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1 Chronicles 12:23-40


record <04557> [A.M. 2956. B.C. 1048. An. Ex. Is. 433. the numbers.]

leaders <07218> [bands. or, captains, or men. Heb. heads. came to David.]

Some learned men understand this as relating to the time when David was make king over Judah, on his first coming to Hebron: but it seems wholly to refer to his being made king over all Israel, after the death of Ishbosheth; for there was no such union or assembly of the several tribes on the former occasion, as is here described.

in order to make <05437> [to turn.]

decree <06310> [according.]


trained <02502> [armed. or, prepared.]


leader <05057> [the leader.]

Aaron's descendants <0175> [Aaronites.]


Zadok <06659> [Zadok.]


tribe <0251> [kindred. Heb. brethren.]

most of whom ........ loyal <04768 08104> [the greatest part of them. Heb. a multitude of them.]


fame <08034> [famous. Heb. men of names.]


half tribe <04294 02677> [the half tribe.]


understood ... times <06256 0998> [understanding of the times.]

That is, as the following words indicate, intelligent men, who understood the signs of the times, well versed in political affairs, and knew what was proper to be done in all the exigencies of human life; and who now perceived that it was both the duty and political interest of Israel to advance David to the throne.

knew <03045> [to know.]

relatives <0251> [all their.]


prepared ... battle ....... weapons <06186 04421> [expert in war. or, rangers of battle, or ranged in battle. keep rank. or, set the battle in array. they were not of double heart. Heb. they were without a heart and a heart.]

That is, they were all sincerely affected towards David, though so numerous.


prepared ... battle <06186 04421> [expert in war. or, keeping their rank.]


other side <05676> [the other side.]


acclamation ........... agreement <08003 03820 03824> [with a perfect heart.]

The meaning of this expression may be inferred from that of a double heart in ver. 33. If a double heart be expressive of insincerity or duplicity, a perfect heart, which seems to be put in opposition to it, must signify a sincere, faithful, and entire attachment.

rest <07611> [all the rest.]


feasting <0398 08354> [eating and drinking.]


bringing <0935> [brought.]

The Septuagint reads [ ,] "brought (to) them" which is probably correct; the Hebrew {lahem,} "to them" might be easily mistaken for {lechem,} "bread." The passage will then read, "bought them on asses, on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, meat, meal, cakes of figs," etc., which renders the introduction of and unnecessary. From the mention of oil, figs, and raisins, Mr. Harmer thinks that this assembly was held in autumn.

supplies ... flour <07058 03978> [meat, meal. or, victual of meal. cakes of figs.]

celebrating <08057> [there was joy.]

1 Chronicles 12:2


right <03231> [could use.]

sling stones <068> [in hurling.]

1 Chronicles 5:1-16


firstborn ...... firstborn <01060> [A.M. 2294, etc. B.C. 1710, etc. he was.]

defiled <02490> [forasmuch.]

firstborn ................. firstborn <01062> [birthright.]

listed .... in the genealogical records <03187> [and.]

listed .... in the genealogical records <03187> [reckoned.]


Judah <03063> [Judah.]

leader <05057> [the chief ruler. or, the prince.]

By the chief ruler is meant first David, and after him the Messiah, agreeably to the celebrated prophecy of Jacob (Ge 49:10). The Syriac calls him "Christ the king," and the Arabic, "Messiah the king."

firstborn .... Joseph <01062 03130> [birthright was.]


sons <01121> [sons.]

Pallu <06396> [Pallu.]



Beerah <0880> [Beerah. <\\See definition 0880\\>.]

After their separation from the house of David, the ten tribes continued to have princes of the tribes, till the time that Tiglath-pileser carried them captive; at which time Beerah, who according to the Targum was the same as Baruch, was their prince.

Tiglath-pileser <08407> [Tilgath-pilneser.]



genealogical records <03187> [when the genealogy.]


Shema <08087> [Shema.]

[Shemaiah. Aroer.]

Nebo <05015> [Nebo.]

The city of Nebo was doubtless situated on or near the Celebrated mountain of the dsame name, east of Jordan.

Baal Meon <01186> [Baal-meon.]


entrance <0935> [unto the entering.]

That is, unto the borders of Arabia Deserta, which extends to the Euphrates.

cattle <04735> [because.]


[A.M. 2944. B.C. 1060.]

Hagrites <01905> [the Hagarites.]

<06440> [throughout, etc. Heb. upon all the face of the East.]


descendants <01121> [the children.]

The Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh are joined to the genealogy of Reuben, because they inhabited the same country, and formed a sort of separate colony east of Jordan.

land <0776> [in the land.]


This verse is wanting both in the Syriac and Arabic.


Sharon <08289> [Sharon.]

borders <08444> [borders. Heb. goings forth.]

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