NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

2 John 1:2

1:2 diathn alhyeianthn menousanhmin kaimey hmwnestai tonaiwna

2 John 1:4

1:4 ecarhnoti eurhkatwn teknwnsou peripatountavalhyeia kaywventolhn elabomentou patrov

Psalms 119:11

119:11 <0> Kl <02398> ajxa <03808> al <04616> Neml <0565> Ktrma <06845> ytnpu <03820> yblb(119:11)

119:11 (118:11) en <1722> th <3588> kardia <2588> mou <1473> ekruqa <2928> ta <3588> logia <3051> sou <4771> opwv <3704> an <302> mh <3165> amartw <264> soi <4771>

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