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2 Kings 1:8


hairy man <01167 08181> [an hairy man.]

That is, he wore a rough garment, either made of camels' hair, as that of John Baptist, or of a skin, dressed with the hair on. Sir J. Chardin informs us, in a MS. note on this place, cited by Mr. Harmer, that the eastern dervishes and fakeers are clothed just as Elijah was, with a hairy garment, girded with a leathern girdle.

Isaiah 59:17


wears ..... justice .................. puts on <06666 03847> [he put on righteousness.]

garments <0899> [the garments.]

zeal <07068> [with zeal.]

Matthew 3:4


clothing ........... his .... his <846 1742> [his raiment.]

Now .............. his ... and his ...... and <1161 846 2532> [and his.]

wild <66> [wild.]

Matthew 3:1


those <1565> [those.]

John <2491> [John.]

proclaiming <2784> [preaching.]

wilderness <2048> [the wilderness.]

Matthew 3:3-4


<5259> [by.]

Prepare <2090> [Prepare.]


clothing ........... his .... his <846 1742> [his raiment.]

Now .............. his ... and his ...... and <1161 846 2532> [and his.]

wild <66> [wild.]

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