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Text -- Psalms 71:2-24 (NET)

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71:2 Vindicate me by rescuing me! Listen to me! Deliver me! 71:3 Be my protector and refuge, a stronghold where I can be safe! For you are my high ridge and my stronghold. 71:4 My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the hand of the cruel oppressor! 71:5 For you give me confidence, O Lord; O Lord, I have trusted in you since I was young. 71:6 I have leaned on you since birth; you pulled me from my mother’s womb. I praise you continually. 71:7 Many are appalled when they see me, but you are my secure shelter. 71:8 I praise you constantly and speak of your splendor all day long. 71:9 Do not reject me in my old age! age! When my strength fails, do not abandon me! 71:10 For my enemies talk about me; those waiting for a chance to kill me plot my demise. 71:11 They say, “God has abandoned him. Run and seize him, for there is no one who will rescue him!” 71:12 O God, do not remain far away from me! My God, hurry and help me! 71:13 May my accusers be humiliated and defeated! May those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace! 71:14 As for me, I will wait continually, and will continue to praise you. 71:15 I will tell about your justice, and all day long proclaim your salvation, though I cannot fathom its full extent. 71:16 I will come and tell about the mighty acts of the sovereign Lord. I will proclaim your justice– yours alone. 71:17 O God, you have taught me since I was young, and I am still declaring your amazing deeds. 71:18 Even when I am old and gray, O God, do not abandon me, until I tell the next generation about your strength, and those coming after me about your power. 71:19 Your justice, O God, extends to the skies above; you have done great things. O God, who can compare to you? 71:20 Though you have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress, revive me once again! Bring me up once again from the depths of the earth! 71:21 Raise me to a position of great honor! Turn and comfort me! 71:22 I will express my thanks to you with a stringed instrument, praising your faithfulness, O my God! I will sing praises to you accompanied by a harp, O Holy One of Israel! 71:23 My lips will shout for joy! Yes, I will sing your praises! I will praise you when you rescue me! 71:24 All day long my tongue will also tell about your justice, for those who want to harm me will be embarrassed and ashamed.
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 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 71:2 Ps 31:2 adds “quickly” before “deliver.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:3 You are my high ridge. This metaphor pictures God as a rocky, relatively inaccessible summit, where one would be able to find protection from enemies....

NET Notes: Psa 71:4 Heb “hand.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:5 Heb “O Lord, my source of confidence from my youth.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:6 Heb “in you [is] my praise continually.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:7 Heb “like a sign [i.e., portent or bad omen] I am to many.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:8 Heb “my mouth is filled [with] your praise, all the day [with] your splendor.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:9 Heb “do not cast me away at the time of old age.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:10 Heb “those who watch for my life consult together.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:11 Heb “saying.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:12 Heb “hurry to my help.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:13 Heb “those who seek my harm.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:14 Heb “and I add to all your praise.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:15 Heb “though I do not know [the] numbers,” that is, the tally of God’s just and saving acts. HALOT 768 s.v. סְפ...

NET Notes: Psa 71:16 Heb “I will come with.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:17 Heb “and until now I am declaring.”

NET Notes: Psa 71:18 Heb “until I declare your arm to a generation, to everyone who comes your power.” God’s “arm” here is an anthropomorphis...

NET Notes: Psa 71:19 Or “Who is like you?”

NET Notes: Psa 71:20 Heb “you return, you bring me up.” The Hebrew term שׁוּב (shuv, “return”) is used here in an adv...

NET Notes: Psa 71:21 The imperfects are understood here as expressing the psalmist’s prayer or wish. (Note the use of a distinctly jussive form at the beginning of v...

NET Notes: Psa 71:22 The basic sense of the word “holy” is “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique.” The Lord’s holiness i...

NET Notes: Psa 71:23 Heb “and my life [or “soul”] which you will have redeemed.” The perfect verbal form functions here as a future perfect. The ps...

NET Notes: Psa 71:24 Heb “will have become embarrassed and ashamed.” The perfect verbal forms function here as future perfects, indicating future actions which...

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