Text -- Matthew 7:16-29 (NET)

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Robertson: Mat 7:16 - -- By their fruits ye shall know them ( apo tōn karpōn autōn epignōsesthe ).
From their fruits you will recognize them."The verb "know "(ginōs...
By their fruits ye shall know them (
From their fruits you will recognize them."The verb "know "(

Robertson: Mat 7:21 - -- Not - but ( ou - all' ).
Sharp contrast between the mere talker and the doer of God’ s will.
Not - but (
Sharp contrast between the mere talker and the doer of God’ s will.

Robertson: Mat 7:22 - -- Did we not prophesy in thy name? ( ou tōi sōi onomati eprophēteusameṉ ).
The use of ou in the question expects the affirmative answer. They...
Did we not prophesy in thy name? (
The use of

Robertson: Mat 7:24 - -- And doeth them ( kai poiei autous ).
That is the point in the parable of the wise builder, "who digged and went deep, and laid a foundation upon the ...
And doeth them (
That is the point in the parable of the wise builder, "who digged and went deep, and laid a foundation upon the rock"(Luk 6:48).

Robertson: Mat 7:25 - -- Was founded ( tethemeliōto ).
Past perfect indicative passive state of completion in the past. It had been built upon the rock and it stood. No aug...
Was founded (
Past perfect indicative passive state of completion in the past. It had been built upon the rock and it stood. No augment.

Robertson: Mat 7:26 - -- And doeth them not ( kai mē poiōn autous ).
The foolish builder put his house on the sands that could not hold in the storm. One is reminded of t...
And doeth them not (
The foolish builder put his house on the sands that could not hold in the storm. One is reminded of the words of Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon in Mat 5:19 about the one "who does and teaches."Hearing sermons is a dangerous business if one does not put them into practice.

Robertson: Mat 7:28 - -- The multitudes were astonished ( exeplēssonto hoi ochloi ).
They listened spell-bound to the end and were left amazed. Note the imperfect tense, a ...
The multitudes were astonished (
They listened spell-bound to the end and were left amazed. Note the imperfect tense, a buzz of astonishment. The verb means literally "were struck out of themselves."

Robertson: Mat 7:29 - -- And not as their scribes ( kai ouch hōs hoi grammateis autōn ).
They had heard many sermons before from the regular rabbis in the synagogues. We ...
And not as their scribes (
They had heard many sermons before from the regular rabbis in the synagogues. We have specimens of these discourses preserved in the Mishna and Gemara, the Jewish Talmud when both were completed, the driest, dullest collection of disjounted comments upon every conceivable problem in the history of mankind. The scribes quoted the rabbis before them and were afraid to express an idea without bolstering it up by some predecessor. Jesus spoke with the authority of truth, the reality and freshness of the morning light, and the power of God’ s Spirit. This sermon which made such a profound impression ended with the tragedy of the fall of the house on the sand like the crash of a giant oak in the forest. There was no smoothing over the outcome.
Vincent: Mat 7:16 - -- Ye shall know ( ἐπιγνώσεσθε )
The compound verb indicates full knowledge. Character is satisfactorily tested by its fruits.
Ye shall know (
The compound verb indicates full knowledge. Character is satisfactorily tested by its fruits.

Vincent: Mat 7:22 - -- Have we not ( οὐ )
That form of the negative is used which expects an affirmative answer. It therefore pictures both the self-conceit and th...
Have we not (
That form of the negative is used which expects an affirmative answer. It therefore pictures both the self-conceit and the self-deception of these persons. " Surely we have prophesied," etc.

Vincent: Mat 7:23 - -- Profess ( ὁμολογήσω )
The word which is used elsewhere of open confession of Christ before men (Mat 10:32; Rom 10:9); of John's publ...
Profess (
The word which is used elsewhere of open confession of Christ before men (Mat 10:32; Rom 10:9); of John's public declaration that he was not the Christ (Joh 1:20); of Herod's promise to Salome in the presence of his guests (Mat 14:7). Here, therefore, of Christ's open, public declaration as Judge of the world. " There is great authority in this saying," remarks Bengel.

Vincent: Mat 7:24 - -- sqq
I will liken him, etc
The picture is not of two men deliberately selecting foundations, but it contrasts one who carefully chooses and prepares h...
I will liken him, etc
The picture is not of two men deliberately selecting foundations, but it contrasts one who carefully chooses and prepares his foundation with one who builds at hap-hazard. This is more strongly brought out by Luke (Luk 6:48): " Who digged and went deep , and laid a foundation upon the rock" (Rev.). Kitto (" Pictorial Bible" ) says: " At this very day the mode of building in Christ's own town of Nazareth suggests the source of this image. Dr. Robinson was entertained in the house of a Greek Arab. The house had just been built, and was not yet finished. In order to lay the foundations he had dug down to the solid rock, as is usual throughout the country here, to the depth of thirty feet, and then built up arches." The abrupt style of Mat 7:25 pictures the sudden coming of the storm which sweeps away the house on the sand: " Descended the rain, and came the floods, and blew the winds."

Vincent: Mat 7:27 - -- Great was the fall of it
The conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. " Thus," remarks Bengel, " it is not necessary for every sermon to end with ...
Great was the fall of it
The conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. " Thus," remarks Bengel, " it is not necessary for every sermon to end with consolation."

Vincent: Mat 7:28 - -- Were astonished ( ἐξεπλήσσοντο )
From ἐκ , out of, and πλήσσω , to strike. Often to drive one out of His senses b...
Were astonished (

Vincent: Mat 7:29 - -- He taught ( ἦν διδάσκων )
He was teaching. This union of the verb and participle emphasizes the idea of duration or habit m...
He taught (
He was teaching. This union of the verb and participle emphasizes the idea of duration or habit more than the simple tense.
Wesley: Mat 7:16 - -- A short, plain, easy rule, whereby to know true from false prophets: and one that may be applied by people of the weakest capacity, who are not accust...
A short, plain, easy rule, whereby to know true from false prophets: and one that may be applied by people of the weakest capacity, who are not accustomed to deep reasoning. True prophets convert sinners to God, or at least confirm and strengthen those that are converted. False prophets do not. They also are false prophets, who though speaking the very truth, yet are not sent by the Spirit of God, but come in their own name, to declare it: their grand mark is, "Not turning men from the power of Satan to God." Luk 6:43-44.

Wesley: Mat 7:18 - -- But it is certain, the goodness or badness here mentioned respects the doctrine, rather than the personal character. For a bad man preaching the good ...
But it is certain, the goodness or badness here mentioned respects the doctrine, rather than the personal character. For a bad man preaching the good doctrine here delivered, is sometimes an instrument of converting sinners to God. Yet I do not aver, that all are true prophets who speak the truth, and thereby convert sinners. I only affirm, that none are such who do not.

Wesley: Mat 7:19 - -- How dreadful then is the condition of that teacher who hath brought no sinners to God!
How dreadful then is the condition of that teacher who hath brought no sinners to God!

Wesley: Mat 7:21 - -- That is, no one that saith, Lord, Lord - That makes a mere profession of me and my religion, shall enter - Whatever their false teachers may assure th...
That is, no one that saith, Lord, Lord - That makes a mere profession of me and my religion, shall enter - Whatever their false teachers may assure them to the contrary: He that doth the will of my Father - as I have now declared it. Observe: every thing short of this is only saying, Lord, Lord. Luk 6:46.

Wesley: Mat 7:22 - -- We have declared the mysteries of thy kingdom, wrote books; preached excellent sermons: In thy name done many wonderful works - So that even the worki...
We have declared the mysteries of thy kingdom, wrote books; preached excellent sermons: In thy name done many wonderful works - So that even the working of miracles is no proof that a man has saving faith.

Wesley: Mat 7:23 - -- There never was a time that I approved of you: so that as many souls as they had saved, they were themselves never saved from their sins. Lord, is it ...
There never was a time that I approved of you: so that as many souls as they had saved, they were themselves never saved from their sins. Lord, is it my case? Luk 13:27.

Wesley: Mat 7:29 - -- The multitudes, as one having authority - With a dignity and majesty peculiar to himself as the great Lawgiver, and with the demonstration and power o...
The multitudes, as one having authority - With a dignity and majesty peculiar to himself as the great Lawgiver, and with the demonstration and power of the Spirit: and not as the scribes - Who only expounded the law of another; and that in a lifeless, ineffectual manner.
JFB -> Mat 7:16; Mat 7:16; Mat 7:16; Mat 7:17; Mat 7:18; Mat 7:19; Mat 7:20; Mat 7:21; Mat 7:21; Mat 7:22; Mat 7:22; Mat 7:22; Mat 7:22; Mat 7:22; Mat 7:23; Mat 7:23; Mat 7:23; Mat 7:23; Mat 7:24; Mat 7:24; Mat 7:24; Mat 7:24; Mat 7:25; Mat 7:25; Mat 7:25; Mat 7:25; Mat 7:25; Mat 7:26; Mat 7:26; Mat 7:27; Mat 7:27; Mat 7:28; Mat 7:29; Mat 7:29
JFB: Mat 7:16 - -- Not their doctrines--as many of the elder interpreters and some later ones explain it--for that corresponds to the tree itself; but the practical effe...
Not their doctrines--as many of the elder interpreters and some later ones explain it--for that corresponds to the tree itself; but the practical effect of their teaching, which is the proper fruit of the tree.

JFB: Mat 7:16 - -- A three-pronged variety. The general sense is obvious--Every tree bears its own fruit.
A three-pronged variety. The general sense is obvious--Every tree bears its own fruit.

JFB: Mat 7:17 - -- Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

JFB: Mat 7:18 - -- Obvious as is the truth here expressed in different forms--that the heart determines and is the only proper interpreter of the actions of our life--no...
Obvious as is the truth here expressed in different forms--that the heart determines and is the only proper interpreter of the actions of our life--no one who knows how the Church of Rome makes a merit of actions, quite apart from the motives that prompt them, and how the same tendency manifests itself from time to time even among Protestant Christians, can think it too obvious to be insisted on by the teachers of divine truth. Here follows a wholesome digression.

JFB: Mat 7:20 - -- That is, But the point I now press is not so much the end of such, as the means of detecting them; and this, as already said, is their fruits. The hyp...
That is, But the point I now press is not so much the end of such, as the means of detecting them; and this, as already said, is their fruits. The hypocrisy of teachers now leads to a solemn warning against religious hypocrisy in general.

JFB: Mat 7:21 - -- The reduplication of the title "Lord" denoting zeal in according it to Christ (see Mar 14:45). Yet our Lord claims and expects this of all His discipl...

JFB: Mat 7:21 - -- That will which it had been the great object of this discourse to set forth. Yet our Lord says warily, not "the will of your Father," but "of My Fathe...
That will which it had been the great object of this discourse to set forth. Yet our Lord says warily, not "the will of your Father," but "of My Father"; thus claiming a relationship to His Father with which His disciples might not intermeddle, and which He never lets down. And He so speaks here to give authority to His asseverations. But now He rises higher still--not formally announcing Himself as the Judge, but intimating what men will say to Him, and He to them, when He sits as their final judge.

JFB: Mat 7:22 - -- What day? It is emphatically unnamed. But it is the day to which He had just referred, when men shall "enter" or not enter "into the kingdom of heaven...

JFB: Mat 7:22 - -- The reiteration denotes surprise. "What, Lord? How is this? Are we to be disowned?"
The reiteration denotes surprise. "What, Lord? How is this? Are we to be disowned?"

JFB: Mat 7:22 - -- Or, "publicly taught." As one of the special gifts of the Spirit in the early Church, it has the sense of "inspired and authoritative teaching," and i...

JFB: Mat 7:22 - -- Or, "to thy name," and so in the two following clauses--"having reference to Thy name as the sole power in which we did it."
Or, "to thy name," and so in the two following clauses--"having reference to Thy name as the sole power in which we did it."

JFB: Mat 7:22 - -- Or, miracles. These are selected as three examples of the highest services rendered to the Christian cause, and through the power of Christ's own name...
Or, miracles. These are selected as three examples of the highest services rendered to the Christian cause, and through the power of Christ's own name, invoked for that purpose; He Himself, too, responding to the call. And the threefold repetition of the question, each time in the same form, expresses in the liveliest manner the astonishment of the speakers at the view now taken of them.

Or, openly proclaim--tearing off the mask.

JFB: Mat 7:23 - -- What they claimed intimacy with Christ, is just what He repudiates, and with a certain scornful dignity. "Our acquaintance was not broken off--there n...
What they claimed intimacy with Christ, is just what He repudiates, and with a certain scornful dignity. "Our acquaintance was not broken off--there never was any."

JFB: Mat 7:23 - -- (Compare Mat 25:41). The connection here gives these words an awful significance. They claimed intimacy with Christ, and in the corresponding passage,...
(Compare Mat 25:41). The connection here gives these words an awful significance. They claimed intimacy with Christ, and in the corresponding passage, Luk 13:26, are represented as having gone out and in with Him on familiar terms. "So much the worse for you," He replies: "I bore with that long enough; but now--begone!"

JFB: Mat 7:23 - -- Not "that wrought iniquity"; for they are represented as fresh from the scenes and acts of it as they stand before the Judge. (See on the almost ident...
Not "that wrought iniquity"; for they are represented as fresh from the scenes and acts of it as they stand before the Judge. (See on the almost identical, but even more vivid and awful, description of the scene in Luk 13:24-27). That the apostle alludes to these very words in 2Ti 2:19 there can hardly be any doubt--"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

JFB: Mat 7:24 - -- See Jam 1:22, which seems a plain allusion to these words; also Luk 11:28; Rom 2:13; 1Jo 3:7.

The rock of true discipleship, or genuine subjection to Christ.

JFB: Mat 7:26 - -- Denoting a loose foundation--that of an empty profession and mere external services.
Denoting a loose foundation--that of an empty profession and mere external services.

JFB: Mat 7:27 - -- Terrible the ruin! How lively must this imagery have been to an audience accustomed to the fierceness of an Eastern tempest, and the suddenness and co...
Terrible the ruin! How lively must this imagery have been to an audience accustomed to the fierceness of an Eastern tempest, and the suddenness and completeness with which it sweeps everything unsteady before it!
Effect of the Sermon on the Mount (Mat 7:28-29).

JFB: Mat 7:28 - -- Rather, "His teaching," for the reference is to the manner of it quite as much as the matter, or rather more so.
Rather, "His teaching," for the reference is to the manner of it quite as much as the matter, or rather more so.

JFB: Mat 7:29 - -- The word "one," which our translators have here inserted, only weakens the statement.
The word "one," which our translators have here inserted, only weakens the statement.

JFB: Mat 7:29 - -- The consciousness of divine authority, as Lawgiver, Expounder and Judge, so beamed through His teaching, that the scribes teaching could not but appea...
The consciousness of divine authority, as Lawgiver, Expounder and Judge, so beamed through His teaching, that the scribes teaching could not but appear drivelling in such a light.
Clarke: Mat 7:16 - -- Ye shall know them by their fruits - Fruits, in the Scripture and Jewish phraseology, are taken for works of any kind. "A man’ s works,"says on...
Ye shall know them by their fruits - Fruits, in the Scripture and Jewish phraseology, are taken for works of any kind. "A man’ s works,"says one, "are the tongue of his heart, and tell honestly whether he is inwardly corrupt or pure."By these works you may distinguish (

Clarke: Mat 7:17 - -- So every good tree - As the thorn can only produce thorns, not grapes; and the thistle, not figs, but prickles; so an unregenerate heart will produc...
So every good tree - As the thorn can only produce thorns, not grapes; and the thistle, not figs, but prickles; so an unregenerate heart will produce fruits of degeneracy. As we perfectly know that a good tree will not produce bad fruit, and the bad tree will not, cannot produce good fruit, so we know that the profession of godliness, while the life is ungodly, is imposture, hypocrisy, and deceit. A man cannot be a saint and a sinner at the same time. Let us remember, that as the good tree means a good heart, and the good fruit, a holy life, and that every heart is naturally vicious; so there is none but God who can pluck up the vicious tree, create a good heart, plant, cultivate, water, and make it continually fruitful in righteousness and true holiness.

Clarke: Mat 7:18 - -- A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit - Love to God and man is the root of the good tree; and from this principle all its fruit is found. To tea...
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit - Love to God and man is the root of the good tree; and from this principle all its fruit is found. To teach, as some have done, that a state of salvation may be consistent with the greatest crimes, (such as murder and adultery in David), or that the righteous necessarily sin in all their best works, is really to make the good tree bring forth bad fruit, and to give the lie to the Author of eternal truth.

Clarke: Mat 7:19 - -- Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit - What a terrible sentence is this against Christless pastors, and Christless hearers! Every tree that...
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit - What a terrible sentence is this against Christless pastors, and Christless hearers! Every tree that produceth not good fruit,

Clarke: Mat 7:20 - -- Wherefore by their fruits, etc. - This truth is often repeated, because our eternal interests depend so much upon it. Not to have good fruit is to h...
Wherefore by their fruits, etc. - This truth is often repeated, because our eternal interests depend so much upon it. Not to have good fruit is to have evil: there can be no innocent sterility in the invisible tree of the heart. He that brings forth no fruit, and he that brings forth bad fruit, are both only fit for the fire.

Clarke: Mat 7:21 - -- Not every one - Ου πας, a Hebraism, say some, for no person. It is a Graecism and a Latinism too: ου παντων θεων, not All of the ...
Not every one -

Clarke: Mat 7:22 - -- Many will say to me in that day - Εκεινη τη ημερα, in that very day, viz. the day of judgment - have we not prophesied, taught, public...
Many will say to me in that day -

Clarke: Mat 7:23 - -- Will I profess - Ομολογησω, I will fully and plainly tell them, I never knew you - I never approved of you; for so the word is used in man...
Will I profess -

Clarke: Mat 7:23 - -- Depart from me - What a terrible word! What a dreadful separation! Depart from Me! from the very Jesus whom you have proclaimed in union with whom a...
Depart from me - What a terrible word! What a dreadful separation! Depart from Me! from the very Jesus whom you have proclaimed in union with whom alone eternal life is to be found. For, united to Christ, all is heaven; separated from him, all is hell.

Clarke: Mat 7:24 - -- Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine - That is, the excellent doctrines laid down before in this and the two preceding chapters. There ...
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine - That is, the excellent doctrines laid down before in this and the two preceding chapters. There are several parables or similitudes like to this in the rabbins. I shall quote but the two following: -
Rabbi Eleasar said, "The man whose knowledge exceeds his works, to whom is he like? He is like a tree which had many branches, and only a few roots; and, when the stormy winds came, it was plucked up and eradicated. But he whose good works are greater than his knowledge, to what is he like? He is like a tree which had few branches, and many roots; so that all the winds of heaven could not move it from its place."Pirke Aboth
Elisha, the son of Abuja, said, "The man who studies much in the law, and maintains good works, is like to a man who built a house, laying stones at the foundation, and building brick upon them; and, though many waters come against it, they cannot move it from its place. But the man who studies much in the law, and does not maintain good words, is like to a man who, in building his house, put brick at the foundation, and laid stones upon them, so that even gentle waters shall overthrow that house."Aboth Rab. Nath
Probably our Lord had this or some parable in his eye: but how amazingly improved in passing through his hands! In our Lord’ s parable there is dignity, majesty, and point, which we seek for in vain in the Jewish archetype

Clarke: Mat 7:24 - -- I will liken him unto a wise man - To a prudent man - ανδρι φρονιμω, to a prudent man, a man of sense and understanding, who, foreseein...
I will liken him unto a wise man - To a prudent man -

Clarke: Mat 7:25 - -- And the rain descended - floods came - winds blew - In Judea, and in all countries in the neighborhood of the tropics, the rain sometimes falls in g...
And the rain descended - floods came - winds blew - In Judea, and in all countries in the neighborhood of the tropics, the rain sometimes falls in great torrents, producing rivers, which sweep away the soil from the rocky hills; and the houses, which are built of brick only dried in the sun, of which there are whole villages in the east, literally melt away before those rains, and the land-floods occasioned by them. There are three general kinds of trials to which the followers of God are exposed; and to which, some think, our Lord alludes here: First, those of temporal afflictions, coming in the course of Divine Providence: these may be likened to the torrents of rain. Secondly, those which come from the passions of men, and which may be likened to the impetuous rivers. Thirdly, those which come from Satan and his angels, and which, like tempestuous whirlwinds, threaten to carry every thing before them. He alone, whose soul is built on the Rock of ages, stands all these shocks; and not only stands in, but profits by them.

Clarke: Mat 7:26 - -- And every one that heareth - and doeth them not - Was there ever a stricter system of morality delivered by God to man, than in this sermon? He who ...
And every one that heareth - and doeth them not - Was there ever a stricter system of morality delivered by God to man, than in this sermon? He who reads or hears it, and does not look to God to conform his soul and life to it, and notwithstanding is hoping to enter into the kingdom of heaven, is like the fool who built his house on the sand. When the rain, the rivers, and the winds come, his building must fall, and his soul be crushed into the nethermost pit by its ruins. Talking about Christ, his righteousness, merits, and atonement, while the person is not conformed to his word and spirit, is no other than solemn self-deception
Let it be observed, that it is not the man who hears or believes these sayings of Christ, whose building shall stand, when the earth and its works are burnt up; but the man who Does them
Many suppose that the law of Moses is abolished, merely because it is too strict, and impossible to be observed; and that the Gospel was brought in to liberate us from its obligations; but let all such know, that in the whole of the old covenant nothing can be found so exceedingly strict and holy as this sermon, which Christ lays down as the rule by which we are to walk. "Then, the fulfilling of these precepts is the purchase of glory."No, it is the Way only to that glory which has already been purchased by the blood of the Lamb. To him that believes, all things are possible.

Clarke: Mat 7:27 - -- And the rain descended, and the floods came, etc. - A fine illustration of this may be seen in the case of the fishermen in Bengal, who, in the dry ...
And the rain descended, and the floods came, etc. - A fine illustration of this may be seen in the case of the fishermen in Bengal, who, in the dry season, build their huts on the beds of sand from which the rivers had retired: but when the rain sets in suddenly; as it often does, accompanied with violent northwest winds, and the waters pour down in torrents from the mountains; in one night, multitudes of these buildings are swept away, and the place where they stood is on the next morning indiscoverable.

Clarke: Mat 7:28 - -- The people were astonished - Οι οχλοι, the multitudes; for vast crowds attended the ministry of this most popular and faithful of all preach...
The people were astonished -
From one of the royal household of George III., I have received the following anecdote: -
The late Bishop F. of Salisbury having procured a young man of promising abilities to preach before the king, and the young man having, to his lordship’ s apprehension, acquitted himself well, the Bishop, in conversation with the king afterwards, wishing to get the king’ s opinion, took the liberty to say, "Does not your majesty think that the young man who had the honor to preach before your majesty, is likely to make a good clergyman, and has this morning delivered a very good sermon?"To which the king, in his blunt manner, hastily replied, "It might have been a good sermon, my lord, for aught I know; but I consider no sermon good that has nothing of Christ in it!"

Clarke: Mat 7:29 - -- Having authority - They felt a commanding power and authority in his word, i.e. his doctrine. His statements were perspicuous; his exhortations pers...
Having authority - They felt a commanding power and authority in his word, i.e. his doctrine. His statements were perspicuous; his exhortations persuasive; his doctrine sound and rational; and his arguments irresistible. These they never felt in the trifling teachings of their most celebrated doctors, who consumed their own time, and that of their disciples and hearers, with frivolous cases of conscience, ridiculous distinctions, and puerile splittings of controversial hairs - questions not calculated to minister grace to the hearers
Several excellent MSS. and almost all the ancient versions read,
Calvin: Mat 7:16 - -- 16.From their fruits you shall know them Had not this mark of distinction been added, we might have called in question the authority of all teachers ...
16.From their fruits you shall know them Had not this mark of distinction been added, we might have called in question the authority of all teachers without exception. If there is a mortal danger to be dreaded in teachers, and if we see no way of avoiding it, we shall be under the necessity of holding them all suspected: and there will be no better or shorter method than to keep our ears shut against them all. We see that ungodly men, to screen themselves when rejecting every kind of doctrine, hold out this danger, and that weak and ill-informed persons remain in a state of perplexity. That our reverence for the Gospel, and for its faithful ministers and teachers, may not be diminished, Christ enjoins us to form our opinion of the false prophets from their fruits It is with a very bad grace that the Papists, in order to excite hatred against us, quote directly this exhortation of Christ, Beware of false prophets, and by their clamors induce ignorant people to avoid us, without knowing why. But whoever desires to follow our Lord’s advice must judge wisely and with just discretion. For ourselves, we not only acknowledge freely that men ought to beware of false prophets, but we carefully and earnestly exhort simple people to beware of them. Only we warn them that, agreeably to the rule which Christ has laid down, they should first make a strict examination, that simple people may not reject the pure Word of God, and suffer the punishment of their own rashness. There is a wide difference between wise caution and perverse squeamishness. 476 It is a heinous wickedness in the Papists to repeal the command of Christ, by infusing into unhappy persons an unfounded dread, 477 which deters them from making inquiry. Let this be regarded by us as a first principl that those who tremblingly reject or avoid a doctrine unknown to them, act improperly, and are very far from obeying the command of Christ.
It now remains to be seen, what are the fruits which Christ points out. Those who confine them to the life are, in my opinion, mistaken. As pretended sanctity, and I know not what masks belonging to greater austerity of life, are frequently held out by some of the worst impostors, this would be a very uncertain test. Their hypocrisy, I do own, is at length discovered; for nothing is more difficult than to counterfeit virtue. But Christ did not intend to submit his doctrine to a decision so unjust in itself, and so liable to be misunderstood, as to have it estimated by the life of men. Under the fruits the manner of teaching is itself included, and indeed holds the chief place: for Christ proves that he was sent by God from this consideration, that
“ he seeketh not his own glory,
but the glory of the Father who sent him,” (Joh 7:18.)
Is it objected, that few persons are endued with such acuteness, as to distinguish good fruits from bad? I answer, as I have already said: Believers are never deprived of the Spirit of wisdom, where his assistance is needful, provided they distrust themselves, renounce their own judgment, and give themselves up wholly to his direction. Let us remember, however, that all doctrines must be brought to the Word of God as the standard, and that, in judging of false prophets, the rule of faith holds the chief place. We must also consider what God enjoins on his prophets and the ministers of his word: for in this way their faithfulness may be easily ascertained. If, for example, we place before our minds what Paul requires in bishops, (1Ti 3:1; Titus 1:6-9,) that description will be sufficient of itself to condemn the whole mass of Popery: for the Popish priests seem as if they purposely intended to present an opposite picture. There is no reason to wonder, therefore, if they forbid men to form a judgment of false prophets. But this passage clearly shows, that their titles ought to go for nothing, and that not much regard ought to be had even to their calling, if those who receive the name of pastors, and are called to the office of teachers, do not faithfully answer to their charge.
Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? By these proverbs, which were then in common use and universally received, Christ confirms his statement, that no man can be deceived by false prophets, unless he is wilfully blind: for the fruits as plainly discover upright servants of God, and unfaithful workmen, as the fruits point out the nature of the tree.

Calvin: Mat 7:21 - -- Mat 7:21.Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord Christ extends his discourse farther: for he speaks not only of false prophets, who rush upon th...
Mat 7:21.Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord Christ extends his discourse farther: for he speaks not only of false prophets, who rush upon the flock to tear and devour, but of hirelings, who insinuate themselves, under fair appearances, as pastors, though they have no feeling of piety. 478 This doctrine embraces all hypocrites, whatever may be their rank or station, but at present he refers particularly to pretended teachers, 479 who seem to excel others. He not only directs his discourse to them, to rouse them from the indifference, in which they lie asleep like drunk people, but also warns believers, not to estimate such masks beyond their proper value. In a word, he declares that, so soon as the doctrine of the Gospel shall have begun to bear fruit by obtaining many disciples, there will not only be very many of the common people who falsely and hypocritically submit to it, but even in the rank of pastors there will be the same treachery, so that they will deny by their actions and life what they profess with the mouth. 480 Whoever then desires to be reckoned among the disciples, must labor to devote himself, sincerely and honestly, to the exercises of a new life.
In the Gospel of Luke, it is a general reproof: Why call you me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? But as this corruption proceeds, for the most part, from pretended teachers, and easily finds its way from them into the whole body, so, according to Matthew, our Lord expressly attacks them. To do the will of the Father not only means, to regulate their life and manners, (as philosophers talked 481) by the rule of virtues, but also to believe in Christ, according to that saying,
“This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life,”
(Joh 6:40.)
These words, therefore, do not exclude faith, but presuppose it as the principle from which other good works flow.

Calvin: Mat 7:22 - -- 22.Many will say to me Christ again summons hypocrites to his judgment-seat, as we showed a little ago from Luke. So long as they hold a place in his...
22.Many will say to me Christ again summons hypocrites to his judgment-seat, as we showed a little ago from Luke. So long as they hold a place in his Church, they both flatter themselves and deceive others. He therefore declares, that a day is coming, when he will cleanse his barn, and separate the chaff and straw from the pure wheat. To prophesy in the name of Christ is, to discharge the office of teacher by his authority, and, as it were, under his direction. Prophecy is here, I think, taken in a large sense, as in the fourteenth chapter of the Epistle to the Corinthians. He might have simply used the word preach, but purposely employed the more honorable appellation, in order to show more clearly, that an outward profession is nothing, whatever may be its brilliancy in the eyes of men. To do wonderful works in the name of Christ is nothing else than to perform miracles by his power, authority, command, and direction: for, though the word

Calvin: Mat 7:23 - -- 23.And then will I confess to them 482 By using the word ὁμολογήσω , I will confess, 483 Christ appears to allude to the vain boasting, b...
23.And then will I confess to them 482 By using the word
Depart from me He orders those persons to go out from his presence, who had stolen, under a false title, an unjust and temporary possession of his house. From this passage in our Lord’s discourse Paul seems to have taken what he says to Timothy,
The Lord knoweth who are his: and, let every one who calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquity, (2Ti 2:19.)
The former clause is intended to prevent weak minds from being alarmed or discouraged by the desertion of those who had a great and distinguished reputation: 484 for he declares that they were disowned by the Lord, though by a vain show they captivated the eyes of men. He then exhorts all those who wish to be reckoned among the disciples of Christ, to withdraw early from iniquity, that Christ may not drive them from his presence, when he shall “separate the sheep from the goats, ” (Mat 25:33.)

Calvin: Mat 7:24 - -- Mat 7:24.Every one, therefore, who heareth As it is often difficult to distinguish the true professors of the Gospel from the false, Christ shows, by ...
Mat 7:24.Every one, therefore, who heareth As it is often difficult to distinguish the true professors of the Gospel from the false, Christ shows, by a beautiful comparison, where the main difference lies. He represents two houses, one of which was built without a foundation, while the other was well-founded. Both have the same external appearance: but, when the wind and storms blow, and the floods dash against them, the former will immediately fall, while the latter will be sustained by its strength against every assault. Christ therefore compares a vain and empty profession of the Gospel to a beautiful, but not solid, building, which, however elevated, is exposed every moment to downfall, because it wants a foundation. Accordingly, Paul enjoins us to be well and thoroughly founded on Christ, and to have deep roots, (Col 2:7,)
“that we may not be tossed and driven about by every wind of doctrine,”
(Eph 4:14)
that we may not give way at every attack. The general meaning of the passage is, that true piety is not fully distinguished from its counterfeit, 485 till it comes to the trial. For the temptations, by which we are tried, are like billows and storms, which easily overwhelm unsteady minds, whose lightness is not perceived during the season of prosperity.
Who heareth these sayings The relative these denotes not one class of sayings, but the whole amount of doctrine. He means, that the Gospel, if it be not deeply rooted in the mind, is like a wall, which has been raised to a great height, but does not rest on any foundation. “That faith (he says) is true, which has its roots deep in the heart, and rests on an earnest and steady affection as its foundation, that it may not give way to temptations.” For such is the vanity of the human mind, that all build upon the sand, who do not dig so deep as to deny themselves.

Calvin: Mat 7:28 - -- 28.When Jesus had finished these sayings By these sayings I understand not only the discourse which he delivered when he came down from the mountai...
28.When Jesus had finished these sayings By these sayings I understand not only the discourse which he delivered when he came down from the mountain, but the rest of the doctrine, which had already been made known to the people. The meaning therefore is, that, where he had given the people, on all sides, a taste of his doctrine, all were seized with astonishment, because a strange, indescribable, and unwonted majesty drew to him the minds of men. What is meant by his teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes, I have already explained. 486
Defender: Mat 7:18 - -- This criterion of fruit inspection can be applied both to individuals and to systems. For example, the evolutionary philosophy has produced no good fr...
This criterion of fruit inspection can be applied both to individuals and to systems. For example, the evolutionary philosophy has produced no good fruits whatever. Instead, it has generated atheism, humanism, communism, fascism, racism and all manner of evil fruits. It, therefore, is a false and evil philosophy."

Defender: Mat 7:21 - -- This sobering indictment indicates that not only pagans but also many professing Christians are unsaved. Doing the Father's will involves first believ...

Defender: Mat 7:22 - -- There are actually prophets and miracle workers who - perhaps sincerely, perhaps not - profess to be Christians but instead are unsaved, deluded and e...
There are actually prophets and miracle workers who - perhaps sincerely, perhaps not - profess to be Christians but instead are unsaved, deluded and even enabled to do "wonderful works" by Satan in order to lead people to follow a false Christ."

Defender: Mat 7:23 - -- These false prophets are not people who were once saved and then became apostates. Christ never knew them!
These false prophets are not people who were once saved and then became apostates. Christ never knew them!

Defender: Mat 7:23 - -- The word "iniquity" here means "lawlessness." Thus false prophets reject God's law - His Word - in favor of their own philosophy or experiences and th...
shall : Mat 7:20, Mat 12:33; 2Pe 2:10-18; Jud 1:10-19
Do : Luk 6:43-45; Jam 3:12

TSK: Mat 7:17 - -- every : Psa 1:3, Psa 92:13, Psa 92:14; Isa 5:3-5, Isa 61:3; Jer 11:19, Jer 17:8; Luk 13:6-9; Gal 5:22-24; Eph 5:9; Phi 1:11; Col 1:10; Jam 3:17, Jam 3...

TSK: Mat 7:19 - -- bringeth : Mat 3:10, Mat 21:19, Mat 21:20; Isa 5:5-7, Isa 27:11; Eze 15:2-7; Luk 3:9, Luk 13:6-9; Joh 15:2-6; Heb 6:8; Jud 1:12
bringeth : Mat 3:10, Mat 21:19, Mat 21:20; Isa 5:5-7, Isa 27:11; Eze 15:2-7; Luk 3:9, Luk 13:6-9; Joh 15:2-6; Heb 6:8; Jud 1:12

TSK: Mat 7:21 - -- saith : Mat 25:11, Mat 25:12; Hos 8:2, Hos 8:3; Luk 6:46, Luk 13:25; Act 19:13-20; Rom 2:13; Tit 1:16; Jam 1:22, Jam 2:20-26
shall : Mat 18:3, Mat 19:...
saith : Mat 25:11, Mat 25:12; Hos 8:2, Hos 8:3; Luk 6:46, Luk 13:25; Act 19:13-20; Rom 2:13; Tit 1:16; Jam 1:22, Jam 2:20-26
shall : Mat 18:3, Mat 19:24, Mat 21:31, Mat 25:11, Mat 25:12, Mat 25:21; Isa 48:1, Isa 48:2; Mar 9:47, Mar 10:23, Mar 10:24; Luk 18:25; Joh 3:5; Act 14:22; Heb 4:6
that : Mat 12:50, Mat 21:29-31; Mar 3:35; Luk 11:28; Joh 6:40, Joh 7:17; Rom 12:2; Eph 6:6; Col 4:12; 1Th 4:3, 1Th 5:18; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 2:15, 1Pe 4:2; 1Jo 3:21-24; Rev 22:14
my : Mat 10:32, Mat 10:33, Mat 16:17, Mat 18:10,Mat 18:19, Mat 18:35, Mat 26:39, Mat 26:42; Joh 5:17, Joh 10:29, Joh 10:30, Joh 14:7; Joh 15:23; Rev 2:27, Rev 3:5

TSK: Mat 7:22 - -- to me : Mat 7:21, Mat 24:36; Isa 2:11, Isa 2:17; Mal 3:17, Mal 3:18; Luk 10:12; 1Th 5:4; 2Th 1:10; 2Ti 1:12, 2Ti 1:18, 2Ti 4:8
have we : Mat 10:5-8; N...

TSK: Mat 7:23 - -- I never : Mat 25:12; Joh 10:14, Joh 10:27-30; 2Ti 2:19
depart : Mat 25:41; Psa 5:5, Psa 6:8; Luk 13:25, Luk 13:27; Rev 22:15

TSK: Mat 7:24 - -- whosoever : Mat 7:7, Mat 7:8, Mat 7:13, Mat 7:14, Mat 5:3-12, Mat 5:28-32, Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 6:19-21, Mat 12:50; Luk 6:47-49, Luk 11:28; Joh 13:...
whosoever : Mat 7:7, Mat 7:8, Mat 7:13, Mat 7:14, Mat 5:3-12, Mat 5:28-32, Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 6:19-21, Mat 12:50; Luk 6:47-49, Luk 11:28; Joh 13:17, Joh 14:15, Joh 14:22-24, Joh 15:10,Joh 15:14; Rom 2:6-9; Gal 5:6, Gal 5:7, Gal 6:7, Gal 6:8; Jam 1:21-27, Jam 2:17-26; 1Jo 2:3, 1Jo 3:22-24, 1Jo 5:3-5; Rev 22:14, Rev 22:15
a wise : Job 28:28; Psa 111:10, Psa 119:99, Psa 119:130; Pro 10:8, Pro 14:8; Jam 3:13-18

TSK: Mat 7:25 - -- the rain : Eze 13:11-16; Mal 3:3; Act 14:22; 1Co 3:13-15; Jam 1:12; 1Pe 1:7
for : Mat 16:18; Psa 92:13-15, Psa 125:1, Psa 125:2; Eph 3:17; Col 2:7; 1P...
the rain : Eze 13:11-16; Mal 3:3; Act 14:22; 1Co 3:13-15; Jam 1:12; 1Pe 1:7
for : Mat 16:18; Psa 92:13-15, Psa 125:1, Psa 125:2; Eph 3:17; Col 2:7; 1Pe 1:5; 1Jo 2:19

TSK: Mat 7:28 - -- the people : Mat 13:54; Psa 45:2; Mar 1:22, Mar 6:2; Luk 4:22, Luk 4:32, Luk 19:48; Joh 7:15, Joh 7:46

TSK: Mat 7:29 - -- having : Mat 5:20,Mat 5:28, Mat 5:32, Mat 5:44, Mat 21:23-27, Mat 28:18; Deu 18:18, Deu 18:19; Ecc 8:4; Isa 50:4; Jer 23:28, Jer 23:29; Mic 3:8; Luk 2...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Mat 7:16 - -- Ye shall know them by their fruits - The Saviour gives the proper test of their character. People do not judge of a tree by its leaves, or bark...
Ye shall know them by their fruits - The Saviour gives the proper test of their character. People do not judge of a tree by its leaves, or bark, or flowers, but by the fruit which it bears. The flowers may be beautiful and fragrant, the foliage thick and green; but these are merely ornamental. It is the "fruit"that is of chief service to man; and he forms his opinion of the nature and value of the tree by that fruit. So of pretensions to religion. The profession may be fair; but the "conduct"- the fruit - is to determine the nature of the principles.

Barnes: Mat 7:17 - -- A corrupt tree - The word "corrupt"here does not signify, as our translation would seem to indicate, that the tree "had been"good, but had beco...
A corrupt tree - The word "corrupt"here does not signify, as our translation would seem to indicate, that the tree "had been"good, but had become "vitiated;"but that it was a tree of a useless character, of a nature that produced nothing beneficial.

Barnes: Mat 7:21 - -- Not every one that saith ... - The Saviour goes on to say that many, on the ground of a mere profession such as he had just referred to, would ...
Not every one that saith ... - The Saviour goes on to say that many, on the ground of a mere profession such as he had just referred to, would claim admittance into his kingdom. Many would plead that they had done miracles, and preached or prophesied much, and on the ground of that would demand an entrance into heaven. The power of working miracles had no necessary connection with piety. God may as well, if he chooses, give the power of raising the dead to a wicked man, as the skill of healing to a wicked physician. A miracle is a display "of his own power"through the medium of another. An act of healing the sick is also a display of "his power"through the agency of another. In neither of these cases is there any necessary connection with moral character. So of preaching or prophesying. God may use the agency of a man of talents, though not pious, to carry forward His purposes. Saving power on the mind is the work of God, and he may convey it by any agency which he chooses. Accordingly, many may be found in the day of judgment who may have been endowed with powers of prophecy or miracle, as Balaam or the magicians of Egypt; in the same way as many people of distinguished talents may be found, yet destitute of piety, and who will be shut out of his kingdom. See Mat 7:21; 1Co 1:26; 1Co 13:1-3. In this last place Paul says that, though he spoke with the tongue of angels, and had the gift of prophecy, and could remove mountains, and had nor charity or love, all would be of no avail. See the notes at 1Co 13:1-3.

Barnes: Mat 7:22 - -- In that day - That is, in the last day, the day of judgment; the time when the principles of all pretenders to prophecy and piety shall be trie...
In that day - That is, in the last day, the day of judgment; the time when the principles of all pretenders to prophecy and piety shall be tried.

Barnes: Mat 7:23 - -- Profess unto them - Say unto them; plainly declare. I never knew you - That is, I never approved of your conduct; never loved you; never ...
Profess unto them - Say unto them; plainly declare.
I never knew you - That is, I never approved of your conduct; never loved you; never regarded you as my friends. See Psa 1:6; 2Ti 2:19; 1Co 8:3. This proves that, with all their pretensions, they had never been true followers of Christ. Jesus will not then say to false prophets and false professors of religion that he had once known them and then rejected them; that they had been once Christians and then had fallen away; that they had been pardoned and then had apostatized but that he had never known them - they had never been true christians. Whatever might have been their pretended joys, their raptures, their hopes, their self-confidence, their visions, their zeal, they had never been regarded by the Saviour as his true friends. I do not know of a more decided proof that Christians do not fall from grace than this text. It settles the question; and proves that whatever else such people had, they never had any true religion. See 1Jo 2:19.

Barnes: Mat 7:24-27 - -- Jesus closes the sermon on the mount by a beautiful comparison, illustrating the benefit of attending to his words. It was not sufficient to "hear"t...
Jesus closes the sermon on the mount by a beautiful comparison, illustrating the benefit of attending to his words. It was not sufficient to "hear"them; they must be "obeyed."He compares the man who should hear and obey him to a man who built his house on a rock. Palestine was to a considerable extent a land of hills and mountains. Like other countries of that description, it was subject to sudden and violent rains. The Jordan, the principal stream, was annually swollen to a great extent, and became rapid and furious in its course. The streams which ran among the hills, whose channels might have been dry during some months of the year, became suddenly swollen with the rain, and would pour down impetuously into the plains below. Everything in the way of these torrents would be swept off. Even houses, erected within the reach of these sudden inundations, and especially if founded on sand or on any unsolid basis, would not stand before them. The rising, bursting stream would shake it to its foundation; the rapid torrent would gradually wash away its base; it would totter and fall. Rocks in that country were common, and it was easy to secure for their houses a solid foundation. No comparison could, to a Jew, have been more striking. So tempests, and storms of affliction and persecution, beat around the soul. Suddenly, when we think we are in safety, the heavens may be overcast, the storm may lower, and calamity may beat upon us. In a moment, health, friends, comforts may be gone. How desirable, then, to be possessed of something that the tempest cannot reach! Such is an interest in Christ, reliance on his promises, confidence in his protection, and a hope of heaven through his blood. Earthly calamities do not reach these; and, possessed of religion, all the storms and tempests of life may beat harmlessly around us.
There is another point in this comparison. The house built upon the sand is beat upon by the floods and rains; its foundation gradually is worn away; it falls, and is borne down the stream and is destroyed. So falls the sinner. The floods are wearing away his sandy foundation; and soon one tremendous storm shall beat upon him, and he and his hopes shall fall, for ever fall. Out of Christ; perhaps having "heard"his words from very childhood; perhaps having taught them to others in the Sunday school; perhaps having been the means of laying the foundation on which others shall build for heaven, he has laid for himself no foundation, and soon an eternal tempest shall beat around his naked soul. How great will be that fall! What will be his emotions when sinking forever in the flood, and when he realizes that he is destined forever to live and writhe in the peltings of that ceaseless storm that shall beat when "God shall rain snares, fire, and a horrible tempest"upon the wicked!

Barnes: Mat 7:28-29 - -- His doctrine - His teaching. As one having authority, and not as the scribes - The scribes were the learned people and teachers of the Je...
His doctrine - His teaching.
As one having authority, and not as the scribes - The scribes were the learned people and teachers of the Jewish nation, and were principally Pharisees. They taught chiefly the sentiments of their Rabbis, and the traditions which had been delivered; they consumed much of their time in useless disputes and "vain jangling."Jesus was open, plain, grave, useful, delivering truth as "became"the oracles of God; not spending his time in trifling disputes and debating questions of no importance, but confirming his doctrine by miracles and argument; teaching "as having power,"as it is in the original, and not in the vain and foolish manner of the Jewish doctors. He showed that he had authority to explain, to enforce, and to "change"the ceremonial laws of the Jews. He came with authority such as no "man"could have, and it is not remarkable that his explanations astonished them. From this chapter we may learn,
1. The evil of censorious judging, Mat 7:1-5. We cannot see the heart. We have ourselves possibly greater faults than the persons that we condemn. They may possibly be of a different kind; but it is nevertheless not uncommon for persons to he very censorious toward faults in others, which they have to much greater extent themselves.
2. We see how we are to treat people who are opposers of the gospel, Mat 7:6. We are not to present it to them when we know they will despise it and abuse us. We should, however, be cautious in forming that opinion of them. Many people may be far more ready to hear the gospel than we imagine, and a word seasonably and kindly spoken may be the means of saving them, Pro 25:11; Ecc 11:6. We should not meet violent and wicked opposers of the gospel with a harsh, overbearing, and lordly spirit - a spirit of dogmatizing and anger; nor should we violate the laws of social contact under the idea of "faithfulness."Religion gains nothing by outraging the established laws of social life, 1Pe 3:8. If people will not hear us when we speak to them kindly and respectfully, we may be sure they will not when we abuse them and become angry. We harden them against the truth, and confirm them in the opinion that religion is of no value. Our Saviour was always mild and kind, "and in not a single instance did he do violence to the laws of social intercourse, or fail in the respect due from one man to another."When with harshness people speak to their superiors; when they abuse them with unkind words, coarse epithets, and unfeeling denunciations; when children and youth forget their station, and speak in harsh, authoritative tones to the aged, they are violating the very first principles of the gospel - meekness, respect, and love. Give honor to whom honor is due, and be kind, be courteous.
3. Christ gives special encouragement to prayer, Mat 7:7-11. Especially his remarks apply to the young. What child is there that would not go to his parent and ask him for things which were necessary? What child doubts the willingness of a kind parent to give what he thinks will be best for him? But God is more willing to give than the best parent. We need of "him"gifts of far more importance than we ever can of an earthly father. None but God can forgive, enlighten, sanctify, and save us. How strange that many ask favors of an "earthly"parent daily and hourly, and never ask of the Great Universal Father a single blessing for time or eternity!
4. There is danger of losing the soul, Mat 7:13-14. The way to ruin is broad; the path to heaven is narrow. People naturally and readily go in the former; they never go in the latter without design. When we enter on the journey of life, we naturally fall into the broad and thronged way to ruin. Our original propensity, our native depravity, our disinclination to God and religion, lead us to that, and we never leave it without effort. How much more natural to tread in a way in which multitudes go, than in one where there are few travelers, and which requires an effort to find it! And how much danger is there that we shall continue to walk in that way until it terminates in our ruin! No one is saved without effort. No one enters on the narrow way without design; no one by following his natural inclination and propensities. And yet how indisposed we are to effort! how unwilling to listen to the exhortations which would call us from the broad path to a narrower and less frequented course! How prone are people to feel that they are safe if they are with the many, and that the multitude that attend them constitute a safeguard from danger!
"Encompassed by a throng,
On ‘ numbers’ they depend;
They say so many can’ t be wrong,
And miss a happy end."
Yet did God ever spare a guilty city because it was large? Did he save the army of Sennacherib from the destroying angel because it was mighty? Does he hesitate to cut people down by the plague, the pestilence, and by famine, because they are numerous? Is he deterred from consigning people to the grave because they swarm upon the earth, and because a mighty throng is going to death? So in the way to hell. Not numbers, nor power, nor might, nor talent will make that way safe; nor will the path to heaven be a dangerous road because few are seen traveling there. The Saviour knew and felt that people are in danger; and hence, with much solemnity, he warned them when he lived, and now warns us, to strive to enter in at the narrow gate.
5. Sincerity is necessary in religion, Mat 7:15-23. Profession is of no value without it. God sees the heart, and the day is near when He will cut down and destroy all those who do not bring forth the fruits of righteousness in their lives. If in anything we should be honest and sincere, surely it should be in the things of religion. God is never deceived Gal 6:7, and the things of eternity are of too much consequence, to be lost by deluding ourselves or others. We may deceive our fellowmen, but we do not deceive our Maker; and soon He will strip off our thin covering, and show us as we are to the universe. If anything is of prominent value in religion, it is "honesty"- honesty to ourselves, to our fellow-men, and to God. Be willing to know the worst of your case. Be willing to be thought of, by God and people, "as you are."Assume nothing which you do not possess, and pretend to nothing which you have not. Judge of yourselves as you do of others - not by words and promises, but by the life. Judge of yourselves as you do of trees; not by leaves and flowers, but by the fruit.
6. We may learn the importance of building our hopes of heaven on a firm foundation, Mat 7:24-27. No other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ, 1Co 3:11. He is the tried Corner Stone, 1Pe 2:6; Eph 2:20. On an edifice raised on that foundation the storms of persecution and calamity will beat in vain. Hopes thus reared will sustain us in every adversity, will remain unshaken by the terrors of death, and will secure us from the tempests of wrath that shall beat upon the guilty. How awful, in the day of judgment, will it be to have been deceived! How dreadful the shock to find then that the house has been built on the sand! How dreadful the emotions, to see our hopes totter on the brink of ruin; to see sand after sand washed away, and the dwelling reel over the heaving deep, and fall into the abyss to rise no more! Ruin, awful and eternal ruin, awaits those who thus deceive themselves, and who trust to a name to live, while they are dead.
7. Under what obligations are we for this "Sermon on the Mount!"In all languages there is not a discourse to be found that can be compared with it for purity, and truth, and beauty, and dignity. Were there no other evidence of the divine mission of Christ, this alone would be sufficient to prove that he was sent from God. Were these doctrines obeyed and loved, how pure and peaceful would be the world! How would hypocrisy be abashed and confounded! How would impurity hang its head! How would peace reign in every family and nation! How would anger and wrath flee! And how would the race - the lost and benighted tribes of people, the poor, and needy, and sorrowful - bend themselves before their common Father, and seek peace and eternal life at the hands of a merciful and faithful God!
Poole: Mat 7:16-20 - -- Ver. 16-20. A proper effect discovereth the cause. Lest his disciples should ask, How shall we distinguish true from false teachers? Our Saviour tell...
Ver. 16-20. A proper effect discovereth the cause. Lest his disciples should ask, How shall we distinguish true from false teachers? Our Saviour tells them, By their fruits ye shall know them. Our Saviour sends not his disciples to inquire into the truth of their mission, whether that more internal from God, of which they could not judge, or more external from men, who may err, and send out those whom God never sent; but you shall know them (saith our Saviour) by their faithful or unfaithful discharge of their duty: if they be true teachers, by their discharging the ministry in a faithful revelation of the mind and will of God, or by their holy life, living as ensamples to the flock; by their fruits of true doctrine and a holy life, by the discharge of their ministry in good conscience; for it is with men as it is with the trees, good trees bring forth good fruit, corrupt trees bring forth evil fruit. If men have the root of the matter; the seed of God abiding in them, they will in every relation bring forth the fruits of truth and holiness: if they have not, they will bring forth error and wickedness. From whence we may learn, that our Lord expecteth from his people such a knowledge of the Scriptures, as that they may be able to discern truth from falsehood; and such a diligence, as to search the Scriptures, whether those things which their teachers deliver to them be according to them or not, Act 17:11 ; not taking divine truths upon trust, nor believing any thing because dictated by teachers, using their teachers not as dictators, but only as helpers of their faith.

Poole: Mat 7:21 - -- Some that say unto Christ, Lord, Lord shall be saved, being the true disciples of Christ; but every one that owneth Christ by an external professio...
Some that say unto Christ, Lord, Lord shall be saved, being the true disciples of Christ; but every one that owneth Christ by an external profession as his Lord, every one that prayeth, though he doth it often, and with some appearing zeal and importunity, shall not be saved, nor doth by it approve himself a true disciple of Christ; but he alone who doth endeavour to fulfil the whole will of God, both by faith and holiness, Rom 2:13 1Th 4:3 Jam 1:22,23 . True religion lies sin obedience to the whole will of God.

Poole: Mat 7:23 - -- That by that day is to be understood the day of judgment is generally agreed by interpreters.
We have prophesied in thy name that is, revealed th...
That by that day is to be understood the day of judgment is generally agreed by interpreters.
We have prophesied in thy name that is, revealed thy will unto people;
and in thy name that is, by thy authority and power,
cast out devils, and done many wonderful works that is, wrought many miraculous operations. In the Old Testament we find Baalam and Saul prophesying, who were both wicked men. Judas was sent out (under the New Testament) both to preach and to work miracles. So as none from gifts, no, not the most eminent and extraordinary gifts, can conclude the goodness of his state, or any special favour with God.
I will profess that is, I will openly declare to them,
I never knew you that is, so as to approve you, or take pleasure in you.
Depart from me, ye that work iniquity: see Mat 25:41 .

Poole: Mat 7:25 - -- Our Saviour maketh frequent use of that ancient way of instructing people by similitudes and parables, which by their easy incurring into the senses...
Our Saviour maketh frequent use of that ancient way of instructing people by similitudes and parables, which by their easy incurring into the senses give advantage to the memory: he here chooseth a similitude to conclude his excellent sermon upon the mount. The builder intended, who our Saviour dignifies with the name of
a wise man is he that not only heareth Christ’ s sayings, but doeth them. Under the notion of hearing is comprehended understanding and believing them; by doing them, he understandeth a sincere desire and endeavour to do them, with a practice so far as human frailty will permit. The
house intended seems to be a hope for eternal life and salvation: by the
rock is meant Christ, 1Co 10:4 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4 . Every wise Christian, before he buildeth up to must himself a hope of eternal life and salvation through Christ, must find that he is one who doth not only read and hear the word of God, but so hears as to understand and believe it, that has an operative faith, working upon his soul to the obedience of the will of God, or at least a sincere endeavour to it. And he who doth so, though his hope may be sometimes assaulted with fears, doubts, temptations, (which are like the assaults of a house builded on a rock, by winds; floods, and storms), yet it shall not fail, because it is truly founded on Christ, according to the revelation of his will, Pro 10:28 1Jo 3:3 .

Poole: Mat 7:26-27 - -- Ver. 26,27. There are and will be others, that, as foolish builders, run up a house in haste, without looking to the goodness of the foundation, and ...
Ver. 26,27. There are and will be others, that, as foolish builders, run up a house in haste, without looking to the goodness of the foundation, and happen to build it upon loose ground. So they flatter themselves with the hopes of the house in the heavens not made with hands, 2Co 5:1 , without looking to the bottom and foundation of these hopes, whether they be such as Christ hath warranted or not; but either build their hopes upon God’ s infinite mercy, or the sufficiency of Christ’ s merits, or their own works, hearing the word of God, and performing some other duties of religion, never regarding to live to the obedience of the will of God. And the same event will be to these men as to such foolish builders; their building may stand a while, but when a day of visitation, or death, or sharp afflictions or temptation, comes, then their house, their hopes, all fail and perish in a moment, because they had no good foundation, Job 8:13,14 Job 11:20 27:8 Pro 11:7 .
And great was the fall of it: their misery and calamity shall be the greater, by how much their hopes have been the stronger, the disappointment of their expectation adding to their misery.

Poole: Mat 7:28-29 - -- Ver. 28,29. The same words also are repeated, Mar 1:22 Luk 4:32 . They declare the effect of this and other of our Saviour’ s sermons upon the h...
Ver. 28,29. The same words also are repeated, Mar 1:22 Luk 4:32 . They declare the effect of this and other of our Saviour’ s sermons upon the hearts of those that heard him, and the reason of it. They
were astonished affected with an admiration at what they heard him in this and other sermons deliver: the Divine verities revealed in his discourses, the purity of his doctrine, the convincing power that attended it, his bold and free speech without respect of persons, the simplicity of his phrase, the gravity of his matter, the majesty he showed in his discourses, affected the people, and made him appear to them one sent of God, and clothed with his authority. He did not teach as the scribes, the ordinary teachers amongst the Jews, from whom they had the discourses about traditions, and rites and ceremonies, cold and dull discourses, of little or no tendency to their eternal salvation.
Lightfoot: Mat 7:16 - -- Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  [By their fruits ye shall know them.] That is ...
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  
[By their fruits ye shall know them.] That is a proverb not unlike it. A gourd, a gourd, is known by its branch.

Lightfoot: Mat 7:29 - -- For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.  [As one having authority, and not as the scribes.] It is said with...
For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.  
[As one having authority, and not as the scribes.] It is said with good reason, in the verse going before Mat 6:28, that "the multitude were astonished at Christ's doctrine": for, besides his divine truth, depth, and convincing power, they had not before heard any discoursing with that authority; that he did. The scribes borrowed credit to their doctrine from traditions, and the fathers of them: and no sermon of any scribe had any authority or value, without The Rabbins have a tradition; or The wise men say; or some traditional oracle of that nature. Hillel the Great taught truly, and as the tradition was concerning a certain thing; "But, although he discoursed of that matter all day long, they received not his doctrine; until he said at last, So I heard from Shemaia and Abtalion."
Haydock: Mat 7:16 - -- As the true Church is known by the four marks of its being one, holy, catholic, and apostolical, so heretics and false teachers are known by certain v...
As the true Church is known by the four marks of its being one, holy, catholic, and apostolical, so heretics and false teachers are known by certain vices, and the pernicious effects of their novelties in religion. As the true Church is one, by its members submitting with humility to the authority established by Christ, ( he that will not hear the Church, let him be unto thee as the heathen and the publican. Matthew xviii. 17.) so are false teachers known by their separation from the ancient Church, and their divisions among themselves, the necessary consequences of rebelling against the authority established by Christ, and alone capable of determining controversies. The same pride and other secret vices which make them despise government, (2 Peter ii. 10.) make them also not afraid to bring in sects of perdition, blaspheming, and this in civil government as well as ecclesiastical. Those that call themselves Reformers, in the beginning of the 16th century, of all others were remarkable in this. What bloody tumults and wars were there not produced in Germany, by the first Reformers in that country! Calvin overturned the government of Geneva; and his followers, under the name Hugonots, filled France for a great length of time with slaughter and civil wars, frequently shaking the throne itself. In this country, the first cause of its separation from the universal Church, was the unbridled passion of a tyrant: the effects were adultery, and the murder of the successive queens that he had taken to his adulterous bed. In the reign of his successor, the insatiate avarice of a corrupt nobility, gratified with the sacrilegious plunder of the Church, established what is called the Reformation. The fear of being compelled to disgorge the fruits of their rapine, contributed much to the confirmation of that order of things in the reign of Elizabeth. She was inclined to it by the circumstances of her birth, which could not be legitimate, if her father's marriage with Catharine of Arragon was valid, as the first authority in the Catholic Church had declared. The natural spirit of this heresy, though checked a while and kept under the despotical government of this queen, appeared in its own colours soon after, and produced its natural fruits in the turbulence of the times that succeeded, and the multiplicity of sects that are continually springing up to this very day. ---
As the true Church is holy, recommending various exercises of religion tending to purify human nature, and render men holy, as fasting, confession of sins, evangelical counsels, &c. so false teachers cast off all these, promising liberty, (2 Peter ii. 16.) and giving full rein to the lustful passions, thus giving a liberty of living, as well as a liberty of believing. ---
Another fruit of false teachers is, separation from what was the Universal Church before their time, and which continues to be still the far greater part, not being confined to one state or country. If some modern principles, of not allowing any communion of religion out of each state, were admitted, as many religions should have been established by heaven as men think proper to establish different states; nor could Christ have given one for all mankind, under whatever state or form of government they might live. ---
Finally, false teachers are to known by their not being able to shew, that they have received their doctrine and mission from the apostles, in a regular succession from them. Some of our modern divines would spurn at the idea of holding their doctrine and orders from the Catholic Church, such as it existed at the time of the Reformation, which is precisely such as it exists at the present moment. ---
In answer to this it has been retorted, that the fruits of the Catholic religion have been as bad, or worse; and the horrors of the French revolution are particularly mentioned, as a proof. ... That great crimes have been committed by those who professed themselves Catholics, is not denied; but that they were prompted to them by the nature of their religion, is certainly not admitted. The revolution of France in particular, was the effect of the people falling off from their religion. As well may the Puritans, that brought Charles to the block, be said to be Catholics, because they or their parents once had been such: as well may the present bench of Protestant bishops be said to be Catholics, because the bishops of their sees once were so; or that Robespierre, Marat, and the Jacobins that persecuted catholicity in France, and brought its too indulgent sovereigns to the guillotine, were Catholics, or directed in the least by Catholic principles. (Haydock)

Haydock: Mat 7:17 - -- It is not to be understood from this text, that a man who is once bad can never bring forth good fruit; but that as long as he remains in the state of...
It is not to be understood from this text, that a man who is once bad can never bring forth good fruit; but that as long as he remains in the state of sin, he cannot perform any meritorious action. (St. John Chrysostom, hom. xxiv.)

Haydock: Mat 7:18 - -- A good tree cannot yield bad fruit, &c. Not but that both good and bad men may change their lives. This, according to the unanimous consent of the ...
A good tree cannot yield bad fruit, &c. Not but that both good and bad men may change their lives. This, according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers, is only to be understood while they remain such. If a bad tree begin to produce good fruit, it becomes a good tree, &c. (Witham) ---
For not those who do one or two good works are just, but those who continue permanently to do good: in the same manner, not those who commit one or two bad actions are wicked, but those who continue in evil. (Menochius)
Non potest Arbor bona, &c. St. Jerome on this place, brings divers examples to shew, that men's natures are not necessarily or unchangeably good or bad. See St. Augustine, lib. ii. de Serm. Domini in Monte. chap. xxiv. p. 232. Non potest esse nix calida, cum enim calida esse cæperit, non jam eam nivem, sed aquam vocamus. See also St. John Chrysostom Greek: om kg, pag. 168. linea 1. Edit. Savil.

Haydock: Mat 7:21 - -- Here Jesus Christ shews, that it is not sufficient to believe in him and hear his words, but that in order to salvation, we must join works with faith...
Here Jesus Christ shews, that it is not sufficient to believe in him and hear his words, but that in order to salvation, we must join works with faith; for in this shall we be examined at the last day. (Menochius) ---
Without faith they could not cry out, Lord, Lord. (Romans x.) But the strongest faith without the works of justice, will not be available to salvation. (1 Corinthians xiii.) (Bristow) ---
Many who have the lord continually in their mouths, but care little about putting on the Lord, or penetrating themselves with his true spirit, will find their presumption, and the false consciences they have made to themselves, woefully disappointed. (Haydock)

Haydock: Mat 7:22 - -- Have not we prophesied in thy name? The gift of prophecy, and of doing miracles, many sometimes be granted to bad men, as to Caiphas, and Balaam. (...
Have not we prophesied in thy name? The gift of prophecy, and of doing miracles, many sometimes be granted to bad men, as to Caiphas, and Balaam. (Witham) ---
Under the name of prophets, the Hebrews comprised not only such as predicted future events, but also in general all such as gave themselves out for inspired, or who undertook teaching and interpreting the holy Scriptures; and here by prophesying is understood, in a general acceptation, all public functions, predicting futurity, expounding Scripture, instructing the people, preaching, &c. (Bible de Vence)

Haydock: Mat 7:23 - -- So as to approve and reward your works. Here he shews that even prophecy and miracles will not save us without good works. (Menochius) ---
How much...
So as to approve and reward your works. Here he shews that even prophecy and miracles will not save us without good works. (Menochius) ---
How much less will faith, unassisted by good works, preserve us from condemnation. (Haydock) ---
the gift of miracles is bestowed on men not for their own good, but for the advantage of others. We must not then be surprised if men, who had indeed faith in Christ, but whose lives did not correspond with their faith, should be honoured with these extraordinary gifts, since the Almighty sometimes employs as his instruments in working similar wonders, men destitute both of faith and virtue. Balaam, void of faith and probity, still by the will of God, prophesied for the advantage of others. To Pharao and Nabuchodonosor were revealed future events of the greatest moment; and the wicked Judas himself cast out devils. Therefore St. Paul said, "if I had all faith so as to remove mountains, and if I knew all mysteries, and was possessed of all wisdom, but had not charity, I am nothing." (St. John Chrysostom, Hom. xv.)

Haydock: Mat 7:24 - -- In the Greek text, "I will compare him;" an apposite comparison, to shew the necessity of good works. It is the duty of each individual to erect this...
In the Greek text, "I will compare him;" an apposite comparison, to shew the necessity of good works. It is the duty of each individual to erect this spiritual edifice of good works in the interior of his soul, which may be able to resist all the attacks of our spiritual enemy: whilst those men who have true faith and no works are compared to a fool, and are sure to perish. (Menochius) ---Here again our Saviour dispenses his rewards to such as order their lives according to his instructions; but as before he promised the kingdom of heaven, divine consolations, and other rewards, so here he promises them the numberless blessings attendant on virtue in this life. The just alone are surrounded with virtue as with a strong guard, and amidst the high swelling waves of worldly troubles, enjoy a calm and unchangeable tranquillity. Thus was Job strengthened by his virtue against the attacks both of men and satan. (St. John Chrysostom, hom. xxv.)

Haydock: Mat 7:25 - -- The Scribes and Pharisees only explained the law, and laid open the promises of Moses, whereas our Saviour gives new laws, and makes new promises in h...
The Scribes and Pharisees only explained the law, and laid open the promises of Moses, whereas our Saviour gives new laws, and makes new promises in his own name; But I say to you, &c. The energy also with which our Saviour spoke, together with the miracles which he wrought, had far greater influence on the minds of the people than the frigid manner in which the Scribes delivered their doctrines. (Menochius)

Haydock: Mat 7:26 - -- Nothing can be more foolish than to raise an edifice on sand: it carries punishment with it, causing indeed abundance of labour, but yielding neither ...
Nothing can be more foolish than to raise an edifice on sand: it carries punishment with it, causing indeed abundance of labour, but yielding neither reward nor repose. The slaves of malice, luxury, and voluptuousness, labour in the pursuit of their desires, yet not only receive no reward, but, on the contrary, the greatest punishment. They sow in the flesh, from the flesh they shall reap corruption. (Galatians vi.) (St. John Chrysostom, hom. xxv.)

Haydock: Mat 7:27 - -- Such again shall be the end of all false prophets. Their death shall be in the same proportion, ignominious and miserable, as their life had been glo...
Such again shall be the end of all false prophets. Their death shall be in the same proportion, ignominious and miserable, as their life had been glorious and attractive. They shall be punished with so much greater severity, than others, as their sins have proceeded from greater knowledge and greater malice. (Haydock)

Haydock: Mat 7:28 - -- With reason were the people enraptured with his doctrines; for he taught as having authority from himself, and not like their doctors, who only spoke ...
With reason were the people enraptured with his doctrines; for he taught as having authority from himself, and not like their doctors, who only spoke in the name of Moses, and whose only ambition was to please, and not to correct. In the Greek text there is only mention of the Scribes or doctors, but not of the Pharisees.

Haydock: Mat 7:29 - -- He taught as one having power, Greek: exousian, to found a law of his own. Hence he said: Ego autem dico vobis; "But I say to you, " viz. as a legi...
He taught as one having power, Greek: exousian, to found a law of his own. Hence he said: Ego autem dico vobis; "But I say to you, " viz. as a legislator, announcing to you not the law of Moses, or of any other, but my own law. (Estius, in different location) ---
All agree that St. Matthew anticipates the sermon on the mount, in order thus to prefix the doctrines of Christ to the account of his miracles; for we cannot doubt that the discourse on the mount, which is mentioned by St. Matthew, is the same as that recorded by St. Luke. The beginning, the middle, and the conclusion correspond with each other. If St. Matthew mentions some particulars omitted by St. Luke, it is because his design was to collect together several instructions, which Jesus delivered on different occasions; and these, for the most part, are to be found in other parts of St. Luke. ---
This admirable sermon may be divided into three parts, viz. the exordium, the body of the discourse, and the conclusion. The exordium comprises the eight beatitudes, and merits our most serious attention. The body of the discourse is chiefly addressed to the apostles, whom Jesus had recently chosen, in order to instil into them, and all succeeding pastors of the Church, a right sense of the great duties belonging to their ministry; and, in the second place, it refers to all the faithful in general. The conclusion consists of an exhortation to a life of piety, and contains several advices, some of which chiefly regard pastors, others indiscriminately all the faithful in general. ---
May this excellent abridgment of thy doctrine, O Jesus! be the rule of our manners, the pattern of our life. Amen. (Haydock)
Gill: Mat 7:16 - -- Ye shall know them by their fruits,.... By "fruits" are meant, not so much their external works in life and conversation; for a false prophet may so b...
Ye shall know them by their fruits,.... By "fruits" are meant, not so much their external works in life and conversation; for a false prophet may so behave, as not to be discovered thereby. So the Pharisees were outwardly righteous before men; and false teachers among Christians may have the form of godliness, and keep it up, though they are strangers to, and even deny the power of it: but their doctrines are here meant, and the effects of them. When doctrines are contrary to the perfections of God, repugnant to the Scriptures of truth, tend to depreciate the person and offices, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice of Christ, to lessen the glory of God's grace, to exalt the creature, and to fill men's minds with notions of the purity, self-sufficiency, and ability of human nature; when they are calculated to feed the pride and vanity of men, to get money, and gain applause, to serve their own interests, and gratify men's lusts and passions, they may be easily discerned who they are, and from whence they come. The Jews have a proverb pretty much like this u,
"it is, as if it was said, from the time it buds forth, and goes out of the branch, it is known whether it is good or not;''
i.e. the goodness of the gourd is known by the fruit its branches bear. So a good preacher is known by the good doctrine he brings, and a bad one, by his unsound doctrine. Christ is not speaking of these false prophets, as men, or as private professors of religion, but as prophets, or teachers. "Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?" Grapes and figs were common fruit; there was great plenty of them in Judea; we often read of the "gathering" of them. It is a matter in dispute with the doctors w,
"if a man intends
One says he is, another says he is not. These words of Christ put me in mind of another passage, which seems to speak of grapes of thorns x;
"he that marries his daughter to a scholar, it is like to grapes of the vine, with grapes of the vine, a thing beautiful and acceptable; but he that marries his daughter to a plebeian, it is like to grapes of the vine,

Gill: Mat 7:17 - -- As is the tree, so is its fruit; if the tree is good, it will bring forth good fruit. The tree that brings forth good fruit, is good antecedent to the...
As is the tree, so is its fruit; if the tree is good, it will bring forth good fruit. The tree that brings forth good fruit, is good antecedent to the fruit it produces; it is first good, and then puts forth good fruit: it is not the fruit that makes the tree good, but makes it appear to be so; but it is the goodness of the tree that makes the fruit good. As a good man does, and will do good works, but his works do not make him a good man; he is so before he performs good works, or he would never be able to do them; these make him appear to be a good man: so a good preacher, that has an experimental knowledge of the doctrines of the Gospel, will deliver out sound doctrine, who is first made so by the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God; and by searching the Scriptures, and examining his doctrines by them, he will be known and appear to be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine; and such a good minister of the Gospel, out of the good treasure of Gospel truths put into his earthen vessel, will bring forth, from time to time, good and excellent truths, to the edification and profit of those that hear: "but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit"; if the tree is corrupt, the fruit will be corrupt; and as is the preacher, so will be his doctrines: if he is a corrupt preacher, or a man of a corrupt mind, destitute of the truth, his preaching will be such as will tend to corrupt both the principles and practices of men; for such evil men and seducers, out of the evil treasure of false doctrines, which they have received into their judgments, will bring forth, either more secretly or openly, evil tenets in their ministry, which prove of bad consequence to the souls of men.

Gill: Mat 7:18 - -- A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,.... A man that is unprincipled with the grace of God, has an experimental acquaintance with the Gospel of C...
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,.... A man that is unprincipled with the grace of God, has an experimental acquaintance with the Gospel of Christ, and is guided by the Spirit of God into all truth, as it is in Jesus, cannot knowingly deliver, maintain, and abide by any doctrine that is contrary to the glory of God's grace, and the person of Christ, the work of the Spirit, the fundamental doctrines of the Bible; or what is repugnant to the experiences of God's people, and prejudicial to their souls.
Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. A corrupt preacher, one destitute of the truth of the Gospel, reprobate concerning the faith, who never had any experience of the doctrines of grace, and denies them in the theory of them, cannot, consistent with himself, and his own principles, deliver, or preach good doctrine; or that which tends to produce any good fruit, either in the experience or lives of men. It is true, a corrupt man, that is, an unregenerate man, may preach sound doctrine, it being what he believes, though he has no experience of it: but then this man is not a corrupt tree, that is, a corrupt preacher, though a corrupt man. As our Lord means by "a good tree", not a good man, barely, or one that is made so by the grace of God; but a good minister, one that is furnished by the Spirit of God, and is well instructed in the kingdom of heaven: so by "a corrupt tree" he does not mean a corrupt man, a man that is in a state of nature, habitually and practically evil; but a corrupt preacher, a false prophet or teacher, that has sucked in corrupt principles, and has nothing else in him, and therefore can bring forth no other.

Gill: Mat 7:19 - -- Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit,.... Every preacher and teacher that does not bring the Gospel of Christ with him, and plainly and faith...
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit,.... Every preacher and teacher that does not bring the Gospel of Christ with him, and plainly and faithfully preach it to the people, sooner or later,
is hewn down: however he may have appeared as a tall lofty cedar, and have carried it with a high hand against Christ and his Gospel, spoke "great swelling words of vanity", and behaved with much "loftiness" and "haughtiness"; yet the time comes on, when all this is bowed and made low, "and the Lord alone is exalted": such preachers are either cut off from the churches of Christ, or hewn down by death,
and cast into the fire; into the fire of hell; into the lake of fire and brimstone, "where the beast and false prophet shall be".

Gill: Mat 7:20 - -- Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. This is the conclusion of the whole, and a repetition of what is before said, the more to fix the rule o...
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. This is the conclusion of the whole, and a repetition of what is before said, the more to fix the rule of judgment upon their minds, and engage them to try men by their doctrines, and their doctrines by the standard of the Scriptures, and not believe every spirit; for with some care and diligence such persons may be detected, and the malignant influence of their ministry be prevented. The sum of the whole is, that ordinarily, and generally speaking, as men are, so are the doctrines they preach, and by them they may be known, and judged to be what they are. Christ here, and in the preceding verses, is speaking not of men of bad lives and conversations, who take upon them to teach others; for there is not so much reason to caution good men against these; they are easily detected, and generally discarded; but of men that put on sheep's clothing, who pretended to much holiness of life and conversation, and strictness of religion; and under that disguise delivered out the most corrupt and unwholesome doctrines; which tended greatly to depreciate him and his grace, and to do damage to the souls of men.

Gill: Mat 7:21 - -- Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord,.... Not every one that calls Christ his Lord and Master, professes subjection to him, or that calls upon h...
Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord,.... Not every one that calls Christ his Lord and Master, professes subjection to him, or that calls upon his name, or is called by his name; or makes use of it in his public ministrations. There are many who desire to be called, and accounted Christians, and who make mention of the name of Christ in their sermons, only to take away their reproach, to cover themselves, and gain credit with, and get into the affections and goodwill of the people; but have no hearty love to Christ, nor true faith in him: nor is it their concern to preach his Gospel, advance his glory, and promote his kingdom and interest; their chief view is to please men, aggrandize themselves, and set up the power of human nature in opposition to the grace of God, and the righteousness of Christ. Now not everyone of these, no, not any of them,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. This is to be understood not of the outward dispensation of the Gospel, or the Gospel church state, or the visible church of Christ on earth, in which sense this phrase is sometimes used; because such persons may, and often do, enter here; but of eternal glory, into which none shall enter,
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. This, as it may regard private Christians, intends not merely outward obedience to the will of God, declared in his law, nor barely subjection to the ordinances of the Gospel; but more especially faith in Christ for life and salvation; which is the source of all true evangelical obedience, and without which nothing is acceptable to God. He that seeth the Son, looks unto him, ventures on him, commits himself to him, trusts in him, relies on him, and believes on him for righteousness, salvation, and eternal life, he it is that does the will of the Father, and he only; and such an one, as he is desirous of doing the will of God in all acts of cheerful obedience to it, without dependence thereon; so he shall certainly enter the kingdom of heaven, and have everlasting life; see Joh 6:40 but as these words chiefly respect preachers, the sense of them is this, that only such who are faithful dispensers of the word shall enter into the joy of their Lord. Such do the will of Christ's Father, and so his own, which are the same, who fully and faithfully preach the Gospel of the grace of God; who declare the whole counsel of God, and keep back nothing that is profitable to the souls of men; who are neither ashamed of the testimony of Christ, nor afraid of the faces of men; but as they are put in trust with the Gospel, so they speak it boldly, with all sincerity, not as pleasing men, but God, and commend themselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God: such as these shall have an abundant entrance into the kingdom and glory of God. The Vulgate Latin adds this clause, "he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven", and so does Munster's Hebrew edition of the Gospel according to Matthew.

Gill: Mat 7:22 - -- Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,.... That is, in the last day, the day of judgment, the great and famous day, fixed by God, unknown to ang...
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,.... That is, in the last day, the day of judgment, the great and famous day, fixed by God, unknown to angels and men, which will be terrible to some, and joyful to others; the day in which the faithful ministers of the Gospel shall be owned by Christ, and received into the kingdom of heaven: "many", not of the common people only, but of the preachers of the word, who have filled up the highest station in the church below; not one, or two, or a few of them only, but many of them "will say to me"; to Christ, who will appear then as the judge of quick and dead, to which he is ordained by his Father,
Lord, Lord; not "my Lord, my Lord", as the Syriac version reads it; for they will not be able to claim any interest in him, though they will be obliged to own his dominion, power, and authority over them. The word is repeated to show their importunity, sense of danger, the confusion they will be in, the wretched disappointment they will have; and therefore speak as persons amazed and confounded, having expected they would have been the first persons that should be admitted into heaven. Their pleas follow;
have we not prophesied in thy name? This may be understood either of foretelling things to come; which gift wicked men may have, who have never had any experience of the grace of God, as Balaam, and Caiaphas, and others; or rather of preaching the word, which is sometimes called prophesying, Rom 12:6 and which may be done in the name of Christ, pretending mission and authority from him, and to be preachers of him, and yet be no better than "sounding brass", or "a tinkling cymbal"; yea, nothing at all as to true grace, or spiritual experience.
And in thy name have cast out devils? Diabolical possessions were very frequent in the times of Christ; no doubt but they were suffered, that Jesus might have an opportunity of showing his power over Satan, by dispossessing him from the bodies, as well as the souls of men; and of giving proof of his deity, divine sonship and Messiahship: and this power of casting out devils was given to others, not only to the twelve apostles, among whom Judas was, who had the same power with the rest, and to the seventy disciples; but even to some who did not follow him, and his disciples, Mar 9:38 and some did this in the name of Jesus, who do not appear to have any true faith in him, and knowledge of him; as the vagabond Jews, exorcists, and the seven sons of Sceva, Act 19:13. An awful consideration it is, that men should be able to cast out devils, and at last be cast to the devil.
And in thy name done many wonderful works? that is, many miracles; not one, or a few only, but many; such as speaking with tongues, removing mountains, treading on serpents and scorpions, and drinking any deadly thing without hurt, and healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses. Judas, for one, was capable of pleading all these things; he had the gift of preaching, and a call from Christ to it, and yet a castaway; he had the power of casting out devils, and yet could not prevent the devil from entering into him; he could perform miracles, do wonders in Christ's name, and yet, at last, was the betrayer of him. These pleas and arguments will be of no use to him, nor of any avail to any at the great day. It may be observed, that these men lay the whole stress of their salvation upon what they have done in Christ's name; and not on Christ himself, in whom there is salvation, and in no other: they say not a syllable of what Christ has done and suffered, but only of what they have done. Indeed, the things they instance in, are the greatest done among men; the gifts they had were the most excellent, excepting the grace of God; the works they did were of an extraordinary nature; whence it follows, that there can be no salvation, nor is it to be expected from men's works: for if preaching the word, which is attended with so much study, care, and labour, will not be a prevailing argument to admit men into the kingdom of heaven; how can it be thought that ever reading, or hearing, or any other external performance of religion, should bring persons thither?

Gill: Mat 7:23 - -- Then will I profess unto them,.... Publicly before men and angels, at the day of judgment,
I never knew you; which must be understood consistent wi...
Then will I profess unto them,.... Publicly before men and angels, at the day of judgment,
I never knew you; which must be understood consistent with the omniscience of Christ; for as the omniscient God he knew their persons and their works, and that they were workers of iniquity; he knew what they had been doing all their days under the guise of religion; he knew the principles of all their actions, and the views they had in all they did; nothing is hid from him. But, as words of knowledge often carry in them the ideas of affection, and approbation, see Psa 1:6 the meaning of Christ here is, I never had any love, or affection for you; I never esteemed you; I never made any account of you, as mine, as belonging to me; I never approved of you, nor your conduct; I never had any converse, communication, nor society with you, nor you with me. The Persic version reads it, "I have not known you of old", from ancient times, or from everlasting; I never knew you in my Father's choice, and my own, nor in my Father's gift to me, nor in the everlasting covenant of grace; I never knew you as my sheep, for whom, in time, I died, and called by name; I never knew you believe in me, nor love me, or mine; I have seen you in my house, preaching in my name, and at my table administering mine ordinance; but I never knew you exalt my person, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice; you talk of the works you have done, I never knew you do one good work in all your lives, with a single eye to my glory; wherefore, I will neither hear, nor see you; I have nothing to do with you. In this sense the phrase is used in the Talmud y:
"Bar Kaphra went to visit R. Juda; he says to him, Bar Kaphra,
The gloss upon it is,
"he intimates, that he would not see him.''
So here, Christ declares, he knew them not; that is, he did not like them; he would not admit them into his presence and glory; but said,
depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. The former of these expressions contains the awful sentence pronounced by Christ, the judge; which is, banishment from his presence, than which nothing is more terrible: for as it is his presence that makes heaven, it is his absence that makes hell; and this supposes a place and state, whither they are banished; which is elsewhere called their "own place, the lake" which burns with fire and brimstone; "everlasting fire", prepared for the devil and his angels. Departure from Christ's presence is the punishment of loss, and being sent to everlasting burnings, is the punishment of sense; and the whole, as it is an instance of strict justice, so a display of Christ's almighty power. The latter expression contains the character of these persons, and in it a reason of their punishment; they were "workers of iniquity": it may be, neither adulterers, nor murderers, nor drunkards, nor extortioners, nor thieves, or any other openly profane sinners; but inasmuch as they did the work of the Lord deceitfully, preached themselves, and not Christ; sought their own things, and not his; what they did, they did with a wicked mind, and not with a view to his glory; they wrought iniquity, whilst they were doing the very things they pleaded on their own behalf, for their admission into the kingdom of heaven. Some copies read, "all the workers of iniquity", as in Psa 6:8 from whence the words are taken.

Gill: Mat 7:24 - -- Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine,.... The comparison in this, and the following verses, is the concluding part of our Lord's discours...
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine,.... The comparison in this, and the following verses, is the concluding part of our Lord's discourses upon the mount, which are meant by these sayings, or doctrines, he here speaks of; and as he had in some foregoing verses chiefly respect to preachers, so here, to hearers, his disciples and followers in general. The subject of this comparison, in Luk 6:47 is, "whosoever cometh unto me"; as all that are given to Christ by the Father will do, sooner or later: such whom he encourages to come to him, are they that labour and are heavy laden; and they that come aright, come as poor perishing sinners; they believe in him, give up themselves to him, to be saved by him with an everlasting salvation; all which is owing to efficacious grace. These hear his sayings, as doctrines, not merely externally, but internally, having ears to hear given unto them, so as to understand them, love them, believe them, feel the power, taste the sweetness, and have a delightful relish of them; and such an one hears them,
and doth them: he is not only an hearer, but a doer of the word of the Gospel; the doctrines of it he receives in the love of them, and exercises faith on them; upon Christ, his grace and righteousness held forth in them, which is the great work and business of a Christian, he is to do, and does do in this life: the ordinances of it he cheerfully obeys; and all the duties of religion he performs from love to Christ, without any view to obtain eternal life hereby, which he only expects from Christ, as his sayings and doctrines direct him. The comparison follows,
I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. Luke says, "he is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation a rock". Every believer is a builder; the house he builds, is his own soul, and the salvation of it; in order to which he digs deep, till he comes to a rock, to a good foundation; he searches diligently into the Scriptures of truth; he constantly attends the ministry of the word; he inquires of Gospel preachers, and other saints, the way of salvation; which having found, he lays the whole stress of his salvation on the rock of ages, which rock is Christ: he makes him the foundation of all his hopes of eternal life and happiness; which is the foundation God has laid in Zion; and which has been laid ministerially by the prophets of the Old, and the apostles of the New Testament; and by believers themselves, when they build their faith and hope upon it. This foundation, the person, blood, and righteousness of Christ, is as a rock, firm and strong, will bear the whole weight that is laid upon it; it is sure and certain, it will never give way; it is immoveable and everlasting; the house built upon it stands safe and sure.

Gill: Mat 7:25 - -- And the rains descended, and the floods came,.... These several metaphors of "rain", "floods", "stream", and "winds", may design the temptations of Sa...
And the rains descended, and the floods came,.... These several metaphors of "rain", "floods", "stream", and "winds", may design the temptations of Satan, the persecutions of the world, the corruptions of a man's own heart, and the errors and false doctrines of men; from all which such a man is safe, who is built upon the rock Christ Jesus; see Isa 32:2 not but that the rain of temptation may descend upon him, with great violence and force, but shall not beat him down; he shall be made able to bear the whole force of it; the gates of hell cannot prevail against him; the floods of persecution may be cast after him, but shall not carry him away; the stream of corruption may run strong against him, yet shall not overset him; and the wind of divers and strange doctrines may blow hard upon him, but not cast him down: some damage he may receive by these several things, but shall not be destroyed; he may be shaken by them, but not so as to be removed off of the foundation, on which he is laid; yea, he may fail from some degree of the steadfastness of his faith, but not so as to fail totally and finally; the reason is, because he is founded on the rock Christ Jesus, which is sure and immoveable: whence it appears that such a man acts the wise and prudent part, and may be truly called "a wise man".

Gill: Mat 7:26 - -- And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine,.... Who only externally hears them, but has no understanding of them; do not believe them, nor like a...
And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine,.... Who only externally hears them, but has no understanding of them; do not believe them, nor like and approve of them, but hates and despises them; or if not, depends upon his external hearing of them, and contents himself with a speculative knowledge, without the practice of them,
and doth them not; does not yield the obedience of faith to the doctrines of the Gospel, nor submits to the ordinances of it, but neglects them, and all other duties of religion: or if he does obey, it is only outwardly, not from the heart; nor from a principle of love; nor in faith; nor in the name and strength of Christ; nor for the glory of God, but in order to obtain life for himself: such
shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; or, as Luke has it, "without a foundation upon the earth"; upon the surface of the earth, without digging into it for a foundation: and such may be said to build
without a foundation, who pretend to make their peace with God by their own works; who hope for pardon on the foot of the mercy of God, and their own repentance; seek for justification by their own, and not the righteousness of Christ; look for acceptance with God, for the sake of their own worthiness; and who expect salvation in any other way than by Christ: as in each of these articles, they leave out Christ, they may be said to build without a foundation indeed, and to build "upon" the surface of "the earth"; as they do, who build their hope of salvation upon anything that is merely external; as, their riches and grandeur, their wisdom and learning, their natural descent, and religious education, their civility, courteousness, and what is called good nature, their liberality and alms deeds, their morality, common justice and honesty, their legal righteousness, whether moral or ritual, and a round of religious duties; and such may be said to "build upon the sand", on that which will bear no weight, but gives way, and sinks. The salvation of the soul is a weighty thing; and that which is like sand, as is everything of a man's own, can never support it: God has therefore laid the salvation of his people on his own Son; and he must be a "foolish man" that builds on anything short of him.

Gill: Mat 7:27 - -- And the rain descended, and the floods came,.... Such builders, and such a building, cannot stand against the violent rain of Satan's temptations, the...
And the rain descended, and the floods came,.... Such builders, and such a building, cannot stand against the violent rain of Satan's temptations, the floods of the world's persecutions, the stream and rapid torrent of their own heart's lusts, nor the blowing winds of heresy and false doctrine, and much less the storms of divine wrath and vengeance. They are in a most dangerous condition; they cannot support themselves; they must fall, and great will be their fall; their destruction is inevitable, their ruin is irrecoverable. The Jews make use of some similes, which are pretty much like these of Christ's.
"R. Eliezer ben Azariah used to say z, he whose wisdom is greater than his works, to what is he like? to a tree, whose branches are many, and its roots few, "and the wind comes", and roots it up, and overturns it; as it is said, Jer 17:6 but he whose works are greater than his wisdom, to what is he like? to a tree, whose branches are few, and its roots many, "against which, if all the winds in the world were to come and blow", they could not move it out of its place: as it is said, Jer 17:8.''
Again a,
"Elisha ben Abuijah used to say, a man who hath good works, and learns the law much, to what is he like? to a man that "builds with stones below", and afterwards with bricks; and though
The same used to say,
"a man who hath good works, and learns the law much, to what is he like? to mortar spread upon bricks; and though

Gill: Mat 7:28 - -- And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings,.... Delivered in this, and the two foregoing chapters, concerning true happiness; the duty an...
And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings,.... Delivered in this, and the two foregoing chapters, concerning true happiness; the duty and usefulness of Gospel ministers; the true sense and meaning of several commandments in the law; concerning alms, prayer, and fasting; concerning the care of worldly things, rash judging, rigid censures, and reproofs; the straitness and narrowness of the way to eternal life, and the largeness and breadth of the way to destruction; concerning false prophets, and the right hearing of the word.
The people were astonished at his doctrine; it being something new, and unheard of, what they had not been used to; and coming in the demonstration of the Spirit, and of power, it carried its own evidence along with it, wrought conviction in their minds, and obliged them to acknowledge the truth of it.

Gill: Mat 7:29 - -- For he taught them, as one having authority,.... This does not so much respect the subject matter of his ministry, the gravity, weight, and solidity o...
For he taught them, as one having authority,.... This does not so much respect the subject matter of his ministry, the gravity, weight, and solidity of his doctrine; which, to be sure, was greatly different from that of the Scribes, which chiefly lay in proposing and handling things trivial, and of no moment; such as the rituals of the law, the traditions of the elders, or washing of the hands and cups, &c. nor merely the manner of his delivery, which was with great affection, ardour, and fervency of spirit, with much liberty and utterance of speech, and with wonderful perspicuity and majesty; in which also he differed from the Scribes, who taught in a cold and lifeless manner, without any spirit and power; but this chiefly regards the method he used in preaching, which was by delivering truths of himself in his own name, and by his own authority; often using those words, "but I say unto you": he spoke as a lawgiver, as one that had authority from heaven, and not from men;
and not as the Scribes, who used to say, when they delivered any thing to the people, "our Rabbins", or "our wise men say" so and so: such as were on the side of Hillell made use of his name; and those who were on the side of Shammai made use of his name; scarce ever would they venture to say anything of themselves, but said, the ancient doctors say thus and thus: almost innumerable instances might be given, out of the Talmud, in which one Rabbi speaks in the name of another; but our Lord spoke boldly, of himself, in his own name, and did not go about to support his doctrine by the testimony of the elders; but spake, as having received power and authority, as man, from his Father, "and not as the Scribes". Some copies add, and Pharisees; these generally going together; and so read the Vulgate Latin, the Syriac, the Persic versions, and the Hebrew edition of Matthew by Munster.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Mat 7:16 The statement illustrates the principle: That which cannot produce fruit does not produce fruit.

NET Notes: Mat 7:17 Grk “rotten.” The word σαπρός, modifying “tree” in both v. 17 and 18, can also mean “disea...

NET Notes: Mat 7:21 The double use of the vocative is normally used in situations of high emotion or emphasis. Even an emphatic confession without action means little.

NET Notes: Mat 7:22 Grk “and in your name do.” This phrase was not repeated here in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Mat 7:24 Here and in v. 26 the Greek text reads ἀνήρ (anhr), while the parallel account in Luke 6:47-49 uses ἄνθρ ...

NET Notes: Mat 7:28 Grk “And it happened when.” The introductory phrase καὶ ἐγένετο (kai egeneto, “i...

Geneva Bible: Mat 7:21 ( 7 ) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven...

Geneva Bible: Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy ( d ) name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many...

Geneva Bible: Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, ( f ) I never knew you: depart from me, ( g ) ye that work iniquity.
( f ) This is not of ignorance, but because h...

Geneva Bible: Mat 7:24 ( 8 ) Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
( 8 ) T...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Mat 7:1-29
TSK Synopsis: Mat 7:1-29 - --1 Christ, continuing his sermon on the mount, reproves rash judgment, etc.28 Christ ends his sermon, and the people are astonished.
Maclaren -> Mat 7:24-26; Mat 7:28-29
Maclaren: Mat 7:24-26 - --The Two Houses
Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a roc...

Maclaren: Mat 7:28-29 - --The Christ Of The Sermon On The Mount
And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at His doctrine: 29. For He...
MHCC -> Mat 7:15-20; Mat 7:21-29
MHCC: Mat 7:15-20 - --Nothing so much prevents men from entering the strait gate, and becoming true followers of Christ, as the carnal, soothing, flattering doctrines of th...

MHCC: Mat 7:21-29 - --Christ here shows that it will not be enough to own him for our Master, only in word and tongue. It is necessary to our happiness that we believe in C...
Matthew Henry -> Mat 7:15-20; Mat 7:21-29
Matthew Henry: Mat 7:15-20 - -- We have here a caution against false prophets, to take heed that we be not deceived and imposed upon by them. Prophets are properly such as fore...

Matthew Henry: Mat 7:21-29 - -- We have here the conclusion of this long and excellent sermon, the scope of which is to show the indispensable necessity of obedience to the command...
Barclay: Mat 7:15-20 - --Almost every phrase and word in this section would ring an answering bell in the minds of the Jews who heard it for the first time.
The Jews knew all ...

Barclay: Mat 7:15-20 - --The Jews, the Greeks and the Romans all used the idea that a tree is to be judged by its fruits. "Like root, like fruit," ran the proverb. Epicte...

Barclay: Mat 7:15-20 - --This passage has much to say about the evil fruits of the false prophets. What are the false effects, the evil fruits, which a false prophet may pr...

Barclay: Mat 7:21-23 - --There is an apparently surprising feature about this passage. Jesus is quite ready to concede that many of the false prophets will do and say wonderf...

Barclay: Mat 7:24-27 - --Jesus was in a double sense an expert. He was an expert in scripture. The writer of Proverbs gave him the hint for his picture: "When the tempest p...
Constable: Mat 5:1--8:1 - --B. Jesus' revelations concerning participation in His kingdom 5:1-7:29
The Sermon on the Mount is the fi...

Constable: Mat 7:13-27 - --4. The false alternatives 7:13-27
To clarify the essential choices that His disciples needed to ...

Constable: Mat 7:15-20 - --The two trees 7:15-20 (cf. Luke 6:43-44)
7:15 Jesus here sounded a warning that the Old Testament prophets also gave about false prophets (cf. Deut. 1...

Constable: Mat 7:21-23 - --The two claims 7:21-23 (cf. Luke 6:46)
Verses 15-20 deal with false prophets, but verses...

Constable: Mat 7:24-27 - --The two builders 7:24-27 (cf. Luke 6:47-49)
Verses 21-23 contrast those who say one thin...

Constable: Mat 7:28-29 - --5. The response of the audience 7:28-29
Each conclusion to each of the five discourses in Matthe...
College -> Mat 7:1-29
College: Mat 7:1-29 - --MATTHEW 7
8. The Conduct of Greater Righteousness (7:1-12)
The next section is composed of a series of exhortations with accompanying illustrations....
McGarvey -> Mat 7:13-23; Mat 7:24-29
McGarvey: Mat 7:13-23 - --
(A Mountain Plateau not far from Capernaum.)
Subdivision J.
aMATT. VII. 13-23; cL...

McGarvey: Mat 7:24-29 - --
(A Mountain Plateau not far from Capernaum.)
Subdivision K.
aMATT. VII. 24-2...
Lapide -> Mat 7:1-29
Lapide: Mat 7:1-29 - --CHAPTER 7
Judge not, rashly and malignantly, that ye, &c. Christ does not here prohibit the public judgments of magistrates, by which they condemn t...

expand allCommentary -- Other
Evidence: Mat 7:22 These are perhaps the most frightening verses in the Bible. Vast multitudes of professing Christians fit into the category spoken of here. They call J...