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Text -- Proverbs 21:13-31 (NET)

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21:13 The one who shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and will not be answered. 21:14 A gift given in secret subdues anger, and a bribe given secretly subdues strong wrath. 21:15 Doing justice brings joy to the righteous and terror to those who do evil. 21:16 The one who wanders from the way of wisdom will end up in the company of the departed. 21:17 The one who loves pleasure will be a poor person; whoever loves wine and anointing oil will not be rich. 21:18 The wicked become a ransom for the righteous, and the faithless are taken in the place of the upright. 21:19 It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and easily-provoked woman. 21:20 There is desirable treasure and olive oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish person devours all he has. 21:21 The one who pursues righteousness and love finds life, bounty, and honor. 21:22 The wise person can scale the city of the mighty and bring down the stronghold in which they trust. 21:23 The one who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps his life from troubles. 21:24 A proud and arrogant person, whose name is “Scoffer,” acts with overbearing pride. 21:25 What the sluggard desires will kill him, for his hands refuse to work. 21:26 All day long he craves greedily, but the righteous gives and does not hold back. 21:27 The wicked person’s sacrifice is an abomination; how much more when he brings it with evil intent! 21:28 A lying witness will perish, but the one who reports accurately speaks forever. 21:29 A wicked person shows boldness with his face, but as for the upright, he discerns his ways. 21:30 There is no wisdom and there is no understanding, and there is no counsel against the Lord. 21:31 A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory is from the Lord.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

Contradiction , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Pro 21:14 - -- Which makes it more acceptable.

Which makes it more acceptable.

Wesley: Pro 21:14 - -- Secretly conveyed into the bosom.

Secretly conveyed into the bosom.

Wesley: Pro 21:16 - -- Shall, without repentance, be condemned to eternal death.

Shall, without repentance, be condemned to eternal death.

Wesley: Pro 21:17 - -- Delicious fare and luxurious feasting. Wine and oil were much used in feasts in those parts.

Delicious fare and luxurious feasting. Wine and oil were much used in feasts in those parts.

Wesley: Pro 21:18 - -- The wicked shall be brought into those troubles, which were designed by wicked men for the righteous: thus Haman was a ransom for Mordecai.

The wicked shall be brought into those troubles, which were designed by wicked men for the righteous: thus Haman was a ransom for Mordecai.

Wesley: Pro 21:20 - -- Wise men lay up desirable treasures for their own use, and for their families. Oil is particularly mentioned, because that was a considerable part of ...

Wise men lay up desirable treasures for their own use, and for their families. Oil is particularly mentioned, because that was a considerable part of their wealth and treasures in those countries.

Wesley: Pro 21:22 - -- The strongest sorts to which the citizens trust.

The strongest sorts to which the citizens trust.

Wesley: Pro 21:25 - -- Torments him to death, while he passionately desires what he sees, he shall not enjoy, and will not take pains to procure.

Torments him to death, while he passionately desires what he sees, he shall not enjoy, and will not take pains to procure.

Wesley: Pro 21:26 - -- Spends his whole time in vain and lazy desires.

Spends his whole time in vain and lazy desires.

Wesley: Pro 21:26 - -- By God's blessing upon his industry he procures enough, not only for his own support, but for the relief of others.

By God's blessing upon his industry he procures enough, not only for his own support, but for the relief of others.

Wesley: Pro 21:27 - -- All the most costly services which they offer to God.

All the most costly services which they offer to God.

Wesley: Pro 21:27 - -- As all the ancient translators render it, the Hebrew particle, aph, being expletive: or, even because; so the following clause gives the reason.

As all the ancient translators render it, the Hebrew particle, aph, being expletive: or, even because; so the following clause gives the reason.

Wesley: Pro 21:27 - -- Not in obedience to God's command, but either to cover, or countenance, or promote some wicked design.

Not in obedience to God's command, but either to cover, or countenance, or promote some wicked design.

Wesley: Pro 21:28 - -- He witnesses nothing but what he has heard or seen.

He witnesses nothing but what he has heard or seen.

Wesley: Pro 21:28 - -- Always affirms the same thing.

Always affirms the same thing.

Wesley: Pro 21:29 - -- Continues in evil with obstinacy and impudence.

Continues in evil with obstinacy and impudence.

Wesley: Pro 21:29 - -- He orders his steps aright.

He orders his steps aright.

Wesley: Pro 21:31 - -- Under which all war - like provisions are comprehended.

Under which all war - like provisions are comprehended.

JFB: Pro 21:13 - -- The principles of retribution, often taught (compare Psa 18:26; Mat 7:1-12).

The principles of retribution, often taught (compare Psa 18:26; Mat 7:1-12).

JFB: Pro 21:14 - -- The effect of bribery (Pro 17:23) is enhanced by secrecy, as the bribed person does not wish his motives made known.

The effect of bribery (Pro 17:23) is enhanced by secrecy, as the bribed person does not wish his motives made known.

JFB: Pro 21:15 - -- But the just love right and need no bribes. The wicked at last meet destruction, though for a time happy in concealing corruption.

But the just love right and need no bribes. The wicked at last meet destruction, though for a time happy in concealing corruption.

JFB: Pro 21:16 - -- (Compare Pro 12:26; Pro 14:22).

(Compare Pro 12:26; Pro 14:22).

JFB: Pro 21:16 - -- That is, rest as at a journey's end; death will be his unchanging home.

That is, rest as at a journey's end; death will be his unchanging home.

JFB: Pro 21:17 - -- Costly luxuries impoverish.

Costly luxuries impoverish.

JFB: Pro 21:18 - -- (Compare Pro 11:8). By suffering what they had devised for the righteous, or brought on them, the wicked became their ransom, in the usual sense of su...

(Compare Pro 11:8). By suffering what they had devised for the righteous, or brought on them, the wicked became their ransom, in the usual sense of substitutes (compare Jos 7:26; Est 7:9).

JFB: Pro 21:19 - -- (Compare Pro 21:9).

(Compare Pro 21:9).

JFB: Pro 21:19 - -- Pasture, though uninhabitable ground (Psa 65:12).

Pasture, though uninhabitable ground (Psa 65:12).

JFB: Pro 21:20 - -- The wise, by diligence and care, lay up and increase wealth, while fools

The wise, by diligence and care, lay up and increase wealth, while fools

JFB: Pro 21:20 - -- Literally, "swallow it up," greedily.

Literally, "swallow it up," greedily.

JFB: Pro 21:21 - -- He who tries to act justly and kindly (Psa 34:14) will prosper and obtain justice and honor.

He who tries to act justly and kindly (Psa 34:14) will prosper and obtain justice and honor.

JFB: Pro 21:22 - -- "Wisdom is better than strength" (Ecc 7:19; Ecc 9:15).

"Wisdom is better than strength" (Ecc 7:19; Ecc 9:15).

JFB: Pro 21:22 - -- That in which they confide.

That in which they confide.

JFB: Pro 21:23 - -- (Compare Pro 13:2-3; Jam 3:6-10).

(Compare Pro 13:2-3; Jam 3:6-10).

JFB: Pro 21:24 - -- The reproachful name is deserved by those who treat others with anger and contempt.

The reproachful name is deserved by those who treat others with anger and contempt.

JFB: Pro 21:25 - -- That is, of ease and idleness brings him to starvation.

That is, of ease and idleness brings him to starvation.

JFB: Pro 21:26 - -- The sin of covetousness marks the sluggard, as the virtue of benevolence the righteous.

The sin of covetousness marks the sluggard, as the virtue of benevolence the righteous.

JFB: Pro 21:27 - -- God regards the heart, and hypocrisy is more odious than open inconsistency.

God regards the heart, and hypocrisy is more odious than open inconsistency.

JFB: Pro 21:27 - -- Or, "design" (Pro 1:4).

Or, "design" (Pro 1:4).

JFB: Pro 21:28 - -- (Compare Pro 19:5).

(Compare Pro 19:5).

JFB: Pro 21:28 - -- Or heeds instruction, and so grows wise.

Or heeds instruction, and so grows wise.

JFB: Pro 21:28 - -- Or sincerely (compare Hab 1:5), and hence is believed (Pro 12:19; Jam 1:19).

Or sincerely (compare Hab 1:5), and hence is believed (Pro 12:19; Jam 1:19).

JFB: Pro 21:29 - -- Is obstinate.

Is obstinate.

JFB: Pro 21:29 - -- Considers it, and acts advisedly.

Considers it, and acts advisedly.

JFB: Pro 21:30-31 - -- Men's best devices and reliances are vain compared with God's, or without His aid (Pro 19:21; Psa 20:7; Psa 33:17).

Men's best devices and reliances are vain compared with God's, or without His aid (Pro 19:21; Psa 20:7; Psa 33:17).

Clarke: Pro 21:13 - -- Whoso stoppeth his ears - See the conduct of the priest and Levite to the man who fell among thieves; and let every man learn from this, that he who...

Whoso stoppeth his ears - See the conduct of the priest and Levite to the man who fell among thieves; and let every man learn from this, that he who shuts his ear against the cry of the poor, shall have the ear of God shut against his cry. The words are quite plain; there is no difficulty here.

Clarke: Pro 21:16 - -- The man once enlightened, that wandereth out of the way of understanding, in which he had walked, shall remain - have a permanent residence - in the c...

The man once enlightened, that wandereth out of the way of understanding, in which he had walked, shall remain - have a permanent residence - in the congregation of the dead; רפ××™× rephaim , the lost; either separate spirits in general, or rather the assembly of separate spirits, which had fallen from primitive rectitude; and shall not be restored to the Divine favor; particularly those sinners who were destroyed by the deluge. This passage intimates that those called rephaim are in a state of conscious existence. It is difficult to assign the true meaning of the word in several places where it occurs: but it seems to mean the state of separate spirits, i.e., of those separated from their bodies, and awaiting the judgment of the great day: but the congregation may also include the fallen angels. My old MS. Bible translates, The man that errith fro the wei of doctrine, in the felowschip of geantis schal wonnen.

Clarke: Pro 21:17 - -- He that loveth pleasure - That follows gaming, fowling, hunting, coursing, etc., when he should be attending to the culture of the fields, shall be ...

He that loveth pleasure - That follows gaming, fowling, hunting, coursing, etc., when he should be attending to the culture of the fields, shall be a poor man; and, I may safely add, shall be so deservedly poor, as to have none to pity him.

Clarke: Pro 21:18 - -- The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous - God often in his judgments cuts off the wicked, in order to prevent them from destroying the righte...

The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous - God often in his judgments cuts off the wicked, in order to prevent them from destroying the righteous. And in general, we find that the wicked fall into the traps and pits they have digged for the righteous.

Clarke: Pro 21:22 - -- A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty - Wisdom is in many respects preferable to strength, even in the case of defense. See what skill does in t...

A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty - Wisdom is in many respects preferable to strength, even in the case of defense. See what skill does in the fortification and reduction of strong places.

Clarke: Pro 21:25 - -- The desire of the slothful killeth him - He desires to eat, drink, and be clothed: but as he does not labor, hence he dies with this desire in his h...

The desire of the slothful killeth him - He desires to eat, drink, and be clothed: but as he does not labor, hence he dies with this desire in his heart, envying those who possess plenty through their labor and industry. Hence he is said to covet greedily all the day long, Pro 21:26, while the righteous, who has been laborious and diligent, has enough to eat, and some to spare.

Clarke: Pro 21:27 - -- When he bringeth it with a wicked mind? - If such a person even bring the sacrifices and offerings which God requires, they are an abomination to hi...

When he bringeth it with a wicked mind? - If such a person even bring the sacrifices and offerings which God requires, they are an abomination to him, because the man is wicked; and if such offerings be imperfect in themselves, or of goods ill-gotten, or offered by constraint of custom, etc., they are doubly abominable.

Clarke: Pro 21:29 - -- He directeth his way - Instead of יכין yachin , he directeth, upwards of fifty of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s MSS., several ancient ...

He directeth his way - Instead of יכין yachin , he directeth, upwards of fifty of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s MSS., several ancient editions with some of the versions, read יבין yabin , he understands; and because he understands his way, he is able to direct himself in walking in it.

Clarke: Pro 21:31 - -- The horse is prepared against the day of battle - Horses were not used among the Jews before the time of Solomon. There was a Divine command against...

The horse is prepared against the day of battle - Horses were not used among the Jews before the time of Solomon. There was a Divine command against them, Deu 17:16; but Solomon transgressed it; see 1Ki 10:29. But he here allows that a horse is a vain thing for safety; and that however strong and well appointed cavalry may be, still safety, escape, and victory, are of the Lord. Among the ancient Asiatics, the horse was used only for war; oxen labored in the plough and cart, the ass and the camel carried backloads; and mules and asses served for riding. We often give the credit of a victory to man, when they who consider the circumstances see that it came from God.

Defender: Pro 21:30 - -- Those intellectuals who reject the Lord as Creator and Savior, despite their pretense of superior wisdom, are actually fools (Psa 14:1). The very foun...

Those intellectuals who reject the Lord as Creator and Savior, despite their pretense of superior wisdom, are actually fools (Psa 14:1). The very foundation of true wisdom and knowledge is "the fear of the Lord" (Pro 1:7; Pro 9:10), and in Christ "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col 2:3)."

TSK: Pro 21:13 - -- stoppeth : Psa 58:4; Zec 7:11; Act 7:57 at : Pro 28:27; Deu 15:7-11; Neh 5:1-5, Neh 5:13; Isa 1:15-17, Isa 58:6-9; Jer 34:16, Jer 34:17; Zec 7:9-13; M...

TSK: Pro 21:14 - -- gift : Pro 17:8, Pro 17:23, Pro 18:16, Pro 19:6; Gen 32:20, Gen 43:11; 1Sa 25:35 in secret : Mat 6:3, Mat 6:4

TSK: Pro 21:15 - -- joy : Job 29:12-17; Psa 40:8, Psa 112:1, Psa 119:16, Psa 119:92; Ecc 3:12; Isa 64:5; Joh 4:34; Rom 7:22 destruction : Pro 21:12, Pro 5:20, Pro 10:29; ...

TSK: Pro 21:16 - -- wandereth : Pro 13:20; Psa 125:5; Zep 1:6; Joh 3:19, Joh 3:20; Heb 6:4-6, Heb 10:26, Heb 10:27, Heb 10:38; 2Pe 2:21, 2Pe 2:22; 1Jo 2:19 remain : Pro 2...

TSK: Pro 21:17 - -- loveth : Pro 21:20, Pro 5:10, Pro 5:11, Pro 23:21; Luk 15:13-16, Luk 16:24, Luk 16:25; 1Ti 5:6; 2Ti 3:4 pleasure : Heb. sport

TSK: Pro 21:18 - -- wicked : Pro 11:8; Isa 43:3, Isa 43:4, Isa 53:4, Isa 53:5, Isa 55:8, Isa 55:9; 1Pe 3:18

TSK: Pro 21:19 - -- better : Pro 21:9; Psa 55:6, Psa 55:7, Psa 120:5, Psa 120:6; Jer 9:2 wilderness : Heb. land of the desert

better : Pro 21:9; Psa 55:6, Psa 55:7, Psa 120:5, Psa 120:6; Jer 9:2

wilderness : Heb. land of the desert

TSK: Pro 21:20 - -- treasure : Pro 10:22, Pro 15:6; Psa 112:3; Ecc 5:19, Ecc 7:11, Ecc 10:19; Mat 6:19, Mat 6:20; Luk 6:45 oil : Psa 23:5; Jer 41:8; Mat 25:3, Mat 25:4 bu...

TSK: Pro 21:21 - -- that : Pro 15:9; Isa 51:1; Hos 6:3; Mat 5:6; Rom 14:19; Phi 3:12; 1Th 5:21; 1Ti 6:11; 2Ti 2:22; Heb 12:14 findeth : Pro 22:4; Rom 2:7-10; 1Co 15:58; 2...

TSK: Pro 21:22 - -- 2Sa 20:16-22; Ecc 7:19, Ecc 9:13-18

TSK: Pro 21:23 - -- Pro 10:19, Pro 12:13, Pro 13:3, Pro 17:27, Pro 17:28, Pro 18:21; Jam 1:26, Jam 3:2-13

TSK: Pro 21:24 - -- haughty : Pro 6:17, Pro 16:18, Pro 18:12, Pro 19:29; Est 3:5, Est 3:6; Ecc 7:8, Ecc 7:9; Mat 2:16 proud wrath : Heb. the wrath of pride

haughty : Pro 6:17, Pro 16:18, Pro 18:12, Pro 19:29; Est 3:5, Est 3:6; Ecc 7:8, Ecc 7:9; Mat 2:16

proud wrath : Heb. the wrath of pride

TSK: Pro 21:25 - -- Pro 6:6-11, Pro 12:24, Pro 12:27, Pro 13:4, Pro 15:19, Pro 19:24, Pro 20:4, Pro 22:13, Pro 24:30-34, Pro 26:13, Pro 26:16; Mat 25:26

TSK: Pro 21:26 - -- coveteth : Act 20:33-35; 1Th 2:5-9 the righteous : Psa 37:26, Psa 112:9; Luk 6:30-36; Act 20:35; 2Co 8:7-9, 2Co 9:9-14

TSK: Pro 21:27 - -- sacrifice : Pro 15:8, Pro 28:9; 1Sa 13:12, 1Sa 13:13, 1Sa 15:21-23; Psa 50:8-13; Isa 1:11-16, Isa 66:3; Jer 6:20, Jer 7:11, Jer 7:12; Amo 5:21, Amo 5:...

TSK: Pro 21:28 - -- false witness : Heb. witness of lies, Pro 6:19, Pro 19:5, Pro 19:9, Pro 25:18; Exo 23:1; Deu 19:16-19 the man : Pro 12:19; Act 12:15; 2Co 1:17-20, 2Co...

false witness : Heb. witness of lies, Pro 6:19, Pro 19:5, Pro 19:9, Pro 25:18; Exo 23:1; Deu 19:16-19

the man : Pro 12:19; Act 12:15; 2Co 1:17-20, 2Co 4:13; Tit 3:8

TSK: Pro 21:29 - -- hardeneth : Pro 28:14, Pro 29:1; Jer 3:2, Jer 3:3, Jer 5:3, Jer 8:12, Jer 44:16, Jer 44:17 he directeth : or, he considereth, Pro 11:5; Psa 119:59; Ez...

TSK: Pro 21:30 - -- Pro 19:21; Isa 7:5-7, Isa 8:9, Isa 8:10, Isa 14:27, Isa 46:10, Isa 46:11; Jer 9:23; Jon 1:13; Act 4:27, Act 4:28, Act 5:39; 1Pe 2:8

TSK: Pro 21:31 - -- horse : Psa 20:7, Psa 33:17, Psa 33:18, Psa 147:10; Ecc 9:11; Isa 31:1 but : Psa 3:3, Psa 3:8, Psa 68:20 safety : or, victory, Psa 144:10 *marg.

horse : Psa 20:7, Psa 33:17, Psa 33:18, Psa 147:10; Ecc 9:11; Isa 31:1

but : Psa 3:3, Psa 3:8, Psa 68:20

safety : or, victory, Psa 144:10 *marg.

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Pro 21:16 - -- congregation of the dead - The Rephaim (compare the Pro 2:18 note). Remain - i. e., "He shall find a resting place, but it shall be in Ha...

congregation of the dead - The Rephaim (compare the Pro 2:18 note).

Remain - i. e., "He shall find a resting place, but it shall be in Hades."

Barnes: Pro 21:17 - -- Wine and oil - i. e., The costly adjuncts of a princely banquet. The price of oil or precious unguent was about equal to the 300 days’ wa...

Wine and oil - i. e., The costly adjuncts of a princely banquet. The price of oil or precious unguent was about equal to the 300 days’ wages of a field laborer Mat 20:2. Indulgence in such a luxury would thus become the type of all extravagance and excess.

Barnes: Pro 21:18 - -- Compare the marginal reference. Evil doers seem to draw down the wrath of God upon their heads, and so become, as it were, the scapegoats of the com...

Compare the marginal reference. Evil doers seem to draw down the wrath of God upon their heads, and so become, as it were, the scapegoats of the comparatively righteous.

Barnes: Pro 21:20 - -- Spendeth it up - literally, swalloweth it. The wise man keeps a store in reserve. He gains uprightly, spends moderately, never exhausts himself...

Spendeth it up - literally, swalloweth it. The wise man keeps a store in reserve. He gains uprightly, spends moderately, never exhausts himself. But the proverb may have also a higher application. The wise man stores up all "treasure to be desired"of wisdom, all "oil"of divine influence, which strengthens and refreshes, and so is ready at all times for the work to which the Master calls him. Compare Mat 25:1-13.

Barnes: Pro 21:21 - -- The man who keeps "righteousness"will assuredly find it, but he will find besides it the "life"and the "honor"which he was not seeking. Compare 1Ki ...

The man who keeps "righteousness"will assuredly find it, but he will find besides it the "life"and the "honor"which he was not seeking. Compare 1Ki 3:13; Mat 6:33.

Barnes: Pro 21:22 - -- Even in war, counsel does more than brute strength. So of the warfare which is carried on in the inner battlefield of the soul. There also wisdom is...

Even in war, counsel does more than brute strength. So of the warfare which is carried on in the inner battlefield of the soul. There also wisdom is mighty to the "pulling down of strongholds"(2Co 10:4, where Paul uses the very words of the Septuagint Version of this passage), and the wise man scales and keeps the city which the strong man armed has seized and made his own.

Barnes: Pro 21:25 - -- Killeth him - He wastes his strength and life in unsatisfied longings for something which he has not energy to gain. The wish to do great or go...

Killeth him - He wastes his strength and life in unsatisfied longings for something which he has not energy to gain. The wish to do great or good things may sometimes be taken for the deed, but if the hindrance is from a man’ s own sloth, it does but add to his condemnation.

Barnes: Pro 21:26 - -- All the day long - Better, every day. The wish of the slothful man passes into restless, covetous, dissatisfied desire; the righteous, free fro...

All the day long - Better, every day. The wish of the slothful man passes into restless, covetous, dissatisfied desire; the righteous, free from that desire, gives without grudging.

Barnes: Pro 21:27 - -- A lower depth even than Pro 15:8. The wicked man may connect his devotion with his guilt, offer his sacrifice and vow his vow (as men have done unde...

A lower depth even than Pro 15:8. The wicked man may connect his devotion with his guilt, offer his sacrifice and vow his vow (as men have done under paganism or corrupted Christianity) for success in the perpetration of a crime.

Barnes: Pro 21:28 - -- Speaketh constantly - His testimony abides evermore who repeats simply what he has heard, whether from the lips of men or from the voice within...

Speaketh constantly - His testimony abides evermore who repeats simply what he has heard, whether from the lips of men or from the voice within, in contrast with "the false witness."

Barnes: Pro 21:29 - -- Directeth - i. e., Makes straight and firm. On one side it is the callousness of guilt; on the other side it is the confidence of integrity.

Directeth - i. e., Makes straight and firm. On one side it is the callousness of guilt; on the other side it is the confidence of integrity.

Barnes: Pro 21:30-31 - -- Two companion proverbs. Nothing avails against, nothing without, God. The horse is the type of warlike strength, used chiefly or exclusively in batt...

Two companion proverbs. Nothing avails against, nothing without, God. The horse is the type of warlike strength, used chiefly or exclusively in battle. 1Ki 4:26; 1Ki 10:26-28, may be thought of as having given occasion to the latter of the two proverbs.

Poole: Pro 21:13 - -- Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor when they cry out by reason of oppression or want, and beg relief from him, he also shall cry himself ...

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor when they cry out by reason of oppression or want, and beg relief from him, he also shall cry himself unto God or men, in his straits which God will bring upon him.

Poole: Pro 21:14 - -- A gift to a person offended and angry with us, as the following words show. In secret which makes it more acceptable; for gifts openly given savour...

A gift to a person offended and angry with us, as the following words show.

In secret which makes it more acceptable; for gifts openly given savour of ostentation in the giver, and cause some shame or contempt to the receiver.

In the bosom secretly conveyed into his bosom. See Poole "Pro 17:8" , See Poole "Pro 18:16" .

Poole: Pro 21:15 - -- It is joy to the just: the sense is either, 1. He is highly pleased and delighted with it. Or, 2. He reapeth much comfort and benefit by it, which ...

It is joy to the just: the sense is either,

1. He is highly pleased and delighted with it. Or,

2. He reapeth much comfort and benefit by it, which is opposed to the following destruction: joy is put for matter or cause of joy .

To do judgment to do what is just or good, for this is opposed to working of iniquity .

Destruction or, as others render it, terror or horror , opposite to joy.

Poole: Pro 21:16 - -- The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding that forsaketh the rule of God’ s word, and walketh after his own lusts; shall remain in...

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding that forsaketh the rule of God’ s word, and walketh after his own lusts;

shall remain in the congregation of the dead shall, without repentance, be condemned to eternal death or damnation.

Poole: Pro 21:17 - -- He that loveth pleasure that gives up himself to the pursuit and enjoyment of sensual and immoderate pleasures, shall be a poor man takes the ready...

He that loveth pleasure that gives up himself to the pursuit and enjoyment of sensual and immoderate pleasures,

shall be a poor man takes the ready course to poverty.

Wine and oil are put for all delicious fare and luxurious feasting; for wine and oil were much used in feasts in those parts.

Poole: Pro 21:18 - -- The wicked shall be brought into those troubles which were either threatened by God or designed by wicked men against the righteous, and by that mea...

The wicked shall be brought into those troubles which were either threatened by God or designed by wicked men against the righteous, and by that means, as by a ransom, the righteous shall be delivered. Thus Achan was a ransom for Israel, Jos 7:26 , and Haman for Mordecai.

Poole: Pro 21:19 - -- Than understand, in a wide house , as it is expressed above, Pro 21:9 , and as the opposition here requires.

Than understand, in a wide house , as it is expressed above, Pro 21:9 , and as the opposition here requires.

Poole: Pro 21:20 - -- Wise men lay up all necessary and desirable treasures for their own use, and for their children and families. Oil is particularly mentioned, partl...

Wise men lay up all necessary and desirable treasures for their own use, and for their children and families.

Oil is particularly mentioned, partly because that was a considerable part of their wealth and treasures in those countries, of which see Deu 7:13 28:40,51 Jud 9:9 Mic 5:15 , &c.; and partly to show that his providence reached not only to necessaries, but even to matters of just and lawful delight.

Poole: Pro 21:21 - -- That followeth after that fervently desires, and diligently and constantly endeavours, to attain to them, for such shall and will certainly obtain th...

That followeth after that fervently desires, and diligently and constantly endeavours, to attain to them, for such shall and will certainly obtain them.

Righteousness and mercy living in the constant exercise of these virtues.

Findeth shall obtain from God what is right and due to him; either from God, by virtue of his gracious promise; or from men, whose hearts God will dispose to deal justly and kindly with him.

Poole: Pro 21:22 - -- A wise man sealeth the city of the mighty wisdom and policy is ofttimes more considerable and powerful than strength. The strength of the confidence...

A wise man sealeth the city of the mighty wisdom and policy is ofttimes more considerable and powerful than strength.

The strength of the confidence thereof the strongest forts, to which the citizens trust most for their defence.

Poole: Pro 21:23 - -- Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue from offensive and provoking speeches, keepeth his soul, his person, from troubles; which a licentious and abu...

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue from offensive and provoking speeches, keepeth his soul, his person, from troubles; which a licentious and abusive tongue frequently brings upon a man.

Poole: Pro 21:24 - -- Proud and haughty scorner is his name instead of that respect and glory which he seeks by such courses, he shall be branded with the title and imputa...

Proud and haughty scorner is his name instead of that respect and glory which he seeks by such courses, he shall be branded with the title and imputation of an arrogant and scornful person, which is most contemptible and hateful to mankind.

Who dealeth in proud wrath who in the conduct of his affairs and dealings in the world is not governed by reason and justice, but by his own pride and passions.

Poole: Pro 21:25 - -- Killeth him either, 1. Tormenteth him almost to death, whilst he passionately desires that which he sees he shall not enjoy, and will not take pains...

Killeth him either,

1. Tormenteth him almost to death, whilst he passionately desires that which he sees he shall not enjoy, and will not take pains to procure. Or,

2. Exposeth him to extreme want, and so to death, or to such wicked courses, for the supply of his wants, as bring him to an untimely death.

Poole: Pro 21:26 - -- He coveteth the slothful man, mentioned in the last verse. But because the verses in this book are for the most part independent one upon another, th...

He coveteth the slothful man, mentioned in the last verse. But because the verses in this book are for the most part independent one upon another, this clause is and may be otherwise rendered, There is that coveteth , &c.; or, the wicked (which may be understood from the opposition of the righteous in the next clause) coveteth , &c.

All the day long spends his whole time in vain and lazy desires, but will not labour to get any thing, either to use himself, or to give to others.

The righteous giveth and spareth not by God’ s blessing upon his industry he procures enough, not only for his own support, but also for the liberal relief of others.

Poole: Pro 21:27 - -- The sacrifice all the most glorious and costly services which they offer to God. Is abomination God rejects and abhors them, because they are offer...

The sacrifice all the most glorious and costly services which they offer to God.

Is abomination God rejects and abhors them, because they are offered by such men and in such manner as God justly abhors.

When or, because , as all the ancient translators render it, the Hebrew particle aph being expletive; or, even because ; so the following clause gives the reason of the former proposition.

With a wicked mind with a hypocritical and impenitent heart, or with a bad design, not in obedience to God’ s command, and with respect to his honour and service; but either to cover, or countenance, or promote some wicked intention or course, which notwithstanding all his professions of religion he is resolved to prosecute.

Poole: Pro 21:28 - -- A false witness Heb. a witness of lies ; one who is forward to swear or speak false things, or such things as he hath not heard nor learned from oth...

A false witness Heb. a witness of lies ; one who is forward to swear or speak false things, or such things as he hath not heard nor learned from others, nor seen, but devised in his own heart.

Shall perish shall be severely punished, either by God or men, and shall be confounded and silenced, because none will for the future regard or credit his testimony. The man that heareth; he who hears before he speaks, and witnesseth nothing but what he hath heard or seen, and knows to be true.

Speaketh constantly doth not contradict himself, but always affirmeth the same thing. Or, as most other interpreters render the words, speaketh (or, may speak , dare speak freely and boldly) for ever ; when liars are cut off, he lives, and is in a capacity of speaking and bearing witness again and again, as occasion requires, as long as he lives, and his testimony will be received.

Poole: Pro 21:29 - -- Hardeneth his face continueth in evil courses with obstinacy and impudence, in spite of all the commands of God, or counsels of men. He directeth hi...

Hardeneth his face continueth in evil courses with obstinacy and impudence, in spite of all the commands of God, or counsels of men.

He directeth his way he ordereth his steps aright; and if at any time, he goeth awry, he doth not add rebellion to his sin, nor persist in his error, but considereth his ways, and turneth his feet to God’ s testimonies, as David did, Psa 119:59 . Or, considereth his way , remembering with grief and shame what he hath done, and taking better heed to himself for the future.

Poole: Pro 21:30 - -- Which can prevail against the counsel and will of God.

Which can prevail against the counsel and will of God.

Poole: Pro 21:31 - -- The horse under which particular all warlike provisions are comprehended. Safety is of the Lord the success of the battle depends not upon any huma...

The horse under which particular all warlike provisions are comprehended.

Safety is of the Lord the success of the battle depends not upon any human strength or art, but merely upon God’ s providence, who gives the victory when and to whom he pleaseth, and ofttimes to those that have least reason to expect it. Compare Ecc 9:11 .

Haydock: Pro 21:14 - -- Bosom. In private. (Calmet) --- They put all valuable things in the bosom. (Haydock)

Bosom. In private. (Calmet) ---

They put all valuable things in the bosom. (Haydock)

Haydock: Pro 21:15 - -- To do judgment. Or to see it done, while the wicked depend only on the corruption of their judges.

To do judgment. Or to see it done, while the wicked depend only on the corruption of their judges.

Haydock: Pro 21:16 - -- Giants, in hell, chap xv. 11., Job xxvi. 5., and Ezechiel xxii. 21.

Giants, in hell, chap xv. 11., Job xxvi. 5., and Ezechiel xxii. 21.

Haydock: Pro 21:17 - -- Rich. Economy is constantly recommended. (Calmet) --- Those who squandered away their goods, were fined by the Areopagites. (Atheneus iv. 19.)

Rich. Economy is constantly recommended. (Calmet) ---

Those who squandered away their goods, were fined by the Areopagites. (Atheneus iv. 19.)

Haydock: Pro 21:18 - -- Righteous. Many are deterred from wickedness by the punishment of malefactors, whose injuries are frequently irreparable. God abandoned Pharao and ...

Righteous. Many are deterred from wickedness by the punishment of malefactors, whose injuries are frequently irreparable. God abandoned Pharao and Aman to save his people. He treated them as victims of wrath, Isaias xliii. 3.

Haydock: Pro 21:20 - -- Treasure of provisions. Temporal blessings were promised as a figure of more lasting ones, which are set before Christians.

Treasure of provisions. Temporal blessings were promised as a figure of more lasting ones, which are set before Christians.

Haydock: Pro 21:22 - -- Thereof. Nothing can resist, Matthew xii. 29., and Ecclesiastes ix. 16. (Calmet)

Thereof. Nothing can resist, Matthew xii. 29., and Ecclesiastes ix. 16. (Calmet)

Haydock: Pro 21:23 - -- Mouth, from eating too much. (Lyranus)

Mouth, from eating too much. (Lyranus)

Haydock: Pro 21:24 - -- Ignorant. Hebrew, "a scoffer." Septuagint, "pestilent." (Haydock) --- Such a one is always actuated by pride, when he attempts to turn good advic...

Ignorant. Hebrew, "a scoffer." Septuagint, "pestilent." (Haydock) ---

Such a one is always actuated by pride, when he attempts to turn good advice and religion to ridicule.

Haydock: Pro 21:25 - -- At all. Hence his desires of riches and wisdom prove fruitless, chap. xiii. 4.

At all. Hence his desires of riches and wisdom prove fruitless, chap. xiii. 4.

Haydock: Pro 21:27 - -- Wickedness. Hebrew, "with an evil thought." (Montanus) Ecclesiasticus xxxiv. 24. (Haydock)

Wickedness. Hebrew, "with an evil thought." (Montanus) Ecclesiasticus xxxiv. 24. (Haydock)

Haydock: Pro 21:28 - -- Obedient. Attentive, faithful witness, shall speak with triumph, or he who obeys the law, shall gain the victory over the devil, &c. (Philippians i...

Obedient. Attentive, faithful witness, shall speak with triumph, or he who obeys the law, shall gain the victory over the devil, &c. (Philippians ii. 8.)

Haydock: Pro 21:29 - -- Face. Never blushing, or yielding to good advice.

Face. Never blushing, or yielding to good advice.

Haydock: Pro 21:31 - -- Battle. It was kept for no other purpose by the eastern nations, who used oxen to till the land; asses and camels to carry burdens, Job xxxix. 18., ...

Battle. It was kept for no other purpose by the eastern nations, who used oxen to till the land; asses and camels to carry burdens, Job xxxix. 18., and Psalm xix. 8., and xxxii. 17. (Calmet)

Gill: Pro 21:13 - -- Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,.... For want of bread; or, "of the weak", as the Septuagint and other versions; for want of help and p...

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,.... For want of bread; or, "of the weak", as the Septuagint and other versions; for want of help and protection, when in the greatest distress; and, with the most pressing importunity, entreats his assistance, and yet refuses to hear him out: or, if he does, will not relieve him, which is all one as if he heard him not, or denied him a hearing;

he also shall cry himself; the Targum and Syriac version add, "unto God". The sense is, that even such an one shall be brought into the like distressed circumstances, when he shall make application to God, and to his fellow creatures, for relief and assistance:

but shall not be heard; a deaf ear will be turned to him by both: the same measure he has measured shall be measured to him again; no mercy shall be shown to an unmerciful man, either by God or man; see Jam 2:13.

Gill: Pro 21:14 - -- A gift in secret pacifieth anger,.... Appeases an angry man; humbles and "brings his anger down" y, as Aben Ezra and Gersom observe the word signifie...

A gift in secret pacifieth anger,.... Appeases an angry man; humbles and "brings his anger down" y, as Aben Ezra and Gersom observe the word signifies; which before rose very high, and showed itself in big words and disdainful looks, as proud wrath does; or extinguishes it, as the Targum and Vulgate Latin version render it, and very fitly. Anger is a fire in the breast; and a restraining or causing it to cease is properly expressed by an extinguishing of it: this a gift or present does, as it did in Esau from Jacob, in David from Abigail; but then it must be secretly given, otherwise it may more provoke; since it may show vanity in the giver, and covetousness in the receiver; and the former may have more honour than the latter. Some understand this of a gift for a bribe to a judge, to abate the severity of the sentence; and others of alms deeds to the poor, to pacify the anger of God z: Jarchi interprets it of alms; and the Jews write this sentence upon the poor's box, understanding it in this sense; but the first sense is best;

and a reward in the bosom strong wrath: the same thing in different words; the meaning is, that a reward or gift, secretly conveyed into the bosom of an angry man, pacifies his wrath, when at the greatest height. The Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, understand it in a quite different sense, of a gift retained in the bosom, and not given, and render it thus, "he that spareth gifts stirreth up strong wrath".

Gill: Pro 21:15 - -- It is joy to the, last to do judgment,.... It is with pleasure he does it; he delights in the law of God, after the inward man, and finds much peace ...

It is joy to the, last to do judgment,.... It is with pleasure he does it; he delights in the law of God, after the inward man, and finds much peace of mind and joy in the Holy Ghost in keeping it, and observing its commands, which are holy, just, and good; yea, it gives him pleasure to see justice done by others; both by private persons in their dealings with one another; and especially by judges putting the laws in execution, as their office requires; whereby much good comes to a nation in general, and to particular persons;

but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity; that make a trade of sinning; whose whole life is a continued series of sin and iniquity; who take much pains in committing sin, and are constant at it; everlasting destruction is in their ways, and they lead unto it: or, "terror" a shall be to them; terror of mind now at times, in opposition to the joy and peace a good man finds; and dreadful horror at death and to all eternity: or, as it is joy to a just man to see public justice done, and good laws put in execution, it is a terror to evildoers, Rom 13:3.

Gill: Pro 21:16 - -- The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding,.... The way of getting understanding, the good ways and word of God; that wanders from the hou...

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding,.... The way of getting understanding, the good ways and word of God; that wanders from the house of God, the assembly of the saints, where the Gospel is preached, and the ordinances are administered; that, instead of attending on them, where he might gain the understanding of divine and spiritual things, wanders about in the fields, gets into bad company, walks with them in their ways, and turns to his own, as a sheep that goes astray: he

shall remain in the congregation of the dead; among those that are spiritually dead, dead in trespasses and sins; such an one he himself is, and such he is like to continue, and not be written among the living in Jerusalem; or among those who die the second and eternal death, among the damned in hell; so Jarchi interprets it of the congregation of hell; and a large congregation that will be, but dreadful to have an abode with them. The words are rendered by the Septuagint, and the versions that follow that, "shall rest in the congregation of the giants"; which some interpret of devils, and others of the giants of the old world b, damned spirits: resting with them does not design peace and quietness, for there will be none there; but a fixed settled abode, in opposition to wandering, in the preceding clause.

Gill: Pro 21:17 - -- He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man,.... Or "sport" c and pastime, music and dancing, cards and dice, hunting and hawking, and other sensual ...

He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man,.... Or "sport" c and pastime, music and dancing, cards and dice, hunting and hawking, and other sensual gratifications; a man that indulges himself in these things, and spends his time and his money in such a way, is very likely to be a poor man, and generally is so in the issue;

he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich; that is, that loves them immoderately; otherwise in moderation they may be both loved and used; "wine" and "oil" are put for high living, luxurious feasts, costly entertainments; which being so, and continually made, will not suffer a man to be rich. The sense is, that an epicure, one that makes a god of his belly, that is both a winebibber and a glutton, that indulges to rich eating and drinking, in course lessens his substance, and leaves little for his heir: and this holds good with respect to spiritual as to temporal things; such persons are poor, and not rich in spiritual things, that indulge to carnal pleasure, and the gratification of their sensual appetite.

Gill: Pro 21:18 - -- The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous,.... Not to make satisfaction for them, as Christ is a ransom for his people; but as a ransom is in th...

The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous,.... Not to make satisfaction for them, as Christ is a ransom for his people; but as a ransom is in the room of another, so the wicked cometh in the stead of the righteous, and into the trouble he is delivered from; as Haman for Mordecai, which instance Jarchi mentions; see Pro 11:8; or when a body of people are threatened with divine vengeance; and this falls upon the wicked, whose sins caused it, and the righteous are delivered from it; as in the case of Achan, and the seven sons of Saul, Jos 7:26. And sometimes God turns the wrath of the princes of the earth from his own people, and causes it to fall upon the wicked, and so they are a ransom for them; as Sennacherib intended the destruction of the Jews, but was called off in providence to fall upon the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Sabeans, and therefore they are said to be a ransom for them; see Isa 43:3; and sometimes wicked men are the means of a ransom or deliverance of the righteous, as Cyrus was of the Jews: and it may be considered, as the word used signifies a "cover" d, whether it will not bear this sense, that the wicked are a cover for the righteous, and oftentimes protect and defend them; so the earth helped the woman, Rev 12:16;

and the transgressor for the upright; which are but different characters of the same persons, bad and good men; and the sense is the same as before.

Gill: Pro 21:19 - -- It is better to dwell in the wilderness,.... Where persons live without shelter, and are not only exposed to storms and tempests, but to beasts of pr...

It is better to dwell in the wilderness,.... Where persons live without shelter, and are not only exposed to storms and tempests, but to beasts of prey; where is want of the necessaries of life, and no society; where no "speech" is, as the word e for wilderness may signify; yet it is better to dwell in such a place, where no human voice is heard,

than with a contentious and an angry woman; that is always brawling and scolding, ever in a quarrelsome and angry disposition, and provoking to anger all about her; See Gill on Pro 21:9. In a mystical sense, it is better to be with the church in the wilderness, Rev 12:14; than with the furious, bloodthirsty, and persecuting church of Rome, in all its worldly glory and splendour.

Gill: Pro 21:20 - -- There is a treasure to be desired,.... Gold, silver, jewels, and precious stones; all sorts food, as Aben Ezra explains it, and rich and costly, raim...

There is a treasure to be desired,.... Gold, silver, jewels, and precious stones; all sorts food, as Aben Ezra explains it, and rich and costly, raiment; all which may be lawfully desired and sought after, and, when obtained, laid up for future use; which may be spared for their own service and that of posterity: but there are riches of grace, a pearl of great price and treasure in heaven, more desirable than these, Mat 6:19;

and oil in the dwelling of the wise; which is particularly mentioned, because a principal blessing of the land of Canaan; much used for food, and was for delight and refreshment: and something of this was in the house of every wise, provident, and industrious man, for the use of him and his family; even though he lived but in a "cottage", as the word f signifies this is an emblem of the grace of God, which is sometimes compared to oil; which a wise man is chiefly concerned, that it may be in his heart, in his house, and in his family;

but a foolish man spendeth it up; the oil; he swallows it up at once, as soon as he has got it, and wastes and lavishes away what his wise father had provided for him. This may refer not to oil only, but to the desired treasure, wealth, riches, substance of every sort, he is heir to and becomes possessed of; and which, in a spiritual sense, may be applied to a foolish wicked man, who misspends his time, neglects the means of grace, and all opportunities by which men grow rich and wise in spiritual things; see Mat 25:1.

Gill: Pro 21:21 - -- He that followeth after righteousness and mercy,.... Is eager, diligent, and fervent in his pursuit of these things: "after righteousness"; not a lega...

He that followeth after righteousness and mercy,.... Is eager, diligent, and fervent in his pursuit of these things: "after righteousness"; not a legal righteousness, such as the Jews followed after, but did not attain to; because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, Rom 9:31; by which there is no righteousness or justification before God; but an evangelical righteousness, the righteousness of Christ; see Isa 51:1. To follow after it is to seek, desire, and thirst after it, Mat 5:6; which supposes a want of righteousness, a sense of that want; a view of a righteousness without them, even in Christ; a love and liking of it, and therefore follow after it; it being pure, perfect, agreeably to the law and justice of God, which justifies now, and will answer for them in a time to come. And such follow after "mercy" or "grace" g; seeing themselves miserable by sin, and having no merit of their own, apply to God for pardoning grace and mercy; and seek for righteousness in a way of grace, as a free gift; and for the whole of salvation in the same way, as well as for all grace and fresh supplies of it: it may be understood, in consequence of the former, of a diligent and eager performance of works of righteousness and mercy, and an earnest desire after both. And such a man

findeth life, righteousness, and honour; which is more than he is said to follow after: "life" spiritual, which he has from Christ by his Spirit, and which is owing to the grace and mercy of God; and eternal life, through the righteousness of Christ, in whom it is only to be found, and from whom all the blessings of life come; who has it in his hands to give, and does give it to all his people: "righteousness" also he finds, not in himself, nor by the works of the law, but in Christ; being directed to him by the Spirit and word of God; and an excellent finding this is; a robe of righteousness, which he lays hold upon, puts on, and rejoices in: and likewise "honour", through relation to God and Christ; through grace received from them; by enjoying the presence of them, and being made a king and priest to God; and hereafter will be placed at Christ's right hand, inherit the kingdom of glory, sit on the same throne with Christ, and wear the crown of life and righteousness.

Gill: Pro 21:22 - -- A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty,.... Which makes good what is elsewhere said, that "wisdom is better than strength", Ecc 9:16; and sometime...

A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty,.... Which makes good what is elsewhere said, that "wisdom is better than strength", Ecc 9:16; and sometimes more is done by prudence and wisdom, by art and cunning, by schemes and stratagems, than by power and force; especially in military affairs, and particularly in besieging and taking fortified cities; when one wise man, by his wisdom, may so order and manage things, as to be able, with a few under his command, to mount the walls of a city and take it, though defended by a mighty garrison in it. This may be applied to, our Lord Jesus Christ entering into the city of a man's heart, possessed by the strong man armed; overcoming him, taking from him his armour, and dividing his spoil, Luk 11:21; compare with this Ecc 9:14;

and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof; the strong walls, bulwarks, and such fortifications, in which the mighty in the city placed their confidence: and the like does Christ, when he enters into the heart of a sinner by his word and spirit; he destroys all its former strong confidences, and brings it into subjection to himself, 2Co 10:4.

Gill: Pro 21:23 - -- Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue,.... Guards the one and bridles the other; is careful of what he says, that it is truth, and without dissimulat...

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue,.... Guards the one and bridles the other; is careful of what he says, that it is truth, and without dissimulation and guile; and is not injurious to the characters of men, and is not offensive and provoking; who abstains from ill and wrathful language, and which tends to stir up wrath and contention. Aben Ezra distinguishes between the mouth and tongue, and interprets it, that keeps his mouth from eating, that is, immoderately and intemperately; and his tongue from speaking evil: but it is best to understand both of the same thing, of speech or language, which when a man is careful of, he

keepeth his soul from troubles; his conscience clear of guilt and distress, and his person from being concerned in quarrels, contentions, and lawsuits, which such who give their tongues too much liberty are involved in.

Gill: Pro 21:24 - -- Proud and haughty scorner is his name,.... He shall be called a proud fool, a haughty fellow, a scornful blockhead; he shall get himself an ill name...

Proud and haughty scorner is his name,.... He shall be called a proud fool, a haughty fellow, a scornful blockhead; he shall get himself an ill name, and be treated with contempt;

who dealeth in proud wrath; whose pride shows itself in wrathful expressions and actions; who is proud and passionate in all his dealings with men, and who as it were makes a trade of pride and passion: to none is this character more applicable than to antichrist, the man of sin, that sits in the seat of the scornful; exalts himself above all that is called God, has a mouth speaking blasphemies, and a look more stout than his fellows, and deals in proud wrath against the saints of the most High.

Gill: Pro 21:25 - -- The desire of the slothful killeth him,.... His desire after food and raiment, and riches; for because he cannot have what he desires, being unwilling...

The desire of the slothful killeth him,.... His desire after food and raiment, and riches; for because he cannot have what he desires, being unwilling to work for them, it frets and vexes him to death, or puts him upon unlawful methods to obtain them, which bring him to a shameful death; see Pro 13:4;

for his hands refuse to labour; when he is ordered by his superiors, or his wants are such as call for labour; and he seems to be willing and desirous of it, necessity obliging to it, yet he cannot bring his hands to it; these do in effect say, as Aben Ezra observes, Thou shall not do it. Maimonides says this is to be understood of sloth in seeking wisdom h.

Gill: Pro 21:26 - -- He coveteth greedily all the day long,.... The slothful man does, as he has nothing to do to employ his time and his thoughts with; he is always cravi...

He coveteth greedily all the day long,.... The slothful man does, as he has nothing to do to employ his time and his thoughts with; he is always craving something to eat and drink, or wishing he had such an estate, or so much wealth and riches, that he might live as such and such persons do; and this is what his head runs upon all the day long;

but the righteous giveth and spareth not; not gives to the slothful, which does not restrain his desire, as Aben Ezra interprets it; but to the poor and necessitous, to proper objects; a good man will work with his hands, that he may have a sufficiency for himself and his family, and may have something to give to others that are in want; and "he spares not", or withholds not his hands, neither from working nor from giving.

Gill: Pro 21:27 - -- The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination,.... That is, to the Lord, as in Pro 15:8; and as it is here added in the Septuagint and Arabic versions; ...

The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination,.... That is, to the Lord, as in Pro 15:8; and as it is here added in the Septuagint and Arabic versions;

how much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind? the Arabic version is, "with a mind alien from the law"; or when it is not brought according to law; when it is a corrupt thing, that which is torn, lame, or sick, or robbery for burnt sacrifice; when it is done with an evil intention, to cover sin, to atone for without repenting of it or forsaking it; that they may go on in sin with impunity, and be allowed to commit it; for which cause Balak and Balsam offered sacrifices, which is the instance Jarchi produces; and indeed every religious action not done in faith, and love, and sincerity, and with a view to the glory of God, but in hypocrisy and with selfish views, in order to procure acceptance with God and justification in his sight; setting aside the righteousness, sacrifice, and satisfaction of the son of God, is done with a wicked mind, and is an abomination to the Lord. Some render it, "even though he brings it diligently", or "with great art and skill" i; is constant at his devotion, and carries it so artfully, and with such a show of religion, as to deceive men, yet he cannot deceive the Lord.

Gill: Pro 21:28 - -- A false witness shall perish,.... As witness he shall perish in his reputation, no credit shall be given him, he shall not be admitted an evidence, or...

A false witness shall perish,.... As witness he shall perish in his reputation, no credit shall be given him, he shall not be admitted an evidence, or a witness in any cause, being found a false one; and as a man, he shall be punished in body or estate by the civil magistrate, and his soul shall perish eternally, unless he has true repentance for his sin: or, a witness of lies shall perish k it may be applied to any teacher of false doctrine; and to the man of sin, and his followers, that speak lies in hypocrisy; everyone that loves and makes a lie shall die the second death, and be excluded from eternal happiness, Rev 21:8;

but the man that heareth; before he speaks, and speaks what he hears, and does not devise things himself; but witnesses the truth, and nothing else, to the best of his knowledge:

speaketh constantly; invariably and consistently, what is all of a piece, and by which he ah, des; or "continually", as Jarchi; or "for ever"; he is made use of as a witness as long as he lives, whenever there is occasion for him; the Vulgate Latin version renders it, "he speaks victory"; his testimony, being true and valid, carries the cause: it, nay be applied to a faithful teacher, who hearkens to the word of God, and speaks according to that; such an one speaks out, he doctrine of the word constantly, boldly, with certainty, without any hesitation or staggering.

Gill: Pro 21:29 - -- A wicked man hardeneth his face,.... Against all corrections and reproofs of parents, masters, ministers, and others; he blushes not at sins committed...

A wicked man hardeneth his face,.... Against all corrections and reproofs of parents, masters, ministers, and others; he blushes not at sins committed, and is not ashamed of them, but glories in them: or, he "strengthens with his face" l; he puts an impudent face upon his words, and confirms them by his impudence; if he tells the most notorious lies, and says things the most shameful and scandalous, his countenance does not alter, by which he would be thought to have spoken what is right and true;

but as for the upright, he directeth his way; or "his ways" m; according to the various reading; the man that is upright in heart, and walks uprightly, he directs his way according to the word of God; and, if he does amiss, when sensible he is ashamed of it, and amends.

Gill: Pro 21:30 - -- There is no wisdom nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord. No human schemes whatever, formed with the greatest wisdom and prudence, can ever...

There is no wisdom nor understanding, nor counsel against the Lord. No human schemes whatever, formed with the greatest wisdom and prudence, can ever prevail against God, or set aside or hinder the execution of any design of his; nothing that is pointed against his church, his cause, and interest, his truths and ordinances, in the issue shall succeed; all that are found fighters against him shall not prosper, let them be men of ever so much sagacity and wisdom; though there may be ever so many devices in a man's heart, and these ever so well planned, they shall never defeat the counsel of the Lord; see Pro 19:21. The Targum is,

"there is no wisdom, &c. as God's;''

and so the Syriac version, "as the Lord's"; there is none like his, there is none to be compared with his; there is none of any value and worth but his; all is folly in comparison of that: or there is none "before the Lord" n; no wisdom of the creature can stand before him, it presently vanishes and disappears.

Gill: Pro 21:31 - -- The horse is prepared against the day of battle,.... The horse is a warlike creature, and was much used formerly, as now, in war; these are prepared ...

The horse is prepared against the day of battle,.... The horse is a warlike creature, and was much used formerly, as now, in war; these are prepared against the day of battle, to mount the cavalry with; and men are apt to put too great confidence in them: this is mentioned instead of all other military preparations and instruments of war;

but safety is of the Lord; a horse is a vain thing for safety, Psa 33:17; victory is only of the Lord; salvation depends upon him; it is he that covers men's heads in the day of battle, and gives them victory over their enemies: or "salvation is of the Lord" o; this is true of spiritual and eternal salvation, as well as of temporal salvation; it is of the Lord, Father, Son and Spirit; and so is the safety of the saints; and their final perseverance to eternal glory, which is owing to the love of God, covenant interest, security in Christ, the grace of the Spirit, and the power of God; see Hos 14:3.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Pro 21:13 The proverb is teaching that those who show mercy will receive mercy. It involves the principle of talionic justice – those who refuse the needs...

NET Notes: Pro 21:14 The LXX offers a moralizing translation not too closely tied to the MT: “he who withholds a gift stirs up violent wrath.”

NET Notes: Pro 21:15 The noun means “terror (NAB, NASB, NIV), destruction (KJV, ASV), ruin (cf. NCV).” Its related verb means “be shattered, dismayed....

NET Notes: Pro 21:16 The departed are the Shades (the Rephaim). The literal expression “will rest among the Shades” means “will be numbered among the dea...

NET Notes: Pro 21:17 In elaborate feasts and celebrations the wine was for drinking but the oil was for anointing (cf. NAB, NCV “perfume”). Both of these chara...

NET Notes: Pro 21:18 The phrase “are taken” does not appear in the Hebrew but is implied by the parallelism; it is supplied in the translation for smoothness.

NET Notes: Pro 21:19 The Hebrew noun כַּעַס (ka’as) means “vexation; anger.” The woman is not only characterized by a...

NET Notes: Pro 21:20 Heb “he swallows it.” The imagery compares swallowing food with consuming one’s substance. The fool does not prepare for the future.

NET Notes: Pro 21:21 The Hebrew term translated “bounty” is צְדָקָה (tsÿdaqah) again, so there is a wordplay on ...

NET Notes: Pro 21:22 Heb “and bring down the strength of its confidence.” The word “strength” is a metonymy of adjunct, referring to the place of s...

NET Notes: Pro 21:23 The “troubles” (צָרוֹת, tsarot) here could refer to social and legal difficulties into which careless ...

NET Notes: Pro 21:24 The portrait in this proverb is not merely of one who is self-sufficient, but one who is insolent, scornful, and arrogant.

NET Notes: Pro 21:25 “Hands” is figurative for the whole person; but “hands” is retained in the translation because it is often the symbol to expre...

NET Notes: Pro 21:26 The additional clause, “and does not hold back,” emphasizes that when the righteous gives he gives freely, without fearing that his genero...

NET Notes: Pro 21:27 The noun זִמָּה (zimmah) means “plan; device; wickedness”; here it indicates that the person is coming...

NET Notes: Pro 21:28 Heb “but a man who listens speaks forever.” The first part of it may mean (1) a true witness, one who reports what he actually hears. But ...

NET Notes: Pro 21:29 The Kethib is the imperfect of כּוּן (kun), “he establishes.” This reading has the support of the Syriac, La...

NET Notes: Pro 21:30 The verse uses a single sentence to state that all wisdom, understanding, and advice must be in conformity to the will of God to be successful. It sta...

NET Notes: Pro 21:31 Heb “of the Lord.” The victory being “of the Lord” means that it is accomplished by him. Ultimate success comes from the Lord ...

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:14 A ( g ) gift in secret pacifieth anger: and a reward in the bosom strong wrath. ( g ) To do a pleasure to the angry man pacifies him.

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:18 The ( h ) wicked [shall be] a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright. ( h ) God will cause that to fall on their own heads, w...

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:20 [There is] a treasure to be desired and ( i ) oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. ( i ) Meaning, abundance of all thin...

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:22 A ( k ) wise [man] scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of its confidence. ( k ) Wisdom overcomes strength and confidence in...

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:25 The desire of the slothful ( l ) killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. ( l ) He thinks to live by wishing and desiring all things, but will ma...

Geneva Bible: Pro 21:28 A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth ( m ) speaketh constantly. ( m ) He may boldly testify the truth that he has heard.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

MHCC: Pro 21:13 - --Such as oppress the poor by beating down wages, such as will not relieve according to their ability those in distress, and those in authority who negl...

MHCC: Pro 21:14 - --If money can conquer the fury of the passions, shall reason, the fear of God, and the command of Christ, be too weak to bridle them?

MHCC: Pro 21:15 - --There is true pleasure only in the practice of religion.

MHCC: Pro 21:16 - --Of all wanderers in the ways of sin, those are in the most dangerous condition who turn aside into the ways of darkness. Yet there is hope even for th...

MHCC: Pro 21:17 - --A life of worldly pleasure brings ruin on men.

MHCC: Pro 21:18 - --The righteous is often delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes in his stead, and so seems as a ransom for him.

MHCC: Pro 21:19 - --Unbridled passions spoil the comfort of all relations.

MHCC: Pro 21:20 - --The plenty obtained by prudence, industry, and frugality, is desirable. But the foolish misspend what they have upon their lusts.

MHCC: Pro 21:21 - --True repentance and faith will lead him that relies on the mercy of God in Christ, to follow after righteousness and mercy in his own conduct.

MHCC: Pro 21:22 - --Those that have wisdom, often do great things, even against those confident of their strength.

MHCC: Pro 21:23 - --It is our great concern to keep our souls from being entangled and disquieted.

MHCC: Pro 21:24 - --Pride and haughtiness make men passionate; such continually deal in wrath, as if it were their trade to be angry.

MHCC: Pro 21:25-26 - --Here is the misery of the slothful; their hands refuse to labour in an honest calling, by which they might get an honest livelihood; yet their hearts ...

MHCC: Pro 21:27 - --When holiness is pretended, but wickedness intended, that especially is an abomination.

MHCC: Pro 21:28 - --The doom of a false witness is certain.

MHCC: Pro 21:29 - --A wicked man bids defiance to the terrors of the law and the rebukes of Providence. But a good man asks, What does God require of me?

MHCC: Pro 21:30-31 - --Means are to be used, but, after all, our safety and salvation are only of the Lord. In our spiritual warfare we must arm ourselves with the whole arm...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:13 - -- Here we have the description and doom of an uncharitable man. 1. His description: He stops his ears at the cry of the poor, at the cry of their wa...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:14 - -- Here is, 1. The power that is commonly found to be in gifts. Nothing is more violent than anger. O the force of strong wrath! And yet a handsome...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:15 - -- Note, 1. It is a pleasure and satisfaction to good men both to see justice administered by the government they live under, right taking place and in...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:16 - -- Here is, 1. The sinner upon his ramble: He wanders out of the way of understanding, and when once he has left that good way he wanders endlessly. ...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:17 - -- Here is an argument against a voluptuous luxurious life, taken from the ruin it brings upon men's temporal interests. Here is 1. The description of ...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:18 - -- This intimates, 1. What should be done by the justice of men: The wicked, that are the troublers of a land, ought to be punished, for the preventi...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:19 - -- Note, 1. Unbridled passions embitter and spoil the comfort of all relations. A peevish angry wife makes her husband's life uneasy, to whom she shoul...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:20 - -- Note, 1. Those that are wise will increase what they have and live plentifully; their wisdom will teach them to proportion their expenses to their i...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:21 - -- See here, 1. What it is to make religion our business; it is to follow after righteousness and mercy, not to content ourselves with easy performan...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:22 - -- Note, 1. Those that have power are apt to promise themselves great things from their power. The city of the mighty thinks itself impregnable, and ...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:23 - -- Note, 1. It is our great concern to keep our souls from straits, being entangled in snares and perplexities, and disquieted with troubles, that we m...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:24 - -- See here the mischief of pride and haughtiness. 1. It exposes men to sin; it makes them passionate, and kindles in them the fire of proud wrath. T...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:25-26 - -- Here we have, 1. The miseries of the slothful, whose hands refuse to labour in an honest calling, by which they might get an honest livelihood. Th...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:27 - -- Sacrifices were of divine institution; and when they were offered in faith, and with repentance and reformation, God was greatly honoured by them an...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:28 - -- Here is, 1. The doom of a false witness. He who, for favour to one side or malice to the other, gives in a false evidence, or makes an affidavit o...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:29 - -- Here is, 1. The presumption and impudence of a wicked man: He hardens his face - brazens it, that he may not blush - steels it, that he may not tr...

Matthew Henry: Pro 21:30-31 - -- The designing busy part of mankind are directed, in all their counsels and undertakings, to have their eye to God, and to believe, 1. That there can...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:13 - -- 13 He that stoppeth his ear at the cry of the poor he also calls and is not heard. Only the merciful find mercy, Mat 5:7; the unmerciful rich man,...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:14 - -- 14 A gift in secret turneth away anger; And a bribe into the bosom violent wrath. Hitzig reads with Symmachus, the Targ., and Jerome, יכבּה ,...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:15 - -- 15 It is a joy to the just to do justice, And a terror for them that work iniquity. To act according to the law of rectitude is to these as unto d...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:16 - -- 16 A man who wanders from the way of understanding, Shall dwell in the assembly of the dead. Regarding השׂכּל , vid ., Pro 1:3; and regardin...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:17 - -- 17 He who loveth pleasure becometh a man of want; He who loveth wine and oil doth not become rich. In Arab. samh denotes the joyful action of the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:18 - -- 18 The godless becometh a ransom for the righteous; And the faithless cometh into the place of the upright. The thought is the same as at Pro 11:8...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:19 - -- With this verse, a doublet to Pro 21:9 (Pro 25:24), the collector makes a new addition; in Pro 21:29 he reaches a proverb which resembles the closin...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:20 - -- 20 Precious treasure and oil are in the dwelling of the wise; And a fool of a man squanders it. The wise spares, the fool squanders; and if the la...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:21 - -- 21 He that followeth after righteousness and kindness Will obtain life, righteousness, and honour. How we are to render צדקה וחסד is seen...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:22 - -- 22 A wise man scaleth a city of the mighty; And casteth down the fortress in which they trusted. Ecc 9:14. is a side-piece to this, according to w...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:23 - -- 23 He that guardeth his mouth and his tongue, Keepeth his soul from troubles. Pro 13:3 resembles this. He guardeth his mouth who does not speak wh...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:24 - -- 24 A proud and arrogant man is called mocker (free-spirit); One who acteth in superfluity of haughtiness. We have thus translated (vol. i. p. 39):...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:25 - -- 25 The desire of the slothful killeth him; For his hands refuse to be active. The desire of the עצל , Hitzig remarks, goes out first after mea...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:26 - -- 26 One always desireth eagerly; But the righteous giveth and holdeth not back. Otherwise Fleischer: per totum diem avet avidus , i.e. , avarus...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:27 - -- 27 The sacrifice of the godless is an abomination; How much more if it is brought for evil! Line first = Pro 15:8. Regarding the syllogistic ××£...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:28 - -- 28 A false witness shall perish; But he who heareth shall always speak truth. The lxx translate 28b by Î±Ì“Î½Î·Ì€Ï Î´ÎµÌ€ φυλασσοÌμεν...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:29 - -- Another proverb with ×ישׁ : - A godless man showeth boldness in his mien; But one that is upright-he proveth his way. The Chethı̂b has ×...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 21:30-31 - -- If we further seek for the boundaries, the proverbs regarding the rich and the poor, Pro 22:2, Pro 22:7, Pro 22:16, present themselves as such, and ...

Constable: Pro 10:1--22:17 - --II. COUPLETS EXPRESSING WISDOM 10:1--22:16 Chapters 1-9, as we have seen, contain discourses that Solomon eviden...

Constable: Pro 19:1--22:17 - --4. Further advice for pleasing God 19:1-22:16 As was true in the chapter 10-15 section, this one (16:1-22:16) also becomes more difficult to outline a...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Pro 21:18 63. How can the ransom which Christ gives for all, which is good (Mark 10:45; 1 Timothy 2:5-6), be the same as the ransom of the wicked (Proverbs 21...

Evidence: Pro 21:23 Be slow to speak your personal opinions, and save yourself a great deal of trouble.

Evidence: Pro 21:24 The proud, arrogant, and angry scorner gravitates to open-air preaching. These will be prevalent in the last days ( 2Pe 3:3 ). The Scriptures reveal t...

Evidence: Pro 21:27 Mankind can never atone for his own sins and buy immortality by giving to charitable causes. Eternal life is a gift of God. See Rom 6:23 ; Eph 2:8-9...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE NATURE AND USE OF PROVERBS.--A proverb is a pithy sentence, concisely expressing some well-established truth susceptible of various illustrations ...

TSK: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The wisdom of all ages, from the highest antiquity, has chosen to compress and communicate its lessons in short, compendious sentences, and in poetic ...

TSK: Proverbs 21 (Chapter Introduction) Overview

Poole: Proverbs 21 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 21

MHCC: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The subject of this book may be thus stated by an enlargement on the opening verses. 1. The Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel. 2. ...

Matthew Henry: Proverbs (Book Introduction) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Proverbs We have now before us, I. A new author, or penman rather, or pen (if you will) made use o...

Constable: Proverbs (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is "The Proverbs of Solo...

Constable: Proverbs (Outline) Outline I. Discourses on wisdom chs. 1-9 A. Introduction to the book 1:1-7 ...

Constable: Proverbs Proverbs Bibliography Aitken, Kenneth T. Proverbs. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986. Alden...

Haydock: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. INTRODUCTION. This book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences, regulating the morals of men; and...

Gill: Proverbs (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PROVERBS This book is called, in some printed Hebrew copies, "Sepher Mishle", the Book of Proverbs; the title of it in the Vulgate ...

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