Text -- Jeremiah 4:1-15 (NET)

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Wesley -> Jer 4:1; Jer 4:1; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:4; Jer 4:4; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:6; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:9; Jer 4:9; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:14; Jer 4:14; Jer 4:15
If thou wilt return, return; make no longer delay.

Thou shalt not go out of thine own land into exile.

Wesley: Jer 4:2 - -- This is put here for the whole worship of God, acknowledging an& owning God as the only God; which is strongly exprest by this act.
This is put here for the whole worship of God, acknowledging an& owning God as the only God; which is strongly exprest by this act.

That the matter and substance of it be true.

Deliberately, advisedly, and reverently.

Wesley: Jer 4:2 - -- That none be injured by it, that the things we engage be both lawful and possible, and that we look to the performance.
That none be injured by it, that the things we engage be both lawful and possible, and that we look to the performance.

Wesley: Jer 4:2 - -- This shall be a means to work upon the Heathen nations, to come into the same way of worship. They shall think themselves happy to be incorporated wit...
This shall be a means to work upon the Heathen nations, to come into the same way of worship. They shall think themselves happy to be incorporated with thee, that it may be with them according to that promise, Gen 12:3.

Whereas before they gloried in their idols, they shall glory in God alone.

The Lord turns now his speech from Israel to Judah.

Wesley: Jer 4:3 - -- Prepare your hearts by making them soft, tender, and pliable, fit to embrace my word.
Prepare your hearts by making them soft, tender, and pliable, fit to embrace my word.

Rid your hearts and hands of what may hinder you of embracing my word.

Let it be inward, not outward in the flesh only.

Wesley: Jer 4:5 - -- The Lord being now about to bring enemies upon them, speaks in martial language, warning them of the nature of their approaching judgment.
The Lord being now about to bring enemies upon them, speaks in martial language, warning them of the nature of their approaching judgment.

Nebuchadnezzar, so called from his fierceness and strength.

Wesley: Jer 4:9 - -- They shall have no heart to do any thing, they shall not be able to help their people, either by their counsel or arms.
They shall have no heart to do any thing, they shall not be able to help their people, either by their counsel or arms.

False prophets that had nothing but visions of peace for them.

Hast suffered them to be deceived by their false prophets.

Wesley: Jer 4:10 - -- To persuade them it should be well with them, when the sword is at the door, not only ready to take away the comforts of life, but even life itself.
To persuade them it should be well with them, when the sword is at the door, not only ready to take away the comforts of life, but even life itself.

There shall be tidings brought both to the country and city.

Wesley: Jer 4:11 - -- A drying wind, such as shall blast and scorch where it comes, without any rain or moisture. It points at the stormy and furious irruption of the Babyl...
A drying wind, such as shall blast and scorch where it comes, without any rain or moisture. It points at the stormy and furious irruption of the Babylonian army.

Where there is no stop in the way to break its fury.

Directly, and designedly, coming in the way leading to my people.

Wesley: Jer 4:11 - -- Not such a gentle wind, as is made choice of to separate the chaff from the wheat; but so boisterous and violent, that it shall sweep away, and lay wa...
Not such a gentle wind, as is made choice of to separate the chaff from the wheat; but so boisterous and violent, that it shall sweep away, and lay waste, all together.

Heb. Fuller than they. A wind too strong for them.

It shall presently come to me, to receive my commission, and do my will.

Wesley: Jer 4:13 - -- Denoting the suddenness of them, when not expected, clouds often rising on a sudden, and overspread the whole face of the heavens; or the great swiftn...
Denoting the suddenness of them, when not expected, clouds often rising on a sudden, and overspread the whole face of the heavens; or the great swiftness with which Nebuchadnezzar should march against them.

Wesley: Jer 4:13 - -- Which, besides the swiftness, denotes also the confusion and amazement that they will cause.
Which, besides the swiftness, denotes also the confusion and amazement that they will cause.

As a means to prevent the judgments that are impending.

Wesley: Jer 4:15 - -- Dan was the first place the Chaldeans came to, being the utmost boundary of Canaan northward. Ephraim was the innermost border of Israel in the north ...
Dan was the first place the Chaldeans came to, being the utmost boundary of Canaan northward. Ephraim was the innermost border of Israel in the north of Judea, intimating the march of the Babylonians thro' all Israel.
JFB -> Jer 4:1; Jer 4:1; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:4; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:6; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:8; Jer 4:8; Jer 4:9; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:14; Jer 4:14; Jer 4:15; Jer 4:15
JFB: Jer 4:1 - -- Play on words. "If thou wouldest return to thy land (thou must first), return (by conversion and repentance) to Me."
Play on words. "If thou wouldest return to thy land (thou must first), return (by conversion and repentance) to Me."

JFB: Jer 4:1 - -- No longer be an unsettled wanderer in a strange land. So Cain (Gen 4:12, Gen 4:14).

JFB: Jer 4:2 - -- Rather, "And if (carried on from Jer 4:1) thou shalt swear, 'Jehovah liveth,' in truth, &c.", that is, if thou shalt worship Him (for we swear by the ...

JFB: Jer 4:2 - -- Rather, this is apodosis to the "if"; then shall the nations bless themselves in (by) Him" (Isa 65:16). The conversion of the nations will be the cons...
Rather, this is apodosis to the "if"; then shall the nations bless themselves in (by) Him" (Isa 65:16). The conversion of the nations will be the consequence of Israel's conversion (Psa 102:13, Psa 102:15; Rom 11:12, Rom 11:15).

JFB: Jer 4:3 - -- Transition to Judah. Supply mentally. All which (the foregoing declaration as to Israel) applies to Judah.
Transition to Judah. Supply mentally. All which (the foregoing declaration as to Israel) applies to Judah.

JFB: Jer 4:3 - -- That is, and especially the men of Jerusalem, as being the most prominent in Judea.
That is, and especially the men of Jerusalem, as being the most prominent in Judea.

JFB: Jer 4:3 - -- That is, Repent of your idolatry, and so be prepared to serve the Lord in truth (Hos 10:12; Mat 13:7). The unhumbled heart is like ground which may be...

JFB: Jer 4:4 - -- Remove your natural corruption of heart (Deu 10:16; Deu 30:6; Rom 2:29; Col 2:11).

JFB: Jer 4:5 - -- Rather, "cry fully" that is, loudly. The Jews are warned to take measures against the impending Chaldean invasion (compare Jer 8:14).
Rather, "cry fully" that is, loudly. The Jews are warned to take measures against the impending Chaldean invasion (compare Jer 8:14).

JFB: Jer 4:6 - -- The standard toward Zion intimated that the people of the surrounding country were to fly to it, as being the strongest of their fortresses.
The standard toward Zion intimated that the people of the surrounding country were to fly to it, as being the strongest of their fortresses.

Nothing is left to the Jews but to bewail their desperate condition.

JFB: Jer 4:9 - -- The wisdom of the most leading men will be utterly at a loss to devise means of relief.
The wisdom of the most leading men will be utterly at a loss to devise means of relief.

JFB: Jer 4:10 - -- God, having even the false prophets in His hands, is here said to do that which for inscrutable purposes He permits them to do (Exo 9:12; 2Th 2:11; co...
God, having even the false prophets in His hands, is here said to do that which for inscrutable purposes He permits them to do (Exo 9:12; 2Th 2:11; compare Jer 8:15; which passage shows that the dupes of error were self-prepared for it, and that God's predestination did not destroy their moral freedom as voluntary agents). The false prophets foretold "peace," and the Jews believed them; God overruled this to His purposes (Jer 5:12; Jer 14:13; Eze 14:9).

JFB: Jer 4:11 - -- The simoom, terrific and destructive, blowing from the southeast across the sandy deserts east of Palestine. Image of the invading Babylonian army (Ho...

That is, that sweeps over the high places.

JFB: Jer 4:11 - -- A very different wind from those ordinary winds employed for fanning the grain in the open air.
A very different wind from those ordinary winds employed for fanning the grain in the open air.

JFB: Jer 4:12 - -- Rather, "a wind fuller (that is, more impetuous) than those winds" (which fan the corn) (Jer 4:11) [ROSENMULLER].
Rather, "a wind fuller (that is, more impetuous) than those winds" (which fan the corn) (Jer 4:11) [ROSENMULLER].

"for Me," as My instrument for executing My purpose.

JFB: Jer 4:13 - -- Continuing the metaphor in Jer 4:11-12. Clouds of sand and dust accompany the simoom, and after rapid gyrations ascend like a pillar.
Continuing the metaphor in Jer 4:11-12. Clouds of sand and dust accompany the simoom, and after rapid gyrations ascend like a pillar.

JFB: Jer 4:13 - -- The people are graphically presented before us, without it being formally so stated, bursting out in these exclamations.
The people are graphically presented before us, without it being formally so stated, bursting out in these exclamations.

JFB: Jer 4:14 - -- Namely, projects for deliverance, such as enlisting the Egyptians on their side. GESENIUS translates, "How long wilt thou harbor vain thoughts?"
Namely, projects for deliverance, such as enlisting the Egyptians on their side. GESENIUS translates, "How long wilt thou harbor vain thoughts?"

JFB: Jer 4:15 - -- The connection is: There is danger in delay; for the voice of a messenger announces the approach of the Chaldean enemy from Dan, the northern frontier...

JFB: Jer 4:15 - -- Which borders closely on Judah; so that the foe is coming nearer and nearer. Dan and Beth-el in Ephraim were the two places where Jeroboam set up the ...
Which borders closely on Judah; so that the foe is coming nearer and nearer. Dan and Beth-el in Ephraim were the two places where Jeroboam set up the idolatrous calves (1Ki 12:29); just retribution.
Clarke: Jer 4:1 - -- Shalt thou not remove - This was spoken before the Babylonish captivity; and here is a promise that if they will return from their idolatry, they sh...
Shalt thou not remove - This was spoken before the Babylonish captivity; and here is a promise that if they will return from their idolatry, they shall not be led into captivity. So, even that positively threatened judgment would have been averted had they returned to the Lord.

Clarke: Jer 4:2 - -- Thou shalt swear, The Lord liveth - Thou shalt not bind thyself by any false god; thou shalt acknowledge Me as the Supreme. Bind thyself By me, and ...
Thou shalt swear, The Lord liveth - Thou shalt not bind thyself by any false god; thou shalt acknowledge Me as the Supreme. Bind thyself By me, and To me; and do this in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness

Clarke: Jer 4:2 - -- The nations shall bless themselves in him - They shall be so fully convinced of the power and goodness of Jehovah in seeing the change wrought on th...
The nations shall bless themselves in him - They shall be so fully convinced of the power and goodness of Jehovah in seeing the change wrought on thee, and the mercies heaped upon thee, that their usual mode of benediction shall be, May the God of Israel bless thee!

Clarke: Jer 4:3 - -- Break up your fallow ground - Fallow ground is either that which, having been once tilled, has lain long uncultivated; or, ground slightly ploughed,...
Break up your fallow ground - Fallow ground is either that which, having been once tilled, has lain long uncultivated; or, ground slightly ploughed, in order to be ploughed again previously to its being sown. Ye have been long uncultivated in righteousness; let true repentance break up your fruitless and hardened hearts; and when the seed of the word of life is sown in them, take heed that worldly cares and concerns do not arise, and, like thorns, choke the good seed.

Clarke: Jer 4:4 - -- Circumcise yourselves - Put away every thing that has a tendency to grieve the Spirit of God, or to render your present holy resolutions unfruitful.
Circumcise yourselves - Put away every thing that has a tendency to grieve the Spirit of God, or to render your present holy resolutions unfruitful.

Clarke: Jer 4:5 - -- Blow ye the trumpet - Give full information to all parts of the land, that the people may assemble together and defend themselves against their inva...
Blow ye the trumpet - Give full information to all parts of the land, that the people may assemble together and defend themselves against their invaders.

I will bring evil from the north - From the land of Chaldea.

Clarke: Jer 4:7 - -- The lion is come up - Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. "The king (Nebuchadnezzar) is come up from his tower."- Targum
The lion is come up - Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. "The king (Nebuchadnezzar) is come up from his tower."- Targum

Clarke: Jer 4:7 - -- The destroyer of the Gentiles - Of the nations: of all the people who resisted his authority. He destroyed them all.
The destroyer of the Gentiles - Of the nations: of all the people who resisted his authority. He destroyed them all.

Clarke: Jer 4:8 - -- Lament and howl - הילילו heililu . The aboriginal Irish had a funeral song called the Caoinian, still continued among their descendants, one...
Lament and howl -

The heart of the king shall perish - Shall lose all courage.

Clarke: Jer 4:10 - -- Ah, Lord God! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people - The Targum paraphrases this verse thus: "And I said, Receive my supplication, O Lord G...
Ah, Lord God! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people - The Targum paraphrases this verse thus: "And I said, Receive my supplication, O Lord God; for, behold, the false prophets deceive this people and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace."The prophet could not reconcile this devastation of the country with the promises already made; and he appears to ask the question, Hast thou not then deceived this people in saying there shall be peace, i.e., prosperity

Clarke: Jer 4:10 - -- Whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul - That is, the life; the people being generally destroyed.
Whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul - That is, the life; the people being generally destroyed.

Clarke: Jer 4:11-13 - -- A dry wind - a fall wind - as clouds - as a whirlwind - All these expressions appear to refer to the pestilential winds, suffocating vapors, and clo...
A dry wind - a fall wind - as clouds - as a whirlwind - All these expressions appear to refer to the pestilential winds, suffocating vapors, and clouds and pillars of sand collected by whirlwinds, which are so common and destructive in the east, (see on Isa 21:1 (note)); and these images are employed here to show the overwhelming effect of the invasion of the land by the Chaldeans.

Clarke: Jer 4:13 - -- Wo unto us! - The people, deeply affected with these threatened judgments, interrupt the prophet with the lamentation - Wo unto us, for we are spoil...
Wo unto us! - The people, deeply affected with these threatened judgments, interrupt the prophet with the lamentation - Wo unto us, for we are spoiled! The prophet then resumes: -

Clarke: Jer 4:14 - -- O Jerusalem, wash thine heart - Why do ye not put away your wickedness, that ye may be saved from these tremendous judgments? How long shall thy vai...
O Jerusalem, wash thine heart - Why do ye not put away your wickedness, that ye may be saved from these tremendous judgments? How long shall thy vain thoughts of safety and prosperity lodge within thee? Whilst thou continuest a rebel against God, and provokest him daily by thy abominations!

Clarke: Jer 4:15 - -- For a voice declareth from Dan - Dan was a city in the tribe of Dan, north of Jerusalem; the first city in Palestine, which occurs in the way from B...
For a voice declareth from Dan - Dan was a city in the tribe of Dan, north of Jerusalem; the first city in Palestine, which occurs in the way from Babylon to Jerusalem

Clarke: Jer 4:15 - -- Affliction from Mount Ephraim - Between Dan and Jerusalem are the mountains of Ephraim. These would be the first places attacked by the Chaldeans; a...
Affliction from Mount Ephraim - Between Dan and Jerusalem are the mountains of Ephraim. These would be the first places attacked by the Chaldeans; and the rumor from thence would show that the land was invaded.
Calvin: Jer 4:1 - -- The Prophet no doubt requires here from the people a sincere return to God, inasmuch as they had often pretended to confess their sins, and had given...
The Prophet no doubt requires here from the people a sincere return to God, inasmuch as they had often pretended to confess their sins, and had given many signs of repentance, while they were acting deceitfully with him. As then they had often dealt falsely with God and with his prophets, Jeremiah bids them to return to God without any disguise and in good faith. With regard to what is here substantially taught, this is the Prophet’s meaning; but there is some ambiguity in the words.
Some read thus, “If thou returnest, Israel, to me, saith Jehovah, “connecting “to me,
I have as yet mentioned only what others have thought; but, in my judgment, the most suitable rendering is, “If thou wilt return, Israel, rest in me, “ arrete toi, as we say in French. Rest then in me; and then a definition is given, If thou wilt take away thine abominations (for the copulative is to be taken as expletive or explanatory) from my sight, and wilt not wander What some of those I have referred to have given as their rendering, “If thou wilt return to me, Israel, thou shalt rest,” I wholly reject, as it seems forced: but I allow this reading, “If thou wilt return, Israel, thou shalt rest in me;” or this, “If thou wilt return, Israel, return to me;” for the difference is not great. The Prophet here evidently condemns the hypocrisy which the Israelites had practiced; for they had often professed themselves as ready to render obedience to God, and afterwards proved that they had made a false profession. Since then deceit and emptiness had been so often found in them, the Prophet demands here, in the name and by the command of God, that they should in truth and sincerity return to him.
If this reading be approved, “Israel, return to me,” the intimation is, that they ever took circuitous courses, that they might not return directly to God: for it is usual with hypocrites to make a great show of repentance and at the same time to shun God. If then we follow this reading, the Prophet means this, “Israel, there is no reason for thee hereafter to think that thou gainest anything by boasting with thy mouth of thy repentance; return to me; know that thou hast to do with God, who is not deceived, as he never deceives any: return then faithfully to me, and let thy conversion be sincere and in no way deceptive.”
But if the verb,
Whatever view we may take, this passage deserves to be noticed as being against hypocrites, who dare not openly to reject prophetic warnings; but while they shew some tokens of repentance, they still by windings shun the presence of God. They indeed testify by their mouth that they seek God, but yet have recourse to subterfuges: and hence I have said that this passage is remarkably useful, so that we may know that God cannot be pacified by those fallacious trifles which hypocrites bring forward, but that he requires a sincere heart, and that he abominates all dissimulation. It is therefore expressly said, If thou wilt take away thy abominations from my sight For hypocrites ever regard display and seek to be approved by men, and are satisfied with their approbation; but God calls their attention to himself. It must at the same time be observed, that he cannot be deceived; for he is the searcher of hearts. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:2 - -- Here the Prophet goes on with the same subject; for he denudes these flatteries, by which they thought that God could be pacified: for when they had ...
Here the Prophet goes on with the same subject; for he denudes these flatteries, by which they thought that God could be pacified: for when they had his name in their mouth, they thought it sufficient for their defense, — “What! do we not call upon God? do we not ascribe to him his due honor, when we swear by his name?” There is in the Prophet’s words a part given for the whole; for swearing is to be taken for the whole of God’s worship. When therefore the Israelites made a profession of God’s name, they thought themselves absolved from all guilt.
Hence the Prophet says, Thou shalt swear truly in the name of God; that is, “Ye are indeed self — confident, because an external profession of religion seems to you to be a sort of expiation, whenever ye seek to contend with God: ye boast that you are Abraham’s seed, and swear by the name of God; but ye are sacrilegious, when ye thus falsely profess God’s name.” Swear then, he says, in truth
We hence see how the words of the Prophet harmonize together: he had said, that Israel had hitherto dealt falsely with God, because they had not performed what in words they had promised, for they went astray; and now he adds, that it availed the Israelites nothing, that they openly called on God and shewed themselves to be his people by an external worship: this, he says, is nothing, except ye worship God in truth and in judgment and in righteousness
Truth is no doubt to be taken here for integrity, as we shall see in the fifth chapter: it is the same as though he had said, that God is not rightly worshipped, except when the heart is free from all guile and deceit; in short, he means that there is no worship of God without sincerity of heart. But the truth, of which the Prophet speaks, is especially known by judgment and righteousness; that is, when men deal faithfully with one another, and render to all their right, and seek not their own gain at the expense of others. When therefore equity and uprightness are thus observed by men, then is fulfilled what is required here by the Prophet: for then they worship not God fallaciously, nor with vain words, but really shew that they do, without disguise, fear and reverence God.
What follows is variously explained by interpreters; but the Prophet, I have no doubt, does here indirectly reprove the Israelites, because God’s name had been exposed to many reproaches and mockeries, when the heathens said, that there was no power in God to help the Israelites, and when the people themselves expostulated with God, as though they had a just cause for contending with him, — “What! God has promised that we should be models of his blessing; but we are exposed to the reproaches of the heathens: how can this be?” Since then the Israelites thus deplored their lot, and cast the blame on God, the Prophet gives this answer, Bless themselves shall the nations and glory in him Some refer this to the Israelites, but not correctly. It had indeed been said to Abraham, “In thy seed shall all nations be blessed,” or, shall bless themselves. But this blessing had its beginning, as it is here noticed by the Prophet. For we must look for the cause or the fountain of this blessing: how could the nations bless themselves through the seed or the children of Abraham, except God, the author of the blessing, manifested his favor towards the children of Abraham? Very aptly then does the Prophet say here, Then bless themselves in God shall all the nations, and in him shall they glory; that is, “Ye are to be blamed, that God’s curse is upon you and renders you objects of reproach to all people, and also, that heathens disdain and despise the name of God: for your impiety has constrained God to deal more severely with you than he wished; for he is ever ready to shew his paternal clemency. What then is the hindrance, that the nations bless not themselves in God and glory in him? that is, that pure religion does not flourish through the whole world, and that all nations do not come to you and unite in the worship of the only true God? The hindrance is your impiety and wickedness; this is the reason why God is not glorified, and why your felicity is not everywhere celebrated among the nations.” We now perceive the meaning of the Prophet, — that the Jews groundlessly imputed blame to God, because they were oppressed by so many evils; for they had procured for themselves all their calamities, and at the same time gave occasion to heathens to profane God’s name by their reproaches. 99 It follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:3 - -- The Prophet still pursues the same subject; for he reproves the hypocrisy of the Israelites, because they sought to discharge their duty towards God ...
The Prophet still pursues the same subject; for he reproves the hypocrisy of the Israelites, because they sought to discharge their duty towards God only by external ceremonies, while their hearts were full of deceits and of every kind of impiety and wickedness. Hence he says, that God required this from the Jews, — to plough again the fallow, and not to sow among thorns.
It is a most suitable comparison; for Scripture often compares us to a field, when it represents us as God’s heritage; and we have been chosen by God as a peculiar people for this end — that he may gather fruit from us, as a husbandman gathers produce from his fields. We can indeed add nothing to what God is; but there is a fruit which he demands; so that our whole life is to be devoted to his glory. God then would not have us to be idle and fruitless, but to bring forth some fruit. But what is done by hypocrites? They sow; that is, they shew some concern, yea, they pretend great ardor, when God exhorts them to repent, or when he invites them. They then make a great bustle; yet they mar everything by their own mixtures, the same as though one scattered his seed among thorns: but it will be of no avail thus to cast seed among thorns; for the ground ought to be well cleared and prepared. Hence God laughs to scorn this preposterous care and diligence, in which hypocrites pride themselves, and says, that they busy themselves without any advantage; for it is the same, as though an husbandman had wholly lost his seed; for when the ground is full of briers and thorns, the seed, though it may grow for a time, cannot yet bring forth fruit. For this reason God bids the Israelites to plough the fallows; 100 as though he had said, that they were like a rough ground, which is full of thorns, and that therefore there was need of unusual and by no means a common cultivation; for when thorns and briers grow in a field, of what benefit will it be to cast seed there? Nay, a field cannot be well prepared by the plough alone, so that it may produce fruit; but much labor is also necessary, as is the case with fallow ground, which is called essarter in our language.
The Prophet then intimates that the people had become hardened in their vices, and that they were not only full of vices, like a field left uncultivated for two years; but that their vices were so deep, that they could not be well cleared away by ploughing alone, except they were drawn up by the roots, as they were like thorns and brambles, which have been growing in a field for many years. We hence see, that not only impiety and contempt of God, and other sins of the people of Israel, are referred to by the Prophet, but also their perverseness; for they had so hardened themselves for many years in their vices, that there was need not only of the plough, but also of other instruments to tear up the thorns, to eradicate those vices which had formed deep roots. As then, he had before warned them, that they would labor in vain except they returned to God with sincerity of heart and acquiesced in him; so here he bids them to examine their life, that they might not cast away their seed, like hypocrites, who formally acknowledge their sins. Hence he bids them wholly to shake off their vices, which were hid within, according to what they do, who tear up thorns and briers in a field, which has been long neglected, and left without being cultivated. It now follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:4 - -- The Prophet expresses here more clearly what he had before said metaphorically or by a figure; for he had bidden them to eradicate their vices, accor...
The Prophet expresses here more clearly what he had before said metaphorically or by a figure; for he had bidden them to eradicate their vices, according to what is usually done by breaking up the fallow ground; but now dropping that figure, he clearly shews what was to be done, and yet the clause contains what is figurative. He calls their attention to circumcision, which was a symbol of renovation, as though he had said, — That they sufficiently understood what they were to do, except they were wholly unteachable; “For why, “he says, “has circumcision been enjoined? Does not God by this symbol shew, that if a man rightly aspires after true religion, he ought to begin by putting off all the evil propensities of his flesh? Is he not to deny himself, and to die as it were both to himself and to the world? for circumcision includes all this.” Then the Prophet shews that the Israelites had no excuse, that they went not astray through mistake or through ignorance; but they were acting perversely and deceitfully with God; for circumcision, by which they had been initiated into God’s service, sufficiently taught them, that God is not rightly nor faithfully served, except when men deny themselves.
We now then see what the Prophet meant by these words, when he bids them to be circumcised to God, and to take away the foreskin of their heart: Be ye circumcised, he says, to Jehovah Circumcision was their great boast; but only before men; for nothing but ambition and vanity ruled in them, while they openly exulted and boasted that they were God’s holy and peculiar people. Hence the Prophet bids them not to value what was of no importance, but to become circumcised to Jehovah; that is, he bids them not to seek applause before the world, but seriously to consider that they had to do with God. And hence he adds, Take away the foreskin of your heart, as though he had said, “When God commanded the seed of Abraham to be circumcised, (Gen 17:10,) it was not his object to have a small portion of skin cut off, but he had regard to something higher, even that ye should be circumcised in heart.”
The Prophet, in short, teaches us here what Paul has more clearly explained, (Rom 2:29,) even this, — that the letter is of no value before God, but that the spirit is what he requires: for Paul in these words means, that the external sign is worthless, except accompanied by the reality within; for the literal circumcision mentioned by Paul is merely the external rite; in the same manner baptism with us may be called the letter, when there is no repentance and faith. But the spirit, or spiritual circumcision, is the denial of self; it is renovation, and in a word, that true conversion to God, of which the Prophet speaks here. Nor has Moses been silent on this point; for in the tenth chapter of Deuteronomy he shews that the Jews greatly deceived themselves, if they thought that they did all that God required, when they were circumcised in the flesh; “Circumcise, “he says, “your hearts to the Lord.” He indeed reminds us in another place, that this is altogether the work of God; but though God circumcises the heart, yet this exhortation, that men are to circumcise themselves, is not superfluous: and the same is the case with baptism; for when Paul exhorts the faithful to fear God and to lead a holy life, he refers to baptism. It is yet certain that men do not bestow on themselves what God signifies by the sign of baptism; but he counsels them to seek from God the grace of his Spirit, that they might not in vain be sealed by the external rite of baptism, while destitute of its reality. When therefore the Prophet bids the Israelites to take away the foreskin of their heart, it is the same as though he had said, that they were indeed liberal enough with regard to ceremonies and outward worship, but that these were empty masks unless preceded by a right disposition within.
And he addresses the Jews, and also the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for they thought that they far excelled the Israelites, on whom God had inflicted so grievous a punishment. He then shews that the tribe of Judah, nay, that the very inhabitants and citizens of Jerusalem were not better than others, and that they could not be exempted, as it were, by privilege, except they returned to a right mind, except they seasonably and from the heart repented.
He then adds, Lest my fury go forth like fire The Prophet here expressly declares, that the Jews were not to wait until God came forth as an avenger; for then, he says, if, would be too late to repent: in short, he bids them to anticipate in due time the judgment of God; for if once his fury went forth, it would burn like fire so as to consume them, and there would be no extinguishing of it. But if they repented, he holds forth to them the hope of pardon; for the fury of God had not yet gone forth.
He afterwards subjoins, On account of the wickedness of your deeds 101 By these words the Prophet again reproves them sharply, and shews that they gained nothing by their evasions; for when God ascends his tribunal and begins to execute his vengeance, then all vain excuses will come to an end, such as, that they deserved no such thing, or, that the atrocity of their sins was not great: “God, “he says, “will, with his own hand, teach you how grievous has been the atrocity of your vices; he will not, then, deal with you in words.” It then follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:5 - -- Jeremiah treats his own people here with more severity, for he saw that they were refractory, and so obstinate in their vices, that they could not by...
Jeremiah treats his own people here with more severity, for he saw that they were refractory, and so obstinate in their vices, that they could not by wise counsels be restored to the way of safety. Hence he addresses them here as men wholly irreclaimable, and to whom instruction proved useless. But though according to the manner of the prophets, he sounds a trumpet for the sake of filling them with terror, he seems yet to speak tauntingly, when he bids them to proclaim in Judah, and to publish in Jerusalem; as though he had said, When distress shall seize you, you will then by experience perceive that God is angry with you: though to — day ye believe not my warnings; yet that God may not, indeed, by a violent hand, bring you back to himself, and as ye seek evasions for yourselves, ye shall sound the trumpet, and proclaim, “The enemies are coming, and are nigh at hand; let, therefore, every one flee to Jerusalem, and enter into the city, and resort unto Zion: “that is, “If we cannot secure our safety in the city, we shall at least be safe in the fortress of Sion.” But God, he says, brings an evil on you from the north; and whatever ye may think will be for your safety will be wholly useless. It is, however, proper, especially to regard the Prophet as God’s herald proclaiming war; and that though he exults over their perverseness, he yet declares that such would be everywhere the terror, that they would seek safety by flight.
Sound, he says, in Judah, and publish, or proclaim, in Jerusalem, (
Some improperly give this rendering, “Fulfill ye, “but the common version is, “Assemble yourselves.” But interpreters seem not to me to have regarded the etymology of the word; for it is of the same meaning in Hebrew as when we say, Amassez-vous, Gather yourselves. And say, Be ye assembled, and let us go into fortified cities It will, indeed, be announced to you to seek hiding — places to protect you from the assaults of your enemies; if so, Raise a banner in Sion, and flee; but God will at the same time bring evil on you from the north

Calvin: Jer 4:6 - -- The words אל-תעמדו , al-tomedu, may be explained in two ways, — “Stand not,” that is, “Hasten quickly,” as it is the case with th...
The words

Calvin: Jer 4:7 - -- The Prophet more fully declares the import of the threatening which we briefly considered yesterday; for God said in the former verse, that he would ...
The Prophet more fully declares the import of the threatening which we briefly considered yesterday; for God said in the former verse, that he would bring an evil from the north; and the kind of evil it was to be he now describes, and compares the king of Babylon to a lion; and afterwards, without a figure, he calls him the destroyer of nations
By the similitude of lion he means that the Israelites would not be able to resist; and when he adds that he would be the desolator of nations, he intimates that they would perish with the rest: for if Nebuchadnezzar was sufficiently able to destroy many nations, how could the Jews escape a similar calamity? He shall come, he says, the desolator of nations But he uses the past tense throughout, in order to shew the certainty of the prediction, and thus to shake secure men with fear, who had become torpid in their hypocrisy; for they would have otherwise deemed all threatenings as nothing: for as long as God spared them, they despised his judgment, and promised themselves impunity in their sins. Hence the Prophet, in order to awake them, set the matter before them, as though Nebuchadnezzar had already come with a strong and powerful army to lay waste Judea; for he says, that a lion had ascended from his hiding — places: but the term for the last word means an entangled density, as when trees are entwined together, or when a place is filled with thorns. 103
But the similitude is most suitable, because the Jews never thought that the king of Babylon would come forth from places so remote; for the passing through was difficult, and the expedition attended with great toil: yet the Prophet says, that the lion would come from his recesses, and that nothing would hinder him from breaking forth and coming to the open country. He at last concludes by saying, that the cities would be laid waste, 104 so as to be without an inhabitant It now follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:8 - -- The Prophet seems not yet to exhort his own nation to repent: a more gracious doctrine will presently follow; but here he only reminds them that a mo...
The Prophet seems not yet to exhort his own nation to repent: a more gracious doctrine will presently follow; but here he only reminds them that a most grievous mourning was nigh at hand; for he saw that they were hypocrites, immersed in their own delusions, and could not be assailed by any fear. Hence he says, that they were greatly mistaken, if they thought themselves safe while God was angry with them.
Gird yourselves in sackcloth, he says, lament and howl; and then follows the reason, because the fury of God’s wrath was not turned away from them. We indeed know, that the ungodly are wont to make God subservient to themselves, as though they could by their perverseness turn aside or drive afar off his judgment, and restrain, as it were, his hand from acting. As, then, hypocrites are insolent towards God, the Prophet says expressly that the fury of his wrath was not turned away: and thus he warns them, that they would be in every way miserable until they were reconciled to God.
We now understand the design of the Prophet; for he confirms what the last verse contains, when he said that a lion had come forth, and that a desolator was already nigh; yea, he confirms what he had said, for there was no hope to them without having God propitious, and he declares that God was angry. Hence it follows, that all things would prove infelicitous to them.

Calvin: Jer 4:9 - -- As the royal dignity still continued with the Jews, though their power was greatly diminished, they, relying on that distinction, hoped that they had...
As the royal dignity still continued with the Jews, though their power was greatly diminished, they, relying on that distinction, hoped that they had a sufficient protection: hence it was, that they were not moved by any denunciation; for the royal power, which remained not altogether secure, and yet so in some degree, was to them like a shield. We also know what pride filled the courtiers; for they extolled their kings, and thus made a show of their prudence and magnanimity. Since, then, this foolish notion of the chief men respecting their king, and their delusive boasting, deceived the Jews, the Prophet says, In that day perish shall the heart of the king, and the heart of the princes
By heart he no doubt means the understanding or the mind, as the word is to be taken in many other places. Moses says,
“God has not yet given you a heart to understand.”
(Deu 29:4.)
The Latins also call men “hearted” ( cordatos) who excel in intelligence and wisdom. 105 So, then, the Prophet shews, that it was a vain and deceptive fancy for the people to expect that the king would be an invincible defense to them; for “the king, “he says, “shall then be deprived of understanding and reason; and the counselors, who lay claim to understanding, shall be found then to be wholly foolish: there is, then, no ground for that vain confidence which deceives you.” The Prophet briefly intended to shake off that false confidence, by which the Jews were inebriated, when they thought that there was a sure safety in the intelligence of the king and princes.
He says the same thing respecting the priests as well as the prophets, as much glory belonged to the priestly order; for the tribe of Levi had not taken that honor to itself, but God himself had set priests over the people. Hence an opinion prevailed, that the priests could not be without understanding and wisdom. With regard to the prophets, Jeremiah no doubt conceded the name to impostors, who falsely professed the name of God; and this way of speaking is common in the writings of the prophets. He does not, then, mean those true and faithful ministers of God, who duly executed their office, but those who boasted of the name and title: and he says of these, that they would be astonished 106
He, in short, deprives the people of that false confidence, through which they hardened themselves, so as not to fear God’s judgment.
But this passage is entitled to special notice, because it shews that God’s grace is not to be tied either to ranks of men or to titles. The prophetic office had always been in high repute; nor was the priestly without honor, for it was founded on God’s command; but Jeremiah nevertheless declares, that there would be no understanding in the priests and in the prophets, because they would become stupefied and astonished. And with regard to the king, we know that he was the representative of Christ; and yet he pronounces the same thing of the king, and also of his counselors, — that they would be made blind by the just vengeance of God, so as not to see anything. he afterwards adds —

Calvin: Jer 4:10 - -- Some so understand this passage as though the Prophet brought forward what was said by the people; for all the most wicked, when oppressed by God’s...
Some so understand this passage as though the Prophet brought forward what was said by the people; for all the most wicked, when oppressed by God’s hand, usually cast the blame on him, and in their complaints contend and dispute with him. Hence they think that the Prophet here, not in his own person, but in that of the whole people, speaks thus: “O Lord, what can this be? thou surely hast deceived us.” Others give somewhat a looser explanation, that the Prophet here indirectly expostulates with God, because he had suffered the false prophets to flatter the people so as to stupefy the minds of all. But a different meaning is what I approve of: the Prophet, I think, tauntingly exposes those false adulations, by which the prophets had caused the ruin of the miserable Jews, by promising them God’s forgiveness, and by ever announcing favorable predictions.
God no doubt rendered the Jews their just reward, when he suffered them to be deceived by impostors: we, indeed, know that the world is ever afflicted with this disease, — that they seek flatteries, as God upbraids them by Micah:
“Ye seek prophets who promise to you an abundant harvest, an abundant vintage.”
(Mic 2:11)
Since, then, the Jews wished their vices to be spared, and not only disliked their faithful and severe reprovers, but also hated them, they had deserved to be thus dealt with: it was God’s will that many impostors should assume the prophetic name. Thus it happened, that the Jews thought that their peaceable condition would be perpetual; and this, as I have said, is usual with hypocrites. Now the Prophet, in a biting strain, exposes here these deceptions, and says, Ah, ah, Jehovah! surely thou hast deceived this people: for the Prophet does not speak in the person of the people, nor does he complain, that God permitted so much liberty to false prophets; but he derides these impostors as well as the people. And further, as they were all deaf, he turns to God, as though he had said, “Behold, Lord, worthy of this reward are they, who have sought flatteries, and have not attended to the holy warnings of thy servants: as, then, no kind of correction was what they could endure, let them now begin to learn that they have been deceived by others rather than by thee.” 107
We then see that the Prophet ridicules that stupidity in which the Jews had been so long asleep; and the simple meaning is, that he turned to God: I have said, O Lord Jehovah, surely thou hast deceived this people. “ Surely” is to be taken in an ironical sense; that is, “It now really appears that they have been deceived; but by whom? They wish, indeed, to throw the blame on thee; but they are justly chargeable with foolish credulity, so that they, whom the false prophets have deceived, have been rightly dealt with.” What they said was, Peace shall be to you
This never came from the mouth of God; for Jeremiah daily thundered and threatened approaching ruin; for he was like a celestial herald, who filled every place with terror; but he was not heard: and at the same time the Jews praised the false prophets, who soothed them with various promises. We hence perceive, that God had not spoken peace to them; but that the Jews, not only willingly, but with avidity, laid hold on those things by which the false prophets sought to gratify them.
He afterwards adds, And reached has the sword unto the soul; that is, “Yet we are now destroyed by fatal evils.” The Prophet here indirectly sets before them those delusive flatteries with which the Jews pleased themselves, and shews that they would at length really find how falsely they pretended the name of God. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:11 - -- Jeremiah proceeds with the same prediction: he says, that a terrible wind was coming, which would not only disperse or clear away, but dissipat...
Jeremiah proceeds with the same prediction: he says, that a terrible wind was coming, which would not only disperse or clear away, but dissipate and overthrow all things. He then expresses how great and how grievous would be the calamity which he had before mentioned. He compares it to dry or and wind; for
He then adds, Not to scatter nor to cleanse Husbandmen are wont to winnow the corn when taken from the thrashing — floor, that the chaff may be carried away by the wind: but the Prophet says, that this wind would not be to clear away or scatter the chaff; for it will be, he says, a very vehement wind He means, in short, that God would shew so much displeasure towards the Jews, that he would no longer chastise them in a moderate degree, or use any moderation, as he had done previously; for God had already often punished the Jews, but had hitherto acted the part of a physician, having endeavored to heal the vices of the people. As, then, these corrections had been without fruit, the Prophet now says, that God’s wrath would now come, not to cleanse as before, nor to scatter the chaff, but to consume everything among the people. Hence he adds (for the two verses are connected together) a fuller wind, or one more complete, shall come to them. Some read, “from these places, “so they render

Calvin: Jer 4:12 - -- And come, he says, unto me God, I doubt not, speaks here. Some think that the Prophet here represents the whole body of the people; and they conside...
And come, he says, unto me God, I doubt not, speaks here. Some think that the Prophet here represents the whole body of the people; and they consider them as saying, that there would come a wind which would rush on themselves. But this is too strained; and further, this explanation is disproved by the context: nor can what follows be applied to the Prophet, I will now pronounce judgments against them Here then God, in his office as a judge, declares that a wind was nigh, by which he would dissipate and overthrow the whole of Judea, and would no more cleanse it. And thus he shews, that the Chaldeans would not of themselves come, but would be sent to execute his orders; as though he had said, — that he would be the author of those calamities which were impending over the Jews: come, then, shall wind unto me; that is, it will be ready to obey my orders.
And he adds at last, by way of an exposition, I will then speak judgments with them To speak judgments is to execute the office of a judge, or to call to judgment, or to summon men to declare their cause, as kings are said to speak judgments when they constrain the guilty to render an account, of themselves. God briefly intimates, that he had hitherto exercised great forbearance towards the Jews; but that as he found that his indulgence availed nothing, except that they became more and more ferocious, he declares, that he would now become their judge to punish their wickedness. 108 He afterwards adds —

Calvin: Jer 4:13 - -- The Prophet here concludes the prediction which referred to the dreadful vengeance that was coming; and he mentions here several similitudes, such as...
The Prophet here concludes the prediction which referred to the dreadful vengeance that was coming; and he mentions here several similitudes, such as might rouse the Jews and constrain them to fear. He says, that the chariots of God would come as clouds and as a whirlwind; and then that his horses would be swifter than eagles
As to the clouds, the whirlwind, and the eagles, (for the import of the three similitudes is the same,) the Prophet no doubt intended thus to set forth the quickness of God’s vengeance; but yet there is some difference. We see how clouds suddenly arise and spread over the whole heaven; and thus it happens when a whirlwind is in the air. Hence when he compares God’s chariots to clouds and the whirlwind, it is the same as if he had said, that the beginning of the calamity would be sudden, because God would unexpectedly arise, after having been apparently asleep for a long time. But when he says, that God’s horses would be swifter than eagles, he means, that it would be easy for God, when once he had begun, to destroy the whole of Judea, as it were in a moment, or at least in a very short time; for we know how swift is the flying of the eagle; but he says, that the horses of God would be swifter than the eagles.
We now understand the Prophet’s meaning: for when the Jews derided the threatenings of the Prophets, they tauntingly used such a language as this, — “O! we shall, at least in the meantime, feast cheerfully and joyfully; these Prophets will not allow us a truce for one hour; but yet many years will pass away before the evil overtakes us.” We find profane men in our day, who in like manner trifle with God: and when they cannot wholly despise what God threatens, they yet delay the time, and think that they gain something by putting off the day of vengeance. This, then, was the reason why the Prophet said, that God’s chariots would ascend, as clouds arise suddenly, and then as a whirlwind in clear sky, and lastly, in a manner swifter than the eagles, even in their swiftest course.
The Prophet, in the last place, exclaims, in the name of the whole people, Woe to us! for we are lost 109 He speaks here concisely, that he might shew that the false prophets, as well as the people, were going astray to their own ruin, while they were asleep in their vices, and thought their insensibility would escape punishment. He hence exclaims, that though all were then seized with stupor, the people themselves were yet lost. It at length follows —

Calvin: Jer 4:14 - -- Here now the Prophet expressly and avowedly exhorts the people to repent. By bidding Jerusalem to wash from wickedness her heart, that she might be...
Here now the Prophet expressly and avowedly exhorts the people to repent. By bidding Jerusalem to wash from wickedness her heart, that she might be saved, he shews that there was no remedy, except the Jews were reconciled to God; and that this could not be, except they repented of their sins. He had said before, that while God was angry they could not but perish; he now confirms the same thing, — that thou mayest be saved, wash thine heart from wickedness; as though he had said, that there was war between the Jews and God, and that salvation could by no means be hoped for, since God was armed for their destruction, and shewed himself a judge to punish their vices: he at the same time reminds them of the true way of repentance; it was by washing their heart from wickedness. For hypocrites ever seek to appease God by external rites and observances; but the Prophet shows that God cannot be pacified, except they from the heart return to him. He then means that the beginning of true repentance is an inward feeling. We now perceive what the Prophet means.
But they reason foolishly who maintain that repentance is the cause of salvation, because it is said, “That thou mayest be saved, wash thy heart from wickedness:” and the Papists lay hold on such passages to set up free — will; and they hold that sins are abolished and punishment remitted through satisfactions made by us. But this is extremely absurd and frivolous. For the Prophet is not speaking of the cause of salvation; but, as I have said, he simply shows that men are extremely thoughtless when they expect a peaceable condition, while they carry on war with God, and when he is armed to execute vengeance on them. We are not then to inquire here, whether a sinner delivers himself from God’s hand by his repentance: but the Prophet had only this one thing in view — that we cannot be safe and secure, except God be reconciled to us. He further shews, that God will not be propitious to us, except we repent, and that from the heart or from a genuine feeling within.
He then adds, How long shall remain within thee the thoughts of thy vanity? He here touches on the hypocrisy of his own nation; and he in effect says, that whatever excuses they might make, they were yet proved guilty before God, and that their evasions were frivolous, because God penetrated into the inmost recesses of their hearts. He indeed speaks most suitably, for he had to do with hypocrites who thought that their outward performances pacified God; and they also thought that when they alleged their evasions they ought to be forgiven, as they could not be condemned by earthly judges. The Prophet derides these delusive thoughts, How long shall thoughts of vanity remain within thee? that is, “Though the whole world were to absolve thee, what yet would it avail thee? For vain thoughts remain in the midst of thee, that is, in the recesses of thy heart; and God knows them, for nothing is hid from him. There is then no reason for you to think that ye will gain anything by your outward display or your excuses; for God is the searcher of hearts. Let not these thoughts continue within thee.”
He calls them the thoughts of vanity The word,

Calvin: Jer 4:15 - -- The Prophet again repeats what he had said, — that the Jews were given up, on account of their perverseness, to final ruin; for they had so often a...
The Prophet again repeats what he had said, — that the Jews were given up, on account of their perverseness, to final ruin; for they had so often and for so long a time provoked God, and had not attended to pious admonitions, when God by his servants the prophets offered pardon to them on their repentance. But the whole passage, which I shall now explain, gives a lively representation of the ruin that was at hand; for we see that in this verse there is a scene presented to us, as the Prophet sets before our eyes what could not be fully expressed in words.
A voice, he says, declares from Daniel This was the extreme border on the north He had before said, that an evil was coming from that quarter, that is, from the north; for God had chosen the Chaldeans as the executors of his vengeance: hence he says, “a voice is heard from Dan;” not that there was an army already prepared to attack the Jews, but Jeremiah speaks here by the prophetic spirit; and he sets the event as present before the Jews, who thought not that so grievous an evil was nigh. For we said yesterday, that when God for a time spares hypocrites, they become more hardened, and with haughty contempt deride his prophets. When, therefore, Jeremiah saw that he had to do with blocks, he deemed it necessary to use figurative language, which exhibited to them more clearly that the judgment, which the Jews imagined they had no reason to fear, was near at hand: hence he says, a voice is heard from Dan
And proclaims
TSK: Jer 4:1 - -- wilt return : Jer 4:4, Jer 3:12, Jer 3:22
return : Jer 3:1, Jer 3:14; Isa 31:6; Hos 7:16, Hos 14:1; Joe 2:12
put away : Gen 35:2; Deu 27:15; Jos 24:14...
wilt return : Jer 4:4, Jer 3:12, Jer 3:22
return : Jer 3:1, Jer 3:14; Isa 31:6; Hos 7:16, Hos 14:1; Joe 2:12
put away : Gen 35:2; Deu 27:15; Jos 24:14; Jdg 10:16; 1Sa 7:3; 2Ki 23:13, 2Ki 23:24; 2Ch 15:8; Eze 11:18, Eze 18:13, Eze 20:7, Eze 20:8, Eze 43:9; Hos 2:2; Eph 4:22-31
then shalt : Jer 15:4, Jer 22:3-5, Jer 24:9, Jer 25:5, Jer 36:3; 2Ch 33:8

TSK: Jer 4:2 - -- shalt swear : Jer 5:2; Deu 10:20; Isa 45:23, Isa 48:1, Isa 48:2, Isa 65:16
in truth : Jer 9:24; 1Ki 3:6; Psa 99:4; Hos 2:19; Zec 8:8
and the nations :...

TSK: Jer 4:3 - -- Break : Gen 3:18; Hos 10:12; Mat 13:7, Mat 13:22; Mar 4:7, Mar 4:18, Mar 4:19; Luk 8:7, Luk 8:14; Gal 6:7, Gal 6:8

TSK: Jer 4:4 - -- take : Jer 9:26; Deu 10:16, Deu 30:6; Eze 18:31; Rom 2:28, Rom 2:29; Col 2:11
lest : Jer 21:5, Jer 21:12, Jer 23:19, Jer 36:7; Lev 26:28; Deu 32:22; I...
take : Jer 9:26; Deu 10:16, Deu 30:6; Eze 18:31; Rom 2:28, Rom 2:29; Col 2:11
lest : Jer 21:5, Jer 21:12, Jer 23:19, Jer 36:7; Lev 26:28; Deu 32:22; Isa 30:27, Isa 30:28, Isa 51:17; Lam 4:11; Eze 5:13-15, Eze 6:12, Eze 8:18, Eze 16:38, Eze 20:33, Eze 20:47, Eze 20:48, Eze 21:17, Eze 24:8, Eze 24:13; Amo 5:6; Zep 2:2; Mar 9:43-50

TSK: Jer 4:5 - -- Declare ye : Jer 5:20, Jer 9:12, Jer 11:2
Blow : Jer 6:1; Eze 33:2-6; Hos 8:1; Amo 3:6, Amo 3:8
Assemble : Jer 8:14, Jer 35:11; Jos 10:20

TSK: Jer 4:6 - -- the standard : Jer 4:21, Jer 50:2, Jer 51:12, Jer 51:27; Isa 62:10
retire : or, strengthen
for I will : Jer 1:13-15, Jer 6:1, Jer 6:22, Jer 21:7, Jer ...

TSK: Jer 4:7 - -- lion : Jer 5:6, Jer 25:38, Jer 49:19, Jer 50:17, Jer 50:44; 2Ki 24:1, 2Ki 25:1; Dan 7:4
destroyer : Jer 25:9, Jer 27:8; Eze 21:19-21, Eze 26:7-10, Eze...

TSK: Jer 4:8 - -- gird : Jer 6:26; Isa 15:3, Isa 22:12, Isa 32:11; Joe 2:12, Joe 2:13; Amo 8:10
howl : Jer 48:20; Isa 13:6, Isa 15:2, Isa 15:3; Eze 21:12, Eze 30:2
the ...

TSK: Jer 4:9 - -- that the heart : Jer 39:4, Jer 39:5, Jer 52:7; 1Sa 25:37, 1Sa 25:38; 2Ki 25:4; Psa 102:4; Isa 19:3, Isa 19:11, Isa 19:12, Isa 19:16; Isa 21:3, Isa 21:...

TSK: Jer 4:10 - -- Ah : Jer 1:6, Jer 14:13, Jer 32:17; Eze 11:13
surely : Jer 14:13, Jer 14:14; 1Ki 22:20-23; Isa 63:17; Eze 14:9, Eze 14:10; Rom 1:24, Rom 1:26, Rom 1:2...

TSK: Jer 4:11 - -- A : Jer 23:19, Jer 30:23, Jer 30:24, Jer 51:1; Isa 27:8, Isa 64:6; Eze 17:10, Eze 19:12; Hos 13:3, Hos 13:15
daughter : Jer 8:19, Jer 9:1, Jer 9:7, Je...

TSK: Jer 4:12 - -- a full wind from those : or, a fuller wind than those
give sentence : Heb. utter judgments, Jer 1:16; Eze 5:8, Eze 6:11-13, Eze 7:8, Eze 7:9
a full wind from those : or, a fuller wind than those
give sentence : Heb. utter judgments, Jer 1:16; Eze 5:8, Eze 6:11-13, Eze 7:8, Eze 7:9

TSK: Jer 4:13 - -- Behold : Isa 13:5, Isa 19:1; Nah 1:3; Mat 24:30; Rev 1:7
his chariots : Isa 5:28, Isa 66:15; Nah 2:3, Nah 2:4
his horses : Deu 28:49; Lam 4:19; Dan 7:...

TSK: Jer 4:14 - -- wash : Isa 1:16-19, Isa 55:7; Eze 18:31; Mat 12:33, Mat 15:19, Mat 15:20, Mat 23:26, Mat 23:27; Luk 11:39; Jam 4:8
How long : Jer 13:27; Psa 66:18, Ps...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Jer 4:1 - -- Return - The repentance of Israel described in Jer 3:21-25 was a hope, and not a reality. The return, literally, would be their restoration to ...
Return - The repentance of Israel described in Jer 3:21-25 was a hope, and not a reality. The return, literally, would be their restoration to their land; spiritually, their abandoning their sins.
Jer 4:1-2 should be translated as follows:
If thou wouldst return, O Israel, saith Yahweh.
Unto Me thou shalt return:
And if thou wouldst remove thy abominations from before Me,
And not wander to and fro,
But wouldst swear truly, uprightly; and justly
By the living Yahweh;
Then shall the pagan bless themselves ... -
In him - In Yahweh. Two great truths are taught in this verse;
(1) that the Gentiles were to be members of the Church of the Messiah;
(2) that Israel’ s special office was to be God’ s mediator in this great work.
Thus, Jeremiah is in exact accord with the evangelical teaching of Isaiah.

Barnes: Jer 4:3 - -- To the men - To each man "of Judah."They are summoned individually to repentance. Break up - literally, Fallow for you a fallow ground, i...
To the men - To each man "of Judah."They are summoned individually to repentance.
Break up - literally, Fallow for you a fallow ground, i. e., do not sow the seeds of repentance in unfit soil, but just as the farmer prepares the ground, by clearing it of weeds, and exposing it to the sun and air, before entrusting to it the seed, so must you regard repentance as a serious matter, requiring forethought, and anxious labor. To sow in unfallowed ground was practically to sow on land full of thorns.

Barnes: Jer 4:4 - -- See the Deu 10:16 note. Nature, such as it is in itself, unconsecrated to God, is to be removed from our inner selves, that a new and spiritual natu...
See the Deu 10:16 note. Nature, such as it is in itself, unconsecrated to God, is to be removed from our inner selves, that a new and spiritual nature may take its place.
Lest my fury ... - God is long-suffering, but unless this change take place, the time of judgment must at length come to all as it came to Jerusalem - "like fire"(compare 1Co 3:13; Phi 2:12-13).
Jer. 4:5\endash 6:30 "God’ s Judgment upon the Unrepentant"
A group of prophecies now commences, extending to Jer 10:25, but broken at the beginning of Jer. 7 by a new heading. The subject of them all is the same, namely, the approaching devastation of Judaea by a hostile army in punishment of its persistence in idolatry. The prophecy of Jer. 7 was probably written in the first year of Jehoiakim, while as regards the rest they probably extended over a considerable period of time. This group, which we may reasonably believe to have come down to us much as it stood in Jehoiakim’ s scroll, gives us a general view of the nature of Jeremiah’ s efforts during that important period, when under Josiah a national reformation was still possible, and the exile might have been averted. The prophecy Jer. 7, spoken in the first year of Jehoiakim, when the probation of Judah was virtually over, was the solemn closing of the appeal to the conscience of the people, and a protest, while the new king was still young upon his throne, against that ruinous course upon which he so immediately entered.

Barnes: Jer 4:5 - -- Rather, Make proclamation "in Judah, and in Jerusalem"bid them hear, "and say, Blow the trumpet"throughout "the land:"cry aloud "and say etc."The pr...
Rather, Make proclamation "in Judah, and in Jerusalem"bid them hear, "and say, Blow the trumpet"throughout "the land:"cry aloud "and say etc."The prophecy begins with a loud alarm of war. The verse sets forth well, in its numerous commands, the excitement and confusion of such a time.

Barnes: Jer 4:6 - -- The standard - A flag or signal, to which the people were to rally. Retire, stay not - Rather, gather your goods together: linger not; "fo...
The standard - A flag or signal, to which the people were to rally. Retire, stay not - Rather, gather your goods together: linger not; "for I"(emphatic, Yahweh) am bringing at this very time etc.

Barnes: Jer 4:7 - -- Rather, A "lion"... a "destroyer"of nations: a metaphor descriptive of the impending calamity. A lion is just rousing himself from his lair, but no ...
Rather, A "lion"... a "destroyer"of nations: a metaphor descriptive of the impending calamity. A lion is just rousing himself from his lair, but no common one. It is destroyer, not of men, but of nations.
Is on his way - literally, "has broken up his encampment."Jeremiah uses a military term strictly referring to the striking of tents in preparation for the march.
Without an inhabitant - The final stage of destruction, actually reached in the utter depopulation of Judaea consequent upon Gedaliah’ s murder.

Barnes: Jer 4:8 - -- Is not turned ... - As long as their sins are unrepented of, so long must their punishment continue.
Is not turned ... - As long as their sins are unrepented of, so long must their punishment continue.

Barnes: Jer 4:10 - -- Ah, Lord God! - Alas! my Lord Yahweh: an expression of disapproval on Jeremiah’ s part. Jeremiah had constantly to struggle against the mi...
Ah, Lord God! - Alas! my Lord Yahweh: an expression of disapproval on Jeremiah’ s part. Jeremiah had constantly to struggle against the misgivings of his own melancholy nature, but he never let them prevent him from doing his duty. See the introduction of Jeremiah.
Ye shall have peace - These words are generally referred to the false prophets; they rather refer to real prophecies of future blessedness promised to the Jews. Jeremiah could not reconcile the doom he was now commanded to pronounce, either with his previous prophecy, or with what he read in the writings of his predecessors. Time only could solve the difficulty. Upon the struggles of the prophets to understand their own predictions see 1Pe 1:10-11.
Unto the soul - The sword has reached the life. i. e., has inflicted a mortal wound.

Barnes: Jer 4:11 - -- At that time - See Jer 4:7. Though the revelation of the certainty of Judah’ s ruin wrings from Jeremiah a cry of despair, yet it is but f...
At that time - See Jer 4:7. Though the revelation of the certainty of Judah’ s ruin wrings from Jeremiah a cry of despair, yet it is but for a moment; he immediately returns to the delivery of God’ s message.
A dry wind - literally, A clear wind. The Samum is probably meant, a dry parching east wind blowing from the Arabian desert, before which vegetation withers, and human life becomes intolerable.
Not to fan ... - The Syrian farmers make great use of the wind for separating the chaff from the grain: but when the Samum blows labor becomes impossible. It is not for use, but for destruction.

Barnes: Jer 4:12 - -- Or, as in the margin; i. e., a wind more full, more impetuous than those winds which serve for fanning and cleansing the grain. Unto me - Rath...
Or, as in the margin; i. e., a wind more full, more impetuous than those winds which serve for fanning and cleansing the grain.
Unto me - Rather, for me: to perform my will.

Barnes: Jer 4:13 - -- His troops move on in large masses like dark threatening clouds Joe 2:2. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled - Jeremiah’ s own cry of grief.
His troops move on in large masses like dark threatening clouds Joe 2:2.
Woe unto us! for we are spoiled - Jeremiah’ s own cry of grief.

Barnes: Jer 4:14 - -- Thy vain thoughts - " Thy"iniquitous "thoughts.""Aven,"the word used here, is especially applied to the sin of idolatry: thus Bethel is generall...

Barnes: Jer 4:15 - -- Dan - The border-town of Palestine on the north Deu 34:1. Mount Ephraim - The northern boundary of Judaea itself. The invading army press...
Dan - The border-town of Palestine on the north Deu 34:1.
Mount Ephraim - The northern boundary of Judaea itself. The invading army presses on so rapidly, that scarcely have the news arrived of its appearance at Dan, before fresh messengers announce that it has traversed the whole length of Galilee, and is now defiling through the mountains of Samaria.
Affliction - The same word, aven, occurs in Jer 4:14, and apparently there is a play upon its double meaning: for from a root signifying worthlessness, it is used both for wickedness and for misery. Thus, the "iniquity"of Judah proves also, to be her "affliction,"as being the cause of the ruin inflicted by the enemy.
Poole: Jer 4:1 - -- Return unto me: this seems to be a continuation of the former sermon; so that Israel having promised repentance, they are here directed how it must ...
Return unto me: this seems to be a continuation of the former sermon; so that Israel having promised repentance, they are here directed how it must be qualified, viz. it must not be hypocritical and reigned, but real and hearty, Jer 24:7 , as Josiah’ s was, 2Ki 23:25 ; and it must be unto the Lord; not to this idol and that idol, hither and thither, shifting their way; but unto me; see Jer 2:36 ; or to my worship, and as thou hast promised, Jer 3:22 . And this sense agrees best with the coherence. Or it maybe all emphatical, short, peremptory expression; If thou wilt return, return; make no longer demur or delay about it; like that Isa 21:12 . The Hebrew read the words in the future tense, if thou wilt return, thou shalt return ; and so they may be taken partly as a promise, and that with reference either to their returning into their own land; and so they concern Israel; thus Deu 30:2-5 : see Jer 3:14 . But if the word be taken in the notion of resting , not returning , as some do, and as it is taken Isa 30:15 , then it rather concerns Judah: q. d. Thou shalt abide quietly where thou art, and shalt not wander into captivity; and this may agree with the last expression in the verse,
not remove Or else with reference to the assistance that God would give them to return unto him; partly, and that rather, as a direction (for in the Hebrew, though the word return be in the future tense, yet it is often used imperatively).
Abominations viz. idols, a metonymy of the adjunct, which are so abominable in God’ s sight, Deu 27:15 Eze 20:7,8 ; called dungy gods , Deu 29:17 . See 2Ch 15:8 .
Out of my sight though God’ s eye be every where; and hence implieth that idols are no where to be admitted, either in private or public; yet it doth particularly relate to the place of his more immediate presence, as their land and temple, 1Ki 9:3 , and spiritually to our hearts, hypocrites thinking it enough if they conceal their wickedness from man’ s eye.
Then shalt thou not remove: if this be read imperatively, then it is,
remove not as it may be read; and so it agrees with Israel, Depart not away from me to thy idols upon the mountains and hills: if read in the future tense, then it agrees with Judah, Thou shalt not go out of thine own land into exile. See the first clause of the verse.

Poole: Jer 4:2 - -- And thou shalt swear: this is to be understood, partly by way of command, as Deu 10:20 ; and partly by way of direction, if thou swear, or when thou ...
And thou shalt swear: this is to be understood, partly by way of command, as Deu 10:20 ; and partly by way of direction, if thou swear, or when thou swearest: it is put here synecdochically for the whole worship of God, hereby acknowledging and owning God as the only God.
The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness: here he prescribes,
1. The form of the oath. viz.
The Lord liveth or, By the life of God , which was that form which they did use in swearing, 1Sa 14:39,45 , and many other places; so Joseph sware by the life of Pharaoh , Gen 42:15,16 ; and Elisha very frequently useth this form, 2Ki 2:2,4,6 3:14 5:16 ; which is also to be understood exclusively; q.d. not by any idol, as Baal, &c., or any creature, Jer 5:7 Mat 5:34-36 Jam 5:12 , but by God alone, Isa 65:16 ; see Hos 2:17 ; for by this indeed we declare the Godhead of him whom we worship, Isa 19:18 2 . The qualification of it, in which indeed are comprised all the requisites to a religious oath and worship of God, both in our general and particular calling, with respect to God, ourselves, our neighbours,
In truth that the matter and substance of it be really true in itself, Rom 9:1 , that which agrees with the intent of the mind, Psa 24:4 , and with the intent of him that administers it; not doubtful, feigned, or deceitful, as they did, Isa 48:1 Jer 5:2 , but as true as the Lord lives.
In judgment i.e. either in matter or places of judicature, for the decision of controversies, deliberately, advisedly, and reverently, well considering both of the form and matter of the oath, Lev 5:4 , that God’ s name be neither taken in vain customarily, or in matters trivial, Deu 5:11 , nor abused by oaths the are rash and precipitant, such as Saul’ s was, 1Sa 14:39 , and as Herod’ s, Mat 14:7 , and without necessity.
In righteousness that none be injured by it, that the things we engage be,
1. Both lawful and possible; see 1Sa 25:21,22 28:10 1Ki 19:2 ; and,
2. That we look to the performance, Psa 15:4 Mat 5:33 ; the want of either of which circumstances makes it a bond of iniquity, Ecc 5:4,5 .
The nations shall bless themselves in him this shall be a means to work upon the heathen nations, and prevail with them to come into the same way of worship, that now scorn both you and me, because I am forced to make them the rod of my anger against you, in regard of your provocations, Psa 47:8,9 Jer 3:17 . They shall think themselves happy to be incorporated with thee, that it may be with them according to that promise, Gen 12:3 22:17,18 . They shall, as it were, bless themselves in such like form; The Lord make me and mine as Israel; blessed be Israel, and the God of Israel . Or rather,
in him shall they glory whereas before they gloried in their idols, now, being taken into the true church, among God’ s Israel, they shall glory in God alone, Psa 106:5 , who indeed alone is the glory of his people, Psa 89:17 148:14 .

Poole: Jer 4:3 - -- To the men Heb. man , i.e. to each man; I speak to every individual among you, Eze 20:7,8 .
Of Judah and Jerusalem: the Lord having spoke what he ...
To the men Heb. man , i.e. to each man; I speak to every individual among you, Eze 20:7,8 .
Of Judah and Jerusalem: the Lord having spoke what he had to say at present to Israel, turns now his speech from Israel to Judah, and so continues it; which consists of several subjects, and first begins with repentance.
Break up your fallow ground i.e. prepare your hearts by making them soft, tender, and pliable, fit to embrace my word; a metaphor taken from ploughmen, that do either prepare the ground that hath lain some time waste and untilled, by tearing up the surface of the earth, making it mellow and soft to receive the seed; (for the Hebrew word nir seems to be of larger extent than bare preparation; God useth the same word when he speaks to the same purpose to Israel, Hos 10:13 ; and so it is used Pro 13:23 ) or it may relate to both, that every thing that may be injurious to the seed may be stubbed up. Or rather, From such as plough the ground.
Sow not among thorns rid you hearts and hands of what may hinder you of embracing my word; grub up all those briers, and thorns, and mischievous weeds that will not suffer my counsels to take, or my graces to thrive, with you; such as use to overrun the sluggard’ s field, Pro 24:30,31 . Here the Lord begins to call upon them to repent. The phrase seems to intimate that the Jews had been wont to mix the truths of God among their own inventions, as seed among thorns, and so corrupted it; as also, that they retained many secret and hidden sins, like hypocrites, which he exhorts them to eradicate.

Poole: Jer 4:4 - -- Circumcise yourselves put away your natural corruptions; which was signified by the sacrament of circumcision, Col 2:11 ; see 1Pe 3:21 ; the same thi...
Circumcise yourselves put away your natural corruptions; which was signified by the sacrament of circumcision, Col 2:11 ; see 1Pe 3:21 ; the same thing with the other, but expressed in other words.
To the Lord or, to me, viz. so as I will approve. Take away the fore-skins of your heart; let it be inward, not outward, viz. in the flesh only, (in which you so much glory in the sight of men,) but take away that brawniness and obstinacy that (having to do with God, who hath respect unto the heart) is upon your hearts, Deu 10:16 Eze 44:9 Act 7:51 Rom 2:29 .
Lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it not only fierce and consuming, like fire, Deu 4:24 ; but unquenchable, especially when it gets among your thorns, Jer 4:3, which are very apt to kindle, Isa 10:17 ; lest you proceed so far in your obstinacy that I will not be appeased, Jer 21:12 Amo 5:6 ; there being nothing that stirs up God to anger but sin, as in the next clause, which is an explication of those metaphors of thorns and foreskins.

Poole: Jer 4:5 - -- The Lord being now about to bring enemies upon them, he bespeaks them in martial language, by stirring them to a speedy provision, and warning of th...
The Lord being now about to bring enemies upon them, he bespeaks them in martial language, by stirring them to a speedy provision, and warning of them of the nature of their approaching judgment; not famine or plague within them, but a foreign enemy from without, Jer 6 1 , viz. the coming of Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans.
Cry that your voice may be heard afar off, that all may hear.
Gather together either to unite your forces, or to take counsel what to do, that you may be in safety; the same thing with
Assemble yourselves implying that the calamity was general.
Let us go into the defenced cities to secure from these invasions that are coming upon us.

Poole: Jer 4:6 - -- Set up the standard i.e. for them to resort to, as is usual in war; and it is therefore said to he towards Zion or Jerusalem, as being a signal to sh...
Set up the standard i.e. for them to resort to, as is usual in war; and it is therefore said to he towards Zion or Jerusalem, as being a signal to show them whither they should repair; see Jer 1:5 ; Jerusalem being their principal place of strength, and Zion the strongest part of it, 2Sa 5:6,7 .
Retire or, strengthen ; fortify or strengthen yourselves for the fight. Or rather, make haste away, as men use to do in a great fight, viz. for your security: such a use there is of the word Isa 10:31 Jer 6:1 , which sense is confirmed by the next words,
stay not or, as some, stay not yourselves in sin , where you promise yourselves security.
I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction i.e. I am about to bring a great destruction upon you from Chaldea, Jer 1:13-15 . Some take this and the former verse to be spoken ironically.

Poole: Jer 4:7 - -- The lion is come up from his thicket i.e. Nebuchadnezzar, called here a lion from his fierceness and strength, Pro 30:30 ; a metaphor; especially in ...
The lion is come up from his thicket i.e. Nebuchadnezzar, called here a lion from his fierceness and strength, Pro 30:30 ; a metaphor; especially in this expedition; see Isa 5:27-29 shall come up from Babylon, where his chief seat is, Dan 4:30 ; as lions are principally among the thickets of the forest, in coverts; this place being so remote and hid from them, that they least expected trouble to arise from thence.
The destroyer of the Gentiles another description of the same person, of whose destroying armies the nations have had woeful experience, Isa 14:16,17 , called the hammer of the whole earth , Jer 50:23 : q.d. And how shall you think to escape him?
Is on his way i.e. as it is expressed in the next clause, he is gone forth from his place, he is already upon his march.
To make thy land desolate i.e. with a resolution so to do.
Shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant i.e. as places uninhabited soon lie waste, and are overgrown with grass, as the notation of the word seems to import.

Poole: Jer 4:8 - -- Gird you with sackcloth the usual habit of mourners, especially in those days, Isa 22:12 Jer 6:26 : it is a calling upon them to repent.
Lament and ...
Gird you with sackcloth the usual habit of mourners, especially in those days, Isa 22:12 Jer 6:26 : it is a calling upon them to repent.
Lament and howl: probably these expressions do import the several ways that men have to set forth their bitter complaints and sorrows of the mind, both by the gestures of the body, Jer 2:37 Luk 18:13 , and expressions of the tongue, Psa 32:3 Isa 59:11 .
Is not turned back from us neither will it, until it have accomplished its ends, Jer 30:24 .

Poole: Jer 4:9 - -- The heart of the king shall perish the king, viz. of Judah, and the great men, that should have encouraged the people in such a calamitous day, and b...
The heart of the king shall perish the king, viz. of Judah, and the great men, that should have encouraged the people in such a calamitous day, and been their great support, shall not only be afraid, but their own hearts shall melt within them, they shall be even at their wits’ end; see Jos 5:1 ; they shall have no heart at all to do any thing; they shall not be able to help their people, either by their counsel or arms; their courage will utterly fail, and their counsel perish. See Psa 73:26 . This was fulfilled in Zedekiah, Jer 39 Jer 42 , whose flight would not advantage him.
Shall be astonished shall be in such a consternation, that they shall not know what course to take.
The prophets viz. false prophets, that had nothing but visions of peace for them, Eze 13:16 Zec 13:3,4 Jer 8:11 . See Jer 4:10 .
Shall wonder not so much at the disappointment of their prophecies, for they knew well enough they were false, Jer 23:26,27 , as that they should be possessed with the same horror and frights with the rest, not knowing where to show, or rather to hide, their heads for the shame that would fall upon them; when their lies should be discovered, they would be put to shame, and perish with the rest, and whither shall they cause their shame to go.

Poole: Jer 4:10 - -- Ah, Lord God: the Hebrew aha is a word both of admiration and lamentation together; they are Jeremiah’ s words and complaint breathed out in t...
Ah, Lord God: the Hebrew aha is a word both of admiration and lamentation together; they are Jeremiah’ s words and complaint breathed out in the great sorrow and. sighing of soul, which he expresseth more emphatically Jer 23:9 .
Surely thou hast greatly deceived this people either hast suffered them to be thus deluded by these false prophets, Isa 63:17 Eze 14:9 ; compare 1Ki 22:21-23 2Th 2:11 ; or possibly it may be read better by way of interrogation: q.d. How can it possibly be that thou shouldst suffer thy people to be thus deluded by their false prophets, Num 23:19 , thou being a God that canst not lie? Tit 1:2 .
Ye shall have peace: under the word peace is comprised and intended all good, intimating all things should go on prosperously with them. Gen 37:14 ; and seems the rather to be thus expressed, because it was the common language and phrase of the false prophets, Jer 8:11 23:17 .
Whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul: to persuade them it should be well with them, when the sword is at the door, not only ready to take away the comforts of life, but even life itself, soul being put for life , Jer 4:30 Psa 69:1 Mat 16:25,26 . It may intimate also a great cutting off and slaughter among them, especially their great ones; they being, as it were, the soul of the people.

Poole: Jer 4:11 - -- At that time viz. when Nebuchadnezzar is upon this expedition, Jer 4:7 , shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem; there shall be tidings bro...
At that time viz. when Nebuchadnezzar is upon this expedition, Jer 4:7 , shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem; there shall be tidings brought both to the country and city, Jer 4:5 .
A dry wind: the meaning is, a drying wind, such as shall blast and scorch where it comes, without any rain or moisture, or any other way for use or refreshment, as the last word in the verse intimates; and it may also allude unto the coast from whence this wind comes, viz. from Babylon, or the north, which drives away rain, Pro 25:23 ; for it points at the stormy and furious irruption of the Babylonian army, destroying all before them, a metaphorical allegory, Jer 23:19 30:23,24 .
In the wilderness or, in the plain, where there is no stop or obstacle in the way to hinder the wind, or to break its fury, Isa 21:1 Jer 13:24 . See Poole "Isa 63:13" .
Toward i.e. directly and designedly, coming along in the way leading to my people; for so we are to understand this expression,
the daughter of my people as the daughter of Zion , Isa 1:8 , or rather, the daughter Zion , which is as comely and beautiful in my eyes and tender to me as a daughter, Jer 9:1 .
Not to fan, nor to cleanse not such a gentle wind which is made choice of to separate the chaff from the wheat, the bad from the good; but so boisterous and violent, that it shall depopulate, sweep away, and lay waste all together, Jer 51:1 Eze 21:3 .

Poole: Jer 4:12 - -- A full wind from those places Heb. fuller than they . A wind too strong for them. This is a further description of the former wind; it shall be full...
A full wind from those places Heb. fuller than they . A wind too strong for them. This is a further description of the former wind; it shall be full, even a fuller wind, that shall do its work thoroughly.
Shall come unto me: these are either God’ s words: q. d. It shall presently come to me, to receive my commission, and be at my beck, and do my will, Psa 148:8 . Or they relate, as it were, what will be the language of the people at that time
unto me for against me.
Now also will I give sentence: q.d. The coming of this terrible wind shall in effect speak the execution of my judgment upon them, which is pointed at by this word now, viz. at the time of the coming of this terrible storm from Chaldea. Heb. utter judgment , viz. not by word, but by deed; my judgments shall speak as well as my prophets.

Poole: Jer 4:13 - -- He shall come up as clouds either noting the vast number of them, Isa 60:8 Heb 12:1 ; or the suddenness of them, when not expected, clouds often risi...
He shall come up as clouds either noting the vast number of them, Isa 60:8 Heb 12:1 ; or the suddenness of them, when not expected, clouds often rising on a sudden, and overspreading the whole face of the heavens; or rather, the great speed and swiftness with which Nebuchadnezzar shall march against them, Isa 19:1 , hyperbolically described by the swiftness of eagles in this verse, Jer 48:8 .
His chariots shall be as a whirlwind which beside the swiftness, notes also the confusion and amazement that they will cause, Isa 66:15 .
Woe unto us! for we are spoiled: the dreadful apprehensions that the people have of their woeful condition, or possibly the words of the prophet lamenting their misery.

Poole: Jer 4:14 - -- O Jerusalem, wash thine heart cleanse your inward parts, O ye men of Jerusalem; not your hands only, as hypocrites do, but your hearts, Jam 4:8 . The...
O Jerusalem, wash thine heart cleanse your inward parts, O ye men of Jerusalem; not your hands only, as hypocrites do, but your hearts, Jam 4:8 . The same exhortation with Jer 4:3,4 , only in another metaphor of washing, which seems to be taken from such potions first physicians give to clear away the inward parts from noxious humours. See Isa 1:16,17 .
From wickedness viz. from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2Co 7:1 Jam 1:21 .
That thou mayest be saved: this hath reference in this place to temporal salvation; it is prescribed as a means to prevent the judgments that are impending on them, as is plainly expressed, Jer 4:4 , yet not exclusive of spiritual salvation, 2Th 2:13 Tit 3:5 .
Vain thoughts wicked thoughts, or rather hopes or expectation from any helps, Jer 2:5,37 ; pleasing thyself with vain fancies of safety and security, which thoughts of thine will assuredly bring ruin and misery upon thee, which is inevitably coming, as in the next verse.

Poole: Jer 4:15 - -- A voice i.e. either the voice of the prophets, that is still sounding it in your ears, and declaring it unto you; or rather, the rumour and noise of ...
A voice i.e. either the voice of the prophets, that is still sounding it in your ears, and declaring it unto you; or rather, the rumour and noise of this army is already come through your land; you have the heavy tidings of this great affliction, Jer 8:16 , to note the near approach of it.
Declareth from Dan: this is said to come from Dan and Ephraim, because Dan was the first place these Chaldeans must come to, it being the utmost boundary of Canaan northward, and Ephraim the innermost border of Israel in the north of Judea, intimating the march of the Babylonians through all Israel toward Jerusalem.
Haydock: Jer 4:1 - -- Gone. Beasts feel the wrath of God, and in a land uninhabited; not even birds will remain, Osee iv. 3. (St. Jerome)
Gone. Beasts feel the wrath of God, and in a land uninhabited; not even birds will remain, Osee iv. 3. (St. Jerome)

Blocks; idols, (Calmet) and other occasions of sin. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jer 4:2 - -- Swear, when requisite. (Calmet) ---
Thus thou wilt learn to confess one God. (Theodoret) ---
If all were upright, oaths would be unnecessary, Mat...
Swear, when requisite. (Calmet) ---
Thus thou wilt learn to confess one God. (Theodoret) ---
If all were upright, oaths would be unnecessary, Matthew v. 34. But as they are not so, (Calmet) this may be a religious act. (Worthington) ---
Justice. These three conditions are essential. (Haydock) ---
Him; the people, (Calmet) or God. (St. Jerome) ---
An oath must attest God, and be used when a thing is true and of moment. (Worthington)

Thorns. Your misconduct hinders your advancement. (Calmet)

Hearts. Understand, and act with purity. (Haydock)

Robber. Nabuchodonosor attacks unjustly, (Calmet) though he be God's scourge.

Heart; counsel and vigour. ---
Prophets of falsehood.

Haydock: Jer 4:10 - -- Alas! Protestants, "Then I said: Ah! Lord God, surely thou hast deceived," &c., (Haydock) by permitting the people to follow false prophets, Isaias ...
Alas! Protestants, "Then I said: Ah! Lord God, surely thou hast deceived," &c., (Haydock) by permitting the people to follow false prophets, Isaias lxi. 17., and Psalm xliii. 19.

Haydock: Jer 4:11 - -- Desert of Arabia. It may designate Nechao, (2 Paralipomenon xxxv. 20.) who slew Josias, after whose death all fell to ruin.
Desert of Arabia. It may designate Nechao, (2 Paralipomenon xxxv. 20.) who slew Josias, after whose death all fell to ruin.

Haydock: Jer 4:15 - -- Ephraim. At Bethel and Dan the calves were adored. (Calmet) ---
But they were now no more. (Haydock) ---
The irruption of Nabuchodonosor is anno...
Ephraim. At Bethel and Dan the calves were adored. (Calmet) ---
But they were now no more. (Haydock) ---
The irruption of Nabuchodonosor is announced. He set himself up for a god.
Gill: Jer 4:1 - -- If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord,.... To which they had been encouraged, and as they had promised they would, and said they did, Jer 3:14...
If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord,.... To which they had been encouraged, and as they had promised they would, and said they did, Jer 3:14,
return unto me; with thy whole heart, and not feignedly and hypocritically, as Judah did, Jer 3:10. Some render the words (and the accents require they should be rendered so) "if thou wilt return to me, O Israel, saith the Lord, thou shalt return" l; that is, to thine own land, being now in captivity; or, "thou shalt rest" m; or "have rest"; so Kimchi interprets the last word; see Jer 30:10, and these words may very well be considered as the words of Christ, and as spoken by him, when he entered upon his ministry, who began it with calling the people of the Jews to repentance, and promising to give them rest; and all such who return to God by repentance, and come to Christ by faith, find spiritual rest for their souls now, and shall have an eternal rest hereafter, Mat 4:17,
and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight; not only their sins, but their self-righteousness, and dependence upon it; the rites and ceremonies of the old law abolished by Christ, together with the traditions of the elders, by which they made void the commandments of God; all which were abominations in the sight of the Lord, Isa 1:13,
then shalt thou not remove; from thine own land again when restored, or further off, into more distant countries, for they were now in captivity; or rather the words may be rendered, not as a promise, but as a continuation of what is before said,
and not move to and fro n; or be unstable and wavering, tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, and precept of men; but be established in the faith of the Gospel, and steadfast and immovable in every good work. The Targum is:
"if thou wilt return, O Israel, to my worship, saith the Lord, thy return shall be received before thy decree is sealed; and if thou wilt take away thine abominations from before me, thou shalt not be moved;''
or wander about.

Gill: Jer 4:2 - -- And thou shalt swear, the Lord liveth,.... Or by the living Lord, by him and him only; not by the creatures, but by the God of truth. This is sometime...
And thou shalt swear, the Lord liveth,.... Or by the living Lord, by him and him only; not by the creatures, but by the God of truth. This is sometimes put for the whole worship and service of God, Deu 6:13 and for a confession of Christ, and profession of faith in him, Isa 45:23, compared with Rom 14:11 and which ought to be done,
in truth, in righteousness, and in judgment; in sincerity, integrity, and uprightness of soul; in spirit and in, truth; in righteousness and true holiness:
and the nations shall bless themselves in him, not in Israel, as the Targum, Jarchi, and Kimchi, interpret it; but in the Lord, even in the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom all the nations of the earth were to be blessed with all spiritual blessings; with which being blessed, they call and count themselves happy, being pardoned through the blood of Christ, justified by his righteousness, and having peace, life, and salvation by him, Gen 22:18,
and in him shall they glory; not in themselves, nor in any creature, or creature enjoyment; but in the Lord, and in what he is to them, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; in whom all the seed of Israel, being justified, glory; see 1Co 1:30. The sense of the words seems to be, that upon the Gospel being preached by Christ and his apostles to the Israelites, and some of them being converted, and their abominations put away, and they cleaving to the Lord, and to his worship; the Gentiles should have the Gospel sent to them, and receive it, and place all their blessedness in Christ, and glory in him.

Gill: Jer 4:3 - -- For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem,.... The two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, who were at the time of this prophecy in their ow...
For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem,.... The two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, who were at the time of this prophecy in their own land; and so are distinguished from Israel the ten tribes, who were in captivity; unless the same persons should be meant, who were called by these several names, the people of the Jews; and it was in Judea that our Lord appeared in the flesh, and to the inhabitants thereof he ministered, he was the minister of the circumcision; and so to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, whom he called to repentance, and would have gathered, Mat 23:37,
break up your fallow ground; this is ground that lies untilled, not ploughed, nor sown, on which nothing grows but the produce of nature, as weeds, thorns, briers, &c. is common to men and beasts, and is trodden upon, and, so is hard and unsusceptible of seed; which, if it accidentally falls upon it, makes no impression on it, and is not received by it; and the breaking of it up is by the plough. The "fallow ground" fitly represents the hearts of unregenerate men, which are unopened to the word, and unbroken by it; nor have they the seed of divine grace sown in them; but are destitute of faith, hope, love, fear, and the like; there is nothing grows there but the weeds of sin and corruption; and are like a common beaten road; are the common track of sin, where lusts pass to and fro, and dwell; and so are hardened and obdurate, as hard as a stone, yea, harder than the nether millstone; and who, though they may occasionally be under the word, it makes no impression on them; it has no place in them, but is like the seed that falls by the wayside, Mat 13:4, unless divine power attends it; for the Gospel is the plough, and ministers are the ploughmen; but it is the Lord alone that makes it effectual to the breaking up the fallow ground of men's hearts, Luk 9:62, but when the Lord puts his hand to the plough it enters within, and opens the heart; it is quick, powerful, and sharp; it cuts deep, and makes long and large furrows, even strong convictions of sin; it throws a man's inside outward, as the plough does the earth; and lays all the wicked of his heart open to him; and roots up the pride, the vanity, and boasting of the creature, and other lusts; and so makes way for the seed of divine grace to be sown there:
and sow not among thorns; or, "that ye may not sow among thorns" o; for, unless the fallow ground is broken up, it will be no other than sowing among thorns; and unless the hearts of men are opened by the power and grace of God, they will not attend to the things that are spoken; preaching and eating the word will be like sowing among thorns; cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, the pleasures of life, and the lusts thereof, which are comparable to thorns, because pricking, perplexing, and distressing, and because vain and unprofitable, choke the word, and make it unfruitful; see Mat 13:7, now this exhortation in the text does not suppose power in man to break up and open his heart; but to show his want of renewing grace; the necessity of it; and the danger he is in without it; and to awaken in him a concern for it; see Eze 18:31. The words may be applied to backsliding professors, since backsliding Israel and Judah are the persons addressed; and this may be done with great propriety and pertinence to the simile; for fallow ground is that which has been broke up and sown, and laid fallow. It is usual to till and sow two years, and lay fallow a third: and backsliding Christians look very much like fallow ground; so faithless, so lukewarm, and indifferent; so inattentive to the word, and unconcerned under it; so barren and unfruitful, as if they had never had any faith, or love, or good work in them; so that they need to be renewed in the spirit of their minds; to have a new face of things put upon them: and to have a clean heart, and a right spirit, created in them. The Targum is,
"make to yourselves good works, and seek not salvation in sins.''

Gill: Jer 4:4 - -- Circumcise yourselves to the Lord,.... Or, "be ye circumcised", as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions render it. This is to be understood of th...
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord,.... Or, "be ye circumcised", as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions render it. This is to be understood of the circumcision of the heart, as Kimchi observes; and as appears from the following words:
and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; this is the true spiritual circumcision; and they that are possessed of it are the circumcision, the only truly circumcised persons; and they are such who have been pricked to the heart, and thoroughly convinced of sin; who have had the hardness of their hearts removed, and the impurity of it laid open to them; which they have beheld with shame and loathing, and have felt an inward pain on account of it; and who have been enabled to deny themselves, to renounce their own righteousness, and put off the body of the sins of the flesh: and though men are exhorted to do this themselves, yet elsewhere the Lord promises to do it for them, Deu 30:6, and indeed it is purely his own work; or otherwise it could not he called, as it is, "circumcision without hands", and "whose praise is not of man, but of God", Col 2:11, and the reason of this exhortation, as before, is to convince those Jews, who were circumcised in the flesh, and rested and gloried in that, that their hearts were not circumcised, and that there was a necessity of it, and they in danger for want of it; as follows:
lest my fury come forth like fire; to which the wrath of God is sometimes compared, Nah 1:6 and is sometimes signified by a furnace and lake of fire, even his eternal wrath and vengeance:
and burn that none can quench it; such is the fire of divine wrath; it is unquenchable; it is everlasting, Mar 9:43,
because of the evil of your doings; which are so provoking to the eyes of his glory; the sins of men are the fuel to the fire of his wrath, and cause it to burn to the lowest hell, without the least degree of mercy. The Targum is,
"turn to the worship of the Lord, and take away the wickedness of your hearts, lest my fury burn as fire, and consume without mercy, because of the evil of your doings.''

Gill: Jer 4:5 - -- Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem, and say,.... Exhortations to repentance being without effect in general, though they might have an infl...
Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem, and say,.... Exhortations to repentance being without effect in general, though they might have an influence on some few particular persons, the Lord directs the prophet to lay before the people a view of their destruction as near at hand; who calls upon some persons as a sort of heralds, to publish and declare in the land of Judea, and in Jerusalem the metropolis of it, what follows:
blow ye the trumpet in the land; as an alarm of an approaching enemy, and of an invasion by him, and of danger from him; and this was to be done, not in order to gather together, and put themselves in a posture of defence, to meet the enemy, and give him battle; but to get together, that were in the fields, and in country villages, and hide themselves from him:
cry, gather together, and say; or cry with a full mouth, with a loud voice, that all might hear; which shows imminent danger:
assemble yourselves and let us go into the defenced cities; such as Jerusalem, and others, where they might think themselves safe and secure; see Mat 24:16.

Gill: Jer 4:6 - -- Set up the standard toward Zion,.... Not on the tower of Zion, as Kimchi interprets it; but on some high place, pointing to Zion, and directing the co...
Set up the standard toward Zion,.... Not on the tower of Zion, as Kimchi interprets it; but on some high place, pointing to Zion, and directing the country people to flee thither for safety; for the setting up of the standard here is not for enlisting of soldiers in order to fight, but as a sign of danger, and a direction where to flee from it:
retire; gather yourselves together in order to flee, as the word p is rendered in Isa 10:31, though some render it, "be ye strengthened" q; take heart, and play the man; but this does not seem so agreeable to the context:
stay not; or, "stand not"; stand not in the place ye are in, but move from it in all haste, because of present danger:
for I will bring evil from the north; from Babylon, as Kimchi interprets it; which lay north to the land of Israel; and so designs the captivity Judah should be brought into there:
and a great destruction or, "breach" r; which the Babylonians should make on the inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem.

Gill: Jer 4:7 - -- The lion is come up from his thicket,.... Meaning Nebuchadnezzar s, from Babylon, who is compared to a lion for his strength, fierceness, and cruelty;...
The lion is come up from his thicket,.... Meaning Nebuchadnezzar s, from Babylon, who is compared to a lion for his strength, fierceness, and cruelty; see Jer 50:17 so the Roman emperor is called a lion, 2Ti 4:17, agreeably to this the Targum paraphrases it,
"a king is gone from his fortress;''
or tower; and the Syriac version,
"a certain most powerful king is about to go up as a lion out of his wood:''
and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he who had conquered and destroyed other nations not a few, and these mighty and strong; and therefore the Jews could not expect but to be destroyed by him. This tyrant was a type of antichrist, whose name is Apollyon, a destroyer of the nations of the earth, Rev 9:11.
he is gone forth from his place, to make thy land desolate; from Babylon, where his royal palace was, in order to lay waste the land of Judea; and he is represented as being come out, and on the road with this view, to strike the inhabitants of Judea with the greater terror, and to hasten their flight, their destruction being determined and certain:
and thy cities shall be laid waste without an inhabitant; they shall become so utterly desolate, that there should be none dwelling in them, partly by reason of the multitudes of the slain, and partly by reason of multitudes that should flee; and should be laid waste to such a degree, that they should be covered with grass growing upon them; which is the signification of the word t here used, according to R. Joseph Kimchi.

Gill: Jer 4:8 - -- For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl,.... That is, because of this destruction threatened, which was so near at hand, and so sure and cer...
For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl,.... That is, because of this destruction threatened, which was so near at hand, and so sure and certain:
for the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us. The Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, render it "from you" and some render it "from it" u; from his purpose and design to destroy the Jews. Jarchi interprets this of Josiah, and his times, who, though he turned to the Lord with all his heart, yet the Lord turned not from the fierceness of his wrath and anger against Judah, 2Ki 23:25.

Gill: Jer 4:9 - -- And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the Lord,.... When Nebuchadnezzar should be come up from Babylon into the land of Judea, and lay waste th...
And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the Lord,.... When Nebuchadnezzar should be come up from Babylon into the land of Judea, and lay waste the cities thereof, and besiege Jerusalem:
that the heart of the king shall perish; meaning Zedekiah king of Judah, who should be in the utmost fright and consternation, not knowing what to do, being devoid both of wisdom and courage; see Jer 39:4,
and the heart of the princes; who being seized with the same panic, and at their wits' end, would not be able to give any advice and counsel to the king; so that the people would have no help from the king and his nobles, in whom they put their confidence:
and the priests shall be astonished; which Kimchi interprets of the priests of the high places, the idolatrous priests, whose service would now cease, and whose idols would not save them:
and the prophets shall wonder; which he also interprets of the false prophets; as does the Targum; who prophesied peace, and now they shall see it was a lie they prophesied, since sudden destruction now comes upon them.

Gill: Jer 4:10 - -- Then said I, ah, Lord God!.... Expressing great sorrow and concern: this "ah" is by way of lamentation. The Targum interprets it as a petition,
Then said I, ah, Lord God!.... Expressing great sorrow and concern: this "ah" is by way of lamentation. The Targum interprets it as a petition,
"and I said, receive my prayer, O Lord God:''
surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem: what the false prophets did, that God is said to do, because he suffered them to deceive the people; see 1Ki 22:20. The Targum ascribes the deception to the false prophets, and not to God,
"surely behold the false prophets deceive this people, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem;''
or this may be ironically said, because the false prophets pretended to speak in the name of the Lord; wherefore Jeremiah says, "surely thou hast greatly deceived", &c. "saying, ye shall have peace"; as the false prophets did, Jer 6:14,
whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul; takes away the life, many are slain by it; so the Targum,
"and now behold the sword killeth among the people;''
great slaughter is made by it. L'Empereur w observes that the word here used signifies, in the Arabic language, to educate or bring up; and then the sense is,
"ah, Lord, thou hast brought up this people with great tenderness, and promised them all manner of happiness; but now thou thunderest out threatenings of calamities of all sorts, and death itself; and assigned a place for the sword to enter into their very souls;''
so the Arabic word used in the version of Act 22:2.

Gill: Jer 4:11 - -- At that time shall it be said to this people, and to Jerusalem,.... The inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem, the people of the Jews; or "concerning" x ...
At that time shall it be said to this people, and to Jerusalem,.... The inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem, the people of the Jews; or "concerning" x them, as Jarchi interprets it:
a dry wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people. The Targum is,
"as the south wind upon the heads of floods of water in the wilderness, so is the way of the congregation of my people;''
but rather the north wind is designed, since that is a dry one, and the south wind a moist one; and the rather, since this wind intends Nebuchadnezzar and his army, which should come from Babylon, from the north. Some render it, "a neat clean wind" y; which strips the trees, lays bare rocks and mountains, carries away the earth and dust before it, and makes the stones look white and clean: it denotes a very strong, rushing, stormy, and boisterous wind. The Vulgate Latin version renders it, "a burning one"; and it represents the force and power with which the enemy should come, without any opposition or resistance to him; for a wind on high places, hills, and mountains, and which comes through deserts and wildernesses, has nothing to hinder it, as Kimchi observes; whereas, when it blows in habitable places, there are houses, walls, hedges, and fences, which resist it; and it is observed, that in the way from Babylon to Judea, which the prophet calls "the daughter of my people", were many desert places. The Septuagint version is, "the spirit of error in the desert, the way of the daughter of my people"; which the Syriac and Arabic versions seem to follow; the former rendering it, "as the wind that wanders through the paths of the desert, so is the way of the daughter of my people"; and the latter thus, "there is a spirit of error in the desert, in the way of the daughter of my people";
not to purity, nor to holiness, as it with the Septuagint renders the next clause: "not to fan, nor to cleanse"; of which use a more moderate wind is in winnowing and cleansing the corn from chaff, and light and useless grain.

Gill: Jer 4:12 - -- Even a full wind from those places shall come unto me,.... That is, a strong one, very vehement; or, "a wind which is fuller than these", as the Syria...
Even a full wind from those places shall come unto me,.... That is, a strong one, very vehement; or, "a wind which is fuller than these", as the Syriac version renders it; which is stronger than those winds which are fit for fanning and winnowing the chaff from the wheat. Jarchi interprets it, a wind full of those punishments which God had threatened, and determined to bring upon this people, and would not turn from, nor repent of: and the phrase "shall come unto me" regards not the prophet, nor the people of the Jews, whom he represented, but the Lord himself; and shows that the wind is at his command, and when he calls, it comes unto him, and obeys his will, Psa 148:8 and that all afflictions, judgments, and punishments for sin, are from him:
now also will l give sentence against them; not the prophet, but the Lord, who would now call them to his bar, try their cause, reprove them for their sins, pronounce sentence against them, and execute it. The Targum is,
"because they have wandered after the false prophets, who prophesied to them in a spirit of falsehood; therefore the armies of the people, higher than those, as the wind shall come against them; even now by my word I will bring them, and pronounce the vengeance of my judgments on them.''

Gill: Jer 4:13 - -- Behold, he shall come up as clouds,.... Meaning the lion, Nebuchadnezzar, Jer 4:7,
"the king with his army (as the Targum paraphrases it); he shall...
Behold, he shall come up as clouds,.... Meaning the lion, Nebuchadnezzar, Jer 4:7,
"the king with his army (as the Targum paraphrases it); he shall come up against them as a cloud that ascendeth and covers the earth.''
"come up against them as a cloud that ascendeth and covers the earth.''
The metaphor denotes the swiftness of his coming, and the multitudes he should come with, and that darkness and distress he should bring with him upon the people of the Jews:
and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind; for swiftness, power, and violence: chariots for war are intended; see Isa 5:28,
his horses are swifter than eagles: the swiftest of birds. The same thing is designed as by the other metaphors; the swiftness and suddenness of the Jews' destruction:
woe unto us, for we are spoiled; their destruction was inevitable, there was no escaping it; and therefore their case was woeful and miserable.

Gill: Jer 4:14 - -- O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness,.... These are the words of the prophet, or of God by the prophet, showing the cause of all their ruin a...
O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness,.... These are the words of the prophet, or of God by the prophet, showing the cause of all their ruin and destruction, the wickedness of their hearts; and they are expressed in such form and language, as to be accommodated to the case of any unregenerate sinner: every man's heart is wicked, desperately wicked, even wickedness itself; everything in it is wicked; the thoughts, and the imagination of the thoughts of the heart, the mind, the understanding, the will, the conscience, and the affections; and everything that is wicked is in that: it is the womb in which all sin is conceived; the shop and forge in which it is wrought; it is the habitation of every unclean lust; the seeds and principles of all sin are in it; it is the fountain spring and source of all evil; of all evil thoughts, words, and actions; all come out of it, and have their rise in it: and this wickedness is of a defiling nature, and has left a pollution on it; and what comes out of it defiles the man, that he stands in need of washing; which cannot be done to purpose by ceremonial ablutions and sacrifices, by moral acts of righteousness, by humiliation and tears, nor by submission to Gospel ordinances; nor indeed is this to be done by man at all, any other way than by faith dealing with the blood of Christ, by which only the heart is purified: for this is God's work, as appears from his promises to cleanse his people from all sins; from their prayers to him, to create in them clean hearts, to wash them thoroughly from their iniquity, and cleanse them from their sin; from the sanctifying grace of the Spirit, and the washing of regeneration ascribed to him; and from the end and efficacy of the bloodshed of Christ, to cleanse from sin, and purge the conscience from dead works; and the design of such exhortations as these is to convince men of the wickedness and pollution of their hearts, of the necessity of being washed from it, and of their own inability to do it of themselves; and to lead them to the fountain of Christ's blood, to wash in for sin and for uncleanness:
that thou mayest be saved; not only with a temporal salvation, which may be here primarily meant; but with a spiritual and eternal one; for without purification of the heart there is no salvation: this is the meetness for the undefiled inheritance; without the washing of regeneration, there is no seeing nor entering into the kingdom of God; and unless we are washed by Christ, and in his blood, we can have no part nor portion with him in the heavenly glory; none shall ascend the holy hill, or dwell in the holy place, but such who have clean hands, and a pure heart; without this there is no seeing of God, nor having communion with him; this is the way in which he saves men, Tit 3:5,
how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee? or, "wilt thou suffer them to lodge within thee?" z if the question is of right, the answer is, they ought not to lodge one night, one hour, one moment; but if it is of fact, the answer is, they will have a place in the heart as long as we are in this tabernacle; but the words are spoken by way of complaint and reproof: the thoughts of men's hearts are vain, are taken up about vain and foolish things; and these not only pass to and fro, but have a lodging in the heart; and particularly vain are the thoughts of those who think themselves pure, and that their hearts are good, and trust in them; or that they can wash themselves from their wickedness; and that an outward reformation of life and manners is sufficient; and who think they can be saved without the washing of regeneration, and the blood of Christ. The Targum is,
"cleanse thine heart from doing evil, O Jerusalem, that ye may be saved; how long shall they endure and be stable who do violence, which is in the midst of thee?''

Gill: Jer 4:15 - -- For a voice declareth from Dan,.... The coming of the enemy, as Kimchi explains it, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Chaldeans; a messenger was come fr...
For a voice declareth from Dan,.... The coming of the enemy, as Kimchi explains it, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Chaldeans; a messenger was come from Dan, which was on the border of the land of Israel to the north, on which side Babylon lay, and from whence the evil was to come predicted; who declared the enemy was approaching, just entering the land; not that this was now the case in fact, but this is represented in a prophetic manner, as what would be, in order to arouse and awaken the Jews to a sense of their sin and danger; see Jer 8:10.
and publisheth affliction from Mount Ephraim: which lay on the border of the tribe of Benjamin, and nearer to Jerusalem; and this publication represents the enemy as advancing nearer, and being just at hand. The word for "affliction" signifies "iniquity" a; and it denotes, that the affliction spoken of, which is the destruction of the Jews, and their captivity in Babylon, were occasioned by their sins. Some think that Dan and Ephraim are mentioned, because of the calves that were worshipped in Dan, and in Bethel, which was in the tribe of Ephraim. The Targum favours this, which paraphrases the words thus,
"for the voice of the prophets that prophesied against them that go into captivity, because they worshipped the calf, which is at Dan; and they that bring evil tidings, shall come upon them, because they served the image which Micah set up in the mount of the house of Ephraim;''
and the Vulgate Latin version is,
"the voice of him that declares from Dan, and that makes known the idol from Mount Ephraim.''

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Jer 4:1; Jer 4:1; Jer 4:1; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:2; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:3; Jer 4:4; Jer 4:4; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:5; Jer 4:6; Jer 4:6; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:7; Jer 4:8; Jer 4:9; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:11; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:12; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:13; Jer 4:14; Jer 4:15
NET Notes: Jer 4:1 Or possibly, “If you get those disgusting idols out of my sight, you will not need to flee.” This is less probable because the normal mean...

NET Notes: Jer 4:3 Heb “Plow up your unplowed ground and do not sow among the thorns.” The translation is an attempt to bring out the force of a metaphor. Th...

NET Notes: Jer 4:5 Heb “ram’s horn,” but the modern equivalent is “trumpet” and is more readily understandable.

NET Notes: Jer 4:8 Or “wail because the fierce anger of the Lord has not turned away from us.” The translation does not need to assume a shift in speaker as ...

NET Notes: Jer 4:10 Heb “touches the throat/soul.” For this use of the word usually translated “soul” or “life” cf. HALOT 672 s.v. ...

NET Notes: Jer 4:11 Heb “not for winnowing and not for cleansing.” The words “It will not be a gentle breeze” are not in the text but are implicit...

NET Notes: Jer 4:13 Heb “Woe to us!” The words “woe to” are common in funeral laments and at the beginning of oracles of judgment. In many context...

NET Notes: Jer 4:15 Heb “For a voice declaring from Dan and making heard disaster from the hills of Ephraim.”
Geneva Bible: Jer 4:1 If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the LORD, ( a ) return to me: and if thou wilt put away thy abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not be ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:2 And thou shalt ( b ) swear, The LORD liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him sh...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:3 For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up ( c ) your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.
( c ) He wills them to pluck ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:5 ( d ) Declare ye in Judah, and proclaim in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, confirm, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:6 Set up the standard toward Zion: ( e ) retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.
( e ) He speaks this to admon...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:7 The ( f ) lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:9 And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, [that] the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:10 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly ( h ) deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; though the sword reacheth t...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:11 At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem, A dry ( i ) wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people,...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:13 Behold, he shall come up as ( l ) clouds, and his chariots [shall be] as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. ( m ) Woe to us! for we are ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 4:15 For a voice declareth from ( n ) Dan, and proclaimeth affliction from mount ( o ) Ephraim.
( n ) Which was a city in the utmost border of Israel nort...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Jer 4:1-31
TSK Synopsis: Jer 4:1-31 - --1 God calls Israel by his promise.3 He exhorts Judah to repentance by fearful judgments.19 A grievous lamentation for Judah.
MHCC: Jer 4:1-2 - --The first two verses should be read with the last chapter. Sin must be put away out of the heart, else it is not put away out of God's sight, for the ...

MHCC: Jer 4:3-4 - --An unhumbled heart is like ground untilled. It is ground which may be improved; it is our ground let out to us; but it is fallow; it is over-grown wit...

MHCC: Jer 4:5-18 - --The fierce conqueror of the neighbouring nations was to make Judah desolate. The prophet was afflicted to see the people lulled into security by false...
Matthew Henry: Jer 4:1-2 - -- When God called to backsliding Israel to return (Jer 3:22) they immediately answered, Lord, we return; now God here takes notice of their answer, ...

Matthew Henry: Jer 4:3-4 - -- The prophet here turns his speech, in God's name, to the men of the place where he lived. We have heard what words he proclaimed towards the north ...

Matthew Henry: Jer 4:5-18 - -- God's usual method is to warn before he wounds. In these verses, accordingly, God gives notice to the Jews of the general desolation that would shor...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Jer 4:1-2; Jer 4:3-31; Jer 4:5-7; Jer 4:8; Jer 4:9; Jer 4:10; Jer 4:11-13; Jer 4:15-18
Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:1-2 - --
The answer of the Lord . - Jer 4:1. " If thou returnest, Israel, saith Jahveh, returnest to me; and if thou puttest away thine abominations from ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:3-31 - --
Threatening of Judgment upon Jerusalem and Judah. - If Judah and Jerusalem do not reform, the wrath of God will be inevitably kindled against them (...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:5-7 - --
From the north destruction approaches. - Jer 4:5. "Proclaim in Judah, and in Jerusalem let it be heard, and say, Blow the trumpet in the land; cry ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:8 - --
For this calamity the people was to mourn deeply. For the description of the mourning, cf. Joe 1:13; Mic 1:8. For the wrath of the Lord has not turn...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:9 - --
When this wrath bursts over them, the rulers and leaders of the people will be perplexed and helpless. The heart, i.e., the mind, is lot. For this u...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:10 - --
" Then said I, Ah, Lord Jahveh, truly Thou hast deceived this people and Jerusalem in saying, Peace shall be to you, and the sword is reaching unto ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:11-13 - --
Description of the impending ruin, from which nothing can save but speedy repentance. - Jer 4:11. " At that time shall it be said to this people and...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 4:15-18 - --
It is high time to cleanse oneself from sin, periculum in mora est ; for already calamity is announced from Dan, even from the Mount Ephraim. ק...
Constable -> Jer 2:1--45:5; Jer 2:1--25:38; Jer 2:1--6:30; Jer 3:1--4:5; Jer 4:1-4; Jer 4:5--7:1; Jer 4:5-10; Jer 4:11-18
Constable: Jer 2:1--45:5 - --II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45
The first series of prophetic announcements, reflections, and incidents th...

Constable: Jer 2:1--25:38 - --A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25
Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to t...

Constable: Jer 2:1--6:30 - --1. Warnings of coming punishment because of Judah's guilt chs. 2-6
Most of the material in this ...

Constable: Jer 3:1--4:5 - --Yahweh's call for His people's repentance 3:1-4:4
A passionate plea for repentance follo...

Constable: Jer 4:1-4 - --Gentile blessing through Israelite repentance 4:1-4
These verses provide the answer to God's question in 3:1. This is the repentance that was necessar...

Constable: Jer 4:5--7:1 - --Yahweh's declaration of divine judgment 4:5-6:30
The Judahites having sinned greatly (ch...

Constable: Jer 4:5-10 - --The sounding of the alarm that invasion was coming 4:5-10
4:5 The Lord instructed Jeremiah to call for the people of Judah to assemble in the main cit...