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Text -- Isaiah 29:16-24 (NET)

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29:16 Your thinking is perverse! Should the potter be regarded as clay? Should the thing made say about its maker, “He didn’t make me”? Or should the pottery say about the potter, “He doesn’t understand”?
Changes are Coming
29:17 In just a very short time Lebanon will turn into an orchard, and the orchard will be considered a forest. 29:18 At that time the deaf will be able to hear words read from a scroll, and the eyes of the blind will be able to see through deep darkness. 29:19 The downtrodden will again rejoice in the Lord; the poor among humankind will take delight in the Holy One of Israel. 29:20 For tyrants will disappear, those who taunt will vanish, and all those who love to do wrong will be eliminated29:21 those who bear false testimony against a person, who entrap the one who arbitrates at the city gate and deprive the innocent of justice by making false charges. 29:22 So this is what the Lord, the one who delivered Abraham, says to the family of Jacob: “Jacob will no longer be ashamed; their faces will no longer show their embarrassment. 29:23 For when they see their children, whom I will produce among them, they will honor my name. They will honor the Holy One of Jacob; they will respect the God of Israel. 29:24 Those who stray morally will gain understanding; those who complain will acquire insight.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abraham a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jacob the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation
 · Lebanon a mountain range and the adjoining regions (IBD)

Dictionary Themes and Topics: ISAIAH, 1-7 | Sennacherib | Isaiah | Church | Israel | God | Salvation | Meekness | Joy | Jesus, The Christ | Gospel | Poor | Infidelity | Malice | ESTEEM | Rulers | Uncharitableness | Wisdom | Persecution | Presumption | more
Table of Contents

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Isa 29:16 Heb “that the thing made should say.”

NET Notes: Isa 29:17 The meaning of this verse is debated, but it seems to depict a reversal in fortunes. The mighty forest of Lebanon (symbolic of the proud and powerful,...

NET Notes: Isa 29:18 Perhaps this depicts the spiritual transformation of the once spiritually insensitive nation (see vv. 10-12, cf. also 6:9-10).

NET Notes: Isa 29:19 See the note on the phrase “the Holy One of Israel” in 1:4.

NET Notes: Isa 29:20 Heb “and all the watchers of wrong will be cut off.”

NET Notes: Isa 29:21 Heb “and deprive by emptiness the innocent.”

NET Notes: Isa 29:22 Heb “and his face will no longer be pale.”

NET Notes: Isa 29:23 Or “fear,” in the sense of “stand in awe of.”

NET Notes: Isa 29:24 Heb “will learn instruction”; cf. NASB, NIV, NRSV, NLT “will accept instruction.”

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