Old Testament : Genesis
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Text -- Genesis 31:16-55 (NET)
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31:16 Surely all the wealth that God snatched away from our father belongs to us and to our children . So now do everything God has told you.”
31:17 So Jacob immediately put his children and his wives on the camels .
31:18 He took away all the livestock he had acquired in Paddan Aram and all his moveable property that he had accumulated . Then he set out toward the land of Canaan to return to his father Isaac .
31:19 While Laban had gone to shear his sheep , Rachel stole the household idols that belonged to her father .
31:20 Jacob also deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was leaving .
31:21 He left with all he owned. He quickly crossed the Euphrates River and headed for the hill country of Gilead .
31:22 Three days later Laban discovered Jacob had left .
31:23 So he took his relatives with him and pursued Jacob for seven days . He caught up with him in the hill country of Gilead .
31:24 But God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and warned him, “Be careful that you neither bless nor curse Jacob .”
31:25 Laban overtook Jacob , and when Jacob pitched his tent in the hill country of Gilead, Laban and his relatives set up camp there too.
31:26 “What have you done ?” Laban demanded of Jacob . “You’ve deceived me and carried away my daughters as if they were captives of war !
31:27 Why did you run away secretly and deceive me? Why didn’t you tell me so I could send you off with a celebration complete with singing , tambourines , and harps ?
31:28 You didn’t even allow me to kiss my daughters and my grandchildren good-bye. You have acted foolishly !
31:29 I have the power to do you harm , but the God of your father told me last night , ‘Be careful that you neither bless nor curse Jacob .’
31:30 Now I understand that you have gone away because you longed desperately for your father’s house . Yet why did you steal my gods ?”
31:31 “I left secretly because I was afraid !” Jacob replied to Laban . “I thought you might take your daughters away from me by force .
31:32 Whoever has taken your gods will be put to death ! In the presence of our relatives identify whatever is yours and take it.” (Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.)
31:33 So Laban entered Jacob’s tent , and Leah’s tent , and the tent of the two female servants , but he did not find the idols. Then he left Leah’s tent and entered Rachel’s .
31:34 (Now Rachel had taken the idols and put them inside her camel’s saddle and sat on them.) Laban searched the whole tent , but did not find them.
31:35 Rachel said to her father , “Don’t be angry , my lord . I cannot stand up in your presence because I am having my period .” So he searched thoroughly, but did not find the idols .
31:36 Jacob became angry and argued with Laban . “What did I do wrong ?” he demanded of Laban . “What sin of mine prompted you to chase after me in hot pursuit ?
31:37 When you searched through all my goods , did you find anything that belonged to you ? Set it here before my relatives and yours , and let them settle the dispute between the two of us!
31:38 “I have been with you for the past twenty years . Your ewes and female goats have not miscarried , nor have I eaten rams from your flocks .
31:39 Animals torn by wild beasts I never brought to you; I always absorbed the loss myself . You always made me pay for every missing animal, whether it was taken by day or at night .
31:40 I was consumed by scorching heat during the day and by piercing cold at night , and I went without sleep .
31:41 This was my lot for twenty years in your house : I worked like a slave for you– fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks , but you changed my wages ten times !
31:42 If the God of my father – the God of Abraham , the one whom Isaac fears – had not been with me, you would certainly have sent me away empty-handed ! But God saw how I was oppressed and how hard I worked , and he rebuked you last night .”
31:43 Laban replied to Jacob , “These women are my daughters , these children are my grandchildren , and these flocks are my flocks . All that you see belongs to me. But how can I harm these daughters of mine today or the children to whom they have given birth ?
31:44 So now , come , let’s make a formal agreement , you and I , and it will be proof that we have made peace.”
31:45 So Jacob took a stone and set it up as a memorial pillar .
31:46 Then he said to his relatives , “Gather stones .” So they brought stones and put them in a pile . They ate there by the pile of stones.
31:47 Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha , but Jacob called it Galeed .
31:48 Laban said , “This pile of stones is a witness of our agreement today .” That is why it was called Galeed .
31:49 It was also called Mizpah because he said , “May the Lord watch between us when we are out of sight of one another .
31:50 If you mistreat my daughters or if you take wives besides my daughters , although no one else is with us, realize that God is witness to your actions.”
31:51 “Here is this pile of stones and this pillar I have set up between me and you,” Laban said to Jacob .
31:52 “This pile of stones and the pillar are reminders that I will not pass beyond this pile to come to harm you and that you will not pass beyond this pile and this pillar to come to harm me.
31:53 May the God of Abraham and the god of Nahor , the gods of their father , judge between us.” Jacob took an oath by the God whom his father Isaac feared .
31:54 Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain and invited his relatives to eat the meal . They ate the meal and spent the night on the mountain .
31:55 Early in the morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters goodbye and blessed them. Then Laban left and returned home .
Cross Reference (TSK)