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Text -- Psalms 119:86-176 (NET)

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119:86 All your commands are reliable. I am pursued without reason. Help me! 119:87 They have almost destroyed me here on the earth, but I do not reject your precepts. 119:88 Revive me with your loyal love, that I might keep the rules you have revealed. 119:89 ל(Lamed) O Lord, your instructions endure; they stand secure in heaven. 119:90 You demonstrate your faithfulness to all generations. You established the earth and it stood firm. 119:91 Today they stand firm by your decrees, for all things are your servants. 119:92 If I had not found encouragement in your law, I would have died in my sorrow. 119:93 I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have revived me. 119:94 I belong to you. Deliver me! For I seek your precepts. 119:95 The wicked prepare to kill me, yet I concentrate on your rules. 119:96 I realize that everything has its limits, but your commands are beyond full comprehension. 119:97 מ(Mem) O how I love your law! All day long I meditate on it. 119:98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for I am always aware of them. 119:99 I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your rules. 119:100 I am more discerning than those older than I, for I observe your precepts. 119:101 I stay away from the evil path, so that I might keep your instructions. 119:102 I do not turn aside from your regulations, for you teach me. 119:103 Your words are sweeter in my mouth than honey! 119:104 Your precepts give me discernment. Therefore I hate all deceitful actions. 119:105 נ(Nun) Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path. 119:106 I have vowed and solemnly sworn to keep your just regulations. 119:107 I am suffering terribly. O Lord, revive me with your word! 119:108 O Lord, please accept the freewill offerings of my praise! Teach me your regulations! 119:109 My life is in continual danger, but I do not forget your law. 119:110 The wicked lay a trap for me, but I do not wander from your precepts. 119:111 I claim your rules as my permanent possession, for they give me joy. 119:112 I am determined to obey your statutes at all times, to the very end. 119:113 ס(Samek) I hate people with divided loyalties, but I love your law. 119:114 You are my hiding place and my shield. I find hope in your word. 119:115 Turn away from me, you evil men, so that I can observe the commands of my God. 119:116 Sustain me as you promised, so that I will live. Do not disappoint me! 119:117 Support me, so that I will be delivered. Then I will focus on your statutes continually. 119:118 You despise all who stray from your statutes, for they are deceptive and unreliable. 119:119 You remove all the wicked of the earth like slag. Therefore I love your rules. 119:120 My body trembles because I fear you; I am afraid of your judgments. 119:121 ע(Ayin) I do what is fair and right. Do not abandon me to my oppressors! 119:122 Guarantee the welfare of your servant! Do not let the arrogant oppress me! 119:123 My eyes grow tired as I wait for your deliverance, for your reliable promise to be fulfilled. 119:124 Show your servant your loyal love! Teach me your statutes! 119:125 I am your servant. Give me insight, so that I can understand your rules. 119:126 It is time for the Lord to act– they break your law! 119:127 For this reason I love your commands more than gold, even purest gold. 119:128 For this reason I carefully follow all your precepts. I hate all deceitful actions. 119:129 פ(Pe) Your rules are marvelous. Therefore I observe them. 119:130 Your instructions are a doorway through which light shines. They give insight to the untrained. 119:131 I open my mouth and pant, because I long for your commands. 119:132 Turn toward me and extend mercy to me, as you typically do to your loyal followers. 119:133 Direct my steps by your word! Do not let any sin dominate me! 119:134 Deliver me from oppressive men, so that I can keep your precepts. 119:135 Smile on your servant! Teach me your statutes! 119:136 Tears stream down from my eyes, because people do not keep your law. 119:137 צ(Tsade) You are just, O Lord, and your judgments are fair. 119:138 The rules you impose are just, and absolutely reliable. 119:139 My zeal consumes me, for my enemies forget your instructions. 119:140 Your word is absolutely pure, and your servant loves it! 119:141 I am insignificant and despised, yet I do not forget your precepts. 119:142 Your justice endures, and your law is reliable. 119:143 Distress and hardship confront me, yet I find delight in your commands. 119:144 Your rules remain just. Give me insight so that I can live. 119:145 ק(Qof) I cried out with all my heart, “Answer me, O Lord! I will observe your statutes.” 119:146 I cried out to you, “Deliver me, so that I can keep your rules.” 119:147 I am up before dawn crying for help. I find hope in your word. 119:148 My eyes anticipate the nighttime hours, so that I can meditate on your word. 119:149 Listen to me because of your loyal love! O Lord, revive me, as you typically do! 119:150 Those who are eager to do wrong draw near; they are far from your law. 119:151 You are near, O Lord, and all your commands are reliable. 119:152 I learned long ago that you ordained your rules to last. 119:153 ר(Resh) See my pain and rescue me! For I do not forget your law. 119:154 Fight for me and defend me! Revive me with your word! 119:155 The wicked have no chance for deliverance, for they do not seek your statutes. 119:156 Your compassion is great, O Lord. Revive me, as you typically do! 119:157 The enemies who chase me are numerous. Yet I do not turn aside from your rules. 119:158 I take note of the treacherous and despise them, because they do not keep your instructions. 119:159 See how I love your precepts! O Lord, revive me with your loyal love! 119:160 Your instructions are totally reliable; all your just regulations endure. 119:161 שׂ/שׁ(Sin/Shin) Rulers pursue me for no reason, yet I am more afraid of disobeying your instructions. 119:162 I rejoice in your instructions, like one who finds much plunder. 119:163 I hate and despise deceit; I love your law. 119:164 Seven times a day I praise you because of your just regulations. 119:165 Those who love your law are completely secure; nothing causes them to stumble. 119:166 I hope for your deliverance, O Lord, and I obey your commands. 119:167 I keep your rules; I love them greatly. 119:168 I keep your precepts and rules, for you are aware of everything I do. 119:169 ת(Tav) Listen to my cry for help, O Lord! Give me insight by your word! 119:170 Listen to my appeal for mercy! Deliver me, as you promised. 119:171 May praise flow freely from my lips, for you teach me your statutes. 119:172 May my tongue sing about your instructions, for all your commands are just. 119:173 May your hand help me, for I choose to obey your precepts. 119:174 I long for your deliverance, O Lord; I find delight in your law. 119:175 May I live and praise you! May your regulations help me! 119:176 I have wandered off like a lost sheep. Come looking for your servant, for I do not forget your commands.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 119:86 - -- Just and true.

Just and true.

Wesley: Psa 119:89 - -- With thee in thy heavenly habitation.

With thee in thy heavenly habitation.

Wesley: Psa 119:91 - -- The heaven and the earth.

The heaven and the earth.

Wesley: Psa 119:91 - -- As thou hast appointed.

As thou hast appointed.

Wesley: Psa 119:91 - -- All things are subject to thy power and pleasure.

All things are subject to thy power and pleasure.

Wesley: Psa 119:96 - -- Of the greatest and most perfect enjoyments in this world.

Of the greatest and most perfect enjoyments in this world.

Wesley: Psa 119:96 - -- Thy word; one part of it being put for the whole.

Thy word; one part of it being put for the whole.

Wesley: Psa 119:96 - -- Or, large, both for extent, and for continuance: it is useful to all persons: it is of everlasting truth and efficacy; it will never deceive those who...

Or, large, both for extent, and for continuance: it is useful to all persons: it is of everlasting truth and efficacy; it will never deceive those who trust to it, as all worldly things will, but will make men happy both here and for ever.

Wesley: Psa 119:100 - -- The practice of religion is the best way to understand it.

The practice of religion is the best way to understand it.

Wesley: Psa 119:102 - -- By thy blessed spirit, illuminating my mind, and working upon my heart.

By thy blessed spirit, illuminating my mind, and working upon my heart.

Wesley: Psa 119:108 - -- The sacrifices of prayer and praise.

The sacrifices of prayer and praise.

Wesley: Psa 119:109 - -- Exposed to perpetual danger.

Exposed to perpetual danger.

Wesley: Psa 119:118 - -- Their deceitful devices, shall bring that destruction upon themselves which they design for others.

Their deceitful devices, shall bring that destruction upon themselves which they design for others.

Wesley: Psa 119:121 - -- _Just judgment.

_Just judgment.

Wesley: Psa 119:122 - -- Do thou undertake and plead my cause.

Do thou undertake and plead my cause.

Wesley: Psa 119:123 - -- For the performance of thy faithful or merciful promise.

For the performance of thy faithful or merciful promise.

Wesley: Psa 119:126 - -- To put forth thy power for the restraint of evil - doers.

To put forth thy power for the restraint of evil - doers.

Wesley: Psa 119:126 - -- The wicked.

The wicked.

Wesley: Psa 119:126 - -- Or, abrogated thy law, have openly cast off its authority.

Or, abrogated thy law, have openly cast off its authority.

Wesley: Psa 119:127 - -- Because the general apostacy of others makes this duty more necessary.

Because the general apostacy of others makes this duty more necessary.

Wesley: Psa 119:129 - -- In regard of the deep mysteries, the most excellent directions, and the exceeding great and precious promises of God contained in them.

In regard of the deep mysteries, the most excellent directions, and the exceeding great and precious promises of God contained in them.

Wesley: Psa 119:131 - -- I thirst after thy precepts, and pursue them eagerly.

I thirst after thy precepts, and pursue them eagerly.

Wesley: Psa 119:133 - -- My motions and actions.

My motions and actions.

Wesley: Psa 119:136 - -- Plentiful tears, witness of my deep sorrow for God's dishonour, and for the miseries which sinners bring upon themselves.

Plentiful tears, witness of my deep sorrow for God's dishonour, and for the miseries which sinners bring upon themselves.

Wesley: Psa 119:140 - -- Without the least mixture of falsehood.

Without the least mixture of falsehood.

Wesley: Psa 119:142 - -- The same in all ages and places.

The same in all ages and places.

Wesley: Psa 119:143 - -- Outward troubles and anguish of spirit.

Outward troubles and anguish of spirit.

Wesley: Psa 119:148 - -- The middle watch, which was set in the middle of the night; and the morning watch, which was set some hours before the dawning of the day.

The middle watch, which was set in the middle of the night; and the morning watch, which was set some hours before the dawning of the day.

Wesley: Psa 119:149 - -- According to thy word.

According to thy word.

Wesley: Psa 119:150 - -- To me, they are at hand and ready to seize upon me.

To me, they are at hand and ready to seize upon me.

Wesley: Psa 119:150 - -- They cast away from them all thoughts of thy law.

They cast away from them all thoughts of thy law.

Wesley: Psa 119:152 - -- By long experience.

By long experience.

Wesley: Psa 119:152 - -- Thou hast established them upon everlasting foundations.

Thou hast established them upon everlasting foundations.

Wesley: Psa 119:160 - -- From the beginning of the world.

From the beginning of the world.

Wesley: Psa 119:161 - -- But I feared thine offence and displeasure more than their wrath.

But I feared thine offence and displeasure more than their wrath.

Wesley: Psa 119:164 - -- Many times; a certain number being put for an uncertain.

Many times; a certain number being put for an uncertain.

Wesley: Psa 119:165 - -- Heb.


Wesley: Psa 119:165 - -- block, at which they shall stumble and fall into mischief.

block, at which they shall stumble and fall into mischief.

Wesley: Psa 119:175 - -- Thy word or testimonies, which are the only ground of my hope in thy help.

Thy word or testimonies, which are the only ground of my hope in thy help.

JFB: Psa 119:84-87 - -- The shortness of my life requires that the relief afforded to me from mine enemies should be speedy.

The shortness of my life requires that the relief afforded to me from mine enemies should be speedy.

JFB: Psa 119:87 - -- HENGSTENBERG translates, "in the land"; understanding "me" of the nation Israel, of which but a small remnant was left. But English Version is simpler...

HENGSTENBERG translates, "in the land"; understanding "me" of the nation Israel, of which but a small remnant was left. But English Version is simpler; either, "They have consumed me so as to leave almost nothing of me on earth"; or, "They have almost destroyed and prostrated me on the earth" [MAURER].

JFB: Psa 119:87 - -- Whatever else I am forsaken of, I forsake not Thy precepts, and so am not mistaken of Thee (Psa 39:5, Psa 39:13; 2Co 4:8-9), and the injuries and insu...

Whatever else I am forsaken of, I forsake not Thy precepts, and so am not mistaken of Thee (Psa 39:5, Psa 39:13; 2Co 4:8-9), and the injuries and insults of the wicked increase the need for it. But, however they act regardless of God's law, the pious, adhering to its teaching, receive quickening grace, and are sustained steadfast.

JFB: Psa 119:89-91 - -- That is, stands as firmly as the heaven in which it dwells, and whence it emanated.

That is, stands as firmly as the heaven in which it dwells, and whence it emanated.

JFB: Psa 119:90 - -- (Psa 33:9).

JFB: Psa 119:91 - -- The heaven (Psa 119:89) and the earth (Psa 119:90). HENGSTENBERG translates, "They stand for thy judgment," that is, ready, as obedient servants, to e...

The heaven (Psa 119:89) and the earth (Psa 119:90). HENGSTENBERG translates, "They stand for thy judgment," that is, ready, as obedient servants, to execute them. The usage of this Psalm favors this view. But see Jer 33:25.

JFB: Psa 119:92-94 - -- Hence the pious are encouraged and inclined to seek a knowledge of it, and persevere amidst the efforts of those planning and waiting to destroy them.

Hence the pious are encouraged and inclined to seek a knowledge of it, and persevere amidst the efforts of those planning and waiting to destroy them.

JFB: Psa 119:92-94 - -- Plural, not merely delight, but equal to all other delights.

Plural, not merely delight, but equal to all other delights.

JFB: Psa 119:93 - -- The bounds of created perfection may be defined, but those of God's law in its nature, application, and influence, are infinite. There is no human thi...

The bounds of created perfection may be defined, but those of God's law in its nature, application, and influence, are infinite. There is no human thing so perfect but that something is wanting to it; its limits are narrow, whereas God's law is of infinite breadth, reaching to all cases, perfectly meeting what each requires, and to all times (Psa 19:3, Psa 19:6-11; Ecc 3:11). It cannot be cramped within any definitions of man's dogmatical systems. Man never outgrows the Word. It does not shock the ignorant man with declared anticipations of discoveries which he had not yet made; while in it the man of science finds his newest discoveries by tacit anticipations provided for.

JFB: Psa 119:98-100 - -- Of knowledge, both of the matter of all useful, moral truth, and an experience of its application.

Of knowledge, both of the matter of all useful, moral truth, and an experience of its application.

JFB: Psa 119:98-100 - -- With all their carnal cunning (Deu 4:6, Deu 4:8).

With all their carnal cunning (Deu 4:6, Deu 4:8).

JFB: Psa 119:98-100 - -- The Hebrew is, rather singular, "it is ever with me"; the commandments forming ONE complete whole, Thy law.

The Hebrew is, rather singular, "it is ever with me"; the commandments forming ONE complete whole, Thy law.

JFB: Psa 119:99 - -- Is practical skill (Psa 2:10; Psa 32:8).

Is practical skill (Psa 2:10; Psa 32:8).

JFB: Psa 119:100 - -- Antiquity is no help against stupidity, where it does not accord with God's word [LUTHER] (Job 32:7-9). The Bible is the key of all knowledge, the his...

Antiquity is no help against stupidity, where it does not accord with God's word [LUTHER] (Job 32:7-9). The Bible is the key of all knowledge, the history of the world, past, present, and to come (Psa 111:10). He who does the will of God shall know of the doctrine (Joh 7:17).

JFB: Psa 119:101-104 - -- Avoidance of sinful courses is both the effect and means of increasing in divine knowledge (compare Psa 19:10).

Avoidance of sinful courses is both the effect and means of increasing in divine knowledge (compare Psa 19:10).

JFB: Psa 119:106-108 - -- Such was the national covenant at Sinai and in the fields of Moab.

Such was the national covenant at Sinai and in the fields of Moab.

JFB: Psa 119:108 - -- The spontaneous expressions of his gratitude, as contrasted with the appointed "offerings" of the temple (Hos 14:2; Heb 13:15). He determines to pursu...

The spontaneous expressions of his gratitude, as contrasted with the appointed "offerings" of the temple (Hos 14:2; Heb 13:15). He determines to pursue this way, relying on God's quickening power (Psa 119:50) in affliction, and a gracious acceptance of his "spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise" (Psa 50:5, Psa 50:14, Psa 50:23).

JFB: Psa 119:109-110 - -- In the midst of deadly perils (the phrase is drawn from the fact that what we carry in our hands may easily slip from them, Jdg 12:3; 1Sa 28:21; Job 1...

In the midst of deadly perils (the phrase is drawn from the fact that what we carry in our hands may easily slip from them, Jdg 12:3; 1Sa 28:21; Job 13:14; compare 1Sa 19:5), and exposed to crafty enemies, his safety and guidance is in the truth and promises of God.

JFB: Psa 119:111-112 - -- These he joyfully takes as his perpetual heritage, to perform the duties and receive the comforts they teach, evermore.

These he joyfully takes as his perpetual heritage, to perform the duties and receive the comforts they teach, evermore.

JFB: Psa 119:113 - -- Better, "unstable persons," literally, "divided men," those of a divided, doubting mind (Jam 1:8); "a double-minded man" [HENGSTENBERG], skeptics, or,...

Better, "unstable persons," literally, "divided men," those of a divided, doubting mind (Jam 1:8); "a double-minded man" [HENGSTENBERG], skeptics, or, skeptical notions as opposed to the certainty of God's word.

JFB: Psa 119:114 - -- (Compare Psa 27:5).

(Compare Psa 27:5).

JFB: Psa 119:114 - -- (Psa 3:3; Psa 7:10).

JFB: Psa 119:114 - -- Confidently rest on its teachings and promises.

Confidently rest on its teachings and promises.

JFB: Psa 119:115-117 - -- Hence he fears not wicked men, nor dreads disappointment, sustained by God in making His law the rule of life.

Hence he fears not wicked men, nor dreads disappointment, sustained by God in making His law the rule of life.

JFB: Psa 119:115-117 - -- Ye can do nothing with me; for, &c. (Psa 6:8).

Ye can do nothing with me; for, &c. (Psa 6:8).

JFB: Psa 119:118-120 - -- But the disobedient and rebellious will be visited by God's wrath, which impresses the pious with wholesome fear and awe.

But the disobedient and rebellious will be visited by God's wrath, which impresses the pious with wholesome fear and awe.

JFB: Psa 119:118-120 - -- That is, all their cunning deceit, wherewith they seek to entrap the godly, is in vain.

That is, all their cunning deceit, wherewith they seek to entrap the godly, is in vain.

JFB: Psa 119:120 - -- The "judgments" are those on the wicked (Psa 119:119). Joyful hope goes hand in hand with fear (Hab 3:16-18).

The "judgments" are those on the wicked (Psa 119:119). Joyful hope goes hand in hand with fear (Hab 3:16-18).

JFB: Psa 119:122 - -- Stand for me against my oppressors (Gen 43:9; Isa 38:14).

Stand for me against my oppressors (Gen 43:9; Isa 38:14).

JFB: Psa 119:127-128 - -- That is, In view of these benefits, or, Because of the glory of Thy law, so much praised in the previous parts of the Psalm.

That is, In view of these benefits, or, Because of the glory of Thy law, so much praised in the previous parts of the Psalm.

JFB: Psa 119:127-128 - -- All its precepts, on all subjects, are estimable for their purity, and lead one imbued with their spirit to hate all evil (Psa 19:10). The Word of God...

All its precepts, on all subjects, are estimable for their purity, and lead one imbued with their spirit to hate all evil (Psa 19:10). The Word of God admits of no eclecticism; its least title is perfect (Psa 12:6; Mat 5:17-19).

JFB: Psa 119:129 - -- Literally, "wonders," that is, of moral excellence.

Literally, "wonders," that is, of moral excellence.

JFB: Psa 119:130 - -- Literally, "opening"; God's words, as an open door, let in light, or knowledge. Rather, as HENGSTENBERG explains it, "The opening up," or, "explanatio...

Literally, "opening"; God's words, as an open door, let in light, or knowledge. Rather, as HENGSTENBERG explains it, "The opening up," or, "explanation of thy word." To the natural man the doors of God's Word are shut. Luk 24:27, Luk 24:31; Act 17:3; Eph 1:18, confirm this view, "opening (that is, explaining) and alleging," &c.

JFB: Psa 119:130 - -- Those needing or desiring it (compare Psa 19:7).

Those needing or desiring it (compare Psa 19:7).

JFB: Psa 119:131-135 - -- An ardent desire (compare Psa 56:1-2) for spiritual enlightening, establishment in a right course, deliverance from the wicked, and evidence of God's ...

An ardent desire (compare Psa 56:1-2) for spiritual enlightening, establishment in a right course, deliverance from the wicked, and evidence of God's favor is expressed

JFB: Psa 119:131-135 - -- As a traveller in a hot desert pants for the cooling breeze (Psa 63:1; Psa 84:2).

As a traveller in a hot desert pants for the cooling breeze (Psa 63:1; Psa 84:2).

JFB: Psa 119:132 - -- Opposed to hiding or averting the face (compare Psa 25:15; Psa 86:6; Psa 102:17).

Opposed to hiding or averting the face (compare Psa 25:15; Psa 86:6; Psa 102:17).

JFB: Psa 119:132 - -- Or, "as it is right in regard to those who love Thy name." Such have a right to the manifestations of God's grace, resting on the nature of God as fai...

Or, "as it is right in regard to those who love Thy name." Such have a right to the manifestations of God's grace, resting on the nature of God as faithful to His promise to such, not on their own merits.

JFB: Psa 119:133 - -- Make firm, so that there be no halting (Psa 40:2).

Make firm, so that there be no halting (Psa 40:2).

JFB: Psa 119:133 - -- Psa 119:34 favors HENGSTENBERG, "any iniquitous man," any "oppressor." But the parallel first clause in this (Psa 119:33) favors English Version (Psa...

Psa 119:34 favors HENGSTENBERG, "any iniquitous man," any "oppressor." But the parallel first clause in this (Psa 119:33) favors English Version (Psa 19:13). His hope of deliverance from external oppression of man (Psa 119:34) is founded on his deliverance from the internal "dominion of iniquity," in answer to his prayer (Psa 119:33).

JFB: Psa 119:136 - -- Zealous himself to keep God's law, he is deeply afflicted when others violate it (compare Psa 119:53). Literally, "Mine eyes come down (dissolved) lik...

Zealous himself to keep God's law, he is deeply afflicted when others violate it (compare Psa 119:53). Literally, "Mine eyes come down (dissolved) like water brooks" (Lam 3:48; Jer 9:1).

JFB: Psa 119:136 - -- (Compare Eze 9:4; Jer 13:17).

(Compare Eze 9:4; Jer 13:17).

JFB: Psa 119:139 - -- (Psa 69:9).

JFB: Psa 119:140 - -- Literally, "refined," shown pure by trial.

Literally, "refined," shown pure by trial.

JFB: Psa 119:141 - -- The pious, however despised of men, are distinguished in God's sight by a regard for His law.

The pious, however despised of men, are distinguished in God's sight by a regard for His law.

JFB: Psa 119:142-144 - -- The principles of God's government are permanent and reliable, and in the deepest distress His people find them a theme of delightful meditation and a...

The principles of God's government are permanent and reliable, and in the deepest distress His people find them a theme of delightful meditation and a source of reviving power (Psa 119:17, Psa 119:116).

JFB: Psa 119:142-144 - -- It therefore cannot deceive as to its promises.

It therefore cannot deceive as to its promises.

JFB: Psa 119:142-144 - -- (Psa 111:3), though to outward appearance seeming dead.

(Psa 111:3), though to outward appearance seeming dead.

JFB: Psa 119:147 - -- Literally, "came before," anticipated not only the dawn, but even the usual periods of the night; when the night watches, which might be expected to f...

Literally, "came before," anticipated not only the dawn, but even the usual periods of the night; when the night watches, which might be expected to find me asleep, come, they find me awake (Psa 63:6; Psa 77:4; Lam 2:19). Such is the earnestness of the desire and love for God's truth.

JFB: Psa 119:149 - -- Revive my heart according to those principles of justice, founded on Thine own nature, and revealed in Thy law, which specially set forth Thy mercy to...

Revive my heart according to those principles of justice, founded on Thine own nature, and revealed in Thy law, which specially set forth Thy mercy to the humble as well as justice to the wicked (compare Psa 119:30).

JFB: Psa 119:150-152 - -- Though the wicked are near to injure, because far from God's law, He is near to help, and faithful to His word, which abides for ever.

Though the wicked are near to injure, because far from God's law, He is near to help, and faithful to His word, which abides for ever.

JFB: Psa 119:154 - -- HENGSTENBERG translates, "Fight my fight." (See Psa 35:1; Psa 43:1; Mic 7:9).

HENGSTENBERG translates, "Fight my fight." (See Psa 35:1; Psa 43:1; Mic 7:9).

JFB: Psa 119:156 - -- (See on Psa 119:149).

(See on Psa 119:149).

JFB: Psa 119:157 - -- (Compare Psa 119:86-87, Psa 119:95).

JFB: Psa 119:158 - -- (Compare Psa 119:136).

(Compare Psa 119:136).

JFB: Psa 119:158 - -- Or, literally, "traitors," who are faithless to a righteous sovereign and side with His enemies (compare Psa 25:3, Psa 25:8).

Or, literally, "traitors," who are faithless to a righteous sovereign and side with His enemies (compare Psa 25:3, Psa 25:8).

JFB: Psa 119:159 - -- (Compare Psa 119:121-126, Psa 119:153-155).

JFB: Psa 119:159 - -- (Psa 119:88). This prayer occurs here for the ninth time, showing a deep sense of frailty.

(Psa 119:88). This prayer occurs here for the ninth time, showing a deep sense of frailty.

JFB: Psa 119:160 - -- God has been ever faithful, and the principles of His government will ever continue worthy of confidence.

God has been ever faithful, and the principles of His government will ever continue worthy of confidence.

JFB: Psa 119:160 - -- That is, "every word from Genesis (called so by the Jews from its first words, 'In the beginning') to the end of the Scriptures is true." HENGSTENBERG...

That is, "every word from Genesis (called so by the Jews from its first words, 'In the beginning') to the end of the Scriptures is true." HENGSTENBERG translates more literally, "The sum of thy words is truth." The sense is substantially the same. The whole body of revelation is truth. "Thy Word is nothing but truth" [LUTHER].

JFB: Psa 119:161-165 - -- Reverential, not slavish fear, which could not coexist with love (Psa 119:163; 1Jo 4:8). Instead of fearing his persecutors, he fears God's Word alone...

Reverential, not slavish fear, which could not coexist with love (Psa 119:163; 1Jo 4:8). Instead of fearing his persecutors, he fears God's Word alone (Luk 12:4-5). The Jews inscribe in the first page of the great Bible (Gen 28:17), "How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!"

JFB: Psa 119:162 - -- (Compare Mat 13:44-45). Though persecuted by the mighty, the pious are not turned from revering God's authority to seek their favor, but rejoice in th...

(Compare Mat 13:44-45). Though persecuted by the mighty, the pious are not turned from revering God's authority to seek their favor, but rejoice in the possession of this "pearl of great price," as great victors in spoils. Hating falsehood and loving truth, often, every day, praising God for it, they find peace and freedom from temptation.

JFB: Psa 119:163 - -- That is, as in Psa 119:29, unfaithfulness to the covenant of God with His people; apostasy.

That is, as in Psa 119:29, unfaithfulness to the covenant of God with His people; apostasy.

JFB: Psa 119:165 - -- Or, "cause them to offend" (compare Margin).

Or, "cause them to offend" (compare Margin).

JFB: Psa 119:166-168 - -- As they keep God's law from motives of love for it, and are free from slavish fear, the are ready to subject their lives to His inspection.

As they keep God's law from motives of love for it, and are free from slavish fear, the are ready to subject their lives to His inspection.

JFB: Psa 119:168 - -- I wish to order my ways as before Thee, rather than in reference to man (Gen 19:1; Psa 73:23). All men's ways are under God's eye (Pro 5:21); the godl...

I wish to order my ways as before Thee, rather than in reference to man (Gen 19:1; Psa 73:23). All men's ways are under God's eye (Pro 5:21); the godly alone realize the fact, and live accordingly.

JFB: Psa 119:171-172 - -- Or, "pour out praise" (compare Psa 19:2); shall cause Thy praises to stream forth as from a bubbling, overflowing fountain.

Or, "pour out praise" (compare Psa 19:2); shall cause Thy praises to stream forth as from a bubbling, overflowing fountain.

JFB: Psa 119:172 - -- Literally, "answer Thy Word," that is, with praise, respond to Thy word. Every expression in which we praise God and His Word is a response, or acknow...

Literally, "answer Thy Word," that is, with praise, respond to Thy word. Every expression in which we praise God and His Word is a response, or acknowledgment, corresponding to the perfections of Him whom we praise.

JFB: Psa 119:173-174 - -- (Compare Psa 119:77, Psa 119:81, Psa 119:92).

JFB: Psa 119:173-174 - -- In preference to all other objects of delight.

In preference to all other objects of delight.

JFB: Psa 119:175 - -- Save me that I may praise Thee.

Save me that I may praise Thee.

JFB: Psa 119:175 - -- As in Psa 119:149, Psa 119:156.

JFB: Psa 119:176 - -- Though a wanderer from God, the truly pious ever desires to be drawn back to Him; and, though for a time negligent of duty, he never forgets the comma...

Though a wanderer from God, the truly pious ever desires to be drawn back to Him; and, though for a time negligent of duty, he never forgets the commandments by which it is taught.

JFB: Psa 119:176 - -- Therefore utterly helpless as to recovering itself (Jer 50:6; Luk 15:4). Not only the sinner before conversion, but the believer after conversion, is ...

Therefore utterly helpless as to recovering itself (Jer 50:6; Luk 15:4). Not only the sinner before conversion, but the believer after conversion, is unable to recover himself; but the latter, after temporary wandering, knows to whom to look for restoration. Psa 119:175-176 seem to sum up the petitions, confessions, and professions of the Psalm. The writer desires God's favor, that he may praise Him for His truth, confesses that he has erred, but, in the midst of all his wanderings and adversities, professes an abiding attachment to the revealed Word of God, the theme of such repeated eulogies, and the recognized source of such great and unnumbered blessings. Thus the Psalm, though more than usually didactic, is made the medium of both parts of devotion--prayer and praise.

Clarke: Psa 119:87 - -- They had almost consumed me - Had it not been for thy mercy, we had all been destroyed under this oppressive captivity.

They had almost consumed me - Had it not been for thy mercy, we had all been destroyed under this oppressive captivity.

Clarke: Psa 119:88 - -- Quicken me - Make and keep me alive

Quicken me - Make and keep me alive

Clarke: Psa 119:88 - -- So shall I keep - Without the spiritual life there is no obedience; we must therefore rise from the dead, and be quickened by the Spirit of Christ

So shall I keep - Without the spiritual life there is no obedience; we must therefore rise from the dead, and be quickened by the Spirit of Christ

Clarke: Psa 119:89 - -- For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven - Thy purposes are all settled above, and they shall all be fulfilled below.

For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven - Thy purposes are all settled above, and they shall all be fulfilled below.

Clarke: Psa 119:90 - -- Thy faithfulness - That which binds thee to accomplish the promise made. And this shall be, not for an age merely, but from generation to generation...

Thy faithfulness - That which binds thee to accomplish the promise made. And this shall be, not for an age merely, but from generation to generation; for thy promises refer to the whole duration of time

Clarke: Psa 119:90 - -- Thou hast established the earth - Thou hast given it its appointed place in the system, and there it abideth.

Thou hast established the earth - Thou hast given it its appointed place in the system, and there it abideth.

Clarke: Psa 119:91 - -- They continue this day - This verse should be thus read: All are thy servants; therefore, they continue this day according to thy ordinances. "All t...

They continue this day - This verse should be thus read: All are thy servants; therefore, they continue this day according to thy ordinances. "All the celestial bodies are governed by thy power. Thou hast given an ordinance or appointment to each, and each fulfils thy will in the place thou hast assigned it."

Clarke: Psa 119:92 - -- Unless thy law had been my delights - Had we not had the consolations of religion, we should long ago have died of a broken heart.

Unless thy law had been my delights - Had we not had the consolations of religion, we should long ago have died of a broken heart.

Clarke: Psa 119:93 - -- I will never forget thy precepts - How can I? It is by them I live.

I will never forget thy precepts - How can I? It is by them I live.

Clarke: Psa 119:94 - -- I am thine, save me - He who can say this need fear no evil. In all trials, temptations, dangers, afflictions, persecutions, I am thine. Thy enemies...

I am thine, save me - He who can say this need fear no evil. In all trials, temptations, dangers, afflictions, persecutions, I am thine. Thy enemies wish to destroy me! Lord, look to thy servant; thy servant looks to thee. O how sovereign is such a word against all the evils of life! I am Thine! therefore save thine Own!

Clarke: Psa 119:96 - -- I have seen an end of all perfection - Literally, "Of all consummations I have seen the end:"as if one should say, Every thing of human origin has i...

I have seen an end of all perfection - Literally, "Of all consummations I have seen the end:"as if one should say, Every thing of human origin has its limits and end, howsoever extensive, noble, and excellent. All arts and sciences, languages, inventions, have their respective principles, have their limits and ends; as they came from man and relate to man, they shall end with man: but thy law, thy revelation, which is a picture of thy own mind, an external manifestation of thy own perfections, conceived in thy infinite ideas, in reference to eternal objects, is exceeding broad; transcends the limits of creation; and extends illimitably into eternity! This has been explained as if it meant: All the real or pretended perfection that men can arrive at in this life is nothing when compared with what the law of God requires. This saying is false in itself, and is no meaning of the text. Whatever God requires of man he can, by his grace, work in man

Clarke: Psa 119:97 - -- O how love I thy law - This is one of the strongest marks of a gracious and pious heart, cast in the mould of obedience. Such love the precepts of C...

O how love I thy law - This is one of the strongest marks of a gracious and pious heart, cast in the mould of obedience. Such love the precepts of Christ: in his commandments they delight; and this delight is shown by their making them frequent subjects of their meditation.

Clarke: Psa 119:98 - -- Wiser than mine enemies - Some have thought that this Psalm was composed by Daniel, and that he speaks of himself in these verses. Being instructed ...

Wiser than mine enemies - Some have thought that this Psalm was composed by Daniel, and that he speaks of himself in these verses. Being instructed by God, he was found to have more knowledge than any of the Chaldeans, magicians, soothsayers, etc., etc.; and his wisdom soon appeared to the whole nation vastly superior to theirs.

Clarke: Psa 119:99 - -- I have more understanding than all my teachers - As he had entered into the spiritual nature of the law of God, and saw into the exceeding breadth o...

I have more understanding than all my teachers - As he had entered into the spiritual nature of the law of God, and saw into the exceeding breadth of the commandment, he soon became wiser than any of the priests or even prophets who instructed him.

Clarke: Psa 119:100 - -- I understand more than the ancients - God had revealed to him more of that hidden wisdom which was in his law than he had done to any of his predece...

I understand more than the ancients - God had revealed to him more of that hidden wisdom which was in his law than he had done to any of his predecessors. And this was most literally true of David, who spoke more fully about Christ than any who had gone before him; or, indeed, followed after him. His compositions are, I had almost said, a sublime Gospel.

Clarke: Psa 119:101 - -- I have refrained my feet - By avoiding all sin, the spirit of wisdom still continues to rest upon me.

I have refrained my feet - By avoiding all sin, the spirit of wisdom still continues to rest upon me.

Clarke: Psa 119:103 - -- Sweeter than honey to my mouth! - What deep communion must this man have had with his Maker! These expressions show a soul filled with God. O Christ...

Sweeter than honey to my mouth! - What deep communion must this man have had with his Maker! These expressions show a soul filled with God. O Christians, how vastly superior are our privileges! and alas! how vastly inferior in general, are our consolations, our communion with God, and our heavenly-mindedness!

Clarke: Psa 119:104 - -- Through thy precepts I get understanding - Spiritual knowledge increases while we tread in the path of obedience. Obedience is the grand means of gr...

Through thy precepts I get understanding - Spiritual knowledge increases while we tread in the path of obedience. Obedience is the grand means of growth and instruction. Obedience trades with the talent of grace, and thus grace becomes multiplied

Clarke: Psa 119:105 - -- Thy word is a lamp - This is illustrated thus by Solomon, Pro 6:23 : "The commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction a...

Thy word is a lamp - This is illustrated thus by Solomon, Pro 6:23 : "The commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life."God’ s word is a candle which may be held in the hand to give us light in every dark place and chamber; and it is a general light shining upon all his works, and upon all our ways.

Clarke: Psa 119:106 - -- I have sworn - Perhaps this means no more than that he had renewed his covenant with God; he had bound himself to love and serve him only.

I have sworn - Perhaps this means no more than that he had renewed his covenant with God; he had bound himself to love and serve him only.

Clarke: Psa 119:107 - -- I am afflicted very much - עד מאד ad meod , "to extremity, excessively."We are in the most oppressive captivity

I am afflicted very much - עד מאד ad meod , "to extremity, excessively."We are in the most oppressive captivity

Clarke: Psa 119:107 - -- Quicken me - Deliver us from our bondage.

Quicken me - Deliver us from our bondage.

Clarke: Psa 119:108 - -- The freewill-offerings of my mouth - נדבות פי nidboth pi , the voluntary offerings which I have promised. Or, As we are in captivity, and ca...

The freewill-offerings of my mouth - נדבות פי nidboth pi , the voluntary offerings which I have promised. Or, As we are in captivity, and cannot sacrifice to thee, but would if we could; accept the praises of our mouth, and the purposes of our hearts, instead of the sacrifices and offerings which we would bring to thy altar, but cannot.

Clarke: Psa 119:109 - -- My soul is continually in my hand - נפשי naphshi , my life; that is, it is in constant danger, every hour I am on the confines of death The exp...

My soul is continually in my hand - נפשי naphshi , my life; that is, it is in constant danger, every hour I am on the confines of death

The expression signifies to be in continual danger. So Xenarchus in Athenaeus, lib. xiii., c. 4: Εν τῃ χειρι την ψυχην εχοντα, "having the life in the hand;"which signifies continual danger and jeopardy. There is some thing like this in the speech of Achilles to Ulysses, Hom. Il. ix., ver. 322: -

Αιει εμην ψυχην παραβαλλομενος πολεμιζειν·

"Always presenting my life to the dangers of the fight.

My soul is in thy hand, is the reading of the Syriac, Septuagint, Ethiopic, and Arabic; but this is a conjectural and useless emendation.

Clarke: Psa 119:110 - -- The wicked have laid a snare - Thus their lives were continually exposed to danger.

The wicked have laid a snare - Thus their lives were continually exposed to danger.

Clarke: Psa 119:111 - -- As a heritage - In Psa 119:57 he says, God is my portion, חלקי chelki . In this he says, Thy testimonies have I taken as a heritage, נחל n...

As a heritage - In Psa 119:57 he says, God is my portion, חלקי chelki . In this he says, Thy testimonies have I taken as a heritage, נחל nachal . To these he was heir; he had inherited them from his fathers, and he was determined to leave them to his family for ever. If a man can leave nothing to his child but a Bible, in that he bequeaths him the greatest treasure in the universe.

Clarke: Psa 119:112 - -- I have inclined mine heart - I used the power God gave me, and turned to his testimonies with all mine heart. When we work with God, we can do all t...

I have inclined mine heart - I used the power God gave me, and turned to his testimonies with all mine heart. When we work with God, we can do all things

Clarke: Psa 119:113 - -- I hate vain thoughts - I have hated סעפים seaphim , "tumultuous, violent men."I abominate all mobs and insurrections, and troublers of the pub...

I hate vain thoughts - I have hated סעפים seaphim , "tumultuous, violent men."I abominate all mobs and insurrections, and troublers of the public peace.

Clarke: Psa 119:114 - -- Mv hiding place - My asylum

Mv hiding place - My asylum

Clarke: Psa 119:114 - -- And my shield - There is a time in which I may be called to suffer in secret; then thou hidest me. There may be a time in which thou callest me to f...

And my shield - There is a time in which I may be called to suffer in secret; then thou hidest me. There may be a time in which thou callest me to fight; then thou art my Shield and Protector.

Clarke: Psa 119:116 - -- Depart from me - Odi profanum vulgus, etarceo , I abominate the profane, and will have no communion with them. I drive them away from my presence.

Depart from me - Odi profanum vulgus, etarceo , I abominate the profane, and will have no communion with them. I drive them away from my presence.

Clarke: Psa 119:116 - -- Uphold me - סמכני sammecheni , prop me up; give me thyself to lean upon.

Uphold me - סמכני sammecheni , prop me up; give me thyself to lean upon.

Clarke: Psa 119:117 - -- Hold thou me up - I shall grow weary and faint in the way, if not strengthened and supported by thee

Hold thou me up - I shall grow weary and faint in the way, if not strengthened and supported by thee

Clarke: Psa 119:117 - -- And I shall be safe - No soul can be safe, unless upheld by thee.

And I shall be safe - No soul can be safe, unless upheld by thee.

Clarke: Psa 119:118 - -- Thou hast trodden down - All thy enemies will be finally trodden down under thy feet

Thou hast trodden down - All thy enemies will be finally trodden down under thy feet

Clarke: Psa 119:118 - -- Their deceit is falsehood - Their elevation is a lie. The wicked often become rich and great, and affect to be happy, but it is all false; they have...

Their deceit is falsehood - Their elevation is a lie. The wicked often become rich and great, and affect to be happy, but it is all false; they have neither a clean nor approving conscience. Nor can they have thy approbation; and, consequently, no true blessedness.

Clarke: Psa 119:119 - -- Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross - There is no true metal in them: when they are tried by the refining fire, they are burnt ...

Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross - There is no true metal in them: when they are tried by the refining fire, they are burnt up; they fly off in fumes, and come to no amount. There is probably an allusion here to the scum or scorias at the surface of melting metals, which is swept oft previously to casting the metal into the mould

Clarke: Psa 119:119 - -- Therefore I love thy testimonies - Thy testimonies will stand; and thy people will stand; because thou who didst give the one, and who upholdest the...

Therefore I love thy testimonies - Thy testimonies will stand; and thy people will stand; because thou who didst give the one, and who upholdest the other, art pure, immovable, and eternal.

Clarke: Psa 119:120 - -- My flesh trembleth for fear of thee - I know thou art a just and holy God: I know thou requirest truth in the inner parts. I know that thou art a Sp...

My flesh trembleth for fear of thee - I know thou art a just and holy God: I know thou requirest truth in the inner parts. I know that thou art a Spirit, and that they who worship thee must worship thee in spirit and in truth; and I am often alarmed lest I fall short. It is only an assurance of my interest in thy mercy that can save me from distressing fears and harassing doubts. It is our privilege to know we are in God’ s favor; and it is not less so to maintain a continual filial fear of offending him. A true conception of God’ s justice and mercy begets reverence

Clarke: Psa 119:121 - -- I have done judgment and justice - I have given the best decision possible on every case that came before me; and I have endeavored to render to all...

I have done judgment and justice - I have given the best decision possible on every case that came before me; and I have endeavored to render to all their due.

Clarke: Psa 119:122 - -- Be surety for thy servant - ערב arob , give a pledge or token that thou wilt help me in times of necessity. Or, Be bail for thy servant. What a ...

Be surety for thy servant - ערב arob , give a pledge or token that thou wilt help me in times of necessity. Or, Be bail for thy servant. What a word is this! Pledge thyself for me, that thou wilt produce me safely at the judgment of the great day. Then sustain and keep me blameless till the coming of Christ. Neither of these two verses has any of the ten words in reference to God’ s law or attributes. The judgment and the justice refer to the psalmist’ s own conduct in Psa 119:121. The hundred and twenty-second has no word of the kind.

Clarke: Psa 119:123 - -- Mine eyes fail - See on Psa 119:82 (note).

Mine eyes fail - See on Psa 119:82 (note).

Clarke: Psa 119:125 - -- I am thy servant - See on Psa 119:94 (note).

I am thy servant - See on Psa 119:94 (note).

Clarke: Psa 119:126 - -- It is time for thee, Lord, to work - The time is fulfilled in which thou hast promised deliverance to thy people. They - the Babylonians

It is time for thee, Lord, to work - The time is fulfilled in which thou hast promised deliverance to thy people. They - the Babylonians

Clarke: Psa 119:126 - -- Have made void thy law - They have filled up the measure of their iniquities.

Have made void thy law - They have filled up the measure of their iniquities.

Clarke: Psa 119:127 - -- Therefore I love thy commandments - I see thou wilt do all things well. I will trust in thee

Therefore I love thy commandments - I see thou wilt do all things well. I will trust in thee

Clarke: Psa 119:127 - -- Above gold - מזהב mizzahab , more than resplendent gold; gold without any stain or rust

Above gold - מזהב mizzahab , more than resplendent gold; gold without any stain or rust

Clarke: Psa 119:127 - -- Yea, above fine gold - ומפז umippaz , above solid gold; gold separated from the dross, perfectly refined.

Yea, above fine gold - ומפז umippaz , above solid gold; gold separated from the dross, perfectly refined.

Clarke: Psa 119:128 - -- All thy precepts concerning all things to be right - There are too many supplied words here to leave the text unsuspected. All the ancient versions,...

All thy precepts concerning all things to be right - There are too many supplied words here to leave the text unsuspected. All the ancient versions, except the Chaldee, seem to have omitted the second כל col , All and read the text thus: "Therefore I have walked straight in all thy precepts."I go straight on in all thy precepts, hating every false way. I neither turn to the right hand nor to the left; the false ways are crooked; thy way is straight. I am going to heaven, and that way lies straight before me. To walk in the way of falsity I cannot, because I hate it; and I hate such ways because God hates them

Clarke: Psa 119:129 - -- Thy testimonies are wonderful - There is a height, length, depth, and breadth in thy word and testimonies that are truly astonishing; and on this ac...

Thy testimonies are wonderful - There is a height, length, depth, and breadth in thy word and testimonies that are truly astonishing; and on this account my soul loves them, and I deeply study them. The more I study, the more light and salvation I obtain.

Clarke: Psa 119:130 - -- The entrance of thy words giveth light - פתח pethach , the opening of it: when I open my Bible to read, light springs up in my mind. Every sermo...

The entrance of thy words giveth light - פתח pethach , the opening of it: when I open my Bible to read, light springs up in my mind. Every sermon, every prayer, every act of faith, is an opening by which light is let into the seeking soul.

Clarke: Psa 119:131 - -- I opened my mouth, and panted - A metaphor taken from an animal exhausted in the chase. He runs, open-mouthed, to take in the cooling air; the heart...

I opened my mouth, and panted - A metaphor taken from an animal exhausted in the chase. He runs, open-mouthed, to take in the cooling air; the heart beating high, and the muscular force nearly expended through fatigue. The psalmist sought for salvation, as he would run from a ferocious beast for his life. Nothing can show his earnestness in a stronger point of view.

Clarke: Psa 119:132 - -- As thou usest to do - Treat me as thy mercy has induced thee to treat others in my circumstances. Deal with me as thou dealest with thy friends.

As thou usest to do - Treat me as thy mercy has induced thee to treat others in my circumstances. Deal with me as thou dealest with thy friends.

Clarke: Psa 119:133 - -- Order my steps - הכן hachen , make them firm; let me not walk with a halting or unsteady step

Order my steps - הכן hachen , make them firm; let me not walk with a halting or unsteady step

Clarke: Psa 119:133 - -- Have dominion over me - בי bi , In me. Let me have no governor but God, let the throne of my heart be filled by him, and none other.

Have dominion over me - בי bi , In me. Let me have no governor but God, let the throne of my heart be filled by him, and none other.

Clarke: Psa 119:135 - -- Make thy face to shine - Give me a sense of thy approbation. Let me know, by the testimony of thy Spirit in my conscience, that thou art reconciled ...

Make thy face to shine - Give me a sense of thy approbation. Let me know, by the testimony of thy Spirit in my conscience, that thou art reconciled to me. The godly in all ages derived their happiness from a consciousness of the Divine favor. The witness of God’ s spirit in the souls of believers was an essential principle in religion from the foundation of the world.

Clarke: Psa 119:136 - -- Rivers of waters run down mine eyes - How much had this blessed man the honor of God and the salvation of souls at heart! O for more of that spirit ...

Rivers of waters run down mine eyes - How much had this blessed man the honor of God and the salvation of souls at heart! O for more of that spirit which mourns for the transgressions of the land! But we are not properly convinced of the exceeding sinfulness of sin

Clarke: Psa 119:137 - -- Righteous art thou - Thou art infinitely holy in thy nature; and therefore thou art upright in thy judgments - all thy dispensations to men.

Righteous art thou - Thou art infinitely holy in thy nature; and therefore thou art upright in thy judgments - all thy dispensations to men.

Clarke: Psa 119:138 - -- Thy testimonies - Every thing that proceeds from thee partakes of the perfections of thy nature.

Thy testimonies - Every thing that proceeds from thee partakes of the perfections of thy nature.

Clarke: Psa 119:139 - -- My zeal hath consumed me - My earnest desire to promote thy glory, and the pain I feel at seeing transgressions multiplied, have worn down both my f...

My zeal hath consumed me - My earnest desire to promote thy glory, and the pain I feel at seeing transgressions multiplied, have worn down both my flesh and spirits.

Clarke: Psa 119:140 - -- Thy word is very pure - צרופה tseruphah , it is purification. It is not a purified thing, but a thing that purifies. "Now ye are clean,"said C...

Thy word is very pure - צרופה tseruphah , it is purification. It is not a purified thing, but a thing that purifies. "Now ye are clean,"said Christ, "by the word I have spoken unto you."God’ s word is a fire to purify as well as a hammer to break.

Clarke: Psa 119:141 - -- I am small and despised - And on these accounts have every thing to fear. Being small, I cannot resist; being despised, I am in danger; but even all...

I am small and despised - And on these accounts have every thing to fear. Being small, I cannot resist; being despised, I am in danger; but even all this does not induce me to start aside, or through the fear of man to be unfaithful to thee.

Clarke: Psa 119:142 - -- Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness - The word צדק tsedek is a word of very extensive meaning in the Bible. It signifies, not on...

Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness - The word צדק tsedek is a word of very extensive meaning in the Bible. It signifies, not only God’ s inherent righteousness and perfection of nature, but also his method of treating others; his plan of redemption; his method of saving others. And the word δικαιοσυνη, which answers to it, in the Septuagint and in the New Testament, is used with the same latitude of meaning, and in the same sense; particularly in that remarkable passage, Rom 3:25-26 (note), where see the notes. Thy merciful method of dealing with sinners and justifying the ungodly will last as long as the earth lasts; and thy law that witnesses this, in all its pages, is the truth.

Clarke: Psa 119:143 - -- Trouble and anguish - I am exercised with various trials from men and devils

Trouble and anguish - I am exercised with various trials from men and devils

Clarke: Psa 119:143 - -- Have taken hold on me - But still I cleave to my God, and am delighted with his law.

Have taken hold on me - But still I cleave to my God, and am delighted with his law.

Clarke: Psa 119:144 - -- The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting - Thy moral law was not made for one people, or for one particular time; it is as imperishable a...

The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting - Thy moral law was not made for one people, or for one particular time; it is as imperishable as thy nature, and of endless obligation. It is that law by which all the children of Adam shall be Judged

Clarke: Psa 119:144 - -- Give me understanding - To know and practice it

Give me understanding - To know and practice it

Clarke: Psa 119:144 - -- And I shall live - Shall glorify thee, and live eternally; not for the merit of having done it, but because thou didst fulfill the work of the law i...

And I shall live - Shall glorify thee, and live eternally; not for the merit of having done it, but because thou didst fulfill the work of the law in my heart, having saved me from condemnation by it

Clarke: Psa 119:145 - -- I cried with my whole heart - The whole soul of the psalmist was engaged in this good work. He whose whole heart cries to God will never rise from t...

I cried with my whole heart - The whole soul of the psalmist was engaged in this good work. He whose whole heart cries to God will never rise from the throne of grace without a blessing.

Clarke: Psa 119:147 - -- I prevented the dawning - קדמתי kiddamti , "I went before the dawn or twilight."

I prevented the dawning - קדמתי kiddamti , "I went before the dawn or twilight."

Clarke: Psa 119:148 - -- Mine eyes prevent - קדמו kiddemu , "go before the watches."Before the watchman proclaims the hour, I am awake, meditating on thy words. The Jew...

Mine eyes prevent - קדמו kiddemu , "go before the watches."Before the watchman proclaims the hour, I am awake, meditating on thy words. The Jews divided the night into three watches, which began at what we call six o’ clock in the evening, and consisted each of four hours. The Romans taught them afterwards to divide it into four watches of three hours each; and to divide the day and night into twelve hours each; wherein different guards of soldiers were appointed to watch. At the proclaiming of each watch the psalmist appears to have risen and performed some act of devotion. For a remarkable custom of our Saxon ancestors, see the note on Psa 119:164 (note).

Clarke: Psa 119:150 - -- They draw nigh - They are just at hand who seek to destroy me

They draw nigh - They are just at hand who seek to destroy me

Clarke: Psa 119:150 - -- They are far from thy law - They are near to all evil, but far from thee.

They are far from thy law - They are near to all evil, but far from thee.

Clarke: Psa 119:151 - -- Thou art near - As they are near to destroy, so art thou near to save. When the enemy comes in as a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standar...

Thou art near - As they are near to destroy, so art thou near to save. When the enemy comes in as a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against him.

Clarke: Psa 119:152 - -- Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old - קדם ידעתי kedem yedati , "Long ago I have known concerning thy testimonies."Thou hast des...

Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old - קדם ידעתי kedem yedati , "Long ago I have known concerning thy testimonies."Thou hast designed that thy testimonies should bear reference to, and evidence of, those glorious things which thou hast provided for the salvation of men; and that this should be an everlasting testimony. They continue, and Christ is come

Clarke: Psa 119:153 - -- Consider mine affliction - See mine addiction or humiliation: but the eye of the Lord affects his heart; and therefore he never sees the distresses ...

Consider mine affliction - See mine addiction or humiliation: but the eye of the Lord affects his heart; and therefore he never sees the distresses of his followers without considering their situation, and affording them help.

Clarke: Psa 119:154 - -- Plead my cause - ריבה ריבי ribah ribi . "Be my Advocate in my suit."Contend for us against the Babylonians, and bring us out of our bondag...

Plead my cause - ריבה ריבי ribah ribi . "Be my Advocate in my suit."Contend for us against the Babylonians, and bring us out of our bondage

Clarke: Psa 119:154 - -- According to thy word - Spoken by thy prophets for our comfort and encouragement.

According to thy word - Spoken by thy prophets for our comfort and encouragement.

Clarke: Psa 119:155 - -- Salvation is far from the wicked - There is no hope of their conversion

Salvation is far from the wicked - There is no hope of their conversion

Clarke: Psa 119:155 - -- For they seek not thy statutes - And they who do not seek, shall not find.

For they seek not thy statutes - And they who do not seek, shall not find.

Clarke: Psa 119:156 - -- Great are thy tender mercies - They are רבים rabbim , multitudes. They extend to all the wretchednesses of all men.

Great are thy tender mercies - They are רבים rabbim , multitudes. They extend to all the wretchednesses of all men.

Clarke: Psa 119:158 - -- I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved - Literally, I was affected with anguish.

I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved - Literally, I was affected with anguish.

Clarke: Psa 119:160 - -- Thy word is true from the beginning - ראש rosh , the head or beginning of thy word, is true. Does he refer to the first word in the Book of Gene...

Thy word is true from the beginning - ראש rosh , the head or beginning of thy word, is true. Does he refer to the first word in the Book of Genesis, בראשית bereshith , "in the beginning?"The learned reader knows that ראש rash , or raash , is the root in that word. Every word thou hast spoken from the first in Bereshith (Genesis) to the end of the law and prophets, and all thou wilt yet speak, as flowing from the fountain of truth, must be true; and all shall have in due time, their fulfllment. And all these, thy words endure for ever. They are true, and ever will be true

Clarke: Psa 119:161 - -- Princes have persecuted me - This may refer to what was done by prime ministers, and the rulers of provinces, to sour the king against the unfortuna...

Princes have persecuted me - This may refer to what was done by prime ministers, and the rulers of provinces, to sour the king against the unfortunate Jews, in order still to detain them in bondage. In reference to David, the plotting against him in Saul’ s court, and the dangers he ran in consequence of the jealousies of the Philistine lords while he sojourned among them, are well known

Clarke: Psa 119:161 - -- My heart standeth in awe - They had probably offers made them of enlargement or melioration of condition, providing they submitted to some idolatrou...

My heart standeth in awe - They had probably offers made them of enlargement or melioration of condition, providing they submitted to some idolatrous conditions; but they knew they had to do with a jealous God; their hearts stood in awe, and they were thereby kept from sin.

Clarke: Psa 119:162 - -- As one that findeth great spoil - שלל רב shalal rab . This appears to refer to such spoil as is acquired by stripping the dead in a field of ...

As one that findeth great spoil - שלל רב shalal rab . This appears to refer to such spoil as is acquired by stripping the dead in a field of battle, taking the rich garments of the slain chiefs; or it may refer to plunder in general. As God opened his eyes he beheld wonders in his law; and each discovery of this kind was like finding a prize.

Clarke: Psa 119:163 - -- I - abhor lying - Perhaps they might have made the confessions which the Chaldeans required, and by mental reservation have kept an inward firm adhe...

I - abhor lying - Perhaps they might have made the confessions which the Chaldeans required, and by mental reservation have kept an inward firm adherence to their creed; but this, in the sight of the God of truth, must have been lying; and at such a sacrifice they would not purchase their enlargement, even from their captivity.

Clarke: Psa 119:164 - -- Seven times a day do I praise thee - We have often seen that seven was a number expressing perfection, completion, etc., among the Hebrews; and that...

Seven times a day do I praise thee - We have often seen that seven was a number expressing perfection, completion, etc., among the Hebrews; and that it is often used to signify many, or an indefinite number, see Pro 24:16; Lev 26:28. And here it may mean no more than that his soul was filled with the spirit of gratitude and praise, and that he very frequently expressed his joyous and grateful feelings in this way. But Rabbi Solomon says this is to be understood literally, for they praised God twice in the morning before reading the decalogue, and once after; twice in the evening before the same reading, and twice after; making in the whole seven times. The Roman Church has prescribed a similar service

In a manuscript Saxon Homily, Domin. 3, in Quadrag, a.d. 971, I find the following singular directions: -

Every Christian man is commanded that he always his body seven times bless with the sign of Christ’ s cross

1.    First, at day-break

2.    Second time at undern tide, (nine o’ clock in the morning)

3.    The third time at midday

4.    The fourth time at noon-tide. (3 o’ clock P.M.

5.    The fifth time in the evening

6.    The sixth time at night ere he go to rest

7.    The seventh time at midnight. A good man would do so if he awoke

It seems that the sign of the cross was thought sufficient, even without prayer.

Clarke: Psa 119:165 - -- Great peace have they - They have peace in their conscience, and joy in the Holy Spirit; an

Great peace have they - They have peace in their conscience, and joy in the Holy Spirit; an

Clarke: Psa 119:165 - -- Nothing shall offend - Stumble, or put them out of the way.

Nothing shall offend - Stumble, or put them out of the way.

Clarke: Psa 119:166 - -- Lord, I have hoped - Thou hast promised deliverance, and I have expected it on the ground of that promise.

Lord, I have hoped - Thou hast promised deliverance, and I have expected it on the ground of that promise.

Clarke: Psa 119:167 - -- My soul hath kept - I have not attended to the latter merely, but my spirit has entered into the spirit and design of thy testimonies.

My soul hath kept - I have not attended to the latter merely, but my spirit has entered into the spirit and design of thy testimonies.

Clarke: Psa 119:168 - -- For all my ways are before thee - Thou knowest that I do not lie; thy eye has been upon my heart and my conduct, and thou knowest that I have endeav...

For all my ways are before thee - Thou knowest that I do not lie; thy eye has been upon my heart and my conduct, and thou knowest that I have endeavored to walk before thee with a perfect heart

Clarke: Psa 119:169 - -- Let my cry come near before thee - This is really a fine image; it is of frequent occurrence, and is little heeded. Here the psalmists cry for deliv...

Let my cry come near before thee - This is really a fine image; it is of frequent occurrence, and is little heeded. Here the psalmists cry for deliverance is personified; made an intelligent being, and sent up to the throne of grace to negotiate in his behalf. He pursues this prosopopoeia in the next verse and sends his supplication in the same way. I have already had occasion to refer to a similar figure in Homer, where prayers are represented as the daughters of Jupiter. See on Psa 88:2 (note).

Clarke: Psa 119:171 - -- My lips shall utter praise - תהלה tehillah , a song of praise.

My lips shall utter praise - תהלה tehillah , a song of praise.

Clarke: Psa 119:172 - -- My tongue shall speak of thy word - There is a curious distinction here. In the preceding verse he says, "My lips shall utter;"here no reference is ...

My tongue shall speak of thy word - There is a curious distinction here. In the preceding verse he says, "My lips shall utter;"here no reference is made to articulate sounds, except as affixed to musical notes. In this verse he says, "My tongue shall speak;"here articulate and intelligible words are intended. He first utters sounds connected with words expressive of his grateful feelings; in the second he speaks words, principally those which God himself had spoken, containing promises of support, purposes relative to the redemption of his people, and denunciations against their enemies.

Clarke: Psa 119:173 - -- Let thine hand help me - Exert thy power in my defense.

Let thine hand help me - Exert thy power in my defense.

Clarke: Psa 119:175 - -- Let my soul live - Let my life be preserved, and my soul quickened!

Let my soul live - Let my life be preserved, and my soul quickened!

Clarke: Psa 119:176 - -- I have gone astray like a lost sheep - A sheep, when it has once lost the flock, strays in such a manner as to render the prospect of its own return...

I have gone astray like a lost sheep - A sheep, when it has once lost the flock, strays in such a manner as to render the prospect of its own return utterly hopeless. I have seen them bleating when they have lost the flock, and when answered by the others, instead of turning to the sound, have gone on in the same direction in which they were straying, their bleatings answered by the rest of the flock, till they were out of hearing! This fact shows the propriety of the next clause

Clarke: Psa 119:176 - -- Seek thy servant - I shall never find thee; come to the wilderness, take me up, and carry me to the flock. See the notes on the parable of the lost ...

Seek thy servant - I shall never find thee; come to the wilderness, take me up, and carry me to the flock. See the notes on the parable of the lost sheep, Luk 15:4 (note), etc. The psalmist began with "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord;"and he concludes with "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant."And thus, conscious of the blessedness of those who are in the way or righteousness, he desires to be brought into it, that he may walk in newness of life. Psa 119:1 : "It is a good way, and they are blessed that walk in it."Verse the last, "Bring me into this way, that I may be blessed."And thus the Psalm, in sentiment, returns into itself; and the latter verse is so connected with the former, as to make the whole a perfect circle, like the serpent biting its own tail

There is one extraordinary perfection in this Psalm: begin where you will, you seem to be at the commencement of the piece; end where you will, you seem to close with a complete sense. And yet it is not like the Book of Proverbs, a tissue of detached sentences; it is a whole composed of many parts, and all apparently as necessary to the perfection of the Psalm, as the different alphabetical letters under which it is arranged are to the formation of a complete alphabet. Though there be a continual recurrence of the same words, which would of itself prevent it from having a pleasing effect upon the ear, yet these words are so connected with a vast variety of others, which show their force and meaning in still new and impressive points of light, that attention is still excited, and devotion kept alive, during the whole reading. It is constructed with admirable art, and every where breathes the justest and highest encomiums on the revelation of God; shows the glories of the God who gave it, the necessities and dependence of his intelligent creatures, the bounty of the Creator, and the praise and obedience which are his due. It is elegant throughout; it is full of beauties, and I have endeavored in the preceding notes to mark some of them; but the number might have been greatly multiplied. To no Psalm can its own words be better applied, Psa 119:18 : "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

Calvin: Psa 119:86 - -- 86.All thy commandments are truth In this verse he again confirms the statement, That, in whatever ways he was afflicted, his mind had not been distr...

86.All thy commandments are truth In this verse he again confirms the statement, That, in whatever ways he was afflicted, his mind had not been distracted by various devices, because, trusting in the word of God, he never doubted of his assistance. In the first place, he tells us, that the consideration, by which he was armed for repelling all assaults, was this, That the faithful, under the conduct of God, engage in a prosperous warfare, the salvation which they hope for from his word being absolutely certain. For this reason he declares, that the commandments of God are true; by which encomium he teaches us, that those who rely upon the word of God are out of all danger; and he lays down this truth, that such a support may always sustain our courage. In the second place, he complains of the treachery of his enemies, as he declared before. Here the word שקר , sheker, is repeated, by which he means, that they had no regard to equity. From this consideration also he was led to entertain the hope of deliverance; for it is the peculiar office of God to succor the poor and afflicted who are wrongfully oppressed.

Calvin: Psa 119:87 - -- 87.They have almost consumed me upon the earth He repeats, in somewhat different words, what he had spoken a little before, that, although he had bee...

87.They have almost consumed me upon the earth He repeats, in somewhat different words, what he had spoken a little before, that, although he had been sorely tempted, he had nevertheless kept his footing, because he had not given up with true religion. A single declaration of this fact would have been enough for those who are perfect; but if we call to mind our own weakness, we will readily confess that it was not unworthy of being repeatedly stated. We not only forget the law of God when we are shaken by extreme conflicts, but the greater part lose their courage even before they engage in the conflict. On which account this wonderful strength of the prophet is worthy of more special notice, who, although almost reduced to death, yet never ceased to revive his courage by continual meditation on the law. Nor is it in vain that he adds, that it was upon the earth that his enemies had almost consumed him, conveying the idea, that, when the fears of death presented themselves to him on all sides in this world, he elevated his mind above the world. If faith reach to heaven, it will be an easy matter to emerge from despair.

Calvin: Psa 119:88 - -- 88.Quicken me according to thy goodness This verse contains nothing new. In the beginning of it David represents his life as depending on God’s mer...

88.Quicken me according to thy goodness This verse contains nothing new. In the beginning of it David represents his life as depending on God’s mercy, not only because he was conscious of human frailty, but because he saw himself daily exposed to death in multiplied forms, or rather because he was convinced, that were God’s power withdrawn from him, he would be laid prostrate as if he were dead. He next promises, that when he shall be again restored to life, he will not be ungrateful, but will duly acknowledge this as a blessing from God, and that not only with the tongue, but also in his whole life. As the various instances in which God succors us and delivers us from dangers are so many new lives, it is reasonable that we should dedicate to his service whatever additional time is allotted to us in this world. When the law is called the testimony of God’s mouth, by this eulogium its authority is very plainly asserted.

Calvin: Psa 119:89 - -- 89.Thy word, O Jehovah I endure for ever Many explain this verse as if David adduced the stability of the heavens as a proof of God’s truth. Accord...

89.Thy word, O Jehovah I endure for ever Many explain this verse as if David adduced the stability of the heavens as a proof of God’s truth. According to them the meaning is, that God is proved to be true because the heavens continually remain in the same state. 429 Others offer a still more forced interpretation, That God’s truth is more sure than the state of the heavens. But it appears to me that the prophet intended to convey a very different idea. As we see nothing constant or of long continuance upon earth, he elevates our minds to heaven, that they may fix their anchor there. David, no doubt, might have said, as he has done in many other places, that the whole order of the world bears testimony to the steadfastness of God’s word — that word which is most true. But as there is reason to fear that the minds of the godly would hang in uncertainty if they rested the proof of God’s truth upon the state of the world, in which such manifold disorders prevail; by placing God’s truth in the heavens, he allots to it a habitation subject to no changes. That no person then may estimate God’s word from the various vicissitudes which meet his eye in this world, heaven is tacitly set in opposition to the earth. Our salvation, as if it had been said, being shut up in God’s word, is not subject to change, as all earthly things are, but is anchored in a safe and peaceful haven. The same truth the Prophet Isaiah teaches in somewhat different words:

“All flesh is grass, and all the godliness thereof is as the flower of the field,” (Isa 40:6.)

He means, according to the Apostle Peter’s exposition, (1Pe 1:24) that the certainty of salvation is to be sought in the word, and, therefor that they do wrong who settle their minds upon the world; for the steadfastness of God’s word far transcends the stability of the world.

Calvin: Psa 119:90 - -- 90.Thy truth is from generation to generation In this verse the Psalmist repeats and confirms the same sentiment. He expressly teaches, that although...

90.Thy truth is from generation to generation In this verse the Psalmist repeats and confirms the same sentiment. He expressly teaches, that although the faithful live for a short time as strangers upon earth, and soon pass away, yet their life is not perishable, since they are begotten again of an incorruptible seed. He, however, proceeds still farther. He had before enjoined us to pierce by faith into heaven, because we will find nothing in the world on which we can assuredly rest; and now he again teaches us, by experience, that though the world is subject to revolutions, yet in it bright and signal testimonies to the truth of God shine forth, so that the steadfastness of his word is not exclusively confined to heaven, but comes down even to us who dwell upon the earth. For this reason, it is added, that the earth continues steadfast, even as it was established by God at the beginning. Lord, as if it had been said, even in the earth we see thy truth reflected as it were in a mirror; for though it is suspended in the midst of the sea, yet it continues to remain in the same state. These two things, then, are quite consistent; first, that the steadfastness of God’s word is not to be judged of according to the condition of the world, which is always fluctuating, and fades away as a shadow; and, secondly, that yet men are ungrateful if they do not acknowledge the constancy which in many respects marks the frame. work of the world; for the earth, which otherwise could not occupy the position it does for a single moment, abides notwithstanding steadfast, because God’s word is the foundation on which it rests. Farther, no person has any ground for objecting, that it is a hard thing to go beyond this world in quest of the evidences of God’s truth, since, in that case, it would be too remote from the apprehension of men. The prophet meets the objection by affirming, that although it dwells in heaven, yet we may see at our very feet conspicuous proofs of it, which may gradually advance us to as perfect knowledge of it as our limited capacity will permit. Thus the prophet, on the one hand, exhorts us to rise above the whole world by faith, so that the word of God may be found by experience to be adequate, as it really is adequate, to sustain our faith; and, on the other hand, he warns us that we have no excuse, if, by the very sight of the earth, we do not discover the truth of God, since legible traces of it are to be found at our feet. In the first clause, men are called back from the vanity of their own understanding; and, in the other; their weakness is relieved, that they may have a foretaste upon earth of what is to be found more fully in heaven.

Calvin: Psa 119:91 - -- 91.By thy judgments they continue to this day The word, היום , hayom, which, following other interpreters, I have translated to this days mig...

91.By thy judgments they continue to this day The word, היום , hayom, which, following other interpreters, I have translated to this days might not improperly rendered daily, or every day. In that case, however, the sense would be substantially the same; for the prophet means, that the whole order of nature depends solely upon the commandment or decree of God. In using the term judgments, he makes an allusion to the law, intimating, that the same regard to rectitude which is exhibited in the law is brightly displayed in every part; of God’s procedure. From this it follows, that men are very perverse, when, by their unbelief, they do what they can to shake and impair the faithfulness of God, upon which all creatures repose; and, moreover, when by their rebellion they impeach his righteousness, and deny the authority of his commands, upon which the stability of the whole world depends. It is a harsh manner of expression to say, that all the elements are God’s servants; but it expresses more than if it had been said, that all things are ready to yield obedience to him. How can we account for it, that the air, which is so thin, does not consume itself by blowing incessantly? How can we account for it, that the waters do not waste away by flowing, but on the principle that these elements obey the secret command of God? By faith, it is true, we perceive that the continued existence of the world is owing to the fiat of God; but all who have the smallest pretensions to understanding are led to the same conclusion, from the manifest and undoubted proofs of this truth, which every where meet their eye. Let it then be thoroughly impressed upon our minds, that all things are so governed and maintained by the secret operation of God, as that their continuing in the same state is owing to their obeying his commandment or word. We must always remember the point which the prophet aims at; which is, that God’s faithfulness, which shines forth in his external works, may gradually conduct us higher, until we attain such a persuasion of the truth of heavenly doctrine as is entirely free from doubt.

Calvin: Psa 119:92 - -- 92.Had not thy law been my delight The prophet continues to prosecute almost the same theme; affirming, that he would have been undone, had he not in...

92.Had not thy law been my delight The prophet continues to prosecute almost the same theme; affirming, that he would have been undone, had he not in his calamities sought consolation from the law of God. The adverb, אז az, signifies then; but as it is sometimes used for a long time, it is equivalent here to long ago; unless some may prefer to consider it as a significant and emphatic pointing to the thing, as if he were still in the state which he describes. He confirms from his own experience what he had previously said, to make it manifest that he did not speak of things with which he was unacquainted, but that he asserts what he had really experienced, — namely, that there is no other solace, and no other remedy for adversity, but our reposing upon the word of God, and our embracing the grace and the assurance of our salvation which are offered in it. He here unquestionably commends the very same word, which he had but now said dwelt in heaven. Though it resound on earth, enter into our ears, and settle in our hearts, yet it still retains its celestial nature; for it descends to us in such a manner, as that it is not subject to the changes of the world. The prophet declares that he was grievously oppressed by a weight of afflictions enough to overwhelm him; but that the consolation which he derived from the Divine Law in such desperate circumstances, was as life to him.

Calvin: Psa 119:93 - -- 93.I will never forget thy statutes This verse contains a thanksgiving. As the law of the Lord had preserved him, he engages that he will never forge...

93.I will never forget thy statutes This verse contains a thanksgiving. As the law of the Lord had preserved him, he engages that he will never forget it. Yet he, at the same time, admonishes himself and others how necessary it is to cherish in the heart the remembrance of the Divine Law; for though we have found from experience its life-giving power, yet we easily allow it to pass from our memories, and on this account God afterwards justly punishes us, by leaving us for a long time to languish in our sadness.

Calvin: Psa 119:94 - -- 94.I am thine, save me In the first place, he takes encouragement to pray from the consideration, that he is one of God’s own stamp and coinage, as...

94.I am thine, save me In the first place, he takes encouragement to pray from the consideration, that he is one of God’s own stamp and coinage, as we speak. In the second place, he proves that he is God’s from the fact of his keeping his commandments. This ought not, however, to be understood as if he boasted of any merit which he possessed; as, in dealing with men, it is customary to adduce something meritorious which we have done as an argument for obtaining what we desire: — I have always loved and esteemed you, I have always studied to promote your honor and advantage; my service has always been ready at your command. But David rather brings forward the unmerited grace of God, and that alone; for no man, by any efforts of his own, acquires the high honor of being under the protection of God — an honor which proceeds solely from his free adoption. The blessing which God had conferred upon him is therefore here adduced as an argument why he should not forsake the work which he had commenced. When he affirms, that he was earnestly intent upon the Divine commandments, that also depended upon the Divine calling; for he did not begin to apply his mind to God’s commandments before he was called and received into his household. As he desires, in this verse, that the Lord would save him, so, in the next verse, he expresses the need he had of being saved, saying, that the wicked sought for him to destroy him; by which he, at the same time, declares the constancy of his godliness, inasmuch as he then set his mind upon the law of God — a point worthy of special notice. Those who, at other times, would the forward and willing to follow God, know not to what side to turn themselves when they are assailed by the wicked, and, in that case, are very prone to follow unhallowed counsel. It is therefore a great virtue to do God the honor of resting contented with his promises alone, when the wicked conspire for our destruction, and when, to all human appearance, our life is in jeopardy. To consider God’s testimonies is, in this place, equivalent to applying our minds to the word of God, which sustains us against all assaults, effectually allays all fears, and restrains us from following any perverse counsels.

Calvin: Psa 119:96 - -- 96.In all perfection, I have seen the end 430 The prophet again, using other words, commends the same truth which he had taught in the first verse of...

96.In all perfection, I have seen the end 430 The prophet again, using other words, commends the same truth which he had taught in the first verse of this part — that the word of God is not subject to change, because it is elevated far above the perishable elements of this world. He here asserts, that there is nothing under heaven so perfect and stable, or so complete, in all respects, as not to have an end; and that the Divine word alone possesses such amplitude as to surpass all bounds and limits. Since the verb כלה kalah, signifies to consume and finish, as well as to make perfect, some take the noun תכלה tichelah, for measure or end But it is necessary to translate it perfection, that the comparison may be the more apparent, and the better to amplify the faithfulness of the Divine word; the idea which the prophet intended to convey being, that, after he had considered all things, especially those which are distinguished by the greatest perfection, he found that they were nothing when compared with God’s word, inasmuch as all other things will soon come to an end, whereas the word of God stands ever firm in its own eternity. 431 Whence it follows, that we have no ground for apprehending that it will forsake us in the midst of our course.. It is termed broad, to denote that, though a man may mount above the heavens, or descend into the lowest depths, or traverse the whole space from the right to the left hand, yet he will not reach farther than the truth of God conducts us. It remains that our minds should embrace this vast extent; and such will be the case when they shall have ceased to enclose and shut themselves up within the narrow limits of this world.

Calvin: Psa 119:97 - -- 97.O how have I loved thy law! Not contented with a simple affirmation, the prophet exclaims, by way of interrogation, that he was inflamed with incr...

97.O how have I loved thy law! Not contented with a simple affirmation, the prophet exclaims, by way of interrogation, that he was inflamed with incredible love to the law of God; and, in proof of this, he adds, that he was continually engaged in meditating upon it. If any person boasts that he loves the Divine Law, and yet neglects the study of it, and applies his mind to other things, he betrays the grossest hypocrisy; for the love of the law, and especially such an ardent love of it as the prophet here expresses, always produces continual meditation upon it. And, assuredly, unless God’s law inflame and ravish our hearts with the love of it, many allurements will quickly steal upon us, and lead us away to vanity. The prophet, then, here commends such a love of the law, as, possessing all our senses, effectually excludes all the deceits and corruption’s to which we are otherwise too much inclined.

Calvin: Psa 119:98 - -- 98.Thou hast made me wiser than my adversaries He here declares, that he was more learned than his adversaries, his instructors, and the aged, becaus...

98.Thou hast made me wiser than my adversaries He here declares, that he was more learned than his adversaries, his instructors, and the aged, because he was a scholar of God’s law. It is in a different sense that he describes himself as endued with understanding above his adversaries, from that in which he describes himself as wiser than his teachers. He surpassed his enemies, because their cunning and artifices availed them nothing when they employed these to the utmost to effect his destruction. The malice of the wicked is always goading them to do mischief; and as they are often artful and deceitful, we are afraid lest our simplicity should be imposed upon by their deceits, unless we use the same crafts and underhand dealings which they practice. Accordingly, the prophet glories, that he found in God’s law enough to enable him to escape all their snares. When he claims the credit of being superior in knowledge to his instructors, he does not mean to deny that they also had learned from the word of God what was useful to be known. But he gives God thanks for enabling him to surpass, in proficiency, those from whom he had learned the first elements of knowledge. 432 Nor is it any new thing for the scholar to excel his master, according as God distributes to each man the measure of understanding. The faithful, it is true, are instructed by the pains and labor of men, but it is in such a way, as that God is still to be regarded as enlightening them. And it is owing to this that the scholar surpasses the master; for God means to show as it were, with the finger, that he uses the service of men in such a way as that he himself continues still the chief teacher. Let us therefore learn to commit ourselves to his tuition, that we may glory with David, that by his guidance we have proceeded farther than man’s instruction could lead us. He adds the same thing respecting the aged, for the more abundant confirmation of his statement. Age is of great avail in polishing, by long experience and practice, men who, by nature, are dull and rude. Now the prophet asserts, that he had acquired, by the Divine Law, more discretion than belongs to aged men. 433 In short, he means to affirm, that whoever yields himself with docility to God, keeps his thoughts in subjection to his word, and exercises himself diligently in meditating upon the Law, will thence derive wisdom sufficient for enabling him to consult his own safety in opposition to the stratagems of his enemies, to exercise circumspection requisite for escaping their deceits; and, finally, to match with the most eminent masters through the whole course of his life. David, however, does not adduce his wisdom, that he may boast of it before the world; but, by his own example, he warns us, that nothing is better for us than to learn at God’s mouth, since those only are perfectly wise who are taught in his school. At the same time, sobriety is here enjoined upon the faithful, that they may not seek for wisdom elsewhere than from God’s word, and that ambition or curiosity may not incite them to vain boasting. In short, all are here recommended to behave themselves with modesty and humility, that no man may claim to himself such knowledge as elevates him above the Divine Law; but that all men, however intelligent, may willingly yield themselves to the lessons of heavenly wisdom revealed in the Divine Word. When he says, that he kept God’s statutes, he teaches us what kind of meditation it is of which we have spoken, to let us know that he did not coldly philosophies upon God’s precepts, but devoted himself to them with earnest affection.

Calvin: Psa 119:101 - -- 101.I have restrained my feet from every evil path He intimates that he proclaimed war against every vice, that he might wholly devote himself to the...

101.I have restrained my feet from every evil path He intimates that he proclaimed war against every vice, that he might wholly devote himself to the service of God. From this we learn the profitable lesson, that in order to our keeping God’s Law, we must, from the commencement, beware lest our feet should step aside into crooked by-paths; for with a nature so corrupted as ours is, amidst so many allurements, and with minds so fickle, we are in the greatest danger of being led astray; yea, it is a rare miracle if any man hold on in his life in a right course, without turning aside in one direction or another. The faithful, therefore, have need to exercise the greatest circumspection, in order to keep their feet from going astray.

In the next verse, David commends his own constancy in observing the Law. He declares that ever since he had learned from God the right manner of living, he had pursued the right course. As the way is so slippery, and our feet so feeble, and our whole disposition so prone to go astray after innumerable errors, no small exertions are requisite on our part, in order to avoid declining from God’s judgments. But we must attend to the manner of teaching to which the Psalmist refers; for though all, without exception, to whom God’s word is preached, are taught, yet scarce one in ten so much as tastes it; yea, scarce one in a hundred profits to the extent of being enabled, thereby, to proceed in a right course to the end. A peculiar manner of teaching is, therefore, here pointed out — that which consists in God’s drawing his chosen people to himself. I have been brought, as if the Psalmist had said, into the way of salvation, and preserved in it by the secret influence of the Holy Spirit.

Calvin: Psa 119:103 - -- 103.O how sweet have been thy words to my palate! He again repeats what he had previously stated in different words, that he was so powerfully attrac...

103.O how sweet have been thy words to my palate! He again repeats what he had previously stated in different words, that he was so powerfully attracted by the sweetness of the Divine Law, as to have no desire after any other delight. It is possible that a man may be affected with reverence towards the Law of God; but no one will cheerfully follow it, save he who has tasted this sweetness. God requires from us no slavish service: he will have us to come to him cheerfully, and this is the very reason why the prophet commends the sweetness of God’s word so often in this psalm. If it is demanded in what sense he declares that he took such sweet delight in God’s Law, which, according to the testimony of Paul, (1Co 3:9,) does nothing else but strike fear into men, the solution is easy: The prophet does not speak of the dead letter which kills those who read it, but he comprehends the whole doctrine of the Law, the chief part of which is the free covenant of salvation. When Paul contrasts the Law with the Gospel, he speaks only of the commandments and threatening. Now if God were only to command, and to denounce the curse, the whole of his communication would, undoubtedly, be deadly. But the prophet is not here opposing the Law to the Gospel; and, therefore, he could affirm that the grace of adoption, which is offered in the Law, was sweeter to him than honey; that is to say, that no delight was to him equal to this. What I have previously said must be remembered, that the Law of God will be unsavory to us, or, at least, that it will never be so sweet to us, as to withdraw us from the pleasures of the flesh, until we have struggled manfully against our own nature, in order to subdue the carnal affections which prevail within us.

Calvin: Psa 119:104 - -- 104.By thy statutes I have acquired understanding The prophet seems here to invert the order he has just now laid down. He observed that he had kept ...

104.By thy statutes I have acquired understanding The prophet seems here to invert the order he has just now laid down. He observed that he had kept his feet from going astray, that he might observe God’s Law, and now he institutes a contrary order, beginning with the observance of the Law; for he declares that he had been taught by the word of God before he amended his faults. Yet these two things are not inconsistent, — that the faithful should withdraw themselves from their wanderings, in order to frame their life according to the rule of God’s word, and that when they are already advanced a considerable way in a holy life, the fear of God being then more vigorous in them, they should regard all vices with more intense hatred. The beginning of a good life, unquestionably, is when a man endeavors to purge himself from vices; and the more a man has made progress in a good life, he will burn with a, proportionate zeal in his detestation of vices and in shunning them. Moreover, we are taught by the words of the prophet, that the reason why men are so involved in falsehoods, and entangled in perverse errors, is, because they have not learned wisdom from the word of God. As the whole world are given to folly, those who wander astray plead in excuse, that it is difficult for them to guard against the allurements of vice. But the remedy will be near at hand, if we follow the counsel of the prophet; that is to say, if, instead of leaning on our own wisdom, we seek understanding from the word of God, in which he not only shows what is right:. but also fortifies our minds, and puts us on our guard against all the deceits of Satan, and all the impostures of the world. Would to God that, at the present day, this were thoroughly impressed on the minds of all who boast themselves of being Christians; for then they would not be continually driven about, as the greater part of them are, with such inconstancy, according to the conflicting impulses of prevailing opinions. As Satan is so sedulously exerting himself to spread abroad the mists of error, let us apply ourselves with the greater earnestness to the acquisition of this wisdom.

Calvin: Psa 119:105 - -- 105.Thy word is a lamp to my feet In this verse the Psalmist testifies that the Divine Law was his schoolmaster and guide in leading a holy life. He ...

105.Thy word is a lamp to my feet In this verse the Psalmist testifies that the Divine Law was his schoolmaster and guide in leading a holy life. He thus, by his own example, prescribes the same rule to us all; and it is highly necessary to observe this rule; for while each of us follows what seems good in his own estimation, we become entangled in inextricable and frightful mazes. The more distinctly to understand his intention, it is to be noted, that the word of God is set in opposition to all human counsels. What the world judges right is often crooked and perverse in the judgment of God, who approves of no other manner of living, than that which is framed according to the rule of his law. It is also to be observed, that David could not have been guided by God’s word, unless he had first renounced the wisdom of the flesh, for it is only when we are brought to do this, that we begin to be of a teachable disposition. But the metaphor which he uses implies something more; namely, that unless the word of God enlighten men’s path, the whole of their life is enveloped in darkness and obscurity, so that they cannot do anything else than miserably wander from the right way; and again, that when we submit ourselves with docility to the teaching of God’s law, we are in no danger of going astray. Were there such obscurity in God’s word, as the Papists foolishly talk about, the commendation with which the prophet here honors the law would be altogether undeserved. Let us, then, be assured that an unerring light is to be found there, provided we open our eyes to behold it. The Apostle Peter (2Pe 1:19) has more plainly expressed the same sentiment, when he commends the faithful for taking heed to the word of prophecy, “as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.”

Calvin: Psa 119:106 - -- 106.I have sworn, and will perform Here the Psalmist speaks of his own constancy. He had declared a little before, that during the whole course of hi...

106.I have sworn, and will perform Here the Psalmist speaks of his own constancy. He had declared a little before, that during the whole course of his life, he had not declined from God’s law, and now he speaks of the purpose of his mind. By the word swear, he intimates that he had solemnly pledged himself to God not to alter his determination. The true manner of keeping God’s law is to receive and embrace what he commands heartily, and, at the same time, uniformly, that our ardor may not forthwith abate, as is often the case. This also is the proper rule of vowing, that we may offer ourselves to God, and dedicate our life to him. It may, however, be asked, whether the prophet’s oath may not be condemned as rash, inasmuch as he presumed to engage to do far more than man’s ability is equal to; for who is able to keep the law? The man, then, it may be alleged, vows rashly, who promises to God a thing which it is beyond his power to accomplish. The answer is obvious: Whenever the faithful vow to Him, they do not look to what they are able to do of themselves, but they depend upon the grace of God, to whom it belongs to perform what he requires from them, in the way of supplying them with strength by his Holy Spirit. When the question is in reference to service to be rendered to God, they cannot vow anything without the Holy Spirit; for, as Paul says in 2Co 3:5 ,

Not that are sufficient of ourselves to think anything
as of ourselves.”

But when God stretches forth his hand to us, he bids us be of good courage, and promises that he will never fail us; and this is the source from which the boldness to swear, here spoken of, proceeds. Nor is it any rashness at all, when, confiding in his promises, by which he anticipates us, we, on our part, offer ourselves to his service. The question, however, still remains unsolved; for although the children of God ultimately prove victorious over all temptations by the grace of the Holy Spirit, yet there is always some infirmity about them. But it is to be observed, that the faithful, in making vows and promises, have a respect not only to that article of the covenant, by which God has promised that he will cause us to walk in his commandments, but also to that other article which is, at the same time, added concerning the free forgiveness of their sins, Eze 11:20; Psa 103:13. David, therefore, according to the measure of grace given him, bound himself by oath to keep God’s la encouraged by these words of the prophet,

“I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him,”
Mal 3:17.

Calvin: Psa 119:107 - -- 107.I am greatly afflicted, O Jehovah! This verse teaches, that God did not cherish the fathers under the law in his bosom so delicately as not to ex...

107.I am greatly afflicted, O Jehovah! This verse teaches, that God did not cherish the fathers under the law in his bosom so delicately as not to exercise them with grievous temptations; for the Psalmist declares that he was not afflicted lightly, or in an ordinary degree, but above measure. His prayer to be quickened implies that he was at the point of death. He, however, at the same time, shows, that though he was besieged by death, he yet fainted not, because he leaned upon God — a point worthy of special notice; for though, at the beginning, we may call upon God with much alacrity, yet when the trial increases in severity, our hearts quail, and, in the extremity of fear, our confidence is extinguished. Yet the prophet implores God for grace, not in order to his life being preserved in safety, but in order to his recovering the life he had lost, which indicates both the low condition to which he was reduced, and his continued confidence in God. We must also observe attentively the last part of the clause, according to thy word We will pray coldly, or rather we will not pray at all, if God’s promise does not inspire us with courage in our sorrow and distress. In short, as we have said elsewhere, it is indispensably necessary that we should have this key at hand, in order to our having free access to the throne of grace.

Calvin: Psa 119:108 - -- 108.O Jehovah! I beseech thee, let the flee-will-offerings of my mouth This verse may be read in one connected sentence, as well as divided into two ...

108.O Jehovah! I beseech thee, let the flee-will-offerings of my mouth This verse may be read in one connected sentence, as well as divided into two members. According to the former view, the sense will be, Receive, e Lord, my sacrifices, to this end, that thou mayest teach me thy commandments. If we prefer dividing the verse into two clauses, then it will consist of two separate prayers; first, a prayer that God would accept the prophet’s sacrifices; and, secondly, a prayer that he would instruct him in the doctrine of the law. I am rather inclined to follow the first opinion. The prophet affirms, as we have seen elsewhere, that nothing was more precious to him than to understand the doctrine of the law. Lord, as if he had said, do thou, according to thy good pleasure, accept the sacrifices which I offer thee; and as my chief desire is, to be instructed aright in thy law, grant that I may be a partaker of this blessing, which I am so anxious to obtain. We should mark all the places in which the knowledge of divine truth is preferred to all the other benefits bestowed upon mankind; and doubtless, since it contains in it the pledge of everlasting salvation, there is good reason why it should be esteemed as an inestimable treasure. Yet the prophet begins at a point remote from this, praying that God would vouchsafe to approve of and accept his services. By the word נדבות , nidboth, I have no doubt he denotes the sacrifices which were called free-will-offerings. I indeed grant that he speaks properly of vows and prayers; but as the chosen people to propitiate God, were wont to offer sacrifices, according as every man had ability, he alludes to that custom which prevailed under the law; even as Hosea (Hos 14:2) designates the praises of God “the calves of the lips.” It was the design of God, by that ceremony, to testify to the fathers that no prayers were acceptable to him, but those which were joined with sacrifice, that they might always turn their minds to the Mediator. In the first place, he acknowledges that he was unworthy of obtaining any thing by his prayers, and that, if God heard him, it proceeded from his free and unmerited grace. In the second place, he desires that God would be favorable to him in the way of enabling him to profit aright in the doctrine of the law. The verb, רצה ratsah, which he uses: signifies to favor of mere good will. Whence it follows, that there is nothing meritorious in our prayers, and that, whenever God hears them, it is in the exercise of his free goodness.

Calvin: Psa 119:109 - -- 109.My soul is continually in my hand He declares, that no calamities, afflictions, or dangers, which he had experienced: had withdrawn him from the ...

109.My soul is continually in my hand He declares, that no calamities, afflictions, or dangers, which he had experienced: had withdrawn him from the service of God, and the observance of his law. To bear his soul in his hand, is equivalent to his being in danger of his life, so that the soul was, as it were abandoned to the wind. Thus Job, (Job 13:14,) when he pines in his miseries: and is looking for death every moment, and dreading it, complains that his soul was in his hand; as if he had said, It is plucked from its own dwelling-place: and is under the dominion of death. 434 This form of expression is therefore unhappily wrested to an absurd meaning by ignorant people, who understand the prophet as intimating, that it was in his own power to govern his life as he pleased. So far from intending to convey such an idea, by this circumstance he commends his own piety, declaring, that although he was tossed among shipwrecks, and death in a hundred forms hovered before his eyes, so that he could not rest in security for a single moment, yet he had not cast from him the love and study of the Divine law. Here, again, it is well to notice the severe and arduous conflicts by which the fathers, under the law, were tried, that dangers and fears may not frighten us, or, by the weariness they produce, deprive us of courage, and thus prevent the remembrance of the Divine law from remaining impressed on our hearts.

Calvin: Psa 119:110 - -- 110.The wicked have laid a snare for me The meaning of this verse is similar to that of the preceding. The prophet shows more definitely in what resp...

110.The wicked have laid a snare for me The meaning of this verse is similar to that of the preceding. The prophet shows more definitely in what respect he carried his life in his hand; namely, because, being hemmed in on all sides by the snares of the wicked, he saw scarcely any hope of life. We have previously observed how difficult it is to avoid wandering from the ways of the Lord, when our enemies, by their subtle arts, endeavor to effect our destruction. The depraved desire of our fallen nature incites us to retaliate, nor do we see any way of preserving our life, unless we employ the same arts by which they assail us; and we persuade ourselves that it is lawful for us to howl among wolves. Such being the ease, we ought, with the more attention, to meditate upon this doctrine, That, when the wicked environ and besiege us by their wiles, the best thing we can do is to follow whither God calls us, and to attempt nothing but what is agreeable to his will.

Calvin: Psa 119:111 - -- 111.I have thy testimonies as an inheritance for ever He again confirms the sentiment, which cannot be too often repeated, That the law of God was mo...

111.I have thy testimonies as an inheritance for ever He again confirms the sentiment, which cannot be too often repeated, That the law of God was more precious to him than all the pleasures, riches, and possessions, of the world. I have said, that it is not in vain that these things are so often repeated; for we see how violently the men of the world boil to gratify their unruly lusts, with what multiplied anxieties they are agitated, while they are unceasingly coveting innumerable objects; and, in the meantime, scarcely one in a hundred is, in a moderate degree, aiming to apply his mind to the study of the Divine law. The prophet, then, to stir us up by his own example, asserts, that he took such pleasure in God’s, testimonies as to esteem nothing more precious. It is love only which leads us to set a value on any object; and, therefore, it is requisite, in order to our observing the Divine law with the reverence due to it, that we begin with this delight in it. It is not wonderful, if God’s testimonies convey to our minds a joy, which, causing us to reject and despise all other things, holds our affections fast bound to them. What can be sweeter than to have heaven opened to us, that we may come freely into the presence of God, when, adopting us to be his children, he pardons our sins? What can be more desirable than to hear that he is so pacified towards us, as to take upon himself the care of our life? This I have thought good to observe briefly, that we might not think it strange to find David rejoicing so greatly in God’s law. The similitude of inheritance is of frequent occurrence in the Scriptures; and we apply the designation of inheritance to that which we hold in the highest estimation, so that we are contented to be deprived of all other things, provided we retain the safe and full possession of that one thing. Accordingly, the prophet intimates, that whatever good things he had obtained he accounted them as adventitious, and that the truths revealed in God’s word alone were to him as an inheritance. Without the Divine word all other things were in his estimation as nothing; so that he could willingly leave to others, riches, honors, comforts, and pleasures, provided he possessed this incomparable treasure. It is not meant to say that he; altogether despised the temporal benefits which God bestows, but his mind was not bound fast to them.

Calvin: Psa 119:112 - -- 112.I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes In this verse he describes the right observance of the law, which consists in Our cheerfully and...

112.I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes In this verse he describes the right observance of the law, which consists in Our cheerfully and heartily preparing ourselves for doing what the law commands. Slavish and constrained obedience differs little from rebellion. The prophet, therefore, in order briefly to define what it is to serve God, asserts, that he applied not only his hands, eyes, or feet, to the keeping of the law, but that he began with the affection of the heart. Instead of the verb incline, the verb extend might with propriety be employed; but I am inclined to rest in the more generally received interpretation, which is, that he devoted himself with sincere affection of heart to the observance of the law. This inclination of the heart is oppose to the wandering lusts which rise up against God, and drag us any where rather than incline us to a virtuous life. The attempt of the Papists to defend from this passage their doctrine of free will is mere trifling. They infer from the words of the prophet, that it is in the power of man to bend his own heart in whatever way he pleases. But the answer is easy. The prophet does not here boast of what he had done by his own strength, for he now repeats the very same word which he had employed before, when he said, Incline my heart to these testimonies. If that prayer was not feigned, he doubtless acknowledged by it that it was the peculiar work of the Holy Spirit to incline and frame our hearts to God. But it is no new thing for that to be ascribed to us which God works in us: Paul’s statement to this effect is very plain,

“It is God who worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasures” (Phi 2:13.)

When the prophet says of himself that he inclined his heart, he does not separate his own endeavor from the grace of the Holy Spirit, by whose inspiration he has previously declared that the whole was done. At the same time, he distinguishes the constancy of his pious affection from the transient favor of others. Thus, that he might not fail in the midst of his course, or even go backward, he affirms that he had resolved to continue in the same course during the whole of his life. The word עקב , ekeb, to the end, in my opinion, is added to the word לעולם , leolam, for ever, by way of exposition; and to show us that he struggled manfully against all obstacles and difficulties, that they might not break his constancy; for no man perseveres in the service of God without arduous exertions. Some take the word as denoting a reward; 435 but this seems too foreign to the design of the passage.

Calvin: Psa 119:113 - -- 113.I have hated crooked thoughts Those who are of opinion that the word סעפום seaphim, the first in the verse, and which is rendered crook...

113.I have hated crooked thoughts Those who are of opinion that the word סעפום seaphim, the first in the verse, and which is rendered crooked thoughts, is an appellate noun, translate it, those who think evil; 436 but it is more correct to understand it of the thoughts themselves, 437 and this interpretation is very generally adopted. The noun סעף , saeph, properly signifies a branch, but it is applied metaphorically to the thoughts, which, growing out of the heart, as branches from the trunk of a tree, spread themselves in every direction. As there is no doubt that in this passage the term is taken in a bad sense, I have added the epithet, crooked, which the etymology of the word requires. 438 As the branches of a tree shoot out transversely, entangled and intertwined, so the thoughts of the human mind are, in like manner, confusedly mingled together, turning and twisting about in all directions. Some Jewish interpreters understand it of the laws of the heathen, which, they say, were cut off from the law of God, as branches from a tree; but although this is ingenious, it has no solidity. I therefore keep by the more simple explanation, That the crooked inventions of the human heart, and whatever the wicked devise, according to their own perverse understandings, are set in opposition to the law of God, which alone is right. And, assuredly, whoever would truly embrace the law of God, must, necessarily, as his first business, divest himself of all unhallowed and sinful thoughts, or rather go out of his own nature. Such is the meaning, unless, perhaps, preferring another metaphor, we understand סעפום , seaphim, to signify high thoughts, since the verb סעף , saaph, is taken for to lift up. Now we know that no sacrifice is more acceptable to God than obedience, when we entertain low thoughts of ourselves; and thus our docility begins with humility. But as this exposition may seem also far-fetched, I pass from it. Let what I have: said suffice us, That since God acknowledges as the disciples of his law those only who are well purified from all contrary imaginations, which corrupt our understanding, the prophet here protests that he is an enemy to all crooked thoughts, which are wont to draw men hither and thither.

Calvin: Psa 119:114 - -- 114.Thou art my hiding place and my shield The meaning is, that the prophet, persuaded that the only way in which he could be safe, was by lying hid ...

114.Thou art my hiding place and my shield The meaning is, that the prophet, persuaded that the only way in which he could be safe, was by lying hid under the wings of God, confided in his promises, and, therefore, feared nothing. And, assuredly, the first point is, that the faithful should hold it as a settled principle, that amidst the many dangers to which they are exposed, the preservation of their life is entirely owing to the protection of God; in order that they may be excited to flee to him, and leaning upon his word, may confidently wait for the deliverance which he has promised. This confidence, That God is our refuge and our shield, is, no doubt, derived from the word; but we must remember that there is here a mutual relation — that, when we have learned from the word of God that we have in him a safe hiding-place, this truth is to be cherished and confirmed in our hearts, under a consciousness of our absolute need of the divine protection. Besides, although his power ought abundantly to suffice in inspiring us with the hope of salvation, yet we should always set the word before us, that our faith may not fail when his aid is slow in coming.

Calvin: Psa 119:115 - -- 115.Depart from me, ye wicked! Some explain this verse as if David declared that he would devote himself with more alacrity and greater earnestness t...

115.Depart from me, ye wicked! Some explain this verse as if David declared that he would devote himself with more alacrity and greater earnestness to the keeping of the law, when the wicked should have desisted from assaulting him. And, unquestionably, when we feel that God has delivered us, we are more than stupid if this experience does not stir up within us an earnest desire to serve him. If godliness does not increase in us in proportion to the sense and experience we have of God’s grace, we betray base ingratitude. This, then, is a true and useful doctrine; but the prophet meant to convey a different sentiment in this place. As he saw how great a hindrance the ungodly are to us, he banishes them to a distance from him; or rather, he testifies that he will beware of entangling himself in their society. Nor has he said this so much for his own sake as to teach us by his example, that if we would hold on in the way of the Lord without stumbling, we must endeavor, above all things, to keep at the greatest possible distance from worldly and wicked men, not in regard to distance of place, but in respect of intercourse and conversation. Provided we contract an intimate acquaintance with them, it is scarcely possible for us to avoid being speedily corrupted by the contagion of their example. The dangerous influence of fellowship with wicked men is but too evident from observation; and to this it is owing, that few continue in their integrity to the close of life, the world being fraught with corruption’s. From the extreme infirmity of our nature, it is the easiest thing in the world to catch infection, and to contract pollution even from the slightest touch. The prophet, then, with good reason, bids the wicked depart from him, that he may advance in the fear of God without obstruction. Whoever entangles himself in their companionship will, in process of time, proceed the length of abandoning himself to a contempt, of God, and of leading a dissolute life. With this statement agrees the admonition of Paul, in 2Co 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” It was, indeed, beyond the prophet’s power to chase the wicked to a distance from him; but by these words he intimates, that from henceforth he will have no intercourse with them. He emphatically designates God as his God, to testify that he makes more account of him alone than of all mankind. Finding extreme wickedness universally prevailing on the earth, he separated himself from men, that he might join himself wholly to God. At the present day, that bad examples may not carry us away to evil, it greatly concerns us to put God on our side, and to abide constantly in him, because he is ours.

Calvin: Psa 119:116 - -- 116.Sustain me by thy word, and I shall live Many read, According to thy word, so that the letter ב , beth, which signifies in, is taken for th...

116.Sustain me by thy word, and I shall live Many read, According to thy word, so that the letter ב , beth, which signifies in, is taken for the letter כ , caph, which signifies as; and thus the sense would be, Sustain me according to the promise which thou hast made to me, or, as thou hast promised to me. And, undoubtedly, whenever God stretches out his hand to us to raise us up when we are fallen, or supports us with his hand, he fulfills his promises. The prophet, however, seems to pray, that constancy of faith may be given him, to enable him to continue steadfast in the divine word. We are said to fall from God’s word when we fall from the faith of it; and in like manner, so long as we repose upon the truth and certainty of it, he is our sustainer. But, as the prophet well knew that there is not strength in man adequate to this, he asks from God ability to persevere as the singular gift of the Holy Spirit. It follows, then, that true stability is to be found no where else but in the word of God; and that no man can steadfastly lean upon it but he who is strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must therefore always beseech God, who alone is the author and finisher of faith, to maintain in us this grace. Farther, when the Psalmist places life in faith, he teaches, that all that men promise themselves without the word is mere falsehood. It is therefore the Lord alone who quickens us by his word, even as it is said in Habakkuk, (Hab 2:4,) “The just shall live by faith.” Both passages have the same meaning. After Habakkuk has derided the foolish confidence of the flesh, with which men are generally inflated, and as manifested in their raising themselves on high that they may fall with the greater violence, he shows, that the faithful alone, whom the word of God sustains, stand upon safe and sure ground.

If the first interpretation is adopted, the second clause, make me not ashamed of my expectation, will be added by way of exposition; for these two things — the prayer that the prophet maybe preserved by God’s grace according to his word, and the prayer that he may reap the fruit of his hope — would amount to nearly the same thing. Yet, after having beseeched God to grant him constancy to persevere, he seems now to proceed farther, praying that God would, in very deed, show the thing which he had promised. Every man’s own infirmity bears witness to the many doubts which intrude into our minds, when, after long endurance, the issue is not answerable to our expectation; for God, in that case:. seems to disappoint us.

To the same effect is the next verse, except that no express mention is made of the word; and safety is put for life. The prophet means to say, that whenever God withdrew his word, it would be all over with his safety; but that, if he were established by the Divine power, there was nothing of which he would have reason to be afraid. The verb שעה shaah, which we have translated I will consider, is rendered by many, I will delight, and this sense is not unsuitable; for although God may give a very desirable taste of his goodness in his bare word, yet the savor of it is not a little increased when to the word the effect is added, provided we do not perversely separate God’s benefits from his promises. It is the true wisdom of faith to consider all his benefits as the result or fruit of his promises, of which, if we make no account, the enjoyment of all his good things will be of little advantage to us, or rather will often prove hurtful and deadly. Yet it appears to me preferable to render the verb by consider; for the more experience any man has of God’s help, the more ought he to awaken himself to consider heavenly doctrine. The Psalmist adds, that he will continue to persevere in this meditation during the whole of his life.

Calvin: Psa 119:118 - -- 118.Thou hast trodden under foot all those who wander from thy statutes By treading under foot he means, that God overthrows all the despisers of h...

118.Thou hast trodden under foot all those who wander from thy statutes By treading under foot he means, that God overthrows all the despisers of his law, and casts them down from that loftiness which they assume to themselves. The phrase is directed against the foolish, or rather frantic, confidence with which the wicked are inflated, when they recklessly deride the judgments of God; and, what is more, scruple not to magnify themselves against him, as if they were not subject to his power. The last clause is to be particularly noticed: for their deceit is falsehood 439 By these words the prophet teaches, that the wicked gain nothing by their wiles, but that they are rather entangled in them, or at length discover that they were mere sleight of hand. Those ignorantly mar the sense who interpose the copula and, as if it had been said, that deceit and falsehood were in them The word רמוה , remyah, signifies a subtle and crafty device. Interpreters, indeed, often translate it thought; but this term does not sufficiently express the propriety and force of the Hebrew word. The prophet means, that, however well pleased the wicked are with their own cunning, they yet do nothing else than deceive themselves with falsehood. And it was needful to add this clause; for we see how the great bulk of mankind are fatally intoxicated with their own vain imaginations, and how difficult it is to believe what is here asserted, — that the more shrewd they are in their own estimation, the more do they deceive themselves.

Calvin: Psa 119:119 - -- 119.Thou hast made all the wicked of the earth to cease as dross The meaning of this verse is similar to that of the preceding. By the similitude emp...

119.Thou hast made all the wicked of the earth to cease as dross The meaning of this verse is similar to that of the preceding. By the similitude employed, there is described a sudden and an unexpected change, when their imaginative glory and happiness become dissipated in smoke. It is to be observed, that the vengeance of God against the wicked is not all at once manifested, so that they completely perish, or are exterminated from the earth; but as God, in rooting them out one after another, shows himself to be the judge of the world, and that he is purging the earth of them, it is not wonderful to find the prophet speaking of their destruction in this manner; for the Hebrew verbs often denote a continued act. As God, then, executes his judgments by little and little, and often suspends punishment until he see that the wicked abuse his long-suffering; it becomes us, on our part, to continue patiently waiting until, as a heathen writer observes, he compensate the delay of the punishment, by its severity when inflicted. It is abundantly evident, that the particle of similitude, as, is to be supplied before the word dross 440 Nor do I reject the opinion of those who assert, that the wicked are compared to dross, because, so long as they are mingled among the faithful as dregs, they infect and contaminate them; but when they are removed as scum, the purity of the godly shines forth with improved lustre. In the second place, the prophet adds, that the judgments of God were not without fruit in him, since they led him to love the doctrine of the law the more. Those who are not induced to commit themselves to the protection of God, whenever, by lifting up his hand, he shows that the world is governed by his power, must certainly be very perverse; but when, of his own good pleasure, he offers himself to us by his word, those who do not make haste to embrace so great a boon are stupid indeed. On the other hand, when he connives for a long time at the wickedness of men, devout affection, which should ravish us with the love of God’s word, languishes.

Calvin: Psa 119:120 - -- 120.My flesh hath trembled for fear of thee 441 At first sight the prophet seems to contradict himself. He had just now said, that, by God’s severi...

120.My flesh hath trembled for fear of thee 441 At first sight the prophet seems to contradict himself. He had just now said, that, by God’s severity, he was gently drawn to love his testimonies; now he declares, that he was seized with terror. But although these two effects differ widely from each other, yet, if we consider by what kind of discipline God forms us to reverence his law, we will perceive that they entirely harmonize. We require to be subdued by fear that we may desire and seek after the favor of God. Since fear, then, is the beginning of love, the prophet testifies, that he was awakened by a heart-felt fear of God to look well to himself. Nor is the mortification of the flesh so easy a matter, as that every one should consent to enter upon it, without the constraint of violent means; and, therefore, it is not wonderful if God struck his servant with terror, that, in this way, he might bend his mind to a holy fear of him. It is an evidence of no common wisdom to tremble before God when he executes his judgments, of which the majority of mankind take no notice. We are then taught by these words of the prophet, that we ought to consider attentively the judgments of God, that they may not only gently instruct us, but that they may also strike us with such terror as will lead us to true repentance.

Calvin: Psa 119:121 - -- 121.I have done judgment and righteousness The Prophet implores the help of God against the wicked who troubled him, and he does so in such a manner ...

121.I have done judgment and righteousness The Prophet implores the help of God against the wicked who troubled him, and he does so in such a manner as at the same time to testify that the harassing treatment he received from them was on his part altogether undeserved. If we would have God to come down to succor us, it becomes us to see to it that we meet him with the testimony of a good conscience. As He everywhere promises his aid to the afflicted who are unrighteously oppressed, it is no superfluous protestation which the Prophet makes, that he had not provoked his enemies, but had restrained himself from all injury and wrong-doing, and had not even attempted to requite evil for evil. In asserting that he had at all times done judgment, he means that whatever rite wicked practiced, he steadfastly persevered in following after integrity, and never turned aside from what was just and right in any of his public or private transactions.

Calvin: Psa 119:122 - -- 122.Become surety for thy servant for good This prayer is almost similar to that of the preceding verse; for I prefer translating the Hebrew verb ע...

122.Become surety for thy servant for good This prayer is almost similar to that of the preceding verse; for I prefer translating the Hebrew verb ערוב , arob, by Become surety for, to rendering, as others do, Delight thy servant in good, or Make thy servant to delight in good According to this second version, the words are a prayer that God would rejoice his servant with his benefits. There is a third translation, by which they become a prayer that God would inspire his heart with the love and desire of rectitude; for true perfection consists in our taking pleasure in justice and uprightness. But as from the last clause of the verse it is obvious that David here desires succor against his enemies, the verb Become surety is the more appropriate rendering 5 Lord, as if he had said, since the proud cruelly rush upon me to destroy me, interpose thyself between us, as if thou weft my surety. The letter ל , lamed, which signifies for, is not indeed prefixed to the noun, but this is no valid objection to our translation, as that letter is often understood. It is a form of expression full of comfort, to represent God as performing the office of a surety in order to effect our deliverance. He is said metaphorically to become surety for us, just as if, on finding us indebted in a large sum of money, he discharged us of the obligation, by paying down the money to our creditor. The prayer is to this effect, That God would not suffer the wicked to exercise, their cruelty against us at their pleasure, but that he would interpose as a defender to save us. By these words the Prophet intimates, that he was in extreme danger, and that he had nothing else left him in which to hope but the help of God.

Calvin: Psa 119:123 - -- 123.My eyes have failed for thy salvation 6 In the first; place he testifies, that he had been afflicted with severe troubles, and that not for a sho...

123.My eyes have failed for thy salvation 6 In the first; place he testifies, that he had been afflicted with severe troubles, and that not for a short time only, but for a period so protracted as might have exhausted his patience and occasioned despondency. But so far was this from being the effect they produced, that he declares that in all these long and wearisome conflicts his heart had never sunk into despair. We have before explained failing for salvation as denoting that although there was no prospect of an end to his calamities, and although despair presented itself on every side, yet he strove against temptation even to the fainting of his soul. Should we understand the past tense of the verb as put for the present, in which sense it seems to be employed, the Prophet in that case intimates, that his eyes fail him not because they become fatigued, but Because through earnest looking they contract as it were a dimness, and that yet he does not cease to wait continually for the salvation of God. In short, the failing of his eyes indicates perseverance combined with severe and arduous effort, and it is opposed to the momentary ardor of those who immediately faint, if God does not grant their requests. This expression also denotes a painful earnestness, which almost consumes all the senses. As to the term salvation, he does not limit it to one kind of help, but comprehends under it the continual course of God’s grace, until he put his believing people in the possession of complete salvation. He expresses the manner in which he waited for salvation, which was by depending upon God’s word in which two things are to be attended to, first, that we can only be said to wait for salvation from God, when, confiding in his promises, we actually betake ourselves to him for protection; and secondly, that we then only yield to God the praise of salvation, when we continue to keep our hope firmly fixed on his word. This is the way in which He is to be sought; and although he may conceal from our view the working of his hand, we ought to repose in his bare promises. This is the reason why David calls God’s word righteous. He would hereby confirm his faith in the truth of the divine promises for God in promising liberally does not cherish in his people delusive expectations.

Calvin: Psa 119:124 - -- 124.Deal with thy servant according to thy goodness The two clauses of this verse must be read correctly; for he does not first separately desire God...

124.Deal with thy servant according to thy goodness The two clauses of this verse must be read correctly; for he does not first separately desire God to deal well with him, and next desire him to be his master and teacher. He rather beseeches him in the exercise of that goodness and mercy, which he is wont to display towards all his people, to instruct him in his law. The object of the Prophet’s request then is, that God would teach him in his statutes. But he begins with the divine mercy, employing it as an argument to prevail with God to grant him what he desires. This prayer then must be resolved thus: Lord, deal gently with me, and manifest thy goodness towards me by instructing me in thy commandments. Our whole happiness undoubtedly consists in our having that true wisdom which is to be derived from the word of God; and our only hope of obtaining this wisdom lies in God’s being pleased to display his mercy and goodness towards us. The Prophet, therefore, magnifies the greatness and excellence of the benefit of being instructed in the divine law, when he requests that it may be bestowed upon him as a free gift.

Calvin: Psa 119:125 - -- 125.I am thy servant, give me understanding Here the prayer of the preceding verse is repeated. The repetition shows how ardently he wished the bless...

125.I am thy servant, give me understanding Here the prayer of the preceding verse is repeated. The repetition shows how ardently he wished the blessing prayed for, and how earnest and importunate he was in pleading with God for it. By the words he expresses still more plainly in what way it is that God teaches his own people — that he does so by illuminating with sound knowledge their understandings, which otherwise would be blind. It would profit us little to have the divine law sounding in our ears, or to have it exhibited in writing before our eyes, and to have it expounded by the voice of man, did not God correct our slowness of apprehension, and render us docile by the secret influence of his Spirit. We are not to suppose that David advances any meritorious claims before God when he boasts of being his servant. Men, indeed, commonly imagine that when we are previously well prepared, God then adds new grace, which they term subsequent grace. But the Prophet, so far from boasting of his own worth, rather declares how deep the obligations were under which he lay to God. It is not in the power of any man to make himself a servant of the Most High, nor can any man bring anything of his own as a price with which to purchase so great an honor. Of this the Prophet was well aware. He knew that there is not one of the whole human family who is worthy of being enrolled among that order; and therefore he does nothing more than adduce the grace he had obtained, as an argument that God according to his usual way would perfect what he had begun. In a similar manner he speaks in Psa 116:6,

“I am thy servant and the son of thine handmaid:”

in which place it is abundantly manifest that he does not boast of his services, but only declares that he is one of the members of the Church.

Calvin: Psa 119:126 - -- 126.It is time for thee, O Jehovah! to be doing It being the object of the Prophet to imprecate upon the impious and wicked the vengeance which they ...

126.It is time for thee, O Jehovah! to be doing It being the object of the Prophet to imprecate upon the impious and wicked the vengeance which they have deserved, he says, that the fit time for executing it had now arrived, inasmuch as they had carried to a great extent their wanton forwardness against God. The general verb doing is more emphatic than if one more specific had been used. The language is as if he had said, that God would seem to delay too long, if he did not now execute the office of a judge. It is the peculiar work of God to restrain the wicked, and even to punish them severely when he finds that their repentance is utterly hopeless. If it is alleged, that this prayer is inconsistent with the law of charity, it may be replied, that David here speaks of reprobates, whose amendment is become desperate. His heart, there is no doubt, was governed by the spirit of wisdom. Besides, it is to be remembered, that he does not complain of his own private wrongs. It is a pure and honest zeal which moves him to desire the destruction of the wicked despisers of God; for he adduces no other reason for the prayer, than that the wicked destroyed God’s law. By this he gives evidence, that nothing was dearer to him than the service of God, and that nothing was held by him in higher recommendation than the observance of the law. I have already repeatedly warned you, in other places, that our zeal is forward and disordered whenever its moving principle is a sense of our own personal injuries. It is, therefore, to be carefully noticed, that the Prophet’s grief proceeded from no other cause than that he could not endure to see the divine law violated. In short, this is a prayer that God would restore to order the confused and ruinous state of things in the world. It remains for us to learn from David’s example, whenever the earth is fraught and defiled with wickedness to such a degree that the fear of him has become almost extinct, to call upon him to show himself the maintainer of his own glory. This doctrine is of use in sustaining our hope and patience whenever God suspends the execution of his judgments longer than we would incline. Previous to his addressing himself to God, the Prophet adopts it as a principle, that, although God may seem for a time to false no notice of what his creatures do, yet he never forgets his office, but delays the execution of his judgments for wise reasons, that at length he may execute them when the seasonable time arrives.

Calvin: Psa 119:127 - -- 127.And therefore I have loved thy statutes above gold This verse, I have no doubt, is connected with the preceding; for otherwise the illative parti...

127.And therefore I have loved thy statutes above gold This verse, I have no doubt, is connected with the preceding; for otherwise the illative particle therefore would be without meaning. Viewing it in this connection, I understand the Psalmist as intimating, that the reason why he esteemed God’s law as more valuable than gold and precious stones, was because he had fixed in his mind a thorough persuasion of the truth, that although God may connive for a time at wickedness, the making havoc of all uprightness and equity will not always remain unpunished. Yea, the more he saw the wicked outrageously breaking forth into wickedness, the more was he incited by a holy indignation burning in his heart, to love the law. This is a passage deserving of special attention, for the baneful influence of evil example is well known, every man thinking that he may lawfully do whatever is commonly practiced around him. Whence it comes to pass, that evil company carries us away like a tempest. The more diligently then ought we to meditate on this doctrine, That when the wicked claim to themselves an unbridled liberty, it behoves us to contemplate with the eyes of faith the judgments of God, in order to our being thereby quickened to the observance of the divine law. If attention to this doctrine has been needful from the beginning, at the present day it is necessary to exert ourselves, that we may not be involved in violating the law of God with the wicked conspiracy which almost the whole world have formed to violate it. The more outrageously the wicked vaunt themselves, let our veneration for and our love of the divine law proportionally increase.

Calvin: Psa 119:128 - -- 128.Therefore I have esteemed all thy commandments to be altogether right 7 This verse, like the preceding, is connected with the 26th, and the conne...

128.Therefore I have esteemed all thy commandments to be altogether right 7 This verse, like the preceding, is connected with the 26th, and the connection may be brought out by observing, that the Prophet, waiting patiently for God’s judgments, and also earnestly calling for their infliction, had subscribed to the law of God in every particular, and embraced it without a single exception — and moreover, that he hated every false way. Literally, it is all the commandments of all; but the words of all are to be referred to things and not to persons, as if he had said, that he approved of all the laws which God had ordained, whatever they enjoined. 8 A similar form of expression occurs in Eze 44:30, “all oblations of all things” — that is to say, whatever kind of oblations men offer. The Prophet has not laid down this sentiment in such express terms without good reason; for there is nothing to which we are naturally more inclined than to despise or reject whatever in God’s law is not agreeable to us. Every man, according as he is tainted with this or that particular vice, would desire their the commandment which forbids it were razed out of the law. But we cannot lawfully make any addition to it, or take away anything from it; and since God has joined his commandments together by a sacred and inviolable bond, to separate any one of them from the rest is altogether unwarrantable. We perceive then how the Prophet, inspired with a holy jealousy for the law, contended against the wicked rebellion of those who despised it. And assuredly, when we see that the ungodly mock God with such effrontery, at one time rising up audaciously against him, trod at another perverting every part of the law, it becomes us to be the more inflamed with zeal, and to be the more courageous in maintaining the truth of God. The extreme impiety of our age especially demands of all the faithful that they should exercise themselves in this holy zeal. Profane men strive to outdo one another in scornfully aspersing the doctrine of salvation, and endeavor to bring God’s sacred Word into contempt by their derisive jeers. Others pour forth their blasphemies without intermission. We cannot, therefore, avoid being chargeable with the crime of treacherous indifference, if our hearts are not warmed with zeal, and unless we burn with a holy jealousy. The Prophet not merely says, that he approved of God’s law wholly and without exception, but he adds, that he hated every way of lying, or every false way. And, undoubtedly, no one subscribes in good earnest to the law of God, but he who rejects all the slanders by which the wicked taint or obscure the purity of sound doctrine. By way of lying, the Prophet doubtless means whatever is opposed to the purity of the law, intimating that he detested all corruption’s which are contrary to the Word of God.

Calvin: Psa 119:129 - -- 129.Thy testimonies are marvelous I have given this translation to avoid an ambiguous form of expression. The Prophet does not simply mean, that the ...

129.Thy testimonies are marvelous I have given this translation to avoid an ambiguous form of expression. The Prophet does not simply mean, that the doctrine of the law is wonderful, but that it contains high and hidden mysteries. Accordingly he declares, that the sublime and admirable wisdom which he found comprehended in the divine law led him to regard it with reverence. This is to be carefully marked, for the law of God is proudly despised by the great majority of mankind, when they do not duly taste its doctrine, nor acknowledge that God speaks from his throne in heaven, that, the pride of the flesh being abased, he may raise us upward by the apprehension of faith. We also gather from this passage, that it is impossible for any man to keep the law of God from the heart, unless he contemplate it with feelings of reverence: for reverence is the beginning of pure and right subjection. Accordingly, I have said that many despise God’s Word, because they think it inferior to the acuteness of their own understandings. Yea, many are led to break forth more audaciously into this heaven-daring contempt, from the vanity of showing their own ingenuity. But, although worldly men may flatter themselves in that proud disdain of the divine law, yet the commendation which the Prophet pronounces upon it still holds true, that it comprehends mysteries which far transcend all the conceptions of the human mind.

Calvin: Psa 119:130 - -- 130.The entrance of thy word is light The amount is, that the light of the truth revealed in God’s word, is so distinct that the very first sight o...

130.The entrance of thy word is light The amount is, that the light of the truth revealed in God’s word, is so distinct that the very first sight of it illuminates the mind. The word פתח pethach, properly signifies an opening, 10 but metaphorically it is taken for a gate. Accordingly the old translator has rendered it beginning, which is not improper, provided it is understood of the rudiments or first elements of the divine law. It is as if the Prophet had — “Not only do those who have attained an accurate acquaintance with the whole law, and who have made the study of it the business of their lives, discern there a clear light, but also those who have studied it even very imperfectly, and who have only, so to speak, entered the porch.” Now we must reason from the less to the greater. If tyroes and novices begin to be enlightened at their first entrance, what will be the case when a man is admitted to a full and perfect knowledge?

In the second clause the Prophet unfolds his meaning more fully. By little ones he denotes such as neither excel in ingenuity nor are endued with wisdom, but rather are unskilled in letters, and unrefined by education. Of such he affirms that, as soon as they have learned the first principles of the law of God, they will be endued with understanding. It ought to have a most powerful influence in exciting in us an earnest desire to become acquainted with the law of God, when we are told that even those who, in the estimation of the world, are fools, and contemptible simpletons, provided they apply their minds to this subject, acquire from it wisdom sufficient to lead them to eternal salvation. Although it is not given to all men to attain to the highest degree in this wisdom, yet it is common to all the godly to profit so far as to know the certain and unerring rule by which to regulate their life. Thus no man who surrenders himself to the teaching of God, will loose his labor in his school, for from his first entrance he will reap inestimable fruit. Meanwhile we are warned, that all who follow their own understanding, wander in darkness. By affirming that the little ones are enlightened, David intimates, that it is only when men, divested of all self confidence, submit themselves with humble and docile minds to God, that they are in a proper state for becoming proficient scholars in the study of the divine law. Let the Papists mock, as they are accustomed to do, because we would have the Scriptures to be read by all men without exception; yet it is no falsehood which God utters by the mouth of David, when he affirms that the light of his truth is exhibited to fools. God will not, therefore, disappoint the desire of such as acknowledge their own ignorance, and submit themselves humbly to his teaching.

Calvin: Psa 119:131 - -- 131.I opened my mouth and panted 11 By these words the Psalmist would have us to understand that he was inflamed with such love to and longing for th...

131.I opened my mouth and panted 11 By these words the Psalmist would have us to understand that he was inflamed with such love to and longing for the divine law, that he was unceasingly sighing after it. In comparing himself to such as are hungry, or to such as burn with parching thirst, he has used a very appropriate metaphor. As such persons indicate the vehemence of their desire by opening the mouth, and by distressful panting, as if they would suck up the whole air, even so the Prophet affirms that he himself was oppressed with continual uneasiness. The opening of the mouth, then, and the drawing of breath, are set in opposition to a cold assent to the word of God. Here the Holy Spirit teaches with what earnestness of soul the knowledge of divine truth is to be sought. Whence it follows, that such as make little or no proficiency in God’s law, are punished by their own indolence or carelessness. When David affirms that he panted continually, he points out not only his ardor but also his constancy.

Calvin: Psa 119:132 - -- 132.Look upon me, and be merciful to me. In this verse he beseeches God to have a regard to him: as he is accustomed always to look to those who are ...

132.Look upon me, and be merciful to me. In this verse he beseeches God to have a regard to him: as he is accustomed always to look to those who are his people. The Hebrew word משפט mishpat, translated judgment, signifies in this passage, as in many others, a common rule, or ordinary usage. 12 He next adds the purpose for which he desires that God would look upon him, namely, that he may be relieved from his miseries. This, then, is the prayer of an afflicted man, who, when apparently destitute of all help, and unable to come to any other conclusion than that he is neglected and forsaken of God, yet reflects with himself, that, for God to forsake him, was foreign to his nature and to his usual manner of procedure. It is as if he had said — Although I can perceive no token of thy favor, yea, although my condition is so wretched and desperate, that, judging according to sense and reason, I deem that thou hast turned the back: upon me; yet, as from the beginning of the world to the present day, thou hast testified, by numberless proofs, that thou art merciful to thy servants, I beseech time that, acting according to this rule, thou wouldst now exercise the like loving-kindness towards me. It is to be particularly noticed, lest those whom God does not immediately answer may become discouraged, that the Prophet had been long oppressed by miseries, without any prospect of relief. Yet it is at the same time to be observed, that the Prophets sole ground of confidence in asking this from God is his free goodness. Whence we gather that, although he was a man of eminent sanctity, yet the undeserved grace of God was his only refuge. With respect to the word judgment, let us learn from the Prophet’s example to acquaint ourselves with the nature of God, from the various experiences we have had of it that we may have certain evidence that he is merciful to us. And, in truth, were not his grace known to us from the daily experience we have of it, which of us would dare to approach him? But if our eyes are not blind, we must perceive the very clear testimonies by which he fortifies our faith, so that we need not doubt that all the godly are the objects of his regard; only we must endeavor to be among the number of those who love his name. By this title is meant genuine believers; for those who only slavishly fear God are not worthy of being reckoned among his servants. He requires a voluntary obedience from us, so that nothing may be more delightful to us than to follow whithersoever he calls us. It is, however, at the same time to be observed, that this love proceeds from faith; yea, the Prophet here commends the grand effect of faith, by separating the godly, who lean upon the grace of God, from worldly men, who, having given their hearts to the enticements of the world, never lift up their minds towards heaven.

Calvin: Psa 119:133 - -- 133.Direct my steps according to thy word By these words he shows, as he has often done before in other places, that the only rule of living well is ...

133.Direct my steps according to thy word By these words he shows, as he has often done before in other places, that the only rule of living well is for men to regulate themselves wholly by the law of God. We have already repeatedly seen in this Psalm, that so long as men allow there-selves to wander after their own inventions, God rejects whatever they do, however laborious the efforts they may put forth. But as the Prophet declares that men’s lives are then only framed aright when they yield themselves wholly to the obeying of God, so, on the other hand, he confesses that to do this is not within their own will or power. God’s law, it is evident, will not make us better by merely prescribing to us what is right. Hence the outward preaching of it is compared to a dead letter. David, then, well instructed in the law, prays for an obedient heart being given him, that he may walk in the way set before him. Here two points are particularly deserving of our notice — first, that God deals bountifully with men, when he invites them to himself by his word and doctrine; and, secondly, that still all this is lifeless and unprofitable, until he govern by his Spirit those whom he has already taught by his word. As the Psalmist desires not simply to have his steps directed, but to have them directed to God’s word, we may learn that he did not hunt after secret revelations, and set the word at nought, as many fanatics do, but connected the external doctrine with the inward grace of the Holy Spirit; and herein consists the completeness of the faithful, in that God engraves on their hearts what he shows by his word to be right. Nothing, therefore, is more foolish than the fancy of those who say, that in enjoining upon men what he would have them to do, God estimates the strength which they have to perform it. In vain does divine truth sound in our ears, if the Spirit of God does not effectually pierce into our hearts. The Prophet confesses that it is to no purpose for him to read or hear the law of God, unless his life is regulated by the secret influence of the Holy Spirit, that he may thus be enabled to walk in that righteousness which the law enjoins. In the second clause he reminds us how necessary it is for us to be continually presenting this prayer at the throne of grace, acknowledging that he is the bond-slave of sin until God stretch forth his hand to deliver him. direct me, says he, that iniquity may not have dominion in me. 13 So long, then, as we are left to ourselves, Satan exercises’, over us his despotic sway uncontrolled, so that we have not power to rid ourselves of iniquity. The freedom of the godly consists solely in this — that they are governed by the Spirit of God, and thus preserved from succumbing to iniquity, although harassed with hard and painful conflicts.

Calvin: Psa 119:134 - -- 134.Deliver me from the oppression of men When recounting what had befallen himself, the Prophet shows, by his own example, that all the godly are ex...

134.Deliver me from the oppression of men When recounting what had befallen himself, the Prophet shows, by his own example, that all the godly are exposed to rapine and oppression, and that, like sheep in the mouths of wolves, they will be inevitably destroyed unless God defend them. As very few are governed by the Spirit of God, it is no wonder if all love of equity is banished from the world, and if all men are found everywhere rushing into all kinds of wickedness, some impelled by cruelty, 14 and others devoted to fraud and deceit. When, therefore, the Prophet saw that he was overwhelmed on all sides with injuries, he betook himself to God as his deliverer. By the word deliver he intimates, that unless he is preserved in a wonderful manner, it is all over with him. In the second clause, he engages that he will not prove ungrateful for his deliverance: And I will keep thy precepts Nothing more effectually strengthens us, in an earnest desire and endeavor to follow after integrity and righteousness, than when we find by experience, that God’s defense is of more value to us than all the unlawful helps to which worldly men unusually have recourse. We are taught from this passage, that when engaged in contest with the wicked, we ought not to suffer our minds to be actuated by malice, but that, however violently and unjustly they may assault us, we should rest; contented with the deliverance which God bestows, and with that alone; and again, that every instance in which we experience the grace of God in delivering us, should be a spur to incite us to follow after uprightness. He delivers us for no other end, but that the fruits of our deliverance may be manifested in our life; and we are too perverse if that experience is not sufficient to convince us, that all who persevere in the unfeigned fear of God, will always abide in safety by his aid, although the whole world may be against them.

Calvin: Psa 119:135 - -- 135.Make thy face to shine upon thy servant There is here the repetition of a prayer which we have several times met with before in this Psalm. The P...

135.Make thy face to shine upon thy servant There is here the repetition of a prayer which we have several times met with before in this Psalm. The Prophet intimates, that he regarded nothing as of more importance than rightly to understand the divine law. When he beseeches God to make his face to shine upon his servant, he, in the first place, seeks to win the fatherly favor of God — for nothing is to be hoped for from Him unless we have an interest in his favor — but he at the same time, shows the greatness of the blessing. There is no testimony of the love of God, as if he had said, which I am more desirous to obtain than to be enabled to make progress in his law. Whence we gather, as I have lately observed, that he preferred divine truth to all the possessions of the world. Would to God that this affection were vigorous in our hearts! But that which the Prophet extols so highly, is neglected by the great proportion of mankind. If individuals are to be found stimulated by this desire, we see them presently falling back to the Measurements of the world, so that there are very few, indeed, who renouncing all other desires, seek earnestly with David to become acquainted with the doctrine of the law. Besides, as God vouchsafes this privilege only to those whom he has embraced with his fatherly love, it is proper for us to begin with this prayer, That he would make his face to shine upon us. This form of expression, however, conveys something more — it implies, that it is only when God illumines the minds of his believing people with the true knowledge of the law, that he delights them with the beams of his favor. It often happens that, even in regard to them, God’s countenance is overcast with clouds in this respect, namely, when he deprives them of tasting the sweetness of his word.

Calvin: Psa 119:136 - -- 136.Rivers of waters run from my eyes 15 Here David affirms that he was inflamed with no ordinary zeal for the glory of God, inasmuch as he dissolved...

136.Rivers of waters run from my eyes 15 Here David affirms that he was inflamed with no ordinary zeal for the glory of God, inasmuch as he dissolved wholly into tears on account of the contempt put upon the divine law. He speaks hyperbolically; but still he truly and plainly expresses the disposition of mind with which he was endued; and it corresponds with what he says in altogether place, “The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.” (Psa 69:9.) Wherever the Spirit of God reigns, he excites this ardent zeal, which burns the hearts of the godly when they see the commandment of the Most High God accounted as a thing of nought. It is not enough that each of us endeavor to please God; we must also desire that his law may be held in estimation by all men. In this way holy Lot, as the Apostle Peter testifies, vexed his soul when he beheld Sodom a sink of all kinds of wickedness. (2Pe 2:8.) If, in former times, the ungodliness of the world extorted from the children of God such bitter grief, so great is the corruption into which we at this day are fallen, that those who can look upon the present state of things unconcerned and without tears, are thrice, yea four times, insensible. How great in our day is the frenzy of the world in despising God and neglecting his doctrine? A few, no doubt, are to be found who with the mouth profess their willingness to receive it, but scarcely one in ten proves the sincerity of his profession by his life. Meanwhile countless multitudes are hurried away to the impostures of Satan and to the Pope; others are as thoughtless and indifferent about their salvation as the lower animals; 16 and many Epicureans openly mock at all religion. If there is, then, the smallest portion of piety remaining in us, full rivers of tears, and not merely small drops, will flow from our eyes. But if we would give evidence of pure and uncorrupted zeal, let our grief begin at ourselves — at our seeing that we are yet far from having attained to a perfect observance of the law; yea, that the depraved lusts of our carnal nature are often rising up against the righteousness of God.

Calvin: Psa 119:137 - -- 137. O Jehovah! thou art righteous The Prophet yields to God the praise of righteousness, and also acknowledges that it is to be found in his law. So...

137. O Jehovah! thou art righteous The Prophet yields to God the praise of righteousness, and also acknowledges that it is to be found in his law. Some understand judgments as referring to those infliction’s by which God chastises the sins of men; but this does not seem so fitly to agree with the scope of the passage. Besides, as the adjective ישר , yashar, translated right, is put in the singular number with the word judgments, the sentence should be explained thus that there is not any one of the judgments of God which is not right. Should we be inclined to take ישר as a substantive, the sense will be almost the same. All men indeed grant that God is righteous; but the Prophet has expressed more than the common sort of men, yea than the whole world, perceive in reference to this subject; for in designating God righteous, he means, that as soon as we depart from Him, we will not find a particle of righteousness anywhere else. When he adds that the evidence and testimony of this righteousness are to be seen in the law, he teaches us that God is robbed of his praise, if we do not subscribe to all his commandments. To the same purpose is the following verse, which declares that God has taught in his law full and perfect righteousness and truth. The adverb, מאד , meod, which signifies greatly, is with more propriety connected with the nouns than with the verb commanded; inasmuch as it was God’s design to exhibit in the law a perfect rule of righteousness. The doctrine of the law is honored with these encomiums, that all of us may learn to derive wisdom from it, and that no man may devise for himself any other standard of rectitude or righteousness than that which is exhibited in the law; a very necessary lesson, since every man would willingly frame for himself a new pattern or standard of righteousness.

Calvin: Psa 119:139 - -- 139.My zeal hath consumed me 17 The Psalmist speaks of his persecutors, by whom it is certain he had been subjected to much trouble. But although the...

139.My zeal hath consumed me 17 The Psalmist speaks of his persecutors, by whom it is certain he had been subjected to much trouble. But although they were virulent and cruel towards him, he avows that it was not so much his own private wrongs which offended him as the violation of God’s law; yea rather, that he was so consumed with grief on that account as not to be affected at all with his own individual troubles. This is an example from which much profit may be derived. We are too tender and delicate in bearing wrongs; and hence it is that if we are but touched with a finger, we are instantly inflamed with anger, whilst at the same time we are but coldly affected at the most grievous offenses committed against God. But if we are animated with the zeal that inspired the Prophet it will carry us away to another kind of sorrow, which will take entire possession of our souls.

Calvin: Psa 119:140 - -- 140.Thy word is exceedingly refined In this verse he intimates that the cause of his zeal was the love which he bore to heavenly doctrine. For to be ...

140.Thy word is exceedingly refined In this verse he intimates that the cause of his zeal was the love which he bore to heavenly doctrine. For to be displeased with or severely to condemn the contempt of divine truth, unless we are bound to it by the cords of love, is pure hypocrisy. And he affirms that his love to God’s word was not a rash, or a blind and inconsiderate affection, but that he loved it, because like gold or silver which has been refined, it was pure and free from all dregs and dross. This is the idea contained in the metaphorical term צרופה , tseruphah, translated refined; 18 and though it seems to be commonplace, yet, vindicating God’s word from all perverse and malicious judgments, it expresses graphically the true obedience of faith. How few are there who are not guilty, either by their distrust, or waywardness, or pride, or voluptuousness, of casting upon God’s word some spot or stain! The flesh then being so rebellious, it is no small commendation of revealed truth, when it is compared to gold well refined, so that it shines pure from all defilement. Farther, it serves not a little to show the truth of this testimony, that the Prophet confirms it by his own experience. The more effectually to repress the foolish rashness with which we are chargeable whenever we imagine that there is any fault in God’s word, he declares that in commending it he gives utterance to the unfeigned feeling of his heart, having experienced a blissful pleasure in that purity of which he speaks.

Calvin: Psa 119:141 - -- 141.I am, insignificant and despised The meaning is, that although he was tried with poverty and many other calamities, he steadily persevered in the...

141.I am, insignificant and despised The meaning is, that although he was tried with poverty and many other calamities, he steadily persevered in the exercise of true godliness, and in the observance of the law. On that account, as he states, he was despised by wicked men. Every man gives praise to God just in proportion as he is gorged with his benefits; and very few will be found applying their minds to the service of God, unless they have all their wishes gratified. Hence it comes to pass that hypocrites, as long as they are pampered to the full, accumulate riches and increase in power, are very lavish in praising God. But let them be treated in some degree roughly, and immediately the blessed name of God is heard of no more. Since then men are ordinarily mercenary in serving God, let us learn from the Prophet’s example that true godliness is disinterested, so that when under its influence we cease not to praise God, although he may afflict us with adversity and make us despised in the eyes of the world. These upbraiding words of Christ in Joh 6:26, ought, no doubt, to be carefully attended to,

“Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.” (Joh 6:26)

The persons then who serve God ingenuously and sincerely, are such as continue steadfast in his fear, although their condition in this world may be mean and despised; in short, they are such as seek not their reward on earth, but through heat and cold, poverty and danger, slanders and mockeries, persevere with unwearied steps in the course of their warfare.

Calvin: Psa 119:142 - -- 142.Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness Here the law of God is honored by the additional encomium, that it is everlasting righteousness...

142.Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness Here the law of God is honored by the additional encomium, that it is everlasting righteousness and truth; as if it had been said, that all other rules of life, with whatever attractions they may appear to be recommended, are but a shadow, which quickly vanishes away. The Psalmist, no doubt, indirectly contrasts the doctrine of the law with all the human precepts which were ever delivered, that he may bring all the faithful in subjection to it, since it is the school of perfect wisdom. There may be more of plausibility in the refined and subtle disquisition’s of men; but there is in them nothing firm or solid at bottom, as there is in God’s law. This firmness of the divine law he proves in the following verse from one instance — the continual comfort he found in it when grievously harassed with temptations. And the true test of the profit we have reaped from it is, when we oppose to all the distresses of whatever kind which may straiten us, the consolation derived from the word of God, that thereby all sadness may be effaced from our minds. David here expresses something more than he did in the preceding verse; for there he only said that he reverently served God, although from his rough and hard treatment he might seem to lose his labor; but now when distressed and tormented, he affirms that he finds in the law of God the most soothing delight, which mitigates all grief’s, and not only tempers their bitterness, but also seasons them with a certain sweetness. And assuredly when this taste does not exist to afford us delight, nothing is more natural than for us to be swallowed up of sorrow. Nor ought we to omit noticing the form of expression which the Prophet employs, by which he teaches, that although he was besieged and shut up on all sides, he found a remedy sufficiently powerful in improving the consolation offered him by the word of God. As this could not be true of the bare commandments, which so far from remedying our distresses, rather fill us with anxiety, there is no doubt that under the word commandments there is comprehended by the figure synecdoche, the whole doctrine of the law, in which God not only requires what is right, but in which also calling his elect ones to the hope of eternal salvation, he opens the gate of perfect happiness. Yea, under the term law are comprehended both free adoption, and also the promises which flow from it.

Calvin: Psa 119:144 - -- 144.The righteousness of thy testimonies endureth forever The Psalmist repeats what he had already before stated, that there is a great dissimilarity...

144.The righteousness of thy testimonies endureth forever The Psalmist repeats what he had already before stated, that there is a great dissimilarity between the righteousness of God’s testimonies and man’s inventions; the splendor of the last quickly vanishing away, whereas the other continues steadfast for ever. He repeats this twice; for although the world is forced to attribute the praise of righteousness to the law of God, yet the majority of mankind are carried away after their own speculations, so that there is nothing more difficult than to hold us fast in our obedience to God. David’s drift is to show that everlasting righteousness is not comprehended elsewhere than in God’s law, and that it is in vain to seek for it anywhere else; and there is accordingly here laid down a clearer definition of righteousness, which is, that righteousness consists in our keeping ourselves within the bounds of the law. As to the last clause of the verse, Give me understanding and I shall live, I read it in connection with the preceding clause; for although David desires to have his mind enlightened by God, yet he does not conceive of any other way by which he was to obtain an enlightened understanding than by his profiting aright in the study of the law. Farther, he here teaches, that men cannot, properly speaking, be said to live when they are destitute of the light of heavenly wisdom; and as the end for which men are created is not that, like swine or asses, they may stuff their bellies, but that they may exercise themselves in the knowledge and service of God, when they turn away from such employment, their life is worse than a thousand deaths. David therefore protests that for him to live was not merely to be fed with meat and drink, and to enjoy earthly comforts, but to aspire after a better life, which he could not do save under the guidance of faith. This is a very necessary warning; for although it is universally acknowledged that man is born with this distinction, that he excels the lower animals in intelligence, yet the great bulk of mankind, as if with deliberate purpose: stifle whatever light God pours into their understandings. I indeed admit that all men desire to be sharp-witted; but how few aspire to heaven, and consider that the fear of,God is the beginning of wisdom. Since then meditation upon the celestial life is buried by earthly cares, men do nothing else than plunge into the grave, so that while living to the world, they die to God. Under the term life, however, as I have elsewhere said, the Prophet denotes the utmost he could wish. Lord, as if he had said, although I am already dead, yet if thou art pleased to illumine my mind with the knowledge of heavenly truth, this grace alone will be sufficient to revive me.

Calvin: Psa 119:145 - -- 145.I have cried with my whole heart This verse may be so read and connected as that in the end of it the Psalmist may show what he desired in crying...

145.I have cried with my whole heart This verse may be so read and connected as that in the end of it the Psalmist may show what he desired in crying; 20 and thus the meaning would be, that as he was inflamed with an intense desire to keep the law, he continually made supplication to God on that subject. But the subsequent verse compels us to take a different view, for the same thing is, no doubt, there again repeated. The Prophet then requests that God would hear him; and in token of his gratitude he promises to keep God’s commandments. He simply uses the indefinite term cry; and thus he does not express what the prayers were which he offered up to God, but only shows, that while the children of this world are distracted by a multiplicity of objects, he directed all the affections of his heart exclusively to God, because he depended solely on him. As the world is compelled to acknowledge that God is the author of all good things, many formal prayers proceed from that principle. It was the consideration of this which led David to affirm that he prayed with his whole heart. When he shall have obtained his requests, he proposes to himself the glory of God as his end, resolving to devote himself with so much the more ardent affection to the work of serving him. Although God declares that he is served aright by the sacrifice of praise, yet David, to distinguish himself from hypocrites who profane the name of God by their cold and feigned praises, with good reason declares that he will give thanks by his life and works.

In the following verse he makes no new statement; but he speaks more expressly. In the first place, he says that he cried to God; and next he adds, that he commended his welfare to Him by prayer; thereby intimating that whether he was in safety, or whether imminent danger threatened him with death, he uniformly reposed upon God, being fully persuaded that the only way in which he could continue safe was by having him for the guardian and protector of his welfare.

Calvin: Psa 119:147 - -- 147.I have prevented the twilight The Hebrew noun נשף , nesheph, is in this place improperly translated by crepusculum, twilight; for it rath...

147.I have prevented the twilight The Hebrew noun נשף , nesheph, is in this place improperly translated by crepusculum, twilight; for it rather signifies the dawn of morning. But as the Latin’s derive the word crepusculum, from creperus, which signifies doubtful or uncertain, so that it may signify the doubtful and intermediate time between light and darkness, I have not been particularly nice in the selection of the term only let my readers understand that the evening twilight commencing with sunset is not here denoted, but the imperfect light which precedes the rising of the sun. David then expresses the most eager haste when he says, that he prevented the dawn of the morning by his prayers. The verb cry always conveys the idea of earnestness; referring, as it does, not so much to the loudness of the voice as to the vehemency and ardor of the mind. In mentioning his haste, his object is the better to set forth his perseverance; for he tells us, that although he betook himself to prayer with such promptitude, yet he did not immediately become weary of that exercise, like the unbelieving, who, if God does not suddenly grant them their requests, murmur and complain against him. Thus, in conjoining patience of hope with earnestness of desire, he shows what is the true manner of praying; even as Paul, in Phi 4:6, when he exhorts us to

“let our requests be made known unto God with thanksgiving,” (Phi 4:6)

admonishes us, while engaged in the exercise of prayer, to bridle our turbulent affections, because one of the ends of prayer is to nourish our hope. Nor is the mention made of the word in the close of the verse superfluous; for it is only by having the Word of God continually before our eyes, that we can bridle the wanton impetuosity of our corrupt nature.

Calvin: Psa 119:148 - -- 148.My eyes have prevented the night watchers 21 The Psalmist here intimates, that he was more sedulously intent on meditating upon the law of God th...

148.My eyes have prevented the night watchers 21 The Psalmist here intimates, that he was more sedulously intent on meditating upon the law of God than watchmen of the night were to keep watch. Others are of opinion, that the verb שוח , suach, is put for to discourse. If this opinion is admitted, the sense will be, that the Prophet, not from ostentation, but for the welfare of his brethren, was so desirous of communicating instruction, that he gave himself no rest. The word meditate is, however, more appropriate in this place; for the night is an unseasonable time for discoursing upon the law of God; but at that season, when alone, he silently recalled to his memory what he had previously learned, so that he passed no part of the night without meditating upon the law.

Calvin: Psa 119:149 - -- 149.Hear my voice, O Jehovah! according to thy mercy In the first place he declares, that the goodness of God was the only ground of his hope of bein...

149.Hear my voice, O Jehovah! according to thy mercy In the first place he declares, that the goodness of God was the only ground of his hope of being heard by him. Whatever blessings the saints may plead for in prayer, their opening argument must be the free and unmerited grace of God. Nor is the term judgments 22 in the second clause to be taken in a different sense. As God has revealed his goodness in his word, his word is the source from which we must derive our assurance of his goodness. The Prophet, then, sensible that he had need of the divine mercy, betook himself directly to the word, in which God, sweetly alluring men to himself, promises that his grace will be ready and open for all. That each, therefore, may be confidently persuaded that God will be merciful to him in particular, let him learn from the example of the Prophet to entreat God to show himself such as he has promised to be. Some expound the word judgments by manner or custom; 23 because, God’s usual way is to deal graciously with all his people. I would not altogether reject this exposition; but I think it is harsh and foreign to the scope of the text, while the meaning which I have adduced comes out very naturally. Moreover, he desires to be quickened, to testify that even in the, midst of life he is dead, except in so far as he is sustained by the power of God. And assuredly, all who are duly acquainted with their own infirmity, esteeming their life as nothing, will crave to be quickened every moment. It is also to be added, that God often so exercised his servant, that with good reason he might send up his prayers, as it were, out of the sepulcher, to be restored from death to life.

Calvin: Psa 119:150 - -- 150.The pursuers of malice have drawn near As the Hebrew word רודפי rodphee, translated the pursuers of, is put in the construct state, th...

150.The pursuers of malice have drawn near As the Hebrew word רודפי rodphee, translated the pursuers of, is put in the construct state, that is to say, as it is so related to the word זמה , zimmah, rendered wickedness, that in Latin the latter would be put in the genitive ease, I expound the clause as denoting that they draw near to do mischief. I wonder what could move interpreters to translate — The pursuers have approached, or drawn near to wickedness; which the idiom of the language will not admit, to say nothing of the fact that זמה , zimmah, signifies rather perversity or malice, than wickedness. David therefore says, that those who are vehemently bent on malice are pursuing him close behind, and that they rush upon him with such violence in order to do him mischief, as plainly to indicate that they are far off from God’s law, since they east far from them all regard to uprightness and equity. It was a most wretched condition for him to be in, to behold his enemies, who had shaken off all fear of God and reverence for his law, ready with uplifted hand to smite him to death, had not God been near to defend him, as he adds in the subsequent verse —

Calvin: Psa 119:151 - -- 151.Thou, O Jehovah! art near He encourages himself from the consolatory consideration, that God, when he sees his own people sore pressed, comes for...

151.Thou, O Jehovah! art near He encourages himself from the consolatory consideration, that God, when he sees his own people sore pressed, comes forward, seasonably to afford them succor; even as Paul on this subject says,

“Be not over-careful, the Lord is at hand, let your moderation be known to all men ”
(Phi 4:5)

The concluding sentence of the verse is to this effect, That God never forsakes nor disappoints his people in their necessity, because he is true to his promises; and in them he assures us, that the welfare of his people will always be the object of his care. That therefore we may be fully persuaded that the hand of God is always ready to repulse the assaults of our enemies, let us retain a settled belief of the truth, that he does not in vain promise in his word to be the guardian of our welfare.

Calvin: Psa 119:152 - -- 152.. I have known from thy testimonies 24 from the beginning. Others here translate, I have known long ago of thy testimonies. 25 This translati...

152.. I have known from thy testimonies 24 from the beginning. Others here translate, I have known long ago of thy testimonies. 25 This translation I would not directly reject; but I am more inclined to retain the sense which I have given, namely, That the Prophet not only knew the everlasting steadfastness which characterizes the testimonies of God; but that he had also derived this knowledge from the testimonies themselves. When the Hebrews would express the meaning conveyed by the Latin preposition de, they frequently use the particle מן , or the letter ב , beth. He therefore says, that he had learned from God’s testimonies, or had been taught by them, that they are established for ever 26 This indeed is the chief point of faith, That the word of God is not only distinguished for fidelity and steadfastness for a time, but that it continues unchangeable for ever. Were it otherwise, it could not include within it the hope of eternal salvation. That the assurance of this immutabiliy of God’s word may be rooted in our minds, the inward revelation of the Holy Spirit is indeed necessary; for until God seal within us the certainty of his word, our belief of its certainty will be continually wavering. Yet the Prophet, not without cause, affirms, that he learned this truth from the word; for when God shines into us by his Spirit, he at the same time causes that sacred truth which endures for ever to shine forth in the mirror of his word.

Calvin: Psa 119:153 - -- 153.Behold my affliction and rescue me The Psalmist teaches by his own example that those who are devoted to the service and fear of God, must not be...

153.Behold my affliction and rescue me The Psalmist teaches by his own example that those who are devoted to the service and fear of God, must not be discouraged though they are not rewarded for it in this world. Their condition upon earth is one of warfare, and therefore they should not be dismayed by diversity, but rather rest satisfied with the consolatory consideration, that the gate of prayer is open to them. Yet the Prophet does not boast of his, endeavors to keep the law, as if he would have God to pay him wages for his service, but only to show that he was one of God’s servants, just as he has spoken of his hope that he was so in other places. This reason, for I have not forgotten thy law, on account of which he beseeches God to consider his affliction and to rescue him, is peculiarly forcible in the present case; for it is an evidence of no ordinary courage when, instead of being led away from the fear of God by adversity, we wrestle against temptations and seek him even when he seems purposely to drive us away from him.

Calvin: Psa 119:154 - -- 154.Debate thy cause, and redeem me In this verse David specifics the kind of his affliction, which was the wrongful and harassing treatment which he...

154.Debate thy cause, and redeem me In this verse David specifics the kind of his affliction, which was the wrongful and harassing treatment which he met with at the hands of evil and unprincipled men. The reading literally is, Plead my cause, which is the same thing as to undertake a cause, or to take the charge of defending one in judgment, or to maintain the right of the oppressed. In the first place the Prophet in invoking God to defend his cause, shows that he is wrongfully oppressed, either by violence, calumnies, or crafty policies; and in seeking to be redeemed, he intimates that he was unable to make any resistance, or that he was so entangled in their snares, as to have no remaining hope except in the deliverance of God. In the second clause the letter ל , lamed, seems to be taken for the letter כ , caph, the mark of similitude, 29 as would appear from his having used a little before (Psa 119:149) a similar form of prayer. Again, as David here complains that he is held as it were in fetters by his enemies, unless he is delivered by the hand of his Redeemer, he with good reason beseeches God to restore him to life; for he who is rims abased is like a person dead. It is also aptly added according to thy word; for it is from the promises which God makes in his word of becoming our deliverer that the hope of life shines upon us. Whence the Prophet, when earnestly desiring to be brought from darkness to light, sustains and encourages himself by the word. If a different sense is preferred, then David is not to be understood as simply asking that life may be given him, but as praying for spiritual life, that he may be encouraged to exercise faith, to cultivate the fear of God, and to cherish the desire of living a holy life.

Calvin: Psa 119:155 - -- 155.Safety is far from the wicked Fully persuaded that the world is governed by the secret providence of God, who is a just judge, the Prophet draws ...

155.Safety is far from the wicked Fully persuaded that the world is governed by the secret providence of God, who is a just judge, the Prophet draws from that source the doctrine, That the wicked are far removed from safety, and safety from them. Hence proceeds the confidence of prayer; for as God is turned away from the despisers of his word, so he is ready to succor his servants. It is to be noticed, that when the Prophet saw that his enemies were elated by their prosperity, he on the contrary lifted up his heart by faith that thus he might come to the settled persuasion that all their delights were cursed and tended to destruction. Whenever then the wicked prosper in the world according to their wishes, so that being pampered to the full they exult in their own fatness, let us learn, in order to defend ourselves, to lay hold upon this buckler which the Holy Spirit is holding out to us, namely, that they shall at length miserably perish, because they seek not the commandments of God. From this we draw a contrary doctrine, That although genuine believers, whilst they walk sincerely in the fear of God may be as sheep appointed to the slaughter, yet their salvation, which is under the special care and protection of God’s secret providence, is just at hand. In this sense the Prophet adds in the following verse,

Calvin: Psa 119:156 - -- 156.O Jehovah,! thy tender mercies are many; as if he had said that no offenders are safe but those who betake themselves to the divine mercy. Farthe...

156.O Jehovah,! thy tender mercies are many; as if he had said that no offenders are safe but those who betake themselves to the divine mercy. Farther, to encourage himself to approach God with the greater confidence, he not only says that God is merciful, but he mightily magnifies and extols his compassion’s. From this we gather that he was so contented with them, as not to seek any aid from his own merits. It is however at the same time to be noted, that the Prophet was far from being lightly troubled with many temptations, seeing he was forced to oppose to them this vast abundance of mercy. It makes little difference whether we read great or many The prayer which follows, Quicken me according to thy judgments, I explain as referring to the promises. The original word for judgment is by some translated manner or custom; but I have already shown above that such a translation is less suitable than the other. The Prophet then again confirms the truth, That life cannot be hoped for or asked from God, unless hope is produced by his word; and he often repeats this truth, because it is one of which we are marvelously forgetful. But that we may boldly appropriate to ourselves all the grace which God promises to his servants, let the doctrine of the great and manifold tender mercies of God be ever present to our thoughts. If we imagine that God makes his promises because he is bound to do it, or because we have deserved it, doubting or mistrust will steal upon our minds, which will shut the gate against our prayers. But if we are thoroughly persuaded that the sole cause by which God is moved to promise us salvation is the mercy inherent in his own nature, we will approach him without hesitation or doubt, because he has bound himself to us of his own accord.

Calvin: Psa 119:157 - -- 157.My persecutors and oppressors are many The Psalmist here as in other places testifies, that although he had been provoked by many injuries, yet h...

157.My persecutors and oppressors are many The Psalmist here as in other places testifies, that although he had been provoked by many injuries, yet he had not departed from the right way; which, as I have elsewhere observed, was an evidence of great and singular constancy. It is an easy matter to act well when we are among the good; but if wicked men afflict us, if one man openly assault us by force, if another rob us of our property, if a third circumvent us by wiles, and a fourth attack us by calumnies, it is difficult for us to persevere in our integrity, and we rather begin to howl among the wolves. Besides, the license which is allowed them of doing what they please without the fear of being punished, is a powerful engine for shaking our faith, because, when God thus winks at the wicked, he seems to abandon us for a prey. The Prophet therefore, by God’s testimonies, means not only the rule of holy and righteous living, but also the promises. Lord, as if he had said, I have not turned away from the path of integrity, although the conduct of the wicked has presented me with a temptation to do so; nor have I shaken off nay confidence in thy grace, but have waited patiently for thy succor. Both these are necessary. For although he who has suffered wrongs may contend against the malice of his enemies by his well — doing, and may refrain from every act of retaliation, yet, provided he does not depend wholly upon God, this uprightness will not be sufficient to save him. Not that any man behaves himself in a manner so moderate, except he who leans upon God and waits upon him as his deliverer; but granting that such could be the ease, there would not be sufficient power in this half virtue to save him. The salvation of God is reserved for the faithful who ask it in the exercise of lively faith. And whoever, persuaded that God will be his deliverer, pillars and supports his mind on the divine promises, will endeavor also to overcome evil with good.

Calvin: Psa 119:158 - -- 158.I saw the perfidious and child them In this verse the Psalmist proceeds yet farther, declaring that he was inflamed with a holy zeal when he saw ...

158.I saw the perfidious and child them In this verse the Psalmist proceeds yet farther, declaring that he was inflamed with a holy zeal when he saw the law of God despised by the wicked. Expositors are not however agreed as to one word in the text, namely the verb אתקוטטה , ethkotatah, which we have rendered chid, some deriving it from קוט , kut, which often signifies to debate or contend with, it being in the conjugation hithpael, while others derive it from קטט karat, which signifies to kill or to destroy. I adopt the former interpretation, because it is more generally received among the learned, and is most appropriate. The Prophet then teaches that he was inflamed with such zeal for the law of God that he could no longer endure the impious mockery directed against it. The verb debate may however be understood as well of the vexation or anger which he felt in himself, as of the rebuke which he openly administered to the despisers of God; and therefore some translate it, I shuddered, or I was grieved 30 Nor assuredly will any person enter into debate with others for maintaining the glory of God, but he who is first chafed within himself, and has been grieved at heart; even as on the other hand, after this holy indignation there almost always follows transitive action; that is to say, it passes from the thought to the effect. 31 In short, we are admonished by the example of the Prophet, that we ought to feel such displeasure at the contempt of God’s word as that our heart grows hot even to chiding. In the first place, then, let grief affect us inwardly; and next, whenever opportunity shall present itself, let; us strenuously endeavor to repress the forwardness and pride of the wicked, and let us not hesitate to do so from the fear of provoking their resentment against us.

Calvin: Psa 119:159 - -- 159.Behold, O Jehovah how I have loved thy commandments What I have state before must be remembered — that when the saints speak of their own piety...

159.Behold, O Jehovah how I have loved thy commandments What I have state before must be remembered — that when the saints speak of their own piety before God they are not chargeable with obtruding their own merits as the ground of their confidence; but they regard this as, a settled principle, that God, who distinguishes his servants from the profane and wicked, will be merciful to them because they seek him with their whole heart. Besides, an unfeigned love of God’s law is an undoubted evidence of adoption, since this love is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Prophet, therefore, although he arrogates nothing to himself, very properly adduces his own piety for the purpose, of encouraging himself to entertain the more assured hope of obtaining his request, through the grace of God which he had experienced. At the same time we are taught that there can be no true keeping of the law but what springs from free and spontaneous love. God demands voluntary sacrifices, and the commencement of a good life is to love him, as Moses declares, (Deu 10:12,)

“And now, O Israel! what doth the Lord require of thee,
but to love him.”

The same thing is also repeated in the summary of the law: (Deu 6:5,) “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.” For this reason David has previously stated, that the law of God was not only precious but also delightful to him. Now as in keeping the law it behoves us to begin with voluntary obedience, so that nothing may delight us more than the righteousness of God, so on the other hand, it must not be forgotten that a sense of the free goodness of God and of his fatherly love is indispensably necessary in order to our hearts being beheld to this affection. So far are the bare commandment’s from winning men to obey them, that they rather frighten them away. Hence it is evident, that it is only when a man shall have tasted the goodness of God from the teaching of the law, that he will apply his heart to love it in return. The frequency with which the Prophet repeats the prayer, that God would quicken him, teaches us that he knew well the frailty of his own life, so that in his estimation men live only in so far as God every moment breathes life into them. Besides, it is probable that he had been continually besieged by many deaths, to the end he might the more earnestly betake himself to the fountain of life. He again rests his faith upon the goodness of God as its foundation — quicken me according to thy loving-kindness — from which we perceive how far he was from boasting of his own merits when he protested in the preceding sentence that he loved God’s law.

Calvin: Psa 119:160 - -- 160.The beginning of thy word is truth The design of the Prophet it is not difficult to perceive; but the words admit of being understood in two ways...

160.The beginning of thy word is truth The design of the Prophet it is not difficult to perceive; but the words admit of being understood in two ways. Some interpret the noun beginning as denoting that the truth of God shines forth conspicuously in his word, immediately when we enter for the first time upon the study of it, so that this entrance may justly be called the beginning of the word. This sentence contains the profitable doctrine, that if we are finished with eyes of understanding, we will no sooner cast our eyes upon heavenly doctrine than the truth of it will meet our view. Others, however, give a different explanation, and perhaps with no less propriety, eliciting this sense, That the word of God has been from the beginning certain and infallible truth, and will continue so even to the end. These two clauses hang very well together — that God has been true to his word from the beginning, and that he will continue to be so everlastingly and immutably. The interpretation which refers the word judgment to the works of God and not to his doctrine, I would not altogether condemn, yet it is not in harmony with the context. Let us then retain this sense, That from the time when God began to speak he has always been faithful to his promises, and has never disappointed the hope of his people; and that the course of this faithfulness has been so uniform, that from the beginning even to the end his word is true and faithful.

Calvin: Psa 119:161 - -- 161.Princes have persecuted me without a cause 34 Here the Psalmist, informs us that sore and grievous as his temptation had been, he was restrained ...

161.Princes have persecuted me without a cause 34 Here the Psalmist, informs us that sore and grievous as his temptation had been, he was restrained by the fear of God from desiring to attempt anything unworthy of the character of a godly man. We are prone to fall into despair when princes who are armed with power to overwhelm us are hostile to and molest us. The evil is also aggravated from the consideration that it is the very persons who ought to be as bucklers to defend us, who employ their strength in hurting us. Yea, when the afflicted are stricken by those in high places, they in a manner think that the hand of God is against them. There was also this peculiarity in the case of the Prophet, that he had to encounter the grandees of the chosen people — men whom God had placed in such honor-able stations, to the end they might be the pillars of the Church. Some give, more restricted exposition, which is, that David followed the exhortation of Christ in Mat 10:28,

“Fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell;”

a sentiment which although it had not as yet been uttered by Christ’s mouth, ought nevertheless to have been fixed in the hearts of all the godly. The sense, then, in their opinion is, that the Prophet had not been turned aside from the fear of God by any of the threatening or terrors of his enemies. But his commendation of his own constancy is to be understood in a more extended sense than this. The exhortation of Isaiah is well known,

“Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid; sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” (Isa 8:12)

The Prophet in that place shows in general what the weapons are, with which the faithful being armed will succeed in vanquishing all the assaults of the world — he shows that they will do so, provided they not only stand in awe of God, but also rest assured that he will always be the guardian of their welfare, so that they may cast all their cares upon him. Thus it will come to pass that, resting contented with his protection, they will not turn aside to practice whatever may be sinful to secure their safety. In like manner the Prophet, in the passage before us, affirms that although being oppressed by the wrongful violence of princes, he presented a sad spectacle, yet he did not succumb, but considered what was lawful for him to do, and did not attempt to rival their wicked practices, by repelling craft with craft and violence with violence. In this text, as is evident from the connection, to be afraid at God’s word, is to restrain one’s self and to attempt nothing which is unlawful. I have already said that the adverb חנם , hinnam, without a cause, is added for the sake of amplification; for the temptation was so much the harder from the fact, that the tyrants, without cause and merely to gratify their own wicked inclination, assaulted an innocent individual. Men of a good disposition and of a noble mind, it is well known, are more easily excited to anger when the object assaulted is one who has done wrong to nobody. It was therefore a signal proof of self-control for the Prophet to bridle himself by the word of God, that he might not vie with others in evil doing, or, overcome with temptation, go out of the place which had been assigned him in the social body. Let us then learn to remain peaceable, although princes tyrannically abuse the power which God has committed to them, lest by creating insurrection we break in upon the peace and order of society.

Calvin: Psa 119:162 - -- 162.I have rejoiced at thy word as one who hath found great spoil No gain, it is well known, brings greater joy than that which conquerors acquire fr...

162.I have rejoiced at thy word as one who hath found great spoil No gain, it is well known, brings greater joy than that which conquerors acquire from the spoil of their enemies; for to the gain there is added the glory of triumph; and when profit comes on a sudden, the delight experienced is from that circumstance the greater. This is the reason why David compares the knowledge he had obtained of heavenly doctrine with spoils rather than with other riches; for by these words he intimates that his greatest joy was derived from the word of God, to which no gain however desirable could at all approach. From this was learn that he was contented with the word of God as a thing in which was all his delight, and in which he found solid felicity; which could not be, but, in the way of his first withdrawing his heart from all depraved desires. Nor is it wonderful to find David placing the whole sum of a happy life in the word of God, in which he well knew the treasure of eternal life to be included and offered to him by means of free adoption.

Calvin: Psa 119:163 - -- 163.I have hated and abhorred deceit In this verse he declares more distinctly what I have adverted to a little before, that he was cleansed from cor...

163.I have hated and abhorred deceit In this verse he declares more distinctly what I have adverted to a little before, that he was cleansed from corrupt affections that he might bestow upon the law of God such honor and estimation as it deserved. Having elsewhere met with almost the same sentence, I shall but briefly touch upon the reason why the Prophet affirms that he hated deceit before he speaks of his love and devotedness to the law. As hypocrisy is in the hearts of all men by nature, and as we are naturally prone to vanity and deceitfulness, we ought diligently to labor to purge our hearts, that the love of the law may reign in them. Now if the beginning of a good life and the first point of righteousness is to hate and abhor deceit, it follows that nothing is more excellent than integrity; for unless that virtue hold the chief place, all the other virtues speedily disappear. Nor is abhorring superfluously added to hating, the design being to teach us that it is not enough to hate falsehood with a common hatred, but that God’s children must hate it with a deadly hatred. Now if the love of the law and the hatred of falsehood are inseparably conjoined, it is a plain inference that all who are not taught in the school of God are infected with deceit and hypocrisy.

Calvin: Psa 119:164 - -- 164.Seven times a day have I praised thee By the adverb seven times, the Prophet means that he was continually or very often engaged in celebrating...

164.Seven times a day have I praised thee By the adverb seven times, the Prophet means that he was continually or very often engaged in celebrating the praises of God; just as it is said in Pro 24:16, “A just man falleth seven times,” when he often falls into divers temptations. 35 The phrase the judgments of God being in many places taken for the punishments which God inflicts upon sinners, and also sometimes applied in general to the providence by which he governs the world, some understand the Prophet as praising God because he affords such manifest proofs of his justice both in punishing the wicked and in the whole government of the world. But I rather agree with others who refer the phrase to the divine law; not that I dislike the former interpretation, but because in this psalm the great topic upon which the Psalmist chiefly insists is the commendation of God’s law. The amount then is, that when David was assiduously occupied in meditating upon the law of God, he found it distinguished by so great perfection of righteousness and wisdom, that from time to time he burst forth into the exercise of praise and thanksgiving. This diligence in praising God shows that David not only spoke reverently and honourably of the divine law, but that he accounted it an inestimable boon conferred upon the human race. It was not simply admiration which constrained him to this commendation, but a principle of gratitude; for he saw that nothing more excellent could be bestowed upon men than their being renewed to a blessed and an endless life by the incorruptible seed of heavenly truth. Yet scarcely one in a hundred of those to whom God offers this treasure puts himself to the trouble of giving God thanks for it even in an ordinary manner. On the contrary, there reigns such vile ingratitude everywhere in the world, that some scornfully reject divine truth, and others despise or slight it, while others rail and gnash their teeth against it if they find anything in it which does not please them.

Calvin: Psa 119:165 - -- 165.Great peace have they who love thy law If we take the word peace for a prosperous or happy condition of life — a sense in which the Hebrews o...

165.Great peace have they who love thy law If we take the word peace for a prosperous or happy condition of life — a sense in which the Hebrews often employ it — the word rendered stumbling-block, to correspond with it, will be used for adversity; as if it had been said, that those who love God’s law shall continually prosper and retain their position, although the whole world should fall into ruins. But a different interpretation will be equally appropriate, namely, that they have great peace, because, being persuaded that both their persons and their life are acceptable to God, they calmly repose themselves on a good conscience. This tranquil state of conscience, this serenity of mind, is justly reckoned the chief point of a happy life, that is to say it is so, when it proceeds from God’s being reconciled to us, and from his fatherly favor shining in our hearts. The Prophet justly teaches that we attain this peace from the love of the law; for whoever would make it to depend upon anything else, will be from time to time trembling at every little blast. If this sense is adopted, the word stumbling-block, in the second clause, will signify all the troubles and disquietudes of mind with which all who lean not upon God’s word are miserably distressed and tormented, and with which they are driven about either by their own depraved passions, or by the caprice of other men. But in whatever way understand these two words, peace and stumbling-block, the design of the Prophet will remain the same, which is to show, that those who are not devoted to God are miserable; for although they may applaud themselves for a time, yet they will meet with many stumbling-blocks to drive them suddenly out of their course. From the term love, we gather that this peace is not acquired by a slavish observance of the law, but proceeds from faith; for the law has no sweetness to attract us to it, unless it exhibit to us God in the character of a father, and tranquilize our minds by the assurance of eternal salvation. So far from enjoying peace, all worldly men and despisers of God are justly punished by their own depravity and obdurate rebellion; for each of them is his own executioner, and the more fiercely they rage against the word of God, the sorer are they tormented, until they bring upon themselves utter destruction. The godly, it is true, are also tormented or distressed, but this inward consolation wipes away all their sorrow, or, raising them up, enables them to surmount all stumbling-blocks, or so relieves them, that they faint not.

Calvin: Psa 119:166 - -- 166.O Jehovah! I have waited for thy salvation It is not without cause that the Prophet often repeats this sentence, which is in all men’s mouths, ...

166.O Jehovah! I have waited for thy salvation It is not without cause that the Prophet often repeats this sentence, which is in all men’s mouths, there being nothing easier than to ascribe to God the praise and office of saving, while yet there is hardly to be met with in the world a single example of steadfast hope, when men come to wrestle with temptations for any length of time. From the order of the words we learn, that if a man would keep himself in the fear of God, and the love of the law, it is necessary for him, above all things, 36 to seek for salvation in God. If faith in God’s grace be removed from our minds, or patience shaken off, we will be carried away hither and thither, and will cease any longer to cultivate godliness. The chief virtue of the faithful, therefore, is a patient endurance of the cross and mortification by which they calmly submit themselves to God; for so long as no adversity happens to hypocrites, they seem, also to be well-affectioned to the work of serving him. There are also other reasons why it behoves us to keep our minds intent upon the salvation of God, if we desire to regulate our life aright; for if the, allurements of the world hold us in their snares, we will immediately become discouraged. The reason, as we plainly see, why the hearts of the great majority fail, is because it is difficult to believe assuredly that salvation is to be hoped for only from the grace of God. That we may therefore persevere in serving God, it is indispensable that faith shine on the future before us, and next, that patience accompany us, to nourish within us the love of righteousness. For, as we have said, our alacrity in persevering proceeds from this, that with a patient spirit we suffer our salvation to lie hidden in the bosom of God, and that we doubt not of his at length, proving a faithful rewarder of all such as seek him, although he may withdraw his favor from the eye of sense. In the subsequent verse the Psalmist confirms this doctrine by other words, saying, that he kept God’s testimonies with his soul By the word soul he expresses still more forcibly than before, that he had the doctrine of the law enclosed within the deepest recesses of his heart. The cause of this peculiarly diligent keeping of the law, was the singular love which he had to it, as he states in the concluding clause of the verse. He who by constraint and in a slavish manner obeys the law, is so far from receiving it into the secret habitation of his heart to keep it there, that he would have it removed far away from him.

Calvin: Psa 119:168 - -- 168.I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies What the Psalmist had expressed more strongly, he now repeats more simply, adding there to reaso...

168.I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies What the Psalmist had expressed more strongly, he now repeats more simply, adding there to reason. He abbreviates the statement as made in the preceding verse only by here omitting the word soul, which he there uses, whilst to commandments he joins testimonies, in order the more distinctly to show that he does not speak exclusively of the rule of an upright and holy life, but also comprehends the whole covenant of salvation. And, assuredly, the doctrine of the law could not be so sweet and attractive from its commanding what is right, did it not at the same time exhibit the free favor of God. The reason which the Prophet assigns for his keeping God’s commandments and testimonies — for all my ways are before thee 37 — is to this effect, That the truth, which he well knew, that nothing is hidden from God, served as a bridle to keep him devoted to the cultivation of godliness; for if we live not as under the omniscient inspection of God, the fickle lustfulness of the flesh quickly carries us away now one way and now another. The meaning, also, may be this — that he made God the arbiter and judge of his life; for in Scripture language those are said to walk before God, who refer all their actions to him, and, as it were, withdrawing themselves from the sight of men, present themselves at his judgment-seat. In this way he gives us to understand that he had endeavored not only to be free from all fault and blame before men, but also to offer to God a sound and sincere heart. Whichever of these senses is adopted, he testifies that it is only when we consider that we have to deal with God, who searcheth the heart, and from whose eyes nothing is hidden, that we will observe his law aright. This concluding clause may also be a form of protestation; as if the Prophet had said, Lord, thou art the best witness of the fidelity with which I have kept thy law, for nothing is hidden from thee. But he seems rather to have intended to intimate that the principle of his holy living, was his having consecrated his life to God, and having kept his thoughts fixed on the diverse presence.

Calvin: Psa 119:169 - -- 169.Let my cry come 38 near into thy presence. The Psalmist repeats the same sentiment which has already come under our notice — that his chief d...

169.Let my cry come 38 near into thy presence. The Psalmist repeats the same sentiment which has already come under our notice — that his chief desire, and what he, most of all pressed after, regarding everything else as of secondary importance, was to make progress in the study of the divine law. By the word cry he denotes earnestness. I am anxious, as if he had said, above all things, and am chiefly inflamed with this desire, (even as it is just and reasonable,) that the light of understanding by which we excel the lower animals, and approach very near to God, may be preferred by me to all earthly advantages. The expression, according to thy word, may be understood in two ways. It may denote that David besought God to impart to him understanding according to his promise; or, as some explain it, it may intimate that he desired to have his mind framed according to the rule of God’s word, so that he might not be wise otherwise than according to the doctrine of the law. This last sense would not be inappropriate, did not these words in the following verse, Deliver me according to thy word, present an objection to such an interpretation. Having no doubt that these two sentences have a corresponding meaning — though at first sight it is more specious to understand David as praying to be made wise according to the rule of the law — I rather incline to the other sense, That he beseeches God to endue him with understanding, in fulfillment of his promise. And whilst God liberally promises all blessings to his people, to enlighten them by his Spirit, that they may excel in true and sound wisdom, is justly entitled to be ranked among the chief of his promises. This doctrine is profitable to us in many ways. In the first place we are taught that nothing is more to be desired than to have God guiding us by his light, that we may not be like brute beasts. In the second place we are taught that this is the peculiar gift of the Holy Spirit; for it would have been in vain for David to have besought. God to bestow upon him that which he had naturally in himself, or which he might have attained by his own painstaking. In the third place, what I have said concerning the promise is to be attended to, to the end the faithful may not hesitate to offer themselves to God to be enlightened by Him, who declares that he will be the guide of the blind, and who refuses not to be a master and teacher of little ones and of the humble.

Calvin: Psa 119:170 - -- 170.Let my prayer come into thy presence After having made supplication that the gift of right understanding might be imparted to him, the Psalmist n...

170.Let my prayer come into thy presence After having made supplication that the gift of right understanding might be imparted to him, the Psalmist now implores God for deliverance, by which he acknowledges that he was continually involved in multiplied dangers from which he found it impossible to escape, unless God stretched forth his hand from heaven to his aid. We know, indeed, that whenever any distress was pressing hard behind him, he called upon God for succor; but as he does not here specify any particular distress, I have no doubt that, in commending his life in general terms to the protection of God, he thought again and again how he was shut up on every side by innumerable deaths, from which he could not escape if God did not prove his continual deliverer. But this is an inestimable comfort to us, that God assures us that in all dangers he will be ready and prepared to help us.

Calvin: Psa 119:171 - -- 171.My lips shall speak praise David now shows in another way than in the preceding verse, how high a privilege he accounted it to be admitted by God...

171.My lips shall speak praise David now shows in another way than in the preceding verse, how high a privilege he accounted it to be admitted by God among the number of His disciples, and to profit aright in His school, by declaring that, if so privileged, he will hasten forward to render thanks to him with fluent tongue. The word נבע , naba, which he employs, is a metaphor taken from the bubbling up of fountains, and accordingly it signifies not simply to speak, but to pour forth speech copiously. As therefore he a little before showed the earnestness of his desire by praying, so now he affirms that his rejoicing will bear testimony that he desires nothing more than to be thoroughly imbued with heavenly truth. He again confirms the doctrine, That the way by which we become truly wise is, first by submitting ourselves to the Word of God, and not following our own imaginations; and, secondly, by God’s opening our understanding and subduing it to the obedience of his will. He here joins together both these truths — namely, that when God has set before us His law, from which we are to learn what, ever is profitable for our welfare, He, at the same time, teaches us inwardly. It were not enough to have our ears stricken with the outward sound, did not God illuminate our minds by the Spirit of understanding, and correct our obduracy by the Spirit of docility. As the labor of teachers is to no purpose until virtue and efficacy has been given to it, so it is also to be noticed that such as are truly taught of God, are not led away from the law and the Scriptures by secret revelations, like some fanatics, who think that they linger still at their A B C, unless disdainfully trampling under foot the Word of God, they fly away after their own foolish fancies.

Calvin: Psa 119:172 - -- 172.My tongue shall speak of thy word Here the Psalmist says, that when he shall have profited in God’s law he will also employ himself in teaching...

172.My tongue shall speak of thy word Here the Psalmist says, that when he shall have profited in God’s law he will also employ himself in teaching it to others. This order is undoubtedly to be observed, That divine truth take root in our hearts before we engage in the work of teaching it to others. Yet every man, according to the measure of his faith, ought to communicate to his brethren what he has received, that the doctrine, whose use and fruit God ‘would have to be displayed for the common edification of the Church, may not be buried. There is added the reason which ought to stir up all the godly to declare the law of God — namely, because by this means righteousness is spread abroad through the whole world. When the Prophet honors the commandments of God with the title of righteousness, he does not simply express his approbation of them, but he indirectly shows, that, until this rule bear sway in governing mankind, the whole world is one scene of sad and horrible confusion. Yet, let my readers judge whether the word answer or witness, which the Hebrew verb ענה , anah, properly signifies, is not more suitable in this place than speak; bringing out this sense — “My tongue shall bear witness or answer to thy word; because the true knowledge of righteousness is to be sought only in the word;” but in that case, it will be necessary to supply the letter ל , lamed, in the word אמרתך , imrathecha, that it may read — to thy word.

Calvin: Psa 119:173 - -- 173.Let thy hand be to succor me As he had devoted himself to the doctrine of the law, David requests that the hand of God may be stretched forth for...

173.Let thy hand be to succor me As he had devoted himself to the doctrine of the law, David requests that the hand of God may be stretched forth for his aid. Farther, by these words he declares, that those who yield themselves to God to be governed by His word have continually need of His help. The more sincerely any individual studies to be a good man, so much the more numerous are the ways in which Satan troubles him, and so much the more are the enemies multiplied who molest him on all sides. But when God sees those who once embraced the truth of his word remaining steadfast in their resolution, he is so much the more inclined to aid them. By the word choose in the second clause, the Psalmist has expressed that nothing had hindered him from devoting himself to the law of God. No man will apply this mind to the love of the law without a great struggle, since the thoughts of every man are drawn away to a variety of objects, by the depraved affections of the flesh. This choosing then spoken of shows that it is not through ignorance or an inconsiderate zeal that the children of God desire above all things heavenly doctrine; but as they partake of the flexibility or pliancy of mind common to men, and feel the various impulses of the flesh, they purposely subdue their minds to the obedience of God.

Calvin: Psa 119:174 - -- 174.I have longed for thy salvation, O Jehovah! Although all men desire to be in happy circumstances, and no man avowedly repudiates God’s favor; y...

174.I have longed for thy salvation, O Jehovah! Although all men desire to be in happy circumstances, and no man avowedly repudiates God’s favor; yet so confused and uncertain are the ideas which they entertain of that in which a life of happiness or propriety consists, that very few are to be found directing their aspirations to God. Some are carried away by their own ambition, some are wholly possessed with avarice, and others burn with lust, all imagining, that the farther they recede from God, everything will prosper so much the better with them. In short, in proportion as each man is desirous to be safe, in the same proportion does he provoke the anger of God, by seeking the means of his safety in all directions. The construction in the Hebrew text denotes steadfastness, or constancy of desire; for literally it is, that He Had longed for the salvation of God, and not that he only at the present time began to long for it. He next expresses the manner in which we are patiently to long for salvation; which is, by seeking consolation and relief in all our calamities from the word of God; for whoever does not comfort himself by a reliance on the grace promised in the word, will quail at the slightest assault made upon him. The Prophet then wisely kept his thoughts close upon the divine word, that he might not be turned away from hoping for the salvation of God.

Calvin: Psa 119:175 - -- 175.Let my soul live and let it praise thee As the verbs are in the future tense, shall live, shall praise, this sentence may be expounded thus: Lo...

175.Let my soul live and let it praise thee As the verbs are in the future tense, shall live, shall praise, this sentence may be expounded thus: Lord, when thou shalt have bestowed life upon me, I will endeavor, by celebrating thy praises, to show that I am not ungrateful. If this sense is approved, the sentence will be a kind of rejoicing, in which the Prophet, depending upon the divine promises, confidently proclaims, that his life will continue in safety. And, certainly, although our life is hidden under the shadow of death, we may, nevertheless, boast that it is safe, because God is its faithful guardian; and this assured confidence proceeds from his quickening grace, which is offered to us in his word. Yet, as the majority of Commentators translate these words in the optative mood, let us follow the more generally received interpretation, which is, that David in asking to have his life prolonged, shows, at the same time, that the end for which he desired to live was, that he might exercise himself in singing the praises of God, even as it is said in Psa 115:18, “We who shall remain in life shall praise Jehovah.” In the second clause it would be harsh to understand the word judgments of the commandments, to which it does not properly belong to give help. It seems then, that the Prophet, perceiving himself liable to numberless calamities — even as the faithful, by reason of the unbridled license of the wicked, dwell in this world as sheep among wolves, — calls upon God to protect him in the way of restraining, by his secret providence, the wicked from doing him harm. It is a very profitable doctrine, when things in the world are in a state of great confusion, and when our safety is in danger amidst so many and varied storms, to lift up our eyes to the judgments of God, and to seek a remedy in them. As, however, in this Psalm the word judgments is commonly referred to God’s commandments, we may also fitly interpret it of them in this place, so that the Prophet attributes to the word of God the office and charge of giving succor; for God does not feed us with delusive promises, but, whenever an emergency arises, confirms and ratifies his word by giving some palpable manifestation of the operation of his hand. Thus, when the Prophet calls the divine law to his help, he pronounces a singular encomium upon the efficacy of the divine word. If any would prefer expounding the sentence of the keeping of the law, I offer no objections. In this sense it is as if the Prophet had said, — O Lord, let the uprightness which I have practiced, and the zeal with which I have employed myself in keeping thy commandments, be a defense to me.

Calvin: Psa 119:176 - -- 176.I have wandered like a lost sheep He is not to be understood as here confessing his sins, — an opinion erroneously held by many, — as if he h...

176.I have wandered like a lost sheep He is not to be understood as here confessing his sins, — an opinion erroneously held by many, — as if he had been drawn into the trails of Satan; for this is inconsistent with the second clause, in which he denies that he had forgotten God’s law. It is a poor solution of this difficulty to say, that:, previous to the time of his calling, he was a wandering sheep, but that from the time of his calling he was devoted to godliness — or that in straying he was withheld by some godly affection from utterly casting off the fear of God; for the same time is undoubtedly referred to in both clauses. Again it is easy to gather, that the two clauses of this verse ought to be connected together by although, or notwithstanding, or some other such particle, as the Latins call adversative, 39 as if the Prophet had said, Although I have wandered about like a lost sheep, yet I have not forgotten the law of God. His meaning, I conceive, is, that he wandered, because, being chased by the force and violence of his enemies, he transported himself from place to place in great fear, in quest of retreats in which he might hide himself. We know for certain, that David was so hunted that in his exile he could nowhere find a secure place. This similitude would therefore very properly apply to him, because, although driven away and hunted after by his persecutors, he yet never turned aside from the law of God. Moreover, as the wolves pursued him everywhere, he prays God to bring him back and give him a place of safety and tranquillity, that he may at length cease from any longer wandering hither and thither, and being as a vagabond. 40 He had a very good ground for believing that he would be heard in the fact, that although provoked by manifold wrongs he yet never swerved from the fear of God — a statement which, however, ought to be referred rather to the general course of his life than to particular acts. Although when he fell into adultery he continued for a time in a state of insensibility, yet it cannot be denied that in his adversities he was restrained by a holy patience, so as to persevere in following after righteousness. 41

Defender: Psa 119:89 - -- This powerful verse stressing the eternal origin and eternal duration of God's Word begins the second half of Psalm 119."

This powerful verse stressing the eternal origin and eternal duration of God's Word begins the second half of Psalm 119."

Defender: Psa 119:90 - -- God created the earth after He had settled His Word and then undertook the work of sustaining it forever."

God created the earth after He had settled His Word and then undertook the work of sustaining it forever."

Defender: Psa 119:91 - -- This is one of the six verses in the psalm with no explicit reference to the Scriptures. However, it does refer to the "ordinances" of the creation (c...

This is one of the six verses in the psalm with no explicit reference to the Scriptures. However, it does refer to the "ordinances" of the creation (compare Job 38:33) which, like all God's judgments (same word, mishpat) abide forever as His servants."

Defender: Psa 119:97 - -- This testimony of the psalmist should convict us today. He had only small portions of the Scriptures to study, much of which were portions that many m...

This testimony of the psalmist should convict us today. He had only small portions of the Scriptures to study, much of which were portions that many modern Christians don't bother to read at all, whereas we have God's complete revelation. He loved the Scriptures so much that he continually meditated on them!"

Defender: Psa 119:99 - -- Such meditation on the true history and meaning of life as found in the Bible, will indeed yield more true wisdom than can be obtained in modern educa...

Such meditation on the true history and meaning of life as found in the Bible, will indeed yield more true wisdom than can be obtained in modern education as it is influenced by the false philosophy of evolutionary humanism."

Defender: Psa 119:111 - -- Note how often the psalmist stresses the eternal verity of God's words (Psa 119:89, Psa 119:111, Psa 119:144, Psa 119:152, Psa 119:160 etc.)."

Note how often the psalmist stresses the eternal verity of God's words (Psa 119:89, Psa 119:111, Psa 119:144, Psa 119:152, Psa 119:160 etc.)."

Defender: Psa 119:128 - -- Every Scripture is true and right without exception and we should hate every teaching which suggests otherwise!"

Every Scripture is true and right without exception and we should hate every teaching which suggests otherwise!"

Defender: Psa 119:174 - -- At the end of his long testimony, the psalmist expresses his deep longing for the completion of his "salvation." The Hebrew word, yeshua, could be ren...

At the end of his long testimony, the psalmist expresses his deep longing for the completion of his "salvation." The Hebrew word, yeshua, could be rendered "Jesus." By inspiration he was praying for the coming of the Savior, who would fulfill all the Scriptures that had been his lifelong delight."

TSK: Psa 119:86 - -- All thy : Psa 119:128, Psa 119:138, Psa 119:142, Psa 119:151, Psa 19:9; Rom 7:12 faithful : Heb. faithfulness they : Psa 119:78, Psa 7:1-5, Psa 35:7, ...

TSK: Psa 119:87 - -- almost : 1Sa 20:3, 1Sa 23:26, 1Sa 23:27; 2Sa 17:16; Mat 10:28 but I forsook : Psa 119:51, Psa 119:61; 1Sa 24:6, 1Sa 24:7, 1Sa 26:9, 1Sa 26:24

TSK: Psa 119:88 - -- Quicken : Psa 119:25, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:159 so shall I : Psa 119:2, Psa 119:146, Psa 25:10, Psa 78:5, Psa 132:12

TSK: Psa 119:89 - -- For ever : Psa 119:152, Psa 119:160, Psa 89:2; Mat 5:18, Mat 24:34, Mat 24:35; 1Pe 1:25; 2Pe 3:13

TSK: Psa 119:90 - -- faithfulness : Deu 7:9; Mic 7:20 unto all generations : Heb. to generation and generation, Psa 89:1, Psa 89:2, Psa 100:5 thou hast : Psa 89:11, Psa 93...

faithfulness : Deu 7:9; Mic 7:20

unto all generations : Heb. to generation and generation, Psa 89:1, Psa 89:2, Psa 100:5

thou hast : Psa 89:11, Psa 93:1, Psa 104:5; Job 38:4-7; 2Pe 3:5-7

abideth : Heb. standeth

TSK: Psa 119:91 - -- They continue this : Psa 148:5, Psa 148:6; Gen 8:22; Isa 48:13; Jer 33:25 all are : Deu 4:19; Jos 10:12, Jos 10:13; Jdg 5:20; Mat 5:45, Mat 8:9

TSK: Psa 119:92 - -- thy law : Psa 119:24, Psa 119:77, Psa 119:143; Rom 15:4 I should : Psa 27:13, Psa 94:18, Psa 94:19; Pro 6:22, Pro 6:23

TSK: Psa 119:93 - -- will never : Psa 119:16, Psa 119:50; Joh 6:63; 1Pe 1:23

TSK: Psa 119:94 - -- I am thine : Psa 86:2; Jos 10:4-6; Isa 41:8-10, Isa 44:2, Isa 44:5, Isa 64:8-10; Zep 3:17; Act 27:23, Act 27:24 for I have : Psa 119:27, Psa 119:40, P...

TSK: Psa 119:95 - -- wicked : Psa 119:61, Psa 119:69, Psa 119:85-87, Psa 10:8-10, Psa 27:2, Psa 37:32, Psa 38:12; 1Sa 23:20-23; 2Sa 17:1-4; Mat 26:3-5; Act 12:11, Act 23:2...

TSK: Psa 119:96 - -- I have seen : That is, I have seen that all human wisdom or knowledge, however extensive, noble, and excellent, has it bounds, and limits, and end; bu...

I have seen : That is, I have seen that all human wisdom or knowledge, however extensive, noble, and excellent, has it bounds, and limits, and end; but Thy law, a transcript of Thine own mind, is infinite, and extends to eternity. Psa 39:5, Psa 39:6; 1Sa 9:2, 1Sa 17:8, 1Sa 17:49-51, 1Sa 31:4, 1Sa 31:5; 2Sa 14:25, 2Sa 16:23, 2Sa 17:23; 2Sa 18:14, 2Sa 18:17; Ecc 1:2, Ecc 1:3, Ecc 2:11, Ecc 7:20, Ecc 12:8; Mat 5:18, Mat 24:35

but thy : Psa 19:7, Psa 19:8; Mat 5:28, Mat 22:37-40; Mar 12:29-34; Rom 7:7-12, Rom 7:14; Heb 4:12, Heb 4:13

TSK: Psa 119:97 - -- O how : Psa 119:48, Psa 119:113, Psa 119:127, Psa 119:159, Psa 119:165, Psa 119:167, Psa 1:2; Deu 6:6-9, Deu 17:19; Jos 1:8; Pro 2:10; Pro 18:1

TSK: Psa 119:98 - -- through : Psa 119:104; Deu 4:6, Deu 4:8; 1Sa 18:5, 1Sa 18:14, 1Sa 18:30; Pro 2:6; Col 3:16 they are ever : Heb. it is ever, Psa 119:11, Psa 119:30, Ps...

TSK: Psa 119:99 - -- than all : Deu 4:6-8; 2Sa 15:24-26; 1Ch 15:11-13; 2Chr. 29:15-36, 2Ch 30:22; Jer 2:8; Jer 8:8, Jer 8:9; Mat 11:25, Mat 13:11, Mat 15:6-9, Mat 15:14, M...

TSK: Psa 119:100 - -- understand : 1Ki 12:6-15; Job 12:12, Job 15:9, Job 15:10, Job 32:4, Job 32:10 because : Psa 111:10; Job 28:28; Jer 8:8, Jer 8:9; Mat 7:24; Jam 3:13

TSK: Psa 119:101 - -- refrained : Psa 119:59, Psa 119:60, Psa 119:104, Psa 119:126, Psa 18:23; Pro 1:15; Isa 53:6, Isa 55:7; Jer 2:36; Tit 2:11, Tit 2:12; 1Pe 2:1, 1Pe 2:2,...

TSK: Psa 119:102 - -- departed : Psa 18:21; Pro 5:7; Jer 32:40 for thou : Eph 4:20-24; 1Th 2:13; 1Jo 2:19, 1Jo 2:27

TSK: Psa 119:103 - -- sweet : Psa 19:10, Psa 63:5; Job 23:12; Pro 3:17, Pro 8:11, Pro 24:13, Pro 24:14; Son 1:2-4, Son 5:1 taste : Heb. palate

TSK: Psa 119:104 - -- Through : Psa 119:98, Psa 119:100 therefore : Psa 119:128, Psa 36:4, Psa 97:10, Psa 101:3; Pro 8:13; Amo 5:15; Rom 12:9 false way : Psa 119:29, Psa 11...

TSK: Psa 119:105 - -- word : Psa 19:8, Psa 43:3; Pro 6:23; Eph 5:13; 2Pe 1:19 lamp : or, candle, Psa 18:28; Job 29:3

word : Psa 19:8, Psa 43:3; Pro 6:23; Eph 5:13; 2Pe 1:19

lamp : or, candle, Psa 18:28; Job 29:3

TSK: Psa 119:106 - -- sworn : Psa 56:12, Psa 66:13, Psa 66:14; 2Ch 15:13, 2Ch 15:14; Neh 10:29; Ecc 5:4, Ecc 5:5; Mat 5:33; 2Co 8:5 that I will : Psa 119:115; 2Ki 23:3

TSK: Psa 119:107 - -- afflicted : Psa 6:1, Psa 22:14-18, Psa 34:19 quicken : Psa 119:25, Psa 119:88, Psa 143:11

TSK: Psa 119:108 - -- Accept : Num 29:39; Hos 14:2; Heb 13:15 teach : Psa 119:12, Psa 119:26, Psa 119:130, Psa 119:169

TSK: Psa 119:109 - -- My soul : Rather, ""My life naphshee is continually in my hand;""i.e., it is in constant danger; every hour I am on the confines of death. The LXX...

My soul : Rather, ""My life naphshee is continually in my hand;""i.e., it is in constant danger; every hour I am on the confines of death. The LXX, Syriac, and Ethiopic read, ""in thy hand;""but this is a conjectural and useless alteration. Jdg 12:3; 1Sa 19:5, 1Sa 20:3; Job 13:14; Rom 8:36; 1Co 15:31; 2Co 11:23

yet do I not : Psa 119:83, Psa 119:117, Psa 119:152

TSK: Psa 119:110 - -- wicked : Psa 119:85, Psa 10:8-18, Psa 124:6, Psa 124:7, Psa 140:5, Psa 141:9; Pro 1:11, Pro 1:12; Jer 18:22 yet I erred : Psa 119:10, Psa 119:21, Psa ...

TSK: Psa 119:111 - -- Thy testimonies : Psa 119:14, Psa 119:127, Psa 119:162, Psa 16:5; Deu 33:4; Isa 54:17; Act 26:18; Col 1:12; Heb 9:15; 1Pe 1:4 for they : Psa 119:74, P...

TSK: Psa 119:112 - -- inclined : Psa 119:36, Psa 141:4; Jos 24:23; 1Ki 8:58; 2Ch 19:3; Phi 2:13 perform : Heb. do the end : Psa 119:33, Psa 119:44; 1Pe 1:13; Rev 2:10

TSK: Psa 119:113 - -- hate : Psa 94:11; Isa 55:7; Jer 4:14; Mar 7:21; 2Co 10:5 vain thoughts : Or, ""divided thoughts,""saiaphim , or, as Gesenius renders, die Zweideuti...

hate : Psa 94:11; Isa 55:7; Jer 4:14; Mar 7:21; 2Co 10:5

vain thoughts : Or, ""divided thoughts,""saiaphim , or, as Gesenius renders, die Zweideutigen (in der Religion) ""ambiguities (or indecisions) in Religion;""Luther, Flattergeister , ""inconstant fellows;""LXX, παρανομοι , ""transgressors,""Vulgate iniqui , ""iniquitous,""and Jerome, tumultuosos , ""tumultuous."

thy law : Psa 119:97, Psa 119:103

TSK: Psa 119:114 - -- my hiding : Psa 32:7, Psa 91:1, Psa 91:2; Isa 32:2 my shield : Psa 3:3, Psa 84:11 I hope : Psa 119:81, Psa 130:5, Psa 130:6

TSK: Psa 119:115 - -- Depart : Psa 6:8, Psa 26:5, Psa 26:9, Psa 139:19; Mat 7:23, Mat 25:41; 1Co 15:33 for I will : Psa 119:106; Jos 24:15

TSK: Psa 119:116 - -- Uphold : Psa 37:17, Psa 37:24, Psa 41:12, Psa 63:8, Psa 94:18; Isa 41:10, Isa 42:1 and let me : Psa 25:2; Isa 45:17; Rom 5:5, Rom 9:32, Rom 10:11; 1Pe...

TSK: Psa 119:117 - -- Hold : Psa 17:5, Psa 71:6, Psa 73:23, Psa 139:10; Isa 41:13; Joh 10:28, Joh 10:29; Rom 14:4; 1Pe 1:5; Jud 1:24 and I will : Psa 119:6, Psa 119:48, Psa...

TSK: Psa 119:118 - -- trodden : Isa 25:10, Isa 63:3; Mal 4:3; Luk 21:24; Rev 14:20 err : Psa 119:10, Psa 119:21, Psa 95:10 their deceit : Psa 119:29, Psa 78:36, Psa 78:37, ...

TSK: Psa 119:119 - -- Thou : When Thou triest them in the refining fire, they are burnt up, fly off in fumes, or in scorie , which Thou sweepest away. puttest away : Heb....

Thou : When Thou triest them in the refining fire, they are burnt up, fly off in fumes, or in scorie , which Thou sweepest away.

puttest away : Heb. causest to cease, 1Sa 15:23; Jer 6:30; Eze 22:18-22; Mal 3:2, Mal 3:3; Mat 3:12, Mat 7:23; Mat 13:40-42, Mat 13:49, Mat 13:50

therefore : Psa 119:111, Psa 119:126-128

TSK: Psa 119:120 - -- My flesh : Psa 119:53; Lev 10:1-3; 1Sa 6:20; 2Sa 6:8, 2Sa 6:9; 1Ch 24:16, 1Ch 24:17, 1Ch 24:30; 2Ch 34:21, 2Ch 34:27; Isa 66:2; Dan 10:8-11; Hab 3:16;...

TSK: Psa 119:121 - -- I have : Psa 7:3-5, Psa 18:20-24, Psa 75:2; 1Sa 24:11-15, 1Sa 25:28; 2Sa 8:15; Act 21:16; Act 25:10, Act 25:11; 2Co 1:12 leave me : Psa 37:33, Psa 57:...

TSK: Psa 119:122 - -- surety : Gen 43:9; Pro 22:26, Pro 22:27; Isa 38:14; Phm 1:18, Phm 1:19; Heb 7:22 let not : Psa 119:21, Psa 36:11

TSK: Psa 119:123 - -- Psa 119:81, Psa 119:82, Psa 69:3, Psa 130:6, Psa 143:7; Lam 4:17

TSK: Psa 119:124 - -- Deal : Psa 119:41, Psa 119:76, Psa 119:77, Psa 119:132, Psa 51:1, Psa 69:13, Psa 69:16, Psa 79:8, Psa 103:10, Psa 130:3, Psa 130:4, Psa 130:7; Dan 9:1...

TSK: Psa 119:125 - -- I am thy : Psa 119:94, Psa 86:16, Psa 116:16; Rom 6:22 give : Psa 119:34, Psa 119:66; 2Ch 1:7-10; 2Co 3:5, 2Co 3:6; 2Ti 2:7; Jam 1:5, Jam 3:13-17 that...

TSK: Psa 119:126 - -- time : Psa 9:19, Psa 102:13; Gen 22:10, Gen 22:11, Gen 22:14; Deu 32:36; Isa 42:14 to work : That is, ""to take vengeance,""as asah signifies, Jer ...

time : Psa 9:19, Psa 102:13; Gen 22:10, Gen 22:11, Gen 22:14; Deu 32:36; Isa 42:14

to work : That is, ""to take vengeance,""as asah signifies, Jer 18:23; Mal 3:17, by an ellipsis of the noun. When infidels, profligates, and Pharisees, ""make void the law of God,""generally, then it is time for God to arise to vindicate His own honour and maintain His cause among men.

they : Jer 8:8; Hab 1:4; Mal 2:8; Mat 15:6; Rom 3:31, Rom 4:14

TSK: Psa 119:127 - -- I love : Psa 119:72, Psa 19:10; Pro 3:13-18, Pro 8:11, Pro 16:16; Mat 13:45, Mat 13:46; Eph 3:8

TSK: Psa 119:128 - -- I esteem : Psa 119:6, Psa 19:7, Psa 19:8; Deu 4:8; Job 33:27; Pro 30:5; Rom 7:12, Rom 7:14, Rom 7:16, Rom 7:22 all things : Kol , ""all""seems to ha...

I esteem : Psa 119:6, Psa 19:7, Psa 19:8; Deu 4:8; Job 33:27; Pro 30:5; Rom 7:12, Rom 7:14, Rom 7:16, Rom 7:22

all things : Kol , ""all""seems to have been omitted by all the versions, except the Chaldee; which reads simply, ""all thy precepts;""and this renders the text more perspicuous and unembarrassed.

and I : Psa 119:104, Psa 119:118

TSK: Psa 119:129 - -- testimonies : Psa 119:18, Psa 139:6; Isa 9:6, Isa 25:1; Rev 19:10 doth : Psa 119:2, Psa 119:31, Psa 119:146, Psa 25:10

TSK: Psa 119:130 - -- entrance : Or, ""opening;""paithach̀ the Scriptures give satisfactory light to the mind upon every subject of which they treat; and speedily comm...

entrance : Or, ""opening;""paithach̀ the Scriptures give satisfactory light to the mind upon every subject of which they treat; and speedily communicate more useful knowledge to the simplest believer, upon the most important topics, than the acutest philosophers have been able to develop through successive ages. Psa 119:105; Pro 6:23; Isa 8:20; Luk 1:77-79; Act 26:18; 2Co 4:4, 2Co 4:6; Eph 5:13, Eph 5:14; 2Pe 1:19

it giveth : Psa 19:7; Pro 1:4, Pro 1:22, Pro 1:23, Pro 9:4-6; Rom 16:18, Rom 16:19; 2Ti 3:15-17

TSK: Psa 119:131 - -- opened : Psa 119:20, Psa 42:1; Isa 26:8, Isa 26:9; 1Pe 2:2 I longed : Psa 119:40, Psa 119:162, Psa 119:174; Heb 12:14

TSK: Psa 119:132 - -- Look : Psa 119:124, Psa 25:18; Exo 4:31; 1Sa 1:11; 2Sa 16:12; Isa 63:7-9 as thou usest to do unto those : Heb. according to the custom toward those, P...

Look : Psa 119:124, Psa 25:18; Exo 4:31; 1Sa 1:11; 2Sa 16:12; Isa 63:7-9

as thou usest to do unto those : Heb. according to the custom toward those, Psa 106:4; 2Th 1:6, 2Th 1:7

TSK: Psa 119:133 - -- Order : Psa 119:116, Psa 17:5, Psa 32:8, Psa 121:3; 1Sa 2:9 let not : Psa 19:13; Rom 6:12-14, Rom 7:23, Rom 7:24

TSK: Psa 119:134 - -- Psa 119:122, Psa 56:1, Psa 56:2, Psa 56:13, Psa 105:43-45; Eze 11:17-20, Eze 36:24-27; Luk 1:74, Luk 1:75; Act 9:31

TSK: Psa 119:135 - -- Make : Psa 4:6, Psa 80:1, Psa 80:3, Psa 80:7, Psa 80:19; Num 6:25, Num 6:26; Job 33:26; Rev 22:4, Rev 22:5 and teach : Psa 119:12, Psa 119:26; Job 34:...

TSK: Psa 119:136 - -- Psa 119:53, Psa 119:158; 1Sa 15:11; Jer 9:1, Jer 9:18, Jer 13:17, Jer 14:17; Eze 9:4; Luk 19:41; Rom 9:2, Rom 9:3

TSK: Psa 119:137 - -- Psa 99:4, Psa 103:6, Psa 145:17; Deu 32:4; Ezr 9:15; Neh 9:33; Jer 12:1; Dan 9:7, Dan 9:14; Rom 2:5, Rom 3:5, Rom 3:6, Rom 9:14; Rev 15:3, Rev 15:4, R...

TSK: Psa 119:138 - -- testimonies : Psa 119:86, Psa 119:144, Psa 19:7-9; Deu 4:8, Deu 4:45 righteous : Heb. righteousness faithful : Heb. faithfulness, Psa 119:75

testimonies : Psa 119:86, Psa 119:144, Psa 19:7-9; Deu 4:8, Deu 4:45

righteous : Heb. righteousness

faithful : Heb. faithfulness, Psa 119:75

TSK: Psa 119:139 - -- zeal : Psa 69:9; 1Ki 19:10, 1Ki 19:14; Joh 2:17 consumed me : or, cut me off because : Psa 53:4; Mat 9:13, Mat 12:3-5, Mat 15:4-6, Mat 21:13, Mat 21:1...

TSK: Psa 119:140 - -- Thy word : Gold has need to be refined; but thy word is purity itself, reflecting the holiness of Jehovah’ s character and government, and requir...

Thy word : Gold has need to be refined; but thy word is purity itself, reflecting the holiness of Jehovah’ s character and government, and requiring and leading to purity of heart and life.

pure : Heb. tried, or refined, Psa 119:128, Psa 12:6, Psa 18:30, Psa 19:8; Pro 30:5; Rom 7:12, Rom 7:16, Rom 7:22; 1Pe 2:2; 2Pe 1:21

TSK: Psa 119:141 - -- small : Psa 22:6, Psa 40:17; Pro 15:16, Pro 16:8, Pro 19:1; Isa 53:3; Luk 6:20, Luk 9:58; 2Co 8:9; Jam 2:5 yet do : Psa 119:109, Psa 119:176; Pro 3:1

TSK: Psa 119:142 - -- Thy righteousness : Men, as Bp. Horne observes, may decree wickedness by a law; or they may change their decrees, and with them what is right to-day m...

Thy righteousness : Men, as Bp. Horne observes, may decree wickedness by a law; or they may change their decrees, and with them what is right to-day may be wrong to-morrow; but the law of God is righteousness, and it is truth, to-day and forever.

an everlasting : Psa 119:144, Psa 36:6; Isa 51:6, Isa 51:8; Dan 9:24; 2Th 1:6-10

and thy : Psa 119:151, Psa 19:9; Joh 17:17; Eph 4:21

TSK: Psa 119:143 - -- Trouble : Psa 119:107, Psa 18:4, Psa 18:5, 88:3-18, Psa 116:3, Psa 130:1; Mar 14:33, Mar 14:34 taken hold on me : Heb. found me yet thy : Psa 119:16, ...

Trouble : Psa 119:107, Psa 18:4, Psa 18:5, 88:3-18, Psa 116:3, Psa 130:1; Mar 14:33, Mar 14:34

taken hold on me : Heb. found me

yet thy : Psa 119:16, Psa 119:47, Psa 119:77; Job 23:12; Joh 4:34

TSK: Psa 119:144 - -- righteousness : Psa 119:138, Psa 119:152; Mat 5:18; 1Pe 1:23-25 give me : Psa 119:34, Psa 119:66, Psa 119:73, Psa 119:169; 2Co 4:6; 1Jo 5:20, 1Jo 5:21...

TSK: Psa 119:145 - -- cried : Psa 119:10, Psa 61:1, Psa 61:2, Psa 62:8, Psa 86:4, Psa 102:1 *title Psa 142:1, Psa 142:2; 1Sa 1:10, 1Sa 1:15; Jer 29:13 I will : Psa 119:44, ...

TSK: Psa 119:146 - -- and I shall keep : or, that I may keep, Psa 119:134; Jdg 10:15, Jdg 10:16; Mat 1:21; Tit 2:14, Tit 3:4-8

and I shall keep : or, that I may keep, Psa 119:134; Jdg 10:15, Jdg 10:16; Mat 1:21; Tit 2:14, Tit 3:4-8

TSK: Psa 119:147 - -- I prevented : That is, I anticipated, or rose before, the morning dawn; and was before hand with the light itself. Psa 5:3, Psa 21:3, Psa 42:8, Psa 88...

I prevented : That is, I anticipated, or rose before, the morning dawn; and was before hand with the light itself. Psa 5:3, Psa 21:3, Psa 42:8, Psa 88:13, Psa 130:6; Isa 26:9; Mar 1:35

hoped : Psa 119:74, Psa 119:81, Psa 56:4, Psa 130:5; Heb 6:17-19

TSK: Psa 119:148 - -- eyes : Psa 119:62, Psa 63:1, Psa 63:6, Psa 139:17, Psa 139:18; Lam 2:19; Luk 6:12 the night watches : The ancient Jews divided the night into three wa...

eyes : Psa 119:62, Psa 63:1, Psa 63:6, Psa 139:17, Psa 139:18; Lam 2:19; Luk 6:12

the night watches : The ancient Jews divided the night into three watches of four hours each, beginning at six o’ clock in the evening; before the last of which, ""the day break,""or ""morning watch,""as the LXX and Vulgate read, the Psalmist was awake.

TSK: Psa 119:149 - -- Hear : Psa 5:2, Psa 5:3, Psa 55:2, Psa 64:1 according unto : Psa 51:1, Psa 69:16, Psa 109:21; Isa 63:7 quicken me : Psa 119:25, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:15...

TSK: Psa 119:150 - -- draw nigh : Psa 22:11-13, Psa 22:16, Psa 27:2; 1Sa 23:16; 2Sa 17:16; Mat 26:46, Mat 26:47, for from, Psa 50:17; Job 21:14; Pro 1:7, Pro 1:22, Pro 28:9...

TSK: Psa 119:151 - -- near : Psa 46:1, Psa 75:1, Psa 139:2, Psa 145:18; Deu 4:7; Mat 1:23 all : Psa 119:138, Psa 119:142

TSK: Psa 119:152 - -- thy testimonies : Psa 119:144, Psa 119:160, Psa 89:34-37, Psa 111:7, Psa 111:8; Ecc 3:14; Luk 21:33

TSK: Psa 119:153 - -- Consider : Psa 119:159, Psa 9:13, Psa 13:3, Psa 13:4, Psa 25:19; Exo 3:7, Exo 3:8; Neh 9:32; Lam 2:20, Lam 5:1 for I : Psa 119:16, Psa 119:98, Psa 119...

TSK: Psa 119:154 - -- Plead : Psa 35:1, Psa 43:1; 1Sa 24:15; Job 5:8; Pro 22:23; Jer 11:20, Jer 50:34, Jer 51:36; Mic 7:9; 1Jo 2:1 quicken : Psa 119:25, Psa 119:40

TSK: Psa 119:155 - -- Salvation : Psa 18:27; Job 5:4; Isa 46:12, Isa 57:19; Eph 2:17, Eph 2:18 for they : Psa 10:4; Job 21:14, Job 21:15; Pro 1:7; Luk 16:24; Rom 3:11

TSK: Psa 119:156 - -- Great : Heb. Many are thy : Psa 51:1, Psa 86:5, Psa 86:13, Psa 86:15; 1Ch 21:13; Isa 55:7, Isa 63:7 quicken : Psa 119:149

Great : Heb. Many

are thy : Psa 51:1, Psa 86:5, Psa 86:13, Psa 86:15; 1Ch 21:13; Isa 55:7, Isa 63:7

quicken : Psa 119:149

TSK: Psa 119:157 - -- Many : Psa 3:1, Psa 3:2, Psa 22:12, Psa 22:16, Psa 25:19, Psa 56:2, Psa 118:10-12; Mat 24:9, Mat 26:47; Act 4:27 yet do I : Psa 119:51, Psa 119:110, P...

TSK: Psa 119:158 - -- Psa 119:53, Psa 119:136; Eze 9:4; Mar 3:5

TSK: Psa 119:159 - -- Consider : Psa 119:97, Psa 119:153; 2Ki 20:3; Neh 5:19, Neh 13:22 quicken : Psa 119:88

TSK: Psa 119:160 - -- Thy word is true from the beginning : Heb. The beginning of the word is true, Psa 119:86, Psa 119:138; Pro 30:5; 2Ti 3:16 and every one : Psa 119:75, ...

Thy word is true from the beginning : Heb. The beginning of the word is true, Psa 119:86, Psa 119:138; Pro 30:5; 2Ti 3:16

and every one : Psa 119:75, Psa 119:142, Psa 119:144, Psa 119:152; Ecc 3:14; Mat 5:18

TSK: Psa 119:161 - -- Princes : Psa 119:23, Psa 119:157; 1Sa 21:15, 1Sa 24:9-15, 1Sa 26:18; Joh 15:25 my heart : Psa 4:4; Gen 39:9, Gen 42:18; 2Ki 22:19; Neh 5:15; Job 31:2...

TSK: Psa 119:162 - -- rejoice : Psa 119:72, Psa 119:111; Jer 15:16 as one : 1Sa 30:16; Pro 16:19; Isa 9:3

TSK: Psa 119:163 - -- hate : Psa 119:29, Psa 119:113, Psa 119:128, Psa 101:7; Pro 6:16-19, Pro 30:8; Amo 5:15; Rom 12:9; Eph 4:25; Rev 22:15

TSK: Psa 119:164 - -- Seven times : That is, probably many times, or frequently, as the term seven frequently denotes; but Rabbi Solomon says that this is to be understood ...

Seven times : That is, probably many times, or frequently, as the term seven frequently denotes; but Rabbi Solomon says that this is to be understood literally; for they praised God twice in the morning before reading the decalogue, and once after; twice in the evening before the same reading, and twice after; making in the whole seven times. Psa 119:62, Psa 55:17

because : Psa 48:11, Psa 97:8; Rev 19:2

TSK: Psa 119:165 - -- Great : Pro 3:1, Pro 3:2, Pro 3:17; Isa 32:17, Isa 57:21; Joh 14:27; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23, Gal 6:15, Gal 6:16; Phi 4:7 nothing shall offend them : Heb. ...

Great : Pro 3:1, Pro 3:2, Pro 3:17; Isa 32:17, Isa 57:21; Joh 14:27; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23, Gal 6:15, Gal 6:16; Phi 4:7

nothing shall offend them : Heb. they shall have no stumbling block, Isa 8:13-15, Isa 28:13, Isa 57:14; Mat 13:21, Mat 24:24; 1Pe 2:6-8

TSK: Psa 119:166 - -- Lord : Psa 119:81, Psa 119:174, Psa 130:5-7; Gen 49:18 and done : Psa 4:5, Psa 24:3-5, Psa 50:23; Joh 7:17; 1Jo 2:3, 1Jo 2:4

TSK: Psa 119:167 - -- soul : Psa 119:6-8, Psa 119:97, Psa 119:111, Psa 119:159; Joh 14:21-24, Joh 15:9, Joh 15:10; Heb 10:16 and I love : Psa 40:8; Rom 7:22

TSK: Psa 119:168 - -- for all my : Psa 44:20, Psa 44:21, Psa 98:8, Psa 139:3; Job 34:21; Pro 5:21; Jer 23:24; Heb 4:13; Rev 2:23

TSK: Psa 119:169 - -- Let my cry : Psa 119:145, Psa 18:6; 2Ch 30:27 give me : Psa 119:144; 1Ch 22:12; 2Ch 1:10; Pro 2:3-5; Dan 2:21; Jam 1:5

TSK: Psa 119:170 - -- deliver me : Psa 119:41, Psa 89:20-25; Gen 32:9-12; 2Sa 7:25

TSK: Psa 119:171 - -- my lips : etc. Or, more literally, and accordant with the context. ""My lips shall pour forth (tabbanah ) praise; for (kee ) thou hast taught me ...

my lips : etc. Or, more literally, and accordant with the context. ""My lips shall pour forth (tabbanah ) praise; for (kee ) thou hast taught me thy statues.""Psa 119:7, Psa 50:23, Psa 71:17, Psa 71:23, Psa 71:24

TSK: Psa 119:172 - -- tongue : Psa 119:13, Psa 119:46, Psa 37:30, Psa 40:9, Psa 40:10, Psa 78:4; Deu 6:7; Mat 12:34, Mat 12:35; Eph 4:29; Col 4:6 for all thy : Psa 119:86, ...

TSK: Psa 119:173 - -- Let : Psa 119:94, Psa 119:117; Isa 41:10-14; Mar 9:24; 2Co 12:9; Eph 6:10-20; Phi 4:13 for : Psa 119:30, Psa 119:35, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:111; Deu 30:1...

TSK: Psa 119:174 - -- longed : Psa 119:81, Psa 119:166; Gen 49:18; 2Sa 23:5; Pro 13:12; Son 5:8; Rom 7:22-25, Rom 8:23-25; Phi 1:23 and thy law : Psa 119:16, Psa 119:24, Ps...

TSK: Psa 119:175 - -- Let my : Psa 9:13, Psa 9:14, Psa 30:9, Psa 51:14, Psa 51:15, Psa 118:18, Psa 118:19; Isa 38:19 and let thy : Psa 119:75; Isa 26:8, Isa 26:9; Rom 8:28;...

TSK: Psa 119:176 - -- gone astray : Isa 53:6; Eze 34:6, Eze 34:16; Mat 10:6, Mat 15:24, Mat 18:12, Mat 18:13; Luk 15:4-7; Joh 10:16; 1Pe 2:25 seek : Son 1:4; Jer 31:18; Luk...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 119:86 - -- All thy commandments are faithful - Margin, "faithfulness."The idea in the Hebrew is that they are worthy to be relied on. They are founded in ...

All thy commandments are faithful - Margin, "faithfulness."The idea in the Hebrew is that they are worthy to be relied on. They are founded in truth, and they should secure our confidence.

They persecute me wrongfully ... - Hebrew, a "lie, "or "falsehood."That is, There is a "lie"or "falsehood"at the foundation of their persecutions. Those persecutions are not based on any just views of what I am, or of the treatment which I ought to receive at the hand of my fellow-men. They charge on me tilings which are not true, and they act accordingly. See the notes at Psa 119:78.

Barnes: Psa 119:87 - -- They had almost consumed me upon earth - The word which is here translated "consumed"is the same which is used in Psa 119:81, and there rendere...

They had almost consumed me upon earth - The word which is here translated "consumed"is the same which is used in Psa 119:81, and there rendered "fainteth."See the notes at that verse. The idea is, that their persecutions had been so severe, and so long continued, that his strength was almost exhausted; he was ready to faint and to die.

But I forsook not thy precepts - I still adhered to thee, even in the extremity of my suffering. The effect of persecution was not to drive me from thee, or to lead me to abandon thee. See Psa 119:61, note; Psa 119:69, note.

Barnes: Psa 119:88 - -- Quicken me - Cause me to live; revive me. See Psa 71:20, note; Eph 2:1, note. Compare Psa 80:18; Rom 8:11; 1Pe 3:18; Joh 6:63. After thy l...

Quicken me - Cause me to live; revive me. See Psa 71:20, note; Eph 2:1, note. Compare Psa 80:18; Rom 8:11; 1Pe 3:18; Joh 6:63.

After thy loving-kindness - Thy mercy; thy grace; thy compassion. That is, Let the measure of the grace given to me be thine own benevolent nature, and not my deserts. That is all I ask; that is all I could desire.

So shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth - Which proceeds out of thy mouth. His hope of being able to keep it was founded on the grace and mercy which he besought God to bestow upon him.

Barnes: Psa 119:89 - -- Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Lamed ( ל l ...

Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Lamed ( ל l ), or "l."On the meaning of the passage, see the notes at Psa 89:2. The word rendered "settled"means properly "to set, to put, to place;"and then, to stand, to cause to stand, to set up, as a column, Gen 35:20; an altar, Gen 33:20; a monument, 1Sa 15:12. The meaning here is, that the word - the law - the promise - of God was made firm, established, stable, in heaven; and would be so forever and ever. What God had ordained as law would always remain law; what he had affirmed would always remain true; what he had promised would be sure forever.

Barnes: Psa 119:90 - -- Thy faithfulness - The accomplishment of thy promises. Is unto all generations - Margin, "to generation and generation."From one generati...

Thy faithfulness - The accomplishment of thy promises.

Is unto all generations - Margin, "to generation and generation."From one generation to another. The generations of people change and pass away, but thy promises do not change. They are as applicable to one generation as to another; they meet every generation alike. The people of no one age can lay any exclusive claim to them, or feel that they were made only for them. They are as universal - as much adapted to the new generations that come upon the earth - as the light of the sun, ever-enduring, is; or as the fountains and streams, which flow from age to age.

Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth - Margin, "Standeth."It is firm. The earth thus established or made firm, is an illustration of thy faithfulness, and of the stability and permanence of thy promises. It is the same from generation to generation, with its rivers, streams, and fountains; with its fruits and flowers; with its balmy air and its sweet prospects; with its riches of gold and silver; with its pearls and diamonds; with its treasures of land and ocean. So is the word of God - so are the gracious promises which he has addressed to people - the same in every age.

Barnes: Psa 119:91 - -- They continue this day according to thine ordinances - According to thy judgments (Hebrew); that is, thy commands. They "stand"(Hebrew) as thou...

They continue this day according to thine ordinances - According to thy judgments (Hebrew); that is, thy commands. They "stand"(Hebrew) as thou hast appointed; they are what thou didst design them to be. The original purpose in their creation is carried out, and they thus furnish an illustration of the stability of thy government and the permanency of thy law.

For all are thy servants - All worlds obey thy commands; all are under thy control. They show that they are thy servants by the conformity of their movements to the laws which thou hast impressed on them.

Barnes: Psa 119:92 - -- Unless thy law had been my delights - See Psa 119:16, note; Psa 119:24, note. Unless I had had pleasure in thy law, thy word, thy truth; unless...

Unless thy law had been my delights - See Psa 119:16, note; Psa 119:24, note. Unless I had had pleasure in thy law, thy word, thy truth; unless I had derived support and consolation in that.

I should then have perished in mine affliction - I should have sunk under my burden. I should not have been able to hold up under the weight of sorrow and trial. How often the people of God can say. this! How often may each one in the course of his life say this! "I should have sunk a thousand times,"said a most excellent, but much afflicted, man to me, "if it had not been for one declaration in the word of God - ‘ The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.’ "

Barnes: Psa 119:93 - -- I will never forget thy precepts - Thy laws; thy truth. I will bear them in mind forever. To all eternity they shall be the object of my medita...

I will never forget thy precepts - Thy laws; thy truth. I will bear them in mind forever. To all eternity they shall be the object of my meditation.

For with them thou hast quickened me - By them thou hast given me life, spiritual life. Compare the notes at Jam 1:18. This is stated as a reason why he would never suffer the truth of God to pass out of his mind. By that truth he had been made really to live. He had been brought from spiritual death to spiritual life. He saw before him now, as the result of that, an endless career of blessedness. How could he ever forget what had worked such a change in his character and condition; which had inspired such hopes; which had opened before him such an immortal career of glory!

Barnes: Psa 119:94 - -- I am thine - All that he had, and was, belonged to God. This is an expression of a fact, and of a purpose: a fact about which he had no doubt; ...

I am thine - All that he had, and was, belonged to God. This is an expression of a fact, and of a purpose: a fact about which he had no doubt; a purpose ever to be the Lord’ s. This is indicative of the real state of feeling in the heart of a pious man. He feels that he is the Lord’ s; he has no other desire than to be his forever.

Save me - Deliver me from my enemies; from sin; from hell. As he belonged to God, he prayed that God would save and preserve his own.

For I have sought thy precepts - I feel assured or confident that this has been the aim and purpose of my life. On this ground I plead that thou wilt keep and preserve me. A man who feels assured that he is a friend of God has a right to appeal to him for protection, and he will not appeal to him in vain.

Barnes: Psa 119:95 - -- The wicked have waited for me to destroy me - That is, they have lain in wait; or, they have laid a plan. They are watching the opportunity to ...

The wicked have waited for me to destroy me - That is, they have lain in wait; or, they have laid a plan. They are watching the opportunity to do it.

But I will consider thy testimonies - I will think of them; I will adhere to them; I will find my support in them; I will not be driven from my adhesion to them by an apprehension of what man can do to me.

Barnes: Psa 119:96 - -- I have seen an end of all perfection - The word which is here rendered "perfection"- תכלה tiklâh - occurs only in this place; but ...

I have seen an end of all perfection - The word which is here rendered "perfection"- תכלה tiklâh - occurs only in this place; but a similar word from the same root - תכלית taklı̂yth - occurs in the following places: in Neh 3:21, and Job 26:10, rendered "end;"in Job 11:7; Job 28:3, rendered "perfection;"and in Psa 139:22, rendered "perfect."It means properly "completion, perfection;"or, as others suppose, "hope, confidence."It is rendered, in the Septuagint and Latin Vulgate, "consummation."Luther renders it, "of all things."It is proper here to apply it to character; to perfect virtue, or to claims to perfect virtue - either in one’ s-self or in others. The word rendered "end"here refers not to the fact of its existence, or to its duration, but to a limit or boundary as to its extent. To all claims to perfection made by man, he had seen an end or limit. He had examined all which claimed to be perfect; he had found it defective; he had so surveyed and examined the matter, as to be able to say that there could be no claim to perfection which would prove good. All claim to perfection on the part of man must be abandoned forever.

But thy commandment is exceeding broad - The word but is not in the original, and enfeebles the sense. The idea is, that the law of God, as he now saw it, was of such a nature - was so "broad"- as to demonstrate that there could be no just claim to perfection among people. All claims to perfection had arisen from the fact that the law was not properly understood, that its true nature was not seen. People thought that they were perfect, but it was because they had no just view of the extent and the spirituality of the law of God. They set up an imperfect standard; and when they became conformed to that standard, as they might do, they imagined themselves to be perfect; but when their conduct was compared with a higher and more just standard - the law of God - it could not but be seen that they were imperfect people. That law had claims which they had not met, and never would meet, in this life. It is very easy to flatter ourselves that we are perfect, if we make our own standard of character; it is not possible for man to set up a claim to perfection, if he measures himself by the standard of God’ s word; and all the claims of people to perfection are made simply because they do not properly understand what the law of God requires. Compare the notes at Job 9:20.

Barnes: Psa 119:97 - -- O how love I thy law! - This commences a new division of the Psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Mem ( מ m , "m"). The expression here, ...

O how love I thy law! - This commences a new division of the Psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Mem ( מ m , "m"). The expression here, "O how love I thy law,"implies intense love - as if a man were astonished at the fervour of his own emotion. His love was so ardent that it was amazing and wonderful to himself - perhaps wonderful that he, a sinner, should love the law of God at all; wonderful that he should ever have been brought so to love a law which condemned himself. Any man who reflects on what his feelings are by nature in regard to religion, will be filled with wonder that he loves it at all; all who are truly religious ought to be so filled with love to it, that it will be difficult for them to find words to express the intensity of their affection.

It is my meditation all the day - See the notes at Psa 1:2.

Barnes: Psa 119:98 - -- Thou, through thy commandments - By the teaching and power of thy law. Hast made me wiser than mine enemies - I have a better understandi...

Thou, through thy commandments - By the teaching and power of thy law.

Hast made me wiser than mine enemies - I have a better understanding of thee, of thy law, of the duties of this life, and in regard to the life to come, than my enemies have - not because I am naturally better, or because I have higher endowments by nature, but because thou hast made me wiser than they are. The rendering of this first clause of the verse now most approved by interpreters is, "Thy commandments make me more wise than my enemies are,"though this requires a singular verb to be construed with a plural noun (Professor Alexander). So DeWette renders it.

For they are ever with me - Margin, as in Hebrew, "it is ever with me."The reference is to the law or commandments of God. The meaning is, that that law was never out of his mind; that he was constantly thinking about it; and that it unfolded such wisdom to him as to make him superior to all his foes; to give him a better understanding of life, its design, its duties, and its obligations, than his enemies had. The best instructor in true wisdom is the revealed word of God - the Bible.

Barnes: Psa 119:99 - -- I have more understanding than all my teachers - Referring perhaps to those who had given him instruction in early life. By constant meditation...

I have more understanding than all my teachers - Referring perhaps to those who had given him instruction in early life. By constant meditation on the law of God, he had, in the progress of years, advanced to a point beyond that to which they had arrived. He had improved upon their suggestions and instructions, until he had surpassed them in knowledge. His "design"in saying this was to set forth the excellency and the fullness of the law of God, and to show how the study of it was suited to enlarge the understanding. In early life the wisdom of teachers seems to be far beyond anything that we can hope to reach; yet a few years of study and meditation may place us far beyond them. What those teachers seemed to be to us, however, when we were young, may serve ever onward as a means of comparison when we wish to speak of the greatness of human attainments. So the psalmist says that he had now reached a point which seemed to him in early life to be wonderful, and to be beyond what he had then hoped ever to attain. He had now reached that point; he had gone beyond it.

For thy testimonies are my meditation - Compare Psa 1:2; 2Ti 3:15. All this knowledge he had obtained by meditation on the law of God; by the study of divine truth. The effect of that constant study was seen in the knowledge which he now possessed, and which seemed to surprise even himself as compared with the brightest anticipations of his early years.

Barnes: Psa 119:100 - -- I understand more than the ancients - Hebrew, The old men. It does not refer, as the word "ancients"does with us, to the people of former times...

I understand more than the ancients - Hebrew, The old men. It does not refer, as the word "ancients"does with us, to the people of former times, but to aged men. They have treasured up wisdom. They have had the advantage of experience, of study, and of observation. They, therefore, like teachers, become a standard by which we measure our own attainments, as the boy hardly hopes to gain that amount of knowledge which he observes in people who are venerable in years, and who are remarkable for their acquirements. Compare Job 12:12 : "With the ancient is wisdom, and in length of days understanding."Job 32:7 : "I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom."Compare 1Ki 4:30-31. Yet the psalmist says that he "had"reached this point, and had even gone beyond what he had once thought he could never attain.

Because I keep thy precepts - It is all the result of an honest endeavor to do right; to observe law; to keep the commands of God. Obedience to the law of God will do more than any mere human teaching to make a man truly wise.

Barnes: Psa 119:101 - -- I have refrained my feet from every evil way - I have walked in the path which thy law marks out. I have avoided the way of wickedness, and hav...

I have refrained my feet from every evil way - I have walked in the path which thy law marks out. I have avoided the way of wickedness, and have not yielded to the seductions of a sinful life.

That I might keep thy word - I have avoided all those allurements which would turn me from obedience, and which would prevent a right observance of thy commands. This indicates a purpose and a desire to keep the law of God, and shows the method which he adopted in order to do this. That method was to guard against everything which would turn him from obedience; it was, to make obedience to the law of God the great aim of the life.

Barnes: Psa 119:102 - -- I have not departed from thy judgments - Thy law; thy commands. This cannot mean that he had never done this, but that as a great rule of life ...

I have not departed from thy judgments - Thy law; thy commands. This cannot mean that he had never done this, but that as a great rule of life he had not done it. The character and aim of his life had been obedience, not disobedience. A man may honestly say this, though he may be conscious of much imperfection, and may feel that he has not perfectly carried out such an aim and purpose. No one can be a truly pious man, or have evidence of personal religion, who cannot say in sincerity that he has "not departed in this sense, "from the judgments"(the commands) of God; who cannot look back on his life and say that his course - his aim - his character - since he became a professor of religion - has been, one of obedience to God. Compare 1Jo 3:7-9.

For thou hast taught me - Not to himself was this to be traced, but to God; not to any wisdom of his own, but to that which was given him from on high.

Barnes: Psa 119:103 - -- How sweet are thy words unto my taste ... - Margin, as in Hebrew, "palate."The reference is to the taste, perhaps because the sense of taste wa...

How sweet are thy words unto my taste ... - Margin, as in Hebrew, "palate."The reference is to the taste, perhaps because the sense of taste was supposed to reside in the palate. The Hebrew word "may"include also the whole of the inside of the mouth. The word rendered "sweet"does not occur elsewhere. It properly means "to be smooth,"and hence, is applied to kind or agreeable words. On the sentiment here, see the notes at Psa 19:10.

Barnes: Psa 119:104 - -- Through thy precepts I get understanding - A true understanding; a correct view of things; a knowledge of thee, of myself, of the human charact...

Through thy precepts I get understanding - A true understanding; a correct view of things; a knowledge of thee, of myself, of the human character, of the destiny of man, of the way of salvation - the best, and the only essential knowledge for man. This knowledge the psalmist obtained from the "precepts"of God; that is, all that God had communicated by revelation. This passage expresses in few words what had been said more at length in Psa 119:98-100.

Therefore I hate every false way - I see that which is right and true, and I pursue it. In proportion as I have a just knowledge of truth and duty, I hate that which is false and evil.

Barnes: Psa 119:105 - -- Thy word is a lamp unto my feet - This begins a new portion of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Nun ( נ n ), equivalent to our "n...

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet - This begins a new portion of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Nun ( נ n ), equivalent to our "n."The margin here is "candle."The Hebrew word means a light, lamp, candle. The idea is, that the word of God is like a torch or lamp ton man in a dark night. It shows him the way; it prevents his stumbling over obstacles, or failing down precipices, or wandering off into paths which would lead into danger, or would turn him away altogether from the path to life. Compare the notes at 2Pe 1:19.

And a light unto my path - The same idea substantially is presented here. It is a light which shines on the road that a man treads, so that he may see the path, and that he may see any danger which may be in his path. The expression is very beautiful, and is full of instruction. He who makes the word of God his guide, and marks its teachings, is in the right way. He will clearly see the path. He will be able to mark the road in which he ought to go, and to avoid all those by-paths which would lead him astray. He will see where those by-roads turn off from the main path - often at a very small angle, and so that there seems to be no divergence. He will see any obstruction which may lie in his path; any declivity or precipice which may be near, and down which, in a dark night, one might fall. Man needs such a guide, and the Bible is such a guide. Compare the notes at Psa 119:9.

Barnes: Psa 119:106 - -- I have sworn - I have solemnly purposed; I have given to this purpose the solemnity and sanction of an oath. That is, I have called God to witn...

I have sworn - I have solemnly purposed; I have given to this purpose the solemnity and sanction of an oath. That is, I have called God to witness; I have formed the purpose in his presence, and with the consciousness that his eye is upon me. So all who make a profession of religion solemnly vow or swear. They do it in the house of God; they do it in the presence of the Discerner of hearts; they do it at the communion table; they do it at the family altar; they do it in the closet, when alone with God.

And I will perform it - Hebrew, I will establish it, or make it to stand. It shall not be a mere purpose. It shall be accomplished. This also is the resolution of all who make a true profession of religion. It is their intention - their solemn determination - to carry out that vow to its full accomplishment, always, and in every place, while life lasts, and forever. A man who makes a profession of religion, intending "not"to carry out what is fairly implied in such a profession, is a hypocrite. Unless there is a solemn purpose to keep the law of God, and always to keep it - to do what is fairly implied in a profession of religion, and always to do it - to defend the truth according to his best means of knowing it, and always to defend it - he cannot possibly be a sincere friend of God; he cannot be truly a religious man. He cannot be loyal to his country who designs to violate any one of its just laws; he cannot be an obedient child who intends to disobey the laws of a parent.

That I will keep thy righteous judgments - Not implying that there are any of the judgments of God which are not righteous, but meaning to characterize all his judgments or laws as righteous.

Barnes: Psa 119:107 - -- I am afflicted very much - The form of the affliction is not mentioned. There are frequent allusions in the psalm to the fact that the author w...

I am afflicted very much - The form of the affliction is not mentioned. There are frequent allusions in the psalm to the fact that the author was and had been afflicted - as, in fact, must be the case in the life of every good man. Compare Psa 119:71, Psa 119:75. If David was the author of the psalm, we know that there were numerous occasions in his life when this language would be appropriate. As designed for the people of God at all times, it was important that there should be these allusions to affliction.

Quicken me ... - Make me live; give me life and vigor, that I may bear up under my trials. See the notes at Psa 119:25.

Barnes: Psa 119:108 - -- Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will offerings of my mouth - Or, the meaning of the word here rendered "free-will,"see the notes at Psa 110:3....

Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will offerings of my mouth - Or, the meaning of the word here rendered "free-will,"see the notes at Psa 110:3. It conveys the idea that there is no constraint or compulsion; that the offering is a prompting of the heart. The offering might be that of flour, or grain, or fruits, or property of any kind, as devoted to God; or it might be, as here, an offering of the lips, expressed in prayer and praise. Either of them might be acceptable to God; their being accepted in either case would depend on the good pleasure of God, and hence, the psalmist prays that his offering might be thus acceptable. Compare Heb 13:15.

And teach me thy judgments - Thy commands; thy laws. See the notes at Psa 119:12.

Barnes: Psa 119:109 - -- My soul is continually in my hand - The Septuagint renders this, "My soul is always in thy hands,"but the Hebrew will not admit of this constru...

My soul is continually in my hand - The Septuagint renders this, "My soul is always in thy hands,"but the Hebrew will not admit of this construction. The idea in the original is that his soul - his life - was always in jeopardy. The expression seems to be proverbial. Anything taken in the hand is liable to be rudely snatched away. Thus a casket of jewels, or a purse of gold in the hand, may at any moment be seized by robbers. See the notes at Job 13:14. Compare 1Sa 19:5; Jdg 12:3. The meaning here is, that his life was constantly in danger.

Yet do I not forget thy law - Notwithstanding the danger to which I am exposed, and the care necessary to defend my life, I do not allow my mind to be turned from meditating on thy law, nor do I suffer any danger to deter me from obeying it. Compare the notes at Psa 119:61.

Barnes: Psa 119:110 - -- The wicked have laid a snare for me - As men do to take wild beasts or birds. See the notes at Psa 119:85. Compare Job 18:8, note; Job 18:10, n...

The wicked have laid a snare for me - As men do to take wild beasts or birds. See the notes at Psa 119:85. Compare Job 18:8, note; Job 18:10, note; Psa 9:15, note; Psa 69:22, note. See also Psa 119:61, Psa 119:69.

Yet I erred not from thy precepts - Notwithstanding the danger to which I was exposed, I maintained a steadfast adherence to thy commandments. I was not deterred from obeying them by any peril which beset me.

Barnes: Psa 119:111 - -- Thy testimonies - Thy law; thy revealed will; the revelation which thou hast given considered as thy solemn "testimony"as to what is true and r...

Thy testimonies - Thy law; thy revealed will; the revelation which thou hast given considered as thy solemn "testimony"as to what is true and right.

Have I taken as an heritage for ever - As my inheritance; as my property; as that which I consider to be of real and permanent value. The Hebrew word used here - נחל nachal - means to receive as a possession; to acquire; to possess as wealth; and then, to inherit. It is usually applied to the possession of the promised land as an inheritance. Here it means that the law of God was to him as such a possession. He regarded it as one does a rich inheritance. He chose it as his portion above all things else.

For they are the rejoicing of my heart - My happiness is in them. I find constant comfort in them. See Psa 119:77, Psa 119:92. Compare the notes at Psa 1:2.

Barnes: Psa 119:112 - -- I have inclined mine heart - The Hebrew word means properly "to stretch out"; "to extend"- as the hand. Exo 8:6, Exo 8:17. Then it means to inc...

I have inclined mine heart - The Hebrew word means properly "to stretch out"; "to extend"- as the hand. Exo 8:6, Exo 8:17. Then it means to incline, to bow, to depress. Here the idea is, that he had "given"that "direction"to the inclinations of his heart; he had resolved or purposed. He refers to an act of choice on his part, meaning that he had preferred this course, or that he had made this a solemn intention. Though every right inclination of the human heart is to be traced to the divine agency, yet it is also true that man is active in religion - or that his own mind resolves, chooses, and prefers - and that true religion is the actual choice or preference of all who serve God aright. See the notes at Psa 119:59.

To perform thy statutes alway - Margin, as in Hebrew, "to do."He meant to do the will of God. He intended to do this constantly; even forever. No man can be a truly pious man who has any disposition, or any purpose, "ever"to turn away from the service of God.

Even unto the end - See Psa 119:33. To the end of life; to the end of all things.

Barnes: Psa 119:113 - -- I hate vain thoughts - This commences a new portion of the psalm, distinguished by the Hebrew letter Samech ( ס s ), answering to our "s...

I hate vain thoughts - This commences a new portion of the psalm, distinguished by the Hebrew letter Samech ( ס s ), answering to our "s."The word rendered "vain thoughts"occurs only in this place. It is rendered by the Septuagint, παρανόμους paranomous - transgressors. So the Latin Vulgate. Luther renders it "die Flattergeister ,"the frivolous-minded. The word means divided; a man of a divided mind; a man who has no sure faith in regard to divine things, but is driven here and there; a sceptic; a doubter. Compare Jam 1:8. Thus it refers not to his own thoughts primarily, as being "vain"or worthless, but to a state of mind or heart in general, where there is no firmness, no stability, no settled view: a state of mind wavering, doubtful, skeptical, in regard to religion. What is implied here in reference to what he loved - by stating (in the way of contrast) what he "hated,"- would be a mind which was settled in its convictions of truth, and firm in its adherence to truth; a mind which was steadfast in religion, and not vacillating, skeptical, or uncertain on the subject. This denotes that the psalmist sought such a state of mind for himself, and that he valued it in others.

But thy law do I love - I have no "divided"or unsettled feelings in regard to that. I am conscious of a firm attachment to it. This thought he has repeatedly expressed in the psalm.

Barnes: Psa 119:114 - -- Thou art my hiding place - See the notes at Psa 32:7, where the same expression occurs. And my shield - See Psa 5:12, note; Psa 84:11, no...

Thou art my hiding place - See the notes at Psa 32:7, where the same expression occurs.

And my shield - See Psa 5:12, note; Psa 84:11, note.

I hope in thy word - See Psa 119:74, Psa 119:81.

Barnes: Psa 119:115 - -- Depart from me, ye evil-doers - Workers of iniquity; bad men. See the notes at Psa 6:8. This indicates a determined purpose that nothing should...

Depart from me, ye evil-doers - Workers of iniquity; bad men. See the notes at Psa 6:8. This indicates a determined purpose that nothing should deter or allure him from the service of God. A man who wishes to serve God, and lead a religious life, must separate himself from the society, as such, of unprincipled people.

For I will keep the commandments of my God - This is my fixed resolution. It may be remarked here

(1) that bad people will turn away from the society of one who has formed such a resolution, and who carries it out;

(2) the resolution is a necessary one to be formed and executed, if a man will serve God;

(3) the formation and execution of such a purpose, is the best way to get rid of the society of bad people.

Barnes: Psa 119:116 - -- Uphold me - Sustain me in the trials and the temptations of life. Help me to bear afflictions without sinking under them; to meet temptations w...

Uphold me - Sustain me in the trials and the temptations of life. Help me to bear afflictions without sinking under them; to meet temptations without yielding to them; to encounter opposition from the enemies of religion without being overcome.

According unto thy word -

(1) According to the requirements of thy word - that I may be conformed to them;

(2) according to the promises of thy word - that they may be verified in me.

That I may live - That my life may not be cut off by my foes, and that I may not sink under my burdens.

And let me not be ashamed of my hope - The meaning of this is, Let not my hope prove to be delusive and vain; let it not be seen at last that it is worthless, or that religion has no power to accomplish what it promises. See Psa 6:10, note; Psa 25:2-3, note; Psa 31:1, note. The phrase does not mean, as it would seem to signify, Let me not blush, or be unwilling to acknowledge my hope, or to profess that I am a friend of God. That "would be,"indeed, a proper prayer, but it is not the prayer here.

Barnes: Psa 119:117 - -- Hold thou me up - Keep me from falling in the trials and temptations of life. The Hebrew word means to prop, uphold, support. The Septuagint is...

Hold thou me up - Keep me from falling in the trials and temptations of life. The Hebrew word means to prop, uphold, support. The Septuagint is, "Aid me."

And I shall be safe - And I shall be saved; or, that I may be saved. It is an acknowledgment of entire dependence on God for salvation - temporal and eternal.

And I will have respect ... - I will look to thy statutes; I will have them always in my eye. Compare the notes at Psa 119:6.

Barnes: Psa 119:118 - -- Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes - Compare the notes at Psa 119:21. Rather, "Thou hast made light of,"or "thou despis...

Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes - Compare the notes at Psa 119:21. Rather, "Thou hast made light of,"or "thou despisest."The Hebrew word means properly to suspend in a balance; to weigh. Then it means to lift up lightly or easily; and then, to make light of; to contemn; to regard anything as "light."The Septuagint and Latin Vulgate render it, "Thou dost despise."That is, God regards them as of no account; as a light substance of no value; as chaff which the wind carries away. Compare Job 21:18; Psa 1:4; Psa 35:5; Isa 17:13.

For their deceit is falsehood - This seems to be a truism - for deceit must imply falsehood. In the original this is an emphatic way of declaring the whole thing to be false, as the Hebrew language often expresses emphasis by mere repetition - thus "pits, pits,"meaning many pits. The psalmist first characterizes their conduct as deceitful - as that which cannot be relied on - as that which must fail in the end; he then speaks of this system on which they acted as altogether a "lie"- as that which is utterly "false;"thus giving, as it were, a double emphasis to the statement, and showing how utterly delusive and vain it must be.

Barnes: Psa 119:119 - -- Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth - Margin, "causest to cease."Literally: "Dross ... thou makest all the wicked of the earth to cea...

Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth - Margin, "causest to cease."Literally: "Dross ... thou makest all the wicked of the earth to cease."They are seen by the psalmist as dross, and then he says that God had treated them as such.

Like dross - The "scoriae"of metals, or of a furnace. This dross is cast out as of no value. So the wicked are regarded by God.

Therefore I love thy testimonies - I love a law which condemns sin. I love a government which ferrets out and punishes the guilty. This is a leading object with all just governments; and this we approve in all governments. As the divine government makes this an object, and as it will accomplish this more perfectly than any other administration so it is more worthy of confidence than any other. As it is the only government that does this perfectly, so it is the only one that is worthy of unlimited confidence.

Barnes: Psa 119:120 - -- My flesh trembleth for fear of thee - I stand in awe of thee. I shudder at the consciousness of thy presence. See Hab 3:16; Heb 12:21; Joe 2:10...

My flesh trembleth for fear of thee - I stand in awe of thee. I shudder at the consciousness of thy presence. See Hab 3:16; Heb 12:21; Joe 2:10; Nah 1:5. There is nothing unaccountable in this. Any man would tremble, should God manifest himself to him as he might do; and it is possible that the mind may have such an overpowering sense of the presence and majesty of God, that the body shall be agitated, lose its strength, and with the deepest alarm fall to the earth. Compare Dan 10:8; Rev 1:17. No man could meet one of the departed dead, or a good angel, without this fear; how much less could he meet God!

And I am afraid of thy judgments - Of thy laws or commands. My mind is filled with awe at the strictness, the spirituality, the severity of thy law. Reverence - awe - is one of the essential elements of all true religion.

Barnes: Psa 119:121 - -- I have done judgment and justice - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Ayin ( ע ‛ ) - a letter ...

I have done judgment and justice - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Ayin ( ע ) - a letter which cannot well be represented in the English alphabet, as there is, in fact, no letter in our language exactly corresponding with it. It would be best represented probably by what are called "breathings"in Greek. The meaning of the first part of this verse is, "I have led a righteous and upright life."It is equivalent to saying that he had kept the law of God, or had made that the rule of his conduct.

Leave me not to mine oppressors - To the people who would do me wrong; who seek my hurt. He urged this on the ground that he had been obedient to the divine law, and might, therefore, with propriety, make this request, or might claim the divine protection. Man has no merit of his own, and no claim on God; but when he is his true friend, it is not improper to expect that he will interpose in his behalf; nor is it improper to present this in the form of a prayer. Our loving God, and serving him, though it is done imperfectly, is, in fact, a reason why he should and will interpose in our behalf.

Barnes: Psa 119:122 - -- Be surety for thy servant for good - On the meaning of the word here rendered "be surety,"see the notes at Job 17:3, and the notes at Isa 38:14...

Be surety for thy servant for good - On the meaning of the word here rendered "be surety,"see the notes at Job 17:3, and the notes at Isa 38:14, in both which places the same Hebrew word occurs: In Isaiah it is rendered "undertake for me."The word means, properly, "to mix, to mingle;"hence, to braid, to interweave; then, to exchange, to barter. Then it means to mix or intermingle interests; to unite ourselves with others so that their interests come to be our own; and hence, to take one under our protection, to become answerable for, to be a surety for: as, when one endorses a note for another, he mingles his own interest, reputation, and means with his. So Christ becomes the security or surety - ἔγγυος enguos - of his people, Heb 7:22. The prayer here is, that God would, so to speak, mix or mingle his cause and that of the psalmist together, and that he would then protect the common cause as his own; or, that he would become a "pledge"or "surety"for the safety of the psalmist. This now, through the Mediator, we have a right to ask at the hand of God; and when God makes our cause his own, we must be safe.

Let not the proud oppress me - See the notes at Psa 119:51. Let them not triumph over me, and crush me.

Barnes: Psa 119:123 - -- Mine eyes fail for thy salvation - See the notes at Psa 119:81-82. And for the word of thy righteousness - Thy righteous word - that it m...

Mine eyes fail for thy salvation - See the notes at Psa 119:81-82.

And for the word of thy righteousness - Thy righteous word - that it may be made known to me, and that I may see its beauty and enjoy it.

Barnes: Psa 119:124 - -- Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy - Not according to justice - for, sinners as we are, we can never urge that as a plea before God...

Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy - Not according to justice - for, sinners as we are, we can never urge that as a plea before God. No man who knows himself could ask of God to deal with him according to the strict and stern principles of justice. But we may ask him to deal with us according to mercy - for mercy is our only plea, and the mercy of God - vast and boundless - constitutes such a ground of appeal as we need. No man can have any other; no man need desire any other.

And teach me thy statutes - See the notes at Psa 119:12. Show thy mercy to me in teaching me thy law.

Barnes: Psa 119:125 - -- I am thy servant - See the notes at Psa 116:16. Give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies - Since I am thy servant, instruct...

I am thy servant - See the notes at Psa 116:16.

Give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies - Since I am thy servant, instruct me in the knowledge of thy will. As I desire to obey thee, show me what will be acceptable obedience, or what thou dost require in order to acceptable service. This is a prayer of piety. A man who sincerely desires to obey God will make it a first point to ascertain what is his will, or what will constitute true obedience.

Barnes: Psa 119:126 - -- It is time for thee, Lord, to work - literally, "Time to do for Yahweh;"and the construction might be either that it is time to do (something) ...

It is time for thee, Lord, to work - literally, "Time to do for Yahweh;"and the construction might be either that it is time to do (something) for Yahweh; or, that it is time for Yahweh himself to do (something). The direct address to the Lord in the latter part of the sentence would seem, however, to show that the latter is the true interpretation: to wit, that since people make void the law of God, it is time for him to work, that is, to interpose by his power and restrain them; to bring them to repentance; to assert his own authority; to vindicate his cause. Thus understood, it is an appropriate prayer to be used when iniquity abounds, and when some special form of sin has an ascendancy among a people. The other interpretation, however, "It is time (for us) to do (something), since people make void thy law,"suggests a truth of great importance. Then is the time when the people of God should arouse themselves to efforts to stay the tide of wickedness, and to secure the ascendancy of religion, of virtue, and of law.

For they have made void thy law - They have broken it. They have set it at defiance. They regard and treat it as if it had no claim to obedience; as if it were a thing of nought. This the psalmist urges as a reason for the putting forth of power to arrest the evil; to bring people to repentance; to secure the salvation of souls. By all the evil done when the law of God is set at nought, by all the desirableness that the law should be obeyed, by all the danger to the souls of people from its violation, this prayer may now and at all times be offered, and that with earnestness. Compare Psa 119:136.

Barnes: Psa 119:127 - -- Therefore I love thy commandments ... - The more people break them Psa 119:126, the more I see their value; the more precious they are to me. T...

Therefore I love thy commandments ... - The more people break them Psa 119:126, the more I see their value; the more precious they are to me. The fact that they make thy law void, and that evil consequences result from their conduct, only impresses my mind the more with a sense of the value of the law, and makes my heart cling to it the more. There is almost nothing that will so impress upon our minds the importance of law as the sight of the effects which follow when it is disregarded.

Above gold ... - See the notes at Psa 119:72. Compare Psa 19:10.

Barnes: Psa 119:128 - -- Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right - literally, "Therefore all the commandments of all I regard as right."Th...

Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right - literally, "Therefore all the commandments of all I regard as right."The idea seems to be, that he regarded as right and just all the commandments of God pertaining to "every"thing and "every"person; all, considered in every way; all, wherever the law extended, and whomsoever it embraced; all the law pertaining to duty toward God and toward man. He saw in the "violation"of the laws of God Psa 119:126 a reason for approving "all"law; all that would restrain people from sin, and that would bind them to duty and to virtue. The effect had been to lead him to reflect on the worth of law as law, and he had come to the conclusion that all the laws of God were to be approved and loved, inasmuch as they would, in their observance, prevent the wrongs and sorrows which he saw to be consequent on their violation.

And I hate every false way - Every course of life not based on truth, or on a right view of things. All just law is based on a perception of what is true; on the reality of things; on what is required in the nature of the case; on what will tend to promote the best interests of society. Compare the notes at Psa 119:104.

Barnes: Psa 119:129 - -- Thy testimonies are wonderful - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Pe ( פ p ), corresponding to ...

Thy testimonies are wonderful - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Pe ( פ p ), corresponding to our "p."The meaning of the expression here is, that the laws of God - the revelations of his will - are adapted to fill the mind with wonder. The mind is awed by their wisdom; their comprehensiveness; their extent; their spirituality; their benevolence: by the fact that laws are framed, so perfectly adapted to the end; so well suited to secure order, and to promote happiness.

Therefore doth my soul keep them - Because they are so surpassingly wise and benevolent; because they are so manifestly the work of wisdom and goodness.

Barnes: Psa 119:130 - -- The entrance of thy words giveth light - The Septuagint translates this, "the manifestation (or declaration) - ἡ δήλωσις hē ...

The entrance of thy words giveth light - The Septuagint translates this, "the manifestation (or declaration) - ἡ δήλωσις hē dēlōsis - of thy words enlightens."So the Vulgate. Luther renders it, "When thy word is revealed, so it delivers us, and makes the simple wise."DeWette, "The opening (revelation) of thy word,"etc. The Hebrew word - פתח pethach - means an "opening"or "entrance"- as of a gate, Jos 20:4; Jdg 9:35; and then "a door,"as of a tent or the temple, Gen 18:1; 1Ki 6:8; or the gate of a city, Isa 3:26; and then it means opening, insight, instruction. The word as used here seems to denote the opening or unfolding of the word of God; the revelation of that word to the mind. A door is open so that we enter into a house; a gate, so that we enter into a city; and thus the meaning of the word of God is "opened"to us, so that we may, as it were, enter in and see its beauty. The language does not, therefore, denote the entrance of that word into the mind, but, its being made open to us so that we may perceive its beauty, or may ourselves "enter"into its meaning, its mysteries, and its beauties.

It giveth understanding unto the simple - The word rendered "simple"literally means "those who are open to persuasion,"or who are easily enticed or seduced. Then it refers to the credulous, Pro 14:15, and then to the "inexperienced."See Psa 19:7, note; Psa 116:6, note.

Barnes: Psa 119:131 - -- I opened my mouth and panted - All this is the language of deep emotion. We breathe hard under the influence of such emotion; we open the mouth...

I opened my mouth and panted - All this is the language of deep emotion. We breathe hard under the influence of such emotion; we open the mouth wide, and pant, as the ordinary passage for the air through the nostrils is not sufficient to meet the needs of the lungs in their increased action. The idea is, that his heart was full; that he had such an intense desire as to produce deep and rapid breathing; that he was like one who was exhausted, and who "panted"for breath. Compare the notes at Psa 42:1.

For I longed for thy commandments - The word here rendered "longed"occurs nowhere else. It means to desire earnestly. See the notes at Psa 119:20.

Barnes: Psa 119:132 - -- Look thou upon me - Turn not away from me. Regard me with thy favor. And be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy...

Look thou upon me - Turn not away from me. Regard me with thy favor.

And be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name - Margin, "According to the custom toward those,"etc. The Hebrew word is "judgment:""according to the judgment to the lovers of thy name."The word seems here to be used in the sense of "right;"of what is due; or, of what is usually determined: that is, as God usually determines, judges, acts toward those who love him. The idea is, Treat me according to the rules which regulate the treatment of thy people. Let me be regarded as one of them, and be dealt with accordingly. On the sentiment in this passage, see the notes at Psa 106:4.

Barnes: Psa 119:133 - -- Order my steps in thy word - My goings, or, my conduct and life - by thy word; according to thy requirements. Let me be wholly obedient to thy ...

Order my steps in thy word - My goings, or, my conduct and life - by thy word; according to thy requirements. Let me be wholly obedient to thy will.

And let not any iniquity have dominion over me - See the notes at Psa 19:13. The prayer is, that no form of sin, that no wicked passion or propensity, might be allowed to rule over him. He who is willing that any one sin should rule in his heart, though he should be free from all other forms of sin, cannot be a pious man. See the notes at Jam 2:10.

Barnes: Psa 119:134 - -- Deliver me from the oppression of man - From constraint on the part of man, so that I may be free to act as I please. Give me true religious li...

Deliver me from the oppression of man - From constraint on the part of man, so that I may be free to act as I please. Give me true religious liberty, and let me not be under any compulsion or constraint. The word rendered "deliver"is that which is usually rendered "redeem."It is used here in the large sense of deliverance; and the prayer is an expression of what the true friends of religion have always sought, desired, and demanded - "freedom"of opinion - the richest blessing which man can enjoy.

So will I keep thy precepts - My heart inclines to that; I desire it; and, if suffered to act without constraint, I will do it. As it is the purpose and the wish of my soul, I pray that all hindrances to the free exercise of my religion may be removed. How often has this prayer been offered in times of persecution! By how many million of the dwellers on the earth might it even now be offered! What a blessing it is to those who are free from oppressive laws, that they are permitted to carry out the wishes of their hearts, and to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience, with none to molest them or make them afraid.

Barnes: Psa 119:135 - -- Make thy face to shine upon thy servant - Hebrew, "Let thy face give light to thy servant."See the notes at Psa 4:6. And teach me thy stat...

Make thy face to shine upon thy servant - Hebrew, "Let thy face give light to thy servant."See the notes at Psa 4:6.

And teach me thy statutes - See the notes at Psa 119:12.

Barnes: Psa 119:136 - -- Rivers of waters run down mine eyes - My heart is sad, and my eyes pour forth floods of tears. It is not a gentle weeping, but my eyes are like...

Rivers of waters run down mine eyes - My heart is sad, and my eyes pour forth floods of tears. It is not a gentle weeping, but my eyes are like a fountain which pours out full-flowing streams. See Jer 9:1. "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears,"etc. Compare Jer 14:17; Lam 1:16; Lam 2:18.

Because they keep not thy law - On account of the sins, the follies, the stupidity, and the transgressions of people. So the Saviour wept over Jerusalem Luk 19:41; and so the apostle said that he had "great heaviness and continual sorrow"in his heart, on account of his "brethren,"his "kinsmen according to the flesh."Rom 9:2-3. Such a feeling is right. There is nothing for which we should be excited to deeper emotion in respect to our fellow-men than for the fact that they are violators of the law of God, and exposed to its fearful penalty. There is nothing which more certainly indicates true piety in the soul than such deep compassion for people as sinners, or because they are sinners. There is nothing which is more certainly connected with a work of grace in a community, or revival of true religion, than when such a feeling pervades a church. Then Christians will pray; then they will labor to save sinners; then they will feel their dependence on God; and then the Spirit of God will descend and bless the efforts put forth for the salvation of people. It may be added, nothing is more remarkable than that pious people ordinarily feel so little on account of the danger of their friends and fellow-sinners - that the occasions are so rare on which they imitate the example of the psalmist and of the Saviour in weeping over the condition of a perishing world!

Barnes: Psa 119:137 - -- Righteous art thou, O Lord ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Tsaddiy ( צ ts ) - correspon...

Righteous art thou, O Lord ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Tsaddiy ( צ ts ) - corresponding with "ts."The thought in this verse is, that God is right, or righteous, in his judgments, that is, in his law; or, in other words, that his law is founded on principles of equity.

Barnes: Psa 119:138 - -- Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded - Thy law, considered as a testimony as to what is right and best. Are righteous and very faithfu...

Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded - Thy law, considered as a testimony as to what is right and best.

Are righteous and very faithful - Margin, as in Hebrew, "righteousness and faithfulness."They are "so"righteous, and so deserving of confidence - so certain to be accomplished, and so worthy to be trusted in - that they may be spoken of as "righteousness"and "fidelity"of the most perfect kind; the very essence of that which is right.

Barnes: Psa 119:139 - -- My zeal hath consumed me - Margin, "cut me off."The word which is here translated "consumed"is rendered "cut off"in Lam 3:53; Job 23:17; Psa 54...

My zeal hath consumed me - Margin, "cut me off."The word which is here translated "consumed"is rendered "cut off"in Lam 3:53; Job 23:17; Psa 54:5; Psa 88:16; Psa 94:23; Psa 101:5; Psa 143:12; "vanish,"Job 6:17; "destroyed,"Psa 73:27; 2Sa 22:41; Psa 18:40; Psa 101:8; Psa 69:4. It means here, that he pined away; that his strength was exhausted; that he was sinking under the efforts which he had put forth as expressive of his deep interest in the cause of God and of truth. On the sentiment here expressed, see the notes at Psa 69:9.

Because mine enemies have forgotten thy words - Thy law; thy commands. It was not because they were his foes - not because he was endeavoring to destroy them, or to take vengeance on them - but because they were unmindful of God, and of the claims of his law. It is a great triumph which religion gains over a man’ s soul, when, in looking on the conduct of persecutors, calumniators, and slanderers - of those who are constantly doing us wrong - we are more grieved because they violate the law of God than because they injure us; when our solicitude is turned from ourselves, and terminates on our regard for the honor of God and his law. Yet that is the nature of true religion; and that we should be able to find in ourselves in such circumstances. A man should doubt the evidence of his personal religion, if all his feelings terminate on the wrong done to himself by the wicked conduct of others; if he has no feeling of solicitude because the law of God has been violated, and God has been dishonored. Compare the notes at Psa 119:136.

Barnes: Psa 119:140 - -- Thy word is very pure - Margin, "tried or refined."See the word explained in the notes at Psa 18:30. Therefore thy servant loveth it - Th...

Thy word is very pure - Margin, "tried or refined."See the word explained in the notes at Psa 18:30.

Therefore thy servant loveth it - Therefore I love it. I love it because it is pure, holy, true; not merely because it will save me. Apart from all reference to myself. I love thy truth as truth; I love purity as purity; I love law as law; I love holiness as holiness. This is true religion.

Barnes: Psa 119:141 - -- I am small and despised - The word here rendered "small"may mean "small"in respect to number - that is, "few,"Mic 5:2; Isa 60:22; or in respect...

I am small and despised - The word here rendered "small"may mean "small"in respect to number - that is, "few,"Mic 5:2; Isa 60:22; or in respect to age - "young,"Gen 19:31; or in respect to dignity - "low;"least in rank or esteem. The language here may be applied to the church as comparatively few; to one who is young; or to one in humble life. Either of these may be a reason why one is regarded as of little consequence, or may be subject to reproach and ridicule. It is not possible to determine in which of these senses the word is used here, or in which sense it was applicable to the psalmist. The word "despised"means treated as unworthy of notice; passed by; looked upon with contempt. This might be on account of age, or poverty, or ignorance, or humble rank: or it might be simply on account of his religion, for the friends of God have been, and often are, despised simply because they are religious. The Saviour was despised by people; the apostles were; the most excellent of the earth in all ages have been. Compare Heb 11:36-38; 1Co 4:13.

Yet do not I forget thy precepts - I am not ashamed of them. I am not deterred from keeping them, and from avowing my purpose to obey them, because I am despised for it. This is often one of the severest tests of religion, and to be faithful in such circumstances is one of the clearest proofs of true attachment to God. There are few things which we are less able to bear than contempt, and one of the best evidences of attachment to principle is when we adhere to what we regard as right and true, though we are despised for it by the frivolous, the worldly, the rich - by those who claim to be "wise."He who can bear contempt on account of his opinions, can usually bear anything.

Barnes: Psa 119:142 - -- Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness - It never changes. The principles of thy law, of thy government, and of thy method of saving...

Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness - It never changes. The principles of thy law, of thy government, and of thy method of saving people, are the same under all dispensations, in every land, in all worlds; and they will remain the same forever. Human governments change. Old dynasties pass away. New laws are enacted under new administrations. Customs change. Opinions change. People change. The world changes. But as God himself never changes, so it is with his law. That law is founded on eternal truth, and can never change.

And thy law is the truth - It is founded on "truth;"on the reality of things. It is so essentially founded on truth, it springs so certainly out of truth, or out of the reality of things, that it may be said to be the truth itself. He who understands the law of God understands what truth is, for it is the expression and the exponent of that which is true.

Barnes: Psa 119:143 - -- Trouble and anguish - The word rendered "trouble"means affliction of any kind; the word rendered "anguish"would probably express that which res...

Trouble and anguish - The word rendered "trouble"means affliction of any kind; the word rendered "anguish"would probably express that which results from being pressed, compressed, straitened. It properly refers to a situation where there is no room to move, and where we are pent up in a narrow place. The two words denote deep affliction.

Have taken hold on me - Margin, as in Hebrew, "found me."That is, they were in pursuit of me, and have at last apprehended me. Trouble, anguish, death, are in pursuit of us all our lives, and are never very far in the rear of us. Often, when we least expect them, they come suddenly up to us, and make us their victims.

Yet thy commandments are my delights - Notwithstanding this trouble, and in this trouble - no matter what comes - I have the same unfailing source of comfort, the truth of God; and notwithstanding what may occur, I still make God and his law the source of my happiness. See the notes at Psa 119:24.

Barnes: Psa 119:144 - -- The righteousness of thy testimonies - The principles of righteousness on which they are founded. Those testimonies - those laws - are not arbi...

The righteousness of thy testimonies - The principles of righteousness on which they are founded. Those testimonies - those laws - are not arbitrary, or the mere expressions of will. They are founded on right and justice as seen by God, and his laws are his testimony as to what truth and justice are.

Is everlasting - See the notes at Psa 119:142.

Give me understanding, and I shall live - Give me a right view of thy law, and thy truth, and I shall have real life. See the notes at Psa 119:34.

Barnes: Psa 119:145 - -- I cried with my whole heart ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Koph ( ק q ), answering to ...

I cried with my whole heart ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Koph ( ק q ), answering to our letter "k."The expression "I cried with my whole heart"means that he did it earnestly, fervently. He had no divided wishes when he prayed. Not always is this so, even with good people. They sometimes offer a form of prayer, that they may be spiritually-minded, when their hearts are intensely worldly, and they would be unwilling to be otherwise; or that religion may be revived, when their hearts have no lively interest in it, and no wish for it; or that they may live wholly to God, when they are making all their arrangements to live for the world, and when they would be greatly disappointed if God should take means to make them live entirely to him; or that they may be humble, childlike, sincere, when they have no wish to be any otherwise than they are now, and when they would regard it as an affront if it should be assumed by any that they are not so now, and if they were exhorted to change their course of life. Often it would be a great surprise - perhaps grief - even to professedly religious persons, if God should answer their prayers, and should make them what they professedly desire to be, and what they pray that they may be. See the notes at Psa 9:1; compare Psa 111:1; Psa 138:1; Psa 119:2, Psa 119:10, Psa 119:34, Psa 119:58, Psa 119:69; Jer 24:7.

I will keep thy statutes - It is my purpose and desire to keep thy law perfectly.

Barnes: Psa 119:146 - -- I cried unto thee - I called upon thee in trouble. Save me, and I shall keep thy testimonies - Margin, "That I may keep."The correct rend...

I cried unto thee - I called upon thee in trouble.

Save me, and I shall keep thy testimonies - Margin, "That I may keep."The correct rendering is, "I will keep."The idea is, that if God would interpose and save him, he "would"henceforward faithfully keep the law of God: It is one of the designs of affliction to lead people to make such vows as this. They are commonly made on beds of sickness, alike by the religious and the irreligious; the saint and the sinner. How often, alas, are they forgotten even by the friends of God! How seldom are they remembered at all by the sinner when he is raised up from the verge of the grave, and restored again to health!

Barnes: Psa 119:147 - -- I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried - I anticipated it; I rose up to pray before the morning dawned. On the word "prevent,"see th...

I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried - I anticipated it; I rose up to pray before the morning dawned. On the word "prevent,"see the notes at 1Th 4:15; notes at Psa 21:3; notes at Psa 59:10; notes at Psa 79:8. The meaning here is, that he rose up before the dawn, to pray. Thus the Saviour did, Mar 1:35.

(a) It is proper thus to pray, for our earliest thoughts should be those of devotion; our earliest acts should be in acknowledgment of God.

(b) Such a time is eminently favorable to devotion. Calm, still, quiet; before the thoughts are engaged in the world, and before the cares of life press upon us when the thoughts are clear, and the mind tranquil, the soul is in the best state for devotion.

© All people, if they will, can secure this time, before the "dawning of the morning,"to pray. Compare Psa 5:3, note; Psa 88:13, note; see also Psa 130:6. The word rendered "dawning of the morning,"is from a verb which means to blow; to blow gently; and is usually applied to the evening, when the breezes blow gently. It may be applied, however, as it clearly is here, also to the morning.

I hoped in thy word - I prayed because I had hope in thy word; I exercised hope in thy word then. Alone with thee in the morning, I found consolation by trusting in thy gracious promises.

Barnes: Psa 119:148 - -- Mine eyes prevent the night watches - Luther renders this, "I wake up early."The Hebrew word means a "watch"- a part of the night, so called fr...

Mine eyes prevent the night watches - Luther renders this, "I wake up early."The Hebrew word means a "watch"- a part of the night, so called from military watches, or a dividing of the night to "keep guard."See the notes at Psa 90:4. The idea of the psalmist here is, that he anticipated these regular divisions of the night in order that he might engage in devotion. Instead of waiting for their return, he arose for prayer before they recurred - so much did his heart delight in the service of God. The language would seem to be that of one who was accustomed to pray in these successive "watches"of the night - the early, the middle, and the dawn. This may illustrate what occurs in the life of all who love God. They will have regular seasons of devotion, but they will often anticipate those seasons. They will be in a state of mind which prompts them to pray; when nothing will meet their state of mind but prayer; and when they cannot wait for the regular and ordinary season of devotion - like a hungry man who cannot wait for the usual and regular hour of his meals. The meaning of the phrase, "mine eyes prevent,"is that he awoke before the usual time for devotion.

That I might meditate in thy word - See the notes at Psa 1:2.

Barnes: Psa 119:149 - -- Hear my voice, according unto thy loving-kindness - According to thy mercy; thy goodness. Let that be the rule in answering me; not my deserts,...

Hear my voice, according unto thy loving-kindness - According to thy mercy; thy goodness. Let that be the rule in answering me; not my deserts, or even the fervour of my prayers. We can desire no better rule in answer to our prayers.

O Lord, quicken me - Give me life; cause me truly to live. See the notes at Psa 119:40.

According to thy judgment - Thy law as a rule of judgment; thy revealed truth, with all its gracious promises.

Barnes: Psa 119:150 - -- They draw nigh - They follow me; they press hard upon me. That follow after mischief - That seek to do me wrong. They are far from t...

They draw nigh - They follow me; they press hard upon me.

That follow after mischief - That seek to do me wrong.

They are far from thy law - They yield no obedience to it; they are not influenced by it in their conduct toward me.

Barnes: Psa 119:151 - -- Thou art near, O Lord - God was present with him; he was ready to hear his cry; he was at hand to save him. Compare Psa 145:18. The psalmist ha...

Thou art near, O Lord - God was present with him; he was ready to hear his cry; he was at hand to save him. Compare Psa 145:18. The psalmist had the assurance, springing from deep feeling, and the conscious presence of God, which the people of God often have, that God is very near to them; that he is ready to hear them; that their prayers are answered; that they are in the presence of a heavenly Friend. Such are among the precious experiences of the life of a religious man.

And all thy commandments are truth - All that thou hast ordained; all that thou hast promised. The psalmist felt this. He was experiencing the truth of what God had assured him of. Not a doubt came into his mind - for God was near him. This conviction that God is "near"us - this manifestation of God to the soul as a present God - is one of the most certain assurances to our own minds of the truth of religion, and of our acceptance with him.

Barnes: Psa 119:152 - -- Concerning thy testimonies - In regard to all that thou hast testified to as true and best. Every command of God is in fact a testimony of his ...

Concerning thy testimonies - In regard to all that thou hast testified to as true and best. Every command of God is in fact a testimony of his as to what is right; every promise is a testimony of his own purpose in regard to mankind.

I have known of old - The word used here is a noun, and means properly, "the front,"what is "before;"then, the East; then, what pertains to olden time or ancient days - "before"the present. The meaning here is, that he had known this "before"what had now occurred; it was not a new thing - a new experience. It was deeply impressed on his mind as the result of all his reflection and observation.

That thou hast founded them for ever - " From"eternity, and "for"eternity. They were laid in the eternity past; they will continue in the eternity to come. They are based on eternal principles of right; they will never be changed. Such a conviction will do much to keep the soul steady and firm in the trials and uncertainties of life. Whatever may change, God’ s law does not change; whatever is new, that is not new; whatever will vanish away, that will remain.

Barnes: Psa 119:153 - -- Consider mine affliction ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Resh ( ר r ), corresponding to...

Consider mine affliction ... - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Resh ( ר r ), corresponding to our "r."The prayer here is, that God would look upon his trial; that he would regard it as it really was; that he would not turn away from it, or pass it by, as if it were a trifle - a thing not worthy to claim his attention. See the notes at Psa 9:13.

For I do not forget thy law - I endeavor to be obedient, submissive, patient. As a suffering child of thine, I come to thee, and beseech thee to interpose and save me.

Barnes: Psa 119:154 - -- Plead my cause ... - Undertake my cause, as an advocate does. See the notes at Psa 35:1. Quicken me ... - Give me life. See the notes at ...

Plead my cause ... - Undertake my cause, as an advocate does. See the notes at Psa 35:1.

Quicken me ... - Give me life. See the notes at Psa 119:25.

Barnes: Psa 119:155 - -- Salvation is far from the wicked - That is, (a) in their present course: they are very far from being safe, or from having a prospect of salvat...

Salvation is far from the wicked - That is,

(a) in their present course: they are very far from being safe, or from having a prospect of salvation;

(b) they are constantly going farther and farther off - making their salvation less probable - not going toward heaven, but from it.

© Destruction is very near to them, and they are constantly making it nearer and nearer.

(d) In their present course it may be said that salvation is far - is infinitely remote - from them, so that they can never come to it.

(e) If they would be saved, they must change their course altogether, and go "toward"salvation and not from it.

For they seek not thy statutes - They do not regard thy law; they do not make it a principle to obey thy commandments.

Barnes: Psa 119:156 - -- Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord - They are many, or multiplied. The word rendered "tender mercies"is the same which occurs in Psa 40:11; P...

Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord - They are many, or multiplied. The word rendered "tender mercies"is the same which occurs in Psa 40:11; Psa 51:1; Psa 69:16; Psa 79:8; Psa 103:4. See the notes at Psa 25:6.

Quicken me ... - See Psa 119:149.

Barnes: Psa 119:157 - -- Many are my persecutors and mine enemies - The thought here turns on the number of his enemies, and on the effect which numbers might have in t...

Many are my persecutors and mine enemies - The thought here turns on the number of his enemies, and on the effect which numbers might have in turning one from the way of truth. We might meet one such enemy, and overcome him; we might resist the influence of one in endeavoring to turn us away from the truth, but the danger of falling is much increased when numbers are combined in persecuting us, or in seeking to turn us away from our religion - when it becomes unpopular to be a professed friend of God.

Yet do I not decline from thy testimonies - I still adhere to thee; I still maintain my integrity, notwithstanding all this. See the notes at Psa 119:51.

Barnes: Psa 119:158 - -- I beheld the transgressors - Those who wronged me; those who violated the law of God. And was grieved - Or, "sickened."The word used here...

I beheld the transgressors - Those who wronged me; those who violated the law of God.

And was grieved - Or, "sickened."The word used here means commonly to loathe, to nauseate, to sicken. Eze 16:47; Psa 95:10. I was made sad, sorry, sick at heart. I did not look on them with anger; I did not desire to take revenge upon them; I did not return evil for evil. My heart was sad that people would do wrong; that they would expose themselves to such danger. See the notes at Psa 119:136.

Because they kept not thy word - Because they violated thy law; because they were sinners.

Barnes: Psa 119:159 - -- Consider how I love thy precepts - Search me. Behold the evidence of my attachment to thy law. This is the confident appeal of one who was cons...

Consider how I love thy precepts - Search me. Behold the evidence of my attachment to thy law. This is the confident appeal of one who was conscious that he was truly attached to God; that he really loved his law. It is similar to the appeal of Peter to the Saviour Joh 21:17, "Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee."A man who truly loves God may make this appeal without impropriety. He may be so confident - so certain - that he has true love for the character of God, that he may make a solemn appeal to him on the subject - as he might appeal to a friend, to his wife, to his son, to his daughter, with the utmost confidence that he loved them. A man "ought"to have such love for "them,"that he could affirm this without hesitation or doubt; a man "ought"to have such love for God, that he could affirm this with equal confidence and propriety.

Quicken me ... - See the notes at Psa 119:25.

Barnes: Psa 119:160 - -- Thy word is true from the beginning - literally, "The head of thy word is truth."Probably the meaning is, that the "principles"of God’ s w...

Thy word is true from the beginning - literally, "The head of thy word is truth."Probably the meaning is, that the "principles"of God’ s word were truth, or were based on truth. The main thing - that on which all relied - was truth, absolute truth. It was not "made"truth by the mere will of God, but it was "founded on"essential truth. Compare Psa 119:142, note; Psa 119:144, note. Margin, "The beginning of thy word is true."Its origin is truth; its foundation is truth; its essential nature is truth. See Psa 19:9.

And every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever - Since any one of thy laws is as certainly founded in truth as any other, it must be that all alike are eternal and unchanging. It must be so with all the essential principles of morality. Mere regulations in regard to rites and ceremonies may be altered, as local and municipal laws among men may be; but essential principles of justice cannot be. A civil corporation - the government of a city or borough - may change its regulations about streets, and culverts, and taxes; but they can never enact laws authorizing murder or theft; nor can they alter the essential nature of honesty and dishonesty; of truth and falsehood.

Barnes: Psa 119:161 - -- Princes have persecuted me without a cause - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Schin ( שׂ ś ...

Princes have persecuted me without a cause - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the Hebrew letter Schin ( , and sh ) - corresponding to our "s,"or "sh."On the meaning of the expression here, see Psa 119:23, note; Psa 119:76, note.

But my heart standeth in awe of thy word - I still reverence thy word. I am not deterred from keeping thy law by any threats or intimidations. This is in accordance with the uniform statements in the psalm, that nothing deterred him from manifesting his adherence to the law of God.

Barnes: Psa 119:162 - -- I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil - Plunder in a camp; prey; booty: as the hunter or the warrior, when he lights on great ...

I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil - Plunder in a camp; prey; booty: as the hunter or the warrior, when he lights on great and unexpected success.

Barnes: Psa 119:163 - -- I hate and abhor lying - The mention of lying here particularly seems to have been suggested by the necessity, from the structure of the psalm,...

I hate and abhor lying - The mention of lying here particularly seems to have been suggested by the necessity, from the structure of the psalm, of finding some word at the beginning of the verse which commenced with the letter Schin. At the same time, it is an illustration of the nature of piety, and doubtless there had been numerous occasions in the life of the psalmist when he had seen and experienced the effects of falsehood. This sin, therefore, might occur to him as readily as any other. It is unnecessary to say that religion "forbids"this sin in all its forms.

But thy law do I love - Particularly here the law which forbids lying. The psalmist was conscious, as every good man must be, that he truly loved that pure law which forbids falsehood in all its forms.

Barnes: Psa 119:164 - -- Seven times a day - The word seven may be used here, as it is often in the Scriptures, indefinitely to denote many, or often. There is, however...

Seven times a day - The word seven may be used here, as it is often in the Scriptures, indefinitely to denote many, or often. There is, however, nothing which makes it necessary to understand it in this sense. The number of times in which it is proper and profitable to engage in secret or public devotion is nowhere specified in the Scriptures, but it is left, under a general direction, to be determined by each one as he shall find it desirable and convenient; as his feelings or his circumstances shall suggest. On another occasion Psa 55:17 David mentions that he prayed "evening, and morning, and at noon;"at other times, perhaps, he might have found it in accordance with his feelings, or with his circumstances, to engage in devotion seven times in a day. There are circumstances in the lives of all good men when they are prompted to do this: times of trouble, of sickness, of bereavement, of danger, or of religious interest. There are states of mind which prompt to this, and when secret devotion becomes frequent, and almost constant; when nothing will satisfy the mind but prayer. No one would be injured by making it a rule, unless unavoidably prevented, to engage seven times each day in secret prayer, though, at the same time, no one could maintain that this is required as a rule by the Scriptures. The times, the circumstances, the manner, the place of secret devotion are wisely and properly left to each individual to be determined by himself. Religion is essentially voluntary, and the times of secret devotion must be voluntary, and therefore a man can easily determine, by his own secret devotions, whether he has any special interest at any particular time in religion, or whether he has any religion at all.

Do I praise thee - Do I engage in devotion.

Because of thy righteous judgments - Thy law, considered as righteous. I love that law, as such, and I praise thee for it.

Barnes: Psa 119:165 - -- Great peace have they - See the notes at Isa 26:3; compare the notes at Phi 4:6-7. They have great calmness of mind. They are not troubled and ...

Great peace have they - See the notes at Isa 26:3; compare the notes at Phi 4:6-7. They have great calmness of mind. They are not troubled and anxious. They believe and feel that all things are well-ordered by thee, and will be conducted to the best result. They, therefore, calmly leave all with thee. As a matter of fact, the friends of God have peace and calmness in their minds, even amidst the troubles, the disappointments, and the reverses of life. The love of God is the best - the only - way to secure permanent peace in the soul.

Which love thy law - It is the love of law, and the belief that the law of God is in accordance with justice, that gives peace to their minds. God’ s government is a government of law, and therefore it is loved.

And nothing shall offend them - Margin, "They shall have no stumbling-block.""Hebrew, "And to them no stumbling,"or stumbling-block. See the notes at Mat 5:29-30; notes at Mat 18:6; notes at Mat 16:23; notes at 1Pe 2:8; notes at Jam 2:10. The meaning here is, that they would not fall into sin; they would be kept safe; they would be preserved from the power of temptation. The meaning is not, as it would seem to be in our version, that nothing would pain, grieve, or irritate them; but, as above, that as long as they were obedient to the law, and disposed to obey it, they would be safe from the power of temptation.

Barnes: Psa 119:166 - -- Lord, I have hoped for thy salvation - As a prevailing habit or principle in my life. I have looked to thee for deliverance in the time of dang...

Lord, I have hoped for thy salvation - As a prevailing habit or principle in my life. I have looked to thee for deliverance in the time of danger; I have looked to thee for salvation in the world to come.

And done thy commandments - That is, habitually. This is not, necessarily, a claim to absolute perfection.

Barnes: Psa 119:167 - -- My soul hath kept thy testimonies, and I love them exeeedingly - I am conscious of loving them; I feel an inward assurance that I do love them.

My soul hath kept thy testimonies, and I love them exeeedingly - I am conscious of loving them; I feel an inward assurance that I do love them.

Barnes: Psa 119:168 - -- I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies - This is an appeal which is several times made in the psalm; not with boasting, but as indicating...

I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies - This is an appeal which is several times made in the psalm; not with boasting, but as indicating the tenor and purpose of his life. Every man ought to be able to make such an appeal.

For all my ways are before thee - Thou hast seen my manner of life, and I may appeal to thee in proof that I have thus kept thy law. No one can lay claim to entire perfection, but there is many a man who, while conscious of much imperfection, and many shortcomings, can appeal to God for the truth of the statement that his great aim of life has been to keep his commandments.

Barnes: Psa 119:169 - -- Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the...

Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord - This commences a new division of the psalm, indicated by the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the letter Tau ( ט ), corresponding to our "t,"or "th."The petition here is, that his prayer might be heard; that it might come into the very presence of God; that there might be no obstructions to its reaching where God was. Let nothing from my unworthiness, from my past sins, from my ignorance, prevent its coming before thee. Something often apparently hinders our prayers so that they do not reach the ear of God. The psalmist prays here that there may be no such hindrance in the prayer which he now offers.

Give me understanding according to thy word - According to the promises of thy word; or, give me the same views of truth which are set forth in thy word. This prayer had been several times offered before, and it shows how earnest was his desire to know the truth. See Psa 119:34, Psa 119:73,Psa 119:144.

Barnes: Psa 119:170 - -- Let my supplication come before thee - The word here rendered "supplication"properly means "favor, mercy, pity,"Jos 11:20; Ezr 9:8; then, that ...

Let my supplication come before thee - The word here rendered "supplication"properly means "favor, mercy, pity,"Jos 11:20; Ezr 9:8; then, that by which favor or mercy is sought - prayer or petition, Psa 6:9; Psa 55:1.

Deliver me according to thy word - From my enemies, my sins, my dangers. According to thy promises; according to the arrangements in thy word.

Barnes: Psa 119:171 - -- My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes - The sentiment here is the same as in Psa 119:7. The language is varied, but...

My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes - The sentiment here is the same as in Psa 119:7. The language is varied, but the meaning here, as in that verse, is, I will praise thee in proportion as I learn thy precepts or thy law. The more I learn of thy will, the more I will praise thee. I shall see more for which to offer praise and adoration, and I shall be more and more inclined to praise and adore time. Each new degree of knowledge will excite a corresponding desire to praise thee. This will be true of all who love God, while this life lasts, and forever. The ever-increasing knowledge of God will excite ever-increasing praise; and as God is infinite and eternal, it follows that the increase of knowledge and of happiness, in those who are saved, will be eternal. These things will go hand in hand forever and ever.

Barnes: Psa 119:172 - -- My tongue shall speak of thy word - It shall speak of it in the language of praise; it shall speak of it in making it known to others. For...

My tongue shall speak of thy word - It shall speak of it in the language of praise; it shall speak of it in making it known to others.

For all thy commandments are righteousness - I see this; I feel it; and, therefore, I will speak of it. My impression that thy commandments are all righteous is so deep, that I cannot but speak of them. I must vindicate them; I must praise thee for them.

Barnes: Psa 119:173 - -- Let thine hand help me - Do thou help me - the hand being that by which we accomplish anything. For I have chosen that precepts - I have ...

Let thine hand help me - Do thou help me - the hand being that by which we accomplish anything.

For I have chosen that precepts - I have chosen them as my comforters and my guide. I have resolved to obey them, and I pray that thou wilt help me to accomplish the purpose of my heart.

Barnes: Psa 119:174 - -- I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord - See the notes at Psa 119:166. The word rendered "I have longed"denotes an earnest desire or wish. Com...

I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord - See the notes at Psa 119:166. The word rendered "I have longed"denotes an earnest desire or wish. Compare the notes at Psa 42:1, and the notes at Psa 119:20.

And thy law is my delight - It is so much the object of my delight that I earnestly long or desire to see more and more of its richness and fullness.

Barnes: Psa 119:175 - -- Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee - I desire life that I may praise thee; if I do live, I will praise thee. My life is consecrated to ...

Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee - I desire life that I may praise thee; if I do live, I will praise thee. My life is consecrated to thy service; if lengthened out, and as far as it shall be lengthened out, it shall be devoted to thee.

And let thy judgments help me - The dealings of thy hand; the interpositions of thy providence. Let them all be such as will be favorable to the great purpose of my soul - the service of my God.

Barnes: Psa 119:176 - -- I have gone astray like a lost sheep - A sheep that has wandered away from its fold, and is without a protector. Compare Isa 53:6; Mat 10:6; Ma...

I have gone astray like a lost sheep - A sheep that has wandered away from its fold, and is without a protector. Compare Isa 53:6; Mat 10:6; Mat 15:24; Mat 18:12; Luk 15:6; 1Pe 2:25. I am a wanderer. I have lost the path to true happiness. I have strayed away from my God. I see this; I confess it; I desire to return. It is remarkable that this is almost the only confession of sin in the psalm. This psalm, more than any other, abounds in confident statements respecting the life of the author, his attachment to the law of God, the obedience which he rendered to that law, and his love for it - as well as with appeals to God, founded on the fact that he did love that law, and that his life was one of obedience. This is not, indeed, spoken in a spirit of self-righteousness, or as constituting a claim on the ground of merit; but it is remarkable that there is so frequent reference to it, and so little intermingling of a confession of sin, of error, of imperfection. The psalm would not have been complete as a record of religious experience, or as illustrating the real state of the human heart, without a distinct acknowledgment of sin, and hence, in its close, and in view of his whole life, upright as in the main it had been, the psalmist confesses that he had wandered; that he was a sinner; that his life had been far from perfection, and that he needed the gracious interposition of God to seek him out, and to bring him back.

Seek thy servant - As the shepherd does the sheep that is lost, Luk 15:4-6. So the Saviour came to seek and to save that which was lost, Luk 19:10. So God seeks the wanderer by his word, by his providence, by his Spirit, to induce him to return and be saved.

For I do not forget thy commandments - In all my wandering; with my consciousness of error; with my sense of guilt, I still do feel that I love thy law - thy service - thy commandments. They are the joy of my heart, and I desire to be recalled from all my wanderings, that I may find perfect happiness in thee and in thy service evermore. Such is the earnest wish of every regenerated heart. Far as such an one may have wandered from God, yet he is conscious of true attachment to him and his service; he desires and earnestly prays that he may be "sought out,"brought back, and kept from wandering anymore.

Poole: Psa 119:86 - -- Are faithful they are in themselves most just and true, and they require justice and faithfulness from men, promising many blessings to those that pe...

Are faithful they are in themselves most just and true, and they require justice and faithfulness from men, promising many blessings to those that perform it, and severely forbid all fraud and falseness, threatening grievous punishments to those that use it; and such promises and threatenings are true, and shall certainly be executed.

Poole: Psa 119:87 - -- They had almost consumed me upon earth as to my present life and all my happiness upon earth; whereby he implies that his immortal soul and eternal h...

They had almost consumed me upon earth as to my present life and all my happiness upon earth; whereby he implies that his immortal soul and eternal happiness in heaven, of which he speaks, Psa 16:11 17:15 , and elsewhere, was safe, and out of their reach.

Poole: Psa 119:88 - -- Heb. and I will keep . I will testify my gratitude to thee by my obedience.

Heb. and I will keep . I will testify my gratitude to thee by my obedience.

Poole: Psa 119:89 - -- Although many things happen upon earth which seem contrary to thy word, and at which men take occasion to question the truth of thy word, yet in hea...

Although many things happen upon earth which seem contrary to thy word, and at which men take occasion to question the truth of thy word, yet in heaven it is sure and certainly true.

In heaven either,

1. With thee in thy heavenly habitation, or in thy breast; as thy nature is unchangeable, so thy word is infallible. Or rather,

2. In the heavenly bodies, which are not subject to those changes and decays which are in this lower world, but constantly continue the same in their substance, and order, and courses, and this by virtue of that word of God by which they were made and established in this manner; and therefore God’ s word delivered to his people upon earth, which is of the same nature, must needs be of equal certainty and stability. This sense best suits with the following verses, and with other scriptures, wherein the certainty of God’ s word is set forth by comparing it with the stability of the heaven and the earth, as Mat 5:18 , and elsewhere.

Poole: Psa 119:90 - -- Every age gives fresh proofs of the truth of thy word. The earth abideth in that place and state in which thou didst establish it. See Ecc 1:4 .

Every age gives fresh proofs of the truth of thy word.

The earth abideth in that place and state in which thou didst establish it. See Ecc 1:4 .

Poole: Psa 119:91 - -- They continue the heaven and the earth last mentioned. According to thine ordinances as thou hast appointed, and by virtue of thine appointment. A...

They continue the heaven and the earth last mentioned.

According to thine ordinances as thou hast appointed, and by virtue of thine appointment.

All are thy servants all things are subject to thy power and pleasure, and none can resist thy will or word.

Poole: Psa 119:92 - -- Then at the very instant; I could not have outlived one stroke of thine afflicting hand.

Then at the very instant; I could not have outlived one stroke of thine afflicting hand.

Poole: Psa 119:93 - -- Revived and cheered me, when my heart was ready to sink and die within me.

Revived and cheered me, when my heart was ready to sink and die within me.

Poole: Psa 119:94 - -- I am thine by creation and redemption, and manifold obligations, as also by my own choice and designation. I have devoted myself to thy service, and ...

I am thine by creation and redemption, and manifold obligations, as also by my own choice and designation. I have devoted myself to thy service, and committed myself to thy care.

Poole: Psa 119:95 - -- As my best comforters, and counsellors, and defenders against all the assaults and designs of mine enemies.

As my best comforters, and counsellors, and defenders against all the assaults and designs of mine enemies.

Poole: Psa 119:96 - -- I have seen an end of all perfection I have observed by my experience that the greatest and most perfect accomplishments and enjoyments in this world...

I have seen an end of all perfection I have observed by my experience that the greatest and most perfect accomplishments and enjoyments in this world, the greatest glory, and riches, and power, and wisdom, are too narrow and shortlived to make men happy.

Thy commandment thy word; one part of it being synecdochically put for the whole.

Broad or large , both for extent and for continuance; it is useful to all persons in all times and conditions, and for all purposes, to inform, direct, quicken, comfort, sanctify, and save men; it is of everlasting truth and efficacy; it will never deceive nor forsake those who trust to it, as all worldly things will, but will make men happy both here and for ever.

Poole: Psa 119:97 - -- O how love I thy law! O Lord, thou knowest it, and to thee I appeal herein against all the censures and calumnies of mine enemies to the contrary.

O how love I thy law! O Lord, thou knowest it, and to thee I appeal herein against all the censures and calumnies of mine enemies to the contrary.

Poole: Psa 119:98 - -- Thou, through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies because by that means I have thy wisdom to guide me, and thy power engaged to pr...

Thou, through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies because by that means I have thy wisdom to guide me, and thy power engaged to protect and save me; which is a more certain and effectual way to obtain my desires and ends than all the policy and craft of mine enemies is to hinder them, as I have found by experience. They are ever with me; they are continually before mine eyes, as a rule by which to govern all my actions, whereby I am kept from splitting upon those rocks whereby others are ruined.

Poole: Psa 119:99 - -- Understanding: he speaks not here of notional, but of spiritual, and practical, and experimental knowledge. Than all my teachers than all or most (...

Understanding: he speaks not here of notional, but of spiritual, and practical, and experimental knowledge.

Than all my teachers than all or most (for that general word is oft so understood) of those who taught me formerly, or of the public teachers in Saul’ s time; which probably were for the generality of them neither so knowing nor so good as they should have been.

My meditations the matter of my constant and most diligent study.

Poole: Psa 119:100 - -- Ver. 100. By which reason he intimates that the practice of religion is the best way to understand it, and that men’ s vicious hearts and lives ...

Ver. 100. By which reason he intimates that the practice of religion is the best way to understand it, and that men’ s vicious hearts and lives are the greatest hinderances of all true and solid knowledge of it.

Poole: Psa 119:101 - -- Ver. 101. Evil way or, way of evil ; which either is evil, or leads to it; sin, and the temptations or occasions of sin. That, I might keep thy wo...

Ver. 101. Evil way or, way of evil ; which either is evil, or leads to it; sin, and the temptations or occasions of sin.

That, I might keep thy word I did this not for any carnal reasons, as some men abstain from divers sins for their credit or advantage, but out of pure respect to thy word.

Poole: Psa 119:102 - -- Ver. 102. To wit, by thy blessed Spirit, illuminating my mind, and working upon my heart, which other teachers cannot do.

Ver. 102. To wit, by thy blessed Spirit, illuminating my mind, and working upon my heart, which other teachers cannot do.

Poole: Psa 119:103 - -- Ver. 103. The study and obedience of thy words yields me more satisfaction and delight than any worldly men find in their sensual pleasures.

Ver. 103. The study and obedience of thy words yields me more satisfaction and delight than any worldly men find in their sensual pleasures.

Poole: Psa 119:104 - -- Ver. 104. Understanding true, and useful and powerful knowledge. Therefore because that discovers to me, as the wickedness, so the folly and misch...

Ver. 104. Understanding true, and useful and powerful knowledge.

Therefore because that discovers to me, as the wickedness, so the folly and mischief of such practices.

Every false way every thing which is contrary to that rule of truth and right, all false doctrine and worship, and all sinful or vicious courses.

Poole: Psa 119:105 - -- Ver. 105. To direct me in all my doubts and difficulties, to preserve from sin and misery, both which oft come under the name of darkness, and to com...

Ver. 105. To direct me in all my doubts and difficulties, to preserve from sin and misery, both which oft come under the name of darkness, and to comfort me in all my fears and distresses.

Poole: Psa 119:106 - -- Ver. 106. I have sworn obliged myself by serious purpose and solemn vow, or by a formal oath, which was not unusual amongst God’ s people, as 2...

Ver. 106. I have sworn obliged myself by serious purpose and solemn vow, or by a formal oath, which was not unusual amongst God’ s people, as 2Ch 15:15 Neh 10:29 .

Will perform it I do not repent of it, but by God’ s grace I will fulfil it.

Poole: Psa 119:107 - -- Ver. 107.

Ver. 107.

Poole: Psa 119:108 - -- Ver. 108. The free-will offerings of my mouth either, 1. Those which I have promised with my mouth, though I am not now in a capacity of performing...

Ver. 108. The free-will offerings of my mouth either,

1. Those which I have promised with my mouth, though I am not now in a capacity of performing my promises, as being banished from thy house. Or rather,

2. The sacrifices of prayer and praises, which I do freely and frequently offer unto thee; which are called sacrifices , as Psa 50:14 , and calves of our lips , Hos 14:2 .

Poole: Psa 119:109 - -- Ver. 109. In my hand exposed to perpetual and extreme danger, as any precious and frail thing is which a man carrieth openly in his hand, whence it ...

Ver. 109. In my hand exposed to perpetual and extreme danger, as any precious and frail thing is which a man carrieth openly in his hand, whence it may easily fall or be snatched away by a violent hand. See the same or like phrase, Jud 12:3 1Sa 19:5 Job 13:14 .

Poole: Psa 119:110 - -- Ver. 110.

Ver. 110.

Poole: Psa 119:111 - -- Ver. 111. I have chosen them for my chief portion, from which I will never part.

Ver. 111. I have chosen them for my chief portion, from which I will never part.

Poole: Psa 119:112 - -- Ver. 112. As I prayed to thee to incline mine heart to them, above Psa 119:36 , so I did not neglect my duty, but cheerfully complied with the motion...

Ver. 112. As I prayed to thee to incline mine heart to them, above Psa 119:36 , so I did not neglect my duty, but cheerfully complied with the motions of thy Spirit, and yielded up my mind and heart to the study and practice of them.

Poole: Psa 119:113 - -- Ver. 113. Thoughts -this word signifies thoughts, Job 4:13 20:2 , or opinions, 1Ki 18:21 ; which being indifferent to good and evil, is here taken i...

Ver. 113. Thoughts -this word signifies thoughts, Job 4:13 20:2 , or opinions, 1Ki 18:21 ; which being indifferent to good and evil, is here taken in an evil sense, for vain thoughts , as we render it, or for thoughts, or opinions, or devices of men differing from or opposite to God’ s law, as may be gathered from the next clause, where God’ s law is opposed to these, and as some both Jewish and Christian expositors understand it. Nor is it unusual in the Hebrew text for one and the same word to be taken both in a good and an ill sense in several places; whereof we have one instance in a word of the same signification with this, mezimmah , which signifies a thought , and is sometimes taken in a good sense, as Pro 1:4 3:8 8:12 13:16 Jer 51:11 ; but elsewhere in a bad sense, as Job 21:27 Psa 10:2,4 Pr 12:2 14:17 . The like hath been observed concerning another Hebrew word of the same or near signification, hormah which is taken in a good sense, Pro 1:4 13:16 , &c., and in an ill sense, as Exo 21:14 Jos 9:4 Job 5:13 . And the like may be said concerning this word also. But the ancient interpreters understand this word not of things, but of persons, and so it may be understood of men that think evil, that devise wicked devices, or that have false and evil opinions, opposite to God’ s law, or tending to seduce men from it.

Poole: Psa 119:114 - -- Ver. 114.

Ver. 114.

Poole: Psa 119:115 - -- Ver. 115. And therefore will avoid your society and conversation, lest I should be hindered from that which is good, and drawn to sin by your evil co...

Ver. 115. And therefore will avoid your society and conversation, lest I should be hindered from that which is good, and drawn to sin by your evil counsel or example.

Poole: Psa 119:116 - -- Ver. 116. Or, because of my hope , or confidence in thy promises, of the certainty whereof I have oft made my boast before others.

Ver. 116. Or, because of my hope , or confidence in thy promises, of the certainty whereof I have oft made my boast before others.

Poole: Psa 119:117 - -- Ver. 117. And being freed from those distractions and diversions which my pressing dangers occasion, I will wholly devote myself to the study and pra...

Ver. 117. And being freed from those distractions and diversions which my pressing dangers occasion, I will wholly devote myself to the study and practice of thy blessed word.

Poole: Psa 119:118 - -- Ver. 118. All their crafty and deceitful devices, by which they design to insnare and ruin me, and other good men, shall deceive them and their own e...

Ver. 118. All their crafty and deceitful devices, by which they design to insnare and ruin me, and other good men, shall deceive them and their own expectations, and bring that destruction upon themselves which they design for others.

Poole: Psa 119:119 - -- Ver. 119. Thou puttest away thou removest them from thy presence, and from the society of thy people, and from the land of the living. Like dross ...

Ver. 119. Thou puttest away thou removest them from thy presence, and from the society of thy people, and from the land of the living.

Like dross which, though for a season it be mixed with gold or silver, is not only separated from it as a useless and contemptible thing, but also is utterly consumed by fire.

Therefore I love thy testimonies because they are the best preservatives against wickedness, and against those dreadful punishments attending upon it, of which he professeth his fear in the next verse.

Poole: Psa 119:120 - -- Ver. 120. The observation of thy terrible judgments against ungodly men, and the conscience of my own infirmity and manifold sins, makes me fear lest...

Ver. 120. The observation of thy terrible judgments against ungodly men, and the conscience of my own infirmity and manifold sins, makes me fear lest thou shouldst punish me also, as thou mightest justly do, if thou shouldst be strict to mark what is amiss in me; or lest I should partake with them in their sins, and consequently in their plagues.

Poole: Psa 119:121 - -- Ver. 121. Judgment and justice i.e. just judgment, as Ecc 5:8 , to wit, towards mine oppressors, whom I have no way injured.

Ver. 121. Judgment and justice i.e. just judgment, as Ecc 5:8 , to wit, towards mine oppressors, whom I have no way injured.

Poole: Psa 119:122 - -- Ver. 122. Do thou undertake and plead my cause against all mine enemies, as a surety rescues the poor persecuted debtor from the hands of a severe cr...

Ver. 122. Do thou undertake and plead my cause against all mine enemies, as a surety rescues the poor persecuted debtor from the hands of a severe creditor.

For good for my safety and comfort.

Poole: Psa 119:123 - -- Ver. 123. For the performance of thy righteous, or faithful, or merciful word or promise.

Ver. 123. For the performance of thy righteous, or faithful, or merciful word or promise.

Poole: Psa 119:124 - -- Ver. 124. Not according to strict justice, nor according to my sins.

Ver. 124. Not according to strict justice, nor according to my sins.

Poole: Psa 119:125 - -- Ver. 125.

Ver. 125.

Poole: Psa 119:126 - -- Ver. 126. It is time it is high time, or a fit season. To work ; to put forth thy power for the vindication of thy own name and cause, and for the ...

Ver. 126. It is time it is high time, or a fit season. To work ; to put forth thy power for the vindication of thy own name and cause, and for the restraint and punishment of evildoers.

They to wit, mine oppressors, or the wicked; whom it was needless to express, both because they had been lately and frequently mentioned before, and partly because it was evident from the following words.

Have made void thy law or, abrogated thy law ; have professedly and openly cast off its authority, resolvedly preferring their own wills and lusts before it, trampled upon thy plain commands, and despised both thy promises and thy threatenings. They have not only sinned through ignorance and infirmity, but presumptuously and. maliciously.

Poole: Psa 119:127 - -- Ver. 127. Partly, because it is one evidence of their excellency, that they are disliked by the vilest of men; partly, out of a just indignation and ...

Ver. 127. Partly, because it is one evidence of their excellency, that they are disliked by the vilest of men; partly, out of a just indignation and opposition against my sworn enemies; and partly, because the great and general apostacy of others makes this duty more necessary to prevent their own and other men’ s relapses.

Poole: Psa 119:128 - -- Ver. 128. Therefore for the reasons now mentioned, I do not make void all thy precepts, as they did, Psa 119:126 , nor yet am I partial in my approb...

Ver. 128. Therefore for the reasons now mentioned, I do not make void all thy precepts, as they did, Psa 119:126 , nor yet am I partial in my approbation of them, as others are, who reject all such as are opposite to their lusts and interests; but I approve all of them without any exception, and that not only in my judgment, but in my heart and life, as appears by that hatred of sin which is opposed to it in the next clause.

Poole: Psa 119:129 - -- Ver. 129. Wonderful in regard of the deep and wonderful mysteries, and most excellent counsels and directions, far exceeding all the rules of the gr...

Ver. 129. Wonderful in regard of the deep and wonderful mysteries, and most excellent counsels and directions, far exceeding all the rules of the greatest philosophers, and the exceeding great and precious promises of God contained in them. This is the reason of his high estimation of them, expressed in the last verse.

Poole: Psa 119:130 - -- Ver. 130. The entrance of thy words the very beginnings and rudiments of them; the first discoveries of those sacred mysteries; and much more the de...

Ver. 130. The entrance of thy words the very beginnings and rudiments of them; the first discoveries of those sacred mysteries; and much more the depths of them, in which their chief excellency consists. Or, as others both ancient and later interpreters render the place, The opening of thy words ; by which may be understood, either,

1. The opening of men’ s minds by the word of God; but that seems to be the same thing with giving light , which here follows; or,

2. The opening or declaration of God’ s mind made in and by his word.

Unto the simple to the most ignorant and unlearned persons, who are but willing to learn.

Poole: Psa 119:131 - -- Ver. 131. I thirst after thy precepts, and pursue them eagerly, as it were with open mouth, ready and greedy to receive them. It is a metaphor from o...

Ver. 131. I thirst after thy precepts, and pursue them eagerly, as it were with open mouth, ready and greedy to receive them. It is a metaphor from one that makes great haste after another, whereby he is forced to pant and to open his mouth for air to refresh himself.

Poole: Psa 119:132 - -- Ver. 132. Look thou upon me to wit, favourably, as the next clause explains it, and as this phrase is commonly used; whereby also he implies that Go...

Ver. 132. Look thou upon me to wit, favourably, as the next clause explains it, and as this phrase is commonly used; whereby also he implies that God at present did hide his face and favour from him.

As thou usest to do unto those that love thy name as thou hast done in all former ages. Do not deny me the common privilege of all the faithful.

Poole: Psa 119:133 - -- Ver. 133. Order my steps by thy grace direct and govern all my motions and actions. In thy word in the way prescribed in thy word; or, by thy wor...

Ver. 133. Order my steps by thy grace direct and govern all my motions and actions.

In thy word in the way prescribed in thy word; or, by thy word . Let thy Spirit accompany thy word, and ingraft it within me, so that I may be guided and ruled by it. And although I have evil inclinations and affections within me, let them not bear sway in me, nor withdraw me from the course of obedience.

Poole: Psa 119:134 - -- Ver. 134. As he prayed against the inward impediment of his obedience, Psa 119:133 , so here he prayeth against an external impediment of it, and a c...

Ver. 134. As he prayed against the inward impediment of his obedience, Psa 119:133 , so here he prayeth against an external impediment of it, and a common temptation to sin.

Poole: Psa 119:135 - -- Ver. 135. Look upon me with a pleased and favourable countenance. Compare Num 6:25 Pro 16:15 .

Ver. 135. Look upon me with a pleased and favourable countenance. Compare Num 6:25 Pro 16:15 .

Poole: Psa 119:136 - -- Ver. 136. Rivers of waters plentiful and perpetual tears, witnesses of my deep sorrow for God’ s dishonour and displeasure, and for the miserie...

Ver. 136. Rivers of waters plentiful and perpetual tears, witnesses of my deep sorrow for God’ s dishonour and displeasure, and for the miseries which sinners bring upon themselves and others. They, to wit, the wicked, as before, Psa 119:126 , who were not worthy to be mentioned; for this pronoun is oft used in way of contempt, as Luk 14:24 19:27 Joh 7:11 8:10 Act 16:36 .

Poole: Psa 119:137 - -- Ver. 137. Righteous art thou by thine essence and nature, and therefore it is impossible that thou shouldst be unjust in any of thy laws or providen...

Ver. 137. Righteous art thou by thine essence and nature, and therefore it is impossible that thou shouldst be unjust in any of thy laws or providences.

Poole: Psa 119:138 - -- Ver. 138. But this verse is otherwise rendered by all the ancient interpreters, and by divers others, and that more agreeably to the order of the wor...

Ver. 138. But this verse is otherwise rendered by all the ancient interpreters, and by divers others, and that more agreeably to the order of the words in the Hebrew text, Thou hast commanded righteousness , even

thy testimonies (or, the righteousness of thy testimonies ; or, thy righteous testimonies , by a common Hebraism; or rather, righteousness in or by thy testimonies ; nothing being more frequent than the ellipsis of the prefix beth , which signifies in or by ) and truth , (or, and true , thy righteous and true testimonies; although the other seems to be the better translation,) earnestly . So the sense is, Thou hast strictly and severely, under the highest obligations and penalties, commanded in thy word that men should be just and true in all their actions. And this agrees very well with the next foregoing verse, wherein he affirmed that God is righteous, and doth righteous things; and then here he adds that he requires righteousness and truth from all men.

Poole: Psa 119:139 - -- Ver. 139. Hath consumed me I am tormented and cut to the heart with grief and anger at it. Have forgotten thy words i.e. despise and disobey them;...

Ver. 139. Hath consumed me I am tormented and cut to the heart with grief and anger at it.

Have forgotten thy words i.e. despise and disobey them; which in Scripture use is oft called a forgetting of them, as the remembering of them is oft put for loving and practising them.

Poole: Psa 119:140 - -- Ver. 140. Very pure without the least mixture of any falsehood or sin, both which are frequent in the words or precepts of men. Therefore because ...

Ver. 140. Very pure without the least mixture of any falsehood or sin, both which are frequent in the words or precepts of men.

Therefore because of that exact purity and holiness of it, for which very reason ungodly men either despise or hate it.

Poole: Psa 119:141 - -- Ver. 141. Small or, a little one ; not for age, but in respect of my condition in the world; mean and obscure.

Ver. 141. Small or, a little one ; not for age, but in respect of my condition in the world; mean and obscure.

Poole: Psa 119:142 - -- Ver. 142. An everlasting righteousness constant and unchangeable, the same in all ages and places, and to all persons, of eternal truth and justice,...

Ver. 142. An everlasting righteousness constant and unchangeable, the same in all ages and places, and to all persons, of eternal truth and justice, never to be dispensed with, nor to be made void.

The truth nothing but truth; or as true as truth itself.

Poole: Psa 119:143 - -- Ver. 143. Outward troubles and anguish of spirit, or great anguish or distress.

Ver. 143. Outward troubles and anguish of spirit, or great anguish or distress.

Poole: Psa 119:144 - -- Ver. 144. I shall be kept from those sins which deserve and bring death.

Ver. 144. I shall be kept from those sins which deserve and bring death.

Poole: Psa 119:145 - -- Ver. 145.

Ver. 145.

Poole: Psa 119:146 - -- Ver. 146.

Ver. 146.

Poole: Psa 119:147 - -- Ver. 147. The dawning of the morning Heb. the twilight , to wit, of the morning, by comparing Psa 88:13 . And so this word is used 1Sa 30:17 .

Ver. 147. The dawning of the morning Heb. the twilight , to wit, of the morning, by comparing Psa 88:13 . And so this word is used 1Sa 30:17 .

Poole: Psa 119:148 - -- Ver. 148. The night watches Heb. the watches ; which were kept only by night. And these watches were then three, as hath been more than once observ...

Ver. 148. The night watches Heb. the watches ; which were kept only by night. And these watches were then three, as hath been more than once observed. And this is not to be understood of the first watch, which was at the beginning of the night, for the prevention thereof was very easy, and frequent, and inconsiderable; but of the middle watch , as it is called, Jud 7:19 , which was set in the middle of the night; and especially of the morning watch , as it is called, Exo 14:24 , which was set some hours before the dawning of the day; and so this is an aggravation and addition to what he said Psa 119:147 .

Poole: Psa 119:149 - -- Ver. 149. According to thy word, which is oft called God’ s judgment; or, according to thy custom or manner of dealing with me and with others o...

Ver. 149. According to thy word, which is oft called God’ s judgment; or, according to thy custom or manner of dealing with me and with others of thy people; as this word is taken above, Psa 119:132 .

Poole: Psa 119:150 - -- Ver. 150. They draw nigh to wit, to me, or against me, as Psa 27:2 ; they are at hand, and ready to seize upon me. They are far from thy law they ...

Ver. 150. They draw nigh to wit, to me, or against me, as Psa 27:2 ; they are at hand, and ready to seize upon me.

They are far from thy law they cast away far from them all thoughts of and respect to thy law, which forbids such wicked practices.

Poole: Psa 119:151 - -- Ver. 151. Thou art near to me. Thou art as ready and present to succour me as they are to molest me. Thy commandments considered with the promises...

Ver. 151. Thou art near to me. Thou art as ready and present to succour me as they are to molest me.

Thy commandments considered with the promises and threatenings, which are frequently annexed to them. Or, the promises, as this word seems to be used, Psa 111:7 , and elsewhere in this Psalm. And God is said to command not only his precepts, or the observation thereof, but also his covenant, Psa 105:8 111:9 , which is a collection or body of the promises; and his loving-kindness, Psa 42:8 , which is the fountain of the promises; and his blessing, Psa 133:3 , which is the fruit of his promises; and deliverances, Psa 44:4 , which are the things promised. And therefore it is not strange if he promises be sometimes called commandments.

Poole: Psa 119:152 - -- Ver. 152. Known of old by my own long experience, ever since I arrived at any knowledge in those matters. That thou hast founded them for ever tha...

Ver. 152. Known of old by my own long experience, ever since I arrived at any knowledge in those matters.

That thou hast founded them for ever that thou hast established them upon sure and everlasting foundations.

Poole: Psa 119:153 - -- Ver. 153.

Ver. 153.

Poole: Psa 119:154 - -- Ver. 154.

Ver. 154.

Poole: Psa 119:155 - -- Ver. 155. And therefore, on the contrary, I trust that thou wilt save me because I do seek them. My wicked enemies shall certainly be destroyed, by w...

Ver. 155. And therefore, on the contrary, I trust that thou wilt save me because I do seek them. My wicked enemies shall certainly be destroyed, by which means I shall be delivered.

Poole: Psa 119:156 - -- Ver. 156. According to the manner of thy administrations towards thy people, as Psa 119:149 .

Ver. 156. According to the manner of thy administrations towards thy people, as Psa 119:149 .

Poole: Psa 119:157 - -- Ver. 157. Though they tempt me to do so, and persecute me because I will not do it.

Ver. 157. Though they tempt me to do so, and persecute me because I will not do it.

Poole: Psa 119:158 - -- Ver. 158. I observed and considered their ungodly courses.

Ver. 158. I observed and considered their ungodly courses.

Poole: Psa 119:159 - -- Ver. 159. I love thy precepts which was the cause of my grief for their violation of them.

Ver. 159. I love thy precepts which was the cause of my grief for their violation of them.

Poole: Psa 119:160 - -- Ver. 160. From the beginning either from the beginning of the world, or ever since thou hast revealed thy mind by thy word to the sons of men; all t...

Ver. 160. From the beginning either from the beginning of the world, or ever since thou hast revealed thy mind by thy word to the sons of men; all thy words have been found to be true and certain, and so they will be to the end of the world, as is implied in the next clause. Or, as it is in the margin, the beginning (or, as others render it, the sum , as this very word is used, Exo 30:12 Num 26:2 31:26 , to wit, the whole of it, there is not the least part of it which is not so) of thy word is true .

Poole: Psa 119:161 - -- Ver. 161. Princes who had power to do it, and who ought to have used their authority to protect me, whom they knew to be innocent and injured. But ...

Ver. 161. Princes who had power to do it, and who ought to have used their authority to protect me, whom they knew to be innocent and injured.

But my heart standeth in awe of thy word but I feared thine offence and displeasure more than their wrath.

Poole: Psa 119:162 - -- Ver. 162.

Ver. 162.

Poole: Psa 119:163 - -- Ver. 163. Lying or, falsehood ; either, 1. In my speech and actions; all hypocrisy and deceit, which is the common practice of mine enemies, and o...

Ver. 163. Lying or, falsehood ; either,

1. In my speech and actions; all hypocrisy and deceit, which is the common practice of mine enemies, and of all godless politicians: or,

2. In doctrine and worship, as this word seems to be used, Psa 119:29 , because both there and here it is opposed to God’ s law.

Poole: Psa 119:164 - -- Ver. 164. Seven times many times; that definite number being oft taken indefinitely, as Lev 26:28 , and elsewhere.

Ver. 164. Seven times many times; that definite number being oft taken indefinitely, as Lev 26:28 , and elsewhere.

Poole: Psa 119:165 - -- Ver. 165. Great peace either outward prosperity and happiness, which God in his law hath expressly promised to good men; or at least inward peace, s...

Ver. 165. Great peace either outward prosperity and happiness, which God in his law hath expressly promised to good men; or at least inward peace, satisfaction and tranquility of mind, arising from the sense of God’ s love to them and watchful care over them in all the concerns of this life and of the next.

Have they Heb. is to them , or shall be to them; for the verb being not expressed, it may be understood either way. Although they may meet with some disturbance, yet their end shall be peace, as is said, Psa 37:37 .

Nothing shall offend them Heb. they shall have no stumbling-block , to wit, such at which they shall stumble and fall into mischief and utter ruin, as ungodly men have, before whom God doth oft lay stumbling-blocks, or occasions of sin and destruction, as it is affirmed by God himself, Jer 6:21 Eze 3:20 Rom 9:33 , out of Isa 8:14 .

Poole: Psa 119:166 - -- Ver. 166. Thus performing the condition which thou hast required, I justly and confidently hope for thy mercy promised.

Ver. 166. Thus performing the condition which thou hast required, I justly and confidently hope for thy mercy promised.

Poole: Psa 119:167 - -- Ver. 167. I have not only obeyed thy commands, which a hypocrite may sometimes and in part do for worldly ends, but I have done it with my very soul,...

Ver. 167. I have not only obeyed thy commands, which a hypocrite may sometimes and in part do for worldly ends, but I have done it with my very soul, and from a hearty love to them.

Poole: Psa 119:168 - -- Ver. 168. For or because, all my ways are before thee . This is added either, 1. As the reason or motive of his obedience, which was the considera...

Ver. 168. For or because, all my ways are before thee . This is added either,

1. As the reason or motive of his obedience, which was the consideration of God’ s omniscience, and his desire to approve himself and his ways to God; or,

2. As a proof and evidence of it. Whereas this and all his former professions of his piety were charged by his enemies with deep hypocrisy, and might seem to savour of pride and vainglory, here in the close of them he makes a solemn appeal to that God who knew his heart and all his ways, and whether these things were not true and real; which if they were not, he tacitly imprecates God’ s judgment upon himself.

Poole: Psa 119:169 - -- Ver. 169. Near before thee which at present thou seemest to shut out , as the church complained, Lam 3:8 . Understanding whereby I may both know ...

Ver. 169. Near before thee which at present thou seemest to shut out , as the church complained, Lam 3:8 .

Understanding whereby I may both know and perform my duty in all particulars.

Poole: Psa 119:170 - -- Ver. 170.

Ver. 170.

Poole: Psa 119:171 - -- Ver. 171.

Ver. 171.

Poole: Psa 119:172 - -- Ver. 172. Shall speak Heb. shall pour forth , freely and abundantly, like a fountain. Of thy word; in praise of it, for its righteousness, as it he...

Ver. 172. Shall speak Heb. shall pour forth , freely and abundantly, like a fountain. Of thy word; in praise of it, for its righteousness, as it here follows, its truth, and purity, and other excellencies.

Thy commandments even those which to men of corrupted minds seem harsh and unjust.

Poole: Psa 119:173 - -- Ver. 173. For my guide and companion, and chief joy and treasure.

Ver. 173. For my guide and companion, and chief joy and treasure.

Poole: Psa 119:174 - -- Ver. 174. For thy salvation either, 1. For deliverance from my present straits and calamities, that I may serve thee with more freedom, and may glo...

Ver. 174. For thy salvation either,

1. For deliverance from my present straits and calamities, that I may serve thee with more freedom, and may glorify thy name in a more solemn and public manner; or,

2. That thou wouldst completely save me, not only from my outward pressures, but also from my sins, from my dulness and deadness in thy service, from all inclinations and temptations to apostacy and impiety, and from my other indispositions and corruptions, against which he prayeth in divers parts of this Psalm; and that at last thou wouldst crown me with eternal salvation in thy kingdom, which it is apparent that David did believe and expect, and hath been already proved from divers passages of this book.

Poole: Psa 119:175 - -- Ver. 175. Either, 1. Thy providential dispensation, whereby thou judgest and rulest the world, punishing the wicked, and protecting and delivering t...

Ver. 175. Either,

1. Thy providential dispensation, whereby thou judgest and rulest the world, punishing the wicked, and protecting and delivering the godly. Or,

2. Thy word or testimonies, as this word most commonly signifies in this Psalm, which are the only ground of my hope in thy help.

Poole: Psa 119:176 - -- Ver. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep: this is meant either, 1. Of sinful errors. I have too often swerved from the path of thy precepts t...

Ver. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep: this is meant either,

1. Of sinful errors. I have too often swerved from the path of thy precepts through mine own infirmity, or the power of temptation. Or,

2. Of penal errors. I have been banished by the power and tyranny of mine enemies from all my friends and relations, and, which is far worse, from the place of thy worship and presence, and forced to wander hither and thither, hiding myself in mountains, and caves, and woods, exposed to a thousand snares and dangers.

Seek thy servant as the shepherd doth his wandering sheep, and bring me back into thy fold.

PBC: Psa 119:130 - -- See Philpot: THE ENTRANCE OF LIGHT


PBC: Psa 119:136 - -- We must face the present condition of our land, and as we do we will be compelled to acknowledge our deep sorrow. Righteous people have always done th...

We must face the present condition of our land, and as we do we will be compelled to acknowledge our deep sorrow. Righteous people have always done this. Solomon said in (Pr 29:2) "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." David was so grieved when he saw the conduct of the ungodly that he said in (Ps 119:136) "Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law." He said further in (Ps 119:158) "I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not thy word."


PBC: Psa 119:158 - -- We must face the present condition of our land, and as we do we will be compelled to acknowledge our deep sorrow. Righteous people have always done th...

We must face the present condition of our land, and as we do we will be compelled to acknowledge our deep sorrow. Righteous people have always done this. Solomon said in (Pr 29:2) " When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." David was so grieved when he saw the conduct of the ungodly that he said in (Ps 119:136) " Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law." He said further in (Ps 119:158) " I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not thy word."


Gill: Psa 119:86 - -- All thy commandments are faithful,.... Or, "faithfulness" x they are made by a faithful God, who is holy, just, and true; they command faithfulness, ...

All thy commandments are faithful,.... Or, "faithfulness" x they are made by a faithful God, who is holy, just, and true; they command faithfulness, sincerity, and uprightness; and require men to love their neighbours as themselves, and to do all they do faithfully, cordially, and affectionately; they are to be done in truth and faithfulness, in charity, out of a pure heart, and faith unfeigned; and therefore to dig pits for men must not be after, but contrary, to the law of God;

they persecute me wrongfully; without a cause, purely out of ill will and for religion's sake; which, as it is an argument with the saints to bear persecution patiently, it is used as an argument with the Lord, to arise and appear on the behalf of his persecuted ones, as follows:

help thou me; against my persecutors, and out of their hands: God is able to help his people; he has promised to do it; it may be expected from him; and he is a present help in time of trouble. This is a suitable petition in the mouths of God's people, and should be a prayer of faith.

Gill: Psa 119:87 - -- They had almost consumed me upon earth,.... Almost destroyed his good name, wasted his substance, took away his crown and kingdom, and even his life; ...

They had almost consumed me upon earth,.... Almost destroyed his good name, wasted his substance, took away his crown and kingdom, and even his life; it was within a little of it, his soul had almost dwelt in silence; they had almost cast him down to the ground, and left him there. But all this was only on earth; they could not reach any thing that belonged to him in heaven; not his name, which was written there in the Lamb's book of life; nor his riches and inheritance there, the never fading crown of glory laid up for him there; or that eternal life, which is hid with Christ in God for him;

but I forsook not thy precepts; did not decline the service and worship of God, nor neglect his word and ordinances, though thus persecuted, and all these things came upon him for the sake of religion; see Psa 44:17.

Gill: Psa 119:88 - -- Quicken me after thy lovingkindness,.... According to it, and with it; let me have some discoveries of it, and of interest in it; and that will quicke...

Quicken me after thy lovingkindness,.... According to it, and with it; let me have some discoveries of it, and of interest in it; and that will quicken me, revive and comfort me, under all the reproaches, ill usage, and persecutions of men. The love of God shed abroad in the heart comforts and supports under all sorts of afflictions; it quickens the graces of the Spirit, and brings them forth into lively exercise, as faith, hope, and love; and to a diligent and fervent discharge of every duty: it constrains to love the Lord, and live to him, to his glory, in obedience to his will;

so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth; the word of God, which comes out of his mouth, testifies of him, and of his mind and will; and which is to be received and observed, as being greater than the testimony of men, 1Jo 5:9.

Gill: Psa 119:89 - -- ל, LAMED.--The Twelfth Part. LAMED. For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. The Syriac version makes two propositions of these words, ...


LAMED.--The Twelfth Part.

LAMED. For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. The Syriac version makes two propositions of these words, rendering them thus, "for ever thou art, O Lord; and thy word stands", or "is firm in heaven": and which agrees with the accents: the first of which is expressive of the eternity and immutability of God; and the other of the stability of his word: it is true of the essential Word of God, who was with God from all eternity; in time came down from heaven indeed to earth, and did his work, and then went to heaven again; where he is and will remain, until the times of the restitution of all things. The decrees and purposes of God, what he has said in his heart that he will do, these are firm and sure; these counsels of old are faithfulness and truth; they are mountains of brass settled for ever, and more unalterable than the decrees of the Medes and Persians. The revealed will of God, his word of command, made known to angels in heaven, is regarded, hearkened to, and done by them: the word of the Gospel, published in the church, which is sometimes called heaven, is the everlasting Gospel, the word of God, which lives and abides for ever; what remains and will remain, in spite of all the opposition of men and devils. The word of promise in the covenant made in heaven is sure to all the seed; everyone of the promises is yea and amen in Christ, and as stable as the heavens, and more so; "heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away", Mat 24:35; The firmness of God's word is seen in the upholding and continuing the heavens by the word of his power, by which they were first made; and the certainty of the divine promises is illustrated by the perpetuity of the ordinances of heaven; see Jer 31:35.

Gill: Psa 119:90 - -- Thy faithfulness is unto all generations,.... Or "to generation and generation" y; to his people in every age, fulfilling his word, supplying their w...

Thy faithfulness is unto all generations,.... Or "to generation and generation" y; to his people in every age, fulfilling his word, supplying their wants, giving them new mercies every morning and every day; never leaving and forsaking them, according to his promise: his faithfulness never fails, it endures for ever, and is exceeding great and large indeed; see Lam 3:23;

thou hast established the earth, and it abideth: laid the foundation of it so firm and sure, that it cannot be removed: and though one generation has passed after another, the earth abides where it was, and will do for ever; and as firm and stable, and never failing, is the faithfulness of God, which this is designed to illustrate. So some supply it, "as thou hast established the earth", &c. z; see Psa 24:2.

Gill: Psa 119:91 - -- They continue this day according to thine ordinances,.... That is, the heavens and the earth do, before mentioned, just as they were from the beginnin...

They continue this day according to thine ordinances,.... That is, the heavens and the earth do, before mentioned, just as they were from the beginning of the creation. The heavenly bodies have the same motion, magnitude, distance, and influence; the sun rises and sets as it did; the moon keeps her appointed seasons of full and change, of increase and decrease; the fixed stars retain their place, and the planets have their exact revolutions: and on earth things are as they were; seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night; thus they are at this day, and will continue, according to the wise order and appointment of God. Aben Ezra and Kimchi interpret it,

"they stand or continue unto this day to do the will of God; to execute his judgments and decrees, or observe his order and ordinances.''

for all are thy servants; or "they", or "these all" a; the heavens and earth, and all that is in them, all the works of God; he called them into being, and they rose up at his command; he calls them to service, and they stand up as obedient ones to do his will; he "commandeth the sun, and it riseth not" before its time; and "he sealeth up the stars", that they shine not when he pleases; once he commanded the sun to stand still on Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of Ajalon, and they obeyed him; see Isa 48:13. Hence it appears that the hosts of heaven, the sun, moon, and stars, ought not to be served and worshipped; but the Lord, the Maker of them, only, since they are his servants; and that men ought surely to serve the Lord, if these do, and especially such who are his chosen, redeemed, and called ones.

Gill: Psa 119:92 - -- Unless thy law had been my delights,.... Not the law of works, the voice of words, which they that heard entreated they might hear no more; which is ...

Unless thy law had been my delights,.... Not the law of works, the voice of words, which they that heard entreated they might hear no more; which is terrible, and works wrath in the conscience; is a cursing and damning law to the transgressors of it; and so not delightful, unless as considered in the hands of Christ, the fulfilling end of it: but the law of faith, the doctrine of faith, or of justification by the righteousness of Christ, received by faith, which yields peace, joy, and comfort, even in tribulation: or the whole doctrine of the Gospel, the law of the Messiah, the isles waited for; the doctrine of peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life by Christ, which is exceeding delightful to sensible sinners;

I should then have perished in mine affliction; referring to some particular time of affliction he was pressed with, either through the persecution of Saul, or the conspiracy of Absalom which was very great and heavy upon him, so that he almost despaired of deliverance from it; and must have perished, not eternally, but as to his comforts: his heart would have fainted in him, and he would have sunk under the weight of the affliction, had it not been for the relief he had from the word of God, the doctrines and promises of it; he was like one in a storm, tossed with tempests, one wave after another beat upon him, and rolled over him, when he thought himself just perishing; and must have given all over for lost, had it not been for the delight and pleasure he found in reading and meditating on the sacred writings.

Gill: Psa 119:93 - -- I will never forget thy precepts,.... Not the precepts of the moral law, though he carefully observed and attended to them, laid them up in his mind, ...

I will never forget thy precepts,.... Not the precepts of the moral law, though he carefully observed and attended to them, laid them up in his mind, and did not forget to keep them; but the doctrines of the word, of the word which the Lord commanded to a thousand generations; these he endeavoured to remember, and not let them slip from him, since it follows:

for with them thou hast quickened me: not with the precepts of the moral law, which cannot give life, quicken a dead sinner, nor comfort a distressed saint it is the killing letter, and the ministration of condemnation and death: but the doctrines of the word, of the Gospel, which are spirit and life; the savour of life unto life, the means of quickening dead sinners, and of reviving drooping saints; of refreshing their spirits, and cheering their souls, when in distress: and when they are made thus useful, they are not easily forgotten, they leave impressions which do not soon wear off; and besides, saints are careful to remember such words and truths, which have been of use unto them, since they may have occasion for them again.

Gill: Psa 119:94 - -- I am thine, save me,.... From all troubles and afflictions; from all enemies, temporal and spiritual; from Satan, and his principalities and powers, ...

I am thine, save me,.... From all troubles and afflictions; from all enemies, temporal and spiritual; from Satan, and his principalities and powers, from sin, and all the wretched consequences of it; from hell wrath, and damnations: salvation from all which is by Christ. And this is a prayer of faith with respect to him, founded upon his interest and property in him; whose he was by choice, by covenant, by gift, by purchase, and by grace: and this is a plea for salvation; thou hast an interest in me, I am one of thine, therefore let me not be lost or perish;

for I have sought thy precepts; to understand them better, and observe them more constantly; and which sense of interest and relation, and of salvation, will influence unto.

Gill: Psa 119:95 - -- The wicked have waited for me to destroy me,.... This is another reason why he desires the Lord would save him; because wicked men, such who feared no...

The wicked have waited for me to destroy me,.... This is another reason why he desires the Lord would save him; because wicked men, such who feared not God, nor regarded men, sons of Belial; such as Saul's courtiers and the conspirators with Absalom were, had laid wait and were waiting an opportunity, and were hoping and expecting to have one, that they might take away his life; destroy him out of the world, as Kimchi; or eternally, as Aben Ezra thinks; by endeavouring to draw him out of the right ways of religion and godliness, into the ways of sin and wickedness, and so ruin him for ever;

but I will consider thy testimonies; the word of God, which testified of his power and providence, employed in the protection of his people, and so an encouragement to put trust and confidence in him; and of his mind and will, with respect to the way in which he should walk; and so making these his counsellors, as he did, Psa 119:24; and well weighing and considering in his mind what they dictated to him, he was preserved from the attempts of his enemies to destroy him, either temporally or spiritually.

Gill: Psa 119:96 - -- I have seen an end of all perfection,.... An end, limit, or border, to every country, as the Syriac version; as there is to every kingdom and state, a...

I have seen an end of all perfection,.... An end, limit, or border, to every country, as the Syriac version; as there is to every kingdom and state, and to the whole world; but none to the commandment of God: or an end of all created beings, the finished works of God, the most perfect in their kind. Manythings had already fallen under the observation of the psalmist: he had seen men of the greatest strength, and of the most consummate wisdom, and that had attained to the highest degree of power and authority, of wealth and riches, and yet were all come to nothing; he had seen some of the most flourishing states and kingdoms brought to desolation; he had seen an entire end of them: he saw by the Spirit of God, and by the word of God, and faith in it, that all things would have an end, the heavens and earth, and all that is therein; for so it may be rendered, "I see an end of all perfection" b; or that the most perfect things will have an end, and that the end of them is at hand; see 1Pe 4:7. Moreover, he had looked over the wisdom of this world, and the princes of it, which comes to nought; he had considered the several political schemes of government, the wisest digest and system of laws, made by the wisest lawgivers among men, and found them all to be limited, short and shallow, in comparison of the word of God, as follows: the Targum is,

"I have seen an end of all that I have studied in and looked into.''

but thy commandment is exceeding broad; the word of God is a large field to walk and meditate in; it is sufficient to instruct all men in all ages, both with respect to doctrine and duty, and to make every man of God perfect; it has such a height and depth of doctrine and mysteries in it as can never be fully reached and fathomed, and such a breadth as is not to be measured: the fulness of the Scripture can never be exhausted; the promises of it reach to this life, and that which is to come; and the precepts of it are so large, that no works of righteousness done by men are adequate and proportionate to them; no righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ, is as large and as broad as those commandments; wherefore no perfection of righteousness is to be found in men, only in Christ; who is the perfect fulfilling end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes, Rom 10:4.

Gill: Psa 119:97 - -- מ, MEM.--The Thirteenth Part. MEM. O how love I thy law!.... The whole word of God, the preceptive part of it; the commands of the moral law, w...


MEM.--The Thirteenth Part.

MEM. O how love I thy law!.... The whole word of God, the preceptive part of it; the commands of the moral law, which are holy, just, and good, and to be loved: but they are not loved by carnal men, whose minds are enmity to them, and therefore are not and cannot be subject to them, but despise and reject them; but to a good man, on whose heart they are written, they are delightful, and loved to admiration: though this is wholly owing to the grace of God; and marvellous it is that men so sadly depraved by sin should love the holy law of God; yet so it is, and David could appeal to God for the truth of it. So the ordinances of the Gospel, the commands of Jesus Christ, are not grievous to saints, but loved, valued, and esteemed by them; likewise the doctrinal part of the word, the truths of the Gospel, which may be more especially meant by the "thorah", or doctrine, here; which those who have had an experience of greatly love and justly value, because of the intrinsic worth of them, being comparable to gold, silver, and precious stones; and for the profit and benefit of them to their souls, they being wholesome words, soul nourishing doctrines, and so more to them than their necessary food; and for the pleasure they have in them, these being sweeter to them than the honey or honeycomb: particularly the exceeding great and precious promises of the word, which are more to be rejoiced at than a great spoil; and even the whole Gospel part of the word, that containing the doctrines of peace, pardon, righteousness, salvation, and eternal life through Christ; yea, the whole Scripture, which is both profitable and pleasant to read in, and hear explained;

it is my meditation all the day; not only in the night, when at leisure, and free from the incumbrance of business; but in the day, and while engaged in the affairs of life, yea, all the day long; see Psa 1:2. Or, "it is my discourse" c; what he talked of, as well as what he thought on. Good men cannot forbear speaking of this or the other passage of Scripture, which has been of use unto them: and this is a proof of affection for the word; for what men love, persons or things, they often think of, and frequently talk of; see Deu 6:6.

Gill: Psa 119:98 - -- Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies,.... David had his enemies, as every good man has: and these are often cunning and ...

Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies,.... David had his enemies, as every good man has: and these are often cunning and crafty ones, at least in wickedness; many of them are wise and prudent as to natural things, wiser in worldly things and political matters than the children of light, and often lay deep schemes and take crafty counsel against the saints; and yet they, by attending to the word and commands of God, and being under his direction and counsel, counterwork the designs of their enemies, and overturn their schemes and measures, which are brought to confusion; honesty being in the issue the best policy. However, the people of God are wiser than they in the best things; in the affair of salvation; in things relating to a future state, and their happiness there; which wisdom they attain unto through the Word of God, which is written for their learning; through the Scriptures, which are able to make men wise to salvation: these are the means, and no more; for it is God that is the efficient cause, or makes the means effectual, to make them wise, and wiser than others; it is owing to his divine teachings, to his Spirit and grace. The words may be rendered, "it hath made me wiser in thy commandments than mine enemies" d; that is, the law; and so is another reason why it was so greatly loved by him: or, "thy commandments", that is, everyone of thy commandments, "have made me wiser", &c. e. Joseph Kimchi give, this as the sense,

"by mine enemies thou hast made me wise f; thou hast learned me thy commandments, so that I see they cannot remove thy law from my mouth;''

for they are ever with me; that is, the commandments of God, or his law, and the precepts of it; they were his privy counsellors, with whom on all occasions he consulted, and so became wiser than his enemies, and outwitted them: these were always near him, in his heart and in his mouth; he was ever thinking and speaking of them, and so did not forget the instructions they gave him; they were ever before his eyes, as the rule of his conduct.

Gill: Psa 119:99 - -- I have more understanding than all my teachers,.... Such as had been or would have been his teachers, who were bad ones in religious matters; especial...

I have more understanding than all my teachers,.... Such as had been or would have been his teachers, who were bad ones in religious matters; especially such might be the religious teachers in Saul's time, when David was a young man: as the priests, whose lips should keep knowledge, and deliver it to the people, were in the times of Malachi; and as the Scribes and Pharisees, who, sat in Moses's chair, were in Christ's time; and as those legal teachers were in the apostles' times, who would be teachers of the law, not knowing what they said, nor whereof they affirmed; such as these David exceeded in spiritual understanding. Or his good teachers are meant; and though in common it is true that "a disciple is not above his master", Mat 10:24; yet there are sometimes instances in which scholars exceed their teachers in knowledge and learning; and this is no reproach to a master to have such scholars: no doubt Apollos so improved in knowledge as to excel Aquila and Priscilla, of whom he learned much; as the Apostle Paul excelled Ananias; and so David excelled his teachers: and which is said by him, not in an ostentatious way of himself, nor in contempt of his teachers; but to commend the word of God, the source of his knowledge; and to magnify the grace of God, to whom he attributes all his wisdom, as in Psa 119:98. Kimchi interprets it,

"of them all I have learned and received instruction; and from them I have understood the good way, and they have taught me;''

for thy testimonies are my meditation; what he learned of his teachers he compared with the word, the Scriptures, which testify of the mind and will of God; he searched into them, he meditated upon them, and considered whether what his instructors taught him were agreeable to them or and by this means he got more understanding than they had.

Gill: Psa 119:100 - -- I understand more than the ancients,.... Than those that had lived in ages before him; having clearer light given him, and larger discoveries made unt...

I understand more than the ancients,.... Than those that had lived in ages before him; having clearer light given him, and larger discoveries made unto him, concerning the Messiah, his person and offices particularly, as it was usual for the Lord to do; or than aged men in his own time: for though wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, may be reasonably supposed to be with ancient men; who have had a long experience of things, and have had time and opportunity of making their observations, and of laying up a stock of knowledge; and this may be expected from them, and they may be applied to for it; yet this is not always the case; a younger man, as David was, may be endued with more knowledge and understanding than such; so Elihu; see Job 8:8, Job 32:6. Or, "I have got understanding by the ancients"; so Kimchi; though the other sense seems preferable;

because I keep thy precepts; keep close to the word; attend to the reading of it, and meditation on it; keep it in mind and memory, and observe to do the commands of it; and by that means obtained a good understanding, even a better one than the ancients; especially than they that were without it, or did not carefully attend unto it; see Psa 111:10.

Gill: Psa 119:101 - -- I have refrained my feet from every evil way,.... Of error or immorality, forbidden and condemned by the word of God; every way that is evil in itself...

I have refrained my feet from every evil way,.... Of error or immorality, forbidden and condemned by the word of God; every way that is evil in itself, or leads to evil, and in which evil men walk; and though there may be many snares and temptations to walk in such a way, yet a good man cannot allow himself to walk therein, as others do; he has not so learned the word of God; he is under the influence of divine grace, and withholds himself from it; he abstains from all appearance of evil, and lays a restraint, as upon his mouth and lips, so upon his feet, or guards his walk and conversation. This shows, that as David had an affection for the word of God, and made great proficiency in knowledge by it; so it had an influence on his life and conversation, and his knowledge appeared to be not merely speculative, but practical: his end, in laying such a restraint upon his feet, was not out of vain glory, and to gain popular applause nor through fear of losing his credit among men, nor of the wrath of God; but out of love to God, and to his word, as follows:

that I might keep thy word; such was his love to it, and his regard to the honour of it; considering whose word it was, and with whose authority it was clothed, and whose glory was concerned therein; that he was careful to walk according to it, and in the way that directed to, and shun every other way.

Gill: Psa 119:102 - -- I have not departed from thy judgments,.... From the precepts of the word, from the ways and worship and ordinances of God; he had not wickedly and on...

I have not departed from thy judgments,.... From the precepts of the word, from the ways and worship and ordinances of God; he had not wickedly and on purpose departed from them; whenever he did, it was through inadvertency, the weakness of the flesh, and strength of temptation; nor from the doctrines of the word, which he held fast, knowing of whom he had learned them, as follows:

for thou hast taught me; the nature, excellency, and use of these judgments; he had taught him, by his Spirit, experimentally to understand the doctrines of the word, and practically to observe the precepts of it; and this preserved him from an apostasy from either of them.

Gill: Psa 119:103 - -- How sweet are thy words unto my taste!.... Who had a spiritual one; and could discern perverse things, and could taste how good and gracious the Lord ...

How sweet are thy words unto my taste!.... Who had a spiritual one; and could discern perverse things, and could taste how good and gracious the Lord is: and so his words were sweet unto him; the doctrines of grace, the truths of the Gospel, were delightful and pleasant to him; like unadulterated milk, desirable by him: like good wine, that goes down sweetly; like good food, that is exceeding palatable; or like honey, and even sweeter than that, as follows. And that words "may be tasted and eaten", is not only agreeable to Scripture language, Jer 15:16; but to classical writers g;

yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth; not only had they the nourishing nature and the refreshing virtue of honey, but the sweetness of it; yea, exceeded it in sweetness; see Psa 19:10.

Gill: Psa 119:104 - -- Through thy precepts I get understanding,.... Of the will of God; of his worship, the nature and manner of it; of his ordinances, their use and import...

Through thy precepts I get understanding,.... Of the will of God; of his worship, the nature and manner of it; of his ordinances, their use and importance; and of his doctrines, and the excellency of them;

therefore I hate every false way; of worship; all superstition and will worship, the commandments and inventions of men, and every false doctrine; all lies in hypocrisy, for no lie is of the truth; every thing that is contrary to the word of God, and is not according to truth and godliness. The Targum is,

"I hate every lying man.''

Gill: Psa 119:105 - -- ן, NUN.--The Fourteenth Part. NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,.... The same Solomon says of the law and commandment, the preceptive part ...


NUN.--The Fourteenth Part.

NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,.... The same Solomon says of the law and commandment, the preceptive part of the word, Pro 6:23; and the Septuagint and Arabic versions render it "law" here. This shows a man what is his duty, both towards God and man; by it is the knowledge of sin: this informs what righteousness that is God requires of men; by the light of it a man sees his own deformity and infirmities, the imperfection of his obedience, and that he needs a better righteousness than his own to justify him in the sight of God; it is a rule of walk and conversation; it directs what to do, and how to walk. The Gospel part of the word is a great and glorious light; by which men come to have some knowledge of God in Christ, as a God gracious and merciful; of Christ, his person, offices, and grace; of righteousness, salvation, and eternal life by him; and it teaches men to live soberly, righteously, and godly. The whole Scripture is a light shining in a dark place; a lamp or torch to be carried in the hand of a believer, while he passes through this dark world; and is in the present state of imperfection, in which he sees things but darkly. This is the standard of faith and practice; by the light of this lamp the difference between true and false doctrine may be discerned; error and immorality may be reproved, and made manifest; the way of truth and godliness, in which a man should walk, is pointed out; and by means of it he may see and shun the stumbling blocks in his way, and escape falling into pits and ditches; it is a good light to walk and work by. The Targum is,

"thy word is as a light that shines to my feet.''

It follows,

and a light unto my path; the same thing in other words. Now it should be observed, that the word of God is only so to a man whose eyes are opened and enlightened by the Spirit of God, which is usually done by means of the word; for a lamp, torch, candle, or any other light are of no use to a blind man.

Gill: Psa 119:106 - -- I have sworn, and I will perform it,.... Or, "I have performed it" h. The psalmist had not only taken up a resolution in his mind, but he had openly ...

I have sworn, and I will perform it,.... Or, "I have performed it" h. The psalmist had not only taken up a resolution in his mind, but he had openly declared with his mouth, and professed in a solemn manner, that he would serve the Lord; he had sworn allegiance to him as his King, and, through divine grace, had hitherto kept it; and hoped he ever should, and determined through grace he ever would; see Psa 119:48;

that I will keep thy righteous judgments; the precepts of the word, the ordinances of the Lord, the doctrines of grace; all which are righteous, and to be kept, observed, and held to; though they cannot be perfectly kept unless in Christ the surety.

Gill: Psa 119:107 - -- I am afflicted very much,.... In a temporal sense, in his body, in his family, and by his enemies; in a spiritual sense, with the corruptions of his h...

I am afflicted very much,.... In a temporal sense, in his body, in his family, and by his enemies; in a spiritual sense, with the corruptions of his heart, with the temptations of Satan, and with the hidings of God's face; and what with one thing or another, he was pressed above measure, and his spirits sunk under the weight of the affliction, so that he was as a dead man; and therefore prays,

quicken me, O Lord, according unto thy word; See Gill on Psa 119:25.

Gill: Psa 119:108 - -- Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord,.... Not sacrifices out of his flocks and herds, such as were the voluntary and ...

Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth,

O Lord,.... Not sacrifices out of his flocks and herds, such as were the voluntary and freewill offerings brought to the priests under the law, though there may be an allusion to them; nor out of his substance, such as David and his people willingly offered towards the building of the temple; but these are not the freewill offerings of his hands, but of his mouth; the spiritual sacrifices of prayer praise: prayer is an offering; see Psa 141:2; and it is a freewill offering, when a man is assisted by the free Spirit of God, and can pour out his soul freely to the Lord, in the exercise of faith and love. Praise is an offering more pleasing to God than an ox or bullock that has horns and hoofs, because it glorifies him; and it is a freewill offering when it is of a man's own accord, comes from his heart; when he calls upon his soul, and all within him, to bless the Lord: and as every good man is desirous of having his sacrifices accepted with the Lord, so they are accepted by him when offered up through Christ, 1Pe 2:5;

and teach me thy judgments; for though he was wiser than his enemies, and had more understanding than his teachers, or than the ancients; yet needed to be instructed more and more, and was desirous of being taught of God. This petition, or what is similar to it, is often put up.

Gill: Psa 119:109 - -- My soul is continually in my hand,.... In the utmost jeopardy, always exposed to danger, ever delivered unto death; killed all the day long, or liabl...

My soul is continually in my hand,.... In the utmost jeopardy, always exposed to danger, ever delivered unto death; killed all the day long, or liable to be so: this is the sense of the phrase; see Jdg 12:3; for what is in a man's hands may easily fall, or be taken out of them: so the Targum,

"my soul is in danger upon the back of my hands continually;''

the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions, read, "in thy hands"; but wrongly;

yet do I not forget thy law; it was written on his heart, and fixed in his mind; he had a true affection for it, and a hearty desire to keep it; and no danger could divert him from his duty; as Daniel, though he carried his life in his hand, yet continued to pray to his God as usual; nor could anything move the Apostle Paul from the doctrine of the Gospel, and preaching it.

Gill: Psa 119:110 - -- The wicked have laid a snare for me,.... To draw him into sin, and so into mischief; and even to take away his life, as they are said to dig pits for ...

The wicked have laid a snare for me,.... To draw him into sin, and so into mischief; and even to take away his life, as they are said to dig pits for him, Psa 119:85;

yet I erred not from thy precepts: not wilfully and wickedly, though through inadvertence and infirmity, as he often did, and every good man does; and indeed his errors are so many, that they cannot be understood and numbered. The sense is, he kept on in the way of his duty; did not desist from that, or wickedly depart from his God, and his worship, to escape the snares of bad men.

Gill: Psa 119:111 - -- Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever,.... The Scriptures, which testify of Christ and of his grace, and of the mind and will of God, a...

Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever,.... The Scriptures, which testify of Christ and of his grace, and of the mind and will of God, are a portion of themselves; and a goodly heritage they are, better than thousands of gold and silver, preferable to all worldly inheritances; as they have been to many, who have forsaken all for Christ and his Gospel. These, like an inheritance, have been transmitted from father to son, from one age of the church to another, in successive generations; nor shall they depart from her, nor from her seed and seed's seed, from henceforth and for ever; they are an inheritance which will continue for ever, Deu 33:4. These David chose and took, as for his counsellors, so for his portion and inheritance; and a wise and good choice he made; he chose the good part that should never be taken away; his reason for it follows:

for they are the rejoicing of my heart; the doctrines in them, the promises of them, when read or heard explained, gave him a sensible pleasure; revived his heart, and cheered his spirits, supported him under all his troubles, and caused him to go on his way rejoicing; see Jer 15:16.

Gill: Psa 119:112 - -- I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway,.... He had prayed to God to incline his heart to them, Psa 119:36; and by the grace of God h...

I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway,.... He had prayed to God to incline his heart to them, Psa 119:36; and by the grace of God his heart was inclined to obedience to them; and nothing but that can incline the heart, which is naturally averse unto them: the carnal mind is not subject to the law of God, nor can it be, until it is made so by the grace of God, Rom 8:7; and by this the psalmist had prevailed upon his heart to keep the statutes of the Lord, and do them, and that continually; for a good man is desirous of being steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord;

even unto the end; the end of life, as long as he lived. The Septuagint and Vulgate Latin version render it, "for a recompence"; and the Arabic version, "for an eternal recompence"; but the Ethiopic version the reverse, "not for a recompence", or benefit: which latter is the truth, though neither of them a right version; for the statutes are to be kept, not for the sake of a recompence of reward, but from love to God, and; in duty to him, without any mercenary views; though the word does sometimes signify "a reward", and may be rendered here, "for ever there is a reward" i; as there is "in", though not "for", keeping the commands; see Psa 19:11.

Gill: Psa 119:113 - -- ס, SAMECH.--The Fifteenth Part. SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts,.... Or thoughts: evil thoughts are undoubtedly meant, no other can be the object ...


SAMECH.--The Fifteenth Part.

SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts,.... Or thoughts: evil thoughts are undoubtedly meant, no other can be the object of hatred to a good man; they are such as are contrary to the law of God, and forbidden by it, mentioned in the next clause as the object of love, in opposition to these; and which are abominable to God, and defiling to men; should be forsaken, need pardon; and, if not pardoned, will be brought into judgment, and there exposed, and men punished for them. There are multitudes of these rise up in the minds of men, not only bad men, but good men; even sometimes atheistical blasphemous thoughts, as well as proud, haughty, revengeful, lustful, impure, and worldly ones; which, when observed by a good man, give him great concern and uneasiness, and raise a holy indignation in him against them. The word is used for the "opinions" of men; the ambiguous, doubtful, wavering, and inconstant sentiments of the mind, 1Ki 18:21, and is used of branches, or the tops of trees, waved with the wind to and fro: and may be applied to all heterodox opinions, human doctrines, damnable heresies; such as are inconsistent with the perfections of God, derogate from his grace, and from the person and offices of Christ; and are contrary to the word, and which are therefore rejected and abhorred by good men. The Targum is,

"I hate those who think vain thoughts;''

and so Jarchi and Aben Ezra interpret it of persons, thinkers, or devisers of evil things; and to this sense are the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions; and which is approved of by Gussetius k; even free thinkers, such as devise things out of their own brains, and regard not the law, doctrine, or word of God;

but thy law do I love; which forbids and condemns such vain and wicked thoughts, and requires pure and Holy Ones. Or, "thy doctrine"; which comes from God, is concerning him, and reveals his mind and will, his grace and love, to men; the doctrine of Christ, concerning his person, office, and work; the doctrine of the Scriptures, which contain the whole Gospel of Christ, as well as the law of God; the doctrine according to godliness, and which is good, sound, and wholesome, and to be received in the love of it.

Gill: Psa 119:114 - -- Thou art my hiding place,.... From temporal calamities. The perfections of God are chambers of retreat and safety to his people, where they may hide ...

Thou art my hiding place,.... From temporal calamities. The perfections of God are chambers of retreat and safety to his people, where they may hide themselves and be safe, till such calamities are over, Isa 26:20. And from spiritual evils; from avenging justice, from divine wrath, from the rage of Satan, and the fury of men, Isa 32:2; and from eternal death, and being hurt by it; the spiritual and eternal life of saints being hid with Christ in God, Col 3:3; see Psa 32:7;

and my shield; to protect from all dangers, and preserve from every enemy: such are the love and grace, the power and strength, the truth and faithfulness of God; which are the saints' shield and buckler, Psa 5:12; such also the person, blood, righteousness, and salvation of Christ, who is a sun and shield; the shield of faith, or which faith holds up and defends the soul against the attacks of a powerful enemy, Psa 84:11;

I hope in thy Word; in Christ the Word, for acceptance and justification, for peace, pardon, and eternal salvation; all which are in him: in the word of promise, for all supplies of grace, strength, light, life, and comfort here, and for glory hereafter, contained therein; see Psa 119:74.

Gill: Psa 119:115 - -- Depart from me, ye evildoers,.... The same with the evil thinkers, Psa 119:113; According to Aben Ezra, they that think evil commonly do it; as they d...

Depart from me, ye evildoers,.... The same with the evil thinkers, Psa 119:113; According to Aben Ezra, they that think evil commonly do it; as they devise it, they commit it. This describes such persons whose course of life is, and who make it their constant business to do, iniquity; such the psalmist desires to depart his presence, to keep at a distance from him, as being very disagreeable to him; and who would be a great hinderance to him in keeping the commandments of God, as follows: these same words will be spoken by David's son and antitype, at the great day of account, Mat 7:23;

for I will keep the commandments of my God; of God who has a fight to command, and not of men, especially when opposed to the commands of God; of God, who is the covenant God and Father of his people; and whose covenant, grace, and favour, in choosing, redeeming, regenerating, and adopting them, lay them under greater obligations still to keep his commandments; and whose commandments are not grievous: and though they cannot be perfectly kept by good men, yet they are desirous of keeping them as well as they can, and determine in the strength of divine grace so to do; and which they do out of love to God, and with a view to his glory, without any selfish or mercenary ends. The Syriac version renders it, "that I may keep", &c. to which end he desires to be rid of the company of wicked men; who are both a nuisance to good men, and an hinderance in religious duties.

Gill: Psa 119:116 - -- Uphold me according unto thy word,.... In thy ways, that my footsteps slip not; in thine arms, and with the right hand of thy righteousness, from fain...

Uphold me according unto thy word,.... In thy ways, that my footsteps slip not; in thine arms, and with the right hand of thy righteousness, from fainting and sinking under difficulties and discouragements, in trying circumstances; and from slipping and sliding out of the way of God; and from a total and final filling away, according to thy word of promise, that, as are the days of thy people, their strength shall be; and that thou wilt never leave them nor forsake them. The Targum is,

"uphold me in thy word;''

or by thy word, either essential or written;

that I may live; meaning not corporeally, though none so live but whom the Lord upholds in life; but, spiritually, live by faith on Christ the Saviour, live comfortably on the word of promise, and live honourably, agreeably to the word of God, in all holy conversation and godliness;

and let me not be ashamed of my hope: as men are, when they are disappointed or having and enjoying what they have been hoping and waiting for; but the grace of hope makes not ashamed, nor shall those who have it ever have any reason to be ashamed of it; since it is a good hope through grace; is an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast; is upon a good foundation, Christ, and by which men are saved; and so may rejoice, in full hope of the glory of God they shall certainly enjoy.

Gill: Psa 119:117 - -- Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe,.... As all are, and none but such, who are in the hands of Christ; enclosed in the arms of everlasting love, uph...

Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe,.... As all are, and none but such, who are in the hands of Christ; enclosed in the arms of everlasting love, upheld with the right hand of Jehovah, supported by his promises and grace, surrounded by his power, sustained by his love, and preserved in Christ Jesus;

and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually; for nothing can more strongly engage a constant regard unto them than a sense of divine love, and a view of safety and security in the arms of it; or better enable to keep them than fresh communications of grace and strength: being upheld, saints hold on and out to the end; they go from strength to strength, run and are not weary, walk and faint not; and, having a supply of the Spirit, walk on in the judgments of the Lord, and keep his statutes, and do them. Or, "and I will rejoice" l in them, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi; or, "employ myself" in them, as Jarchi.

Gill: Psa 119:118 - -- Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes,.... That wander from the way of the Lord's commandments; that deviate from his precepts, g...

Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes,.... That wander from the way of the Lord's commandments; that deviate from his precepts, go astray constantly and wilfully; a people that err in their hearts, and with all their hearts. These the Lord treads down, as mire in the streets, as grapes in a winepress; which shows his abhorrence of them, his indignation at them, and how easily they are subdued under him;

for their deceit is falsehood: or, "their hypocrisy is a lie" m: the appearance they make is a false one; they appear outwardly righteous, but are inwardly wicked; have a form of godliness, but deny the power of it: or all their deceitful doctrines are lies in hypocrisy, though dressed up with all the art and cunning they are masters of; or all their subtle schemes to corrupt and subvert the true doctrines of the word are in vain and to no purpose.

Gill: Psa 119:119 - -- Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross,.... Which is of no worth and value, useless and unprofitable; which is cast into the fire, ...

Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross,.... Which is of no worth and value, useless and unprofitable; which is cast into the fire, and separated from the choice metal. This expresses the character and state of wicked men; who are of no account with God, are of no profit and advantage to him; nor to men, but harmful and pernicious; are cast into the fire of God's judgments here, and into everlasting burnings hereafter; and will be separated from the righteous, and have no part and lot with them: these seem to be hypocrites also, who have made a show of being gold and silver, when they were nothing but dross; and being reprobate silver, were rejected of God as such;

therefore I love thy testimonies; which discover such persons when brought to be tried by them; and which require purity of heart and life, and caution against evil ways and evil men, and are a means of preserving from them.

Gill: Psa 119:120 - -- My flesh trembleth for fear of thee,.... Not for fear of the wrath of God coming down upon himself, nor for fear of eternal damnation; but for fear of...

My flesh trembleth for fear of thee,.... Not for fear of the wrath of God coming down upon himself, nor for fear of eternal damnation; but for fear of what was coming upon the wicked, for their sins and transgressions. The word n used signifies such a dread and horror, which seizes a man to such a degree, that it makes the hair of his flesh to stand up; as Jarchi and Kimchi observe; see Psa 119:53, Job 4:14;

and I am afraid of thy judgments; not of their coming down upon him, but upon the wicked; the thought of which is more awful to good men than to the wicked themselves; and especially when under any darkness, doubts, and fears; lest, being conscious to themselves of their own weakness, they should be left to join with the wicked in their sins, and so be partakers of their plagues.

Gill: Psa 119:121 - -- ע, AIN.--The Sixteenth Part. AIN. I have done judgment and justice,.... As king of Israel; which is the character given of him, 2Sa 8:15; and i...


AIN.--The Sixteenth Part.

AIN. I have done judgment and justice,.... As king of Israel; which is the character given of him, 2Sa 8:15; and in which he was a type of Christ, Jer 23:5; and as a private person; which is everyone's duty, and every good man especially will be desirous of performing it: it is not indeed perfectly done by any, and therefore not to be trusted to; nor was it so done by David; nor did he place his confidence in it; nor did he say this in a boasting way, but in defence of himself and his innocence against those who oppressed him with their calumnies, as appears from the next clause. The Syriac version takes it to be an address to God, and as describing him, "O thou that doest judgment and justice!" to whom the following petition is directed:

leave me not to mine oppressors; David had his oppressors, as all good men have, and power was on their side; but they could do no more, nor further exercise it, than as they were permitted by the Lord; for they had no power but what was given them from above; and he applies to God, and not men, for relief; and deprecates being given up to them, and left in their hands.

Gill: Psa 119:122 - -- Be surety for thy servant for good,.... The psalmist was, in a like case with Hezekiah, oppressed; and therefore desires the Lord would undertake for ...

Be surety for thy servant for good,.... The psalmist was, in a like case with Hezekiah, oppressed; and therefore desires the Lord would undertake for him, appear on his side, and defend him, Psa 38:14; and if God himself is the surety of his people, and engages in their behalf, they need fear no enemy. What David prays to God to be for him, that Christ is for all his people, Heb 7:22. He drew nigh to God, struck hands with him, gave his word and bond to pay the debts of his people; put himself in their legal place and stead, and became responsible to law and justice for them; engaged to make satisfaction for their sins, to bring in everlasting righteousness for their justification, and to preserve and keep them, and bring them safe to eternal glory and happiness; and this was being a surety for them for good. The Syriac version is, "delight that servant with good things"; and to the same sense the Targum and Kimchi interpret it: but Jarchi and Aben Ezra take the word to have the same meaning we do; and so Aquila and Theodotion translate it: the sense Arama gives is,

"be surety for thy servant, that I may be good;''

let not the proud oppress me; the oppressors of God's people are generally proud; they are such who deal in proud wrath; it is in their pride, and owing to it, they persecute them, Psa 10:2. This has been their character in all ages, and agrees with the man of sin and his followers, who is king over all the children of pride; but wherein such men deal proudly and oppress, God is higher than they, and therefore most proper to be applied unto.

Gill: Psa 119:123 - -- Mine eyes fail for that salvation,.... For temporal salvation or deliverance from oppressors; and for spiritual salvation, for views of an interest in...

Mine eyes fail for that salvation,.... For temporal salvation or deliverance from oppressors; and for spiritual salvation, for views of an interest in it, the joys and comforts of it; and for the Messiah, the author of it; whom he was looking wistfully for, but, not coming so soon as expected, his eyes were tired and weary, and ready to fail, and his heart to faint; See Gill on Psa 119:81;

and for the word of thy righteousness; for the word of promise, which the righteousness or faithfulness of God was engaged to perform; or for the law of God, the rule of righteousness, and which shows what righteousness God requires; and for the bringing in of that righteousness of the Messiah, which could answer its demands; or for the Gospel, and more clear administration of it, which is called the word of righteousness, Heb 5:13; in which the righteousness of God is revealed; the righteousness which Christ, who is God as well as man, has wrought out; and which his Father has approved of, accepted, and imputes to his people, and justifies them with; and which word also teaches men to live soberly, righteously, and godly.

Gill: Psa 119:124 - -- Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy,.... Which is either general and providential, and reaches to all his creatures; and according to which...

Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy,.... Which is either general and providential, and reaches to all his creatures; and according to which David had been dealt with all his days, and which he desires a continuance of: or special; and which is in Christ, and communicated through him; and in whom he deals with his people, not according to their merits, but his own mercy; by receiving and accepting them, and admitting them into his presence, and to partake of his favours, and by pardoning their sins and saving their souls; which is not by works of righteousness they have done but according to his abundant mercy; and by giving them eternal life and happiness at the great day;

and teach me thy statutes; which is often requested; and which not only shows the need of divine teachings, and the psalmist's earnest and importunate desire to have them; but also that the mercy, grace, and kindness of God, have an influence on the holy life and conversation of the saints, and do not at all encourage licentiousness.

Gill: Psa 119:125 - -- I am thy servant,.... Not only by creation, but by grace; and as he had a work to do, he desires to know what it was; and as it was proper he should ...

I am thy servant,.... Not only by creation, but by grace; and as he had a work to do, he desires to know what it was; and as it was proper he should know his Master's will, he applies to him for it; using this as an argument, that he was his servant, devoted to his service, and willing to perform it to the best of his knowledge and ability; and therefore prays,

give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies; the Scriptures, which testify of the will of God; which are only rightly understood by those who have their understandings opened and enlightened; or have an understanding given them, that they may understand them, so as to receive and embrace the doctrine, and do the precepts of them: and such an understanding is the gift of God, and owing to his powerful and efficacious grace; see Luk 24:45.

Gill: Psa 119:126 - -- It is time for thee, Lord, to work,.... To send the Messiah, to work righteousness; to fulfil the law, and vindicate the honour of it, broken by men...

It is time for thee, Lord, to work,.... To send the Messiah, to work righteousness; to fulfil the law, and vindicate the honour of it, broken by men. It was always a notion of the Jews that the time of the Messiah's coming would be when it was a time of great wickedness in the earth; and which seems to agree with the word of God, and was true in fact; see Mal 2:17. Or to arise and have mercy on Zion, for which there is a fixed time: and its seems as if it would be when religion greatly declines, and profaneness abounds; when love is waxen cold, and there is no faith in the earth; and when the days are like those of Noah and Lot, Luk 17:26; or to take vengeance on wicked men, by sending down his judgments on them now, as well as he will punish them hereafter; for which a time is appointed, though no man knows of it. The words may be rendered, "it is time to work for the Lord" o; so the Septuagint version; to which agrees the Targum,

"it is time to do the will of the Lord;''

and the Syriac and Arabic versions, "it is time to worship the Lord". It is proper, in declining times, for good men to bestir themselves and be in action, to attempt the revival of religion, to do all that in them lies to support the cause of God, and to vindicate his honour and glory;

for they have made void thy law; the whole word of God, the Scriptures; as atheists and deists, who deny the authority of them; Pharisees, who preferred their oral law to the written word, and by the traditions of the elders made it of none effect; Papists, by their unwritten traditions, and denying the common people the reading of the Scriptures in their mother tongue; and all false teachers, who wrest the Scriptures, and put false glosses on them, and handle the word of God deceitfully; and all profane sinners, who bid defiance to the law, and, as much as in them lies, abrogate it, and set up a law of their own, and frame mischief by it: or the law of faith may be meant; the Gospel of Christ, and the several truths of it, which are opposed, contradicted, and blasphemed by men of corrupt minds; and particularly the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ's righteousness; which are made void by the doctrine of works; and even the law itself is made void by the same: for not those that maintain the doctrine of Christ's righteousness, but those that establish their own, make void the law; presenting a righteousness to it, which is not answerable to its demands, Rom 3:31.

Gill: Psa 119:127 - -- Therefore I love thy commandments,.... Because he was the Lord's servant, as Aben Ezra; or rather because the wicked made void the law. His love was t...

Therefore I love thy commandments,.... Because he was the Lord's servant, as Aben Ezra; or rather because the wicked made void the law. His love was the more inflamed and increased towards it by the contempt it was had in by others; he preferred it

above gold, yea, above fine gold; or gold of Phez, a place where the best gold was, as was thought: the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions render it "the topaz"; and the Syriac and Arabic versions, "precious stones" or "gems"; see Psa 119:72.

Gill: Psa 119:128 - -- Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right,.... He had an impartial regard to all the commandments of God; and valued on...

Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right,.... He had an impartial regard to all the commandments of God; and valued one as well as another, and walked according to all of them; making no difference either in his affection or practice between one and another, as being more or less necessary, just, and right: he had an equal respect to the lighter and weightier matters of the law; and, like Zacharias and Elisabeth, walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless; looking upon them all, with respect to everything commanded or forbidden by them, to be just and equitable;

and I hate every false way; every command, institution, and ordinance of men, which are opposed to the will of God; every false way of worship, all superstition and idolatry; every false doctrine whatsoever is contrary to the testimonies and word of God: and indeed where there is a true love of the word, worship, and ordinances of God, there must be an hatred of these.

Gill: Psa 119:129 - -- פ, PE.--The Seventeenth Part. PE. Thy testimonies are wonderful,.... The Scriptures, which testify of God, his mind and will, are wonderful bo...


PE.--The Seventeenth Part.

PE. Thy testimonies are wonderful,.... The Scriptures, which testify of God, his mind and will, are wonderful both with respect to the author of them, the things contained in them, and the use and advantage of them. They give an account of the wonderful works of creation; of their author and matter; of the manner, order, and time of their being wrought: they relate many wonderful events of Providence, both in a way of mercy and judgment; they declare several surprising miracles, wrought by Moses and others, and exhibit many marvellous things in types and figures: are full of prophecies of extraordinary things, have been exactly accomplished, and contain many exceeding great and precious promises; and abound with doctrines abstruse and recondite, hid from the carnal sense and reason of men; the mysteries of the Gospel, and of the grace of God, such as respect the divine Persons in the Trinity; the person and grace of Christ; the wonderful love of God and Christ towards men; the amazing blessings of grace through him, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal life by him;

therefore doth my soul keep them; as a rich treasure, which he laid up in the cabinet of his heart, and preserved as what was most rare and valuable: and such are the wonderful things in the word of God; and such is the efficacy of its doctrines, and the influence the truths of it have upon the minds of gracious persons; that these engage them to keep and observe the precepts it enjoins, and that heartily and sincerely, with their whole spirit and soul.

Gill: Psa 119:130 - -- The entrance of thy words giveth light,.... The beginning of them; the first three chapters in Genesis, what light do they give into the origin of all...

The entrance of thy words giveth light,.... The beginning of them; the first three chapters in Genesis, what light do they give into the origin of all things; the creation of man, his state of innocence; his fall through the temptations of Satan, and his recovery and salvation by Christ, the seed of the woman, the first principles of the oracles of God, the rudiments of religion, the elements of the world, the rites of the ceremonial law, gave great light into Gospel mysteries. As soon as a man enters upon reading the Scriptures, if he has any degree of understanding of the things in them, they immediately throw light into his mind; or, however, as soon as ever the word has an entrance into the heart, and through the Spirit, power, and grace of God, makes its way and has a place there, that being opened by the Lord for that purpose, light arises in darkness. It maybe rendered, "the opening of thy words giveth light" p; and may signify either the interpretation and explanation of the word of God by the ministers of it, which is often of singular use for enlightening and warming the hearts of men, Luk 24:32; and to this sense are the Vulgate Latin and Septuagint versions; the one rendering it "the declaration of thy words", the other, "the manifestation" of them; and so the Ethiopic and Arabic versions; and to this sense is the Targum;

"the impression of thy words will enlighten those that are dark.''

Or it may intend the word that opens, as well as is opened, since it is the means of opening blind eyes; and so giving light to men to see their lost state by nature, and the suitableness of Christ as a Saviour, his fulness and grace, ability and willingness; to behold the wondrous things of the Gospel, the way they should walk in, and the duties of religion they should perform;

it giveth understanding unto the simple: who want understanding in the knowledge of divine and spiritual things, as all men do; and who are sensible of their want of it, ingenuously confess it, and are meek and humble; and so not above instruction, as proud and conceited persons are. Some render it "babes" q; and it may design such who are but of weak parts, in comparison of others, to whom the things of the Gospel are revealed, when they are hid from the wise and prudent: Christ by his Spirit opens their understandings, that they may understand the Scriptures; and by means of them gives them an understanding of himself, and of those things which make them wise unto salvation, and make for their spiritual peace and comfort, and their eternal welfare; see Psa 19:7.

Gill: Psa 119:131 - -- I opened my mouth, and panted,.... As a person out of breath does, through walking or running; he stops and pants, and opens his mouth, to draw in air...

I opened my mouth, and panted,.... As a person out of breath does, through walking or running; he stops and pants, and opens his mouth, to draw in air to his relief: or as hungry and thirsty persons pant for food and drink, and open their mouths to receive it, before it can well be brought to them. So the psalmist panted after God, and communion with him; desired the sincere milk of the word; longed for the breasts of ordinances, and even fainted for the courts of the Lord, Psa 42:1;

for I longed for thy commandments; for an opportunity of waiting upon God in the way of his duty; to hear his word, and attend his worship.

Gill: Psa 119:132 - -- Look thou upon me,.... Not as in himself; a sinful creature will not bear looking upon by the Lord, especially with the strict eye of justice; but as ...

Look thou upon me,.... Not as in himself; a sinful creature will not bear looking upon by the Lord, especially with the strict eye of justice; but as in Christ, and clothed with his righteousness; and so not merely in a providential way, though that is a favour, but in a way of special grace and mercy. It may be rendered, "turn unto me" r; as it is in Psa 25:16; the Lord had turned from him, and had hid his face, which had given him trouble; and therefore he desires he would turn again to him, and show him his face and favour;

and be merciful unto me; in forgiving his sins, and admitting him to communion with him: he pleads mercy, and not merit and this shows it was not any look but a look of grace and mercy he prays for;

as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name; that is, himself: such as love the Lord have favours shown them; he shows mercy to thousands of them that love him; he loves them that love him; he manifests his love to them, and admits them to great nearness to himself. David was one of these; he loved him in sincerity, and above all others and could appeal to him for the truth of it, and desires no other nor better usage than such had; and indeed a man need not desire better, since all things work for their good now, and it is not to be conceived what God has prepared for them hereafter.

Gill: Psa 119:133 - -- Order my steps in thy word,.... Or, "by thy word" s, or "according" to it. Which is the rule of practice and action, as well as of faith; and happy ar...

Order my steps in thy word,.... Or, "by thy word" s, or "according" to it. Which is the rule of practice and action, as well as of faith; and happy are they who walk according to the directions of it; but it is not in the power of man to order and direct his steps: this is done by the Lord; and such who acknowledge him in their ways, and apply to him for direction, are and shall be thus favoured by him; see Jer 10:23;

and let not any iniquity have dominion over me; not only greater sins or presumptuous ones, very gross iniquities, as in Psa 19:13; but lesser ones, even the least of them. It is a sad thing to be enslaved to any lust or sin, be it what it will: sin reigns over wicked men even unto death; and it oftentimes has great power over good men, puts them upon doing that which is evil, and hinders them from doing that which is good; it carries them captive, and threatens to have the ascendant over them, and rule in them, which they deprecate; and such a prayer may be the prayer of faith, since it is promised "sin shall not have the dominion over you", Rom 6:14. Kimchi interprets this of the evil imagination or corruption of nature; R. Moses understands it of a wicked man; and so the Syriac version.

Gill: Psa 119:134 - -- Deliver me from the oppression of man,.... Of any man, of proud and haughty men, as in Psa 119:122; the psalmist always desired rather to fall into th...

Deliver me from the oppression of man,.... Of any man, of proud and haughty men, as in Psa 119:122; the psalmist always desired rather to fall into the hands of God than into the hands of wicked men, whose tender mercies are cruel. Some render it, "from the oppression of Adam", as Jarchi observes; and Arama interprets it of the sin of Adam, and as a prayer to be delivered or redeemed from it; as the Lord's people are by the blood of Christ: Jarchi understands it of the evil imagination or corruption of nature, which oppresses men; which sense Arama also makes mention of;

so will I keep thy precepts: being delivered out of the hands of wicked men, and free from their snares and temptations; see Psa 119:115, Luk 1:74.

Gill: Psa 119:135 - -- Make thy face to shine upon thy servant,.... That is, lift up the light of thy countenance on me; favour me with thy gracious presence, and communion ...

Make thy face to shine upon thy servant,.... That is, lift up the light of thy countenance on me; favour me with thy gracious presence, and communion with thyself; manifest thyself unto me, and shed abroad thy love in my heart; cause the sun of righteousness to arise upon me, and commune with me, from above thy mercy seat; restore to me the joys of thy salvation, and let me have the comforts of thy good Spirit: this prayer is a part of the blessing of the high priest, Num 6:25;

and teach me thy statutes; the more communion a man has with God, the more desirous he is of learning and doing his will. This is a frequent petition; see Psa 119:124.

Gill: Psa 119:136 - -- Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,.... That is, "out of" them; as the Syriac version: or, "mine eyes let down rivers of waters" t; see Lam 3:48; tha...

Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,.... That is, "out of" them; as the Syriac version: or, "mine eyes let down rivers of waters" t; see Lam 3:48; that is, an abundance of tears, which flowed like a river; an hyperbolical expression, setting forth the excessiveness of grief. The reason follows,

because they keep not thy law; the persons are not mentioned, but must be understood of wicked men; whose open and impudent transgression of the law in innumerable instances, and in the most flagrant manner, gave the psalmist great distress, as it does all good men; because the law of God is despised, his authority is trampled on, his name is dishonoured, and he has not the glory which is due unto him. The gloss of Arama is,

"because Adam and Eve kept not thy law;''

which transgression brought ruin on all mankind. The Septuagint and Arabic versions very wrongly read, "because I have not kept thy law": as if his grief was on account of his own sins: and so Kimchi indeed interprets it; and both he and Ben Melech by "they" understand his eyes, from whence his tears flowed in such abundance; because they were the caterers for sin, and the cause and occasion of the transgressions of the law of God by him: and this sense is made mention of by Aben Ezra.

Gill: Psa 119:137 - -- צ, TZADDI.--The Eighteenth Part. TZADDI. Righteous art thou, O Lord,.... Essentially, originally, and of himself; naturally, immutably, and un...


TZADDI.--The Eighteenth Part.

TZADDI. Righteous art thou, O Lord,.... Essentially, originally, and of himself; naturally, immutably, and universally, in all his ways and works of nature and grace; in his thoughts, purposes, counsels, and decrees; in all the dispensations of his providence; in redemption, in the justification of a sinner, in the pardon of sin, and in the gift of eternal life through Christ;

and upright are thy judgments; they are according to the rules of justice and equity; the precepts of the word, the doctrines of the Gospel, as well as the judgments of God inflicted on wicked men, and all the providential dealings of God with his people, and also the final judgment.

Gill: Psa 119:138 - -- Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous,.... The Scriptures are holy, just, and good; and what is contained in them are according to g...

Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous,.... The Scriptures are holy, just, and good; and what is contained in them are according to godliness; are for instruction in righteousness, and teach men to live soberly, righteously, and godly;

and very faithful; or "true" u: all the sayings in them are true and faithful sayings; for they are the sayings of God that cannot lie; the promises in them are faithfully performed by him that made them; they are all yea and amen in Christ. The words may be rendered, "thou hast commanded righteousness in thy testimonies, and truth" or faith "exceedingly": so the Arabic version. God in the law requires of men a perfect righteousness, every way agreeable to its demands; and in his Gospel he reveals the complete righteousness of his Son, which he has commanded to be published in it, to be laid hold on and received by faith as a justifying righteousness, as it is to all that believe: this, with every other truth of the Gospel, is made manifest by the Scriptures according to the commandment of the everlasting God, Rom 16:25.

Gill: Psa 119:139 - -- My zeal hath consumed me,.... Zeal for God and his glory, for his word and ordinances and worship; which is a fervour of the mind, burning love, and f...

My zeal hath consumed me,.... Zeal for God and his glory, for his word and ordinances and worship; which is a fervour of the mind, burning love, and flaming affections for God, shown in a holy indignation against sin and sinners. This was a zeal according to knowledge, sincere and hearty, and what continued; and which was shown in embracing and defending the truths of the word, and resenting every indignity cast upon them; to such a degree, that it ate up his spirit, wore away his flesh, and almost consumed him; see Psa 69:9;

because mine enemies have forgotten thy words; not merely through an indifference to them, and inattention in hearing them; nor through want of an earnest heed to keep and retain them; nor through negligence in laying them up, and a carelessness in making use of proper means to recollect them; but through an aversion to them, an hatred of them, and a spiteful malicious contempt of them, casting them away and despising them; which stirred up the spirit of the psalmist, and raised such an emotion in him as was almost too much for him.

Gill: Psa 119:140 - -- Thy word is very pure,.... Or, "exceedingly purified" w: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, Psa 12:6; free from, all drossy ...

Thy word is very pure,.... Or, "exceedingly purified" w: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, Psa 12:6; free from, all drossy matter; from any mixtures, or the corruptions and doctrines of men; and which tends and leads to purity of heart and life;

therefore thy servant loveth it; that which carnal men hate the word of God for, because it forbids and condemns all impurity of flesh and spirit, all impure thoughts, words, and actions; that a good man loves it for, and which is an evidence of a sanctified heart.

Gill: Psa 119:141 - -- I am small and despised,.... Or, "I have been" x. Some versions render it "young" y; as if it had respect to the time of his anointing by Samuel, whe...

I am small and despised,.... Or, "I have been" x. Some versions render it "young" y; as if it had respect to the time of his anointing by Samuel, when he was overlooked and despised in his father's family, 1Sa 16:11; but the word here used is not expressive of age, but of state, condition, and circumstances; and the meaning is, that he was little in his own esteem, and in the esteem of men, and was despised; and that on account of religion, in which he was a type of Christ, Psa 22:6; and which is the common lot of good men, who are treated by the world as the faith of it, and the offscouring of all things;

yet do not I forget thy precepts; to observe and keep them: the ill treatment of men on account of religion did not cause him to forsake it, or to leave the ways, word, and worship of God; see Psa 119:83.

Gill: Psa 119:142 - -- Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,.... Or, "is for ever" z. The rectitude of his nature, his faithfulness in his promises, and his ki...

Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,.... Or, "is for ever" z. The rectitude of his nature, his faithfulness in his promises, and his kindness and beneficence to his people; and particularly the righteousness of God revealed in the Gospel; the righteousness of his Son, which he approves and accepts of, and imputes to him that believes. This is a righteousness that will last for ever, will never be abolished; it will answer for them that have it in a time to come; it is of use throughout the whole of life, at death, in the day of judgment, and to all eternity; see Dan 9:24;

and thy law is the truth; or "thy doctrine"; or "thy word", as the Arabic version. The Scriptures are called the Scriptures of truth, Dan 10:21 they come from the God of truth, and all that is contained in them is truth; the legal part of them is truth, and so is the Gospel; that is called the word of truth, and truth itself: it is concerning Christ, who is the truth; and it is directed into and made effectual by the Spirit of truth, and contains in it many excellent truths; and is therefore deservedly valued and esteemed by all good men; see Joh 17:17.

Gill: Psa 119:143 - -- Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me,.... Or, "found me" a. Outward troubles and inward distress; troubles arising from his enemies, the men of t...

Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me,.... Or, "found me" a. Outward troubles and inward distress; troubles arising from his enemies, the men of the world, that hated and persecuted him; and from a body of sin and death, from the temptations of Satan, and divine desertions; some from without, and others from within; troubles both of body and mind, which is what all good men are liable to;

yet thy commandments are my delights; so far from being grievous, that they were a pleasure to him; yea, exceedingly delighted him, and cheered and refreshed his spirits amidst all his troubles.

Gill: Psa 119:144 - -- The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting,.... Or, "for ever" b. The righteousness which they require, or which they publish; the righteous...

The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting,.... Or, "for ever" b. The righteousness which they require, or which they publish; the righteousness revealed in the Gospel, which is the righteousness of Christ; See Gill on Psa 119:142;

give me understanding, and I shall live; an understanding of the testimonies of the Lord, of the word of God, the law of God, and Gospel of Christ; an understanding of divine and spiritual things; a clearer and larger understanding of them, which is the gift of God; both that itself at first, and an increase of it here prayed for, the end, issue, and effect of which is life. Such live spiritually, and by faith; they live cheerfully and comfortably, and "for ever", as Aben Ezra and Kimchi repeat from the former clause: for "this is life eternal know the only true God and Jesus Christ"; or to have spiritual understanding of them, and of those things which relate to spiritual peace and comfort here, and eternal happiness hereafter, Joh 17:3.

Gill: Psa 119:145 - -- ק, KOPH.--The Nineteenth Part. KOPH. I cried with my whole heart,.... Prayer is often expressed by crying; which sometimes signifies mental, a...


KOPH.--The Nineteenth Part.

KOPH. I cried with my whole heart,.... Prayer is often expressed by crying; which sometimes signifies mental, and sometimes vocal prayer; and generally supposes the person praying to be in distress, either outward or inward. This prayer of the psalmists was hearty and cordial, not with his mouth and lips only, but with his heart also; it did not proceed from feigned lips, but was put up in sincerity and truth; yea, it was with his whole heart, with all the powers and faculties of his soul employed; his affections set on God, the desires of his soul after him, and his will submitted to his; it denotes the intenseness, earnestness, and fervency of prayer;

hear me, O Lord: the prayer he had put up, and answer it. Some persons pray, and that is enough; they do not concern themselves whether their prayers are heard or not: but David desired an answer, and looked after that;

I will keep thy statutes; not in his own strength, but in the strength of the Lord; and it is to be understood not merely as a resolution what he would do; nor as a promise, which he uses as a plea, argument, or motive to be heard; but rather it expresses the end of his being heard, or the thing for which he desires to be heard: for so it may be rendered, "that I may keep thy statutes"; hear me, and give me grace and strength to enable me to observe them.

Gill: Psa 119:146 - -- I cried unto thee; save me,.... In his distress he cried and prayed to the Lord; and this was a principal and leading petition, that he would "save" h...

I cried unto thee; save me,.... In his distress he cried and prayed to the Lord; and this was a principal and leading petition, that he would "save" him out of all his troubles and afflictions, and out of the hands of all his enemies; and with a temporal, spiritual, and eternal salvation which he knew he was able to do, and none else;

and I shall keep thy testimonies; such salvation will affect my heart, and the sense of it influence and engage me to have the utmost regard to the word of God, its truths and doctrines, precepts and ordinances, so as carefully to observe them.

Gill: Psa 119:147 - -- I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried,.... That is, he awoke and got up, and prayed, before the day broke, the morning looked forth, or th...

I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried,.... That is, he awoke and got up, and prayed, before the day broke, the morning looked forth, or the sun arose: he was early as well as earnest in his supplications to God; see Psa 5:3; as Christ, his antitype, rose early in the morning, a great while before day, and went out to a solitary place, and prayed, Mar 1:35;

I hoped in thy word; which is a great encouragement to prayer, the grace of hope itself is, though a man can only put his mouth in the dust, if so be there may be hope; and especially when it is grounded on the word of promise, that God will hear and answer his people, when they call upon him in a time of trouble: and particularly hope in Christ, the essential Word, is a great encouragement; many encouraging arguments to prayer are taken from the person, office, advocacy, and mediation of Jesus Christ, Heb 4:14.

Gill: Psa 119:148 - -- Mine eyes prevent the night watches,.... The Targum is, "the morning and evening watches.'' There were three of them; Kimchi interprets it of t...

Mine eyes prevent the night watches,.... The Targum is,

"the morning and evening watches.''

There were three of them; Kimchi interprets it of the second and third; the meaning is, that the psalmist was awake and employed in one religious exercise or another, praying, reading, or meditating; either before the watches were set, or however before the time that some of them took place, or at least before they were all over;

that I might meditate in thy word; he rose so early, in order to give himself up to meditation on the word of God; that he might be better instructed in the knowledge of divine things; that he might have solace and comfort from thence under his afflictions; and that he might be better furnished for the work of prayer; for the more familiar the word of God is to us, the better able we are to speak to God in his own language.

Gill: Psa 119:149 - -- Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness,.... Not according to his own merits and deserts, or works of righteousness done by him, for the sake ...

Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness,.... Not according to his own merits and deserts, or works of righteousness done by him, for the sake of which he did not present his supplications to God; nor according to his love to him, which often waxed cold, and he in a poor lukewarm frame of spirit; but according to the lovingkindness of God, which is always the same, and which is a great encouragement to faith and hope in prayer; that since God is gracious and merciful, kind and bountiful, plenteous in mercy, and ready to forgive, on a throne of grace, and full of love, yea, love itself, invariably the same, he will hear, and saints shall find grace and mercy to help them in time of need;

O Lord, quicken me according to thy judgment; either according to his word of promise, or according to his manner and wonted method he used towards his people; see Psa 119:25; This is a prayer, not for the first work of quickening grace, or the first implantation of a principle of spiritual life, which the psalmist had had an experience of; but for the reviving of the work and principle in him, that he might be refreshed and comforted, and be animated and stirred up to a lively exercise of grace and performance of duty: finding himself in dead and lifeless frames, and not able to quicken himself.

Gill: Psa 119:150 - -- They draw nigh that follow after mischief,.... Or "evil" c; that which is sinful in itself, and injurious to others. Some cannot sleep unless they do ...

They draw nigh that follow after mischief,.... Or "evil" c; that which is sinful in itself, and injurious to others. Some cannot sleep unless they do mischief; they are bent upon it, and proceed from evil to evil: they are eager in their pursuit of it, as the huntsman after his sport, to which the allusion is; though it is to their ruin, even to their death, Pro 11:19; These the psalmist says "draw nigh"; not unto God, unless feignedly and with their mouths only; but to him they drew nigh, to David, in an hostile way they pursued after him, in order to take away his life, and they had very nearly overtaken him, and were just ready to seize him; his life drew nigh to those destroyers, and those destroyers drew nigh to that, so that he was in great danger; and the more as these were abandoned creatures, that neither feared God nor regarded man, as follows:

they are far from thy law; from the knowledge of it, of its equity and purity; and especially of its spirituality, and of its power and influence upon their minds; and so far from subjection and obedience to it; so far from it, that they treat it with the utmost contempt, cast it away from them and despise it, Rom 8:7.

Gill: Psa 119:151 - -- Thou art near, O Lord,.... This was the comfort of the psalmist, that though his enemies drew nigh with a mischievous design upon him, yet his God wa...

Thou art near, O Lord,.... This was the comfort of the psalmist, that though his enemies drew nigh with a mischievous design upon him, yet his God was also near, and nearer than they; he was near as to relation to him, being his God and Father; near as to union, the bond of which is his everlasting love, which can never be dissolved; near as to communion, which he admits all his people to at one time or another; so that they are said to be "a people near unto the Lord"; Psa 148:14; and near as to his gracious presence, and the divine assistance he affords; he is a present help in time of need; he is nigh to all that call on him in truth, and in all things in which they do call upon him for, Psa 145:18;

and all thy commandments are truth; not only the precepts of the word of God, but his covenant, and the promises of it; the word which he has commanded to a thousand generations, Psa 105:8; and even the whole word of God, doctrines and duties; see Joh 17:17.

Gill: Psa 119:152 - -- Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old,.... Or, "from thy testimonies, I have known of old" d: by carefully reading the Scriptures which test...

Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old,.... Or, "from thy testimonies, I have known of old" d: by carefully reading the Scriptures which testify of God, his mind an will, and frequently meditating on them, he had learned a long time ago, even from his youth, what follows,

that thou hast founded them for ever; that the things contained in them are sure and certain, established and eternal truths; the moral law and the precepts of it are eternal, and of perpetual obligation; not one jot or tittle of them shall ever fail; the Gospel, and the truths of it, are everlasting, and shall ever remain; in spite of all the opposition, craft and cunning, fury and force of men, to undermine and root them out; see Psa 119:89.

Gill: Psa 119:153 - -- ר, RESH.--The Twentieth Part. RESH. Consider mine affliction, and deliver me,.... Or, "look upon mine affliction" e; as in Psa 25:18. The Lord ...


RESH.--The Twentieth Part.

RESH. Consider mine affliction, and deliver me,.... Or, "look upon mine affliction" e; as in Psa 25:18. The Lord seems as if he did not, when he does not grant his gracious presence to his people; or does not arise to the help and deliverance of them so soon as they desire and expect: but he always sees and beholds their afflictions; he cannot do otherwise, since he is the omniscient God; and not only so, but he is the author, appointer, and orderer of them; yea, he looks upon them with an eye of pity and compassion, which is what is here prayed for: he sympathizes with his people in all their afflictions, supports them under them, pays kind visits to them, sanctifies his hand, and in his own time delivers them out of all; which none else can but himself, and he has power to do it, and has promised it, and does perform: see Psa 50:15;

for I do not forget thy law: the precepts of it; to observe it as a rule of walk and conversation, as a lamp to the feet, and a light to the path, as a directory of the good and perfect will of God: or, "thy doctrine"; the doctrine of the word, the precious truths of it, which were his support under afflictions; and when either of them have a place in the heart, and are written there, they cannot easily be forgotten. This the psalmist mentions, not as if his not forgetting the law or doctrine of God was meritorious of deliverance from affliction, but as a descriptive character of such the Lord does deliver.

Gill: Psa 119:154 - -- Plead my cause, and deliver me,.... This shows that his affliction was chiefly from men, wicked, ungodly, and unreasonable men; such as were Saul and ...

Plead my cause, and deliver me,.... This shows that his affliction was chiefly from men, wicked, ungodly, and unreasonable men; such as were Saul and his courtiers, and a whole ungodly nation: his cause was a good one, and therefore he puts it into the hand of the Lord, and who otherwise would not have undertaken it; and this he did also because he could not plead it himself, nor any other for him but the Lord; his enemies that strove with him being so many, mighty, and crafty; see Psa 35:1. Christ is the advocate of his people, their Redeemer, who is mighty, and thoroughly pleads their cause against the accusations of Satan, the charges of law and justice, and the condemnation of their own hearts; as well as defends their innocence from the calumnies of wicked men, and rights their wrongs, and redresses their grievances;

quicken me according to thy word; See Gill on Psa 119:25.

Gill: Psa 119:155 - -- Salvation is far from the wicked,.... Christ, the author of salvation, is far from them: he was far from the unbelieving Jews, even though salvation ...

Salvation is far from the wicked,.... Christ, the author of salvation, is far from them: he was far from the unbelieving Jews, even though salvation was of them, and he, the Saviour, was among them; and he is far from all unconverted persons, as to knowledge of him, faith in him, or love to him; and from all those that seek for salvation elsewhere, let them make ever such pretences to religion: the word of salvation is far from them, as Kimchi; the Gospel of salvation, which they put away from them, as the Jews did in the times of Christ and the apostles; an experimental knowledge of salvation, a sense of need of it, and an application of it, are far from them; and the enjoyment of it in heaven, which, though nearer the saints than when they first believed, is far off from the wicked, and whose damnation is near: Aben Ezra interprets it,

"the days of salvation;''

for they seek not thy statutes; either to know them, or keep them: they seek not after God, to know him, his mind and will; the language of their hearts and actions is, "depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways"; no, not of life and salvation, and therefore it must be far from them, Job 21:14.

Gill: Psa 119:156 - -- Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord,.... Not his providential mercies only, which are many and undeserved, and constantly repeated; but his special ...

Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord,.... Not his providential mercies only, which are many and undeserved, and constantly repeated; but his special mercies in Christ, which flow from the tenderness of his heart; and his merciful lovingkindness to his people, and which are great or many f, as to quantity; there being a multitude of them, not to be reckoned up: and for quality they are wonderful beyond expression and conception; proceed from unmerited love, rich, free, sovereign grace, and last for ever;

quicken me according to that judgments; See Gill on Psa 119:149.

Gill: Psa 119:157 - -- Many are my persecutors and mine enemies,.... Because they were his enemies, therefore they were his persecutors; and they became enemies to him, or ...

Many are my persecutors and mine enemies,.... Because they were his enemies, therefore they were his persecutors; and they became enemies to him, or hated him, because of his religion, and on that account persecuted him: and this has always been the lot and case of God's people in all ages; and whose persecutors are many, even the whole world, as well as fierce and furious;

yet do I not decline from thy testimonies; from reading and hearing the word of God; and from embracing and professing the doctrines contained in it; and from the worship of God according to it, for which he was hated and persecuted: yet none of these things moved him from them, which showed that his heart was principled with the grace of God; for otherwise, when persecution arises because of the word, carnal professors are offended, and apostatize from it; see Mat 13:22.

Gill: Psa 119:158 - -- I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved,.... Transgressors of the law of God, profane sinners; such as among whom he dwelt in Mesech and Kedar; it...

I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved,.... Transgressors of the law of God, profane sinners; such as among whom he dwelt in Mesech and Kedar; it grieved him when he beheld their wicked life and conversation; as Lot in Sodom; and Isaiah and Jeremiah, among persons of unclean lips, and an assembly of treacherous men: and the word here used signifies "treacherous" g persons; and may design not the profane only, but professors also; that dealt treacherously with God and men, made a profession of religion, but walked not agreeably to it, which is matter of grief to good men; see Phi 3:18; as well as the conduct of abandoned sinners; with whom the psalmist was grieved, not so much on his own account, being hated and persecuted by them, as on their account, because of the ruin they brought upon themselves; but chiefly because of the dishonour of God, and their disregard to his righteous law. Joseph Kimchi paraphrases it,

"I saw them prosper, and was weary of my life;''

and refers for the sense of the word to Job 10:1; as does also Aben Ezra; but David Kimchi and the Targum interpret it "I strove", or "contended" with them; that is, with the transgressors;

because they kept not thy word: did not regard the doctrines, nor observe the precepts of it; but despised, rejected, and cast them away from them.

Gill: Psa 119:159 - -- Consider how I love thy precepts,.... How ardently and affectionately, how cordially and sincerely, Psa 119:127; and that was the reason why he was so...

Consider how I love thy precepts,.... How ardently and affectionately, how cordially and sincerely, Psa 119:127; and that was the reason why he was so grieved and distressed when wicked men transgressed and despised them;

quicken me, O Lord, according to thy loving kindness; See Gill on Psa 119:88.

Gill: Psa 119:160 - -- Thy word is true from the beginning,.... Every word of promise God made from the beginning of the world, and in any period of time; as to Adam, to A...

Thy word is true from the beginning,.... Every word of promise God made from the beginning of the world, and in any period of time; as to Adam, to Abraham, to the Israelites, or to any other person or persons; was true in itself, and faithfully performed, not one ever failed; particularly the promise concerning the Messiah, made to Adam in Eden; and which has been spoken of by all the prophets which have been since the world began, Gen 3:15. Or it maybe rendered, as the Targum,

"the beginning of thy word is truth h:''

which a man finds to be so as soon as ever he enters upon the reading of it. Some refer this to the first chapter of Genesis; others to the first part of the decalogue, concerning the unity of God and his worship; so Aben Ezra, and R. Jeshua, as cited by him, and Jarchi; the same is mentioned by Kimchi as one of the senses, though the first he gives is agreeable to our version: but there is no need to restrain the sense to those particulars, or to the first part of the Scriptures, since the whole is truth; and the meaning may be, "the sum of thy word is truth" i: so the word here used is sometimes taken for the sum of anything, Num 26:2; all that is contained in the word of God is truth; its promises, precepts and doctrines, histories, prophecies and proverbs, all the sayings of it are faithful and true;

and everyone of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever; every precept of the word, and doctrine of it; see Psa 119:152.

Gill: Psa 119:161 - -- ש, SCHIN.--The Twenty-first Part. SCHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause,.... These were either the princes of the Philistines at th...


SCHIN.--The Twenty-first Part.

SCHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause,.... These were either the princes of the Philistines at the court of Achish; or the princes of Israel, who joined in the conspiracy with Absalom; or the princes in Saul's court, as Kimchi observes; who insinuated that David had evil designs against the king, drove him from abiding in the Lord's inheritance, and pursued him from place to place, as a partridge on the mountains, 1Sa 29:4; and all which was without any cause or reason on his part; and which, as it was an aggravation of the sin of his persecutors, so it was an alleviation of his affliction: in this he was, a type of Christ, against whom the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers took counsel together; Herod, Pontius Pilate, and others, the princes of this world, who crucified the Lord of glory, and hated him without a cause; who was holy and harmless, and never did any injury to any man's person or property, Psa 2:2;

but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: not in awe of the princes, but of the word of God; he had a greater regard to that than to them: when they in effect said, "go, serve other gods", 1Sa 26:19; he remembered what the word of God says, "thou shall have no other gods before me", Exo 20:3; and this was a means of preserving him from sinning. Kimchi thinks some respect is had to the word of God by Nathan the prophet, "I will raise up evil against thee out of thine house", &c. 2Sa 12:11; and he was afraid, on account of this word, lest he should fall into the hands of the princes: but it seems not to be an excruciating tormenting fear that is here meant; but a high regard for, and a holy reverence of the word of God, or a reverential affection for it; such as is consistent with the highest joy on account of it, as follows.

Gill: Psa 119:162 - -- I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. At having it, which is a distinguishing blessing; all are not favoured with it; and is an ines...

I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. At having it, which is a distinguishing blessing; all are not favoured with it; and is an inestimable treasure, a field in which a treasure lies; which those that find rejoice at, and especially at the understanding of it, as Kimchi notes: for such only delight in it who spiritually understand it, or have an application of it to them; find it, and eat it, and then it is the joy and rejoicing of their hearts. The doctrines of it are matter of great joy, particularly which concern the grace of God, the person of Christ, and peace, pardon, righteousness, and salvation by him; and each of its promises, which are exceeding great and precious; and, when opened and applied in a time of need, occasion great joy; such as is expressed at finding a great spoil, when much substance comes into the hands of the conqueror, as well as victory. The word is a part of the believer's spiritual armour, by which he overcomes his enemies; as well as it acquaints him with the conquest Christ has obtained over them, and made him a sharer in; and directs him to unsearchable riches, to things more valuable than thousands of gold and silver; so that he has great reason to rejoice at it in such a manner indeed! see Isa 9:2.

Gill: Psa 119:163 - -- I hate and abhor lying,.... The sin of lying in common conversation, which owes its rise to Satan, the father of lies; is common to human nature, thou...

I hate and abhor lying,.... The sin of lying in common conversation, which owes its rise to Satan, the father of lies; is common to human nature, though very dishonourable to it; exceeding unbecoming a professor of religion; and was greatly hated by David, as it ought to be by all good men, Psa 101:7. Or "falsehood" k; false doctrine; everything contrary to the truth of the word of God, with all false worship, superstition, and idolatry; and this may the rather be thought to be designed, since the law or doctrine of God is opposed to it in the next clause;

but thy law do I love; because holy, just, and true; he being a regenerate man, and having it written on his heart, he loved both the precepts of the law and the doctrines of the Gospel: or, "thy doctrine"; the doctrine concerning God, his mind and will, his grace and love; see Psa 119:97.

Gill: Psa 119:164 - -- Seven times a day do I praise thee,.... That is, very often in a day; not a day passed over his head but he praised the Lord, and often in the day; so...

Seven times a day do I praise thee,.... That is, very often in a day; not a day passed over his head but he praised the Lord, and often in the day; so the phrase "seven times" is used, Psa 12:6. Praise is comely for the saints, delightful and well pleasing to God, being offered up in faith and through Christ; and should be frequent, since our mercies, temporal and spiritual, are daily renewed; and therefore we should always, in everything, for everything, and at all seasons, give thanks to God, Eph 5:20, 1Th 5:18;

because of thy righteous judgments: either upon his enemies, the persecuting princes, as Aben Ezra; so saints may and should, and will praise the Lord, for his righteous judgments on the enemies of his church and people, because not only of their deliverance from them, but because of the honour of his justice, and the glory of his name; see Rev 18:20; or because of the word of God, the precepts, ordinances, and doctrines of it, which are all righteous; for his knowledge of them, and for the benefit and comfort received from them; see Psa 119:7.

Gill: Psa 119:165 - -- Great peace have they which love thy law,.... The Targum adds, "in this world.'' Great prosperity, especially prosperity of soul, inward peace, ...

Great peace have they which love thy law,.... The Targum adds,

"in this world.''

Great prosperity, especially prosperity of soul, inward peace, peace of conscience, peace in Christ, and from him, flowing from his blood, righteousness, and sacrifice, and a view of interest therein; which is usually enjoyed in a way of believing, and frequently had in the ways, worship, and ordinances of God. Such as love the law of God, his word, precepts, and doctrines, have a large share of it; a peace so great, that it passes the understanding of unregenerate men, and cannot be fully expressed by the saints themselves; there is none to the wicked, it is peculiar to them that love the Lord, and what belong to him: the Arabic and Ethiopic versions render it, "which love thy name";

and nothing shall offend them; the Targum is,

"in the world to come.''

Nothing shall disturb their minds, and break their peace; nothing from without, though sin, temptations, and desertions do; not outward afflictions, the reproaches and persecutions of wicked men, nor the reproof of good men; nor what God does to them in a providential way: though in the world they have tribulation, in Christ they have peace, which the world can neither give nor take away. "There is no stumbling block unto them" l, as it may be rendered; nothing that shall cause them to be offended and depart out of the good ways of God, which is the case of carnal formal professors, Mat 13:21; such stumble not at the word, as others do, at any of the doctrines of it; and the true light shining in them, and the word without being a light unto them, there is no occasion of stumbling in them; they see their way, and what lies in it, and so avoid that at which they might stumble, 1Jo 2:10. Moreover, such do not easily either give or take offence; they are possessed of that charity or love, which is not suspicious or easily provoked; and they endeavour to give no offence to any, but live without it, in the midst of a perverse generation, 1Co 13:5, Phi 2:15.

Gill: Psa 119:166 - -- Lord, I have hoped for thy salvation,.... Either temporal salvation and deliverance from enemies, and from afflictions, which God had promised, and th...

Lord, I have hoped for thy salvation,.... Either temporal salvation and deliverance from enemies, and from afflictions, which God had promised, and therefore he had reason to hope for; or spiritual and eternal salvation, resolved on in the mind of God, provided in covenant, promised to be wrought out by Christ, and which since has been accomplished; and therefore there is a sufficient foundation to hope for it;

and done thy commandments: this was not the cause, ground, and foundation of his hope; for then it would not have been like an anchor, sure and steadfast, but as the hope of the hypocrite, which is as the spider's web; but this was the effect of his hope; because he had a good hope of salvation, therefore he was studiously concerned to do the commandments of God; his hope prompted him to it, and encouraged him in it; see 1Jo 3:2. Kimchi's note here is a good one; "and done thy commandments", not for hope of reward; but I have done them as thy commandments are with me and I know that I shall have salvation, and I have hoped for it.

Gill: Psa 119:167 - -- My soul hath kept thy testimonies,.... The word of God, which he kept cordially and heartily; and in his heart, laid it up there; and with his whole s...

My soul hath kept thy testimonies,.... The word of God, which he kept cordially and heartily; and in his heart, laid it up there; and with his whole soul observed the doctrines and kept the precepts of it;

and I love them exceedingly; and kept them from a principle of love, and not with mercenary and selfish views; and this love was exceeding great, not cold nor lukewarm, but ardent and fervent, love in the superlative degree.

Gill: Psa 119:168 - -- I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies,.... Both the preceptive and doctrinal part of the word, he preserved and observed both; this is repeated...

I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies,.... Both the preceptive and doctrinal part of the word, he preserved and observed both; this is repeated for the certainty of it, and to show his great affection to them;

for all my ways are before thee; this is either an appeal to God for the truth of what he had said, who saw and knew all the ways in which he walked, and which he had endeavoured should be conformable to the word of God; or it is a reason why he kept the precepts and testimonies of the Lord, because he knew his eyes were upon him; the omniscience of God had an influence over him, and caused him to be more attentive to the word, as the rule of his actions; see Psa 139:1.

Gill: Psa 119:169 - -- ת, TAU.--The Twenty-second and last Part. TAU. Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord,.... Not "my praise", as the Syriac version; but "my pr...


TAU.--The Twenty-second and last Part.

TAU. Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord,.... Not "my praise", as the Syriac version; but "my prayer", put up in great distress, and with great vehemence and importunity; see Psa 119:145; and when it is desired it might "come near before" the Lord, it does not so much suppose distance of place between the petitioner and the petitioned as earth is from heaven, as Aben Ezra observes, as distance of state and condition; the petitioner being a creature, and a sinful creature, and whose sins had separated between God and him: and now the only way of access is by Christ; prayer can only pass to God through him, who is the only Mediator between God and man; by whom persons and services are brought near unto, him with acceptance. The sum of this request is, that his prayer might not be rejected and shut out; but that it might be admitted, might come up before God, and into his ears, and be regarded by him, and accepted with him;

give me understanding according to thy word; meaning not natural, but spiritual understanding; not that he was without any, as natural men are, whose understandings are darkened; for he had a large share of understanding of spiritual things; but he wanted more, he desired to know more of himself, of his wants and weaknesses; to know more of God in Christ, and of Christ, his person, offices, and grace; to know more of the doctrines of the word, and of the duties of religion; and particularly that he might have a better understanding of the business of prayer, and might know both what to pray for, and how to pray as he ought; all which is a gift from God: and he desires in all to be directed "according to the word" of God, the means of enlightening the understanding, and of increasing spiritual knowledge; or else he means the promise of God, that he would give him more knowledge and understanding; that he might be taught of God, and follow on to know him, and increase in every branch of spiritual knowledge.

Gill: Psa 119:170 - -- Let my supplication come before thee,.... The same with his "cry" in Psa 119:169; only expressed by another word, signifying a petition for grace and ...

Let my supplication come before thee,.... The same with his "cry" in Psa 119:169; only expressed by another word, signifying a petition for grace and favour, in an humble and submissive manner; which it is entreated might be received and accepted, as before;

deliver me according to thy word; of promise, such as that in Psa 50:15; meaning from all troubles and afflictions; out of the hands of all his enemies, and from the power of sin, Satan, and the world; and from all fears of wrath, ruin, and destruction. Kimchi observes, that this is not to be understood of a deliverance of the body from distress, but of the soul from the stumbling block of sin.

Gill: Psa 119:171 - -- My lips shall utter praise,.... Like water flowing from a fountain, as the word m signifies. The heart of a good man is like a fountain of water, abou...

My lips shall utter praise,.... Like water flowing from a fountain, as the word m signifies. The heart of a good man is like a fountain of water, abounding: with good things, and his mouth is a well of life; out of the abundance of grace and good things in his heart his mouth speaks, Joh 4:14; and particularly his heart is filled with praise and thankfulness for the many blessings of providence and grace enjoyed; his lips show it forth; it comes flowing from him freely and readily, without force and compulsion, largely and plentifully, constantly and continually, and with great vehemence and strength, as streams from a fountain;

when thou hast taught me thy statutes: which is what the psalmist often prays for in this psalm; and signifies he should be very thankful to God for, and should sincerely praise him, could he obtain this favour; see Psa 119:7.

Gill: Psa 119:172 - -- My tongue shall speak of thy word,.... Of the word of God in general; of the truth of it, which he knew by certain experience; of the purity of it, te...

My tongue shall speak of thy word,.... Of the word of God in general; of the truth of it, which he knew by certain experience; of the purity of it, tending to promote holiness of heart and life; of the power and efficacy of it, enlightening his mind, and working effectually in him; of the profit of it, to his learning, to his instruction, comfort, and refreshment; of the preciousness of it, being of more worth than thousands of gold and silver; and of the pleasantness of it, being sweeter than the honey or honeycomb, and more to be esteemed than one's necessary food; and of the promises of it in particular, of the worth and value of them, of their suitableness and use, and of the faithful fulfilment of them; and of the doctrines of the word, especially those which relate to the grace of God, and salvation by the Messiah; and also of the precepts of the word, as follows:

for all thy commandments are righteousness; not only righteous, but righteousness itself, being strictly just and equitable in the highest sense; and not only some of them, but all of them; see Psa 119:128. Aben Ezra's paraphrase of the words is,

"I will teach the children of men thy word, that they may know that thy commandments are righteousness;''

which is not amiss: and to the same sense is Kimchi's note, who observes, that author of the Masorah interprets it of praise; as if he had said, My tongue shall praise thy word, because all of it is righteousness.

Gill: Psa 119:173 - -- Let thine hand help me,.... Let thine hand of power help me against mine enemies, and deliver me from them; and let thine hand of providence and grace...

Let thine hand help me,.... Let thine hand of power help me against mine enemies, and deliver me from them; and let thine hand of providence and grace communicate to me, and supply me with and help me to everything needful for me, for body and soul; for time and eternity, all grace here, and glory hereafter; let thy right hand help me on in my way, hold and uphold me, keep and preserve me safe to heaven and happiness;

for I have chosen thy precepts; not only the good part, which shall not be taken away, and the way of truth, Psa 119:30; but even the commandments of God, which he preferred to the commandments of men, and choose rather to obey the one than the other; having a most ardent affection for them, an high esteem of them, and a strong attachment to them; see Psa 119:127.

Gill: Psa 119:174 - -- I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord,.... For temporal salvation and deliverance from enemies; and for spiritual and eternal salvation by the Messi...

I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord,.... For temporal salvation and deliverance from enemies; and for spiritual and eternal salvation by the Messiah; and for the Messiah himself, the author of it: Kimchi interprets it of the salvation of the soul in the world to come; see Psa 119:81;

and thy law is my delight; or "delights" n; his exceeding great delight, as being pure and perfect, holy, just, and good; a transcript of the divine nature, a revelation of the divine will; as in the hands of Christ, his surety and Saviour, who had engaged to fulfil it for him; and as written in his heart; and as delivered from the curse and condemnation of it, through the suretyship engagements of Christ.

Gill: Psa 119:175 - -- Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee,.... The psalmist desires the continuance of his natural life, not for his own personal advantage, nor for ...

Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee,.... The psalmist desires the continuance of his natural life, not for his own personal advantage, nor for the sake of his family, nor with any worldly, sinister, and selfish views; but for the glory of God, and for the sake of praising him: or his desire is, that his soul might be lively and comfortable; or that he might be in a lively and cheerful frame of spirit, and so be in fit and proper circumstances to praise the Lord; for it is the living man in both senses, natural and spiritual, that is capable of praising the Lord, Isa 38:19;

and let thy judgments help me; that is, to praise him: meaning either judgments on his enemies, as Aben Ezra; which furnish out matter and occasion of praise and thanksgiving; see Rev 15:3; or the word of God, the doctrines and precepts of it; see Psa 119:164.

Gill: Psa 119:176 - -- I have gone astray like a lost sheep,.... In desert places, as it is the nature of sheep to do o. A sheep he was, a sheep of Christ, given him by the ...

I have gone astray like a lost sheep,.... In desert places, as it is the nature of sheep to do o. A sheep he was, a sheep of Christ, given him by the Father; known by him, and that knew him; knew his voice, and followed him; a sheep of his hand, and of his pasture; one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, who had been lost in Adam, though recovered by grace; and had gone astray before conversion, but now returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of souls; and since conversion had gone astray from the Shepherd and fold, from the word and precepts of it, through inadvertence, the prevalence of corruption, the snares of the world, and the temptations of Satan; which he both deprecates and owns, Psa 119:10; though it may be understood, as it is by many interpreters, of his being forced, by the persecutions of his enemies, to wander from the courts of God, and from place to place:

seek thy servant; as a shepherd does his sheep when gone astray, which will not return of itself unless sought after: thou art my Shepherd, as if he should say, look me up, restore my soul; suffer me not to wander from thee, and go astray from thy word and ordinances: and when he calls himself his servant, it carries in it an argument for being looked up and sought out; since he was his servant, not by nature, but by grace; not by force, but willingly; he was his and devoted to his service. And another follows:

for I do not forget thy commandments; he retained a knowledge of them, an affection for them, and a desire to observe them; though he had gone astray from them, either in a criminal way, through the power and prevalence of sin, or against his will, through the force of persecution.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 119:86 God’s commands are a reliable guide to right and wrong. By keeping them the psalmist is doing what is right, yet he is still persecuted.

NET Notes: Psa 119:88 Heb “of your mouth.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:89 Heb “Forever, O Lord, your word stands firm in heaven,” or “Forever, O Lord, [is] your word; it stands firm in heaven.” The tr...

NET Notes: Psa 119:90 Heb “to a generation and a generation [is] your faithfulness.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:92 Or “my suffering.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:95 Heb “the wicked wait for me to kill me.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:96 Heb “to every perfection I have seen an end, your command is very wide.” God’s law is beyond full comprehension, which is why the ps...

NET Notes: Psa 119:98 The plural form needs to be revocalized as a singular in order to agree with the preceding singular verb and the singular pronoun in the next line. Th...

NET Notes: Psa 119:101 Heb “your word.” Many medieval Hebrew mss read the plural.

NET Notes: Psa 119:103 Heb “How smooth they are to my palate, your word, more than honey to my mouth.” A few medieval Hebrew mss, as well as several other ancien...

NET Notes: Psa 119:104 Heb “every false path.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:105 Heb “[is] a lamp for my foot and a light for my path.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:107 Heb “according to your word.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:108 Heb “of my mouth.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:109 Heb “my life [is] in my hands continually.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:111 Heb “for the joy of my heart [are] they.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:112 Heb “I turn my heart to do.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:113 Heb “divided ones.” The word occurs only here; it appears to be derived from a verbal root, attested in Arabic, meaning “to split...

NET Notes: Psa 119:115 The psalmist has already declared that he observes God’s commands despite persecution, so here the idea must be “so that I might observe t...

NET Notes: Psa 119:116 Heb “do not make me ashamed of my hope.” After the Hebrew verb בּוֹשׁ (bosh, “to be ashamed̶...

NET Notes: Psa 119:117 Or “and that I might focus.” The two cohortatives with vav (ו) conjunctive indicate purpose/result after the imperative at the begin...

NET Notes: Psa 119:118 Heb “for their deceit [is] falsehood.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:119 As he explains in the next verse, the psalmist’s fear of judgment motivates him to obey God’s rules.

NET Notes: Psa 119:120 Heb “from fear of you.” The pronominal suffix on the noun is an objective genitive.

NET Notes: Psa 119:121 Heb “do justice and righteousness.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:122 Heb “be surety for your servant for good.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:123 Heb “and for the word of your faithfulness.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:124 Heb “do with your servant according to your loyal love.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:125 or “know.” The cohortative verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.

NET Notes: Psa 119:127 “For this reason” connects logically with the statement made in v. 126. Because the judgment the psalmist fears (see vv. 119-120) is immin...

NET Notes: Psa 119:128 Heb “every false path.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:130 Or “the [morally] naive,” that is, the one who is young and still in the process of learning right from wrong and distinguishing wisdom fr...

NET Notes: Psa 119:131 The verb occurs only here in the OT.

NET Notes: Psa 119:132 Heb “according to custom toward the lovers of your name.” The “lovers of” God’s “name” are the Lord’s ...

NET Notes: Psa 119:133 God’s “word” refers here to his law (see v. 11).

NET Notes: Psa 119:134 The cohortative verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.

NET Notes: Psa 119:135 Heb “cause your face to shine.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:136 Heb “they”; even though somewhat generic, the referent (people) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Psa 119:138 Heb “you commanded [in] justice your rules.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:139 Heb “your words.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:142 Or “truth.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:143 Heb “find.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:144 The cohortative verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.

NET Notes: Psa 119:146 The cohortative verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive indicates purpose/result after the preceding imperative.

NET Notes: Psa 119:149 Heb “according to your custom.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:150 Heb “those who pursue.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:151 Or “truth.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:152 Heb “long ago I knew concerning your rules, that forever you established them.” See v. 89 for the same idea. The translation assumes that ...

NET Notes: Psa 119:154 Heb “and redeem me.” The verb “redeem” casts the Lord in the role of a leader who protects members of his extended family in t...

NET Notes: Psa 119:155 Heb “far from the wicked [is] deliverance.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:156 Heb “according to your customs.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:157 Heb “many [are] those who chase me and my enemies.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:158 Heb “your word.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:160 Heb “the head of your word is truth, and forever [is] all your just regulation.” The term “head” is used here of the “su...

NET Notes: Psa 119:161 Heb “and because of your instructions my heart trembles.” The psalmist’s healthy “fear” of the consequences of violating...

NET Notes: Psa 119:162 Heb “like one who finds great plunder.” See Judg 5:30. The image is that of a victorious warrior who finds a large amount of plunder on th...

NET Notes: Psa 119:164 The number “seven” is use rhetorically to suggest thoroughness.

NET Notes: Psa 119:165 Heb “and there is no stumbling to them.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:166 Heb “do.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:168 Heb “for all my ways [are] before you.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:169 Heb “may my cry approach before you.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:170 Heb “according to your speech.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:172 Heb “your word.”

NET Notes: Psa 119:173 The words “to obey” are not in the Hebrew text, but have been supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons and for clarity.

NET Notes: Psa 119:175 God’s regulations will “help” the psalmist by giving him moral and ethical guidance.

NET Notes: Psa 119:176 Heb “I stray like a lost sheep.” It is possible that the point of the metaphor is vulnerability: The psalmist, who is threatened by his en...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:86 All thy commandments [are] faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; ( e ) help thou me. ( e ) He assures himself that God will deliver his and destroy...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:87 They had almost consumed ( f ) me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts. ( f ) Finding no help on earth, he lifts up his eyes to heaven.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in ( a ) heaven. ( a ) Because no one should esteem God's word according to the changes of things in thi...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:91 They ( b ) continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all [are] thy servants. ( b ) Seeing the earth and all creatures remain in that estat...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:94 I [am] ( c ) thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts. ( c ) He proves by effect that he is God's child, because he seeks to understand his wor...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:96 I ( d ) have seen an end of all perfection: [but] thy commandment [is] exceeding broad. ( d ) There is nothing so perfect in earth, but it has an end...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:97 MEM. O how love I thy law! it [is] my meditation ( a ) all the day. ( a ) He shows that we cannot love God's word unless we exercise ourselves in it ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:99 I have more ( b ) understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies [are] my meditation. ( b ) Whoever submits himself only to God's word will ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:102 I have not departed from thy judgments: for ( c ) thou hast taught me. ( c ) So then of ourselves we can do nothing, but when God inwardly instructs ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:105 NUN. Thy word [is] a ( a ) lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. ( a ) Of ourselves we are but darkness and cannot see unless we are lightened...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:106 I have ( b ) sworn, and I will perform [it], that I will keep thy righteous judgments. ( b ) So all the faithful ought to bind themselves to God by a...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:108 Accept, I beseech thee, the ( c ) freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments. ( c ) That is, my prayer and thanksgiving which...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:109 My ( d ) soul [is] continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law. ( d ) That is, I am in continual danger of my life.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:111 Thy testimonies have I taken as an ( e ) heritage for ever: for they [are] the rejoicing of my heart. ( e ) I esteemed no worldly things, but made yo...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:113 SAMECH. I hate ( a ) [vain] thoughts: but thy law do I love. ( a ) Whoever will embrace God's word correctly must abhor all fantasies and imagination...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:115 ( b ) Depart from me, ye evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God. ( b ) And hinder me not to keep the law of the Lord.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:117 ( c ) Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually. ( c ) He desires God's continual assistance, lest ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:118 Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their ( d ) deceit [is] falsehood. ( d ) The crafty practises of them who contemn you...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:119 Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth [like] ( e ) dross: therefore I love thy testimonies. ( e ) Which infected your people, as dross does m...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:120 My flesh ( f ) trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments. ( f ) Your judgments not only teach me obedience, but cause me to fear, ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:122 ( a ) Be surety for thy servant for good: let not the proud oppress me. ( a ) Put yourself between me and my enemies, as if you were my pledge.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:124 Deal with thy ( b ) servant according unto thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes. ( b ) He does not boast that he is God's servant, but by this remind...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:126 [It is] ( c ) time for [thee], LORD, to work: [for] they have made void thy law. ( c ) The prophet shows that when the wicked have brought all things...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:128 Therefore I esteem all [thy] precepts [concerning] all [things to be] right; [and] I hate every false ( d ) way. ( d ) That is, whatever dissents fro...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:129 PE. Thy testimonies [are] ( a ) wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them. ( a ) Containing high and secret mysteries, so that I am moved with admi...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:130 The entrance of thy ( b ) words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. ( b ) The simple idiots that submit themselves to God have the...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:131 I opened my mouth, and ( c ) panted: for I longed for thy commandments. ( c ) My zeal toward your word was so great.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:136 Rivers of waters ( d ) run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law. ( d ) He shows what should be the zeal of God's children when they see his ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:138 Thy testimonies [that] thou hast commanded [are] ( a ) righteous and very faithful. ( a ) We cannot confess God to be righteous, unless we live uprig...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:141 I [am] ( c ) small and despised: [yet] do not I forget thy precepts. ( c ) This is the true trial to praise God in adversity.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:144 The righteousness of thy testimonies [is] everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall ( d ) live. ( d ) So that the life of man without the knowl...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:145 KOPH. I ( a ) cried with [my] whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes. ( a ) He shows that all his affection and whole heart were bent...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:148 Mine eyes ( b ) prevent the [night] watches, that I might meditate in thy word. ( b ) He was more earnest in the study of God's word, than they who k...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:150 They draw nigh that follow after ( c ) mischief: they are far from thy law. ( c ) He shows the nature of the wicked to be to persecute against their ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:152 ( d ) Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever. ( d ) His faith is grounded on God's word, that he would ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:154 Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy ( a ) word. ( a ) For without God's promise there is no hope of deliverance.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:156 Great [are] thy tender mercies, O LORD: quicken me according to thy ( b ) judgments. ( b ) According to your promise made in the law, which because t...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:158 I beheld the transgressors, and was ( c ) grieved; because they kept not thy word. ( c ) My zeal consumed me when I saw their malice and contempt for...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:159 Consider how I ( d ) love thy precepts: quicken me, O LORD, according to thy lovingkindness. ( d ) It is a sure sign of our adoption, when we love th...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:160 Thy word [is] true [from] the ( e ) beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments [endureth] for ever. ( e ) Since you first promised it, even ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:161 SCHIN. Princes have ( a ) persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word. ( a ) The threatenings and persecutions of princes...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:164 ( b ) Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments. ( b ) That is, often and various times.

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:165 Great peace have they which ( c ) love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. ( c ) For their conscience assures them that they please you, whereas ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:166 LORD, I have ( d ) hoped for thy salvation, and done thy commandments. ( d ) He shows that we must first have faith before we can work and please God...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:168 I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: ( e ) for all my ways [are] before thee. ( e ) I had no respect for men, but set you always before my e...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:169 TAU. Let my cry come near before thee, O LORD: give me understanding ( a ) according to thy word. ( a ) As you have promised to be the schoolmaster t...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:171 My lips shall ( b ) utter praise, when thou hast ( c ) taught me thy statutes. ( b ) The word means to pour forth continually. ( c ) All his prayer ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:175 Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy ( d ) judgments help me. ( d ) That is, your provident care over me, and with which you will ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 119:176 I have ( e ) gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I do not forget thy commandments. ( e ) Being chased to and fro by my enemies, and ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 119:1-176 - --1 This psalm contains sundry prayers, praises, and professions of obedience.

Maclaren: Psa 119:126-128 - --Time For Thee To Work' It is time for Thee, Lord, to work; for they have made void Thy Law. 127. Therefore I love Thy commandments above gold, yea, a...

Maclaren: Psa 119:165 - --Submission And Peace Great peace have they which love Thy law; and nothing shall offend them.' Psalm 119:165. THE marginal note says they shall have ...

MHCC: Psa 119:81-88 - --The psalmist sought deliverance from his sins, his foes, and his fears. Hope deferred made him faint; his eyes failed by looking out for this expected...

MHCC: Psa 119:89-96 - --The settling of God's word in heaven, is opposed to the changes and revolutions of the earth. And the engagements of God's covenant are established mo...

MHCC: Psa 119:97-104 - --What we love, we love to think of. All true wisdom is from God. A good man carries his Bible with him, if not in his hands, yet in his head and in his...

MHCC: Psa 119:105-112 - --The word of God directs us in our work and way, and a dark place indeed the world would be without it. The commandment is a lamp kept burning with the...

MHCC: Psa 119:113-120 - --Here is a dread of the risings of sin, and the first beginnings of it. The more we love the law of God, the more watchful we shall be, lest vain thoug...

MHCC: Psa 119:121-128 - --Happy is the man, who, acting upon gospel principles, does justice to all around. Christ our Surety, having paid our debt and ransom, secures all the ...

MHCC: Psa 119:129-136 - --The wonders of redeeming love will fix the heart in adoration of them. The Scriptures show us what we were, what we are, and what we shall be. They sh...

MHCC: Psa 119:137-144 - --God never did, and never can do wrong to any. The promises are faithfully performed by Him that made them. Zeal against sin should constrain us to do ...

MHCC: Psa 119:145-152 - --Supplications with the whole heart are presented only by those who desire God's salvation, and who love his commandments. Whither should the child go ...

MHCC: Psa 119:153-160 - --The closer we cleave to the word of God, both as our rule and as our stay, the more assurance we have of deliverance. Christ is the Advocate of his pe...

MHCC: Psa 119:161-168 - --Those whose hearts stand in awe of God's word, will rather endure the wrath of man, than break the law of God. By the word of God we are unspeakable g...

MHCC: Psa 119:169-176 - --The psalmist desired grace and strength to lift up his prayers, and that the Lord would receive and notice them. He desired to know more of God in Chr...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:85-87 - -- David's state was herein a type and figure of the state both of Christ and Christians that he was grievously persecuted; as there are many of his ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:88 - -- Here is, 1. David in care to be found in the way of his duty. His constant desire and design are to keep the testimony of God's mouth, to keep to ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:89-91 - -- Here, 1. The psalmist acknowledges the unchangeableness of the word of God and of all his counsels: " For ever, O Lord! thy word is settled. Thou ar...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:92 - -- Here is, 1. The great distress that David was in. He was in affliction, and ready to perish in his affliction, not likely to die, so much as likel...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:93 - -- Here is, 1. A very good resolution: " I will never forget thy precepts, but will always retain a remembrance of and regard to thy word as my rule."...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:94 - -- Here, 1. David claims relation to God: " I am thine, devoted to thee and owned by thee, thine in covenant."He does not say, Thou art mine (as Dr....

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:95 - -- Here, 1. David complains of the malice of his enemies: The wicked (and none but such would be enemies to so good a man) have waited for me to des...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:96 - -- Here we have David's testimony from his own experience, 1. Of the vanity of the world and its insufficiency to make us happy: I have seen an end of...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:97 - -- Here is, 1. David's inexpressible love to the word of God: O how love I thy law! He protests his affection to the word of God with a holy vehemenc...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:98-100 - -- We have here an account of David's learning, not that of the Egyptians, but of the Israelites indeed. I. The good method by which he got it. In hi...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:101 - -- Here is, 1. David's care to avoid the ways of sin: " I have refrained my feet from the evil ways they were ready to step aside into. I checked myse...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:102 - -- Here is, 1. David's constancy in his religion. He had not departed from God's judgments; he had not chosen any other rule than the word of God, no...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:103-104 - -- Here is, 1. The wonderful pleasure and delight which David took in the word of God; it was sweet to his taste, sweeter than honey. There is such a...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:105 - -- Observe here, 1. The nature of the word of God, and the great intention of giving it to the world; it is a lamp and a light. It discovers to us, c...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:106 - -- Here is, 1. The notion David had of religion; it is keeping God's righteous judgments. God's commands are his judgments, the dictates of infinite ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:107 - -- Here is, 1. The representation David makes of the sorrowful condition he was in: I am afflicted very much, afflicted in spirit; he seems to mean t...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:108 - -- Two things we are here taught to pray for, in reference to our religious performances: - 1. Acceptance of them. This we must aim at in all we do in ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:109-110 - -- Here is, 1. David in danger of losing his life. There is but a step between him and death, for the wicked have laid a snare for him; Saul did so m...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:111-112 - -- The psalmist here in a most affectionate manner, like an Israelite indeed, resolves to stick to the word of God and to live and die by it. I. He res...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:113 - -- Here we have, 1. David's dread of the risings of sin, and the first beginnings of it: I hate vain thoughts. He does not mean that he hated them ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:114 - -- Here is, 1. God's care of David to protect and defend him, which he comforted himself with when his enemies were very malicious against him: Thou a...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:115 - -- Here is, 1. David's firm and fixed resolution to live a holy life: I will keep the commandments of my God. Bravely resolved! like a saint, like a ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:116-117 - -- Here, 1. David prays for sustaining grace; for this grace sufficient he besought the Lord twice: Uphold me; and again, Hold thou me up. He sees ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:118-120 - -- Here is, I. God's judgment on wicked people, on those that wander from his statutes, that take their measures from other rules and will not have G...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:121-122 - -- David here appeals to God, 1. As his witness that he had not done wrong; he could truly say, " I have done judgment and justice, that is, I have ma...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:123 - -- David, being oppressed, is here waiting and wishing for the salvation of the Lord, which would make him easy. 1. He cannot but think that it comes s...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:124-125 - -- Here is, 1. David's petition for divine instruction: " Teach me thy statutes; give me to know all my duty; when I am in doubt, and know not for cer...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:126 - -- Here is, 1. A complaint of the daring impiety of the wicked. David, having in himself a holy indignation at it, humbly represents it to God: "Lord, ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:127-128 - -- David here, as often in this psalm, professes the great love he had to the word and law of God; and, to evidence the sincerity of it, observe, 1. Th...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:129 - -- See here how David was affected towards the word of God. 1. He admired it, as most excellent in itself: Thy testimonies are wonderful. The word of...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:130 - -- Here is, 1. The great use for which the word of God was intended, to give light, that is, to give understanding, to give us to understand that which...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:131 - -- Here is, 1. The desire David had towards the word of God: I longed for thy commandments. When he was under a forced absence from God's ordinances ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:132 - -- Here is, 1. David's request for God's favour to himself: " Look graciously upon me; let me have thy smiles, and the light of thy countenance. Tak...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:133 - -- Here David prays for two great spiritual blessings, and is, in this verse, as earnest for the good work of God in him as, in the verse before, for t...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:134 - -- Here, 1. David prays that he might live a quiet and peaceable life, and might not be harassed and discomposed by those that studied to be vexatious:...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:135 - -- David here, as often as elsewhere, writes himself God's servant, a title he gloried in, though he was a king; now here, as became a good servant, 1....

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:136 - -- Here we have David in sorrow. 1. It is a great sorrow, to such a degree that he weeps rivers of tears. Commonly, where there is a gracious heart, ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:137-138 - -- Here is, 1. The righteousness of God, the infinite rectitude and perfection of his nature. As he is what he is, so he is what he should be, and in e...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:139 - -- Here is, 1. The great contempt which wicked men put upon religion: My enemies have forgotten thy words. They have often heard them, but so little ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:140 - -- Here is, 1. David's great affection for the word of God: Thy servant loves it. Every good man, being a servant of God, loves the word of God, beca...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:141 - -- Here is, 1. David pious and yet poor. He was a man after God's own heart, one whom the King of kings did delight to honour, and yet small and despi...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:142 - -- Observe, 1. That God's word is righteousness, and it is an everlasting righteousness. It is the rule of God's judgment, and it is consonant to h...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:143-144 - -- These two verses are almost a repetition of the two foregoing verses, but with improvement. 1. David again professes his constant adherence to God a...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:145-146 - -- Here we have, I. David's good prayers, by which he sought to God for mercy; these he mentions here, not as boasting of them, or trusting to any meri...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:147-148 - -- David goes on here to relate how he had abounded in the duty of prayer, much to his comfort and advantage: he cried unto God, that is, offered up to...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:149 - -- Here, 1. David applies to God for grace and comfort with much solemnity. He begs of God to hear his voice: "Lord, I have something to say to thee; s...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:150-151 - -- Here is, I. The apprehension David was in of danger from his enemies. 1. They were very malicious, and industrious in prosecuting their malicious de...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:152 - -- This confirms what he had said in the close of the foregoing verses, All thy commandments are truth; he means the covenant, the word which God has...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:153-154 - -- Here, I. David prays for succour in distress. Is any afflicted? let him pray; let him pray as David does here. 1. He has an eye to God's pity, and...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:155 - -- Here is, 1. The description of wicked men. They do not only do God's statutes, but they do not so much as seek them; they do not acquaint themselves...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:156 - -- Here, 1. David admires God's grace: Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord! The goodness of God's nature, as it is his glory, so it is the joy of al...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:157 - -- Here is, 1. David surrounded with difficulties and dangers: Many are my persecutors and my enemies. When Saul the king was his persecutor and enem...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:158 - -- Here is, 1. David's sorrow for the wickedness of the wicked. Though he conversed much at home, yet sometimes he looked abroad, and could not but see...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:159 - -- Here is, 1. David's appeal to God concerning his love to his precepts: "Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love them; consider it th...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:160 - -- David here comforts himself with the faithfulness of God's word, for the encouragement of himself and others to rely upon it. 1. It has always been ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:161 - -- David here lets us know, 1. How he was discouraged in his duty by the fear of man: Princes persecuted him. They looked upon him as a traitor and a...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:162 - -- Here is, 1. The pleasure David took in the word of God. He rejoiced at it, rejoiced that God had made such a discovery of his mind, that Israel was ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:163 - -- Love and hatred are the leading affections of the soul; if those be fixed aright, the rest move accordingly. Here we have them fixed aright in David...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:164 - -- David, in this psalm, is full of complaints, yet those did neither jostle out his praises nor put him out of tune for them; whatever condition a chi...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:165 - -- Here is an account of the happiness of good men, who are governed by a principle of love to the word of God, who make it their rule and are ruled by...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:166 - -- Here is the whole duty of man; for we are taught, 1. To keep our eye upon God's favour as our end: " Lord, I have hoped for thy salvation, not only...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:167-168 - -- David's conscience here witnesses for him, I. That his practices were good. 1. He loved God's testimonies, he loved them exceedingly. Our love to th...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:169-170 - -- Here we have, I. A general petition for audience repeated: Let my cry come near before thee; and again, Let my supplication come before thee. He...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:171 - -- Here is, 1. A great favour which David expects from God, that he will teach him his statutes. This he had often prayed for in this psalm, and urge...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:172 - -- Observe here, 1. The good knowledge David had of the word of God; he knew it so well that he was ready to own, with the utmost satisfaction, that al...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:173-174 - -- Here, 1. David prays that divine grace would work for him: Let thy hand help me. He finds his own hands are not sufficient for him, nor can any cr...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:175 - -- David's heart is still upon praising God; and therefore, 1. He prays that God would give him time to praise him: " Let my soul live, and it shall pr...

Matthew Henry: Psa 119:176 - -- Here is, 1. A penitent confession: I have gone astray, or wander up and down, like a lost sheep. As unconverted sinners are like lost sheep (Luk...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:81-88 - -- The eightfold Kaph . This strengthening according to God's promise is his earnest desire ( כּלה ) now, when within a very little his enemies ha...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:89-96 - -- The eightfold Lamed . Eternal and imperishable in the constant verifying of itself is the vigorous and consolatory word of God, to which the poet w...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:97-104 - -- The eightfold Mem . The poet praises the practical wisdom which the word of God, on this very account so sweet to him, teaches. God's precious law,...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:105-112 - -- The eightfold Nun . The word of God is his constant guide, to which he has entrusted himself for ever. The way here below is a way through darkness...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:113-120 - -- The eightfold Samech . His hope rests on God's word, without allowing itself to be led astray by doubters and apostates. סעפים (the form of no...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:121-128 - -- The eightfold Ajin . In the present time of apostasy and persecution he keeps all the more strictly to the direction of the divine word, and commen...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:129-136 - -- The eightfold Phe . The deeper his depression of spirit concerning those who despise the word of God, the more ardently does he yearn after the lig...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:137-144 - -- The eightfold Tsade . God rules righteously and faithfully according to His word, for which the poet is accordingly zealous, although young and des...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:145-152 - -- The eightfold Koph . Fidelity to God's word, and deliverance according to His promise, is the purport of his unceasing prayer. Even in the morning ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:153-160 - -- The eightfold Resh . Because God cannot suffer those who are faithful to His word to succumb, he supplicates His help against his persecutors. ר...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:161-168 - -- The eightfold ש (both Shin and Sin ) (Note: Whilst even in the oldest alphabetical Pijutim the Sin perhaps represents the Samech as well, but ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 119:169-176 - -- The eightfold Tav . May God answer this his supplication as He has heard his praise, and interest Himself on behalf of His servant, the sheep that ...

Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 119:1-176 - --Psalm 119 The anonymous psalmist who wrote this longest psalm sought refuge from his persecutors and fou...

Constable: Psa 119:81-88 - --11. The reliability of God's Word 119:81-88 The poet had almost given up as he waited for God to...

Constable: Psa 119:89-96 - --12. The permanence of God's Word 119:89-96 The permanence of God's Word is evident in that God h...

Constable: Psa 119:97-104 - --13. The sweetness of God's Word 119:97-104 The psalmist loved God's law because it gave him more...

Constable: Psa 119:105-112 - --14. The illumination God's Word provides 119:105-112 God's revelation is a light that illuminate...

Constable: Psa 119:113-120 - --15. The reverence God's Word inspires 119:113-120 Double minded people disregard God's revelatio...

Constable: Psa 119:121-128 - --16. The vindication of those who keep God's Word 119:121-128 The first four verses of this peric...

Constable: Psa 119:129-136 - --17. The wonder of God's Word 119:129-136 The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful because they ...

Constable: Psa 119:137-144 - --18. The righteous character of God's Word 119:137-144 The righteous God has given us a righteous...

Constable: Psa 119:145-152 - --19. The truth of God's Word 119:145-152 The psalmist called on God to deliver him because he pro...

Constable: Psa 119:153-160 - --20. Love for God's Word 119:153-160 Again the writer prayed for deliverance appealing to his com...

Constable: Psa 119:161-168 - --21. Joy in God's Word 119:161-168 The opposition of powerful individuals did not intimidate the ...

Constable: Psa 119:169-176 - --22. Salvation in God's Word 119:169-176 The psalmist called to the Lord again to hear his suppli...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Psa 119:110 PSALM 119:110 —Is it true that David never erred from God’s precepts or did he go astray from them? PROBLEM: David appears to contradict hims...

Evidence: Psa 119:97 " If there is anything in my thoughts or style to commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures." Dan...

Evidence: Psa 119:104 " But for this Book [the Bible], we could not know right from wrong...Take all you can of this Book upon reason, and the balance on faith, and you wil...

Evidence: Psa 119:105 The Bible Stands Alone Compiled by Jordan and Justin Drake In 1889 a schoolteacher told a ten-year-old boy, " You will never amount to very much." ...

Evidence: Psa 119:128 This verse covers all of God’s judgments over sinners—harsh though they may seem to our darkened minds.

Evidence: Psa 119:133 Sin may beset the Christian, but those whose steps are in God’s Word prevent sin from having dominion over them. See Rom 6:12-18 .

Evidence: Psa 119:136 " And you, too, who are moral enough in your conversation, and regular in your attendance on the outward forms of religion, you who never weep over si...

Evidence: Psa 119:160 QUESTIONS & OBJECTIONS "The Bible has changed down through the ages." No, it hasn't. God has preserved His Word. In the spring of 1947, the Dead ...

Evidence: Psa 119:162 SPRINGBOARDS FOR PREACHING AND WITNESSING The Bible and All It Contains A young man once received a letter from a lawyer stating that his grandmo...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 119:1, This psalm contains sundry prayers, praises, and professions of obedience.

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The author of this Psalm was David; which I know none that deny, and of which there is no just reason to doubt. The scope and design o...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 119:1-8) Aleph. (Psa 119:9-16) Beth. (Psa 119:17-24) Gimel. (Psa 119:25-32) Daleth. (Psa 119:33-40) He. (Psa 119:41-48) Vav. (Psa 119:49-56...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) This is a psalm by itself, like none of the rest; it excels them all, and shines brightest in this constellation. It is much longer than any of the...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 119 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 119 This psalm is generally thought to be written by David, but when is uncertain; very probably towards the decline of life;...

Advanced Commentary (Dictionaries, Hymns, Arts, Sermon Illustration, Question and Answers, etc)

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