Text -- Deuteronomy 28:23-68 (NET)

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Wesley -> Deu 28:23; Deu 28:23; Deu 28:24; Deu 28:27; Deu 28:28; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:33; Deu 28:34; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:43; Deu 28:45; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:54; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:63; Deu 28:65; Deu 28:66; Deu 28:68; Deu 28:68; Deu 28:68; Deu 28:68
Like brass, hard and dry, and shut up from giving rain.

Wesley: Deu 28:24 - -- Either thy rain shall be as unprofitable to thy ground and seed as if it were only so much dust. Or instead of rain shall come nothing but dust from h...
Either thy rain shall be as unprofitable to thy ground and seed as if it were only so much dust. Or instead of rain shall come nothing but dust from heaven, which being raised and carried up by the wind in great abundance, returns, and falls upon the earth as it were in clouds or showers.

Wesley: Deu 28:27 - -- Such boils and blains as the Egyptians were plagued with, spreading from head to foot: The emerodes - Or piles.
Such boils and blains as the Egyptians were plagued with, spreading from head to foot: The emerodes - Or piles.

Wesley: Deu 28:28 - -- Of mind, so that they shall not know what to do: Astonishment - They shall be filled with wonder and horror because of the strangeness and soreness of...
Of mind, so that they shall not know what to do: Astonishment - They shall be filled with wonder and horror because of the strangeness and soreness of their calamities.

In the most clear and evident matters thou shalt grossly mistake.

Wesley: Deu 28:29 - -- Thy counsels and enterprizes shall be frustrated and turn to thy destruction.
Thy counsels and enterprizes shall be frustrated and turn to thy destruction.

Wesley: Deu 28:32 - -- By those who have conquered them, and taken them captives, who shall give or sell them to other persons.
By those who have conquered them, and taken them captives, who shall give or sell them to other persons.

Wesley: Deu 28:32 - -- Or, be consumed, partly with grief and plentiful tears; and partly with earnest desire, and vain and long expectation of their return.
Or, be consumed, partly with grief and plentiful tears; and partly with earnest desire, and vain and long expectation of their return.

No power to rescue, nor money to ransom them.

Wesley: Deu 28:33 - -- Which shall come from a far country, which thou didst not at all expect or fear, and therefore will be the more dreadful when they come; a nation whos...
Which shall come from a far country, which thou didst not at all expect or fear, and therefore will be the more dreadful when they come; a nation whose language thou understandest not, and therefore canst not plead with them for mercy, nor expect any favour from them.

Wesley: Deu 28:34 - -- Quite put out of the possession of their own souls; quite bereaved of all comfort and hope, and abandoned to utter despair. They that walk by sight, a...
Quite put out of the possession of their own souls; quite bereaved of all comfort and hope, and abandoned to utter despair. They that walk by sight, and not by faith, are in danger of losing reason itself, when all about them looks frightful; and their condition is bad indeed, who are mad for the sight of their eyes.

Wesley: Deu 28:36 - -- The calamity shall be both universal, which even thy king shall not be able to avoid, much less the subjects, who have far less advantage and opportun...
The calamity shall be both universal, which even thy king shall not be able to avoid, much less the subjects, who have far less advantage and opportunity for escape; and irrecoverable, because he who should protect or rescue them is lost with them, Lam 4:10.

Wesley: Deu 28:36 - -- So what formerly was their choice and delight now becomes their plague and misery. And this doubtless was the condition of many Israelites under the A...
So what formerly was their choice and delight now becomes their plague and misery. And this doubtless was the condition of many Israelites under the Assyrian and Balylonish captivities.

Wesley: Deu 28:43 - -- Within thy gates; who formerly honoured and served thee, and were some of them glad of the crumbs which fell from thy table.
Within thy gates; who formerly honoured and served thee, and were some of them glad of the crumbs which fell from thy table.

Wesley: Deu 28:45 - -- It seems Moses has been hitherto foretelling their captivity in Babylon, by which even after their return, they were brought to the low condition ment...
It seems Moses has been hitherto foretelling their captivity in Babylon, by which even after their return, they were brought to the low condition mentioned, Deu 28:44. But in the following he foretells their last destruction by the Romans. And the present deplorable state of the Jewish nation, so exactly answers this prediction, that it is an incontestable proof of the truth of the prophecy, and consequently of the divine authority of the scriptures. And this destruction more dreadful than the former shews, that their sin in rejecting Christ, was more provoking to God than idolatry itself, and left them more under the power of Satan. For their captivity in Babylon cured them effectually of idolatry in seventy years. But under this last destruction, they continue above sixteen hundred years incurably averse to the Lord Jesus.

Wesley: Deu 28:46 - -- Signal and wonderful to all that hear of them. 'Tis amazing, a people so incorporated, should be so universally disperst! And that a people scattered ...
Signal and wonderful to all that hear of them. 'Tis amazing, a people so incorporated, should be so universally disperst! And that a people scattered in all nations, should not mix with any, but like Cain, be fugitives and vagabonds, and yet so marked as to be known.

Wesley: Deu 28:54 - -- Unkind, envious, covetous to monopolize these dainty bits to themselves, and grudging that their dearest relations should have any part of them.
Unkind, envious, covetous to monopolize these dainty bits to themselves, and grudging that their dearest relations should have any part of them.

Unmerciful: she will desire or design their destruction for her food.

Wesley: Deu 28:57 - -- birth: that which was loathsome to behold, will now be pleasant to eat; and together with it she shall eat the child which was wrapt up in it, and may...
birth: that which was loathsome to behold, will now be pleasant to eat; and together with it she shall eat the child which was wrapt up in it, and may be included in this expression.

Or, which she shall have born, that is, her more grown children.

Wesley: Deu 28:57 - -- This was fulfilled more than once, to the perpetual reproach of the Jewish nation. Never was the like done either by Greek or Barbarian. See the fruit...
This was fulfilled more than once, to the perpetual reproach of the Jewish nation. Never was the like done either by Greek or Barbarian. See the fruit of being abandoned by God!

Wesley: Deu 28:63 - -- His just indignation against you will be so great, that it will be a pleasure to him to take vengeance on you. For though he doth not delight in the d...
His just indignation against you will be so great, that it will be a pleasure to him to take vengeance on you. For though he doth not delight in the death of a sinner in itself, yet he doth delight in glorifying his justice upon incorrigible sinners, seeing the exercise of all his attributes must needs please him, else he were not perfectly happy.

Wesley: Deu 28:65 - -- Ye shall have no settlement in the land whither you are banished, but there you shall be tossed about from place to place, and sold from person to per...
Ye shall have no settlement in the land whither you are banished, but there you shall be tossed about from place to place, and sold from person to person, or Cain - like, wander about.

Wesley: Deu 28:66 - -- Either because thou art in the hands of thy enemies that have power, and want no will, to destroy thee: or because of the terrors of thy own mind, and...
Either because thou art in the hands of thy enemies that have power, and want no will, to destroy thee: or because of the terrors of thy own mind, and the guilt of thy conscience making thee to fear, even where no fear is.

Wesley: Deu 28:68 - -- Which was literally fulfilled under Titus, when multitudes of them were carried thither in ships, and sold for slaves. And this expression seems to mi...
Which was literally fulfilled under Titus, when multitudes of them were carried thither in ships, and sold for slaves. And this expression seems to mind them of that time when they went over the sea without ships, God miraculously drying up the sea before them, which now they would have occasion sadly to remember.

Wesley: Deu 28:68 - -- way from Canaan to Egypt, which was wholly by land, but to be put for the end of the way or journey, even the land of Egypt, for to this, and not to t...
way from Canaan to Egypt, which was wholly by land, but to be put for the end of the way or journey, even the land of Egypt, for to this, and not to the road - way between Canaan and Egypt, agree the words here following, whereof I speak unto thee, thou shalt see it, (that is, Egypt) no more again.

Wesley: Deu 28:68 - -- Either because the number of your captives shall be so great, that the market shall be glutted with you; or because you shall be so loathsome and cont...
Either because the number of your captives shall be so great, that the market shall be glutted with you; or because you shall be so loathsome and contemptible that men shall not be willing to have you for slaves. And this was the condition of the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem, as Josephus the Jew hath left upon record. Let us all learn hence, to stand in awe and not to sin. I have heard of a wicked man (says Mr. Henry) who on reading these threatenings, was so enraged, that he tore the leaf out of his bible. But to what purpose is it, to deface a copy, while the original remains unchangeable? By which it is determined, that the wages of sin is death: yea, a death more dreadful than all that is here spoken!
JFB: Deu 28:23 - -- Strong Oriental figures used to describe the effects of long-continued drought. This want of regular and seasonable rain is allowed by the most intell...
Strong Oriental figures used to describe the effects of long-continued drought. This want of regular and seasonable rain is allowed by the most intelligent observers to be one great cause of the present sterility of Palestine.

JFB: Deu 28:24 - -- An allusion probably to the dreadful effects of tornadoes in the East, which, raising the sands in immense twisted pillars, drive them along with the ...
An allusion probably to the dreadful effects of tornadoes in the East, which, raising the sands in immense twisted pillars, drive them along with the fury of a tempest. These shifting sands are most destructive to cultivated lands; and in consequence of their encroachments, many once fertile regions of the East are now barren deserts.

JFB: Deu 28:27 - -- A troublesome eruption, marked by red pimples, to which, at the rising of the Nile, the Egyptians are subject.
A troublesome eruption, marked by red pimples, to which, at the rising of the Nile, the Egyptians are subject.

JFB: Deu 28:27 - -- The disease commonly known by that name; but it is far more malignant in the East than is ever witnessed in our part of the world.
The disease commonly known by that name; but it is far more malignant in the East than is ever witnessed in our part of the world.

JFB: Deu 28:28 - -- They would be bewildered and paralyzed with terror at the extent of their calamities.
They would be bewildered and paralyzed with terror at the extent of their calamities.

JFB: Deu 28:29-33 - -- A general description of the painful uncertainty in which they would live. During the Middle Ages the Jews were driven from society into hiding-places...
A general description of the painful uncertainty in which they would live. During the Middle Ages the Jews were driven from society into hiding-places which they were afraid to leave, not knowing from what quarter they might be assailed and their children dragged into captivity, from which no friend could rescue, and no money ransom them.

JFB: Deu 28:35 - -- This is an exact description of elephantiasis, a horrible disease, something like leprosy, which attacks particularly the lower extremities.
This is an exact description of elephantiasis, a horrible disease, something like leprosy, which attacks particularly the lower extremities.

JFB: Deu 28:36 - -- This shows how widespread would be the national calamity; and at the same time how hopeless, when he who should have been their defender shared the ca...
This shows how widespread would be the national calamity; and at the same time how hopeless, when he who should have been their defender shared the captive fate of his subjects.

JFB: Deu 28:36 - -- The Hebrew exiles, with some honorable exceptions, were seduced or compelled into idolatry in the Assyrian and Babylonish captivities (Jer 44:17-19). ...
The Hebrew exiles, with some honorable exceptions, were seduced or compelled into idolatry in the Assyrian and Babylonish captivities (Jer 44:17-19). Thus, the sin to which they had too often betrayed a perverse fondness, a deep-rooted propensity, became their punishment and their misery.

JFB: Deu 28:37 - -- The annals of almost every nation, for eighteen hundred years, afford abundant proofs that this has been, as it still is, the case--the very name of J...
The annals of almost every nation, for eighteen hundred years, afford abundant proofs that this has been, as it still is, the case--the very name of Jew being a universally recognized term for extreme degradation and wretchedness.

JFB: Deu 28:49 - -- The invasion of the Romans--"they came from far." The soldiers of the invading army were taken from France, Spain, and Britain--then considered "the e...
The invasion of the Romans--"they came from far." The soldiers of the invading army were taken from France, Spain, and Britain--then considered "the end of the earth." Julius Severus, the commander, afterwards Vespasian and Hadrian, left Britain for the scene of contest. Moreover, the ensign on the standards of the Roman army was "an eagle"; and the dialects spoken by the soldiers of the different nations that composed that army were altogether unintelligible to the Jews.

JFB: Deu 28:50 - -- A just description of the Romans, who were not only bold and unyielding, but ruthless and implacable.
A just description of the Romans, who were not only bold and unyielding, but ruthless and implacable.

JFB: Deu 28:51 - -- According to the Jewish historian, every district of the country through which they passed was strewn with the wrecks of their devastation.
According to the Jewish historian, every district of the country through which they passed was strewn with the wrecks of their devastation.

JFB: Deu 28:52 - -- All the fortified places to which the people betook themselves for safety were burnt or demolished, and the walls of Jerusalem itself razed to the gro...
All the fortified places to which the people betook themselves for safety were burnt or demolished, and the walls of Jerusalem itself razed to the ground.

JFB: Deu 28:53-57 - -- (See 2Ki 6:29; Lam 4:10). Such were the dreadful extremities to which the inhabitants during the siege were reduced that many women sustained a wretch...
(See 2Ki 6:29; Lam 4:10). Such were the dreadful extremities to which the inhabitants during the siege were reduced that many women sustained a wretched existence by eating the flesh of their own children. Parental affection was extinguished, and the nearest relatives were jealously, avoided, lest they should discover and demand a share of the revolting viands.

JFB: Deu 28:62 - -- There has been, ever since the destruction of Jerusalem, only an inconsiderable remnant of Jews existing in that land--aliens in the land of their fat...
There has been, ever since the destruction of Jerusalem, only an inconsiderable remnant of Jews existing in that land--aliens in the land of their fathers; and of all classes of the inhabitants they are the most degraded and miserable beings, dependent for their support on contributions from other lands.

JFB: Deu 28:63 - -- Hadrian issued a proclamation, forbidding any Jews to reside in Judea, or even to approach its confines.
Hadrian issued a proclamation, forbidding any Jews to reside in Judea, or even to approach its confines.

JFB: Deu 28:64 - -- There is, perhaps, not a country in the world where Jews are not to be found. Who that looks on this condition of the Hebrews is not filled with awe, ...
There is, perhaps, not a country in the world where Jews are not to be found. Who that looks on this condition of the Hebrews is not filled with awe, when he considers the fulfilment of this prophecy?

JFB: Deu 28:68 - -- The accomplishment of this prediction took place under Titus, when, according to JOSEPHUS, multitudes of Jews were transported in ships to the land of...
The accomplishment of this prediction took place under Titus, when, according to JOSEPHUS, multitudes of Jews were transported in ships to the land of the Nile, and sold as slaves. "Here, then, are instances of prophecies delivered above three thousand years ago; and yet, as we see, being fulfilled in the world at this very time; and what stronger proofs can we desire of the divine legation of Moses? How these instances may affect others I know not; but for myself, I must acknowledge, they not only convince but amaze and astonish me beyond expression; they are truly, as Moses foretold (Deu 28:45-46) they would be, 'a sign and a wonder for ever'" [BISHOP NEWTON].
Clarke: Deu 28:23 - -- Thy heaven - shall be brass, and the earth - iron - The atmosphere should not be replenished with aqueous vapours, in consequence of which they shou...
Thy heaven - shall be brass, and the earth - iron - The atmosphere should not be replenished with aqueous vapours, in consequence of which they should have neither the early nor the latter rain; hence the earth - the ground, must be wholly intractable, and, through its hardness, incapable of cultivation. God shows them by this that he is Lord of nature; and that drought and sterility are not casualties, but proceed from the immediate appointment of the Lord.

Clarke: Deu 28:24 - -- The rain of thy land powder and dust - As their heavens - atmosphere, clouds, etc., were to be as brass - yielding no rain; so the surface of the ea...
The rain of thy land powder and dust - As their heavens - atmosphere, clouds, etc., were to be as brass - yielding no rain; so the surface of the earth must be reduced to powder; and this, being frequently taken up by the strong winds, would fall down in showers instead of rain. Whole caravans have been buried under showers of sand; and Thevenot, a French traveler, who had observed these showers of dust, etc., says, "They grievously annoy all they fall on, filling their eyes, ears, nostrils, etc."- Travels in the East, part 1, book ii., chap. 80. The ophthalmia in Egypt appears to be chiefly owing to a very fine sand, the particles of which are like broken glass, which are carried about by the wind, and, entering into the ciliary glands, produce grievous and continual inflammations.

Clarke: Deu 28:27 - -- The Lord will smite thee with the botch - שחין shechin , a violent inflammatory swelling. In Job ii., one of the Hexapla versions renders it ...
The Lord will smite thee with the botch -
Est Elephas morbus, qui circum flumina Nil
Nascitur, Aegypto in media; nec praeterea usquam
Lib. vi., ver. 1112
Emerods -

Clarke: Deu 28:27 - -- Scab - brg garab does not occur as a verb in the Hebrew Bible, but gharb , in Arabic, signifies a distemper in the corner of the eye, (Castel)., a...
Scab -

Clarke: Deu 28:27 - -- Itch - חרס cheres , a burning itch, probably something of the erysipelatous kind, or what is commonly called St. Anthony’ s fire
Itch -

Clarke: Deu 28:27 - -- Whereof thou canst not be healed - For as they were inflicted by God’ s justice, they could not of course be cured by human art.
Whereof thou canst not be healed - For as they were inflicted by God’ s justice, they could not of course be cured by human art.

Clarke: Deu 28:28 - -- The Lord shall smite thee with madness - שגעון shiggaon , distraction, so that thou shalt not know what to do
The Lord shall smite thee with madness -

Clarke: Deu 28:28 - -- And blindness - עורון ivvaron , blindness, both physical and mental; the גרב garab , (Deu 28:27), destroying their eyes, and the judgments...
And blindness -

Clarke: Deu 28:28 - -- Astonishment - תמהון timmahon , stupidity and amazement. By the just judgments of God they were so completely confounded, as not to discern th...
Astonishment -

Clarke: Deu 28:29 - -- Thou shalt be only oppressed, etc. - Perhaps no people under the sun have been more oppressed and spoiled than the rebellious Jews. Indeed, this has...
Thou shalt be only oppressed, etc. - Perhaps no people under the sun have been more oppressed and spoiled than the rebellious Jews. Indeed, this has been their portion, with but little intermission, for nearly 1,800 years. And still they grope at noon day, as the blind gropeth in darkness - they do not yet discover, notwithstanding the effulgence of the light by which they are encompassed, that the rejection of their own Messiah is the cause of all their calamities.

Clarke: Deu 28:30 - -- Thou shalt betroth a wife, etc. - Can any heart imagine any thing more grievous than the evils threatened in this and the following verses? To be on...
Thou shalt betroth a wife, etc. - Can any heart imagine any thing more grievous than the evils threatened in this and the following verses? To be on the brink of all social and domestic happiness, and then to be suddenly deprived of all, and see an enemy possess and enjoy every thing that was dear to them, must excite them to the utmost pitch of distraction and madness. They have, it is true, grievously sinned; but, O ye Christians, have they not grievously suffered for it? Is not the stroke of God heavy enough upon them? Do not then, by unkind treatment or cruel Oppression, increase their miseries. They are, above all others, the men who have seen affliction by the stroke of his rod; Lam 3:1.

Clarke: Deu 28:32 - -- Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people - In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews h...
Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people - In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them by order of government, and educated in the Popish faith. There have been some instances of Jewish children being taken from their parents even in Protestant countries.

Clarke: Deu 28:35 - -- With a sore botch - שחין shechin , an inflammatory swelling, a burning boil. See Deu 28:27.||&&
Can any thing be conceived ...
With a sore botch -
Can any thing be conceived more dreadful than the calamities threatened in these verses?

Clarke: Deu 28:48 - -- Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies - Because they would not serve God, therefore they became slaves to men.
Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies - Because they would not serve God, therefore they became slaves to men.

A nation - from far - Probably the Romans

Clarke: Deu 28:49 - -- As the eagle flieth - The very animal on all the Roman standards. The Roman eagle is proverbial
As the eagle flieth - The very animal on all the Roman standards. The Roman eagle is proverbial

Clarke: Deu 28:49 - -- Whose tongue thou shalt not understand - The Latin language, than which none was more foreign to the structure and idiom of the Hebrew.
Whose tongue thou shalt not understand - The Latin language, than which none was more foreign to the structure and idiom of the Hebrew.

Clarke: Deu 28:52 - -- He - Nebuchadnezzar first, (2Ki 25:1, 2Ki 25:2, etc)., and Titus next; shall besiege thee - beset thee round on every side, and cast a trench around...
He - Nebuchadnezzar first, (2Ki 25:1, 2Ki 25:2, etc)., and Titus next; shall besiege thee - beset thee round on every side, and cast a trench around thee: viz., lines of circumvallation, as our Lord predicted; (see Mat 24:1, etc., and Luk 21:5, etc.); in all thy gates throughout all thy land - all thy fenced cities, which points out that their subjugation should be complete, as both Jerusalem and all their fortified places should be taken. This was done literally by Nebuchadnezzar and the Romans.

Clarke: Deu 28:56 - -- The tender and delicate woman - This was literally fulfilled when Jerusalem was besieged by the Romans; a woman named Mary, of a noble family, drive...

Clarke: Deu 28:57 - -- Toward her young one - and toward her children which she shall bear - There seems to be a species of tautology in the two clauses of this verse, whi...
Toward her young one - and toward her children which she shall bear - There seems to be a species of tautology in the two clauses of this verse, which may be prevented by translating the last word,

Clarke: Deu 28:64 - -- The Lord shall scatter thee among all people - How literally has this been fulfilled! The people of the Jews are scattered over every nation under h...
The Lord shall scatter thee among all people - How literally has this been fulfilled! The people of the Jews are scattered over every nation under heaven.

Clarke: Deu 28:65 - -- No ease - a trembling heart, and failing of eyes - The trembling of heart may refer to their state of continual insecurity, being, under every kind ...
No ease - a trembling heart, and failing of eyes - The trembling of heart may refer to their state of continual insecurity, being, under every kind of government, proscribed, and, even under the most mild, uncertain of toleration and protection; and the failing of eyes, to their vain and ever-disappointed expectation of the Messiah.

Clarke: Deu 28:68 - -- And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again - That is, into another state of slavery and bondage similar to that of Egypt, out of which they had ...
And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again - That is, into another state of slavery and bondage similar to that of Egypt, out of which they had been lately brought. And there ye shall be sold, that is, be exposed to sale, or expose yourself to sale as the word
The first verse of the next chapter, in some of the most correct Hebrew Bibles, makes the 69th of this; and very properly, as the second verse of the following chapter begins a new subject
This is an astonishing chapter: in it are prophecies delivered more than 3,000 years ago, and now fulfilling
O God, how immense is thy wisdom, and how profound thy counsels! To thee alone are known all thy works from the beginning to the end. What an irrefragable proof does this chapter, compared with the past and present state of the Jewish people, afford of the truth and Divine origin of the Pentateuch!
Calvin: Deu 28:23 - -- 23.And thy heaven that is over thy head. He enumerates other causes of barrenness, and especially drought. Often does God by the Prophets, desirous o...
23.And thy heaven that is over thy head. He enumerates other causes of barrenness, and especially drought. Often does God by the Prophets, desirous of giving a token of His favor towards the people, promise them the rain of autumn and of spring: the one immediately following the sowing, the other giving growth to the fruits before they begin to ripen; whilst in many passages He also threatens that it should be withheld. To this refers what He now says, that the heavens shall be of brass, and the earth of iron, because neither shall the moisture descend from heaven to fertilize the earth, whilst the earth, bound up and hardened, shall have no juice or dampness in order to production. Whence we gather, that not even a drop of rain falls to the earth except distilled by God, and that whenever it rains, the earth is irrigated as if by His hand. It must, however, be observed, as we have seen before, that the land of Canaan was not like Egypt, which was watered by the care and industry of man, but fertilized by the bounty of heaven. Thus God, by the Prophet, marks the degrees which are worthy of observation, viz., that when He is reconciled to His people, He will “hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth; and the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil;” so that, finally, all these things shall hear starving men. 240 (Hos 2:21.)
It is not superfluous that He should expressly speak of the “heaven over our head,” and the earth that is “under our feet,” for He thus indicates that His weapons are prepared both above and below to execute His vengeance, so as to assail the people on all sides. Another Prophet confirms this, although only in a brief allusion:
“Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit; and I called for a drought,” etc. (Hag 1:10.)
Another mode of expression is then used to make the same thing more sure, viz., that the rain should be turned into “powder and dust;” still this clause may be explained in two ways, either that the rain shall no more fertilize the ground than as if it were ashes; or that, instead of rain, dust should fall, as though God would dry up the rich soil by scattering ashes on it.

Calvin: Deu 28:25 - -- 25.The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies. What He had briefly threatened in His mention of “the sword,” He now more fully ...
25.The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies. What He had briefly threatened in His mention of “the sword,” He now more fully pursues, that they should be given up to the will of their enemies, so as to be indiscriminately slaughtered. We have previously seen that those who execute punishment on the transgressors of the Law, are stirred up and armed by the just judgment of God; Moses does not now touch on that point, but merely declares that the enemies of the people should be their conquerors, should cruelly entreat them and pursue them in their flight. Moreover, in order that God’s judgment might be more conspicuous, He says, that when they have gone out to battle by one way, i e. , with their army in regular order, they should return by seven ways, because, in the confusion of their flight, they should be dispersed in all directions. Hence we gather that the bravery of men is in God’s power, so that He can make cowards of the boldest whenever He so pleases. And we must bear in mind what we shall see elsewhere, “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except God had sold them and had shut them up” under their hand? (Deu 32:30.) And for this reason God calls Himself the God of hosts, in order that believers may live securely under His guardianship; whilst the wicked, and the despisers of the Law, should dread the slightest motion when He is wroth with them.
What follows, that they should be “for 241 a removing in all the kingdoms of the earth,” some take to mean that they should be a laughing-stock; because we usually shake or move our heads by way of insult; but others explain it, that they should be wanderers and vagabonds in unknown places of exile. The first exposition is the one I prefer. In Ezekiel 242 (Eze 23:46,) it is used for a tumultuous rout; nor am I indisposed to understand it in this way, that whatever nations shall assail them, they should be shaken by their slightest attacks.

Calvin: Deu 28:26 - -- 26.And thy carcase shall be meat. The punishment is here doubled by the disgrace which is added to death; for it is ignominious to be deprived of bur...
26.And thy carcase shall be meat. The punishment is here doubled by the disgrace which is added to death; for it is ignominious to be deprived of burial, and justly reckoned amongst the curses of God; whilst it is a sign of His paternal favor that we should be distinguished from the brutes, inasmuch as the rites of burial arouse us to the hope of resurrection and everlasting life. Wherefore, on the contrary, God deprives of burial those whom He curses. But as we have said that punishments affecting the body are common to the pious and the reprobate, so also we must think of being deprived of sepulture, since it sometimes happens that the reprobate are honorably buried, as Christ relates of the luxurious Dives, (Luk 16:22,) whilst the bodies of the pious are ignominiously cast a prey for birds and beasts; as the Prophet complains in Psa 79:2. Still such an interchange does not prevent God from avenging the contempt of His Law by this mode of punishment, as by pestilence, famine, or sword.

Calvin: Deu 28:27 - -- 27.The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt. Whether you understand this passage of the extraordinary plagues which God inflicted on the Egyp...
27.The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt. Whether you understand this passage of the extraordinary plagues which God inflicted on the Egyptians at the time of His people’s deliverance, or of the ordinary diseases which had before prevailed among them, though the latter is more probable, still Moses signifies, that whilst the Egyptians were smitten with these plagues, God’s people escaped them, in order that this distinction might more clearly represent His favor. For it could not happen naturally that in the same place the diseases, from which the Israelites were free, should afflict the Egyptians alone. God therefore threatens, that if they should despise His Law, He would deal with them as they had seen Him deal with heathen nations. And assuredly, since God then chose to multiply His people miraculously, it can be by no means doubted but that He wonderfully privileged them by the bestowment of health and rigor. It is doubtful whether by diseases of the fundament He signifies hemorrhoids or prolapsus, or some other secret disease, such as that which attacked the Philistines when they captured the ark of the covenant. (1Sa 5:6.) He subjoins other diseases, in which there appear special marks of God’s wrath; for although they sometimes affect the children of God also, still I have shewn elsewhere that the same punishments are so dealt out to them respectively, that they widely differ from each other. When Job was smitten with terrible ulcers, so as to become corrupt, he seemed for a time to present the marks of a reprobate person; but what in that holy man was an exercise of patience, is in the transgressors of the Law the just reward of their crimes by the curse of God.

Calvin: Deu 28:28 - -- 28.The Lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness. This punishment is very often referred to by the Prophets, when God is said to smite the wic...
28.The Lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness. This punishment is very often referred to by the Prophets, when God is said to smite the wicked with a spirit 243 of giddiness and madness, to make them drunk with astonishment. Now, whatever God declares respecting this blindness or fury of mind, has a wide application; for hence it arises that the wicked rush willfully into vile lusts, shudder at no crime, are hurried headlong to destruction, are utterly deprived of discretion, throw away the remedies which are in their hands; and although 244 the carnal sense is not greatly disturbed by this form of vengeance, still it is much more severe and awful than any bodily disease. The Poets imagined that wicked men were agitated and terrified by the furies, because experience taught them that it was not without a secret impulse from God that they became so senseless, when, their minds being affected, they were like beasts in the shape of men. Even heathens, then, perceived that when the wicked are given over to a reprobate mind, God thus manifests Himself as the just Avenger of their crimes. And so it is in all cases of “astonishment;” for it is plain that those who are thus stupified by their miseries, are prostrated by the hand of God.

Calvin: Deu 28:30 - -- 30.Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man. He here denounces that all they possessed should be rifled and plundered by their enemies. He, however...
30.Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man. He here denounces that all they possessed should be rifled and plundered by their enemies. He, however, puts the most painful thing of all in the first place, viz., that they shall be despoiled of their wives, and magnifies the enormity of the evil, by saying, that not only shall the wife be torn from her husband’s bosom, but that the betrothed virgin shall be defiled. The same denunciation is extended to their houses and vineyards. It is grievous indeed to see the fruit of our labors seized on by our enemies before we have been permitted to enjoy them; since the frustration of our hope does not slightly increase our pain. He then passes on to their flocks and their herds: then to their children, and in their case heightens the calamity, in that their sons and their daughters should be taken from them in their very sight, so that their eyes should fail with grief, and their hands, as if dead, should be unable to afford them assistance. For two reasons He says that the robbers, who shall strip them of everything, should be unknown to them; both because they might expect less consideration and kindness from strangers and barbarians than from neighbors; and also that the Jews might be alarmed by this threat, so as not to suppose that they only had to deal with neighboring nations; inasmuch as it was in God’s power to fetch nations from afar. Finally, He adds that there shall be no end to their affliction, until the magnitude of their calamities 245 shall stupify them.

Calvin: Deu 28:35 - -- 35.The Lord shall smite thee in the knees. Since death is common to the whole human race, they must needs also be all subject to disease; nor is it a...
35.The Lord shall smite thee in the knees. Since death is common to the whole human race, they must needs also be all subject to disease; nor is it a matter of surprise that the whole posterity of Adam, which is infected with the taint of sin, should so be liable to many afflictions, which are the wages of sin. But, since the offenses of all are not alike, God also maintains a just proportion in the execution of His various punishments; thus, in this passage He does not speak only of common maladies, but of those whereby He openly shews His vengeance against the transgressors of the Law; of which sort are incurable diseases.

Calvin: Deu 28:36 - -- 36.The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king. The fulfillment of this prophecy at length taught the Jews, though too late, that it was no empty threat,...
36.The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king. The fulfillment of this prophecy at length taught the Jews, though too late, that it was no empty threat, merely for the purpose of frightening them; and this also applies to the other predictions. For, on account of the great distance from them, the Jews would never have supposed that the Assyrians and Chaldeans were God’s scourges, as they actually found them to be; because they placed no faith in the words of Moses. Much less credible was it to them that the king, whom they had appointed, should be dragged as a prisoner to distant countries. And surely this was a very sad and formidable punishment, since all their safety depended on the stability of their kingly government. Thus Jeremiah magnifies this evil above all others, that the Christ of God, who was the breath of the Church, and under whose shadow they hoped to be everywhere safe, should be taken. 246 (Lam 4:20.) And this was fulfilled in the case of Jeconiah, as well as in that of Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. Let us, therefore, learn not to measure God’s judgments by our own reason, but to tremble at them, although they are hidden from us. All aggravation of their captivity is also added, i e. , that they should be oppressed by such tyranny as to be compelled to serve wood and stone. Dull and stupid as they were, still they ought to have retained their abomination of such gross wickedness. Hence it might be gathered that they would not be reduced to such a necessity except by the terrible vengeance of God. For although they had been attracted by the superstitions of the Gentiles, so as eagerly to run after them, still, after they were deprived of the worship of God, and had undergone the yoke of the wretched and ungodly servitude which was imposed on them, the foulness of idolatry must have been more fully understood. There is also an antithesis implied in these words, viz., that because they had refused to submit themselves to the true God, and to obey His Law, they should become the slaves of idols.

Calvin: Deu 28:37 - -- 37.And thou shalt become an astonishment. The climax of their miseries is here added, that they should be so far from receiving consolation from men,...
37.And thou shalt become an astonishment. The climax of their miseries is here added, that they should be so far from receiving consolation from men, that on every side their misery should meet with taunts and insults; for nothing more bitterly wounds the wretched than this indignity of being harassed by reproaches and sarcasms; and thus to be a laughing-stock and byword to all nations, is a dreadful infliction. Again, there is an implied antithesis between the ignominy to which God condemns His ungrateful people, and the extraordinary dignity with which He had honored them, so that they should be illustrious before the whole world. Hence the Prophets have often imitated this mode of expression; I will not quote the instances of it which everywhere occur.

Calvin: Deu 28:38 - -- 38.Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field. He again makes mention of the scarcity of wine, of wheat, and all sorts of corn; but He assigns dif...
38.Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field. He again makes mention of the scarcity of wine, of wheat, and all sorts of corn; but He assigns different causes for it. He proclaims that the harvest shall be scanty, notwithstanding an abundant sowing, because the locust shall consume the seed; that the vintage shall be poor, nay, almost nothing, because the worms shall devour the bunches; that the oil produced should be little, because the olives should wither on the trees and fall of themselves. Thus He admonishes them that He has at hand innumerable ministers ( satellites) wherewith to destroy by famine the transgressors of His Law. Thus, whenever we see beetles, and locusts, and other insects attacking the fruits, we should remember that God, as it were, puts forth His arm to take away the food which He had given: thus Joel reminds us, that when the locust eats that which the palmer-worm hath left, and another insect that which the locust hath left, the curse of God is sufficiently conspicuous. 247 (Joe 1:4.) Philosophers discover the reason why more of these little creatures are generated in one year than another; but we must remember the teaching of Moses, that they never trouble us except by God’s command. For if we were submissive to God, as we ought to be, such a prodigy would never happen as that vile and filthy insects should devour the fruits of the earth which He Himself has provided for the sustenance of His children.

Calvin: Deu 28:43 - -- 43.The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee. This also was no doubtful mark of God’s wrath, that the sojourners who dwelt in the la...
43.The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee. This also was no doubtful mark of God’s wrath, that the sojourners who dwelt in the land of Canaan by sufferance should in a manner become its masters; for we know how those who are in debt are under the power of their creditors. In fact, what Solomon says is found to be true, that
“the rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant
to the lender.” (Pro 22:7.)
The Israelites, therefore, must have felt that God was contrary to them, when they were suppliants to their own guests, especially since He had promised that He would so enrich them that they should lend to others. This revolution of affairs, then, plainly convinced them of their iniquities. Meanwhile, it must be observed that poverty as well as wealth is in God’s hands, and that whilst the latter is a proof of God’s favour the former is reckoned amongst His curses; still, however, in such a manner that God often chastises His own children with want, or proves and exercises their patience without ceasing to be their Father, whilst he bestows abundance upon the reprobate, wherewith they may gorge themselves to their own destruction. God’s blessing, however, shines forth in the elect, as far as it is expedient for them; nor is it said in vain in the Psalm, “Wealth and riches are in the house (of the just,”) in order that he may lend and be bountiful. (Psa 112:3.)

Calvin: Deu 28:45 - -- 45.Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee. He not only confirms what he has already said, but takes away all hope of alleviation, since God...
45.Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee. He not only confirms what he has already said, but takes away all hope of alleviation, since God’s scourges shall not cease until they have repented. He declares that all the curses shall come upon them; for although they are not always congregated into a single band, still it is true that God pays the wages of the transgressors of His Law with this multitude of miseries which Moses has recounted. By the word pursue, he takes away all hope of escape, whilst to overtake is equivalent to laying hold of them tenaciously, till, as it is further said, they be destroyed. The sum is, that the ungodly by their subterfuges only bring it to pass that they accumulate upon themselves heavier punishments, which will never cease to afflict them until they are destroyed by them. For this reason, he says that they shall be “for a sign and a wonder,” i e. , that they shall awaken astonishment in all men; for those who are but little moved by the common and ordinary judgments of God, are compelled, whether they will or no, to give attention to these prodigies. Thus, notable punishments, and such as are worthy of special observation, are “for a sign and a wonder.”
Their ingratitude is also reproved as well as their contempt of the Law, because they served not God “with joyfulness and gladness of heart,” when He had been so abundantly generous to them; for it is the fault of a corrupt and malignant nature, that it should not be possible to bring it to serve God joyfully, when He invites us by His liberality. But Moses takes it for granted that, since God will prevent the Israelites with His favor, before He proceeds to inflict punishments upon them, they will be guilty of this brutal sin, not to allow themselves to be liberally sustained by Him.

Calvin: Deu 28:49 - -- 49.The Lord shall bring a nation against them from far. He enforces the same threatenings in different words, viz., that unknown and barbarous enemie...
49.The Lord shall bring a nation against them from far. He enforces the same threatenings in different words, viz., that unknown and barbarous enemies should come, who shall attack them with great impetuosity and violence. And still further to aggravate their cruelty, He says that their language shall be a strange one; for, when there can be no oral communication, there is no room for entreaties, which sometimes awaken the most savage to mercy. But Jeremiah shews that this was fulfilled in the case of the Chaldeans;
“Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel; it is a mighty nation, a nation whose language thou howest not, neither understandest what they say.” (Jer 5:15.)
On the other hand, when Isaiah promises them deliverance, he mentions this among the chief of their blessings, that the Jews should “not see a fierce people,” that they should not hear
“a people of deeper speech than they could perceive, of a stammering tongue 248 that they could not understand.” (Isa 33:19.)
For, as I have elsewhere said, the Prophets were careful to take their form of expression from Moses, lest the Jews should, according to their custom, proudly despise the threats which God had interwoven with His Law.
Lest the distance of their countries should lull them into security, He says that they should be like eagles in swiftness, so as suddenly to overwhelm them, just as God often compares the ministers of His wrath to the whirlwind and the storm. Jeremiah has also imitated this similitude, where he declares that the slaughter which the Jews in their false imagination had supposed to be far away from them, should come suddenly upon them. (Jer 4:13.)
Moses adds, that this nation shall be “strong of face, 249 which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favor to the young,” whereby he signifies their extreme ferocity. I have already expounded what follows respecting their rapine and plunder.

Calvin: Deu 28:52 - -- 52.And he shall besiege thee in thy gates. He overthrows every ground of false confidence. The number of their towns inspired them with courage, beca...
52.And he shall besiege thee in thy gates. He overthrows every ground of false confidence. The number of their towns inspired them with courage, because they never would have supposed that their enemies would undergo so much fatigue as not to cease from fighting till they were all taken. He therefore includes all their towns, in reliance upon whose multitude they despised hostile aggression. He adds, that in vain they trust in their high and fortified walls, which will be either overthrown by military engines, or shall voluntarily surrender from the length of their besiegal; for the passage may be explained in both ways, either that the enemies shall overthrow and lay prostrate all their fortresses, or that by their perseverance they shall pass over the walls however high. It seems to me that the length of the siege as well as their valiant fighting is indicated. The repetition which follows magnifies the evil, viz., that they shall be thus sorely pressed in their own land given them by God; for the very associations of the place only increased the indignity.

Calvin: Deu 28:53 - -- 53.And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body. This is one of those portents which was mentioned a little while ago; for it is an act of ferocity...
53.And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body. This is one of those portents which was mentioned a little while ago; for it is an act of ferocity detestable and more than tragical, that fathers and mothers should eat their own offspring, so great love of which is naturally implanted in every heart, that parents often forget themselves in their anxiety for their children; and many have not hesitated to die to insure their safety. Nay, when the brute animals so carefully cherish their young, what can be more disgusting or abominable than that men should cease to care for their own blood? But this is the most monstrous of all atrocities, when fathers and mothers devour the offspring which they have procreated, and yet this threat by no means failed of its fulfillment, as we have elsewhere seen. We ought then to be the more alarmed when we see that God thus terribly punished the sins of those whom He had deigned to choose for His own. Still, it was not without very just cause that this wrath was so greatly kindled against the Jews who had left no kind of iniquity undone, so that their wickedness was altogether intolerable. Never, then, must it be forgotten that those of the household of the Church to whom God’s truth is revealed, are on that account the less excusable, because they knowingly and willfully provoke His wrath, whilst their continued perseverance in sin is altogether unworthy of pardon. The monstrous brutality of the act is heightened, when He says that men, in other respects tender and accustomed to delicacies, should be so savage through hunger that they shall refuse to give a share of this horrible food to their wives and surviving children; as also Jeremiah expressly says, the pitiful women shall be so maddened by hunger as to cook their own children. (Lam 4:10.) What follows as to the after-birth is still more horrible, for thus they call the membrane by which the foetus is covered in the womb, with all its excrements. That they should dress for food a filthy skin, the very look of which is disgusting, plainly demonstrates the awfulness of God’s vengeance.

Calvin: Deu 28:58 - -- 58.If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law. Inasmuch as even believers, although they are disposed to a willing obedience to the Law...
58.If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law. Inasmuch as even believers, although they are disposed to a willing obedience to the Law, and earnestly apply themselves to it, are still impeded and withheld by the infirmity of their flesh from fulfilling their duty, care and attention is here demanded of them; for “to observe ( custodire) to do” is equivalent to giving sedulous and diligent heed. Now, God declares that, unless the Israelites thoroughly devote themselves to the keeping of the Law, vengeance is prepared for their neglect. It is indeed a harsh and severe threat whereby transgression in any respect is without remission; for perfect obedience is required by the words, “to do all the words that are written in the Law.” But it is necessary that we should bear in mind what I have already shewn, that Moses was thus severe in his exactions, in order that the people, being convinced of their condemnation, should betake themselves to the mercy of God; for no one longs after Christ, unless he first abandons all confidence in his works, and rests all his hope of salvation in gratuitous pardon. The curse here recorded so awaits the transgressors of the Law, that, whilst God pardons His children, He at the same time sometimes chastises them, and executes upon the reprobate the vengeance they deserve. The fountain-head of obedience is indicated when it is said, “that thou mayest fear the Lord;” for all virtues are but smoke, which do not spring from the fear of God. Moreover, in order that their contempt may be without excuse, God’s name is called “glorious and fearful;” for it is a mark of gross stupidity, when God’s majesty and glory are openly set before us, not to be affected with becoming reverence so as to humble ourselves before Him. He, however, threatens something more terrible than before, when he says that the plagues shall be wonderful not only on the parents but on their children and descendants; instead of which some construe it, 250 He shall increase in a wonderful manner; and others, He shall separate; but this is too constrained and obscure. The word
He again mentions “the diseases of Egypt,” not those which they had themselves suffered in Egypt, but those under which they had seen the Egyptians laboring. He says, therefore, that the severity of God against unbelievers, of which they had been spectators, should fall upon their own heads, if they should be followers of their ungodliness; for it was natural that they should tremble at the judgments of God, whereof they had been eye-witnesses; and not only so, but at which they had trembled for fear.

Calvin: Deu 28:61 - -- 61.Also every sickness and every plague. This passage confirms what I have said about the plague and the sickness, for the sickness stands first as t...
61.Also every sickness and every plague. This passage confirms what I have said about the plague and the sickness, for the sickness stands first as the species, and then the plague follows, which has a wider meaning, and comprehends all the curses in itself. Still, after he has enumerated so many forms of punishment, he declares that God is armed with yet other weapons to smite them; and assuredly as His blessings are endless and innumerable, so also His power is incomprehensible for avenging the contempt of His Law. Posterity has experienced, and we also even now partly perceive how true these threatenings were; for, as the obstinacy of men has burst forth and exalted itself more and more, so new and unheard of punishments have abounded from God, like a deluge.

Calvin: Deu 28:62 - -- 62.And ye shall be left few in number. Since it had been promised to Abraham that his seed should be like the stars of heaven in multitude, it was a ...
62.And ye shall be left few in number. Since it had been promised to Abraham that his seed should be like the stars of heaven in multitude, it was a signal token of God’s wrath that his posterity should be reduced 252 to so small a number; thus the comparison which is here made for the purpose of heightening their calamity, must not simply be referred to the “multitude” or great band, and the “fewness in number,” but must be extended to the promise, the truth of which had been clearly manifested; so that, on the other hand, they might perceive that their former populousness could only have been put an end to, like waters dried up by the excessive heat of the sun, through the wrath of God.

Calvin: Deu 28:63 - -- 63.And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you. The wonderful and inestimable love of God towards His people is here set forth, via...
63.And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you. The wonderful and inestimable love of God towards His people is here set forth, via, that He had rejoiced in heaping blessings upon them; wherefore their depravity was all the more base and intolerable, in that God, though voluntarily disposed to be bountiful, was obliged by it to lay aside His affection for them. But although it is only by a metaphor that God is said to rejoice in destroying the wicked, yet it is not without good reason that this expression is applied to him; that we may know that He can no more fail to be the defender of His Law, and the Avenger of its contempt, than deny Himself. He complains, indeed, by Isaiah, (Isa 10:24) that He is unwillingly forced to punish the Jews; but these two things are quite consistent, that He rejoices in His just judgment, and at the same time is mindful of His clemency and indulgence, so that He would rather pardon, if the wickedness of men would allow Him. But this expression of Moses, that God receives consolation from punishing the wicked, constantly occurs in the Prophets.

Calvin: Deu 28:64 - -- 64.And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people. At the end of the preceding verse, he had threatened them with banishment, which was far more pa...
64.And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people. At the end of the preceding verse, he had threatened them with banishment, which was far more painful to the people of Israel than to other nations. Inasmuch as affection for our country is natural to all, it is disagreeable to be away from it; but the condition of the Israelitish people was peculiar, for to them the inheritance of Canaan was promised them by God, and they could not be expelled from it without being renounced by their heavenly Father. But he now proceeds a second and third step further; for he adds to banishment a miserable scattering, and to scattering, trembling and wanderings full of disquietude. For, if they had been expelled all together into any one corner of the world, their banishment would have been more tolerarable from their very association with each other. Their calamity is, therefore, augmented when the storm of God’s wrath scatters them hither and thither like chaff, so that they should be dispersed, and dwell in widely different countries. Another kind of servitude, which I have elsewhere noticed, is incidentally added, i e. , that He would enslave them not only to men, but to idols also. The third step is their want of rest, for there was to be no fixed abode for them in their captivity; and this is far the most wretched state of all, to serve tyrannical conquerors as captives, and to have no certain master. Still it was a most just reward of the people’s ingratitude, that they should nowhere find a fixed resting-place, because they had rejected the rest offered them by God, as we read in Isaiah (Isa 28:12) He, however, extends the evil, bitter as it was in itself, still further, for they were not only to be compelled to wander in confusion, and immediately to pass onwards, but, wheresoever they should come, inward perturbation of mind was to follow them as their inseparable companion. Now, it is more sad to be agitated within with secret fear, than to be oppressed by external violence; for believers, although they too may be unsettled and tossed by many troublesome waves, still repose with tranquil minds on God; whilst the wicked, however they may desire to lull themselves in security, are nevertheless always without true peace; and if, for a while, they sink into lethargy, are still soon compelled to arouse themselves by God whether they will or not. Surely as the repose of a well-regulated mind is a signal mark of God’s favor, so a constant and irremediable fear, such as is here referred to, is one of His terrible punishments.
Since the fear of spiritual punishments but lightly affects ungodly men, Moses magnifies in many words what the Israelites would else have carelessly passed over. Especially he points out what dreadful torments of anxiety would affect the wicked, when he says that their life should hang in suspense, as it were, before their eyes, so that they should fear day and night. An amusing device is related of Dionysius, 253 who commanded an exquisite supper, supplied with every delicacy, to be prepared for a courtly flatterer by whom his happiness had been lauded; he placed him in his own seat, so 254 that he might feast pleasantly, but ordered a sword to be suspended by a thread so as to overhang his head, insomuch that he who had pronounced the tyrant to be happy, when he saw that death was so near him every moment, did not dare to taste either of meat or drink. Dionysius, therefore, confessed, and not without shame to himself, that he and all other tyrants, whilst they are formidable to others, are tormented by perpetual fear. Now, this same disquietude is common to all the despisers of God; for the more wantonly they rage in forgetfulness of His fear, the more deservedly they dread their own shadow. Besides, when we look around us and see by how many forms of death our lives are beset, it cannot be but that innumerable anxieties should naturally possess us; how, then, can the wicked help being harassed by miserable and perplexing doubts when they perceive themselves to be shut out from the protection of God, and exposed to so many evils? Tranquillity of mind, therefore, can only arise from having God as our Keeper, and from resting under His protection.
By the words, “the sight of thine eyes,” I have no doubt but that Moses designates those spectres 255 and bug-bears whereby death is set before the eyes of the reprobate.

Calvin: Deu 28:68 - -- 68.And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships. We know that the people were so driven about in the desert amidst divers perils, that t...
68.And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships. We know that the people were so driven about in the desert amidst divers perils, that they only escaped from it in safety by extraordinary miracles. It was therefore a thing most highly to be desired by their posterity, that they should never be carried back into those mighty depths. He who had once rescued them from those deaths might indeed often be their deliverer; but in order to make His blessing at that time more memorable, He had provided that they should never return into that wilderness. To bring them back into it again, was, then, in a manner to blot out the grace of redemption. If any object that it was impossible that the people should be conveyed in ships through dry places, the reply is easy, that since mention is made of the captivity, there is no absurdity in their being carried in ships and landed on the shore which 256 belongs to the plain of Moab, so as to finish their journey by wandering through the desert on foot.
Finally, he shews how melancholy their condition would be, since they would desire to sell themselves to their enemies, and would find none to buy them on account of their vileness.
Defender: Deu 28:37 - -- Here is another prophecy dealing with Israel remarkably fulfilled over a thousand years later. Not only was it continuously fulfilled during the almos...
Here is another prophecy dealing with Israel remarkably fulfilled over a thousand years later. Not only was it continuously fulfilled during the almost 1900 years when the people of Israel had no homeland, but even with the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948, Israel continues to be "an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations," and most of its people, worldwide, continue to believe in the evolutionary "gods" of nature."

Defender: Deu 28:66 - -- During their long exile, the people of Israel would be subject to severe persecution in many nations. This prophecy has been literally fulfilled again...
During their long exile, the people of Israel would be subject to severe persecution in many nations. This prophecy has been literally fulfilled again and again, even into modern times (the Nazi holocaust), with apparently more yet to come in the last days, during the great tribulation."
TSK -> Deu 28:23; Deu 28:24; Deu 28:25; Deu 28:26; Deu 28:27; Deu 28:28; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:30; Deu 28:31; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:33; Deu 28:34; Deu 28:35; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:37; Deu 28:38; Deu 28:39; Deu 28:40; Deu 28:41; Deu 28:42; Deu 28:43; Deu 28:44; Deu 28:45; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:47; Deu 28:48; Deu 28:49; Deu 28:50; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:52; Deu 28:53; Deu 28:54; Deu 28:55; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:58; Deu 28:59; Deu 28:60; Deu 28:61; Deu 28:62; Deu 28:63; Deu 28:64; Deu 28:65; Deu 28:66; Deu 28:67; Deu 28:68
TSK: Deu 28:23 - -- The language here is remarkable: ""Thy heaven;""that part of the atmosphere which was over Judea, instead of being replenished with aqueous vapours, ...
The language here is remarkable: ""Thy heaven;""that part of the atmosphere which was over Judea, instead of being replenished with aqueous vapours, should become, with respect to moisture, like brass, and consequently their land would become as hard as iron, and wholly incapable of cultivation; while the clouds might give showers in abundance, and the earth be moist and fruitful in other regions.

TSK: Deu 28:24 - -- make the rain : This was a natural consequence of their heaven’ s being brass, or yielding no rain; for the surface of the earth being reduced to...
make the rain : This was a natural consequence of their heaven’ s being brass, or yielding no rain; for the surface of the earth being reduced to powder, and frequently taken up by strong winds, would fall down in showers instead of rain. These showers of sand frequently, in the East, bury whole caravans. Deu 28:12; Gen 19:24; Job 18:15-21; Isa 5:24; Amo 4:11

TSK: Deu 28:25 - -- cause thee : Deu 28:7, Deu 32:30; Lev 26:17, Lev 26:36, Lev 26:37; Isa 30:17
removed : Heb. for a removing, Jer 15:2-9, Jer 24:9, Jer 29:18, Jer 34:17...

TSK: Deu 28:26 - -- 1Sa 17:44-46; Psa 79:1-3; Isa 34:3; Jer 7:33, Jer 8:1, Jer 16:4, Jer 19:7, Jer 34:20; Eze 39:17-20

TSK: Deu 28:27 - -- the botch : Deu 28:35; Exo 9:9, Exo 9:11, Exo 15:26
emerods : 1Sa 5:6, 1Sa 5:9, 1Sa 5:12; Psa 78:66
scab : Lev 13:2-8, Lev 21:20; Isa 3:17

TSK: Deu 28:28 - -- 1Sa 16:14; Psa 60:3; Isa 6:9, Isa 6:10, Isa 19:11-17, Isa 43:19; Jer 4:9; Eze 4:17; Luk 21:25, Luk 21:26; Act 13:41; 2Th 2:9-11

TSK: Deu 28:29 - -- grope : Job 5:14, Job 12:25; Psa 69:23, Psa 69:24; Isa 59:10; Lam 5:17; Zep 1:17; Rom 11:7-10, Rom 11:25; 2Co 4:3, 2Co 4:4
thou shalt be : Jdg 3:14, J...
grope : Job 5:14, Job 12:25; Psa 69:23, Psa 69:24; Isa 59:10; Lam 5:17; Zep 1:17; Rom 11:7-10, Rom 11:25; 2Co 4:3, 2Co 4:4
thou shalt be : Jdg 3:14, Jdg 4:2, Jdg 4:3, Jdg 6:1-6, Jdg 10:8, Jdg 13:1; 1Sa 13:5-7, 1Sa 13:19-22; Neh 9:26-29, Neh 9:37; Psa 106:40-42; Lam 5:8; Act 21:24

TSK: Deu 28:30 - -- betroth : Deu 20:6, Deu 20:7; Job 31:10; Jer 8:10; Hos 4:2
build : Job 3:18; Isa 5:9, Isa 5:10, Isa 65:21, Isa 65:22; Jer 12:13; Lam 5:2; Amo 5:11; Mi...

TSK: Deu 28:32 - -- sons : In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be...
sons : In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be educated in the Popish faith. Deu 28:18, Deu 28:41; Num 21:29; 2Ch 29:9; Neh 5:2-5; Jer 15:7-9, Jer 16:2-4; Eze 24:25; Joe 3:6; Amo 5:27; Mic 4:10
fail : Deu 28:65; Job 11:20, Job 17:5; Psa 69:3, Psa 119:82, Psa 119:123; Isa 38:14; Lam 2:11, Lam 4:17; Lam 5:17

TSK: Deu 28:33 - -- The fruit : Deu 28:30, Deu 28:51; Lev 26:16; Neh 9:36, Neh 9:37; Isa 1:7; Jer 5:17, Jer 8:16
thou shalt be : Deu 28:29; Jer 4:17

TSK: Deu 28:36 - -- bring thee : 2Ki 17:4-6, 2Ki 24:12-15, 2Ki 25:6, 2Ki 25:7, 2Ki 25:11; 2Ch 33:11, 2Ch 36:6, 2Ch 36:17, 2Ch 36:20; Isa 39:7; Jer 22:11, Jer 22:12, Jer 2...
bring thee : 2Ki 17:4-6, 2Ki 24:12-15, 2Ki 25:6, 2Ki 25:7, 2Ki 25:11; 2Ch 33:11, 2Ch 36:6, 2Ch 36:17, 2Ch 36:20; Isa 39:7; Jer 22:11, Jer 22:12, Jer 22:24-27, Jer 24:8-10, Jer 39:5-7, Jer 52:8-11; Lam 4:20; Eze 12:12, Eze 12:13
there shalt thou : The Israelites, who were carried captive by the Assyrians, and many of the Jews in Chaldea, were finally incorporated with the nations among whom they lived, and were given up to their idolatry. It is probable, however, that this refers to Jews being compelled, in Popish countries, to conceal their religion, and profess that of the Romish church Deu 28:64, Deu 4:28; Jer 16:13; Eze 20:32, Eze 20:33, Eze 20:39

TSK: Deu 28:37 - -- become : Deu 28:28, Deu 29:22-28; 1Ki 9:7, 1Ki 9:8; 2Ch 7:20; Psa 44:13, Psa 44:14; Jer 24:9, Jer 25:9; Joe 2:17 *marg. Zec 8:13
a proverb : The name ...
become : Deu 28:28, Deu 29:22-28; 1Ki 9:7, 1Ki 9:8; 2Ch 7:20; Psa 44:13, Psa 44:14; Jer 24:9, Jer 25:9; Joe 2:17 *marg. Zec 8:13
a proverb : The name of Jew has long been a proverbial mark of detestation and contempt among all the nations whither they have been dispersed, and is so to this day, whether among Christians, Mohmammedans, or Pagans.

TSK: Deu 28:38 - -- shalt carry : Isa 5:10; Mic 6:15; Hag 1:6
for the locust : Exo 10:14, Exo 10:15; Joe 1:4, Joe 2:3, Joe 2:25; Amo 4:9, Amo 7:1, Amo 7:2

TSK: Deu 28:41 - -- thou shalt not enjoy them : Heb. they shall not be thine, for. Deu 28:32; 2Ki 24:14; Lam 1:5

TSK: Deu 28:43 - -- Jdg 2:3, Jdg 2:11-15, Jdg 4:2, Jdg 4:3, Jdg 10:7-10, Jdg 14:4, Jdg 15:11, Jdg 15:12; 1Sa 13:3-7, 1Sa 13:19-23; 2Ki 17:20, 2Ki 17:23, 2Ki 24:14-16; Joh...

TSK: Deu 28:45 - -- Moreover : Deu 28:5, Deu 28:15, Deu 29:20, Deu 29:21; Lev 26:28; 2Ki 17:20; Pro 13:21; Isa 1:20, Isa 65:14, Isa 65:15; Jer 24:9, Jer 24:10; Lam 2:15-1...

TSK: Deu 28:46 - -- a sign : Deu 28:37, Deu 28:59, Deu 29:20, Deu 29:28; Isa 8:18; Jer 19:8, Jer 25:18; Eze 14:8, Eze 23:32, Eze 23:33; Eze 36:20; 1Co 10:11

TSK: Deu 28:48 - -- serve : 2Ch 12:8; Neh 9:35-37; Jer 5:19, Jer 17:4; Eze 17:3, Eze 17:7, Eze 17:12
in hunger : Jer 44:17, Jer 44:18, Jer 44:22, Jer 44:27; Lam 5:2-6; Ez...

TSK: Deu 28:49 - -- bring a nation : Though the Chaldeans are frequently described under the figure of an eagle, yet these verses especially predict the desolations broug...
bring a nation : Though the Chaldeans are frequently described under the figure of an eagle, yet these verses especially predict the desolations brought on the Jews by the Romans; who came from a country far more distant than Chaldea; whose conquests were as rapid as the eagle’ s flight, and whose standard bore this very figure; who spake a language to which the Jews were then entire strangers, being wholly unlike the Hebrew, of which the Chaldee was merely a dialect; whose appearance and victories were terrible; and whose yoke was a yoke of iron; and the havoc which they made tremendous. Num 24:24; Isa 5:26-30; Jer 5:15-17; Dan 6:22, Dan 6:23, Dan 9:26; Hab 1:6, Hab 1:7; Luk 19:43, Luk 19:44
as the eagle : Jer 4:13, Jer 48:40, Jer 49:22; Lam 4:19; Eze 17:3, Eze 17:12; Hos 8:1; Mat 24:28
a nation whose : Jer 5:15; Eze 3:6; 1Co 14:21
understand : Heb. hear

TSK: Deu 28:50 - -- of fierce countenance : Heb. strong of face, Pro 7:13; Ecc 8:1 *marg. Dan 7:7, Dan 8:23
shall not : 2Ch 36:17; Isa 47:6; Hos 13:16; Luk 19:44, Luk 21:...

TSK: Deu 28:51 - -- the fruit : Deu 28:33; Isa 1:7, Isa 62:8
which also : Lev 26:26; Jer 15:13, Jer 17:3; Eze 12:19; Hab 3:16, Hab 3:17

TSK: Deu 28:52 - -- Lev 26:25; 2Ki 17:1-6, 2Ki 18:13, 2Ki 24:10, 2Ki 24:11, 2Ki 25:1-4; Isa 1:7, Isa 62:8; Jer 21:4-7, Jer 37:8, Jer 39:1-3, Jer 52:4-7; Eze 4:1-8; Dan 9:...

TSK: Deu 28:53 - -- the fruit : Deu 28:18, Deu 28:55, Deu 28:57; Lev 26:29; 2Ki 6:28, 2Ki 6:29; Jer 19:9; Lam 2:20, Lam 4:10; Eze 5:10; Mat 24:19
body : Heb. belly

TSK: Deu 28:54 - -- his eye : Deu 15:9; Pro 23:6, Pro 28:22; Mat 20:15
and toward : The Roman armies at length besieged, sacked, and utterly desolated Jerusalem, and duri...
his eye : Deu 15:9; Pro 23:6, Pro 28:22; Mat 20:15
and toward : The Roman armies at length besieged, sacked, and utterly desolated Jerusalem, and during this seige, the famine was so extreme, that even rich and delicate persons, both men and women, ate their own children, and concealed the horrible repast, lest others should tear it from them! ""Women snatched the food out of the very mouths of their husbands, and sons of their fathers, and (what is most miserable) mothers of their infants.""""In every house, if there appeared any semblance of food, a battle ensued, and the dearest friends and relations fought with one another; snatching away the miserable provisions of life.""""A woman distinguished by birth and wealth, after she had been plundered by the tyrants (or soldiers) of all her possessions, boiling her own sucking child, ate half of him, and concealing the other half, reserved it for another time!""Deu 13:6; 2Sa 12:3; Mic 7:5
his children : Psa 103:13; Isa 49:15; Mat 7:9-11; Luk 11:11-13

TSK: Deu 28:57 - -- young one : Heb. after-birth
cometh out : Gen 49:10; Isa 49:15
for she shall : Deu 28:53

TSK: Deu 28:58 - -- If thou wilt : Deu 28:15; Lev 26:14, Lev 26:15; Jer 7:9, Jer 7:10, Jer 7:26-28
fear this glorious : Deu 6:13; Exo 3:14, Exo 3:15, Exo 6:2, Exo 6:3, Ex...

TSK: Deu 28:59 - -- Deu 28:46, Deu 29:20-28, Deu 31:17, Deu 31:18, Deu 32:22, Deu 32:26; 1Ki 9:7-9, 1Ki 16:3, 1Ki 16:4; Lam 1:9, Lam 1:12; Lam 4:12; Dan 9:12; Hos 3:4; Ma...

TSK: Deu 28:62 - -- few in number : In the seige of Jerusalem there died 1,100,000 persons, and more than 90,000 were carried captive; and, having afterwards provoked the...
few in number : In the seige of Jerusalem there died 1,100,000 persons, and more than 90,000 were carried captive; and, having afterwards provoked the Romans by their crimes and rebellions, they persecuted them nearly to extirpation; to which, if the tens of thousands which were slaughtered year after year in every country be added, it appears wonderful that there were any remains left. Deu 4:27; Lev 26:22; 2Ki 13:7, 2Ki 24:14; Neh 7:4; Isa 1:9, Isa 24:6; Jer 42:2; Jer 52:28-30; Mar 13:20; Rom 9:27-29

TSK: Deu 28:63 - -- rejoiced over : Deu 30:9; Isa 62:5; Jer 32:41; Mic 7:18; Zep 3:17; Luk 15:6-10, Luk 15:23, Luk 15:24, Luk 15:32
rejoice over : Pro 1:26; Isa 1:24; Eze...

TSK: Deu 28:64 - -- scatter : Deu 4:27, Deu 4:28; Lev 26:33; Neh 1:8; Jer 16:13, Jer 50:17; Eze 11:16, Eze 11:17; Luk 21:24
there thou shalt : Deu 28:36; Jer 16:13

TSK: Deu 28:65 - -- among : After the conquest of their country by the Romans, Hadrian, by a public decree, ratified by the senate, forbad any Jew to come even within sig...
among : After the conquest of their country by the Romans, Hadrian, by a public decree, ratified by the senate, forbad any Jew to come even within sight of Judea; and hence they were dispersed over every quarter of the globe, where they found no alleviation or respite from misery. In no country are they treated as denizens; all suspect them as enemies, and behave to them as aliens; if they do not, as had been too frequently the case, harass, oppress, and persecute them, even unto death.
shalt thou : Gen 8:9; Isa 57:21; Eze 5:12-17, Eze 20:32-35; Amo 9:4, Amo 9:9, Amo 9:10
the Lord : Lev 26:36; Isa 51:17; Eze 12:18, Eze 12:19; Hos 11:10, Hos 11:11; Hab 3:16; Luk 21:26
failing of eyes : Lev 26:16; Isa 65:14; Lam 3:65; Mat 24:8; Rom 11:10

TSK: Deu 28:68 - -- bring thee into Egypt : This verse seems especially to point out an event, which took place subsequently to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and...
bring thee into Egypt : This verse seems especially to point out an event, which took place subsequently to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and the desolation made by Hadrian. Numbers of the captives were sent by sea into Egypt (as well as into other countries), and sold for slaves at a vile price, and for the meanest offices; and many thousands were left to perish from want; for the multitude was so great, that purchasers could not be found for them all at any price! Deu 17:16; Jer 43:7, Jer 44:12; Hos 8:13, Hos 9:3
there ye shall : Exo 20:2; Neh 5:8; Est 7:4; Joe 3:3-7; Luk 21:24

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Deu 28:15-68
Barnes: Deu 28:15-68 - -- The curses correspond in form and number Deu 28:15-19 to the blessings Deu 28:3-6, and the special modes in which these threats should be executed a...
The curses correspond in form and number Deu 28:15-19 to the blessings Deu 28:3-6, and the special modes in which these threats should be executed are described in five groups of denunciations Deut. 28:20-68.
First series of judgments. The curse of God should rest on all they did, and should issue in manifold forms of disease, in famine, and in defeat in war.
Vexation - Rather, confusion: the word in the original is used Deu 7:23; 1Sa 14:20 for the panic and disorder with which the curse of God smites His foes.
"Blasting"denotes (compare Gen 41:23) the result of the scorching east wind; "mildew"that of an untimely blight falling on the green ear, withering it and marring its produce.
When the heat is very great the atmosphere in Palestine is often filled with dust and sand; the wind is a burning sirocco, and the air comparable to the glowing heat at the mouth of a furnace.
Shalt be removed - See the margin. The threat differs from that in Lev 26:33, which refers to a dispersion of the people among the pagan. Here it is meant that they should be tossed to and fro at the will of others, driven from one country to another without any certain settlement.
Second series of judgments on the body, mind, and outward circumstances of the sinners.
The "botch"(rather "boil;"see Exo 9:9), the "emerods"or tumors 1Sa 5:6, 1Sa 5:9, the "scab"and "itch"represent the various forms of the loathsome skin diseases which are common in Syria and Egypt.
Mental maladies shah be added to those sore bodily plagues, and should Deu 28:29-34 reduce the sufferers to powerlessness before their enemies and oppressors.
Blindness - Most probably mental blindness; compare Lam 4:14; Zep 1:17; 2Co 3:14 ff.
See the marginal references for the fulfillment of these judgments.
Third series of judgments, affecting every kind of labor and enterprise until it had accomplished the total ruin of the nation, and its subjection to its enemies.
Worms - i. e. the vine-weevil. Naturalists prescribed elaborate precautions against its ravages.
Cast ... - Some prefer "shall be spoiled"or "plundered."
Contrast Deu 28:12 and Deu 28:13.
Forever - Yet "the remnant"Rom 9:27; Rom 11:5 would by faith and obedience become a holy seed.
Fourth series of judgments, descriptive of the calamities and horrors which should ensue when Israel should be subjugated by its foreign foes.
The description (compare the marginal references) applies undoubtedly to the Chaldeans, and in a degree to other nations also whom God raised up as ministers of vengeance upon apostate Israel (e. g. the Medes). But it only needs to read this part of the denunciation, and to compare it with the narrative of Josephus, to see that its full and exact accomplishment took place in the wars of Vespasian and Titus against the Jews, as indeed the Jews themselves generally admit.
The eagle - The Roman ensign; compare Mat 24:28; and consult throughout this passage the marginal references.
Evil - i. e. grudging; compare Deu 15:9.
Young one - The "afterbirth"(see the margin). The Hebrew text in fact suggests an extremity of horror which the King James Version fails to exhibit. Compare 2Ki 6:29.
Fifth series of judgments. The uprooting of Israel from the promised land, and its dispersion among other nations. Examine the marginal references.
In this book - i. e. in the book of the Law, or the Pentateuch in so far as it contains commands of God to Israel. Deuteronomy is included, but not exclusively intended. So Deu 28:61; compare Deu 27:3 and note, Deu 31:9.
Thy life shall hang in doubt before thee - i. e. shall be hanging as it were on a thread, and that before thine own eyes. The fathers regard this passage as suggesting in a secondary or mystical sense Christ hanging on the cross, as the life of the Jews who would not believe in Him.
This is the climax. As the Exodus from Egypt was as it were the birth of the nation into its covenant relationship with God, so the return to the house of bondage is in like manner the death of it. The mode of conveyance, "in ships,"is added to heighten the contrast. They crossed the sea from Egypt with a high hand. the waves being parted before them. They should go back again cooped up in slaveships.
There ye shall be sold - Rather, "there shall ye offer yourselves, or be offered for sale."This denunciation was literally fulfilled on more than one occasion: most signally when many thousand Jews were sold into slavery and sent into Egypt by Titus; but also under Hadrian, when numbers were sold at Rachel’ s grave Gen 35:19.
No man shall buy you - i. e. no one shall venture even to employ you as slaves, regarding you as accursed of God, and to be shunned in everything.
Poole: Deu 28:23 - -- Be brass i.e. like brass, hard and dry, and shut up from giving rain. See Lev 26:19 .
Be iron hard, and chapt, and barren.
Be brass i.e. like brass, hard and dry, and shut up from giving rain. See Lev 26:19 .
Be iron hard, and chapt, and barren.

Poole: Deu 28:24 - -- Either,
1. Thy rain shall be as unprofitable to thy ground and seed as if it were only so much dust. Or,
2. Instead of rain shall come nothing but...
1. Thy rain shall be as unprofitable to thy ground and seed as if it were only so much dust. Or,
2. Instead of rain shall come nothing but dust from heaven, which being raised and carried up by the wind in great abundance, doth return and fall upon the earth as it were in clouds or showers.
Until thou be destroyed to wit, by famine, following these great droughts.

Poole: Deu 28:25 - -- Removed Heb. for a removing ; to be tossed like a football from place to place, and from people to people.
Removed Heb. for a removing ; to be tossed like a football from place to place, and from people to people.

Poole: Deu 28:28 - -- Blindness to wit, of mind, so that they shall not know what to do; see Job 5:13,14 ; so as they shall commonly choose and follow the worst counsels a...
Blindness to wit, of mind, so that they shall not know what to do; see Job 5:13,14 ; so as they shall commonly choose and follow the worst counsels and courses, to their own ruin.
Astonishment of heart they shall be filled with wonder and horror, because of the strangeness and soreness of their calamities.

Poole: Deu 28:29 - -- At noon-day i.e. in the most clear and evident matters thou shalt grossly mistake and miss thy way.
Thou shalt not prosper in thy ways thy counsels...
At noon-day i.e. in the most clear and evident matters thou shalt grossly mistake and miss thy way.
Thou shalt not prosper in thy ways thy counsels and enterprises shall be frustrated, and turn to thy destruction.

Poole: Deu 28:30 - -- Another man shall lie with her before thou canst consummate thy marriage, and enjoy her as thy wife. And so in the following branches.
Another man shall lie with her before thou canst consummate thy marriage, and enjoy her as thy wife. And so in the following branches.

Poole: Deu 28:32 - -- Shall be given unto another people by those who have conquered them, and taken them captives, who shall give or sell them to other persons, as the ma...
Shall be given unto another people by those who have conquered them, and taken them captives, who shall give or sell them to other persons, as the manner was.
Fail or, be consumed , partly with grief and plentiful tears shed for them; and partly with earnest desire, and vain and long expectation of their return. See Psa 119:82 . No might, i.e. no power to rescue them, nor money to ransom them.

Poole: Deu 28:33 - -- Which thou knowest not which shall come from a far country, which thou didst not at all expect or fear and therefore will be the more dreadful when t...
Which thou knowest not which shall come from a far country, which thou didst not at all expect or fear and therefore will be the more dreadful when they come; a nation whose language thou understandest not, and therefore canst not plead with them for mercy, nor expect any favour from them.
Oppressed and crushed alway not sometimes conquered, and sometimes conquering, as the course of war commonly is, but in all times, and in all thy actions and attempts, foiled and worsted.

Poole: Deu 28:36 - -- Thee and thy king: the calamity shall be both universal, which even thy king shall not be able to avoid, much less the subjects, who have far less ad...
Thee and thy king: the calamity shall be both universal, which even thy king shall not be able to avoid, much less the subjects, who have far less advantage and opportunity for escape; and irrecoverable, because he who should protect or rescue them is lost with them. See Lam 4:20 .
There shalt thou serve other gods either being corrupted by their examples and counsels, or compelled to it by their tyranny. So what formerly was their choice and delight now becomes their plague and misery. And this doubtless was the condition of many Israelites under the Assyrian and Babylonish captivities, as we may gather from Jer 44:17-19 , and other places, though many of them kept themselves free from that infection.

Poole: Deu 28:37 - -- All other nations shall wonder to see such calamities befall such a people; and when they would express any dreadful affliction in a proverbial way,...
All other nations shall wonder to see such calamities befall such a people; and when they would express any dreadful affliction in a proverbial way, they shall make use of thy example: they shall also sport themselves in thy miseries, and say, These are the people of the Lord, the only saints upon earth, &c.

Poole: Deu 28:43 - -- Within thee i.e. within thy gates; who formerly honoured and served thee, and were some of them glad of the crumbs which fell from thy table.
Within thee i.e. within thy gates; who formerly honoured and served thee, and were some of them glad of the crumbs which fell from thy table.

Poole: Deu 28:46 - -- They shall be i.e. these curses now mentioned. For a wonder, i.e. signal and wonderful to all that hear of them.
They shall be i.e. these curses now mentioned. For a wonder, i.e. signal and wonderful to all that hear of them.

Poole: Deu 28:47 - -- Or,
in the abundance of all things for this is opposed to in hunger, in thirst, &c., Deu 28:48 . And the Hebrew men oft signifies in, as Exo 25:...

Poole: Deu 28:48 - -- A yoke of iron which thou canst neither well bear, nor break. See Jer 28:13,14 .
A yoke of iron which thou canst neither well bear, nor break. See Jer 28:13,14 .

Poole: Deu 28:49 - -- As the eagle flieth Heb. as the eagle flies , i.e. not only swiftly, as is expressed in our translation, for which the Babylonian is noted and compa...
As the eagle flieth Heb. as the eagle flies , i.e. not only swiftly, as is expressed in our translation, for which the Babylonian is noted and compared to an eagle, Jer 4:13 Eze 17:3 Dan 7:4 ; but also fiercely and greedily, as the eagle to its prey; also strongly and irresistibly. Possibly this may be understood of the Romans, who did come
from far, from the end of the earth more truly and literally than the Chaldeans, whose country was not far from Judea, and this may allude to the eagle, which was in their ensigns.

Poole: Deu 28:50 - -- Of fierce countenance Heb. strong of face or countenance , i.e. bold and impudent, hardy and undaunted, cruel and uncompassionate and inflexible, sp...
Of fierce countenance Heb. strong of face or countenance , i.e. bold and impudent, hardy and undaunted, cruel and uncompassionate and inflexible, sparing no age nor sex, &c.

Poole: Deu 28:54 - -- Evil i.e. unkind, envious, covetous, to monopolize these dainty bits to themselves, and grudging that their dearest relations should have any part of...
Evil i.e. unkind, envious, covetous, to monopolize these dainty bits to themselves, and grudging that their dearest relations should have any part of them.

Poole: Deu 28:56 - -- Evil i.e. unmerciful: she will desire or design their destruction for her food.
Evil i.e. unmerciful: she will desire or design their destruction for her food.

Poole: Deu 28:57 - -- Her young one Heb. after-birth ; that which was loathsome to behold, will now be pleasant to eat; and together with it she shall eat the child which...
Her young one Heb. after-birth ; that which was loathsome to behold, will now be pleasant to eat; and together with it she shall eat the child which was wrapt up in it, and may be included in this expression.
Which she shall bear or, which she shall have born, i.e. her more grown children.

Poole: Deu 28:58 - -- Name i. e. thing or person, to wit, this glorious God. Names are oft put for things, as 1Ki 5:3 Psa 20:1 95:1 Act 4:12 Eph 1:21 ; and for persons, ...

Poole: Deu 28:63 - -- Rejoice over you to destroy you his just indignation against you will be so great, that it will be a pleasure to him to take vengeance on you. For th...
Rejoice over you to destroy you his just indignation against you will be so great, that it will be a pleasure to him to take vengeance on you. For though he doth not delight in the death of a sinner in itself, yet he doth doubtless delight in the glorifying of his justice upon incorrigible sinners, seeing the exercise of all his attributes must needs please him, else he were not perfectly happy.
The land whither thou goest to possess it which was no ordinary land, but a most pleasant land, a land of promise, a token of God’ s favour, and a pledge of their eternal inheritance, which was a great aggravation of their loss of it.

Poole: Deu 28:65 - -- Neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest ye shall have no settlement in the land whither you are banished, but there you shall be tossed about fr...
Neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest ye shall have no settlement in the land whither you are banished, but there you shall be tossed about from place to place, and sold from person to person, or, Cain-like, wander about like a vagabond.

Poole: Deu 28:66 - -- Either because thou art in the hands of thy enemies, that have power, and want not will, to destroy thee; or because of the terrors of thy own mind,...
Either because thou art in the hands of thy enemies, that have power, and want not will, to destroy thee; or because of the terrors of thy own mind, and the guilt of thy conscience, making thee to fear, even where no great cause to fear is.

Poole: Deu 28:68 - -- Into Egypt again whence he hath now so gloriously delivered thee, as repenting of all his kindness to thee, and resolved to undo what he hath done fo...
Into Egypt again whence he hath now so gloriously delivered thee, as repenting of all his kindness to thee, and resolved to undo what he hath done for thee. And the remembrance of what they endured in Egypt could not but make the thoughts of returning thither again very terrible to them.
With ships which was literally fulfilled under Titus, when multitudes of them were carried thither in ships, and sold there for slaves, as Josephus relates. And this expression seems to mind them of that time when they went over the sea without ships, God miraculously drying up the sea before them, &c., which now they would have occasion sadly to remember. By the way, or, to the way ; the Hebrew beth here signifying to, as it doth Gen 11:4 Lev 16:22 Psa 19:5 91:12 Isa 9:8 . And the
way seems not to be meant here of the usual road-way from Canaan to Egypt, which was wholly by land, but to be put for the end of the way or journey, even the land of Egypt; for to this, and not to the road-way between Canaan and Egypt, agree the words here following,
whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it (i.e. Egypt)
no more again And so that way is put for to that land in a place parallel to this, where the very same words are used, Deu 17:16 , to which this place palpably alludes.
No man shall buy you either because the number of you captives shall be so great, that the market shall be glutted with you; or because you shall be so loathsome and contemptible that men shall not be willing to have you for slaves. And this was the condition of the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem, as Josephus the Jew hath left upon record.
Haydock -> Deu 28:23; Deu 28:24; Deu 28:25; Deu 28:27; Deu 28:28; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:30; Deu 28:31; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:33; Deu 28:34; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:37; Deu 28:38; Deu 28:42; Deu 28:43; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:47; Deu 28:49; Deu 28:50; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:53; Deu 28:54; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:59; Deu 28:65; Deu 28:66; Deu 28:68
Haydock: Deu 28:23 - -- Of brass, and yield no rain. (Menochius) ---
Pindar says, (Pyth. x.) "The heaven of brass they never can ascend." See Leviticus xxvi. 19.
Of brass, and yield no rain. (Menochius) ---
Pindar says, (Pyth. x.) "The heaven of brass they never can ascend." See Leviticus xxvi. 19.

Haydock: Deu 28:24 - -- Consumed. Protestants, "The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven it shall come down upon thee, till thou be destroyed."...
Consumed. Protestants, "The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven it shall come down upon thee, till thou be destroyed." (Haydock) ---
The dust coming instead of rain shall render the land more barren. (Calmet) In those dreary regions, where clouds of sand and dust overwhelm the poor traveller, the Israelites would have a good idea what inconveniences would attend such a state of the atmosphere, if it were only for a short continuance. But when it was intended for destruction, how could they possibly support life!

Haydock: Deu 28:25 - -- Scattered, as they are at present. The real import of the Hebrew is doubtful. Some agree with the Vulgate and Septuagint; (Haydock) others translat...
Scattered, as they are at present. The real import of the Hebrew is doubtful. Some agree with the Vulgate and Septuagint; (Haydock) others translate, Thou shalt be trembling, an object of astonishment and horror. Others, All who see thee shall quake; they shall insult over thee, wagging their head. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:27 - -- Egypt. See chap. vi. 15., xxviii. 60., Exodus ix. 9, and xv. 25., or with such diseases as those with which he afflicted Egypt. (Calmet) ---
Out. ...
Egypt. See chap. vi. 15., xxviii. 60., Exodus ix. 9, and xv. 25., or with such diseases as those with which he afflicted Egypt. (Calmet) ---
Out. Hebrew, "with the emerods, scab, and itch," (Haydock) 1 Kings v. 6, 12.

Haydock: Deu 28:28 - -- Madness, folly, or phrensy; with such Saul was attacked, and David feigned himself (1 Kings xxi. 13,) to be in a similar condition at the court of Ac...
Madness, folly, or phrensy; with such Saul was attacked, and David feigned himself (1 Kings xxi. 13,) to be in a similar condition at the court of Achis.

Haydock: Deu 28:29 - -- Ways. Is not this visibly the present condition of the Jews, amid the blaze of the gospel light, the miracles and divine conduct of the Son of God! ...
Ways. Is not this visibly the present condition of the Jews, amid the blaze of the gospel light, the miracles and divine conduct of the Son of God! They shut their eyes, and will not acknowledge him for the Messias. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:30 - -- Her. Job makes use of the same imprecation, Job xxxi. 10. Let my wife be the harlot of another. But he immediately subjoins, For this is a hein...
Her. Job makes use of the same imprecation, Job xxxi. 10. Let my wife be the harlot of another. But he immediately subjoins, For this is a heinous crime, &c., which may be applied, both to him who seeks to commit an impure action, (ver. 9,) and to those who attempt to punish it by a similar abomination. No person is allowed to wish that a sin may be committed. The Hebrew and Septuagint very properly render all these imprecations in the future tense. "Thou shalt marry (or betroth) a wife, and another man shall," which, no doubt, would be an intolerable provocation. (Haydock)

Slain, ( immoletur ,) for a feast, and not for a sacrifice. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 28:32 - -- Hand. Hebrew also, "thy hand shall not be lifted up towards God." Targum of Jerusalem says, Thou shalt possess nothing, wherewith thou mayest rende...
Hand. Hebrew also, "thy hand shall not be lifted up towards God." Targum of Jerusalem says, Thou shalt possess nothing, wherewith thou mayest render God propitious. (Calmet) ---
Thou shalt not be able to rescue, (Menochius) or to assist thy distressed children.

Haydock: Deu 28:33 - -- A people. The Gentiles, whom the Jews so much despised, and whom the Scripture styles not a nation, have supplanted the Israelites, and entered in...
A people. The Gentiles, whom the Jews so much despised, and whom the Scripture styles not a nation, have supplanted the Israelites, and entered into the inheritance, which they had lost by their prevarications, Romans x. 19. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 28:34 - -- Astonished. Hebrew, "go mad," become stupified at such a scene of misfortunes.
Astonished. Hebrew, "go mad," become stupified at such a scene of misfortunes.

Haydock: Deu 28:36 - -- Thy king. Nabuchodonosor thus led Joachin and Sedecias, with almost all their people, captives to Babylon, 4 Kings xxiv., and xxv. 7. ---
Stone. ...
Thy king. Nabuchodonosor thus led Joachin and Sedecias, with almost all their people, captives to Babylon, 4 Kings xxiv., and xxv. 7. ---
Stone. The ten tribes mixed with other nations, (Calmet) and for the most part followed their idolatrous worship. Only some few returned with the tribes of Juda, Benjamin, and Levi, and became more careful than before not to irritate God by that hateful sin. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 28:37 - -- Lost. Hebrew, "an object of desolation, a fable and a mockery." Septuagint, "thou shalt be a riddle, a parable, and an example," to employ the thou...
Lost. Hebrew, "an object of desolation, a fable and a mockery." Septuagint, "thou shalt be a riddle, a parable, and an example," to employ the thoughts and tongues of all nations, who will not be able to comprehend the greatness of thy distress. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:38 - -- All: so that the little which thou mayst gather will not be worth mentioning. (Haydock) ---
Hebrew may also signify, "Thy field shall produce a gre...
All: so that the little which thou mayst gather will not be worth mentioning. (Haydock) ---
Hebrew may also signify, "Thy field shall produce a great deal, and give thee abundant expectations, but the locusts shall consume it," to mortify thee the more.

Haydock: Deu 28:42 - -- Blast. This is a different word from that mentioned, ver. 22. Tselatsal may here probably denote a grasshopper, which delights in the shade, and ...
Blast. This is a different word from that mentioned, ver. 22. Tselatsal may here probably denote a grasshopper, which delights in the shade, and has a shrill note. In hot countries it does great hurt to trees, &c. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:43 - -- Lower. Hebrew repeats this word, to signify the utmost abjection. (Haydock) ---
The Fathers gather hence the glorious superiority to which the Chr...
Lower. Hebrew repeats this word, to signify the utmost abjection. (Haydock) ---
The Fathers gather hence the glorious superiority to which the Christian Church is raised. (Origen, Rom. ii.) (Theodoret, q. 34.)

Haydock: Deu 28:46 - -- For ever. The nations which were employed by God to scourge the Jews, recognized that they were the instruments of his indignation. We are accustom...
For ever. The nations which were employed by God to scourge the Jews, recognized that they were the instruments of his indignation. We are accustomed to consider many evils as the necessary appendages of human nature; but the surprising misfortunes, with which God visited his people, subjecting them to the Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans, could not be taken in this light. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:47 - -- Things: as in gratitude thou oughtest to have done. On the contrary, the more the Jews were cherished by God, the more insolent they became, chap. x...
Things: as in gratitude thou oughtest to have done. On the contrary, the more the Jews were cherished by God, the more insolent they became, chap. xxxii. 15.

Haydock: Deu 28:49 - -- Swiftly. The Chaldeans are designated in the same manner, Jeremias v. 5., and Ezechiel xvii. 3, 12. The Romans also carried an eagle, as their ch...
Swiftly. The Chaldeans are designated in the same manner, Jeremias v. 5., and Ezechiel xvii. 3, 12. The Romans also carried an eagle, as their chief standard, and the rapidity of their conquests astonished all the world.

Haydock: Deu 28:50 - -- Insolent. Hebrew, "of a fierce countenance." It is well known how the Babylonians treated the princes of the Jews. (Calmet)
Insolent. Hebrew, "of a fierce countenance." It is well known how the Babylonians treated the princes of the Jews. (Calmet)

Until thou be destroyed. This was not expressed in the Septuagint.

Haydock: Deu 28:53 - -- Womb; a cruelty which the Jews were guilty of in the sieges of Samaria and of Jerusalem. See Baruch ii. 2, 13., Lamentations ii. 20., and iv., and 4...
Womb; a cruelty which the Jews were guilty of in the sieges of Samaria and of Jerusalem. See Baruch ii. 2, 13., Lamentations ii. 20., and iv., and 4 Kings vi. 28., and Josephus, Jewish Wars vii. 8. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:54 - -- Delicate, ( luxuriosis ,) abandoned to his pleasures. Josephus (Jewish Wars vi. 11,) seems to have had this passage in view, when he informs us, tha...
Delicate, ( luxuriosis ,) abandoned to his pleasures. Josephus (Jewish Wars vi. 11,) seems to have had this passage in view, when he informs us, that parents and children snatched from each other's mouths the wretched food, with which they endeavoured to support themselves. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:56 - -- Envy. Hebrew, "her eye shall be evil towards the husband of her bosom," &c. (Haydock)
Envy. Hebrew, "her eye shall be evil towards the husband of her bosom," &c. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 28:57 - -- And the filth, &c. They will eat the child just born, through extreme hunger, Lamentations ii. 20. The Chaldean, Septuagint, &c., agree with the Vu...
And the filth, &c. They will eat the child just born, through extreme hunger, Lamentations ii. 20. The Chaldean, Septuagint, &c., agree with the Vulgate, which conveys an idea of the most horrible distress. (Calmet) ---
Indeed it is so horrible and disgusting, that we find no vestiges in history of the completion of the prophecy, taken in this sense. Some, therefore, explain the original, "And her feast, or dressed meat, (shall be) between her feet, even of her own children, which she shall bring forth." (Bate, p. 71.; Parkhurst on itsoth. ) Others believe that the Hebrew is corrupted by the insertion of b before another b, in children; and by the transposition or addition of i in the first word; so that to translate, with the generality of interpreters, "She shall grudge ever bit, or her eye shall be evil towards her husband, and towards her son, and towards her daughter, and towards her afterbirth....and towards her sons which she shall have brought forth," seems absurd enough. If the woman's eye be evil towards her son, and towards her afterbirth, (which, however, is incapable of depriving her of food) what need of repeating, and towards her sons? Yet the present construction requires this translation; though it is obvious that the woman must have been actuated in a different manner, with respect to these different things, as all allow that she was afraid lest those who were grown up, how dear soever to her, might deprive her of her abominable food, while her eye was evil towards her afterbirth, (or secundines, if the word ssolithe can have this meaning) because she was designing to eat it privately. The Septuagint translate Korion, "the skin," or Chorion, "a little girl," (Houbigant) unless (Haydock) the former word may rather have this signification. Hill. ---
The Arabic deviates a little from the Hebrew, "She will deny her husband, her son, and her daughter, her secundies, which fall from her." If, therefore, the two corrections proposed by Houbigant, and approved by Kennicott, (who produces for one of them ( ubnie ) the authority of the oldest Hebrew manuscript in England) be admitted, all will be clear and conformable to the event. "[Ver.] 56. Her eye shall be evil towards....her son, and towards her daughter. [Ver.] 57. And she shall boil, ( ubossilthe, instead of ubossolithe ) that which cometh out from between her feet, even her children, ( ubnie, not ubobnie ) which she shall bear; for she shall eat them, for want of all things, secretly." This prophetical and terrible denunciation was realized in the siege of Samaria, when two women agreed to eat their own children, one of whom was actually boiled, and the very word here in dispute is used, 4 Kings vi. 29. (Kennicott) ---
And in the last siege of Jerusalem we read (Josephus, [Antiquities?] vii. 8) of a mother killing her own child, to satisfy the cravings of hunger and rage against the rioters who had repeatedly plundered her house. Her name was Mary. She also boiled her suckling infant, and actually devoured a part of it. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 28:59 - -- Increase. Hebrew, distinguish, or render thy plagues wonderful. (Calmet) ---
Perpetual. Hebrew, "lasting." (Haydock) See ver. 27.
Increase. Hebrew, distinguish, or render thy plagues wonderful. (Calmet) ---
Perpetual. Hebrew, "lasting." (Haydock) See ver. 27.

Haydock: Deu 28:65 - -- Fearful, dejected, distrustful. The Jews are under continual alarms. (Calmet)
Fearful, dejected, distrustful. The Jews are under continual alarms. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 28:66 - -- Thy life, being in danger from all sides. The Fathers explain this verse of the behaviour of the Jews towards their Messias, who was crucified befor...
Thy life, being in danger from all sides. The Fathers explain this verse of the behaviour of the Jews towards their Messias, who was crucified before their eyes; and still they will not believe in him, though he is their life, (chap. xxx. 20,) the way, the truth, and the life, John xiv. 6., and i. 4. (St. Leo; St. Augustine, contra Faustus xvi. 22, &c.) (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 28:68 - -- With ships, so that thou wilt have no means of escaping by flight. (Menochius) ---
The Romans had a fleet in the Mediterranean, with which thy woul...
With ships, so that thou wilt have no means of escaping by flight. (Menochius) ---
The Romans had a fleet in the Mediterranean, with which thy would probably convey the captives into Egypt. Josephus (Antiquities xii. 2, &c., and Jewish Wars vii. 16) informs us, that many of the Jews had been conveyed into that country after Jerusalem had been ruined by the Chaldeans; (Calmet) and after it was at last destroyed by the Romans, some of "those who were above 17 years of age, were sent thither in chains to work at the public works;" others were reserved to grace the victor's triumph, or "to be destroyed by the sword, or by wild beasts in the theatres, while those who were under 17, were sold. During the time that Fronto was making the selection, 12,000 were starved to death, either by the cruelty of their keepers, or because they refused food; the multitudes causing it to be very scarce. In the course of the war 97,000 were taken prisoners, and in the siege 1,100,000 perished. For then the whole nation was shut up in prison, as it were by fate, and the city was besieged when full of inhabitants," at the feast of the Passover; "so that the number of those whom the Romans slew publicly, or took prisoners, was greater than ever was destroyed," at once, "by the fury of man, or by the wrath of God." (Ibid.[Josephus, Jewish Wars?] chap. xvii.) Pompey had carried away many captives into Egypt about 120 years before. Pharao Sesac took and pillaged the city, under Roboam, 2 Paralipomenon xii. 2. ---
That. Hebrew, "by the way, concerning which I spoke to thee (that is, by returning back, through this wilderness, as thou formerly desiredst,) thou shalt see it no more." ---
Set to sale, ( venderis ,) literally, "shall be sold." After the Jews had been sold, their new masters could not find any to take them off their hands. (Haydock) ---
Buy you. Protestants, "there ye shall be sold....and no man shall buy you." Can a man be sold without being bought? Whereas if the verb hithmaccartem was rendered, and ye shall offer yourselves to sale, the sense would be proper, and expressive of the most bitter sufferings. (Kennicott) ---
Hegesippus (v. 47,) says, "there were many to be sold, but few purchasers; because the Romans disdained receiving the Jews as slaves, nor were there any Jews left to redeem their countrymen."
Gill -> Deu 28:23; Deu 28:24; Deu 28:25; Deu 28:26; Deu 28:27; Deu 28:28; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:30; Deu 28:31; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:33; Deu 28:34; Deu 28:35; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:37; Deu 28:38; Deu 28:39; Deu 28:40; Deu 28:41; Deu 28:42; Deu 28:43; Deu 28:44; Deu 28:45; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:47; Deu 28:48; Deu 28:49; Deu 28:50; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:52; Deu 28:53; Deu 28:54; Deu 28:55; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:58; Deu 28:59; Deu 28:60; Deu 28:61; Deu 28:62; Deu 28:63; Deu 28:64; Deu 28:65; Deu 28:66; Deu 28:67; Deu 28:68
Gill: Deu 28:23 - -- And the heaven that is over thy head shall be brass,.... Or like brass, not for its clearness, brightness, and splendour, or for its being spread out...
And the heaven that is over thy head shall be brass,.... Or like brass, not for its clearness, brightness, and splendour, or for its being spread out like a molten looking glass which was of brass, Job 37:18; but for its dryness and hardness, no moisture being in it, or passing through it; no showers of rain nor dew being let down from it:
and the earth that is under thee shall be iron; or like iron, hard and impenetrable, into which the plough and spade will not enter; nor anything spring out of it, for want of rain and dew to moisten and soften it. The same is said in Lev 26:19; only there is an inversion of the figures; there the heaven is said to be as iron, and the earth like brass, but signify the same thing.

Gill: Deu 28:24 - -- The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust,.... That is, instead of showers of rain in their season, to water, refresh, and enrich the e...
The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust,.... That is, instead of showers of rain in their season, to water, refresh, and enrich the earth, and make it fruitful; and for want of them, and through the heat of the sun, being dried and parched, and its clods crumbled into dust, this should be raised up into the air by the force of winds, and let down again in showers of dust; whereby the few herbs, plants, or green trees on it would be utterly destroyed: and so the Targum of Jonathan interprets it of the Lord's sending a wind that should raise the dust and earth upon the herbs of their fields. Such ploughing winds, that cast up the earth and sand, and dust, into the air, whereby men and cattle are sometimes covered, are frequent in the eastern countries; of which See Gill on Jon 4:8,
from heaven shall it come down upon thee until thou be destroyed; that is, from the air, up to which the dust is carried by the wind, and then let fall in vast quantities, like showers, which are very destructive.

Gill: Deu 28:25 - -- The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten fore thine enemies,.... And by them, as they sometimes were by the Philistines and others, before their utter ...
The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten fore thine enemies,.... And by them, as they sometimes were by the Philistines and others, before their utter destruction, when they sinned against the Lord; and by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans:
thou shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them; march out against them in a body, promising themselves victory, but be utterly routed; so that they shall flee every way they can for their safety; see Deu 28:7,
and shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; this shows that Manasseh's case 2Ki 21:1, observed Deu 28:15; will not strictly and entirely hold good, nor is there any necessity to adhere closely to it; it is enough that the things threatened and prophesied of were at one time or another fulfilled in these people; for neither the ten tribes, when taken captive by Shalmaneser, were carried into all the kingdoms of the earth, only to some particular places mentioned in 2Ki 17:6; nor the two tribes by Nebuchadnezzar, who were carried by him to Babylon, and returned from thence again at the end of seventy years; but this was exactly fulfilled at their last destruction by the Romans, when they were sent by them into various countries, and have been ever since scattered about in each of the nations of the world. And yet it must be owned that Strabo g, who wrote before the last destruction of them, affirms, that it was not easy to find any place in the world which had not received them, and was not occupied by them.

Gill: Deu 28:26 - -- And thy carcass shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth,.... Which was always reckoned a very grievous calamity, hav...
And thy carcass shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth,.... Which was always reckoned a very grievous calamity, have no other burial than in the bowels of beasts and birds; and was the case of many of the Jews in the Antiochian persecution, Psa 79:2; and in a treatise of theirs h, which relates their many afflictions and sufferings in their present captivity, speaking of a persecution of them in Spain, in the Jewish year 5172, it is reported, how that those that fled to avoid punishment were killed in the fields, where their carcasses lying unburied became a prey to beasts:
and no man shall fray them away; the fowls and the beasts; none of their friends being left to do it, and their enemies would not show so much respect to them, and care of them.

Gill: Deu 28:27 - -- The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt,.... Which some understand of the leprosy, Of that sort of it called "elephantiasis", frequent among ...
The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt,.... Which some understand of the leprosy, Of that sort of it called "elephantiasis", frequent among the Egyptians; See Gill on Lev 13:2. Thevenot i relates, that when the time of the increase of the Nile expires, the Egyptians are attended with sharp prickings in their skin like needles. So Vansleb says k,"the waters of the Nile cause an itch in the skin, which troubles such as drink of them when the river increases. This itch is very small, and appears first about the arms, next upon the stomach, and spreads all about the body, which causes a grievous pain; and not only the river water, but that out of the cisterns drank of, brings it, and it lasts about six weeks.''Though some take this botch to be the botch and blain which the Egyptians were plagued with for refusing to let Israel go, Exo 9:9,
and with the emerods; or haemorrhoids, the piles, a disease of the fundament, attended sometimes with ulcers there; see 1Sa 5:9,
and with the scab and with the itch: the one moist, the other dry, and both very distressing:
whereof thou canst not be healed; by any art of men; which shows these to be uncommon ones, and from the immediate hand of God.

Gill: Deu 28:28 - -- The Lord shall smite thee with madness,.... At the calamities befallen them, and through the force of diseases on them:
and blindness; not of body,...
The Lord shall smite thee with madness,.... At the calamities befallen them, and through the force of diseases on them:
and blindness; not of body, but of mind; with judicial blindness and hardness of heart:
and astonishment of heart; at the miserable condition they and their families should be in.

Gill: Deu 28:29 - -- And thou shalt grope at noon day as the blind gropeth in darkness,.... That is, being in darkness through the loss of their sight; otherwise the darkn...
And thou shalt grope at noon day as the blind gropeth in darkness,.... That is, being in darkness through the loss of their sight; otherwise the darkness and the light are alike to them, and they grope in the one as well as in the other. This comparison shows that the darkness and blindness of the Jews, threatened them, is to be understood not of the darkness of their bodily eyes, but of their minds; not being able to understand, or form a judgment of things that are as clear as noon day; and being at the utmost loss what methods to take and pursue, when they are plain and manifest before them; but being infatuated and besotted, follow the lusts and counsels of their own hearts, which lead them wrong:
and thou shall not prosper in thy ways; in any steps they may take to extricate themselves out of their difficulties, distresses, and calamities, or to bring themselves into easy and comfortable circumstances; to get wealth and riches, and honour and esteem with men; but, on the contrary, become forlorn and miserable, poor and wretched, mean and despicable:
and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore; continually, every day, all the days of their lives, oppressed with taxes and tributes, with mulcts and fines, and spoiled of their goods and substance under one pretence or another; which has been generally their case in Popish countries; for this seems not to refer to the Babylonish captivity, where they built houses, and dwelt in them, and planted gardens, and ate the fruit of them; and in the peace of cities had peace themselves, Jer 29:5,
and no man shall save thee; from the oppressions, exactions, and spoils of their enemies, nor deliver them out of their hands; whereas in process of time they had deliverance and salvation from the Babylonish captivity, by the means of Cyrus king of Persia.

Gill: Deu 28:30 - -- Thou shall betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her,.... Espouse a woman in order to make her his wife, and before he can take her home, and...
Thou shall betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her,.... Espouse a woman in order to make her his wife, and before he can take her home, and consummate the marriage, through some calamity or another coming upon them, they should be set at a distance from each other, and she should fall into the hands of another man, who either should ravish her, or gain her consent to lie with her, or become his wife; which, when the marriage was so near being consummated, must be a grievous disappointment, and a great vexation:
thou shall build an house, and thou shall not dwell therein; being, before it is quite finished, or however before he is got into it, carried captive, or obliged to flee to a distant place:
thou shall plant a vineyard, and shall not gather the grapes thereof; or make it common, on the fourth year to eat the fruits of it, as Jarchi; which might not be done until sanctified and redeemed according to the law in Lev 19:23; See Gill on Deu 20:6.

Gill: Deu 28:31 - -- Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof,.... Shall be taken from the herd, and out of the field or stall, by the en...
Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof,.... Shall be taken from the herd, and out of the field or stall, by the enemy, and killed for the soldiers to feed on, and not the least part of it given to them:
thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored unto thee; no leave shall be asked to take it, but without their consent, and against their will, it should be taken away by the soldiers to carry them and their burdens, and it may be the booty and spoil of them, and never returned more:
thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shall have none to rescue them; not given them by themselves, but they should be suffered to fall into their hands, and they should never be able to get them out again, nor any for them. These, strictly and literally taken, suppose them to be in their own land, when those things would be done, where they were possessed of farms, and fields, cattle, being much employed in husbandry; but they may be put for any kind of substance they would be possessed of, which they should be stripped of under one pretence or another; which has been frequently their case in their present dispersion in several countries, and in ours; when Popish princes have wanted money, they have made very exorbitant demands on the Jews in their countries, and sadly squeezed and oppressed them, and who were not able to resist them, and never had any restoration made to them.

Gill: Deu 28:32 - -- Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people,.... This also was not true in the Babylonish captivity; for then their sons and daught...
Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people,.... This also was not true in the Babylonish captivity; for then their sons and daughters went with them, and continued with them, and returned again; but has been oftentimes verified since their captivity by the Romans; frequently their sons and daughters have been taken from them by force, to be brought up in another religion, by the edicts of kings and popes, and by the canons of councils, and particularly of the fourth council of Toledo:
and thine eyes shall look and fail; with longing:
for them all the day long; expecting every day their children would be returned to them, at least wishing and hoping they would; their hearts yearning after them, but all in vain:
and there shall be no might in thy hand; to recover them out of the hands of those who had the possession of them, or fetch them back from distant countries, whither they were carried. By an edict of the Portuguese, the children of the Jews were ordered to be carried to the uninhabited islands; and when, by the king's command, they were had to the ships in which they were to be transported, it is incredible, the Jewish historian says l, what howlings and lamentations were made by the women; and there wore none pitied them and comforted them, or could help them.

Gill: Deu 28:33 - -- The fruit of thy land, and all thy labour, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up,.... The same was prophesied of by Jeremiah, concerning the Ba...
The fruit of thy land, and all thy labour, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up,.... The same was prophesied of by Jeremiah, concerning the Babylonish captivity, and was fulfilled in it, Jer 5:17; and has been also verified in the frequent pillage and spoil of this people, in their present state; for though they have no land to till, from whence to gather fruit, yet they are employed in manufactures and merchandise, the fruit and benefit of which they have been frequently stripped of:
and thou shall be only oppressed and crushed always; this seems best to agree with their present case; for in their former captivities they were not always oppressed and crushed, but had respite and deliverance; See Gill on Deu 28:29.

Gill: Deu 28:34 - -- So that thou shalt be mad, for the sight of thine eyes that thou shall see. On account of the shocking things seen by them, their dreadful calamities,...
So that thou shalt be mad, for the sight of thine eyes that thou shall see. On account of the shocking things seen by them, their dreadful calamities, oppressions, and persecutions, such as before related; not only violent diseases on their bodies, which were grievous to behold, as well as their pains were intolerable, and made them mad; but to be deprived of a betrothed wife, a newly built house, and a newly planted vineyard; to have an ox slain, and an ass taken away by their enemies, and their sheep given to them before their eyes; to have their sons and daughters taken from them, and brought up in another religion, and to be stripped of their substance; these have made them stark mad, insomuch that they have sometimes destroyed themselves and their families. In Germany, in their rage and madness, they burnt a city and themselves in it; and, in the same country, being summoned by an edict to change their religion, or to be burnt, they agreed to meet together in a certain house, and destroy one another; and first parents killed their children, and husbands their wives, and then killed themselves; leaving only one person to be their doorkeeper, who finished the tragedy by destroying himself, as their own historian relates m. Other stories of the like kind are reported of them, and some such facts as done in our own nation n.

Gill: Deu 28:35 - -- The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch, that cannot be healed,.... Which in those parts as it is very painful, so ...
The Lord shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch, that cannot be healed,.... Which in those parts as it is very painful, so is not easily cured; and this which is threatened was incurable by the art of man, as others in Deu 28:27; and which should not stop there in the lower parts of the body, but proceed and spread:
from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head; and so be filled with them, as Job was with his boils and ulcers.

Gill: Deu 28:36 - -- And the Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shall set over thee,.... This was fulfilled both in Jehoiachin and in Zedekiah, kings of Judah,...
And the Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shall set over thee,.... This was fulfilled both in Jehoiachin and in Zedekiah, kings of Judah, who were carried captive to Babylon, by Nebuchadnezzar, 2Ki 24:15,
unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; the land of Babylon, which was at a distance from them, and is represented in Scripture as afar off, Jer 5:15; and which the Jews, not being a trading people, or dealing in merchandise in foreign parts, were unacquainted with:
and there shall thou serve other gods, wood and stone; which they were obliged to do in Babylon, of which it seems best to understand it; for though it may be interpreted of their compliance with the image worship of the Papists in their present condition, as the former clause may be of their rulers and governors, included in the name of king, carried captive by the Romans; who were a nation as little, if not less known than the Babylonians: but the former sense seems to suit best here, as this does with Deu 28:64; where the language is somewhat different, and very appropriate. The Targum of Jonathan is,"shall pay tribute to those that worship idols of wood and stone.''

Gill: Deu 28:37 - -- And thou shall become an astonishment,.... To neighbouring nations, that shall hear of their overthrow and captivity, and that shall see the miserable...
And thou shall become an astonishment,.... To neighbouring nations, that shall hear of their overthrow and captivity, and that shall see the miserable condition they are brought into:
a proverb and a byword among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee; both for the wickedness committed by them, and for the ill usage of them by the nations among whom they should be, as they were in the Babylonish captivity; see Jer 24:9; and now are, it being common to say,"do you think I am a Jew?''or,"none but a Jew would have done such a thing.''

Gill: Deu 28:38 - -- Thou shall carry much seed into the field,.... And sow it plentifully; this and what is said in some following verses plainly refer to them while in t...
Thou shall carry much seed into the field,.... And sow it plentifully; this and what is said in some following verses plainly refer to them while in their own land, before carried captive, and not to their present case and circumstances:
and shall gather but little in at harvest; little springing up, or not coming to perfection, being blighted and blasted, and so yielded but a small crop; see Hag 1:9; and chiefly for the following reason:
for the locust shall consume it; which is a great destroyer of the fruits of the earth; see Joe 1:4.

Gill: Deu 28:39 - -- Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them,.... Plant them and prune them, in expectation of much fruit from them:
but shall neither drink of the...
Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them,.... Plant them and prune them, in expectation of much fruit from them:
but shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes; so far from drinking of the wine of them, that they should not be able to gather any grapes from them:
for the worms shall eat them; a sort of worms pernicious to vines, which the Greeks call "ipes", or "ikes" o; and the Latins "convolvuli" and "volvoces", as Pliny p.

Gill: Deu 28:40 - -- Thou shalt have olive trees throughout thy coasts,.... In the several parts of the land of Canaan, which is therefore called a land of olive oil, Deu ...
Thou shalt have olive trees throughout thy coasts,.... In the several parts of the land of Canaan, which is therefore called a land of olive oil, Deu 8:8,
but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; nor any other relations, friends, guests, as was usual at entertainments; see Psa 23:5; for the phrase "thyself" is not in the text. The reason why they should not anoint is, because they would have no oil to anoint with:
for thine olive shall cast his fruit; before it is ripe, by one means or another, as by winds, or blasting and mildew; see Amo 4:9.

Gill: Deu 28:41 - -- Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shall not enjoy them,.... Or, "they shall not be thine" q; being taken from them, and given to others, s...
Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shall not enjoy them,.... Or, "they shall not be thine" q; being taken from them, and given to others, see Deu 28:32; and for the following reason:
for they shall go into captivity; as when the ten tribes were carried captive by Shalmaneser, and the two tribes by Nebuchadnezzar, and all the people of the Jews by the Romans.

Gill: Deu 28:42 - -- All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume. Which is a creature that not only consumes grass, and herbs, and the corn of the field, ...
All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume. Which is a creature that not only consumes grass, and herbs, and the corn of the field, but all green trees; see Exo 10:15. This sort here has its name from the shade they make, hiding the light of the sun, and darkening the face of the earth at no on day; or from the noise they make with their wings in flying; see Joe 2:5.

Gill: Deu 28:43 - -- The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high,.... In wealth and riches, in power and authority, in honour and dignity. This Man...
The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high,.... In wealth and riches, in power and authority, in honour and dignity. This Manasseh Ben Israel r interprets of the Samaritans, whom the king of Assyria drove out of Samaria, and the neighbouring places; but the design of the expression is to show how mean and abject they should be in another country; that even one who had been a stranger or proselyte of the gate, when in their own country, should now be vastly above them:
and thou shall come down, very low; into a very mean condition, to be in great subjection, a vassal and a slave; see Psa 106:41; and much more when reduced by the Romans, and sent to the mines in Egypt.

Gill: Deu 28:44 - -- He shall lend to thee, and thou shall not lend to him,.... The stranger, or one of another nation, shall be in a capacity of lending to the Jew, when ...
He shall lend to thee, and thou shall not lend to him,.... The stranger, or one of another nation, shall be in a capacity of lending to the Jew, when the Jew would not be able to lend to the Gentile, his circumstances being so low and mean; to show which is the design of the expression, and not the kindness or unkindness of either; see Deu 28:12,
he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail; he shall be ruler and governor, and thou shalt be subject to him; see Deu 28:13.

Gill: Deu 28:45 - -- Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee,.... Before related, as well as what follow:
and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee till thou be ...
Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee,.... Before related, as well as what follow:
and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee till thou be destroyed; which though they would endeavour to flee from and escape, should not be able, since they would follow them so closely and swiftly, and overtake them, and seize upon them; see Deu 28:15,
because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee; to which disobedience all the curses are to be imputed that go before or follow after.

Gill: Deu 28:46 - -- And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder,.... That is, those curses before pronounced, Deu 27:15, and what follow, should rest and rema...
And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder,.... That is, those curses before pronounced, Deu 27:15, and what follow, should rest and remain upon them, continue with them, and be very visible on them; so as to be observed by others, as a sign of the wrath and displeasure of God, and of the fulfilment of prophecy, and of the truth of divine revelation: and so "for a wonder": as it is most astonishing to observe how exactly all the curses threatened them have fallen upon them and have abode with them, as they did in their former captivities, and more especially do in the present one: and, what is the greater wonder, that notwithstanding these dreadful calamities, and so long continued, enough to have crushed any people from being a people, yet they have continued, and still do continue, a distinct people; which is a standing miracle, and one would think sufficient to convince the most hardened and obstinate deist of the truth and authority of the sacred Scriptures; in which stand so many glaring prophecies that have been fulfilled, and are continually fulfilling in this people:
and upon thy seed for ever; this shows that these curses, said to be upon them, not only refer to those that came upon them at and in the Babylonish captivity, but to those that came upon them at their destruction by the Romans, and which have continued on them nineteen hundred years; and how much longer they will continue none can say: it will be their case, until new heavens and a new earth are created, or there will be a new state of things, at least with them; when they shall be converted to the Lord, and all Israel saved; see Isa 65:17; and it may be observed, that the ten tribes carried captive never returned.

Gill: Deu 28:47 - -- Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God,.... By attending his worship, and keeping his commandments:
with joyfulness and gladness of heart, for ...
Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God,.... By attending his worship, and keeping his commandments:
with joyfulness and gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; which they enjoyed in the land of Canaan, a land that abounded with all good things; which laid them under great obligations to serve the Lord: and yet, as they were wanting in a ready attendance on his worship, and in a cheerful obedience to his laws, so in their sacrifices, of praise and thanksgivings for their manifold mercies; and, because of all this, the curses written in this book came upon them.

Gill: Deu 28:48 - -- Therefore shall thou serve thine enemies, which the Lord shall send against thee,.... Since they would not serve the Lord their God, who was so good a...
Therefore shall thou serve thine enemies, which the Lord shall send against thee,.... Since they would not serve the Lord their God, who was so good a master to them, and supplied them with all good things, and with plenty of them, they should serve other lords, their enemies, whom God would raise up and send against them; not only, the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Babylonians, but the Romans, after described, whom they should find hard masters, and from whom they; should have very severe usage, and should be
in hunger and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all good things; being destitute of food, and drink and raiment, and the common necessaries of life, and so in famishing and starving circumstances:
and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck; bring them into a state of subjection to their enemies, which would be intolerable to them, and from which they would not be able to free themselves, any more than to break an iron yoke; which, as it agrees with the Babylonish captivity, and their subjection in that state, see Jer 28:13; so more especially with their bondage under the Romans, who are the legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's image, and the fourth beast with great iron teeth in Daniel's vision, Dan 2:33, and this yoke was to continue
until he have destroyed thee; the Jews were under the Roman yoke, Roman governors being set over them, and Judea made a Roman province many years before the destruction of their nation, city, and temple, by them.

Gill: Deu 28:49 - -- The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth,.... Now though Babylon is represented as a country distant from Judea,...
The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth,.... Now though Babylon is represented as a country distant from Judea, and said to be a nation "from far", Jer 5:15; yet not "from the end of the earth"; as here; and though the Roman nation, strictly speaking, was not at so great a distance from Jerusalem, yet the Roman emperors, and great part of their armies brought against it, were fetched from our island of Great Britain, which in former times was reckoned the end of the earth, and the uttermost parts of the world s; and so Manasseh Ben Israel t interprets this nation of Rome, and observes, that Vespasian brought for his assistance many nations (or soldiers) out of England, France, Spain, and other parts of the world: and not only Vespasian was sent for from Britain to make war with the Jews, but when they rebelled, in the times of Adrian, Julius Severus, a very eminent general, was sent for from thence to quell them. And it appears to be a very ancient opinion of the Jews, that this passage is to be understood of the Romans, from what is related in one of their Talmuds u: they say, that"Trajan, being sent for by his wife to subdue the Jews, determined to come in ten days, and came in five; he came and found them (the Jews) busy in the law on that verse, "the Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far", &c. he said unto them, what are ye busy in? they answered him, so and so; he replied to them, this is the man (meaning himself) who thought to come in ten days, and came in five; and he surrounded them with his legions, and slew them:"
as swift as the eagle flieth; which may respect not so much the swiftness of this creature, the words which convey the idea being a supplement of the text, as the force with which it flies when in sight of its prey, and hastes unto it and falls upon it, which is irresistible; and this is the sense of the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions, and is what is ascribed to the eagle by other writers w. Now though this figure is used of the Chaldeans and Babylonians, Jer 4:13; it agrees full as well or better with the Romans, because of their swiftness in coming from distant parts, and because of the force and impetus with which they invaded Judea, besieged Jerusalem, and attacked the Jews everywhere; and besides, the eagle was borne on the standard in the Roman army x:
a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; which, though it is also said of the language of the Chaldean nation, Jer 5:15; yet as the Chaldee and Hebrew languages were only dialects of one and the same language, common to the eastern nations, the Chaldee language, though on account of termination of words, pronunciation, and other things, might be difficult, and hard to be understood by the Jews, yet must be much more easy to understand than the Roman language, so widely different from theirs.

Gill: Deu 28:50 - -- A nation of fierce countenance,.... Or, "strong of face" y; which aptly describes the old Romans, who are always represented as such; and whereas it i...
A nation of fierce countenance,.... Or, "strong of face" y; which aptly describes the old Romans, who are always represented as such; and whereas it is said of the Chaldeans, that they were a nation dreadful and terrible, Hab 1:7; the same is said of the fourth beast, or Roman empire, Dan 7:7; who were a terror to all the world:
which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young: cruel, unmerciful, and uncompassionate, to persons of whatsoever age or sex; which, as it was the character of the Chaldeans, 2Ch 36:17; so of the Romans, who especially showed no mercy to the Jews, as Josephus z, who was an eyewitness, testifies."The Romans (says he) showed no mercy to any age, out of hatred to the nation (of the Jews), and in remembrance of the injuries done to Cestius;''one of their governors, when among them. And in another place he says a,"the Romans, remembering what they suffered in the siege, spared none, and showed no mercy.''

Gill: Deu 28:51 - -- And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle,.... Larger and lesser, oxen and sheep, as their calves and lambs, and kids of the goat:
and the fruit of ...
And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle,.... Larger and lesser, oxen and sheep, as their calves and lambs, and kids of the goat:
and the fruit of thy land; their wheat, barley, figs, grapes, pomegranates, olives, and dates:
until thou be destroyed; the land of Judea, and all the increase of it: this being before said, Deu 28:31; and here repeated, shows that the same should be fulfilled at different times, as by the Chaldeans, so by the Romans; whose nation, or army, with their general at the head of them, may be more especially here intended by "he", that should eat up their fruit until utter destruction was brought upon them:
which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee; all being consumed by the Roman army. There is a promise and prophecy, that though this would be the case, as it has been, there shall be a time when it shall be so no more; see Isa 62:8.

Gill: Deu 28:52 - -- And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates,.... That is, in all their cities and walled towns, which had gates and bars for security:
until thy hig...
And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates,.... That is, in all their cities and walled towns, which had gates and bars for security:
until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst,
throughout all thy land; the Jews had several cities well fenced and strongly fortified, besides Jerusalem, which was fortified both by art and nature, and in which they greatly put their trust and confidence; but these were broken down, particularly by the battering rams of the Romans:
and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, throughout all thy land,
which the Lord thy God hath given thee; this is repeated for the certainty of it, and that it might be taken notice of, and abate their trust and confidence in their outward strength. Now all this was fulfilled, partly in the siege of Samaria by the king of Assyria, who went through all the land of the ten tribes, 2Ki 17:5; and in Sennacherib's taking the fenced cities of Judah, 2Ki 18:13; and in the siege of Jerusalem, and breaking down the walls of it by Nebuchadnezzar, 2Ki 25:10; and, last of all, in the siege of Jerusalem, and battering down the walls of it, by the Romans; at which time also all their strong and fenced cities throughout the land were taken and demolished.

Gill: Deu 28:53 - -- And thou shall eat the fruit of thine body,.... Than which nothing can be more shocking and unnatural, which is explained as follows:
the flesh of ...
And thou shall eat the fruit of thine body,.... Than which nothing can be more shocking and unnatural, which is explained as follows:
the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee; which is an aggravation of the cruel and inhuman fact:
in the siege, and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee; this shows the cause of it, a famine by reason of the closeness of the siege, so that no provisions could be brought in for their relief; and all within being eaten up, and everything that was eatable, even the most nauseous and disagreeable, they would be led on to this strange, unheard of, and barbarous action, eating their own children. This was fulfilled in the siege of Samaria, 2Ki 6:25; and in the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, Lam 2:10 and again in the Apocrypha:"Moreover he hath delivered them to be in subjection to all the kingdoms that are round about us, to be as a reproach and desolation among all the people round about, where the Lord hath scattered them.'' (Baruch 2:4)and in the siege of the same city by the Romans; of which an instance will be hereafter given.

Gill: Deu 28:54 - -- So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate,.... Not only the rustic that has been brought up meanly, and used to hard living; but o...
So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate,.... Not only the rustic that has been brought up meanly, and used to hard living; but one that has been bred very tenderly, and lived in a delicate manner, like the rich man in Luk 16:19; that fared sumptuously every day:
his eye shall be evil towards his brother, and towards the wife of his bosom, and towards the remnant of his children which he shall leave; that is, he shall begrudge his brother, who is so nearly related to him, the least bit of food; yea, his wife, he dearly loved, and is one flesh with him, his other self, and even his children, which are parts of himself, such of them as were left not eaten by him; or his eye should be evil upon then, he should look with an evil eye on them, determining within himself to kill and eat them next. Though the particular instance in which his eye would be evil to them follows, yet no doubt there are other instances in which his eye would be evil towards them, as there were at the siege of Jerusalem, and have been since. Josephus b says,"that in every house where there was any appearance of food (or anything that looked like it, that had the shadow of it) there was a battle; and the dearest friends fought with one another, snatching away from each other, the miserable supports of life;''as the husband from his wife and children, and the wife from her husband and children; see more in Deu 28:56; and, in later times, we told by the Jewish historian c, that wrote an account of their sufferings and distresses since their dispersion, that at Fez the Jews sold their children for slaves for bread.

Gill: Deu 28:55 - -- So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat,.... Neither give to a brother, nor to a wife, nor to any of hi...
So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat,.... Neither give to a brother, nor to a wife, nor to any of his remaining children, the least bit of the flesh of a child he has killed and dressed for his own food; which adds to the barbarity of his action:
because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates; every creature being eaten up, dogs, cats, &c. and whatsoever else could be any ways made food of; as the dung of beasts, belts, shoes, the leather on shields, &c. as Josephus d says they did eat; and this being the case, nothing eatable remaining, therefore his heart would be hardened against his nearest relations, and not allow them the least part with him, even of what was so shocking and unnatural.

Gill: Deu 28:56 - -- And the tender and delicate woman amongst you,.... Who is instanced in because of her sex, which is more pitiful and compassionate, and especially one...
And the tender and delicate woman amongst you,.... Who is instanced in because of her sex, which is more pitiful and compassionate, and especially one that has been brought up genteelly, and has always lived deliciously, on the most delicate fare, and nicest dainties, and used to all the delights of nature:
which would not venture to set her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness; for fear of taking cold, or defiling her feet:
her eye shall be evil towards the husband of her bosom, and towards her son, and towards her daughter; begrudge them every bit they eat, and restrain food from them as much as in her lies, and even snatch it out of their mouths; so Josephus e relates, that"women snatched the food out of the mouths of their husbands, and sons out of the mouths of their fathers; and, what is most miserable, mothers out of the mouths of their infants.''

Gill: Deu 28:57 - -- And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet,.... Or her secundine, "her afterbirth", as in the margin of our Bibles; so the Targum ...
And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet,.... Or her secundine, "her afterbirth", as in the margin of our Bibles; so the Targum of Jonathan and Aben Ezra interpret it. The latter describes it,"the place of the fetus, while it abides in the womb of its mother;''the membrane in which the child is wrapped; and it is suggested that, as nauseous as that is, the delicate woman should eat it, and then the newborn child that was wrapped in it; so Jarchi interprets it, little children; though it seems to be distinguished from the children she bears or brings forth in the next clause:
and towards her children which she shall bear; that is, have an evil eye towards them, to eat them as follows:
for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates; that is, eat her children, being reduced to the utmost extremity, being in want of all things, having nothing at all to abate her sharp hunger; which, and nothing else, could incline her, and prevail upon her to do an action so monstrously horrid: and which she would do in the most private and secret manner; both lest others should partake with her, as well as being conscious of the foulness and blackness of the crime, that would not by any means bear the light; and all this owing to the closeness of the siege, and the unspeakable distress they should be in through it. For the illustration of this, take the following story as related by Josephus f;"a woman, whose name was Mary, that lived beyond Jordan, illustrious for her descent and riches fled with the multitude to Jerusalem when besieged carrying with her her substance, and what food she could get that were left to her by the spoilers; where being pressed with famine, she took her sucking child, killed it boiled it, and ate half of it, and then laid up the rest, and covered it; and when the seditious party entered the house, they smelt it, and demanded her food, threatening to kill her if she did not deliver it; which when she brought forth, declaring what she had done, they were struck with horror; to whom she said, this is my son, and this my own deed; eat, for I have eaten; be not more tender or softer than a woman, and more sympathizing or more pitiful than a mother.''All the ideas that this prophecy of Moses conveys are to be met with in this account; as of a woman well bred and delicate, reduced to the utmost distress, and wanting all the necessaries of life, killing her tender infant, a sucking babe, eating it secretly, and laying up the rest covered for another time. If Moses had lived to have known the fact committed, as Josephus did, he could not have expressed it well in stronger and clearer terms than he has done. This is a most amazing instance of a prophecy delivered out two thousand years or more before the fact was done, and of the exact accomplishment of it; and if the observation of a learned critic g can be established, that the first word of this verse should be

Gill: Deu 28:58 - -- If thou wilt not observe to do all the words this law, that are written in this book,.... Of Deuteronomy, in which there is a repetition of the laws b...
If thou wilt not observe to do all the words this law, that are written in this book,.... Of Deuteronomy, in which there is a repetition of the laws before delivered, and an addition of some new ones; all which were to be so observed as to be done, to this end:
that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name of the Lord thy God; or that it might appear that the fear of God was before their eyes, and in their hearts, by their obedience to his law; that they had a proper awe and reverence of him, who is glorious in his titles and attributes, and whose name Jehovah is holy and reverend; and who, as the covenant God of his people, is to, be feared for his goodness sake.

Gill: Deu 28:59 - -- Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful,.... Visible, remarkable, distinguishable, and astonishing to all that see them:
and the plagues of t...
Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful,.... Visible, remarkable, distinguishable, and astonishing to all that see them:
and the plagues of thy seed; for they were to continue, as they have done, With their posterity, age after age:
even great plagues, and of long continuance; great as to quality and quantity, and firm, sure, lasting, and durable; the word used is rendered "sure" in Isa 55:3; sure by prophecy and in the event; and which when inflicted remained, as they have 1700 years; all which might be believed as certain, or what would certainly come to pass, and be depended on:
and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance; besides those diseases mentioned Deu 28:27; or however others including them.

Gill: Deu 28:60 - -- Moreover, he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt,.... All that in a way of judgment were brought upon the Egyptians for refusing to let Isr...
Moreover, he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt,.... All that in a way of judgment were brought upon the Egyptians for refusing to let Israel go; or all such diseases as were peculiar to them, and common among them, as the leprosy, the itch, ulcers, &c.
which thou wast afraid of; when living among them, lest they should catch them of them, or they should be inflicted on them by the hand of God:
and they shall cleave unto thee; not only should come upon them, but continue with them; they should not easily get rid of them, or be cured of them.

Gill: Deu 28:61 - -- Also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law,.... Which is not here mentioned or threatened; and it suggests, th...
Also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law,.... Which is not here mentioned or threatened; and it suggests, that whatsoever sickness or disease that could be thought of or named, or were at any time in any place among men, might be expected to come upon them for their disobedience:
them will the Lord bring upon thee until thou be destroyed; the Jews themselves h own this has been fulfilled on them.

Gill: Deu 28:62 - -- And ye shall be left few in number,.... There were but very few left in the land of Judea by Nebuchadnezzar's general when Jerusalem was taken by him;...
And ye shall be left few in number,.... There were but very few left in the land of Judea by Nebuchadnezzar's general when Jerusalem was taken by him; and these were of the poorer sort, and were left for vinedressers and husbandmen, Jer 39:10; and how much they were reduced by the Romans will appear by the accounts Josephus gives of those that were slain, and made prisoners by them: he says i,"there were 1,100,000 slain at the siege of Jerusalem and by the war, and 97,000 made prisoners;''and it is computed that 1,240,490 were destroyed in Jerusalem and other parts of the nation k; and it is also said by their historian l, that of those that were transported from Jerusalem and other parts of Palestine into Spain, scarce a thousandth part remained and that an infinite number were slain in France and Germany; and though their number equalled those that came out of Egypt, yet scarce five thousand of them were left:
whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; and, as it is sometimes said, as the sand of the sea, as was promised to Abraham, Gen 15:5; and was fulfilled in the days of Solomon 1Ki 4:20,
because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God; in his law, and by his prophets; and especially by the voice of the true Messiah, in his everlasting Gospel; of whom it is said, "today if ye will hear his voice"; &c. Heb 3:7.

Gill: Deu 28:63 - -- And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good,.... The Word of the Lord, as the Targum of Jonathan; who with great del...
And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good,.... The Word of the Lord, as the Targum of Jonathan; who with great delight and pleasure in them brought them out of Egypt, conducted them through the wilderness, protecting them and providing all good things for them; and brought them into the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, and settled them there; and gave them judges and kings, priests and prophets, for a long series of time, with other innumerable blessings he bestowed upon them:
and to multiply you; so that they became as the stars of heaven, and the sand of the sea, as before observed:
so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you and to bring you to nought; take as much pleasure in their ruin and destruction, whereby his justice would be glorified, and the honour of his laws preserved, as before in bestowing good things on them, in which mercy and kindness were displayed:
and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it; in a violent manner, by their enemies, and against their wills, they being loath to leave it. The Emperor Adrian, to prevent their insurrections and rebellions, which had given him a great deal of trouble, ordered by an edict that no Jew should come into Jerusalem, nor into the land of Judea, or be seen in it, which is observed by several writers m; by which means the country was cleared of them. In later times some of them did get thither again, but they were but few. Benjamin of Tudela, a Jew of the twelfth century, travelled into several parts of the world in quest of his countrymen, and particularly into Judea, and his view was to magnify his people; and yet owns he found at Jerusalem only two hundred persons, whose employment was dyeing wool, and dwelt in a corner of the town under the tower of David; and but twelve at Bethlehem, three at Maresha, at Shunem indeed three hundred, none at Gilead, two at Nob, who were dyers, three at Ramah, one at Joppa, none at Jafne, where had been a famous academy, none at Ashdod, and at Tiberias about fifty n. And our countryman Sandys o, who travelled into Judea in the seventeenth century, says,"here be some Jews, yet inherit they no part of the land, but in their own country do live as aliens.''

Gill: Deu 28:64 - -- And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even to the other,.... Which refers to their present dispersion, being...
And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even to the other,.... Which refers to their present dispersion, being now, more or fewer, in all parts of the world, east, west, north, and south:
and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone: it may be observed, that the phrase, "which either thou nor fathers have known", is fitly added here, which is not used of them, Deu 28:36; and well agrees with the idols of the Papists, their images of the Virgin Mary, and saints departed, made of wood and stone, which were such the fathers of the Jews never knew; just as it is said of the host, the consecrated wafer, the breaden god honoured by antichrist, that it is "a god who his fathers knew not", Dan 11:38; the apostles and ancient fathers of the church. Now in Popish countries the Jews have often been prevailed upon to change, or at least dissemble their religion, and embrace Popery: and have worshipped images of wood and stone. The author of the history of their calamities and sufferings owns this;"multitudes (he says p) in Spain and Portugal forsook the law of Moses, and joined the Papists, pretending at least to be of their religion.''
He makes mention of sixteen thousand at one time q, and some, he say r,"that were driven out of Spain, came into Italy, where the young men pressed with famine could not bear it, and changed their religion, and began to worship images that they might have to satisfy their hunger; and the Papists used to go about with a crucifix in one hand, and a piece of bread in the other, promising the bread to those that would worship the crucifix; and so many famishing persons forsook the law of Moses, and mixed with them:''and to this day the convents of monks and nuns in Spain are full of them; and most of their canons, inquisitors, and bishops, are Jews s. The Targum of Jonathan indeed, to clear them from idolatry itself, gives another sense of these words, paraphrasing them,"ye shall pay tribute to the worshippers of idols.''

Gill: Deu 28:65 - -- And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest,.... No quiet settlement, nor certain dwelling, being ob...
And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest,.... No quiet settlement, nor certain dwelling, being obliged to move from place to place through cruel edicts, heavy fines and mulcts, exorbitant taxes and impositions, and diligent search made after them by the courts of the inquisition, especially where any substance was to be gotten. The Jews themselves t own that this passage is now fulfilled in them:
but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart; being always in fear lest their persons should be seized on, their children taken from them, and their goods confiscated; hence the poet u gives them the epithet of "trembling":
and failing of eyes: in looking for a vainly expected Messiah, to deliver them from all their fears and troubles:
and sorrow of mind; under their present afflictions and calamities.

Gill: Deu 28:66 - -- And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee,.... Whether it shall be spared or not by the enemy:
and thou shalt fear day and night; being in conti...
And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee,.... Whether it shall be spared or not by the enemy:
and thou shalt fear day and night; being in continual dread of being killed:
and shalt have none assurance of thy life; of its being continued a moment scarcely, but live in constant fear and expectation of its being taken away.

Gill: Deu 28:67 - -- In the morning thou shalt say, would God it were even,.... Wishing they might get through the day well, fearing their life would be taken away before ...
In the morning thou shalt say, would God it were even,.... Wishing they might get through the day well, fearing their life would be taken away before night, or some sad calamity befall them before the day was past:
and at even thou shall say, would God it were morning; dreading what would happen to them in the night, that some messenger of death would be sent to dispatch them, or they should be haled out of bed to a court of inquisition, and cast into a dungeon:
for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which, thou shalt see; often beholding such dreadful sights, as their countrymen put upon the rack, and cruelly tortured, and then burnt alive; and so their hearts would fear and tremble, lest they should be the next that would be taken up and used in this manner; besides other severities and hard usages, with which their brethren were treated, and they in continual fear of.

Gill: Deu 28:68 - -- And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships,.... Either into a state of hard bondage and slavery, like that their fathers were in, in Eg...
And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships,.... Either into a state of hard bondage and slavery, like that their fathers were in, in Egypt; or rather, strictly and literally, should be brought into Egypt again, since it is said to be "with" or "in ships". This does not respect the going of those Jews into Egypt who were left in the land of Judea, after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar; for that was against the express command of God, Jer 42:13. There were several movings of them into Egypt after that time; an Heathen historian w tells us, that not a few thousands of Jews went into Egypt and Phoenicia, because of the sedition in Syria after the death of Alexander; and where, it seems, in process of time, they became slaves: for we are told by Josephus x, that 120,000 slaves were set free by Ptolemy Philadelphus; but what is chiefly respected here is their case in the times of the Romans, and by their means. Now when Jerusalem was taken by Titus, those above seventeen years of age were sent by him to the works, or mines, in Egypt, as the same historian relates y; and after their last overthrow by Adrian many thousands were sold, and what could not be sold were transported into Egypt, and perished by "shipwreck", or famine, or were slaughtered by the people z whereby this prophecy was literally and exactly fulfilled, and which is owned by the Jews themselves. Manasseh Ben Israel a observes, that though Vespasian banished the Jews into various countries, Egypt is only mentioned by way of reproach, as if it had been said, ye shall go captives into the land from which ye went out triumphant:
by the way whereof I spake unto thee, thou shall see it no more again; the Targum of Jonathan is,"the Word of the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again in ships;''even the same divine Word, the Son of God, that brought them out of it, and went before them in a pillar of cloud and fire, now provoked by their rejection of him, would lead them back again thither; the paraphrast adds,"through the midst of the Red sea, in the path in which ye passed;''as if they were carried over into Egypt in ships, just in that part of the sea in which they had passed before; but that was an unknown and unseen path, after the waters were closed up, and never to be seen more, and which is here meant; for not Egypt, but the way in which they passed, was to be seen no more:
and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and for bondwomen, and no man shall buy you; that is, there in Egypt they would be offered to sale, and so many would be sold until the market was glutted with them, and there would be no buyers. The Targum of Jonathan is,"ye shall be sold there at first to your enemies, at a dear price, as artificers, and afterwards at a mean price as servants and handmaids, until ye become despised, and be brought to serve for nothing, and there be none to take you in.''Jarchi interprets it of they themselves being desirous, and seeking to be sold, to avoid cruelties and death; which agrees with the sense of the word, which may be rendered, "ye shall offer yourselves for sale"; but there will be no buyer, because their enemies will determine upon the slaughter and consumption of them; and to the same purpose Aben Ezra. There were such numbers of them to be sold both at Egypt and at Rome, that the sellers of them had but a poor market for them; and it seems not only because of their number, but the ill opinion had of them as servants. Hegesippus b says,"there were many to be sold, but there were few buyers; for the Romans despised the Jews for service, nor were there Jews left to redeem their own.''It is said c, that thirty were sold for a penny; a just retaliation to them, who had sold their Messiah for thirty pieces of silver.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Deu 28:23; Deu 28:23; Deu 28:25; Deu 28:28; Deu 28:29; Deu 28:30; Deu 28:32; Deu 28:36; Deu 28:40; Deu 28:42; Deu 28:43; Deu 28:45; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:46; Deu 28:48; Deu 28:48; Deu 28:49; Deu 28:49; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:51; Deu 28:52; Deu 28:53; Deu 28:53; Deu 28:55; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:56; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:57; Deu 28:58; Deu 28:60; Deu 28:60; Deu 28:61; Deu 28:62; Deu 28:62; Deu 28:63; Deu 28:66
NET Notes: Deu 28:23 Or “heavens” (also in the following verse). The Hebrew term שָׁמַיִם (shamayim) may be tra...

NET Notes: Deu 28:25 The meaningless MT reading זַעֲוָה (za’avah) is clearly a transposition of the more commonly attested ...

NET Notes: Deu 28:30 For MT reading שָׁגַל (shagal, “ravish; violate”), the Syriac, Targum, and Vulgate presume the less vi...

NET Notes: Deu 28:32 Heb “and there will be no power in your hand”; NCV “there will be nothing you can do.”

NET Notes: Deu 28:40 Heb “your olives will drop off” (נָשַׁל, nashal), referring to the olives dropping off before they rip...

NET Notes: Deu 28:42 The Hebrew term denotes some sort of buzzing or whirring insect; some have understood this to be a type of locust (KJV, NIV, CEV), but other insects h...

NET Notes: Deu 28:43 Heb “the foreigner.” This is a collective singular and has therefore been translated as plural; this includes the pronouns in the followin...

NET Notes: Deu 28:48 Heb “he” (also later in this verse). The pronoun is a collective singular referring to the enemies (cf. CEV, NLT). Many translations under...

NET Notes: Deu 28:49 Some translations understand this to mean “like an eagle swoops down” (e.g., NAB, NASB, NIV, NRSV, NLT), comparing the swift attack of an ...

NET Notes: Deu 28:61 The Hebrew term תּוֹרָה (torah) can refer either (1) to the whole Pentateuch or, more likely, (2) to the boo...

NET Notes: Deu 28:66 Heb “you will not be confident in your life.” The phrase “from one day to the next” is implied by the following verse.
Geneva Bible: Deu 28:23 And thy heaven that [is] over thy head shall be ( k ) brass, and the earth that is under thee [shall be] iron.
( k ) It will give you no more moistur...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:25 The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be ( ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:26 And thy ( m ) carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray [them] away.
( m ) You will be...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:29 And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the ( n ) blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:32 Thy sons and thy daughters [shall be] given unto another people, and thine eyes ( o ) shall look, and fail [with longing] for them all the day long: a...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:36 The LORD shall bring thee, and thy ( p ) king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there s...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land ( q ) shall the locust consume.
( q ) Under one kind he contains all the vermin, which destroy the fruit of the l...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:56 The tender and delicate ( s ) woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:57 And toward her ( t ) young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:58 If thou wilt not observe to do ( u ) all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, TH...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which [is] not ( x ) written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroy...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:64 And the LORD shall ( y ) scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, whic...

Geneva Bible: Deu 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ( z ) ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye s...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 28:1-68
Maclaren -> Deu 28:47-48
Maclaren: Deu 28:47-48 - --Deut. 28:47-48
The history of Israel is a picture on the large scale of what befalls every man.
A service--we are all born to obedience, to depend on ...
MHCC -> Deu 28:15-44; Deu 28:45-68
MHCC: Deu 28:15-44 - --If we do not keep God's commandments, we not only come short of the blessing promised, but we lay ourselves under the curse, which includes all misery...

MHCC: Deu 28:45-68 - --If God inflicts vengeance, what miseries his curse can bring upon mankind, even in this present world! Yet these are but the beginning of sorrows to t...
Matthew Henry -> Deu 28:15-44; Deu 28:45-68
Matthew Henry: Deu 28:15-44 - -- Having viewed the bright side of the cloud, which is towards the obedient, we have now presented to us the dark side, which is towards the disobedie...

Matthew Henry: Deu 28:45-68 - -- One would have thought that enough had been said to possess them with a dread of that wrath of God which is revealed from heaven against the ungo...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 28:15-68
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 28:15-68 - --
The Curse, in case Israel should not hearken to the voice of its God, to keep His commandments. After the announcement that all these (the following...
Constable -> Deu 27:1--29:2; Deu 28:15-68
Constable: Deu 27:1--29:2 - --V. PREPARATIONS FOR RENEWING THE COVENANT 27:1--29:1
Moses now gave the new generation its instructions concerni...