1 Kings 19:18
left <07604> [Yet I have left. or, Yet I will leave.]
knees <01290> [the knees.]
<06310> [every mouth.]
Idolaters often kissed their hand in honour of their idols; and hence the origin of adoration from {ad,} to and {os, oris,} the mouth. Cicero mentions a statue of Hercules, the chin and lips of which were considerably worn by the kissing of his worshippers.
Isaiah 1:9
left <03498> [left.]
few ...... quickly <04592> [a very.]
we .... become <01961 01819> [we should.]
Romans 11:4-6
I have kept <2641> [I have reserved.]
Baal <896> [Baal.]
at ... present <1722 3568> [at this present.]
chosen ... grace <5485 1589> [election of grace.]
The election which proceeds from the mercy and goodness of God.
works otherwise <1893 2041> [otherwise work.]
That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.