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Text -- Joel 3:1-20 (NET)

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The Lord Plans to Judge the Nations
3:1 For look! In those days and at that time I will return the exiles to Judah and Jerusalem. 3:2 Then I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. I will enter into judgment against them there concerning my people Israel who are my inheritance, whom they scattered among the nations. They partitioned my land, 3:3 and they cast lots for my people. They traded a boy for a prostitute; they sold a little girl for wine so they could drink. 3:4 Why are you doing these things to me, Tyre and Sidon? Are you trying to get even with me, land of Philistia? I will very quickly repay you for what you have done! 3:5 For you took my silver and my gold and brought my precious valuables to your own palaces. 3:6 You sold Judeans and Jerusalemites to the Greeks, removing them far from their own country. 3:7 Look! I am rousing them from that place to which you sold them. I will repay you for what you have done! 3:8 I will sell your sons and daughters to the people of Judah. They will sell them to the Sabeans, a nation far away. Indeed, the Lord has spoken!
Judgment in the Valley of Jehoshaphat
3:9 Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for a holy war! Call out the warriors! Let all these fighting men approach and attack! 3:10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears! Let the weak say, ‘I too am a warrior!’ 3:11 Lend your aid and come, all you surrounding nations, and gather yourselves to that place.” Bring down, O Lord, your warriors! 3:12 Let the nations be roused and let them go up to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit in judgment on all the surrounding nations. 3:13 Rush forth with the sickle, for the harvest is ripe! Come, stomp the grapes, for the winepress is full! The vats overflow. Indeed, their evil is great! 3:14 Crowds, great crowds are in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision! 3:15 The sun and moon are darkened; the stars withhold their brightness. 3:16 The Lord roars from Zion; from Jerusalem his voice bellows out. The heavens and the earth shake. But the Lord is a refuge for his people; he is a stronghold for the citizens of Israel.
The Lord’s Presence in Zion
3:17 You will be convinced that I the Lord am your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be holy– conquering armies will no longer pass through it. 3:18 On that day the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk. All the dry stream beds of Judah will flow with water. A spring will flow out from the temple of the Lord, watering the Valley of Acacia Trees. 3:19 Egypt will be desolate and Edom will be a desolate wilderness, because of the violence they did to the people of Judah, in whose land they shed innocent blood. 3:20 But Judah will reside securely forever, and Jerusalem will be secure from one generation to the next.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Edom resident(s) of the region of Edom
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Greeks a members of the nation of Greece
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jehoshaphat the son and successor of king Asa of Judah; the father of Jehoram; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ahilud; a recorder for King Solomon,an officer over collecting food supplies for King Solomon from Issachar; son of Paruah,son of Asa; King of Judah,son of Nimshi; father of King Jehu of Israel,a situation ("valley") of being judged (OS)
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Philistia the country of the Philistines which was the coastal plain of southwestern Palestine
 · Sabeans people of Seba /Sheba, known as traders or sometimes as bandits
 · Shittim final encampment of Israel before crossing Jordan (IBD),a situation of deep involvement,a valley in general
 · Sidon residents of the town of Sidon
 · Tyre a resident of the town of Tyre
 · Zion one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Israel | Joel | JOEL (2) | Jehoshaphat, Valley of | Tyre | Sidon | Wicked | Servant | God | Wine | Sickle | Milk | Jehoshaphat | VALE, VALLEY | Jerusalem | Harvest | Hope | EZEKIEL, 2 | Valley | Colors | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Joe 3:1 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: Joe 3:2 Heb “concerning my people and my inheritance Israel.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:3 Heb “and they drank.” Joel vividly refers to a situation where innocent human life has little value; its only worth is its use in somehow ...

NET Notes: Joe 3:4 Heb “quickly, speedily, I will return your recompense on your head.” This is an idiom for retributive justice and an equitable reversal of...

NET Notes: Joe 3:5 Or perhaps, “temples.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:6 Heb “border.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:7 Heb “I will return your recompense on your head.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:8 The Sabeans were Arabian merchants who were influential along the ancient caravan routes that traveled through Arabia. See also Job 1:15; Isa 43:3; 45...

NET Notes: Joe 3:9 Heb “draw near and go up.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:10 The “weak” individual mentioned here is apparently the farmer who has little or no military prowess or prior fighting experience. Under or...

NET Notes: Joe 3:11 Some commentators prefer to delete the line “Bring down, O Lord, your warriors,” understanding it to be a later addition. But this is unne...

NET Notes: Joe 3:13 The immediacy of judgment upon wickedness is likened to the urgency required for a harvest that has reached its pinnacle of development. When the harv...

NET Notes: Joe 3:14 The decision referred to here is not a response on the part of the crowd, but the verdict handed out by the divine judge.

NET Notes: Joe 3:15 Heb “gather in.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:16 Heb “sons.”

NET Notes: Joe 3:17 Heb “strangers” or “foreigners.” In context, this refers to invasions by conquering armies.

NET Notes: Joe 3:18 Heb “valley of Shittim.” The exact location of the Valley of Acacia Trees is uncertain. The Hebrew word שִׁטּ...

NET Notes: Joe 3:19 Heb “violence of the sons of Judah.” The phrase “of the sons of Judah” is an objective genitive (cf. KJV “the violence a...

NET Notes: Joe 3:20 The phrase “will be secure” does not appear in the Hebrew, but are supplied in the translation for the sake of smoothness.

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