Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 14:1--17:27
Hatiku Bersukaria [KJ.77]
1. Hatiku bersukaria
mengagungkan nama Tuhan, Allah, Juru s'lamatku.
2. DiindahkanNya hambaNya;
kini dan senantiasa diberkati namaku.
Luk 1:4
3. Kar'na Allah Mahakuasa
melakukan karya agung kepadaku yang rendah.
4. Mahasuci Nama Allah; rahmatNya turun-temurun
atas orang salehNya.
5. DinyatakanNya kuasa
hingga orang congkak hati habis oleh tanganNya
6. DisuruhNya turun takhta
pembesar dan panguasa ditinggikan yang rendah.
Mzm 75:8
Mzm 113:7-9
Yeh 21:26
7. Orang lapar dikenyangkan
orang kaya dihampakan dan disuruhNya pergi.
Mzm 107:9
8. Sungguh Ia melepaskan
Umat Israel, hambaNya, kar'na rahmatNya kekal.
9. Seperti dijanjikanNya
pada Abraham semula untuk s'lama-lamanya.Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Play Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
1. Mahaterpuji Allahku: Ia lepaskan kita dari kuasa seteru
dan segenap derita. Tanda selamat diberi membuat wajah berseri:
Mesias akan datang! Kini terkabul dan genap janji
Nubuat Alkitab, yang lama didambakan.
2. Yang dalam nista tercengk'ram akan dibebaskanNya;
janjiNya pada Abraham kini menjadi nyata: umatNya bersejahtera
'kan beribadah padaNya dan hidup badi Dia.
Nabi Yohanes, kau seg'ra 'kan meratakan jalanNya, Sang Raja yang mulia!
Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Mal 3:1
Mrk 1:2
Luk 7:27
3. Agar umatNya mengerti hidup kekal sentosa,
Yang Mahakasih memberi rahmat ampunan dosa.
Sang Surya Pagi t'lah dekat! Orang yang jalannya gelap melihat cahayaNya.
Kita tak lagi bersedih, tapi berjalan ke neg'ri yang damai selamanya!Mal 4:2
Yoh 1:9
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
Genesis 14:1--17:27
[Gen 15:1] O God, Thy Soldiers’ Crown And Guard
O God, Thy soldiers’ crown and guard,
And their exceeding great reward;
From all transgressions set us free,
Who sing Thy martyr’s victory.The pleasures of the world he spurned,
From sin’s pernicious lures he turned;
He knew their joys imbued with gall,
And thus he reached Thy heavenly hall.For Thee through many a woe he ran,
In many a fight he played the man;
For Thee his blood he dared to pour,
And thence hath joy forevermore.We therefore pray Thee, full of love,
Regard us from Thy throne above;
On this Thy martyr’s triumph day,
Wash every stain of sin away.O Christ, most loving King, to Thee,
With God the Father, glory be;
Like glory, as is ever meet,
To God the holy Paraclete.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 15:6] Count Me
When you count the ones who love the Lord,
Count me, count me;
When you count up those who trust His Word,
Count me, count me.Refrain
Count me with the children of the heav’nly King;
Count me with the servants who would service bring;
Count me with the ransomed who His praises sing;
Count me, count me.When you count up those who’re saved by grace,
Count me, count me;
Who have found in Christ a hiding place,
Count me, count me.Refrain
When you count up those who do the right,
Count me, count me;
Who are walking in the Gospel light,
Count me, count me.Refrain
When you count up those who forward press,
Count me, count me;
Who shall gain the crown of righteousness,
Count me, count me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal