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Text -- Revelation 18:1-21 (NET)

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Babylon is Destroyed
18:1 After these things I saw another angel, who possessed great authority, coming down out of heaven, and the earth was lit up by his radiance. 18:2 He shouted with a powerful voice: “Fallen, fallen, is Babylon the great! She has become a lair for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detested beast. 18:3 For all the nations have fallen from the wine of her immoral passion, and the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have gotten rich from the power of her sensual behavior.” 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, so you will not take part in her sins and so you will not receive her plagues, 18:5 because her sins have piled up all the way to heaven and God has remembered her crimes. 18:6 Repay her the same way she repaid others; pay her back double corresponding to her deeds. In the cup she mixed, mix double the amount for her. 18:7 As much as she exalted herself and lived in sensual luxury, to this extent give her torment and grief because she said to herself, ‘I rule as queen and am no widow; I will never experience grief!’ 18:8 For this reason, she will experience her plagues in a single day: disease, mourning, and famine, and she will be burned down with fire, because the Lord God who judges her is powerful!” 18:9 Then the kings of the earth who committed immoral acts with her and lived in sensual luxury with her will weep and wail for her when they see the smoke from the fire that burns her up. 18:10 They will stand a long way off because they are afraid of her torment, and will say, “Woe, woe, O great city, Babylon the powerful city! For in a single hour your doom has come!” 18:11 Then the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn for her because no one buys their cargo any longer18:12 cargo such as gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, all sorts of things made of citron wood, all sorts of objects made of ivory, all sorts of things made of expensive wood, bronze, iron and marble, 18:13 cinnamon, spice, incense, perfumed ointment, frankincense, wine, olive oil and costly flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and four-wheeled carriages, slaves and human lives. 18:14 (The ripe fruit you greatly desired has gone from you, and all your luxury and splendor have gone from you– they will never ever be found again!) 18:15 The merchants who sold these things, who got rich from her, will stand a long way off because they are afraid of her torment. They will weep and mourn, 18:16 saying, “Woe, woe, O great city– dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet clothing, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls18:17 because in a single hour such great wealth has been destroyed!” And every ship’s captain, and all who sail along the coast– seamen, and all who make their living from the sea, stood a long way off 18:18 and began to shout when they saw the smoke from the fire that burned her up, “Who is like the great city?” 18:19 And they threw dust on their heads and were shouting with weeping and mourning, “Woe, Woe, O great city– in which all those who had ships on the sea got rich from her wealth– because in a single hour she has been destroyed!” 18:20 (Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and prophets, for God has pronounced judgment against her on your behalf!) 18:21 Then one powerful angel picked up a stone like a huge millstone, threw it into the sea, and said, “With this kind of sudden violent force Babylon the great city will be thrown down and it will never be found again!
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Babylon a country of Babylon in lower Mesopotamia

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Babylon | Vision | Angel | REVELATION OF JOHN | BABYLON IN THE NEW TESTAMENT | SHIPS AND BOATS | TRADE | Commerce | Frankincense | BED; BEDCHAMBER; BEDSTEAD | Fellowship | Cage | Silk | Ivory | STONES, PRECIOUS | FINE | CINNAMON | LINEN | Confidence | Alcohol | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rev 18:1 Grk “glory”; but often in the sense of splendor, brightness, or radiance (see L&N 14.49).

NET Notes: Rev 18:2 There are several problems in this verse. It seems that according to the ms evidence the first two phrases (i.e., “and a haunt for every unclean...

NET Notes: Rev 18:3 According to BDAG 949 s.v. στρῆνος and στρηνιάω, these terms can refer eit...

NET Notes: Rev 18:4 Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

NET Notes: Rev 18:5 Or “her sins.”

NET Notes: Rev 18:6 On this term BDAG 252 s.v. διπλόω states, “to double τὰ διπλᾶ pay back double...

NET Notes: Rev 18:7 Grk “said in her heart,” an idiom for saying something to oneself.

NET Notes: Rev 18:8 Here “burned down” was used to translate κατακαυθήσεται (katakauqhs...

NET Notes: Rev 18:9 Grk “from the burning of her.” For the translation “the smoke from the fire that burns her up,” see L&N 14.63.

NET Notes: Rev 18:10 Or “judgment,” condemnation,” “punishment.” BDAG 569 s.v. κρίσις 1.a.β states, “...

NET Notes: Rev 18:11 On γόμος (gomos) BDAG 205 s.v. states, “load, freight…cargo of a ship…Ac 21:3. W. gen. of the owner Rv 18:1...

NET Notes: Rev 18:12 On the phrase πᾶν ξύλον θύϊνον (pan xulon quinon) L&N 3.63 states, “p...

NET Notes: Rev 18:13 Grk “and bodies and souls of men.” This could be understood (1) as a hendiadys (two things mentioned = one thing meant), referring only to...

NET Notes: Rev 18:14 This verse forms a parenthetical aside in the narrative.

NET Notes: Rev 18:15 Grk “her torment, weeping.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started in the translation by s...

NET Notes: Rev 18:16 Grk “gilded with gold” (an instance of semantic reinforcement, see L&N 49.29).

NET Notes: Rev 18:17 Grk “and as many as.”

NET Notes: Rev 18:18 Grk “from the burning of her, saying.” For the translation “the smoke from the fire that burned her up,” see L&N 14.63. He...

NET Notes: Rev 18:19 On ἡρημώθη (Jhrhmwqh) L&N 20.41 states, “to suffer destruction, with the implication of being deserted ...

NET Notes: Rev 18:20 This verse forms a parenthetical aside in the narrative.

NET Notes: Rev 18:21 Thrown down is a play on both the words and the action. The angel’s action with the stone illustrates the kind of sudden violent force with whic...

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