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Text -- Proverbs 22:17--24:22 (NET)

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The Sayings of the Wise
22:17 Incline your ear and listen to the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my instruction. 22:18 For it is pleasing if you keep these sayings within you, and they are ready on your lips. 22:19 So that your confidence may be in the Lord, I am making them known to you today– even you. 22:20 Have I not written thirty sayings for you, sayings of counsel and knowledge, 22:21 to show you true and reliable words, so that you may give accurate answers to those who sent you? 22:22 Do not exploit a poor person because he is poor and do not crush the needy in court, 22:23 for the Lord will plead their case and will rob those who are robbing them. 22:24 Do not make friends with an angry person, and do not associate with a wrathful person, 22:25 lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare. 22:26 Do not be one who strikes hands in pledge or who puts up security for debts. 22:27 If you do not have enough to pay, your bed will be taken right out from under you! 22:28 Do not move an ancient boundary stone which was put in place by your ancestors. 22:29 Do you see a person skilled in his work? He will take his position before kings; he will not take his position before obscure people. 23:1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you, 23:2 and put a knife to your throat if you possess a large appetite. 23:3 Do not crave that ruler’s delicacies, for that food is deceptive. 23:4 Do not wear yourself out to become rich; be wise enough to restrain yourself. 23:5 When you gaze upon riches, they are gone, for they surely make wings for themselves, and fly off into the sky like an eagle! 23:6 Do not eat the food of a stingy person, do not crave his delicacies; 23:7 for he is like someone calculating the cost in his mind. “Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you; 23:8 you will vomit up the little bit you have eaten, and will have wasted your pleasant words. 23:9 Do not speak in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words. 23:10 Do not move an ancient boundary stone, or take over the fields of the fatherless, 23:11 for their Protector is strong; he will plead their case against you. 23:12 Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to the words of knowledge. 23:13 Do not withhold discipline from a child; even if you strike him with the rod, he will not die. 23:14 If you strike him with the rod, you will deliver him from death. 23:15 My child, if your heart is wise, then my heart also will be glad; 23:16 my soul will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. 23:17 Do not let your heart envy sinners, but rather be zealous in fearing the Lord all the time. 23:18 For surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. 23:19 Listen, my child, and be wise, and guide your heart on the right way. 23:20 Do not spend time among drunkards, among those who eat too much meat, 23:21 because drunkards and gluttons become impoverished, and drowsiness clothes them with rags. 23:22 Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old. 23:23 Acquire truth and do not sell it– wisdom, and discipline, and understanding. 23:24 The father of a righteous person will rejoice greatly; whoever fathers a wise child will have joy in him. 23:25 May your father and your mother have joy; may she who bore you rejoice. 23:26 Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes observe my ways; 23:27 for a prostitute is like a deep pit; a harlot is like a narrow well. 23:28 Indeed, she lies in wait like a robber, and increases the unfaithful among men. 23:29 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has dullness of the eyes? 23:30 Those who linger over wine, those who go looking for mixed wine. 23:31 Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly. 23:32 Afterward it bites like a snake, and stings like a viper. 23:33 Your eyes will see strange things, and your mind will speak perverse things. 23:34 And you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, and like one who lies down on the top of the rigging. 23:35 You will say, “They have struck me, but I am not harmed! They beat me, but I did not know it! When will I awake? I will look for another drink.” 24:1 Do not envy evil people, do not desire to be with them; 24:2 for their hearts contemplate violence, and their lips speak harm. 24:3 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; 24:4 by knowledge its rooms are filled with all kinds of precious and pleasing treasures. 24:5 A wise warrior is strong, and a man of knowledge makes his strength stronger; 24:6 for with guidance you wage your war, and with numerous advisers there is victory. 24:7 Wisdom is unattainable for a fool; in court he does not open his mouth. 24:8 The one who plans to do evil will be called a scheming person. 24:9 A foolish scheme is sin, and the scorner is an abomination to people. 24:10 If you faint in the day of trouble, your strength is small! 24:11 Deliver those being taken away to death, and hold back those slipping to the slaughter. 24:12 If you say, “But we did not know about this,” does not the one who evaluates hearts consider? Does not the one who guards your life know? Will he not repay each person according to his deeds? 24:13 Eat honey, my child, for it is good, and honey from the honeycomb is sweet to your taste. 24:14 Likewise, know that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, you will have a future, and your hope will not be cut off. 24:15 Do not lie in wait like the wicked against the place where the righteous live; do not assault his home. 24:16 Although a righteous person may fall seven times, he gets up again, but the wicked will be brought down by calamity. 24:17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and when he stumbles do not let your heart rejoice, 24:18 lest the Lord see it, and be displeased, and turn his wrath away from him. 24:19 Do not fret because of evil people or be envious of wicked people, 24:20 for the evil person has no future, and the lamp of the wicked will be extinguished. 24:21 Fear the Lord, my child, as well as the king, and do not associate with rebels, 24:22 for suddenly their destruction will overtake them, and who knows the ruinous judgment both the Lord and the king can bring?
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Pro 22:17 Heb “knowledge” (so KJV, NASB); in this context it refers to the knowledge that is spoken by the wise, hence “instruction.”

NET Notes: Pro 22:18 If the teachings are preserved in the heart/mind of the disciple, then that individual will always be ready to speak what was retained.

NET Notes: Pro 22:19 Heb “I cause you to know.” The term “today” indicates that the verb should have the instantaneous nuance, and so an English pr...

NET Notes: Pro 22:20 The term “sayings” does not appear in the Hebrew text but is supplied in the translation for the sake of clarity.

NET Notes: Pro 22:21 Heb “to return true words”; NAB “a dependable report”; NIV “sound answers.”

NET Notes: Pro 22:22 Heb “in the gate” (so KJV); NAB, NASB, NRSV “at the gate.” The “gate” of the city was the center of activity, the ...

NET Notes: Pro 22:23 The verb קָבַע (qava’, “to rob; to spoil; to plunder”) is used here in both places to reflect the prin...

NET Notes: Pro 22:24 Heb “possessor of anger.” This expression is an idiom for “wrathful person” or “an angry person” (cf. NAB “a...

NET Notes: Pro 22:25 The warning in this proverb is to avoid associating with a hothead because his influence could be fatal (a similar idea is found in the Instruction of...

NET Notes: Pro 22:27 The third saying deals with rash vows: If people foolishly pledge what they have, they could lose everything (e.g., 6:1-5; 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; there ...

NET Notes: Pro 22:28 The fourth saying deals with respect for property that belongs to other people (cf. Instruction of Amenemope, chap. 6, 7:12-13 [ANET 422]).

NET Notes: Pro 22:29 The fifth saying affirms that true skill earns recognition and advancement (cf. Instruction of Amenemope, chap. 30, 27:16-17 [ANET 424]).

NET Notes: Pro 23:1 Or “who,” referring to the ruler (so ASV, NAB, TEV).

NET Notes: Pro 23:2 Heb “lord of appetite.” The idiom בַּעַל נֶפֶשׁ (ba’al nefes...

NET Notes: Pro 23:3 Verses 1-3 form the sixth saying about being cautious before rulers (cf. Instruction of Amememope, chap. 23, 23:13-18). One should not get too familia...

NET Notes: Pro 23:4 Heb “from your understanding cease.” In the context this means that the person should have enough understanding to stop wearing himself ou...

NET Notes: Pro 23:5 This seventh saying warns people not to expend all their energy trying to get rich because riches are fleeting (cf. Instruction of Amememope, chap. 7,...

NET Notes: Pro 23:6 Heb “an evil eye.” This is the opposite of the “good eye” which meant the generous man. The “evil eye” refers to a...

NET Notes: Pro 23:7 Heb “soul.”

NET Notes: Pro 23:8 This is the eighth saying; it claims that it would be a mistake to accept hospitality from a stingy person. He is always thinking about the cost, his ...

NET Notes: Pro 23:9 Saying number nine indicates that wisdom is wasted on a fool. The literature of Egypt has no specific parallel to this one.

NET Notes: Pro 23:10 Or “encroach on” (NIV, NRSV); Heb “go into.”

NET Notes: Pro 23:11 This is the tenth saying; once again there is a warning not to encroach on other people’s rights and property, especially the defenseless (see v...

NET Notes: Pro 23:12 Heb “bring.” The Hiphil imperative “come; enter” means “to apply the heart,” to use the heart or mind in the proce...

NET Notes: Pro 23:14 The term שְׁאוֹל (shÿ’ol, “Sheol”) in this context probably means “death”...

NET Notes: Pro 23:15 Heb “my son,” although the context does not limit this exhortation to male children.

NET Notes: Pro 23:16 This twelfth saying simply observes that children bring joy to their parents when they demonstrate wisdom. The quatrain is arranged in a chiastic stru...

NET Notes: Pro 23:17 Heb “the fear of the Lord.” This expression features an objective genitive: “fearing the Lord.”

NET Notes: Pro 23:18 The saying is an understatement; far from being cut off, the “hope” will be realized in the end. So this saying, the thirteenth, advises p...

NET Notes: Pro 23:19 Heb “my son,” but the immediate context does not limit this to male children.

NET Notes: Pro 23:20 The verb זָלַל (zalal) means “to be light; to be worthless; to make light of.” Making light of something cam...

NET Notes: Pro 23:21 This is the fourteenth saying, warning about poor associations. Drunkenness and gluttony represent the epitome of the lack of discipline. In the Mishn...

NET Notes: Pro 23:23 The sixteenth saying is an instruction to buy/acquire the kind of life that pleases God and brings joy to parents. “Getting truth” would m...

NET Notes: Pro 23:24 The term “child” is supplied for the masculine singular adjective here.

NET Notes: Pro 23:25 The form תָגֵל (tagel) is clearly a short form and therefore a jussive (“may she…rejoice”); if this se...

NET Notes: Pro 23:26 Heb “my son”; the reference to a “son” is retained in the translation here because in the following lines the advice is to avo...

NET Notes: Pro 23:27 In either case, whether a prostitute or an adulteress wife is involved, the danger is the same. The metaphors of a “deep pit” and a “...

NET Notes: Pro 23:28 Verses 26-28 comprise the seventeenth saying; it warns the young person to follow the instructions about temptations because there are plenty of tempt...

NET Notes: Pro 23:29 The Hebrew word translated “dullness” describes darkness or dullness of the eyes due to intoxication, perhaps “redness” (so KJ...

NET Notes: Pro 23:30 The answer to the question posed in v. 29 is obviously one who drinks too much, which this verse uses metonymies to point out. Lingering over wine is ...

NET Notes: Pro 23:31 The expression is difficult, and is suspected of having been added from Song 7:10, although the parallel is not exact. The verb is the Hitpael imperfe...

NET Notes: Pro 23:32 Heb “its end”; NASB “At the last”; TEV (interpretively) “The next morning.”

NET Notes: Pro 23:33 The feminine plural of זָר (zar, “strange things”) refers to the trouble one has in seeing and speaking when drunk.

NET Notes: Pro 23:34 The point of these similes is to compare being drunk with being seasick. One who tries to sleep when at sea, or even worse, when up on the ropes of th...

NET Notes: Pro 23:35 The last line has only “I will add I will seek it again.” The use of אוֹסִיף (’osif) signa...

NET Notes: Pro 24:1 The Hitpael jussive is from the verb that means “to crave; to desire.” This is more of a coveting, an intense desire.

NET Notes: Pro 24:2 This nineteenth saying warns against evil associations. Evil people are obsessed with destruction and trouble. See on this theme 1:10-19; 3:31 and 23:...

NET Notes: Pro 24:3 The twentieth saying, vv. 3-4, concerns the use of wisdom for domestic enterprises. In Prov 9:1 wisdom was personified as a woman who builds a house; ...

NET Notes: Pro 24:5 The expression בַּעוֹז (ba’oz) employs a beth essentiae, meaning he “is strong,” not ̶...

NET Notes: Pro 24:6 The point of the saying is that wise counsel is necessary in war. Victory, strategy, and counsel are more important than mere military strength –...

NET Notes: Pro 24:7 The verse portrays a fool out of his element: In a serious moment in the gathering of the community, he does not even open his mouth (a metonymy of ca...

NET Notes: Pro 24:8 Heb “possessor of schemes”; NAB “an intriguer.” The picture of the wicked person is graphic: He devises plans to do evil and i...

NET Notes: Pro 24:9 This describes evil people who flout all morality and goodness; sooner or later the public will have had enough of them.

NET Notes: Pro 24:10 The test of strength is adversity, for it reveals how strong a person is. Of course a weak person can always plead adverse conditions in order to quit...

NET Notes: Pro 24:11 God holds people responsible for rescuing those who are in mortal danger. The use of “death” and “slaughter” seems rather stro...

NET Notes: Pro 24:12 The verse completes the saying by affirming that people will be judged responsible for helping those in mortal danger. The verse uses a series of rhet...

NET Notes: Pro 24:13 The twenty-sixth saying teaches that one should develop wisdom because it has a profitable future. The saying draws on the image of honey; its health-...

NET Notes: Pro 24:14 Heb “there will be an end.” The word is אַחֲרִית (’akhrit, “after-part, end...

NET Notes: Pro 24:15 The saying warns that it is futile and self-defeating to mistreat God’s people, for they survive – the wicked do not. The warning is again...

NET Notes: Pro 24:16 The verb could be translated with an English present tense (“are brought down,” so NIV) to express what happens to the wicked in this life...

NET Notes: Pro 24:17 The saying (vv. 17, 18) warns against gloating over the misfortune of one’s enemies. The prohibition is formed with two negated jussives “...

NET Notes: Pro 24:18 The judgment of God should strike a note of fear in the heart of people (e.g., Lev 19:17-18). His judgment is not to be taken lightly, or personalized...

NET Notes: Pro 24:20 The saying warns against envying the wicked; v. 19 provides the instruction, and v. 20 the motivation. The motivation is that there is no future hope ...

NET Notes: Pro 24:21 The form rendered “rebellious” is difficult; it appears to be the Qal active participle, plural, from שָׁנָ&...

NET Notes: Pro 24:22 The reward for living in peace under God in this world is that those who do will escape the calamities that will fall on the rebellious. Verse 21a is ...

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