Kidung Jemaat
1 John 1:5
Ya Allahku, di Cah'yaMu [KJ.25]
1. Ya Allahku, di cah'yaMu tersingkap tiap noda.
Kau lihatlah manusia penuh lumuran dosa.
1 Yoh 1:5
2. Di cah'yamu mesti redup semarak bintang-bintang;
kemanakah manusia? Dosanya tak terbilang.
Ayb 25:5-6
Ams 20:9
3. KepadaMu tujuanku! Kau tak membuang aku.
PutraMulah selamanya Jalanku ke takhtaMu.
4. Ya amin, ya, di Golgota ditanggungNya dosaku
dan darahNya yang mulia menghapus aib jiwaku.
Yoh 1:29
1 Yoh 1:7
5. Ya Tuhanku, percayaku kiranya Kautumbuhkan,
hingga teguh di kasihMu yang baik kulakukan.Play
1 John 2:7-8
Kita Harus Membawa Berita [KJ.426]
1. Kita harus membawa berita pada dunia dalam gelap
tentang kebenaran dan kasih dan damai yang menetap,
dan damai yang menetap.
Mat 5:14-16
Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Karna g'lap jadi remang pagi, dan remang jadi siang t'rang.
Kuasa Kristus 'kan nyatalah, rahmani dan cemerlang.3. Kita harus menyanyikan gita melembutkan hati keras,
supaya senjata Iblis remuk dan seg'ra lepas,
remuk dan seg'ra lepas.
Rm 16:20
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
4. Karna g'lap jadi remang pagi, dan remang jadi siang t'rang.
Kuasa Kristus 'kan nyatalah, rahmani dan cemerlang.
5. Kita harus membawa berita: Allah itu kasih belas.
Dib'rikan Putra tunggalNya, supaya kita lepas,
supaya kita lepas.
Yoh 3:16
6. Karna g'lap jadi remang pagi, dan remang jadi siang t'rang.
Kuasa Kristus 'kan nyatalah, rahmani dan cemerlang.
7. Kita harus bersaksi di dunia tentang kuasa darah kudus.
Semoga yang masih sangsi terima Sang Penebus,
Terima Sang Penebus.
8. Karna g'lap jadi remang pagi, dan remang jadi siang t'rang.
Kuasa Kristus 'kan nyatalah, rahmani dan cemerlang.Play Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
1. Lawanlah godaan, s'lalu bertekun; tiap kemenangan
kau tambah teguh; nafsu kejahatan harus kautentang;
harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Ef 6:10-18
Yak 1:12
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
2. Tinggalkan yang jahat, dosa dicegah; tindakanmu
tulus tiada bercela: junjung kebenaran, hidup dalam
t'rang, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Rm 13:12-14
Ef 4:17-32
Kol 3:5-17
1 Tes 5:5-8
1 Yoh 2:8-11
3. Allah memberikan tajuk mulia bagi yang berjaya
di dalam iman; Kristus memulihkan kau yang
tertekan, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play Sekawanan yang Esa [KJ.272]
1. Sekawanan yang esa dan Gembala satu jua,
bumi pun sejahtera, bila tiba hari Tuhan.
Bangkit dalam fajarNya: Yesus datang segera!
Yoh 10:16
2. Hai pengawal, tengoklah: masih jauhkah siang hari?
Hari Tuhan merekah; nanti tiada malam lagi!
Bangsa-bangsa, yakinlah: Yesus datang segera!
Yes 21:11-12
3. Tuhan, halaulah gelap, gembalakan kawananMu,
banyak domba tersesat dar Dikau dan UmatMu.
Umat Tuhan, tabahlah: Yesus datang segera!
Mzm 28:9
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Mi 7:14
4. Kabut hilang melenyap oleh fajar Hari Tuhan.
Akan Sumber Alhayat orang harus merindukan.
Pagi makin mencerah: Yesus datang segera!
1 Yoh 2:8
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Isi kubur, siaplah bagi Raja Kebangkitan:
Hari KemuliaanNya di atasmu diterbitkan.
Tunggulah panggilanNya: Yesus datang segera!6. Hari Tuhan mulia! Yesus Kristus, Kaulah Surya,
Kau beri sejahtera dan bahagia sempurna.
Maranata, marilah, Yesus datang segera!Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
1 Kor 16:22
Play Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
1. Sungguh, Kerajaan Allah di bumi tak kalah.
Yesus yang bangkit dilantik menjadi kepala.
Ia menang; g'lapmu menjadi terang:
Lihatlah fajar menyala.
Mat 28:18
Ef 1:22
Kol 2:10
Why 19:16
Yoh 8:12
Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Sambil menyangkal dirimu tetaplah percaya.
Jangan pengharapan hilang di p'rang dan bahaya.
Biar gentar, hatimu pun berdebar,
Akhirnya kamu berjaya.
Mrk 8:34
Ef 6:10-20
Kol 1:23
1 Ptr 5:8-11
3. Akhirnya Yesus memulihkan orang terluka,
kaumnya lepas dari nista, sengsara dan duka.
Nantikanlah hari kedatanganNya:
Langit gemilang terbuka!Why 7:17
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Play Terbitlah Bintang Timur [KJ.83]
1. Terbitlah bintang timur dan fajar merekah
menyambut Sang Penghibur, Harapan dunia.
Yes 60:1-3
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Gelap sedang berlalu, pun malan yang sedih;
cahaya siang baru semakin berseri.
1 Yoh 2:8
3. Yang diam menderita di bayang maut kelam,
mendapat sukacita di fajar yang terang.
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
4. Penghalau malam itu, Sang Surya yang cerah,
yaitu Yesus Kristus kekal cahayaNya!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
5. Terbitlah bintang timur dan fajar merekah
menyambut Sang Pengibur, Harapan dunia.Play Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
1. Terbitlah dalam kegelapan Terang yang mahamulia!
Hai bangsa-bangsa, mari datang, bersama-sama menyembah!
Duka nestapa akan hilang, kuasa dosa menyerah.
Berlalu malam kematian dan fajar hidup merekah.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Engkau membawa sukacita, ya Tuhan, oleh kuasaMu.
Pekik menang gegap gempita: Kau mengalahkan seteru!
Tongkat penindas sudah patah dan tamat pembudakannya;
Terbakar habislah senjata dan bumi bersejahtera.
Mzm 46:10
Mzm 76:4
Yes 2:4
Mi 4:3-4
Zkh 9:10
3. Seorang anak sudah lahir menghibur isi dunia;
KerajaanNya tak berakhir dan mahaagung namaNya:
"Sang Penasihat yang Ajaib, Allah Perkasa Mulia,
dan Bapa yang Kekal Abadi, Sang Raja Damai s'lamanya!"
4. Ya Raja Damai Mahamulia, beri sejahtera penuh,
supaya bangsa-bangsa dunia bersujud di hadapanMu.
Allah sendiri melakukan rencana keadilanNya
Dan takhta Daud diteguhkan kekal selama-lamanya!Flp 2:9-11
Play UmatMu Bersembah Sujud [KJ.227]
1. UmatMu bersembah sujud, berdoa dan bernyanyi,
menghadap singgasanaMu, ya Kristus, Tuhan kami.
Segala kuasa dunia akhirNya 'kan mengaku
Engkaulah raja mulia, kar'na kebangkitanMu.
Luk 24:52
Flp 2:9-11
Why 17:14
2. Dengan darahMu yang kudus Engkau sucikan kami
membuat kami bagiMu imamat yang rajawi.
PadaMu diberikanlah mahkota kemenangan:
Di sorga dan di dunia namaMu berkumandang.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
1 Ptr 2:9
Why 5:10
Why 14:14
3. Ya, Jurus'lamat dunia, penuh kemuliaan
Kau datang lagi segera di atas awan-awan.
Semua 'kan memandangMu, termasuk yang menikam;
Semua mengagungkanMu dan mohon pengasihan.
Dan 7:13-14
Mrk 13:26
Za 12:10
Why 1:7
4. Baik lambat atau segera, hariMu pasti datang;
cahaya fajar yang cerah semakin kelihatan.
Ya, haleluya, datanglah, umatMu sudah yakin.
Malaikat dan manusia bersorak, "Amin, amin!"1 Yoh 2:8
Why 22:20
1 John 1:5
[1Jo 1:5] Father Of Light, We Sing In Thy Praise
Father of Light, we sing in Thy praise,
Father of Light, we sing in Thy praise.
Joyfully now, our voices we raise,
Joyfully now, our voices we raise.
May Thy peace come down from above,
May Thy peace come from above.
Fill our hearts with Thy great love.
Fill our hearts with Thy great love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] Father Of Lights
Father of lights, in Whom there is no shadow,
Giver of every good and perfect gift!
With one accord we seek Thy holy presence,
Gladly our hearts to Thee in praise we lift.Glad for the cause that binds our lives together,
Through Thee united, worshiping as one;
Glad for the crowning gift that Thou hast given,
Sending, to light the world, Thine only Son.Light of the world, through Whom we know the Father!
Pour out upon us Thine abiding love,
That we may know its depth and height and splendor,
That heaven may come to earth from heaven above.Thou art the Christ! To Thee we own allegiance.
May our devotion sweep from sea to sea,
Even as we, the gift from Thee receiving,
Joyfully minister that gift for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] Heavenly Sunlight
Walking in sunlight all of my journey;
Over the mountains, through the deep vale;
Jesus has said, “I’ll never forsake thee,”
Promise divine that never can fail.Refrain
Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight,
Flooding my soul with glory divine:
Hallelujah, I am rejoicing,
Singing His praises, Jesus is mine.Shadows around me, shadows above me,
Never conceal my Savior and Guide;
He is the Light, in Him is no darkness;
Ever I’m walking close to His side.Refrain
In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing,
Pressing my way to mansions above;
Singing His praises gladly I’m walking,
Walking in sunlight, sunlight of love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] Holy Spirit, Lord Of Light
Holy Spirit, Lord of light,
From Thy clear celestial height
Thy pure beaming radiance give.Come, Thou Father of the poor,
Come with treasures which endure,
Come, Thou Light of all that live.Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, the soul’s delightsome Guest,
Dost refreshing peace bestow.Thou in toil art comfort sweet,
Pleasant coolness in the heat,
Solace in the midst of woe.Light immortal, Light divine,
Visit Thou these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill.If Thou take Thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay;
All his good is turned to ill.Heal our wounds; our strength renew;
On our dryness pour Thy dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away.Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.Thou, on those who evermore
Thee confess and Thee adore,
In Thy sevenfold gifts descend:Give them comfort when they die,
Give them life with Thee on high;
Give them joys that never end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] Light Of Light, Enlighten Me
Light of Light, enlighten me,
Now anew the day is dawning;
Sun of grace, the shadows flee;
Brighten Thou my Sabbath morning;
With Thy joyous sunshine blest,
Happy is my day of rest.Fount of all our joy and peace,
To Thy living waters lead me;
Thou from earth my soul release,
And with grace and mercy feed me;
Bless Thy word, that it may prove
Rich in fruits that Thou dost love.Kindle Thou the sacrifice
That upon my lips is lying;
Clear the shadows from my eyes,
That, from every error flying,
No strange fire may in me glow
That Thine altar doth not know.Let me with my heart today,
Holy, Holy, Holy singing,
Rapt awhile from earth away,
All my soul to Thee upbringing,
Have a foretaste inly given
How they worship Thee in heaven.Rest in me, and I in Thee;
Build a paradise within me;
O reveal Thyself to me,
Blessèd Love, who diedst to win me;
Fed from Thine exhaustless urn,
Pure and bright my lamp shall burn.Hence all care, all vanity,
For the day to God is holy;
Come, Thou glorious majesty,
Deign to fill this temple lowly;
Naught today my soul shall move,
Simply resting in Thy love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] O God Of Light
O God of light, O God of love,
Shine on my soul from Heaven above!
Let sin appear in Thy pure ray
As black as on the judgment day;
Let perfect love apply the test,
And all that’s wrong make manifest.O take Thy plummet and Thy line,
Apply them to this heart of mine,
And thus reveal each crooked place,
By contrast with true righteousness!
Let holy truth condemn each sham;
Show what Thou art, and what I am.O smite and spare not, faithful God!
A Father’s hand still holds the rod;
O make my sin-stained conscience smart,
And write Thy law upon my heart
So plainly, that my will shall bow
In full surrender, here and now!Work on in me Thy perfect will,
In me Thy promise, Lord, fulfill;
O make me quick to fight for Thee,
And set my soul in liberty!
My soul can rest in nothing less
Than in a spotless holiness.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] O Light That Knew No Dawn
O Light that knew no dawn,
That shines to endless day,
All things in earth and Heav’n
Are lustered by Thy ray;
No eye can to Thy throne ascend,
Nor mind Thy brightness comprehend.Thy grace, O Father, give,
That I might serve in fear;
Above all boons, I pray,
Grant me Thy voice to hear;
From sin Thy child in mercy free,
And let me dwell in light with Thee.That, cleansed from stain of sin,
I may meet homage give;
And pure in heart, behold
Thy beauty while I live;
Clean hands in holy worship raise,
And Thee, O Christ my Savior, praise.In supplication meek
To Thee I bend the knee;
O Christ, when Thou shalt come,
In love remember me,
And in Thy kingdom, by Thy grace,
Grant me a humble servant’s place.Thy grace, O Father, give,
I humbly Thee implore;
And let Thy mercy bless
Thy servant more and more.
All grace and glory be to Thee,
From age to age eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:5] O Unity Of Threefold Light
O Unity of threefold light,
Send out Thy loveliest ray,
Add scatter our transgressions’ night,
And turn it into day;
Make us those temples pure and fair
Thy glory loveth well,
The spotless tabernacles, where
Thou may’st vouchsafe to dwell.The glorious hosts of peerless might,
That ever see Thy face,
Thou mak’st the mirrors of Thy light,
The vessels of Thy grace.
Thou, when their wondrous strains they weave,
Hast pleasure in the lay:
Deign thus our praises to receive,
Albeit from lips of clay.And yet Thyself they cannot know,
Nor pierce the veil of light
That hides Thee from the thrones below,
As in profoundest night.
How then can mortal accents frame
Due tribute to their King?
Thou, only, while we praise Thy Name,
Forgive us as we sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal
1 John 2:7-8
[1Jo 2:8] The Morning Light Is Breaking
The morning light is breaking, the darkness disappears;
The sons of earth are waking, to penitential tears;
Each breeze that sweeps the ocean brings tidings from afar
Of nations in commotion, prepared for Zion’s war.Rich dews of grace come o’er us, in many a gentle shower,
And brighter scenes before us, are opening every hour;
Each cry to heaven going, abundant answers brings,
And heavenly winds are blowing, with peace upon their wings.See heathen nations bending before the God we love,
And thousand hearts ascending in gratitude above:
While sinners, now confessing, the Gospel call obey,
And seek the Savior’s blessing, a nation in a day.Blest river of salvation, pursue thy onward way;
Flow thou to every nation, nor in thy riches stay:
Stay not till all the lowly triumphant reach their home;
Stay not till all the holy proclaim, “The Lord is come.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 2:8] O Christ, Our True And Only Light
O Christ, our true and only Light,
Illumine those who sit in night;
Let those afar now hear Thy voice,
And in Thy fold with us rejoice.Fill with the radiance of Thy grace
The souls now lost in error’s maze,
And all, O Lord, whose secret minds,
Some dark delusion hurts and blinds.And all who else have strayed from Thee,
O gently seek; Thy healing be
To every wounded conscience given;
And let them also share Thy heaven.O make the deaf to hear Thy Word;
And teach the dumb to speak, dear Lord,
Who dare not yet the faith avow
Though secretly they hold it now.Shine on the darkened and the cold;
Recall the wanderers to Thy fold;
Unite those now who walk apart;
Confirm the weak and doubting heart.So they with us may evermore
Such grace with wondering thanks adore,
And endless praise to Thee be given
By all the Church in earth and Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal