NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 9:10


After twenty <06242 07097> [at the end of twenty.]

1 Kings 9:2


appeared ............. appeared <07200> [as he.]

1 Kings 8:1


Solomon <08010> [A.M. 3000. B.C. 1004. Solomon.]

This did not take place, according to Abp. Usher, till the year after the temple was finished, because that year was a jubilee. "The 8th day of the 7th month, viz. the 30th of our October, being Friday, was the first of the seven days of dedication; the 10th day, Saturday, November 1, the fast of expiation or atonement was held; whereon, according to the Levitical law, the jubilee was proclaimed by sound of trumpet. The 15th day, Friday, was the feast of tabernacles, which was always very solemnly kept; and the day following, Nov. 14, being our Saturday, when the Sabbath was ended, the people returned home."

convened <06950> [assembled.]

families <01 05387> [chief of the fathers. Heb. princes.]

transferal <05927> [that they might bring.]

city <05892> [out of the city.]

Ecclesiastes 2:4-5


increased <01431> [made.]

built <01129> [I builded.]

planted <05193> [I planted.]


gardens <01593> [me.]

planted <05193> [I planted.]

Matthew 6:33


pursue <2212> [seek.]

kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]

<846> [his.]

and ... and all <2532 3956> [and all.]

TIP #03: Try using operators (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) to refine your search. [ALL]
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