that there should be no poor in Israel, as appears from ver. 11, where we learn that God's people would never be at a loss to find objects for their charity: but it is an ordinance that all should do their best endeavours to prevent any of their brethren from suffering the hardships of poverty and want. (Challoner) ---
Beggar, is not expressed, though it be implied in Hebrew or the Septuagint, which connect this with the preceding verse, (Haydock) "because (or save when) there shall be no poor among you;" as if the rich could not derive the benefit from the remission of debts. (Vatable) ---
God had made abundant provision for the poor. He might have prevented any from falling into distress. (Calmet) ---
But he suffered this sometimes to take place, to try the dispositions both of the rich and of the poor. (Haydock) ---
If they had faithfully complied with his laws, he would not have permitted them to fall into the last degree of misery. (Calmet) ---
He allows no public begging, which all well regulated nations discountenance. (Menochius) ---
The Jews carefully relieve their brethren. They gather alms, and one of the judges distributes what may be sufficient for the ensuing week. (Leo, p. i. c. 14.) ---
Those who refused to give according to their abilities, were formerly ordered by the Sanhedrim to be scourged, till they had complied with their duty; and sometimes, things were taken forcibly from their houses. (Maimonides) ---
They relieve the distressed in proportion to their former condition. (Selden, Jur. vi. 6.)

Haydock: Deu 15:6 - -- Lend. The Jews give a wrong interpretation to this passage, to authorize usury with regard to strangers. But God can never sanction injustice. He ...
Lend. The Jews give a wrong interpretation to this passage, to authorize usury with regard to strangers. But God can never sanction injustice. He promises such riches to his people, if they be faithful, that they shall be in a condition to lend to many, without wanting themselves. (Calmet) ---
Over thee. Hence the Jews submitted to a foreign yoke with so much reluctance. But they should have remembered to keep God's law. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 15:8 - -- Need of. The Rabbins understand this of giving freely without any prospect of receiving again, much less of any advantage by usury. They esteem the...
Need of. The Rabbins understand this of giving freely without any prospect of receiving again, much less of any advantage by usury. They esteem themselves bound also, by the laws of humanity, to assist even idolaters, though they will not beg of such, in public. Some assert, that they never allow public beggars among themselves, and indeed such are seldom to be seen. Yet no law forbids it; and Juvenal (vi. 541,) upbraids them with begging slyly at Rome. Arcanum Judæa tremens mendicat in aurem. (Calmet) ---
If people be in extreme want, the law requires that necessaries should be given them; but if they be not so far reduced, but that they may be able to pay again in a little time, it may suffice to lend. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 15:9 - -- Eyes. Hebrew, "and thy eye be evil against," &c. This expression denotes one who is a prey to the base passions of avarice, jealousy, envy, &c., ch...
Eyes. Hebrew, "and thy eye be evil against," &c. This expression denotes one who is a prey to the base passions of avarice, jealousy, envy, &c., chap. xxviii. 54., and Matthew xx. 15. (Calmet) ---
A sin, or draw on punishment. (Menochius) ---
"If thou hast not fed, thou hast killed" thy neighbour in extreme want. (St. Ambrose, Off. ii. 7.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 15:10 - -- Neither. Hebrew, "thy heart shall not be evil in giving: for to this end the Lord....hath blessed thee." Imitate his clemency. ---
Hand, in all t...
Neither. Hebrew, "thy heart shall not be evil in giving: for to this end the Lord....hath blessed thee." Imitate his clemency. ---
Hand, in all thy undertakings and possessions.

Haydock: Deu 15:11 - -- Needy. Hebrew expresses the order to be observed in giving alms, "open thy hand wide (give with profusion) to thy brother, (or relations,) to thy ne...
Needy. Hebrew expresses the order to be observed in giving alms, "open thy hand wide (give with profusion) to thy brother, (or relations,) to thy needy, (in extreme want,) and to thy poor in the land," whoever they may be. (Calmet) ---
To exercise the charity of his people, God suffered some to be poor. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 15:12 - -- Free. The Hebrews might sell themselves only to their own countrymen; and the judges might condemn those who had committed a theft, and had not wher...
Free. The Hebrews might sell themselves only to their own countrymen; and the judges might condemn those who had committed a theft, and had not wherewith to make restitution, to be sold to their brethren. See Exodus xxi. 2.

Haydock: Deu 15:14 - -- Way. Hebrew literally, "Thou shalt put round his neck, ( or furnish him abundantly) out of thy flock," &c. This is not specified in the Book of Ex...
Way. Hebrew literally, "Thou shalt put round his neck, ( or furnish him abundantly) out of thy flock," &c. This is not specified in the Book of Exodus.

Haydock: Deu 15:17 - -- House, before a judge. It is supposed that this law regarded only those who had sold themselves, or had been condemned to be slaves. (Fagius) ---
House, before a judge. It is supposed that this law regarded only those who had sold themselves, or had been condemned to be slaves. (Fagius) ---
For ever; that is, till the year of jubilee. ---
Also, not by piercing her ear, as some have thought, but by setting her at liberty, and giving her something, ver. 14.
Gill: Deu 15:1 - -- At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. Not of servants, for they were not to be dismissed from their service until they had served...
At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. Not of servants, for they were not to be dismissed from their service until they had served six years, as is directed to in a following law; for if they were to be set free whenever a sabbatical year came, they might be discharged when they had not served more than a year, or than half a year, or than a month or two. Indeed when the year of jubilee intervened, they were released be it at what time it would; but not in a sabbatical year, which was a year of release of debts, as the following verses show, as well as there was, then a rest of the land from tillage, Lev 25:2. Now this was done at the end or extremity of every seventh year; not at the latter end or extremity of it, for if the debt of a poor man might be exacted of him in the year, and until the end of it, it would not in this respect have been a sabbatical year, or a year of rest and quiet; but this was done at the first extremity of it, at the beginning of it, as Aben Ezra and Ben Melech observe; though Maimonides b asserts it to be after the seven years were ended; for he says,"the seventh year releaseth not monies but at the end of it,''according to Deu 15:1 that as in Deu 31:10 after seven years is meant, so the release of monies is after seven years.

Gill: Deu 15:2 - -- And this is the manner of the release,.... Or the rules to be observed in making it:
every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall rel...
And this is the manner of the release,.... Or the rules to be observed in making it:
every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; that is, forgive the debt, or free the debtor from any obligation to payment. Some think this was only a release of debts for this year, in which there was no ploughing nor sowing, and so a poor man could not be in any circumstances to pay his debts, but might be exacted afterwards; but it rather seems to be a full release, so as the payment of them might not be demanded, neither this year nor afterwards; indeed, if a person afterwards should be in a capacity to pay his debts, he would be obliged, in conscience, duty, and honour, to pay them, though no reserve was made in this law, which nowhere appears:
he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother: he might receive it, if payment was offered, but he might not demand it, or sue for it; or give his neighbour or brother, whether in a natural or religious sense, any trouble about it: the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases it,"his brother, an Israelite;''one of the same nation and religion with him, though he might not be related in the bonds of consanguinity:
because it is called the Lord's release; appointed and commanded by him, and was for his honour and glory, as a God gracious and merciful to the poor, and beneficent to those creditors; and which was proclaimed in his name, by the civil magistrate, according to his order; so the Targum of Jonathan,"because the house of judgment, or the sanhedrim, proclaimed it a release before the Lord.''Now this was typical of a release of debts, or of forgiveness of sins, which is an act of God's grace through Christ, and for his sake. Sins are called debts, not what men owe to God, for then it would be right to commit them, and they might be committed with impunity, yea, with praise, since it would be doing what is fit and right, and well pleasing to God; but men are debtors to fulfil the law, and in case of failure, or a breach of it, are bound to the debt of punishment; and these debts are very numerous, and men are incapable of paying them: and by a release of these is meant not a liberty of sinning, nor a freedom from the being or bondage of sin, but from the guilt of it, and from obligation to punishment for it; and is properly the forgiveness of sin, which is expressed by various phrases, as a non-imputation, a non-remembrance, a covering, blotting out, and removing of sin, and here typically a release of debts; see Mat 6:12, and God only can make it; he is the creditor, sin is committed against him, and he only can forgive it, which he does freely, fully, and at once, see Luk 7:41.

Gill: Deu 15:3 - -- Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again,.... Either on the seventh year, or after it:
but that which is thine with thy brother, thine hand shall ...
Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again,.... Either on the seventh year, or after it:
but that which is thine with thy brother, thine hand shall release; a debt that lies between them, where the one is the creditor, and the other debtor, the creditor shall freely and fully forgive the debtor. So those only are released or forgiven by the Lord who are his own, whom he has reserved for himself, or chosen to everlasting life; who are interested in the covenant of his grace, one article in which is the forgiveness of sins; and who are redeemed by the blood of Christ, a branch of which redemption is remission of sin; and who are called by grace, and believe in Christ, to whom pardon of sins is promised; but those who are foreigners and strangers, and are not the Lord's chosen, redeemed, and called people, have no share in this blessing of grace; nor such who are rich in their own esteem, and need nothing; but those who are poor and unable to pay their debts, and are sensible of their spiritual poverty, and apply to the Lord for the forgiveness of their sins.

Gill: Deu 15:4 - -- Save when there shall be no poor among you,.... Then such a law could not take place, there would be no debts to be released; for this was never desig...
Save when there shall be no poor among you,.... Then such a law could not take place, there would be no debts to be released; for this was never designed to screen rich persons from the payment of their just debts, or whoever were in a capacity of so doing, only such as were really poor, and unable to pay; and it supposes that this might sometimes be the case, that there were none poor in Israel, or needed the benefit of such a law; and, according to the Targum of Jonathan, it is suggested there would be none, if they were observant of the commands of God: and some take it for a promise, rendering the words "nevertheless" c, notwithstanding such a law:
there shall be no poor among you; but then it must be understood conditionally: others interpret this as the end to be answered by this law, "to the end d there may be no poor among you"; by observing this law, all debts being released once in seven years, it would prevent persons falling into distress and poverty, to such a degree as to be in want, and become beggars; and Julian the emperor observes, that none of the Jews begged e, which he attributes to the care that was taken of their poor:
for the Lord shall greatly bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it; which is either a reason why there would be no poor, should they observe the commandments of the Lord; or a reason why they should release the debts of the poor because they were so greatly blessed with a fruitful land, which brought them such an increase, as enabled them to free their poor debtors, when in circumstances unable to pay them.

Gill: Deu 15:5 - -- In his word, and by his prophets; this being the case, there would be no more poor among them, or however they would be so blessed of God, that they w...
In his word, and by his prophets; this being the case, there would be no more poor among them, or however they would be so blessed of God, that they would be capable of releasing the debts of the poor, without hurting themselves and their families:
to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day; a phrase often used to put them in mind of the commands of God, and the necessity of keeping them, their temporal happiness depending thereon.

Gill: Deu 15:6 - -- For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee,.... He is faithful that has promised, and he always gives the blessing he promises according ...
For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee,.... He is faithful that has promised, and he always gives the blessing he promises according to the nature of the promise; if absolute, and without conditions, he gives it without respect to any; but if conditional, as the promises of temporal good things to Israel were, he gives according as the condition is performed:
and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shall not borrow; signifying they should be so rich and increased in goods, and worldly substance, that they should be able to lend to their neighbouring nations round about, but should stand in no need of borrowing of any of them. This is sometimes said of the language of these people, the Hebrew language, that it lends to all, but borrows of none, being an original primitive language; see Deu 28:12.
and thou shalt reign over many nations: which was fulfilled in the times of David and Solomon:
but they shall not reign over thee; that is, as long as they observed the commands of God; otherwise, when they did not, they were carried captive into other countries, and other people reigned over them, as at this day.

Gill: Deu 15:7 - -- If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren,.... As there would be, according to the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, if they did not ke...
If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren,.... As there would be, according to the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, if they did not keep the commandments of the law, and continue therein:
within any of thy gates, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee; a native of the land was to be preferred to a foreigner, and a brother, whether in relation or religion, to a proselyte of the gate; and the poor of a city to which a man belonged, to the poor of another city, as Jarchi observes; which he gathers from this phrase:
within any of thy gates: thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy brother; so as not to pity his distressed case, and have no bowels of compassion for him, and feel for his want, and so as not to distribute to his necessities, and relieve him.

Gill: Deu 15:8 - -- But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him,.... And give him bountifully and liberally; in order to which the heart must be first opened, the affect...
But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him,.... And give him bountifully and liberally; in order to which the heart must be first opened, the affections moved, and a willing mind disposed to give generously:
and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need in that which he wanteth: enough to answer his present exigencies, but not to cause him to abound, or to supply him with things needless and superfluous.

Gill: Deu 15:9 - -- Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart,.... "Or, thy heart of Belial" f; thy worthless heart, and which is without a yoke not subjecte...
Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart,.... "Or, thy heart of Belial" f; thy worthless heart, and which is without a yoke not subjected to the law of God, as every carnal heart is; and in which Belial, Satan, the prince of this world, works effectually, and inclines to evil thoughts, afflictions, and desires, which are to be guarded against:
saying, the seventh year, the year of release, is at hand: perhaps next year, or within a few months:
and thine eye be evil against thy brother, and thou give him nought; being of an uncompassionate and covetous disposition, shall refuse to give or lend him anything on this consideration, because the year of release will quickly come, when, if poor and unable to pay him, he would be obliged to release his debt:
and he cry unto the Lord against thee; go to the throne of grace, and in prayer bring a charge, and lodge a complaint of unkindness and uncharitableness: and it be a sin unto thee; the Lord shall reckon it as a sin, a very heinous one, and call to an account for it.

Gill: Deu 15:10 - -- Thou shall surely give him,.... Or lend to him; though lending in such a case and circumstances, that person being extremely poor, and the year of rel...
Thou shall surely give him,.... Or lend to him; though lending in such a case and circumstances, that person being extremely poor, and the year of release at hand, is the same as giving. Jarchi remarks that money must be given him, even a hundred times if he asks it; but the limitation is to what he wants, and what is sufficient for his present wants, Deu 15:8.
and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him; grieved at parting with his money he has little or no hope of seeing again, grudging it to him to whom it is given; when, on the other hand, it should he given freely and cheerfully, for God loves a cheerful giver:
because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all thou puttest thine hand unto; that is, for lending or giving largely, liberally, and cheerfully, to persons in distress; see Pro 11:24.

Gill: Deu 15:11 - -- For the poor shall never cease out of the land,.... There would be always such objects to exercise their charity and beneficence towards, Joh 12:8, wh...
For the poor shall never cease out of the land,.... There would be always such objects to exercise their charity and beneficence towards, Joh 12:8, which is no contradiction to Deu 15:4 for had they been obedient to the laws of God, they would have been so blessed that there would have been none; so the Targums; but he foresaw that they would not keep his commands, and so this would be the case, and which he foretells that they might expect it, and do their duty to them, as here directed:
therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother; not give sparingly, but largely, in proportion to the necessities of the poor, and according to the abilities of the lender or giver; and this must be done to a brother, one that is near in the bonds of consanguinity, and to him a man must give or lend first, as Aben Ezra observes, and then "to thy poor"; the poor of thy family, as the same writer:
and to thy needy in the land; that are in very distressed circumstances, though not related, and particularly such as are in the same place where a man dwells; for, as the same writer remarks, the poor of thy land are to be preferred to the poor of another place,

Gill: Deu 15:12 - -- And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee,.... By others, as by the sanhedrim for theft, for which a man might be sold,...
And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee,.... By others, as by the sanhedrim for theft, for which a man might be sold, but not a woman, as Jarchi observes; but then a father might sell his daughter for an handmaid, if little and under age; and to such cases this law is supposed to refer; see Exo 21:2 though a man on account of poverty might sell himself:
and serve thee six years; as he was bound to do, if his master lived so long; if he died before the six years were out, he was obliged to serve his son, but not his daughter, nor his brother, nor his heirs, as the Jewish writers affirm g: then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee; that is, at the end of the sixth, and beginning of the seventh year; see Exo 21:2.

Gill: Deu 15:13 - -- And when thou sendest him out free from thee,.... When he discharged him from his servitude, and made him a free man:
thou shall not let him go awa...
And when thou sendest him out free from thee,.... When he discharged him from his servitude, and made him a free man:
thou shall not let him go away empty; without anything to support himself, or to put himself in a way of business; he having in the time of his servitude worked entirely for his master, and so could not have got and saved anything for himself.

Gill: Deu 15:14 - -- Thou shalt furnish him liberally,.... Not only to supply his present wants, but for his future use, and to set him up in the world: "loading thou shal...
Thou shalt furnish him liberally,.... Not only to supply his present wants, but for his future use, and to set him up in the world: "loading thou shall load him" h, so some render the words; give him as much as he can carry, and well stand up under; the word used has the signification of chains wore about the neck for honour or ornament, and so may signify he should be very honourably dismissed, with plain marks of honour and respect; and the order is, to supply him
out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress; with sheep or lambs out of the flock, with corn out of the floor, wheat, or barley, or both, and wine out of the winepress; which take in all the necessaries and comforts of life: of that
wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee thou shall give unto him; be it what it will, and in proportion to it, as of money as well as goods; it is asked, how much shall be given to him? not less than the value of thirty shekels, whether of one kind or whether of many kinds, according to the thirty shekels for the price of a servant, Exo 21:32 i. All this may be an emblem both of the servitude the people of God are in to sin, Satan, and the law, while in a state of nature; and of their freedom from it by Christ, and of the sufficiency and fulness of food and raiment, and large measures of divine grace; even all things richly to enjoy, all things pertaining to life and godliness, which are given to them when brought out of that state; who otherwise come out of it destitute of all good things, having neither food nor clothes, nor money to buy either, but have all from Christ freely and fully.

Gill: Deu 15:15 - -- And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt,.... Where they were used hardly, and their lives were made bitter in hard bonda...
And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt,.... Where they were used hardly, and their lives were made bitter in hard bondage; and therefore should show the greater compassion to servants, whose case they could not but sympathize with, and have a fellow feeling of
and the Lord thy God redeemed thee; from the house of bondage and state of slavery, after they had been in it many years:
therefore I command thee this thing today, to release their servants at the end of six years, and not send them away empty, but generously contribute to them at their release; since when he redeemed them he gave them the spoil of Egypt, and of the sea, as Jarchi remarks; they came out of their bondage state with jewels, and gold, and silver, and raiment, even with great substance; and at the Red sea their spoil was increased which they took from Pharaoh and his host when drowned there; now as they came out of their servitude not empty but full, being sufficiently paid for their hard service, so they should remember to give to their servants liberally, when they made them free.

Gill: Deu 15:16 - -- And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee,.... Out of his house, nor quit his service:
because he loveth thee and thine ho...
And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee,.... Out of his house, nor quit his service:
because he loveth thee and thine house; his master and his family, and so loath to leave them, but chooses rather to stay with them than have his liberty; hence the Jews say k, if his master has not a wife and children, his ear is not to be bored:
because he is well with thee; lives well with him, is well used by him, wants for nothing, and enjoys peace and quietness, and has everything to make him happy as such a state will admit of, and with the which he is well contented, and highly pleased. This is an emblem of the cheerful and constant obedience of the people of Christ to him their master, flowing from love to him; whom they love above all persons and things, with all their heart and soul, and his house also, the place of his worship, his ordinances, truths, ministers and children; and therefore choose to be where they are, finding that they are there well used, fare well, having bread enough and to spare, spiritual provisions in plenty; are well clothed with the righteousness of Christ, have the good company of the saints and excellent in the earth, in whom is all their delight; and, above all, the presence of their Lord and master, and the smiles of his countenance.

Gill: Deu 15:17 - -- Then thou shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door,.... Not of his master's house, but of the sanhedrim, or court of judicature,...
Then thou shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear unto the door,.... Not of his master's house, but of the sanhedrim, or court of judicature, according to the Targum of Jonathan, before whom he was to be brought, and declare his desire to continue with his master; See Gill on Exo 21:6,
and he shall be thy servant for ever; that is, unto the jubilee, as the same Targum; for then all servants were released, and so Jarchi calls it the ever of jubilee:
and also unto thy maidservant thou shall do likewise; not bore her ear, for, as both Jarchi and Aben Ezra, and others say, she was not to be bored; though some are of opinion that a maidservant who was willing to continue with her master was to be bored as a manservant; but this respects the manner of dismissing her, or letting her go free, when she was not to go empty, but to be liberally furnished and supplied, as a manservant was.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Deu 15:1; Deu 15:2; Deu 15:2; Deu 15:3; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:5; Deu 15:5; Deu 15:5; Deu 15:5; Deu 15:7; Deu 15:7; Deu 15:7; Deu 15:7; Deu 15:8; Deu 15:8; Deu 15:9; Deu 15:9; Deu 15:9; Deu 15:9; Deu 15:10; Deu 15:10; Deu 15:11; Deu 15:11; Deu 15:12; Deu 15:12; Deu 15:12; Deu 15:12; Deu 15:14; Deu 15:16; Deu 15:16; Deu 15:17

NET Notes: Deu 15:2 Heb “his neighbor and his brother.” The words “his brother” may be a scribal gloss identifying “his neighbor” (on ...

NET Notes: Deu 15:8 Heb “whatever his need that he needs for himself.” This redundant expression has been simplified in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Deu 15:10 Heb “your heart must not be grieved in giving to him.” The LXX and Orig add, “you shall surely lend to him sufficient for his need,&...

NET Notes: Deu 15:14 The Hebrew text uses the infinitive absolute for emphasis, which the translation indicates with “generously.”

NET Notes: Deu 15:16 Heb “go out from.” The imperfect verbal form indicates the desire of the subject here.

NET Notes: Deu 15:17 When the bondslave’s ear was drilled through to the door, the door in question was that of the master’s house. In effect, the bondslave is...
Geneva Bible: Deu 15:2 And this [is] the manner of the release: Every ( a ) creditor that lendeth [ought] unto his neighbour shall release [it]; he shall not exact [it] of h...

Geneva Bible: Deu 15:4 ( b ) Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee [for] an inheri...

Geneva Bible: Deu 15:11 ( c ) For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt ( d ) open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy...

Geneva Bible: Deu 15:14 Thou shalt ( e ) furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: [of that] wherewith the LORD thy God hath ble...

Geneva Bible: Deu 15:17 Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust [it] through his ear unto the door, and he shall be thy servant ( f ) for ever. And also unto thy maidservant ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 15:1-23
TSK Synopsis: Deu 15:1-23 - --1 The seventh year a year of release for the poor.7 It must be no let of lending or giving.12 An Hebrew servant, except he will not depart, must in th...
MHCC -> Deu 15:1-11; Deu 15:12-18
MHCC: Deu 15:1-11 - --This year of release typified the grace of the gospel, in which is proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord; and by which we obtain the release of o...

MHCC: Deu 15:12-18 - --Here the law concerning Hebrew servants is repeated. There is an addition, requiring the masters to put some small stock into their servants' hands to...
Matthew Henry -> Deu 15:1-11; Deu 15:12-18
Matthew Henry: Deu 15:1-11 - -- Here is, I. A law for the relief of poor debtors, such (we may suppose) as were insolvent. Every seventh year was a year of release, in which the gr...

Matthew Henry: Deu 15:12-18 - -- Here is, I. A repetition of the law that had been given concerning Hebrew servants who had sold themselves for servants, or were sold by their paren...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 15:1-2; Deu 15:3; Deu 15:4; Deu 15:5-6; Deu 15:7-8; Deu 15:9-10; Deu 15:11; Deu 15:12-14; Deu 15:15; Deu 15:16-17
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:1-2 - --
On the Year of Release. - The first two regulations in this chapter, viz., Deu 15:1-11 and Deu 15:12-18, follow simply upon the law concerning the p...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:3 - --
The foreigner thou mayest press, but what thou hast with thy brother shall thy hand let go. נכרי is a stranger of another nation, standing in n...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:4 - --
"Only that there shall be no poor with thee." יהיה is jussive, like the foregoing imperfects. The meaning in this connection is, "Thou needest ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:5-6 - --
This blessing would not fail, if the Israelites would only hearken to the voice of the Lord; " for Jehovah blesseth thee "(by the perfect בּרכך...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:7-8 - --
And in general Israel was to be ready to lend to the poor among its brethren, not to harden its heart, to be hard-hearted, but to lend to the poor b...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:9-10 - --
Thus they were also to beware " that there was not a word in the heart, worthlessness, "i.e., that a worthless thought did not arise in their hearts...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:11 - --
For the poor will never cease in the land, even the land that is richly blessed, because poverty is not only the penalty of sin, but is ordained by ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:12-14 - --
These provisions in favour of the poor are followed very naturally by the rules which the Israelites were to be urged to observe with reference to t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:15 - --
They were to be induced to do this by the recollection of their own redemption out of the bondage of Egypt, - the same motive that is urged for the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 15:16-17 - --
But if the man-servant and the maid-servant should not wish for liberty in the sixth year, because it was well with them in the house of their maste...
Constable: Deu 5:1--26:19 - --IV. MOSES' SECOND MAJOR ADDRESS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE LAW chs. 5--26
". . . Deuteronomy contains the most compre...

Constable: Deu 12:1--25:19 - --B. An exposition of selected covenant laws 12-25
Moses' homiletical exposition of the law of Israel that...

Constable: Deu 14:22--16:18 - --4. Laws arising from the fourth commandment 14:22-16:17
The fourth commandment is, "Observe the ...