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Text -- Genesis 19:1-9 (NET)

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The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
19:1 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening while Lot was sitting in the city’s gateway. When Lot saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face toward the ground. 19:2 He said, “Here, my lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house. Stay the night and wash your feet. Then you can be on your way early in the morning.” “No,” they replied, “we’ll spend the night in the town square.” 19:3 But he urged them persistently, so they turned aside with him and entered his house. He prepared a feast for them, including bread baked without yeast, and they ate. 19:4 Before they could lie down to sleep, all the men– both young and old, from every part of the city of Sodom– surrounded the house. 19:5 They shouted to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!” 19:6 Lot went outside to them, shutting the door behind him. 19:7 He said, “No, my brothers! Don’t act so wickedly! 19:8 Look, I have two daughters who have never had sexual relations with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do to them whatever you please. Only don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” 19:9 “Out of our way!” they cried, and “This man came to live here as a foreigner, and now he dares to judge us! We’ll do more harm to you than to them!” They kept pressing in on Lot until they were close enough to break down the door.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Lot a son of Haran; nephew of Abraham,son of Haran son of Terah; nephew of Abraham
 · Sodom an ancient town somewhere in the region of the Dead Sea that God destroyed with burning sulphur,a town 25 km south of Gomorrah and Masada

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sodom | STRANGER AND SOJOURNER (IN THE OLD TESTAMENT) | MOAB; MOABITES | Lot | LOT (1) | HOSPITALITY; HOST | GOD, 2 | GENESIS, 4 | Flour | Feast | DOOR | City | CRIME; CRIMES | CITIES | Brother | BATH; BATHING | Angel | Abraham | ATTITUDES | ADORATION | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

Bible Query , Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Gen 19:1 - -- Probably two of the three that had just before been with Abraham, the two created angels who were sent to execute God's purpose concerning Sodom.

Probably two of the three that had just before been with Abraham, the two created angels who were sent to execute God's purpose concerning Sodom.

Wesley: Gen 19:3 - -- Partly because he would by no means have them to expose themselves to the perils of lodging in the streets of Sodom, and partly because he was desirou...

Partly because he would by no means have them to expose themselves to the perils of lodging in the streets of Sodom, and partly because he was desirous of their converse.

Wesley: Gen 19:4 - -- The old were not past it, and the young were soon come up to it. Either they had no magistrates to protect the peaceable, or their magistrates were th...

The old were not past it, and the young were soon come up to it. Either they had no magistrates to protect the peaceable, or their magistrates were themselves aiding and abetting.

Wesley: Gen 19:8 - -- This was unadvisedly and unjustifiably offered. It is true, of two evils we must chose the less, but of two sins we must chose neither, nor ever do ev...

This was unadvisedly and unjustifiably offered. It is true, of two evils we must chose the less, but of two sins we must chose neither, nor ever do evil that good may come of it.

JFB: Gen 19:1 - -- Most probably two of those that had been with Abraham, commissioned to execute the divine judgment against Sodom.

Most probably two of those that had been with Abraham, commissioned to execute the divine judgment against Sodom.

JFB: Gen 19:1 - -- In Eastern cities it is the market, the seat of justice, of social intercourse and amusement, especially a favorite lounge in the evenings, the arched...

In Eastern cities it is the market, the seat of justice, of social intercourse and amusement, especially a favorite lounge in the evenings, the arched roof affording a pleasant shade.

JFB: Gen 19:2 - -- Offer of the same generous hospitalities as described in Gen 18:2-8, and which are still spontaneously practised in the small towns.

Offer of the same generous hospitalities as described in Gen 18:2-8, and which are still spontaneously practised in the small towns.

JFB: Gen 19:2 - -- Where there are no inns and no acquaintance, it is not uncommon for travellers to sleep in the street wrapped up in their cloaks.

Where there are no inns and no acquaintance, it is not uncommon for travellers to sleep in the street wrapped up in their cloaks.

JFB: Gen 19:3 - -- On removing to the plain, Lot intended at first to live in his tent apart from the people [Gen 13:12]. But he was gradually drawn in, dwelt in the cit...

On removing to the plain, Lot intended at first to live in his tent apart from the people [Gen 13:12]. But he was gradually drawn in, dwelt in the city, and he and his family were connected with the citizens by marriage ties.

JFB: Gen 19:4 - -- Appalling proofs are here given of their wickedness. It is evident that evil communications had corrupted good manners; otherwise Lot would never have...

Appalling proofs are here given of their wickedness. It is evident that evil communications had corrupted good manners; otherwise Lot would never have acted as he did.

Clarke: Gen 19:1 - -- Two angels - The two referred to Gen 18:22

Two angels - The two referred to Gen 18:22

Clarke: Gen 19:1 - -- Sat in the gate - Probably, in order to prevent unwary travelers from being entrapped by his wicked townsmen, he waited at the gate of the city to b...

Sat in the gate - Probably, in order to prevent unwary travelers from being entrapped by his wicked townsmen, he waited at the gate of the city to bring the strangers he might meet with to his own house, as well as to transact his own business. Or, as the gate was the place of judgment, he might have been sitting there as magistrate to hear and determine disputes

Clarke: Gen 19:1 - -- Bowed himself - Not through religious reverence, for he did not know the quality of his guests; but through the customary form of civility. See on v...

Bowed himself - Not through religious reverence, for he did not know the quality of his guests; but through the customary form of civility. See on verses Gen 18:3-5 (note) of the preceding chapter.

Clarke: Gen 19:2 - -- Nay; but we will abide in the street - Instead of לא lo , nay, some MSS. have לו lo , to him; "And they said unto him, for we lodge in the str...

Nay; but we will abide in the street - Instead of לא lo , nay, some MSS. have לו lo , to him; "And they said unto him, for we lodge in the street."where, nevertheless, the negation is understood. Knowing the disposition of the inhabitants, and appearing in the mere character of travelers, they preferred the open street to any house; but as Lot pressed them vehemently, and they knew him to be a righteous man, not yet willing to make themselves known, they consented to take shelter under his hospitable roof. Our Lord, willing for the time being to conceal his person from the knowledge of the disciples going to Emmaus, made as though he would go farther, Luk 24:13; but at last, like the angels here, yielded to the importunity of his disciples, and went into their lodgings.

Clarke: Gen 19:5 - -- Where are the men which came in to thee, etc. - This account justifies the character given of this depraved people in the preceding chapter, Gen 18:...

Where are the men which came in to thee, etc. - This account justifies the character given of this depraved people in the preceding chapter, Gen 18:20, and in Gen 23:13. As their crime was the deepest disgrace to human nature, so it is too bad to be described; in the sacred text it is sufficiently marked; and the iniquity which, from these most abominable wretches, has been called Sodomy, is punished in our country with death.

Clarke: Gen 19:8 - -- Behold now, I have two daughters - Nothing but that sacred light in which the rights of hospitality were regarded among the eastern nations, could e...

Behold now, I have two daughters - Nothing but that sacred light in which the rights of hospitality were regarded among the eastern nations, could either justify or palliate this proposal of Lot. A man who had taken a stranger under his care and protection, was bound to defend him even at the expense of his own life. In this light the rights of hospitality are still regarded in Asiatic countries; and on these high notions only, the influence of which an Asiatic mind alone can properly appreciate, Lot’ s conduct on this occasion can be at all excused: but even then, it was not only the language of anxious solicitude, but of unwarrantable haste.

Clarke: Gen 19:9 - -- And he will needs be a judge - So his sitting in the gate is perhaps a farther proof of his being there in a magisterial capacity, as some have supp...

And he will needs be a judge - So his sitting in the gate is perhaps a farther proof of his being there in a magisterial capacity, as some have supposed.

Calvin: Gen 19:1 - -- 1.And there came two angels to Sodom. The question occurs, why one of the three angels has suddenly disappeared, and two only are come to Sodom? The ...

1.And there came two angels to Sodom. The question occurs, why one of the three angels has suddenly disappeared, and two only are come to Sodom? The Jews (with their wonted audacity in introducing fables) pretend that one came to destroy Sodom, the other to preserve Lot. But from the discourse of Moses, this appears to be frivolous: because we shall see that they both assisted in the liberation of Lot. What I have before adduced is more simple; namely, that it was granted to Abraham, as a peculiar favor, that God would not only send him two messengers from the angelic host, but that, in a more familiar manner, he would manifest himself to him, in his own Son. For (as we have seen) one of the messengers held the principal place, as being superior to the others in dignity. Now, although Christ was always the Mediator, yet, because he manifested himself more obscurely to Lot than he did to Abraham, the two angels only came to Sodom. Since Moses relates, that Lot sat in the gate of the city about evening, many contend that he did so, according to daily custom, for the purpose of receiving guests into his house; yet, as Moses is silent respecting the cause, it would be rash to affirm this as certain. I grant, indeed, that he did not sit as idle persons are wont to do; but the conjecture is not less probable, that he had come forth to meet his shepherds, in order to be present when his sheep were folded. That he was hospitable, the courteous invitation which is mentioned by Moses clearly demonstrates; yet, why he then remained in the gate of the city is uncertain; unless it were, that he was unwilling to omit any opportunity of doing an act of kindness, when strangers presented themselves on whom he might bestow his services. What remains, on this point, may be found in the preceding chapter Gen 17:1

Calvin: Gen 19:2 - -- 2.Nay, but we will abide in the street. The angels do not immediately assent, in order that they may the more fully investigate the disposition of th...

2.Nay, but we will abide in the street. The angels do not immediately assent, in order that they may the more fully investigate the disposition of the holy man. For he was about to bring them to his own house, not merely for the sake of supplying them with a supper, but for the purpose of defending them from the force and injury of the citizens. Therefore the angels act, as if it were safe to sleep on the highway; and thus conceal their knowledge of the abandoned wickedness of the whole people. For if the gates of cities are shut, to prevent the incursions of wild beasts and of enemies; how wrong and absurd it is that they who are within should be exposed to still more grievous dangers? Therefore the angels thus speak, in order to make the wickedness of the people appear the greater. And Lot, in urging the angels to come unto him, for the purpose of protecting them from the common violence of the people, the more clearly shows, how careful he was of his guests, lest they should suffer any dishonor or injury.

Calvin: Gen 19:3 - -- 3.And he made them a feast. By these words, and others following, Moses shows that the angels were more sumptuously entertained than was customary: f...

3.And he made them a feast. By these words, and others following, Moses shows that the angels were more sumptuously entertained than was customary: for Lot did not act thus, indiscriminately, with all. But, when he conceived, from the dignity of their mien and dress, that they were not common men, he baked cakes, and prepared a plentiful feast. Again, Moses says that the angels did eat: not that they had any need to do so; but because the time was not yet come, for the manifestation of their celestial nature.

Calvin: Gen 19:4 - -- 4.Before they lay down. Here, in a single crime, Moses sets before our eyes a lively picture of Sodom. For it is hence obvious, how diabolical was th...

4.Before they lay down. Here, in a single crime, Moses sets before our eyes a lively picture of Sodom. For it is hence obvious, how diabolical was their consent in all wickedness, since they all so readily conspired to perpetrate the most abominable crime. The greatness of their iniquity and wantonness, is apparent from the fact, that, in a collected troop, they approach, as enemies, to lay siege to the house of Lot. How blind and impetuous is their lust; since, without shame, they rush together like brute animals! how great their ferocity and cruelty; since they reproachfully threaten the holy man, and proceed to all extremities! Hence also we infer, that they were not contaminated with one vice only, but were given up to all audacity in crime, so that no sense of shame was left them. And Ezekiel (as we have above related) accurately describes from what beginnings of evil they had proceeded to this extreme turpitude, (Eze 16:49) What Paul says, also refers to the same point: that God punished the impiety of men, when he cast them into such a state of blindness, that they gave themselves up to abominable lusts, and dishonored their own bodies. (Rom 1:18.) But when the sense of shame is overcome, and the reins are given to lust, a vile and outrageous barbarism necessarily succeeds, and many kinds of sin are blended together, so that a most confused chaos is the result. But if this severe vengeance of God so fell upon the men of Sodom, that they became blind with rage, and prostituted themselves to all kinds of crime, certainly we shall scarcely be more mildly treated, whose iniquity is the less excusable, because the truth of God has been more clearly revealed unto us.

Both old and young. Moses passes over many things in silence which may come unsought into the reader’s mind: for instance, he does not mention by whom the multitude had been stirred up. Yet it is probable that there were some who fanned the flame: nevertheless, we hence perceive how freely they were disposed to commit iniquity; since, as at a given signal, they immediately assemble. It also shows how completely destitute they were of all remaining shame; for, neither did any gravity restrain the old, nor any modesty, suitable to their age, restrain the young: finally, he intimates, that all regard to honor was gone, and that the order of nature was perverted, when he says, that young and old flew together from the extreme parts of the city.

Calvin: Gen 19:5 - -- 5.Where are the men ? Although it was their intention shamefully to abuse the strangers to their outrageous appetite, yet, in words, they pretend tha...

5.Where are the men ? Although it was their intention shamefully to abuse the strangers to their outrageous appetite, yet, in words, they pretend that their object is different. For, as if Lot had been guilty of a fault in admitting unknown men into the city, wherein he himself was a stranger, they command these men to be brought out before them. Some expound the word know in a carnal sense; and thus the Greek interpreters have translated it. 418 But I think the word has here a different meaning; as if the men had said, We wish to know whom thou bringest, as guests, into our city. The Scripture truly is accustomed modestly to describe an act of shame by the word know; and therefore we may infer that the men of Sodom would have spoken, in coarser language, of such an act: but, for the sake of concealing their wicked design, they here imperiously expostulate with the holy man, for having dared to receive unknown persons into his house. Here, however, a question arises; for if the men of Sodom were in the habit of vexing strangers, of all kinds, in this manner, how shall we suppose they had acted towards others? For Lot was not now for the first time beginning to be hospitable; and they, too, had always been addicted to lust. Lot was prepared to expose his own daughters to dishonor, in order to save his guests; how often, then, might it have been necessary to prostitute them before, if the fury of men of such character could not be otherwise assuaged? 419 Now truly, if Lot had known that such danger was impending; he ought rather to have exhorted his guests to withdraw in time. In my opinion, however, although Lot knew the manners of the city; he had, nevertheless, no suspicion of what really happened, that they would make an assault upon his house; this, indeed, seems to have been quite a new thing. It was, however, fitting, when the angels were sent to investigate the true state of the people, that they should all break out into this detestable crime. So the wicked, after they have long securely exulted in their iniquity, at length, by furiously rushing onward, accelerate their destruction in a moment. God therefore designed, in calling the men of Sodom to judgment, to exhibit, as it were, the extreme act of their wicked life; and he impelled them, by the spirit of deep infatuation, to a crime, the atrocity of which would not suffer the destruction of the place to be any longer deferred. For as the hospitality of the holy man, Lot, was honored with a signal reward; because he, unawares, received angels instead of men, and had them as guests in his house; so God avenged, with more severe punishment, the shameful lust of the others; who, while endeavoring to do violence to angels, were not only injurious towards men; but, to the utmost of their power, dishonored the celestial glory of God, by their sacrilegious fury.

Calvin: Gen 19:6 - -- 6.And Lot went out at the door unto them. It appears from the fact that Lot went out and exposed himself to danger, how faithfully he observed the sa...

6.And Lot went out at the door unto them. It appears from the fact that Lot went out and exposed himself to danger, how faithfully he observed the sacred right of hospitality. It was truly a rare virtue, that he preferred the safety and honor of the guests whom he had once undertaken to protect, to his own life: yet this degree of magnanimity is required from the children of God, that where duty and fidelity are concerned, they should not spare themselves. And although he was already grievously injured by the besieging of his house; he yet endeavors, by gentle words, to soothe ferocious minds, while he suppliantly entreats them to lay aside their wickedness, and addresses them by the title of brethren. Now it appears, how savage was their cruelty, and how violent the rage of their lust, when they were in no degree moved by such extraordinary mildness. But the description of a rage so brutal, tends to teach us that punishment was not inflicted upon them, until they had proceeded to the last stage of wickedness. And let us remember, that the reprobate, when they have been blinded by the just judgment of God, rush, as with devoted minds, through every kind of crime, and leave nothing undone, until they render themselves altogether hateful and detestable to God and men.

Calvin: Gen 19:8 - -- 8.I have two daughters. As the constancy of Lot, in risking his own life for the defense of his guests, deserves no common praise; so now Moses relat...

8.I have two daughters. As the constancy of Lot, in risking his own life for the defense of his guests, deserves no common praise; so now Moses relates that a defect was mixed with this great virtue, which sprinkled it with some imperfection. For, being destitute of advice, he devises (as is usual in intricate affairs) an unlawful remedy. He does not hesitate to prostitute his own daughters, that he may restrain the indomitable fury of the people. But he should rather have endured a thousand deaths, than have resorted to such a measure. Yet such are commonly the works of holy men: since nothing proceeds from them so excellent, as not to be in some respect defective. Lot, indeed, is urged by extreme necessity; and it is no wonder that he offers his daughters to be polluted, when he sees that he has to deal with wild beasts; yet he inconsiderately seeks to remedy one evil by means of another. I can easily excuse some for extenuating his fault; yet he is not free from blame, because he would ward off evil with evil. But we are warned by this example, that when the Lord has furnished us with the spirit of invincible fortitude, we must also pray that he may govern us by the spirit of prudence; and that he will never suffer us to be deprived of a sound judgment, and a well-regulated reason. For then only shall we rightly proceed in our course of duty, when, in complicated affairs, we perceive, with a composed mind, what is necessary, what is lawful, and what is expedient to be done; then shall we be prepared promptly to meet any danger whatever. For, that our minds should be carried hither and thither by hastily catching at wicked counsels, is not less perilous than that they should be agitated by fear. But when reduced to the last straits, let us learn to pray, that the Lord would open to us some way of escape. Others would excuse Lot by a different pretext, namely, that he knew his daughters would not be desired. But I have no doubt that, being willing to avail himself of the first subterfuge which occurred to him, he turned aside from the right way. This, however, is indisputable; although the men of Sodom had not yet, in express terms, avowed the base desire with which they were inflamed, yet Lot, from their daily crimes, had formed his judgment respecting it. If any one should raise the objection that such a supposition is absurd; 420 I answer, that, since by custom they had imagined the crime to be lawful, the crowd was easily excited by a few instigators, as it commonly happens, where no distinction is maintained between right and wrong. When Lot says, Therefore came they under the shadow of my roof; his meaning is, that they had been committed to him by the Lord, and that he should be guilty of perfidy, unless he endeavored to protect them. 421

Calvin: Gen 19:9 - -- 9.And they said, Stand back. That Lot, with all his entreaties, than which nothing could be adduced more likely to soothe their rage, was thus harshl...

9.And they said, Stand back. That Lot, with all his entreaties, than which nothing could be adduced more likely to soothe their rage, was thus harshly repelled, shows the indomitable haughtiness of this people. And, in the first place, they threaten that, if he persists in interceding, they will deal worse with him than with those whom he defends. Then they reproach him with the fact, that he, a foreigner, assumes the province of a judge. Every word proves the pride with which they swell. They place one man in opposition to a multitude, as if they would say, ‘By what right hast thou alone challenge to thyself authority over the whole city?’ They next boast that, while they are natives, he is but a stranger. Such is, at the present time, the boasting of the Papists against the pious ministers of God’s word: they allege against us, as a disgrace, the paucity of our numbers, in contrast with their own great multitude. 422 Then they pride themselves upon their long succession, and contend that it is intolerable for them to be reproved by new men. 423 But however contumaciously the wicked may strive, rather than submit to reason, let us know that they are exalted only to their own ruin.

Defender: Gen 19:4 - -- The enormity of Sodom's wickedness is indicated by the eagerness with which not a few degenerates, but all the men of the city desired to commit the c...

The enormity of Sodom's wickedness is indicated by the eagerness with which not a few degenerates, but all the men of the city desired to commit the crime of homosexual rape, probably leading to murder, on two unknown visitors to their city. Lot's desire to protect them demonstrates his basically godly character (2Pe 2:8) even though his carnality had led him into this compromising association."

Defender: Gen 19:8 - -- Lot's willingness to sacrifice his daughters (the fact that they still were virgins in such a place indicates that he at least had some influence over...

Lot's willingness to sacrifice his daughters (the fact that they still were virgins in such a place indicates that he at least had some influence over his family) is hard to understand, but it may well be that by this time he knew or suspected the angelic identity of the guests."

TSK: Gen 19:1 - -- And there came two angels. Or, rather, ""the two angels came,""referring to those mentioned in the preceding chapter, and there called ""men.""It see...

And there came two angels. Or, rather, ""the two angels came,""referring to those mentioned in the preceding chapter, and there called ""men.""It seems (from Gen 18:22), that these two angels were sent to Sodom, while the third, who was the Lord or Jehovah, remained with Abraham.

Gen 18:1-3, Gen 18:22

rose : Gen 18:1-5; Job 31:32; Heb 13:2

bowed : Gen 18:2

TSK: Gen 19:2 - -- turn : Heb 13:2 wash : Gen 18:4 Nay : Instead of lo, nay, some manuscripts have lo, to him. ""And they said unto him, for we lodge in the street;""wh...

turn : Heb 13:2

wash : Gen 18:4

Nay : Instead of lo, nay, some manuscripts have lo, to him. ""And they said unto him, for we lodge in the street;""where, nevertheless, the negation is understood. Knowing the disposition of the inhabitants, and appearing in the character of mere travellers, they preferred the open street to any house; but not yet willing to make themselves known, as Lot pressed them vehemently, and as they knew him to be a righteous man, they consented to take shelter under his hospitable roof. Jdg 19:17-21; Luk 24:28, Luk 24:29; Act 16:15

TSK: Gen 19:3 - -- pressed : 2Ki 4:8; Luk 11:8, Luk 14:23, Luk 24:28, Luk 24:29; 2Co 5:14 a feast : Gen 18:6-8, Gen 21:8; Luk 5:29; Joh 12:2; Heb 13:2 unleavened : Gen 1...

TSK: Gen 19:4 - -- But : Pro 4:16, Pro 6:18; Mic 7:3; Rom 3:15 all : Gen 13:13, Gen 18:20; Exo 16:2, Exo 23:2; Jer 5:1-6, Jer 5:31; Mat 27:20-25

TSK: Gen 19:5 - -- Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13; Jdg 19:22; Isa 1:9, Isa 3:9; Jer 3:3, Jer 6:15; Eze 16:49, Eze 16:51; Mat 11:23, Mat 11:24; Rom 1:23, Rom 1:24, Rom 1:26, Rom 1:...

TSK: Gen 19:6 - -- Lot : Jdg 19:23 door : Two words are here used for doorcaps1 . tcaps0 he first pethach , which is the door-way, at which Lot went out; the latter, ...

Lot : Jdg 19:23

door : Two words are here used for doorcaps1 . tcaps0 he first pethach , which is the door-way, at which Lot went out; the latter, deleth , the leaf of the door, which he shut after him when out.

TSK: Gen 19:7 - -- Gen 19:4; Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13; Deu 23:17; Jdg 19:23; 1Sa 30:23, 1Sa 30:24; Act 17:26; Rom 1:24; 1Co 6:9-11; Jud 1:7

TSK: Gen 19:8 - -- I have : Exo 32:22 let : Gen 19:31-38, Gen 42:37; Jdg 19:24; Mar 9:6; Rom 3:8 therefore : Gen 18:5; Jdg 9:15; Isa 58:7

TSK: Gen 19:9 - -- Stand : 1Sa 17:44, 1Sa 25:17; Pro 9:7, Pro 9:8; Isa 65:5; Jer 3:3, Jer 6:15, Jer 8:12; Mat 7:6 This : Gen 13:12; Exo 2:14; Act 7:26-28; 2Pe 2:7, 2Pe 2...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Gen 19:1-38 - -- - The Destruction of Sodom and Amorah 9. גשׁ־

- The Destruction of Sodom and Amorah

9. גשׁ־<הלאה gesh - hāl'âh , "approach to a distant point,"stand back.

11. סנורים sane vērı̂ym , "blindness,"affecting the mental more than the ocular vision.

37. מואב mô'āb , Moab; מאב mē'āb , "from a father." בן־עמי ben - ‛amı̂y , Ben-‘ ammi, "son of my people." עמון ‛amôn , ‘ Ammon, "of the people."

This chapter is the continuation and conclusion of the former. It records a part of God’ s strange work - strange, because it consists in punishment, and because it is foreign to the covenant of grace. Yet it is closely connected with Abraham’ s history, inasmuch as it is a signal chastisement of wickedness in his neighborhood, a memorial of the righteous judgment of God to all his posterity, and at the same time a remarkable answer to the spirit, if not to the letter, of his intercessory prayer. His kinsman Lot, the only righteous man in Sodom, with his wife and two daughters, is delivered from destruction in accordance with his earnest appeal on behalf of the righteous.

Gen 19:1-3

The two angels. - These are the two men who left Abraham standing before the Lord Gen 18:22. "Lot sat in the gate,"the place of public resort for news and for business. He courteously rises to meet them, does obeisance to them, and invites them to spend the night in his house. "Nay, but in the street will we lodge."This is the disposition of those who come to inquire, and, it may be, to condemn and to punish. They are twice in this chapter called angels, being sent to perform a delegated duty. This term, however, defines their office, not their nature. Lot, in the first instance, calls them "my lords,"which is a term of respect that may be addressed to men Gen 31:35. He afterward styled one of them Adonai, with the special vowel pointing which limits it to the Supreme Being. He at the same time calls himself his servant, appeals to his grace and mercy, and ascribes to him his deliverance. The person thus addressed replies, in a tone of independence and authority, "I have accepted thee.""I will not overthrow this city for which thou hast spoken.""I cannot do anything until thou go thither."All these circumstances point to a divine personage, and are not so easily explained of a mere delegate. He is pre-eminently the Saviour, as he who communed with Abraham was the hearer of prayer. And he who hears prayer and saves life, appears also as the executor of his purpose in the overthrow of Sodom and the other cities of the vale. It is remarkable that only two of the three who appeared to Abraham are called angels. Of the persons in the divine essence two might be the angels or deputies of the primary in the discharge of the divine purpose. These three men, then, either immediately represent, or, if created angels, mediately shadow forth persons in the Godhead. Their number indicates that the persons in the divine unity are three.

Lot seems to have recognized something extraordinary in their appearance, for he made a lowly obeisance to them. The Sodomites heed not the strangers. Lot’ s invitation; at first declined, is at length accepted, because Lot is approved of God as righteous, and excepted from the doom of the city.

Gen 19:4-11

The wicked violence of the citizens displays itself. They compass the house, and demand the men for the vilest ends. How familiar Lot had become with vice, when any necessity whatever could induce him to offer his daughters to the lust of these Sodomites! We may suppose it was spoken rashly, in the heat of the moment, and with the expectation that he would not be taken at his word. So it turned out. "Stand back."This seems to be a menace to frighten Lot out of the way of their perverse will. It is probable, indeed, that he and his family would not have been so long safe in this wicked place, had he not been the occasion of a great deliverance to the whole city when they were carried away by the four kings. The threat is followed by a taunt, when the sorely vexed host hesitated to give up the strangers. "He will needs be a judge."It is evident Lot had been in the habit of remonstrating with them. From threats and taunts they soon proceed to violence. His guests now interfere. They rescue Lot, and smite the rioters with blindness, or a wandering of the senses, so that they cannot find the door. This ebullition of the vilest passion seals the doom of the city.

Gen 19:12-23

The visitors now take steps for the deliverance of Lot and his kindred before the destruction of the cities. All that are related to him are included in the offer of deliverance. There is a blessing in being connected with the righteous, if men will but avail themselves of it. Lot seems bewildered by the contemptuous refusal of his connections to leave the place. His early choice and his growing habits have attached him to the place, notwithstanding its temptations. His married daughters, or at least the intended husbands of the two who were at home ("who are here"), are to be left behind. But though these thoughts make him linger, the mercy of the Lord prevails. The angels use a little violence to hasten their escape. The mountain was preserved by its elevation from the flood of rain, sulphur, and fire which descended on the low ground on which the cities were built. Lot begs for a small town to which he may retreat, as he shrinks from the perils of a mountain dwelling, and his request is mercifully granted.

Gen 19:24-26

Then follows the overthrow of the cities. "The Lord rained brimstone and fire from the Lord from the skies."Here the Lord is represented as present in the skies, whence the storm of desolation comes, and on the earth where it falls. The dale of Siddim, in which the cities were, appears to have abounded in asphalt and other combustible materials Gen 14:10. The district was liable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from the earliest to the latest times. We read of an earthquake in the days of king Uzziah Amo 1:1. An earthquake in 1759 destroyed many thousands of persons in the valley of Baalbec. Josephus (De Bell. Jud. iii. 10, 7) reports that the Salt Sea sends up in many places black masses of asphalt, which are not unlike headless bulls in shape and size. After an earthquake in 1834, masses of asphalt were thrown up from the bottom, and in 1837 a similar cause was attended with similar effects.

The lake lies in the lowest part of the valley of the Jordan, and its surface is about thirteen hundred feet below the level of the sea. In such a hollow, exposed to the burning rays of an unclouded sun, its waters evaporate as much as it receives by the influx of the Jordan. Its present area is about forty-five miles by eight miles. A peninsula pushes into it from the east called the Lisan, or tongue, the north point of which is about twenty miles from the south end of the lake. North of this point the depth is from forty to two hundred and eighteen fathoms. This southern part of the lake seems to have been the original dale of Siddim, in which were the cities of the vale. The remarkable salt hills lying on the south of the lake are still called Khashm Usdum (Sodom). A tremendous storm, accompanied with flashes of lightning, and torrents of rain, impregnated with sulphur, descended upon the doomed cities.

From the injunction to Lot to "flee to the mountain,"as well as from the nature of the soil, we may infer that at the same time with the awful conflagration there was a subsidence of the ground, so that the waters of the upper and original lake flowed in upon the former fertile and populous dale, and formed the shallow southern part of the present Salt Sea. In this pool of melting asphalt and sweltering, seething waters, the cities seem to have sunk forever, and left behind them no vestiges of their existence. Lot’ s wife lingering behind her husband, and looking back, contrary to the express command of the Lord, is caught in the sweeping tempest, and becomes a pillar of salt: so narrow was the escape of Lot. The dashing spray of the salt sulphurous rain seems to have suffocated her, and then encrusted her whole body. She may have burned to a cinder in the furious conflagration. She is a memorable example of the indignation and wrath that overtakes the halting and the backsliding.

Gen 19:27-29

Abraham rises early on the following morning, to see what had become of the city for which he had interceded so earnestly, and views from afar the scene of smoking desolation. Remembering Abraham, who was Lot’ s uncle, and had him probably in mind in his importunate pleading, God delivered Lot from this awful overthrow. The Eternal is here designated by the name Elohim, the Everlasting, because in the war of elements in which the cities were overwhelmed, the eternal potencies of his nature were signally displayed.

Gen 19:30-38

The descendants of Lot. Bewildered by the narrowness of his escape, and the awful death of his wife, Lot seems to have left Zoar, and taken to the mountain west of the Salt Sea, in terror of impending ruin. It is not improbable that all the inhabitants of Zoar, panic-struck, may have fled from the region of danger, and dispersed themselves for a time through the adjacent mountains. He was now far from the habitations of people, with his two daughters as his only companions. The manners of Sodom here obtrude themselves upon our view. Lot’ s daughters might seem to have been led to this unnatural project, first, because they thought the human race extinct with the exception of themselves, in which case their conduct may have seemed a work of justifiable necessity; and next, because the degrees of kindred within which it was unlawful to marry had not been determined by an express law. But they must have seen some of the inhabitants of Zoar after the destruction of the cities; and carnal intercourse between parent and offspring must have been always repugnant to nature. "Unto this day."This phrase indicates a variable period, from a few years to a few centuries: a few years; not more than seven, as Jos 22:3; part of a lifetime, as Num 22:30; Jos 6:25; Gen 48:15; and some centuries, as Exo 10:6. This passage may therefore have been written by one much earlier than Moses. Moab afterward occupied the district south of the Arnon, and east of the Salt Sea. Ammon dwelt to the northeast of Moab, where they had a capital called Rabbah. They both ultimately merged into the more general class of the Arabs, as a second Palgite element.

Poole: Gen 19:1 - -- And there came two angels even those two which departed from Abraham, Gen 18:22 , and now were come to Lot, the third yet staying and communing with...

And there came two angels even those two which departed from Abraham, Gen 18:22 , and now were come to Lot, the third yet staying and communing with Abraham. Angels they truly were, though they be called men, Gen 18:1-33 .

At even of the same day on which they departed from Abraham.

In the gate of Sodom where he sat either to observe the administration or corruption of justice there; for the seats of judicature were in the gates: or rather to wait for strangers, to whom he might exercise kindness and hospitality.

Poole: Gen 19:2 - -- Go on your ways and so this will be no hinderance to your occasions. We will abide in the street all night: this was no untruth, but really intende...

Go on your ways and so this will be no hinderance to your occasions.

We will abide in the street all night: this was no untruth, but really intended by them in the present state of things, and upon supposition that Lot should press them no further; but they also intended, if Lot was earnest with them, to comply with him. The first denial was but decent, and an act of civility, and in them it was a design to discover Lot’ s piety and hospitality, and to manifest the great difference between him and the barbarous Sodomites, and the reason and justice of Lot’ s deliverance, and their destruction.

Poole: Gen 19:3 - -- He did bake unleavened bread because that was sooner prepared, that so they might eat it, and after that go to bed in due time.

He did bake unleavened bread because that was sooner prepared, that so they might eat it, and after that go to bed in due time.

Poole: Gen 19:4 - -- Before they lay down to sleep, of which this word is used, Gen 28:13 Lev 14:47 26:6 . All the people from every quarter some to exercise villany, a...

Before they lay down to sleep, of which this word is used, Gen 28:13 Lev 14:47 26:6 .

All the people from every quarter some to exercise villany, and some to please themselves with the contemplation of it, and some out of curiosity, &c. This is added to show how universally corrupt they were, and that there were not ten righteous men there.

Poole: Gen 19:5 - -- Either know who they are; or rather abuse them, as Lot’ s answer explains it, and so that word is used, Gen 4:1 Num 31:17 Jud 19:22 . And for t...

Either know who they are; or rather abuse them, as Lot’ s answer explains it, and so that word is used, Gen 4:1 Num 31:17 Jud 19:22 . And for the sin here committed, see Lev 18:22 20:13 Rom 1:26,27 1Co 6:9 Jud 1:7 . They openly and impudently profess their wicked intention, for which they are branded, Isa 3:9 ; and this intention of theirs is the more probable, because of the great beauty which it is likely was in those bodies which the angels assumed, whereby their lust was more inflamed.

Poole: Gen 19:7 - -- They were brethren by community of nature and habitation; see Gen 9:5 29:4 Lev 19:17 ; and so he calls them, if possibly he might sweeten and rest...

They were brethren by community of nature and habitation; see Gen 9:5 29:4 Lev 19:17 ; and so he calls them, if possibly he might sweeten and restrain them.

Poole: Gen 19:8 - -- Which have not known man to wit, carnally. See Gen 24:16 Num 31:18 Jud 11:39 . Do ye to them as is good in your eyes whatsoever your purpose or ple...

Which have not known man to wit, carnally. See Gen 24:16 Num 31:18 Jud 11:39 .

Do ye to them as is good in your eyes whatsoever your purpose or pleasure is. See the same phrase Gen 20:15 41:37 Num 24:1 , &c. A most imprudent and sinful motion, whereby he yielded to one sin to prevent another, contrary to Rom 3:8 , and exposed his daughters’ chastity, which he was obliged to preserve, and which indeed he had no power to expose, especially seeing they were betrothed to other men, Gen 19:14 . But it is some extenuation of his sin that it proceeded from his great charity and kindness to strangers, and that he was at this time under a great perturbation and discomposure of mind.

For therefore that they might be preserved from such outrages. This was the design of the thing, though not of those persons. See Poole on "Gen 18:5" .

Under the shadow of my roof i.e. under the protection of my house. Shadow is oft put for protection or defence, as Jud 9:15 Psa 36:7 Jer 48:45 .

Poole: Gen 19:9 - -- Stand back or, go further off, i.e. out of our way; stand not between us and the door; or, come hither, that so they might seize him, and proce...

Stand back or, go further off, i.e. out of our way; stand not between us and the door; or, come hither, that so they might seize him, and proceed in the designed wickedness.

This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: q.d. One man, and he too but a stranger, presumeth to oppose the whole society of the native citizens. Heb. In judging he will judge. This busybody, if not restrained in time, will take authority to himself to censure, reprove, and condemn us from time to time.

Haydock: Gen 19:1 - -- Ground. Thus shewing himself a true relation and imitator of Abraham.

Ground. Thus shewing himself a true relation and imitator of Abraham.

Haydock: Gen 19:2 - -- My lords. He took them to be men. --- No. They refuse at first, that he may have the merit of pressing them to accept the invitation. (Haydock)

My lords. He took them to be men. ---

No. They refuse at first, that he may have the merit of pressing them to accept the invitation. (Haydock)

Haydock: Gen 19:4 - -- Together. The whole city was corrupt; even the children were taught iniquity, as soon as they came to the years of discretion. (Menochius)

Together. The whole city was corrupt; even the children were taught iniquity, as soon as they came to the years of discretion. (Menochius)

Haydock: Gen 19:5 - -- Know them. They boldly proclaim their infamous design.

Know them. They boldly proclaim their infamous design.

Haydock: Gen 19:7 - -- This evil, so contrary to the rights of hospitality, and the law of nature.

This evil, so contrary to the rights of hospitality, and the law of nature.

Haydock: Gen 19:8 - -- Known man. They were neglected, while men were inflamed with desires of each other. See Romans i. (Haydock) --- Abuse. Lot tries by every means...

Known man. They were neglected, while men were inflamed with desires of each other. See Romans i. (Haydock) ---

Abuse. Lot tries by every means to divert them from their purpose; being well assured, that they would have nothing to do with his daughters, who were promised to some of the inhabitants. He endeavours to gain time, hoping perhaps that his guests would escape by some back way, while he is talking to the people. (Haydock) ---Some allow that, under so great a perturbation of mind, he consented to an action which could never be allowed, though it was a less evil. (Menochius)

Haydock: Gen 19:9 - -- Thither; from whence thou camest, or into the house. Dost thou pretend to tell us what is wrong? We will treat thee more shamefully. (Menochius) ...

Thither; from whence thou camest, or into the house. Dost thou pretend to tell us what is wrong? We will treat thee more shamefully. (Menochius) While they are beginning to offer violence.

Gill: Gen 19:1 - -- And there came two angels to Sodom at even,.... Or "the two angels" h, the two men who were angels in the likeness of men, that had been with Abraham ...

And there came two angels to Sodom at even,.... Or "the two angels" h, the two men who were angels in the likeness of men, that had been with Abraham in the heat of the day at Hebron, on the evening of the same day came to Sodom:

and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: not as a civil magistrate to try causes there, being appointed a judge over them, as Jarchi relates; yea, the Jews say i: that that day five judges were appointed by the men of Sodom, and Lot was the chief of them; but this is not likely, and seems to be contradicted, Gen 19:9; but he sat there to observe strangers that might pass by, and invite them into his house, and that they might not fall into the hands of the wicked Sodomites, who might abuse them; this being a time when not only travellers would be glad to put up and take refreshment, but his wicked neighbours lay in wait for them to satisfy their lusts on them: he had learnt this hospitality from Abraham:

and Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them: he arose from his seat and went forward to meet them, which showed his readiness and heartiness to receive them:

and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; not in a religious way, as paying worship to angels, for as yet he did not know them to be such, and if he had, would not have given them divine adoration; but in a civil way, as was the custom of the eastern countries to bow very low in their civil respects to men, especially to great personages; and such Lot took these to be by their goodly looks and by their dress, as appears by his salutation of them in Gen 19:2.

Gill: Gen 19:2 - -- And he said, behold now, my lords,.... Taking them to be, and bespeaking them as persons of quality, who appeared with majesty in their countenances, ...

And he said, behold now, my lords,.... Taking them to be, and bespeaking them as persons of quality, who appeared with majesty in their countenances, and looked as if they had been well brought up, and were upon their travels; not knowing them to be angels, whom he received and entertained unawares, as the apostle, referring to Lot and Abraham, observes, Heb 13:2,

turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house; meaning himself, who was their humble servant, and entreats them to turn in to his house, which perhaps was hard by, and take up their lodging with him: the ancient Jews k give the sense of the phrase thus, go a roundabout, winding, crooked way to my house, that the men of Sodom may not see you go in there, and know you are there. This is taken from the signification of the word to "turn in", which in a different construction signifies to decline, to go back; and so the Targum of Jonathan,"turn here, and there, and go into the house of your servant:"

and tarry all night, and wash your feet; the meaning is, that they would stay all night, and take up their lodging with him, when they had washed their feet, which was usually done before they laid down, and even before they supped; and indeed was the first thing that was done to a stranger upon his entering into the house, Gen 18:4,

and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways: signifying that he would not detain them longer than they thought fit; they might rise as soon in the morning as they pleased, and pursue their journey, only he entreats they would accept of a night's lodging with him:

and they said, nay, but we will abide in the street all night; which they said partly out of modesty, it not becoming strangers to be too forward in accepting an invitation, and partly to try whether Lot was hearty in the invitation he gave them; and hereby also reigning ignorance of the manners and behaviour of the men of Sodom, as if they might be safe from their insults in the street in the night; and this made Lot the more pressing upon them, that they might not be exposed to his wicked neighbours.

Gill: Gen 19:3 - -- And he pressed them greatly,.... He prayed, he entreated, he persuaded, he made use of a multitude of words, and of all the arguments he could think o...

And he pressed them greatly,.... He prayed, he entreated, he persuaded, he made use of a multitude of words, and of all the arguments he could think of, to prevail upon them; and might not only press them with words, but make use of gestures, as taking them by the hand, or by their clothes, and as it were forcing them into his house, whereby it plainly appeared he was cordial and hearty in his invitation:

and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house: went along with him to it, and instead of proceeding forward, or continuing where they were, or steering their course to a street in the city, they turned in to Lot's house:

and he made them a feast; a large, liberal, and generous entertainment, as Abraham did, consisting of a variety of eatables and drinkables; indeed it has its name only from drinking, wine being a principal part of a banquet:

and did bake unleavened bread; not because it was the time of the passover, as Jarchi suggests, for as yet that was not instituted; but for quicker dispatch, that his guests might have their supper the sooner, and get to bed the earlier, and rest themselves; bread without leaven in it being sooner baked than that which is made with it:

and they did eat; the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem are,"they seemed as if they ate.''See Gill on Gen 18:8;

Gill: Gen 19:4 - -- But before they lay down,.... Upon their beds to sleep; it was between supper time and bedtime that the following affair happened, while the angels we...

But before they lay down,.... Upon their beds to sleep; it was between supper time and bedtime that the following affair happened, while the angels were talking to Lot about the men of Sodom, and inquiring what sort of men they were, as the Jewish writers l suggest:

the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round about; the house of Lot, where the angels were:

both old and young: the males of the city of every age; some that were past committing the sin they were so infamous for, as well as those that burned with that unnatural lust; some that could not be actors were willing to be spectators; and all were curious to see the lovely persons, that it was reported all over the city were seen to go into Lot's house:

all the people from every quarter; all from one end of the city to the other, and from every corner in it: which shows the general corruption and depravity of the city, that it was so far from having ten righteous persons in it, that of the proper inhabitants of it, there was not, as Jarchi notes, one righteous person, no, not one.

Gill: Gen 19:5 - -- And they called unto Lot,.... With a loud voice, that he might hear, they being in the street, and he within doors; and perhaps there might be a court...

And they called unto Lot,.... With a loud voice, that he might hear, they being in the street, and he within doors; and perhaps there might be a court before his house, through which there was a passage up to it, as seems from Gen 19:6,

and said unto him, where are the men which came in to thee this night? for though they were angels, they appeared like men, and they seemed to be so to them who saw them go into Lot's house:

bring them out unto us, that we may know them; not who they were, and from whence they came, and what their business was; nor did they pretend anything of this kind to hide and cover their design from Lot, but they were open and impudent, and declared their sin without shame and blushing, which is their character, Isa 3:9; their meaning was, that they might commit that unnatural sin with them, they were addicted to, and in common used, and which from them to this day bears the name of Sodomy. As lawful copulation with a man's wife is modestly expressed by knowing her, Gen 4:1; so this unlawful and shocking copulation of man with man is expressed by this phrase; and that this was their meaning is plain from Lot's answer to them, Gen 19:8.

Gill: Gen 19:6 - -- And Lot went out at the door unto them,.... At the door of his house: and shut the door after him; the door of the passage to his house, the courty...

And Lot went out at the door unto them,.... At the door of his house:

and shut the door after him; the door of the passage to his house, the courtyard door, for another word is here used; unless the one was properly the door, and the other a hatch: however, this precaution of shutting it was used to prevent the men of Sodom rushing in, and taking away the men by violence; and that Lot might have some opportunity of trying what he could do by arguments, to prevail upon them to desist from their attempt.

Gill: Gen 19:7 - -- And said, I pray you, brethren,.... Not by family or nation, for the Sodomites were of the race of Ham, in the line of Canaan, and Lot was a descendan...

And said, I pray you, brethren,.... Not by family or nation, for the Sodomites were of the race of Ham, in the line of Canaan, and Lot was a descendant of Shem, in the line of Arphaxad; nor by religion, for the one were idolaters, and the other a worshipper of the true God, but by community of nature; and especially he called them so by reason of their having been neighbours considerable time, and on the score of friendship, see 1Ki 9:13; and with this soft and loving language Lot hoped to win his neighbours, and to persuade them from pursuing their unlawful measures: for which purpose and that alone he used it, saying to them:

do not so wickedly; as to use ill a man's guests, to abuse strangers, to break the laws and rules of hospitality, and especially to commit that unnatural sin they were bent upon.

Gill: Gen 19:8 - -- Behold now, I have two daughters, which have not known man,.... Though some think they were espoused to men, but had not yet cohabited with them, see ...

Behold now, I have two daughters, which have not known man,.... Though some think they were espoused to men, but had not yet cohabited with them, see Gen 19:14,

let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes; this was a very great evil in Lot to make such an offer of his daughters; it was contrary to parental love and affection, an exposing the chastity of his daughters, which should have been his care to preserve; nor had he a power to dispose of them in such a manner: and though fornication is a lesser evil than sodomy, yet all evil is to be avoided, and even it is not to be done that good may come: nothing can be said to excuse this good man, but the hurry of spirit, and confusion of mind that he was in, not knowing what to say or do to prevent the base designs of those men; that he might be pretty certain they would not accept of his offer, their lust burning more after men than women; that this showed his great regard to the laws of hospitality, that he had rather sacrifice his daughters to their brutal lusts, than give up the men that were in his house to them; and that he might hope that this would soften their minds, and put them off of any further attempt; but after all it must be condemned as a dangerous and imprudent action:

only unto these men do nothing; for as yet he knew them not to be angels; had he, it would not have given him the concern it did, since he must have known that they were able to defend themselves, and that the sin these men offered to commit could not be perpetrated on them: but he took them for mere men, and his request is, that no injury might be done to their persons in any respect, and especially in that way which their wicked hearts put them upon, and is so shocking to nature:

for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof; for though it was not their intention in coming, nor the design of Providence in bringing them into Lot's house, to secure them from the violence of the men of Sodom, but for the preservation of Lot and his family, which as yet he knew nothing of, yet it was what Lot had in view in giving the invitation to them: and the laws of hospitality being reckoned sacred and inviolable, a man's house was accounted an asylum for strangers when taken into it.

Gill: Gen 19:9 - -- And they said, stand back,.... Turn on one side, get away from the door, that we may come to it: and they said again: to one another: this one ...

And they said, stand back,.... Turn on one side, get away from the door, that we may come to it:

and they said again: to one another:

this one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge; this one man, and he a stranger and sojourner, no freeman or citizen of this city, sets himself against the whole body of the inhabitants, and takes upon him to judge what is right and wrong to be done; and if he is let alone in "judging he will judge" m, as it may be rendered; he will take upon him this office, and continue to exercise it, and determine and decide all matters among us at his pleasure. This confutes the above notion of the Jews, that Lot was appointed a judge by the men of Sodom, yea, the president of the court for that day; See Gill on Gen 19:1,

now will we deal worse with thee than with them: the men in his house, both by abusing his body in their unnatural way, and by beating and bruising him, and pulling him in pieces, limb from limb; something of this kind they seem to threaten him with, and attempted to effect, as follows:

and they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot; not only with words in a bullying way, with menaces and threats, with oaths, and curses, and imprecations; for it is the same word that is used of Lot, pressing the angels with words and arguments to come into his house, Gen 19:3; but they rushed in upon him in a body, and pushed him away, and pulled him about, and would in all probability have torn him to pieces, had he not been rescued by the angels:

and came near to break the door: that which was shut, the door of the passage that led to the house.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Gen 19:1 The expression sitting in the city’s gateway may mean that Lot was exercising some type of judicial function (see the use of the idiom in 2 Sam ...

NET Notes: Gen 19:2 The town square refers to the wide street area at the gate complex of the city.

NET Notes: Gen 19:3 The Hebrew verb פָּצַר (patsar, “to press, to insist”) ironically foreshadows the hostile actions of t...

NET Notes: Gen 19:4 Heb “and the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from the young to the old, all the people from the end [of the city].̶...

NET Notes: Gen 19:5 The sin of the men of Sodom is debated. The fact that the sin involved a sexual act (see note on the phrase “have sex” in 19:5) precludes ...

NET Notes: Gen 19:7 Heb “may my brothers not act wickedly.”

NET Notes: Gen 19:8 This chapter portrays Lot as a hypocrite. He is well aware of the way the men live in his city and is apparently comfortable in the midst of it. But w...

NET Notes: Gen 19:9 Heb “and they drew near.”

Geneva Bible: Gen 19:1 And there came two ( a ) angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing [them] rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself w...

Geneva Bible: Gen 19:3 And ( b ) he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bre...

Geneva Bible: Gen 19:4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, [even] the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, ( d ) all the people from every...

Geneva Bible: Gen 19:8 Behold now, I have two ( e ) daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as [is] good in your e...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Gen 19:1-38 - --1 Lot entertains two angels.4 The vicious Sodomites are smitten with blindness.12 Lot is warned, and in vain warns his sons-in-law.15 He is directed t...

MHCC: Gen 19:1-29 - --Lot was good, but there was not one more of the same character in the city. All the people of Sodom were very wicked and vile. Care was therefore take...

Matthew Henry: Gen 19:1-3 - -- These angels, it is likely, were two of the three that had just before been with Abraham, the two created angels that were sent to execute God's pur...

Matthew Henry: Gen 19:4-11 - -- Now it appeared, beyond contradiction, that the cry of Sodom was no louder than there was cause for. This night's work was enough to fill the measur...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 19:1-5 - -- The messengers (angels) sent by Jehovah to Sodom, arrived there in the evening, when Lot, who was sitting at the gate, pressed them to pass the nig...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 19:6-11 - -- Lot went out to them, shut the door behind him to protect his guests, and offered to give his virgin daughters up to them. " Only to these men ( ה...

Constable: Gen 11:27--Exo 1:1 - --II. PATRIARCHAL NARRATIVES 11:27--50:26 One of the significant changes in the emphasis that occurs at this point...

Constable: Gen 11:27--25:12 - --A. What became of Terah 11:27-25:11 A major theme of the Pentateuch is the partial fulfillment of the pr...

Constable: Gen 19:1-38 - --10. The destruction of Sodom ch. 19 Chapters 18 and 19 "paint a vivid contrast between the respe...

Guzik: Gen 19:1-38 - --Genesis 19 - The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah A. The two angels come to Sodom. 1. (1-3) Lot convinces the angelic visitors to stay with him. ...

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Commentary -- Other

Bible Query: Gen 19:1-38 Q: In Gen 19, was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah really a lack of hospitality as Ezekiel 16:49 says? A: Many homosexuals quote Ezekiel 16:49 but igno...

Bible Query: Gen 19:8 Q: In Gen 19:8, why did Lot offer his virgin daughters to a crowd? (An atheist asked this.) A: Scripture does not tell us of Lot’s motives for this...

Critics Ask: Gen 19:8 GENESIS 19:8 —Was the sin of Sodom homosexuality or inhospitality? PROBLEM: Some have argued that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitali...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Genesis (Book Introduction) GENESIS, the book of the origin or production of all things, consists of two parts: the first, comprehended in the first through eleventh chapters, gi...

JFB: Genesis (Outline) THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. (Gen 1:1-2) THE FIRST DAY. (Gen 1:3-5) SECOND DAY. (Gen 1:6-8) THIRD DAY. (Gen 1:9-13) FOURTH DAY. (Gen 1:14-19) FI...

TSK: Genesis (Book Introduction) The Book of Genesis is the most ancient record in the world; including the History of two grand and stupendous subjects, Creation and Providence; of e...

TSK: Genesis 19 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Gen 19:1, Lot entertains two angels; Gen 19:4, The vicious Sodomites are smitten with blindness; Gen 19:12, Lot is warned, and in vain wa...

Poole: Genesis 19 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 19 Two angels come to Sodom, Gen 19:1 . Lot invites them in; they at first refuse, Gen 19:2 . They enter; he entertains them, and they eat,...

MHCC: Genesis (Book Introduction) Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies " the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of ...

MHCC: Genesis 19 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-29) The destruction of Sodom, and the deliverance of Lot. (Gen 19:30-38) The sin and disgrace of Lot.

Matthew Henry: Genesis (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis We have now before us the holy Bible, or book, for so bible ...

Matthew Henry: Genesis 19 (Chapter Introduction) The contents of this chapter we have, 2Pe 2:6-8, where we find that " God, turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them with...

Constable: Genesis (Book Introduction) Introduction Title Each book of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testam...

Constable: Genesis (Outline) Outline The structure of Genesis is very clear. The phrase "the generations of" (toledot in Hebrew, from yalad m...

Constable: Genesis Bibliography Aalders, Gerhard Charles. Genesis. The Bible Student's Commentary series. 2 vols. Translated by William Hey...

Haydock: Genesis (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF GENESIS. INTRODUCTION. The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written li...

Gill: Genesis (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS This book, in the Hebrew copies of the Bible, and by the Jewish writers, is generally called Bereshith, which signifies "in...

Gill: Genesis 19 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS 19 The contents of this chapter are Lot's entertainment of two angels that came to Sodom, Gen 19:1; the rude behaviour of the...

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