Text -- Luke 17:31-37 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Robertson: Luk 17:31 - -- Let him not go down ( mē katabatō ).
Second aorist active imperative of katabainō with mē in a prohibition in the third person singular. ...
Let him not go down (
Second aorist active imperative of

Robertson: Luk 17:32 - -- Remember Lot’ s wife ( mnēmoneuete tēs gunaikos Lōt ).
Here only in the N.T. A pertinent illustration to warn against looking back with ye...
Remember Lot’ s wife (
Here only in the N.T. A pertinent illustration to warn against looking back with yearning after what has been left behind (Gen 19:26).

Robertson: Luk 17:33 - -- Shall preserve it ( zōogonēsei autēn ).
Or save it alive. Here only in the N.T. except 1Ti 6:13; Act 7:19. It is a late word and common in medi...

Robertson: Luk 17:34 - -- In that night ( tautēi tēi nukti ).
More vivid still, "on this night,"when Christ comes.
In that night (
More vivid still, "on this night,"when Christ comes.

Robertson: Luk 17:35 - -- Shall be grinding ( esontai alēthousai ).
Periphrastic future active indicative of alēthō , an old verb only in the N.T. here and Mat 24:41.
Shall be grinding (
Periphrastic future active indicative of

Robertson: Luk 17:37 - -- The eagles ( hoi aetoi ).
Or the vultures attracted by the carcass. This proverb is quoted also in Mat 24:28. See Job 39:27-30; Hab 1:8; and Hos 8:1....
The eagles (
Or the vultures attracted by the carcass. This proverb is quoted also in Mat 24:28. See Job 39:27-30; Hab 1:8; and Hos 8:1. Double compound (

Vincent: Luk 17:33 - -- Shall preserve ( ζωογονήσει )
Only here and Act 7:19. Originally to engender; thence to produce alive or endue with life, a...
Shall preserve (
Only here and Act 7:19. Originally to engender; thence to produce alive or endue with life, and so to preserve alive . Wyc., shall quicken it.
Wesley: Luk 17:31 - -- (Which will be the grand type of the last day) when ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies.
(Which will be the grand type of the last day) when ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies.

Wesley: Luk 17:32 - -- And escape with all speed, without ever looking behind you. Luk 9:24; Joh 12:25.

Wesley: Luk 17:33 - -- The sense of this and the following verses is, Yet as great as the danger will be, do not seek to save your life by violating your conscience: if you ...
The sense of this and the following verses is, Yet as great as the danger will be, do not seek to save your life by violating your conscience: if you do, you will surely lose it: whereas if you should lose it for my sake, you shall be paid with life everlasting. But the most probable way of preserving it now, is to be always ready to give it up: a peculiar Providence shall then watch over you, and put a difference between you and other men.
JFB: Luk 17:31-33 - -- A warning against that lingering reluctance to part with present treasures which induces some to remain in a burning house, in hopes of saving this an...
A warning against that lingering reluctance to part with present treasures which induces some to remain in a burning house, in hopes of saving this and that precious article till consumed and buried in its ruins. The cases here supposed, though different, are similar.

JFB: Luk 17:32 - -- Her "look back," for that is all that is said of her, and her recorded doom. Her heart was in Sodom still, and the "look" just said, "And must I bid i...
Her "look back," for that is all that is said of her, and her recorded doom. Her heart was in Sodom still, and the "look" just said, "And must I bid it adieu?"

JFB: Luk 17:34 - -- The prepared and unprepared mingled in closest intercourse together in the ordinary walks and fellowships of life, when the moment of severance arrive...
The prepared and unprepared mingled in closest intercourse together in the ordinary walks and fellowships of life, when the moment of severance arrives. Awful truth! realized before the destruction of Jerusalem, when the Christians found themselves forced by their Lord's directions (Luk 21:21) at once and for ever away from their old associates; but most of all when the second coming of Christ shall burst upon a heedless world.

JFB: Luk 17:37 - -- "As birds of prey scent out the carrion, so wherever is found a mass of incurable moral and spiritual corruption, there will be seen alighting the min...
"As birds of prey scent out the carrion, so wherever is found a mass of incurable moral and spiritual corruption, there will be seen alighting the ministers of divine judgment," a proverbial saying terrifically verified at the destruction of Jerusalem, and many times since, though its most tremendous illustration will be at the world's final day.
Clarke: Luk 17:31 - -- He which shall be upon the housetop - See this explained on Mat 24:17 (note).
He which shall be upon the housetop - See this explained on Mat 24:17 (note).

Clarke: Luk 17:32 - -- Remember Lot’ s wife - Relinquish every thing, rather than lose your souls. She looked back, Gen 19:26; probably she turned back also to carry ...
Remember Lot’ s wife - Relinquish every thing, rather than lose your souls. She looked back, Gen 19:26; probably she turned back also to carry some of her goods away - for so much the preceding verse seems to intimate, and became a monument of the Divine displeasure, and of her own folly and sin. It is a proof that we have loved with a criminal affection that which we leave with grief and anxiety, though commanded by the Lord to abandon it.

Clarke: Luk 17:33 - -- Whosoever shall seek to save his life - These or similar words were spoken on another occasion. See on Mat 10:39 (note); Mat 16:25, Mat 16:26 (note)...

Clarke: Luk 17:34-36 - -- On the subject of these verses see Mat 24:40, Mat 24:41 (note). The 36th verse is, without doubt, an interpolation. It was probably borrowed from Mat ...
On the subject of these verses see Mat 24:40, Mat 24:41 (note). The 36th verse is, without doubt, an interpolation. It was probably borrowed from Mat 24:40. The whole verse is wanting in - ABEGHKLQS, more than fifty others, the Coptic, Ethiopic, Gothic, Slavonic, and many of the fathers: Griesbach has left it out of the text. Well might our translators say in the margin, This 36th verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies. Griesbach thinks it might have been omitted on account of the similar ending, (see the preceding verse), or that it was borrowed from Mat 24:40.

Clarke: Luk 17:37 - -- Where, Lord? - In what place shall all these dreadful evils fall? The answer our Lord gives in a figure, the application of which they are to make t...
Where, Lord? - In what place shall all these dreadful evils fall? The answer our Lord gives in a figure, the application of which they are to make themselves. Where the dead carcass is, there will be the birds of prey - where the sin is, there will the punishment be. See on Mat 24:28 (note)
Thither will the eagles (or vultures) be gathered together. The jackal or chakal is a devourer of dead bodies; and the vulture is not less so: it is very remarkable how suddenly these birds appear after the death of an animal in the open field, though a single one may not have been seen on the spot for a long period before. The following chapter seems to be a continuation of this discourse: at least it is likely they were spoken on the same occasion. Both contain truths which the reader should carefully ponder, and receive in the spirit of prayer and faith, that he may not come into the same condemnation into which these have fallen.
Defender: Luk 17:32 - -- The Lord here confirms the historicity of the remarkable story of Lot's wife (Gen 19:26)."
The Lord here confirms the historicity of the remarkable story of Lot's wife (Gen 19:26)."

Defender: Luk 17:34 - -- When the Lord comes, it will be at night when men are in bed. But it will also be early morn when women are grinding meal (Luk 17:35) and mid-day when...

Defender: Luk 17:35 - -- The return of the Lord, like His first coming, will entail many events stretched over a period of time. It will be initiated by the sudden translation...
The return of the Lord, like His first coming, will entail many events stretched over a period of time. It will be initiated by the sudden translation of believers out of the unbelieving world, as described more fully in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:10. Thus the Lord frequently exhorted His disciples (including us) always to be watchful and ready for His coming (Luk 21:36), an admonition which would be pointless under any other interpretation of such Scriptures."

Defender: Luk 17:37 - -- These "eagles" are actually vultures, and they will be gathering together "unto the supper of the great God" (Rev 19:17) to eat "the flesh of all men,...
These "eagles" are actually vultures, and they will be gathering together "unto the supper of the great God" (Rev 19:17) to eat "the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great" (Rev 19:18). This will be the final event of the great tribulation when the rebels of the earth are all slain by Christ at Armageddon and "all the fowls were filled with their flesh" (Rev 19:21)."
TSK: Luk 17:31 - -- he which : The flat-roofed eastern houses have stairs on the outside, by which a person may ascend and descend without coming into the house; and in w...
he which : The flat-roofed eastern houses have stairs on the outside, by which a person may ascend and descend without coming into the house; and in walled cities they usually form continued terraces, from one end of the city to the other, terminating at the gates; so that one may pass along the tops of the houses and escape out of the city without coming down into the street. Job 2:4; Jer 45:5; Mat 6:25, Mat 16:26, Mat 24:17-21; Mar 13:14-16; Phi 3:7, Phi 3:8

TSK: Luk 17:34 - -- I tell : Luk 13:3, Luk 13:5, Luk 13:24; Isa 42:9; Mat 24:25; Mar 13:23, Mar 14:29
in : Mat 24:40,Mat 24:41
two : Psa 26:9, Psa 28:3; Jer 45:5; Eze 9:4...

""This verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies.""

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
See the notes at Mat 24:17-18.

Barnes: Luk 17:32 - -- Remember Lot’ s wife - See Gen 19:26. "She"looked back - she delayed - perhaps she "desired"to take something with her, and God made her a...
Remember Lot’ s wife - See Gen 19:26. "She"looked back - she delayed - perhaps she "desired"to take something with her, and God made her a monument of his displeasure. Jesus directed his disciples, when they saw the calamities coming upon the Jews, to flee to the mountains, Mat 24:16. He here charges them to be in haste - not to look back - not to delay - but to escape quickly, and to remember that by delaying the wife of Lot lost her life.

Barnes: Luk 17:37 - -- See the notes at Mat 24:26. Where, Lord? - Where, or in what direction, shall these calamities come? The answer implies that it would be where...
See the notes at Mat 24:26.
Where, Lord? - Where, or in what direction, shall these calamities come? The answer implies that it would be where there is the most "guilt and wickedness."Eagles flock where there is prey. So, said he, these armies will flock to the place where there is the most wickedness; and by this their thoughts were directed at once to Jerusalem, the place of eminent wickedness, and the place, therefore, where these calamities might be expected to begin.
Poole: Luk 17:31 - -- These words seem to relate singly to the destruction of Jerusalem. See Poole on "Mat 24:17" , See Poole on "Mat 24:18" , where we had the same. Th...
These words seem to relate singly to the destruction of Jerusalem. See Poole on "Mat 24:17" , See Poole on "Mat 24:18" , where we had the same. They only signify the certain ruin and destruction of the place, and are our Saviour’ s counsel to his disciples, not to linger, or promise themselves any longer security there, notwithstanding what any false Christs or false prophets should plainly tell them, but to make as much haste away out of it as they possibly could.

Poole: Luk 17:32 - -- We have the story Gen 19:26 . She looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Lot and his family leaving Sodom, she either loo...
We have the story Gen 19:26 . She looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Lot and his family leaving Sodom, she either looked back as not believing what the angel had said, or as moved with the miserable condition of the place, or as loath to leave her estate and goods; however, in disobedience to the command of God, Luk 17:17 , Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. God turneth her into a pillar of salt. It is a dreadful caution against unbelief, disobedience, worldly mindedness, contempt of God’ s threatenings, and keeping a love for the forbidden society of lewd and wicked persons.

Poole: Luk 17:33 - -- That is, whosoever, in disobedience to my command, shall use arts to preserve his life, shall lose it; and whosoever, at my command, shall be ready ...
That is, whosoever, in disobedience to my command, shall use arts to preserve his life, shall lose it; and whosoever, at my command, shall be ready to lose it, shall preserve it, or if he loseth his breath, he shall preserve his soul. See Poole on "Mat 10:39" , See Poole on "Mat 16:25" , See Poole on "Mar 8:35" .

Poole: Luk 17:34-36 - -- Ver. 34-36. See Poole on "Mat 24:40" , See Poole on "Mat 24:41" . These verses seem to respect the day of judgment, and that dreadful separation wh...
Ver. 34-36. See Poole on "Mat 24:40" , See Poole on "Mat 24:41" . These verses seem to respect the day of judgment, and that dreadful separation which shall be in that day between the sheep and the goats. It is true also of Christ’ s day in the preaching of the gospel; but that seemeth not to be the sense of this text. They can hardly be applied to the destruction of Jerusalem; it was so universal as hardly any were there left.

Poole: Luk 17:37 - -- Concerning the sense of this proverbial expression, and the various application of it by interpreters, See Poole on "Mat 24:28" . In our evangelist...
Concerning the sense of this proverbial expression, and the various application of it by interpreters, See Poole on "Mat 24:28" . In our evangelist (where it is
Haydock: Luk 17:31 - -- When you see war lighted up in Judea, lose no time, but betake yourselves to flight for safety. Indeed the Christians, forewarned by these prediction...
When you see war lighted up in Judea, lose no time, but betake yourselves to flight for safety. Indeed the Christians, forewarned by these predictions, and other prophecies of the apostles, according to Lactantius, (lib. iv. chap. 21.) fled from the danger beyond the Jordan, into the states of Herod, to Pella and the neighbouring villages. See Eusebius, Eccles. Hist. lib. iii. chap. 5.

Haydock: Luk 17:32 - -- As Lot only escaped destruction by leaving all things, and flying immediately to the mountain, whereas his wife, by shewing an affection for the thing...
As Lot only escaped destruction by leaving all things, and flying immediately to the mountain, whereas his wife, by shewing an affection for the things she had left, and looking back, perished; so those who, in the time of tribulation, forgetting the reward that awaits them in heaven, look back to the pleasures of this world, which the wicked enjoy, are sure to perish. (St. Ambrose) ---
Greek: Ta opiso epilanthanesthai, tois de emprosthen epekteinesthai. (Philippians iii. 13.)

Haydock: Luk 17:34 - -- By these different examples, Christ wishes to insinuate that good and bad men will be found in every state of life. By those in bed, are understood ...
By these different examples, Christ wishes to insinuate that good and bad men will be found in every state of life. By those in bed, are understood the rich, by those in the mill, are understood the poor; whilst those in the field designate the pastors of his flock, who are labouring in the vineyard of the Lord. (St. Cyril and St. Ambrose)

Haydock: Luk 17:37 - -- To the question of his disciples in the preceding verse, our blessed Saviour only returns this enigmatical answer, which seems to mean, that where-eve...
To the question of his disciples in the preceding verse, our blessed Saviour only returns this enigmatical answer, which seems to mean, that where-ever there are guilty Jews, there shall their enemies pursue them and find them out, not only in Jerusalem, but in all the cities of Judea, Galilee, &c. every where the vengeance of the Lord shall follow them, and overtake them. For the interpretation of other parts of this chapter, see St. Matthew chap. xxiv. (Calmet) ---
If we observe some discrepancies between the precise words of our Lord, as given by St. Matthew and St. Luke, as in St. Matthew chap. xxiv. ver. 40, and in Luke xvii. 34, and alibi passim [elsewhere in various places], we can reconcile those apparent variations, by supposing that our Lord, in the course of his conversation, made use of both expressions. (Haydock)
Gill: Luk 17:31 - -- In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop,.... Either for diversion or devotion, when he shall hear that the Roman armies are approaching to Je...
In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop,.... Either for diversion or devotion, when he shall hear that the Roman armies are approaching to Jerusalem, to besiege it:
and his stuff in the house; or "his vessels", his goods and furniture; or his utensils, and instruments of trade and business:
let him not come down; the inner way of the house, from the top:
to take it away; with him in his flight, but let him descend by the steps, or ladder, on the outside of the house, and make his escape directly to Pella, or the mountains:
and he that is in the field; at work, and has laid down his clothes in some certain part of the field, or at home:
let him likewise not return back; to fetch them, but make the best of his way as he is; See Gill on Mat 24:17 and See Gill on Mat 24:18.

Gill: Luk 17:32 - -- Remember Lot's wife. Whose name by the Jews, is said to be Adith, as some s; or Irith, as others t: and who, they also say, was a native of Sodom; and...
Remember Lot's wife. Whose name by the Jews, is said to be Adith, as some s; or Irith, as others t: and who, they also say, was a native of Sodom; and that the reason of her looking, was either to see what would be the end of her father's house and family u; or as others w, because her heart yearned after her daughters, and she looked back to see if they followed her; upon which she became a pillar of salt, Gen 19:26 They say x, that her bones were burnt with the brimstone, and along with which was salt, into which she was turned, according to Deu 29:23. They often speak of

Gill: Luk 17:33 - -- Whosoever shall seek to save his life,.... By fleeing to some strong hold, or by continuing in the metropolis, and strongest city in the nation, Jerus...
Whosoever shall seek to save his life,.... By fleeing to some strong hold, or by continuing in the metropolis, and strongest city in the nation, Jerusalem:
shall lose it: there he will be in the greatest danger:
and whosoever shall lose his life; or expose it to danger, by fleeing to the mountains, or going to Pella, a small town beyond Jordan, of no strength, and where there might be thought no security;
shall preserve it; he shall be safe; See Gill on Mat 16:25.

Gill: Luk 17:34 - -- I tell you, in that night,.... Of affliction and calamity, that shall be upon the Jewish nation, and which is before called that day, Luk 17:31 and th...
I tell you, in that night,.... Of affliction and calamity, that shall be upon the Jewish nation, and which is before called that day, Luk 17:31 and therefore is not to be understood literally of the night:
there shall be two men in one bed; this is said agreeably to the time, the night before mentioned, that being the time to be in bed, at rest and asleep; for they that sleep, sleep in the night; and still suggests the security the people of the Jews would be in, at the time of their destruction. The word "men" is not in the text, it is only, "there shall be two in one bed"; and may as well be understood of a man and his wife, since it is not so usual for two men to lie in one bed; and this the rather more strongly expresses the distinguishing providence of God in saving one, and suffering the other to be taken and lost: the words may be rendered, "there shall be two upon one couch": that is, sitting together at supper, which was also in the night season: it was the custom of the ancients to sit upon beds, or couches, at meals; and they had a bed, or couch, which held two persons only, and was called Biclinium h: and so this likewise intimates, that the destruction of the Jews would be at a time when they were thoughtless of it, and were eating and drinking, as in the days of Noah and of Lot, Luk 17:27.
The one shall be taken; by the Roman soldiers:
and the other shall be left; being, by one providence or another preserved; which is mentioned, to show the distinction God will make in his providence, and to encourage believers to trust in it.

Gill: Luk 17:35 - -- Two women shall be grinding together,.... In Mat 24:41 it is added, "in the mill"; in the house where the mill was, and at one and the same mill; and...
Two women shall be grinding together,.... In Mat 24:41 it is added, "in the mill"; in the house where the mill was, and at one and the same mill; and so the Ethiopic version here, "two shall grind in one mill": and it was common for two women to grind at one hand mill; and though the word "women" is not in the text, it is rightly put into the translation; since the word used is of the feminine gender, and since grinding was the business of women; and so the Persic version here supplies it, as we do; See Gill on Mat 24:42.
The one shall be taken and the other left; the Roman soldiers entering the mill, will lay hold on the one, and carry her away with them, and leave the other; and for which no other reason can be given, but the sovereign will and providence of God, which should overrule and dispose the minds of these men, to act in such a manner.

Gill: Luk 17:36 - -- Two men shall be in the field,.... At work there, tilling the ground, or sowing the seed in it, or reaping the corn; which of them soever was the work...
Two men shall be in the field,.... At work there, tilling the ground, or sowing the seed in it, or reaping the corn; which of them soever was the work of the field, at the time of Jerusalem's destruction:
the one shall be taken, and the other left: the circumstances attending these several, instances show, that they cannot be considered as expressive of the use and effect of the preaching of the Gospel, that being the savour of life unto life to some, and the savour of death unto death to others, some being effectually called by it, and others being left to die in their sins; since these men and women are said to be either in a bed asleep, or on a couch feasting, or grinding in a mill, or at work in the field, and so not in proper places, and at leisure to hear the Gospel preached. The whole verse is left out in the Ethiopic version, and in some Greek copies; though it is in the Syriac, Arabic, and Persic versions, and in the Complutensian edition, and in some ancient copies, as Beza observes.

Gill: Luk 17:37 - -- And they answered and said unto him, where, Lord?.... That is, either the Pharisees put this question to Christ, who demanded of him when the kingdom ...
And they answered and said unto him, where, Lord?.... That is, either the Pharisees put this question to Christ, who demanded of him when the kingdom of God would come, Luk 17:20 or rather the disciples, to whom Christ more especially directed his discourse, Luk 17:22 who hearing of the distinction that would be made of persons in these dismal times, ask where it should be; not where the persons would be left, but whither the others would be taken, and by whom: and he said unto them,
wheresoever the body is; the carcass of the Jewish nation, as at Jerusalem chiefly, and in whatsoever place:
thither will the eagles be gathered together; the Roman army, whose ensign was the eagle; these will come, seize upon them, and take them and devour them, as they did: the Persic version renders it, "vultures"; See Gill on Mat 24:28. These words can by no means be understood of sinners fleeing to Christ for eternal life and salvation; nor of the gathering of saints to him, at the last day; for how fitly soever such persons may be compared to "eagles", the word "body", or "carcass", as in Mat 24:28 and which is so read in some copies here, is not so suitable to Christ; and especially at his glorious appearing; and besides, the words are an answer to a question, where such persons would be, who would be taken and destroyed, when others would be left, or preserved; and manifestly refer to the body, or carcass of the Jewish people at Jerusalem, and other fortified places; where they should think themselves safe, but should not be so, the Roman armies gathering about them, and seizing them as their prey: it is yet a more strange interpretation, which is proposed by a very learned man i; that by the "eagle" is meant, Christ; and by "the body", or "carcass", the church in the times of antichrist; and by "gathering" to it, the coming of Christ: for though Christ may be said to bear and carry his people, as the eagle bears and carries its young upon its wings, which he observes from Exo 19:4 yet not a single eagle, but "eagles", in the plural number, are here mentioned; which shows, that not a single person, as Christ, but many are here intended, even legions of Roman soldiers: nor can the church of Christ be compared to a dead and filthy carcass, in the worst of times, even in the times of antichrist; for however forlorn, distressed, and afflicted her condition is, she is kept alive, and in some measure pure from antichristian pollutions; and is represented by a woman, to whom two wings of a great eagle are given (wherefore she should rather be designed by the eagles) to fly with into the wilderness, where she is preserved and nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, Rev 12:14. Nor is Christ's coming ever expressed by the gathering of him to his people; but on the other hand, they are always said to be gathered unto him; see 2Th 2:1.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Luk 17:31 The swiftness and devastation of the judgment will require a swift escape. There is no time to come down from one’s roof and pick up anything fr...

NET Notes: Luk 17:32 An allusion to Gen 19:26. The warning about Lot’s wife is not to look back and long to be where one used to be. The world is being judged, and t...

NET Notes: Luk 17:33 Whoever loses his life. Suffering and persecution caused by the world, even to death, cannot stop God from saving (Luke 12:4-6).

NET Notes: Luk 17:34 There is debate among commentators and scholars over the phrase one will be taken and the other left about whether one is taken for judgment or for sa...

NET Notes: Luk 17:35 Grk “at the same place.” According to L&N 46.16, this refers to a hand mill normally operated by two women.

NET Notes: Luk 17:36 Several mss (D Ë13 [579] 700 al lat sy) add (with several variations among these witnesses) 17:36 “There will be two in the field; one will...

NET Notes: Luk 17:37 Grk “will be gathered.” The passive construction has been translated as an active one in English.
Geneva Bible: Luk 17:31 ( 11 ) In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the fiel...

Geneva Bible: Luk 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall ( e ) preserve it.
( e ) That is, will save it, as Matth...

Geneva Bible: Luk 17:37 ( 12 ) And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body [is], thither will the eagles be gathered togethe...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Luk 17:1-37
TSK Synopsis: Luk 17:1-37 - --1 Christ teaches to avoid occasions of offence;3 and to forgive one another.5 The power of faith.6 How we are bound to God, and not he to us.11 Christ...
MHCC -> Luk 17:20-37
MHCC: Luk 17:20-37 - --The kingdom of God was among the Jews, or rather within some of them. It was a spiritual kingdom, set up in the heart by the power of Divine grace. Ob...
Matthew Henry -> Luk 17:20-37
Matthew Henry: Luk 17:20-37 - -- We have here a discourse of Christ's concerning the kingdom of God, that is, the kingdom of the Messiah, which was now shortly to be set up, and...
Barclay -> Luk 17:20-37
Barclay: Luk 17:20-37 - --Here are two very difficult passages.
In Luk 17:20-21Jesus answered the question of the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God would come. He said t...
Constable: Luk 9:51--19:28 - --V. Jesus' ministry on the way to Jerusalem 9:51--19:27
This large section of the Book of Luke has no counterpart...

Constable: Luk 17:20--18:9 - --I. Jesus' teaching about His return 17:20-18:8
Again an action by the Pharisees led to a brief answer fr...

Constable: Luk 17:22-37 - --2. A longer explanation for the disciples 17:22-37
This teaching is quite similar to portions of...

Constable: Luk 17:22-33 - --Characteristics of the last days 17:22-33
17:22-23 Jesus next gave His disciples more instruction about the coming of the kingdom. One of the days of ...

Constable: Luk 17:34-36 - --The parable of the one taken and the one left 17:34-36
The point of these examples is th...