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Text -- Hebrews 10:1-7 (NET)

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Concluding Exposition: Old and New Sacrifices Contrasted
10:1 For the law possesses a shadow of the good things to come but not the reality itself, and is therefore completely unable, by the same sacrifices offered continually, year after year, to perfect those who come to worship. 10:2 For otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers would have been purified once for all and so have no further consciousness of sin? 10:3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year after year. 10:4 For the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. 10:5 So when he came into the world, he said, “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me. 10:6 “Whole burnt offerings and sin-offerings you took no delight in. 10:7 “Then I said, ‘Here I am: I have come– it is written of me in the scroll of the book– to do your will, O God.’”
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 10:1 Grk “those who approach.”

NET Notes: Heb 10:2 Grk “the worshipers, having been purified once for all, would have.”

NET Notes: Heb 10:3 Grk “in them”; the referent (those sacrifices) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Heb 10:4 Grk “for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.”

NET Notes: Heb 10:7 A quotation from Ps 40:6-8 (LXX). The phrase a body you prepared for me (in v. 5) is apparently an interpretive expansion of the HT reading “ear...

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