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2 Chronicles 20:22


When ... began <06256 02490> [when they. Heb. in the time that they, etc. to sing and to.]

Heb. in singing and. the Lord set ambushments. Houbigant's version is, "the Lord set against the children of Amon and Moab ambushments of those who came from mount Seir against Judah; and the children of Ammon and Moab were smitten: but they afterwards rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, and utterly destroyed them; who being destroyed, they rose up one against one another, and mutually destroyed each other."

defeated <05062> [were smitten. or, smote one another.]

Joshua 8:4


ambush <0693> [lie in wait.]

very far <07368 03966> [go not.]

Proverbs 21:30


Jeremiah 4:22


people <05971> [For my.]

know .............. understanding ........... know <03045 0995> [they have.]

skilled <02450> [they are wise.]

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