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2 Chronicles 6:16


keep ................................... watch <08104> [keep.]

said <0559> [saying.]

fail ..... successor <03772 0376> [There shall not fail thee a man. Heb. There shall not a man be cut off. to walk.]

2 Chronicles 7:18


establish <06965> [stablish.]

promised ........ fail <03772> [as I have.]

promised ........ fail <03772> [shall not.]

promised ........ fail ..... successor <03772 0376> [fail thee. Heb. be cut off to thee.]

2 Chronicles 21:7


Lord <03068> [Howbeit.]

promise <01285> [because.]

<0559> [as he promised.]

dynasty <05216> [light. Heb. lamp, or candle.]

2 Chronicles 21:2


Israel <03478> [Israel.]

Jehoshaphat was certainly not king of Israel, but of Judah: {Yisra‰l} must therefore be a mistake for {Yehoodah;} which is the reading of thirty-eight of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., and of the Syriac, Arabic, Septuagint, and Vulgate.

2 Chronicles 7:12


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

have answered <08085> [I have heard.]

chosen <0977> [have chosen.]

temple ... sacrifices <02077 01004> [an house of sacrifice.]

2 Chronicles 7:16


chosen <0977> [have I chosen.]

<08034> [my name.]

<05869> [eyes.]

2 Chronicles 7:1


Solomon <08010> [when Solomon.]

fire <0784> [the fire.]

splendor <03519> [the glory.]

2 Chronicles 2:4


build <01129> [build.]

dedicate <06942> [to dedicate.]

burn <06999> [to burn.]

fragrant incense <07004 05561> [sweet incense. Heb. incense of spices. the continual.]

burnt sacrifices <05930> [the burnt.]

festivals <04150> [the solemn feasts.]

2 Chronicles 9:5


report ........... sayings <01697> [report. Heb. word.]

report ........... sayings <01697> [acts. or, sayings.]

2 Chronicles 9:1


1 The queen of Sheba admires the wisdom of Solomon. 13 Solomon's revenue in gold. 15 His targets and shields. 17 The throne of ivory. 20 His vessels. 23 His presents. 25 His chariots and horse. 26 His tributes. 29 His reign and death.

queen ........ came .................................. visited <04436 0935> [A.M. 3014. B.C. 990. And when. See on]

Sheba <07614> [Sheba.]

<08088> [fame.]

difficult questions <02420> [questions.]

camels <01581> [camels.]

spices <01314> [spices.]

discussed <01696> [communed.]

2 Chronicles 9:9-27


gave .......................... gave <05414> [she gave.]

spices ........ spices <01314> [of spices.]

Sheba <07614> [Sheba.]

This queen is called Balkis by the Arabians, who say she came from the city of Sheba, also called Mareb, in Yemen or Arabia Felix; but the Ethiopians call her Maqueda, claim her as their sovereign, and say that her posterity reigned there for a long time. Mr. Bruce has given us the history of her and her descendants from Abyssinian records; and Josephus says that Sheba was the ancient name of the city of Mero‰, (south of Egypt, and sometimes comprehended in Ethiopia,) and that this princess came from thence. Those who think the princess came from Arabia, rely chiefly on the fact that gold, silver, spices, and precious stones, which were the presents she made to Solomon, are the natural products of that country; and that it may well be placed at the uttermost part of the earth, as it borders on the southern ocean, and formerly they knew no land beyond it.


brought gold <02091 0935> [brought gold.]

fine timber <0418 06086> [algum trees.]



steps <04546> [terraces. or, stairs. Heb. highways. harps.]


<02656> [all her desire.]


<04948> [the weight.]


governors <06346> [governors. or, captains.]


hundred ....... 600 <03967> [two.]


Palace <01004> [in the house.]



side <03027> [stays. Heb. hands. two lions.]


lions <0738 08147> [twelve lions.]


cups <04945> [drinking.]

pure <05462> [pure. Heb. shut up. none were of silver. or, there was no silver in them. it was.]


large merchant ships .................. port <08659> [Tarshish.]

Bochart thinks this Tarshish was probably the promontory Cory, on the north of the island of Ceylon, which, according to him, was the land of Ophir. That it was name of a place in the East Indies, seems probable from the articles brought thence, and also from the ships sent thither being built at Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea; though Michaelis supposes that the fleet coasted along the shore of Africa, doubling the Cape of Good Hope, and came to Tartessus, in Spain, and thence back again the same way; that this accounts for their three years' voyage out and home; and that Spain and the coasts of Africa furnish all the commodities which they brought back.

[See on]

[Tharshish. ivory. or, elephants' teeth. peacocks.]

{Tukkeeyim} is rendered {taysin} in the Targum, [taonon,] in the Alexandrian MS. of the LXX., and {pavos,} "peacocks," in the Vulgate; with which the Syriac, Arabic, and Rabbins agree. This derives confirmation from the fact, that the peacock is called in Malabaric, {Togei.}


King ........... kings <01431 04428> [passed all the kings.]


wanted <01245> [sought.]

God-given <0430> [God.]


<0376> [every man.]



ruled .... kingdoms <04910 04428> [reigned over.]

Euphrates <05104> [river.]

"That is, Euphrates."


king <04428> [the king.]

made .......... was <05414> [made. Heb. gave. the sycamore.]

Psalms 89:29


dynasty <02233> [His seed.]

throne <03678> [throne.]

enduring <03117> [days.]

Psalms 89:36


dynasty <02233> [seed.]

throne <03678> [and.]

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