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Text -- Leviticus 25:1-31 (NET)

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Regulations for the Sabbatical Year
25:1 The Lord spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai: 25:2 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land must observe a Sabbath to the Lord. 25:3 Six years you may sow your field, and six years you may prune your vineyard and gather the produce, 25:4 but in the seventh year the land must have a Sabbath of complete rest– a Sabbath to the Lord. You must not sow your field or prune your vineyard. 25:5 You must not gather in the aftergrowth of your harvest and you must not pick the grapes of your unpruned vines; the land must have a year of complete rest. 25:6 You may have the Sabbath produce of the land to eat– you, your male servant, your female servant, your hired worker, the resident foreigner who stays with you, 25:7 your cattle, and the wild animals that are in your land– all its produce will be for you to eat.
Regulations for the Jubilee Year of Release
25:8 “‘You must count off seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, and the days of the seven weeks of years will amount to forty-nine years. 25:9 You must sound loud horn blasts– in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, on the Day of Atonement– you must sound the horn in your entire land. 25:10 So you must consecrate the fiftieth year, and you must proclaim a release in the land for all its inhabitants. That year will be your jubilee; each one of you must return to his property and each one of you must return to his clan. 25:11 That fiftieth year will be your jubilee; you must not sow the land, harvest its aftergrowth, or pick the grapes of its unpruned vines. 25:12 Because that year is a jubilee, it will be holy to you– you may eat its produce from the field.
Release of Landed Property
25:13 “‘In this year of jubilee you must each return to your property. 25:14 If you make a sale to your fellow citizen or buy from your fellow citizen, no one is to wrong his brother. 25:15 You may buy it from your fellow citizen according to the number of years since the last jubilee; he may sell it to you according to the years of produce that are left. 25:16 The more years there are, the more you may make its purchase price, and the fewer years there are, the less you must make its purchase price, because he is only selling to you a number of years of produce. 25:17 No one is to oppress his fellow citizen, but you must fear your God, because I am the Lord your God. 25:18 You must obey my statutes and my regulations; you must be sure to keep them so that you may live securely in the land. 25:19 “‘The land will give its fruit and you may eat until you are satisfied, and you may live securely in the land. 25:20 If you say, ‘What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not sow and gather our produce?’ 25:21 I will command my blessing for you in the sixth year so that it may yield the produce for three years, 25:22 and you may sow the eighth year and eat from that sixth year’s produce– old produce. Until you bring in the ninth year’s produce, you may eat old produce. 25:23 The land must not be sold without reclaim because the land belongs to me, for you are foreigners and residents with me. 25:24 In all your landed property you must provide for the right of redemption of the land. 25:25 “‘If your brother becomes impoverished and sells some of his property, his near redeemer is to come to you and redeem what his brother sold. 25:26 If a man has no redeemer, but he prospers and gains enough for its redemption, 25:27 he is to calculate the value of the years it was sold, refund the balance to the man to whom he had sold it, and return to his property. 25:28 If he has not prospered enough to refund a balance to him, then what he sold will belong to the one who bought it until the jubilee year, but it must revert in the jubilee and the original owner may return to his property.
Release of Houses
25:29 “‘If a man sells a residential house in a walled city, its right of redemption must extend until one full year from its sale; its right of redemption must extend to a full calendar year. 25:30 If it is not redeemed before the full calendar year is ended, the house in the walled city will belong without reclaim to the one who bought it throughout his generations; it will not revert in the jubilee. 25:31 The houses of villages, however, which have no wall surrounding them must be considered as the field of the land; they will have the right of redemption and must revert in the jubilee.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Sinai a mountain located either between the gulfs of Suez and Akaba or in Arabia, east of Akaba,a mountain; the place where the law was given to Moses

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wall | Trumpets | Sabbatic Year | Sabbath | RANSOM | PENTATEUCH, 2B | Naboth | LEVITICUS, 2 | LEVITICUS, 1 | LAW OF MOSES | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Kinsman | Jubilee | JUBILEE YEAR | Israel | Field | Festivals, Religious | FEASTS AND FASTS | Beast | AGRARIAN LAWS | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Lev 25:1 - -- That is, near mount Sinai. So the Hebrew particle beth is sometimes used. So there is no need to disturb the history in this place.

That is, near mount Sinai. So the Hebrew particle beth is sometimes used. So there is no need to disturb the history in this place.

Wesley: Lev 25:2 - -- So as to be settled in it; for the time of the wars was not to be accounted, nor the time before Joshua's distribution of the land among them.

So as to be settled in it; for the time of the wars was not to be accounted, nor the time before Joshua's distribution of the land among them.

Wesley: Lev 25:2 - -- That is, enjoy rest and freedom from plowing, and tilling.

That is, enjoy rest and freedom from plowing, and tilling.

Wesley: Lev 25:2 - -- In obedience and unto the honour of God. This was instituted, For the assertion of God's sovereign right to the land, in which the Israelites were but...

In obedience and unto the honour of God. This was instituted, For the assertion of God's sovereign right to the land, in which the Israelites were but tenants at God's will. For the trial of their obedience. For the demonstration of his providence as well in general towards men, as especially towards his own people. To wean them from inordinate love, and pursuit of worldly advantages, and to inure them to depend upon God alone, and upon God's blessing for their subsistence. To put them in mind of that blessed and eternal rest provided for all good men.

Wesley: Lev 25:4 - -- They were neither to do any work about it, nor expect any harvest from it. All yearly labours were to be intermitted in the seventh year, as much as d...

They were neither to do any work about it, nor expect any harvest from it. All yearly labours were to be intermitted in the seventh year, as much as daily labours on the seventh day.

Wesley: Lev 25:5 - -- From the grains that fell out of the ears the last reaping time.

From the grains that fell out of the ears the last reaping time.

Wesley: Lev 25:5 - -- That is, as thy own peculiarly, but only so as others may reap it with thee, for present food.

That is, as thy own peculiarly, but only so as others may reap it with thee, for present food.

Wesley: Lev 25:5 - -- Not cut off by thee, but suffered to grow for the use of the poor.

Not cut off by thee, but suffered to grow for the use of the poor.

Wesley: Lev 25:6 - -- That is, the growth of the sabbath, or that fruit which groweth in the sabbatical year.

That is, the growth of the sabbath, or that fruit which groweth in the sabbatical year.

Wesley: Lev 25:6 - -- For all promiscuously, to take food from thence as they need it.

For all promiscuously, to take food from thence as they need it.

Wesley: Lev 25:9 - -- Signified the true liberty from our spiritual debts and slaveries to be purchased by Christ, and to be published to the world by the sound of the gosp...

Signified the true liberty from our spiritual debts and slaveries to be purchased by Christ, and to be published to the world by the sound of the gospel.

Wesley: Lev 25:9 - -- Which was the first month of the year for civil affairs; the jubilee therefore began in that month; and, as it seems, upon this very tenth day, when t...

Which was the first month of the year for civil affairs; the jubilee therefore began in that month; and, as it seems, upon this very tenth day, when the trumpet sounded, as other feasts generally began when the trumpet sounded.

Wesley: Lev 25:9 - -- A very fit time, that when they fasted and prayed for God's mercy to them in the pardon of their sins, then they might exercise their charity to men i...

A very fit time, that when they fasted and prayed for God's mercy to them in the pardon of their sins, then they might exercise their charity to men in forgiving their debts; and to teach us, that the foundation of all solid comfort must be laid in repentance and atonement for our sins through Christ.

Wesley: Lev 25:10 - -- The year of jubilee was not the forty and ninth year, as some learned men think, but precisely the fiftieth. The old weekly sabbath is called the seve...

The year of jubilee was not the forty and ninth year, as some learned men think, but precisely the fiftieth. The old weekly sabbath is called the seventh day, because it truly was so, being next after the six days of the week and distinct from them all: and the year of release is called the seventh year, Lev 25:4, as immediately following the six years, Lev 25:3, and distinct from them all. And in like manner the jubilee is called the fiftieth year, because it comes next after seven tines seven or forty - nine years, Lev 25:8, and is distinct from them all.

Wesley: Lev 25:10 - -- Understand such as were Israelites; principally to all servants, even to such as would not and did not go out at the seventh year, and to the poor, wh...

Understand such as were Israelites; principally to all servants, even to such as would not and did not go out at the seventh year, and to the poor, who now were acquitted from all their debts, and restored to their possessions.

Wesley: Lev 25:10 - -- So called either from the Hebrew word Jobel which signifies first a ram, and then a ram's horn, by the sound whereof it was proclaimed; or from Jubal ...

So called either from the Hebrew word Jobel which signifies first a ram, and then a ram's horn, by the sound whereof it was proclaimed; or from Jubal the inventor of musical instruments, Gen 4:21, because it was celebrated with music and all expressions of joy.

Wesley: Lev 25:10 - -- Which had been sold or otherwise alienated from him. This law was not at all unjust, because all buyers and sellers had an eye to this condition in th...

Which had been sold or otherwise alienated from him. This law was not at all unjust, because all buyers and sellers had an eye to this condition in their bargains; but it was expedient in many regards, as To mind them that God alone was the Lord and proprietor both of them and of their lands, and they only his tenants; a point which they were very apt to forget. That hereby inheritances, families, and tribes, might be kept entire and clear until the coming of the Messiah, who was to be known as by other things, so by the tribe and family out of which he was to come. And this accordingly was done by the singular providence of God until the Lord Jesus did come. Since which time those characters are miserably confounded: which is no small argument that the Messiah is come. To set bounds both to the insatiable avarice of some, and the foolish prodigality of others, that the former might not wholly and finally swallow up the inheritances of their brethren, and the latter might not be able to undo themselves and their posterity for ever, which was a singular privilege of this law and people.

Wesley: Lev 25:10 - -- From whom he was gone, being sold to some other family either by himself or by his father.

From whom he was gone, being sold to some other family either by himself or by his father.

Wesley: Lev 25:12 - -- So it was, because it was sequestered in great part from worldly employments and dedicated to God, and to the exercise of holy joy and thankfulness; a...

So it was, because it was sequestered in great part from worldly employments and dedicated to God, and to the exercise of holy joy and thankfulness; and because it was a type of that holy and happy jubilee which they were to expect and enjoy under the Messiah.

Wesley: Lev 25:12 - -- Such things as it produced of itself.

Such things as it produced of itself.

Wesley: Lev 25:12 - -- Whence they in common with others might take it as they needed it; but must not put it into barns, See Lev 25:5, and Exo 23:11.

Whence they in common with others might take it as they needed it; but must not put it into barns, See Lev 25:5, and Exo 23:11.

Wesley: Lev 25:14 - -- Neither the seller by requiring more, nor the buyer by taking the advantage from his brother's necessities to give him less than the worth of it.

Neither the seller by requiring more, nor the buyer by taking the advantage from his brother's necessities to give him less than the worth of it.

Wesley: Lev 25:15 - -- Or, fruitful years; for there were some unfruitful years; those wherein they were not allowed to sow or reap.

Or, fruitful years; for there were some unfruitful years; those wherein they were not allowed to sow or reap.

Wesley: Lev 25:16 - -- Or, For the number of the fruits. The meaning is, he selleth not the land, but only the fruits thereof, and that for a certain time.

Or, For the number of the fruits. The meaning is, he selleth not the land, but only the fruits thereof, and that for a certain time.

Wesley: Lev 25:21 - -- Not compleatly, but in great part, namely, for that part of the 6th year which was between the beginning of harvest and the beginning of the 7th year,...

Not compleatly, but in great part, namely, for that part of the 6th year which was between the beginning of harvest and the beginning of the 7th year, for the whole 7th year, and for that part of the 8th year which was before the harvest, which reached almost until the beginning of the ninth year. This is added to shew the equity of this command. As God would hereby try their faith and obedience, so he gave them an eminent proof of his own exact providence and tender care over them in making provisions suitable to their necessities.

Wesley: Lev 25:22 - -- Of the sixth year principally, if not solely.

Of the sixth year principally, if not solely.

Wesley: Lev 25:23 - -- So as to be for ever alienated from the family of him that sells it. Or, absolutely and properly, so as to become the property of the buyer: Or, to th...

So as to be for ever alienated from the family of him that sells it. Or, absolutely and properly, so as to become the property of the buyer: Or, to the extermination or utter cutting off, namely, of the seller, from all hopes and possibility of redemption.

Wesley: Lev 25:23 - -- Procured for you by my power, given to you by my grace and bounty, and the right of propriety reserved by me.

Procured for you by my power, given to you by my grace and bounty, and the right of propriety reserved by me.

Wesley: Lev 25:23 - -- That is, in my land or houses: thus he is said to sojourn with another that dwells in his house. Howsoever in your own or other mens opinions you pass...

That is, in my land or houses: thus he is said to sojourn with another that dwells in his house. Howsoever in your own or other mens opinions you pass for lords and proprietors, yet in truth, ye are but strangers and sojourners, not to possess the land for ever, but only for a season, and to leave it to such as I have appointed for it.

Wesley: Lev 25:24 - -- A right of redemption in the time and manner following.

A right of redemption in the time and manner following.

Wesley: Lev 25:25 - -- Or, If the redeemer come, being near akin to him, who in this was an eminent type of Christ, who was made near akin to us by taking our flesh, that he...

Or, If the redeemer come, being near akin to him, who in this was an eminent type of Christ, who was made near akin to us by taking our flesh, that he might perform the work of redemption for us.

Wesley: Lev 25:27 - -- That is, from the time of the sale to the jubilee. See above, Lev 25:15-16.

That is, from the time of the sale to the jubilee. See above, Lev 25:15-16.

Wesley: Lev 25:27 - -- That is, a convenient price for the years from this redemption to the jubilee.

That is, a convenient price for the years from this redemption to the jubilee.

Wesley: Lev 25:28 - -- That is, out of the buyer's hand, without any redemption money.

That is, out of the buyer's hand, without any redemption money.

Wesley: Lev 25:30 - -- The reasons before alledged for lands do not hold in such houses; there was no danger of confusion in tribes or families by the alienation of houses. ...

The reasons before alledged for lands do not hold in such houses; there was no danger of confusion in tribes or families by the alienation of houses. The seller also had a greater propriety in houses than in lands, as being commonly built by the owner's cost and diligence, and therefore had a fuller power to dispose of them. Besides, God would hereby encourage persons to buy and possess houses in such places, as frequency and fulness of inhabitants in cities, was a great strength, honour and advantage to the whole land.

Wesley: Lev 25:31 - -- Because they belonged to and were necessary for the management of the lands.

Because they belonged to and were necessary for the management of the lands.

JFB: Lev 25:2-4 - -- It has been questioned on what year, after the occupation of Canaan, the sabbatic year began to be observed. Some think it was the seventh year after ...

It has been questioned on what year, after the occupation of Canaan, the sabbatic year began to be observed. Some think it was the seventh year after their entrance. But others, considering that as the first six years were spent in the conquest and division of the land (Jos 5:12), and that the sabbatical year was to be observed after six years of agriculture, maintain that the observance did not commence till the fourteenth year.

JFB: Lev 25:2-4 - -- This was a very peculiar arrangement. Not only all agricultural processes were to be intermitted every seventh year, but the cultivators had no right ...

This was a very peculiar arrangement. Not only all agricultural processes were to be intermitted every seventh year, but the cultivators had no right to the soil. It lay entirely fallow, and its spontaneous produce was the common property of the poor and the stranger, the cattle and game. This year of rest was to invigorate the productive powers of the land, as the weekly Sabbath was a refreshment to men and cattle. It commenced immediately after the feast of ingathering, and it was calculated to teach the people, in a remarkable manner, the reality of the presence and providential power of God.

JFB: Lev 25:8-11 - -- This most extraordinary of all civil institutions, which received the name of "Jubilee" from a Hebrew word signifying a musical instrument, a horn or ...

This most extraordinary of all civil institutions, which received the name of "Jubilee" from a Hebrew word signifying a musical instrument, a horn or trumpet, began on the tenth day of the seventh month, or the great day of atonement, when, by order of the public authorities, the sound of trumpets proclaimed the beginning of the universal redemption. All prisoners and captives obtained their liberties, slaves were declared free, and debtors were absolved. The land, as on the sabbatic year, was neither sowed nor reaped, but allowed to enjoy with its inhabitants a sabbath of repose; and its natural produce was the common property of all. Moreover, every inheritance throughout the land of Judea was restored to its original owner.

JFB: Lev 25:10 - -- Much difference of opinion exists as to whether the jubilee was observed on the forty-ninth, or, in round numbers, it is called the fiftieth. The prev...

Much difference of opinion exists as to whether the jubilee was observed on the forty-ninth, or, in round numbers, it is called the fiftieth. The prevailing opinion, both in ancient and modern times, has been in favor of the latter.

JFB: Lev 25:12 - -- All that the ground yielded spontaneously during that period might be eaten for their necessary subsistence, but no persons were at liberty to hoard o...

All that the ground yielded spontaneously during that period might be eaten for their necessary subsistence, but no persons were at liberty to hoard or form a private stock in reserve.

JFB: Lev 25:13 - -- Inheritances, from whatever cause, and how frequently soever they had been alienated, came back into the hands of the original proprietors. This law o...

Inheritances, from whatever cause, and how frequently soever they had been alienated, came back into the hands of the original proprietors. This law of entail, by which the right heir could never be excluded, was a provision of great wisdom for preserving families and tribes perfectly distinct, and their genealogies faithfully recorded, in order that all might have evidence to establish their right to the ancestral property. Hence the tribe and family of Christ were readily discovered at his birth.

JFB: Lev 25:17 - -- This, which is the same as Lev 25:14, related to the sale or purchase of possessions and the duty of paying an honest and equitable regard, on both si...

This, which is the same as Lev 25:14, related to the sale or purchase of possessions and the duty of paying an honest and equitable regard, on both sides, to the limited period during which the bargain could stand. The object of the legislator was, as far as possible, to maintain the original order of families, and an equality of condition among the people.

JFB: Lev 25:21-22 - -- A provision was made, by the special interposition of God, to supply the deficiency of food which would otherwise have resulted from the suspension of...

A provision was made, by the special interposition of God, to supply the deficiency of food which would otherwise have resulted from the suspension of all labor during the sabbatic year. The sixth year was to yield a miraculous supply for three continuous years. And the remark is applicable to the year of Jubilee as well as the sabbatic year. (See allusions to this extraordinary provision in 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30). None but a legislator who was conscious of acting under divine authority would have staked his character on so singular an enactment as that of the sabbatic year; and none but a people who had witnessed the fulfilment of the divine promise would have been induced to suspend their agricultural preparations on a recurrence of a periodical Jubilee.

JFB: Lev 25:23-28 - -- Or, "be quite cut off," as the Margin better renders it. The land was God's, and, in prosecution of an important design, He gave it to the people of H...

Or, "be quite cut off," as the Margin better renders it. The land was God's, and, in prosecution of an important design, He gave it to the people of His choice, dividing it among their tribes and families--who, however, held it of Him merely as tenants-at-will and had no right or power of disposing of it to strangers. In necessitous circumstances, individuals might effect a temporary sale. But they possessed the right of redeeming it, at any time, on payment of an adequate compensation to the present holder; and by the enactments of the Jubilee they recovered it free--so that the land was rendered inalienable. (See an exception to this law, Lev 27:20).

JFB: Lev 25:29-31 - -- All sales of houses were subject to the same condition. But there was a difference between the houses of villages (which, being connected with agricul...

All sales of houses were subject to the same condition. But there was a difference between the houses of villages (which, being connected with agriculture, were treated as parts of the land) and houses possessed by trading people or foreigners in walled towns, which could only be redeemed within the year after the sale; if not then redeemed, these did not revert to the former owner at the Jubilee.

Clarke: Lev 25:2 - -- The land keep a Sabbath - See this ordinance explained, Exo 23:11 (note). It may be asked here: if it required all the annual produce of the field t...

The land keep a Sabbath - See this ordinance explained, Exo 23:11 (note). It may be asked here: if it required all the annual produce of the field to support the inhabitants, how could the people be nourished the seventh year, when no produce was received from the fields? To this it may be answered, that God sent his blessing in an especial manner on the sixth year, (see Lev 25:21, Lev 25:22), and it brought forth fruit for three years. How astonishing and convincing was this miracle! Could there possibly be any deception here? No! The miracle speaks for itself, proves the Divine authenticity of the law, and takes every prop and stay from the system that wishes to convict the Mosaic ordinances of imposture. See Exo 23:11. It is evident from this that the Mosaic law must have had a Divine origin, as no man in his senses, without God’ s authority, could have made such an ordinance as this; for the sixth year, from its promulgation, would have amply refuted his pretensions to a Divine mission.

Clarke: Lev 25:8 - -- Thou shalt number seven Sabbaths of years - This seems to state that the jubilee was to be celebrated on the forty-ninth year; but in Lev 25:10 and ...

Thou shalt number seven Sabbaths of years - This seems to state that the jubilee was to be celebrated on the forty-ninth year; but in Lev 25:10 and Lev 25:11 it is said, Ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and, A jubilee shall this fiftieth year be. Probably in this verse Moses either includes the preceding jubilee, and thus with the forty-ninth makes up the number fifty; or he speaks of proclaiming the jubilee on the forty-ninth, and celebrating it on the fiftieth year current. Some think it was celebrated on the forty-ninth year, as is stated in Lev 25:8; and this prevented the Sabbatical year, or seventh year of rest, from being confounded with the jubilee, which it must otherwise have been, had the celebration of this great solemnity taken place on the fiftieth year; but it is most likely that the fiftieth was the real jubilee.

Clarke: Lev 25:11 - -- A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be - The literal meaning of the word jubilee, יובל yobel in Hebrew, and יוביל yobil in the Samarit...

A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be - The literal meaning of the word jubilee, יובל yobel in Hebrew, and יוביל yobil in the Samaritan, has not been well ascertained. Josephus and the rabbins have caused many to err; the former says the word signifies liberty; Ελευθεριαν δε σημαινει τουνομα, Antiq., l. 3, cap. 12, edit. Haverc., vol. 1, p. 184; but the word liberty signifies rather the intention of the institution, than the meaning of the Hebrew term. The rabbins say it signifies a ram’ s horn, because the trumpets which were used in proclaiming this solemnity were made out of ram’ s horns. This meaning is adopted in a few places in our translation, but none of the ancient versions acknowledge this sense of the term, the Chaldee excepted. Some derive it from יבל yabal , to bring, carry away, because the Israelites at this time carried away the right of repossessing their inheritances which had been forfeited or alienated. The most natural derivation is from הוביל hobil , to cause to bring back, or recall, because estates, etc., which had been alienated, were then brought back to their primitive owners. This was a wise and excellent institution, but appears to have been little regarded by the Jews after the Babylonish captivity. Indeed, it is not mentioned under the second temple, and the observance must have ceased among the Jews when they were brought under a foreign yoke. The jubilee seems to have been typical

1.    Of the great time of release, the Gospel dispensation, when all who believe in Christ Jesus are redeemed from the bondage of sin - repossess the favor and image of God, the only inheritance of the human soul, having all debts cancelled, and the right of inheritance restored. To this the prophet Isaiah seems to allude, Isa 26:13, and particularly Isa 61:1-3

2.    Of the general resurrection. "It is,"says Mr. Parkhurst, "a lively prefiguration of the grand consummation of time, which will be introduced in like manner by the trump of God, 1Co 15:52, when the children and heirs of God shall be delivered from all their forfeitures, and restored to the eternal inheritance allotted to them by their Father; and thenceforth rest from their labors, and be supported in life and happiness by what the field of God shall supply.

It is worthy of remark that the jubilee was not proclaimed till the tenth day of the seventh month, on the very day when the great annual atonement was made for the sins of the people; and does not this prove that the great liberty or redemption from thraldom, published under the Gospel, could not take place till the great Atonement, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, had been offered up? See Lev 25:9.

Clarke: Lev 25:14 - -- Ye shall not oppress one another - Ye shall take no advantage of each other’ s ignorance either in buying or selling; for he that buys an artic...

Ye shall not oppress one another - Ye shall take no advantage of each other’ s ignorance either in buying or selling; for he that buys an article at less than it is worth, or sells one for more than it is worth, taking advantage in both cases of the ignorance of the vender or buyer, is no better than a thief, as he actually robs his neighbor of as much property as he has bought the article at below or sold it above its current value.

Clarke: Lev 25:15 - -- According to the number of years - The purchases that were to be made of lands were to be regulated by the number of years unelapsed of the current ...

According to the number of years - The purchases that were to be made of lands were to be regulated by the number of years unelapsed of the current jubilee. This was something like buying the unexpired term of a lease among us; the purchase is always regulated by the number of years between the time of purchase and the expiration of the term.

Clarke: Lev 25:20 - -- What shall we eat the seventh year? - A very natural question, which could only be laid at rest by the sovereign promise in the next verse I will Co...

What shall we eat the seventh year? - A very natural question, which could only be laid at rest by the sovereign promise in the next verse

I will Command my Blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for Three Years. See on Lev 25:2 (note).

Clarke: Lev 25:23 - -- The land shall not be sold for ever - the land is mine - As God in a miraculous manner gave them possession of this land, they were therefore to con...

The land shall not be sold for ever - the land is mine - As God in a miraculous manner gave them possession of this land, they were therefore to consider themselves merely as tenants to him; and on this ground he, as the great landholder or lord of the soil, prescribes to them all the conditions on which they shall hold it. This one circumstance was peculiarly favorable to their advancement in religion, in righteousness, and true holiness; for feeling that they had nothing which they could call their own upon earth, they must frequently, by this, be put in mind of the necessity of having a permanent dwelling in the heavenly inheritance, and of that preparation without which it could not be possessed.

Clarke: Lev 25:25 - -- Any of his kin come to redeem it - The land that was sold might be redeemed, in the interim between jubilee and jubilee, by the former owner or by o...

Any of his kin come to redeem it - The land that was sold might be redeemed, in the interim between jubilee and jubilee, by the former owner or by one of his kinsmen or relatives. This kinsman is called in the text גאל goel or redeemer; and was not this a lively emblem of the redemption of man by Christ Jesus? That he might have a right to redeem man, he took upon him human nature, and thus became a kinsman of the great family of the human race, and thereby possessed the right of redeeming that fallen nature of which he took part, and of buying back to man that inheritance which had been forfeited by transgression.

Clarke: Lev 25:29 - -- Sell a dwelling house in a walled city - A very proper difference is put between houses in a city and houses in the country. If a man sold his house...

Sell a dwelling house in a walled city - A very proper difference is put between houses in a city and houses in the country. If a man sold his house in the city, he might redeem it any time in the course of a year; but if it were not redeemed within that time, it could no more be redeemed, nor did it go out even in the jubilee. It was not so with a house in the country; such a house might be redeemed during any part of the interim; and if not redeemed, must go out at the jubilee. The reason in both cases is sufficiently evident; the house in the city might be built for purposes of trade or traffic merely, the house in the country was built on or attached to the inheritance which God had divided to the respective families, and it was therefore absolutely necessary that the same law should apply to the house as to the inheritance. But the same necessity did not hold good with respect to the house in the city: and as we may presume the house in the city was merely for the purpose of trade, when a man bought such a house, and got his business established there, it would have been very inconvenient for him to have removed; but as it was possible that the former owner might have sold the house rashly, or through the pressure of some very urgent necessity, a year was allowed him, that during that time he might have leisure to reconsider his rash act, or so to get through his pressing necessity as to be able to get back his dwelling. This time was sufficiently long in either of the above cases; and as such occurrences might have been the cause of his selling his house, it was necessary that he might have the opportunity of redeeming his pledge. Again, as the purchaser, having bought the house merely for the purpose of trade, manufacture, etc., must have been at great pains and expense to fit the place for his work, and establish his business, in which himself, his children, and his children’ s children, were to labor and get their bread; hence it was necessary that he should have some certainty of permanent possession, without which, we may naturally conjecture, no such purchases ever would be made. This seems to be the simple reason of the law in both cases.

Calvin: Lev 25:8 - -- 8.And thou shalt number seven The third kind of Sabbath follows, which was composed of forty-nine, or seven times seven years. This was the most illu...

8.And thou shalt number seven The third kind of Sabbath follows, which was composed of forty-nine, or seven times seven years. This was the most illustrious Sabbath, since the state of the people, both as to their persons and their houses and property, was renewed; and although in this way God had regard to the public good, gave relief to the poor, so that their liberty should not be destroyed, and preserved also the order laid down by Himself; still there is no question but that He thus added an additional stimulus to incite the Jews to honor the Sabbath. For it was a kind of imposing memorial of the sacred rest, to see slaves emancipated and become suddenly free; houses and lands returning to their former possessors who had sold them; and in fine all things assuming a new face. They called this year Jobel, from the sound of the ram’s horn, whereby liberty and the restitution of property were proclaimed; but as I have said, its main feature was the solemnity which shewed them to be separated from other nations to be a peculiar and holy nation to God; nay, the renewal of all things had reference to this, that being redeemed anew in the great Sabbath, they might entirely devote themselves to God their Deliverer.

Calvin: Lev 25:20 - -- 20.And if ye shall say Men will never be obedient to God’s precepts, unless their distrust of Him is corrected, and will be always ingenious in lay...

20.And if ye shall say Men will never be obedient to God’s precepts, unless their distrust of Him is corrected, and will be always ingenious in laying hold of pretexts for disobedience. The difficulty, however, in this matter was a specious excuse for the Jews; for famine might have destroyed them in these two years, since in the seventh year they neither sowed nor reaped; and for reaping they were obliged to wait till the end of the eighth year. Now, whence were they to get seed enough to sow after the land had rested for a whole year? It is not without reason, then, that God delivers them from this doubt, promising them that He will give such abundance in the sixth year as shall suffice for the two following ones. The phrase must be observed, that God would “command His blessing” in an especial manner, and beyond the usual course, so that the land should be twice or thrice more fertile. Hence is suggested to us no ordinary ground of confidence in asking for our daily bread. But this was a special promise, that food should not fail the Jews on account of the Sabbatical year; a manifestation of which God had already given in the desert, when supplied a double portion of manna to those who gathered it on the day before the Sabbath. Now-a-days this inconvenience is avoided by the industry of farmers, who so divide their acres that the land should never lie fallow altogether, but that one part should supply the deficiency of another. This distribution did not obtain with the Jews. Therefore God relieved them from the fear of famine down to the harvest of the eighth year; although He seems at the same time to accustom them to frugality, lest they should waste in intemperance and luxury what He afforded in sufficient abundance to last for two years. To this precept He alludes, when He declares by the Prophets that the land “enjoyed her Sabbaths,” when it had vomited forth its inhabitants, (2Ch 36:21;) for since they had polluted it by violating the Sabbath, so that it groaned as if under a heavy burden, He says that it shall rest for a long continuous period, so as to compensate for the labor of many years.

Calvin: Lev 25:23 - -- 23.The land shall not be sold for ever. Since the reason for this law was peculiar to the children of Abraham, its provisions can hardly be applied t...

23.The land shall not be sold for ever. Since the reason for this law was peculiar to the children of Abraham, its provisions can hardly be applied to other nations; for so equal a partition of the land was made under Joshua, that the inheritance was distributed amongst the several tribes and families; nay, in order that each man’s possession should be more sacred, the land had been divided by lot, as if God by His own hand located them in their separate stations. In fact, that allotment was, as it were, an inviolable decree of God Himself, whereby the memory of the covenant should be maintained, by which the inheritance of the land had been promised to Abraham and his posterity; and thus the land of Canaan was an earnest, or symbol, or mirror, of the adoption on which their salvation was founded. Wherefore it is not to be wondered at that God was unwilling that this inestimable benefit should ever be lost; and, lest this should be the case, like a provident father of a family, He laid a restraint on His children, to prevent them from being too prodigal; for, when a man has any suspicions of his heir, he forbids him to alienate the patrimony he leaves him. Such, therefore, was the condition of the ancient people; yet it cannot be indiscriminately transferred to other nations who have had no common inheritance given them. Some vestige of it appears in the right of redemption; 156 but, because that depends on the consent of the parties, and is also a special mode of contract, it has nothing to do with the law of Moses, which entirely restored both men and lands, (in the year of jubilee, 157) That God should call the land of Canaan His, is, as it were, to assert His direct Lordship 158 ( dominium,) as they call it, over it; as He immediately afterwards more clearly expresses His meaning, where He says that the children of Israel sojourn in it as His guests. 159 For although their condition was the best in which just and perpetual owners can be placed, still, as respected God, they were but His tenants ( coloni,) only living there at His will. In fine, God claims the freehold ( fundum) for Himself, lest the recollection of tits having granted it to them should ever escape them.

Calvin: Lev 25:24 - -- 24.And in all the land of your possession. Before the jubilee came, He permits not only the relations to redeem land sold by a poor man, but the sell...

24.And in all the land of your possession. Before the jubilee came, He permits not only the relations to redeem land sold by a poor man, but the seller also, if no other redeemer interposed. The same power was also given to relations amongst other nations, though with a different object, viz., the preservation of the family name; still, the seller was never allowed to redeem, unless a special clause to that effect was contained in the contract. But God desired that the lands should be retained by their legal possessor, in order that the people might deviate as little as possible from the division made by Joshua. Meanwhile, He had in view the private advantage of individuals; but in the perpetual succession to the land He considered Himself rather than men, in order that the recollection of His kindness should never be lost. Finally, He orders all lands to return in the year of jubilee to their original owners; and all sales to be cancelled, as if, in the fiftieth year, he renewed the lot for the division of the land.

Calvin: Lev 25:29 - -- 29.And if a man sell a dwelling-house. He here distinguishes houses from lands, providing that the power of redemption should not extend beyond a yea...

29.And if a man sell a dwelling-house. He here distinguishes houses from lands, providing that the power of redemption should not extend beyond a year; and also, that the purchase should hold good even in the jubilee. A second distinction, however, is also added between different kinds of houses, viz., that houses in towns might be altogether alienated, whilst the condition of those in the country should be the same as that of the lands themselves, as being annexed so as to form part of them. As regarded houses fix towns, because they were sometimes burdensome to their owners, it was an advantage that they might pass into the hands of the rich who were competent to bear the expenses of building. Besides, a house does not supply daily food like a field, and it is more tolerable to be without a house than a field, in which you may work, and from the cultivation of which you may support yourself and family. But it was necessary to except houses in the country, because they were appendages to the land; for what use would there be in harvesting the fruits, if you had no place to store them in? Nay, what would it profit to possess a farm which you could not cultivate? for how could oxen plough without any stalls in its vicinity? Since, then, lands without farm-buildings or cottages are almost useless, and they cannot be conveniently separated, justly did God appoint that, in the year of Jubilee, every rural possession should revert to its former owner.

Defender: Lev 25:10 - -- This verse was cited in connection with the ringing of the Liberty Bell when America's Declaration of Independence was signed.

This verse was cited in connection with the ringing of the Liberty Bell when America's Declaration of Independence was signed.

Defender: Lev 25:10 - -- The institutions of the sabbatical year, giving the lands a rest, and the jubilee year, after seven sabbatical years, were a marvelous provision by Go...

The institutions of the sabbatical year, giving the lands a rest, and the jubilee year, after seven sabbatical years, were a marvelous provision by God to insure perpetual freedom and productivity for all the people of Israel if they would have only observed these commands. The land would have remained perpetually fruitful; permanent slavery could not exist, and vast accumulations of wealth by a few individuals would have been precluded. Sadly, the people repeatedly disobeyed, and God's warning had to be carried out (Lev 26:33-35). Since they rejected God's provision for "liberty throughout the land," their land became desolate and all its people were taken into captivity (2Ch 36:20, 2Ch 36:21)."

TSK: Lev 25:1 - -- Exo 19:1; Num 1:1, Num 10:11, Num 10:12; Gal 4:24, Gal 4:25

TSK: Lev 25:2 - -- When ye : Lev 14:34; Deu 32:8, Deu 32:49, Deu 34:4; Psa 24:1, Psa 24:2, Psa 115:16; Isa 8:8; Jer 27:5 keep : Heb. rest, Lev 23:32 *marg. a sabbath : L...

TSK: Lev 25:4 - -- Lev 25:20-23, Lev 26:34, Lev 26:35, Lev 26:43; Exo 23:10, Exo 23:11; 2Ch 36:21

TSK: Lev 25:5 - -- groweth : 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30 thy vine undressed : Heb. the separation

groweth : 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30

thy vine undressed : Heb. the separation

TSK: Lev 25:6 - -- Exo 23:11; Act 2:44, Act 4:32, Act 4:34, Act 4:35

TSK: Lev 25:8 - -- Lev 23:15; Gen 2:2

TSK: Lev 25:9 - -- jubilee : Lev 25:10-12, Lev 27:17, Lev 27:24; Num 36:4 of the jubilee to sound : Heb. loud of sound, Num 10:10; Psa 89:15; Act 13:38, Act 13:39; Rom 1...

TSK: Lev 25:10 - -- proclaim : Exo 20:2; Ezr 1:3; Psa 146:7; Isa 49:9, Isa 49:24, Isa 49:25, Isa 61:1-3, Isa 63:4; Jer 34:8, Jer 34:13-17; Zec 9:11, Zec 9:12; Luk 1:74, L...

TSK: Lev 25:11 - -- A jubilee : Respecting the literal meaning of the word יובל , yobel , or yovel , critics are not agreed. The most natural derivation of the ...

A jubilee : Respecting the literal meaning of the word יובל , yobel , or yovel , critics are not agreed. The most natural derivation of the word seems to be from הוביל , hovil , the Hiphil form of יבל , yaval , to recall, restore, or bring back, because this year restored all slaves to their liberty, and brought back all alienated estates to their primitive owners. Accordingly the LXX render it here αφεσις , a ""remission""; and Josephus says it signifies ελευθεριαν , liberty. Lev 27:17

ye shall : Lev 25:5-7

TSK: Lev 25:12 - -- Lev 25:6, Lev 25:7

TSK: Lev 25:13 - -- Lev 25:10, Lev 27:17-24; Num 36:4

TSK: Lev 25:14 - -- Lev 25:17, Lev 19:13; Deu 16:19, Deu 16:20; Jdg 4:3; 1Sa 12:3, 1Sa 12:4; 2Ch 16:10; Neh 9:36, Neh 9:37; Job 20:19, Job 20:20; Psa 10:18; Pro 14:31, Pr...

TSK: Lev 25:15 - -- Lev 27:18-23; Phi 4:5

TSK: Lev 25:17 - -- shall not : Lev 25:14 fear : Lev 25:43, Lev 19:14, Lev 19:32; Gen 20:11, Gen 22:12, Gen 39:9, Gen 42:18; Exo 20:20; Deu 25:18; 1Sa 12:24; 2Ch 19:7; Ne...

TSK: Lev 25:18 - -- Wherefore : Lev 19:37; Psa 103:18 and ye : Lev 26:3-12; Deu 12:10, Deu 28:1-14, Deu 33:12, Deu 33:28; Psa 4:8; Pro 1:33; Jer 7:3-7; Jer 23:6, Jer 25:5...

TSK: Lev 25:19 - -- Lev 26:5; Psa 67:6, Psa 85:12; Isa 30:23, Isa 65:21, Isa 65:22; Eze 34:25-28, Eze 36:30; Joe 2:24, Joe 2:26

TSK: Lev 25:20 - -- Num 11:4, Num 11:13; 2Ki 6:15-17, 2Ki 7:2; 2Ch 25:9; Psa 78:19, Psa 78:20; Isa 1:2; Mat 6:25-34, Mat 8:26; Luk 12:29; Phi 4:6; Heb 13:5, Heb 13:6

TSK: Lev 25:21 - -- I will : As it is here graciously promised, that the sixth year was to bring forth fruits for three years, not merely for two, it is evident that both...

I will : As it is here graciously promised, that the sixth year was to bring forth fruits for three years, not merely for two, it is evident that both the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee were distinctly provided for. They were not to sow from the sixth to the eighth year, omitting two seed times; nor reap from the sixth to the ninth, omitting two harvests. No legislator, unless conscious of being divinely commissioned, would have committed himself by enacting such a law as this; nor would any people have submitted to receive it, except in consequence of the fullest conviction that a divine authority had dictated it. It therefore stands as a proof that Moses acted by the express direction of the Almighty, and that the people were fully persuaded of the reality of his divine mission by the miracles he wrought. Gen 26:12, Gen 41:47; Exo 16:29; Deu 28:3, Deu 28:8; Psa 133:3; Pro 10:22; 2Co 9:10

three years : Lev 25:4, Lev 25:8-11

TSK: Lev 25:22 - -- eighth : 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30 old fruit : Jos 5:11, Jos 5:12

eighth : 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30

old fruit : Jos 5:11, Jos 5:12

TSK: Lev 25:23 - -- The land : Lev 25:10; 1Ki 21:3; Eze 48:14 for ever : or, to be quite cut off, Heb. for cutting off, for the land. Deu 32:43; 2Ch 7:20; Psa 24:1, Psa 8...

The land : Lev 25:10; 1Ki 21:3; Eze 48:14

for ever : or, to be quite cut off, Heb. for cutting off, for the land. Deu 32:43; 2Ch 7:20; Psa 24:1, Psa 85:1; Isa 8:8; Hos 9:3; Joe 2:18, Joe 3:2

for ye are : Gen 47:9; 1Ch 29:15; Psa 39:12, Psa 119:19; Heb 11:9-13; 1Pe 2:11

TSK: Lev 25:24 - -- redemption : Lev 25:27, Lev 25:31, Lev 25:51-53; Rom 8:23; 1Co 1:30; Eph 1:7, Eph 1:14, Eph 4:30

TSK: Lev 25:25 - -- Rth 2:20, Rth 3:2, Rth 3:9, Rth 3:12, Rth 4:4-6; Jer 32:7, Jer 32:8; 2Co 8:9; Heb 2:13, Heb 2:14; Rev 5:9

TSK: Lev 25:26 - -- himself be able to redeem it : Heb. his hand hath attained, and found sufficiency, Lev 5:7 *marg.

himself be able to redeem it : Heb. his hand hath attained, and found sufficiency, Lev 5:7 *marg.

TSK: Lev 25:27 - -- Lev 25:50-53

TSK: Lev 25:28 - -- and in the : Lev 25:13 he shall : Isa 35:9, Isa 35:10; Jer 32:15; 1Co 15:52-54; 1Th 4:13-18; 1Pe 1:4, 1Pe 1:5

TSK: Lev 25:29 - -- A very proper difference is here made between houses in a city and houses in the country. The former might be redeemed any time in the course of a ye...

A very proper difference is here made between houses in a city and houses in the country. The former might be redeemed any time in the course of a year; but after that time could not be redeemed, or go out with the Jubileecaps1 . tcaps0 he latter might be redeemed at any time; and if not redeemed must go out with the jubilee. The reason in both cases is sufficiently evident; the house in the city might be built merely for the purposes of trade or traffic - the house in the country was builded on, or attached to, the inheritance which God had divided to the respective families. It was therefore necessary that the same law should apply to the house as to the inheritance; which necessity did not exist with regard to the house in the city. And, as the house in the city might be purchased for the purpose of trade, it would be very inconvenient for the purchaser, when his business was established, to be obliged to remove.

TSK: Lev 25:31 - -- they may be redeemed : Heb. redemption belongeth unto it, Psa 49:7, Psa 49:8

they may be redeemed : Heb. redemption belongeth unto it, Psa 49:7, Psa 49:8

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Lev 25:1 - -- The sabbatical year and the year of Jubilee belong to that great sabbatical system which runs through the religious observances of the Law, but rest...

The sabbatical year and the year of Jubilee belong to that great sabbatical system which runs through the religious observances of the Law, but rest upon moral rather than upon formally religious ground. It is not, therefore, without reason that they are here set apart from the set times which fell strictly within the sphere of religious observances.

Barnes: Lev 25:3 - -- Vineyard - Rather, fruit-garden. The Hebrew word is a general one for a plantation of fruit-trees.

Vineyard - Rather, fruit-garden. The Hebrew word is a general one for a plantation of fruit-trees.

Barnes: Lev 25:4 - -- A sabbath of rest - See Lev 23:3 note. The express prohibition of sowing and reaping, and of pruning and gathering, affords a presumption in fa...

A sabbath of rest - See Lev 23:3 note. The express prohibition of sowing and reaping, and of pruning and gathering, affords a presumption in favor of the sabbatical year beginning, like the year of Jubilee Lev 25:9, in the first month of the civil year Lev 23:24, the seventh of the sacred year, when the land was cleared of the crops of the preceding year.

The great material advantage of the institution must have been the increased fertility of the soil from its lying fallow one year out of seven, at a time when neither the rotation of crops nor the art of manuring were understood. It must also have kept up a salutary habit of economy in the storing of grain. Compare Gen 41:48-56. Its great spiritual lesson was that there was no such thing as absolute ownership in the land vested in any man, that the soil was the property of Yahweh, that it was to be held in trust for Him, and not to be abused by overworking, but to be made the most of for the good of every creature which dwelt upon it.

Barnes: Lev 25:5 - -- Vine undressed - That is, "unpruned"; literally "Nazarite vine", the figure being taken from the unshorn locks of the Nazarite. Num 6:5.

Vine undressed - That is, "unpruned"; literally "Nazarite vine", the figure being taken from the unshorn locks of the Nazarite. Num 6:5.

Barnes: Lev 25:6 - -- The sabbath of the land shall be meat for you - That is, the produce of the untilled land (its "increase,"Lev 25:7) shall be food for the whole...

The sabbath of the land shall be meat for you - That is, the produce of the untilled land (its "increase,"Lev 25:7) shall be food for the whole of you in common, rich and poor without distinction Exo 23:11.

Barnes: Lev 25:8-13 - -- The land was to be divided by lot among the families of the Israelites when the possession of it was obtained. Num 26:52-56; Num 33:54, etc. At the ...

The land was to be divided by lot among the families of the Israelites when the possession of it was obtained. Num 26:52-56; Num 33:54, etc. At the end of every seventh sabbatical cycle of years, in the year of Jubilee, each field or estate that might have been alienated was to be restored to the family to which it had been originally allotted.

Lev 25:8

Seven sabbaths of years - seven weeks of years.

Lev 25:9

Cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound - Rather, cause the sound of the cornet to go through (the land). The word jubile does not occur in this verse in the Hebrew. The trumpet is the shofar שׁפר shôphār , i. e. the cornet (rendered "shawm"in the Prayer-Book version of Psa 98:7), either the horn of some animal or a tube of metal shaped like one. As the sound of the cornet (see Lev 25:10 note) was the signal of the descent of Yahweh when He came down upon Sinai to take Israel into covenant with Himself Exo 19:13, Exo 19:16, Exo 19:19; Exo 20:18, so the same sound announced, at the close of the great day of atonement, after the Evening sacrifice, the year which restored each Israelite to the freedom and the blessings of the covenant.

Lev 25:10

The fiftieth year - The Jubilee probably coincided with each seventh sabbatical year, and was called the fiftieth, as being the last of a series of which the first was the preceding Jubilee.

A jubile - Commonly spelled jubilee. The original word first occurs in Exo 19:13, where it is rendered "trumpet,"margin "cornet."It most probably denotes the sound of the cornet, not the cornet itself, and is derived from a root, signifying to flow abundantly, which by a familiar metaphor might be applied to sound.

Barnes: Lev 25:14 - -- Sell ought - i. e., any piece of ground. Oppress one another - Rather, overreach one another. (Compare 1Sa 12:3-4).

Sell ought - i. e., any piece of ground.

Oppress one another - Rather, overreach one another. (Compare 1Sa 12:3-4).

Barnes: Lev 25:15-16 - -- The number of years of the fruits - i. e. according to the number of harvests. The average value of a yearly crop might of course be estimated,...

The number of years of the fruits - i. e. according to the number of harvests. The average value of a yearly crop might of course be estimated, and the sabbatical years were to be deducted from the series.

Barnes: Lev 25:18-19 - -- In safety - i. e., secure from famine, Lev 26:5; Deu 12:10.

In safety - i. e., secure from famine, Lev 26:5; Deu 12:10.

Barnes: Lev 25:23-24 - -- These verses express the principle on which the law of Jubilee, as it regards the land, was based. The land belonged to Yahweh, and it was He who al...

These verses express the principle on which the law of Jubilee, as it regards the land, was based. The land belonged to Yahweh, and it was He who allotted it among the families of Israel for their use. No estate could therefore be alienated in perpetuity, by any human authority, from the family to whose lot it might fall.

Lev 25:24

Grant a redemption for the land - i. e. grant power to recover the land to the original holder who had parted with it.

Barnes: Lev 25:25 - -- If thy brother be waxen poor - The Israelites never parted with their land except under the pressure of poverty. Compare the answer of Naboth, ...

If thy brother be waxen poor - The Israelites never parted with their land except under the pressure of poverty. Compare the answer of Naboth, 1Ki 21:3.

Barnes: Lev 25:28 - -- It shall go out - i. e. it shall be set free.

It shall go out - i. e. it shall be set free.

Barnes: Lev 25:30 - -- Not go out - Because most of the houses in cities were occupied by artificers and traders whose wealth did not consist in lands.

Not go out - Because most of the houses in cities were occupied by artificers and traders whose wealth did not consist in lands.

Poole: Lev 25:2 - -- When ye come into the land so as to be settled in it; for the tithe of the wars was not to be accounted, nor the time before Joshua’ s distribut...

When ye come into the land so as to be settled in it; for the tithe of the wars was not to be accounted, nor the time before Joshua’ s distribution of the land among them, Jos 14:7,10 .

Keep a sabbath i.e. enjoy rest and freedom from ploughing, tilling, &c.

Unto the Lord i.e. in obedience and unto the honour of God. This was instituted partly for the assertion of God’ s sovereign right to the land, . in which the Israelites were but tenants at God’ s will; partly for the trial and exercise of their obedience; partly for the demonstration of his providence as well in the general towards men, as more especially towards his own people, of which see below, Lev 25:20-22 ; partly to wean them from inordinate love, and pursuit of or trust to worldly advantages, and to inure them to depend upon God alone, and upon God’ s blessing for their subsistence; partly to put them in the mind of that blessed and eternal rest provided for all good men, wherein they should be perfectly freed from all worldly labours and troubles, and wholly devoted to the service and enjoyment God; see on Exo 23:11 ; and lastly, that by their own straits in that year they might learn more compassion to the poor, who were under the same straits every year.

Poole: Lev 25:5 - -- Of its own accord from the grains that fell out of the ears the last reaping time. Thou shalt not reap i.e. as thy own peculiarly, but only so as o...

Of its own accord from the grains that fell out of the ears the last reaping time.

Thou shalt not reap i.e. as thy own peculiarly, but only so as others may reap it with thee, for present food.

The grapes of thy vine undressed Heb. the grapes of thy separation , i.e. the grapes which thou hast separated or set apart to the honour of God, and to the ends and uses appointed by God; or the grapes of that year, which are in this like the Nazarites’ hair, not cut off by thee, but suffered to grow to the use of the poor.

Poole: Lev 25:6 - -- The sabbath i.e. the growth of the sabbath, or that fruit which groweth in the sabbatical year. See on Lev 23:38 , where the word sabbath is taken ...

The sabbath i.e. the growth of the sabbath, or that fruit which groweth in the sabbatical year. See on Lev 23:38 , where the word sabbath is taken in the like sense.

For thee, and for thy servant for all promiscuously, to take food from thence as they need it.

Poole: Lev 25:9 - -- The jubilee signified the true liberty from our spiritual debts and slaveries, to be purchased by Christ, and to be published to the world by the sou...

The jubilee signified the true liberty from our spiritual debts and slaveries, to be purchased by Christ, and to be published to the world by the sound of the gospel.

The seventh month was the first month of the year for civil and worldly affairs, which were mainly concerned in the jubilee, and therefore it began in that month; and, as it seems, upon this very tenth day, when the trumpet sounded, as other feasts generally began when the trumpet sounded.

In the day of atonement a very fit time, that when they fasted and prayed for God’ s mercy to them in the pardon of their sins, then they might exercise their charity and kindness to men in forgiving their debts, which is the true fast, as is noted Isa 58:6 , and to teach us that the foundation of all solid comfort and joy must be laid in bitter repentance and atonement for our sins through Christ.

Poole: Lev 25:10 - -- By which it seems most probable that the year of jubilee was not the forty and ninth year, as some learned men think, but precisely the fiftieth yea...

By which it seems most probable that the year of jubilee was not the forty and ninth year, as some learned men think, but precisely the fiftieth year; which may appear,

1. Because the Jews account it so, which is confessed by the adversaries of this opinion, who say that the Jews err in the computation of the jubilee, as they do in Christ , the great end and antitype of the jubilee . But it is not probable that the Jews should universally err in a matter of constant practice among themselves, especially when there was nothing of interest or prejudice in the case, as there was in reference to Christ.

2. Because it is expressly called the fiftieth year here, and Lev 25:11 , that fiftieth year , which was not true if it was but the nine and fortieth year. It is said it is called so popularly, and it was so if you take in the foregoing jubilee. But it must be remembered, that there was not yet any foregoing jubilee, but the very first of the kind is expressly called the fiftieth year , which in truth it was not if the jubilee was ended ere the fiftieth year began.

3. From the common course of computation. The old weekly sabbath is called the seventh day , because it truly was so, being next after the six days of the week, and distinct from them all; and the year of release is called the seventh year , Lev 25:4 , as immediately following the six years, Lev 25:3 , and distinct from them all. And therefore, in like manner, the jubilee must needs be called the fiftieth year , because it comes next after seven times seven , or forty-nine years , Lev 25:8 , and is distinct from them all.

4. From Lev 25:11,12 , where it is said, ye shall not sow, nor reap , &c; for it is the jubilee , &c.; which looks like a vain and useless repetition, if this year were but one of the seven years, for this very command was given concerning every seventh year, Lev 25:4 ; but if this year of jubilee was, as indeed it was, a year distinct from and coming after the seven sevens of years, then this repetition and application of that command to it was highly necessary, because otherwise it might seem hard and unreasonable that they should forbear sowing and reaping two years together, which hereby they are commanded to do. Two things are objected against this:

1. That the jubilee was only a revolution of forty-nine years. But that seems a great mistake, for it is most expressly distinguished from them all, and by way of distinction called the fiftieth year , therefore surely none of the forty-nine.

2. The difficulty propounded Lev 25:20 concerns only the seventh year, whereas it had been a greater difficulty if it had been extended to the jubilee, and the jubilee had been another vacant year coming next after the seventh year. But though the difficulty was greater for the jubilee, yet it was more frequent for the seventh year; and the resolution of the one made the way plan for the satisfaction of the other. For as God promised so to bless every sixth year, that it should bring forth fruit for three years, Lev 25:21 ; so when the case was extraordinary, as in the jubilee, it was but reasonable to expect an extraordinary blessing from God upon that sixth year which went next before the last of the seventh years, or the forty-ninth year, that it should then bring forth fruit for four years.

All the inhabitants thereof : understand such as were Israelites; principally to all servants, even to such as would not and did not go out at the seventh year, and to the poor, who now were acquitted from all their debts, and restored to their possessions. A jubilee ; so called, either from the Hebrew word jobel , which signifies first a ram , and then a ram’ s horn , by the sound whereof it was proclaimed; or from Jubal, the inventor of musical instruments, Gen 4:21 , because it was celebrated with music and all expressions of joy. Every man unto his possession , which had been sold, or otherwise alienated from him. This law was not at all unjust, because all buyers and sellers had an eye to this condition in their bargains; but it was necessary and expedient in many regards; as,

1. To mind them that God alone was the Lord and Owner and Proprietor both of them and of their lands, and they only his tenants and farmers; a point which they were very apt to forget.

2. That hereby inheritances, families, and tribes might be kept entire and clear until the coming of the Messias, who was to be known, as by other things, so by the tribe and family out of which he was to come. And this accordingly was done by the singular providence of God until the Lord Jesus did come. Since which time those characters are miserably confounded; which is no small argument that the Messias is come.

3. To set bounds both to the insatiable avarice of some, and the foolish prodigality of others, that the former might not wholly and finally swallow up the inheritances of their brethren, and the latter might not be able to undo themselves and their posterity for ever, which was a singular privilege of this law and people. Every man unto his family , from whom he was gone, being sold to some other family, either by himself or by his father.

Poole: Lev 25:11 - -- Though it come immediately after a seventh year, wherein also this was forbidden to you.

Though it come immediately after a seventh year, wherein also this was forbidden to you.

Poole: Lev 25:12 - -- It shall be holy unto you: so it was, because it was sequestered in great part from worldly employments, and dedicated to God, and to the exercise of...

It shall be holy unto you: so it was, because it was sequestered in great part from worldly employments, and dedicated to God, and to the exercise of holy joy and thankfulness; and because it was a type of that holy and happy jubilee which they were to expect and enjoy by and under the Messias.

The increase thereof such things as it produced of itself; for the year before nothing was sowed. Out of the field; whence they in common with others might take it as they needed it; but must not put it into barns. See Lev 25:5 Exo 23:11 .

Poole: Lev 25:14 - -- Neither the seller by requiring more, nor the buyer by taking the advantage from his brother’ s necessities to give him less than the worth of ...

Neither the seller by requiring more, nor the buyer by taking the advantage from his brother’ s necessities to give him less than the worth of it.

Poole: Lev 25:15 - -- Or, of years of fruits or, of fruitful years ; for there were some unfruitful years, to wit, such wherein they were not allowed to sow or reap, &...


of years of fruits or, of fruitful years ; for there were some unfruitful years, to wit, such wherein they were not allowed to sow or reap, &c.

Poole: Lev 25:16 - -- Or, for the number of the fruits . The meaning is, he selleth not the land, but only the fruits thereof, and that for a certain time.

Or, for the number of the fruits . The meaning is, he selleth not the land, but only the fruits thereof, and that for a certain time.

Poole: Lev 25:20 - -- A like objection, see Exo 34:23,24 .

A like objection, see Exo 34:23,24 .

Poole: Lev 25:21 - -- i.e. Give my blessing Commanding is oft used in Scripture either for the performance of promised blessings, as Deu 28:8 Psa 111:9 133:3 , or for...

i.e. Give

my blessing Commanding is oft used in Scripture either for the performance of promised blessings, as Deu 28:8 Psa 111:9 133:3 , or for the execution of threatened judgments, as Isa 5:6 Amo 9:4 ; both being acts of God’ s providential will, as the command is of his legislative will.

For three years not completely, but in great part, to wit, for that part of the sixth year which was between the beginning of harvest and the beginning of the seventh year, for the whole seventh year, and for that part of the eighth year which was before the harvest, which reached almost until the beginning of the ninth year. And by this expression we may understand the meaning of that eminent passage of Christ’ s being three days and three nights in the grave , to wit, one whole day, and part of two days; of which more, if God please, in its proper place. This is added to show the equity of this command. As God would hereby try their faith, and exercise obedience, so he gave them an eminent proof of his own exact providence and tender care over them, in making provisions suitable to their necessities. Albeit it be also probable that divers of them, especially such as were more solicitous or distrustful of God’ s providence, did lay up something of the fruits of former years against this time.

Poole: Lev 25:22 - -- Of old fruit of the sixth year principally, if not solely. Until her fruits i.e. the fruits of the eighth year.

Of old fruit of the sixth year principally, if not solely.

Until her fruits i.e. the fruits of the eighth year.

Poole: Lev 25:23 - -- For ever or, absolutely and properly , so as to become the propriety of the buyer; or to the extermination or utter cutting off , to wit, of the se...

For ever or, absolutely and properly , so as to become the propriety of the buyer; or to the extermination or utter cutting off , to wit, of the seller, from all hopes and possibility of redemption. For the land is mine ; procured for you by my power, given to you by my mere grace and bounty, and the right of propriety reserved by me, and to be disposed of by you only to such persons and in such manner as I shall have ordained.

Sojourners with me i.e. in my land or houses: thus he is said to sojourn with another that dwells in his house. Thus the poor decayed Israelites and the strangers are said to live with them, i.e. with the other Israelites, to wit, in the land or houses here, Lev 25:35,36,40,44 . Or, before me , in my sight, or in my account. Howsoever in your own or other men’ s opinions you pass for lords and proprietors, yet in truth, according to which my judgment always is, you are but strangers and sojourners, not to possess the land for ever, but only for a season, and to leave it to such as I have appointed for it.

Poole: Lev 25:24 - -- i.e. A right of redemption in the time and manner following.

i.e. A right of redemption in the time and manner following.

Poole: Lev 25:25 - -- Some of his possession to wit, in the fields, but not in cities, Lev 25:29 . If any of his kin come to redeem it or, if the redeemer come, being n...

Some of his possession to wit, in the fields, but not in cities, Lev 25:29 .

If any of his kin come to redeem it or, if the redeemer come, being near akin to him , to whom the right of redemption belonged, Rth 3:2,9,12 Jer 32:7 , who in this act was an eminent type of Christ, who was made near akin to us by taking our flesh, that he might perform the work of redemption for us.

Poole: Lev 25:27 - -- The years of the sale thereof i.e. from the time of the sale to the jubilee. See Poole "Lev 25:15" See Poole "Lev 25:16" . The overplus, i.e. a conv...

The years of the sale thereof i.e. from the time of the sale to the jubilee. See Poole "Lev 25:15" See Poole "Lev 25:16" . The overplus, i.e. a convenient price for the years from this redemption to the jubilee.

Poole: Lev 25:28 - -- It shall go out i.e. out of the buyer’ s hand, without any redemption money.

It shall go out i.e. out of the buyer’ s hand, without any redemption money.

Poole: Lev 25:30 - -- The reason is from the great difference between such houses and lands. The reasons before alleged for lands do not hold in such houses; there was no...

The reason is from the great difference between such houses and lands. The reasons before alleged for lands do not hold in such houses; there was no danger of confusion in tribes or families by the alienation of houses. The seller also had a greater propriety in houses than in lands, as not coming to him by God’ s mere gift, but being commonly built by the owner’ s cost and diligence, and therefore had a fuller power to dispose of them. Besides, God would hereby encourage persons to buy and possess houses in such places, which frequency and fulness of inhabitants in cities was a great strength, honour, and advantage to the whole land.

Poole: Lev 25:31 - -- The houses of the villages belonged to and were necessary or very convenient for the management of the lands.

The houses of the villages belonged to and were necessary or very convenient for the management of the lands.

Haydock: Lev 25:2 - -- The rest ( sabbathises sabbatum ). The land was to enjoy the benefit of rest every seventh year, to remind God's people that he had created the worl...

The rest ( sabbathises sabbatum ). The land was to enjoy the benefit of rest every seventh year, to remind God's people that he had created the world, and that he still retained dominion over it, (St. Augustine, q. 91, 92,) requiring the spontaneous fruits of that year as a tribute, part of which he gave to the poor. In the mean time, all creatures rested from their labours, and the people were taught to have an entire confidence in Providence. (Calmet) ---

This law was given in the desert of Sinai, in the month of Nisan, the second year after the exit: but it did not begin to be in force till the Hebrews entered into the land of Chanaan. (Haydock)

Haydock: Lev 25:5 - -- Reap entirely, but only take a part, ver. 6. --- First-fruits. None shall be this year presented to the Lord. Hebrew has the word Nezireka, "Na...

Reap entirely, but only take a part, ver. 6. ---

First-fruits. None shall be this year presented to the Lord. Hebrew has the word Nezireka, "Nazareat," alluding to the custom of those who, out of devotion, let their hair grow; as here only the spontaneous fruits of the unpruned vine were to be eaten; they were separated, as the word also means, or "sanctified," (Septuagint) being abandoned indifferently for the use of any one that pleased to eat of them, and no longer fenced in by the proprietor, (Calmet) though he might take the first, or choicest fruits for his own use, (Menochius,) or at least he might take his share like the rest. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Lev 25:6 - -- They. Hebrew and Septuagint, "The sabbath of the earth shall be meat for you" in common.

They. Hebrew and Septuagint, "The sabbath of the earth shall be meat for you" in common.

Haydock: Lev 25:7 - -- Cattle. This last term in Hebrew, Septuagint, &c., means "wild beasts," which must also live. At this period of the seventh year debts were to be r...

Cattle. This last term in Hebrew, Septuagint, &c., means "wild beasts," which must also live. At this period of the seventh year debts were to be remitted, the law read, &c. (Exodus xxi. 2; Deuteronomy xv. 2, and xxxi. 10.) But in the jubilee year, even those Hebrew slaves whose ears had been pierced, and those who had sold their land, regained their liberty and possessions. (Calmet) ---

Their children and wives, according to Josephus, went out with them, ver. 41. Houses and suburbs for gardens, &c., might be sold for ever, if they were not redeemed the first year, excepting those of the Levites, ver. 34. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Lev 25:8 - -- Years. It is dubious whether the 49th or the 50th year was appointed for the jubilee. The former year is fixed upon by many able chronologers, who ...

Years. It is dubious whether the 49th or the 50th year was appointed for the jubilee. The former year is fixed upon by many able chronologers, who remark, that if two years of rest had occurred together, it would have been a serious inconvenience; and Moses might have said the 50th year for a round number, or comprise therein the year of the former jubilee, as we give five years to the olympiad, and eight days to the week, though the former consists only of four years, and the latter of seven days. (Rader; Scaliger; &c.) But others decide for the fiftieth year, ver. 10. (Philo; Josephus, [Antiquities] iii. 10.; St. Augustine, q. 92.; Salien; &c.) (Calmet) ---

On the feast of expiation of the 49th year, they promulgated the following to be the year of jubilee. (Menochius) ---

Usher places the first in the year of the world 2609, 49 years after the partition of the land by Josue in 2560: Salien dates 50 years from the entrance (ver. 2,) of the Hebrews into Chanaan, in the year of the world 2583, six years sooner; and places the first jubilee 2633, immediately after the sabbatic year, which fell in the 32nd year of Othoniel. He supposes that both were proclaimed at the same time, on the 1st of Tisri, Ros Hassana, "the head of the year;" though the heralds went about the country only on the 10th. The writers both of the Synagogue and of the Church generally adopt the 50th for the year of jubilee; and the pretended inconvenience of two years' rest is nugatory, since God promised a three years' crop, ver. 21. (Haydock)

Haydock: Lev 25:10 - -- Remission; that is, a general release and discharge from debts and bondage, and a reinstating of every man in his former possessions. (Challoner) --...

Remission; that is, a general release and discharge from debts and bondage, and a reinstating of every man in his former possessions. (Challoner) ---

Jubilee: Hebrew jubol means "liberty" (Josephus); "re-establishment" (Philo); (Calmet) ---

"deliverance" (Abenezra). The Rabbins falsely assert, that a ram's horn was used on this occasion: but Buchart shews that it is solid and unfit for the purpose. (B. ii. 42.) They also maintain, that from the 1st of this sacred month, as it is called by Philo, till the 10th, the slaves spent their time in continual rejoicings in their master's house, and on the latter day they were set free. Cunæus (Rep., i. 6,) observes, that the jubilee was discontinued after the captivity, though the sabbatic year was still kept. (Calmet) ---

Indeed the Jews were often very negligent in these respects, and God complained and punished them for it, chap. xxvii. 32.; &c. The avarice of the great ones chiefly caused these wise regulations to be despised, though, from time to time, God enforced their observance, that it might be clearly known from what family the Messias spring. After his birth they were abrogated, as no longer necessary. (Haydock) ---

Something similar was instituted by Solon, and styled "the shaking off burdens," for the redemption both of men and good. (Laertius) (Menochius) ---

The Locrians could not alienate their patrimony. (Aristotle, polit. ii. 7, and vi. 4.) The Rabbins deviate from the spirit of their lawgiver, when they assert, that persons might sell their inheritance for a greater number of years than 50, if they specified how many, &c. (Selden, Succes. iii. 24.) In the Christian dispensation, the jubilee denotes a time of indulgence, in consequence of the power left by Jesus Christ. (Matthew xvi. 19.; 2 Corinthians ii. 10.) The first was given by Boniface VIII in 1300; and others were granted every century, till Clement VI reduced the space to 50 years, 1542. Gregory XI would have them dispensed to the faithful every 33 years, and Paul XI every 25th, that more might partake of so great a benefit. This has been done since his time, and the Popes often grant them when the Church is in great danger, and also in the year when they are consecrated. (Calmet) ---

They are designed to promote the fervour of piety, and the remission of punishment due to sin. (Haydock) ---

Family. Slaves shall obtain their liberty. This law set a restraint upon the rich, that they might not get possession of too much land, or oppress the poor. Lycurgus, with the same view, established an equality of lands among the Spartans, and Solon acknowledged the propriety of the regulation, which he probably saw practised in Egypt. (Diodorus i.) (Calmet) ---

The Agrarian laws at Rome, were often proposed; but they caused nothing but confusion and riot. (Haydock)

Haydock: Lev 25:12 - -- Eat them. No wine was to be made of the grapes, nor the corn heaped up, to the detriment of the poor. All is claimed by God, as his own property.

Eat them. No wine was to be made of the grapes, nor the corn heaped up, to the detriment of the poor. All is claimed by God, as his own property.

Haydock: Lev 25:14 - -- Grieve. Hebrew, "deceive not." St. Chrysostom observes, that to engage another to sell us any thing for what we know is beneath its value, is theft...

Grieve. Hebrew, "deceive not." St. Chrysostom observes, that to engage another to sell us any thing for what we know is beneath its value, is theft. (Grotius, Jur. ii. 12.) The Rabbins also decide that, if an Israelite be defrauded a sixth part, restitution must be made, ver. 17. (Selden, Jur. vi. 6.)

Haydock: Lev 25:21 - -- Three years. After the harvest of the sixth year was gotten in, the land rested from September to September, the beginning of the 8th year, when it ...

Three years. After the harvest of the sixth year was gotten in, the land rested from September to September, the beginning of the 8th year, when it was tilled again. Nothing would be ripe till about March; yet the harvest of the 6th year would suffice to furnish food till that time, or even for a year longer, as it would be requisite, when the year of jubilee succeeded that of rest, ver. 8. (Haydock)

Haydock: Lev 25:23 - -- For ever. Samaritan version, "absolutely." The only exception to this law is, when a person makes a vow to give some land to the Lord, and will not...

For ever. Samaritan version, "absolutely." The only exception to this law is, when a person makes a vow to give some land to the Lord, and will not redeem it, chap xxvii. 20. In that case, God re-enters upon his property, and it belongs to his priests. (Calmet)

Haydock: Lev 25:27 - -- Fruits. An estimation shall be made of what the buyer would probably have gotten for the fruits of the land, till the year of jubilee, and that sum ...

Fruits. An estimation shall be made of what the buyer would probably have gotten for the fruits of the land, till the year of jubilee, and that sum shall be given to him; (Calmet) or what benefit he has already derived from the land shall be computed; so that, if he purchased it for 100 sicles, and had received the value of 80, he should be content with the addition of 20 more, ver. 53. (Haydock)

Haydock: Lev 25:29 - -- City. These houses are of greater consequence, and therefore God dissuades his people from selling them; though if they think proper to do so, he ho...

City. These houses are of greater consequence, and therefore God dissuades his people from selling them; though if they think proper to do so, he holds out an encouragement to those who buy, that they may afford a better price, on the prospect of keeping possession for ever. (Menochius)

Gill: Lev 25:1 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses in Mount Sinai,.... Not when Moses was with the Lord on that mount forty days, but after he came down from thence, even ...

And the Lord spake unto Moses in Mount Sinai,.... Not when Moses was with the Lord on that mount forty days, but after he came down from thence, even after the tabernacle was set up, while the children of Israel where encamped about that mountain, and before they took their journey from thence; for they continued some time in the wilderness of Sinai, and here it was the Lord spoke to Moses; for the words may be rendered "by" or "near Mount Sinai" g; and so Josephus h says, the following laws were delivered to Moses, when Israel was encamped under Mount Sinai:

saying; as follows.

Gill: Lev 25:2 - -- Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,.... What follows, being what the whole body of the people would be under obligation to observe, ...

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,.... What follows, being what the whole body of the people would be under obligation to observe, and therefore must be delivered to them all, at least to the heads and elders of the people, and by them to the rest:

when ye come into the land which I give you; the land of Canaan, and until they came thither, the following law concerning the sabbatical year could not take place; and as Maimonides i says, it was only used in the land of Israel, and no where else, according to this text, and that both before and after the temple was built:

then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord; a rest from tillage, as it is afterwards explained; and this being according to the will of God, when observed would be to his honour and glory, and show that he was the proprietor of the land; and that the Israelites held it under him by this tenure, that every seventh year they should let it rest, which would be for the benefit of the land, and preserve it from being impoverished by continual usage and hereby they might learn to depend on the providence of God, and to observe that all increase is from him; and to consider the straits and difficulties the poor live in continually, as they in this seventh year; and by this means they would be at leisure to have an opportunity of reading the law, as they did at this time, Deu 31:10; and of meditating upon it, and of giving themselves up to religious exercises, as well as by it they might be led to the typical use of to look for and expect that sabbatism or rest, which remains for the people of God. And now this law did not take place as soon as they came into the land, for it was to be sown six years, and then was the year of rest; and indeed not till after Joshua had subdued the whole land, which was seven years a doing; nor till they were quite settled, and it was divided among them, and every man had his field and vineyard apart, which this law supposes; wherefore the Jewish writers k say, they were not bound to tithes until the fourteenth year, and from thence they began to reckon the sabbatical year; and the twenty first year they made a sabbatical year, and the sixty fourth a jubilee, which they make to be the first that were kept: and they reckoned this year to commence, not on the first of Nisan or March, which was the beginning of the year for ecclesiastical things, but on the first of Tisri or September, when the harvest and all the fruits of the earth were gathered in; and when on other years they used to proceed to sowing the next month, but were forbid on this; and so it is said in the Misnah l, the first of Tisri is the beginning of the year for the sabbatical and jubilee years.

Gill: Lev 25:3 - -- Six years thou shalt sow thy field,.... Under which is comprehended everything relating to agriculture, both before and after sowing, as dunging the l...

Six years thou shalt sow thy field,.... Under which is comprehended everything relating to agriculture, both before and after sowing, as dunging the land, ploughing and harrowing it, treading the corn, reaping and gathering it in; see Exo 23:10,

and six years thou shall prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; which is not to be restrained to vineyards only, but to be extended to oliveyards, orchards and gardens, and to the planting and cultivating of them, and gathering in the fruits of them.

Gill: Lev 25:4 - -- But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land,.... From all tillage of it, from planting and cultivating any sort of trees in it; a...

But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land,.... From all tillage of it, from planting and cultivating any sort of trees in it; and even from digging pits, ditches; and caves, as say the Jewish writers m: and this was typical of that rest which believers enter into under the Gospel dispensation, and of the rest in the new Jerusalem state, and especially in the ultimate glory; not only from the labours of the body, but of the mind, through sin, Satan, doubts and fears, and through conflicts with various enemies, and when even all spiritual labours and services will be at an end but that of praise:

a sabbath for the Lord; for his honour and glory, to ascertain his property in the land, to show the power of his providence, and display his goodness in his care of all creatures, without any means used by them:

thou shalt neither sow thy field nor prune thy vineyard; under which are comprehended all acts of agriculture, which respect the cultivation of vines, olives, figs, and, according to the Misnah n, there were some instruments which it was not lawful to sell to an artificer in the seventh year, such as a plough, with all belonging to it, a yoke, a fan, a spade, but he may sell him a scythe, or a sickle, or a cart, and all its instruments; and which the commentators o interpret of one that is suspected of working in that year; the house of Shammai say, an heifer that ploughed might not be sold that year.

Gill: Lev 25:5 - -- That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap,.... That which sprung up of itself from grains of corn, shed in the harvest o...

That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap,.... That which sprung up of itself from grains of corn, shed in the harvest of the preceding year, without any ploughing or sowing; he might reap it, but not as at other times, the whole of it, and gather it as his own property, but only somewhat of it in common with others for his, present use:

neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed; which was on this year forbid to be dressed; the grapes of which he might gather in common with others, but not as in other years, all of them, and as peculiarly his own: the words may be rendered, "the grapes of thy separations" p; either such as in other years he used to separate for himself, and forbid others gathering them, but now made them common; or which he did not labour in the cultivation of, but abstained from it:

for it is a year of rest unto the land; which is repeated, that it may be observed.

Gill: Lev 25:6 - -- And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you,...., That is, that which grew up of itself but of the land, or on trees, vines, olives, &c. undress...

And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you,...., That is, that which grew up of itself but of the land, or on trees, vines, olives, &c. undressed, should be the meat or food on which they should live that year: and this comprehends everything that is fit for food, and also for drink, and for anointing, and even for the lighting of lamps, as in the Misnah q:

for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid; the owner of the fields and vineyards, he and his family, wife, children, and servants, might eat of the fruits of them in common with others; for whereas it is elsewhere said, Exo 23:11, "that the poor of thy people may eat", this is observed here, lest anyone should think the rich are forbid eating them, as Jarchi remarks:

and for thy hired servant, and for the stranger that sojourneth with thee: which the same writer interprets of Gentiles; the food of this year was common to masters and servants, to rich and poor, to Israelites and Gentiles; all had an equal right unto, and share therein; which might be an emblem of the first times of the Gospel, in which all things were had in common, Act 4:32, and typical of the communion of saints in things spiritual; in salvation by Jesus Christ, common to Jews and Gentiles, high and low, bond and free; in the free and full forgiveness of sins by his blood; and in justification by his righteousness, which is unto all, and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference; in the participation of faith, and other graces, which are alike precious, and in the enjoyment of promises, privileges, and ordinances, and even of eternal life itself.

Gill: Lev 25:7 - -- And for thy cattle, and for the beasts that are in thy land,.... The former signifies tame cattle, such as were kept at home, or in fields, or were u...

And for thy cattle, and for the beasts that are in thy land,.... The former signifies tame cattle, such as were kept at home, or in fields, or were used in service, and the latter the wild beasts of the field:

shall all the increase thereof be meat; for the one, and for the other; Jarchi remarks, that all the time a wild beast eats of the increase of the field, the cattle may be fed at home; but when it ceaseth to the wild beast of the field, then it ceaseth to the cattle at home; nay, the Jews are so strict in this matter, that they say that when there is no food for the beasts in the field, men are obliged to bring out what they have in their houses r, see Isa 11:6.

Gill: Lev 25:8 - -- And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee,.... Or weeks of years; and there being seven days in a week, and a day being put for a year, ...

And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee,.... Or weeks of years; and there being seven days in a week, and a day being put for a year, seven weeks of years made forty nine years; the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan, and Jarchi, interpret it seven "shemittas", or sabbatical years; and a sabbatical year being every seventh year, made the same number:

seven times seven years: or forty nine years, as follows:

and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be forty and nine years; just such a space of years there was between each jubilee, which, as afterwards said, was the fiftieth year; so as there were a seventh day sabbath, and a fiftieth day sabbath, the day of Pentecost, so there were a seventh year sabbath, or sabbatical year, and a fiftieth year sabbath.

Gill: Lev 25:9 - -- Then shall thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound,.... At the end of forty nine years, or at the beginning of the fiftieth; or "the trumpet of...

Then shall thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound,.... At the end of forty nine years, or at the beginning of the fiftieth; or "the trumpet of a loud sound"; for here the word "jubilee" is not, which, according to some, was so called from the peculiar sound of the trumpet on this day, different from all others; though others, as Ben Melech, think, and the Jews commonly, that it had its name from the trumpet itself, which they suppose was made of a ram's horn, "jobel", in the Arabic language, signifying a ram; but the former reason is best; though perhaps it is best of all to derive it from הוביל, "to bring back, restore, return", because at this time men were returned to their liberty, estates, and families, as hereafter expressed:

on the tenth day of the seventh month; the month Tisri or September, the first day of which was the beginning of the year for "jubilees" s; for the computation of the jubilee year was made from the first day of the month, though the trumpet was not blown, and the rights of the year did not begin till the tenth, as Maimonides t observes:

in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land; which day of atonement was on the tenth day of the said month, and a very proper time it was to sound the trumpet, that after they had been afflicting themselves, then to have joy and comfort; and when atonement was made for all their sins, then to hear the joyful sound; and when it might be presumed they were in a good disposition to release their servants, and restore the poor to their possessions, when they themselves were favoured with the forgiveness of all their sins. This sounding was made throughout all the land of Israel; throughout all the highways, as Aben Ezra, that all might know the year of jubilee was come; and this was done by the order of the sanhedrim, as Maimonides u says, and who, also observes, that from the beginning of the year, to the day of atonement, servants were not released to their own houses, but did not serve their masters, nor were fields returned to their owners; but servants ate, and drank, and rejoiced, and wore garlands on their heads; and when the day of atonement came, the sanhedrim blew the trumpet, and the servants were dismissed to their houses, and fields returned to their owners.

Gill: Lev 25:10 - -- And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year,.... The year following the seven sabbaths of years, or forty nine years; and which they were to sanctify by sep...

And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year,.... The year following the seven sabbaths of years, or forty nine years; and which they were to sanctify by separating it from all others, and devoting it to the uses it was to be put to, and the services done on it, and by abstaining from the tillage of the land, sowing or reaping, and from the cultivation of vines, olives, &c.

and proclaim liberty throughout all the land; to servants, both to those whose ears were bored, and were to serve for ever, even unto the year of jubilee, and then be released; and to those whose six years were not ended, from the time that they were bought; for the jubilee year put an end to their servitude, let the time they had served be what it would; for this year was a general release of servants, excepting bondmen and bondmaids, who were never discharged; hence called the "year of liberty", Eze 46:17; and Josephus w says, the word "jobel" or "jubilee" signifies "liberty":

unto all the inhabitants thereof; that were in servitude or poverty, excepting the above mentioned; from hence the Jews gather, than when the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, went into captivity, the jubilees ceased x, since all the inhabitants were not then in it; but that is a mistake, for the jubilees were continued unto the coming of the Messiah, and perhaps never omitted but once, in the time of the Babylonish captivity:

it shall be a jubilee unto you; to the Israelites, and to them only, as Aben Ezra observes; it was a time of joy and gladness to them, especially to servants, who were now free, and to the poor, who enjoyed their estates again:

and ye shall return every man unto his possession; which had been sold or mortgaged to another, but now reverted to its original owner:

and ye shall return every man unto his family; who through poverty had sold himself for a servant, and had lived in another family. The general design of this law was to preserve the rights of freeborn Israelites, as to person and property, to prevent perpetual servitude, and perpetual alienation of their estates; to continue families and estates as they were originally, that some might not become too rich, and others too poor; nor be blended, but the tribes and families might be kept distinct until the coming of the Messiah, to whom the jubilee had a particular respect, and in whom it ceased. The liberty proclaimed on this day was typical of that liberty from the bondage of sin, Satan, and the law, which Christ is the author of, and is proclaimed by him in the Gospel, Gal 5:1; a liberty of grace and glory, or the glorious liberty of the children of God: returning to possessions and inheritances may be an emblem of the enjoyment of the heavenly inheritance by the saints; though man by sin lost an earthly paradise, and came short of the glory of God, yet through Christ his people are restored to a better inheritance, an incorruptible one; to which they are begotten by his Spirit, have a right to it through his righteousness, and a meetness for it by his grace, and of which the Holy Spirit is the earnest and pledge, and into which Christ himself will introduce them. And the returning of them to their families may signify the return of God's elect through Christ to the family that is named of him; these were secretly of the family of God from all eternity, being taken into it in the covenant of grace, as well as predestinated to the adoption of children: but by the fall, and through a state of nature by it, they became children of wrath, even as others; yet through redemption by Christ, and faith in him, they receive the adoption of children, and openly appear to be of the family of God, 2Co 6:18; and all this is proclaimed by the sound of the Gospel trumpet, which being a sound of liberty, peace, pardon, righteousness, salvation, and eternal life by Christ, is a joyful one, Psa 89:15; where the allusion seems to be to the jubilee trumpet.

Gill: Lev 25:11 - -- A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you,.... Which, clearly shows, that not the forty ninth year was the year of jubilee, as many learned men h...

A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you,.... Which, clearly shows, that not the forty ninth year was the year of jubilee, as many learned men have asserted, chiefly induced by this reason, because two years would come together in which were no sowing reaping; but that God, that could cause the earth to forth fruit for three years, Lev 25:21; could make it bring forth enough for four years; and in order to make their sentiment agree with this passage, they are obliged to make the foregoing jubilee one of the fifty, and begin their account from thence; but this could not be done in the first account of the jubilee; of the name; see Gill on Lev 25:9,

ye shall not sow; in the year of jubilee, which shows also that this could not be the forty ninth year, which of course being a sabbatical year, there would be no sowing, reaping, &c. and so this law or instruction would be quite needless:

neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed; as in the sabbatical year; see Gill on Lev 25:5; the same with respect to these things being to be observed in the year of jubilee, as in that; and so Jarchi observes that the same that is said of the sabbatical year is said of the jubilee, two holy years being found next to one another, the forty ninth year the sabbatical year, and the fiftieth year the jubilee.

Gill: Lev 25:12 - -- For it is the jubilee, it shall be holy,.... Men being restored to their liberty, possessions, and families, it must be matter of joy to them, and the...

For it is the jubilee, it shall be holy,.... Men being restored to their liberty, possessions, and families, it must be matter of joy to them, and therefore this year was to be separated from all others, and devoted to the ends and uses before mentioned; and men were to live upon the spontaneous productions of the earth, without any tillage of land, or cultivation of vines, &c.

ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field; they were not to reap corn, and gather grapes and olives, and bring them into their barns and storehouses, as in other years; but were to go out every day into their fields, and gather for present use, and all were common to all sorts of men, and to cattle, as in the sabbatical year; See Gill on Lev 25:7.

Gill: Lev 25:13 - -- In the year of this jubilee,.... In the beginning of it, as Aben Ezra, though not on the first day of Tisri, but the tenth day, the day of atonement, ...

In the year of this jubilee,.... In the beginning of it, as Aben Ezra, though not on the first day of Tisri, but the tenth day, the day of atonement, when the trumpet was blown:

ye shall return every man unto his possession; which is repeated from Lev 25:10; the reason of which, the Jews say, is to include gifts, and which, according to them, are like sales, and returned in the year of "jubilee"; that is, if a man gave his estate in possession to another, he returned to it, in the year of jubilee, equally as if he had sold it; and therefore they observe the same phrase is twice used by Moses, to include gifts y: but perhaps the truer reason is, because this was a special business done at this time, and of great importance; the word "return" being so often used, may serve to confirm the sense of the word "jubilee", given previously; see Gill on Lev 25:9.

Gill: Lev 25:14 - -- And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour,.... Any estate or possession, house or land, at any time before the year of jubilee: or buyest ought of...

And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour,.... Any estate or possession, house or land, at any time before the year of jubilee:

or buyest ought of thy neighbour's hand; of movable goods, as the Targum of Jonathan interprets it; and so other Jewish writers z restrain this to goods which are bought by hand, and delivered from hand to hand; and so they think that fields, and servants, which they say are like to fields, are excluded hereby; but it seems to refer to anything saleable, and chiefly to fields and vineyards, as the following verses show; wherefore Diodorus Siculus, as quoted by Grotius, must be mistaken, when he says, it was not counted lawful by the Jews to sell their inheritance, unless he means for ever, so indeed they could not:

ye shall not oppress one another; the buyer giving too little, or the seller requiring too much; no advantage was to be taken, either of the necessity of the one, or the ignorance of the other, but a fair bargain was to be made, and the full value given, neither too much nor too little. The Jews by "neighbour" understand an Israelite, and not a Gentile a; not that there might be no buying and selling at all between Jews and Gentiles, or that the former might oppress and defraud the latter, though not an Israelite; but lands and inheritances might not be sold at all to Gentiles, only to Israelites.

Gill: Lev 25:15 - -- According to the number of years after the jubilee thou shalt buy of thy neighbour,.... That is, reckoning how many years had past since the last jubi...

According to the number of years after the jubilee thou shalt buy of thy neighbour,.... That is, reckoning how many years had past since the last jubilee, and how many there were to come to the next, and so give as many years' purchase as were yet to come:

and according to the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee; only care was to be taken, that as many years as were sabbatical ones, which were not years of fruit, should be deducted out of the account by the seller; since these were years the buyer could have no profit by the estate, and therefore it was not reasonable that such years should be reckoned into the purchase; and hence the Jewish writers gather, that when a man had sold his field, he could not redeem it in less than two years, because a number of years cannot be less than two, and that if even the buyer agreed to it, it might not be done b.

Gill: Lev 25:16 - -- According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof,.... More was to be asked and required, and should be given for an estate, w...

According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof,.... More was to be asked and required, and should be given for an estate, when, for instance, there were thirty years to the year of jubilee, than when there were but twenty:

and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price of it; if it wanted but five, or six, or ten years unto it, then, in proportion, less was to be insisted upon and given:

for according to the number of the years of the fruits doth he sell unto thee; which also must be considered, how many years of tillage of land, and cultivation of vineyards, &c. there were in the account, and how many sabbatical years to be deducted; for only according to the number of fruit years was the estate to be valued and sold.

Gill: Lev 25:17 - -- Ye shall not therefore oppress one another,.... By over or underrating estates: but thou shalt fear thy God; and the fear of God being before their...

Ye shall not therefore oppress one another,.... By over or underrating estates:

but thou shalt fear thy God; and the fear of God being before their eyes, and on their hearts, would preserve both buyer and seller from doing an ill thing, when it was in the power of either, through the necessity of the one, or the ignorance of the other, see Neh 5:15,

for I am the Lord your God; omniscient, and knows all that is done in the most private and artful manner; and omnipotent and able to punish both, which of them either should oppress or defraud, see 1Th 4:6.

Gill: Lev 25:18 - -- Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them,.... These and all others he enjoined; by which tenure, even obedience to all hi...

Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them,.... These and all others he enjoined; by which tenure, even obedience to all his commands, moral, ritual, and judicial, they were to hold the land of Canaan, and their possessions in it, which is intended in the next clause:

and ye shall dwell in the land in safety; without any fear of enemies, or of the neighbouring nations about them seizing upon them, and distressing them; and Jarchi observes, that it was for transgressing the sabbatical year that Israel was carried captive, which he thinks is intimated in 2Ch 36:21; and that the seventy years' captivity in Babylon were for the seventy sabbatical years that had been neglected.

Gill: Lev 25:19 - -- And the land shall yield her fruit,.... That is, continually, and even in the seventh year, the sabbath of rest; for the land, though not manured, plo...

And the land shall yield her fruit,.... That is, continually, and even in the seventh year, the sabbath of rest; for the land, though not manured, ploughed, and sowed, nor the vines, olives, and fig trees pruned, yet shall yield fruit as in other years, the Israelites observing the statutes and judgments of God:

and ye shall eat your fill; feel no want of provisions, but have fulness of everything as at other times, and never make a scanty meal, having sufficiency and plenty of all things:

and dwell therein in safety; not fearing enemies, nor being disturbed by them, nor carried captive.

Gill: Lev 25:20 - -- And ye shall say, what shall ye eat the seventh year?.... Such as are of little faith, disbelieve the promise, and distrust the providence of God, and...

And ye shall say, what shall ye eat the seventh year?.... Such as are of little faith, disbelieve the promise, and distrust the providence of God, and take thought for tomorrow, and indulge an anxiety of mind how they shall be provided with food in the sabbatical year ordered to be observed, in which there were to be no tillage of land, nor pruning of trees:

behold, we shall not sow; that being forbidden:

nor gather in our increase; neither the barley, nor the wheat, nor the grapes, nor olives, nor figs, into their houses and barns, to lay up for stores, as in other years; though they might go out and gather in for present use in common with others: now if any should put the above question, as it was very likely some would, in such a view of things, the answer to it follows.

Gill: Lev 25:21 - -- Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year,.... Upon their fields, vineyards, and oliveyards, and make them exceeding fruitful, more t...

Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year,.... Upon their fields, vineyards, and oliveyards, and make them exceeding fruitful, more than in other years; all fruitfulness at any time depends upon the blessing of God, and follows upon it, but is more visible and observable when there is an exceeding great plenty:

and it shall bring forth fruit for three years; and thus God blessed the sixth year with such a plentiful increase as was sufficient for time to come, until a new crop was gathered in; as he had blessed the sixth day with a double portion of manna, for the supply of the seventh.

Gill: Lev 25:22 - -- And ye shall sow the eighth year,.... Sow the land in the eighth year, and likewise dress their vines, olives, &c. and eat yet of the old fruit; e...

And ye shall sow the eighth year,.... Sow the land in the eighth year, and likewise dress their vines, olives, &c.

and eat yet of the old fruit; even in the eighth year, of the old fruit of the sixth year, as the Targum of Jonathan adds:

until the ninth year; that is, as Jarchi explains it, until the feast of tabernacles of the ninth, which was the time that the increase of the eighth came into the house; for all summer it was in the field, and in Tisri or September was the time of gathering it into the house; and sometimes it was necessary to provide for four years on the sixth, which was before the sabbatical year, the seventh, for they ceased from tilling the ground two years running, the seventh and the jubilee year; but this Scripture is said concerning all the rest of the sabbatical years: these encouraging promises, one would have thought, would have been placed more naturally after the account of the sabbatical year that followed, Lev 25:7; but the reason of their being inserted here seems to be, because in the year of jubilee they were neither to sow nor reap, nor gather in the grapes of the undressed vine, as in the sabbatical year, Lev 25:11; wherefore those things are said for encouragement at the one time as at the other; since it might easily be concluded, that he that could provide for them every sixth year for three years to come, could once in fifty years provide for four:

until her fruits come in, ye shall eat of the old store; some of which came in in March, as barley, others in May, as the wheat, and others in August and September, as the grapes, olives, &c. which was the time of ingathering several fruits of the earth, and of finishing the whole.

Gill: Lev 25:23 - -- The land shall not be sold for ever,.... That is, the land of Israel; the meaning is, any part of it, for that the whole might be sold or disposed of ...

The land shall not be sold for ever,.... That is, the land of Israel; the meaning is, any part of it, for that the whole might be sold or disposed of at once is not to be supposed, but anyone part of it, which was the property of a single man, or belonged to a family; though it might be sold in case of necessity, yet not for ever, so as never to return to the owner, or his heirs; for if it was sold for ever it returned in the year of the jubilee: the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan render the word "absolutely", simply, properly; a proper absolute sale was not to be made, but a conditional one, or for so many years, or with a view to its reversion in the year of jubilee, and so the agreement to be made according to the number of years, as before directed: the word, as Aben Ezra observes, signifies "cutting off", and the sense is, that no land should be sold entirely, so as that the proprietor or his heirs should be wholly cut off from it, or that the entail of it upon the family should be cut off:

for the land is mine; as indeed the whole earth is, but the land of Canaan was peculiarly his, which he had chosen above all other lands for the inheritance of his people; out of which he drove the old inhabitants of it for their sins, and put in his own people to possess it under him; where he himself had his dwelling place, and where he was served and worshipped, and where the Messiah was to be born, and was born, and therefore called Immanuel's land; and which was a figure of the better country, or the heavenly glory and happiness, which is of God's preparing and giving, and will never be alienated from those whose right it is:

for ye are strangers and sojourners with me; as the Gentiles that lived among them were strangers and sojourners with them, so they were with the Lord; he was the original proprietor, they were but tenants at will; though it was both an honour and happiness to be with him, under any character, to board, and lodge, and dwell with him; and they might well be content to be reckoned not proprietors but strangers and sojourners, and especially such as had faith and hope in a better inheritance, of which this was only a figure; however, this being their present case, it was a reason good, why they could not for ever dispose of their lands and possessions, any more than a sojourner or inmate can of a house of which he has only a part.

Gill: Lev 25:24 - -- And in all the land of your possession,.... Which they should possess in the land of Canaan, whatever part of it any of them should enjoy: ye shall...

And in all the land of your possession,.... Which they should possess in the land of Canaan, whatever part of it any of them should enjoy:

ye shall grant a redemption for the land; that is, whenever any estate in it was sold through necessity, the buyer was obliged to grant a liberty to the seller to redeem it, when it was in his power to do it, or any or his relations, especially after two years; so Jarchi observes, he that sells his possession may redeem it after two years, either he himself or he that is near akin to him, nor can the buyer hinder it; See Gill on Lev 25:15.

Gill: Lev 25:25 - -- If thy brother be waxen poor,.... Is brought very low, greatly reduced, and is in mean circumstances; hence Jarchi says, we learn, that no man may sel...

If thy brother be waxen poor,.... Is brought very low, greatly reduced, and is in mean circumstances; hence Jarchi says, we learn, that no man may sell his field, unless his distress presses him and forces him to it; for, as Maimonides c observes, a man might not sell his estate to put money into his purse, or to trade with, or to purchase goods, servants, and cattle, only food:

and hath sold away some of his possession; not all of it, as Jarchi remarks; for the way of the earth or custom of the world teaches, that a man should reserve a field (or a part) for himself:

and if any of his kin come to redeem it; come to the buyer and propose to redeem it, by giving what it was sold for, or in proportion to the time he had enjoyed it:

then shall he redeem that which his brother sold; nor was it in the power of the purchaser to hinder him, or at his option whether he would suffer him to redeem it or not: such an one was an emblem of our "goel", our near kinsman and Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ, who came in our nature into this world to redeem us, and put us into the possession of the heavenly inheritance; nor was it in the power of any to hinder his performance of it, for he is the mighty God, the Lord of Hosts is his name.

Gill: Lev 25:26 - -- And if the man have none to redeem it,.... That is, none of kin that was able or willing to redeem it; otherwise no doubt there were persons in the la...

And if the man have none to redeem it,.... That is, none of kin that was able or willing to redeem it; otherwise no doubt there were persons in the land able to do it at any time, but none he was in connection with, or from whom he could expect such a favour:

and himself be able to redeem it; or if his hand has got, and he has found a sufficiency for his redemption, as the Targum of Jonathan; not that he has found anything that was lost, as Chaskuni glosses it, but by one providence or another, by the blessing of God on his trade and business, is become rich, and it is in the power of his hand to redeem the possession he had sold, he might do it; but, as the same writer observes, he might not borrow and redeem, but must do it with what he had got of his own since the time of sale, and which is also the sense of others d.

Gill: Lev 25:27 - -- Then let him count the years of the sale thereof,.... How many years had passed since it was sold, how many it had been in the hands of the purchaser,...

Then let him count the years of the sale thereof,.... How many years had passed since it was sold, how many it had been in the hands of the purchaser, and how many were yet to come to the year of the jubilee, by which means the price of redemption might easily be settled; thus, for instance, if the years were alike and there was just half the time gone, then half of the price it was sold at was repaid to the purchaser; and if not alike, then in proportion to what had passed and were to come:

and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; for the years that were yet to come; if, as Jarchi says, he has eaten of or enjoyed the fruit of the field three or four years, deduct the price of them from the account, and take the rest; this is the meaning, "and restore the overplus", out of the price of the sale, according to what is eaten, and give it to the buyer: Maimonides e explains it thus; that if there were ten years to the year of the jubilee, and the field was sold for an hundred pieces, if he that bought it has eaten of it three years, then the seller that redeems it must give him seventy pieces, and he must restore his field; if he has eaten of it six years, he is to give forty pieces, and the other restores him the field: in the Misnah it is put thus; if he sell it (his field) to the first for an hundred pence, and the first sells it to a second for two hundred, he must not reckon but with the first, as it is said, "unto the man to whom he sold it"; if he sold it to the first for two hundred, and the first sells it to a second for an hundred, he shall not count but with the last, as it is said, "to a man", i.e. to the man which is in the midst of it, or is possessed of it; nor may he sell it for a distant time, that he may redeem it near, nor when in a bad condition, that he may redeem it when in a good one; nor may he borrow to redeem it, nor redeem it by halves f:

that he may return to his possession; and enjoy it again.

Gill: Lev 25:28 - -- But if he be not able to restore it to him,.... The overplus, or give him what is in proportion to the time he has had it, and yet to come: then th...

But if he be not able to restore it to him,.... The overplus, or give him what is in proportion to the time he has had it, and yet to come:

then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that bought it until the year of the jubilee; continue in his possession, and he shall enjoy all the benefit of it till that year comes:

and in the jubilee it shall go out: out of his hands or possession; or "he shall go out" g, the purchaser shall go out of what he has bought, and shall have no more possession of it, but it shall come into the hands of the seller, and that without money, as the Targum of Jonathan adds:

and he shall return unto his possession; the seller, and enter upon it and enjoy it as his own property, as before he sold it.

Gill: Lev 25:29 - -- And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city,.... Which was so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun, as Jarchi: then he may redeem it with...

And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city,.... Which was so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun, as Jarchi:

then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold: any time within the year he pleased, either he or any near of kin to him; and if they would, on the day it was sold, or any time after within the compass of the year, even on the day in which the year ended; in this such an house differed from fields, which could not be redeemed under two years; see Gill on Lev 25:15,

within a full year may he redeem it; from the time it was sold, paying what it was sold for: this is to be understood, Maimonides h says, of a solar year, which consists of three hundred sixty five days, and within this space of time such an house might be redeemed.

Gill: Lev 25:30 - -- And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year,.... Either by the seller or any man of kin to him: then the house that is in the walled...

And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year,.... Either by the seller or any man of kin to him:

then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it, throughout his generation; after twelve months were elapsed it was not redeemable by any, but to be held by the purchaser and his heirs for ever:

it shall not go out in the jubilee; from the purchaser or his heirs, to the seller or his heirs; for houses were not like lands, the gift of God, and held under him, but were built by men, and were their absolute property, and therefore they could dispose of them, and they that bought them could hold them after the above mentioned time; nor was there any danger of confounding tribes and families by retaining them: this law was made to encourage persons to settle in walled towns, to make and keep them populous, and to make owners of them careful not to sell them: the Jewish canon is this; when the day of the twelfth month is come, and it (the house) is not redeemed, it is absolutely his, whether he bought it or whether it was given him, as it is said, Lev 25:30; and if in the beginning of the day of the twelfth month he (the purchaser) hides himself, that it may be confirmed to him or be his absolutely; Hillel, the elder, ordered that he (the seller) should put his money in the chamber (belonging to the sanhedrim) and break open the door, and go in; and when he would, he (the purchaser) might come, and take his money i; but otherwise, if he suffers this time to pass it is irredeemable, nor will the year of jubilee help him: the Jews except the city of Jerusalem from this law, because, they say, that does not belong to any tribe k.

Gill: Lev 25:31 - -- But the houses of the villages, which have no walls round about them,.... As there were many in the days of Joshua, the Scripture speaks of: the Jews ...

But the houses of the villages, which have no walls round about them,.... As there were many in the days of Joshua, the Scripture speaks of: the Jews suppose that such are meant, even though they were afterwards walled:

shall be counted as the fields of the country; and subject to the same law as they:

they may be redeemed; at any time before the year of jubilee, and if not, then

they shall go out in the jubilee; to the original owners of them, freely, as Jarchi says, without paying anything for them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lev 25:2 Heb “the land shall rest a Sabbath.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:3 Heb “its produce,” but the feminine pronoun “its” probably refers to the “land” (a feminine noun in Hebrew; cf. v....

NET Notes: Lev 25:4 Heb “and.” Here the Hebrew conjunction ו (vav, “and”) has an alternative sense (“or”).

NET Notes: Lev 25:5 Heb “consecrated, devoted, forbidden” (נָזִיר, nazir). The same term is used for the “consecrati...

NET Notes: Lev 25:6 A “resident who stays” would be a foreign person who was probably residing as another kind of laborer in the household of a landowner (B. ...

NET Notes: Lev 25:7 The words “for you” are implied.

NET Notes: Lev 25:8 Heb “and they shall be for you, the days of the seven Sabbaths of years, forty-nine years.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:9 On the “loud horn blasts” see the note on Lev 23:24, but unlike the language there, the Hebrew term for “horn” (שׁ...

NET Notes: Lev 25:10 Heb “you [plural] shall return, a man.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:11 See v. 5 above and the notes there.

NET Notes: Lev 25:12 That is, the produce of the land (fem.; cf. v. 7 above).

NET Notes: Lev 25:13 Heb “you [plural] shall return, a man.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:14 Heb “do not oppress a man his brother.” Here “brother” does not refer only to a sibling, but to a fellow Israelite.

NET Notes: Lev 25:15 The purchaser is actually buying only the crops that the land will produce until the next jubilee, since the land will revert to the original owner at...

NET Notes: Lev 25:16 Heb “a number of produce”; the words “years of” are implied. As an alternative this could be translated “a number of har...

NET Notes: Lev 25:17 Heb “And you shall not oppress a man his fellow citizen.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:18 Heb “and you shall dwell on the land to security.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:19 Heb “eat to satisfaction”; KJV, ASV “ye shall eat your fill.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:21 Smr and LXX have “its produce” (cf. 25:3, 7, etc.) rather than “the produce.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:22 Heb “until the ninth year, until bringing [in] its produce.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:23 That is, the Israelites were strangers and residents who were attached to the Lord’s household. They did not own the land. Note the parallel to ...

NET Notes: Lev 25:24 Heb “right of redemption you shall give to the land”; NAB “you must permit the land to be redeemed.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:25 Heb “the sale of his brother.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:26 Heb “and he finds as sufficiency of its redemption.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:27 Heb “and return the excess.”

NET Notes: Lev 25:28 Heb “he”; the referent (the original owner of the land) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Lev 25:29 Heb “days its right of redemption shall be” (see B. A. Levine, Leviticus [JPSTC], 176).

NET Notes: Lev 25:30 See the note on v. 23 above.

NET Notes: Lev 25:31 Heb “on the field.”

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:3 ( a ) Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; ( a ) The Jews began to count...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:5 That which groweth of its ( b ) own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine ( c ) undressed: [for] it is a ye...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:6 And the ( d ) sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stran...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:9 ( e ) Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth [day] of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trum...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout [all] the land unto all the ( f ) inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unt...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:14 And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest [ought] of thy neighbour's hand, ye shall ( h ) not oppress one another: ( h ) By deceit, or oth...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:15 According to the number of ( i ) years after the jubile thou shalt buy of thy neighbour, [and] according unto the number of years of the fruits he sha...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:16 According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price of it: ...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:23 The land shall not be sold ( l ) for ever: for the land [is] mine; for ye [are] strangers and sojourners with me. ( l ) It could not be sold for ever...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:24 And in all the land of your possession ye shall ( m ) grant a redemption for the land. ( m ) You shall sell it on the condition that it may be redeem...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:27 Then let him ( n ) count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his possessi...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:28 But if he be not able to restore [it] to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubile: an...

Geneva Bible: Lev 25:30 And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that [is] in the walled city shall be established ( p ) for ever to him that...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Lev 25:1-55 - --1 The sabbath of the seventh year.8 The jubilee in the fiftieth year.14 Of oppression.18 A blessing of obedience.23 The redemption of land.29 Of house...

Maclaren: Lev 25:23 - --Lev. 25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with Me.'--Lev. 25:23. The singular institut...

MHCC: Lev 25:1-7 - --All labour was to cease in the seventh year, as much as daily labour on the seventh day. These statues tell us to beware of covetousness, for a man's ...

MHCC: Lev 25:8-22 - --The word " jubilee" signifies a peculiarly animated sound of the silver trumpets. This sound was to be made on the evening of the great day of atonem...

MHCC: Lev 25:23-34 - --If the land were not redeemed before the year of jubilee, it then returned to him that sold or mortgaged it. This was a figure of the free grace of Go...

Matthew Henry: Lev 25:1-7 - -- The law of Moses laid a great deal of stress upon the sabbath, the sanctification of which was the earliest and most ancient of all divine instituti...

Matthew Henry: Lev 25:8-22 - -- Here is, I. The general institution of the jubilee, Lev 25:8. etc. 1. When it was to be observed: after seven sabbaths of years (Lev 25:8), whethe...

Matthew Henry: Lev 25:23-38 - -- Here is, I. A law concerning the real estates of the Israelites in the land of Canaan, and the transferring of them. 1. No land should be sold for e...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 25:1 - -- The law for the sabbatical and jubilee years brings to a close the laws given to Moses by Jehovah upon Mount Sinai. This is shown by the words of th...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 25:2-4 - -- The Sabbatical Year. - When Israel had come into the land which the Lord gave to it, it was to sanctify it to the Lord by the observance of a Sabbat...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 25:5 - -- " That which has fallen out (been shaken out) of thy harvest (i.e., the corn which had grown from the grains of the previous harvest that had fall...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 25:6-7 - -- " And the Sabbath of the land (i.e., the produce of the sabbatical year or year of rest, whatever grew that year without cultivation) shall be to y...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 25:8-55 - -- The law for the Year of Jubilee refers first of all to its observance (Lev 25:8-12), and secondly to its effects ( a ) upon the possession of proper...

Constable: Lev 17:1--27:34 - --II. The private worship of the Israelites chs. 17--27 The second major division of Leviticus deals with how the ...

Constable: Lev 25:1-55 - --F. Sanctification of the possession of land by the sabbatical and jubilee years ch. 25 Chapter 25 conclu...

Constable: Lev 25:1-7 - --1. The sabbatical year 25:1-7 As God ordered the people to rest every seventh day, so He ordered...

Constable: Lev 25:8-55 - --2. The year of jubilee 25:8-55 "The Jubilee legislation found in Leviticus 25 presents a vision ...

Constable: Lev 25:8-12 - --The observance of the year of jubilee 25:8-12 The Israelites were to observe the year of...

Constable: Lev 25:13-34 - --The effects of the year on the possession of property 25:13-34 The people were to buy an...

Guzik: Lev 25:1-55 - --Leviticus 25 - Special Sabbaths and Jubilees A. The Sabbath Year. 1. (1-2) The land and its Sabbath. And the LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, s...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Leviticus (Book Introduction) LEVITICUS. So called from its treating of the laws relating to the ritual, the services, and sacrifices of the Jewish religion, the superintendence of...


TSK: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Leviticus is a most interesting and important book; a book containing a code of sacrificial, ceremonial, civil, and judicial laws, which, for the puri...

TSK: Leviticus 25 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Lev 25:1, The sabbath of the seventh year; Lev 25:8, The jubilee in the fiftieth year; Lev 25:14, Of oppression; Lev 25:18, A blessing of...

Poole: Leviticus (Book Introduction) THIRD BOOK OF MOSES CALLED LEVITICUS THE ARGUMENT This Book, containing the actions of about one month’ s space, acquainteth us with the Lev...

Poole: Leviticus 25 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 25 The land not to be tilled, but rest the seventh year; and that which grew of itself in the field or vineyard to be meat for them and the...

MHCC: Leviticus (Book Introduction) God ordained divers kinds of oblations and sacrifices, to assure his people of the forgiveness of their offences, if they offered them in true faith a...

MHCC: Leviticus 25 (Chapter Introduction) (Lev 25:1-7) The sabbath of rest for the land in the seventh year. (Lev 25:8-22) The jubilee of the fiftieth year, Oppression forbidden. (Lev 25:23-...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus There is nothing historical in all this book of Leviticus exc...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus 25 (Chapter Introduction) The law of this chapter concerns the lands and estates of the Israelites in Canaan, the occupying and transferring of which were to be under the di...

Constable: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Hebrews derived the title of this book from the first word in i...

Constable: Leviticus (Outline) Outline "At first sight the book of Leviticus might appear to be a haphazard, even repetitious arrangement of en...

Constable: Leviticus Leviticus Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. New York...

Haydock: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. The Book is called Leviticus : because it treats of the offices, ministries, rites and ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The H...

Gill: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS This book is commonly called by the Jews Vajikra, from the first word with which it begins, and sometimes תורת כהנ...

Gill: Leviticus 25 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS 25 In this chapter the Israelites are directed, when come into the land of Canaan, to observe every seventh year as a sab...

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