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Text -- Ezekiel 20:35-49 (NET)

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20:35 I will bring you into the wilderness of the nations, and there I will enter into judgment with you face to face. 20:36 Just as I entered into judgment with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will enter into judgment with you, declares the sovereign Lord. 20:37 I will make you pass under the shepherd’s staff, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. 20:38 I will eliminate from among you the rebels and those who revolt against me. I will bring them out from the land where they have been residing, but they will not come to the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord. 20:39 “‘As for you, O house of Israel, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Each of you go and serve your idols, if you will not listen to me. But my holy name will not be profaned again by your sacrifices and your idols. 20:40 For there on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord, all the house of Israel will serve me, all of them in the land. I will accept them there, and there I will seek your contributions and your choice gifts, with all your holy things. 20:41 When I bring you out from the nations and gather you from the lands where you are scattered, I will accept you along with your soothing aroma. I will display my holiness among you in the sight of the nations. 20:42 Then you will know that I am the Lord when I bring you to the land of Israel, to the land I swore to give to your fathers. 20:43 And there you will remember your conduct and all your deeds by which you defiled yourselves. You will despise yourselves because of all the evil deeds you have done. 20:44 Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I deal with you for the sake of my reputation and not according to your wicked conduct and corrupt deeds, O house of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord.’”
Prophecy Against the South
20:45 The word of the Lord came to me: 20:46 “Son of man, turn toward the south, and speak out against the south. Prophesy against the open scrub land of the Negev, 20:47 and say to the scrub land of the Negev, ‘Hear the word of the Lord: This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look here, I am about to start a fire in you, and it will devour every green tree and every dry tree in you. The flaming fire will not be extinguished, and the whole surface of the ground from the Negev to the north will be scorched by it. 20:48 And everyone will see that I, the Lord, have burned it; it will not be extinguished.’” 20:49 Then I said, “O sovereign Lord! They are saying of me, ‘Does he not simply speak in eloquent figures of speech?’”
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Negeb geographical region: South country

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wilderness | UNQUENCHABLE FIRE | TITHE | SOUTH | SHEPHERD | SANCTIFICATION | PURGE | PLEAD | PARABLE | LEVITICUS, 2 | Israel | Idolatry | HEREAFTER | God | GOD, 2 | FLESH | FLAME | COVENANT, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | COLOR; COLORS | Afflictions and Adversities | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Eze 20:35 - -- Drive you.

Drive you.

Wesley: Eze 20:35 - -- Into the most horrid parts of the world; into the mountainous parts of Media, Hyrcania, Iberia, Caspia, Albania, and Scythia.

Into the most horrid parts of the world; into the mountainous parts of Media, Hyrcania, Iberia, Caspia, Albania, and Scythia.

Wesley: Eze 20:35 - -- Pass sentence, and execute it on you.

Pass sentence, and execute it on you.

Wesley: Eze 20:36 - -- Who died there, and never entered Canaan.

Who died there, and never entered Canaan.

Wesley: Eze 20:37 - -- I will bring you out by number, so that you shall either own my scepter, or by a conquered subjection, yield to my sword and power.

I will bring you out by number, so that you shall either own my scepter, or by a conquered subjection, yield to my sword and power.

Wesley: Eze 20:37 - -- Referring to the manner of shepherds in that country, who did tell their sheep in, and out of the fold.

Referring to the manner of shepherds in that country, who did tell their sheep in, and out of the fold.

Wesley: Eze 20:37 - -- The voluntary and obedient into covenant with myself.

The voluntary and obedient into covenant with myself.

Wesley: Eze 20:38 - -- The stubborn sinners.

The stubborn sinners.

Wesley: Eze 20:39 - -- But while ye are such idolaters, forbear to take my name into your lips.

But while ye are such idolaters, forbear to take my name into your lips.

Wesley: Eze 20:40 - -- Sion, God's holy hill, Psa 2:6. Holy by designation, and God's own appointing it for his temple and presence.

Sion, God's holy hill, Psa 2:6. Holy by designation, and God's own appointing it for his temple and presence.

Wesley: Eze 20:40 - -- Sion, tho' lower than many other hills, yet was above them all for God's peculiar presence.

Sion, tho' lower than many other hills, yet was above them all for God's peculiar presence.

Wesley: Eze 20:40 - -- Their own land.

Their own land.

Wesley: Eze 20:40 - -- When I have brought you into the land, then I will require your offerings as formerly: you shall see my temple built, Jerusalem filled with inhabitant...

When I have brought you into the land, then I will require your offerings as formerly: you shall see my temple built, Jerusalem filled with inhabitants, and my worship restored.

Wesley: Eze 20:41 - -- Magnified and praised for the good I do to my people.

Magnified and praised for the good I do to my people.

Wesley: Eze 20:43 - -- Review your former ways with sorrow: remember, and grieve.

Review your former ways with sorrow: remember, and grieve.

Wesley: Eze 20:46 - -- Look toward Jerusalem, and the land of Canaan.

Look toward Jerusalem, and the land of Canaan.

Wesley: Eze 20:46 - -- Let thy word distil, begin with softer words, before thou shower down with the vehemency of a storm.

Let thy word distil, begin with softer words, before thou shower down with the vehemency of a storm.

Wesley: Eze 20:46 - -- Jerusalem, which was become like a forest.

Jerusalem, which was become like a forest.

Wesley: Eze 20:47 - -- All that flourish, and all that are poor.

All that flourish, and all that are poor.

Wesley: Eze 20:47 - -- All persons and orders of men, from one end of the land to the other.

All persons and orders of men, from one end of the land to the other.

Wesley: Eze 20:49 - -- So absolutely, that we cannot understand him.

So absolutely, that we cannot understand him.

JFB: Eze 20:35 - -- Rather, "peoples," the various peoples among whom they were to be scattered, and about whom God saith (Eze 20:34), "I will bring you out." In contrast...

Rather, "peoples," the various peoples among whom they were to be scattered, and about whom God saith (Eze 20:34), "I will bring you out." In contrast to the literal "wilderness of Egypt" (Eze 20:36), "the wilderness of the peoples" is their spiritual wilderness period of trial, discipline, and purification while exiled among the nations. As the state when they are "brought into the wilderness of the peoples" and that when they were among the peoples "from" which God was to "bring them out" (Eze 20:34) are distinguished, the wilderness state probably answers partially to the transition period of discipline from the first decree for their restoration by Cyrus to the time of their complete settlement in their land, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple. But the full and final fulfilment is future; the wilderness state will comprise not only the transition period of their restoration, but the beginning of their occupancy of Palestine, a time in which they shall endure the sorest of all their chastisements, to "purge out the rebels" (Eze 20:38; Dan 12:1); and then the remnant (Zec 13:8-9; Zec 14:2-3) shall "all serve God in the land" (Eze 20:40). Thus the wilderness period does not denote locality, but their state intervening between their rejection and future restoration.

JFB: Eze 20:35 - -- Bring the matter in debate between us to an issue. Image is from a plaintiff in a law court meeting the defendant "face to face." Appropriate, as God ...

Bring the matter in debate between us to an issue. Image is from a plaintiff in a law court meeting the defendant "face to face." Appropriate, as God in His dealings acts not arbitrarily, but in most righteous justice (Jer 2:9; Mic 6:2).

JFB: Eze 20:36 - -- (Num 14:21-29). Though God saved them out of Egypt, He afterwards destroyed in the wilderness them that believed not (Jud 1:5); so, though He brought ...

(Num 14:21-29). Though God saved them out of Egypt, He afterwards destroyed in the wilderness them that believed not (Jud 1:5); so, though He brought the exiles out of Babylon, yet their wilderness state of chastening discipline continued even after they were again in Canaan.

JFB: Eze 20:37 - -- Metaphor from a shepherd who makes his sheep pass under his rod in counting them (Lev 27:32; Jer 33:13). Whether you will or not, ye shall be counted ...

Metaphor from a shepherd who makes his sheep pass under his rod in counting them (Lev 27:32; Jer 33:13). Whether you will or not, ye shall be counted as Mine, and so shall be subjected to My chastening discipline (Mic 7:14), with a view to My ultimate saving of the chosen remnant (compare Joh 10:27-29).

JFB: Eze 20:37 - -- I will constrain you by sore chastisements to submit yourselves to the covenant to which ye are lastingly bound, though now you have cast away God's b...

I will constrain you by sore chastisements to submit yourselves to the covenant to which ye are lastingly bound, though now you have cast away God's bond from you. Fulfilled in part, Neh 9:8, Neh 9:26, Neh 9:32-38; Neh. 10:1-39; fully hereafter (Isa 54:10-13; Isa 52:1-2).

JFB: Eze 20:38 - -- (Zec 13:9; Zec 14:2).

JFB: Eze 20:38 - -- Or, "separate." Hebrew, barothi, forming a designed alliteration with "berith," the covenant; not a promise of grace, but a threat against those Jews ...

Or, "separate." Hebrew, barothi, forming a designed alliteration with "berith," the covenant; not a promise of grace, but a threat against those Jews who thought they could in exile escape the observation and "rule" of God.

JFB: Eze 20:38 - -- Though brought out of the country of their sojourn or exile (Babylon formerly, and the various lands of their exile hereafter) into the literal land o...

Though brought out of the country of their sojourn or exile (Babylon formerly, and the various lands of their exile hereafter) into the literal land of Palestine, even it shall be to them an exile state, "they shall not enter into the land of Israel," that is, the spiritual state of restored favor of God to His covenant people, ,which shall only be given to the remnant to be saved (Zec 13:8-9).

JFB: Eze 20:39 - -- Equivalent to, "I would rather have you open idolaters than hypocrites, fancying you can worship Me and yet at the same time serve idols" (Amo 5:21-22...

Equivalent to, "I would rather have you open idolaters than hypocrites, fancying you can worship Me and yet at the same time serve idols" (Amo 5:21-22, Amo 5:25-26; compare 1Ki 18:21; 2Ki 17:41; Mat 6:24; Rev 3:15-16).

JFB: Eze 20:39 - -- This is not a command to serve idols, but a judicial declaration of God's giving up of the half-idol, half-Jehovah worshippers to utter idolatry, if t...

This is not a command to serve idols, but a judicial declaration of God's giving up of the half-idol, half-Jehovah worshippers to utter idolatry, if they will not serve Jehovah alone (Psa 81:12; Rev 22:11).

JFB: Eze 20:39 - -- God anticipates the same apostasy afterwards, as now.

God anticipates the same apostasy afterwards, as now.

JFB: Eze 20:40 - -- Though ye, the rebellious portion, withdraw from My worship, others, even the believing remnant, will succeed after you perish, and will serve Me pure...

Though ye, the rebellious portion, withdraw from My worship, others, even the believing remnant, will succeed after you perish, and will serve Me purely.

JFB: Eze 20:40 - -- (Isa 2:2-3). Zion, or Moriah, "the height of Israel" (pre-eminent above all mountains because of the manifested presence of God there with Israel), a...

(Isa 2:2-3). Zion, or Moriah, "the height of Israel" (pre-eminent above all mountains because of the manifested presence of God there with Israel), as opposed to their "high places," the worship on which was an abomination to God.

JFB: Eze 20:40 - -- Not merely individuals, such as constitute the elect Church now; but the whole nation, to be followed by the conversion of the Gentile nations (Isa 2:...

Not merely individuals, such as constitute the elect Church now; but the whole nation, to be followed by the conversion of the Gentile nations (Isa 2:2, "all nations;" Rom 11:26; Rev 11:15).

JFB: Eze 20:40 - -- Rather, "in all your holy things" [MAURER].

Rather, "in all your holy things" [MAURER].

JFB: Eze 20:41 - -- That is, in respect to your sweet savor (literally, "savor of rest," see on Eze 16:19). Or, I will accept you (your worship) "as a sweet savor" [MAURE...

That is, in respect to your sweet savor (literally, "savor of rest," see on Eze 16:19). Or, I will accept you (your worship) "as a sweet savor" [MAURER], (Eph 5:2; Phi 4:18). God first accepts the person in Messiah, then the offering (Eze 20:40; Gen 4:4).

JFB: Eze 20:41 - -- The same words as in Eze 20:34; but there applied to the bringing forth of the hypocrites, as well as the elect; here restricted to the saved remnant,...

The same words as in Eze 20:34; but there applied to the bringing forth of the hypocrites, as well as the elect; here restricted to the saved remnant, who alone shall be at last restored literally and spiritually in the fullest sense.

JFB: Eze 20:41 - -- (Jer 33:9). All the nations will acknowledge My power displayed in restoring you, and so shall be led to seek Me (Isa 66:18; Zec 14:16-19).

(Jer 33:9). All the nations will acknowledge My power displayed in restoring you, and so shall be led to seek Me (Isa 66:18; Zec 14:16-19).

JFB: Eze 20:43 - -- Not merely in exile when suffering punishment which makes even reprobates sorry for sin, but when received into favor in your own land.

Not merely in exile when suffering punishment which makes even reprobates sorry for sin, but when received into favor in your own land.

JFB: Eze 20:43 - -- (Eze 16:61, Eze 16:63). The humiliation of Judah (Neh. 9:1-38) is a type of the future penitence of the whole nation (Hos 5:15; Hos 6:1; Zec 12:10-14...

(Eze 16:61, Eze 16:63). The humiliation of Judah (Neh. 9:1-38) is a type of the future penitence of the whole nation (Hos 5:15; Hos 6:1; Zec 12:10-14). God's goodness realized by the sinner is the only thing that leads to true repentance (Hos 3:5; Luk 7:37-38).

JFB: Eze 20:44 - -- The English Version chapter ought to have ended here, and the twenty-first chapter begun with "Moreover," &c., as in the Hebrew Bible.

The English Version chapter ought to have ended here, and the twenty-first chapter begun with "Moreover," &c., as in the Hebrew Bible.

JFB: Eze 20:44 - -- (Eze 36:22). Gratuitously; according to My compassion, not your merits. After having commented on this verse, CALVIN was laid on his death bed, and h...

(Eze 36:22). Gratuitously; according to My compassion, not your merits. After having commented on this verse, CALVIN was laid on his death bed, and his commentary ended.

JFB: Eze 20:45-49 - -- An introductory brief description in enigma of the destruction by fire and sword, detailed more explicitly in Eze. 21:1-32.

An introductory brief description in enigma of the destruction by fire and sword, detailed more explicitly in Eze. 21:1-32.

JFB: Eze 20:46 - -- Three different Hebrew words, to express the certainty of the divine displeasure resting on the region specified. The third term is from a root meanin...

Three different Hebrew words, to express the certainty of the divine displeasure resting on the region specified. The third term is from a root meaning "dry," referring to the sun's heat in the south; representing the burning judgments of God on the southern parts of Judea, of which Jerusalem was the capital.

JFB: Eze 20:46 - -- Determinately. The prophets used to turn themselves towards those who were to be the subjects of their prophecies.

Determinately. The prophets used to turn themselves towards those who were to be the subjects of their prophecies.

JFB: Eze 20:46 - -- As the rain, which flows in a continuous stream, sometimes gently (Deu 32:2), sometimes violently (Amo 7:16; Mic 2:6, Margin), as here.

As the rain, which flows in a continuous stream, sometimes gently (Deu 32:2), sometimes violently (Amo 7:16; Mic 2:6, Margin), as here.

JFB: Eze 20:46 - -- The densely populated country of Judea; trees representing people.

The densely populated country of Judea; trees representing people.

JFB: Eze 20:47 - -- Every kind of judgment (Eze 19:12; Eze 21:3, "my sword"; Jer 21:14).

Every kind of judgment (Eze 19:12; Eze 21:3, "my sword"; Jer 21:14).

JFB: Eze 20:47 - -- Fit and unfit materials for fuel alike; "the righteous and the wicked," as explained in Eze 21:3-4; Luk 23:31. Unsparing universality of the judgment!

Fit and unfit materials for fuel alike; "the righteous and the wicked," as explained in Eze 21:3-4; Luk 23:31. Unsparing universality of the judgment!

JFB: Eze 20:47 - -- One continued and unextinguished flame. "The glowing flame" [FAIRBAIRN].

One continued and unextinguished flame. "The glowing flame" [FAIRBAIRN].

JFB: Eze 20:47 - -- Persons; here the metaphor is merged in the reality.

Persons; here the metaphor is merged in the reality.

JFB: Eze 20:49 - -- Ezekiel complains that by this parabolic form of prophecy he only makes himself and it a jest to his countrymen. God therefore in Eze. 21:1-32 permits...

Ezekiel complains that by this parabolic form of prophecy he only makes himself and it a jest to his countrymen. God therefore in Eze. 21:1-32 permits him to express the same prophecy more plainly.

Clarke: Eze 20:35 - -- I will bring you into the wilderness of the people - I will bring you out of your captivity, and bring you into your own land which you will find to...

I will bring you into the wilderness of the people - I will bring you out of your captivity, and bring you into your own land which you will find to be a wilderness, the consequence of your crimes

Clarke: Eze 20:35 - -- There will I plead with you - There I will be your king, and rule you with a sovereign rule; and the dispensations of my justice and mercy shall eit...

There will I plead with you - There I will be your king, and rule you with a sovereign rule; and the dispensations of my justice and mercy shall either end you or mend you.

Clarke: Eze 20:37 - -- I will cause you to pass under the rod - This alludes to the custom of tithing the sheep. I take it from the rabbins. The sheep were all penned; and...

I will cause you to pass under the rod - This alludes to the custom of tithing the sheep. I take it from the rabbins. The sheep were all penned; and the shepherd stood at the door of the fold, where only one sheep could come out at once. He had in his hand a rod dipped in vermillion; and as they came out, he counted one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine; and as the tenth came out, he marked it with the rod, and said, "This is the tenth;"and that was set apart for the Lord

Clarke: Eze 20:37 - -- I wilt bring you into the bond of the covenant - You shall be placed under the same obligations as before, and acknowledge your selves bound; ye sha...

I wilt bring you into the bond of the covenant - You shall be placed under the same obligations as before, and acknowledge your selves bound; ye shall feel your obligation, and live according to its nature.

Clarke: Eze 20:38 - -- I will purge out from among you the rebels - The incorrigibly wicked I will destroy; those who will not receive him whom I have appointed for this p...

I will purge out from among you the rebels - The incorrigibly wicked I will destroy; those who will not receive him whom I have appointed for this purpose as the Savior of Israel. And I will gather you who believe out of all the countries where you sojourn, and bring you into your own land; but those of you who will not believe - will not receive the Son of David to reign over you, shall never enter into the land of Israel, but die in your dispersions. This is what the contradicting and blaspheming Jews of the present day have to expect. And thus, both of you shall know that he is Jehovah, fulfilling his threatenings against the one, and his promises to the other.

Clarke: Eze 20:39 - -- Go ye, serve ye every one his idols - Thus, God gave them statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they could not live, by thus permitting...

Go ye, serve ye every one his idols - Thus, God gave them statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they could not live, by thus permitting them to take their own way, serve their gods, and follow the maxims and rites of that abominable worship.

Clarke: Eze 20:40 - -- For in mine holy mountain - The days shall come in which all true Israelites shall receive Him whom I have sent to be the true sacrifice for the lif...

For in mine holy mountain - The days shall come in which all true Israelites shall receive Him whom I have sent to be the true sacrifice for the life of the world; and shall bring to Jerusalem - the pure Christian Church, their offerings, which I will there accept, for they will give me thanks for my unspeakable gift.

Clarke: Eze 20:42 - -- And ye shall know - Shall acknowledge that I am Jehovah.

And ye shall know - Shall acknowledge that I am Jehovah.

Clarke: Eze 20:43 - -- And there shall ye remember your ways - Ye shall be ashamed of your past conduct, and of your long opposition to the Gospel of your salvation These ...

And there shall ye remember your ways - Ye shall be ashamed of your past conduct, and of your long opposition to the Gospel of your salvation

These promises may, in a certain limited sense, be applied to the restoration from the Babylonish captivity; but they must have their proper fulfillment when the Jews shall accept Jesus as their Savior, and in consequence be brought back from all their dispersions to their own land.

Clarke: Eze 20:46 - -- Set thy face toward the south - Towards Judea, which lay south from Babylon, or Mesopotamia, where the prophet then dwelt

Set thy face toward the south - Towards Judea, which lay south from Babylon, or Mesopotamia, where the prophet then dwelt

Clarke: Eze 20:46 - -- The forest of the south field - The city of Jerusalem, as full of inhabitants as the forest is of trees.

The forest of the south field - The city of Jerusalem, as full of inhabitants as the forest is of trees.

Clarke: Eze 20:47 - -- I will kindle a fire - I will send war, "and it shall devour every green tree,"the most eminent and substantial of the inhabitants; and every dry tr...

I will kindle a fire - I will send war, "and it shall devour every green tree,"the most eminent and substantial of the inhabitants; and every dry tree, the lowest and meanest also

Clarke: Eze 20:47 - -- The flaming flame shall not be quenched - The fierce ravages of Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans shall not be stopped till the whole land is ruined

The flaming flame shall not be quenched - The fierce ravages of Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans shall not be stopped till the whole land is ruined

Clarke: Eze 20:47 - -- All faces from the south to the north shalt be burned - From the one end of the land to the other there shall be nothing but fear, dismay, terror, a...

All faces from the south to the north shalt be burned - From the one end of the land to the other there shall be nothing but fear, dismay, terror, and confusion, occasioned by the wide-wasting violence of the Chaldeans. Judea lay in length from north to south.

Clarke: Eze 20:48 - -- All flesh - All the people shall see that this war is a judgment of the Lord

All flesh - All the people shall see that this war is a judgment of the Lord

Clarke: Eze 20:48 - -- It shall not be quenched - Till the whole land shall be utterly ruined.

It shall not be quenched - Till the whole land shall be utterly ruined.

Clarke: Eze 20:49 - -- Ah Lord God - O my God, consider my situation; who will believe what I shall say? They put the evil day far from them

Ah Lord God - O my God, consider my situation; who will believe what I shall say? They put the evil day far from them

Clarke: Eze 20:49 - -- Doth he not speak parables? - הלא ממשל משלים הוא halo memashshel meshalim hu , "Is not he a maker of parables?"Is it not his custom ...

Doth he not speak parables? - הלא ממשל משלים הוא halo memashshel meshalim hu , "Is not he a maker of parables?"Is it not his custom to deal in enigmas? His figures are not to be understood; we should not trouble ourselves with them. We are not obliged to fathom his meaning; and perhaps after all it does not refer to us, or will not be accomplished in our time, if it even respect the land. Thus they turned aside what might have done them good, and rejected the counsel of God against themselves

By dividing the word with our neighbor we often lose the benefit both of threatenings and promises. They voluntarily shut their own eyes; and then God, in judgment, sealed them up in darkness.

Calvin: Eze 20:35 - -- He specially marks this reason here, which is a medium between rejection and reconciliation to favor: for God’s bringing the Israelites out of Chal...

He specially marks this reason here, which is a medium between rejection and reconciliation to favor: for God’s bringing the Israelites out of Chaldaea might seem a sign of favor, as if he were again their deliverer. But he here defines why he intended to bring them forth, namely, to plead with them in the desert as with their fathers. We know that when the people came out of Egypt they did not possess the promised land, because they shut the door against themselves by their ingratitude: but if there had been no hope left, it was better for the people to spend their time under the tyranny of Egypt than to pine away in the desert. For it was a kind of life scarcely human to wander in a wilderness and to behold nothing pleasant or agreeable; a mere solitude instead of cultivated fields, and nothing but discomfort instead of beautiful flowers and trees and undulating ground: and besides this, to feed on nothing but manna, to taste no wine, to drink only water from the rock, and to endure heat and cold in the, open air. Such freedom then was by no means agreeable, unless they had hoped to become possessors of the land of Canaan. But a whole generation was deprived of that advantage through their ingratitude. God therefore appositely compares them to their fathers, who had gone forth into the wilderness, and he says, I will make you pass into the desert of the nations. Here he compares the desert of Egypt to that of the Gentiles. Although the passage from the land of Canaan to Chaldaea is partly across an unfruitful wilderness, yet I do not doubt that God here metaphorically points out the state of the people after their return from exile.

The complete meaning is, as he surrounded their fathers throughout their whole life in the wilderness, so after they were brought back from Chaldaea their life should be as solitary as if they were banished to an obscure corner of the world, and to a miserable and deserted land. Here, therefore, another region is not intended, but the state of the people when dwelling in the land of Canaan; although he speaks not only of that small band which returned to their country, but of the liberty promiscuously given to all. He calls that state a desert of the Gentiles, to which all were subjected, whether they remained in distant regions or returned home. We must hold, then, that God would be so far the deliverer of the people that the benefit would reach only a few, since, when the multitude wandered in the desert, they perished there, and did not enjoy the promised inheritance. We now see how God established his sway over the Israelites, when he did not suffer them to be perpetually captive, and yet did not show himself appeased when he brought them back, since he still remained a severe judge. I will bring you, therefore, into the desert of the nations; this is the heat of anger of which he had spoken, and I will judge you, or plead with you, face to face. He signifies by these words, that although their return to Judea was evident, yet he was not propitious, since he met them as an adversary. There, says he, I will meet with you face to face, as when contention is rife, adversaries become opposed, and contend hand to hand: thus God here points out the extremity of rigor when he says, that he will dispute with them face to face. But he says, that he was a pleader in the desert of Egypt, and the sense extends to the future; not that it ought to be understood that God descended to plead a cause, and place himself at another’s tribunal; still it was a kind of pleading when the people were compelled to feel that their impiety and obstinacy was not excusable; and also when experience at the same time taught them that God was by no means appeased, since his wrath was again stirred up. Isaiah’s language is slightly different: Come you, says he, let us reason together, I will plead with you. (Isa 1:0.) He is there prepared to argue his cause, as if with an equal. But the case is soon closed and the sentence passed, since it is evident that the people are deservedly punished by God on account of their sins. Thus he pleaded with their fathers in the Egyptian desert when he deprived them all of entrance into the promised land. And afterwards he often punished them for their murmurs, perverse cravings, lusts, idolatries, and other crimes. Hence, let us learn that God is pleading with us whenever any signs of his anger appear; for we cannot derive any advantage from obstinate resistance: and hence nothing remains but to accuse ourselves for our faults. It follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:37 - -- He follows up the same kind of instruction, that the people were not permitted to perish because they belonged to him, as if he had said that they sh...

He follows up the same kind of instruction, that the people were not permitted to perish because they belonged to him, as if he had said that they should be always his, whether they liked it or not. And yet he seems to promise here what was very agreeable, that he would always esteem them as his flock. This is the meaning of to pass under the rod; for שבט , shebet, does not mean a scepter here, nor a staff by which a delinquent is struck, but it means a shepherd’s crook. It is, then, a simile taken from a shepherd who numbers and marks his flock; and this phrase often recurs. It means, because God has once acquired the people as his own, he cannot be rightly deprived of them. The exiles, indeed, had imagined themselves free if they could blot out of their minds and memories the name of the true God, and pollute themselves with the defilement’s of the Gentiles. But God, on the other hand, pronounces, that as a shepherd notices his sheep, and counts their number, and makes them pass under his staff, like a king reviewing his army, so he would reckon up his people, and not suffer any one to snatch them from him, since he claims authority over them all without exception. Now, therefore, we understand the sense of the words: whence we gather again, that abandoned men gain nothing by their obstinacy, but God’s really showing that the dominion which he has once assumed cannot by any means be snatched away from him. So this passage teaches us the kind of reward which awaits all apostates who think themselves emancipated when they brutally indulge in impiety, because God at length will make them pass under the rod, that is, he will call and compel them to render an account, as if their profession of faith was like a brand burnt in to their hearts.

He says, in the bonds of a covenant, but in a different sense from what Hosea denominates a bond of affection. (Hos 11:4.) He is there treating of reconciliation; but in this passage God pronounces that he will no longer be en-treated by the Israelites. Hence, the bond of the covenant means the constancy of his covenant, as far as he is concerned: and the, simile is suitable, because God had bound his people to himself, on the condition that they should be always surrounded with these bonds. Hence, when they petulantly wandered like untamed beasts, yet God had hidden bonds of his covenant: that is, he persevered in his own covenant, so that he collected them all again to himself, not to rule over them as a father, but to punish their revolt more severely. Here is a tacit comparison between the Israelites and the Gentiles; for the Gentiles, through their never approaching nearer to God, wandered away in their licentiousness without restraint. But the state of the elect people was different, since the end of their covenant was this, that God held them bound to him, even if the whole world should escape from him. It follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:38 - -- He continues the discourse which he had commenced, namely, that God would not suffer the exiles to withdraw themselves from him from the time he had ...

He continues the discourse which he had commenced, namely, that God would not suffer the exiles to withdraw themselves from him from the time he had adopted them. Then, since they were bound by the blessing of redemption, although they thought themselves far removed from the sight of God, after they were cast into exile, he says he would be present to gather them from the land of their dwellings; that is, wherever they were dispersed to bring them out. Some suppose the phrase to include a promise of favor, because it is said, I will purge you; but the word to choose, as I prefer to render it, or to discern, means, that God will drag to light those who think they have obtained hiding-places in which they can escape his eyes. Although, therefore, they promise themselves complete exemption from God’s authority, he, on the other hand, pronounces them deceived, since he would collect them all together from the land of their habitations, although they were dispersed in different places. God’s threatenings are sufficiently evident from the second clause of the verse, they shall not come, says he, into the land of Israel, and you shall know that I am Jehovah. He confirms what we saw before, that when liberty was granted them, they did not on that account become God’s Church, since he had another reason for ruling over them, namely, to chastise them severely for their wickedness. They shall not come, therefore, into the land of Israel; that is, they shall remain, and grow corrupt in the desert, as we know that to be a most severe punishment, when God swore, that except two persons, Caleb and Joshua, no one should enter the land of Canaan. (Num 14:23.) So also in this passage, I will free you, that is, when your return to your country shall be evident, a new light shall seem to have shone forth, but yet reflect on what happened to your fathers; for although redeemed, they perished in the desert, and never possessed the land of Canaan. The same thing shall happen to you also:, since your return is only a prelude to my favor: but you shall never return to the land of Israel. But this is extended to those who returned and dwelt in their native land. But we said that Judea was a place of exile since the course of God’s favor was broken off, and God begun to plead with them afresh, even when he had led them from their captivity at Babylon And you shall know that I am Jehovah: as we said yesterday, God is recognized by the reprobate, while they are compelled to acknowledged a judge whose fatherly clemency they had despised. It follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:39 - -- Now again God expressly bears witness that he rejects the Israelites because they infected the pure worship of the law with their mixtures; for we sa...

Now again God expressly bears witness that he rejects the Israelites because they infected the pure worship of the law with their mixtures; for we said that they were deceived by a vain imagination when they thought God pleased with their obedience, while they worshipped him only half-heartedly. When they heaped up fictions, they thought this diligence would be pleasing to God, because they professed to acknowledge the true God as their redeemer. Here again he announces that he rejects all half-worship, since he wished to have the entire affections, and to admit no rival: Now, says he, O house of Israel, thus says Jehovah, Go each of you and serve your idols, just as if he would cast them off from his family. And yet we see that they were always under his dominion; and thus some kind of inconsistency arises when God rejects them from his sway, and yet retains them as his right. But the liberty which is now granted is to show them that it is in vain to worship God by halves.

This passage is peculiarly remarkable, since at this time many are deceived, while they rest upon their own inventions, and think that they best discharge their duty towards God when they partially obey his commandments, and then pile up a great heap of superstitions, partly received from their fathers and partly fabricated by themselves. Again, scarcely one in a hundred will be found who does not think it better partially to worship God than entirely to devote themselves to idols; and this indeed is true as far as man is concerned; for the impiety is more foul and detestable when men openly reject God, and divorce themselves from him, and devote themselves to idols, than if they partly worshipped God and partly idols. But in the meantime, we see that God pronounces that he cannot bear this profanation; and we must diligently notice the reason which is added; for when gross and palpable impiety is indulged in, God’s name is not so profaned as when clever men reconcile the pure worship of God with superstitions: and for this reason, that monstrous Indecision 292 was in God’s sight worse than the papacy; and why so? for although the papists profane God’s name, yet their madness is at present so detected, that it openly appears that they are idolaters; but that invention mingled darkness with light, and infected the pure doctrine with its leaven. But God here exclaims that he could not endure this deception when men profess to worship him, for they defile themselves with superstitions, since profaneness is added to impiety, and both are the result of hypocrisy. The rest tomorrow.

Calvin: Eze 20:40 - -- God now directs his address to the elect, or the remnant in whom he wished his Church to survive. Thus far he has spoken of the whole body of the peo...

God now directs his address to the elect, or the remnant in whom he wished his Church to survive. Thus far he has spoken of the whole body of the people: he says, although he should free them from the hand of the Gentiles, yet that redemption would be but partial, because they should perish in the desert, and never enjoy the promised land. On the whole, he shows that those to whom a free return to their own country was given were no less strangers than if they had been exiles at the time, and always remained outlaws, since their impiety prevented their restoration. God now addresses the true Israelites, who were not only naturally descended from their fathers, but were genuine and spiritual children, as Paul distinguishes between those sons of Abraham born according to the flesh and to promise. (Rom 9:7.) For this reason also it is said in Psa 73:0. — And surely God is good to Israel — to those who are upright in heart for the Prophet here asserts that God is gracious towards the Israelites; but since many hypocrites boast themselves to be members of the Church, for the sake of correcting them, he restricts the sentence, and does not reckon any, as true Israelites except the upright in heart. So the same thing is repeated in Psa 15:0 and Psa 24:0. — Who shall ascend into the mount of the Lord? But the perfidious and the wicked did mingle themselves with the sincere worshipers; yet the Prophet excludes them from the list of the faithful, since he says that none should have a fixed station in God’s sanctuary unless the sound in heart and the clean in hand. In the same sense also the Prophet formerly taught, that although hypocrites proudly boasted themselves to be God’s people, yet their names were not written in the secret catalogue of the righteous. (Eze 13:9.) We now see how well those things which seem inconsistent agree together, namely, that the Lord’s redeeming Israel from the tyranny of the Gentiles would not profit them, and yet, that they should come into the mountain of Israel and worship him sincerely. Israel is here placed before us in a twofold light: for many were Israelites in name; but here the Prophet is treating of the elect, whom Paul calls a remnant of grace. (Rom 11:5.)

In the mountain, says he, of my holiness, in the lofty mountain of Israel. He does not call the mountain high, because it was loftier than others, for we know that there were many lofty mountains in the land of Judea; and Zion was but a small hill; but we have elsewhere seen that it was preferred to lofty mountains, because it excelled in dignity. Here our Prophet does not regard the height of Mount Zion, but the singular glory with which it was adorned; as if he had said that God resided there, and his glory shone forth over all the loftiness of the world. Meanwhile I do not doubt that this epithet is obliquely opposed to the high places, which were consecrated everywhere, as we saw before. Since, therefore, the people had erected altars in all elevated places of all kinds, here God opposes one lofty mountain to all these, whose height had deceived those wretched men who thought themselves when there, nearer to heaven. This, therefore, is the reason why he calls it a high mountain. He says, there shall the whole house of Israel worship me, the whole, I say, in the land. It is not surprising that the whole house of Israel is placed here without exception, because, as I have said, the Prophet does not comprehend all those who boasted in that title, but he only means the pure worshipers of God, who were the spiritual children of Abraham. But here God describes the agreement in faith among all the faithful, as if he had said that the people would be fresh, and would not follow various speculations, as they formerly wandered, each after his own superstitions, but there should be one common rule for all. So we are taught by this passage that our worship does not please God except we are bent upon a simple agreement of faith, and the celebration of his name with our mouth. The impious often subscribe to different modes of belief, but they have no regard to God: but, here we must hold the principle, that God cannot be worshipped unless the doctrine of his law flourishes. The whole house of Israel, I say, in the land. He signifies by these words that the whole land of Israel, so long contaminated by much filth, should be so sacred that the pure and perfect worship of God should alone be beheld there. In the land, then, purged from all defilement’s by which it was before polluted, he adds a promise, there will I be propitious to you. We formerly saw that all the people’s sacrifices were rejected, and that for one reason, because they mixed them with their own inventions. Now, God pronounces that he would be propitious to them, because he will be purely worshipped, and his service shall no longer be vitiated by the perverse comments of men. We here see, therefore, that God’s complacency or favor is accompanied with a detestation of all superstitions, as we have often mentioned previously. As, therefore, God abominates whatever is added to the simple teaching of the law, so he asserts that he will be propitious where he is purely worshipped according to the law. He adds, and there will I require your oblations: the person is changed, but the sense flows on readily: he says, I will require your oblations: he puts one kind of oblation, but he includes them all, as will be seen at the end of the verse. Although I confess that two different kinds of offering are signified by the words, תרומה , theromeh, and, תנופה , thenopheh, yet they are often taken for any kind of offering when used separately, a part being put for the whole, as I have said. He says, then, that the offerings were grateful to him, and he implies that by the word requiring, because we have seen that the people’s gifts were refused when corrupted by foreign superstitions, and God is said to exact the gifts which he approves. And the first-fruits of your gifts, he says, that is, the flower or excellence of your gifts, in all your sanctifications, that is, in all my worship. It signifies, on the whole, when the Israelites betake themselves to the simple doctrine of the law, their obedience is so grateful to God, that their gifts please him, their offerings are taken into account, and their whole worship is accepted. It now follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:41 - -- He continues the same sentiment, namely, that the people’s worship would be acceptable, when those who had formerly been deceived by their supersti...

He continues the same sentiment, namely, that the people’s worship would be acceptable, when those who had formerly been deceived by their superstitions had bidden them farewell, and follow the law only. He uses the word “savor,” according to the customary legal form, not because incense was pleasing to God, but because external ceremonies were no vain discipline for the people when they retained the truth. For surely incense of itself is of no consequence, but God wished in a palpable manner to testify that he did not reject the sacrifices which he had commanded. Hence, by these forms of speech, the Holy Spirit signifies that God was truly appeased when men approach him with sincere faith and repentance, and desire to be reconciled, and suppliantly pray for pardon by ingenuous confession of sin, and look up to Christ this is the savor which Moses everywhere teaches was sweet, to God. But as the incense of the law was always sweet, so all others were offensive, as we have already seen. The Prophet, therefore, adds nothing new here, but confirms his former teaching, that God delights in the pure and sincere worship of the faithful, when they try nothing but by his law. Afterwards, says he, I will lead you out frown the people, and will collect you frown the lands through which you have been dispersed. He repeats the same words which were formerly used, but with another sense and purpose; since, while he redeems alike the hypocrites and his elect, the offered liberty does not profit the hypocrites: because, wherever they might dwell, their station was in the wilderness; and even in the very bosom of the land of Canaan they were exiles, and their life was erratic, and they were without any enjoyment of the promised inheritance, but wandered in the desert, and through distant regions. For although they dwelt in the midst of a crowd, yet such was their condition that God had deservedly threatened them with remaining in the wilderness of the Gentiles even till death. But now, when he speaks of the elect and the faithful, he makes a difference between them and the hypocrites. For a question might otherwise arise, since all were apparently alike, What was the tendency of the promise, that some should be exiles and others return to their inheritance? For Daniel never returned to his country, and there is no doubt that other pious worshipers of God were at, the same time held back: but we know how sinful a multitude returned to Judea when the edict of Cyrus permitted them. For all were afterwards attentive to their own private business: the temple was neglected; God was defrauded of his first-fruits and offerings; they married strange wives; and mingled polygamy with their sacrifices. (Hag 1:4.) We have already seen how sharply and severely the three last prophets inveigh against them. Since many returned into the land of Canaan in their unchanged state, and who had better remained in Chaldaea: for this reason the Prophet directs his discourse to the elect, and says that they should not only be brought back, but when restored, as if by stealth, their worship would be pleasing to God in the land. When, therefore, I shall have brought you forth, I shall be sanctified in you before the eyes of the Gentiles. God was in some sense sanctified in the wicked, because they became an illustrious specimen of his power when the Chaldaeans were slain, and his temple erected a second time. But here the Prophet, as I have said, separates the elect from the reprobate, since God was sanctified in them in a special manner, when a new Church emerged again, in which piety, true religion, and holiness of life flourished. When, therefore, such a spectacle was offered to the eyes of the Gentiles, then God asserted his glory among his faithful ones. Lastly, these passages are to be read conjointly, that he will be propitious to them, and will be pleased with their first-fruits and offerings, and he will be sanctified in the eyes of the Gentiles: as it is said in Psa 114:2, When Israel went out of Egypt, Israel was God’s power, and Judea his sanctification, or sanctity. It follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:42 - -- For the sake of frightening them, he threatened that he would be conspicuous to the reprobate, saying, you shall know that I am Jehovah, — meaning...

For the sake of frightening them, he threatened that he would be conspicuous to the reprobate, saying, you shall know that I am Jehovah, — meaning, that he would be their judge: hence he was known to the reprobate by proofs of his anger or wrath. But now another kind of knowledge is denoted, namely, that which brings a sweet taste of paternal love: you shall know, says he, that I am, Jehovah your God, when I shall have brought you in again. He here shows his full and complete benefit towards the faithful, which we saw before was withheld from the reprobate. For they were brought back, because, without exception, all were permitted to return to their country; for then the yoke of an imperious tyranny was broken when they were freed from the dominion of the Chaldees, and the king of the Medes had permitted them to build the temple, and to dwell in the land of Canaan. All were set at liberty, as I have said; but that was the only favor conferred upon the wicked, since they all perished in the desert of the Gentiles: but God’s elect were led by the hand to the land of Israel, and there they really possessed the promised inheritance, since they dwelt there as sons and lawful heirs. The hypocrites returned, as I have said, but they never possessed the land by right of inheritance, for they wandered hither and thither in the desert, and although they resided at home, were always wandering exiles. We see, then, that a singular privilege is intended when it is said, I will be known by you, when I shall have brought you back from the nations and the lands through which you were dispersed, into the land concerning which I swore that I would give it to your fathers. Here a mark is inscribed, that the faithful may know that this promise was not common to all: for the dwelling in the land of Canaan of itself was not a matter of much consequence, but here a value is expressed, that they should arrive at that land as God’s heirs, and succeed their sacred fathers, to whom the inheritance was promised. As God swore that he would give the land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, this ought not to be restricted to them personally, as we very well know; and yet they were its true heirs and lords, as their sepulchers bear witness. They suffered vexation by constantly changing their settlements, and were never at rest in one residence. During life they were strangers, but their sepulcher was a proof of true and lawful dominion: and in this way they transmitted the hope of the promised inheritance to their posterity. Now, therefore, we see with what intention the Prophet here says that the land was promised to their fathers, that its value might raise the minds of the faithful to consider the magnitude of the benefit. It follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:43 - -- Here God shows that he would at length be propitious to his elect when they repented. Thus he signifies that there was no other means of reconciliati...

Here God shows that he would at length be propitious to his elect when they repented. Thus he signifies that there was no other means of reconciliation than by the intervention of repentance. And we must carefully remark this, as I have previously mentioned. For we know with what security all men usually indulge themselves, nor are the pious themselves affected with grief sufficiently serious, when God invites them to the hope of safety and at the same time offers pardon. They embrace indeed greedily what they hear, but meanwhile they bury their sins. But God wishes us to taste his goodness, that the remembrance of our crimes should be bitter, and also that every one should judge himself that he may obtain pardon from him. Now, therefore, we understand the Prophet’s intention. We saw a similar passage in Jeremiah: this teaching occurs throughout the Prophets, there, says he, you shall remember me. The circumstance of place is to be noticed, because the Prophet means that after the elect shall have returned to God’s favor, and he shall account them as true Members of his Church, then they thought to be mindful of their former life and to repent of their sins. As if he had said, as long as God afflicts you and you remain under the tyranny of the Gentiles in exile, the sense of your evils will compel you to groan, so the remembrance of your sins should return, since, whether you will or not, their punishment will ever be before your eyes, since they would be easily persuaded that their sentence was usual and common. But he shows them that the sons of God were not only mindful of their sins, when they feel themselves chastised by him, and experience shows his hostility, but when received into favor and in the enjoyment of their inheritance, they live under God’s wings, and he cherishes them as a tender offspring: when, therefore, the faithful are treated so humanely by God, yet the Prophet shows that in their condition they ought to be mindful of their sins, and all your works in which you have been polluted, says he. He now shows to what purpose they were to be mindful. For the wicked are compelled to call their sins to remembrance when God, by forcibly turning their attention to them, draws them to consider what they desire to bury in oblivion. But it is here said, you shall be confounded in your own sight. Since the Hebrew word קוט , kot, signifies to cut off, many interpreters take it for “ye shall be cut off;” that is, you shall judge yourselves worthy of destruction among those whom God will cut off and blot out of the earth. But this seems forced. Since the same word sometimes signifies to litigate, and to become abominable, I willingly take this meaning, that they shall be abominable, or contemptible, in their own sight: that is, they shall be so ashamed, as willingly and fully to acknowledge themselves utterly disgraced. Hence Ezekiel means that the faithful should suffer voluntary disgrace, that they may glorify God by the pure and genuine confession of their shame. If any one prefers to expound it, you shall be condemned or convinced, that sense will suit well enough; but I have already brought forward what seemed more simple. For I said that this was the fruit of penitence, when we he confounded before God and are vile and despicable in our own eyes, and when we not only suffer ourselves to be condemned by others, but inwardly reflect upon our own disgrace, and so of our own accord prostrate ourselves before God. This then is the fruit of penitence, this is true humility, flowing from genuine shame. At length it follows —

Calvin: Eze 20:44 - -- Here at length God pronounces that his glory would be chiefly conspicuous in the pity which he bestowed upon those who were desperate and abandoned, ...

Here at length God pronounces that his glory would be chiefly conspicuous in the pity which he bestowed upon those who were desperate and abandoned, gratuitously and solely with respect to his own name. Hence Paul so specially celebrates; the grace of God in the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians, as that mercy by which God deigns to call his own elect in a peculiar sense — his glory; for his glory extends farther than his pity. (Eph 1:6.)

As thy name, so thy praise is extended through all lands,
(Psa 48:10)

for God deserves no less glory when he destroys the wicked than when he pities his own people. But Paul calls that gratuitous favor glory par excellence, by which God embraced his own elect when he adopted them. So also it is said in this passage, then you shall know that I am Jehovah, since I shall deal with you on behalf of my name, and not according to your sins. But when God wishes his glory to shine conspicuously in gratuitous pity, hence we gather that the enemies of his glory were too gross and open, who obscure his mercy, or extenuate it, or as far as they can, endeavor to reduce it to nothing. But we know the teaching of the papacy to be that God’s gratuitous goodness either is buried or enfolded in dark obscurity, or utterly vanish away: for they have invented a system of general merits which they oppose to God’s gratuitous favor. For they distinguish merits into preparations, good works acquiring God’s favor, and satisfactions, by which they buy off the penalties to which they were subjected. Afterwards they add what they call the suffrages of the saints; for they fabricate for themselves numberless patrons, and various reasonings are concocted for the purpose of obscuring God’s glory, or at least of allowing only a few sparks to be visible. Since therefore the whole papacy tends that way, we see that they professedly oppose God’s glory, and those who defend such abominations are sworn enemies of God’s glory.

For ourselves, then, let. us learn that we cannot otherwise worship God with acceptance unless we adopt whatever pleases him as pertaining to our salvation. For if we wish to come to a debtor and creditor account, or to consider that he is in the slightest degree indebted to us, we in this way diminish his glory, and as far as is in our power we despoil ourselves of that inestimable privilege which the Prophet now commends. Hence let us desire to acknowledge God in this way, since he treats us with amazing clemency and pity out of regard for his own name, and not according to our sins. And since that was said to his ancient people because they returned to the land of Canaan, how much more ought God’s gratuitous goodness to be extolled by us, when his heavenly kingdom is at this day open to us, and when he openly calls us to himself in heaven, and to the hope of that happy immortality which has been obtained for us through Christ?

Defender: Eze 20:35 - -- Eze 20:33-44 looks forward to God's dealings with Israel in the last days (Rev 12:14-16)."

Eze 20:33-44 looks forward to God's dealings with Israel in the last days (Rev 12:14-16)."

TSK: Eze 20:35 - -- I will : Eze 20:36, Eze 19:13, Eze 38:8; Hos 2:14; Mic 4:10, Mic 7:13-15; Rev 12:14 and there : Eze 17:20, Eze 38:22; Jer 2:9, Jer 2:35, Jer 25:31; Ho...

TSK: Eze 20:36 - -- Eze 20:13, Eze 20:21; Exod. 32:7-35; Num. 11:1-35, 14:1-45, 16:1-50, 25:1-18; Psa. 106:15-48; 1Co 10:5-10

Eze 20:13, Eze 20:21; Exod. 32:7-35; Num. 11:1-35, 14:1-45, 16:1-50, 25:1-18; Psa. 106:15-48; 1Co 10:5-10

TSK: Eze 20:37 - -- pass : Eze 34:17; Lev 27:32; Jer 33:13; Mat 25:32, Mat 25:33 I will : Eze 16:59, Eze 16:60; Lev 26:25; Psa 89:30-32; Amo 3:2 the bond : or, a deliveri...

pass : Eze 34:17; Lev 27:32; Jer 33:13; Mat 25:32, Mat 25:33

I will : Eze 16:59, Eze 16:60; Lev 26:25; Psa 89:30-32; Amo 3:2

the bond : or, a delivering

TSK: Eze 20:38 - -- I will purge : Eze 11:21, Eze 34:17, Eze 34:20-22; Num 14:28-30; Amo 9:9, Amo 9:10; Zec 13:8, Zec 13:9; Mal 3:3; Mal 4:1-3; Mat 3:9, Mat 3:10,Mat 3:12...

TSK: Eze 20:39 - -- Go ye : Eze 20:25, Eze 20:26; Jdg 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Psa 81:12; Hos 4:17; Amo 4:4, Amo 4:5; Rom 1:24-28; 2Th 2:11 but : Eze 23:37-39; Pro 21:27; Isa 1:1...

TSK: Eze 20:40 - -- in mine : These predictions received a partial accomplishment by the restoration of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity; but they seem chiefly to r...

in mine : These predictions received a partial accomplishment by the restoration of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity; but they seem chiefly to relate to the establishment of the Christian church, and more especially to the future conversion of the Jews, and their restoration to their own land. Eze 17:23; Psa 2:6, Psa 68:15, Psa 68:16; Isa 2:2, Isa 2:3, Isa 66:20; Jer 31:12; Joe 3:17, Joe 3:18; Oba 1:16; Mic 4:1, Mic 4:2; Heb 12:20-22; Rev 21:10

there shall : Eze 37:22-28; Isa 56:7, Isa 60:7, Isa 66:23; Zec 8:20-23; Mal 1:11, Mal 3:4; Rev 12:1; Heb 13:15; 1Pe 2:5

firstfruits : or, chief

TSK: Eze 20:41 - -- with your : Eze 20:28, Eze 6:13; Gen 8:21; Lev 1:9, Lev 1:13, Lev 1:17; Eph 5:2; Phi 4:18 sweet savour : Heb. savour of rest I bring : Eze 11:17, Eze ...

TSK: Eze 20:42 - -- ye shall : Eze 20:38, Eze 20:44, Eze 24:24, Eze 26:13, Eze 36:23, Eze 38:23; Jer 24:7, Jer 31:34; Joh 17:3; 1Jo 5:20 when I : Eze 11:17-20, Eze 34:13,...

TSK: Eze 20:43 - -- shall ye : Eze 6:9; Lev 26:39-41; Neh 1:8-10; Hos 5:15 and ye shall : Eze 16:61-63, Eze 36:31; Job 42:6; Jer 31:18; Zec 12:10-14; Luk 18:13; 2Co 7:11

TSK: Eze 20:44 - -- And ye shall : Eze 20:38, Eze 24:24 when I : Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:22, Eze 36:21, Eze 36:22; Psa 79:9, Psa 115:1; Eph 1:6; 1Ti 1:16

TSK: Eze 20:45 - -- Moreover : This is the beginning of another prophecy, and properly belongs to the following chapter. Eze 20:45

Moreover : This is the beginning of another prophecy, and properly belongs to the following chapter. Eze 20:45

TSK: Eze 20:46 - -- set : Eze 4:7, Eze 6:2 toward : Towards Judea, which lay south of Mesopotamia, where the prophet now dwelt. and drop : Eze 21:2; Deu 32:2; Job 29:22; ...

set : Eze 4:7, Eze 6:2

toward : Towards Judea, which lay south of Mesopotamia, where the prophet now dwelt.

and drop : Eze 21:2; Deu 32:2; Job 29:22; Amo 7:16; Mic 2:6 *marg.

the forest : The city of Jerusalem, as full of inhabitants as the forest is of trees. Jer 13:19, Jer 22:7; Zec 11:1, Zec 11:2

TSK: Eze 20:47 - -- I will kindle : I will send war; and it shall destroy all ranks and characters of the people. Eze 15:6, Eze 15:7, Eze 19:14, Eze 22:20,Eze 22:21; Deu ...

I will kindle : I will send war; and it shall destroy all ranks and characters of the people. Eze 15:6, Eze 15:7, Eze 19:14, Eze 22:20,Eze 22:21; Deu 32:22; Isa 9:18, Isa 9:19, Isa 30:33; Jer 21:14

green : Eze 17:24; Luk 23:31

the flaming : Isa 66:24; Mar 9:43-49

from the south : Eze 21:3, Eze 21:4; Isa 24:1-6

TSK: Eze 20:48 - -- Deu 29:24-28; 2Ch 7:20-22; Isa 26:11; Jer 40:2, Jer 40:3; Lam 2:16, Lam 2:17

TSK: Eze 20:49 - -- Doth : Is it not his usual custom to deal in enigmas? His figures are not to be understood; we should not trouble ourselves with them. God therefore...

Doth : Is it not his usual custom to deal in enigmas? His figures are not to be understood; we should not trouble ourselves with them. God therefore commands the prophet to declare, in the next chapter, the same things in the plainest terms, so that they should not complain of his parables. Mat 13:13, Mat 13:14; Joh 16:25; Act 17:18

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Eze 20:32-44 - -- God’ s future dealings with His people: \tx720 \tx1080 (1) in judgment Eze 20:32-38; (2) in mercy Eze 20:39-44. Eze 20:32 The inquirers...

God’ s future dealings with His people:

\tx720 \tx1080 (1) in judgment Eze 20:32-38;

(2) in mercy Eze 20:39-44.

Eze 20:32

The inquirers had thought that if Jerusalem were taken, and the whole people became sojourners in a foreign land, they would cease to be a separate nation. In their love for idolatry some may have even desired this. But more probably they thought that this very consequence precluded the possibility of such a catastrophe. God answers that He will not allow them to become as the pagan, but this will only subject them to severer trial and stricter rule.

Eze 20:33

The expressions "a mighty hand, stretched out arm"carry back the thoughts to Egyptian bondage Deu 4:34; Deu 5:15; but then it was for deliverance, now for judgment "with fury poured out."

Eze 20:35

The wilderness of the people - A time of probation will follow, as before in the wilderness of Sin, so in the "wilderness of the nations"among whom they will sojourn (not the Babylonians) "after"that captivity. This period of their probation is not over. The dispersion of the Jews did not cease with the return under Zerubbabel; but in our Saviour’ s time they were living as a distinct people in all the principal places in the civilized world; and so they live now. God is yet pleading with them "face to face,"calling them personally to embrace those offers which as a nation they disregarded.

Eze 20:37

To pass under the rod - i. e., to be gathered into the flock Mic 7:14.

The bond - The shepherd collects the flock, and separates the sheep from the goats, which are rejected. Compare Rom 11:7-11.

Eze 20:39

Strong irony. Some prefer another rendering: "Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, yet hereafter ye shall surely hearken unto me, and shall no more pollute My Holy Name etc."In this way, this verse is introductory to what follows.

Eze 20:40

This points to the consummation indicated by the vision of the temple.

In the mountain of the height - Or, Upon a very high mountain Eze 40:2. Compare Isa 2:2-3.

The house of Israel, all of them - All the separation between Israel and Judah shall cease. This points to times yet future, when in Messiah’ s kingdom Jews and Gentiles alike shall be gathered into one kingdom - the kingdom of Christ. Jerusalem is the Church of Christ Gal 4:26, into which the children of Israel shall at last be gathered, and so the prophecy shall be fulfilled Rev 21:2.

Barnes: Eze 20:45-49 - -- This paragraph is in the Hebrew text, Septuagint and Vulgate the beginning of Ezek. 21 to which it belongs, as it contains a prophecy delivered in a...

This paragraph is in the Hebrew text, Septuagint and Vulgate the beginning of Ezek. 21 to which it belongs, as it contains a prophecy delivered in a form which is there explained. It may, however, be regarded as a link between the foregoing and following prophecies, being a general introduction to seven words of judgment about to be pronounced in development of that which has just been delivered.

Eze 20:46

In this verse occur three Hebrew synonyms for "south,"denoting:

\tx720 \tx1080 (1) the region on the right, Teman 1Sa 23:24;

(2) the region of dryness, Negeb Jos 15:4;

(3) the region of brightness, Darom Deu 33:23.

The variety of terms helps the force of the application. Chebar is in the north of Babylonia; from the north the Chaldaeans came upon Judaea (see the Eze 1:4 note).

Eze 20:47

Forest of the south - The land of Israel. See Eze 21:1-2.

Eze 20:49

Parables - Compare Eze 17:2. The meaning of the prophet was clear enough, if those whom he addressed had chosen to understand.

Poole: Eze 20:35 - -- Bring you drive you; and since you think of such a course of ease to yourselves by casting me off among the nations, I will bring you among such as y...

Bring you drive you; and since you think of such a course of ease to yourselves by casting me off among the nations, I will bring you among such as you shall be soon weary of.

Into the wilderness into the most horrid, barbarous, and savage parts of the inhabited world; into the mountainous barren parts of Media, Hyrcania, Iberia, Caspia, and Albania, and Scythia, inhospitable nations, and mortal enemies to strangers.

Plead debate, pass sentence, and execute it also on you.

Face to face not, as the rabbins dream, to conceal the dishonour of the Jews, but indeed plainly, openly, and so as my hand shall be seen.

Poole: Eze 20:36 - -- With your fathers who died there, and never entered Canaan. In the wilderness which lay on the further side of the Red Sea, over against the land o...

With your fathers who died there, and never entered Canaan.

In the wilderness which lay on the further side of the Red Sea, over against the land of Egypt, and is from it called, as here, though it be Arabia Deserta ; in which, within the space of less than forty years, all the rebellious murmurers died.

Poole: Eze 20:37 - -- I will bring you out by number, yet so as you shall either by a voluntary submission own my sceptre and government, or by a conquered subjection yie...

I will bring you out by number, yet so as you shall either by a voluntary submission own my sceptre and government, or by a conquered subjection yield to my sword and power.

Under the rod either referring to the manner of shepherds in that country, which did tell their sheep in and out of the fold; or rather, as a king, whose sceptre protects some, and dasheth others, and maintains his own right. I will difference persons and persons, that I may deal with each suitably to their state and carriage.

Will bring you i.e. the voluntary and obedient, into covenant with myself.

Poole: Eze 20:38 - -- Purge out ; cull, and pick out, that they may be rejected, as they deserve, or brought forth to shame and punishment. The rebels , the contumacious s...

Purge out ; cull, and pick out, that they may be rejected, as they deserve, or brought forth to shame and punishment.

The rebels , the contumacious sinners, who harden themselves against God; his severe wasting judgments shall find them out in their hiding-places, and drag them out, but not to return them to Canaan, they shall no more return thither.

Ye shall know that I am the Lord ; by which it shall appear, that though apostates may change their religion, and deny their God, yet he hath not less power to restrain, nor less right to govern, nor less sovereignty to dispose of them.

Poole: Eze 20:39 - -- In short, you have done wickedly as you could, and I have done what was sufficient to reclaim you, I have foretold you what will be the final event,...

In short, you have done wickedly as you could, and I have done what was sufficient to reclaim you, I have foretold you what will be the final event, O house of Israel, and further I will not strive with you.

Go ye ironically spoken, or, as is usually said to unreclaimable ones, Take your course, which allows not, nor commands, but threatens the evil course of such a one; or it is a divorce of this adulterous house, an utter casting them off for their idolatry.

Hereafter also: it seems an abrupt, vehement speech, which includes some heavy sentence, but it is suppressed, as too great to be uttered, or to leave room for doing more than the offender expected, Ecc 11:9 Amo 4:4 Mat 23:23 . You take yours, I will take my course, and see whose word shall stand. But while ye are such idolaters and notorious sinners, forbear to take my name into your lips, bring me none of your gifts and sacrifices to your idols, and pretend you bring them ultimately to me.

Poole: Eze 20:40 - -- The gifts of idolaters, and all their painted stuff, God rejected in the former verse; now he encourageth the upright, those that feared, and obeyed...

The gifts of idolaters, and all their painted stuff, God rejected in the former verse; now he encourageth the upright, those that feared, and obeyed, and waited on him. Mine holy mountain ; Zion, holy hill, Psa 2:6 ; holy by designation, and God’ s own appointing it for his temple and presence.

The height of Israel: the hypocrites, you have your high places, I abhor them; my church hath its high place, but it is the Mount Zion I have loved and chosen, called the height: it was the glory of Israel, and though lower than many other hills, yet it was above them all for God’ s peculiar presence there.

All the house of Israel redeemed by me, whom I have brought out of Babylon according to promise, the returned captivity.

All of them: it is doubled to insure them.

In the land their own land, and their fathers’ land.

Serve me not idols, but the God of their fathers.

Accept them delight in them, and in their sacrifices.

Require your offerings: when I have brought you into, and blest you in, the land, then I will require your offerings as formerly; your first-fruits, your tithes, in a word, all your holy gifts: you shall see my temple built, Jerusalem filled with inhabitants, the land of Israel planted with seed of man and beast, my worship restored, and you shall go up with joy, carrying your holy things, and I will there accept them.

Poole: Eze 20:41 - -- The same gracious promise for substance repeated. Sweet savour incense of a pure and obedient heart. From the people from Babylon, and the parts...

The same gracious promise for substance repeated.

Sweet savour incense of a pure and obedient heart.

From the people from Babylon, and the parts of that kingdom, where they had been scattered these seventy years. Gather you, by Cyrus’ s proclamation, and my secret impulse on the spirits of the faithful and constant Jews, while apostates stay behind.

Sanctified magnified and praised for the good I do to my people, and on occasion of their love, fear, and obedience to me.

Before the heathen heathens shall see, and say, as Psa 126:2 , God hath done great things for them; their God is the great, the merciful, and faithful God. who hath remembered his servants.

Poole: Eze 20:42 - -- Ye shall know more fully by experience that he is your God, who is the great, good, wise, and faithful God, who performs his word; you shall know, an...

Ye shall know more fully by experience that he is your God, who is the great, good, wise, and faithful God, who performs his word; you shall know, and love, fear, obey, and worship him alone, and according to his will. Of the rest of the verse, see Eze 20:5,23,28 , where these passages are spoken to.

Poole: Eze 20:43 - -- In your restored state, and in your prosperity, in the land whither you are returned, ye shall review your former ways with sorrow; remember, and gr...

In your restored state, and in your prosperity, in the land whither you are returned, ye shall review your former ways with sorrow; remember, and grieve.

Your ways of your folly, explained by their doings, which defiled them, i.e. all their more notorious sins.

Loathe: see Eze 6:9 .

In your own sight your own heart and conscience shall see what you have done, and they shall take shame, and be humbled, though none else see it.

Poole: Eze 20:44 - -- This 44th verse doth summarily acquaint us that all Goa did for this people was of free, mere mercy, and for his own sake, not theirs. Ye shall kno...

This 44th verse doth summarily acquaint us that all Goa did for this people was of free, mere mercy, and for his own sake, not theirs.

Ye shall know experimentally, with affection and obedience. The hypocrite secretly thinks somewhat in himself and works that God had regard to, but an honest, good heart, when God hath wrought, owneth the mercy wrought to be free and undeserved.

Poole: Eze 20:45 - -- A new prophecy, and which pertains, say some, to the next chapter, which is a large comment on this short prophecy in the three last verses, for the...

A new prophecy, and which pertains, say some, to the next chapter, which is a large comment on this short prophecy in the three last verses, for the 45th and 46th are introductory.

Poole: Eze 20:46 - -- He was now in Babylon, north from Jerusalem, and being commanded to look toward the south, it is toward Jerusalem, and the land of Canaan. Thy face...

He was now in Babylon, north from Jerusalem, and being commanded to look toward the south, it is toward Jerusalem, and the land of Canaan.

Thy face thy courage and undaunted mind, manifest in prophesying as thou art commissioned.

Drop let thy word distil, begin with softer words ere thou shower down with the vehemency of a storm; prophesy so, Amo 7:16 Mic 2:6 .

The forest of the south field i.e. Jerusalem, which was become like a forest for multitude of inhabitants, for barrenness, wildness, degeneracy, and sheltering wild beasts; murderers lodged in her.

Poole: Eze 20:47 - -- Hear hearken diligently, and consider. The word of the Lord what God foretells shall be done. I will kindle a fire I will bring an evil like fire...

Hear hearken diligently, and consider.

The word of the Lord what God foretells shall be done.

I will kindle a fire I will bring an evil like fire, the Chaldean forces, in thee, in the midst of the land.

Every green tree & c.; all that flourish, and all that are poor.

The flaming flame it will be a raging and swift fire.

Shall not be quenched all means that can be used will not avail to quench this fire, till it hath burnt up all.

Faces persons and orders of men, expressed by faces.

From the south to the north from one end of the land to the other: the length of Judea did so lie from south to north.

Shall be burnt: with terrors, labours, flight, famine, and sickness, occasioned by this mighty invasion, all persons shall wither, and be as parched, or burnt.

Poole: Eze 20:48 - -- That is, all the nations round about, near to them, shall clearly see, openly own it, as God’ s own work, both kindling this fire, and continui...

That is, all the nations round about, near to them, shall clearly see, openly own it, as God’ s own work, both kindling this fire, and continuing it till it hath consumed all which God would destroy by it.

Poole: Eze 20:49 - -- When the prophet had done his duty, and prophesied, and they should have heard and understood, he returns with a complaint of their quarrelling, cen...

When the prophet had done his duty, and prophesied, and they should have heard and understood, he returns with a complaint of their quarrelling, censuring, flouting, and reproaching him for it: one while they account him mad, out of his wits, taken up with raptures and ecstasies, or else doting and dreaming; thus they fortify themselves in their atheism, infidelity, idolatry, and all other sins, and fear not thy word, but contemn thy servant.

Haydock: Eze 20:35 - -- Of people. That is, a desert, in which there are no people; (Challoner) meaning Judea, to which they should return.

Of people. That is, a desert, in which there are no people; (Challoner) meaning Judea, to which they should return.

Haydock: Eze 20:37 - -- Covenant of the gospel, by the powerful attractions of grace, Luke xiv. 24., John vi. 69., and vii. 46., and 2 Corinthians x. 4.

Covenant of the gospel, by the powerful attractions of grace, Luke xiv. 24., John vi. 69., and vii. 46., and 2 Corinthians x. 4.

Haydock: Eze 20:38 - -- Israel. They shall continue in exile; or the rebel Jews who will not believe in Christ, shall be cast off. (Calmet)

Israel. They shall continue in exile; or the rebel Jews who will not believe in Christ, shall be cast off. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 20:39 - -- Walk, &c. It is not an allowance, much less a commandment to serve idols; but a figure of speech, by which God would have them to understand, that i...

Walk, &c. It is not an allowance, much less a commandment to serve idols; but a figure of speech, by which God would have them to understand, that if they would walk after their idols, they must not pretend to serve him at the same time: for that he would by no means suffer such a mixture of worship. (Challoner) (St. Jerome) ---

Continue, if you dare, to serve idols. I will still bring you back. (Calmet) ---

Septuagint, "take away each your devices; and then if you hear me, (Grabe's copy adds, not ) and defile not my," &c. (Haydock) ---

God would rather have idolaters leave him wholly, than halt between two, (3 Kings xviii.) neither hot nor cold; (Apocalypse iii.) for such dishonour God's name the most, Romans ii. 24. (Worthington)

Haydock: Eze 20:40 - -- Mountain. The foregoing verse, to make the sense complete, must be understood so as to condemn and reject that mixture of worship which the Jews the...

Mountain. The foregoing verse, to make the sense complete, must be understood so as to condemn and reject that mixture of worship which the Jews then followed. In this verse God promises to the true Israelites, especially to those of the Christian Church, that they should serve him in another manner in his holy mountain, the spiritual Sion, and shall be accepted of by him. (Challoner)

Haydock: Eze 20:43 - -- Committed. This is a picture of the converts to Christianity. (Calmet)

Committed. This is a picture of the converts to Christianity. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 20:46 - -- Of the south. Jerusalem lay towards the south of Babylon, where the prophet then was, and is here called the forest of the south field, and is thr...

Of the south. Jerusalem lay towards the south of Babylon, where the prophet then was, and is here called the forest of the south field, and is threatened with utter desolation. (Challoner) See chap. xxi. (Calmet) ---

In Jerusalem there were good and bad. (Worthington)

Haydock: Eze 20:47 - -- Burned, with war and famine, Jeremias xxi. 14. (Calmet) --- North, from Egypt to Mesopotamia. (Theodoret) --- Nabuchodonosor invaded those parts...

Burned, with war and famine, Jeremias xxi. 14. (Calmet) ---

North, from Egypt to Mesopotamia. (Theodoret) ---

Nabuchodonosor invaded those parts. (Haydock)

Haydock: Eze 20:49 - -- Parables. They were easy enough to understand, but the Jews would not comprehend them no more than our Saviour's words, John x. 24. (Calmet)

Parables. They were easy enough to understand, but the Jews would not comprehend them no more than our Saviour's words, John x. 24. (Calmet)

Gill: Eze 20:35 - -- And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people,.... Into Babylon, and into captivity there, which they thought to avoid by fleeing to other co...

And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people,.... Into Babylon, and into captivity there, which they thought to avoid by fleeing to other countries. Some think that those inhospitable nations are meant, Syro-media, Caspia, Hyrcania, Iberia, and others, into which many of the Jews were brought, who sought to live elsewhere than at Babylon; and others are of opinion that this respects the time of their return from Babylon to their own land, between which lay a wilderness, here referred to; but perhaps the prophecy respects the present state of the Jews, in which they have continued ever since their destruction by the Romans; through whom they have been brought among the several nations of the world, particularly the Roman empire, compared to a wilderness; and represented as a populous one, as it is, and in which the beast, or antichrist, now is; see Rev 17:3 and there will I plead with you face to face; judge, condemn, and take vengeance, or inflict punishment on them in the most public manner, as he now does. The Targum is, "and I will take vengeance on you face to face".

Gill: Eze 20:36 - -- Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt,.... Which was opposite the land of Egypt, near unto it, on the borders of ...

Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt,.... Which was opposite the land of Egypt, near unto it, on the borders of it; and into which the people immediately went, when they came out of Egypt, and passed the Red sea; and the Arabic version is,

"when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.''

This refers to the controversy the Lord had with the Israelites for murmuring upon the report of the spies; and the sentence he passed upon them, that they should not enter into the land of Canaan, but their carcasses should fall in the wilderness, Num 14:29,

so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God; take vengeance on them, as the Targum; who disbelieve the Messiah, reject him, and will not have him to reign over them; these are now punished, by a dispersion of them in the wilderness of the nations, where they die and perish, and see not their own land.

Gill: Eze 20:37 - -- And I will cause you to pass under the rod,.... That is, such whom God will not take vengeance on, and shall not die in the wilderness of the people; ...

And I will cause you to pass under the rod,.... That is, such whom God will not take vengeance on, and shall not die in the wilderness of the people; but whom he will have mercy on, and show favour to, and bring at length into their own land; these he indeed will bring under the rod of correction and chastisement, by which they shall be brought to a sense of sin, a confession of it, humiliation for it, and to seek to Christ for salvation from it; or under the rod of his word, the rod of his strength, he sends out of Zion the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation; by which they shall be brought to agree unto and comply with the way of salvation by Christ; to submit to his righteousness; to embrace the doctrines of the Gospel, and be subject to the ordinances of it: or the allusion is to shepherds, in taking an account of their flocks, or at the tithing of them, who strike and mark them with their rod, Lev 27:32, and thus, as the Lord has in election distinguished his sheep from others, taken an exact account of them, and set his seal or mark of foreknowledge on them; so in effectual calling he separates them from others, takes special knowledge of them, and sets his mark of sanctification on them. This will be the case of the converted Jews in the latter day:

and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: or, "the discipline of the covenant", as the Syriac Version; the same with the rod of correction, being what is provided in covenant for the good of the covenant ones. This covenant is the covenant of grace; the bond of which are not faith, repentance, and new obedience; for these are parts and blessings of the covenant; nor any outward ordinance; not circumcision formerly, nor baptism and the Lord's supper now; which persons may submit to, and yet not be in the covenant: but it designs that which makes the covenant firm, sure, and lasting; which are the everlasting love of God, from whence it springs; his unchangeable counsel, according to which it proceeds; his solemn oath, that it shall never be removed; his faithfulness, which will not suffer it to be made void; and his power, which will accomplish every article of it; and the blood of Christ, which ratifies and confirms it. So Kimchi interprets it, "I will bind you in a covenant, that ye shall not go out of it for ever": or it is that which binds persons, or lays them under obligation to love, fear, and serve the Lord; and that is the love of God and Christ, and the exceeding great and precious promises of the covenant; and now into this sure, firm, and obliging covenant the Lord has brought all his chosen ones in eternity, when it was first made with Christ; and into which he may be said to bring them in time; as he will the converted Jews, when he manifests it to them, and applies the blessings and promises of it; shows them it, and their interest in it.

Gill: Eze 20:38 - -- And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me,.... All men are enemies, and enmity itself, against God; and ever...

And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me,.... All men are enemies, and enmity itself, against God; and every sin is an act of hostility and rebellion against him; every transgression and violation of his law is a casting off of allegiance to him, and a trampling upon and despising his legislative power and authority; wherefore rebels and transgressors of his law are put together; the one being explanative of the other. The people of the Jews were always more or less a rebellious people; so they were in the times of Moses, and all the while that he was with them, and were notoriously so in the times of Ezekiel; and therefore are often so described in this book; but they were not all so; such as were, the Lord here declares that he would single them out, as goats from among his sheep he brought under the rod, and purge them as chaff from the wheat; that sinners in Zion should be no more in the congregation of the righteous:

I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn; or "countries"; wherever they have been pilgrims and sojourners, as they now are; wherever they are; it looks as if, a little before or when the remnant of God, according to the election of his grace, shall be converted, that the rest shall be collected together into some one place, and be destroyed as rebels:

and they shall not enter into the land of Israel; when the converted Jews shall; an emblem of carnal Israelites, wicked professors, being not admitted into the New Jerusalem, and being excluded from the kingdom of heaven:

and ye shall know that I am the Lord; that knows all things, can do all things, and will faithfully and punctually perform all that is promised, threatened, or predicted.

Gill: Eze 20:39 - -- As for you, O house of Israel,.... The then present house of Israel, and the elders of it, who were upon the spot with the prophet: go ye, serve ye...

As for you, O house of Israel,.... The then present house of Israel, and the elders of it, who were upon the spot with the prophet:

go ye, serve ye everyone his idols; or dunghill gods; since they liked not to serve the true God: this is not giving them leave to serve idols, or approving their idolatrous practices; but is said "ironically", as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe, who compare it with Ecc 11:9,

and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me; not only serve them now, but for the future; seeing ye choose not to hearken to my voice, to obey my laws, and to worship me, and me only; for it suggests, that it was better to attend to the service of the one, or of the other, and not halt between two opinions; but either, if the God of Israel was the true God, then serve him, and him only; but if Baal, or any other Heathen deity, was so, then serve them, and keep serving them:

but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols; to worship him along with them, and them along with him; to pretend they worshipped him in them, and offered their gifts and sacrifices to him through them; and so made use of his name as a cover to their idolatrous practices: this was a polluting his name, and was abominable to him.

Gill: Eze 20:40 - -- For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God,.... Alluding to Mount Zion, or Moriah, on which the temple was...

For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord God,.... Alluding to Mount Zion, or Moriah, on which the temple was built, on the highest part of the land of Israel, as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe; here the Gospel church is meant, comparable to a "mountain" for its firmness and durableness; said to be a "holy" one, because consisting of holy persons, performing holy worship to a holy God; and represented as "high", being established, as it will be in the latter day, upon the top of the mountains, and be very visible and glorious:

there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: when all Israel shall be saved, or converted; and, the rebels and transgressors being purged away from them, they shall join themselves to the Gospel church, and in it serve the Lord, according to the rules of the Gospel, and the ordinances of it; even all of them that shall enter into their own land and dwell in it; the rest being not admitted to it:

there will I accept them; their persons, and their sacrifices of prayer and praise, being offered up, in the name and faith of Christ, that altar which sanctities every gift; see Isa 56:7,

and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things; meaning the offering up of their persons: bodies, and souls, as a living, holy, and acceptable sacrifice, which he would require of them as their reasonable service; together with all holy duties of prayer, praise, and beneficence; sacrifices with which God is well pleased through Christ and his sacrifice; and which are the only sacrifices he now requires under the Gospel dispensation; for ceremonial ones he does not require, seek after, enjoin, or accept; these are done away and made void by the sacrifice of his son; only it may be observed, as in other places and prophecies of Gospel times, that New Testament worship is expressed by the phrases, forms, and usages suited to the Old Testament; see Psa 40:6.

Gill: Eze 20:41 - -- I will accept you with your sweet savour,.... Their sins being expiated by the sacrifice of Christ, which is unto God for a sweet smelling savour; and...

I will accept you with your sweet savour,.... Their sins being expiated by the sacrifice of Christ, which is unto God for a sweet smelling savour; and their persons being, clothed with the robe of his righteousness, and the garments of his salvation, all whose garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia; the Gospel being the savour of life unto life unto them; and the savour of the knowledge of Christ being communicated to them by it; and also the savour of his good ointments, the graces of the Spirit, being imparted to them:

when I bring you out of the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered; which will not only be locally and literally true of them, when the Jews are converted, that they shall be collected together out of all nations where they now are dispersed, and return to their land; but spiritually also, they being effectually called out from among the, men of the world, and to leave their former company, customs, and lusts:

and I will be sanctified in you before the Heathen; the Gentiles, Christian men; who will take notice of the power, and grace, and goodness of God, in the conversion and restoration of them, and praise and glorify him on account of it; and when he will be visibly feared, served, and worshipped, in the midst of them.

Gill: Eze 20:42 - -- And ye shall know that I am the Lord,.... The one only Jehovah, that keeps covenant; performs promises; is faithful to his word; is kind, gracious, an...

And ye shall know that I am the Lord,.... The one only Jehovah, that keeps covenant; performs promises; is faithful to his word; is kind, gracious, and merciful, as well as mighty and powerful; and all this they shall experimentally know, and publicly own and acknowledge:

when I shall bring you into the land of Israel; which will be the Lord's doing; his hand and his power will be signally seen in it; this is one of the places in prophecy, which clearly asserts that the Jews, when converted, shall be brought into their own land again:

into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand, to give it to your fathers; that is, which he swore he would give unto them.

Gill: Eze 20:43 - -- And there ye shall remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled,.... Their rejection of the Messiah; their continued disbelie...

And there ye shall remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled,.... Their rejection of the Messiah; their continued disbelief of him; their obstinacy, hardness, and impenitence; their adherence to the traditions of the elders, to the making void the word of God; together with the most flagrant immoralities that ever any people were guilty of, and which are of a very defiling nature, and made them abominable in the sight of God; these now the Spirit of God convincing them of, they will remember with shame and confusion, and mourn over them in an evangelical way; and the more so, when they shall find themselves reinstated in their own land, enjoying all civil and religious privileges and liberties under Christ their King, whom they will now know, own, and serve; see Zec 12:10,

and ye shall loath yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have committed; against God and Christ; against the law of the one, and the Gospel of the other. Sin is a loathsome thing to God; and it is so to his people When they are thoroughly convinced of it, and they loath themselves for it; and never more so than when they have the greatest instances and clearest discoveries of the love and grace of God in Christ to them; then they blush, are ashamed of themselves and their sins, and are confounded when they perceive the Lord is pacified towards them, and their sins are forgiven for Christ's sake: sin never appears more odious and loathsome than when viewed in the glass of pardoning love; see Ezr 9:6.

Gill: Eze 20:44 - -- And ye shall know that I am the Lord,.... Jehovah their righteousness, their Redeemer and Saviour, Lord and King; they shall know Christ, and him cruc...

And ye shall know that I am the Lord,.... Jehovah their righteousness, their Redeemer and Saviour, Lord and King; they shall know Christ, and him crucified, and God in Christ as their covenant God; See Gill on Eze 20:42; when I have wrought with you for my name's sake; in the thorough conversion of them; not that there is any cooperation with God in that work; ministers indeed are coworkers, not as efficients, but instruments; persons converted are wholly passive in the first work of conversion or regeneration; and in all later actings move as they are acted, turn being turned, walk and run being drawn, not being able to do anything as of themselves: but the phrase signifies a working in favour of them; doing great things for them, and good things in them, well pleasing in his sight, and good unto them; plucking them as brands out of the burning; taking them out of the hands of Satan; calling them out of darkness into light, and bringing them out of bondage into liberty; and all this

for his own name's sake, of his own will and pleasure, according to his abundant mercy, and for the glory of his rich grace:

not according to your wicked ways, not according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God; had he, they must have perished in their sins, and been miserable for ever; but he neither proceeds according to the bad works nor the good works of men, in calling and converting them, but according to his own purpose and grace, 2Ti 1:9, their evil works do not hinder his grace when he is resolved to work, and their good works do not merit it; he acts freely, and in a sovereign way.

Gill: Eze 20:45 - -- Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying. Or the word of prophecy, as the Targum. Here begins a new prophecy, and most properly a new chapt...

Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying. Or the word of prophecy, as the Targum. Here begins a new prophecy, and most properly a new chapter should here begin; for the next chapter is of the same argument with this, and an explanation of it, and an enlargement upon it. And here Ben Melech begins one; and so Junius and Tremellius, Piscator, and Castalio.

Gill: Eze 20:46 - -- Son of man, set thy force toward the south,.... The land of Judea, which lay south of Babylon, where the prophet now was, as Babylon lay north of that...

Son of man, set thy force toward the south,.... The land of Judea, which lay south of Babylon, where the prophet now was, as Babylon lay north of that, Jer 1:14 to set his face was to speak freely and boldly, with courage and constancy, and without fear and dread, to the inhabitants of it; and as a token of the Lord's face being set against them for their sins. The Targum is,

"take a prophecy towards the way of the south.''

And drop thy word toward the south; or prophesy, as the Targum; doctrine or prophecy being compared to rain, and the delivery of it to the dropping or distilling of rain; which falls gently, gradually, successively, and oftentimes with weight, and to good purpose; see Deu 32:2, which metaphorical phrase is explained in the next clause:

and prophesy against the forest of the south field; the city of Jerusalem, in the land of Judea, which was very full of people, as a forest of trees; but these barren and unfruitful, as the trees of the wood generally are; and a rendezvous of wicked persons, comparable to beasts of prey, that haunt in woods and forests.

Gill: Eze 20:47 - -- And say to the forest of the south,.... To the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea: hear the word of the Lord; attend to it, and receive it, believe...

And say to the forest of the south,.... To the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea:

hear the word of the Lord; attend to it, and receive it, believe it, and take warning from it:

thus saith the Lord God, behold, I will kindle a fire in thee; in Jerusalem; meaning that he would send great calamities among them, the sword of the Chaldean army, famine, and pestilence; and that at last it should be burnt with fire, and the remainder of the inhabitants be carried captive:

and it shall devour every green tree, and every dry tree; all sorts of persons should be consumed by one or other of the above calamities, high and low, rich and poor, good and bad; and if good men should suffer, comparable to green trees, which fire will not so easily burn, not being fit fuel for it; then much more bad men, who were by far the most numerous, comparable to dry trees, and so fit fuel for the flames, and easily consumed thereby:

the flaming flame shall not be quenched or, the "flame, flame"; or, "the flame of flame" o; signifying either the succession of these calamities one after another; or the force and strength of them, which should not be abated until the ruin of the city was completed:

and all faces from the south to the north shall be burnt therein; which some understand of an utter destruction of the Jews, either by sword, famine, and pestilence, or by captivity from Jerusalem or Judea unto Babylon; but rather the meaning is, that all the inhabitants thereof should suffer, from one end of it to the other, from Beersheba to Dan, the country lying in such a position.

Gill: Eze 20:48 - -- And all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it,.... Not only the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea should see the hand of the Lord in their ...

And all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it,.... Not only the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea should see the hand of the Lord in their destruction; but even all the neighbouring nations, the case was so clear and plain, the matter so visible:

it shall not be quenched; no stop put to it by all the art and power of man; so that it was a clear point that it was the Lord's doing.

Gill: Eze 20:49 - -- Then said I, ah Lord God!.... The Septuagint version is, "by no means, Lord, Lord"; that is, let me not be sent on such an errand; at least, let it no...

Then said I, ah Lord God!.... The Septuagint version is, "by no means, Lord, Lord"; that is, let me not be sent on such an errand; at least, let it not be delivered in such figurative terms; or let not such a general calamity befall the people. The Targum is,

"receive my prayer, O Lord God;''

the prophet here either complains of the usage he had met with after delivering the above prophecy; or rather of what he had met with before, and which he expected again; and therefore desired either that he might be excused delivering the prophecy; or, however, that it might be delivered not in obscure and enigmatical terms, but in plain and easy ones:

they say of me, doth he not speak parables? as before, of a lion and her whelps; and of a vine, and its rods and branches, Eze 19:1 and now here again, of a fire, and a forest, and trees of it, green and dry; things not easily understood, and so not attended to and regarded; as if they should say, this man brings us nothing but parables, riddles, and enigmas, and such sort of unintelligible stuff, not worth minding; and rather appears as a man delirious and mad than a prophet. Wherefore Ezekiel seems to desire that he might be sent to them with a message more plainly expressed; and which might excite their attention and regard, and not expose him to their ridicule and contempt; and accordingly we find it is explained and expressed in clearer terms in the next chapter.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Eze 20:37 The metaphor may be based in Lev 27:32 (see also Jer 33:13; Matt 25:32-33). A shepherd would count his sheep as they passed beneath his staff.

NET Notes: Eze 20:38 See the note at 2:3.

NET Notes: Eze 20:39 Or “gifts.”

NET Notes: Eze 20:40 Heb “all of it.”

NET Notes: Eze 20:42 Heb “I lifted up my hand.”

NET Notes: Eze 20:43 Heb “loathe yourselves in your faces.”

NET Notes: Eze 20:45 Beginning with 20:45, the verse numbers through 21:32 in the English Bible differ by five from the verse numbers in the Hebrew text (BHS), with 20:45 ...

NET Notes: Eze 20:46 The Hebrew term can also mean “forest,” but a meaning of uncultivated wasteland fits the Negev region far better. See M. Greenberg, Ezekie...

NET Notes: Eze 20:47 Fire also appears as a form of judgment in Ezek 15:4-7; 19:12, 14.

NET Notes: Eze 20:48 Heb “all flesh.”

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:35 And I will bring you into the ( r ) wilderness of the people, and there will I enter into judgment with you face to face. ( r ) I will bring you amon...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:38 And I will ( s ) purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojou...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:39 As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; ( t ) Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, and after this [also], if ye will not hearken to me...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:43 And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, in which ye have been defiled; and ye ( u ) shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for a...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:46 Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop [thy word] toward ( x ) the south, and prophesy against the forest of the south field; ( x ) For ...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour ever...

Geneva Bible: Eze 20:49 Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak ( z ) parables? ( z ) The people said that the prophet spoke darkly: therefore he desires...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Eze 20:1-49 - --1 God refuses to be consulted by the elders of Israel.4 He shews the story of their rebellions in Egypt,10 in the wilderness,27 and in the land.33 He ...

MHCC: Eze 20:33-44 - --The wicked Israelites, notwithstanding they follow the sinful ways of other nations, shall not mingle with them in their prosperity, but shall be sepa...

MHCC: Eze 20:45-49 - --Judah and Jerusalem had been full of people, as a forest of trees, but empty of fruit. God's word prophesies against those who bring not forth the fru...

Matthew Henry: Eze 20:33-44 - -- The design which was now on foot among the elders of Israel was that the people of Israel, being scattered among the nations, should lay aside all t...

Matthew Henry: Eze 20:45-49 - -- We have here a prophecy of wrath against Judah and Jerusalem, which would more fitly have begun the next chapter than conclude this; for it has no d...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 20:32-38 - -- The Judgment Awaiting Israel of Purification among the Heathen Eze 20:32. And that which riseth up in your mind shall not come to pass, in that ye...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 20:39-44 - -- The Ultimate Gathering of Israel, and Its Conversion to the Lord Eze 20:39. Ye then, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Go ye, serve ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 20:45-49 - -- The Burning Forest Eze 20:45. And the word of Jehovah came to me, saying, Eze 20:46. Son of man, direct thy face toward the south, and trickle ...

Constable: Eze 4:1--24:27 - --II. Oracles of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin chs. 4-24 This section of the book contains prophecies th...

Constable: Eze 20:1--23:49 - --D. Israel's defective leadership chs. 20-23 This section of the book is the final collection of propheci...

Constable: Eze 20:1-44 - --1. The history of Israel's rebellion and Yahweh's grace 20:1-44 The structure of this passage is...

Constable: Eze 20:30-38 - --Israel's rebellion in Ezekiel's day and God's grace 20:30-38 20:30 Ezekiel was to ask his hearers if they planned to defile themselves and to prostitu...

Constable: Eze 20:39-44 - --An application of this history lesson 20:39-44 20:39 For now the Israelites to whom Ezekiel spoke could continue to practice idolatry, not with the Lo...

Constable: Eze 20:45--22:1 - --2. Judgment of Judah's contemporary leaders 20:45-21:32 A new chapter in the Hebrew Bible begins...

Constable: Eze 20:45-49 - --The parable itself 20:45-49 20:45-46 The Lord commanded Ezekiel to address Teman with a prophecy. Teman (Heb temanah, right) refers to the south. Perh...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The name Ezekiel means "(whom) God will strengthen" [GESENIUS]; or, "God will prevail" [ROSENMULLER]. His father was Buzi (Eze 1:3), a priest, and he ...


TSK: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: " Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah ...

TSK: Ezekiel 20 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Eze 20:1, God refuses to be consulted by the elders of Israel; Eze 20:4, He shews the story of their rebellions in Egypt, Eze 20:10. in t...

Poole: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL THE ARGUMENT EZEKIEL was by descent a priest, and by commission a prophet, and received it from heaven, as will appea...

Poole: Ezekiel 20 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 20 God refuseth to be consulted by the elders of Israel, Eze 20:1-3 . He rehearseth the rebellions of their ancestors in Egypt, Eze 20:4-9 ...

MHCC: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, a...

MHCC: Ezekiel 20 (Chapter Introduction) (Eze 20:1-9) The elders of Israel are reminded of the idolatry in Egypt. (v. 10-26) In the wilderness. (Eze 20:27-32) In Canaan. (Eze 20:33-44) God...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel 20 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter, I. The prophet is consulted by some of the elders of Israel (Eze 20:1). II. He is instructed by his God what answer to give them...

Constable: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book comes from its writer, Ezekiel, t...

Constable: Ezekiel (Outline) Outline I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3 A. The vision of God's glory ch. 1 ...

Constable: Ezekiel Ezekiel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968. ...

Haydock: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF EZECHIEL. INTRODUCTION. Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of God, was of the priestly race, and of the number of t...

Gill: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL This book is rightly placed after Jeremiah; since Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea, when prophesied; whereas Jerem...

Gill: Ezekiel 20 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 20 The prophecy in this chapter is occasioned by some of the elders of Israel coming to inquire of the Lord; when the proph...

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