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Text -- Psalms 119:1-23 (NET)

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Psalm 119
119:1 א (Alef) How blessed are those whose actions are blameless, who obey the law of the 119:2 How blessed are those who observe his rules, and seek him with all their heart, 119:3 who, moreover, do no wrong, but follow in his footsteps. 119:4 You demand that your precepts be carefully kept. 119:5 If only I were predisposed to keep your statutes! 119:6 Then I would not be ashamed, if I were focused on all your commands. 119:7 I will give you sincere thanks, when I learn your just regulations. 119:8 I will keep your statutes. Do not completely abandon me! 119:9 ב(Bet) How can a young person maintain a pure life? By guarding it according to your instructions! 119:10 With all my heart I seek you. Do not allow me to stray from your commands! 119:11 In my heart I store up your words, so I might not sin against you. 119:12 You deserve praise, O Lord! Teach me your statutes! 119:13 With my lips I proclaim all the regulations you have revealed. 119:14 I rejoice in the lifestyle prescribed by your rules as if they were riches of all kinds. 119:15 I will meditate on your precepts and focus on your behavior. 119:16 I find delight in your statutes; I do not forget your instructions. 119:17 ג(Gimel) Be kind to your servant! Then I will live and keep your instructions. 119:18 Open my eyes so I can truly see the marvelous things in your law! 119:19 I am like a foreigner in this land. Do not hide your commands from me! 119:20 I desperately long to know your regulations at all times. 119:21 You reprimand arrogant people. Those who stray from your commands are doomed. 119:22 Spare me shame and humiliation, for I observe your rules. 119:23 Though rulers plot and slander me, your servant meditates on your statutes.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 119:6 - -- A due respect, which implies hearty affection, diligent study, and constant practice.

A due respect, which implies hearty affection, diligent study, and constant practice.

Wesley: Psa 119:6 - -- So as not to allow myself in any known sin, or in the neglect of any known duty.

So as not to allow myself in any known sin, or in the neglect of any known duty.

Wesley: Psa 119:7 - -- When by thy good spirit I shall he more fitly instructed in the meaning of thy word.

When by thy good spirit I shall he more fitly instructed in the meaning of thy word.

Wesley: Psa 119:8 - -- For then I shall fall into the foulest sins.

For then I shall fall into the foulest sins.

Wesley: Psa 119:9 - -- Or, any man. But he names the young man, because such are commonly void of wisdom and experience, and exposed to many and great temptations.

Or, any man. But he names the young man, because such are commonly void of wisdom and experience, and exposed to many and great temptations.

Wesley: Psa 119:9 - -- Purge himself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit.

Purge himself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit.

Wesley: Psa 119:11 - -- I have laid it up in my mind like a choice treasure, to be ready upon all occasions to counsel, quicken or caution me.

I have laid it up in my mind like a choice treasure, to be ready upon all occasions to counsel, quicken or caution me.

Wesley: Psa 119:17 - -- Safely and comfortably.

Safely and comfortably.

Wesley: Psa 119:18 - -- Enlighten my mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit, and dispel all ignorance and error.

Enlighten my mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit, and dispel all ignorance and error.

Wesley: Psa 119:18 - -- Those great and marvellous depths of Divine wisdom and goodness, and those profound mysteries of Christ, and God's grace to mankind, and of that everl...

Those great and marvellous depths of Divine wisdom and goodness, and those profound mysteries of Christ, and God's grace to mankind, and of that everlasting state, which are not to be known but by Divine illumination.

Wesley: Psa 119:19 - -- I am not here as in my home, but as a pilgrim travelling homeward in a strange land.

I am not here as in my home, but as a pilgrim travelling homeward in a strange land.

Wesley: Psa 119:19 - -- Which are my chief support and guide in my pilgrimage.

Which are my chief support and guide in my pilgrimage.

Wesley: Psa 119:20 - -- Faints, as it frequently does, when a thing vehemently desired is delayed.

Faints, as it frequently does, when a thing vehemently desired is delayed.

Wesley: Psa 119:20 - -- To a more sound knowledge and serious practice of them.

To a more sound knowledge and serious practice of them.

Wesley: Psa 119:21 - -- Obstinate and presumptuous sinners, who sin with an high hand.

Obstinate and presumptuous sinners, who sin with an high hand.

Wesley: Psa 119:21 - -- Or, wander, knowingly or wilfully.

Or, wander, knowingly or wilfully.

JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- Literally, "complete," perfect, or sincere (compare Psa 37:37).

Literally, "complete," perfect, or sincere (compare Psa 37:37).

JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- Or, "of"

Or, "of"

JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- Course of life.

Course of life.

JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- Act


JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- According to it (compare Luk 1:6).

According to it (compare Luk 1:6).

JFB: Psa 119:1 - -- From a word meaning "to teach," is a term of rather general purport, denoting the instruction of God's Word.

From a word meaning "to teach," is a term of rather general purport, denoting the instruction of God's Word.

JFB: Psa 119:2 - -- The word of God is so called, because in it He testifies for truth and against sin.

The word of God is so called, because in it He testifies for truth and against sin.

JFB: Psa 119:2 - -- That is, a knowledge of Him, with desire for conformity to His will.

That is, a knowledge of Him, with desire for conformity to His will.

JFB: Psa 119:3 - -- The course He reveals as right.

The course He reveals as right.

JFB: Psa 119:4-6 - -- Are those directions which relate to special conduct, from a word meaning "to inspect."

Are those directions which relate to special conduct, from a word meaning "to inspect."

JFB: Psa 119:4-6 - -- Or ordinances, positive laws of permanent nature. Both words originally denote rather positive than moral laws, such as derive force from the divine a...

Or ordinances, positive laws of permanent nature. Both words originally denote rather positive than moral laws, such as derive force from the divine appointment, whether their nature or the reasons for them are apprehended by us or not.

JFB: Psa 119:4-6 - -- Or institutions. The term is comprehensive, but rather denotes fundamental directions for conduct, both enjoining and forbidding.

Or institutions. The term is comprehensive, but rather denotes fundamental directions for conduct, both enjoining and forbidding.

JFB: Psa 119:4-6 - -- Or regard carefully as to their whole purport.

Or regard carefully as to their whole purport.

JFB: Psa 119:7 - -- Rules of conduct formed by God's judicial decisions; hence the wide sense of the word in the Psalms, so that it includes decisions of approval as well...

Rules of conduct formed by God's judicial decisions; hence the wide sense of the word in the Psalms, so that it includes decisions of approval as well as condemnation.

JFB: Psa 119:8 - -- Recognizes the need of divine grace.

Recognizes the need of divine grace.

JFB: Psa 119:9 - -- Is better, "for" taking heed, that is, so as to do it. The answer is implied, and inferable from Psa 119:5, Psa 119:10, Psa 119:18, &c., that is, by G...

Is better, "for" taking heed, that is, so as to do it. The answer is implied, and inferable from Psa 119:5, Psa 119:10, Psa 119:18, &c., that is, by God's grace.

JFB: Psa 119:10-16 - -- We must carefully treasure up the word of God, declare it to others, meditate on it, and heartily delight in it; and then by His grace we shall act ac...

We must carefully treasure up the word of God, declare it to others, meditate on it, and heartily delight in it; and then by His grace we shall act according to it.

JFB: Psa 119:21-24 - -- God will rebuke those who despise His word and deliver His servants from their reproach, giving them boldness in and by His truth, even before the gre...

God will rebuke those who despise His word and deliver His servants from their reproach, giving them boldness in and by His truth, even before the greatest men.

Clarke: Psa 119:1 - -- Blessed are the undefiled in the way - אשרי תמימי דרך ashrey temimey darech , "O the blessedness of the perfect ones in the way."This P...

Blessed are the undefiled in the way - אשרי תמימי דרך ashrey temimey darech , "O the blessedness of the perfect ones in the way."This Psalm begins something like the first, where see the notes Psa 1:1-6 (note). By the perfect, which is the proper meaning of the original word, we are to undertsand those who sincerely believe what God has spoken, religiously observe all the rules and ceremonies of his religion, and have their lives and hearts regulated by the spirit of love, fear, and obedience. This is farther stated in the second verse.

Clarke: Psa 119:3 - -- They also do no iniquity - They avoid all idolatry, injustice, and wrong; and they walk in God’ s ways, not in those ways to which an evil hear...

They also do no iniquity - They avoid all idolatry, injustice, and wrong; and they walk in God’ s ways, not in those ways to which an evil heart might entice them, nor those in which the thoughtless and the profligate tread.

Clarke: Psa 119:4 - -- Thy precepts diligently - מאד meod , "superlatively, to the uttermost."God has never given a commandment, the observance of which he knew to be ...

Thy precepts diligently - מאד meod , "superlatively, to the uttermost."God has never given a commandment, the observance of which he knew to be impossible. And to whatsoever he has commanded he requires obedience; and his grace is sufficient for us. We must not trifle with God.

Clarke: Psa 119:5 - -- O that my ways were directed - " I wish that my way may be confirmed to keep thy statutes."Without thee I can do nothing; my soul is unstable and fi...

O that my ways were directed - " I wish that my way may be confirmed to keep thy statutes."Without thee I can do nothing; my soul is unstable and fickle; and it will continue weak and uncertain till thou strengthen and establish it.

Clarke: Psa 119:6 - -- Then shall I not be ashamed - Every act of transgression in the wicked man tends to harden his heart; and render it callous. If a man who fears God ...

Then shall I not be ashamed - Every act of transgression in the wicked man tends to harden his heart; and render it callous. If a man who fears God is so unhappy as to fall into sin, his conscience reproaches him, and he is ashamed before God and man. This is a full proof that God’ s Spirit has not utterly departed from him, and that he may repent, believe and be healed

Clarke: Psa 119:6 - -- Unto all thy commandments - God requires universal obedience, and all things are possible to him whom Christ strengthens; and all things are possibl...

Unto all thy commandments - God requires universal obedience, and all things are possible to him whom Christ strengthens; and all things are possible to him that believes. Allow that any of God’ s commandments may be transgressed, and we shall soon have the whole decalogue set aside.

Clarke: Psa 119:8 - -- O forsake me not utterly - עד מאד ad meod , "to utter dereliction;"never leave me to my own strength, nor to my own heart

O forsake me not utterly - עד מאד ad meod , "to utter dereliction;"never leave me to my own strength, nor to my own heart

Clarke: Psa 119:9 - -- A young man cleanse his way - ארח orach , which we translate way here, signifies a track, a rut, such as is made by the wheel of a cart or chari...

A young man cleanse his way - ארח orach , which we translate way here, signifies a track, a rut, such as is made by the wheel of a cart or chariot. A young sinner has no broad beaten path; he has his private ways of offense, his secret pollutions: and how shall he be cleansed from these? how can he be saved from what will destroy mind, body, and soul? Let him hear what follows; the description is from God

1. He is to consider that his way is impure; and how abominable this must make him appear in the sight of God

2. He must examine it according to God’ s word, and carefully hear what God has said concerning him and it

3. He must take heed to it, לשמר lishmor , to keep guard, and preserve his way - his general course of life, from all defilement.

Clarke: Psa 119:10 - -- With my whole heart have I sought thee - 4. He must seek God, make earnest prayer and supplication to him for Divine light, for a tender conscience,...

With my whole heart have I sought thee -

4. He must seek God, make earnest prayer and supplication to him for Divine light, for a tender conscience, and for strength to walk uprightly

5. His whole heart; all his affections must be engaged here, or he cannot succeed. If he keep any affection for the idol or abomination; if his heart do not give it before the Lord, he may make many prayers, but God will answer none of them

6. He must take care to keep in the path of duty, of abstinence and self-denial; not permitting either his eye, his hand, or his heart to wander from the commandments of his Maker.

Clarke: Psa 119:11 - -- Thy word have I hid in my heart - 7. He must treasure up those portions of God’ s word in his mind and heart which speak against uncleanness of...

Thy word have I hid in my heart -

7. He must treasure up those portions of God’ s word in his mind and heart which speak against uncleanness of every kind; and that recommend purity, chastity, and holiness. The word of Christ should dwell richly in him. If God’ s word be only in his Bible, and not also in his heart, he may soon and easily be surprised into his besetting sin.

Clarke: Psa 119:12 - -- Blessed art thou - 8. He must acknowledge the mercy of God, in so far preserving him from all the consequences of his sin 9. He should beg of him to...

Blessed art thou -

8. He must acknowledge the mercy of God, in so far preserving him from all the consequences of his sin

9. He should beg of him to become his teacher that his heart and conscience might be instructed in the spirituality of his statutes.

Clarke: Psa 119:13 - -- With my lips have I declared - 10. He should declare to his own heart, and to all his companions in iniquity, God’ s judgments against himself ...

With my lips have I declared -

10. He should declare to his own heart, and to all his companions in iniquity, God’ s judgments against himself and them; that if his longsuffering merely have not made a proper impression on their hearts, they may tremble at his approaching judgments.

Clarke: Psa 119:14 - -- I have rejoiced - 11. He must consider it his chief happiness to be found in the path of obedience, giving his whole heart and strength to God; and ...

I have rejoiced -

11. He must consider it his chief happiness to be found in the path of obedience, giving his whole heart and strength to God; and when enabled to do it, he should rejoice more in it than if he had gained thousands of gold and silver. O how great is the treasure of a tender and approving conscience!

Clarke: Psa 119:15 - -- I will meditate - 12. He should encourage self-examination and reflection; and meditate frequently on God’ s words, works, and ways - and espec...

I will meditate -

12. He should encourage self-examination and reflection; and meditate frequently on God’ s words, works, and ways - and especially on his gracious dealings towards him

13. He should keep his eye upon God’ s steps; setting the example of his Savior before his eyes, going where he would go, and nowhere else; doing what he would do, and nothing else; keeping the company that he would keep, and none else; and doing every thing in reference to the final judgment.

Clarke: Psa 119:16 - -- I will delight myself - The word is very emphatical: אשתעשע eshtaasha , I will skip about and jump for joy 14. He must exult in God’ s w...

I will delight myself - The word is very emphatical: אשתעשע eshtaasha , I will skip about and jump for joy

14. He must exult in God’ s word as his treasure, live in the spirit of obedience as his work, and ever glory in God, who has called him to such a state of salvation

15. He must never forget what God has done for him, done in him, and promised farther to do; and he must not forget the promises he had made, and the vows of the Lord that are upon him. Any young man who attends to these fifteen particulars will get his impure way cleansed; victory over his sin; and, if he abide faithful to the Lord that bought him, an eternal heaven at last among them that are sanctified

Clarke: Psa 119:17 - -- Deal bountifully - גמל gemol , reward thy servant. Let him have the return of his faith and prayers, that the Divine life may be preserved in hi...

Deal bountifully - גמל gemol , reward thy servant. Let him have the return of his faith and prayers, that the Divine life may be preserved in his soul! Then he will keep thy word. From גמל gamal , to reward, etc., comes the name of ג gimel , the third letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which is prefixed to every verse in this part, and commences it with its own name. This is a stroke of the psalmist’ s art and ingenuity.

Clarke: Psa 119:18 - -- Open thou mine eyes - גל עיני gal eynai , reveal my eyes, illuminate my understanding, take away the veil that is on my heart, and then shall...

Open thou mine eyes - גל עיני gal eynai , reveal my eyes, illuminate my understanding, take away the veil that is on my heart, and then shall I see wonders in thy law. The Holy Scriptures are plain enough; but the heart of man is darkened by sin. The Bible does not so much need a comment, as the soul does the light of the Holy Spirit. Were it not for the darkness of the human intellect, the things relative to salvation would be easily apprehended.

Clarke: Psa 119:19 - -- I am a stranger in the earth - In the land. Being obliged to wander about from place to place, I am like a stranger even in my own country. If it re...

I am a stranger in the earth - In the land. Being obliged to wander about from place to place, I am like a stranger even in my own country. If it refer to the captives in Babylon, it may mean that they felt themselves there as in a state of exile; for, although they had been seventy years in it, they still felt it as a strange land, because they considered Palestine their home.

Clarke: Psa 119:20 - -- My soul breaketh - We have a similar expression: It broke my heart, That is heart-breaking, She died of a broken heart. It expresses excessive longi...

My soul breaketh - We have a similar expression: It broke my heart, That is heart-breaking, She died of a broken heart. It expresses excessive longing, grievous disappointment, hopeless love, accumulated sorrow. By this we may see the hungering and thirsting which the psalmist had after righteousness, often mingled with much despondency.

Clarke: Psa 119:21 - -- Thou hast rebuked the proud - This was done often in the case of David; and was true also in reference to the Babylonians, who held the Israelites i...

Thou hast rebuked the proud - This was done often in the case of David; and was true also in reference to the Babylonians, who held the Israelites in subjection, and whose kings were among the proudest of human beings. Instead of זדים zedim , the proud, some MSS. read זרים zarim , strangers, and one reads גוים goyim , the heathen; and so the Syriac.

Clarke: Psa 119:22 - -- Remove from me reproach and contempt - Of these the captives in Babylon had a more than ordinary load.

Remove from me reproach and contempt - Of these the captives in Babylon had a more than ordinary load.

Clarke: Psa 119:23 - -- Princes also did sit - It is very likely that the nobles of Babylon did often, by wicked misrepresentations, render the minds of the kings of the em...

Princes also did sit - It is very likely that the nobles of Babylon did often, by wicked misrepresentations, render the minds of the kings of the empire evil affected towards the Jews.

Calvin: Psa 119:1 - -- 1.Blessed are they who are upright In these words the prophet sets forth the same paradox which we met with at the commencement of the Book of Psalms...

1.Blessed are they who are upright In these words the prophet sets forth the same paradox which we met with at the commencement of the Book of Psalms. All men naturally aspire after happiness, but instead of searching for it in the right path, they designedly prefer wandering up and down through endless by-paths, to their ruin and destruction. The Holy Spirit deservedly condemns this apathy and blindness. And but for man’s cupidity, which, with brutish impetuosity, hurries him in the opposite direction, the meaning of the words would appear quite plain to him. And the further a man wanders from God, the happier does he imagine himself to be; and hence all treat, as a fable, what the Holy Spirit declares about true piety and the service of God. This is a doctrine which scarcely one among a hundred receives.

The term way, is here put for the manner, or course and way of life: and hence he calls those upright in their way, whose sincere and uniform desire it is to practice righteousness, and to devote their life to this purpose. In the next clause of the verse, he specifics more clearly, that a godly and righteous life consists in walking in the law of God If a person follow his own humor and caprice, he is certain to go astray; and even should he enjoy the applause of the whole world, he will only weary himself with very vanity. But it may be asked, whether the prophet excludes from the hope of happiness all who do not worship God perfectly? Were this his meaning, it would follow that none except angels alone would be happy, seeing that the perfect observance of the law is to be found in no part, of the earth. The answer is easy: When uprightness is demanded of the children of God, they do not lose the gracious remission of their sins, in which their salvation alone consists. While, then, the servants of God are happy, they still need to take refuge in his mercy, because their uprightness is not complete. In this manner are they who faithfully observe the law of God said to be truly happy; and thus is fulfilled that which is declared in Psa 32:2, “Blessed are they to whom God imputeth not sins.” In the second verse, the same doctrine is confirmed more fully, by pronouncing blessed, not. such as are wise in their own conceit, or assume a sort of fantastical holiness, but those who dedicate themselves to the covenant of God, and yield obedience to the dictates of hits law. Farther, by these words, he tells us that God is by no means satisfied with mere external service, for he demands the sincere and honest affection of the heart. And assuredly, if God be the sole judge and disposer of our life:, the truth must occupy the principal place in our heart, because it is not sufficient to have our hands and feet only enlisted in his service.

Calvin: Psa 119:3 - -- 3.Surely they do not work iniquity The statement, that they who follow God as their guide do not work iniquity, may seem to be a mere common-place, a...

3.Surely they do not work iniquity The statement, that they who follow God as their guide do not work iniquity, may seem to be a mere common-place, and universally admitted truth. The prophet has two reasons for making it; first, to teach us that our life must be entirely under the direction of God; and, secondly, that we may more diligently and carefully attend to his doctrine. It is acknowledged by every one, that those who render obedience to God are in no danger of going astray, and yet every one is found turning aside to his own ways. Does not such licentiousness or presumption palpably demonstrate that they have a greater regard for their own devices than for the unerring law of God? And after all, as often as a man happens to fall, is not the plea of inadvertence instantly alleged, as if none ever sinned knowingly and voluntarily; or as if the law of God, which is an antidote to all delinquencies, because it keeps all our vicious propensities in check, did not furnish us with sufficient wisdom to put us upon our guard? The prophet, therefore, very justly declares, that those who are instructed in the law of God, cannot set up the plea of ignorance when they fall into sin, seeing they are willfully blind. Were they to attend carefully to God’s voice, they would be well fortified against all the snares of Satan. To strike them with terror, he informs them in the fourth verse, that God demands a rigid observance of the law; from which it may be gathered, that he will not suffer the contemners of it to escape with impunity. Besides, by speaking to God in the second person, he places him before our eyes as a Judge.

Calvin: Psa 119:5 - -- 5.I wish that my ways may be directed The original word כון , kun, is sometimes rendered to establish, and, accordingly, it may seem as if th...

5.I wish that my ways may be directed The original word כון , kun, is sometimes rendered to establish, and, accordingly, it may seem as if the prophet were soliciting for himself the virtue of perseverance. I am rather inclined to understand it as signifying to direct; for, although God’s plainly instructing us in his law, the obtuseness of our understanding, and the perversity of our hearts, constantly need the direction of his Spirit. Our main desire, therefore, ought to be for an understanding wisely regulated by the law of God, and also for a docile and obedient heart. Next, he adds, if a man carefully observe the law of God, he need be under no apprehension that he will ever regret what he has done or undertaken to do. The word respect intimates, that we must not be influenced by our own designs, nor decide, according to Carnal reason, what we are to do, but must at once come to the determination, that they who turn not aside, either to the right hand or the left, from the observance of God’s commandments, are indeed in the right path. They who reverently respect his law, may not escape the censure of the great bulk of mankind, yet the prophet declares, that They shall not be ashamed, because they have a good conscience in the presence of God and the angels, and, with the approval of this celestial assembly, they are well satisfied and contented; for if they depended upon the opinion of the world, their courage would presently fail. He says, all thy precepts, intimating, that among the snares of Satan, amid such thick darkness and so great insensibility as ours, the utmost vigilance and caution are necessary, if we would aim at being entirely exempted from blame. Wherefore, in all that we do, we must endeavor to have the law before us, to keep us from falling.

Calvin: Psa 119:7 - -- 7.I will praise thee He affirms it to be a singular instance of the loving-kindness of God, if a person has made considerable proficiency in his law....

7.I will praise thee He affirms it to be a singular instance of the loving-kindness of God, if a person has made considerable proficiency in his law. As a token and testimony of this, he here puts the giving of thanks to God; as if he should say, Lord, thou wilt confer upon me an inestimable blessing, if thou instruct me in thy law. It follows, therefore, that nothing in this life is more to be desired than this; and my fervent prayer is, that we may be fairly and fully convinced of the truth of it. For while searching carefully after such things as we deem advantageous to us, we do not overlook any earthly convenience, and yet we neglect that which is of most importance. The phrase, the judgments of thy righteousness, is the same with the commandments, in which perfect righteousness is comprehended; and thus the prophet commends God’s law on account of the thorough perfection of the doctrine contained in it. From this verse we learn, that none will praise God unfeignedly and cordially but he who has made such proficiency in his school as to mold his life into subjection to him. It is vain to make a pretense of praising God with the mouth and the tongue if we dishonor him by our life. Hence the prophet very justly here makes the fruit of genuine piety to consist in celebrating the praises of God without hypocrisy.

Calvin: Psa 119:8 - -- 8.I will observe thy statutes In these words he avers it to be his intention to observe the law of God, but, conscious of his own weakness, he utters...

8.I will observe thy statutes In these words he avers it to be his intention to observe the law of God, but, conscious of his own weakness, he utters a prayer that God would not deprive him of his grace. The term forsake is susceptible of two interpretations, either that God withdraws his Spirit, or that he permits his people to be brought low by adversity, as if he had forsaken them. The latter interpretation agrees best with the context, and is most in accordance with the phrase immediately subjoined, very far The prophet is not altogether averse to the trial of his faith, only he is apprehensive lest it might fail were the trial to be too long protracted, and therefore he desires to be treated with tenderness in his infirmity.,’ O God! thou sees my frame of mind, and, as I am but a man, do not conceal too long from me the tokens of thy favor, or defer helping me longer than is proper for me, lest, imagining myself to be forsaken of thee, I turn aside from the direct pursuit of godliness.”

Calvin: Psa 119:9 - -- 9.Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? In this place he repeats, in different words, the same truth which he formerly advanced, That, however...

9.Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? In this place he repeats, in different words, the same truth which he formerly advanced, That, however much men may pique themselves upon their own works, there is nothing pure in their life until they have made a complete surrender of themselves to the word of the Lord. The more effectually to excite them to this, he produces, in an especial manner, the example of children or youths. In mentioning these, he by no means gives an unbridled license to those who have arrived at mature years, or who are aged, as if they were competent to regulate their own life, and as if their own prudence served as a law to them; but because youth puts men where two ways meet, and renders it imperative for them to select the course of life which they mean to follow, he declares that, when a person sets about the regulation of his life, no advice will prove of any advantage, unless he adopts the law of God as his rule and guide. In this way the prophet stimulates men to an early and seasonable regulation of their manners, and not to delay doing so any longer, agreeably to the words of Solomon, “Remember thy Creator in thy youth, ere the days of trouble come, and the years which shall be grief unto thee,” Ecc 12:1 402 They who defer from time to time become hardened in their vicious practices, and arrive at mature years, when it is too late to attempt a reformation. There is another reason, arising from the fact, of the carnal propensities being very powerful in youth, requiring a dortble restraint; and the more they are inclined to excess, the greater is the necessity for curbing their licentiousness. The prophet, therefore, not without reason, exhorts them particularly to attend to the observance of the law. We may reason from the greater to the less; for if the law of God possesses the power of restraining the impetuosity of youth, so as to preserve pure and upright all who take it for their guide, then, assuredly, when they come to maturity, and their irregular desires are considerably abated, it will prove the best antidote for correcting their vices. The reason, therefore, of so much evil prevailing in the world, arises from men wallowing in their own impurity, and being disposed to yield more to their own inclination than to heavenly instruction. The only sure protection is, to regulate ourselves according to God’s word. Some, wise in their own conceit, throw themselves into the snares of Satan, others, from listlessness and languor, live a vile and wicked life.

Calvin: Psa 119:10 - -- 10.With my whole heart Conscious of the integrity of his heart, the prophet still implores the help of God, that he might not stumble by reason of hi...

10.With my whole heart Conscious of the integrity of his heart, the prophet still implores the help of God, that he might not stumble by reason of his infirmity. He makes no boast of self-preparation, as if he had spontaneously begun to inquire after God, but in praising the grace which he had experienced, he at the same time aspires after steadfastness to persevere in walking in his ways. It is folly on the part of the Papists to seize upon this and similar passages, as if the saints, of their own free will, anticipated the grace of the Holy Spirit, and afterwards were favored with his aid. The prophet does not make a division between God and himself, but rather prays God to continue his work till it is completed, agreeably with what we are generally taught, to keep God mindful of his benefits until he accomplish them.

In the meantime, there is good cause for presenting our supplication to God, to stretch out his hand towards us when he sees our minds so settled, that we are solicitous of nothing so much as acting uprightly. And as he elevates us with confidence to ask the gift of perseverance, when he inspires our hearts with proper affection towards him, so also does he entreat us for the future not to sink into a careless and languid state like soldiers who have been discharged, but seek to be constantly directed by the spirit of wisdom, and to be sustained by the principles of fortitude and virtue. David here, from his own example, points out to us a rule, that by how much a man finds himself succored by God, by so much ought he to be induced the more carefully and earnestly to implore the continuance of his aid; for unless he restrain us, we will instantly wander and go astray. This sentiment is more explicitly stated in the original word תשגני , tashqeni, which is in the passive voice, and signifies, to be led astray 403 From the import of the term, I do not mean to establish the doctrine that God secretly incites us to commit sin, but only to let my readers know, that such is our liability to err, that we immediately relapse into sin the instant he leaves us to ourselves. This passage also admonishes us that the man who swerves but a little from God’s commandments is guilty of going astray.

Calvin: Psa 119:11 - -- 11.I have hid thy word in my heart This psalm not being composed for the personal and peculiar use of the author only, we may therefore understand, t...

11.I have hid thy word in my heart This psalm not being composed for the personal and peculiar use of the author only, we may therefore understand, that as frequently as David sets before us his own example, under this model he points out the course we ought to pursue. Here we are informed that we are well fortified against the stratagems of Satan when God’s law is deeply seated in our hearts. For unless it have a fast and firm hold there, we will readily fall into sin. Among scholars, those whose knowledge is confined to books, if they have not the book always before them, readily discover their ignorance; in like manner, if we do not imbibe the doctrine of God, and are well acquainted with it, Satan will easily surprise and entangle us in his meshes. Our true safeguard, then, lies not in a slender knowledge of his law, or in a careless perusal of it, but in hiding it deeply in our hearts. Here we are reminded, that however men may be convinced of their own wisdom, they are yet destitute of all right judgment, except as far as they have God as their teacher.

Calvin: Psa 119:12 - -- 12.Blessed art thou, O Jehovah! Such had been the prophet’s proficiency, that he was not only one of ‘God’s disciples, but also a public teache...

12.Blessed art thou, O Jehovah! Such had been the prophet’s proficiency, that he was not only one of ‘God’s disciples, but also a public teacher of the Church. Nevertheless, acknowledging himself and all the upright to be only one their journey till they arrive at the close of life, he fails not to ask for the spirit of understanding. This passage informs us generally, that if God do not enlighten us with the spirit of discernment, we are not competent to behold the light which shines forth from his law, though it be constantly before us. And thus it happens, that not a few are blind even when surrounded with the clear revelation of this doctrine, because, confident in their own perspicacity, they contemn the internal illumination of the Holy Spirit. Farther, let us learn from this passage, that none are possessed of such superiority of intellect as not to admit of constant increase. If the prophet, upon whom God had conferred so honorable an office as a teacher of the Church, confesses himself to be only a disciple or scholar, what madness is it for those who are, greatly behind him in point of attainments not to strain every nerve to rise to higher excellence? Nor does he depend upon his own merits for obtaining his requests; he beseeches God to grant them from a regard to his own glory. This appears from the phraseology by which he introduces his request, Blessed art thou, O Jehovah! intimating, that his confidence of success originated in God’s being fully entitled to all praise on account of his unbounded goodness, justice, and mercy.

Calvin: Psa 119:13 - -- 13.With my lips In this verse he declares that the law of God was not only deeply engraven on his own heart, but that it was his earnest and strenuou...

13.With my lips In this verse he declares that the law of God was not only deeply engraven on his own heart, but that it was his earnest and strenuous endeavor to gain over many of his fellow-disciples into subjection to God. It is indeed a heartless matter to speak of the law of God abstractly, as we see hypocrites do, who talk very fluently about the whole doctrine of godliness, to which they are entire strangers. What the prophet noticed above, respecting the affection of the heart for God’s law, he now likewise applies to the lips. And, immediately afterwards, he again establishes the truth of what he had asserted about his cordial and unfeigned endeavors to instruct others; by saying, that he derived no less pleasure from the doctrine of God than from all the riches of the world. He indirectly contrasts his holy love for the law, with which he was inflamed, with the unholy avarice which has taken possession of almost all the world. “As wealth attracts to itself the hearts of mankind, so I have taken more exquisite delight in the progress which I make in the doctrine of godliness, than if I abounded in all manner of riches.”

Calvin: Psa 119:15 - -- 15.In thy precepts That to which I formerly adverted must not be forgotten — the prophet’s not making a boast of his own acquirements, but settin...

15.In thy precepts That to which I formerly adverted must not be forgotten — the prophet’s not making a boast of his own acquirements, but setting before others an example for their imitation. We are aware that the majority of mankind are so much involved in the cares of the world, as to leave no time or leisure for meditating upon the doctrine of God. To meet this callous indifference, he very seasonably commends diligence and attention. And even were we not so ensnared by the world, we know how readily we lose sight of the law of God, in the daily temptations which suddenly overtake us. It is not therefore without reason that the prophet exhorts us to constant exercise, and enjoins us to direct all our energies to the subject of meditation on God’s precepts. And as the life of men is unstable, being continually distracted by the carnality of their minds, he declares that he will consider attentively the ways of God. Subsequently, he repeats the exquisite pleasure he took in this pursuit. For our proficiency in the law of God will be small, until we cheerfully and heartily set our minds upon it. And, in fact, the commencement of a good life consists in God’s law attracting us to him by its sweetness. By the same means the lusts of the flesh, too, are subdued or mitigated. In our natural state, what is more agreeable to us than that which is sinful? This will be the constant tendency of our minds, unless the delight which we feel in the law carry us in the opposite direction.

Calvin: Psa 119:17 - -- 17.Do good to thy servant The term גמל gamal, which some render to requite, does not, among the Hebrews, import mutual recompense, but frequ...

17.Do good to thy servant The term גמל gamal, which some render to requite, does not, among the Hebrews, import mutual recompense, but frequently signifies to confer a benefit, as in Psa 116:7, and many other passages. Here it must be viewed as expressive of free favor. The words, however, may admit of two senses. They may be read as a separate clause, in this manner: O God! display thy goodness to thy servant, and thus I shall live, or then I shall esteem myself happy. Or the verse may form one connected statement: O God! grant to thy servant the favor that, while I live, I may keep thy commandments. If the former lection is adopted, then, by these words, the prophet declares that, without the favor of God, he is like a dead man; that though he might abound in every thing else, yet he could not subsist without feeling that God was propitious towards him. The latter interpretation is preferable, That the prophet asks as a principal favor, that, while he lives, he may devote himself entirely to God; being fully persuaded that the grand object of his existence consists in his exercising himself in his service, an object which he firmly resolves to pursue. For this reason these two clauses are connected together, that I may live, and keep thy word. “I desire no other mode of living than that of approving myself to be a true and faithful servant of God.” All wish God to grant them a prolongation of their life; a wish after which the whole world ardently aspire, and yet there is scarcely one among a hundred who reflects upon the purpose for which he ought to live. To withdraw us from cherishing such irrational propensities, the prophet here describes the main object of our existence. He declares it to be owing to the peculiar grace of the Holy Spirit, that any person keeps the law of God. Had he imagined that the preparing oneself for the observance of his law depended on his own free will, then this prayer would have been nothing else than downright hypocrisy.

Very similar is the doctrine contained in the next verse. Having acknowledged, that power to keep the law is imparted to men by God, he, at the same time, adds, that every man is blind, until he also enlighten the eyes of his understanding. Admitting that God gives light to us by his word, the prophet here means that we are blind amid the clearest light, until he remove the veil from our eyes. When he confesses that his eyes are veiled and shut, rendering him unable to discern the light of the heavenly doctrine, until God, by the invisible grace of his Spirit, open them, he speaks as if he were deploring his own blindness, and that of the whole human race. But, while God claims this power for himself, he tells us that the remedy is at hand, provided we do not, by trusting to our own wisdom, reject the gracious illumination offered to us. Let us learn, too, that we do not receive the illumination of the Spirit of God to make us contemn the external word, and take pleasure only in secret inspirations, like many fanatics, who do not regard themselves spiritual, except they reject the word of God, and substitute in its place their own wild speculations. Very different is the prophet’s aim, which is to inform us that our illumination is to enable us to discern the light of life, that God manifests by his word. He designates the doctrine of the law, marvelous things, 404 to humble us, to contemplate with admiration its height; and to convince us the more of our need of the grace of God, to comprehend the mysteries, which surpass our limited capacity. From which we infer, that not only the ten commandments are included in the term la but also the covenant of eternal salvation, with all its provisions, which God has made. And knowing, as we do, that Christ, “in whom are hid all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom,” “is the end of the law,” we need not be surprised at the prophet commending it, in consequence of the sublime mysteries which it contains, Col 2:3; Rom 10:4

Calvin: Psa 119:19 - -- 19.I am a stranger on the earth It is proper to inquire into the reason for his calling himself a sojourner and stranger in the world. The great conc...

19.I am a stranger on the earth It is proper to inquire into the reason for his calling himself a sojourner and stranger in the world. The great concern of the unholy and worldly is to spend their life here easily and quietly; but those who know that they have their journey to pursue, and have their inheritance reserved for them in heaven, are not engrossed nor entangled with these perishable things, but aspire after that place to which they are invited. The meaning may be thus summed up: “Lord, since I must pass quickly through the earth, what will become of me if I am deprived of the doctrine of thy law?” We learn from these words from what point we must commence our journey, if we would go on our way cheerfully unto God.

Besides, God is said to conceal his commandments from those whose eyes he does not open, because, not being endued with spiritual vision, in seeing they see not, so that what is before their eyes is hid from them. And, to demonstrate that he does not present his request in a careless manner, the prophet adds, that his affection for the law is most intense; for it is no common ardor which is expressed by him in the following language, My soul is rent with the desire it hath at all times unto thy judgments. As the man who may concentrate all his thoughts on one point with such intensity as almost to deprive him of the power of perception, may be said to be the victim of his intemperate zeal, so the prophet declares the energy of his mind to be paralyzed and exhausted by his ardent love for the law. 405 The clause, at all times, is meant to express his perseverance; for it may occasionally happen that a man may apply himself with great ardor to the study of the heavenly doctrine; but it is only temporary-his zeal soon vanishes away. Steadfastness is therefore necessary, lest, through weariness, we become faint in our minds.

Calvin: Psa 119:21 - -- 21.Thou hast destroyed the proud Others render it:, Thou hast rebuked the proud; a translation of which the Hebrew term גער , gaar, admits wh...

21.Thou hast destroyed the proud Others render it:, Thou hast rebuked the proud; a translation of which the Hebrew term גער , gaar, admits when the letter ב , beth, is joined with it in construction; but this being awaiting, it is better to render it destroy 406 It makes, however, little difference to the main drift of the passage, there being no doubt that the intention of the prophet is, to inform us that God’s judgments instructed him to apply his mind to the study of the law; and certainly this is an exercise which we ought on no account to defer till God visit us with chastisement.. But when we behold him taking vengeance upon the wicked, and the despisers of his word, we must be stupid, indeed, if his rod do not teach us wisdom; and, doubtless, it is an instance of special kindness on God’s part, to spare us, and only to terrify us from afar, that he may bring us to himself without injuring or chastising us at all.

It is not without reason that he denominates all unbelievers proud, because it is true faith alone which humbles us, and all rebellion is the offspring of pride. From this we learn how profitable it is to consider carefully and attentively the judgments of God, by which he overthrows such haughtiness. When the weak in faith see the wicked rise in furious. opposition against God, arrogantly casting off all restraint, and holding all religion in derision with impunity, they begin to question whether there be a God who sits as judge in heaven. God may, for a time, wink at this: by-and-bye, we witness him setting forth some indication of his judgment, to convince us that he hath not in vain uttered threatening against the violators of his law; and we ought to bear in mind that all who depart from him are reprobate.

Let it be carefully observed that, by wandering from his commandments, is not meant all kinds of transgression indiscriminately, but that unbridled licentiousness which proceeds from impious contempt of God. It is, indeed, given as a general sentence, that

“every one is cursed who continueth not in all
things which are written,” Deu 27:26

But as Godwin his paternal kindness, bears with those who fail through infirmity of the flesh, so here we must understand these judgments to be expressly executed upon the wicked and reprobate; and their end, as Isaiah declares, is,

that the inhabitants of the earth may learn righteousness,”
(Isa 26:9)

Calvin: Psa 119:22 - -- 22.Remove from me reproach This verse may admit of two senses: Let the children of God walk as circumspectly as it is possible for them to do, they w...

22.Remove from me reproach This verse may admit of two senses: Let the children of God walk as circumspectly as it is possible for them to do, they will not escape being liable to many slanders, and therefore they have good reason to petition God to protect the unfeigned godliness which they practice against poisonous tongues. The following meaning may not inappropriately be given to the passage: O Lord, since I am conscious to myself, and thou art a witness of my unfeigned integrity, do not permit the unrighteous to sully my reputation, by laying unfounded accusations to my charge. But the meaning will be more complete if we read it as forming one continued sentence: O God, permit not the ungodly to mock me for endeavoring to keep thy law. For this impiety has been rampant in the world even from the beginning, that the sincerity of God’s worshippers has been matter of reproach and derision; even as, at this day, the same reproaches are still cast upon God’s children, as if not satisfied with the common mode of living, they aspired being wiser than others. That which was spoken by Isaiah must now be accomplished, “Behold I and my children, whom thou hast given me to be for a sign;” so that God’s children, with Christ their head, are, among the profane, as persons to be wondered at. Accordingly, Peter testifies that they charge us with madness for not following their ways, (1Pe 4:4;) and as this reproach — the becoming the subjects of ridicule on account of their unfeigned affection for God’s law — tends to the dishonor of his name, the prophet very justly demands the suppression of all these taunts; and Isaiah also, by his own example, directs us to flee to this refuge, because, although the wicked may arrogantly pour out their blasphemies on the earth, yet God sitteth in heaven as our judge.

In the following verse, he states more plainly that it was not in vain he besought God to vindicate him from such calumnies; for he was held in derision, not only by the common people, and by the most abandoned of mankind, but also by the chief men, who sat as judges. The term, to sit, imports that they had spoken injuriously and unjustly of him, not merely in their houses and at their tables, but publicly and on the very judgment-seat, where it behooved them to execute justice, and render to every one his due. The particle גם , gam, which he employs, and which signifies also or even, contains an implied contrast between the secret whisperings of the common people, and the imperious decisions of these imperious men, enhancing still more the baseness of their conduct. Nevertheless, in the midst of all this he steadfastly persevered in following after godliness. Satan was assailing him with this device in order to drive him to despair, but he tells us that he sought a remedy from it in meditation on the law of God. We are here taught, that it is not unusual for earthly judges to oppress God’s servants, and make a mock of their piety. If David could not escape this reproach, why should we, in these times, expect to do so? Let us further learn, that there is nothing more perverse than to place dependence upon the judgments of men, because, in doing so, we must, of necessity, constantly be in a state of vacillation. Let us therefore rest satisfied with the approbation of God, though men causelessly defame us — not only men of low degree, but also the very judges themselves, from whom the utmost impartiality might be expected.

Defender: Psa 119:1 - -- "Law" (Hebrew torah) is the primary name for the Old Testament Scriptures as a whole, especially the Pentateuch. Of the eight different words used for...

"Law" (Hebrew torah) is the primary name for the Old Testament Scriptures as a whole, especially the Pentateuch. Of the eight different words used for the Scriptures in this remarkable psalm - the longest chapter in the Bible - "law" occurs most frequently. The psalm is an acrostic poem with twenty-two stanzas one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The verses all begin with a particular letter in each verse of the stanza (aleph in the first stanza, beth in the second stanza). This structure is clearly intended to stress the literal (letter-by-letter, word-by-word) divine origin of the Scriptures (compare Christ's testimony in Mat 5:18). Practically every one of the 176 verses of the psalm uses one of these eight words in reference to the Scriptures. Six verses do not (Psa 119:3, Psa 119:37, Psa 119:90, Psa 119:91, Psa 119:122, Psa 119:132). This may suggest the tendency of man (often identified with the number six, as falling short of seven the number of completeness - Rev 13:18) to corrupt or dilute the Scriptures. On the other hand six verses (Psa 119:16, Psa 119:43, Psa 119:48, Psa 119:160, Psa 119:168, Psa 119:172) contain two references so that the total number remains 176, equal to the number of verses. The whole psalm begins with a promise of blessing to those who study, believe and obey the Word of God!"

Defender: Psa 119:2 - -- "Testimonies" is Hebrew edah or eduth, the second of the eight words used in Psalm 119 for the Scriptures."

"Testimonies" is Hebrew edah or eduth, the second of the eight words used in Psalm 119 for the Scriptures."

Defender: Psa 119:3 - -- This is the first of the six verses in Psalm 119 with no specific mention of the Scriptures. This may suggest that the "young man" (Psa 119:9), immedi...

This is the first of the six verses in Psalm 119 with no specific mention of the Scriptures. This may suggest that the "young man" (Psa 119:9), immediately after learning of promised blessing through the Bible, still thinks he can obey God without daily attention to the Word but this is a mistake."

Defender: Psa 119:4 - -- "Precepts" is Hebrew piqqudim, the third word for the Scriptures."

"Precepts" is Hebrew piqqudim, the third word for the Scriptures."

Defender: Psa 119:5 - -- "Statutes" is Hebrew chuqqah or choe, the fourth word."

"Statutes" is Hebrew chuqqah or choe, the fourth word."

Defender: Psa 119:6 - -- "Commandments" is Hebrew mitzvah, the fifth word."

"Commandments" is Hebrew mitzvah, the fifth word."

Defender: Psa 119:7 - -- "Judgments" is Hebrew mishpat, the sixth word."

"Judgments" is Hebrew mishpat, the sixth word."

Defender: Psa 119:8 - -- After his confident assertion that he could keep all God's statutes, testimonies, precepts, walking in His law, respecting His commandments, and learn...

After his confident assertion that he could keep all God's statutes, testimonies, precepts, walking in His law, respecting His commandments, and learning His judgments he suddenly realizes he simply cannot do all this and right at the end of his first stanza he cries out for God's mercy!"

Defender: Psa 119:9 - -- The second stanza begins with an earnest desire for cleansing, a cleansing that can only be applied through God's Word (Eph 5:26). Appropriately the a...

The second stanza begins with an earnest desire for cleansing, a cleansing that can only be applied through God's Word (Eph 5:26). Appropriately the answer comes through the Hebrew word dabar, translated simply as "word." Dabar is the most frequently used word for "Word" in the Scriptures especially for "the Word of the Lord." Note its first use in Gen 15:1."

Defender: Psa 119:10 - -- With less self-confidence than before his cleansing through the Word the young man realizes his deep dependence on the Lord, on prayer, and on the Wor...

With less self-confidence than before his cleansing through the Word the young man realizes his deep dependence on the Lord, on prayer, and on the Word, calling out for strength not to "wander" away from God's written will."

Defender: Psa 119:11 - -- How vitally important it is to memorize Scripture, hiding God's Word in both heart and mind, if we are to have daily victory over sin in our lives. He...

How vitally important it is to memorize Scripture, hiding God's Word in both heart and mind, if we are to have daily victory over sin in our lives. Here the "young man" uses the eighth and final word for the Scriptures in this psalm, Hebrew imrah again translated simply by "Word," thus emphasizing not just a concept or thought but the very words of God."

Defender: Psa 119:16 - -- This is the eighth (and last) verse of the psalmist's second stanza again emphasizing the "Word" (dabar). The same word is used in the first verse of ...

This is the eighth (and last) verse of the psalmist's second stanza again emphasizing the "Word" (dabar). The same word is used in the first verse of the succeeding stanza. The reason why each stanza has eight lines is becoming evident for the Word of God is not only the Scriptures but is also Christ Himself (Joh 1:1-3, Joh 1:14). "Eight" is the number after "seven," the number of completeness, so it always suggests a new beginning and is associated with Jesus Christ in His resurrection on the "eighth" day. It is noteworthy that there are eight combinations of His name found in the New Testament ("Lord," "Jesus," "Christ," "Lord Jesus," "Lord Jesus Christ," "Jesus Christ," "Christ Jesus," and "Lord Christ"). The gematria (numerical value of the Greek letters) in "Jesus" is 888 whereas that of the antichrist will be 666. The gematria of "Lord" is 800 and of "Christ" is "8 x 185." All combinations are multiples of "8.""

Defender: Psa 119:17 - -- Again dabar ("word") is used and associated, quite significantly, with "living." As the number of "new life" through the "living Word," the number "ei...

Again dabar ("word") is used and associated, quite significantly, with "living." As the number of "new life" through the "living Word," the number "eight" is impressed in the whole structure of Psalm 119, where each stanza consists of eight verses. It is noteworthy that there were eight individuals (not including Christ and those raised with Him at His resurrection) who were raised from the dead as recorded in Scripture. You will find three in the Old Testament (1Ki 17:22; 2Ki 4:34, 2Ki 4:35; 2Ki 13:21), three by Christ (Mat 9:24, Mat 9:25; Luk 7:15; Joh 11:44), one through Peter (Act 9:40-41), and one through Paul (Act 20:9-12). Dabar ("word") in this psalm seems associated mainly with cleansing and new life (Psa 119:9, Psa 119:17), and imrah ("word") with victory over sin (Psa 119:11)."

Defender: Psa 119:18 - -- Here "law" is used for the second time (first in Psa 119:1) referring to the whole Old Testament and from our perspective to the whole Bible. The adje...

Here "law" is used for the second time (first in Psa 119:1) referring to the whole Old Testament and from our perspective to the whole Bible. The adjective "wondrous" is often applied to God's mighty miracles in Egypt and other places. This would indicate that there are many evidences of supernatural inspiration and divine origin that can be gleaned from the Scriptures, if only one's spiritual eyes are open to see them as we search the Scriptures."

TSK: Psa 119:1 - -- am 3560, bc 444 (Title), This Psalm, which was probably composed by Ezra, is another of the alphabetical Psalmscaps1 . icaps0 t consists of twenty-tw...

am 3560, bc 444 (Title), This Psalm, which was probably composed by Ezra, is another of the alphabetical Psalmscaps1 . icaps0 t consists of twenty-two parts, answering to the number of the Hebrew letters; every part being divided into eight verses, and each verse beginning with that letter which forms the title of the part; that is, the first part of eight verses with א , the second with ב , etc. It is an elegant, important, and useful composition; the chief subjects of which are the excellence of God’ s laws, and the happiness of those who observe them.

Blessed : Psa 1:1-3, Psa 32:1, Psa 32:2, Psa 112:1, Psa 128:1; Mat 5:3-12; Luk 11:28; Joh 13:17; Jam 1:25; Rev 22:14

undefiled : or, perfect, or sincere, 2Ki 20:3; 2Ch 31:20, 2Ch 31:21; Job 1:1, Job 1:8; Joh 1:47; Act 24:16; 2Co 1:12; Tit 2:11, Tit 2:12

walk : Eze 11:20; Hos 14:9; Luk 1:6; 1Th 4:1, 1Th 4:2

TSK: Psa 119:2 - -- keep : Psa 119:22, Psa 119:146, Psa 25:10, Psa 105:45; Deu 6:17; 1Ki 2:3; Pro 23:26; Eze 36:27; Joh 14:23; 1Jo 3:20 seek : Psa 119:10; Deu 4:29; 2Ch 3...

TSK: Psa 119:3 - -- 1Jo 3:9, 1Jo 5:18

TSK: Psa 119:4 - -- Deu 4:1, Deu 4:9, Deu 5:29-33, Deu 6:17, Deu 11:13, Deu 11:22, Deu 12:32, Deu 28:1-14, Deu 30:16; Jos 1:7; Jer 7:23; Mat 28:20; Joh 14:15, Joh 14:21; ...

TSK: Psa 119:5 - -- Psa 119:32, Psa 119:36, Psa 119:44, Psa 119:45, Psa 119:131, Psa 119:159, Psa 119:173, Psa 51:10; Jer 31:33; Rom 7:22-24; 2Th 3:5; Heb 13:21

TSK: Psa 119:6 - -- shall I : Psa 119:31, Psa 119:80; Job 22:26; Dan 12:2, Dan 12:3; 1Jo 2:28, 1Jo 3:20, 1Jo 3:21 I have : Psa 119:128; Joh 15:14; Jam 2:10

TSK: Psa 119:7 - -- I will : Psa 119:171, Psa 9:1, Psa 86:12, Psa 86:13; 1Ch 29:13-17 when : Psa 119:12, Psa 119:18, Psa 119:19, Psa 119:27, Psa 119:33, Psa 119:34, Psa 1...

TSK: Psa 119:8 - -- I will : Psa 119:16, Psa 119:106, Psa 119:115; Jos 24:15 O forsake : Psa 119:116, Psa 119:117, Psa 119:176, Psa 38:21, Psa 38:22, Psa 51:11; Phi 4:13

TSK: Psa 119:9 - -- shall : Psa 25:7, Psa 34:11; Job 1:5, Job 13:26; Pro 1:4, Pro 1:10, Pro 4:1, Pro 4:10-17, 5:7-23, 6:20-35; Pro 7:7; Ecc 11:9, Ecc 11:10, Ecc 12:1; Luk...

TSK: Psa 119:10 - -- my whole : Psa 119:2, Psa 119:34, Psa 119:58, Psa 119:69, Psa 78:37; 1Sa 7:3; 2Ch 15:15; Jer 3:10; Hos 10:2; Zep 1:5, Zep 1:6; Mat 6:24; Col 3:22; 1Jo...

TSK: Psa 119:11 - -- Thy word : Psa 119:97, Psa 1:2, Psa 37:31, Psa 40:8; Job 22:22; Pro 2:1, Pro 2:10, Pro 2:11; Isa 51:7; Jer 15:16; Luk 2:19, Luk 2:51; Col 3:16 that I ...

TSK: Psa 119:12 - -- Blessed : 1Ti 1:11, 1Ti 6:15 teach : Psa 119:26, Psa 119:27, Psa 119:33, Psa 119:64, Psa 119:66, Psa 119:68, Psa 119:71, Psa 119:72, Psa 119:108, Psa ...

TSK: Psa 119:13 - -- I declared : Psa 119:46, Psa 119:172, Psa 34:11, Psa 37:30, Psa 40:9, Psa 40:10, Psa 71:15-18, Psa 118:17; Mat 10:27, Mat 12:34; Act 4:20

TSK: Psa 119:14 - -- rejoiced : Psa 119:47, Psa 119:72, Psa 119:77, Psa 119:111, Psa 119:127, Psa 119:162, Psa 19:9, Psa 19:10, Psa 112:1; Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; Mat 13:44;...

TSK: Psa 119:15 - -- meditate : Psa 119:23, Psa 119:48, Psa 119:78, Psa 119:97, Psa 119:131, Psa 119:148, Psa 1:2; Jam 1:25 have respect : Psa 119:6, Psa 119:117

TSK: Psa 119:16 - -- delight : Psa 119:14, Psa 119:24, Psa 119:35, Psa 119:47, Psa 119:70, Psa 119:77, Psa 119:92, Psa 40:8; Rom 7:22; Heb 10:16, Heb 10:17 not forget : Ps...

TSK: Psa 119:17 - -- Deal : Gemol , ""reward""thy servantcaps1 . lcaps0 et him have the return of his faith and prayers. From this word is derived the name of ג , gi...

Deal : Gemol , ""reward""thy servantcaps1 . lcaps0 et him have the return of his faith and prayers. From this word is derived the name of ג , gimmel , the third letter of the alphabet, which is prefixed to every verse in this partcaps1 . tcaps0 his is a stroke of the Psalmist’ s art and ingenuity. Psa 119:65, Psa 119:124, Psa 119:132, Psa 13:6, Psa 116:7; Joh 1:16; 2Co 9:7-11; Phi 4:19

I may live : Rom 8:2-4; Eph 2:4, Eph 2:5, Eph 2:10; Tit 2:11, Tit 2:12; 1Jo 2:29, 1Jo 5:3, 1Jo 5:4

TSK: Psa 119:18 - -- Open : Heb. Reveal, Isa 29:10-12, Isa 29:18, Isa 32:3, Isa 35:5; Mat 13:13, Mat 16:17; Joh 9:39; Act 26:18; 2Co 3:14-18, 2Co 4:4-6; Eph 1:17, Eph 1:18...

TSK: Psa 119:19 - -- a stranger : Psa 39:12; Gen 47:9; 1Ch 29:15; 2Co 5:6; Heb 11:13-16; 1Pe 2:11 hide : Psa 119:10; Job 39:17; Isa 63:17; Luk 9:45, Luk 24:45

TSK: Psa 119:20 - -- soul : Psa 119:40, Psa 119:131, Psa 119:174, Psa 42:1, Psa 63:1, Psa 84:2; Pro 13:12; Son 5:8; Rev 3:15, Rev 3:16 at all times : Psa 106:3; Job 23:11,...

TSK: Psa 119:21 - -- rebuked : Psa 119:78, Psa 138:6; Exo 10:3, Exo 18:11; Job 40:11, Job 40:12; Isa 2:11, Isa 2:12, Isa 10:12; Eze 28:2-10; Dan 4:37, Dan 5:22-24; Mal 4:1...

TSK: Psa 119:22 - -- Remove : Psa 119:39, Psa 119:42, Psa 39:8, Psa 42:10, Psa 68:9-11, Psa 68:19, Psa 68:20, Psa 123:3, Psa 123:4; 1Sa 25:10, 1Sa 25:39; 2Sa 16:7, 2Sa 16:...

TSK: Psa 119:23 - -- Princes : Psa 2:1, Psa 2:2; 1Sa 20:31, 1Sa 22:7-13; Luk 22:66, Luk 23:1, Luk 23:2, Luk 23:10, Luk 23:11 thy servant : Psa 119:15

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 119:1 - -- Blessed are the undefiled in the way - In the way or journey of life; in the path of religion; in the road which leads to heaven. As life - the...

Blessed are the undefiled in the way - In the way or journey of life; in the path of religion; in the road which leads to heaven. As life - the religious life - is represented under the image of a journey, the expression here is equivalent to saying, "Blessed are those who in the journey of life - in their religious course - are pure, Sincere, uncontaminated."On the word way, see the notes at Psa 1:6. The margin here on the word undefiled, is perfect, or sincere. So the Hebrew. The word is the same as in Job 1:1, where it is rendered "perfect."See the notes at that passage. The Greek translation is undefiled - ἄμωμοι amōmoi . So the Latin, "immaculati." Luther renders it, "Who live without blemish"or stain. The idea is, "Blessed are they who are upright, sincere, perfect, in their course."The whole psalm is designed to illustrate this thought, by showing what the influence of a sincere and conscientious attachment to the principles of the law or word of God in the various circumstances of life must be.

Who walk in the law of the Lord - Who habitually obey his law. This constitutes sincerity, uprightness, perfection in a man’ s life, for the law of the Lord is the only just rule of human conduct.

Barnes: Psa 119:2 - -- Blessed are they that keep his testimonies - His commandments or laws, considered as what he bears witness to concerning that which is just, wi...

Blessed are they that keep his testimonies - His commandments or laws, considered as what he bears witness to concerning that which is just, wise, good. Every law of a parent is to his children a testimony on his part of what is wise and right and good; and so every law of God is his solemn testimony as to what is right and good for man. See Psa 19:7, note; Psa 25:10, note.

And that seek him with the whole heart - With a sincere desire to know his will and to do it; without hypocrisy or guile; with no selfish or sinister aims. As God knows the heart, all other modes of "seeking"him must be in vain. It is impossible for man to impose on him by appearances.

Barnes: Psa 119:3 - -- They also do no iniquity - See the notes at 1Jo 3:9. The meaning is, that they are righteous; their character is that they do that which is rig...

They also do no iniquity - See the notes at 1Jo 3:9. The meaning is, that they are righteous; their character is that they do that which is right. It cannot mean that all persons who are religious are actually and absolutely perfect - for no man would hold this opinion; no one does hold it. It is general language such as is commonly used to describe an upright or righteous man. The declaration is true of all who are the friends of God - or, who are truly; religious - in the following senses:

(1) That they are habitually and characteristically righteous;

(2) That they intend to do right - for a man who deliberately purposes to do wrong - to lead a life of sin and disobedience, cannot be a pious man.

(3) That when they do err, it is not the result of intention, or the design of their life, but because they are tempted; are overcome with passion; are led by the power of their native corruption of heart to act contrary to their better judgment and their true character.

See Rom 7:14-17. On the other hand, it is true that a man who is not characteristically righteous; who is not an upright man in his dealings; who is not true, and honest, and temperate, and just, and benevolent, cannot be a child of God and heir of heaven. No exactness of orthodoxy, and no fervour of emotion, and no zeal in the cause of religion, can constitute true piety without this.

They walk in his ways - Habitually; constantly; characteristically. They are not merely honest, upright, and just in their dealings with men, but they walk in the ways of God; they are religious.

Barnes: Psa 119:4 - -- Thou hast commanded - All this is here traced to the command of God; to the fact that he has required it. It is not mere human prudence; it is ...

Thou hast commanded - All this is here traced to the command of God; to the fact that he has required it. It is not mere human prudence; it is not mere morality; it is not because it will be for our interest; it is because God requires it. This is the foundation of all true virtue; and until a man acts from this motive it cannot be said that he is in the proper sense a righteous man.

To keep thy precepts diligently - Hebrew, "very much;"that is, to do it constantly; faithfully. Each one of his laws is to be observed, and to be observed always, and in all circumstances.

Barnes: Psa 119:5 - -- O that my ways were directed ... - Indicating the desire of the pious heart. That desire - a prevailing, constant, uniform desire - is to keep ...

O that my ways were directed ... - Indicating the desire of the pious heart. That desire - a prevailing, constant, uniform desire - is to keep the law of God. It is the aim of the life; it is the supreme purpose of the soul; it is the ruling wish of the man, thus to keep the law of God. He in whose bosom this is not the constant wish cannot be a pious man. The Hebrew particle used here, and rendered "O that,"is a particle denoting a wish, or an earnest desire. The word "ways"denotes the course of life. The whole is expressive of an earnest desire to live in accordance with the law of God. It implies also a sense of dependence on God.

Barnes: Psa 119:6 - -- Then shall I not be ashamed - On the word ashamed, see Job 6:20, note; Psa 25:2-3, note. The meaning here is, that he would not have occasion t...

Then shall I not be ashamed - On the word ashamed, see Job 6:20, note; Psa 25:2-3, note. The meaning here is, that he would not have occasion to be ashamed; he would not be disappointed; all his hopes would be realized. He would have full evidence of piety; he would enjoy the comforts which he sought in religion; he would feel assured of ultimately obtaining eternal life.

When I have respect unto all thy commandments - literally, "In my looking at all thy commandments."That is, in his regarding them; in his feeling that all were equally binding on him; and in his having the consciousness that he had not intentionally neglected, violated, or disregarded any of them. There can be no true piety except where a man intends to keep all the commands of God. If he makes a selection among them, keeping this one or that one, as may be most convenient for him, or as may be most for his interest, or as may be most popular, it is full proof that he knows nothing of the nature of true religion. A child has no proper respect for a parent if he obeys him only as shall suit his whim or his convenience; and no man can be a pious man who does not purpose, in all honesty, to keep All the commandments of God; to submit to his will in everything.

Barnes: Psa 119:7 - -- I will praise thee with uprightness of heart - With an upright and sincere heart. When I shall have learned - Hebrew, "In my learning."In...

I will praise thee with uprightness of heart - With an upright and sincere heart.

When I shall have learned - Hebrew, "In my learning."In the practice or act of learning them. His own experience of their nature, influence, and value would lead him to sincere praise. He had no doubt of finding that they were worthy of his praises, and of seeing in them more and more occasion to glorify and honor God. The more we know of God, the more shall we see in him to praise. The larger our acquaintance and experience, the more our hearts will be disposed to magnify his name. This remark must extend to all that there is in God to be learned; and as that is infinite, so there will be occasion for renewed and more elevated praise to all eternity.

Thy righteous judgments - Margin, as in Hebrew, "Judgments of thy righteousness."The laws or statutes which God, as a righteous or just God, appoints to be the rule of conduct to his creatures.

Barnes: Psa 119:8 - -- I will keep thy statutes - Thy commands; thy laws. This expresses the firm purpose of the psalmist, He meant to keep the law of God; he could c...

I will keep thy statutes - Thy commands; thy laws. This expresses the firm purpose of the psalmist, He meant to keep the law of God; he could confidently say that he would do it - yet coupled with the prayer which follows, that God would not forsake him.

O forsake me not utterly - Hebrew, "To very much;"so as to leave me to myself. His confidence that he would keep the commandments of God was based on the prayer that God would not leave him. There is no other ground of persuasion that we shall be able to keep the commandments of God than that which rests on the belief and the hope that He will not leave us.

Barnes: Psa 119:9 - -- Wherewithal - This begins the second portion of the psalm, extending to Psa 119:16, in which all the verses begin with the second letter of the...

Wherewithal - This begins the second portion of the psalm, extending to Psa 119:16, in which all the verses begin with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( ב b ), indicated in our translation by the word Beth . These names of the letters, inserted for convenience, are no part of the psalm, as it is not so marked in the original. This mode of indicating the divisions of the psalm is special to our version. It is not in the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, or the German versions. The word wherewithal means "by what"(Hebrew); that is, What means shall a young man adopt by which he may "cleanse his way?"it indicates a state of inquiry. The case supposed is that of a young man pondering the question how he may be saved from the corruptions of his own heart, and escape the temptations to which he is exposed in early years, and lead a pure and upright life. There can be no more important inquiry for one just entering on the journey of life; there can be found nowhere a more just and comprehensive answer than is contained in this single verse. All the precepts of ancient and modern wisdom, all the teachings of pagan morality and religion, and all the results of the experience of mankind, could furnish nothing in addition to what is here suggested. The world has no higher wisdom than this by which to guide a young man, so that he may lead a holy life.

Shall a young man - The remark here might be applied also to those who are in middle life, or even to those who are in more advanced years, but it is applied here especially to the young, because it may be supposed that in the other cases the matter may be regarded as settled by experience; because to the young, as they commence life, the inquiry is so momentous; and because it is a question which it may be supposed will come up before the mind of every young man who has any right aspirations, and any proper conception of the dangers which encompass his path.

Cleanse his way? - Make his course of life pure and upright. The language does not necessarily imply that there had been any previous impurity or vice, but it has particular reference to the future: not how he might cleanse himself from past offences, but how he might make the future pure. The inquiry is, how he might conduct himself - what principles he could adopt - under what influence he could bring himself - so that his future course would be honest, honorable, upright.

By taking heed thereto ... - The word "thereto"is not in the original. The Hebrew is, "To keep according to thy word;"or, "in keeping according to thy word."Prof. Alexander supposes that this means "to keep it (his way) according to thy word;"and that the whole is a question - "How may a young man so cleanse his way as to keep it according to thy word?"- and that the answer to the question is to be found in the general strain of the psalm, or in the general principles laid down in the psalm. But it is clear that the answer to the question must be found in the verse, or not found at all; and the most natural construction is that in our translation. So DeWette renders it: "How can a young man walk guiltless? If (or, when) he holds (or, keeps) himself according to thy word."The meaning clearly is If he governs himself according to the law of God - if he makes that law the rule of his life and conduct, he would be enabled to do it. All other things might fail; this rule would never fail, in making and keeping a man pure. The more principles of common honesty, the principles of honor, the considerations of self-interest, the desire of reputation - valuable as they may be - would not constitute a security in regard to his conduct; the law of God would, for that is wholly pure.

Barnes: Psa 119:10 - -- With my whole heart have I sought thee - See the notes at Psa 119:2. The psalmist in Psa 119:2 speaks of the "blessedness of those who seek the...

With my whole heart have I sought thee - See the notes at Psa 119:2. The psalmist in Psa 119:2 speaks of the "blessedness of those who seek the Lord with the whole heart;"in this verse he says that this blessedness was his. He could affirm that he had thus sought God. He had such a consciousness that this was the aim and purpose of his life that he could say so without hesitation. Every man who claims to be a religious man ought to be able to say this. Alas, how few can do it!

O let me not wander ... - Keep me in this steady purpose; this fixed design. This is the language of a heart where there is a consciousness of its weakness, and its liability to err, strong as may be its purpose to do right. Such an apprehension is one of the best means of security, for such an apprehension will lead a man to "pray,"and while a man prays he is safe.

Barnes: Psa 119:11 - -- Thy word have I hid in mine heart - Compare the notes at Psa 37:31. The word rendered "hid"means properly to conceal, so that a thing may be se...

Thy word have I hid in mine heart - Compare the notes at Psa 37:31. The word rendered "hid"means properly to conceal, so that a thing may be secret, private, inaccessible; then, to lay up in private, to treasure up. to hoard - as money or jewels - commonly "hidden"from public view. Job 20:26; Psa 17:14. Then it means to lay up in one’ s heart, as a secret, inaccessible place; to hide one’ s thoughts; purposes, designs; or to lay up knowledge or wisdom in the heart as a treasure, Job 10:13; Pro 2:1; Pro 7:1. The meaning here is, that he had "treasured"up the word of God, as the most valuable thing, in his heart; it was "there,"though unseen; it constituted the secret power by which he was governed; it was permanently deposited there, as the most valuable of his treasures.

That I might not sin against thee - That it might protect me from sinning against thee. That I might be continually guided by its precepts; that I might be admonished of duty; that I might be deterred from going astray.

Barnes: Psa 119:12 - -- Blessed art thou, O Lord - Blessed art thou as the author of such a law. This language of benediction or doxology is an outbreak of feeling or ...

Blessed art thou, O Lord - Blessed art thou as the author of such a law. This language of benediction or doxology is an outbreak of feeling or adoration in view of such a law - so good, so holy, so suited to direct and guide man. The mind is full of the subject; and the lips give vent to the feeling of gratitude and joy that such a law had been revealed to people.

Teach me thy statutes - Make me more and more acquainted with a law so pure, so rich, so valuable.

Barnes: Psa 119:13 - -- With my lips have I declared - That is, I have openly and publicly made thy words known to others; I have defended and vindicated them. Al...

With my lips have I declared - That is, I have openly and publicly made thy words known to others; I have defended and vindicated them.

All the judgments - The word judgments here means the same as statutes or laws: and the idea is, that he had been on the side of those laws, and had endeavored by argument and persuasion to bring others under their influence. How he had done it we are not informed; but we have no reason to suppose that the author of the psalm was a minister of religion, and if not, then we have here an example of what a man who does not claim to be a public teacher may do, and should do, in making known and defending divine truth. Every man is as much bound to do this in his sphere as the minister of religion is in his; and private member’ s of the church have often an opportunity of doing this to more advantage than the ministers of the gospel possess.

Of thy mouth - With my mouth I speak those things which have proceeded from thine. I speak in thy name; I declare thy truth. It is not my own; it is thine.

Barnes: Psa 119:14 - -- I have rejoiced ... - I do rejoice; I exult in this; I find my happiness there. The word expresses a high degree of joy. As much as in all...

I have rejoiced ... - I do rejoice; I exult in this; I find my happiness there. The word expresses a high degree of joy.

As much as in all riches - Hebrew, "as upon all wealth."As people rejoice who have great wealth. I find my happiness in religion, as if in the possession of real wealth. Pro 10:22.

Barnes: Psa 119:15 - -- I will meditate in thy precepts - I will think of them; I will find my happiness in them. See the notes at Psa 1:2. And have respect unto ...

I will meditate in thy precepts - I will think of them; I will find my happiness in them. See the notes at Psa 1:2.

And have respect unto thy ways - And look to thy ways - thy commands. I continually regard them, or refer to them in my mind as the guide of my life. See the notes at Psa 119:6.

Barnes: Psa 119:16 - -- I will delight myself in thy statutes - I will find my happiness in thy laws. See Psa 1:2, note; Psa 112:1, note. I will not forget thy wo...

I will delight myself in thy statutes - I will find my happiness in thy laws. See Psa 1:2, note; Psa 112:1, note.

I will not forget thy word - I will not allow the world to crowd it out of my mind.

Barnes: Psa 119:17 - -- Deal bountifully ... - This commences the next portion of the psalm, indicated by the letter Gimel ( ג g ), the third letter of the Hebr...

Deal bountifully ... - This commences the next portion of the psalm, indicated by the letter Gimel ( ג g ), the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, answering to our letter "g."Each verse of this portion Psa 119:17-24 begins with this letter. There is a resemblance between the first word of this verse - גמל ge mol - and the letter - "Gimel"- which commences the eight verses of this portion of the psalm. The noun (derived from the verb) - גמל gâmâl - means a camel, and the letter gimel has been supposed to have derived its name from its having originally a resemblance to the camel’ s neck. In some of the Phenician inscriptions, and in the Ethiopic alphabet, it has this form (Gesenius, "Lex"). The verb used here means to do, or show, or cause good or evil to anyone; and then to reward, or to recompense, either good or evil. Here it seems to be used in a general sense of doing good, or showing favor, as in Psa 13:6; Psa 116:7; Psa 142:7. Compare Pro 11:17. It does not necessarily imply that the author of the psalm had any claim, or demanded this on the ground of merit. He begged the favor, the friendship, the interposition of God in his behalf.

That I may live - The continuance of life was dependent on the favor of God.

And keep thy word - For grace to do this he was equally dependent on God; and he asked that life might be continued, in order that he might honor the word of God by obeying it.

Barnes: Psa 119:18 - -- Open thou mine eyes - Margin, "Reveal."So the Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate. The Hebrew word means to be naked; then to make naked, to uncov...

Open thou mine eyes - Margin, "Reveal."So the Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate. The Hebrew word means to be naked; then to make naked, to uncover, to disclose, to reveal. Here it is the same as "uncover;"that is, take away from the eyes what is before them to prevent clear vision. Compare Num 22:31; Num 24:4, Num 24:16.

That I may behold wondrous things - Things which are suited to excite wonder and amazement: that is, things which are secret or hidden from the common view; the deep, spiritual meaning of the word of God. By natural vision he might see the surface - the letter; to see the deep, hidden, real, meaning, he needed the special influence of God. Compare 1Co 2:12, 1Co 2:14-15. He believed that there were such things in the law of God; he desired to see them.

Out of thy law - Out of the written word; out of the Scriptures. The word "law"here is used to denote "all"that God had revealed to mankind; all that is contained in the volume of inspiration. The truths taught here are

(1) That there are deep, hidden, secret things in the word of God, which are not perceived by the natural man;

(2) That those things, when understood, are suited to excite wonder, or to fill the mind with admiring views of God;

(3) That a special illumination of God is necessary that man may perceive these things; and

(4) That the proper understanding of these things is connected with prayer, and can be hoped for only in answer to prayer.

No one has a proper appreciation of divine truth - of the beauty, the spiritual meaning, the grandeur, the sublimity of the Bible - until he is a renewed - a praying - man. Compare the notes at 1Co 2:6-15.

Barnes: Psa 119:19 - -- I am a stranger in the earth - A wayfaring man; a pilgrim; a so-journer; a man whose permanent home is not in this world. The word is applicabl...

I am a stranger in the earth - A wayfaring man; a pilgrim; a so-journer; a man whose permanent home is not in this world. The word is applicable to one who belongs to another country, and who is now merely passing through a foreign land, or sojourning there for a time. Compare the notes at Heb 11:13. The home of the child of God is heaven. Here he is in a strange - a foreign - land. He is to abide here but for a little time, and then to pass on to his eternal habitation.

Hide not thy commandments from me - Make me to know them; keep them continually before me. In this strange land, away from my home, let me have the comfort of feeling that thy commands are ever with me to guide me; thy promises to comfort me. The feeling is that of one in a strange land who would desire, if possible, to keep up constant communications with his home - his family, his friends, his kindred there. On earth, the place of our sojourning - of our pilgrimage - the friend of God desires to have constant contact with heaven, his final home; not to be left to the desolate feeling that he is cut off from all contact with that world where he is forever to dwell.

Barnes: Psa 119:20 - -- My soul breaketh - This word means to break; to crush; to break in pieces by scraping, rubbing, or grating. The idea would seem to be, not that...

My soul breaketh - This word means to break; to crush; to break in pieces by scraping, rubbing, or grating. The idea would seem to be, not that he was crushed as by a single blow, but that his soul - his strength - was worn away by little and little. The desire to know more of the commands of God acted continually on him, exhausting his strength, and overcoming him. He so longed for God that, in our language, "it wore upon him"- as any ungratified desire does. It was not the possession of the knowledge of God that exhausted him; it was the intenseness of his desire that he might know more of God.

For the longing - For the earnest desire.

That it hath unto thy judgments at all times - Thy law; thy commands. This was a constant feeling. It was not fitful or spasmodic. It was the steady, habitual state of the soul on the subject. He had never seen enough of the beauty and glory of the law of God to feel that all the needs of his nature were satisfied, or that he could see and know no more; he had seen and felt enough to excite in him an ardent desire to be made fully acquainted with all that there is in the law of God. Compare the notes at Psa 17:15.

Barnes: Psa 119:21 - -- Thou hast rebuked the proud - Compare Psa 9:5. The meaning is, that God had done this not by word but by deed. The proud were everywhere rebuke...

Thou hast rebuked the proud - Compare Psa 9:5. The meaning is, that God had done this not by word but by deed. The proud were everywhere rebuked by God, alike in his law, and in his providence. The connection seems to be this: the psalmist is meditating on the benefit or advantage of keeping the law of God; of a humble, pious life. His mind naturally adverts to what would be the opposite of this - or to this in contrast with an opposite course of life; and he says, therefore, that God had in every way, and at all times, manifested his displeasure against that class of people. Such a course, therefore, must be attended with misery; but the course which he proposed to pursue must be attended with happiness.

That are cursed - The accursed; those who are regarded and treated by God as accursed, or as objects of his disapprobation.

Which do err from thy commandments - Who depart from thy law. The sense is, "I propose and intend to keep thy law. As a motive to this, I look at the consequences which must follow from disobeying it. I see it everywhere in the divine treatment of those who do disregard that law. They are subject to the displeasure - the solemn rebuke - of God. So all must be who disregard his law; and it is my purpose not to be found among their number."

Barnes: Psa 119:22 - -- Remove from me reproach and contempt - Show me thy favor, and let me not suffer in the estimation of mankind on account of my religion. Let me ...

Remove from me reproach and contempt - Show me thy favor, and let me not suffer in the estimation of mankind on account of my religion. Let me not be exposed to malicious charges; to accusations of hypocrisy, insincerity, and unfaithfulness on account of my religion. This "reproach and contempt"might arise from two sources;

(1) on account of religion itself, or because he was a true friend of God; or

(2) he may have been charged with hypocrisy and insincerity; with doing things inconsistent with the profession of religion. These accusations he prays may be removed from him:

\tx1080 (a) in order that the true religion might not be in itself a matter of reproach, but that God might honor his own religion, and make it esteemed among people;

(b) because he was conscious that so far as he was concerned, the charges were unfounded. He did not deserve the "reproach and contempt"that properly belong to a life of hypocrisy and insincerity.

For I have kept thy testimonies - My conscience assures me of this. I can appeal to thee, my God, in proof that I do not deserve the charge of insincerity and hypocrisy. Every professedly pious man ought to be able thus to appeal to conscience and to God, and to say, in the most solemn manner, that he does not deserve the reproach of hypocrisy and insincerity.

Barnes: Psa 119:23 - -- Princes also did sit and speak against me - This would have been applicable to David many times in his life, but it was also applicable to many...

Princes also did sit and speak against me - This would have been applicable to David many times in his life, but it was also applicable to many others, and there is nothing in the language which would limit it to David. It is evident that the author of the psalm had been subject to reproach from those who were of exalted rank; it is clear also that he felt this keenly. It is natural, whether proper or not, that we should feel the reproach and contempt of those in elevated life - the rich, the honored, the learned - more than of those in humbler life. Their good opinion can be of value only as they may be better qualified than others to judge of what constitutes true excellence, or as they may have it in their power to do us more harm, or to do more to aid us in doing good, than others have; but truth and principle are never to be sacrificed that we may secure their favor; and if, in the faithful discharge of our duty, and the zealous adherence to the principles of our religion, we incur their frowns, we are to bear it - as the great Lord and Saviour of his people did. Heb 13:13.

But thy servant did meditate in thy statutes - I was engaged in this; I continued to do it; I was not deterred from it by their opposition; I found comfort in it, when they sat and talked against me. This would seem to have reference to some occasion when they were together - in public business, or in the social circle. They, the princes and nobles engaged in the ordinary topics of conversation, or in conversation connected with revelry, frivolity, or sin. Unwilling to participate in this - having different tastes - feeling that it was improper to be one of their companions in such a mode of spending time, or in such subjects of conversation, "he"withdrew, he turned his thoughts on the law of God, he sought comfort in meditation on that law and on God. He became, therefore, the subject of remark - perhaps of their jests - "because"he thus refused to mingle with them, or because he put on what seemed to be hypocritical seriousness, and was (what they deemed) stern, sour, unsocial, as if he thus publicly, though tacitly, meant to rebuke them. Nothing will be more "likely"to subject one to taunting remarks, to rebuke, to contempt, than to manifest a religious spirit, and to introduce religion in any way in the circles of the worldly and the frivolous.

Poole: Psa 119:2 - -- That keep in mind and heart, that carefully and diligently observe, his testimonies his precepts. For the reason of this and the other titles of Go...

That keep in mind and heart, that carefully and diligently observe,

his testimonies his precepts. For the reason of this and the other titles of God’ s word, see the argument or preface to this Psalm.

That seek him to wit, the Lord, expressed Psa 119:1 , that seek his presence, and favour, and acquaintance.

With the whole heart sincerely, industriously, and fervently, above all other things. This is opposed to hypocrisy, and sloth, and lukewarmness in religion.

Poole: Psa 119:3 - -- Do no iniquity or, are not workers of iniquity , i.e. do not knowingly, and resolvedly, and industriously, and customarily continue in sinful course...

Do no iniquity or, are not workers of iniquity , i.e. do not knowingly, and resolvedly, and industriously, and customarily continue in sinful courses. So this phrase is understood Job 31:3 34:8 Psa 5:5 6:8 125:5 Pro 10:29 Luk 13:27 ; otherwise there is not a just man upon earth that sinneth not , Ecc 7:20 .

They walk: this is their constant practice, and the general course of their lives, which is commonly signified by walking, as Psa 1:1 , and every where.

In his ways in the paths which God hath prescribed to them.

Poole: Psa 119:4 - -- Nor is it strange that thy people do so exactly and diligently observe and practise thy precepts, because they are commanded so to do by thee their ...

Nor is it strange that thy people do so exactly and diligently observe and practise thy precepts, because they are commanded so to do by thee their sovereign Lord.

Poole: Psa 119:5 - -- My desires answer thy commands. Directed or established , to wit, by thy grace and Holy Spirit; for the direction of God’ s word he had alre...

My desires answer thy commands.

Directed or established , to wit, by thy grace and Holy Spirit; for the direction of God’ s word he had already.

Poole: Psa 119:6 - -- Then shall I not be ashamed either of my actions, or of my profession of religion, or of my hope and confidence in thy favour. When sinners shall be ...

Then shall I not be ashamed either of my actions, or of my profession of religion, or of my hope and confidence in thy favour. When sinners shall be ashamed both here, Rom 6:21 , and hereafter, Dan 12:2 , I, having the conscience of mine own integrity, shall lift up my head with courage and boldness , both before men, when they either accuse or persecute me, and before God in the day of judgment , as it is said, 1Jo 4:17 .

Respect a due and true respect, which implies high valuation, hearty affection, diligent study, and common practice.

Unto all thy commandments so as not to be partial in my obedience, not to allow myself in the practice of any known sin, or in the neglect of any known duty.

Poole: Psa 119:7 - -- Praise thee i.e. worship thee; one eminent duty of God’ s worship being put for all, as is frequent in Scripture. With uprightness of heart or...

Praise thee i.e. worship thee; one eminent duty of God’ s worship being put for all, as is frequent in Scripture.

With uprightness of heart or, with a right mind or heart ; in a right manner, so as may be acceptable to thee, and beneficial to myself.

When I shall have learned thy righteous judgments when by thy good Spirit I shall be more fully instructed in the meaning of thy word; which is the only rule of thy worship; for want of a sound knowledge whereof many persons run into superstitious or erroneous practices.

Poole: Psa 119:8 - -- I will keep thy statutes it is my full purpose to do so, whatsoever it cost me. Forsake me not utterly not totally and finally; for then I shall fa...

I will keep thy statutes it is my full purpose to do so, whatsoever it cost me.

Forsake me not utterly not totally and finally; for then I shall fall into the foulest sins and greatest mischief. Not that he was contented to be forsaken in the least degree, but this he more especially deprecates, as he had great reason to do.

Poole: Psa 119:9 - -- Young man or, any man. But he names the young man because such are commonly void of wisdom and experience, heady and wilful, and impatient of adm...

Young man or, any man. But he names the

young man because such are commonly void of wisdom and experience, heady and wilful, and impatient of admonition, full of violent passions and strong lusts, and exposed to many and great temptations.

Cleanse his way reform his life, or purge himself from all filthiness of flesh and spirit.

By taking heed thereto according to thy word by a diligent and circumspect watch over himself, and the examination and regulation of all his actions by the rules of thy word.

Poole: Psa 119:10 - -- Deny me not thy grace and assistance, which I have so sincerely and earnestly desired, and laboured to obtain. Let me not wander Heb. do not make...

Deny me not thy grace and assistance, which I have so sincerely and earnestly desired, and laboured to obtain.

Let me not wander Heb. do not make me to wander , to wit, by leading me into temptation, by withdrawing thy grace, which is necessary to keep me from wandering.

Poole: Psa 119:11 - -- I have not contented myself with bare hearing or reading thy word, but have received it in the love of it, have diligently pondered it, and laid it ...

I have not contented myself with bare hearing or reading thy word, but have received it in the love of it, have diligently pondered it, and laid it up in my mind and memory like a choice treasure, to be ready upon all occasions, to counsel, or comfort, or quicken, or caution me, as need requires; that by a diligent and affectionate consideration of thy precepts, and promises, and threatenings, I might be kept from sinful courses, against which these are the best antidote.

Poole: Psa 119:12 - -- Blessed art thou thou art infinitely blessed, and most worthy of all blessing and praise, and therefore do thou bless me in teaching me, as it follow...

Blessed art thou thou art infinitely blessed, and most worthy of all blessing and praise, and therefore do thou bless me in teaching me, as it follows. Or, Blessed be thou . I bless and praise thee for that great blessing of thy word, Psa 119:11 .

Teach me thy statutes both to know and to practise them better.

Poole: Psa 119:13 - -- If thou wilt teach me, I will teach others, as I have already done; and so thou shalt have glory, and others benefit by it.

If thou wilt teach me, I will teach others, as I have already done; and so thou shalt have glory, and others benefit by it.

Poole: Psa 119:14 - -- In the way of thy testimonies in the study and practice of them.

In the way of thy testimonies in the study and practice of them.

Poole: Psa 119:15 - -- I will diligently and seriously consider the nature, and design, and extent of thy precepts, and especially so far as they concern my own duty. Hav...

I will diligently and seriously consider the nature, and design, and extent of thy precepts, and especially so far as they concern my own duty.

Have respect unto thy ways or, look unto them , as workmen constantly and carefully look to their rule to guide themselves by it.

Poole: Psa 119:17 - -- Deal bountifully I plead no merit, but only thy free grace and rich mercy. That I may live safely and comfortably, in spite of all the attempts o...

Deal bountifully I plead no merit, but only thy free grace and rich mercy.

That I may live safely and comfortably, in spite of all the attempts of mine enemies to take away my life.

And keep thy word: I do not desire life that I may satisfy my own lusts, but that I may spend it in thy service.

Poole: Psa 119:18 - -- Open thou mine eyes enlighten my mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit, and dispel all ignorance and error. Wondrous things out of thy law those gre...

Open thou mine eyes enlighten my mind by the light of thy Holy Spirit, and dispel all ignorance and error.

Wondrous things out of thy law those great and marvellous depths of Divine wisdom and goodness, and those profound mysteries of Christ and of God’ s grace to mankind, and of that future and everlasting state, which are contained in God’ s law, and which were not to be known but by divine illumination, Mat 16:17 1Co 2:11,14 2Co 3:14 4:4,6 Eph 1:17 , especially in the times of the Old Testament.

Poole: Psa 119:19 - -- Stranger or sojourner . I am not here as in my home, but as a pilgrim travelling homeward in a strange land; which calls for thy pity and help. That...

Stranger or sojourner . I am not here as in my home, but as a pilgrim travelling homeward in a strange land; which calls for thy pity and help. That law of nature, which thou hast planted in all men’ s minds, teacheth them to show humanity to strangers, and to direct travellers; much more may this be expected from thee.

Thy commandments which are my chief support and guide in my pilgrimage.

Poole: Psa 119:20 - -- Breaketh fainteth, as it frequently doth, when a thing vehemently desired is denied or delayed. Compare Pro 13:12 . Unto thy judgments to a more so...

Breaketh fainteth, as it frequently doth, when a thing vehemently desired is denied or delayed. Compare Pro 13:12 .

Unto thy judgments to a more sound knowledge and serious practice of them.

Poole: Psa 119:21 - -- Hast rebuked or dost rebuke , i.e. severely punish and destroy. And therefore I justly long for thy judgments, as for the love which I have to them,...

Hast rebuked or dost rebuke , i.e. severely punish and destroy. And therefore I justly long for thy judgments, as for the love which I have to them, so for fear of those terrible judgments which thou sendest upon the despisers of them.

The proud obstinate and presumptuous sinners, who sin with a high hand, and with contempt of God, and of his laws, and of his judgment; all which is the effect of pride.

That are cursed that have the curse of God upon them, and upon all which they have or do; which is the depth of misery.

Do err or, wander ; knowingly, and wilfully, and maliciously, as proud sinners use to do.

Poole: Psa 119:22 - -- Reproach which I suffer unjustly and for thy sake, as he elsewhere complains. I have kept thy testimonies and therefore I am innocent from those cr...

Reproach which I suffer unjustly and for thy sake, as he elsewhere complains.

I have kept thy testimonies and therefore I am innocent from those crimes for which they censure and reproach me. Or, and therefore thou wilt maintain mine honour and interest according to thy promise made to such as keep thy testimonies, and I beg with some confidence that thou wilt do it.

Poole: Psa 119:23 - -- Did sit and speak did speak against me continually, (for sitting notes continuance,) and when they sat upon their seats of judicature, and when they ...

Did sit and speak did speak against me continually, (for sitting notes continuance,) and when they sat upon their seats of judicature, and when they sat together in companies, entertaining one another with discourses.

Did meditate in thy statutes all their contumelies and reproaches did not discourage nor divert me from the study, belief, and practice of thy word.

Haydock: Psa 119:1 - -- A prayer in tribulation.

A prayer in tribulation.

Haydock: Psa 119:1 - -- A gradual canticle. The following psalms, in number fifteen, are called gradual psalms or canticles, from the word gradus, signifying steps, a...

A gradual canticle. The following psalms, in number fifteen, are called gradual psalms or canticles, from the word gradus, signifying steps, ascensions, or degrees; either because they were appointed to be sung on the fifteen steps, by which the people ascended to the temple; or that in the singing of them the voice was to be raised by certain steps or ascensions: or that they were to be sung by the people returning from their captivity, and ascending to Jerusalem, which was seated amongst mountains. The holy Fathers, in a mystical sense, understand these steps, or ascensions, of the degrees by which Christians spiritually ascend to virtue and perfection; and to the true temple of God in the heavenly Jerusalem. (Challoner) ---

Both these last interpretations seem more plausible and literal, as given by St. Chrysostom, &c. (Berthier) ---

The allusion to the steps of the temple (Ezechiel xl.) is very uncertain, as well as the raising of the voice in higher notes during each psalm. (Calmet) ---

They might be sung on a pulpit, 2 Esdras ix. 4., and 2 Paralipomenon xx. 19. (Menochius) ---

The authors seem to have lived at the close of the captivity, (Calmet) though David might well compose these canticles during some of his trials, or foreseeing this event. (Berthier) ---

They contain a consoling assurance of mankind's redemption, prefigured by the liberation of the Jews, and also that the power and fury of persecutors shall cease. (Worthington) ---

Shir, hamahaloth, may denote a very excellent canticle. (Junius) (Muis) (Haydock) ---

Trouble. No time is more proper for prayer. (St. Chrysostom) (Calmet) ---

Heard. I am encouraged by past experience to hope for redress. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 119:2 - -- Tongue. From the Babylonians, who seek to delude me, (Calmet) and from detraction, which is most dangerous. (Worthington)

Tongue. From the Babylonians, who seek to delude me, (Calmet) and from detraction, which is most dangerous. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 119:3 - -- Added. This is an usual form of denouncing vengeance, Ruth i. 17. The Babylonians are threatened with God's judgments, ver. 4. Some place these wo...

Added. This is an usual form of denouncing vengeance, Ruth i. 17. The Babylonians are threatened with God's judgments, ver. 4. Some place these words in the mouth of God, answering the captives. How shall you be screened from the shafts of detraction? Fear not. The sharp, &c. (Calmet) ---

What punishment is great enough for this sin? (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 119:4 - -- Waste. Hebrew, "of juniper" or thorn trees, Job xxx. 4. The former is said to retain its heat a long time, and the latter is easily inflamed, Psalm...

Waste. Hebrew, "of juniper" or thorn trees, Job xxx. 4. The former is said to retain its heat a long time, and the latter is easily inflamed, Psalm cxvii. 12. Such fiery weapons have been often used, Psalm vii. 14., and lxxv. 3. Spiculaque et multa crinitum missile flamma. (Stat. Theb. v.)

--- How will God punish detraction? He will hurl his darts against the guilty, Habacuc iii. 11. (Calmet) ---

This is their reward, (Berthier) and what they deserve. (Worthington) ---

Charity and good example will best counteract their baneful influence. (St. Augustine)

Haydock: Psa 119:5 - -- Is prolonged. Hebrew, "is Meshec." (Haydock) --- But Houbigant rejects this as a place unknown; and the word may have the former signification, gi...

Is prolonged. Hebrew, "is Meshec." (Haydock) ---

But Houbigant rejects this as a place unknown; and the word may have the former signification, given by the Septuagint and St. Jerome. (Calmet) (Berthier) ---

Moses speaks of Meshec, (Genesis x. 2.) or of the mountains separating Cholcis from Armenia, where the Jews might be dispersed, (4 Kings xvii. 23., and 1 Esdras ii. 59., and viii. 15.) as well as in Cedar, or Arabia Petrea, (Isaias xlii. 11.) where the Saracens afterwards inhabited, according to St. Jerome. (Loc. Heb.) (Calmet) ---

Inhabitants. Hebrew, "tents," in which the people chiefly dwelt. (Berthier) ---

From Cedar, the son of Ismael, sprung Mahomet, whose tyranny has been long felt. Cedar denotes the "darkness" of sin and error. The Jews bewailed their absence from the temple, and Christians their being unable to meet for the divine worship, and their banishment (Worthington) from heaven. (St. Chrysostom)

Haydock: Psa 119:7 - -- Peaceable. Hebrew, "I spoke peaceable, and they warlike things. (St. Jerome) --- Literally, "I was peace, and when I spoke, they flew to war."...

Peaceable. Hebrew, "I spoke peaceable, and they warlike things. (St. Jerome) ---

Literally, "I was peace, and when I spoke, they flew to war." (Haydock) ---

Cause. This is easily understood from the context, (Berthier) though not expressed in the original. (Haydock)

Gill: Psa 119:1 - -- א. ALEPH.--The First Part. ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way,.... Who are in the right way to heaven and happiness, which is Jesus C...


ALEPH.--The First Part.

ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way,.... Who are in the right way to heaven and happiness, which is Jesus Christ; the strait gate, and narrow way to eternal life; the only true way of life and salvation, in which way believers walk by faith. All out of this way are altogether become filthy; but all in this way are clean, even every bit: they are without spot and blemish, blameless and unreproveable, and without fault, before the throne of God and in his sight; being washed from their sins in the blood of the Lamb, and clothed with his righteousness; and even "perfect" and complete in him, as the Targum renders the word. These are also found in the way of their duty, and walk in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless before men, and are sincere and upright in the sight of God; and are upon all accounts happy persons:

who walk in the law of the Lord: within the boundaries and limits of it, according to its direction, as it is a rule of walk and conversation in the hands of Christ the Lawgiver; and who continue to walk in it, as in a pleasant path, with great delight; and cheerfully obey its precepts, as influenced by the love of God, and assisted by the Spirit and grace of Christ. The word "law", or "doctrine", as it signifies, may design every revelation of the divine will; and even the doctrine of Christ, which believers should abide in, and not transgress; and should walk uprightly according to the truth of it, and as becomes it, and as they are enabled to do.

Gill: Psa 119:2 - -- Blessed are they that keep his testimonies,.... The whole word of God, the Scriptures of truth, are his testimonies: they testify of the mind of God,...

Blessed are they that keep his testimonies,.... The whole word of God, the Scriptures of truth, are his testimonies: they testify of the mind of God, and of his love and grace in the method of salvation by Christ; they testify of Christ, his person, offices, and grace; of the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow; and of all the happiness that comes to the people of God thereby. The law is called a testimony, which being put into the ark, that had the name of the ark of the testimony. This is a testimony of the perfections of God, his holiness, justice, and goodness displayed in it; and of his good and perfect will, what should or should not be done. The Gospel is the testimony of Christ, of what he is, has done and suffered for his people, and of the blessings of grace by him; the ordinances of it, baptism and the Lord's supper, testify of the love of God, and grace of Christ; and all these good men keep: they keep the Scriptures as a sacred "depositum"; they hold fast the faithful word of the Gospel, that no man take it from them; and are desirous of observing both the law of God, as in the hands of Christ; and the ordinances of the Gospel, as delivered by him, from a principle of love to him; and such are happy persons in life, at death, and to all eternity;

and that seek him with the whole heart; that is, that seek the Lord by prayer and supplication, with a true heart, and in sincerity; that seek to know more of him, and that in good earnest; that seek for communion and fellowship with him, with the Spirit within them, with all their heart and soul; that seek Christ, and God in Christ, his kingdom, and his righteousness, and that in the first place, early, earnestly, and diligently. The Targum is,

"they seek his doctrine with the whole heart.''

Gill: Psa 119:3 - -- They also do no iniquity,.... Not that they are free from indwelling sin, nor from the acts of sin, nor that what they do are not sins; but they do no...

They also do no iniquity,.... Not that they are free from indwelling sin, nor from the acts of sin, nor that what they do are not sins; but they do not make a trade of sinning, it is not the course of their lives; nor do they do iniquity with that ease and pleasure, without reluctance and remorse, as others do: or rather as new creatures, as born again, they do not and cannot commit sin; for the new man is pure, spiritual, and holy; and nothing can come out of that, or be done by it, which is the contrary. This is a distinct I from the old man, or corrupt nature, to which all the actions of sin are to be ascribed; see 1Jo 3:9;

they walk in his ways; in the ways of God and Christ, into which they are guided and directed, and where they are kept, and in which they find both pleasure and profit. Here end the descriptive characters of good and happy men.

Gill: Psa 119:4 - -- Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. Here, and in the following verses, the psalmist expresses his great regard to the precepts, c...

Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. Here, and in the following verses, the psalmist expresses his great regard to the precepts, commandments, statutes, and judgments of God; and that as such, because they were commanded by him; were not the precepts of men, but the commands of God; who had a right to command, as Creator, Preserver, Redeemer, and King; and whose commands are not to be reckoned as indifferent things, that are at the option and choice of a creature, to be done or let alone at his pleasure; but are what God has enjoined, and are binding upon men; and which love should and does constrain the saints to have a regard unto, and to keep them diligently or vehemently; with all a man's might and strength, as the word is used in Deu 6:5. These are not at any time to be dispensed with, but, to be kept always constantly and steadily.

Gill: Psa 119:5 - -- O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! The psalmist, sensible of his own inability, as every good man is, to keep the commands of God, pra...

O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! The psalmist, sensible of his own inability, as every good man is, to keep the commands of God, prays for grace, direction, and assistance in it; that the ways of his mind, his thoughts, affections, and inclinations, might be directed to an observance of the divine precepts; knowing he could not command his thoughts, raise his affections, dispose his mind, and incline his heart thereunto; and finding a backwardness to religious exercises and spiritual duties, and that the ways and actions of his life might be guided to the same; being sensible he could not take one step aright without God and Christ; that the way of man is not in himself, and that it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps; that a good man's steps are ordered by the Lord, and he directs his paths: besides the direction of the word, there is need of the Spirit and grace of God, to cause a person to walk in his statutes, and to keep his judgments, and do them; see Jer 10:23.

Gill: Psa 119:6 - -- Then shall I not be ashamed,.... Of hope in God, of a profession of faith in him, and of a conversation agreeable to it before men; nor of appearing b...

Then shall I not be ashamed,.... Of hope in God, of a profession of faith in him, and of a conversation agreeable to it before men; nor of appearing before God in his house, worshipping him there; nor at the throne of his grace, nor at the day of judgment, and before Christ at his coming;

when I have respect unto all thy commandments; or "look" n at them constantly, as the rule of walk and conversation; and to copy after, as a scholar looks at his copy to write after; and affectionately esteem all his precepts concerning all things to be right, and none of his commandments grievous; and practically, not in the theory only; but observing them in order to practise them, and diligently attending to them, and steadfastly continuing in them; impartially regarding them, one as another; and especially as beholding them fulfilled perfectly in Christ, who is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes.

Gill: Psa 119:7 - -- I will praise thee with uprightness of heart,.... In the most sincere manner, in the most affectionate way, with the whole heart; sensible of great fa...

I will praise thee with uprightness of heart,.... In the most sincere manner, in the most affectionate way, with the whole heart; sensible of great favours received, and great obligations laid under; see Psa 9:1;

when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments; or, "the judgments of thy righteousness" o: of the righteousness of God, declared in his righteous law; which is founded upon, and is according to, the strictest rules of justice and equity; and so are all the precepts of it: and of the righteousness of Christ, revealed in the Gospel; by which God appears to be just, while he is the justifier of him that believes in Jesus. Now the precepts of the one, and the doctrines of the other, are to be learned, and learned of God, in his word and by his Spirit. The psalmist had been learning them, but was desirous of learning more of them, not being a complete proficient in them; and of learning them, not merely in the theory, but in the practice and experience of them; which, when he had attained unto, as he hoped he should, it would be matter of the most sincere praise and thankfulness.

Gill: Psa 119:8 - -- I will keep thy statutes,.... This is a resolution taken up in the strength of divine grace, to answer the end of learning the judgments of God; which...

I will keep thy statutes,.... This is a resolution taken up in the strength of divine grace, to answer the end of learning the judgments of God; which he did, not merely to have a notional knowledge of them, but to put them in practice; and not that he thought he could perfectly keep them, but was desirous of observing them in the best manner he could, as assisted by the grace of God; from love to God, in the faith and name of Christ, and with a view to the glory of God; without dependence upon them for life and salvation;

O forsake me not utterly; totally and finally, or not at all; otherwise as if he should say, I shall never be able to keep thy statutes; so sensible was he of the necessity of the divine Presence and grace, to assist him in the observance of them: or, "for ever", as Ben Balaam interprets it, and so the Ethiopic version; R. Moses reads the words, "O forsake me not", in a parenthesis, and joins the rest thus, "I will keep thy statutes vehemently"; or with all my strength and might; and so Kimchi reads them: but such an interpretation is very forced, and contrary to the accents.

Gill: Psa 119:9 - -- ב, BETH.--The Second Part. BETH. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way?.... Some think David means himself, and that he was a young man w...


BETH.--The Second Part.

BETH. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way?.... Some think David means himself, and that he was a young man when he wrote this psalm; and which they think is confirmed by Psa 119:100; but neither of them seem conclusive; rather any young man is meant, and who is particularly mentioned, because young men are liable to sins and snares, to carnal lusts and sensual pleasures, which are of a defiling nature. Some are of opinion that a young man, or babe in Christ, is intended, that needs direction in his way, and instruction about the manner of cleansing it. But the former sense seems best, and expresses the concern of the psalmist for the education and right information of youth; which is a matter of great moment and advantage to families, neighbourhoods, and commonwealths. The question supposes the young man to be impure, as every man is by birth, being conceived in sin, and shapen in iniquity; is a transgressor from the womb, and his heart, ways, and actions, evil from his youth: and the difficulty is, how he shall be cleansed; how one so impure in his nature, heart, and ways, can be just with God, or become undefiled in the way, as in Psa 119:1; to which some reference may be had: or how he can have his heart made pure, or a clean one be created in him; or how his way, life, and conversation, may be corrected, reformed, and amended. The answer is,

by taking heed thereto according to thy word; that is, to his way and course of life, and steering it according to the direction of the word of God. But I think the words may be better rendered and supplied thus, "by observing what is according to thy word" p; which shows how a sinner is to be cleansed from his sins by the blood of Christ, and justified by his righteousness, and be clean through his word; and also how and by whom the work of sanctification is wrought in the heart, even by the Spirit of God, by means of the word; and what is the rule of a man's walk and conversation: he will find the word of God to be profitable, to inform in the doctrines of justification and pardon, to acquaint him with the nature of regeneration and sanctification; and for the correction and amendment of his life and manners, and for his instruction in every branch of righteousness, 2Ti 3:16.

Gill: Psa 119:10 - -- With my whole heart have I sought thee,.... Not himself, his own honour and applause, as formal worshippers and self-righteous persons do; but the Lor...

With my whole heart have I sought thee,.... Not himself, his own honour and applause, as formal worshippers and self-righteous persons do; but the Lord and his glory, his face, his presence, and communion with him, his grace, and fresh supplies of it, to help in time of need; his doctrine, as the Targum; and to know more of it, and of him, and of his mind and will; and this he did in the most sincere manner, with all his heart and soul. The character of the good man, in Psa 119:2; the psalmist applies to himself; see Isa 26:9; and uses it as an argument to obtain the following request:

O let me not wander from thy commandments; the way of them. Good men are apt to go astray, as David, Psa 119:176; their hearts, their affections, and their feet, wander from, the way of their duty: there are many things which lead them aside, and cause them to turn to the right hand or the left, at least solicit them to do so; as a corrupt nature, an evil heart, a body of sin and death, the snares of the world, and the temptations of Satan; and, what is worst of all, when God leaves them to themselves, withdraws the influences of his grace, and brings them into such circumstances as expose them to going astray, which the psalmist here deprecates; "suffer me not to wander", but uphold my goings in thy ways; preserve me by thy grace, and keep me by thy power; hold me by thy right hand, and guide and direct me. Or, "cause me not to wander" q &c. a like petition to those in Psa 141:3, Mat 6:13; with which last Kimchi compares these words.

Gill: Psa 119:11 - -- Thy word have I hid in mine heart,.... Not only heard and read it, but received it into his affections; mixed it with faith, laid it up in his mind an...

Thy word have I hid in mine heart,.... Not only heard and read it, but received it into his affections; mixed it with faith, laid it up in his mind and memory for future use; preserved it in his heart as a choice treasure, where it might dwell richly, and be of service to him on many occasions; and particularly be of the following use:

that I might not sin against thee; the word of God is a most powerful antidote against sin, when it has a place in the heart; not only the precepts of it forbid sin, but the promises of it influence and engage to purity of heart and life, and to the perfecting of holiness in the fear of the Lord; and all the doctrines of grace in it effectually teach the saints to deny all sin and worldly lusts, and to live a holy life and conversation; see 2Co 7:1.

Gill: Psa 119:12 - -- Blessed art thou, O Lord,.... In himself, in his nature, persons, and perfections; the fountain of all happiness to angels and men, in time and to et...

Blessed art thou, O Lord,.... In himself, in his nature, persons, and perfections; the fountain of all happiness to angels and men, in time and to eternity; to whom all blessing, honour, and glory, are to be given. The psalmist takes this method of praising and ascribing blessing to God, for what he had received from him; particularly for teaching him what he had learned, Psa 119:7; in hopes of succeeding in his following request:

teach me thy statutes; the knowledge of the best is imperfect. Good men desire to know more of God, of his mind and will, even of his revealed will; and that they may have grace and strength to act in conformity to it; for it is not the bare theory of things they desire to be taught, but the practice of them; and though ministers, and the ministry of the word, and administration of ordinances, may be and are means of teaching; yet there is none teaches like the Lord, Father, Son, and Spirit. The Targum and Syriac versions render it, "teach me thy decrees".

Gill: Psa 119:13 - -- With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. Not the judgments of his hand, what he executes on an ungodly world; nor the intricate di...

With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. Not the judgments of his hand, what he executes on an ungodly world; nor the intricate dispensations of his providence; those judgments of his now unsearchable, though before long will be manifest; these the psalmist could not declare: but the revelation of the will of God, what his mouth has uttered, doctrines and precepts of righteousness and truth; these, though David had them in his heart, he did not conceal them from men; but out of the abundant experience he had of them in his heart, his lips spake of them, of their nature and excellency, and usefulness unto others: and whereas he desired to be instructed more and more in them, it was in order to teach them, and declare them to others; even all of them, in the most sincere and impartial manner; see Act 20:27.

Gill: Psa 119:14 - -- I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies,.... The way which the Scriptures, that testify of God and Christ, direct unto; and the principal way is...

I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies,.... The way which the Scriptures, that testify of God and Christ, direct unto; and the principal way is Christ himself, the only way of life and salvation; in which believers walk and go on rejoicing; rejoicing in his person, offices, grace, righteousness, and salvation: the lesser ways the Scriptures point unto are the ways of duty and paths of ordinances; in which truly gracious souls find a great deal of peace, pleasure, and delight;

as much as in all riches; or, "as above all riches" r: the joy that believers have in the ways of God is superior to that which any natural or worldly man has in his substance of every sort, or be it ever so great; yea, they find such riches in the ways of God, as are vastly preferable to the riches of this world; they find Christ, the pearl of great price, and his unsearchable riches, the riches of grace, and the riches of glory; and even the word of God itself, those testimonies of his, are more desirable than thousands of gold and silver, and give a greater pleasure than the increase of corn and wine.

Gill: Psa 119:15 - -- I will meditate in thy precepts,.... In his own mind; revolve them in his thoughts; consider well the nature, excellency, usefulness, and importance o...

I will meditate in thy precepts,.... In his own mind; revolve them in his thoughts; consider well the nature, excellency, usefulness, and importance of them, and the obligations he lay under to observe them. The Targum is,

"I will speak of thy precepts;''

in conversation to others, and recommend them to them; so the Arabic version:

and have respect unto thy ways; or "look" s unto them; take heed unto them, and walk in them, and not wander from them; make them the rule of walk and conversation; as travellers look well to their ways, that they do not miss them, and go into wrong ways; they observe the directions that have been given them, and keep unto them; and so good men refer to the ways of the Lord, which the Scriptures point out unto them; see Jer 6:16.

Gill: Psa 119:16 - -- I will delight myself in thy statutes,.... In looking over them; in meditating on them; in obeying them, and walking according to them; as every good ...

I will delight myself in thy statutes,.... In looking over them; in meditating on them; in obeying them, and walking according to them; as every good man does delight in the law of the Lord, after the inward man, Rom 7:22; see Psa 119:24;

I will not forget thy word: he took all proper methods to fix it in his memory; he laid it up in his mind; he meditated upon it in his heart, and he talked of it with his lips, Psa 119:11.

Gill: Psa 119:17 - -- ג, GIMEL.--The Third Part. GIMEL. Deal bountifully with thy servant,.... Which character is mentioned, not by way of plea or argument for favou...


GIMEL.--The Third Part.

GIMEL. Deal bountifully with thy servant,.... Which character is mentioned, not by way of plea or argument for favour, but as expressive of modesty, sense of duty, and obligation to it. He pleads not his services by way of merit; but prays that God would deal bountifully with him, in a way of grace and mercy: or "render good" unto him, as the Targum; bestow it on him as a free gift. The Lord deals bountifully with men, when he gives himself unto them as their portion and inheritance; his Son, and all things along with him; his Spirit, and the graces of it; and every daily needful supply of grace;

that I may live, and keep thy word; life natural is the bounty of God; he grants life and favour, he grants life as a favour, and all the mercies and blessings of it; and through the gracious dealings of God with his people, they live spiritually and live comfortably; in his favour is life; the life of faith is encouraged and invigorated in them by it; and eternal life is the free gift and bounty of God through Christ, by whom they have both a right unto it and meetness for it: and the desire of good men to live in this world is not to indulge themselves in carnal lusts and pleasures; not to live to themselves, nor to the lusts of the flesh, nor to the will of men; but to live soberly, righteously, and godly; to live by faith in Christ, and in hope of eternal life through him; and while they live to keep the word of God, and not forget it, as Aben Ezra interprets it, to lay it up for their own use, and preserve it for others, and observe its instructions, cautions, and directions.

Gill: Psa 119:18 - -- Open thou mine eyes,.... The eyes of my heart or understanding, as Kimchi; or, "reveal mine eyes" t; take off the veil from them: there is a veil of d...

Open thou mine eyes,.... The eyes of my heart or understanding, as Kimchi; or, "reveal mine eyes" t; take off the veil from them: there is a veil of darkness and ignorance on the hearts of all men, with respect to divine and spiritual things; their understandings are darkened, yea, darkness itself. This veil must be removed; the scales must drop from their eyes; their eyes must be opened and enlightened, before they can discern spiritual things contained in the word of God; and even good men need to have the eyes of their understandings more and more enlightened into these things, as the psalmist here petitions, and the apostle prays for his Ephesians, Eph 1:17;

that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law; the law strictly taken, which had great and excellent things in it; and was wonderful for the compendiousness of it; for the justice, holiness, and equity of its precepts; especially for its spirituality, and above all for Christ, being the end of it; the two last more particularly could only be discerned by a spiritual man: or rather the five books of Moses, the almost only Scriptures extant in David's time, in which there were many wonderful things concerning Christ; some delivered by way of promise and prophecy of him, under the characters of the seed of the woman, the seed of Abraham, the Shiloh, and the great Prophet; and many others in dark figures, types, and shadows, which required a spiritual sight to look into; of which the rock and manna, the brasen serpent, passover, &c. are instances: but rather, as the word "law" signifies "doctrine", the doctrine of the Gospel may be meant; which contains mysteries in it, respecting the trinity of Persons in the Godhead, the person of Christ, his incarnation, sufferings and death; the blessings of grace through him; the doctrines of peace, pardon, righteousness, eternal life, and the resurrection of the dead; with many others.

Gill: Psa 119:19 - -- I am a stranger in the earth,.... As all his fathers were, and all the saints are; not to divine and spiritual things; to God, and communion with him...

I am a stranger in the earth,.... As all his fathers were, and all the saints are; not to divine and spiritual things; to God, and communion with him; to Christ, and the knowledge of him; to the Spirit, and his operations in their hearts; to their own hearts, and the plague of them; to the Gospel, and its truths; nor to the people of God, and fellowship with them: but to the world, among whom they are, not being known, valued, and respected by them; and they also behaving as strangers to the world, having no fellowship with them in their sinful works; as also not being natives here, but belonging to another city and country, an heavenly one; see 1Ch 29:15;

hide not thy commandments from me; the doctrines of the Gospel, the word which God has commanded to a thousand generations; which is pure, and enlightens the eyes, and so needful to strangers in their pilgrimage, Psa 19:8; which God sometimes hides from the wise and prudent, and which the psalmist here deprecates with respect to himself, Mat 11:25. Or the precepts of the world may be meant, which are a light to the feet, and a lamp to the paths, a good direction to travellers and strangers in the way: David, being such an one, prayed that these might not be hid from him, but be showed unto him; that he might know his way, and not go out of it; but walk as a child of light, wisely and circumspectly.

Gill: Psa 119:20 - -- My soul breaketh for the longing,.... His heart was just ready to break, and his soul fainted; he was ready to die, through a vehement desire of enjoy...

My soul breaketh for the longing,.... His heart was just ready to break, and his soul fainted; he was ready to die, through a vehement desire of enjoying the object longed for, after mentioned; "hope deferred makes the heart sick", Pro 13:1; the phrase is expressive of the greatness, vehemence, and eagerness of his mind after the thing he desired, which follows:

that it hath unto thy judgments at all times; not the judgments of God on wicked men, though these are desirable for the glorifying of his justice; nor his dark dispensations of providence, though good men cannot but desire and long for the time when these judgments shall be made manifest: but rather the righteous laws and precepts of God are designed, which he desired to have a more perfect knowledge of, and yield a more constant obedience unto; or, best of all, the doctrines of grace and righteousness, that should be more clearly revealed in the times of the Messiah; who was to set judgment in the earth, his Gospel; and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and glorify the justice of God; than which nothing was more earnestly and importunately wished and longed for by Old Testament saints; see Psa 119:81.

Gill: Psa 119:21 - -- Thou hast rebuked the proud,.... Which some understand of the fallen angels, who, in proud wrath, left their habitations, because they would not be su...

Thou hast rebuked the proud,.... Which some understand of the fallen angels, who, in proud wrath, left their habitations, because they would not be subject to the Son of God in human nature; wherefore he scattered them in the imaginations of their hearts, and cast down these mighty ones into hell, where they are reserved in chains of darkness to the judgment of the great day. Others of the Scribes and Pharisees in Christ's time, this psalm being suited, as is thought, to Gospel times; who were proud of their own righteousness, and despised others less holy than themselves; and submitted not to the righteousness of Christ, whom he often rebuked, and at last punished. Rather all proud atheistical persons, profane and wicked men, are meant; who, Pharaoh like, say, who is the Lord that we should obey him? who reckon, their tongues to be their own, and employ them both against God and men, and regard neither: these God resists, sets himself against, and sooner or later severely punishes; for in the things they deal proudly he is above them, Exo 18:11;

that are cursed which do err from thy commandments; according to the law of God, being transgressors of it, and will hear the awful sentence, "go, ye cursed", Mat 25:41. The Targum, Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions, join this with the next clause: "cursed are they which do err from thy commandments"; from the way of them, not observing them; from the end of them, Christ, not looking to him for righteousness.

Gill: Psa 119:22 - -- Remove from me reproach and contempt,.... Or, "roll it from me" u. It lay as a load, as a heavy burden upon him, which pressed him sore; and he there...

Remove from me reproach and contempt,.... Or, "roll it from me" u. It lay as a load, as a heavy burden upon him, which pressed him sore; and he therefore desired ease from it, being probably in a low frame of soul; otherwise saints do and should rejoice when reproached for Christ's sake; and esteem it, with Moses, more than all the treasures in Egypt, being what is common to them with their Lord;

for I have kept that testimonies; which was the reason why he was reproached and despised; for having a regard to the word of God, and embracing and professing the doctrines of it. Thus the word of the Lord was made a reproach to Jeremiah, or he was reproached for delivering it; as many good men have been vilified, and have suffered for the testimony of Jesus, Jer 20:8; and for walking according to the directions, of it; wicked men thinking it strange they do not run into the same excess of not with them, and therefore speak evil of them, 1Pe 4:3.

Gill: Psa 119:23 - -- Princes also did sit and speak against me,.... The princes in the court of Saul, who suggested to him that David sought his hurt; the princes of his ...

Princes also did sit and speak against me,.... The princes in the court of Saul, who suggested to him that David sought his hurt; the princes of his own court, Absalom, his own son, a prince of the blood, and Ahithophel, a counsellor of state: or the princes of the Gentiles, as Jarchi; so the princes of the Philistines spake against him in a very disdainful manner, "make this fellow return to his place again", 1Sa 29:4. Such as these might speak against him, as they sat and rode in their chariots; when at their tables, conversing together; or at their council boards, forming schemes against him: the phrase denotes their constant practice, as Kimchi observes; see Psa 50:20; herein David was a type of Christ, whom the princes of this world conspired against, and whose life they took away, Psa 2:2;

but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes; what the princes did or said against him did not divert his mind, or take off his thoughts from the word of God, and the ordinances of it; he thought of them, he spoke and discoursed of them; he declared them, as the word w sometimes signifies, and so the Targum takes it here; he was not afraid nor ashamed to profess his regard unto them: as Daniel, when he knew that the presidents and princes had obtained a royal decree, and the writing was signed; yet went into his chamber, as at other times, and kneeled down and prayed to God, Dan 6:10.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 119:1 Heb “walk in.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:3 Heb “walk in his ways.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:4 Heb “you, you commanded your precepts, to keep, very much.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:5 Heb “if only my ways were established.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:6 Heb “I gaze at.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:7 Heb “I will give you thanks with an upright heart.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:8 Heb “do not abandon me to excess.” For other uses of the phrase עַד מְאֹד (’ad m...

NET Notes: Psa 119:9 Heb “by keeping according to your word.” Many medieval Hebrew mss as well as the LXX read the plural, “your words.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:11 Heb “your word.” Some medieval Hebrew mss as well as the LXX read the plural, “your words.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:12 Heb “[are] blessed.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:13 Heb “of your mouth.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:14 Heb “all wealth.” The phrase refers to all kinds of wealth and riches. See Prov 1:13; 6:31; 24:4; Ezek 27:12, 18.

NET Notes: Psa 119:15 Heb “ways” (referring figuratively to God’s behavior here).

NET Notes: Psa 119:16 Heb “your word.” Many medieval Hebrew mss as well as the LXX read the plural here.

NET Notes: Psa 119:17 Heb “your word.” Many medieval Hebrew mss as well as several ancient versions read the plural here.

NET Notes: Psa 119:18 The cohortative with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.

NET Notes: Psa 119:19 Heb “I am a resident alien in the land.” Resident aliens were especially vulnerable and in need of help. They needed to know the social an...

NET Notes: Psa 119:20 Heb “my soul languishes for longing for.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:21 Heb “accursed.” The traditional punctuation of the Hebrew text takes “accursed” with the previous line (“arrogant, accur...

NET Notes: Psa 119:22 Heb “roll away from upon me.” Some derive the imperatival form גַּל (gal) from גָּלָ...

NET Notes: Psa 119:23 Heb “though rulers sit, about me they talk together.” (For another example of the Niphal of דָּבַר (da...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:1 ALEPH. Blessed [are] ( a ) the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. ( a ) Here they are not called blessed who think themselves wis...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:3 They also do ( b ) no iniquity: they walk in his ways. ( b ) For they are ruled by God's Spirit and embrace no doctrine but his.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:5 ( c ) O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! ( c ) David acknowledges his imperfection, desiring God to reform it, that his life may be c...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:7 I will praise thee with uprightness of ( d ) heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous ( e ) judgments. ( d ) For true religion stands in servin...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:8 I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not ( f ) utterly. ( f ) He does not refuse to be tried by temptations, but he fears to faint, if God does not...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:9 BETH. Wherewithal shall a ( a ) young man cleanse his way? by taking heed [thereto] according to thy word. ( a ) Because youth is most given to licen...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:11 Thy word have I ( b ) hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. ( b ) If God's word is carved in our hearts, we will be more able to resi...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:14 I have ( c ) rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as [much as] in all riches. ( c ) The prophet does not boast of his virtues, but sets forth an e...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:17 GIMEL. Deal bountifully with thy servant, [that] I may ( a ) live, and keep thy word. ( a ) He shows that we should not desire to live but to serve G...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:19 I [am] a ( b ) stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. ( b ) Seeing man's life in this world is only a passage, what should become ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:21 Thou ( c ) hast rebuked the proud [that are] cursed, which do err from thy commandments. ( c ) In all ages you have plagued all such who maliciously ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:23 ( d ) Princes also did sit [and] speak against me: [but] thy servant did meditate in thy statutes. ( d ) When the powers of the world gave false sent...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 119:1-176 - --1 This psalm contains sundry prayers, praises, and professions of obedience.

Maclaren: Psa 119:9 - --A Cleansed Way Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way! By taking heed thereto according to Thy word.'--Psalm 119:9. THERE are many questions a...

Maclaren: Psa 119:11 - --Life Hid And Not Hid Thy word have I hid in my heart.--Psalm 119:11. I have not hid Thy righteousness in my heart.'--Psalm 40:10. THEN there are two ...

Maclaren: Psa 119:19 - --A Stranger In The Earth I am a stranger in the earth; hide not Thy commandments from me … 64. The earth, O Lord, is full of Thy mercy: teach me ...

MHCC: Psa 119:1-8 - --This psalm may be considered as the statement of a believer's experience. As far as our views, desires, and affections agree with what is here express...

MHCC: Psa 119:9-16 - --To original corruption all have added actual sin. The ruin of the young is either living by no rule at all, or choosing false rules: let them walk by ...

MHCC: Psa 119:17-24 - --If God deals in strict justice with us, we all perish. We ought to spend our lives in his service; we shall find true life in keeping his word. Those ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:1-3 - -- The psalmist here shows that godly people are happy people; they are, and shall be, blessed indeed. Felicity is the thing we all pretend to aim at a...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:4-6 - -- We are here taught, 1. To own ourselves under the highest obligations to walk in God's law. The tempter would possess men with an opinion that they ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:7-8 - -- Here is, I. David's endeavour to perfect himself in his religion, and to make himself (as we say) master of his business. He hopes to learn God's ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:9 - -- Here is, 1. A weighty question asked. By what means may the next generation be made better than this? Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:10 - -- Here is, 1. David's experience of a good work God had wrought in him, which he takes the comfort of and pleads with God: " I have sought thee, soug...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:11 - -- Here is, 1. The close application which David made of the word of God to himself: He hid it in his heart, laid it up there, that it might be ready...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:12 - -- Here, 1. David gives glory to God: " Blessed art thou, O Lord! Thou art infinitely happy in the enjoyment of thyself and hast no need of me or my s...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:13-16 - -- Here, I. David looks back with comfort upon the respect he had paid to the word of God. He had the testimony of his conscience for him, 1. That he h...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:17 - -- We are here taught, 1. That we owe our lives to God's mercy. David prays, Deal bountifully with me, that I may live. It was God's bounty that ga...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:18 - -- Observe here, 1. That there are wondrous things in God's law, which we are all concerned, and should covet, to behold, not only strange things...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:19 - -- Here we have, 1. The acknowledgment which David makes of his own condition: I am a stranger in the earth. We all are so, and all good people confe...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:20 - -- David had prayed that God would open his eyes (Psa 119:18) and open the law (Psa 119:19); now here he pleads the earnestness of his desire for knowl...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:21 - -- Here is, 1. The wretched character of wicked people. The temper of their minds is bad. They are proud; they magnify themselves above others. And y...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:22 - -- Here, 1. David prays against the reproach and contempt of men, that they might be removed, or (as the word is) rolled, from off him. This intima...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:23 - -- See here, 1. How David was abused even by great men, who should have known better his character and his case, and have been more generous: Princes ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:1-8 - -- The eightfold Aleph . Blessed are those who act according to the word of God; the poet wishes to be one of these. The alphabetical Psalm on the larg...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:9-16 - -- The eightfold Beth . Acting in accordance with the word of God, a young man walks blamelessly; the poet desires this, and supplicates God's graciou...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:17-24 - -- The eightfold Gimel . This is his life's aim: he will do it under fear of the curse of apostasy; he will do it also though he suffer persecution on...

Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 119:1-176 - --Psalm 119 The anonymous psalmist who wrote this longest psalm sought refuge from his persecutors and fou...

Constable: Psa 119:1-8 - --1. The blessing of obeying God's Word 119:1-8 The writer rejoiced in the fact that people who ob...

Constable: Psa 119:9-16 - --2. The cleansing power of God's Word 119:9-16 A person can cleanse his or her conduct by obeying...

Constable: Psa 119:17-24 - --3. An appreciation for God's Word 119:17-24 The psalmists prayer for God to illuminate his under...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Psa 119:2 This wonderful psalm gives us insight into the rewards of meditating on God’s Word. It reveals the great key to living a life of victory as a Christ...

Evidence: Psa 119:14 " I believe the Bible is the best gift God has given to man. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this Book." Abraham Linco...

Evidence: Psa 119:15 If you pick up a dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. MARK TWAIN

Evidence: Psa 119:16 " God’s Word is our primary weapon in evangelism. It is not designed to destroy life, but to give it. It is not to be used to harm but like a surgeo...

Evidence: Psa 119:18 " Ignorance of the nature and design of the Law is at the bottom of most religious mistakes." John Newton

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 119:1, This psalm contains sundry prayers, praises, and professions of obedience.

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The author of this Psalm was David; which I know none that deny, and of which there is no just reason to doubt. The scope and design o...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 119:1-8) Aleph. (Psa 119:9-16) Beth. (Psa 119:17-24) Gimel. (Psa 119:25-32) Daleth. (Psa 119:33-40) He. (Psa 119:41-48) Vav. (Psa 119:49-56...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) This is a psalm by itself, like none of the rest; it excels them all, and shines brightest in this constellation. It is much longer than any of the...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 119 This psalm is generally thought to be written by David, but when is uncertain; very probably towards the decline of life;...

Advanced Commentary (Dictionaries, Hymns, Arts, Sermon Illustration, Question and Answers, etc)

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