NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 19:13


covered ... face <06440 03874> [he wrapped his face.]

This he did to signify his reverence; for covering the face was a token of respect among the Asiatics, as uncovering the head is among Europeans. See on ch.

Elijah .................................. Elijah <0452> [What doest.]

Ezra 9:6


ashamed <0954> [I am ashamed.]

iniquities <05771> [our iniquities.]

guilt <0819> [trespass. or, guiltiness. grown up.]

Psalms 89:7


Isaiah 6:2


stood <05975> [stood.]

Seraphs <08314> [seraphims.]

wings <03671> [wings.]

covered ... faces ..... covered <06440 03680> [covered his face.]

feet <07272> [his feet.]

fly <05774> [did fly.]

Isaiah 38:2


turned <05437> [turned.]

Hezekiah's couch was probably placed in a corner, which is the place of honour in the East; in which, turning on either side, he must turn his face to the wall; by which he would withdraw himself from those attending him in his apartment.

Daniel 9:7


righteous <06666> [righteousness.]

humiliated <01322> [belongeth unto thee. or, thou hast, etc. unto us.]

near <07138> [near.]

scattered <05080> [whither.]

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