Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 10:1--13:18
Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play Hatiku Bersukaria [KJ.77]
1. Hatiku bersukaria
mengagungkan nama Tuhan, Allah, Juru s'lamatku.
2. DiindahkanNya hambaNya;
kini dan senantiasa diberkati namaku.
Luk 1:4
3. Kar'na Allah Mahakuasa
melakukan karya agung kepadaku yang rendah.
4. Mahasuci Nama Allah; rahmatNya turun-temurun
atas orang salehNya.
5. DinyatakanNya kuasa
hingga orang congkak hati habis oleh tanganNya
6. DisuruhNya turun takhta
pembesar dan panguasa ditinggikan yang rendah.
Mzm 75:8
Mzm 113:7-9
Yeh 21:26
7. Orang lapar dikenyangkan
orang kaya dihampakan dan disuruhNya pergi.
Mzm 107:9
8. Sungguh Ia melepaskan
Umat Israel, hambaNya, kar'na rahmatNya kekal.
9. Seperti dijanjikanNya
pada Abraham semula untuk s'lama-lamanya.Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Play Keluar Dari Kaum [KJ.342]
1. Keluar dari kaum dan rumah bapakmu, serahkan dirimu
kepada rahmat Hu. Percaya sabdaNya. Berjalan dengan
suka ke tanah air baka yang tertentu di muka.
Kej 12:1-9
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Pergi dengan seg'ra ke lorong negeri dan simpangannya yang
buruk dan keji. B'ri rumahKu penuh. Jemput segala orang
ke rumah s'lamatKu; tempatnya tidak kurang.
Mat 22:8-10
Yoh 14:2
3. Keluar! Ajarlah seluruh dunia. Taburkan InjilKu di sawah-
ladangnya! Mau t'rang, maupun gelap di rumah dan kerjamu,
baik ingatlah tetap: 'Ku menyertai kamu.Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
Play Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
1. Mahaterpuji Allahku: Ia lepaskan kita dari kuasa seteru
dan segenap derita. Tanda selamat diberi membuat wajah berseri:
Mesias akan datang! Kini terkabul dan genap janji
Nubuat Alkitab, yang lama didambakan.
2. Yang dalam nista tercengk'ram akan dibebaskanNya;
janjiNya pada Abraham kini menjadi nyata: umatNya bersejahtera
'kan beribadah padaNya dan hidup badi Dia.
Nabi Yohanes, kau seg'ra 'kan meratakan jalanNya, Sang Raja yang mulia!
Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Mal 3:1
Mrk 1:2
Luk 7:27
3. Agar umatNya mengerti hidup kekal sentosa,
Yang Mahakasih memberi rahmat ampunan dosa.
Sang Surya Pagi t'lah dekat! Orang yang jalannya gelap melihat cahayaNya.
Kita tak lagi bersedih, tapi berjalan ke neg'ri yang damai selamanya!Mal 4:2
Yoh 1:9
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
Play Tersembunyi Ujung Jalan [KJ.416]
1. Tersembunyi ujung jalan, hampir atau masih jauh;
'ku dibimbing tangan Tuhan ke neg'ri yang tak 'ku tahu.
Bapa, ajar aku ikut, pa juga maksudMu, tak bersangsi atau
Takut, beriman tetap teguh.
Kej 12:1
Mzm 73:23
Yes 48:17
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Meski langkahMu semua tersembunyi bagiku, hatiku
menurut jua dan memuji kasihMu. Meski kini tak 'ku nampak,
nanti 'ku berbagia, apabila t'rangMu tampak dengan kemuliaannya.
3. Tuhan, janganlah biarkan kutentukan nasibku. B'rilah hanya
kudengarkan keputusan hikmatMu. Aku ini pun selaku kanak-kanak
yang bebal. Bapa jua bimbing aku ke kehidupan kekal.
4. Dengan bapa aku maju dalam malam yang kelam
ke neg'ri yang tak kutahu dengan mata terpejam…Play
Colossians 1:20-21
'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
1. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku, Penghibur kalau hatiku
gelisah, Yang melepaskan orang dari susah. Wahai jiwaku,
puji Tuhanmu!Mzm 116:1-6
Yoh 21:15-17
Ef 6:24
2 Tim 4:18
2. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Penebus: olehNya taurat tak mengutuk lagi;
lunaslah sudah utang yang ditagih; dosa dihapus darah Yang Kudus.
Rm 5:16-19
Gal 3:13
1 Kor 7:23
Kol 1:20
3. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus s'lamanya: Sabda dan RohNya menyucikan daku;
aib dosaku sudah Ia basuh; 'ku dibarui turut citraNya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
4. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Sobatku: ketika aku, bagai kanak-kanak
jalan tertatih waktu mau melangkah, 'ku dipegang tanganNya yang teguh.
Mzm 73:23
Hos 11:3
5. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus tak henti: rela kupikul salib dan bebanNya
dan kulakukan titah dan pesanNya; jangan olehku Tuhanku sedih.
Mat 11:28-30
Mrk 8:34
6. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus yang teguh memimpin daku sampai aku mati;
di saat itu dosa tiada lagi dan 'ku lega memuji Tuhanku.
Rm 6:7
7. Yang kukasihi, HariNya dekat. Nanti kulihat kemuliaan Tuhan
dan di terangNya Dia kuagungkan. Pujilah Tuhan, segenap jemaat.Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
Play Berlutut di PalunganMu [KJ.115]
1. Berlutut di palunganMu, ya Yesus, Sumber Hidup,
kubawa persembahanku yang memang hak milikMu:
hatiku, roh dan jiwaku, seluruh isi hidupku, padaMu berkenanlah!
2. Dahulu dari lahirku, Kau Yesus, sudah lahir;
dan 'ku terpilih olehMu, meski belum 'ku jadi;
Kau sudah mengasihiku dan Kaurelakan diriMu
Supaya kumiliki.
Ef 1:4
1 Yoh 4:10
3. Di malam maut yang kelam, ya Yesus, Kau Suryaku:
Kaubawa hidup dan terang dan damai kepadaku.
O Surya kasih yang besar, Pemancar iman yang benar,
CahyaMu sungguh indah!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
4. Dengan memandang wajahMu yang suci tak bernoda
tak kunjung puas mataku; padaMu 'ku berdoa.
Andaikan lubuk hatiku seluas laut, Tuhanku,
Hendak kurangkum Dikau!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
5. Setiap kali hatiku berduka tak terhibur,
sabdaMu: "Aku Kawanmu, bebanmu Aku pikul.
Mengapa tersedu-sedan? Kubuat jalanmu terang:
Dosamu Kuampuni!"
Mat 11:28
6. Palungan ini bagiMu terlampau sederhana
dan rumput alas tidurMu tak pantas bagi Raja.
Yang layak bagi Tuhanku: istana, sutra, beledu,
Ayunan mas kencana.
7. Tetapi nikmat dunia, ya Tuhan, tak Kaucari.
Kau datang miskin dan lemah, sengsara Kauhadapi;
Engkau memikul salibMu demi keselamatanku;
Terima kasih, Tuhan!
Yes 53:5
Kol 1:20
8. Yang aku mohon padaMu, ya Yesus, hanya satu:
berdiamlah di hatiku sekarang dan selalu.
Jadikanlah nuraniku palunganMu dan takhtaMu;
Limpahkan sukacita!Ef 3:17
Play Hai Anak Semua [KJ.117]
1. Hai anak semua, cepat marilah!
Masukilah kandang yang amat rendah dan lihatlah
Bayi yang tidur nyenyak, tergolek dalam palungan ternak.Luk 2:16
2. O, lihatlah Dia bersinar terang,
lembut bercahaya di malam kelam meski dalam lampin,
lebih mulia dibanding malaikat di sorga cerah.
3. Terbaringlah Ia di rumput kering;
Maria dan Yusuf tenang dan hening dan para gembala
Sujud menyembah, malaikat di atas memuliakanNya.
Luk 2:14
4. Sekarang pun kita hendak bertelut
di muka palungan Sang Bayi lembut; marilah semua
bernyanyi senang bersama malaikat yang putih terang.
5. Dan kita berdoa: ya Yesus kudus,
kesalahan kami hendak Kautebus; Kau lahir di kandang
yang hina rendah dan rela menanggung salib Golgota.
Kol 1:20
Ibr 12:2
6. Terimalah hati yang kami beri,
dan buatlah kami pun suci bersih, supaya beroleh
sentosa penuh, bersatu abadi dengan diriMu!Ibr 2:11
Colossians 3:1-5
'Ku Disalibkan dengan Tuhanku [KJ.404] ( Dying with Jesus / Moment by Moment )
1. 'Ku disalibkan dengan Tuhanku; hidupNya pun diberi padaku.
Memandang padaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Kol 3:1-3
Rm 14:8
2. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
3. Di pencobaanTuhanku dekat, turut memikul beban yang berat,
di kedukaan Teman yang erat; setia saat dib'riNya berkat.
Mat 11:28-30
4. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
5. Tiada tangisan dan hati sedih, tiada keluh di bahaya ngeri
yang oleh Yesus tak dimengerti setiap saat, dengan tak henti.
Ibr 4:15
6. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
7. Kelemahanku dirasakanNya; bila 'ku sakit, dipulihkanNya;
setiap saat, gelap dan cerah, Yesus, Tuhanku, menyucikannya.
8. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.Play 'Ku Ingin Menyerahkan [KJ.441]
1. 'Ku ingin menyerahkan seluruh hidupku, sekalipun tak layak,
kepada Tuhanku. Kubunuh keinginan dan hasrat hatiku, supaya
hanya Tuhan mengisi hidupku.
Rm 8:13
Gal 5:24
Kol 3:5
2. Di waktu kesusahan tak usah 'ku gentar; dib'riNya perlindungan,
hatiku pun segar. DarahNya dicurahkan, nyawaNya pun dib'ri,
teruraslah jiwaku, hidupku berseri.
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 10:11, 15
Yoh 15:13
3. Tentu beban tak tanggal, lenyap serta merta, dan salib yang kupikul
tak jatuh segera. Kendati demikian, bertambah dayaku, sebab
pengasihanNya menopang hidupku.
Rm 5:3-4
Flp 4:13
Yak 1:2-4
4. Setiap aku jatuh, dirangkul 'ku erat, tak kunjung dibiarkan anakNya
tersesat. Dan RohNya menerangkan kasihNya yang besar, sehingga
dalam susah hatiku bergemar.
Mzm 66:9
Mzm 73:23
Mzm 145:14
5. KasihNya menentukan waktuNya tepat memanggil aku pulang,
yang rindu dan penat. Di sorga kusampaikan pujian, syukurku,
sebab dib'ri ujian di dalam hidupku.Play Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
1. Lawanlah godaan, s'lalu bertekun; tiap kemenangan
kau tambah teguh; nafsu kejahatan harus kautentang;
harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Ef 6:10-18
Yak 1:12
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
2. Tinggalkan yang jahat, dosa dicegah; tindakanmu
tulus tiada bercela: junjung kebenaran, hidup dalam
t'rang, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Rm 13:12-14
Ef 4:17-32
Kol 3:5-17
1 Tes 5:5-8
1 Yoh 2:8-11
3. Allah memberikan tajuk mulia bagi yang berjaya
di dalam iman; Kristus memulihkan kau yang
tertekan, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Genesis 10:1--13:18
[Gen 11:9] Father Eternal, Ruler Of Creation
Father eternal, Ruler of creation,
Spirit of life, which moved ere form was made;
Through the thick darkness covering every nation,
Light to man’s blindness, O be Thou our aid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Races and peoples, lo! we stand divided,
And sharing not our griefs, no joy can share;
By wars and tumults love is mocked, derided,
His conquering cross no kingdom wills to bear:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Envious of heart, blind eyed, with tongues confounded,
Nation by nation still goes unforgiven;
In wrath and fear, by jealousies surrounded,
Building proud towers which shall not reach to heaven:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Lust of possession worketh desolations;
There is no meekness in the sons of earth;
Led by no star, the rulers of the nations
Still fail to bring us to the blissful birth.
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.How shall we love Thee, holy, hidden Being,
If we love not the world which Thou hast made?
O give us brother love for better seeing
Thy world made flesh, and in a manger laid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Colossians 1:20-21
[Col 1:20] At The Cross There’s Room
Mourner, wheresoever thou art,
At the cross there’s room!
Tell the burden of thy heart,
At the cross there’s room!
Tell it in thy Savior’s ear,
Cast away thine every fear,
Only speak, and He will hear;
At the cross there’s room!Haste thee, wand’rer, tarry not,
At the cross there’s room!
Seek that consecrated spot;
At the cross there’s room!
Heavy laden, sore oppressed,
Love can soothe thy troubled breast;
In the Savior find thy rest;
At the cross there’s room!Thoughtless sinner, come today;
At the cross there’s room!
Hark! the Bride and Spirit say,
At the cross there’s room!
Now a living fountain see,
Opened there for you and me,
Rich and poor, for bond and free,
At the cross there’s room!Blessèd thought! For every one
At the cross there’s room!
Love’s atoning work is done;
At the cross there’s room!
Streams of boundless mercy flow,
Free to all who thither go;
Oh, that all the world might know
At the cross there’s room!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 1:20] Blessed Cross Of Jesus
Wand’rer, come, there’s room for thee,
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and taste salvation free
At the cross of Jesus.Refrain
Blessèd cross! precious cross!
There my hopes are twining;
There I see a Father’s love
Through a Savior shining.Come and bring thy burden now
To the cross of Jesus;
Lay thy burning, throbbing brow
At the cross of Jesus.Refrain
O what comfort thou wilt find
At the cross of Jesus;
Love thy broken heart will bind
At the cross of Jesus.Refrain
See the crimson waters flow
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and tell thy every woe
At the cross of Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 1:20] By The Cross Of Jesus Standing
By the cross of Jesus standing,
Love our straitened souls expanding,
Taste we now the peace and grace!
Health from yonder tree is flowing,
Heav’nly light is on it glowing,
From the blessed Sufferer’s face.Here is pardon’s pledge and token,
Guilt’s strong chain forever broken,
Righteous peace securely made;
Brightens now the brow once shaded,
Freshens now the face once faded,
Peace with God now makes us glad.All the love of God is yonder,
Love above all thought and wonder,
Perfect love that casts out fear!
Strength, like dew, is here distilling,
Glorious life our souls is filling,
Life eternal, only here!Here the living water welleth;
Here the Rock, now smitten, telleth
Of salvation freely giv’n:
This the fount of love and pity,
This the pathway to the city,
This the very gate of Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 1:20] Cross Of Jesus, The
I saw the cross of Jesus,
When burdened with my sin;
I sought the cross of Jesus
To give me peace within;
I brought my sins to Jesus,
He cleansed me by His blood;
And in the cross of Jesus
I found my peace with God.I love the cross of Jesus,
It tells me what I am—
A vile and guilty creature
Saved only thro’ the Lamb;
No righteousness or merit,
No beauty can I plead;
Yet in the cross of Jesus
My title there I read.I clasp the cross of Jesus
In every trying hour,
My sure and certain refuge,
My never failing tower;
In every fear and conflict,
I more than conqu’ror am;
Living, I’m safe—or dying—
Thro’ Christ the risen Lamb.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 1:20] Sinners, Rejoice: Your Peace Is Made
Sinners, rejoice: your peace is made;
Your Savior on the cross hath bled:
Your God, in Jesus reconciled,
On all His works again hath smiled;
Hath grace through Him and blessing giv’n,
To all in earth and all in Heav’n.Angels rejoice in Jesus’ grace,
And vie with man’s more favored race;
The blood that did for us atone,
Conferred on them some gift unknown;
Their joy through Jesus’ pains abounds,
They triumph by His glorious wounds.Or, stablished and confirmed by Him
Who did our lower world redeem,
Secure they keep their blest estate,
Firm on an everlasting seat;
Or, raised above themselves, aspire,
In bliss improved, in glory higher.Him they beheld, our conquering God,
Returned with garments rolled in blood!
They saw, and kindled at the sight,
And filled with shouts the realms of light;
With loudest hallelujahs met,
And fell, and kissed His bleeding feet.They saw Him in the courts above.
With all His recent prints of love;
The wounds, the blood! they heard its voice,
That heightened all their highest joys;
They felt it sprinkled through the skies,
And shared that better sacrifice.Not angel tongues can e’er express
The unutterable happiness;
Nor human hearts can e’er conceive
The bliss wherein through Christ they live,
But all your Heav’n, ye glorious powers,
And all your God, is doubly ours!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 1:20] There Is Peace
Thro’ the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb,
Thro’ the blood full atonement is made,
He has carried all our burdens of sorrow,
And on Him our transgressions were laid.Refrain
There is peace thro’ the blood,
Thro’ the precious blood He offers so free;
There is peace thro’ the blood,
O that precious blood is flowing for me.Thro’ the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb,
Thro’ the blood of the Lamb that was slain,
We are rescued from our bondage forever,
And the way of redemption is plain.Refrain
Thro’ the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb,
Unto all who repent and believe,
What a comfort in the promise He left us—
Thro’ the blood we may pardon receive.Refrain
As in Adam we are ruined and lost,
So in Christ shall our life be restored,
And the Father in His mercy will own us
Thro’ the blood of our crucified Lord.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Colossians 3:1-5
[Col 3:2] O Happy Soul That Lives On High
O happy soul that lives on high
While men lie groveling here!
His hopes are fixed above the sky,
And faith forbids his fear.His conscience knows no secret stings,
While peace and joy combine
To form a life whose holy springs
Are hidden and divine.He waits in secret on His God,
His God in secret sees;
Let earth be all in arms abroad,
He dwells in heav’nly peace.His pleasures rise from things unseen,
Beyond this world and time;
Where neither eyes nor ears have been,
Nor thoughts of sinners climb.He wants no pomp nor royal throne
To raise his figure here;
Content and pleased to live unknown,
Till Christ, his life, appear.He looks to Heav’ns eternal hill
To meet that glorious day;
But patient waits his Savior’s will
To fetch his soul away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:2] I Send The Joys Of Earth Away
I send the joys of earth away;
Away, ye tempters of the mind,
False as the smooth, deceitful sea,
And empty as the whistling wind.Your streams were floating me along
Down the gulf of dark despair;
And while I listened to your song,
Your streams had e’en conveyed me there.Lord, I adore Thy matchless grace,
That warned me of that dark abyss,
That drew me from those treacherous seas,
And bade me seek superior bliss.Now to the shining realms above
I stretch my hands and glance my eyes;
O for the pinions of a dove,
To bear me to the upper skies.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:2] I Would Be Like Jesus
Earthly pleasures vainly call me;
I would be like Jesus;
Nothing worldly shall enthrall me;
I would be like Jesus.Refrain
Be like Jesus, this my song,
In the home and in the throng;
Be like Jesus, all day long!
I would be like Jesus.He has broken every fetter,
I would be like Jesus;
That my soul may serve Him better,
I would be like Jesus.Refrain
All the way from earth to glory,
I would be like Jesus;
Telling o’er and o’er the story,
I would be like Jesus.Refrain
That in Heaven He may meet me,
I would be like Jesus;
That His words “Well done” may greet me,
I would be like Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:3] I Live But In Thee
O Light of my spirit and Joy of my heart,
Thou Chief among thousands, how lovely Thou art!
I think of Thy goodness where’er I may be,
My Rock and Salvation, I live but for Thee.Refrain
I live but in Thee, I live but in Thee,
My Rock and Salvation, I live but in Thee;
I live but in Thee, I live but in Thee,
My Rock and Salvation, I live but in Thee.I care not for treasures that rust and decay,
I seek not for pleasures that vanish away,
Enough that my Savior my portion will be,
O loving Redeemer, I live but in Thee.Refrain
Thus far hast Thou led me, I’ll trust Thee for all,
I know Thou wilt ever respond to my call;
I feel that Thy grace is sufficient for me,
O Savior of sinners, I live but in Thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Col 3:4] Christ, The Life Of All The Living
Christ, the Life of all the living,
Christ the Death of death, our foe,
Who Thyself for us once giving
To the darkest depths of woe,
Patiently didst yield Thy breath
But to save my soul from death;
Praise and glory ever be,
Blessèd Jesus, unto Thee.Thou, O Christ, hast taken on Thee
Bitter strokes, a cruel rod;
Pain and scorn were heaped upon Thee,
O Thou sinless Son of God,
Only thus for me to win
Rescue from the bonds of sin;
Praise and glory ever be,
Blessèd Jesus, unto Thee.Thou didst bear the smiting only
That it might not fall on me;
Stoodest falsely charged and lonely
That I might be safe and free;
Comfortless that I might know
Comfort from Thy boundless woe.
Praise and glory ever be,
Blessèd Jesus, unto Thee.Heartless scoffers did surround Thee,
Treating Thee with shameful scorn
And with piercing thorns they crowned Thee,
All disgrace Thou, Lord, hast borne
That as Thine Thou mightest own me
And with heavenly glory crown me.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.Thou hast suffered men to bruise Thee
That from pain I might be free;
Falsely did Thy foes accuse Thee,
Thence I gain security;
Comfortless Thy soul did languish
Me to comfort in my anguish.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.Thou hast suffered great affliction,
And hast borne it patiently,
Even death by crucifixion,
Fully to atone for me;
Thou didst choose to be tormented
That my doom should be prevented.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto Thee.Then, for all that wrought our pardon,
For Thy sorrows deep and sore,
For Thine anguish in the garden,
I will thank Thee evermore;
Thank Thee with my latest breath
For Thy sad and cruel death,
For that last and bitter cry
Praise Thee evermore on high.Play source: Cyberhymnal