NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Timothy 6:19

6:19 apoyhsaurizontavyemelion kaloneiv tomellon epilabwntaiontwv zwhv

Psalms 63:8

63:8 <03225> Knymy <08551> hkmt <0> yb <0310> Kyrxa <05315> yspn <01692> hqbd<63:9> (63:8)

63:8 (62:9) ekollhyh <2853> h <3588> quch <5590> mou <1473> opisw <3694> sou <4771> emou <1473> antelabeto h <3588> dexia <1188> sou <4771>

Proverbs 3:18

3:18 P <0833> rsam <08551> hykmtw <0> hb <02388> Myqyzxml <01931> ayh <02416> Myyx <06086> Ue(3:18)

3:18 xulon <3586> zwhv <2222> esti <1510> pasi <3956> toiv <3588> antecomenoiv authv <846> kai <2532> toiv <3588> epereidomenoiv ep <1909> authn <846> wv <3739> epi <1909> kurion <2962> asfalhv <804>

The Song of Songs 3:4

3:4 <02029> ytrwh <02315> rdx <0413> law <0517> yma <01004> tyb <0413> la <0935> wytaybhs <05704> de <07503> wnpra <03808> alw <0270> wytzxa <05315> yspn <0157> hbhas <0853> ta <04672> ytaums <05704> de <01992> Mhm <05674> ytrbes <04592> jemk(3:4)

3:4 wv <3739> mikron <3398> ote <3753> parhlyon <3928> ap <575> autwn <846> ewv <2193> ou <3739> euron <2147> on <3739> hgaphsen <25> h <3588> quch <5590> mou <1473> ekrathsa <2902> auton <846> kai <2532> ouk <3364> afhsw auton <846> ewv <2193> ou <3739> eishgagon <1521> auton <846> eiv <1519> oikon <3624> mhtrov <3384> mou <1473> kai <2532> eiv <1519> tamieion thv <3588> sullaboushv <4815> me <1473>

Philippians 3:12-14

3:12 oucoti hdhelabon hdhteteleiwmai eikai katalabww kaikatelhmfyhn cristou[ihsou]

3:13 adelfoiegw emautonoupw logizomaide tamen opiswepilanyanomenov deemprosyen epekteinomenov <1901> (5740)

3:14 kataskopon diwkwto brabeionthv anwklhsewv touyeou encristw ihsou

Hebrews 3:14

3:14 metocoigar toucristou gegonamenthn archnthv upostasewvmecri telouvbebaian katascwmen <2722> (5632)

Hebrews 6:18

6:18 inadia duopragmatwn ametayetwnen oivadunaton qeusasyaiiscuran paraklhsinecwmen katafugontevprokeimenhv

Hebrews 6:1

6:1 dioafentev thvarchv toucristou logonepi thnteleiothta ferwmeyapalin yemelionkataballomenoi aponekrwn ergwnkai pistewvepi yeon

Hebrews 2:1

2:1 diatouto deiprosecein toivakousyeisin pararuwmen <3901> (5632)

Revelation 3:3

3:3 mnhmoneuepwv eilhfavhkousav threimetanohson ounmh grhgorhshvklepthv kaiou mhgnwv wranhxw se

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