Text -- Zechariah 10:5-12 (NET)

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The remnant of the kingdom of Israel, the residue of the ten tribes.

To settle them in their own land, and in their own cities.

Wesley: Zec 10:7 - -- These blessings shall continue through your generations, to children that shall be born.
These blessings shall continue through your generations, to children that shall be born.

Wesley: Zec 10:8 - -- Though they are now scattered far off, I will call them as a shepherd, and they shall run with speed back to the flock.
Though they are now scattered far off, I will call them as a shepherd, and they shall run with speed back to the flock.

Wesley: Zec 10:9 - -- Their increase shall be like the increase of rich soil that hath much seed cast on it.
Their increase shall be like the increase of rich soil that hath much seed cast on it.

The children born to them shall live, and grow up with them.

The land shall be too narrow for them.

Wesley: Zec 10:11 - -- The whole verse is an allusion to what God had done in the two famous deliverances of his people, bringing them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and...
The whole verse is an allusion to what God had done in the two famous deliverances of his people, bringing them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and through Jordan, and destroying the Egyptians, and delivering them out of Assyrian bondage, and in order thereto, destroying that kingdom.

Wesley: Zec 10:12 - -- By power and wisdom given from above, to the glory of our God, and our Redeemer.
By power and wisdom given from above, to the glory of our God, and our Redeemer.
JFB: Zec 10:5 - -- Namely, the enemy's horsemen. Though the Jews were forbidden by the law to multiply horses in battle (Deu 17:16), they are made Jehovah's war horse (Z...
Namely, the enemy's horsemen. Though the Jews were forbidden by the law to multiply horses in battle (Deu 17:16), they are made Jehovah's war horse (Zec 10:3; Psa 20:7), and so tread down on foot the foe with all his cavalry (Eze 38:4; Dan 11:40). Cavalry was the chief strength of the Syro-Grecian army (I Maccabees 3:39).

JFB: Zec 10:6 - -- That is, the ten tribes. The distinct mention of both Judah and Israel shows that there is yet a more complete restoration than that from Babylon, whe...
That is, the ten tribes. The distinct mention of both Judah and Israel shows that there is yet a more complete restoration than that from Babylon, when Judah alone and a few Israelites from the other tribes returned. The Maccabean deliverance is here connected with it, just as the painter groups on the same canvas objects in the foreground and hills far distant; or as the comparatively near planet and the remote fixed star are seen together in the same firmament. Prophecy ever hastens to the glorious final consummation under Messiah.

JFB: Zec 10:6 - -- Namely, securely in their own land. The Hebrew verb is compounded of two, "I will bring again," and "I will place them" (Jer 32:37) MAURER, from a dif...
Namely, securely in their own land. The Hebrew verb is compounded of two, "I will bring again," and "I will place them" (Jer 32:37) MAURER, from a different form, translates, "I will make them to dwell."

JFB: Zec 10:7 - -- Who are not yet of age to serve. To teach patient waiting for God's promises. If ye do not at present see the fulfilment, your children shall, and the...
Who are not yet of age to serve. To teach patient waiting for God's promises. If ye do not at present see the fulfilment, your children shall, and their joy shall be complete.

JFB: Zec 10:8 - -- Keepers of bees by a whistle call them together. So Jehovah by the mere word of His call shall gather back to Palestine His scattered people (Zec 10:1...
Keepers of bees by a whistle call them together. So Jehovah by the mere word of His call shall gather back to Palestine His scattered people (Zec 10:10; Isa 5:26; Eze 36:11). The multitudes mentioned by JOSEPHUS [Wars of the Jews, 3:2], as peopling Galilee two hundred years after this time, were a pledge of the future more perfect fulfilment of the prophecy.

Namely, in My covenant purpose "redeemed" both temporally and spiritually.

JFB: Zec 10:9 - -- Their dispersion was with a special design. Like seed sown far and wide, they shall, when quickened themselves, be the fittest instruments for quicken...
Their dispersion was with a special design. Like seed sown far and wide, they shall, when quickened themselves, be the fittest instruments for quickening others (compare Mic 5:7). The slight hold they have on every soil where they now live, as also the commercial and therefore cosmopolitan character of their pursuits, making a change of residence easy to them, fit them peculiarly for missionary work [MOORE]. The wide dispersion of the Jews just before Christ's coming prepared the way similarly for the apostles' preaching in the various Jewish synagogues throughout the world; everywhere some of the Old Testament seed previously sown was ready to germinate when the New Testament light and heat were brought to bear on it by Gospel preachers. Thus the way was opened for entrance among the Gentiles. "Will sow" is the Hebrew future, said of that which has been done, is being done, and may be done afterwards [MAURER], (compare Hos 2:23).

JFB: Zec 10:9 - -- (Deu 30:1; 2Ch 6:37). Implying the Jews return to a right mind in "all the nations" where they are scattered simultaneously. Compare Luk 15:17-18, wi...
(Deu 30:1; 2Ch 6:37). Implying the Jews return to a right mind in "all the nations" where they are scattered simultaneously. Compare Luk 15:17-18, with Psa 22:27, "All the ends of the world remembering and turning unto the Lord," preceded by the "seed of Jacob . . . Israel . . . fearing and glorifying Him"; also Psa 102:13-15.

JFB: Zec 10:10 - -- The former the first, the latter among the last of Israel's oppressors (or representing the four great world kingdoms, of which it was the first): typ...
The former the first, the latter among the last of Israel's oppressors (or representing the four great world kingdoms, of which it was the first): types of the present universal dispersion, Egypt being south, Assyria north, opposite ends of the compass. MAURER conjectures that many Israelites fled to "Egypt" on the invasion of Tiglath-pileser. But Isa 11:11 and this passage rather accord with the view of the future restoration.

JFB: Zec 10:10 - -- The whole of the Holy Land is described by two of its boundaries, the eastern ("Gilead" beyond Jordan) and the northern ("Lebanon").
The whole of the Holy Land is described by two of its boundaries, the eastern ("Gilead" beyond Jordan) and the northern ("Lebanon").

JFB: Zec 10:10 - -- That is, there shall not be room enough for them through their numbers (Isa 49:20; Isa 54:3).

JFB: Zec 10:11 - -- Personifying the "sea"; He shall afflict the sea, that is, cause it to cease to be an obstacle to Israel's return to Palestine (Isa 11:15-16). Vulgate...
Personifying the "sea"; He shall afflict the sea, that is, cause it to cease to be an obstacle to Israel's return to Palestine (Isa 11:15-16). Vulgate translates, "The strait of the sea." MAURER, "He shall cleave and smite." English Version is best (Psa 114:3). As Jehovah smote the Red Sea to make a passage for His people (Exo 14:16, Exo 14:21), so hereafter shall He make a way through every obstacle which opposes Israel's restoration.

JFB: Zec 10:11 - -- The Nile (Amo 8:8; Amo 9:5), or the Euphrates. Thus the Red Sea and the Euphrates in the former part of the verse answer to "Assyria" and "Egypt" in t...
They shall be as mighty men - The Maccabees and their successors

Clarke: Zec 10:5 - -- Riders on horses - The Macedonians, who opposed the Maccabees, and had much cavalry; whereas the Jews had none, and even few weapons of war; yet the...
Riders on horses - The Macedonians, who opposed the Maccabees, and had much cavalry; whereas the Jews had none, and even few weapons of war; yet they overcame these horsemen.

Clarke: Zec 10:6 - -- I will strengthen the house of Judah - I doubt whether the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth verses are not to be understood of the future ingatheri...

Clarke: Zec 10:7 - -- Ephraim shall be like a mighty man - This tribe was always distinguished for its valor.
Ephraim shall be like a mighty man - This tribe was always distinguished for its valor.

Clarke: Zec 10:8 - -- I will hiss for them - אשרקה eshrekah , "I will shriek for them;"call them with such a shrill strong voice, that they shall hear me, and find ...
I will hiss for them -

Clarke: Zec 10:9 - -- I will sow them among the people - Wherever they have been dispersed, my voice in the preaching of the Gospel shall reach them. And they shall remem...
I will sow them among the people - Wherever they have been dispersed, my voice in the preaching of the Gospel shall reach them. And they shall remember me, and they and their children shall turn again to the Lord, through Messiah their King.

Clarke: Zec 10:10 - -- Out of the land of Egypt - I will bring them out of all the countries where they have been dispersed, and bring them back to their own land; and the...
Out of the land of Egypt - I will bring them out of all the countries where they have been dispersed, and bring them back to their own land; and they shall be so numerous that they shall scarcely find there, in all its length and breadth, a sufficiency of room. If all the Jews that are now scattered over the face of the earth were gathered together, they would make a mighty nation. And God will gather them together. As a wonderful providence has preserved them in every place, so a wondrous providence will collect them from every place of their dispersion. When the great call comes, no one soul of them shall be left behind.

Clarke: Zec 10:11 - -- And he shall pass through the sea - Here is an allusion to the passage of the Red Sea, on their coming out of Egypt, and to their crossing Jordan, w...
And he shall pass through the sea - Here is an allusion to the passage of the Red Sea, on their coming out of Egypt, and to their crossing Jordan, when they went into the promised land; the waves or waters of both were dried up, thrown from side to side, till all the people passed safely through. When they shall return from the various countries in which they now sojourn, God will work, if necessary, similar miracles to those which he formerly worked for their forefathers; and the people shall be glad to let them go, however much they may be profited by their operations in the state. Those that oppose, as Assyria and Egypt formerly did, shall be brought down, and their scepter broken.

Clarke: Zec 10:12 - -- I will strengthen them in the Lord - I, the God of Israel, will strengthen them in the Lord-Jesus, the Messiah; and thus indeed the Chaldee: I will ...
I will strengthen them in the Lord - I, the God of Israel, will strengthen them in the Lord-Jesus, the Messiah; and thus indeed the Chaldee: I will strengthen them,

Clarke: Zec 10:12 - -- They shall walk up and down in his name - In the name of the Messiah. Saith the Lord - God speaks here, not of himself, but concerning his Christ. T...
They shall walk up and down in his name - In the name of the Messiah. Saith the Lord - God speaks here, not of himself, but concerning his Christ. The Jews shall have complete liberty; they shall appear everywhere as a part of the flock of Christ, and no difference be made between them and the converted Gentiles. They shall be all one fold under one Shepherd and Bishop of all souls.
Calvin: Zec 10:5 - -- He confirms what I have already said — that the Jews would be victorious over all nations. Though the Church is fighting under the cross, she yet t...
He confirms what I have already said — that the Jews would be victorious over all nations. Though the Church is fighting under the cross, she yet triumphs over all the wicked, partly by hope and partly by present success; for God wonderfully sustains it, and makes the faithful to possess their souls in patience; and he also protects them by his own power, and renders them safe amidst all the roarings and insatiable rage of their enemies. Since then God thus strengthens the minds of his people, and cherishes in them the hope of salvation, and also defends them against raging assaults, it is no wonder that the Prophet testifies that the church would be victorious, treading down, as a giant or a strong man, her enemies in the mire.
He gives the reason, For Jehovah will be with them; and this he said, that they might know that nothing in this case would be their own, but that they might, on the contrary, learn to depend on God’s aid alone. And he explains this still more clearly at the end of the verse, by saying, Ashamed shall be the riders on horses; 119 that is, their strength and velour, their use of arms and their skill in handling them, shall avail them nothing, for the Lord will lay prostrate, notwithstanding their arrogance and pride, all those wicked men who in their cruelty devour the faithful, and think that they have strength more than enough to destroy the Church: the Lord will cause all these things to pass away like mist.

Calvin: Zec 10:6 - -- Zechariah pursues the same subject, — that the work of redemption, the beginning of which the Jews saw, would not be incomplete, for the Lord would...
Zechariah pursues the same subject, — that the work of redemption, the beginning of which the Jews saw, would not be incomplete, for the Lord would at length fulfill what he had begun. The Jews themselves could not acquiesce in those beginnings, which were not a hundredth part of what God had promised; it was hence necessary for them to raise up their minds above, that they might hope for much more than what was evident before their eyes.
And this truth is very useful to us, for we are wont to confine God’s promises to a short duration of time, and when we thus include him within narrow limits, we prevent him as it were to do what we stand in need of. Let then the example of the return of the people of Israel ever come to our minds, for the Lord had promised by his Prophets that they would become very eminent, and in every way rich and happy; but when this did not take place after their return to their country, many of the Jews thought that they had been deceived, as they had expected God to fulfill his word immediately, but they ought to have suspended their hope and expectation until Christ came to the world. On this then the Prophet now insists — that the Jews were to rest patiently, until the ripened time came, when the Lord would prove that he is not only in part but a complete redeemer of his people.
Now he says, I will strengthen the house of Judah, and the house of Joseph will I save. The kingdom of Israel, we know, had by degrees wholly fallen; for at first four tribes were driven into exile, and afterwards the whole people perished, so that all thought that the name of the ten tribes had become extinct. The Lord afterwards visited the kingdom with dreadful ruin. But it must be observed, that while the two kingdoms existed, they entertained grievous enmities towards each other; for the defection which happened under Jeroboam, ever made the Jews violently to hate their brethren, the Israelites, as they indeed deserved; for they had in a manner rejected God by rejecting the son of David, and became in a manner alienated from the body of the Church. Now then Zechariah promises something uncommon, when he says that the two peoples shall be united, so as to be again one, as before the defection: for the house of Joseph means the same as the house of Ephraim; and we know that by taking a part for the whole, the house of Ephraim is taken for the whole kingdom of Israel. We now then understand the Prophet’s meaning — that the state of the people would be happier than it had been since the ten tribes separated from the kingdom of Judah, or from the house of David; for God would gather for himself a Church from all the children of Abraham. 120
He then adds, I will bring them back and cause them to dwell. The verb here,
He then adds, Because I have pitied them. Some read this in the future tense, but I retain the past, for the Lord assigns here a reason for their future gathering, even because he would deal mercifully with his people. He recalls then the attention of the Jews to the fountains of his mercy, as if he had said, “Though they have deserved perpetual ruin, He will yet hear their greenings, because he will be propitious to them.” As their calamity was an hindrance, which prevented the Jews from expecting any such thing, he adds, They shall be as though I had not cast them away. By which words he reminds them that the punishment which had been inflicted on the people, would be only for a time. He then bids them to take courage, though they were like the lost or the dead, for he would put an end to their miseries. And when God says that he had cast away his people, it ought to be taken according to the perceptions of men, as we have observed elsewhere; for adoption was unchangeable, but external appearance could have led to no other conclusion, but that the people had been rejected by God. The meaning of the Prophet is, however, clearly this — that though God had dealt severely with that people, and inflicted on them the heaviest punishment on account of their perfidy, yet his vengeance would not be for ever, for he would give place to mercy.
He adds another reason, For I Jehovah am their God. He means by this sentence that adoption would not be void, though he had for a time rejected the Jews: for by calling himself their God, he reminds them of his covenant, as though he had said, that he had not in vain made a covenant with Abraham, and promised that his seed would be blessed. Since then God had pledged his faith to Abraham, he says here that he would be the God of his people; not that they deserved anything, but because he had gratuitously chosen both Abraham and his seed.
He in the last place says, And I will hear them 122 He seems here to exhort them to prayer, that, relying on this promise, they might ask of God what had been promised. Though this verb is often taken in a sense not strictly correct, for God is said to hear those who do not flee to him; but what I have stated is more suitable to this place — that the people are stimulated to prayer, as God freely invites us to himself for this end, that is, that our prayers may harmonise with his promises. This is the meaning. It now follows —

Calvin: Zec 10:7 - -- He declares the same in other words: he had said in the last verse, that he would strengthen both the house of Judah and the house of Joseph, that is...
He declares the same in other words: he had said in the last verse, that he would strengthen both the house of Judah and the house of Joseph, that is, the ten tribes; he now speaks of Ephraim alone, but includes the kingdom of Judah; and he names Ephraim, not because he deserved to be honored, or to be preferred to the Jews, for Ephraim had become apostate; but because the return of the ten tribes was an event more incredible: this is clearly the reason why the Prophet expressly mentions Ephraim. 123 For even to the very destruction of the city and of the temple, God had continued to promise restoration to the Jews: the hope then of the Jews was certain and peculiar to themselves; but as to the Israelites, they were like a putrid carcass, for they had heard only something here and there, and received only some portion of the prophecies, as a grain of seed that falls outside of the field; for they were then as it were alienated from the people of God. We now then understand what the Prophet means by saying, that the Israelites would be like giants; for though they had been cast down by their enemies, and then driven in great dishonor and disgrace into exile, and had been exposed to all kinds of reproaches, and oppressed by extreme bondage; yet God promises them the strength of giants.
Now we have said that the words contain a part for the whole; for this promise no doubt belongs especially to the Jews: there is yet no mention of them, though they were first in rank, and had a better ground of hope as to their return, and the Lord had already given them some proof.
He says, Rejoice shall their hearts through wine; and see shall their sons and be glad; exult shall their heart in Jehovah. It is certain that they had already a cause for joy, as it is said in the book of Psalms,
“We became like those who dream,
when the Lord restored his captives.” (Psa 126:1.)
But the Prophet speaks here of a greater joy, that is, when they should see gathered all the tribes from their miserable and grievous dispersion: hence it is said in the same Psalm, “Gather, Lord, our captivity, like the stream in the south;” and then he adds, “They who sow in tears, in joy shall reap.” In part then did the faithful lament, and in part did they rejoice: the beginning of redemptions had raised their minds to joy; but on seeing their brethren still living under the tyranny of their enemies and having hardly a hope of restoration, they could not but mourn. Now the Prophet here declares, that their joy would be full, when their complete restoration came.
And he extends this joy to their sons; for it was needful to restrain their armor in expecting a full favor, as they ever closed up their way to God by their complaints, according to what we do when we give loose reigns to our wishes, for we then in a manner turn away from God. In order then to teach the people patience, the Prophet says, “Though ye see not this today with your eyes, yet your sons shall at length see it.” We now perceive that he here exhorts them to patience, that they might not anticipate with too much haste the promises of God.
Of the metaphor it is not needful to say much: he compares to the drunken, or to such as become cheerful through drinking, those who rejoice in the Lord, not that he expresses an approval of drunkenness, but because he wished to show that it would be no common joy, as though they were carried away beyond themselves. It would be then superfluous to move here the question, whether it be right to seek joy by drinking freely. It is indeed true that hilarity is connected with the lawful use of wine (Psa 104:15;) but as we are too prone to excess, we ought to restrain the lusts of the flesh rather than to seek some color of excuse for a sinful indulgence. But as I have said, this question does not belong to the present passage. It follows —

Calvin: Zec 10:8 - -- The same is the object of this verse. By the word whistle, Zechariah means what it imports in other passages, — that it will not be an arduous worl...
The same is the object of this verse. By the word whistle, Zechariah means what it imports in other passages, — that it will not be an arduous world for God; for we are wont to measure his works by what our flesh understands. Since then the Jews might have easily raised this objection, — that their brethren were dispersed through various countries and among many nations, so that the assembling of them was incredible, the Prophet meets this objection and says, that God was able by mere whistling or by a single nod to restore them to their country. God is sometimes said to whistle for the wicked, when he constrains them unwillingly to do him service, and employs them as instruments to execute his hidden purposes; for when great armies daily assemble, it is no doubt through the secret appointment of God. When therefore trumpets sound and drums beat, the Lord whistles from heaven, to lead the reprobate here and there as it pleases him. But in this passage the Prophet simply means, that though God may not have many heralds nor an equipped army to open a way for his people, he will be satisfied with whistling only; for when it should please him, a free passage would be made for captives, though the whole world were to hinder their return. These two words then are to be joined together, I will whistle for them and gather them; as though Zechariah had said, that the nod of God would alone be sufficient, whenever he designed to gather the people. 124
He then adds, For I have redeemed them. Here also I retain the past time, as the verb is in the past tense: for God speaks of redemption already begun, as though he had said, “I have promised that your exile would only be for a time; I have already appeared in part as your Redeemer, and I will not discontinue my work until it be completed.” God then no doubt confirms here what I have stated, — that as he had begun in some measure to redeem his people, a complete redemption was to be expected, though the distressed could hardly believe this. But they ought to have felt assured, that God, as it is said in Psa 138:1, would not forsake the work of his hands. Hence by the consideration of what had commenced he encourages the Jews here to entertain confidence, so that they might with composed minds look for the end, and doubt not but that the whole people would be saved; for the Lord had already proved himself to be their Redeemer. 125 It is indeed true that this had not been fulfilled as to all the Israelites: but we must ever remember, that gratuitous election so existed as to the whole people, that God had notwithstanding but a small flock, as Paul teaches us. (Rom 11:5.) The Prophet at the same time intimates that Christ would be the head of the Church, and would gather from all parts of the earth the Jews who had been before scattered; and thus the promised restoration is to be extended to all the tribes. It afterwards follows —

Calvin: Zec 10:9 - -- He continues the same subject, and employs here a most suitable metaphor — that the dispersion of the people would have a better issue than what an...
He continues the same subject, and employs here a most suitable metaphor — that the dispersion of the people would have a better issue than what any one then could have conceived, for it would be like sowing. The verb for scattering or sowing is often taken in a bad sense; for when people rested in their country, they ought then to have considered that they were living under God’s protection. Dispersion, then, was an evidence of a curse, and it is often so taken by Moses. Now God uses it here in an opposite meaning, as though he had said, that he would at his pleasure turn darkness into light. The meaning then is, that the people had been dispersed through God being angry with them, but that the issue of this dispersion would be joyful; for the Jews would dwell everywhere, and be God’s seed, and thus be made to produce abundant fruit. We then see that the meaning is, that God’s favor would surpass the wickedness of the people; for those would bear fruit who had been scattered, and scattered because God would no longer exercise care over them, and defend them in the promised land. As God then had so often threatened by Moses that he would scatter the Jews, he now says in another sense, that he would sow them, and for this ends that they might everywhere produce fruit. 126
It was an instance of the wonderful grace of God, that he so ordered his dreadful judgment as to make the dispersion, as it has been said, a sowing of the people; for it hence happened, that the knowledge of celestial truth shone everywhere; and at length when the gospel was proclaimed, a freer access was had to the Gentiles, because Jews were dispersed through all lands. The first receptacles ( Hospitia) of the gospel were the synagogues. We see that the apostles everywhere went first to the Jews, and when a few were converted, the door was now opened that more might come, and Gentiles were also added to the Jews. Thus the punishment of exile, which had been inflicted on them, was the means of opening the door for the gospel; and God thus scattered his seed here and there, that it might in due time produce fruit beyond the expectation of all; and this consideration availed not a little to moderate the impatient desires of the people; for the Prophet intimates that this alone ought to have satisfied them — that their exile would be productive of good, for the Lord would thereby gather much people to himself. Had the Jews been confined within their own borders, the name of the God of Israel would not have been heard of elsewhere; but as there was no part of the East, no part of Asia and of Greece, which had not some Jews — and they inhabited many cities of Italy — hence it was that the Apostles found, as we have said, wherever they came, some already prepared to embrace the gospel.
He afterwards adds, They shall remember me in distant lands. He shows the manner how the memory of God would be preserved: though the Jews sacrificed not in the temple, though they dwelt not in the holy land, they would yet ever worship the only true God; as then the seed cast on the ground, though it may not appear, and seem even to be wholly lost, being apparently consumed by rottenness, does yet germinate in its season, and produces fruit; so God teaches us, that the memory of his name will occasion this people to fructify in their dispersion. But as God promises this, we hence learn that it is through his singular kindness that we cherish piety in our hearts, when he sharply and severely chastises us. When therefore we cease not to worship God, it is certain that we are kept by his Spirit; for were this in the power of man, this promise would be useless, and even absurd.
He says further, They shall live with their sons, and shall return. He again speaks of sons, that the Jews might not make too much haste; for we know that men, having strong desires, hurry on immoderately. That they might not then prescribe time to God, the Prophet reminds them that it ought to have been enough for them that the Lord would quicken them as it were from the dead, together with their children. He however promises them a return, not that they would return to their own country, but that they would be all united by the faith of the gospel. Though then they changed not their place, nor moved a foot from the lands where they sojourned, yet a return to their country would be that gathering which would be made by the truth of the gospel, as it is well known, according to the common mode of speaking adopted by all the Prophets. It follows —

Calvin: Zec 10:10 - -- He confirms the same prediction — that though the Jews were like broken pieces, they were yet to entertain hope of their return and future restorat...
He confirms the same prediction — that though the Jews were like broken pieces, they were yet to entertain hope of their return and future restoration, since God was able to gather them from the remotest parts whenever he stretched forth his hand. He then names Egypt and Assyria, that the Jews might know that the redemptions here promised is equally open to them all, however far separated they might be. For though Egypt was not very far from Assyria, yet they who had fled to Egypt were regarded with more dislike than the rest, who had been forcibly driven into exile; for God had pronounced a curse on the flight of those who sought refuge in Egypt. Since then they were hated by the others, and as a hostile discord existed between them, the Prophet says that the gathering of which he speaks would belong to both. 127
He then adds, that such would be the number of men, that there would be no place for them; for so ought these words to be understood, There shall not be found for them; that is, “They will cover the whole land,” according to what we have observed elsewhere. It is said in Isaiah, “Secede from me,” not that the faithful, when God shall increase his Church, will molest one another, or desire to drive away their brethren; but by this mode of speaking Isaiah means that the Church will be filled with such number of men that they will press on one another. So also now Zechariah says, that the number of people will be so great, that the place will be hardly large enough for so vast a multitude. It follows —

Calvin: Zec 10:11 - -- The Prophet confirms what he had said respecting the power of God, which is so great that it can easily and without any effort lay prostrate all the ...
The Prophet confirms what he had said respecting the power of God, which is so great that it can easily and without any effort lay prostrate all the mighty forces of the world. As then the impediments which the Jews observed might have subverted their hope, the Prophet here removes them; he reminds the Jews that God’s power would be far superior to all the impediments which the world could throw in their way. But the expressions are figurative, and allusions are made to the history of the first redemption.
Pass through the sea shall distress. As God formerly gave to his people a passage through the Red Sea, (Exo 14:21;) so the Prophet now testifies that this power was unchangeable, so that God could easily restore his people, though the sea was to be dried up, and rivers were to be emptied. He says first, Pass shall distress through the sea, that is, spread shall distress, etc., for so the verb
He at length speaks clearly, Cast down shall be the pride of Asshur, and the scepter of Egypt shall depart. In the preceding metaphor Zechariah alludes, as I have said, to the first redemption, as it was usual with all the Prophets to remind the people of the former miracles, that they might expect from the Lord in future what their fathers had witnessed. He now however declares, that God would be the Redeemer of his people, though the Assyrians on one side, and the Egyptians on the other, were to attempt to frustrate his purpose; for they could effect nothing by their obstinacy, as God could easily subdue both. He at last adds —

Calvin: Zec 10:12 - -- Here at length he includes the substance of what we have noticed, that there would be sufficient help in God to raise up and support his people, and ...
Here at length he includes the substance of what we have noticed, that there would be sufficient help in God to raise up and support his people, and to render them victorious over all their enemies. He had already proved this by saying, that God had formerly sufficiently testified by many miracles how much superior he was to the whole world; but he briefly completes the whole of this proof, and shows, that the Jews, provided that they relied on God and expected from him what he had promised, would be sufficiently strong, though the whole power of the world were to rise up against them.
He also mentions the name of God, They shall walk, he says, in his name, that is, under his auspices. In short, there is here an implied contrast between the name of God and the wealth and the forces of their enemies, which might have filled the minds of the faithful with fear, and cast them down. Hence the Prophet bids the Jews to give the glory to God, and not to doubt but that they would be victorious, whatever hindrance the world might throw in their way. And by this word walk, he means a continued course of life, as though he had said, that the people indeed had returned from exile, that is, in part; but that more of them were to be expected, for the Lord had not only been a leader in their return, but that he would be also their perpetual guardian, and defend them to the end.
TSK: Zec 10:5 - -- as : Zec 9:13, Zec 12:8; 1Sa 16:18; 2Sa 22:8; Psa 45:3; Luk 24:19; Act 7:22, Act 18:24; 2Co 10:4
tread : Psa 18:42; Isa 10:6, Isa 25:10; Mic 7:10; Mat...
as : Zec 9:13, Zec 12:8; 1Sa 16:18; 2Sa 22:8; Psa 45:3; Luk 24:19; Act 7:22, Act 18:24; 2Co 10:4
tread : Psa 18:42; Isa 10:6, Isa 25:10; Mic 7:10; Mat 4:3
because : Zec 14:3, Zec 14:13; Deu 20:1; Jos 10:14, Jos 10:42; Isa 8:9, Isa 41:12; Joe 3:12-17; Mat 28:20; Rom 8:31-37; 2Ti 4:7, 2Ti 4:17; Rev 19:13-15
and the riders on horses shall be confounded : or, they shall make the riders on horses ashamed, Zec 12:4; Psa 20:7, Psa 33:16; Eze 38:15; Hag 2:22; Rev 19:17

TSK: Zec 10:6 - -- I will strengthen : Zec 10:12; Psa 89:21; Isa 41:10; Eze 37:16; Oba 1:18; Mic 4:6, Mic 4:13, Mic 5:8, Mic 7:16; Zep 3:19, Zep 3:20
I will save : Zec 8...
I will strengthen : Zec 10:12; Psa 89:21; Isa 41:10; Eze 37:16; Oba 1:18; Mic 4:6, Mic 4:13, Mic 5:8, Mic 7:16; Zep 3:19, Zep 3:20
I will save : Zec 8:7; Jer 3:18, Jer 23:6, Jer 31:1, Jer 31:31; Eze 39:25; Hos 1:11; Rom 11:25, Rom 11:26
for I have : Isa 14:1; Jer 31:20; Hos 1:7, Hos 2:23; Mic 7:18-20
as : Zec 8:11; Isa 49:17-21; Jer 30:18; Eze 36:11
for I am : Zec 13:9; Isa 41:17-20; Jer 33:2, Jer 33:3; Eze 36:37

TSK: Zec 10:7 - -- and their : Zec 9:15, Zec 9:17; Gen 43:34; Psa 104:15; Pro 31:6, Pro 31:7; Act 2:13-18; Eph 5:18, Eph 5:19
yea : Gen 18:19; Psa 90:16, Psa 102:28; Isa...
and their : Zec 9:15, Zec 9:17; Gen 43:34; Psa 104:15; Pro 31:6, Pro 31:7; Act 2:13-18; Eph 5:18, Eph 5:19
yea : Gen 18:19; Psa 90:16, Psa 102:28; Isa 38:19; Jer 32:39; Act 2:39, Act 13:33
their heart : 1Sa 2:1; Psa 13:5, Psa 28:7; Isa 66:14; Hab 3:18; Zep 3:14; Luk 1:47; Joh 16:22; Act 2:26; Phi 4:4; 1Pe 1:8

TSK: Zec 10:8 - -- hiss : Isa 5:26, Isa 7:18, Isa 11:11, Isa 11:12, Isa 27:12, Isa 27:13, Isa 55:1-3; Mat 11:28; Rev 22:17
for : Zec 9:11; Isa 44:22, Isa 51:11, Isa 52:1...
hiss : Isa 5:26, Isa 7:18, Isa 11:11, Isa 11:12, Isa 27:12, Isa 27:13, Isa 55:1-3; Mat 11:28; Rev 22:17
for : Zec 9:11; Isa 44:22, Isa 51:11, Isa 52:1-3; Jer 31:10,Jer 31:11; 1Ti 2:4-6
and they : Exo 1:7; 1Ki 4:20; Isa 49:19-22; Jer 30:19, Jer 30:20, Jer 33:22; Eze 36:10,Eze 36:11, Eze 36:37, Eze 36:38; Hos 1:10

TSK: Zec 10:9 - -- sow : Est 8:17; Jer 31:27; Dan. 3:1-6:28; Hos 2:23; Amo 9:9; Mic 5:7; Act 8:1, Act 8:4, Act 11:19-21, 13:1-38, 14:1-21:16; Rom 11:11-15
remember : Deu...
sow : Est 8:17; Jer 31:27; Dan. 3:1-6:28; Hos 2:23; Amo 9:9; Mic 5:7; Act 8:1, Act 8:4, Act 11:19-21, 13:1-38, 14:1-21:16; Rom 11:11-15
remember : Deu 30:1-4; 1Ki 8:47, 1Ki 8:48; Neh 1:9; Jer 51:50; Eze 6:9
live : Isa 65:9, Isa 65:23; Act 2:38, Act 2:39, Act 3:25, Act 3:26, Act 13:32, Act 13:33; Rom 11:16, Rom 11:17, Rom 11:24

TSK: Zec 10:10 - -- out of the : Zec 8:7; Isa 11:11-16, Isa 19:23-25, Isa 27:12, Isa 27:13; Hos 11:11; Mic 7:11, Mic 7:12
into : Jer 22:6; Eze 47:18-21; Oba 1:20; Mic 7:1...
out of the : Zec 8:7; Isa 11:11-16, Isa 19:23-25, Isa 27:12, Isa 27:13; Hos 11:11; Mic 7:11, Mic 7:12
into : Jer 22:6; Eze 47:18-21; Oba 1:20; Mic 7:14
place : Isa 49:19-21, Isa 54:2, Isa 54:3, Isa 60:22

TSK: Zec 10:11 - -- he shall : Psa 66:10-12; Isa 11:15, Isa 11:16, Isa 42:15, Isa 42:16, Isa 43:2
smite : Exo 14:21, Exo 14:22, Exo 14:27, Exo 14:28; Jos 3:15-17; 2Ki 2:8...
he shall : Psa 66:10-12; Isa 11:15, Isa 11:16, Isa 42:15, Isa 42:16, Isa 43:2
smite : Exo 14:21, Exo 14:22, Exo 14:27, Exo 14:28; Jos 3:15-17; 2Ki 2:8, 2Ki 2:14; Psa 77:16-20, Psa 114:3, Psa 114:5; Isa 11:15; Rev 16:12
the pride : Ezr 6:22; Isa 14:25; Mic 5:5, Mic 5:6
the sceptre : Eze 29:14-16, Eze 30:13

TSK: Zec 10:12 - -- I will : Zec 10:6, Zec 12:5; Psa 68:34, Psa 68:35; Isa 41:10, Isa 45:24; Eph 6:10; Phi 4:13; 2Ti 2:1
walk : Gen 5:24, Gen 24:40; Isa 2:5; Mic 4:5; Col...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Zec 10:5 - -- And they - (the house of Judah , of whom he had said, He hath made them as the goodly horse in the battle) shall be as mighty men, trampling on...
And they - (the house of Judah , of whom he had said, He hath made them as the goodly horse in the battle) shall be as mighty men, trampling on the mire of the streets Micah had said, "she shall be a trampling, as the mire of the streets"Mic 7:10, and David, "I did stamp them as the mire of the street"2Sa 22:43. Zechariah, by a yet bolder image, pictures those trampled upon, as what they had become, "the mire of the streets,"as worthless, as foul; as he had said, "they shall trample on the sling-stones"Zec 9:15. And they shall fight, because the Lord is with them, not in their own strength, he still reminds them; they shall have power, because God empowers them; strength, because God strengthens them : in presence of which, the goodly war-horse of God, human strength, "the riders on horses, shall be ashamed."

Barnes: Zec 10:6 - -- I will bring them again to place them - Zechariah seems to have condensed into one word two of Jeremiah, "I will bring them again"unto this pla...
I will bring them again to place them - Zechariah seems to have condensed into one word two of Jeremiah, "I will bring them again"unto this place, and "I will cause them to dwell"safely Jer 32:37. Kimchi. It is not a confusion of forms, but the blending of two words into one. So also Ibn Ezra): "The two ideas are here both implied, he will cause them to return to their land, and will cause them to dwell there in peace and security."
For I will have mercy upon them - Dionysius: "For the goodness and lovingkindness of God, not any merits of our’ s, is the first and principal cause of our whole salvation and grace. Therefore the Psalmist says, ‘ neither did their own arm save them; but Thy right hand and Thine arm, and the light of Thy countenance, because Thou hadst a favor unto them’ Psa 44:3."
And they shall be, as though I had not cast them off - (Etymologically, "loathed,""cast off as a thing abhorrent".) God is ever "the God of the present."He does not half-forgive. "Their sins and their iniquities I will remember no more"Heb 8:12. God casts off the sinner, as being what he is, a thing abhorrent, as penitence confesses of itself that it is "a dead dog, a loathsome worm, a putrid corpse."God will not clothe with a righteousness, which He does not impart. He restores to the penitent all his lost graces, as though he had never forfeited them, and cumulates them with the fresh grace whereby He converts him (see vol. i. on Joe 2:25, pp. 192, 193). It is an entire re-creation. "They shall be, as though I had not cast them off.""I will settle you as in your old estates, and will do good, more than at your beginnings, and ye shall know that I am the Lord"Eze 36:11.
For I am the Lord their God, and will hear them - As He says by Malchi, "I am the Lord; I change not"Mal 3:6. His unchangeableness belongs to His Being; "I Am; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed;"and by Hosea, "The Lord of hosts, The Lord is His memorial, therefore turn thou to thy God"(Hos 12:5-6, (6, 7 Heb.) See vol. i. pp. 119, 120). Because God was "their God,"and as surely as He was "their God,"He would hear them. His Being was the pledge of His hearing. "I, the Lord, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them"Isa 41:17.

Barnes: Zec 10:7 - -- And Ephraim, they shall be like a mighty man - Prophecy, through the rest of the chapter, turns to Ephraim, which had not yet been restored. Wi...
And Ephraim, they shall be like a mighty man - Prophecy, through the rest of the chapter, turns to Ephraim, which had not yet been restored. With regard to them, human victory retires out of sight, though doubtless, when their wide prison was broken at the destruction of the Persian empire, many were free to return to their native country, as others spread over the West in Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, and so some may have taken part in the victories of the Maccabees. Yet not victory, but strength, gladness beyond natural g adness, as through wine, whereby the mind is exhilarated above itself; and that, lasting, transmitted to their children, large increase, holy life in God, are the outlines of the promise.
Their heart shall rejoice in the Lord - Psa 44:3 : "As the principal object, the first, highest, most worthy Giver of all good, to whom is to be referred all gladness, which is conceived from created goods, that ‘ whose glorieth may glory in the Lord’ 2Co 10:17, in whom alone the rational creature ought to take delight."

Barnes: Zec 10:8 - -- I will hiss for them - Formerly God had so spoken of His summoning the enemies of His people to chastise them. "It shall be in that day, that t...
I will hiss for them - Formerly God had so spoken of His summoning the enemies of His people to chastise them. "It shall be in that day, that the Lord shall hiss for the fly, that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria, and they shall come, and shall rest all of them in. the desolate valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns and upon all bushes"Isa 7:18-19. "He will hiss unto them from the ends of the earth, and behold they shall come with speed swiftly; none shall be weary or stumble among them". He would gather them, like the countless numbers of the insect creation, which, if united, would irresistibly desolate life. He would summon them, as the bee-owner, by his shrill call, summons and unites his own swarm. Now, contrariwise God would summon with the same His own people. The fulfillment of the chastisement was the earnest of the ease of the fulfillment of the mercy.
For I have redeemed them - Then they are His, being redeemed at so dear a price. Dionysius: "For Christ, as far as in Him lay, redeemed all."God had done this in purpose, as John speaks of "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world"Rev 13:8.
And they shall increase as they increased - Kimchi: "As they increased in Egypt, so shall they increase at that time."The marvels of God’ s favor in Egypt shall be repeated. The increase there had been promised beforehand. "Fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation"Gen 46:3. The fulfillment is recorded, "the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them"Exo 1:7. God appointed that this should be part of their confession at their yearly prosperity, the offering of the basket of first-fruits; "A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went into Egypt and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous"Deu 26:5. The Psalmist dwelt upon it. "He increased His people greatly, and made them stronger than their enemies"Psa 105:24. It became then one of the resemblances between the first deliverance and the last. Dionysius: "For the Apostles and others converted from Judaism, had more spiritual children, all those whom they begat in Christ, than the synagogue ever had after the flesh."

Barnes: Zec 10:9 - -- And I will sow them among the nations - Such had been the prophecy of Hosea; "I will sow her unto Me in the earth,"as the prelude of spiritual ...
And I will sow them among the nations - Such had been the prophecy of Hosea; "I will sow her unto Me in the earth,"as the prelude of spiritual mercies, "and I will have mercy on her that had not obtained mercy, and I will say to not-my-people, Thou art My people, and they shall say, my God". Hosea’ s saying, "I will sow her in the earth"that is, the whole earth and that "to Me,"corresponds to, and explains Zechariah’ s brief saying, "I will sow them among the nations."The sowing, which was future to Hosea, had begun; but the purpose of the sowing, the harvest, was wholly to come; when it should be seen, that they were indeed sown by God, that "great"should "be the day of Jezreel"(Hos 1:11. See vol. i. p. 25). And Jeremiah said, "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah, with the seed of man and with the seed of beast"Jer 31:27. The word is used of sowing to multiply, never of mere scattering .
And they shall remember Me in far countries - So Ezekiel had said, "And they that escape of you shall remember Me among the nations, whither they shall be carried captive - and they shall loath themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations, and they shall know that I am the Lord"Eze 6:9.
And shall live - As Ezekiel again says, "Ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and bring you up out of your graves, O My people, and shall put My Spirit in you, and ye shall live"Eze 37:13-14. "With their children."A continuous gift, as Ezekiel, "they and their children, and their children’ s children forever: and My servant David shall be their prince forever."Eze 37:25.
And turn again - To God, being converted, as Jeremiah had been bidden to exhort them; "Go and proclaim these words toward the north"Jer 3:12, the cities of the Medes whither they were carried captive, "and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, and I will not cause Mine anger to fall upon you;""Turn, O backsliding children - and I with take you, one of a city, and two of a family, and will bring you to Zion, and I will give you pastors according to Mine heart"Jer 3:14-15. "Return, ye backsliding children; I will heal your backslidings."And they answer, "Behold, we come unto Thee; for Thou art the Lord our God"Jer 3:22. So Isaiah had said, "A remnant shall return, the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God". Dionysius: "They shall return by recollection of mind and adunation and simplification of the affections toward God so as ultimately to intend that one thing, which alone is necessary."

Barnes: Zec 10:10 - -- I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt - Individuals had fled to Egypt ; but here probably Egypt and Assyria stand, as of old, f...
I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt - Individuals had fled to Egypt ; but here probably Egypt and Assyria stand, as of old, for the two great conflicting empires, between which Israel lay, at whose hands she had suffered, and who represent the countries which lay beyond them. Hosea unites (Hos 11:10-11; Isa 11:15-16; add Isa 19:23-25; Isa 27:13; Isa 52:4; Mic 7:12. See ab. p. 96), "the West, Assyria, Egypt,"the three then known divisions of the world, Europe, Asia, Africa (see at Hos 11:11, vol. i., p. 115). Asshur, after Nineveh perished, stands clearly for the world-empire of the East at Babylon , and then in Persia Ezr 6:22. Balaam includes under Asshur, first Babylon, then the third world-empire (Num 24:22-24; coll. Dan 11:30).
Babylon, which was first subject to Nineveh, then subjected it, was at a later period known to Greek writers (who probably had their information from Persian sources) as part of Assyria .
And I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon - Their old dwellings, east and west of Jordan. "And place shall not be found for them, as Isaiah says, "The children of thy bereaved estate shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place, that I may dwell"Isa 49:20.

Barnes: Zec 10:11 - -- And He - that is, Almighty God, shall pass through the sea, affliction As He says, "When thou walkest through the waters, I will be with thee; ...
And He - that is, Almighty God, shall pass through the sea, affliction As He says, "When thou walkest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not oveflow thee. And shall smite the waves in the sea"Isa 43:2, as in Isaiah, "The Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea"Isa 11:15. The image is from the deliverance of Egypt: yet it is said, that it should not be any exact repetition of the miracles of Egypt; it would be as the Red Sea Exo 14:10, Exo 14:12, which would as effectually shut them in, and in presence of which they might again think themselves lost, through which God would again bring them. But it would not be the Red sea itself; for "the sea"through which they should be brought, would be "affliction;"as our own poet speaks of "taking arms against a sea of troubles."Cyril: "The promise of succor to those who believe in Christ is under the likeness of the things given to those of old; for as Israel was conveyed across the Red sea, braving the waves in it; "for the waters stood upright as an heap"Exo 15:8, God bringing this to pass marvelously; and as "they passed the Jordan on foot"Jos 3:17; so he says, those who are called through Moses to the knowledge of Christ, and have been saved by the ministries of the holy Apostles, they shall pass the waves of this present life, like an angrily foaming sea, and, being removed from the tumult of this life, shall, undisturbed, worship the true God. And they shall pass through temptations, like sweeping rivers, saying with great joy, in like way, "Unless the Lord had been for us, may Israel now say, the waters had drowned us, the stream had gone over our souls"Psa 124:1-5.
He shall smite the waves in the sea. There, where the strength of the powers of this world is put forth against His people, there He will bring it down. "All the deeps of the river,"that is, of the Nile ,
"Shall be dried up."The Nile as a mighty river is substituted for the Jordan, symbolizing the greater putting forth of God’ s power in the times to come.
And the pride of Asshur shall be brought down - Ribera: "When the good receive their reward, then their enemies shall have no power over them, but shall be punished by Me, because they injured My elect. - By the Assyrians and Egyptians he understands all their enemies."

Barnes: Zec 10:12 - -- I will strengthen them in the Lord - As our Lord said to Paul, "My strength is made perfect in weakness,"and Paul said in turn, "When I am weak...
I will strengthen them in the Lord - As our Lord said to Paul, "My strength is made perfect in weakness,"and Paul said in turn, "When I am weak, then am I strong. And in His Name shall they walk up and down,"have their whole conversation (Dionysius), "in Him according to His will, and diligent in all things to speak and act in ills grace and divine hope."Jerome: "Christians walk in the Name of Christ, and there is written on the new white stone given to them a "new name"Rev 2:17, and under the dignity of a name so great, they walk with God, as "Enoch walked and pleased God and was translated"Gen 5:24.
Saith the Lord - Dionysius: "Again the Lord God speaks of the Lord God, as of Another, hinting the plurality of Persons in the Godhead."
Poole: Zec 10:5 - -- They the Jews under the conduct of their captains, such as the Maccabees, shall be as mighty men; shall be valiant, mighty warriors, shall take citie...
They the Jews under the conduct of their captains, such as the Maccabees, shall be as mighty men; shall be valiant, mighty warriors, shall take cities, and beat down those that oppose them, and, as usual in such cases, tread the conquered as mire in the streets:
they shall fight thus valiantly and successfully,
because the Lord is with them fighteth for them and against their enemies.
The riders on horses shall be confounded: this is the character of the Jews’ enemies, they came with armed men, and a mighty cavalry, as Antiochus and others did, in which they trusted; but this availed little, these horsemen were confounded, beaten, or fled away from a beating: when God was with Judah’ s enemies, so they behaved themselves, and trod down Judah; now he is reconciled to Judah and fighteth for Judah. Judah shall behave himself, and succeed against his enemies, as before they did against him.

Poole: Zec 10:6 - -- I will strengthen the house of Judah: God will give both courage and strength, courage to attempt, and also strength to go through and finish the att...
I will strengthen the house of Judah: God will give both courage and strength, courage to attempt, and also strength to go through and finish the attempt; in this they of the house of Judah were famous in the wars of the Jews against the Seleucidae, in which wars they had wonderful difficulties, and as wonderful courage and success.
I will save the house of Joseph the remnant of the kingdom of Israel, the residue of the ten tribes, called the house of Joseph, for that Ephraim and Manasseh, part of that kingdom, were the sons of Joseph.
I will bring them again both Judah and Joseph, out of Babylonish captivity, to place them; to settle them in their own land, and in their own cities: how far this doth warrant the expectation of a universal gathering of this people I do not undertake to determine.
I have mercy upon them I pity them in what they have already suffered, and my mercy is not clean gone from them; I have yet rich mercy for them, and will show it when they have built city and temple, and restored religion.
They shall be as though I had not cast them off in every respect they shall so multiply, thrive, and prosper, that though they remember it with grief and shame, yet the generations to come shall discern no sad marks of a rejected people.
I am the Lord their God in a perpetual covenant, which I never can nor will break: I am and will be their God; they should, yea shall, be my people, as Zec 8:8 .
And will hear them: they will pray, and I will hear, for they are mine, they will seek me as their God, and I will save them as my people.

Poole: Zec 10:7 - -- Ephraim: see Zec 10:6 . Shall be like a mighty man, see Zec 10:5 .
Their heart shall rejoice as through wine which warmeth the blood, cheereth the ...
Ephraim: see Zec 10:6 . Shall be like a mighty man, see Zec 10:5 .
Their heart shall rejoice as through wine which warmeth the blood, cheereth the spirits, and adds life greatly, where a good and joyful success concurreth, as here it doth.
Their children shall see it, and be glad either thus, in the days of your children this shall be; or rather, when the time comes for these things they shall continue through your generations to children that shall be born.
Their heart shall rejoice in the Lord the goodness, power, wisdom, and faithfulness of God shall be the cause of this joy, and many of these people shall indeed rejoice in the Lord, and in the Messiah.

Poole: Zec 10:8 - -- I will hiss for them though they are now scattered far off, I will cause them to return; I will whistle, as a shepherd, and they, as scattered sheep,...
I will hiss for them though they are now scattered far off, I will cause them to return; I will whistle, as a shepherd, and they, as scattered sheep, shall run with sped back to the flock: I called their enemies so once, and they came, Isa 5:26 7:18,19 ; and
my people will come when thus I call to them.
And gather them this shall be enough to bring them together; or it shall be done as soon as spoke, so soon as I whistle they shall return.
I have redeemed them I have been at the care and charge of redeeming, I raised Cyrus to do it; I bestowed all nations and kingdoms on him, and afterwards on Darius Hystaspes, to do this, to restore my exiles, to replant Judah, to rebuild the city and temple; and I will do this also, which is much less, I will, as a shepherd with his pastoral whistle, call them in.
They shall increase as they have increased a promise made Jer 33:22 , and Eze 36:1,11,37,38 , which see.

Poole: Zec 10:9 - -- I will sow them: it might seem impossible the Jews should so increase, but to satisfy us herein God promiseth to sow them, so their increase should b...
I will sow them: it might seem impossible the Jews should so increase, but to satisfy us herein God promiseth to sow them, so their increase should be like the increase of rich soil that hath much seed cast on it, Jer 31:27 Hos 2:23 ; that land shall soon be full of men and cattle, when God sows both.
Among the people the heathen; where dispersed, there they should multiply.
They shall remember me there they shall think of me, and long for me, and desire to return to Jerusalem, and to my temple.
In far countries whithersoever they were driven in the farthest parts of the Persian empire.
They shall live with their children though captives and poor, yet they nor their children shall starve; nay, their children born to them shall live, and grow up with them; this young fry shall fill the earth.
Turn again to me, my temple, their city, and country. That this may also refer somewhat to the conversion of the Jews to the gospel, and to their spreading the gospel unto others for multiplying of the seed of Israel according to the faith, as I doubt not, so neither shall I particularly inquire, since the letter so fairly suits with history and matter of fact, as is evident from the multitudes that were gathered to the passover, when Titus Vespasianus cooped them up in a close siege.

Poole: Zec 10:10 - -- I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt into which doubtless some hasted by an early flight from the Babylonians before they wasted Can...
I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt into which doubtless some hasted by an early flight from the Babylonians before they wasted Canaan, and others fled though forbidden, Jer 43 ; where also in after-days some Jews sought a repose, and where they wonderfully increased, if Josephus’ s story be true, of one hundred and twenty thousand Jews set at liberty by Ptolemy Philadelphus, when he procured the seventy-two elders to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek. These Egyptian Jews shall be brought back.
And gather them out of Assyria in which many yet did linger, loth to depart, but when God hisseth for them they shall come.
I will bring them into the land of Gilead , which was the eastern frontier of the land of Canaan, and Lebanon; this was the north frontier of the land, and both fruitful and pleasant: they are here mentioned as part for the whole, as before, Zec 8:7 .
And place shall not be found for them the land should be too narrow for them, so Isa 49:20 54:2,3 , which was in part fulfilled according to the historical and literal part, but fully in the spiritual part.

Poole: Zec 10:11 - -- The former part of this verse might be read in the preter-perfect tense, reporting what God hath done, and perhaps more agreeably with the context a...
The former part of this verse might be read in the preter-perfect tense, reporting what God hath done, and perhaps more agreeably with the context and design, which is no doubt to confirm the promise, and make it credible, though so many and great difficulties render it unlikely to reason: I will, saith God, Zec 10:10 ; I promise, who am he that hath passed through the sea, the Red Sea, and brought my people through: who hath clone this call do what he now promiseth. I am he that dried up the deeps of Jordan (when at deepest by the floods, which were then upon the river); I can remove obstacles were they as great as these, and as easily lay low the pride of enemies, or remove their sceptres, as I did to Assyria and Egypt. So the whole verse is an allusion to what God had done in the two famous deliverances of his people under the hand of Moses and Joshua, bringing them out of Egypt through the Red Sea, and through Jordan, and destroying the Egyptians; and delivering them out of Assyrian bondage, and in order thereto destroying that kingdom.

Poole: Zec 10:12 - -- I will strengthen them: see Zec 10:6 .
In the Lord their God, in Christ, say some; and it is true enough, whether these words so mean or no, God an...
I will strengthen them: see Zec 10:6 .
In the Lord their God, in Christ, say some; and it is true enough, whether these words so mean or no, God and Christ are the strength of the church, and of all believers.
They shall walk up and down shall manage all their affairs, civil and military, secular and ecclesiastical, in his name; by authority derived from him, by power received of him, by wisdom given from above, to the glory of our God and our Redeemer. Thus far the great things promised to the Jewish church, and which were to be fulfilled in the time from the rebuilding the temple and city to the coming of Christ, through some four hundred and ninety years; in which times if aught fell short of-promise, it was because the sins of the people provoked God-to alter the course of his providence toward them.
Haydock: Zec 10:5 - -- Riders. The Syrians, with (Haydock) all their cavalry, were routed by a few ill-armed infantry. (Calmet)
Riders. The Syrians, with (Haydock) all their cavalry, were routed by a few ill-armed infantry. (Calmet)

Haydock: Zec 10:6 - -- Joseph. All the tribes shall embrace the gospel at last. (Worthington) ---
Back, from the caverns to which they had fled.
Joseph. All the tribes shall embrace the gospel at last. (Worthington) ---
Back, from the caverns to which they had fled.

Haydock: Zec 10:7 - -- Valiant. Ephraim was a powerful and valiant tribe, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 17. (Calmet)
Valiant. Ephraim was a powerful and valiant tribe, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 17. (Calmet)

Haydock: Zec 10:8 - -- Whistle. Christians are sweetly drawn by inspirations, without clamorous words. (St. Cyril) (Worthington) ---
This expression shews the sovereign...
Whistle. Christians are sweetly drawn by inspirations, without clamorous words. (St. Cyril) (Worthington) ---
This expression shews the sovereign dominion of God. (Calmet) ---
Septuagint, "I will give them a sign." (Haydock)

Haydock: Zec 10:9 - -- Me. The Jews were spread throughout the world, and adhered to their own customs. (Philo) See Acts ii. 8. ---
While they enjoyed the greatest pros...
Me. The Jews were spread throughout the world, and adhered to their own customs. (Philo) See Acts ii. 8. ---
While they enjoyed the greatest prosperity, they kept together in a small territory. It is wonderful how they have since increased.

Haydock: Zec 10:10 - -- For them. They returned from the places to which they had been dispersed during former wars, when Judas had liberated his country. (Calmet)
For them. They returned from the places to which they had been dispersed during former wars, when Judas had liberated his country. (Calmet)

Haydock: Zec 10:11 - -- Sea. The Jews pretend that the Bosphorus' straits were dried up, to afford them a passage. (St. Jerome) ---
But they must produce some stronger te...
Sea. The Jews pretend that the Bosphorus' straits were dried up, to afford them a passage. (St. Jerome) ---
But they must produce some stronger text to prove such a miracle. No obstacles shall be able to retard God's people, Isaias xi. 16. ---
Assyria. After Epiphanes, the kingdom subsisted only about seventy years. ---
Egypt. The Ptolemies excluded the natural princes, who have never regained the throne. They who had so often disturbed the Jews, were deprived of their power over them by the Syrians, and never could prevail there again after the Machabees. (Calmet) ---
When the faithful are confirmed in their religion, the enemy cannot hurt them. (Worthington)
Gill: Zec 10:5 - -- And they shall be as mighty men,.... That is, the converted Jews shall be such; they shall be strong in faith, giving glory to the Messiah; they shal...
And they shall be as mighty men,.... That is, the converted Jews shall be such; they shall be strong in faith, giving glory to the Messiah; they shall be strong in the grace that is in him; they shall be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might; his strength shall be made perfect in their weakness:
which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle; being victorious over sin, Satan, and the world, through Christ, in whom they will believe:
and they shall fight; against all their inward and outward enemies, the good fight of faith, with great valour and courage:
because the Lord is with them; who is the Lord of hosts or armies; his presence gives boldness and intrepidity; for, if he is for them, who can be against them? the battle is theirs, success is certain:
and the riders on horses shall be confounded; such that come up against them on them, and trust in them, shall be beaten by them, and so made ashamed; and the flesh, both of the horses and their riders, shall be the food of the fowls of the air, Rev 19:18 perhaps the Turkish cavalry is meant, who may attempt to hinder the settlement of the Jews in their own land; the armies of the Turks consisting greatly of horsemen, Rev 9:16.

Gill: Zec 10:6 - -- And I wilt strengthen the house of Judah,.... Both with internal and external strength, so that they shall be able to stand their ground against enemi...
And I wilt strengthen the house of Judah,.... Both with internal and external strength, so that they shall be able to stand their ground against enemies of every sort:
and I will save the house of Joseph: the ten tribes, such of them that shall be found, for all Israel shall be saved, Rom 11:26 not only temporally, but spiritually, with an everlasting salvation:
and I will bring them again to place them; there is but one word in the original text; it is composed of two words, as Kimchi observes, of
for I have mercy upon them; which is the spring and source of all the above benefits promised, or that are after mentioned; even of the covenant and its blessings; the mission of Christ, and salvation by him; regeneration, pardon, and eternal life; hence they that had a "loammi" upon them, and were not the people of God, now will be his people; and those who had not obtained mercy shall obtain it, even those that were concluded in unbelief:
and they shall be as though I had not cast them off; or rejected them from being his people; which was done when the natural branches, the Jews, were broken off, and the Gentiles of the wild olive tree were grafted in; when their civil and church state were dissolved, and their city and temple destroyed:
for I am the Lord their God; covenant interest always remains, and is the source of all the blessings of grace, and will be of the conversion of the Jews, Rom 11:26,
and will hear them; when, the Spirit of grace and supplication being poured upon them, they shall cry unto the Lord, and look to him for salvation. The Targum is,
"and I will receive their prayer.''

Gill: Zec 10:7 - -- And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man,.... What remain, and shall be found of the ten tribes, shall be as is said of Judah, or the Jews of ...
And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man,.... What remain, and shall be found of the ten tribes, shall be as is said of Judah, or the Jews of the two tribes, Zec 10:5,
and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: they shall be filled with inward and spiritual joy, through the love of God shed abroad in their heart; and through the Gospel of Christ having a place there; and through the blessings of divine grace, those streams of love, and which flow in the Gospel, and make glad the hearts of God's people; all which are comparable to wine:
yea, their children shall see it, and be glad; they shall see the strength, victory, and salvation of their fathers, and the joy they shall be possessed of, and join with them in it, having a share in the same blessings they are partakers of:
their heart shall rejoice in the Lord; in the person and offices of Christ, who will now be known by the spiritual seed and offspring of the church, and in the great salvation wrought out by him, and in all the blessings of grace that accompany it. The Targum is,
"their heart shall rejoice in the word of the Lord;''
the essential Word, the Son of God.

Gill: Zec 10:8 - -- I will hiss for them,.... Or "whistle for them" p; the word signifies, as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe, the motion of the lips with the voice, and is...
I will hiss for them,.... Or "whistle for them" p; the word signifies, as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe, the motion of the lips with the voice, and is a sign of calling; and so the Targum renders it, I will cry or call for them; and it denotes the call of them by the Gospel, which is the voice of Christ, which is soft, sweet, and melodious; is a sound of love, grace, and mercy; of peace, pardon, life, and salvation: the allusion seems to be to the shepherd gathering his sheep together with his pipe or whistle, and which was a reed; and so may denote the weakness of the instrument, the ministry of the word in itself, which is made the power of God unto salvation:
and gather them; from the places where they are scattered, into their land; or, by effectual calling, out from the state and condition in which they are, and from among the men of the world, to the Lord himself, as their Redeemer and Saviour; and to him for pardon and righteousness; and into his churches, and communion with him there: Kimchi observes, that some interpret this verse of future time; and Jarchi says it relates to it; and in the Talmud q it is applied to the times of the Messiah; where they speak of a bird called "racham", which we translate the gier eagle, Deu 14:17 and they say it is so called, because, when that comes, mercies come into the world, which this word signifies. R. Bibi bar Abi says, when it sits, it makes a whistling or hissing, from whence it is called "sarakrak", a word derived from what is here used; and when it sits on the ground, and hisses or whistles, the Messiah will come, as it is said, "I will hiss for them", &c.; the gloss is, when it stands not, but sits and chirps, it is a sign of good news. The design, seems to be to show, that the Messiah's coming is owing mercy, and would be good news, which the Gospel publishes.
For I have redeemed them; from sin, Satan, the law, death, and hell, and every enemy, by his precious blood, and the sacrifice of himself when here on earth; and this is the foundation of the effectual calling of any and every sinner; and will be the reason of the conversion and ingathering of the Jews in the latter day; they being a people redeemed and purchased by the blood of Christ, Isa 43:1,
and they shall increase as they have increased; either when in Egypt, or in the days of Solomon; their number shall be as the sand of the sea, Hos 1:10 a nation shall be born at once; they shall be multiplied, and not be few, and glorified, and not be small; yea, the place shall be too strait for them to dwell in, Jer 31:18.

Gill: Zec 10:9 - -- And I will sow them among the people, The people of God in the Gentile world: this is to be understood of the conversion of the Jews, when they will b...
And I will sow them among the people, The people of God in the Gentile world: this is to be understood of the conversion of the Jews, when they will become the good seed that hear the word, and understand it, and bring forth fruit; and of their being known, acknowledged, and reckoned among the people of God, who now are not; and of their being planted in Gospel churches, where the word is truly preached; the ordinances are faithfully administered; the Lord grants his presence, and saints have communion one with another; to be in such a fruitful soil, and in such sacred enclosures, fenced by the power and grace of God, is a great happiness:
and they shall remember me in far countries; they shall call to mind what their ancestors did to Christ, and mourn on account of a pierced Saviour; they shall remember him in the ordinance of the supper, being in a Gospel church state; they shall remember what he did and suffered for them, and his love to them in all, and that with faith, affection, and thankfulness:
and they shall live with their children; a very happy, comfortable, temporal life; and they shall live a spiritual life; a life of faith on Christ; of communion with him, and of holiness from him, and to his glory: and their children also shall live the same life, being regenerated and quickened by the same grace; these are the church's children:
and turn again; that is, when they shall turn again, either to the Lord, shall be converted unto him; or return to their own land.

Gill: Zec 10:10 - -- I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt,.... The Targum paraphrases it,
"and as I brought them out of the land of Egypt, so will gath...
I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt,.... The Targum paraphrases it,
"and as I brought them out of the land of Egypt, so will gather their captivity out of Assyria;''
suggesting there would be a likeness between the one and the other. Egypt may denote the state of distance and bondage in which all men are by nature; and the Jews, at their conversion, will be brought out of it, into the glorious liberty of the children of God, by the mighty arm of the Lord, according to his purposes and promises. Moreover, as Cocceius observes, Egypt may signify Rome, or the Romish jurisdiction, which is spiritually called Egypt and Sodom, Rev 11:8 for darkness, idolatry, tyranny, and cruelty; and out of which the Jews, as many of them as are there, will be brought at the time of their conversion:
and gather them out of Assyria; which may design the Turkish or Persian dominions, or both, as the above commentator suggests; from whence the Jews, as many as are in those parts, will be brought into their own land, as follows; see Isa 11:11,
and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; Gilead was a land of pasture, and signifies "a heap of testimonies"; and may mystically intend the Scriptures, which testify of Christ, and direct to green pastures, beside the still waters: and Lebanon, that goodly mountain, and hill of frankincense, and where cedars grew, may design the church, whither the converted Jews will be brought, and worship before it, Rev 3:9 or both may literally be understood, which they shall return unto; Gilead being, as Kimchi observes, beyond Jordan eastward; and Lebanon, comprehending the whole land of Israel, on this side of it:
and place shall not be found for them; they will be so numerous; see Isa 49:20 the Targum is,
"and I will bring them to the land of Gilead and the sanctuary, and it shall not be sufficient for them;''
that is, to hold them. The Septuagint render it, "and not one of them shall be left": all Israel shall now be converted and saved, though their number will be as the sand of the sea, Hos 1:10.

Gill: Zec 10:11 - -- And he shall pass through the sea with affliction,.... Either the people of the Jews, as Israel of old did, when they came out of Egypt, to which the ...
And he shall pass through the sea with affliction,.... Either the people of the Jews, as Israel of old did, when they came out of Egypt, to which the allusion is; or the wind shall pass through the sea, as Aben Ezra supplies it, and it shall become dry; that is, the river of Egypt: or "affliction" r, as many supply it, shall pass through the sea; the nations, which are many as the sea, as Kimchi interprets it; and so may design that hour of temptation that shall come upon all the earth, Rev 3:10 or with which the kingdom of the beast, who rose up out of the sea, and consists of many waters, people, tongues, and nations, will be afflicted, Rev 13:1 which the Lord shall pass through and smite; or it may in general denote the sea of this world, and the afflictions of it, which the Lord causes his people to pass through, and brings them out of them:
and shall smite the waves in the sea: that is, the Lord shall smite them; repress afflictions, which are like the proud waves, not suffering them to proceed further than is for his glory and his people's good, and remove all obstacles in their way; see Isa 11:15 or destroy their enemies, which are like the proud waters, that otherwise would go over their souls, and overwhelm them; and particularly the antichristian states, at the pouring out of the vials, signified by the sea, and by fountains and rivers, Rev 16:3. Kimchi explains it of the multitude of the people:
and all the deeps of the river shall dry up; not Nile, the river of Egypt, as Jarchi and Aben Ezra s, but the river Euphrates; see Rev 16:12 the drying up of which signifies the destruction of the Turkish empire; and the Targum paraphrases it,
"all the kings of the people shall be confounded:''
and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down; the pride of the Ottoman empire, of which the old Assyria is a part, and which has been large and powerful, that shall be destroyed; this will be at the passing away of the second woe; and then quickly comes the third, which is as follows, Rev 11:14,
and the sceptre of Egypt shall depart away; all rule and government shall cease; see Gen 49:10 meaning that the kingdom of the antichristian beast of Rome, called Egypt, Rev 11:8 shall be at an end; which will be at the blowing of the seventh trumpet, and upon and through the pouring out of the seven vials. So the Targum, the dominion of the Egyptians shall be taken away; or its rod, with which it has smote, hurt, and greatly oppressed and afflicted the saints; persecution shall now cease; it will not be in the power of the Romish antichrist to persecute any more.

Gill: Zec 10:12 - -- And I will strengthen them in the Lord,.... Not the Egyptians and Assyrians, but the Jews, as in Zec 10:5, the Targum is,
"I will strengthen them i...
And I will strengthen them in the Lord,.... Not the Egyptians and Assyrians, but the Jews, as in Zec 10:5, the Targum is,
"I will strengthen them in the word of the Lord;''
in the Messiah, by his power, and in the grace that is in him; and their faith and hope in him, and love to him: or "by" t him; so that, through him strengthening them, they will be able to do all things; to exercise grace; perform duty; withstand temptation; oppose indwelling sin; bear the cross of Christ; endure afflictions; engage with all their spiritual enemies, and conquer them: for the words may be rendered, "I will cause them to prevail", or "overcome in the Lord" u; all their enemies, temporal and spiritual; and even to be more than conquerors through him that has loved them:
and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord; walk in him, the way to the Father, to heaven and happiness; walk by faith on him, in his strength, and in imitation of him; walk according to his Gospel, calling on his name, professing and worshipping him; and walk in his church and ordinances, agreeably to his will; see Mic 4:5. Kimchi owns that this whole chapter belongs to the times of the Messiah, as well as the former. The words may be considered as a testimony to the doctrine of the Trinity; that I, Jehovah the Father, will strengthen them in Jehovah the Son; and they shall walk up and down in the name of the Son of God, saith Jehovah the Spirit. Moreover, as a promise of the saints' final perseverance, very peremptorily expressed; I "will" strengthen them, and they "shall" walk, &c.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Zec 10:5 Heb “and the riders on horses will be put to shame,” figurative for the defeat of mounted troops. The word “enemy” in the tran...

NET Notes: Zec 10:10 I will bring them back from Egypt…from Assyria. The gathering of God’s people to their land in eschatological times will be like a reenact...

NET Notes: Zec 10:11 Heb “scepter,” referring by metonymy to the dominating rule of Egypt (cf. NLT).

Geneva Bible: Zec 10:6 And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the ( h ) house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon ...

Geneva Bible: Zec 10:8 I will ( i ) hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased.
( i ) By which he declares the...

Geneva Bible: Zec 10:9 And I will ( k ) sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and ( l ) turn again...

Geneva Bible: Zec 10:11 And he ( m ) shall pass through the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: and the pr...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Zec 10:1-12
TSK Synopsis: Zec 10:1-12 - --1 God is to be sought unto, and not idols.3 As he visited his flock for sin, so he will save and restore them.
MHCC -> Zec 10:1-5; Zec 10:6-12
MHCC: Zec 10:1-5 - --Spiritual blessings had been promised under figurative allusions to earthly plenty. Seasonable rain is a great mercy, which we may ask of God when the...

MHCC: Zec 10:6-12 - --Here are precious promises to the people of God, which look to the state of the Jews, and even to the latter days of the church. Preaching the gospel ...
Matthew Henry -> Zec 10:5-12
Matthew Henry: Zec 10:5-12 - -- Here are divers precious promises made to the people of God, which look further than to the state of the Jews in the latter days of their church, an...
Keil-Delitzsch: Zec 10:5-7 - --
Thus equipped for battle, Judah will annihilate its foes. Zec 10:5. "And they will be like heroes, treading street-mire in the battle: and will fig...

Keil-Delitzsch: Zec 10:8-10 - --
In order to remove all doubt as to the realization of this promise, the deliverance of Ephraim is described still more minutely in Zec 10:8-12. Zec ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Zec 10:11-12 - --
Zec 10:11. "And he goes through the sea of affliction, and smites the waves in the sea, and all the depths of the river dry up; and the pride of As...
Constable: Zec 9:1--14:21 - --V. Oracles about the Messiah and Israel's future chs. 9--14
This part of Zechariah contains two undated oracles ...

Constable: Zec 9:1--11:17 - --A. The burden concerning the nations: the advent and rejection of Messiah chs. 9-11
In this first oracle...