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1 Chronicles 12:8

And of the Gadites
there separated
<0914> (8738)
themselves unto David
into the hold
to the wilderness
of might
[and] men
of war
[fit] for the battle
that could handle
<06186> (8802)
and buckler
whose faces
[were like] the faces
of lions
and [were] as swift
<04116> (8763)
as the roes
upon the mountains
{of war: Heb. of the host} {as swift...: Heb. as the roes upon the mountains to make haste}

1 Chronicles 12:2

[They were] armed
<05401> (8802)
with bows
and could use both the right hand
<03231> (8688)
and the left
<08041> (8688)
in [hurling] stones
and [shooting] arrows
out of a bow
[even] of Saul's
of Benjamin

1 Chronicles 25:5

All these [were] the sons
of Heman
the king's
in the words
of God
to lift up
<07311> (8687)
the horn
And God
<05414> (8799)
to Heman
<0702> <06240>
and three
{words: or, matters}

Jeremiah 46:9

Come up
<05927> (8798)_,
ye horses
and rage
<01984> (8703)_,
ye chariots
and let the mighty men
come forth
<03318> (8799)_;
the Ethiopians
and the Libyans
that handle
<08610> (8802)
the shield
and the Lydians
that handle
<08610> (8802)
[and] bend
<01869> (8802)
the bow
{the Ethiopians: Heb. Cush} {the Libyans: Heb. Put}

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