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1 Kings 17:4


<06680> [I have commanded.]

1 Kings 17:6


ravens <06158> [the ravens.]

Leviticus 10:2


fire <0784> [fire.]

died <04191> [they died.]

This fire, which destroyed the sacrificers, came from the same source with that which had consumed the sacrifices.

[See ch.]

Note. They died.--The wages of sin is death.--They died suddenly--they died before the Lord; that is, before the vail that covered the mercy-seat.--They died by fire, as by fire they sinned. The fire did not burn them to ashes, as it had done the sacrifices, nor so much as singe their coats, (ver. 5) but struck them dead in an instant. By these different effects of the same fire, we learn that it was no common fire, but kindled by the breath of the Almighty. .# Isa 30:33

Leviticus 10:5

Job 38:11


To <05704> [Hitherto.]

Thus far shall thy flux and reflux extend. The tides are marvellously limited and regulated, not only by the lunar and solar attraction, but by the quantum of time required to remove any part of the earth's surface, by its rotation round its axis, from under the immediate attractive influence of the sun and moon. Hence the attraction of the sun and moon, and the gravitation of the sea to its own centre, which prevent too great a flux on the one hand, and too great reflux on the other, are some of those bars and doors by which its proud waves are stayed, and prevented from coming farther.

farther <03254> [but.]

proud waves <01530 01347> [thy proud waves. Heb. the pride of thy waves.]

Psalms 148:7-8


earth <0776> [from the earth.]


creatures <08577> [ye dragons.]


fire <0784> [Fire.]

stormy <05591> [stormy.]

Jeremiah 5:22-23


fear ... says <03372 05002> [Fear ye not.]

tremble <02342> [tremble.]

made <07760> [placed.]


stubborn <05637> [a revolting.]

Daniel 3:22


command <04406> [commandment. Chal. word. urgent.]

leaping <07631> [flame. or, spark. slew.]

Daniel 3:27-28


satraps <0324> [the princes.]

physically <01655> [upon.]

unharmed ...... hair ...... not ... nor ...... Not even <03809 08177> [nor was.]

This miraculous manifestation of Divine power was witnessed by the court and the nation, and was felt as a just punishment on the transgressors, and a signal display of mercy to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, which should operate on all believers to similar acts of faith and confidence in the Lord.


Praised <01289> [Blessed.]

sent forth <07972> [hath sent.]

trusted <07365> [that trusted.]

ignoring <08133> [and have.]

giving up <03052> [yielded.]

serve <06399> [serve.]

Daniel 6:22-24


God <0426> [My God.]

sent <07972> [hath sent.]

closed <05463> [hath shut.]

because <03606> [forasmuch.]

<0638> [and also.]


king ......... haul ... up ........ hauled up ....... had <04430 05267 07912> [was.]

trusted <0540> [because.]


gave <0858> [and they brought.]

den ................. den ........ crushed <01358 0581 01855> [them.]

This savage act accorded with the customs of those times; contrary to the Divine law which enacted that "the fathers should not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers."

children <01123> [their children.]

lions ..................... lions <0744> [the lions.]

Acts 16:26


Suddenly <869> [suddenly.]

all ...... and .... of all <1161 5037 2532 3956> [and every.]

Hebrews 11:33-34


Through <1223> [through.]

administered <2038> [wrought.]

gained <2013> [obtained.]

shut <5420> [stopped.]


quenched <4570> [Quenched.]

escaped <5343> [escaped.]

in <575> [out of.]

put .... to flight <2827> [turned.]

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